#literally energetic my most beloved
kimjiwoong · 1 year
i have 2 songs for ur tumblr vibe: got7 lullaby wanna one energetic ✨💖 ily
IM ASCENDING lullaby one of my fave got7 songs ever and then energetic??? literally one of the best kpop songs this world has ever heard? i feel honored
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dpr-stay · 5 months
Nanamiiiiiiiiii my beloved. I’ll fix the formatting in the morning :))))
Nanami’s almost halfway through the door when he pauses. It’s 4 in the morning, an outrageous time to have been woken up by the buzzing of his phone.
He’d rolled over and blearily reached for the device, seeing a call from one Gojo Satoru on his home screen. A quiet groan had left him before he’d sat up in bed, the covers moving from his bare chest to his lap.
Clicking the side button to lower the volume, he’d clicked the answer button before standing up and steadily walking to the bedroom door. Slowly closing it to not make a sound, he’d raised the phone to the side of his face.
“Gojo, it’s too early.” He immediately started before Gojo launched into an overly energetic speech. Nanami stayed quiet as Gojo went on about curses this and students that, his mind elsewhere. Finally he’d cut Gojo off and asked for a location which Gojo supplied. After that, he hung up on the man, which he knew would result in an earful of complaints when he finally saw him again.
Opening the bedroom door again, Nanami walked to the half empty bed and placed his phone down on the side table. He’d briefly glanced at you, a pang running through his chest.
He’d walked to the closet, rifling through his shelves of ironed shirts, courtesy of you. A small smile played on his mouth at the thought of you being so domestic. He’d picked one, a complimentary pair of slacks as well, before making his way to the bathroom.
A quick shower later, the warm water running down his back aiding in properly waking him up, he’d stepped out to dry himself off. He reached for one of the towels hanging on the rack, checking both before picking the damper one.
After he was dry, he used the towel to wipe some of the condensation on the mirror. His reflection greeted him. He surveyed his barely noticeable eyebags, fortunately not the reddest marks on his skin. He huffed in affection as he shook his head, a hand raising to rub languidly at his neck.
Pulling his clothes on, he reached for a comb to rake his hair into place, the steam of the room hopefully setting it in place. With his watch fastened on his wrist, Nanami left the bathroom with the fan turned on.
He’d walked carefully back to the closet, grabbing his matching suit jacket and a pair of woolen socks, before turning to look at the bed. You were still sprawled on the bed, exactly as you were before he’d showered. He’d stepped over slowly to crouch beside your bed.
Your chest rose slowly with each breath you took and Nanami was hit with that familiar pang. It was an ache of longing. Realistically speaking, Nanami knew it was elementary to feel longing for a person who was beside him, literally and figuratively. But it didn’t stop him from yearning.
Yearning to be near you more, to create a family, to learn more about the person who had given their heart to him as he had likewise done. He could list endless things he wished- no, he felt he needed to do.
However, his most poured over thought was that he yearned to love more.
He loved you, you loved him. He wished he could indulge in your love a little more, he wished he could immerse you in the love he felt for you.
He wished that one day, when you and him both fell to dust, you could hold each other in your last moments with hearts full of the notion that you had loved, you had danced, you had lived till your hearts were full.
Nanami had leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek before standing up, his knees cracking as he went. He’d frowned, he was too young to have such creaky joints.
He’d made himself breakfast, mindlessly drinking coffee before he’d washed them in the sink, placing them on the drying rack. He’d slipped on socks, adorned his suit jacket, and made his way to the entryway of your apartment.
Sitting down the wooden step, he placed his feet on the tiles below. A draft came through the gap at the bottom of the door. His shoes were tugged on, laces done up with a quick flick of his wrist. He reached to tighten his tie before cursing quietly, remembering you were asleep. There was no use in potentially waking you up for just his tie, so he just decided to leave without it.
Grabbing his key from the side table, he opened the door and prepared to walk out. A cough stopped him and he turned around to see you, holding his tie and his phone.
He smiled, taking a knee as you approached. You were clearly still sleepy, your hair all mussed up.
“Hey sweetheart.” He said quietly as you reached him. You looped his tie around his neck and began to tie it, replying as you worked.
“You’re up early, did someone call you in?” Nanami sighed frustratedly and nodded.
You looped his tie finally, stepping back for a second before moving closer, grabbing his tie in your hand, and pulling him in to give him a peck. When you have decided that it had lasted long enough, you stepped back and saw his smile grow.
“I’ll see you soon.” He said and stood up from his knee.
“I love you.” You said as he approached the door again. He turned around and faced you.
“I love you too.”
Tbh I’ll probs regret this in the morning too lol
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etoiile · 7 months
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starring chigiri hyoma!
synopsis: after being your roommate for a little over half a year, chigiri can say without a doubt that he's never met someone like you. you're sweet, funny, and just a great friend. but what happens when he wants to be more than that?
warning(s): not proofread but im p sure i didnt grammar correctly, mild swearing, gender neutral reader
notes: i want him your honor
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"im back.." you mumbled, kicking off your shoes and practically throwing yourself onto the couch.
"well, dont you sound energetic." he joked as he turned off his phone and sat down next to you. "rough day?"
"ugh you cant even begin to imagine." you grumbled. "shit day. start talking. distract me."
"hmm..." he thought. "my day was pretty uneventful. i got let out early and just caught up on some stuff."
"who were you texting earlier? got any tea?" you questioned sleepily with a yawn. gossip sessions with chigiri were your absolute favorite. whenever he texted someone, there was usually some sort of news. plus, he gossiped like a girl and you were here for it. (sorry but chi is just so freaking canonically girlypop)
"nah. i wish, though. just talking to my older sister about some... stuff." he trailed off, racking his brain for a new subject.
"you hungry?" he asked, motioning towards the kitchen.
"yeah. will you carry me?" you asked tiredly, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. you were too tired to move on your own.
chigiri rolled his eyes at you, but still let you climb onto his back regardless.
as he carried you to the kitchen, he couldn't help the way his heart would leap out of his chest every time you left out a sleepy groan or would shift a little in his hold before nuzzling into his back. he couldn't help but imagine being here with you, in this apartment, though not as roommates or even friends, but lovers. he couldn't help how he could never be mad at you, despite what he'd say. he couldn't help how every time you did literally anything, he could feel himself falling deeper in love with you.
"well, think about it this way, chi." his sister had texted. "you've got two choices before you. confess or dont. correct?"
"WRONG. there's only one choice. by doing nothing, youre doing nothing but self torture. you'll always be thinking about how much you want to hold her but cant, and you'll have to watch her go on dates and even get ready for them. obvi, thats no fun. imo, just go for it, honestly. gotta be brave, yk?"
at the time, chigiri said something along the lines of, "maybe i will, maybe i wont. we'll see." before turning off his phone to greet you.
now, as he thinks about his feelings, he's never been more sure. he's never felt this way about anybody else before. its not like his past relationship where it was thrilling and exciting but exhausting. the way he feels with you is different. you feel safe. warm. comforting. you feel like a warm, sunny breeze after a cold rain. you feel like home. you feel like warmth. you feel like love.
he gently set you down at the kitchen counter before heading to the fridge.
