#literal criminals
nejitenotp · 1 year
Nothing will ever match the energy of kotlc book 4
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spectral-honey · 2 years
AU where Jason gets his revenge by becoming a lawyer and getting joker sentenced to the death penalty
Bruce is conflicted about it but any time he tries to say anything on the subject Alfred just talks over him like "oh we're so proud of you master Jason you finished college and you didn't even use your father's extensive resources that could've easily gotten someone in this family a degree aren't we so proud master Bruce that Jason got himself a respectable profession--"
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whoisspence · 2 months
friendly reminder that they
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are also them
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t1red-twilight · 1 month
soft spencer headcannons
summary: god i’m such a sucker for soft spencer
content/warnings: corny:/
notes: several of these are inspired by my parents, who are genuinely the cutest couple i know.
word count: 0.4k
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- he just really likes watching you get ready. if you wear makeup, he’ll ask you what everything is for (even if he kinda already knows)
- will see something that reminds him of you and buy it for you every. time.
- “it reminded me of that time we -”
- loves having his hair played with
- remembers every obscure fact about you, obviously, and it surprises you every time
- “i can’t believe you remembered that i like this”
- “i remember everything, but i especially take note of everything about you. it comes in handy☺️”
- strokes the back of your hand with his thumb when you hold hands
- is clingy lol
- hand on your thigh, constantly. not necessarily sexual, just likes being close
- hand on the waist. holding hands. hell, even linking pinkies.
- when you sit next to him on a couch, he will pull your legs onto his lap
- surprisingly, he lives for physical contact with you despite his germaphobia. you’re not complaining though
- loves when you talk about your life and tell him all the drama
- “wait she said that? that’s ridiculous. that’s bold coming from someone who cancels all her plans twenty minutes before they’re supposed to start.”
- has a tube of your favorite lip balm (just in case)
- will look at you and smile for no reason. when you ask why he’ll just sigh and say that he likes you a lot
- goodbye kisses ALWAYS. won’t leave unless you give him one.
- listens when you talk about your interests. he likes to see you talk passionately about something, he’ll ask clarifying questions as well.
- sends good morning texts at the same time every day you’re not together
- takes your dishes and washes them for you, even when you protest
- slow dancing.
- appreciates and says thank you for every thing you do for him, even if it’s super minute and you tell him it’s not necessary.
- compliments you in front of the team, in front of friends, family, etc. bro loves talking about you lol
- morgan teases him about being “whipped”
- lays his head in your lap whenever possible
- will pucker his lips and point to them to ask for a lil smooch
- attempts to learn to cook for you-
- one time he set the fire alarm off, and he was panicking when you got home. once you opened the windows and got the smoke out, you kissed his disappointed pout away.
- tells you everything. like literally everything.
- “i had a really good muffin for breakfast this morning.”
- “yeah?”
- “yeah! it was from that new bakery on fourth street. you know, you might like it. maybe we should -“
- in conclusion: he really likes you. like a lot. you’re one of the only constants in his life and he loves that you provide some stability. he loves that you love him too.
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cerisereids · 7 days
we moved on from these pics too quickly
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hotchscvm · 11 months
leaked nudes
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pt. 2
pairings: aaron hotchner x reader
summary: while looking at crime scene pictures on your phone, aaron swipes too far left and discovers some … sexy photos.
word count: 1.4k (short one)
warnings: nudes, masturbation, aaron jizzing in his pants like a teen, pervy aaron
This particular case had the whole team restless. Other than one lead that turned out to be useless as the suspect had an airtight alibi, there was nothing else that pointed where the unsub was. Thankfully, it seemed like his time in between kills was increasing, though that did very little to ease the team.
The precinct was almost empty, save for the few officers working the night shift and the team spread out around the conference room. Rossi was nursing a coffee, wishing it was whiskey. Emily sprawled out on the floor, the case file resting on her stomach. JJ sat sleeping in her chair, a blanket laid over her. Spencer was going over the details of the case while Derek stared at his file, unmoving.
You were positive he had fallen asleep with his eyes open.
Aaron sat next to you, a cup of coffee in his hand while he reviewed the case. You had given up trying to focus, taking a break as you played Tetris on your phone. Every few minutes, Aaron would glance at you before smiling and focusing back on his file.
