#listened to boyfriend by big time rush while writing hahaha
luveline · 3 years
you know, I'm coming right back [Fred Weasley x Reader]
summary: you're a lonely artist and Fred is your adoring model
word count: 2.4k
tags: reader insert, lonely reader, artist reader, seventh year, kids in love, first kiss, getting together, pining, fluff, friends-to-lovers
It was easy for you, usually, to act fine. To feel fine. Any loneliness that clouded your life was pushed firmly into the depths of your thoughts. You tried to focus on the things that mattered, essays and charms and your art.
You loved to draw. You had sketchbooks filled to the brim with sketches, some half finished, others coloured and lined. You drew everything, though you struggled to bring anything from your memory. Everything you drew had to be done right there, right then, with unsuspecting models. You sketched students eating their dinner, scribbled side profiles when you managed a spare minute in class. But you're most impressive artwork was done in the library, where nothing moved. Everyone was silent. You had pages and pages of bored, tired looking students. When exams approached, you hurriedly copied down the expressions of people on the edge of depression and panic.
You had friends, ish. You knew people. You'd had intense friendships that somehow always ended in awkward drifting aparts. Well, you thought. There must be something wrong with me. They liked me before they didn't, so the fault must've been mine.
You huffed out a sigh, pressing your face deep into the textured page of your sketch book, breathing in the smell of charcoal. You were sketching the illusive Fred Weasley, who you'd never truly drawn before. Maybe you had scraps from your second or third year when you'd still attempted to draw moving objects before getting comfortable and accepting that still life was your forte.
He was maddeningly good lucking when his eyebrows puckered in concentration. He seemed to actually be studying for once, sat at a table with his brother, George, and housemates Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.
You were sat by yourself, and couldn't help listening to his lilting voice as he bantered with his friends. They were talking about Umbridge (the current victim of the Hogwarts' student body hate train), and quidditch, and their recent ban from quidditch. You'd never played.
"Watch out, dolly fell asleep," said one of the girls.
You bit your lip. You'd been nicknamed dolly by the girls in your dorm because of your porcelain doll you'd had since childhood. Even though this year was your last, you still hadn't felt the need to hide her away. She made you feel much less anxious and alone.
The whole school knew, naturally.
"Don't get any funny ideas," said Angelina,  to the twins.
"Come on Angie, you think so little of us?" said George.
"Yesterday I watched you trick a group of forth years into taking puking pastilles." Angelina said.
"It was hardly a trick. We told them they were multi-faceted," said George.
You could hear your heartbeat if you focused. It was in your ears. It bump, bump, bumped.
Bump bump. You flinched, a hand settled on your shoulder quickly moved.
"Wake up, dolly. Library's closing."
You squinted up into Fred's face, head halo'd by candlelight. Lifting your head from the wooden table, you stretched your neck to the left. It clicked.
"Hmm?" You prompted him, smoothing your hair behind your ears.
"You have - dirt. On your face. Here-" He said, reaching forward. You closed your eyes as he gently wiped the skin above your eyebrow.
"It's charcoal."
"It's not dirt," you said, peaking at him through your eyelashes. "It's charcoal."
He looked mildly surprised. You shifted, hoping to cover your sketch before he caught sight of it.
It didn't matter.
"It's me. My gorgeous dolly, you've created quite the masterpiece right there, haven't you? I look vexingly handsome, of course. Thought if that's a consequence of your skill or my handsomeness is anyones guess."
You were lost for words. "Uh, quite."
"Yes, yes, quite. Say, could I keep it?"
"... You want the drawing?"
"I'd love it, if that's okay."
"I," you quickly dug your thumbnail into the paper, tearing carefully at the centre. The paper came away a little ragged and smudged. "Of course. It's yours."
He handled it with care.
The librarian jingled her little bell again.
"Thank you. So, see you?"
"Yep," you agreed.
He nodded his head and bowed out with his friends. You tried not to feel paranoid at their laughter.
You were curled up in a hidden alcove, though it was hardly hidden. Most students knew where to seek privacy in the castle. You just so happened to get there first that evening.
You were trying to sketch Fred again. It felt weird to be missing a page from your book, and weirder still that you couldn't remember his face when he wasn't right in front of you. You tried, but it kept going wrong.
When you finally managed one you liked well enough, you had accidentally ruined it with a heavy hand and the wrong shade of brown.
He looked much too brunette.
You carefully rolled your coloured pencils back up, securing the leather ties tightly so as to keep every pencil confined.
Sighing morosely, you flipped to a new page. Things got so complicated sometimes, it made you agitated. You doodled a little sad face in the corner of your page. When the one thing that you enjoyed in life started to go wrong, it set off your whole mood.
Your birthday was coming up. It had been on your mind a lot lately. You'd spend it alone. That's what you figured. Nobody would know it was your birthday, or if they did, you weren't friends now, so...
You began with an arching circle, bisecting the lines appropriately. Feeling out the familiar lines of your own face came easy, the slight upper tilt of your brows, your hair and your pursed mouth. You always looked sad in the mirror, and it showed, dotted here and there when the only thing to draw was your own face.
The rudimentary outline of a birthday cake took form. The candles were unlit.
In a fit of unhappiness, you scratched out your mouth. It was never smiling.
"What did that piece of paper ever do to you?" said a voice.
You jumped. Fred was peering down at you curiously, wringing his hands. You put your pencil between the soft cover and smashed it flat, closed.
"Hi, dolly."
"Oh, not even a first name?"
"You neglected mine first," you reasoned, rolling the words. He smiled at your joking tone.
"How rude of me. Hi, Y/N," he corrected himself.
"Hi, Weasley."
He smirked.
"Anymore of me in that blessed vessel?"
"Nah. You never stand still."
"If I pose for it?" He asked. You patted the ground in front of you.
He was a lovely model. He stayed infinitely still, more still than you imagined possible for him. He sat at a 3/4ths angle, chin up but not too far, mouth tilted and eyes open.
His eyes were the one thing he couldn't keep still. You tried not to flame in the cheeks everything you'd catch his gaze on you.
You sketched fast, choosing to hatch rather than render, big swooping lines to give the illusion of a depth that wasn't really there. You would've loved to do a full render, maybe even a colour portrait, but he was beginning to look a little antsy.
You set the book on the floor to face him and pushed it into his eyesight softlt. He turned. He looked nice like that, face bent, hair falling into his eyes.
After a moment, he began scrounging through his robe pockets. He set down a box, a lighter, a pair of gloves.
Finally, he set a galleon onto the floor close to your crossed legs.
"For you," he said, smiling at your inquisitive look. "For the drawing."
"Oh, I can't accept that. And I'd like to keep this one, if it's alright."
Fred thought for a moment. "Alright, you keep it. And the galleon, too, for the one you gave me the other day."
You bit back a smile. "I can't take your money, Fred."
"I can't keep having you draw me for free. It's as valuable a service as anything else. Plus, I'm not sure if you know, but I run a lucrative business these days."
You picked up the coin, rubbing your thumb against the engravings thoughtfully. "It's hardly a service."
"A talent, then. A skill. You're very good."
You're neck almost snapped as you looked into his face, wanting to assess his expression for genuineness. He looked earnest, and kind. You blinked away the gathering heat behind your eyes.
"Thank you."
He waved a hand at you. "Think nothing of it."
"Really-" you cleared your throat, "-you're doing me a favour. I'm not good at drawing things that move."
"I'm sure you're better than you think," he said.
You shook your head, smiling smiling smiling.
"What's in the box?"
"Oh, this old thing?" Fred weighed the box in his hands. It was soft at the corners, like a simple jewelry box that you had in your trunk. He offered it to you. You opened it carefully, the lid sliding free with a shhhhh sound. Inside was an evil looking fruit pastille, a match stick and a dried up flower petal.
It felt like a very private thing to see, suddenly. Such an eclectic collection of items couldn't be random.
"The first puking pastille George and I made. Or rather, the second - the first was forcibly fed to Lee Jordan in our third year. The match stick is from my Uncle's matchbox. I never met him. And the flower was from Ginny, when she was 9." He sounded nervous.
"It's a memory box."
"I- yes. It is. Things are sometimes so miserable now, with Umbridge and you-know-who. Scary, even. I look at them when I feel like it won't ever end."
You took them in for a little while longer and then placed the lid onto the box with nimble fingers. You scratched the lid with a fingernail.
"It's nice. You're right. Things are so awful right now, it's good to have reminders of why we keep going."
"Exaclty. Dolly, can I interest you in a fruit pastille?"
"Not on your life."
"They're perfectly edible!"
"Sure, Fred."
The honest conversation you'd shared with Fred was a catalyst between you. He often came to find you, each time whining and nagging you to just sit in the library like most people do.
"What, so your housemates can throw paper balls at me?"
"They thought you were sleeping!"
A likely story, you thought. He sometimes asked you to draw him, posing with the elegance of a natural born model. It was great for you personally, you felt that you were really getting a feel for his face. Eventually, you were able to draw his face from memory, the details of his nose coming to your fingers as easily as a first year spell.
It became about capturing emotion. You could capture his likeness now without a second thought, but his emotions were much more complicated. How would you show his veiled frustration the day Umbridge kicked him off the quidditch team? Through the clenching of his jaw? The shy veins in his forehead? How did you showcase the fear when he'd come back to Hogwarts after Christmas break, through his eyes, downturned and squinting just a little?
Today, it was poorly hidden elation. "How come you're so happy?" You asked, pencil between your teeth. He grinned. You measured his face with your thumb in the air, forming an L.
"Is it a prank?"
"You're thinking too small."
"A new product?"
"Still need to go bigger!"
"Hmmm," you hummed. Measure twice, cut once. Or in your case, sketch once.
"George and I, we're gonna open a shop."
"A section at Zonko's isn't enough for you?" You asked, casually, though you were very very happy for him.
"It's going to be amazing. We're going to run it, just the two of us, and you won't catch me in these scrappy long sleeves anymore. The next time you see me, I'll be in a full suit and tie."
"The next time? Is that not tomorrow?"
Fred closed his mouth, realising his mistake. He had revealed something he hadn't intended to. "We're leaving," he confessed. "We were going to wait for our NEWTs but... Well, we won't need them. This is going to work."
"So. You're leaving today?" You asked, crestfallen.
"Hey," Fred said, rubbing a placating hand over the curve of your shoulder. "Tomorrow. During the DADA OWL. We have a plan."
"This is goodbye?"
"No! No. Not if you don't want it to be. Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something, and maybe now isn't the best time, I had this whole letter planned and I didn't want to distract you from your exams and-"
"What do you want to ask me?"
Fred straightened. "I wanted to ask - will you go out with me? Not, you don't have to be my girlfriend if it's too soon, I'd love to take you for food someplace, I was going to ask you to Hogsmeade, but when the shop officially became ours, the plans changed so fast and I didn't know if you'd still want-" you cut off his rambling.
"I'll be your girlfriend," you said.
"You will?"
"Sure, if you'll be my boyfriend," you murmured.
Fred moved the arm that had been on your shoulder to the nape of your neck. "That's a dealbreaker," he said, leaning in.
He kissed you chastely on the lips first and then pulled back to look into your face. You chased him, a moment of bravery, and opened your mouth to taste him. He was sweet, like sugar. Your sketch pad crinkled beneath you both as he pressed forward. Your chests touched, heaving.
"You're not gonna be my boyfriend?" You asked against his mouth, breathing hard.
"I'm gonna be much more than that, dolly," he said heatedly.
Your mouth was tingling. "Kiss me again?"
You gasped at the force of him, laughing. He laughed too against your lips, and the sound tickled. He gave you a multitude of short and sweet kisses before pulling away again.
He wiped the wetness from your lip with his pinky finger. "Godric, you're cute. Look how flushed you are! You're insane."
Something churned in your stomach. The butterflies had acquired a trampoline. You felt happier than you had in a very long time. "You're not half-bad yourself, Weasley."
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binniebutter · 3 years
Too Late
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Pairing: Lee Chan x Reader, Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, e2l au, hogwarts au
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: a couple of swear words
Summary: “He was too late”... “She was too late.”
a/n: This is for my secret santa @samuelkimz​ i’m sorry it’s so late, and i’m also sorry because there is not a lot of fluff in here if any
“Lee Chan!” All heads in The Great Hall turned in the direction of your voice. Except for one, belonging to the bane of your existence. Lee Chan, who often goes by Dino, was currently laughing his ass off at your demise. At the sight of you two everyone went back to what they were doing, used to yours and Chan’s altercations by now.
“W-what? I-I didn’t even d-do anyth- HAHAHA,”he couldn’t finish his sentence as his laughter bubbled up again. And you did have to admit, you would be the same way if you were in his position. Laughing so much that your stomach would start hurting. you’d probably take pictures too if you were being honest.
“Oh so your foot just so happened to move in between the tables right as I was walking past you, Lee? And is it just a coincidence that that made me trip and drop all of my bloody food huh?” If this had been anybody else you wouldn’t dare speak to them that way. But of course, it's Chan, your well-known enemy.