"we dont have much food because SOMEBODY forgot to buy groceries." he teased. "we have fruit, eggs, bread, tobiko roe, rice, and instant ramen."
"yeah, yeah. anyways.." you then started batting your lashes at him like a maniac. "would you mind making me some ramen, my dear, sweet chichi?"
chigiri's heart leapt at the use of the word "my." he could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he quickly turned around.
"yeah, yeah, as you command." he rolled his eyes (for the 349348th time) and got to work.
"dont forget the eggs!"
"just be brave," his sister had said.
pfft. "just be brave?" give him a break! it just wasn't that simple. he couldn't risk the friendship most beloved to him. he just couldn't!
he watched as the seasoning gently bubbled with the noodles as he gently stirred the pot with a pair of wooden chopsticks, humming along to a tune he'd heard on your playlist absentmindedly.
"CHIGIRI?!" you suddenly yelped, clearly taken aback.
"what? is something wrong?" he asked calmly but concerned, praying that you weren't hurt as he set down the chopsticks and ran to you.
his cheeks were met by your palms as you squished his face together. "you're humming "cruel summer" by taylor swift! ive done it! youre a swiftie!" you let go as you squealed and leaped for joy, jumping about.
"chigiri's a swiftie! chichi is a swiftie!"
he chuckled as he watched your antics when suddenly, you crashed into him as you jumped.
you looked up from his chest and were met with his gorgeous pink orbs. it stunned you for a moment. they were so captivating, like they were gently chorusing a beautiful melody. you felt yourself sinking into them when suddenly, you realized the position you were in.
there was maybe an inch or two separating your lips from his. flustered, you quickly drew back, though you didnt exactly want to.
"sorry! um, my bad. i was just thinking! about how your eyes? uh... about how taylor swift has... uh... actually, what am i saying I WAS ACTUALLY-" you stammered as you tried to find an excuse for lingering much too long in his arms. staring into his beautiful eyes. on his chest. his muscular, toned, delicious... STOP.
suddenly, chigiri felt something. it wasn't embarrassment, it wasn't anxiety, it was... bravery.
gently gliding over to your flustered and still stammering figure, chigiri took your hands and looked you in the eye, freezing you.
"y/n, youre my one of my best friends." he said, his melodic voice gently wafting through the air. he then gently leaned down to your ear and in a low whisper, said:
"the thing is though, i dont want you like a best friend."
you were left frozen.
"a lyric from "dress." not bad, am i right?" he asked with a sly grin.
as the great taylor swift said, (in "its time to go") when the words of a sister come back in whisper, he realized that his sister was, as much as he hated to admit it, right. all he needed was to be brave.
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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tmntxthings · 10 months
一∑ Electric Shock・゜・。
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request: He’s on a solo mission to track down a mutant that appeared on his radar. Tried to get his brothers to tag along but they were too busy with whatever stupid contest. So he goes out to apprehend the evil doer!! Only to appear upon the scene of a beautiful “villain” who keeps zapping all through the electronics at this big store…bonus points if the villain is as energetic as the electricity coursing through them as they zap giddily all around him and make this capture out to be a rather… difficult one? aka Donnie encounters an eccentric, too-much-to-handle cutie
author’s note: for my dearest @marwhoa >.< it’s not much so sorry but I couldn’t really think of a better ending <33 thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy
warnings: rlly short, unedited, fluff
When Donnie’s tech worked. It made him ridiculously happy. Something he worked on day and night, coming to life before his fingertips and functioning its intended purpose??? Absolute bliss! So when his radar picked up another mutant on the loose, he was all too happy bounding into the main section of the lair to show his brothers.
“Guys!! Look, my radar hit another mutant’s frequency!”
He wasn’t met with the same enthusiasm. In fact it seemed everyone was hollering and yelling over one another in a heated argument.
“No! Space Heroes is the best show ever—“
About their favorite show..?
“Guys??” Donnie called out, waving his radar in hand. He was quite blatantly ignored as Mikey started covering his ears and screaming in denial that ‘No Space Heroes is laaaame’
Donnie groaned to himself as he departed. He figured he could take this mission solo if no one was even going to pay attention to his presence. “Sometimes I wonder how we’re even ‘related’” Donnie mumbled as he made quick work of grabbing his bo staff and exited the lair out into the sewers.
He decided he would stay underground until he got close enough to the ping that the radar had detected. The occasional beep kept him company as he glanced down every now and again to see if he was getting any closer.
Donnie beamed with pride as the radar started to beep rapidly, indicating he was very close to the target. He turned off the radar, clipped it to the leather strap on his plastron and climbed out of the sewer through a manhole.
It was quiet.. too quiet as he peered around before completely exposing himself to the topside of New York. A couple of yards away sat the most beloved store in the entire city. It held some of the finest tech around and Donnie was beside him to have the chance to look around—
Ah, wait wait no. He was on a mission! Though… the radar had led him here. So maybe the mutant was into tech??? Trying to steal it?!? The thought had him moving towards the building, even if it was just an excuse to get a closer look.
It was way past everyone’s bed time, so the store was rightfully closed. The only light around was from a lone street light—
Scratch that, it just flickered and went off completely.
And that’s when he heard it. Delightful giggles rang out. A symphony of tinkling chimes was what he could compare the sound to. It had him freezing and listening closely.
He wasn’t alone.
Surely it had to be the mutant.
But instead of grabbing his bo, Donnie moved stealthily with the shadows, sticking close to the side of the electronics building. He didn’t know whether to check inside through the glass windows or try to get on the roof for a vantage point of the whole area. Whilst overthinking, the laughter once again had his entire thought process coming to a stop.
And it sounded like it was coming from above..!!!!
As Donnie looked up he literally felt his entire being go slack. His arms that had been pressed into the building’s side went straight down, as his mouth fell open.
A floating, glowing angel— person— no mutant! A beautiful flying, glowing mutant!! He watched as your hand extended out towards the street lamp, it suddenly flared to life, straining with how much light it was producing before the glass containing such velocity shattered.
You laughed once more, “That was nice but not enough, now youuuu~~” Your hand changes direction to the store full of gadgets and gizmos. “You will give me alllll the power I want!” Your body glowed brighter like it was reacting to your excitement. And even though Donnie was clueing in the fact that you were about to steal..energy..? Right yeah that must be it!
So that rounded your description to, beautiful glowing, floating, mutant villain. Bummer. But maybe he could convince you otherwise? It wasn’t exactly the smartest plan he ever came up with, but maybe he wanted to just try talking to you before swinging in with his stick. Yeah. He wanted to make a nice impression.
. . .
And we’re not gonna analyze too closely as to why. Because he surely wasn’t like insta-crushing on you or anything from first sight. Nope. Totallyyyyy not.
Donnie coughed and you whipped your head towards the noise, instantly aiming your hand at him. It shined brighter than the rest of your body. As if a ball of pure light was building up in your palm.
“Ah well, I was just wondering if maybe we could talk about not stealing all the energy out of my favorite store??” Donnie stumbled through some of that but mustered up enough will to speak! He felt greener than usual. Was he blushing?!