After losing another game, you placed your phone on the table, leaning back in exhaustion. Looking around you, you were certain everyone except Rossi, Spencer, and Aaron were clocked out for the night. Derek was about ten minutes away from smacking his head on the table when his head slips from his hands.
Aaron flips through his file, brows furrowing. He looks around the messy table, searching for something in particular as you watched him with curiosity. “Where are the crime scene pictures from this morning’s victim?”
“Sheriff said their printer broke so they couldn’t print them out. I took a few pictures on my phone if you want to see them.” You motioned to your phone, yawning. Looking over at JJ, you resisted the urge to snatch the blanket from her.
He picks up your phone, swiping. “What’s your password?”
“Twelve thirty-four.”
Aaron paused, his lips twitching as he turned to look at you. “One, two, three, four?”
“It’s not like I have anything to hide,” you grumbled, ignoring his soft chuckle.
He put in the passcode, bringing him to the unclosed game of Tetris you were previously playing. Aaron couldn’t help but be amused at the high score before closing out and opening your photos. In your recents were the crime scene pictures he was looking for.
Aaron had swiped through the photos, trying to find a deviation from the killer’s MO but it looked the same as his previous victims. Maybe you had taken too many pictures of the body because he kept swiping left, looking at all the angles you had taken. The crime scene pictures had to end eventually but he was too sleep deprived to realize he’d eventually come across one of your other photos.
So he wasn’t prepared when he swiped to the left and instead of being met with another photo of the victim, it was one of you in skimpy clothing. Thankfully, he hadn’t been drinking his coffee as he saw it since he still managed to choke on his own saliva. Aaron’s eyes widened at the risque picture, sitting up, suddenly alert.
During him looking at the crime scene pictures, you had gotten up and walked to the vending machines. From where he sat, he could see you kick the machine in hopes of free food. The only one to witness his change of behavior was Rossi as Spencer was too engrossed in his reading, who had raised an eyebrow at his reaction.
In the photo, you were in a lacy black bra with a matching thong, bent over your bed. You had taken the picture facing the mirror, your back arched and ass up–on your knees and your clothing barely covering your essentials. Aaron swore he could see your nipples through the laced bra.
Curious, and driven by his hardening cock, Aaron swiped more. His breath hitched at the site of you topless, with just a pair of boxers on. A pair of his boxers. He remembered you shamelessly asking him for some shorts out of his go bag as you had forgotten to repack your sleep clothes and he had given you his boxers, blushing all the while.
As he stared at your breasts, he grew hard. He knew he should stop and close out, respecting your privacy and all, but he couldn’t. He physically couldn’t bring himself to look away let alone put the phone down.
He swiped again, this time you covered your bare breasts with one hand. You lay on your bed, naked yet what Aaron desperately wanted to see was covered by a discarded shirt that laid between your legs. The sun hit your body right, sunbeams illuminating your hair and despite the sensual position, he couldn’t help but think of how beautiful you are.
Looking up, he saw you were still bullying the vending machine and he couldn’t help but sigh in relief. He didn’t want you to see him being … perverted was the only word that came to him that described the situation perfectly.
Aaron couldn’t meet Rossi’s eyes as he took a sip of his coffee, careful to swallow it right. He pushed the chair into the table, concealing his rock-hard cock. His polyester suit pants rubbed against his cock, and he hissed quietly at the friction, wanting to head to the bathroom with your phone in hand to fix his situation.
He remained seated, pulling up your phone again in the hopes that he looked like he was going through the crime scene pictures, the reason you granted him permission to look through your phone.
He’s thinking about stopping, his finger shaking, urging him to swipe one more time while a small part of him screams to stop. Aaron swipes anyways.
His exhale is ragged as he sees your pussy for the first time. The video plays on mute and he almost combusts right then and there as you slowly finger yourself. You’re in a hotel room, your shirt bunched around your tits, a hand playing with a nipple. Aaron watches your index finger enter your dripping cunt, the wetness visible on camera. He has to bite his fist as you slowly slid it in and out, biting your lip at the feeling.