Lee Chan, Slytherin seeker and one of the most popular boys at Hogwarts. He and 12 other boys make up Seventeen, a group known for not only their good looks, but also their talent. They were the it boys of magic. Everyone wanted to either date them or be them. You, you wanted neither. You just wanted them to leave you alone. Well, except for your best friend Seungkwan. Speaking of the devil…
“Ok Y/n how about we don’t commit a murder today. Come now, there’s no use crying over spilt potion.” It was a good thing that he had come at that time seeing as you were 5 seconds away from punching that douche in the face. Seungkwan led you away from Chan, towards the Gryffindor table. He gave you his food to eat, claiming that he was on another diet.
“Again, Kwannie. You need to eat! Here let’s share this Steak and Kidney pudding!”
“No, I can’t-”
You shoved a spoonful into his mouth anyway.
“What a prick,” you scoffed under your breath. As you were preparing to stand up again a pale hand came into your view. Slowly you looked up and came face to face with Jeon Wonwoo. Your breath hitched as you met his eyes. He was stunning, maybe not as handsome as Chan but stunning nonetheless. 
What are you saying you dingbat. Did you just call that idiot handsome!?!?
What are you saying you dingbat. Did you just call that idiot handsome!?!?
Wonwoo clears his throat and it isn’t until then that you realize that you had been staring at his face for a little too long. You blushed and took his hand, feeling a little insecure about your weight.
“Thank you Wonwoo,” you said in a small, timid voice. This is how you usually are. Quiet and shy, but Chan really brings out the worst in you. You look down, blush still prominent on your face, and it was only then that you realized your books scattered across the floor. 
You let out a groan as you fell to your knees and started to pick up the textbooks one by one. As you were about to pick up your potions book, a hand beat you to it. The same hand that had helped you off the floor. He’s pretty nice for a Ravenclaw.
After gathering all your books, you stood up and rushed towards The Fat Lady, muttering a quick thanks to Wonwoo on the way. 
“Caput Draconis,” you all but rushed the words out, an even more urgent feeling to get in your bed overcoming you. Once inside the common room, you headed up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. Bursting into your room, you flopped down into your bed, not even bothering to take your robes off before you fell into a deep sleep.
“Y/n come on! Let’s build a snowman!” A voice called. One that you’d definitely heard before but you can’t put a name to it.
“I can’t, it’s too cold!” Is that…your voice. It definitely is but you don’t remember ever moving your mouth.
“It’s not that cold, you big baby.”
“But I’m your big baby aren’t I,” your voice responded. 
“Y/nnnn,” the voice whined, “Wake up.”
“Huh?” that voice. Where have you heard that voice from?
“Y/n, wake up. Wake up.” Isn’t that...
“Wake up you bloke! It’s suppertime.” 
After your rude awakening, you and a couple of girls were walking to The Great Hall. They were all gossiping about something you could care less about and you were pretending to listen. But your mind was elsewhere. You kept going back to your dream. Was that Chan’s voice? And were you guys dating? God, you got a headache just thinking about it.
“Y/n? Were you even listening?” Seulgi asked you. She was nice and you kinda feel bad because you were, in fact, not listening.
“I-I’m sorry? What did you say?”
“I asked you if you have a date for the Yule Ball? We all do and we’re so excited!” you know she meant well. You did. But it kinda hurt knowing that you don’t have a date to the ball and that you probably would never get one.
Before you could answer her, someone else did from behind you.
“Yes, she does. Well, if she’ll allow me to take her?” You slowly turned around and, for the second time that day, came face to face with Jeon Wonwoo. Jesus, he’s everywhere. He let out a little chuckle at your expression which you guess was a mixture of confusion, surprise, and skepticism. “Well? Will you be my date to the Yule Ball?”
You weren’t an idiot. You know that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity because for as long as you have been at Hogwarts, no one has ever been Jeon Wonwoo’s date to a ball. No one. You turned to look at the girls who were all sporting looks of jealousy, except for Seulgi. You turned back to look at Wonwoo, who for some reason was way closer than before. You let out a nervous giggle.
“Uh, s-sure Wonwoo. I’d love to be your date to the Yule Ball.”
You let out a deep breath before going down to the Gryffindor common room. Your dark blue dress was flowing behind you as you walked down the stairs. You’ll admit, you looked great. Seulgi was nice enough to help you with your makeup, which you were extremely grateful for. You probably would’ve poked your eye out if you had attempted it yourself. As you made it down, wolf whistles could be heard from your friends. You rolled your eyes before making your way over to them, slightly wobbly because of your heels. 
“Damn ma, you look good,” one of your friends, Yeonjun, said upon your arrival.
“Shut up,” you replied while rolling your eyes.
“I’m serious, Wonwoo won’t be able to keep his off of you.”
Which was true. He told you himself a little while later at the ball while you were slow-dancing. 
“You look really beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” He chuckled before leaning closer to you to whisper in your ear.
“Come outside with me.” You looked at him, confused, before slightly nodding your head. He held out his hand for you to take and you did, your other hand holding up your dress so that you don’t trip. Neither of you noticed a pair of eyes watching you leave the room.
Once outside, you took a seat on a bench, glad to be out of that stuffy room and off of your feet. You were definitely going to have blisters tomorrow. Wonwoo sat next to you, planning his next move. He decided to just be straightforward.
“Hey Y/n, look here for a second.” And the moment you did, you were met with a pair of soft lips on yours. Your eyes widened as you froze, not believing that the Jeon Wonwoo was kissing you. After a few seconds, Wonwoo pulled away from you. He searched your eyes for any sign that you liked him back but saw nothing. He frowned and moved back in to kiss you again, as if that would make you like him, but was stopped by your hand.
“W-what was that? Why did you just kiss me!?”
“I like you, Y/n. That’s why I asked you to the ball so that I could tell you fo my feelings. Do...do you like me as well?” You frowned at the question. Wonwoo was nice, he always has been. And there’s no denying that he’s attractive. He’d be a very good boyfriend. But, while Wonwoo was kissing you, all you could think of was one person. Chan.
“I’m sorry Wonwoo, but I like-”
“Chan,” he finished for you. “Yea, I figured. You should go to him. Go get your man,” he said with a wink. You giggled at the action before thanking him and running back inside. Wonwoo watched you run inside, his heart sinking into his stomach. 
He was too late.
You rushed back to the ballroom, being careful not to trip. You burst through the doors, which may have been a tad dramatic but you didn’t give a bloody shit, looking for your target. You pushed through people, looking frantically for Chan, bumping into Yeonjun on the way.
“Jun! Do you know where Chan is!?!?” You yelled over the music.
“Chan? As in Lee Chan???” You nodded. “He’s right there,” he said pointing to somewhere behind you. And you wished that you didn’t turn around. Because there was your enemy turned crush snogging a girl against the wall. You hadn’t even noticed that tears were running down your face until Yeonjun asked if you were ok. You sniffed, turning to him.
 “Yea, I’m fine.” Lie
She was too late.
this sucks bye, also justine I swear to god I’ll write fluff for you.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being a violinist and Peter Parker falling for you
Peter Parker x reader
a/n: ahhhh anon 🥺🥺 you are the SWEETEST person on this earth omg thank youuu
prompt: anonymous: “Darling sunshine, beautiful moonlight, I come to you on the self indulgence train. The opening of your request box has my heart leaping and I simply MUST have another chance to request your skills. With this I’d like to ask for headcanons of Peter Parker falling in love with a violinist! reader. In the rules it says that unnecessary reader tags shouldn’t be requested, so I hope that this is alright. (I just want someone to listen to me play at concerts hahaha) Thanks for the love in this blog ♥️”
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okay, so peter and you met by chance
just kidding, you were talking to his marching band mates and he tried to impress you with his clarinet knowledge
“you know, i don’t play anymore, but i could make an exception”
*giggling* “maybe we could play something together, you never know”
“woah, what instrument do you play?”
after figuring out that the two of you kind of had something in common, the two of you befriended each other
it was cute the way he acted around you
he’d bring you little gifts like stickers and stuff to put on your case (if you wanted to, of course) oh, and snacks i suppose!
“what’s this?”
“it’s uh—a spider-man sticker? i thought you’d like it”
“i do! thank you, peter”
he like, was unable to function when you hugged him
ned and mj subtly tease him about it
flash goes above and beyond to tease him, though
*on livestream* “look at parker! dude, just ask them out already before i do”
then the stream suddenly stops bc mj ✨has her friends’ backs✨
peter has gone to your house a few times to watch you practice!
he gives you input, it’s always good (even if you mess up a lil bit, he always made you feel better)
“and the crowd goes wild!!!” *cue applause*
you’d take a bow and humbly accept his appreciation
thing is, you didn’t invite just anyone to your concerts
“peter, peter, pumpkin eater, i got you tickets to my next concert if you dare?”
“wait. what did you just call me?”
“shhhhhh just take the tickets”
he tried his best to hide the fact that he was geeking out over your personal invite
especially since you gave them to him in an envelope with a heart drawn on it
ofc he DASHED to see aunt may
“what’s the rush, hun?”
“y/n invited me to their concert! look, this is how they invited me. i think they like me back!”
“that’s awesome! we better send you in with a bouquet to toss on stage when the show’s over”
“people do that?”
“uh, yeah! for sure!”
“...please come with me”
duh of course she came with
supporting her nephew’s future s/o!!!
*whispering* “which one is y/n?” -may
“the one waving at us”
you were waving you were super excited to see them show up for you
like seriously, he was definitely boyfriend material
may waved back it was super wholesome
the show began and it was your time to shine (well, with others. you were a team player)
that was UNTIL you got to your SOLO
“they gave a solo?! gosh, peter, you’d better step it up”
“shhhh, no talking!”
you played your heart out since there were people there for you in the audience
you hoped that peter would come to more of these
may could practically see the hearts in his eyes
okay, okay, here comes the standing ovation
you kept your eyes on peter as he clapped louder than anyone else
*throws bouquet of flowers with perfect precision bc he may or may not be spiderman*
yes, he could have just handed it to you afterwards, but what about the perfect throw???
“i think it’s safe to say that you two are basically dating”
“may! cut it outttt!”
you made sure to meet him RIGHT after
“sooo? what’d you think?”
“y/n, you did amazing! oh, by the way, this is my aunt may”
he let you meet his aunt !!! big day !!!
he took you out to dinner at a nearby diner (pizza place) to celebrate the big day
it was honestly one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for you
“so when’s your next concert?”
“in the spring, actually? why, you interested?”
“yes! i can’t wait to see you play again”
“well, maybe i can give you another private show...”
the rest of the night was spent joking around and just talking like friends who like each other do
until he final decided that this would just be a perfect time to make a move
“hey, you know, maybe we should go on a date sometime?”
“well, what do you call this?”
“...woah. you’re right...okay, well. um, awkward. i wanted to tell you that i kind of have feelings for you. i have for a while pleasedontfreakout”
“yeah, me too, pete! flash has actually been taking bets on when you were going to fess up”
“are you serious?”
“i might be”
okay he had to admit that was a little funny
after a while longer, the two of you had finally gotten back to your feelings and peter FINALLY asked you to be his s/o
you obviously said yes yes and yes because you’ve been crushing on him since day one
you sent him home with a kiss that he would never ever ever forget
“i dont even wanna wash my face tonight after that”
“gross, pete! dont worry, there’s more where that came from”
(he carries your case or your backpack wherever you go now. he insists)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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fashournalist · 3 years
Just finished watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before: Always and Forever! Now I can't stop listening to Beginning Middle and End! Sigh, it's perfect for hopeful romantics like you and me.
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Also it was my first time to attend a watch party via Scener, thank you for the invite, AJ sist!!! Am happy we got to hang out again even through a virtual movie date. Someday we'll attend film festivals when the pandemic is over, looking forward to the day cinemas open again!!
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Time flies indeed. I just finished reading TATBILB book 3 on May 11, 2020 and I couldn't wait for the movie to come out and now it's here!! (Trivia: I shortlisted 30+ books during Big Bad Wolf 2020 but could only afford seven books. So I got six nonfiction (as a nonfic junkie) and only one novel—this was that novel.)
I'm glad it showed that love shouldn't hinder the pursuit of dreams; and they can grow together (both as individuals and as a couple) even when they're miles apart. I've seen people do that. One of my favourite power couples studied at Harvard and UPenn respectively, and their relationship made it. They're now happily married and I'm so happy for them. Relationships like these are goals :))
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I can't help but compare the book with the film, but I enjoyed the movie in itself, too. 🥰
Some changes:
It rushed the proposal to Trina;
It totally simplified the promposal to Lara Jean;
It didn't show the initial conflict between Margot and Trina
It didn't show Stormy's passing (would have been a really sad scene huhu) and Lara Jean meeting John Ambrose again.
Lara Jean also gave the memory box instead of making a scrapbook.
Peter didn't give her the best tasting cookie in New York, but it's good she tried it herself.
The film also didn't show the conflict between Lara Jean and Peter's mom.
But if there's a change I liked, it's that Peter told Lara Jean their first ever meeting through the dedication he wrote on their yearbook. In the book, Peter wrote a really short dedication (and Peter gave Lara a hot photo of him so she could post it on her dorm room haha).
I also liked the little film surprise that Kitty had a happy crush on Dae!