“Ohhhh,” your hand faltered, going a little dim. “Well, if this is your favorite store… I guess I could go to another!” You surmised cheerily.
Donatello started to smile at the kindness when he realized you were still going to steal. Even if it wasn’t from this store. “Wait wait! Why do you have to steal??”
“Because it’s fun!” That bright smile blinded him. Your statement making it sound as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well there’s definitely more fun things you could be doing..” Donnie tried to reason with you. Not really noting the fact that you were floating lower and closer to his position on the ground.
“Like what Mr…?”
“Oh! Donatello! Donnie I mean—“
“Nice to meetcha!” You bemused. “Now what exactly could be more fun that zapping all the power out of game stores and making me more powerful? Hmmmm?”
You waited with twinkling eyes.
Donnie swore he had an idea just a second before. But the longer your stared… and the closer you got.. the hotter he felt!! “You sure you can think of anything more fun than that?” You raised an eyebrow cheekily. Donnie swallowed.
“Y-you could hang out with me!”
Donnie closed his eyes promptly cringing at himself. That would probably only be fun for him. It seemed he was instantly hooked on your presence.
“Hmmm maybe so!”
His eyes opened quickly wide with shock. “Really??” It had meant to be just a thought but he spoke it aloud. You laughed for him then. He had made you laugh!!
“Really really,” You playfully winked. Finally stepping out of the sky and standing next to him. You were still glowing, but since you were closer now he saw that it wasn’t exactly on your person. Just surrounding you like a bubble. “Lead the way then Donnie-Bonnie! Where are we gonna go have some fun??”
Donnie absentmindedly wondered if dissuading a villain had ever gone so smoothly before…? He didn’t want to break whatever spell was happening in this moment so he nodded rapidly. Asking about your hobbies (other than stealing energy) and he found out that you quite enjoyed playing games and much as stealing power from them.
He could bring you down to the lair… they had a few arcade games there. But! He didn’t exactly want his brothers stealing all your attention or worse thinking you were an enemy. “I know just the place!” Donnie smiled and the two of you made your way to a late-night arcade. That was the start a very interesting night and an even more promising relationship!
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
Hange Relationship Headcanons/İmagines
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Aaah Hange my beloved <3
Hange's love language surely would be physical touch and quality time but she's canonically a little shy and makes her attention known by going sideways and she's not directly flirty or romantic in a traditional way.
İf she's interested in you she's her own authantic self again but much kinder and caring also somehow 7/24 around to observe you even without directly talking to you.
But...she's quite talkative anyways.
And no she doesn't only talk about titans and she can even hold herself back from doing that because she knows this displease other people but she wants to show you her best.
Very much like Armin she must own some interesting -possibly banned or super top secret- books that explain outer world,beyond the walls.She'd love to share it with you and to hear your opinions on it.
She'd also love just to sit on the walls and chill 50 meters above without doing anything else.Since nobody dares to get close to the walls she has a secret happy place there.But she would show it to you whole heartedly even if you are not a soldier.
İmagine lying on the walls,50 meters off ground and daydreaming with Hange as you two talk about uncertainities and possibilities beyond the horizon.
Her majestic hair would flow with the cool spring wind and her glasses would reflect the pink sunset before she takes them off and you would see the warmest shade of brown in her eyes &lt;;3
But if she's feeling extra energetic that day/night she can take you out for horse riding in the huge forest.
Suprise,she loves to race xD But I'd say lose it on purpose so you get to hear her sweet chantings.
Also she's lazy.
İf you guys rode too far she simply doesn't have the energy to go back.
You have to camp.
But suprise again, she 'forgot' her camping equipments at home.
You guys...you are literally a teddy bear the moment she falls 'asleep' xD
She's a very aggresive cuddler but very warm and comfy at the same time.
Levi says she doesn't bathe but he has OCD sooo I'd say she's clean enough and I always imagined her to have a somewhat earthy,musky and cinnamon likely soothing smell.
Also around the campfire she'd cook for you :) She doesn't look like she knows what she's doing and throwing whatever into the pan but suprisingly it turns out quite good.
Aaah since she was cooking, Sawney and Bean were also very good cooks :) You know,original ones that cannibalised more than 500 humans :)
Hange and her funfacts are a package deal you better get interested.
And if you do, one day you get to met Titan!(Sawney + Bean)
But when you are around them, she's suprisingly responsible which will shock everybody including Levi,Mike and Moblit.
She won't let you get too close yet she still wants you to tickle Bean and she'll laugh with Bean as you go on xD
İf they manage to capture some more titans she'll name one after you.
She'll proudly explain to the titan where their name is coming from and at one point it will get uncomfortably personal for everybody else included in the naming ceremony xD
But I can imagine her peak trust in you would be about titans since she's always shamed on it.
After titans, eventually she lets it loose and you get yourself an incredibly cuddly and clingy Hange that will glue herself on you.
And of course she'd kiss you for the first time when you two dive in the recently discovered ocean.You guys dreamed about is for years and now she forever wants to remember this moment with you in it.She'd give you the cutest and the most innocent underwater peck ever <3
Or it was a desperate moment and she was quite sure both of you were going to die.She thought 'now or never' and dived in for the most passionate kiss you ever had but when you both survived she was a little terrified :D
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Time for the next edition in: "The Batfam Brainrot has taken over my life, temporarily turned this into a comics blog, and forced me to draw them all!" Today, it's time for a SPOILER WARNING!
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Initial trace and half-baked background of Stephanie Brown! My beloved, my darling, my favorite child! Stephanie Brown has actually had a multitude of different superhero mantles and costumes! She's usually depicted as Spoiler or Batgirl (although she's also Robin IV), but not with this costume. Unlike with Jason though, I didn't feel the need to draw all these other costumes because this is my definitive favorite! This is more or less her original costume, and I think it's her best by far! The pointy hood and the full black face mask make her look so intimidating, but it's also really simple and easy to read, and that deep purple color being her ENTIRE costume is really unique for a vigilante! Even better, all of these clothes do look like things Steph may have just had in her closet, which is perfect since she literally did just throw on a homemade costume to start going after her awful father. It's cool, it's intimidating, it's unique, it's instantly recognizable, it makes sense for the character, and it's perfect!
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Stylization time where I use my trace as a reference to freehand her into a chibi! This whole project has made me realize I really like drawing capes and need to come up with more excuses to give them to people, but Steph's cape is definitely my favorite so far. I think it's that it's actually a cloak, with the hood and the part of her shoulders. It just looks extra cool and is extra fun to draw! Probably due to the simplicity of her costume and the fact that she's my favorite, Steph was both the easiest and the most fun to stylize thus far.
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Characterization pose! Steph is cheerful, kind, spunky, and energetic, so I thought whooping for joy would be a good choice. I tried to draw her so that, standing flat, she's just the slightest bit taller than Tim. I've got them all in a lineup that I'll post when I'm finished. I'm a big fan of Steph in both overalls and a ponytail. For me, it contributes to both her spunk and her sweetness. I also think spoiler's logo text is my favorite so far. I traced it off a comics cover, as per usual, although Steph doesn't have a solo comic in the Spoiler identity, so I had to steal it off a Robin comic. It looks like she used permanent marker or spray paint to haphazardly smack it on there and get in everyone's way, which is very on brand.
