#like yeah let’s change things up the year when I’m the most depressed and don’t care about things anymore
aceofstars16 · 2 years
* tries to communicate my hurt and find a compromise *
Other people don’t listen or try to compromise
Me:….see this is why I don’t see the point in even trying anymore
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cinnajun · 11 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: zb1 and long distance relationships
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a/n: this was a fun request :) just in general, i think these guys would be pretty good at it (save for a few of them), mostly bc they’re young and very online
notes: yujin is not included due to his age!
wc | 2.5k
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from worst to best at handling it
long distance with jiwoong is just point blank difficult
like i’ve said before i feel like relationships with jiwoong are long lasting so
when you receive whatever opportunity that requires your presence overseas, you’ve been dating for at least a couple of years
your routine is set and there’s a high probability you’re living together
so it’s a major disruption in the flow of your lives
and it’s not to say that jiwoong doesn’t want you to go, nor does he want things between you two to end
it’s just hard to wrap his mind around not having you around for dinner or having to sleep alone :(
so yeah safe to say this is going to be a very difficult time in your lives
depending on how far you are, jiwoong will absolutely be visiting you and staying in whatever apartment you’ve found yourself in
if you’re close enough (aka flight less than 5 hours) he’ll visit multiple times, but anything more than that he’ll probably end up only going once
it’s hard to get time off when you’re a working adult </3
it’s the most difficult for the both of you during holidays
there are days off you had in korea that you don’t have off now, so you physically hurt knowing that jiwoong is sitting at home instead of being on your celebratory day-off dates
and it’s just hard to keep him updated on your life
you fall into a routine of when to call each other and whatnot pretty quickly though
you also write things you want to tell him down in your notes app so when you’re talking you don’t miss anything
and really the main thing that gets you through this is those little sort of habits that you learn to have along the way
but man. you cannot wait to go home
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this might be a hot take but i think hanbin would hate being in a long distance relationship
in the beginning, he’s absolutely convinced that everything will be fine and nothing will change
his mindset is “i kept my friendship with matthew up while he was in canada, so what’s stopping me from keeping up my relationship with my s/o”
and then a week passed without you and he got really depressed
i think being in a relationship with hanbin means spending a lot of time together, holding hands, and staying near him
so when you’re so far that he can’t even fly to you easily it’s just so difficult for him
but his last resort is breaking up with you
like it’s seriously his worst-case scenario
when hanbin loves someone, he loves them very, very hard
so he will do everything in his power to keep your relationship going, but relationships are a two way street
so you need to put in the work that he’s putting in, too
obviously you’re likely abroad because you’ve taken an opportunity (aka a job) so you can’t be online all the time but
call him when you’re free, tell him when you’re going to be busy, and let him know about every single little victory that you have so you can celebrate together
and, for the love of god, do NOT bring up the fact that you can tell he hates long distance
i’m so serious with this one
hanbin absolutely will not tell you that he doesn’t like it
because, if he knows you know, he’ll feel like you feel like he’s not willing to fight for your relationship (does this sentence make sense)
but just know when you get back you’ll watch him finally relax after like 50 years lol
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i’m going to keep it short: taerae’s heart shatters into a million pieces when you break the news to him lol
like obviously he tells you he’s proud of you and that he couldn’t be more excited for you it’s just that he’s actively crying as he says that
with taerae i think you actually almost reject whatever offer you’ve received, but you pretty quickly realize that doing that would make him feel worse so you decide to muscle through it
the worst part of long distance with taerae is the like week before you leave
he cries a lot and then feels bad for crying but he doesn’t want you to go you know
when he drops you off at the airport you have to take hanbin with you because he’s crying too hard to drive back to his apartment
he hugs you outside the airport doors for like 5 minutes and hanbin has to be like okay … let’s go now … okay … we need to let them get on their flight …
and then you ugly cry for half the flight … like someone reports you to the flight attendant and they’re like is everything okay ?? and you’re like no i just left my boyfriend in korea
after that i think it’s not nearly as bad as you both thought it was going to be LOL
he’s a lil bit (incredibly) clingy at first and gets rly butthurt when you don’t update him on your every move, but then he cries to hao and hao is like “here are some tips!”
then he’s very sweet
taerae will send you videos of him playing the guitar or of him just screwing around with the boys
he also sends you cringy little paragraphs about how much he loves you and how proud of you he is
obviously taerae misses you but tbh it’s like you never left
the only reason he’s not higher up is the pure agony you went through for that week before
taerae the man that you are
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graduated from taerae school of how do i deal with my s/o going abroad for a bit
he acts all cool with it
when he drops you off at the airport he gives you the gunwook bear hug and is like “i’ll see you later! love you!”
then you get off the plane 10+ hours later and you have like 17 texts from gyuvin describing gunwook going through the 5 stages of grief
it’s actually kinda funny ngl because it’s like a picture of him hugging a pillow with a pint of ice cream in his hand while he watches your favorite movie and cries
also like taerae, everything is absolutely fine within like a week
gunwook’s really cheesy while you’re gone though and that’s how you tell he really misses you
he’s making playlists and posting old cute pics of u on his story with the caption “10,000 km away”
gyuvin also told you that he giggles and kicks his legs every time you text him when he’s not expecting it
he also just hangs out with your family while you’re abroad
he’ll text you like “damn y/n your mom made the most delicious dinner tonight” and you’re like ??? without me????
you later find out your mom invited him over so they could be sad and miss you together which is soooo embarrassing
gunwook will mail you random items from your room and with a note that says “why didn’t you take this” as if you didn’t meticulously pack every single thing you brought with you
so then you have to spend money to mail it back because you don’t want to have to buy another suitcase (you end up having to anyway, but you’re still glad you mailed the things back)
when you get back he cries in your arms for like an hour lol
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gyuvin acts like it’s not a big deal but lowkey it’s the biggest deal in his life
he’s like “omg congrats do u wanna get dinner”
that night he cries in hao’s arms like a little baby and then he gets over it
he’s genuinely so happy for you, and there are no strings attached to that excitement
one of his closest friends left his home to pursue his dreams so he should let you leave to pursue them too, you know?