Oh and of course, the major changes include the schools. And I actually liked it. Though the book has beautifully captured the campus of the University of Virginia, the plan B with William and Mary, and the plot twist of University of North Carolina, I think changing them to Stanford, Berkeley and NYU made it more relatable to a worldwide audience because they're more globally well-known.
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Overall, it's a film that gives you all the feels while at the same time excites you to dream big. It tackles hard topics as well such as dealing with grief and growing up in a broken family.
I felt the bittersweet feeling when a trilogy or series that you love has ended.
I could relate with Lara Jean a lot, especially on the first movie when she never had a boyfriend yet and she was just writing letters. I love letters! And I never had a boyfriend, until today. Never been kissed, never had an MU or whatever haha. Though on the dreaming side, I could relate more with Margot. I'm a huge dreamer and I want to see the world. As for Kitty, I see the little me in her. Mataray, doesn't sugarcoat. But growing up, I've become more of Lara Jean with my quirks and very sentimental self. I'm also a daydreamer like her, and an idealist. Oh and, I'm a homebody! Give me books and movies and they'll be my date haha. Am a hopeful romantic. Although, I don't bake. But I make scrapbooks since I was a kid. I put art in everything I do. And I also wore literal gift ribbons on my ponytail in highschool haha. I hope, like Lara Jean, I find my Peter K someday (or actually, John Ambrose haha). But not anytime soon. Because unlike LJ, I think I want to pursue my master's degrees (yes, plural, that's the plan hahhah and yet here I am not even applying to any school so far) as a single woman haha. Well maybe unless I meet someone who can change how I feel, someone who will not hold me back from reaching my dreams, in as much as I will not hold him back from reaching his. But until then, it's best to be single haha! As a solo traveller, there are still so many countries to see on my own. Okay I'm daydreaming now hahaha!
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Thank you, TATBILB and Jenny Han for giving us LJ and Peter K. Thank you for the feels and the pastel aesthetic and the great soundtrack. Thank you for introducing me to Leah Nobel's music!! (Am now in love with Coffee Sunday NYT and Talking to the Dog at the Party, aside from Beginning, Middle, and End!)
I wish I saw more of Josh Sanderson, though (I had a second-lead syndrome during the first film!! And I loved John Ambrose, too. Jordan Fisher is one of the best)
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And thank you for making me want to go back to New York because clearly I have only seen less than 0.1% of it :(
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I love how you captured a glimpse of NYC's splendor in just a few minutes! Of all the places you showed, it was only Times Square that I've seen in real life. But in time, will be back, experience the city, taste the same cookie Lara tasted—the best cookie in the world. And more. I'm daydreaming again haha! Here's a little selfie I had five years ago at Broadway 😄
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For now, will take a break as my Dad and I are scheduled to watch Godfather II after dinner : ) Someday I will take him around the world!!! Amen in Jesus' Name <3
Omg I was just typing this and then Dad told me stories (right now) about his dreams to travel the world and we're going to places for lovers or astronomy. He's one big astronomy junkie, I tell you.
Who needs a date when I have the best date in the world, my Dad!!
Advance happy Valentine's Day, world changers!!
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moonstruckholland · 4 years
Helloooo today's my bday and I ABSOLUTELY love my birthday hahaha. I was wondering if you could write some fluff about the reader's birthday and our spidey boy being as excited as she is? I'D LOVE THAT SO MUCHGDFJJYRFHJ
Happy belated birthday, my darling!! I hope you had a lovely day! I’m here to provide the fluffiest fluff for you! I’m sorry it’s a bit late, I had the worst writer’s block :/ ironically, I ended up going overboard with this it, I hope you like it nonetheless 💕 also shout out to @fangirlwithasweettooth for helping me and assuring me this wasn't crap 💖
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11:58 pm
You watched the clock on your bedside table, a familiar excitement coming over you. In exactly two minutes it would be your birthday. It was by far one of your favorite days. Outside of the fact you were celebrating yourself, you got to eat cake and spend time with your favorite people.
11:59 pm
One more minute, holy crap.
You were literally counting down the seconds almost as if it was new year’s.
12:00 am
Right at that moment your phone rang, Peter’s contact picture on the screen.
“Hi, baby!”
“Happy birthday, my sweet angel!”
You were beaming at the sound of his voice. Peter made a bigger deal of your birthday than you did. Every year without fail, he called you at midnight.
You talked for a little while, listening to his patrolling story of the night
“I’ll let you get some rest, sunshine, I got a big day planned for you tomorrow.”
“Yeah? Can I get a hint, Petey?”
“Nope, you’ll find out in about 9 hours. Goodnight, princess.”
You smiled, telling him goodnight before forcing yourself to go to sleep. You know if you didn’t, you’d be up all night wondering what Peter could possibly have planned.
You woke up to the sound of your window opening and a plastic bag rustling loudly followed by a light thump.
You would’ve been scared if it wasn’t for the fact you immediately heard Peter’s voice softly mumbling curse words under his breath, telling the bag to shhhh as if it could actually listen.
You kept your eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep, when you felt the bed dip down, Peter’s body radiating warmth as he laid beside you.
"Bunny," he pressed a kiss to your cheek, "stop pretending and come get your first surprise."
You opened your eyes, turning over into your back to face him with a pout, "How'd you know I was awake?"
"I think you seem to forget that I'm a superhero, princess, with super hearing," he poked your nose, "plus, I saw you open an eye when I fell through the window."
He sat up and grabbed your hands, gently pulling you up to the same position before rushing over to pick up the white bag from the floor.
He opened it up, revealing a black IHOP take out box and you were practically salivating at the sweet scent of pancakes and sausage that came from it.
"Baby! You brought me breakfast? You didn't have to!"
"I would've made you pancakes myself, but you remember how badly that went for Valentine's Day."
You shuddered at the memory of your smoke filled kitchen, you could practically smell the burnt pancakes. "Yeah, let's not do that again."
You ate your yummy pancakes, which looked like confetti cake after, according to Peter, he begged them to add sprinkles. You thanked him afterwards by pulling him into a tight hug and showering him with kisses.
"We're not done yet, princess, that was just the first surprise."
You didn't question him, you just snuggled into him blissfully.
You spent the morning watching your favorite movies, cuddled up in his arms and wrapped up in your blankets, enjoying his company. Well, it was more like you were the one watching the movies, Peter kept getting up at the most random moments, for a good 15 minutes, then coming back as if nothing had happened. Every time you tried questioning him, he playfully shushed you and requested you stayed put and didn't follow him.
It wasn't until the end of the third movie, that he finally seemed to be willing to give you answers, excitedly pulling out a pretty piece of floral paper from behind his back and handing it to you, encouraging you to read it.
You couldn't help smiling as you read the words on it out loud, "Since you just had breakfast, let's go get a drink. Your next clue will be by the sink."
You put the card down, feeling like you could cry, "Baby, you made me a scavenger hunt?"
He smiled sheepishly, a blush on his cheeks, "I wanted to go all out for you."
"Mission accomplished, Petey," you got out of bed and grabbed his hand, pulling him behind you, "Now let's go find this next clue!"
You made your way to the kitchen, immediately finding a little box messily wrapped in Spider-Man wrapping paper, your second clue tapped to the back of it.
Each clue led you all around your apartment, Peter managing to hide things in places you didn't even know existed.
By the time you were on your last clue, you had a small pile of gifts sitting on your couch, practically begging you to open them.
"C'mon, princess, you're almost done," Peter encouraged you with a cute smile.
The last clue led you to the fridge, much to your surprise. You opened it up, a sprinkle covered cake cake sitting in the middle of all of your fridge, the words "Happy birthday, y/n!" written in red icing.
You turned towards your boyfriend with tears in your eyes.
"Do you like it, angel? May and I made it, and I put the icing, but it was kinda ugly, so I put sprink-"
You cut off his rambling with a kiss, wrapping your arms around him. He melted into you, putting a hand on your cheek.
His cheeks were flushed when you pulled away and it took everything in you not to pull him in for another kiss and smother him with all of your affection.
"I love this, Peter. I love you, thank you so much."
"I love you more, but are you sure you're not just saying that?"
"No, baby, I honestly would've been happy just watching movies with you, but this is so special. I don't know how I could ever thank you."
He nuzzled his face into your shoulder shyly, "You don't have to thank me, I'd do anything to make you happy."
You could've bursted into pure happy tears right then as there, and you honestly would've if Peter hadn't nudged you towards your unopened gifts.
"C'mon, darling, the day's not over yet."
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the Neighborhood pt. 2
Note: ok so I know that not all of the boys, meaning both twins, live with the others. And I know my update schedule sucks but I go in a block and funk. Sorry guys. I just want you to read something I would read and truly enjoy. Also, I think I may make this a Haz fic bc ones about hin deserves more love and notes.
No one really reads these but I also think I'll write this for Harrison bc when Tom posted the pic of Nadia, it shattered the illusion in my head lol and it feels weird to a certain extent to write when he is most likely dating her. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for him and he doesn't know I exist, but it feels odd idk. So im pausing on Tom stuff atm lol. Harrison is single as far as publicly that ik so thats that 😅
Pairing: Harrison x Reader (most likely)
Warnings: mentions of weed, alcohol, and swearing. I enjoy all these things responsibly and ik im not the only one. As always stop reading if you dont like something.
Part 1 here initial teaser here (got around 100 notes soo 😎 check that out)
“Alrighty boys. That’s enough about me, tell me about yourselves. I only know this one from the big screen and that 2 of you are brothers.” You gestured to Tom as you spoke about him. “And from basic eavesdropping I gather you are all very close.” 
Tom smiled, “Actually I’m a brother to the twins, older obviously.” It was fun having a celeb lounging in your hot tub, drinking a beer with you. “But yeah I am an actor, Spider-Man as you probably know. Harrison’s an actor too!”
“Oh my god you are! I watched Catch-22 on Hulu! Comedy my ass..! I balled my eyes out several times.” He had the nerve to laugh in response. “Don’t laugh! That shit got intense quick. Then the shot where you all are swimming? Killed me. I don't know how I didn't notice you. Sorry!”
“Did you at least like it?” He smiled and asked hopefully. When you nodded yes he beamed! “Well then that’s all that matters. I will say an American accent is hard.”
You brought your beer up to your lips. “Yeah because your guys’ accent is so easy. You make fun of how different areas in America have different accents but it’s the same here!” They nodded in agreement at your words. You leaned your head back a tad and enjoyed the warm water. “Southern accents have different twangs bepending on the area, I have family that lives closer to New England, that's something all in its own. Just like here. You got London, Wales, some place called Essex and other places more north of here. It's not just the US." You reached over for your joint to finish it amongst the bubbles. "Now for real. Tell me about yourselves. Harrison you start I guess."
"Why me?"
"Shorter wikipedia page." You smirk as you re-lit your herb. The guys laughed and made 'ooh' noises to tease. "I'm kidding! Relax a touch. I just picked your name because you are right in front of me."
"Well I've known this lot since we were all kids. Tom and I went to school together and we have been stuck with each other since. I was his personal assistant for a while too." You listened as he spoke. Sweat was building up on his face from the hot tub. It added a nice shine to his, and everyone's faces. In order to avoid makeup running everywhere you sat up as you listened to him. You watched his eyes watch your movements as you took a hit and slowly exhaled. Almost like he was relaxing from watching someone relax from getting high without actually doing so. He kept going and you realized you zoned out a tad. "And then I wanted to do more than just model so I did more auditions and Catch-22 became my biggest so far."
You nodded, noting you heard and were listening. "That's cool and all but tell me like favorite song, movie, animal! Hahaha it isn't everyday famous people are in my hot tub. I'm going to savor this first encounter!" He smiled and answered your sort of questions. You offered the joint around before it finished. Tom passed, Tuwaine and Harrison took quick hits though. "But yeah that is me. Now someone else go so I don't have the spot light on me anymore." He looked at you as he said that and handed you the last bit. You winked in thanks, and to flirt lightly. (Shoot your shot right?) "Same questions to you love."
You responded your favorite song, movie, and color to him. "Yeah I like a bit of everything. But funny movies are my favorite. Obviously I like Marvel too Tom don't worry. Same goes for music but my preference ranges from new pop to older rock. I grew up on 80s alternative pop stuff." You smiled at him and he beamed in pride at the brand he represented. "Ok Sam you now."
Sam starts talking about his life and Harrison goes to grab more drinks. At this point the sun as almost finished setting and you tell the blonde how to turn the deck lights on. Soon the rows of edison bulbs flick on and a lovely mood is set. The glow isn't too bright and adds a nice light to your summer tanned skin. What you don't know is that the gentlemen appreciated the glow as well. However, they are too polite to say anything too bold after just meeting you.
If you could read minds or be sober enough to detect a certain lack of subtlety you would pick up on how the single men checked you out as you got out of the tub to get rid of the roach. Polite of course, 20 something men are going to appreciate a beautiful American girl right in front of them.
And if they could read your mind they would hear how you were taking in Tom and Harrison's jaw lines and toned muscles. How you appreciated Tuwaine's smile and height. Then add the twin's curls and freckles to the list and they'd think you were picking them like boys from a catalogue. Despite the slight oggling on your part, your eyes always wandered back to the blonde hair blue eyed boy the most. He seemed a little more laid back then Tom. Probably just because one was working more than the other, but that was just initial vibes you got. Regardless of vain appearance choices and vibe preference, all these boys were wonderful and you were just lucky enough your uncle's hot tub fit them all nicely.