Other Batfamily Members:
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
Robin (Carrie Kelley) Edition
Red Robin Edition
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da-proti-toku-grem · 10 months
I've been wanting to do this for some time and seeing @beeoftheanxieties reblogging the appreciation posts with the things she loves about each of them finally convinced me to do it <3
This started as a short list of reasons why I love them but it ended up being way longer than I expected so I'll put it under the cut
This man has no business being so hot but yet so sweet and cute and cuddly. He looks like he gives the best hugs ever (hopefully I can confirm this one day)
He looks like the shy one out of the five of them, but also seems like the kind of person that would be there for you through thick and thin, always listening and understanding
He said he wanted to be a vet and I think that's so cute
He looks so good with glasses
His tattoos are so cool and I need to have a close up of all of them asap. I'm still not over the fact that the sleeve tattoo goes up to his shoulder (and also the fact that *he* designed it like, talk about talent!)
Last but not least (and which might be my fav thing about him), HIS LAUGH. I swear his laugh is one of my favourite things ever, I could listen/watch him laughing all day and never get tired
Have you seen this man? He's absolutely gorgeous and his hair is amazing
Ngl the pics of him with the red jacket and the joker out hotline video changed me as a person
He's such a sweetheart
He loves cats (Igor my beloved <3)
I do love a math nerd tbh and the way he talks about maths is so fascinating
The way he seems so at ease every time he's playing the guitar, like he's in another world or something
I love when he smiles and only half his lip sticks up (like some sort of smirk? idk if that's the right word) (I might be projecting a little in this one because it's actually something that I do too because I don't know how to smile with my teeth, so I just smile with my lips closed and it always turns in this sort of smirk and people telling me that I look "too serious", but seeing people complementing his smile makes me less insecure :) )
Edit because I forgot to write this: He's such a mood, I love him
He's just the cutest, most adorable little kitty I wanna pamper him with little kisses
Absolute sunshine boy, I literally smile every single time I see a photo of him
I want to stroke his hair so bad, it looks so soft
He's so energetic and funny and feels like the kind of person that always tries to put a smile on your face (and succeeds)
His love for airplanes is so dear to me
THE MOLE ON HIS LIP (I already posted about it here, it's just so cute 🥹)
He's just a pretty princess <3
He slays so hard in every pic
I love his hair, especially when it was longer
He's a lesbian icon I don't make the rules
I need more of Kris singing, please and thank you
That freaking b&w striped sweater owns my mind okay?
I love how proud and happy he is of being half dutch and the smile on his face every time someone tells him to say something in dutch is so precious
He seems like the kind of person that messes with his friends (mostly Bojan lol) all the time but will probably start planning your murder if you mess with them
Multitalented king and language georg <3
His voice is absolutely amazing
His hair (I know I've said this in all of them but I love all of their hairs so much)
Whatever the whole demoni scream thing is
The way he expresses himself (both talking and singing)
He's so charismatic and friendly and it warms my heart that he always tries to make sure everyone feels included in the conversations
My poor boy deserves better and I wanna fight everyone who's ever done anything bad to him
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hanako-san · 7 months
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The arc is my top one of the arcs (I think Amane's past could top this arc), but I think this arc is special. Amane trying to pretend to be himself when he was alive. Even though he was pretending. This love for space is not fake.
Amane literally sparkles when he is talk about cosmos.
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The way Amane explains it all.He is so energetic, so happy and passionate. That boy loves cosmos very much. Amane would be a passionate teacher, talking with great love, happiness and enthusiasm.
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Still, he said it a second time. The second time, this time with yahsiro. He pretended for her so that she could live in this world and was willing to leave her in this world so that she could live and he would return to his duties
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This 13-year-old boy decided to kill his brother and himself. He gave up his dreams and the passion he loves so much knowing full well that he would deprive himself and Tsukasa of their future, but this amazing boy chose Tsukasa over his dreams. Those eyes, that expression that Amane has for his younger brother, are full of admiration and love, and the fact that Tsukasa is his yorishiros means that he is the most important person in his life, his dreams are not as important as his beloved younger twin.
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Amane showed the most emotions in this arc, from passion for space, brother's love to anger.Even though he pretended, his emotions are real.
This arc only confirmed to me that Amane killed Tsukasa not because he hates him, but out of love and care. Amane may be angry with Tsukasa for what he does, but he doesn't hate him, and in this arc and the yashiro flashback, it really shows.
Amane is fantastic! 💖
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starbeamssovereign · 9 days
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Prune Juice Cookie and Mozzarella Cookie x Sleepy Reader
Lychee Dragon Cookie and Butter Roll Cookie x Clumsy Reader
Summary #1: I made it like this because I said so, deal with it pookies 😘. You’re known to be a very sleepy one, always dozing off at either the best or the worse time. Luckily, your loving partner is here to help!
Summary #2: Ah yes, there you were, walking around a park with your beloved. However, a slip occurs. No, literally, you slipped on a wet spot on the trail and fell right down. It would’ve been really embarrassing for you, but there was certainly a death stare coming from your partner at EVERYONE who witnessed the action. After all, anything clumsy that happens in public remains a quiet secret ever since your super sweet partner has come to rescue you from embarrassment!
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Prune Juice Cookie
He’s known for a while that you’re the type to doze off. However, he tried to combat this by making potions to keep you awake. Oh, and he just gave you coffee. Even though you look positively beautiful while asleep, he also wants you to be awake for life as well!
But, if you still stay asleep, he just sighs and kisses you on the forehead, before pulling you up onto his lap while he works on new potions or perfecting old ones.
And yes, he does put on special goggles for your safety, even if you’re not awake.
Whenever you are awake and actually energetic, he takes you out for a lavish date before ending the day with the two of you stargazing. As this happens, he feels you lean on him again, letting out your little mumble as you kiss him on the cheek and fall asleep.
“Oh, [name], what could I do to stop you from being asleep? …but you are my personal pillow as well.”
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Mozzarella Cookie
She’s just surprised that you actually manage to sleep in such a bright and glorious kingdom. You’re probably the one who sleeps the most out of everyone in inside the Golden Cheese Kingdom!
Mozzarella takes you out to the colosseum, placing a bet and taking you by the hand as she goes to her seat.
Now personally, I think sitting on her lap would be AMAZING.
Especially during the times she celebrates after winning. Sweetheart just can’t help but hug your sleeping body and hold you closely, whispering to you about how the match went and that she won ❤️
“Oh? Asleep again I see. Hehe! You’re twice as important as anything I could win in a game, dear…”
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Lychee Dragon Cookie
Time for the clumsies!!!!
So, Lychee is probably super sweet to you after actually becoming someone they can trust and truly love.
And they’re also quite the overprotective sweetheart to you. If you fall, or are about to trip, they pick you up and act like they’re your beloved savior.