the only reason gyuvin isn’t higher actually is because the other three are long distance from everyone they know LOL
long distance with gyuvin is remarkably similar to just being there with him
when he’s hanging out with friends you’ll be on the phone (albeit muted) just in case you need to contribute to the conversation
and he gets really excited when you have him on the phone while you chill out with your (new) friends
assuming you’re studying abroad because gyuvin’s not old enough to have an s/o with a job that has overseas opportunity, a lot of your time is spent in your dorm so you can call him </3
gyuvin is very popular with your overseas friends and they all follow him on instagram
any time someone hits on you they let him know and also let him know that they told whoever hit on you that you’re TAKEN!!
obviously he doesn’t enjoy knowing that people are hitting on you and he can’t do anything about it but he appreciates that your friends shut it down
all in all i think this is a healthy era of your relatioship and it strengthens your trust in one another a lot
but he prefers you being there with him so come home soon pretty please <3
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yeah long distance with ricky is barely an issue
like when you tell him he’s like “oh…okay” and then he’s sad for a little bit
but then he’s sending you off like nothing is wrong!!! and truly nothing is wrong
i think actually you’d be more sad than ricky is but that’s not to say he’s not going to miss you at all
of course he is
but ricky is a seasoned misser and knows how to keep up relationships from far away (even if he’s never had experience with it being a romantic relationship) so he’s mostly concerned with brainstorming the best ways to like keep things going in a way that isn’t jarring
he consults pretty much everyone he knows on what they think he should do, almost like he’s collecting data or something
so once you actually leave ricky is pretty interactive and prepared for your escapade!!!!
he texts you at specific times of day he knows you aren’t busy and you schedule daily calls at the same time once you know your every day schedule
like gyuvin i’m assuming you’re studying abroad, so your class schedule is on ricky’s home screen (it’s a picture widget) but it’s been translated into his timezone
sometimes he texts you during classes he knows you don’t like and you’re like … isn’t it 4 in the morning
he doesn’t answer that question
but to be fair you do the exact same thing so can you really talk…
like gyuvin, your overseas friends LOVE ricky
sometimes he will sponsor you doordashing dinner and by extension your friends (except you make them pay him back LOL)
and they think he’s the funniest guy ever
bonus: sometimes gyuvin will text you pictures of him scrolling through old texts </3
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is this at all shocking
he’s so perfect
doesn’t even bat an eye when you tell him you want to go away for this opportunity you have
“okay! how long until you leave? are they paying for your flights? do you want to start packing now? do we need to get clothes for different weather?”
once you’re off he does get a bit sad but he promises himself that by the time you’re off the plane he’ll be feeling better
he breaks the promise but you don’t know that because he acts like everything is just fine!!!
throughout the duration of your time away, communication with hao is very steady and consistent
you’re each putting in enough energy for a perfect 50/50 split <3
when you start making friends overseas, you show them hao and they’re in awe that you managed to bag the most perfect person on earth
this makes you sad, not because you’re jealous, but because hao would say they should be more surprised he managed to bag you </3
like ricky, he will also sponsor your meals from time to time!! sometimes he doordashes stuff to your place without even telling you like its that serious
hao is the champion at curing your homesickness, mostly because he figured out how to cure it for himself first
if you ever feel like things are too much and you need to leave, he will drop everything to go out there and get you feeling back up to things
he sends little presents every time you have a big achievement or an exciting event
and he’s the number one endorser of getting yourself little treats when you’re feeling proud of yourself
he’s so proud of you
and he’s so happy you got to experience something so exciting
but he can’t lie, it is a big breath of fresh air when you get back lol
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tbh for the sake of this let’s pretend you went to canada bc
why can i see you moving in with matthew’s family idk
you tell him about the opportunity and he’s like My mom will host you
you end up living with his sister LOL
because of that it’s barely like you’re gone
i mean he can come visit you for an extended amount of time and he gets to see his family so its like 2 in 1
in all actuality it doesn’t matter where you go, long distance with matthew is EASY PEASY!!!
i can see him being really trusting in a relationship and that makes things so much easier than not
the first time you get invited out you ask him “hey i got invited to a party tonight, is it okay if i go” and he’s like “ya why wouldn’t it be?? why are you asking me??”
okay feminist
he makes you watch anime with him over like teleparty or something </3 but it’s cute bc his chat reactions are like adorable
#3 of the “your friends love him squad”
they all ask you how you managed to find him because he literally doesn’t care what you do as long as you’re not cheating on him (and you would never do this)
and he’s all happy go lucky every time you talk
when he visits they’re in love with him (PLATONICALLY)
they all ask about his friends in the “haha do you have a brother” way and he’s like “my friend hanbin!”
so now all of your overseas friends want to date hanbin which is awkward
he will also make you buy like presents and things for his friends’/family’s birthdays
obviously with his money but he’s like “can you go to (store) and pick up (item) and then wrap it up and give it to my mom”
it’s very silly
all in all matthew is the long distance relationship you DESERVE!!!!
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thank you for reading!
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jessmaybank · 1 year
My best friends brother series; Part 4 - Ex’s & O’s
Series masterlist
Outer banks masterlist
Pairing(s): Rafe Cameron x fem! Kook reader.
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: after making things right with Sarah, a ghost from your past comes back to haunt you.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, alcohol use, mentions of violence, SMUT, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise kink.
Authors note: for any Drew fans who haven’t seen hellraiser yet - do it. The gif explains it all, Thank me later.
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A couple days had past since everything kicked off at Wards charity event, and you were a mess. Days seemed to be going slower, and you had nothing to occupy yourself except your depressing thoughts.
The day after the event, you woke up to a text from Rafe asking to see you, but you ignored him. The only Cameron you wanted to hear from right now was Sarah. You had been texting her like crazy, eager to make things right with your best friend.
Currently, you sat in your garden, making the most of the beaming summer heat that graced obx every year. You went to change the song on your playlist when you see a text from Sarah, asking you to come over to talk things out.
You want to jump for joy when you see her message, but you don’t. Instead, your insides twist at the thought of running into Rafe at the house.
You didn’t know what to think about the situation between you and him. You kept thinking about what he might of said if Sarah didn’t catch you both together. Part of you wanted nothing more than to hear him confess his feelings to you, if he even had any. But your naive nature was always what got you in these situations, and he had the biggest fuck-boy reputation out of anyone else in Kildare.
You text Sarah you’ll be there in 20, and head upstairs to get ready before driving to the Cameron house.
Your heart is beating out of your chest as you approach the front door, before giving it a half-hearted knock.