Tuwaine smiled cheekily and spoke up. "Alright, we all have fresh drinks and proper buzzes. Let's make it fun and play a game. So Y/N, you went to college in the states, give us a classic drinking game and show us what you got."
"Ha! I don't know what you're looking for but I assume never have I ever is universal? You can't play kings or flip cup in a hit tub. Hold up 5 fingers, put them down if you've done said thing, drink as well."
"No fingers, just play till we are right pissed." Harry grinned and everyone else went along with it. "I will start. Never have I ever- wait this a normal game or sexy version?"
You said you didn't care and Tom said what the hell, so he continued. "Never have I ever gotten walked in on during a scandelous activity." Tom and Harrison both drank and groaned saying they have both walked in on each other at some point in life. Tuwaine continued.
"Never have I ever fooled around while someone else is in the room." There was a pause and no one drank. But then you rose your beer to your lips and they all looked at you in a manner of surprise and demand for explination.
Shrugging you said, "Old drunken hookup in school. We didn't know his roommate was in his top bunk asleep until it was too late. The mistake we made was keeping on going when we thought we heard him, because we did..."
"Wow Y/N. Learning a lot about the neighbor girl right away!"
"Shut up this game was your idea!" You laughed as you spoke in response to his teasing. "But whatever it's my turn now anyway. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person." That got all but Harrison and you felt proud for getting them. "Alright so you are either morons or were in a rush to send that sext."
Tom defended himself saying her name was Sam and it was instant regret the second he realized.
Sam glared at him and said, "Yeah no one enjoyed that bro. I'm still shaken up about it."
"Get over yourself it was like 5 years ago! And you accidentally sent your friend Jake one, so pot, kettle, hi both black."
"It was detailed!"
You just sat there amused taking this all in. "I am so glad this happened tonight." You said more to yourself than them.
"Darling if this ends up in the tabloids we will never speak again." They were teasing with the threat. "But come on this is good let's keep going. Never have I ever done it in a car." You, Sam, and Tuwaine all drank and giggled.
The game continued on and another round of drinks were had. You learned Tuwaine had said the wrong name in bed. Also, that both Harry and Harrison have fooled around during family functions. In return they learned that you've hooked up in a college classroom and in a restaurant bathroom. That ended up getting you and your former boyfriend kicked out of the establishment. Towards the final round all were getting sleepier but still in a good mood.
"Never have I ever had sex high." Harrison challenged the group. No one drank. "Wait really? Thought I'd get you with that. Finish your beer and all." He looked at you as he spoke.
"Nope. Just never happened now that I've thought about it. Huh. You'd think right? But nope. Not that I'm opposed." You ended your statement by glancing his way while finishing your beer anyway. Harrison just watched the way your neck moved as you tilted your head back. "Ok boys this was fun but I am gettin tired."
Tom nodded. "Same here. Thank you for having us darling, it was fun!" The others spoke in agreement and you smiled at them saying they were welcomed back anytime. They offered to help clean but you grabbed the remaining bottles and told them you were good. After final goodbyes, you told them to not he strangers, you were all in your respective homes.
You went to bed pretty quick. Next door, at their place Tom, Harrison, and Sam lingered to get some water before bed. "She was really cool." Sam said while sipping water.
Harrison hummed in agreement. "Yeah I think so too. Very chill and all that."
Sam smirked and playfully said, "You just think she's fit mate." There was a pause.
"Well she is." It was Tom who said that and the others looked at him in playful shock. "What I'm not blind! She is! She's isn't some shy girl freaking out over us. She's cheeky and just seems normal about us living next to her. More Harrison's type though I'd say."
Sam laughed. "Yeah he always liked the classic American 'girl next door' type. Just a bonus she is actually American this time." They paused for Harrison to negate their statements but he just sipped his water and looked at them with a glint in his eyes. "Told you." Sam said as he took a sip. "She is better than half the models either of you bring back. Nuerons fire and she can keep a conversation. Not that all models are like that! But come on you went out with some stereotypes." Neither could disagree. Sometimes you just want to have a date with the beautiful face. Long term needs substance though, and both Tom and Harrison thought you had it all.
"We need to invite her over tomorrow, and any time she's free." Groundwork was to be established and Harrison was determined to get to know you more.
As always, like and reblog! I hope you like it! Also if i forget to tag someone lmk, same if you wanna be tagged or not tagged. Feedback and notes are appreciated but be nice haha I edit as best I can. Thanks for reading and enjoying.
Tags: @jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts @sarah-m-limelight-2007 @astridcommings
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thegreatescape · 4 years
Here’s what happened at the Share The Love Con in Milan! :) [Sorry for my terrible English lol]
At the con I was in the front row with my friends. It was amazing but at the same time I felt a little bit observed lol Pietro was the first one who greeted me and then Nicholas recognized me ;; 
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After the panel, my friend and I decided to take a picture with Federico because he was too beautiful with that blue sweater and when we went to take the picture he gave us a tight hug that I will remember forever. I don't know why but I was more nervous than the previous times... maybe because he was even more beautiful than usual lol 
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Then we queued for the Fede + Rocco duo and I don’t know where I found the courage but I showed them a photo in which two people were kissing a girl on the cheek and this happened sdifhoisadpo 
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Damn Fede has really soft lips, I cry just thinking about it. I left the room shaking like a leaf lol Then we went to the autographs of Nicholas, Greta and Beatrice. Greta and Bea were a wonderful surprise. They are both so kind and sweet. When Greta saw my drawing she gave me a hug and said ‘thank you’ a hundred of times. She was sooo cute! ;; 
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Even Beatrice thanked me so much and complimented me and said “You drew me so hot!” And I was like "Well, you are" haha ​​
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Then I went to Nicholas and this happened:
Nicholas: Hi! I'm a big fan of yours!
And I smiled at him sooo embarrassed.
Nicholas: I don't know how to thank you! I’m very tired after a drawing, you draw 10 drawings every day! You're very good.
Then Greta arrived at his table and said: Did you see my beautiful drawing with the pink background?
And he was like: Mine is gray! :(
Me: I made the backgrounds based on the shirt you had in the photos and you always have a black shirt.
Nicholas: I have to do a photoshoot then haha
Nicholas then asked me to show some of my drawings to Bea and when I showed her my Instagram profile she remembered those I had done for her and Greta added: Oh my God you made me the drawing of me and Nini kissing? It's beautiful! ; _;
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This is Nicholas’ autograph. He drew me Luchino eating pizza’s crusts LOL
Then we went to the autographs of Pietro, Fede and Rocco and I have to say that this was one of the most beautiful moments of the Convention. When Pietro saw me he greeted me with an "Hello darling, how are you?" And before I answered he said: "Did you bring me something?" And when I gave him the drawing he said: “Oh my God, it's awesome! This is a new one!”
Me: “Well, yes, I couldn't post it before, it had to be a surprise!”
Pietro: “Can I keep it? ;)”
Me: “Sure it's for you! Also, sorry if I tag you on so many drawings.”
Pietro: “It makes me so happy! You drew the futuristic black and white one, the one where I’m in Venice, the one with the flag you gave me last time and ... this, right? (he remembered all of them ; ___;) And then he added: “But you drew Federico more :( AHAHAH”
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Then I went to Fede and he said: “I know that yesterday was your birthday so… HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” And he sent me a kiss. I died. Then I gave him the drawing and he thanked me and he looked at me with a pleased smile saying: “What can I write here ..?” And he wrote me this beautiful autograph that I’ve to frame. 
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Then, without saying anything, he got up and hugged me and it was a beautiful moment because I didn't want to let him go. Maybe that was the best hug- not only because it lasted longer but because I could tell him how grateful I was for everything.
Then I went to Rocco and he greeted me with a big smile saying: “Hello Giulia, how are you ?!” And I was actually dying inside so I immediately gave him the drawing and he said something like: “Wtf is this a drawing? Oh my God it’s amazing thank you so much” and he showed it to Fede.
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Then in the afternoon there were other panels but for those I will make a special mentions at the end of the post.
Then there was Fede and Rocco meet & greet. It was pretty weird because we were all so shy and we didn’t know what to say so they told us something that happened on set during Marti and Nico reunion on the terrace in 2x09.
Fede: “Ludovico told us ‘Kiss!', so we did it. It was so romantic, but when we stopped, I noticed that I had Rocco's snot on my cheek. So I said: WHAT THE FUCK IS IT? THIS IS DISGUSTING! and the atmosphere was ruined.
Rocco: “It's true HAHAHA”
Fede: “I had your snot on me all the time! You were always crying!
Rocco: "Yes, there was an important exchange of body fluids. AHHA”
Then we went to eat the pizza with the cast. The first one who sat at our table was Federico. I was the first one to get the pizza and he said: “Well you're the birthday girl that’s why they gave you the pizza first”. I just smiled like an idiot and he said: “Eat it or it gets cold!"
Me: "No, I'm waiting for you …"
He: “But if it gets cold, it sucks”. (it sucked anyway haha)
Then me and my friends started arguing with him bc Federico claimed that the pizza has to be cut in 8 pieces (and we were cutting it in 4). Thankfully Pietro arrived and supported us and told Fede: “Stop being so annoying” ahah.
After that, there was the most embarrassing interaction that I've ever had with him. We looked at each other and he smiled, so I smiled back but I was too nervous to say anything. Basically we kept smiling for like 15 seconds and it all ended with an embarrassing silence :))))
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Then Rocco sat right next to me and he was so… excited? Haha
Rocco: “Did you eat today?”
Me: “No, we were anxious…”
Rocco: “Why? C’mon we know each other now! We’re friends!” (I almost cried, I swear).
Then I showed him a bracelet that my friends bought me for my bday (a heart with the word ‘Sbedemmic’ written on it) and he enlightened and said: “Nooo! Oh my god! Sbedemmic !? A-ma-zing!”
Then we asked him how to pronounce “Maxence” and Rocco called him at out table and Maxence rushed to us leaning towards us and we were blown away because he has really beautiful eyes and honestly I didn't even listen to what he said ahaha
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Then Nicholas joined us and said  "I want to sit right next to Giulia” (I wanted to hug him ;u;) and we talked about drawings and it was wonderful. Then at a certain point I don't remember what he wanted to ask Bea and he started to call her addressing a girl at the table next to ours and only after a while we pointed out that Bea was sitting on the other side of the room and he was like: “Who was I calling? The girl doesn't even have hair like Bea!” HAHAH
Before he left we hugged each other tight and we  thanked each other for everything.
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Maxence is literally an elf. He is nice, funny and he gave me a lot of positivity. We asked him to take a photo all together and he immediately put the glass of wine down because “If my mom sees the picture she gets angry” xD He said he never had the chance to interact so much with the fans at the events and that he thinks it’s amazing to create a bond with us.
Then I apologized bc I tag him on a lot of drawings and he asked me “Wait, what did you draw?”
Before I answered him he started to jump on the chair saying “The raccoon one!?”
Me: “Yes, even the-”
He: “The one with the shirt! Come on, let me see it!”
So I showed him the drawing and he exclaimed: “YEEEEES! THIS ONE! YEEEEES! THE SHIRT!!!”
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He thanked me and I closed instagram, but I had forgotten to change my background and I had a photograph of me with Federico.
Maxence saw it and said: “Is that your boyfriend?"
And I said: “I WISH!”
I swear I didn't want to say it out loud, but it was spontaneous. He widened his eyes and literally burst into laughing while I turned RED. I apologized saying it wasn’t my intention to say it out loud but he said that he got that bc he read the panic in my eyes as soon as I realized it, but he appreciated my spontaneity and he said that it will be our little secret xD (then we talked outside and we took a couple of photos, he even chose the poses AHAHAH but then we got caught and the staff told him to go inside xD).
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1 December
The second day in the morning we went to the autographs of Robin and Lukas and they both thanked me so much for the drawings (I will never forget their expressions ;;). 
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After giving Lukas the drawing he stood up and hugged me tight and he was the sweetest, with his beautiful and kind smile :’)
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Then I took a photo with Nicholas 
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and a duo with Maxence and Rocco where I asked for a group hug and Maxence said: A POLIPATA ?! (an Italian word that idk how to translate. Obviously Rocco taught him that haha it’s like “hugging like an octopus” lol)
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The last photos were those with Federico. When I showed him the photo I wanted to do he made an expression that I will never forget a mix between a smile and ;) and he said: “Uh, today we are in the mood for kisses”. And of course I turned BRIGHT RED :DDD
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The last activity of the day was the autograph with Maxence. He thanked me for the drawing and said "You made me a beautiful drawing, so I will also make your own beautiful drawing" and he made a stylized character of me ahaha
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At the cocktail party Maxence was the first one to sit with us! He didn’t know what to say so he asked us to do a toast and we all said in chorus 'cin-cin' and he said: "Do you know that ‘cin-cin’ means vagina in Chinese?” Ahah This was the highlight of our conversation.