Lychee also giggles a lot whenever you slip on the most random things at home. Their laughter is honestly quite contagious, so why bother crying from any pain? You’re quite used to it by now anyways 😅
“Oh, sweet little [name]! You’re so cute when you slip and fall, because then you’ll have me as your big strong hero!”
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Butter Roll Cookie
He definitely got that loud boisterous laughter that just makes everyone smile, especially you. Butter Roll certainly doesn’t show you his workplace (for…very big reasons).
However, he does let you come into his study and do whatever you want there. Mostly you just spin on one of those silly office chairs while you wait for him to he done so the two of you can hang out.
But sometimes he gets a little tired, and this was the time that you took action — scooping him up and placing him onto YOUR lap instead
In the end, the two of you accidentally lean back a bit too far and fall to the ground, but your oh-so loving boyfriend catches you and showers you with PLENTY of kisses.
I have a feeling that he’s actually pretty light but just doesn’t look like it.
“ACK- [name]! I didn’t know you could lift me up? Did you somehow manage to lift weights with your adorable clumsy magic?”
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daughter-of-melpomene · 10 months
Alright, since I realize I haven’t exactly been as active on here recently as I would like to have been, I thought I would attempt to make up for it by letting you guys in on some of the newest OC babies I’m planning on introducing soon. I hope you guys like these little tidbits, and (even though I don’t have any of their intro posts up yet), feel free to ask me whatever questions you’d like about them!!
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— Texas native who transfers to McKinley at the beginning of season two after her mother’s job is relocated to Lima.
— Generally your typical sweet Southern belle, but also fiercely independent and has a feisty streak.
— Well-set up to be popular when she first transfers, but quickly becomes an outcast after giving a tongue-lashing to some jocks after she watches them slushy Tina, so she joins New Directions.
— Generally sings country and pop music outside of the group numbers, but occasionally busts out a showtune (and does some country duets with Sam).
— Either a Tina or Santana ship, I haven’t quite decided yet.
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— Her story is set in kind of an AU post-canon after the boys recover the stolen money from the ravine, where Santi officially retires and they all move to the same town close to each other (and also where Frankie doesn’t have a baby and broke up with his girlfriend because I just. Can’t really deal with that).
— Quite literally bumps into Frankie at a bar (and spills her drink all over him) and very quickly becomes friends with all four of them.
— A total energetic and social ray of sunshine who’s very comfortable in her bisexuality and active in her local queer community, and helps the boys come to terms with their various non-straight identities.
— The main singer at a local burlesque club, and KILLS it as a performer.
— In a poly ship with all four former Delta Squad boys, who are all also dating each other (except for Will and Benny, obviously).
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— Daughter of Grumpy of the seven dwarves fame.
— Pretty much lives up to her father’s name; doesn’t put up with one bit of crap and is never afraid to speak her mind (which normally doesn’t make most people happy, but she doesn’t really like people anyway).
— Is definitely an outcast in Auradon and at school; the only people who actually talk to her at school outside of the teachers are Ben and her cousin Doug, who’s actually a little scared of her.
— Befriends Mal almost immediately after the VKs get to Auradon (they are truly kindred spirits) and decides to try and help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand because she resents Auradon and how fake and falsely cherry it is.
— Doesn’t really lose her prickly streak by the time the Coronation rolls around, but does come to realize that not everyone in Auradon is so bad and she needs to let people in more.
— Definitely besties with Mal, but also strikes up unlikely friendships with Carlos and Lonnie (and kind of becomes Carlos and Jane’s unofficial protector since they’re both pretty quiet and she is. Not).
— Also an Evie ship because I simply have to give my beloved girl a girlfriend. <3
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— A boyfriend for my bi king Charlie Swan. <3
— A tailor who runs a clothing shop in downtown Forks - Charlie constantly brings his uniform to his shop whenever it gets ripped.
— Definitely suspects the Cullens of being vampires but can never prove it until Charlie lets him know about Edward and this man just jumps up and shouts “I KNEW IT!”
— Sweet but fiercely loyal and protective Gryffinpuff king. <3
— Definitely acts as a non-Charlie adult confidant to Bella and is the best stepdad when he and Charlie finally get together.
— Also used to have a bit of a crush on Carlisle and still gets nervous around him even after getting together with Charlie because Carlisle is just. So pretty.
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— A British archeologist working with American Army Intelligence who gets assigned with Indy to help him find the Ark of the Covenant.
— Kind of shy and socially awkward (mostly due to constantly being underestimated in her field for being a woman) but incredibly intelligent and observant and knows when to stand her ground and not take other people’s crap.
— (Also probably autistic, but, well, they didn’t really have the language for that back then. But she is.)
— An incredibly sweet and compassionate woman who would do anything to help people in need (but also tends to trust too easily, which is why Indy is good at balancing her out).
— Indy likes to call her Lou, and she pretends to hate it, but she secretly loves that he thinks enough of her to give her a cute nickname.
— A ship for the daring professor himself, obviously!
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— (Yes, I know Winchester sister OCs are overdone, I don’t even care.)
— Technically her first name is Olivia, but she doesn’t like it and prefers to go exclusively by Via.
— Sam and Dean’s half-sister, fifteen years old in the first season, who was born out of a three-night stand between John and her mother.
— John didn’t stick around, obviously, but he kept tabs on Via and her mother and when the woman was killed in a car accident shortly after Sam left for collage, he came and got her and started training her to be a hunter.
— Immediately loves her two older brothers and is fiercely loyal to and protective of them, but shares a closer bond with Dean since she’s spent more time with him.
— Doesn’t like John at all, however, both for essentially abandoning her and her mother and for trying to turn all his children into hunters rather than letting them have normal childhoods, which is a point of contention between her and Dean.
— Despite her anger towards John forcing his kids into early training, she loves being a hunter and has a particular affinity for taking down vampires.
— A badass baby lesbian (who not only knows Dean is bi WAY before they even meet Cas but takes one look at Sam the first time they meet and is like, “Well, this one’s not straight either”).
— Might not have a love interest, or I might make another OC to give her a girlfriend, I haven’t decided yet (I’ll probably wait until I get a little further into the series).
Alright, that’s it for my more immediately upcoming OCs!! Again, feel free to ask me any questions you want about my newest babies!!
Tagging some of my OC community besties: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @luucypevensie, @carmens-garden, @endless-oc-creations.
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I have a controversial opinion haha. And could be why parents like rep, because my dad also loved rep when I forced my entire family to see the eras movie in theaters. 😂 I know rep is beloved by so many people so I get hesitant to say this, but rep is a lower ranked album for me. And it’s solely because of the production. I LOVE the concept and love the lyrics. However, I freaking LOVE rep live! And I think it’s because it sounds more like a rock album. It comes alive. (1)
(2) Selfishly, I want the re record to sound more like a rock album, although I don’t think it will because that’s not the point of re records. Anyway, I think because it sounds like a rock band live, I think that’s why a lot of parents like it too. Because when I played rep for my dad in the car, he did not like it nearly as much. It’s just toooo much synth. I NEED the guitars from DBM and LWYMMD on a recording! Anyway, please don’t hate me for my opinion 🤪
reputation absolutely comes alive the most in the stadium setting - it really shines in that medium and that's obvious when at quite literally every single Eras show you can feel the seismic energetic difference in the air shift completely when the first bars of "...Ready For It?" start playing. People absolutely lose their god damn minds - AS THEY SHOULD.