After about 30 seconds, the door swings open, and you turn your head in an apprehensive manner. But it’s not who you expected.
Nervousness flutters in your chest at the man who stands before you, but you don’t show it. Your features harden as you peer up at Rafe, your cold exterior giving nothing away.
Rafe’s eyes soften as he gazes down at you, licking his cherry red lips with anticipation. He has felt nothing but guilty for the past few days, which is an unfamiliar feeling for him. This isn’t the first time he has had a fling with one of Sarah’s friends, as the girl is very popular. But this is the first time he has felt bad about it.
Your emotionless features cause his heart to beat faster, and he almost didn’t want to speak.
“I’m here for Sarah. Is she in?” You say bluntly.
Your not sure why you said that, you knew she was here. But you could never think straight around Rafe.
You observe the way that hurt washes over his face as you finish your sentence, his eyes finding solace in staring at his feet. You’ve never seen him so doleful, and a twang of guilt rushed through you.
“Yeah, upstairs” he says, moving to the side to let you through the door.
His familiar scent of vanilla and sandalwood engulfs you as your walk past him, and it takes everything in you not to look into his eyes. You couldn’t even trust yourself to do that, scared you’ll fall straight into his trap again. You couldn’t let that happen.
You ignore your urges and walk up the stairs to Sarah’s room, before knocking on the door and entering when you hear her say “come in”.
“Hey” you say, fidgeting with your fingers before joining her sitting on her bed.
“Hey” she says, pursing her lips together. After about 10 seconds of silence, you decide to speak.
“Sarah I’m so sorry for everything. I should of told you about Rafe, but to be honest there’s not really much to tell. We slept together, once. And after…well he treated me like he treats every other girl in Kildare. And that’s why we were arguing at your dads party”
Sarah doesn’t respond, the cogs in her mind turning as she takes in the information she’s just been told.
“It was a mistake, and I regret it. I’m sorry for being an idiot-“
“Oh my god, relax, please. You look like your about to have an aneurysm” she says, a small smile creeping up on her face.
“I think I might be” you chuckle. And just like that, the nerves in you subsided as you giggled with your best friend.
“Look, what you did was shitty…and the thought of you with my brother is just gross” she starts, cringing as she finishes her sentence.
“But I’m sorry I got so mad. You can do what you want, just be careful okay?” She says, a sincere look spread across her sun kissed features.
“I will, I love you” you say, a cheesy grin on your face.
“I love you too. And I’m going to kill Rafe for thinking he can treat you like that”
Sarah notices the tinge of pain in your expression at the mention of how Rafe treated you, but she doesn’t say anything. Instead, she pulls you in for a hug, and you hug her back immediately.
A few hours later, you and Sarah get invited round to the chateau for a couple drinks with John B and JJ, and you all end up at some kook party. Thankfully, it seemed Sarah didn’t mention your shared escapade with her brother to your other friends. You knew how the pogues felt about Rafe, and you knew they wouldn’t be happy.
Seeing as John B and Sarah were in their own little bubble whenever they were together, you spent most of your time tonight drinking with JJ. You two had been close for a while now, and you both had your best friends to thank for it.
“Oh my god. Jake’s here” you say, eyes widening as you grab JJ’s arm to get his attention.
Jake, your recent ex of one year, walked through the door and past the couch that you and JJ are sat on, with a girl clung onto his arm. You recognised the girl as she was the one he cheated on you with. The room was packed, so he didn’t notice you, which you were thankful for.
Looking at him now and seeing him for who he is, you couldn’t believe you wasted a year of your life with him. You internally cringed at the thought.
“Want me to rough him up?” He says, a playful look on his face as his eyes wander to your ex. Although it sounded like he was only joking, you knew he would do it for you if you asked. JJ has always been loyal to the people he loves.
“It’s a tempting proposal Maybank, but no. He’s not even worth the calories you would burn by punching him, trust me” you say, earning a small chuckle from the blonde beside you.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, because I know Jake never deserved you from the start. But…you don’t seem as upset as I thought you would given that your going through a break up”
You had no idea how to respond to JJ’s statement. Although you were pretty drunk, you were not about to tell him the truth, which was that Rafe had already replaced the void that Jake left, wether you would like to admit it or not.
“I don’t know… I guess I always knew he wasn’t right for me. And when I found out he cheated, I suppose I actually felt a bit relieved. I had an excuse not to be with him anymore” you say, a sincere look in your eyes as you fidget with your fingers.
JJ nods his head in understanding, bringing his beer bottle up to his lips and taking a swig of the cheap beverage.
“I need to pee. I’ll be back” you say, finishing your drink before standing up from the couch, not bothering to wait to hear a response from JJ.
After you use the bathroom upstairs, you walk back down the staircase. You take advantage of your high position on the stairs and notice that JJ is no longer sitting on the couch. You set off to go find him, but once you reach the bottom of the stairs you come to a halt.
Jake stands before you, his brown eyes studying your features before trailing his eyes up and down your body, a smug smirk on his face. Your stomach churned with disgust as you look up at the boy who you once thought you loved. You noticed his new girlfriend was no where to be seen.
“Get out of my way” you say, trying to push past him.
“Woah woah woah, your not ganna say hi to your boyfriend?” He tuts, grabbing your arm so you couldn’t move, and snaking his other arm around your waist. You were extremely uncomfortable at this point. His grip was tight, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little scared.
“Ex. Ex boyfriend. Now let go of me Jake” you say, a pleading look in your eyes as your urge him to leave you alone.
You struggle in his grip before finally being able to break free, and you try to create as much space in between you both as possible by stepping backwards. Being in the drunk state you were in, you forget there were stairs behind you, and you tripped.
You expected to fall onto the bottom of the staircase, but you never did. Instead, you felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around you, lifting you back up so you were steady.
“Rafe” you breathe out, mouth agape as you peer up at him. You hated how happy you felt to see him.
He doesn’t respond as he turns his attention to Jake, retracting his arms from your waist and stepping in front of you to stand chest to chest with your ex.
“Have we got a problem?” Rafe says, sending him a hard glare. If looks could kill, Jake would definitely be dead.
Jake scoffs. “What? No I-“
“See I think we do. She told you to leave her alone. If you don’t want to get the shit beaten out of you, I suggest you listen to her. Understand?” He says sternly, his low tone sending shivers down your spine. You could imagine how intimidated Jake felt.