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Then Nicholas and Rocco came at our table and we talked all the time about medicines and reflux lmao We looked like the geriatric department bc they said that all the cocktails tasted like medicines lol 
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Then Pietro and Fede arrived, both sooo tired, but Fede greeted us with "Hello rays of sunshine!" And we were literally dying . Pietro said he was worried about not being able to return home because he would have arrived after midnight and he didn't have the keys. "I can't call someone and say "Hi, I'm the guy who lives upstairs" ahaha
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Then we talked to Lukas and Robin and they were so cute ;; Lukas is a very interesting person, he has a pure soul and it was a pleasure to know him ;; 
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In the end, Bea and Greta arrived and we gossiped a lot, especially about boys haha
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Best moments of PANELs:
-Nicholas said his favorite word is Australopithecus Robustus and Greta said "Fregno" (it’s a slang for ‘hot’) xD
-Fede said his Spirit animal is a Golden Retriever and that Martino’s is a fox
-Fede made fun of Rocco because he spoke with metaphors that didn’t make any sense so Fede was like: Enough Rocco, enough! Stop it! THAT'S ENOUGH!
-We made a video for Bea and everyone cried in the room
-Fede said that Rocco didn’t know how to ride a bicycle and they had to shoot that scene a lot of times
-Fede complimented Rocco and then he gave the microphone to him saying: “Come on, I’m waiting.” Because he wanted to get compliments too haha
-Rocco sat in the audience and asked Fede the story of Bambi and Fede called him “Er Lucertola (lizard)” in revenge and said that the name of Bambi was born because of a toxic (Rocco haha)
-Pietro who answered BOH to all the questions haha
-When a girl mentioned the 4th season (even if we couldn’t) and everyone said to keep hoping and thanked us for fighting so much during these months and then Rocco said: Yes, thank you very much for the support. Without you it wouldn't have been pos— Everyone: ROCCO !!!!! haha
-When another girl talked about Massimo Reale -Dr. Spera- (referring to the photos he posted from the 4th season’s set) and then Bea said: She just wanted to know the name of Dr. Spera and yes, it’s Massimo Reale xD
-Rocco screaming SBEDEM
Here’s some pics I took at the panels :) 
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Everything was AWESOME! I miss them all so much ;;
Please if you want to use one of these pics tag my instagram account:  here
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Jane the Virgin 1x06 Chapter Six
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Stray thoughts
1) I guess this could qualify as your typical “significant encounter” or “meet cute”…
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…if it didn’t involve Captain Cardboard…
2) Nah, this is NOT epic…
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…is EPIC.
3) Jane has a good head on her shoulders, and I love it.
MICHAEL: I am so sorry.
JANE: I know you are. But I just keep thinking about how many times you lied to me since then. And then I just start thinking about the baby and how you were gonna let me give it to this couple that had all these problems when you knew how much it meant to me for her to go to a stable family.
Please, do not forgive him. Do not get past this.
4) More characters? Jane is going to meet her former step-sisters? Is this going to turn into Cinderella or something?
5) Okay…
NARRATOR: There was so much more, of course, Rafael wanted to say to Jane. Words like "I have feelings for you" and "let's be together.”
“Let’s be together”? That feels kind of rushed. I get that they are attracted to each other, but they barely know each other and they are in a very awkward situation, to say the least. I don’t ship them yet, and this kind of puts me off, you know? I’m not into the insta-love stuff. I need my ships to feel earned.
6) For a second I thought they were arresting him for being attracted to Jane…
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And then I remembered Petra blamed him for battery and assault.
Don’t you think Michael should know better than to believe Petra right away? He’s seen first-hand how manipulative and deceitful she can be…
7) I don’t know how I feel about this…
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Would Jane want to have her parents back together?
8) #awkwardfamilydinner seems about right.
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9) Rogelio continues to be my fave. He had the whole production of his show move PERMANENTLY to Miami because he wants to be closer to Jane. That’s how seriously he’s taking his role as a father.
10) “Rogelio really went overboard again. And I just need to tell him to tone it down a little more.” Well…
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11) I saw that, Michael’s partner whose name I can’t remember…
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I can’t remember in what recap I called it, but I did call it. He has 100% more chemistry with his partner than with Jane. I can see where this is going…
12) I actually attended a Catholic school from kindergarten to high school, and, looking back, I really appreciate how open-minded and welcoming it was. I had a couple of girls in my year get pregnant, and the school never did a big deal out of it. The girls kept attending classes like everyone else. Kids with other religions were also welcome to attend the school, and no one ever tried to “convert” them into Catholicism and they were never discriminated against. On the contrary, they were allowed to skip the Religious Studies classes if their parents saw it fit. My mom was a divorced single mother of two way back when being divorced and a single mom was still frowned upon, and not only did they give my brother and I a place in the school mid-year (because my mom was invited to leave our previous Catholic school after she got the divorce, btw…) but everyone at the school – from teachers to janitors – were always super helpful and caring towards us. I know that’s not always the case with Catholic schools, and it’s certainly not how they are portrayed in this show, but even though I’m more of an Atheist nowadays, I thought it was worth mentioning that there are some cool Catholic schools out there.
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13) Who cares if Rogelio has slept with every single one of the girls in the band as long as they can play, right?
14) Ooh, there goes the heart boomboomboom again…
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I really enjoy their conversations so far. They seem to really listen to each other, they offer each other good advice, and they show interest in what the other person is feeling. Good foundation for a relationship.
15) Talking to your (ex)girlfriend’s mom when she’s angry at you is kind of a douchebaggy move, I don’t like it. What? You think I’m biased because I think Michael is Captain Cardboard? You think I would stoop so low? Well...
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16) What…? Are they delivering people’s ashes as if they were a fucking pizza? Wtf
17) I thought students and faculty got different parking spaces, right? How are the girls parking right next to Jane?
18) I need this printed on a stamp, pronto. This is my saint from now on.
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20) What kind of shit is Petra involved in???
21) Rafael and Jane having moments while sitting on benches is a thing, right?
22) So… Rafael is confessing his feelings for Jane… I don’t know, I think it still feels kind of rushed? I’m not feeling it…
23) I really like how Rafael never gives in to Petra’s manipulative tactics. Twice, at least, he’s outsmarted her. I think Petra is actually quite smart – although her goals are always evil-ish – but desperation is getting the best of her. She’s not thinking straight, and she’s crumbling.
24) Mmmmm, I don’t like this…
Yeah, I decided to make a website of my own. About you two. And I've got plenty of material. Unflattering selfies, pre-nose-job shots. And what seem to appear as some personal pictures meant for, I don't know, boyfriends? 
Was Jane – an adult and A TEACHER! – really trying to blackmail two UNDERAGE high school students by withholding her private nude pictures? What the fuck is this? What show am I watching? I don’t care how “mean” these girls were and how awful her high school experience was, there is no scenario where what she was trying to do is right.
25) “It was one of those moments when you see someone differently.” Yeah, I just saw Jane differently. Wtf, Jane. Like, seriously, I really think the girls should’ve sued her. What she was about to do was really fucked up.
26) Well, the nuns had to be dumb as fuck not to take advantage of having a PREGNANT VIRGIN in their faculty, right?
27) Please tell me that Jane is meeting Captain Cardboard to break up with him. Pretty please?
28) Oh yes, sweet Jesus, GOD IS REAL! She broke up with him!
A car isn't meaningless to me, Jane. I know this is very, very hard to believe, but up until five years ago, I was barely getting by. I could only afford to buy myself a car when I was 35. 32, if anyone asks. And then I met you, and, well… You have your life set. You're a grown-up. Engaged, working, getting your degree… Pregnant. I missed all the big things, so I wanted to do something, as a father, so I thought… A car. You have so much going on. That way, you won't have to spend time waiting for the bus. So… A little misguided, yes, but it wasn't meaningless.
30) Aw, Xiomara feels like shit because she interrupted a moment between Rogelio and Jane ☹
31) Hahaha I loved Magda’s reaction after all this shit happened!
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32) Xiomara is… not that great of a singer…
33) Well, at least Michael is not a complete idiot…
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34) It’s nice to see adults making mature decisions, you know? I appreciate how Xiomara has put Jane’s relationship with Rogelio before her own. Rogelio and Xiomara getting together would make everything messier, and tbh, it’s Jane’s turn now.
35) Yep, Rafael and Jane + benches is a thing, definitely…
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36) …
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I won’t lie, this did give me feels. My heart was going boomboomboom like Jane’s was before. But… even though I can see the sparks flying and I really enjoy their moments together so far, I still feel there’s not much “meat” to their relationship yet.
And I can’t help but wonder what kind of bumpy ride is ahead of them… Like, what shows gets the endgame couple together in episode 6 of the first season? What game are the writers playing? What fuckery is this? This can’t end well…
37) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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I woke up early, showered and got myself dressed. I decided I was going to go natural. I just put a little bit of mascara on and tinted my eyebrows. I was excited and nervous. This was my first proper photo shoot. I usually take my own pictures with my phone, or Jonah will take them for me.  
I checked out Shane's photography and he was pretty good. I brought a few different jackets and accessories in case he wanted to change the photo up a bit. Better being prepared.
I walked towards The Tipsy Cow and I could see a familiar face. It was Shawn. He turned around and smiled.
'What are you doing here?'
'I could ask you the same thing.'
His stupid smirk really pissed me off. But I couldn't help but smile.
'For your information, I'm meeting someone.' I turned my back on him, looking for Shane.
'Is his name Shane? Meeting you at 12?'
I spun around and stared at him.
'How do you know?'
He walked towards me and held his hand out.
'Hi, I'm Shane Marshall.'
I stared at his hand then back up to his stupid smiley face.
'Are you fucking kidding me?'
He started laughing.
'What is wrong with you?' I started to walk away. This guy was unbelievable what did he think he was doing?
'Wait! Don't go. I genuinely want to get photos of you. Come on give me a chance.' He begged.
I stopped walking and listened.
'Please, I saw your pictures and I have a few ideas I want to do and I think you'd be perfect.'
I couldn't help but smile. My stomach had butterflies. I stopped smiling, turned around and walked towards him.
'This is strictly professional. No asking questions about my boyfriend or myself. And none of that stupid smirking.'
He smirked, I tried to hide my smile. I held my hand out. He took it. His hands were so big and soft. I let go a little too late.
'Strictly professional' He repeated.
We turned and walked towards the subway.  We walked in a comfortable silence.  It was as if we've known each other our whole lives. His arm kept brushing off mine as we walked and it felt kind of nice.
'So what are we going to be doing today?' I asked as we walked down the steps underground.
'We're going to Times Square. That's all you need to know.'
He sat across from me when we got onto the subway.
I could see he was taking in my whole body while he got the chance . I couldn't help but do the same. His large hands clasped together, I noticed he had a bird tattoo on his right hand.  I wonder what his arms are like under that jacket. Broad shoulders. When I made it up to his face he was staring at me.  But we never lost eye contact. I could hear my heart in my ears. I wonder what he was thinking. We continued to look at each other until it was time to get off.
My stomach was in knots with nerves now. As we walked off I could feel his hand touch my lower back. I jumped a little. I hope he didn't notice.  We walked up to Times Square. Once I got into the fresh air I felt much better.
'Okay, let's get started.' Shawn pulls out his camera and starts setting up. We were in the middle of Times Square. It was quite daunting.  All these people were walking by and staring.
'Your body language is screaming nerves. You look great, just relax.' I started to blush. I took a deep breath and listened to him.
'Ignore the people, pretend you're in a world of your own.'
After a while I started to loosen up. He seemed pretty happy with how everything was going.
'Would you like to get something to eat.' Shawn asked while packing everything up.
I didn't even realize how hungry I was until  he asked. 'Sure.' I replied.
We decided to go to The Cheesecake Factory. We took our seats and decided on food and drinks. There was still no conversation being made. It was starting to annoy me now, seeing as before he was very forward and confident.
'So, have you gone all shy on me now?' I asked. Quite shocked that these words came out of my mouth. He looked up at me and smiled. I looked away and took a sip of my drink.
'Well.. You told me I wasn't allowed to ask about you're boyfriend or yourself, so would you like me to talk about the weather?' His face was always in this constant smile.
I realized he was right there. I stared back and smiled.
'Ah she smiles.' He laughed to himself, never losing my eyes.
Shit. I stopped smiling.
'What do you want to know then loser?' Why did I say that. I was trying to be cool. I watched him as he thought to himself.
'What made you come out here?' I was surprised this was his first question. I thought he was going to jump into questions about Jonah.
'Well, I was bored of Ireland. I felt like it didn't have as much opportunity there, then it does here.'
'What you mean?'
'Well its a beautiful city for one. You never know who you'll meet. There's just so much more here.  And I love that when I walk down the streets I don't know everyone I pass. Have you ever been to Ireland?'
'Nope, but I heard it's a beautiful island. And from what I see online, the scenery is amazing.' He looked up.
This all felt very intimate. The constant exchanged looks. The little returned smiles.  
'Does your boyfriend know your here?'
Suddenly guilt swept over my entire body. I completely forgot about Jonah the whole time I was here.  I looked out the window.
'Yes, I told him last night. He's very supportive of this.' I could tell Shawn was watching my every move. I needed to chill out a bit when talking about Jonah .