As you take your finger out, he watches your hand pinched your nipples, eyes narrowing at the shirt you had on. As you inserted a second finger into your sopping pussy, Aaron realized it was his shirt. A small, barely audible groan escaped his lips at the revelation. Video you had arched your back, mouth opening as you fucked yourself with two fingers. He could barely keep it together at the thought of you wearing his shirt as you fingered yourself.
He can’t take his eyes off your show, unknowingly palming himself with his free hand. Aaron watches in awe as you pump your fingers faster, unable to decide whether to watch the ecstasy on your face or your pussy swallowing your fingers in greed. The video is a minute from ending and he’s mesmerized at the screen.
So mesmerized he hadn’t noticed you come back into the room with a bunch of snacks in your arms. He jumped slightly as you dropped the snacks onto the table, quickly closing out your photos and placing your phone on the table.
You smiled at him, noticing the redness in his cheeks and ears. “I come back from battle with a feast.”
He nods, subtly fixing his pants under the table. Aaron doesn’t dare speak a word, knowing well enough that his mouth was dry.
Picking up a bag of goldfish, you threw it at Spencer’s face, breaking him out of his own world before getting a bag of Chex Mix and handing it out to your boss. “Here, Hotch.”
Your hand touches his as you give him the snack. From the video, a small touch and you saying his name, he cums in his pants. His hands wrap tightly around the bag, Chex Mix flying to the floor as the bag pops. His climax hits him hard, spurts of his cum wetting his pants and euphoria washing through him in powerful waves.
When he comes down from his high, he sees the whole team wake up, staring at the snack littering the floor and table. You glanced at him, confused, grimacing at the mess.
Aaron cleared his throat, slowly putting the bag on the table. “I don’t like Chex Mix.”
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glassedplanets · 6 months
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i am still soooo charmed by that one set of eyecatchers
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matthewsgreybubbles · 3 months
The way I'm so down on my knees for early seasons Spencer is concerning and not funny anymore but have you seen him??
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wistfulwatcher · 19 days
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cancersunthatsit · 22 days
ovulation photo ovulation photo ovulation photo ovulation photo ovulation photo ovulation photo
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dragonroilz · 11 months
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two girls, rival schools, best friends, hotel trivago
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whoisspence · 2 months
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he can't do that and expect me not to call him baby
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aaronwhorechner · 5 months
i miss jason gideon so much, man. my dude would say something, stop half way and just wander off. wouldnt say a thing about what he's doing or where he's going. the whole rest of the squad would follow him like confused little ducklings going "what is it, lassie? is timmy in the well again???"
or the gang would be talking to local police and hotch would look over and gideon's just balls to the wall running for whatever reason. just running off like an old man escaping the retirement home, buck ass naked and free
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mitskiluvr · 4 months
sorry i’m a megumi apologist because i, too, would lay on the floor crying and throwing up if i was just forced to watch my own hands tear apart my sister and the man who raised me
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starch1ldz · 3 months
Y/n, certified collector of all things creepy and weird: my bones are almost clean :)
Garcia: HUH?
Y/n: wait did I not tell you guys about the bones??
Morgan: what the fuck does that even mean
Emily: and you guys say I'm the crazy one
Spencer: I think you're all missing a very important piece of this conversation.
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reiderwriter · 10 months
Request for some slow and sensual soft!dom Spencer
bonus points for a gentle breeding kink or cockwarming
mega bonus points for both
Hi, anon. Thanks for feeding into my soft!Dom Spencer delusions 💀 Not sure if it's very slow or sensual because I got a bit carried away (2k words level carried away) but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Summary: You want attention from your boyfriend, but he wants to read his book. You decide to meet in the middle.
Warnings: (18+ Minors DNI) cockwarming, breeding kink, bdsm themes, pet names, degradation, ruined O, etc.
Here's my masterlist - requests are open 💕
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It was a slow saturday and you were just thankful to have some time together with your boyfriend of three years after a particularly tiring case.
You were only too happy to accept the early leave on the friday night to spend some time with Spencer, but now you were sat quite alone and frustrated in your bed on a saturday morning. Spencer had been particularly excited about discovering a rare edition of a Marjorie Kempe book, and had immediately taken up on the couch to read the second the two of you got into his house.