That said this would be such a fascinating experiment to put my parents through because I suspect they would be the exception to this rule.
I also would absolutely never hate you for your opinion!!! You are totally valid to have it.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
List of Yan!Idol Event Producers/Assistants:
This will be frequently updated! I'm not posting all anons at once, but I'll spoil the first five who guaranteed a spot: 🕯️ anon, bao bei anon, 🐠 anon, 🕊️ anon, and 🦊 anon!
Producer Lumine: if you sent your request on my inbox and NOT the google forms link as instructed in the guidelines, I'll ignore it. I'm sorry, but Madam Alice will literally blow me up if we hired you without going through her "interview" process.
Dandelion anon: "I'd like to think that my strengths come from my ability to read the room and consider the feelings of everyone whilst still using logic (and not letting it cloud me, so you can call me balanced?). I've been told that I naturally exude a comforting aura and it makes others feel safe around me! I am also quite affectionate and loves to dote on those I love. As for weaknesses, I tend to find more stability in planning, so I may lack a bit in the spontaneity department (but I'd be willing to be more spontaneous with someone who brings out that side of me). I also tend to give advices to others, but struggle to practice them myself at times T-T"
Lumine's notes: "smarter than average, plays a sport/knows martial arts, fond of cleaning". Alright then, you're Heizou's producer. Can't say you can get used to his "spontaneity" quickly... I'm sorry for that.
"Esther" anon: I like jazz music. I dont like rap, but i can appreciate a good melody. I especially like rock, rnb and some pop, specifically the ones with angsty breakup songs as the main point. I like to draw, especially the eyes and the hands. You’d be surprised how much personality is in those. Dont give me that look. I dont have a fetish. I really, really like the sun. I dont like cold weather. But i have this…thing where i drink the coffee in the afternoon, and eat popsicles when it rains. It gives off that…synergy, y’know. Also hot soups best meal ever. Mushroom soup beloved like HHHHH
Lumine's notes: "nosy, likes angst, does theater/spoken word" Hmm... I think you'd do fine with Mister Alberich... I think he'd be quite fond of you.
🕊️ anon: My main personality traits are that I am loud, bubbly, enthusiastic, energetic, easygoing and very kind! My friends always praise my intuition and are always amazed at how I am able to tell what they're feeling - they can never fool me! For my worst personality traits I'd definitely say that I'm really lazy and leave everything in the last minute and that I can get really sensitive sometimes. I'm also very self conscious of how I look which isn't good because I always end up downplaying myself in one way or the other. I can also be VERY scatterbrained, no seriously, it's amazing and kind of pathetic at how easily I forget things... I love history, mythologies and fairy tales, reading manga and watching anime, being with friends!!
Lumine's notes: "well put-together, into soft yanderes, laughs a lot, 'nosy'," amongst other things– *sigh* why am I even evaluating this? This is Diluc's producer.
Snailnom: I may have issues with vulnerability, empathy, and may be extremely touchy, but I'm the best person to be around when you're feeling down. I'll give great distractions and I'm always willing to talk! I'm just fantastic! And that's not the ego talking since I am also the most humble person ever! I am literally perfect! In everyway. I put my all into everything I care about! Which is.. unfortunately, not much outside of friendships. I have bits of trust issues, but that’s not a problem, since you can trust me! Totally! I am your friend and DEFINITELY not an enabler first, friend second. I would do petty crimes with you! I would go wild! I will eat a grape off the floor! Go apeshit! Do no harm!! I'm also a cheapskate, I'd prefer gifts you'd find down the street: like a piece of shiny glass, a smooth rock, a blade of grass, literally anything but something that could cause money! But uhoh! That might have been a lie! Not a complete one though, never those, after all.. The best lies have bits of truth in it! I do like gifts you'd find on the street, but I do like things you spend money on. Ehehehehehehe~ I am both cautious and reckless. I will jump headfirst off a (reasonable) height with no hesitation while be too scared to go down a crowded road by myself. Speaking of doing things by myself, I don't like doing that, and would love to do things with a friend if possible. I love the simple things... Like world domination and trying to eat an entire bag of fries in a few seconds. Ah, the good life is my life.
Lumine's notes: Pfft– haha! I don't even wanna read the rest. I just wanna see you produce Itto. (ps: you definitely got this job because of your energy. Even your other answers solidified it. This is fate–)
Fox: Strengths - Patient, persistent, responsible, witty, loyal and kind Weaknesses - Cautious, sensitive, very serious, low confidence/self worth and indecisive. Interests - gaming, drawing, thought proving exchanges with friends, watching youtube videos, travelling, and eating good food. First appearances: I’m probably one of the most god awkward and reserved people you will ever meet. I will give close answers and forgot how to function out of shock. Despite a million thoughts going on in my brain. But aside from that I’m a pretty chill person from what my friends tell me and can be mysterious, unpredictable at times. Have a huge sweet tooth for sweets and snacks an awful lot. My mind is logical but chaotic at the same time wanting to multitask through 5 other things trying to be efficient as possible. But even then mid way I probably get distracted by something else not even related to the tasks I was doing in the first place.
Lumine's note: I hesitated on whether or not Mister Kamisato gets with Fox because they're compatible or with Producer Hundred for the chaos... But there's just no way I'm robbing Mister Kamisato a chance of a great work partner given how overworked he is. Fox's a smart person, I think Ayato would grow fond of them in due time. He does have a thing for dogs, after all...
mei ✾: i'm creative but also logical. normally very easygoing but serious about my job. i have a lot of love to give! i tend to express my love with physical touch and quality time. i dislike confrontations and will try to avoid it at all costs. i'm shy and find it difficult to talk with strangers (although i do a 180 once i'm comfortable with someone) i'm bad at keeping up communications because 1) i always feel that i'm bothering people or 2) some days i just don't have the energy for it. i struggle a lot with body image especially for myself. - taste in music: i love everything tbh! from pop to kpop to country to cpop to game osts, as long as i like how it sounds, i add it to my playlist haha
Alhaitham's voicemail: "I hired them because they have a neat handwriting. That's all. What? "I don't believe you"...? F-Fine. I hired them because I knew them from before. They're incredibly smart, logical, great at math, and a realist. That's all you need to know."
Solitary anon: My strengths? Probably communications and creativity. I've met loads of people in the past so I'm able to adjust myself to everyone around me. I like to create a balance and it often results with me being the 'trustworthy' or 'reliable' friend. But as I get more comfortable around people, I get a bit more talkative and my humour starts to shine through, My weaknesses is probably the fact that I adjust myself to everyone around me (its a strength and a weakness). I have the constant need to be perfect, to be liked, and I know it's damn impossible to be like that - but I still try. So I end up being pushed over easily and social gatherings exhaust me (as much as I like them,) I really like to write and do art! It's one of my outlets and I've been enjoying it ever since I was younger. I write my own novels aside from fanfiction and I even drew comics! I'm pretty smart but too lazy to study much (unless I like it). My absolute favorite color is blue (im like a moth and blue is my light). I love to game and I also like to listen to music. My style is dark academia and Idk what more to say?