I looked up at him, 'He takes most of my pictures when we are out.' I gave a weak smile. I think he could tell that it wasn't real.
Shawn looked down at his food and started eating. He said no more after that. He wouldn't let me pay, or even split the bill. I felt awful. We were waiting to get the  subway back. It was so busy. Rush hour time.
We got on when it pulled up. It was packed. We both grabbed the same pole and tried to squeeze in. His baby finger lay on top of my hand. I stared at the ground my heart pounding.
The train started to move and everyone fell back a bit. His body was against mine.  I looked up slowly, he was staring at me. He bit his bottom lip a little. I was transfixed. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I wanted to kiss his soft lips. He started to lean in. My legs were shaking. I could feel his breathe on my lips. I closed my eyes, then he fell back as the train came to a stop.  My breathe was so heavy. I turned away fast and watched as people got off.  What was I thinking? I couldn't look at him the rest of the way home.
Sweet Jesus this was by far my favorite chapter to write. I was screaming during the whole process hahaha. I hope you enjoyed this one. This is where it gets exciting. Let me know if you all like it! <33 
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: “Can you write me a smutty story where Drarry is sleeping and they’re spooning and Harry ‘slips it in’ and then Draco wakes up and is confused and ahhh. Also could you tag @introvertedannika in it? She’s my best friend and it’ll confuse the FUCK out of her!”
Warning: NSFW ———-
The sun was shining through the window, only slightly covered by the white, long curtains that gave the room even more light.
Right next to it was a king sized bed, white sheets all over two naked, sleeping boys that go by the name of Harry and Draco.
The whole atmosphere reminded of one of those bed sheet commercials.
Harry groaned as he opened his eyes, overwhelmed by the brightness of the sun.
His arm was wrapped around his boyfriend, his chest pressing against his back as the brown haired boy placed soft kisses on the others shoulder blades, slowly raising up to his neck.
A little smile spread across his face as he buried his nose in the blonde hair that he usually loved to run his fingers through.
Memories of last night rushed through his head and his teeth soon find his bottom lip as he remembered all of it clearly.
The two of them have been together for quite a while now, but he still wasn’t used to the way Draco touched him, looked at him, wanted him.
It drove him crazy.
It drove him crazy how Draco got under his skin, how his low moans could make Harry orgasm just like that.
It drove him crazy when they were in public and Draco flirted with him because he knew exactly what to do to get into Harry’s pants.
It drove him crazy that he loved this man and, thank merlin, that man loved him back.
Back in Hogwarts there was a lot of angry wanking in the dorm when everyone was sleeping, a lot of things in his head when he observed Malfoy’s body in potions.
He could write books.
But never has he thought he would end up loving this Slytherin with all of his heart.
It all started when they returned back to Hogwarts for a 8th year.
Obviously everything has changed, McGonagall was the new headmistress of the school and a lot of new teachers were needed.
Instead of the old bathroom where once the entrance to the chamber of secrets was placed, they put a really big memorial thing there, where all the students and teachers were named, that lost their lives during the war.
Even Hedwig was on there.
A new thing was that there were no separate common rooms anymore.
All of the four houses shared one big room, which was good because everyone, especially the Slytherins, needed that kind of support at that time.
However, there were now dorm rooms for two people.
And guess who got paired together, hahaha.
Draco 2cool4you Malfoy and Harry Icantdie Potter.
They had all kind of fights, really, it was awful, but one day Harry brought some lunch to the room for Draco because he missed it due to his homework, and Draco made Harry’s bed the next day because the Gryffindor was in a rush.
And then Harry folded Draco’s clothes, who then decided to tell goodnight stories to the other male to fall asleep.
And then one day Harry crawled into Draco’s bed because he couldn’t stop crying after a nightmare, which was of losing Draco but he never told him, and Draco just held him through the night.
And, to top it all off, Draco once left the bathroom door open while he was showering, and Harry peeked through and got really horny, so he waited for the blonde to leave to get rid of his little problem down there, but Draco forgot something and boom.
Harry surely never thought a blowjob could feel this good.
Said boy was brought back to reality when he felt something under the blanket hardening.
“Fuck, not now.”, he whispered to himself but that surely didn’t do anything.
And the fact that Draco’s bare ass was pressing against his growing erection surely wasn’t helping.
With his cheeks covered in crimson red, his hand found its way down and he hesitated for a moment before he wrapped it around his erection and began to move his hand in slow motions.
His free hand didn’t take long to grab Draco’s ass firmly, to which the blonde responded with a low growl.
Harry’s hand stopped and took place on his boyfriend as well, where he slowly rubbed a finger along his entrance.
“Fuck, you’re still so ready from last night.”
Harry would lie if he said that this didn’t turn him on to the core, and when he thrust in two fingers at once, he almost moaned against Draco’s neck.
His erection was twitching and he quickly pulled out his fingers in order to place his pulsing erection where his fingers had been.
His teeth slightly sunk into Draco’s skin as he was fully surrounded by his heat, not able to stop himself from groaning deeply.
After the first few thrust, Draco’s moans became louder and he suddenly opened his eyes, a shocked gasp leaving his throat.
“What the-ahh!”
Now it was his turn to blush and Draco tried to hide his face, but Harry grabbed his arm and thrust harder.
“P-Potter!! You fucki-oh-you fucking perv!!”
Harry just grinned and bit the skin of his neck again, sucking and licking it in ways that would definitely leave marks as he listened to Draco’s desperate moans.
When he, however, suddenly stopped, Draco gave him an disapproving groan.
The brown haired man didn’t let that irritate him tho, and he pulled out, just to lay on his back.
“I want you to ride me.”
Draco gasped.
Harry knew it was Draco’s favorite position (he would never admit that tho) and he never lasted long that way.
Without further hesitation Draco placed himself on Harrys lap, slowly sinking down on his throbbing dick.
Broken moans filled the room, filled Harrys head, and he grabbed Draco’s hips to support his movements, watching him with a dark expression.
Soon enough the skin on skin noises became louder, both of them were now a moaning mess, and when Harry moved his hand up and down Draco’s shaft, he spilled all over Harry’s stomach with his name on his lips.
Harry also couldn’t hold on any longer, and with a few lazy thrusts he came inside his already collapsed boyfriend.
Both of them were breathing hard, just enjoying the intensity of this short moment.
Harry wrapped one arm around Draco, who had his face against Harry’s chest now, and used the other one as an extra pillow.
“What a way to wake up.”
Draco chuckled and Harry smiled.
“Stop smiling like an idiot, Potter.”
“Stop calling me Potter.”
“Become a Malfoy then.”
For a brief second Harry’s heart dropped and he almost screamed like an excited teenager.
“Marry me.”, Draco whispered tiredly.
“Once you’ll wake up again.”
“Good…very good…”
Draco’s eyes slowly closed, and as Harry kissed his forehead and told him that he loved him, there was even a faint smile on his lips. —-
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enstaries · 6 years
Can I request Tsukasa being a huge fanboy of Izuleo? I thought it'll be kinda funny and interesting to see--
i like my izuleo with a side of angst, so this was definitely something unusual for me but still fun to write - hope you like it!
 Tsukasa glances over at the clock, and sighs. Loudly.
  "Both Leader and Sena-senpai are more than thirty minutes late to practice already!" he exclaims. Whipping around to his other seniors, he demands, "Aren't the two of you going to do something about it?"
  Ritsu scrunches his face a little, annoyed by the sudden outburst. He turns in his sleep a little, and tells Tsukasa, "Does it really matter? I'm glad they're not here, it's so much noisier when they are..."
  "Eh, what are you saying, Ritsu-senpai? Leader and Sena-senpai have very important roles in the next song, of course it m-"
  "Tsukasa-chan," Arashi says, snapping their pocket vanity mirror shut, "I totally get your point and all, but I think it's best if we just let this be for today, okay?"
  Tsukasa turns to Arashi, his expression turning forlorn too quickly. "You too, Narukami-senpai? I thought you were with me that if we let these wayward rascals do as they will, they will continue with their bad behaviour!"
  "I get it, I get it," Arashi says, waving Tsukasa away. "But you know? Our darling Izumi-chan finally found it in himself to confess to Ou-sama last night! And the fact that he and Ou-sama just started dating also means Ou-sama would be clinging onto him like a koala to its favourite tree."
  "Oh, I see. That's a valid reason then."
  The three agree with each other for a second, before it clicks, and Tsukasa is up on his feet.
  "W-w-wait, what did you just say? L-Leader and Sena-senpai are dating?"
  "Pipe down, would you Suu-chan," Ritsu groans, reaching up to cover his ears. "They've been so gross and lovey-dovey to each other for so long, why are you acting so surprised all of a sudden?"
  Tsukasa doesn't know whether he's embarrassed about this relationship, or that he's obviously the only one who had no clue. "My apologies, this is too sudden for me, and I don't know what to feel. For Leader and Sena-senpai to be dating... do they really make a good match? Sena-senpai seems as though he wishes to strangle Leader whenever he sees him."
  "How innocent of you, Tsukasa-chan," teases Arashi, reaching over to tug at Tsukasa's cheek. "That's how Izumi-chan expresses himself! Besides, it seems that we might have a lot of explaining to do. Ritsu-chan, care to lend me a hand in digging up some history for our little junior?"
  Ritsu opens one eye, and studies the two.  "Eh, alright. Listen up, Suu-chan..."
 It is but silence when Arashi and Ritsu finish their story; for Tsukasa is silent in awe.
  "S-so," he begins, his voice funny, "that's what happened. I heard some rumours about the era before me, but to think that they... that Sena-senpai..."
  Arashi nods emphatically. "On hindsight, everything must have hurt Izumi-chan so much - even to this day. But now I think the biggest burden is now off his shoulders, and he can finally find the happiness he's always craved for. That's why Ritsu-chan and I are being lenient that they're thirty minutes - no, it's already an hour and a half - late for practice. Because next time, they'll-"
  "No, it is of no issue at all!" Tsukasa declares, cutting off Arashi mid-sentence. "After all, I am sure both Leader and Sena-senpai would wish to spend as much time as possible together as a couple! And I whole-heartedly support them! I do not see any issue with them being late for practice henceforth - let them be as late as they wish to!"
  "Eh, wait Tsukasa-chan?"
  "Really? Then you'll have no problem with me being late too right, Suu-chan?" Ritsu says, a devious smile crawling up his face. "I really need a nice, long date with my pillow..."
  "Ritsu-senpai, I did not say that at all! Now, it is time for the three of us to practice twice as hard on behalf of Leader and-"
  "Oh, oh, what's all this ruckus? You all having a party without me?"
  The door swings open, and Leo and Izumi walk in, one as merry as can be, and the other looking as if they would like to strangle their partner. Tsukasa's eyes shine.
  "Leader! Sena-senpai!"
  He rushes over to them, admiring the two with starry eyes and a bright beam. "Leader, Sena-senpai!" he greets again, and then bows. "Congratulations on your relationship! I wish you both good luck and happiness on the road ahead! Please note that I will be supporting you 100%!"
  Leo laughs. "Wahaha, you're saying some funny things again, Suou, but thank you, thank you! I appreciate it!"
  Izumi, on the other hand, is not as pleased. He snatches his hand away from his boyfriend, face bright red.
  "Where did you h... no, stop spluttering nonsense, Kasa-kun. C'mon, Ou-sama you big idiot, we're super late for practice so you better put in effort or I'm kicking you out of knights!"
  "What are you saying, Sena? You can't kick me out - I'm your leader!" Leo complains, stomping his foot like a toddler. Then he pauses, and grins. "Sena, Sena, why are you calling me 'Ou-sama' again, huh? Just now you were all like 'Leo-kun, oh Leo-kun, I love you so much, Leo-kun', weren't you?"
  Izumi flushes red.  "What the hell are you saying, you piece of shit? I never said that at all!"
  "You did, you did! Hahaha!"
  "I didn't!"
  The two bicker back and forth, relentless, while Tsukasa watches along, content. There's so much he wants to say to his seniors, so much he wants to apologise to them for, and so much to thank them for; but for now, this is enough - more than enough.
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touslesjers · 7 years
Forty Days
So I don’t actually post about my personal life but i just had the urge to post this because I had nowhere else to post this without sounding too dramatic and not being judged. I don’t want too much attention for writing this and i feel like I’d be judged big time if I posted this on Facebook. 
Thank you Tumblr for being here.
Where do I start? :( It’s just that, here in my country forty days after death is actually something wherein you hold a little gathering, ceremony or ritual. 
My childhood friend, who has been with me for ten years passed last January 19, 2017. He died because of having too much fun with his motorcycle and ended up crashing to a mini-truck. 
“ The 40th Day concludes the 40-day memorial period and has a major significance in traditions of Eastern Orthodox. It is believed that the soul of the departed remains wandering on Earth during the 40-day period, coming back home, visiting places the departed has lived in as well as their fresh grave. The soul also completes the journey through the Aerial toll house finally leaving this world. The rituals during the period aim to let the soul go in order to keep it from returning and bothering the living. “
“The motif of the 40th Day is "we said good bye to you, no longer come to us, we will come to you." After the 40th Day the living can no longer grieve about the departed, they must move on with their lives. “
How unfair is it that he only got to live nineteen days of 2017? How come he only live for eighteen years? And how come I can only grieve for forty days? 