And you knew now that he was purposely messing with you, because he had never taken longer than 3 hours to read anything, much less a book that he had been more than familiar with since birth. For the majority of friday night, you’d sat opposite him on his couch, just watching him read.
You weren’t exactly opposed to watching the beautiful man for a few hours but the more it became clear he was toying with you, the more impatient for his attention you were. He liked to do this from time to time, show you that you were only getting what you wanted on his time. Sometimes you were convinced that he wanted you to beg. Hell, sometimes you did beg.
This time, though, you were determined to wait him out. To make him snap first.
You’d made it twelve hours.
Even the night before, when you’d put on one of his shirts to sleep in, he’d kissed you on the cheek and wished you a good night, waiting until you were asleep to come to bed.
When you’d woken up in the morning, he was showering. You’d made to join him, but he turned the water off almost as soon as you’d turned the door handle, and then looked at you with such an innocent smile. “Morning, sweetie. Just give me a few minutes to finish up here and it’ll be all ready for you.”
You’d gotten out of the shower and walked around his apartment for five whole minutes in the smallest towel you could find, and not once could you feel his eyes on you. He was driving you crazy.
“Spencer.” You frowned a little, trying to get his attention once more.
“Spencer, put the book down.”
“Why would I do that?” You couldn’t see his face, but you could hear the smirk in his voice, the knowledge that he was making you frustrated increasing his pleasure ten-fold.
“Because you read at a speed of like 20,000 words per minute and you’ve been reading that book for twelve hours and it is not that long. Spencer, please.” You moved in front of him now, water stick running down your back, and you had one last idea to get him to finally pay attention to you.
So you dropped the towel, and then stood there embarrassed as he finally, unbearably slowly, lifted his eyes from his book to your face.
“Oh baby. Was there something you wanted?” He smiled again, but his eyes didn’t waver from yours and you almost resigned yourself to picking up the towel again and retreating to the bedroom, but you didn’t.
“You know what I want.” You grumbled.
“I’m not a mind-reader, baby, you have to use your words.” You flushed red at the thought. He knew you weren’t good at this, telling him exactly what you wanted, but you’d needed him from the second you’d followed him into his house and by now you were almost desperate.
“I want you,” you breathed out shakily, his eyes still intensely gazing at you, “I want you to fuck me, now. Please.” You added the final word as an almost involuntary after thought, so used to begging him now that it was second nature.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” He shifted his book into one of his hands, but made no move to put it down, simply pulling down the tops of his sweatpants enough to pull out his semi-erect cock, giving it a few strokes. You practically salivated looking at it, happy to know that your ministrations weren’t exactly fruitless after all.
“Come here, baby.” He said, motioning for you to climb onto his lap. You did so eagerly, but still unsure if he was going to give you exactly what you wanted.
“Now I want you to sit here, prettily on my cock, like the needy little princess you are. And when I finish reading my book, I’m going to give you the attention you’ve been begging for all night, okay sweetheart?” You groaned in frustration.
“But Spence-” He cut you off quickly.
“What, such a little whore that you can’t even wait politely for half an hour while I finish what I’m doing?” You bit back any other complaints and quickly climbed into his lap, your back pressed against his chest, hands gripping his hard thigh beneath you.
You gave him a few quick pumps, feeling him grow harder and longer and perfectly hot before you lined his tip up with your hole and slowly sunk yourself down on him.
“Perfect, princess. Now, you know the rules. No moving until I tell you you can, okay?” He pressed a kiss to the top of your hair and wrapping his free hand around your waist before opening his book again. You almost spat out another involuntary complaint again when you saw that he was starting from the beginning.
The two of you sat there, with you warming his cock, desperate for any friction, and him pleasantly reading his medieval poetry, ignoring the fact that you were even there.
Each time he’d move to turn the page you’d watch the veins in his arms strain with the effort of using only one hand. Thankfully, he wasn’t purposefully reading slowly anymore, but that meant that you’d twitched a few times without meaning to at the sheer sight of him. Each time you did, his grip on your hip tightened again and he’d rolled his hips agonisingly slowly, as if he weren’t even trying to disturb you while providing you with the tiniest relief before stilling himself once again.
At the half-way point of his book, his hand released his grip on your waist.