Your ex nods his head reluctantly, his jaw clenched as he begins to walk off, but Rafe grabs his shoulder.
“You do so much as touch her again, and I will kill you with my bare hands” he says lowly, his features hardened to show he means every word. And he did.
Jake shrugs off Rafe’s arm, giving him no response as he walks into the crowds of people. You prayed that was the last time you would interact with him tonight.
Rafe turns his body to face you, your eyes immediately looking up at him through your eyelashes. His ocean blue orbs cast a spell on you as you stood before him, and you couldn’t help the smile that creeped up on your glossy lips.
“What?” He questions, his face softening as he turns all his attention to you. He was so happy to see you smile.
“Now I see where you get your reputation from” you say, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“It’s not my fault, that guy has an extremely punch-able face”
You let out a little chuckle as a response. Truth be told, watching Rafe defend you so dominantly turned you on, a lot. The familiar ache between your thighs was present, and you pressed your legs together for some friction.
You were wearing a skirt, so Rafe noticed this, his mouth agape as he trailed his eyes down your body, watching the way your legs shut and you squirmed ever so slightly. This time, you enjoyed being watched.
The small action sent his thoughts into a frenzy, and when your eyes met with his again, you noticed the way his eyes had darkened.
“Plus…knowing that he’s touched you the way I’ve touched you…” he starts, stepping towards you and tangling his hand in your hair. He observed the way you drew in a sharp breath.
“It makes me want to put a bullet in his brain” he says quietly, so no one else can hear. If your insides weren’t burning before, they definitely were now.
“It does?” You question, biting your lip with anticipation.
He nods his head in response.
“He never touched me like you do, Rafe” you say seductively, fluttering your eyelashes at him.
“No?” He says, the smallest of smirks playing on his red lips as he brings his finger to your chin, forcing you to lock gazes with him. You felt like you were melting under his touch.
“The things you do to me. The way you touch me. The way you make me feel. I’ve never experienced it before” you say, your vulnerability on display as you pour your heart out to your best friends brother.
“Yeah?” He says, using his hand that was entangled in your hair to massage your scalp, making you relax under his touch.
“The more you speak, the harder it is for me to control myself around you” he says.
“Wanna go upstairs?” You say innocently, but the look on your face was anything but innocent.
It didn’t take long for Rafe to nod his head as he begins guiding you upstairs, taking your small hand and intertwining it with his own.
When you were halfway up the stairs, you turned your head to scan the perimeter. You saw JJ on the couch, talking to a girl, and you were glad he was distracted. You couldn’t see Sarah or John B, so they must of been outside still.
Rafe leads you into an empty bedroom, shutting the door behind both of you. Immediately, he grabs the back of your thighs, giving them a light squeeze before lifting you up and wrapping your legs around him.
He leads you to the bed, before throwing you on it, and he doesn’t miss the way your breasts bounce as you hit the mattress.
In seconds, he’s on top of you, and his lips decide to claim yours. His tongue roams around your mouth as you melt under his touch, and you tangle your fingers in his hair, occasionally pulling at his dirty blonde locks. He groans into your mouth at the sensation, and you swear that every time you kiss Rafe, it feels like the very first time.
Rafe pulls away, bringing his mouth down to your neck, nipping and biting at your skin before peppering kisses all the way down your body, and you whimper under his touch. When he gets to your waist, he starts to pull your skirt down, pulling it off your legs and discarding it somewhere in the room.
“Look at you, sweet thing” he says, admiring how good you look beneath him. His praise only made the ache in your pussy grow even more, and you were beginning to grow desperate.
As if he could read your mind, he hooks his fingers under your lace thong and drags the thin material down your legs.
He wastes no time in kneeling down and spreading your legs, hooking his arms under your thighs to pull your dripping heat closer to his cherry red lips. You let out a heavenly moan as he licks a stripe up your wet folds.
“Mm, you taste sweet too” he murmurs, before latching his tongue onto your clit.
You didn’t respond as you were too caught up in the pleasure he was making you feel, and you meant what you said to him before. No one could ever make you tremble beneath them like Rafe Cameron could. That was just a fact.
Once again, your hands found solace in his hair, and you tried your best to stifle your moans by biting your lip, aware of the fact there were a lot of people downstairs. But when he inserted two fingers into you, you couldn’t contain the pornographic moans which left your lips.
“Shit, Rafe” you say, your eyes fluttering shut as you lose control over your body.
Rafe removes his tongue from your clit, and moved his body upwards so your face to face, his fingers still pumping into you.
“Look at me” he says, and you do just that, as obedient as ever.
“Your mine, and I’m yours. I want you to say it” He says, his lips brushing over yours as he speaks. His fingers were pounding into your pussy at a relentless pace, and it took everything in you to respond.
“Im yours, and you are mine”
Tags: @rootbeerfaygo @loverofdrewstarkey @joselyn001 @Kikiboo69 @loving-and-dreaming @everythingmarveltopgun @abbybarnesstuff @Lail1010 @honeybubblepopp @drewsandsebastianswife @Baby19sthings
(Some of the tags aren’t working, I’m sorry idk why this is it just says blog not found)
Guys, thank you so much for the love you have shown with series, this is probably the last part as I don’t wanna make it boring by dragging it out.
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zxvmp · 10 months
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Toge Inumaki x Fem!Reader
Warnings: improper use of techniques, slightly suggestive (not exactly smut, just hip grinding and making out 😛), mentions of depression, starving, and anxiety.
summary: you’re a new student at jujustu high looking for a way to understand curses more and control your technique. what you didn’t expect was getting yourself distracted by a particular boy..
a/n: this take place when yuta, maki, panda, and toge are all first years so my life’s easier lmao. kinda long story, probably should’ve done this on ao3 tbh 😭
Gojo had told you to meet in a classroom down the hall so he could introduce you to the other first years of jujutsu high. You always knew curses existed in the world, at a young age you discovered your technique. Strange markings formed on the palms of your hands and just from the touch of your skin you could dismantle peoples body’s parts. A very dangerous technique. You’ve hurt more people than you could count, even your own parents. Something you’d never forgive yourself for.
After unintentionally harming people, you shut yourself out and ignored many people in your life. Those people didn’t deserve to live their life with missing limbs because of your technique. You found yourself falling deeper and deeper into depression, rarely going out, and barely eating. Many things changed after a special grade sorcerer by the name of Satoru Gojo introduced you to the world of cursed energy and a high school specially made for people like yourself.