Cyno's voicemail: "Tighnari, I met someone who can understand me. They like dogs. Hmm? Oh. They also like dark academia, tabletop games, a realist-- You're not interested?... Understood."
Bakery anon: "I’m a bit of a bookworm (I own atleast 14 poetry books and..more other books) however I also am quite fond of baking! Though aside from that I’m described as motherly and loyal by my friends."
Dottore's coffee-table book record: "Smart and creative. A perfectly fine mindset, can certainly handle others, a creative– an asset that can be used as a clean-up slave... Hmm, this specimen will prove to be most useful."
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oblivious-aro · 1 month
Do you still have that ninja ranking post on hand? I'd love to hear more about your opinions on them!
Eh, it was just a plain old list with no further explanations.
But my beloved mutual deserves further explanations and opinions!
1. Nya
Being the only main female character, the writers did the thing male writers often do where they give said female character some crazy good powers and/or abilities to prove they don't hate women.
Nya got herself up to the same level as the other ninja on her own time without a teacher, built pretty much all their vehicles for a while, and could canonically take all of the other ninja at the same time before she even had an elemental power (she literally was a boss for them when she got possessed in season 2).
When Nya has a goal to achieve, she either completely slays (infiltrating Chen's high security island without an invitation? No problem!), or goes completely unhinged (yes summoning The great Devourer would be an effective way to take out Nadakhan Nya, but then you would have other problems), and both options are very entertaining. Love the go big or go home energy.
There are definately problems with that writing approach, but Nya is unironically and canonically the coolest and most powerful ninja.
She also has some really interesting story potential high-achieverness and stubborn sense of pride, even if they are underutilized.
It's a shame she was neglected by the writers so much, they don't know what they missed.
Also, I love Kelly Metzger's vocal performance. Very energetic.
2. Cole
Cole is nice.
No seriously. Sure, he makes a lot of snippy comments at the other ninja (they all do, they really should be less mean to each other), but when interacting with people who aren't ninja, Cole is always super friendly.
This is best showcased in season 4, when he gets locked up in the factory. He brings and keeps up a positive spirit that the others have completely lost. They're pretty dismissive of him at first, but after a while, his attitude actually starts to bring back hope to the others, and it's wonderful. He finds Zane, organizes an escape plan, and gets everyone on board just by being himself.
People who complain Cole didn't get any focus clearly weren't paying attention during season 4. Tournament of Elements was a better season for Cole than either season 10 or Man of the Mountain.
I also love that Cole gets jokes about how much he loves food without depicting that as making him "gross" or "greedy" (Well, up until Hunted, at least. Reason 5026 Oni trilogy sucks). It's so true Cole, there not being cake at a function is extremely disappointing.
Also he got a fang blade way faster than Kai despite having a crippling stomach ache from to much cake. What a flex.
In general he gets so enthusiastic about little things, and it's extremely charming. Like, he genuinly enjoyed the little museum tours they used to go on as teachers. I love that!
And his his core character traits of being "the strong one" is actually showcased in a lot of subtle and unique ways. There's the obvious physical strength, then there's also way he tends to fool the leader role when needed, and the fact that he often has a phobia of the monster of the season but faces it head on and overcomes it everytime.
Kirby Morrow was also an absolutely delightful voice actor (very sad to hear what happened to him).
Also he's so so aromantic coded! I'm telling you it's bonkers, and in this essay, I will-
3. Zane
I think Zane had a very unique energy. He's honest and earnest, and it's very endearing, especially in a show where the main characters tend to be so mean to each other for no reason.
"I was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves" goes sooo hard everytime. Like, damn.
His relationship with Pixal is pretty interesting, although you do have to get past the initial layer of Ninjago romance (so much blank staring and wistful sighing. Like, so much). That being said, his conversation with Pixal in season 8 after they find out she's Samurai X is a rare W for the Oni trilogy.
Outside of that though, I feel like Zane didn't get a whole lot of big moments or storylines in later season, and the writers kind of forget about the whole "protect those who can't protect themselves" thing, which was a really big draw for me.
I like his little robot powers and gags. They're pretty fun. Gives his humorous moments a very unique feel, too.
His little falcon friend is also great. Watching that bird fly to close to the dark island and Nadakhan's ship was probably the only time genuinly stressed me out. (Reason 5027 Oni trilogy sucks, they got rid of the falcon).
4. Kai
He's got a fair bit of "bland main character syndrome" going on, and then after he passes that to Lloyd, the writers just...aren't really sure what to do with him.
He gets angry sometimes cuz fire and he...flirts badly a lot and thinks he's cool.
He does have that thing where he laser-focuses when he gets a goal in mind, but the amount I get out of Kai for the amount of focus he gets is still not a lot.
There's a reason he got taken first in Skybound.
5. Lloyd
I actually found Lloyd fairly charming as a child. He's got a good heart, but also a mischievous streak and a fair bit of juvenile passion.
But then he aged up and lost all those things, leaving him with no personality.
He's the chosen one. He keeps getting power-ups.
Wish he'd get some characterization.
Lloyd seems to be a pretty popular character in the fandom, but everything people say they like about Lloyd could've easily happened to any other character. People always talk about stuff that happened to him, and never anything he does or wants, and I couldn't tell you anything Lloyd personally wants anyway.
6. Jay
Jay definately has the most distinct personality of the group as the jokey comedy guy.
I like that he kind of breaks down when the situation gets too stressful. That, and his relationship with Nya could make for some very interesting story potential.
But then Skybound happened and turned Jay from silly and maybe a bit insecure into disgustingly selfish with no redeeming qualities.
Even outside of Skybound, Jay big plot points are fighting Cole for Nya's affection (without consulting Nya herself. A terrible side plot that Cole ultimately resolves anyway), learning to appreciate his parents more (it's not the worst, but Ed and Edna don't get a whole lot of screen time to showcase the change in their relationship, and it doesn't help that the next time we see them in season 1, Jay is acting the same way about then that he did when they first appeared), and his true potential episode, where Nya's really the one doing all the legwork.
I don't think Jay's a bad character, but every time the writers give him the spotlight, it goes terribly. Jay's never the one to facilitate his own growth, and that makes him pretty much impossible to root for.