“Such a good girl, making a mess on my pants for me,” he whispered into your ear again, by now you were panting with need, your head thrown back against his shoulder as you did your best not to move. “Remember the rules, okay baby?”
He moves his hands down to your clit and start rubbing circles into it, slowly and gently. And now you’re whimpering into him, trying your best not to move whilst your orgasm builds up in your stomach, frustration building knowing that if you do try to get more relief, his hands will be off you in an instant.
“Spence, please.” You’re a mess now, mouth hanging open, so caught between agony and bliss that you have to force yourself to breathe, pushing out gasps in time with his languishing movements.
“I’m not finished baby, you’re going to have to be patient. You can do that for me, can’t you?” He whispers in your ear, the feeling on his breath on your neck sending you crazy.
“Spence please, I need to….”
“You need to wait, like a good little girl. I’ll be done soon.”
“But Spencer, I’m gonna c-cum,” as you say the words your hips jerk forward involuntarily, and you don’t stop yourself from continuing the movement, chasing the high as you feel your orgasm so close.
“Oh, my needy little baby couldn’t have waited two more minutes? Only had ten pages left.” He lifts his hand off of your hot centre, and grabs your hips, immediately stilling your movements and ruining your orgasm.
“Please, please Spencer..please,” you’re unable to do anything but beg as he holds you on his cock, not moving, not letting you move, not saying anything. You know you’ve broken the rules, but you’re so drunk on his cock that you don’t even care about the consequences right now.
Finally, he puts his book down, and shifts your weight evenly between both of his hands.
“My needy little baby needed me this much?” He punctuated his question with a quick snap of his hips into yours before stilling his movements once again. You moan and the breath leaves your chest, unable to speak or even let out any other sound in reply.
“Needed me this badly, huh?” He does it again, and you feel his dick twitch inside of you.
“Tell me, baby. What should I do? It seems my baby doesn’t want to leave my lap but I need to cum.” He picks up a steady pace now and your whole body is throbbing with him, so much so that you almost miss his insinuation.
“What’s your choice, baby? Tell me in words or I’ll stop this right now.” You moan again, pushing back into him as he thrusts up into you.
“Don’t stop, Spencer. I want all of you inside.” You finally manage to get out, and his hands are back on your clit in an instant, picking up exactly where they left off.
“That’s my girl. Take it all in, okay? You can do that for me?” He keeps whispering into your ear, letting you know how well you’re doing for him, how well you have behaved, how nicely you waited, how much he’s going to give you.
“Spencer, I’m-” you’re gasping again now, and you can’t quite force out the words, but he understands.
“I know, baby, you’re doing such a great job. You can let go now, let me take care of the rest.” Your body complies quickly, and your blissful release finally comes. Your energy quickly leaves you and you melt back into Spencer’s chest, his arms holding you softly as he presses small kisses to your cheeks and exposed neck.
“You did a great job, baby. So good for me. Gonna give you everything I’ve got, gonna put it all inside you.” His thrusts start losing their rhythm as he nears his end, each movement sending sparks up your spine as you feel yourself getting over-stimulated. You know you’re going to be a whole lot more sore that you want to be if this goes on any longer, so you decide to help him over the edge.
“Fuck yes, Spencer, put a baby in me, fill me up nice and good.”
He moans instantly in your ear as he shoots inside of you, his strong grip on your hips loosening just enough for you to know that he’s definitely left bruises there. The two of you sit in companionable silence for what feels like forever whilst your heart beat returns to a normal pace.
Eventually, he pulls you off his lap, and quickly makes his way to the bathroom. You hear him start the water running for a bath, and when he returns, he has a wet towel ready to clean you up.
“I know you already showered, baby, but you’re gonna need this to relax your muscles and make you feel better okay?” He smiles down at your wrecked form on the couch, and you smile lazily back, thankful for the beautiful man in front of you.
“Hey Spencer,” you say after he’s finished cleaning up your shared mess. “Next time, I don’t think I’ll have to wait as long for you.”
“What makes you say that?” He smiles down at you, but you can see the backs of his ears going red as he runs his hand through his hair.
“Well you certainly seemed excited by the idea of breeding me, so I think in the future I’ll just have to play into that.” You smirk up at him and watch him as the blush spreads to the front of his face as he walks back into the bathroom to finish preparing your bath.
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