Taking a deep breath, you clenched your gloved fists slid open the shoji door.
Immediately you felt all eyes on you. Everyone’s piercing gazes sent shivers down your spine from how intimidated they were. Was that a panda?
“Why don’t you introduce yourself?” Gojo suggested.
Your eyes stared at the floor as you fiddled with your fingers, trying to think of an introduction. Letting out a deep sigh, you raised your head with confidence and began to speak.
“My name is (y/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
Gojo began to introduce you to the people in the room, but one stuck out the most. He had white hair with a slight silver tint to it and beautiful lavender colored eyes. Although you couldn’t see his full face, he seemed to give you a smile when Gojo finally told you his name.
“I think you and Toge will get along the most, which is why i’ll be sending you both on a mission.”
Of course, out of all the people he had to choose him.
“A mission? Already?” You ask nervously. You had just started at the school and he was already sending you on a mission.
“Uhh yeah?” Gojo snickered, motioning for the two of you to follow him out.
You hesitated to follow, but seeing Toge follow him out made you follow as well. Giving a quick wave goodbye to the others, you quickly caught up the boys. As you walked beside them, you couldn’t help but feel nervous and kick the rocks on the road to help distract your mind. You’d never fully experienced a fight against a cursed creature, so you had no idea what you’d do when you’d encounter one. Toge seemed to notice your nervousness and poked your shoulder.
“Mustard leaf.”
Squinting your eyes at the boy, he seemed puzzled as well.
“Mustard leaf?” You ask out of confusion.
Gojo let out a low chuckle before turning to you to explain why he used strange words to communicate. Apparently he was a cursed speech user, and to prevent from harming himself and others, he uses rice ball ingredients to speak.
“So do you understand what he’s saying?” You whisper, only loud enough for Gojo to hear.
“No, but sometimes I act like I do to make him feel better.” Gojo snickered, gaining the attention of the cursed speech user.
After Gojo placed a barrier around the school you were assigned, you were now left alone with Toge. As much as you tried to understand what he was saying, he became frustrated and let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry..” You say, feeling guilty you couldn’t understand what he was trying to say.
He quickly shook his hands and made a few strange gestures that made you raise an eyebrow. With a roll of his eyes he pulled out his phone and began to type into a notepad app.
“Not you, me. You are okay.”
You quickly realized he was frustrated with himself and not you, which made you a bit more relieved.
“I see, what exactly where you trying to say earlier?”
He began to tap his screen fast, showing you another response.
“Wanted to see if you were okay, seemed stress.”
You found it cute he cared about how he cared for you despite you two just meeting. Looking at his soft features you could tell he was a kind-hearted person.
“Awe thank you. I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all.”
Before he could respond, his eyes quickly darted to the curse behind you. In seconds you watched his fingers unzip his large collar and push you out the way.
Your eyes widened as the curse immediately exploded from just the sound of his voice. Speaking of his voice, he sounded very hot all of a sudden. Snapping out of your thoughts, you quickly rushed to his side to made sure he was okay. Looking at his face you could see markings on both of his cheeks, and his tongue that was stuck out.
“Thank you, are you alright?”
He gave you a nodded and zipped his collar back up, continuing to walk forward as if what he just did wasn’t amazing. Jogging to his side you couldn’t help but smile, he was very cute.
“That’s a very unique technique you have, I like your markings.” You say with a small smile.
You two stared into each others eyes before he whispered a small ‘thanks’. It was a shame he was limited to short words, his voice was so beautiful.
Walking through the halls of an empty school felt so strange, especially with the weird feeling of eyes constantly on you. You’d always have sharp senses, but being with him made you more nervous than you should’ve been. Setting your thoughts aside you took a deep inhale to focus yourself on the mission. As you both turned a corner you were both face to face with a large curse. This time you took the lead and defended him before he used his speech technique.
Placing your gloves in your skirt pocket, you raised on hand and placed it on the curses rough skin. The curse cried out in pain as it’s body crumbled away from just the touch of your palm. A slight sting formed in the hand you had just used, causing you to wince in pain.
“Mustard leaf.”
You had remembered he asked you that question earlier, and he explained to you moments ago he was asking if you were alright. Putting two and two together you understood what he was trying to say.
“I’m fine, just a slight pain.”
He nodded and reached for you hand, but you quickly whipped them away before he could touch them. You didn’t know if letting him touch your hands would harm him, and you didn’t want to risk any chances.
“I might hurt you.” You say, placing your hands behind your back.
“Bonito Flakes.” Toge said shaking his head, reaching for your hand once more.
You gasped once he made contact, but to your surprise nothing happened to him. Mouth open in shock, he observed your hands and markings and gave you a smile before placing them back down gently. Maybe this was what Gojo meant by us getting along. You two shared some common traits.
He pulled out his phone to type into his notes app once more and held his screen in front of his face.
“If you focus hard enough, you won’t hurt the people you care about.”
Gojo had explained to you that throughout your time at the school you’d gain control over your technique, and thinking about it now, he could be right. You stared down at your palms and eyes the two markings on your palms. You knew they meant destruction, so you always thought anything you touched would be destroyed.
The two of you shared a quick smile before continuing your walk around to find the main curse to exorcise, but as you followed the white haired boy, a large tentacle broke through a window startling you both. Large glass pieces flew through the air, some leaving cuts on your exposed skin. Toge took action and unzipped his collar, yelling “Twist.”
The tentacle twisted and you could hear the cries of the curse outside as it retracted its tentacle. That curse had to be the one you were both looking for. It was very large and you could feel how powerful its energy was. Since you were only on the second floor it’d be safe to jump out to save the time of running down the halls and down the stairs to reach the creature. Giving Toge a quick nod, you both jumped out the window.
“Don’t move!”
The curse stilled it’s movements, giving you the time to place your hands on it to destroy it. Since the size of the curse was pretty big, destroying it took a lot of energy and focus. Soon after the contact you made with it, the curse cried out and exploded, causing you to fall to ground from its body crumbling away. Your hands trembled and you silently cried in pain from the intense stinging you felt in your hands.
Toge quickly rushed to your side, one hand placed on your back and the other turning your chin towards him. “Mustard leaf?!”