It doesn’t feel like forty days have already passed. It just feels like yesterday, the wounds are still fresh. The scares he left are yet to heal.
I’m a religious person, and i don’t doubt the Lord’s plans and will. I know you know better, and i have no rights to question you at all. 
If after forty days, YOU will be leaving Timuel, then I guess here’s my last message for you.
I’ll just kid myself that you can read this, that you’re there reading this. Timuel, why? why’d you have to leave so soon? Why this early? Tim, I still have so many things to tell you. TOO MANY. Tim, you’re too kind to leave. You’re too special to let go. It’s so hard, it’s so damn hard to let you go. I don’t think I can. Half of my life, you were with me, you’re by my side always. Now I don’t know what to do without you. How to go on with life now? While writing this, something’s telling me that I need to write this in Filipino because you always tell me you hate me speaking in english because you damn don’t understand a thing. So, putangina mo timuel bulaon. Tangina bakit ka nangiwan :( andami kong tanong sayo, andami kong kailangan malaman. Timuel, sorry. Ang sakit kase eh. Ang sakit. Naalala ko pa din pano tayo nagkakilala, naalala ko huli natin pagkikita and naalala ko pa din pano ko nalaman na wala ka na. Timuel, ang selfish ko kasi ayokong umalis ka pa. Ayokong umakyat ka pa kasi natatakot ako na baka pag punta mo dun, hindi mo na kami maalala... hindi mo na ako maalala. Hindi ko kaya, hindi ko kaya isipin yung ganon. Natatakot ako na baka totoo yung reincarnation... Paano kung totoo? Mababalik ka nalang sa mundong to ng walang naalala about us and hindi ko man lang alam na nakabalik ka na? You and I would pass by each other without even knowing that I’m your old friend and you were once mine as well. How would I know if your soul would be inside a kid I would pass by when I’m fifty? or maybe a young man who would help me cross the street when Im old? How would I know if it’s you? Tim, I’m scared of not finding you again. Scared of not having you in my life. When you were around you gave me advises I thought would only be good for a day or a certain time but now I know, you gave me advises that I could bring for a lifetime. When you were here, you always saved me. You saved me from the harsh world. I remember when I found out that my ex was cheating on me, as soon as I went the guidance office, you were the first one to hug me and told me everything will be okay. When the bevy of girls bullied me way back sophomore year, you pulled me away and told them that’s enough. When I have troubles in school and at home, you would tell me that it’s nothing and you’re there and I wouldn’t have to face it alone. You taught me to be closer to God, you taught me how to seek God, you taught me how to live by the word of God, you taught me how to humble myself for God, you taught me everything I should about God and in life generally. 
Remember way back in third grade? That’s when we met. Somebody was pulling me inside their classroom and I was pulling myself not to. And suddenly, you were the one pulling me, and i was like “dafuq r u??” I could still remember what you looked like, chubby, square shaped smile and you wore black glasses just for style. I found out that time that you liked me... and the shy and innocent old me chose to ignore it. We ended up being classmates on fourth grade and we got along really well because we were both on our emo stage. We both joined the dance club of our school and we always get paired up. You were the escort of the club and I was your muse. You were my partner on our folk dances, You also played Adam and I was your Eve. Our clubmates would always tease us and we would always end up being shy. During that time, Yahoo messenger was still our way of communicating, we were close... Too close actually, you confessed your feelings to me through Yahoo messenger and I signed out as soon as possible because i never knew how to handle a situation like that. My mother was the one who read your message and just told it to me afterwards. We became awkward that time, we didn’t talk for a few month I suppose all because of me. I never knew how to treat you right after you confessed. You were the first guy who confessed to me, hence i panicked. hahaha. Fifth grade, Sixth grade passed and we never ended up as a couple but remained as very close friends. I had a boyfriend and you had a girlfriend. High school came and you transferred schools but i don’t know how we remained friends. We were still intact and we would still see each other, we would go to McDonald’s even if we had no money and take pictures on our friend’s webcam. Sophomore year, you came back to our school, there we found our realest squad and most likely, our second family. We weren’t classmates but we still ended up being on the same solid squad. Amazing isn’t it? I would find some random photos of you at our house singing on our karaoke and got me thinking how’d this happen? There were tons of pictures of us that I didn’t know existed and some moments i don’t even remember much. Maybe because we have too many memories together that you being there always is already a routine, you became a part of my everyday. When Junior year came, the worst time of my life because I had a jerk for a boyfriend, he cheated on me for some times and I would fall down but you would always pick me up. Give me endless advises on how i deserve better and that I’m worth it. You would give time to cheer me up and give company even though you had a girl that time. You once walked me home just to ask me how’s my life and listen to so much of my bullshit and told me how your life and it ended up being a sermon. I didn’t mind walking because it was actually cute and you gave me another batch of your life long lessons. 
You and I both saw each other grow, from graduating grade school and both high school. Even when entering college.
Entering college to me was not easy because I had to work due to financial issues of our family. I was no longer available that much because I had to work. But you and the rest of our squad managed to visit me on my work during my birthday. I would never forget that. And last December 23, 2015 when we were done driving the rest of our squad home... On our way to my place, I was riding shotgun and it was already 2am-ish, you told me again how much you liked me. How you still have feelings for me, especially that time because the once so lazy me turned out to be the one working, the once “all about boyfriend’ me became very goal-oriented. You told me so much on why you liked me again. You said so many things that I never knew. You know me better than I actually know myself.
February 25, 2016, one of our friends’ birthday and we celebrated it by swimming and drinking. As usual, I got drunk. But you took care of me. I couldn’t remember anything but our friends told me everything. When I got drunk, you held my hand and kept on yelling you loved me. I only knew this because of our friends, sadly.
After all these, you were always reminding me not to get awkward like how I did way back in fourth grade. HAHAHA.
There are too many things to mention on how special you are to me. You were always the one taking care of me when I’m drunk. You never get disgusted by my vomit or what. You would always drive me home... Remember when we rode your motorcycle while wearing formal attire? like we were a bunch of runaways? You even do things for me, like put the helmet on for me even if I can do it. You would also take it off even if I can also do it myself. 
 December 10, 2016, during our friend’s debut, you said you have to go home early because your mom would scold you. We went to my place to get my stuff then rushed to yours and then you said you would just try to ask for permission from your mom to let you go to the after party and if she didn’t you would bring me to the hotel were we will meet our friends but I was persistent and told you I wouldn’t leave without you even if your mom didn’t allow you to leave. I could remember you took of your top and I scolded you to wear something because your huge belly is showing HAHAHA. I even yelled excuse me because you were blocking my way... And you shouted back, “what?! kiss me??!” and i just ignored you. Then when we got to the hotel we ended up waiting for all our friends for an hour at the lobby. You promised your mom you would just drive me to the hotel but you ended up staying because I forced you to. One of our friends would tease me on having a crush on you but nobody teases you. It was always one sided even though we both know the truth on who likes who. HAHAHA. That day, we ended up sleeping next to each other and you even farted on me. You hugged me while we were sleeping but I didn’t reciprocate. 
January 15, 2017... the last time I actually saw you. I was supposed to hug you but my dad was watching and your cousin was also there. I was supposed to tell you so many things but we were awkward because of my dad and your cousin.
If I only knew that this was the last time we would see each other...  I would have hugged you and told you everything you deserved to hear. I would have told you that I find you really cute and attractive with those glasses when we were in third grade. I would turn back time and give you a reply on Yahoo Messenger that I do like you back, that I also have a crush on you. I wouldn’t have ignored you for a few months and handled our feelings properly. I wouldn’t have let you go to a different girl way back in fifth and sixth grade. I would have taken endless pictures on the webcam I was talking about. I wouldn’t say yes to my jerk ass ex and I wouldn’t let any other girl have you and hurt you for two years like I was being hurt for two years as well. We wouldn’t get hurt if we were just together instead. I would kiss you when you shouted “kiss me?!”. I would hugged you back when we were sleeping. I would tell you that I also like you on our way home on that 23rd of December, I wouldn’t get drunk and tell you I love you back. I love you. I would love to hear it again and I would respond to it this time.
You would always ask me, “Who’s your boyfriend now?”
I would always respond, no one because I focused on my goals ever since our financial problem. You never bothered because I know you valued our friendship more and you know how much goal oriented I've become.
I was actually torn when I found out you had a girl but also happy because you found someone to take care of you. 
But despite having a girl, you never forgot about me. You still made me feel special in a way where you wouldn’t be cheating. You still take care of me, still drove me home, still reminded me how beautiful I am and still appreciated me. You still tell people about me and you still tell me that I deserve someone who would take care of me like how you take care of me. Sometimes, the good things i do wasn’t for anyone anymore. It was solely for you because it’s such a bliss to have you impressed. To have a Timuel Bulaon impressed. It was such a privilege to have you impressed.
Timuel, I wrote this because I don’t want YOU to forget even just these dates. I would never forget all the time and days I spent with you so don’t you forget about me or our whole squad in fact. You will live eternally in my heart and memories, I would tell you to my children that there was once this guy, he was never my boyfriend but he’s the best i never had. You were the one that got away. The one I regret not having after so many opportunities. I didn’t tell you all these before because I thought we had all the time in the world but I guess we didn’t. I prayed to God on how much I wanted a big brother, and I realized, that I did get my wish, it was you. I prayed to God on how I wish someone appreciated me, and there you were. You’re everything Timuel. Everything I asked from the Lord. 
Writing this helped me. I can now face it, face the reality that you’re no longer here. It's time to face the music that I'm no longer your muse.  I know you’re in a better place but it’s always going to hurt. But this time, I won’t be selfish. I wish all your questions before can now be answered. I wish you eternal happiness and peace. If reincarnation does exists, I just wish that in another life, no matter what we are, where we are or who we are, your name might no longer be Timuel and I maybe named differently by that time but I wish you would still be in my life and I would be in yours too. I know will see each other again, in a different time, form or place. My soul will always find yours. I promise I will. And when that time comes, I will tell you all these feelings and we would keep all our broken promises together with our squad. In the next life, I won’t let you pass by just that easily. I won’t call you the one that got away anymore.
See you again Timuel.
Thank you, Sorry and Enjoy your ride to Heaven.
Guide us always, give me all the strength I need to carry on and heal.
I love you.