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spinningbuster98 · 8 months
I love this game
I REALLY love this game
If I had to choose a favorite game of all time then I feel it would come down to either Sonic 3 & Knuckles or this one, the former shaped my gaming tastes during my childhood while the latter did the same for my adolescence
I have a lot of great things to say about this game, but also some negatives as well because no game is perfect and this is very important to remember especially in the case of games that have become so universally beloved that people have come to believe they have no flaws or areas to improve, which is never truly the case
I think the first thing to note about Super Metroid, and one of its most beloved aspects, is its atmosphere and general aesthetics
It's often said that Metroid has a dark and foreboding atmosphere and nowhere is this more evident than in Super Metroid
This game's spritework is detailed, grotesque at times. Its locations dark, eerie, grimey, organic. The colors are dark yes, but not washed out, in fact I'd say the color pallette is rich just enough to keep the game from looking dull while not compromising the element of general creepiness and darkness
The music is booming, melodieìc, creepy, cavernous, everything in this game is meant to make you feel like you really are going deeper and deeper into the inner bowels of an alien planet
I especially love how the overall artstyle feels like an evolution of Metroid 1's: the old Tourian looks like an SNES upgrade from the original, as does the beginning of Brinstar and the returning enemies from that game, though of course guys like Ridley and Kraid have been given massive redesigns. It really drives home the idea that this is Metroid 1 but MORE, it tells you "hey remember this place on the NES 8 years ago? Yeah here it is now like you remember it but looking better than ever". It truly is SUPER Metroid. Just compare this with how Zero Mission just completely altered the artstyle for something much more stylized and cartoony
The beginning acts are just a masterclass in atmospheric setup: from Samus narrating the prologue while mostly encased in shadow while the game's unnerving theme plays, to the Ceres Colony being all dark and lifeless with only the low humming of machinery keeping you company, to how deserted and foreboding Crateria looks at first before springing to life. A true masterpiece
I mentioned before that no other game after the original trilogy managed to truly recapture this kind of atmosphere and I believe it's true: no other game feels this ominous, so foreboding, so cavernous, so....dark. All the other 2D games after this usually go for a more....generic kind of atmospheric feel, the kind that checks a box off a list
Fusion can be creepy and unsettling yes...but the actual areas themselves are pretty standard
Zero Mission barely even tries to feel atmospheric, mostly just being really energetic and adventurous
Samus Returns and Dread, again, are a bit generic in the atmosphere department, save for specific moments such as the EMMI zones.
The Prime games on the other hand are indeed very atmospheric, even more than Super, but they mostly go for a different kind of atmosphere than that of the OG trilogy, which is all fine of course
I think a good way to illustrate what I'm saying is to compare the various versions of the Theme of Super Metroid that have been made over the years: they're all good versions in their own right, but none manage to capture that sense of pure menace, of sheer foreboding that the original has, rather mostly focusing on the more upbeat parts of the track
To change the subject: poor Kraid. He was the toughest of the two main bosses in the original game but now, despite having received a literally colossal redesign and looking more menacing he's actually much easier now and has been reduced to "first boss bitch". Unfortunately for him this is only the start of his misfortunes :P
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hybbart · 1 year
Heart catch was my first precure series and its the only one i ever finished watching. I wish i had time to finish watching other precure also love your art
Heartcatch is considered one of if not the best! It's what got a lot of people into precure.
By this point there's a season of precure for whatever you are in the mood for or like to watch so I highly recommend checking out other seasons that interest you:
The original futari wa is high in action and cool fights, and the heroes don't always win.
Splash Star has a lot of interesting story and some very interesting rivals.
Star Twinkle is an amazing, energetic space science fantasy with some of the best designs and creative ideas (fitting since the theme is imagination)
A La Mode has very strong cartoony character designs and is a very cartoony season with much more blatant yuri subtext than usual.
Smile is the most light hearted and silly season probably, with a lot of slice of life and cuteness.
Fresh, Suite, and Dokidoki both have strong musical themes and idol aspects with some interesting styles meant to appeal to older fans in their plot.
Witchy is a magical school type story that has a small number of precure.
Happiness Charge was a celebration of the franchise thats main character was not the pink cure for once and had a world tour sort of shtick going on.
Yes! 5.
Go! Princess combines classic hyper girly stuff with amazing action and a lot of interesting things to say about dreams and aspirations
Hugtto is probably the most scifi of them and it's main theme is careers and goals, and it is considered to have one fo the msot well-fleshed out casts and a rather dark plot.
Tropical Rouge is very summery, cartoony, and fun with a lot of mermaid stuff and cool characters.
Healin' Good is more slice of lifey healing anime, whose villains are literally diseases, with a lot of very good morals about health in both mind and body in ways you don't expect it to, and the BEST subversion of the most annoying trope in shoujo series that's still one of my favourite single episodes in all of anime (and the whiny Nice Guys upset about it refusing to validate them in place of a hard lesson that was exactly what this particular season needed instead of teaching a false black and white dichotomy that woudl have been especially bad at the freaking height of covid to say can stay mad about it forever)
And this season Delicious Party has a lot more story, a well fleshed out male cast that have actual purpose (Rosemary my beloved), and also delicious food as the focus.
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curlsong87 · 1 year
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Alright, these cats have been living in head rent-free for too many years to not talk about them! Here is some sketches/art of 4 of my warriors-oc's-turned-more-original oc's lol they're all from the same domain, Cliff Domain (Thunderclan-adjacent), and all in the same generation and bestie group (aka main cast/main supporting cast) :)
From top to bottom and left to right:
First is Amberwing, an energetic golden tabby tom who's loving his days of teaching his apprentice, Rose, and being able to do it with his friends! He's the brother of the medic (medicine cat), Sunpool, and is usually seen with his best friend Patchfrost and his other close friends when not with Rose. He has pretty good jock energy lol
Next up is Patchfrost, a tall and anxious brown and white spotted tom who spends his days being a guardian, a cat who specializes in helping to take care of kittens and the base. He's the brother of Icethorn, the best friend of Amberwing, and has a pretty major crush on Curlsong that he tries his best to hide, albeit very badly lol good thing she's pretty oblivious ":) he also has his own apprentice, Beetle!
Next is Icethorn my beloved 💖 he is a large, muscular, seal-pointed tom who is a calm, cool, and charming heartthrob, although he doesn't do it purposefully, it's literally just how his personality and looks are lol. He is the older brother of Patchfrost and is very protective of both his brother and his other close friends in the group, especially his bestie Curlsong. He is a councilor, meaning that he is specialized in knowing how to run the domain and is one of the primary picks for the deputy position if/when the time comes for it. He is also extremely gay and has a major crush on one of his friends from the Swamp Domain, Owlface ;)
And last but not least, one of the main pov's of my story (and my namesake), Curlsong! She is a curly-furred, red and cream calico with black stripes and a curled tail...I'm sure from her design you can tell that she's a main character lol, I'm doing my best to simplify as we speak ":) she is the daughter of the greatly respected previous deputy, Oakbranch, and is one of the golden children of Cliff Domain! She's stretched a bit thin with being specialized as a guardian, mentor, and councilor, only saying yes to the latter position due to taking pity on the domain after her father's passing.
Her sister, Redwillow, committed suicide after their parents passing away at the same time fighting a small coyote, overwhelmed with grief. Curlsong still feels guilt over this, feeling like she wasn't present for her sister when she needed her most, however she's trying her best to heal from grieving three cats very close together.
She is the best friend and uniting factor of all of the group, being super tight with the previous three cats (especially Icethorn). She does have a crush on Patchfrost, however she's not ready for a relationship, so they continue to be friends for now :)
This was a very long post lol but I hope you enjoyed my oc's! Lmk if you would like to hear more about them or the other (overonehundredintheallegiancesofallfourdomainsCOUGHCOUGH) oc's I have!
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