Even with the pain you felt, you couldn’t help but feel flustered from how close you two were in the moment. You could see all of his features much clearer now. His sharp jawline, pale clear skin, beautiful lavender eyes, he was so ethereal. His eyebrows raising caused you to snap of your daze and made you nudge him away from you to calm yourself down.
“It’s just the after effects, I promise you i’m fine.”
You gave him a quick smile before standing and placing your gloves back onto your hands. He coughed a bit as he zipped his collar up, making you wonder if using cursed speech took a toll on his throat. It must’ve if he had to use it all the time.
Gojo congratulated you for completing your first mission without any injuries and sent you back to the academy in a car with your new friend. During the car ride the two of you shared some things about each other throughout text messages since you still couldn’t fully understand what he was trying to tell you.
You learned quickly that he could be a tease, but you didn’t mind.
The next three months was spent going on missions with your new teammates—Maki, Panda, and Yuta— and intense training. You learned that Maki couldn’t use cursed energy which you found unfortunate, but despite her not having cursed energy she was very admirable. She was extremely flexible and incredibly good at wielding weapons; you lost almost every sparing match against her. The other two were very kind, especially Yuta. He could be very awkward sometimes but told good jokes to make up for it.
One thing you wished you could ignore throughout those three month were the strong feelings you felt towards. Toge. There had always been this strange tension between the two of you whenever it was just the two of you hanging out. Even being his best friend, you always felt slightly nervous around him to the point you tried to avoid him at times. You felt bad when you watched his expression in his eyes change when you ignored his questjons. He, of course, respected your wishes whenever you avoided him. Not ever considering using his technique to force you to explain why you avoided him at times.
…Well, he at least tried to.
Your avoiding had been going on for weeks now and he was starting to become frustrated. Maki wouldn’t even tell him why, he knew she knew but he wanted to hear it come from your mouth.
A knock on your door startled you from the book you had been reading as you quickly walked over to see who see who had knocked at such a late time.
Your eyes widened as it was the one boy you had been avoiding for the past three weeks. Before you could close the door, Toge quickly stopped it and forced his way in, closing it behind him.
Usually he’d text you before coming to your room, so his sudden appearance made you nervous since you were dressed in a large t-shirt with only a bra and underwear on underneath.
“H-Hey Toge, what’s up?” You say nervously, fiddling with your hands behind your back. His intense stare made you even more nervous than you needed to be, and you just knew your cheeks were a bright red.
His eyes squinted as he cocked his head to the side, eyeing you up and down before sighing.
“Avoiding.” Toge whispered.
Damn, did he catch on?
“What do you mean?” You say, playing dumb.
He scoffed and pushed past you, heading towards your desk to write on a sticky note. “Don’t play dumb (y/n).”
Did he finally notice your strange behavior? The way you fumbled your words around him and evident blush that always coated your cheeks whenever he touched or looked at you. Maybe avoiding him made him put things together, and now he was confronting you about it. He scribbled down a new sentence, holding the note in your face.
“You’ve been avoiding me, why?”
You gasped in shock at his accusation, of course he wasn’t wrong, but you still didn’t want to admit it. “I have not been avoiding you, Toge.”
He sighed as he rolled his eyes, hands running through his hair before ripping another note to write down another sentence.
“Tell me, please?”
Your heart rate increased from the intimidating gaze he gave you as he held the note out for you to read.
“It’s getting late. You should-”
“Tell me.” Toge said, his cursed energy immediately hitting your body.
Your words flew out of your mouth immediately without any warning, “I’ve been avoiding you because I like you.”
Both of your eyes widened, yours mostly widened because he used his technique on you and he’d never done that before. Your hands instantly flew your mouth as you backed away slowly before you stumbled onto your couch.
Toge took a full stack of sticky notes along with a pen and quickly rushed to sit beside you.
“N-No! I swear that isn’t it. I don’t know why I said that.” You chuckle nervously.
He shook his head and wrote down a note for you to read. “Don’t lie. Do you really like me?”
At this point, your heart was pounding out of your chest, ready to burst at any given moment. You clenched your hands into a fist onto your thighs as you turned your flushed face away from him, too embarrassed to tell him to his face.
“Face towards me.” Toge demanded.
A slight shock ring throughout your body before you felt your body move on it’s own, you now facing Toge again.
“Hey stop doing that! That’s unfair.” You pout, unable to turn your body.
Toge scoffed and shoved another sticky note to your face, “I don’t want to have to ask again. >:(”
You sighed in defeat as you lowered you head, whispering a small ‘yes’.
Toge smirked as he tossed the paper and pen to the side, tilting your chin up towards him, mouthing “I like you too.”
Your mouth parted slightly and Toge took that as his chance to place a quick kiss onto your soft lips. As he pulled back a bit to admire your expression, you could see his sly smile on his face. You knew he was enjoying this. Without thinking, you rushed in to crash your lips against his—a desperate kiss. You practically melted into his touch as his hands traveled up your thighs before pulling you on top of him to deepen the kiss even more.
The moment was perfect to you, something you’d always imagine but never expect to ever happen. His tongue moved hungrily against yours as his grip on you tightened, causing you let out a small gasp. Your hips began to grind against him to help the built up heat forming in your panties. Your fingers ran through his hair through your heated make out session before you both pulled back for air. He looked so handsome like this, his hair ruffled and cheeks flushed, you couldn’t believe you managed to pull him.
“Kiss me.”
sorry for any spelling errors, i wrote this at like 3 am because i got this sudden urge to write about him…he’s so fine 😇
part 2??
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magma-queen · 11 months
This was requested by @giggly-squiggily and I must say, the prompt is SO FRIGGIN CUTE. I apologize if this took too long, but here’s your first prompt, dear! Enjoy! <3
He had it marked down on his calendar.
It was their 10 year wedding anniversary.
And this is the most excited Maxie had ever been in YEARS.
It was disappointing though, he couldn’t take the day off from work to be with the love of his life, but he was certain that Archie had planned something wonderful for them before he left for work.
He sat up, but saw that his husband wasn’t in bed with him. Ideas flooded through his mind. Was he going to go downstairs to find that Archie had made an amazing breakfast for him? Who knows? He had already planned a wonderful present for him. Excitedly, he emerged from bed and threw his clothes on, then headed down the stairs.
When he stepped into the kitchen, he saw his husband sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in his hands.