0 notes
psychnova · 7 years
I chose you
" The Choice " This is for the woman I love, the most amazing person I have ever known. Call Me Luke, I'm currently working at a Law Firm here in London but I'm from Cebu, I stayed there for a very long time so I'm still used to speaking the local language but with matching British. (I find it actually hard to state this story in full Cebuano language, so please forgive me. I'm exerting all my efforts in writing this for her, this story is quiet long but I hope you take time to read.). My family migrated in London about 7 years ago, but there's no place like home so I pursued my law prep here in the Phillipines. After I graduated, I decided to continue my masters abroad but I usually go home every summer to meet with some old friends because I have my condo unit in Manila and Cebu. That summer, I was not doing fine, it was during the hardest times in my life, those times when I finally decided to end my toxic relationship with someone. I fought for that one girl my entire life, and I did my best to pursue my ambitions for her and for our future but found out I was fighting alone, I thought my life would eventually end the moment she left, I drank and partied 24/7 to forget her, until you stepped into my life. I was at a bar in Cebu that night, it was around 2 A.M when I saw you, you look naive, feels like you don't deserve to be in that place that late, so I approached you. "Miss, you alright?" "Oh, yes. I am. Just a bit uncomfortable." "Yep, I see that. Anything I can do to help?" "Nope, I just – I gotta go…Have fun!" (Then she walked away) She was different. She got this very classy look specially in her red dress, she got this tiny eyes, sakto sa height, nindot og lawas, her hair is natural, dili rebonded and she wore braces – she's beautiful, just the way she is. I couldn't take my eyes off her, na love at first sight ko, I think. So, I ran as fast as I could to catch and luckily, naa pa siya sa parking lot. "You'll drive home alone this late, Miss?" Nakuratan siya, "Oh, didn't saw you coming, but yes – I'm used to driving alone." Gwapa kaayo siya, bisan simple lang. Ni ring iyang phone, naka loud speak so I heard the voice of the caller. "Doc? We need you here, it's urgent." "Okay, I'll be in touch. See you." "So, you're a doctor?" "Uhm, yes, and you?" "Well, I'm still taking my masters abroad, just spending my summer here for good. I'm Luke, by the way." "Okay, nice knowing you, Luke but I gotta go, it's urgent." "Okay, be safe…" I was not able to finish my sentence bc she grabbed her car keys immediately. I just watched her from afar and made sure makalarga ang sakyanan niya safely, but then, something went wrong. "What's wrong?" "Gosh, I think I run out of fuel" Balaka kaayo siya. "I can drive you, don’t worry." I grabbed my keys, gihatod nako siya sa hospital. "I forgot to ask your name." "Oh, sorry – I'm Belle." I would love to know more about you but I lacked confidence that time. I don't want to miss even a single second to know you better but I couldn't, you make me feel insane, I became speechless. Wala nako kabantay nga naa na diay mi sa entrance sa hospital. "I'll be fine here. Thanks, Luke" she gave me a very warm smile. "No problem, doc. Be safe." "I will, you too." I just watched her as she enters the hospital, I wish I could see her again. That night, wala ko nakatulog, I tried to search her name on facebook but I forgot to ask her last name, malas kaayo. What I did is that I tried to visit the hospital's website and searched for her name pero dili nako matrace, I don't even know if that’s her real name. Desperado kaayo ko, so I drove my way back to the bar's carport and parked my car beside her car for me to see her once more the moment she'll fix it. I bought a cup of coffee and some midnight snacks and spent the night inside my car. To my despair, her car was gone the moment I woke up. - FF – I've been spending the whole month looking for her aside from having fun. I was like an insane man looking for his long lost princess but it was all worth it if it's for her. One day, I decided to buy something to eat at a fancy resto, there were plenty of people, mostly couples bc it was Valentine's Day. To my despair, I saw my ex, the woman I fought for almost 3 years with her new boyfriend, I was at rage. Lagot kaayo ko sa iyaha, wala ko nakaagwanta so I left the resto and decided to drink and party that night, Idk what I feel, I don't love her anymore but there's this feeling of discontentment. That night, I was very frustrated, I partied hard until hubog na kaayo ko, I drove my way to places I don't even remember, I turned my music into its full volume and tears started flowing from my eyes, until – nabangga ko, and everything started to fade, I don't remember everything, but I saw Belle's face. - FF – I blacked-out for a few hours, good thing someone saw my car and rushed me to the hospital. I broke a portion of my arm so I had to undergo surgery. They say everything has its own reason, right after the surgery, I understood that it happened for me to see her again. Siya ang nag opera sa akoa. "Luke, are you alright? Is there someone we can contact?" "Belle?" "Yes, its me. You were rushed here last night, please be careful next time." Balaka kaayo siya. "Is there someone we can call?" "No, my family's in London right now, I'm actually alone here in the Philippines. Just paying a visit" "Seriously?" "Yes, but I'll be alright soon, I own a condo here though, I can manage." "I know, but please just be careful. I'll fix your files, you'll be alright soon." - FF – I was finally discharged after 3 days, but my body still aches. "Here you go!" Niana siya while padung na magdrive. "So, what’s your address? I'll make sure you can rest." "Okay (gives my address) Salamat ha?" "For what? Come on, doctor treats, you know. But of the job. Don’t mind it." "Not just that, for everything. You're so kind." "Enough with the compliments, okay. You're welcome. Haha" We both chuckled and I find her so pretty specially bc of her tiny eyes, I truly adored this woman. She bought me some foods too, she's adorable! "So, you live here?" "Yes." "Alone?" "Yes, want to live with me?" "What? She look shocked, but still cute, gigara garaan nako siya. "Hahahahahahahahaha sorry doc, just messing up with you. Laughter is the best medicine diba?" "Hahahahaha is that a joke? I thought that was real, so disappointed." Hahahahaha mas nisamot ko og kaibog sa iyaha, maypag ka garaon sad diay siya, lingaw kaayo siya ikauban and she's so caring, very wifey material. We looked about many things, about studies, mostly about mine. "Know what, you remind me of someone." "Who is that?" I said Padung na siya motubag sa dihang ni ring iyang phone. "Doc, we need you." "Luke, I have to go again. They need me rn, you know my job." "It's alright, Belle. I can manage. Thank you for everything." "You're welcome, Luke. See you soon." Abi ko og last nato nga makita nako siya, nakaingon ko sa akong self nga if ever that would be the last time that I can see her, then I'd be willing to risk myself to death to see her once again. I know busy siya always, I don't even know a lot about her, so I assumed nothing, I am loving her secretly. To my astonishment, she visited me the next day, she brought foods, foods and some medicines. She even washed my bedsheets (she's very handy, she makes sure my house is tidy before she will leave for I should not do the chores daw my own.) Grabi, samot ko'g kahigugma aning bayhana ba. I ordered some dinner, a way of thanking her for everything. "Belle, let's dine before you leave, please?" "Alright, no worries and thanks by the way." I prepared the dinner when she asked me something about my piano (actually my Mom's, but kept it for myself.) "You play the piano?" "Yes, I do, Since kindergarten hahaha, you?" I heard no response, until she beautifully played the Hungarian Sonata by Clayderman. I had goosebumps, it was so beautiful, she was a pro when it comes to piano. Gibiyaan nako akong giandam and stared at her while playing, she was perfect. I was enjoying every second with her, I could not ask for more, that her being with me, always. Suddenly, she stopped. "I should probably go, I'm sorry." Tears started flowing from her eyes. I was confused. I wanted to ask her why, but she left in deep sadness. It's been 2 weeks since the last time I saw her and it feels like, I've been missing her every second. I had no one to talk to, I stayed home and played all the melodies I use to play in the piano, hoping this could heal the pain of losing her. I waited for few more days, it was about time for me to give up. I thought, maybe she wasn't meant for me, or maybe our paths crossed temporarily, not more than that. One day, someone left a huge box outside my room. It was a cake, freshly baked by her, with the words "The Doctor Is In." I was so happy, such a sweet gesture from her, I was waiting for that moment and I could not believe that was happening. I hurriedly grabbed my keys to find her but she was standing outside my room. "Hi, I'm sorry." "It’s fine, really. I missed you, Belle." "I miss you too, Luke. May I come in?" "Of course." We partake the cake she baked for me, and talk about many things, we watched a movie and enjoyed each other's company but deep inside me, there's still this part that seeks for answers the night she cried. "What is it, Belle. Please talk to me." I stared at her. "I'm sorry, Luke. I just don't feel good that night, and the moment I started playing that song on the Piano, it reminded me about something in my past." "What do you meant? I know I'm in no position to hear your story but I'd be willing to listen." It took a minute of hesitation before she started sharing her story. She was raised in a very disciplinarian family, they came from a wealthy family and she's the only daughter. Her parents had big expectations towards her, she became a consistent Top 1 student and did well in all aspects. She was 15 when she stepped into college, she was an advanced learner. While she was in college, she met someone, her first love. The problem is that theirs was a forbidden love because her parents did not allow her to be involved in a relationship. Both of them we're in love intensely that time. Belle did not give up on him, instead she gave up her studies and broke her parents' trust and everybody's expectation. She was maltreated and humiliated for choosing the guy but she took the risk. The man loved her in return, he continued his study regardless and promise to fight for her until the end, until she heard nothing from him. There was no valid explanations, no proper goodbye. I know how hard it is for her to share this thing to me, she was crying and all I can see is pain, regret and love. She loved this man more than her life, that she was willing to give up everything for her, the problem is, it's not certain if that man already gave up on her or not, still she's hopeful they'll see each other, even after how many years. She leaned towards me and I hugged her tightly to comfort her. She was like a child, finding some place to stay. It kills to see her like this, that time, I decided not to tell her my feelings for I don’t want to confuse her feelings and I was afraid to loose her, I know I can never beat the man she used to love, her first love. Bisan sakit kaayo, I chose to be her best friend, I listened to everything she have been sharing about the guy, every smile from her as she reminds herself of their memories is equivalent to every pain in mine. Pero gikaya nako, I love her so much, I want her to be happy. We spent plenty of times together. We became very close, I knew all her secrets and he knew mine too, even about my ex and all the girls I dated. We were very comfortable, feels like we've known each other since birth, we know each other's details, no matter how little it is. During her duty, I would send her motivational messages to keep her going and I make sure, she comes home safe. Sometimes, I would invite her with some conference with my fellow International Law Students, she likes debates and she's into politics. I kept on missing the moments with her trying to fix my necktie and everything about us. She likes café while she listens to old songs but I like bars with loud noises but I chose to jam with her. She loves to eat foods with cheese and I hate it, but for her I tried to love it. She loves to watch Nicholas Spark's Movies and I find it boring but for her, I tried to fully grasp the stories and we even cried together. She changed me, and every second of every day, I kept on choosing her. The days turned to weeks, then to months, until I had to go back to London for my studies. We kept in touch with each other through the net. Seeing her was the highlight of my day, even my entire week. I was inspired to study harder, and pursue something for her, I know I was being one-sided due to the fact that I am certain she still loves her first love and still waits for her every day, I know that. She risked everything for that guy and I know that the guy loves her too, who could unloved someone as perfect as her? I don't think there love story already ended, and I accepted it. We became best friends for 4 years, until I finally finished my masters. "Hi Luke, I have a good news!" "What? You seem to be so excited, ha. Found Mr. First Love already?" I joked. "Shut up!" Then she showed me her plane ticket "See? I made sure I can see you while you finally reach your dreams!" I was shocked, as in? I was beyond blessed as in completely happy that she will attend my graduation and will spare a week here in London with me. That time, I told myself that I'll never miss this chance for me to confess my feelings towards her, it's now or never. I love her and I chose her, without hesitations, without doubts, I can't lose this woman, not anymore. Few more days before her flight. I made sure I look good and decent. I've changed a lot after the last time we saw each other, I became very manly and I know she did too, I couldn't wait to see her, I already planned for the places we're going to visit and the memories we're going to make. She arrived very early in London, from afar – despite the odds, all I saw was her, no one but her. She ran towards me and hugged me so tight, that was one of the most beautiful memories I had with her. I hugged her tightly in return and kissed her forehead, I missed you Belle. So much! I'm glad you're finally here with me. Thank you for everything. "All for you, Luke. I don't know how am I suppose to handle everything I've been through without you being here with me. I won't trade you over anything." Then she hugged me back. We spent our days together, I strolled her around the city and she was so happy. She can't stop taking photographs and I see real joy behind her eyes. I introduced her to my parents and my friends and we spent the remaining days together, we were very happy. She got no idea I was already preparing my surprise for her after my graduation, I already told the University about my plans, right after the ceremony, I'm going to confess my feelings for her. - FF – Graduation Ceremony I went there early, I had to settle things regarding my plans and I chose not to tell everyone about it, just my close friend, Neo, who is a Filipino also, we've been comrades since I took my Masters here. The ceremony went fine, she was there, she was very beautiful in her white dress. I was a so nervous not for the oath taking but for my confession but tried to remain calm. I graduated with honors so had this privilege to share my speech. She was so proud of me, and I am to have her too. As I utter my final word, we went back stage and the surprise took place. "Bro, I forgot something. Give me a sec." I forgot the flowers so I went searching for it. "Okay, man. Get back soon, she's waiting." (Lights have been turned off) It took a while before I found the bouquet. I grabbed it and ran as fast as I could, I can't wait for this, this is it. This is it! This surprise is gonna be a blast! I sigh in nervousness as I opened the lights but to my desperation. They were hugging each other. "Luke, its him." They were both crying. Neo seemed shocked, they finally met after how many years. And I could not barely believe nga sa tanang pwede mahimong amigo nako, ngano siya pa. Nganong siya pa man gyd? All I see is happiness in her eyes despite her tears, Neo was shocked, he was crying and hugged her so tight. "I missed you, Belle. You have no idea how much I do. I did everything for you, I wanted to prove something to your parents, that I am worthy for your love and I am so glad we've met again" Mura ko og hinay-hinay nga gipatay sa akong nakita. Sakit kaayo, pero wala nako'y nahimo. They were meant for each other, and maybe the reason why she was sent to me is for me to guide her way back to him. Nilakaw ko, I did not say a single word. Bugnaw kaayo ko and I drove my car towards some unknown places and I cried all night, I was a crazy man that night, I shouted and cried and broke everything inside my car. I stayed there for a few days, I did not contact anyone and booked my flight to Paris, I want to forget everything even if I don't know where to start. I was about to drove my way away from London when I realized that I have not eaten anything, so I bought something and went to the airport. The moment I was about to depart, she came. "Luke, I'm sorry." "Sorry for what? You know, you don't really have to. I get it, okay? I am so happy for you two, and you should know that, my task is done, alright? You're finally home now." I said it in a very unmanly tone "Luke, you don't understand." "Understand what? That no matter how hard I try, I could never replace him because you've been spending your whole life waiting for that shit to come back? I get it, I am just someone passing through your life and assumed that ours was real, I get it, Belle." "You're not just someone to me, Luke. You are the only person who chooses to stay awake listening to my dramas, the person who chooses to listen to old songs and jam at cafes even when he hates it, the person who tries the best he could to appreciate the taste of my Mac and Cheese. The person who would stay awake at 3 A.M while watching Nicholas Spark's Movies even he wants to watch Game of Thrones, the only person who chooses to send me motivational messages even when he needs them more during his recitations and debates, the only person who proved to me that love is a matter of choice. Yes, I love him and I waited for him, but there's this difference between loving and waiting. You taught me how to love again, and I can't take that love away from you." We were both crying, the plane already departed and I did not care. We kissed each other passionately, I did not care what will people say, I have no control over myself. I love her so much and he made me love her even more by saying those words. "Belle, why me?" "Because you chose me first." The surprise turned into something real, instead of asking her to be my girl. I asked her to be my wife, I proposed right away. This time, there were no flowers, nor an expensive ring, a hired band nor a photographer. It was just me and my unfailing love for her. This is to woman I'm going to marry this year, “I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you” With Love, Atty, Luke
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