“Morning, love.” He smiles.
The redhead seemed a bit confused and disappointed. “Good morning, dear. Is.. there something you want to tell me this morning?”
He saw Archie’s confused look. “Huh? Nothing I can’t think of. Why?”
“Dear god, he forgot.” Maxie thought. He cleared his throat. “You know what today is, right?” He asked, being a little more blunt this time, and hoping that Archie was just playing with him.
“Mmm.. it’s Friday?” Archie chuckled.
Tears almost started to prick the corners of Maxie’s eyes. “Y-yes, it’s Friday. N-Never mind. Forget I asked.” He walked over to the fridge, grabbed a protein shake, then started heading for the door. “I’ll be home later.”
“Okay, sweetheart. I love ye!”
“Yeah.. love you too.” He glumly shut the door and began walking. He finally let the tears flow.
Yes, Archie can be forgetful at times, but Maxie had never counted on his husband forgetting their 10th wedding anniversary. He had to have been toying with him. He had to of! He let these thoughts race through his head as he made his way to work.
Meanwhile Archie was still sitting in the kitchen. He did sense how upset Maxie seemed, and felt bad about the act he put on. He could tell he was about to cry.
But Archie did not forget. In fact, he was planning something extraordinary for his husband. For both of them. Hopefully Maxie would forgive him by the time the surprise was over.
He couldn’t get the smile off of his face. He started making a few calls, then began his plan for the evening ahead.
Back with Maxie, the poor man was depressed the rest of the morning and all afternoon. He could barely concentrate on his work. Courtney and Tabitha would clearly tell that something was wrong, but they didn’t want to make his mood worse.
Maxie didn’t know how to feel. Angry? Upset? Confused? All 3?? He couldn’t understand why the man he’s been married to for 10 whole years had forgotten one of their most important anniversaries. Even his Pokemon were starting to get worried about him. He had assured everyone that he was fine, but he was easy to read.
Once he was finally finished, he left his office and headed back home. Once he stood in front of the door, he was hoping, praying that Archie really didn’t forget.
He opened the door, and saw that the house was dim. Archie was lying on the couch waiting for him.
“Hey, Max. How was your day, baby?”
“It was fine.” He grumbled.
Before Maxie could slip his shoes off, Archie stopped him. “Wait, Max. I’m a little tired from working today, and I don’t think I can cook tonight. Would you like to.. go out?”
He didn’t suspect a thing. “Sure. Just.. let me change.”
Archie’s stomach dropped. Perhaps he should’ve let Maxie know that he at least didn’t forget. He could tell that he was so upset, and didn’t blame him for being short with him. But he’s hoping tonight, he could make it up to him.
They both stepped into the car, and Archie drove them nearby a steep hill in Mossdeep city.
“Um, Archie.. this doesn’t look like a restaurant to me. What’s going on?”
Poor thing, he was still clueless.
Archie smirks and parks the car. “C’mon, I wanted to show ye somethin’ first!”
Hesitantly, Maxie stepped out of the car and follows Archie up to the top. He gasps, seeing the cutest little picnic setup he’d ever seen.
Archie sat down on the blanket laid out and picked up an acoustic guitar.
He began singing. “When I first saw ye, I saw love~ and the first time you touched me, I felt love~ and after all this time, yer still the one I love, mmm~”
The redhead’s eyes watered, until the tears were flowing.
“Looks like we made it, look how far we’ve come, my baby~ We mighta took the wrong way, we knew we’d get there someday~”
“Oh, Archie~”
“They said, ‘I bet they’ll never make it’, but just look at us holding on, we’re still together, still going strong, mm~ Yer still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, yer still the one I want for life~ yer still the one that I love, the only one I dream of~ yer still the one I kiss goodnight~”
His husband just sat next to him and cried. He was so happy.
“Ain’t nothin’ better, we beat the odds together, I’m glad we didn’t listen, look at what we would be missin’~”
He sang the chorus once more beautifully.
“I’m so glad we made it, look how far we’ve come, my baby~”
He stops, puts down the guitar, then pulls a sobbing Maxie close to his chest.
“Shhh, Shh shh.. don’t cry, my love.” He removes his glasses and kisses his temple. “Happy anniversary, darling.. *kiss* I should’ve never pretended to forget our anniversary, Max… I just didn’t want ye finding out the surprise. I’m so sorry I upset ye.. please forgive me.”
Maxie lifts his head up, wiping away his tears, holds Archie’s face, and presses his lips against Archie’s.
“Mm? Mmm~”
“I love you, so much.”
“I love ye too, baby.”
When the kiss was over, they started eating. Archie was excited for what was coming next.
Soon, they both saw glittering meteorites in the sky. Archie saw Maxie’s eyes light up at the sight, and smiled.
“I made sure we’d be here for the meteor shower tonight~”
“It’s absolutely beautiful.”
“Mm hmm~ and so are ye, my lovely lava man~ C’mere~”
He pulls Maxie close to his side, and they watch the rest of the meteor shower. Afterwards, Archie drives them both home. Once he opens the front door, Maxie makes him sit on the couch.
“You wait here. I’m going to get YOUR present ready~” He purrs, kissing his cheek.
This made Archie’s face turn red. This was such a perfect evening for them both, and now, it was going to be even better.
After about 15 minutes, Maxie came behind his husband, who was still waiting, and covered his eyes with his hands.
“Ohoho~ so it’s one of those kinds of surprises, eh?” Archie chuckles, standing up. “Alright, I’ll keep my eyes closed~”
Maxie just laughs and leads him upstairs to their bedroom. Once they’re at the doorstep, they stop.
“Are you ready?”
“Alright, open your eyes.”
Archie does so, and he sees their whole room covered in rose petals, candles lit around the room, and his husband already in his night clothes.
“Oh my…” Archie exclaimed. “Wow, babe… this- this is..”
He leans into his chest. “All for us~” He giggles, leading him to the bed. “Let me show you how much I love YOU~”
“Hold on, lemme change first, baby.”
Archie never changed so fast in his life. Can anyone blame him? Cuddling with his husband, on their anniversary, surrounded by candles and rose petals?? It’s romantic!
He came back, and practically ran to the bed, embracing Maxie into his arms. “This is amazing, Max~ I love ye~ *kiss*”
“I’m glad you love it, darling. I love you too. I was worried that it wouldn’t be good enough-“
“-Absolutely not! There’s nothing I love more than to be lying here.. with ye.”
The redhead smiles and starts kissing him around his collarbone and neck.
“Hehehehe~ Maaaaax~” Archie snickered, squirming in his grasp.
“Mmmm? *kiss* What’s the matter, dear?” He teases, continuing his kisses. He knew what he was doing.
“N-nohohohothing, it’s just- pffff- y-yer kihihisses- gahahahahahahah!!”
He couldn’t finish his sentence because the redhead decided to tickle his belly.
“What was that, honey? I couldn’t hear you~”
“B-Bahahabe, cuhuhuhut it ohuhuhuhut! Ahahahah- yehehehe- *snort* ye know Ihihihi’m ticklish!”
“Ohhh~ so I see~” He smirks, tickling faster. “That’s what I was missing on this perfect day~ your laughter~”
He shoots his arms out and begins tickling Maxie’s ribs.
“GAH-! Ahahahahahah-! Nohohoho!! Nahahahaht the rihihihihibs!! *snort* Ahahaharchie, stahahahahahp!”
He just grins and nuzzles his beard into his neck, kissing him while he continues to tickle his ribs. “Hehe! Ye started it! Ye ruined the romantic moment by tickling me! *nuzzle*”
“Nahahahahohoht thehehehe beheheheard-! Not thehehehehehe beheheheheheard- ahahahahah-! *snort* Okahahay okahahahay!! Ihihihihi suhuhuhurendeheheheher!” He squealed.
Archie chuckles and kisses his check after he stops his nuzzles and tickles. “Yer so cute.”
“Hehe.. heheh…” The redhead wipes the mirthful tears off his face and hugs his husband. “Ihihihi love you, you big dork.”
“Awww, I love ye too, Maxie. *kiss* Happy anniversary, baby. Here’s to 10 more years of ye putting up with my bullshit~”
“Oh, you shush~” Maxie scoffs, wrapping his arms around him. “You know well by now, my darling… that I love you and your bullshit. Now, kiss me.”
Archie growls playfully and returns the kiss, cuddling the rest of the night away with the love of his life, until they both fall asleep. This was an anniversary neither of them could ever forget.
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igotanidea · 1 year
five years later : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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the graphic is not mine, found it on Pinterest, all credit goes to the author.
Another piece of Cheshire!reader!verse aka what happened earlier, when Cheshire (Y/N) found out Jason was not in fact dead.
Other parts are: Cheshire cat and That damn gala and can be read regardless.
Warnings: all of it. Smut. Insecurities and mentions of scars. Angst. Mentions of Jay flings and Y/N unsatisfying relationships. Fluff at the end. MINORS DNI!
Loosely inspired on the song "Lost in the fire" by The Weeknd.
The air in the room was filled with so much tension and palpable electricity that the slightest spark could set it able. Y/N and Jason were sitting on the opposite sides, eyeing each other. She was suspicious, cold and unwavering. He was a bit nervous, shy and unsure what to say.
“So….” she started crossing her arms over chest “ you were dead”
“Did you get bored?” she mocked
“What?” the visible hurt in his eyes did not make her change this tone. She was angry, she felt betrayed and most definitely were not going to let him get away with everything he has done easily. “How could you….?”
“did they kick you out of Hell?”
“No, Jace. Did they kick you out? I bet even the devil didn’t want you after he learned you played a trick like that on your family and …. friend….” She hesitated on the last word. Honestly, she had no idea if they were friends? Lovers? Frenemies? Before everything turned to shit they kissed a few times and were trying to become something more but now she wasn’t ready if what they had before was still on.
“Well that is far from a warm welcome I was expecting…..” he looked down a bit depressed. If she did not want him he truly had nowhere else to go. Bats rejected him, he was not going to turn to Bruce and she was his only hope. Apparently gone now.
“Are you serious?” her tone was cold as ice and so was her gaze “it’s been five freaking years, Todd” oh, shit, she was using his last name now. Silent fury, the worst kind. “You were dead. And they I just get a call from Dick with the most mysterious message : he’s alive. And apparently he has been for a while now. Tell me, Red Hood, because that is who you are now, right? Was is fun? Was it worth it?”
“It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like? Go on, I’m being merciful here, you have one chance to explain it and then I don’t want to see you again. “
“I was dead” he sighed deeply “and then…. Then I got resurrected.” He sighed deeply knowing well enough she was not going to believe him
“Don’t give me this religious shit about bringing people back from the dead” she rolled her eyes and stood up in frustration
“Y/N….” he raised to her height as well, now his 6’4 figure towering over her “please, you have to believe me, I’m telling the truth. There’s this place called Lazarus pit. I… I was thrown there and …. came back.” He absentmindedly reached for her hands but she moved away.
“Yeah, I heard a legend about it. But sure as hell you did not crawl there by yourself. Who helped you? Was it someone I know?” Jason muttered something incoherently “sorry? What was that? And don’t try to lie, you know I am a human lie detector.”
“Thalia al Ghul.” He mumbled and his cheeks became a bit flushed
“Shut up!” she let out a desperate laugh.
“It’s true.”
“Oh, I know, I see it in your eyes. And on your whole face. God damn it! Thalia Al Ghul. Like Dami’s assassin mother?” still laughing she raised an eyebrow making sure she put the two dots together and hummed in satisfaction when he nodded “that is crazy. Wait till I tell him……”
“Don’t you dare!” he yelled moving closer to her.
“Oh, there you are. Not so quiet and repentant anymore. Good, nice to know you still got problems with anger management. Now, one more thing. Should I tell Damian that you and his mother actually had an affair?” she smirked with venom in her voice “that you….”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence!!” he was now even closer but she was the one who always liked to play with fire and push on his buttons.
“That you fucked his mother? Because you did, didn’t .....?”
Before she could finish this sentence Jason had her pressed against the wall, his chest moving up and down in frustration, panting
“Auch!”she mocked, but the impact really was painful even if she did expect it.
“You are a brat. Always have been. Guess nothing changed for the last five years.”
“Or maybe your time with League of Assassins exacerbated your temper? I mean you always had issues but now it’s seems completely out of control. Didn’t they teach you how to keep your cool?”
“How do you know about….?” He moved back, surprised with her words. He did not tell anyone what he was doing during the last years.
“Come on. Thalia? You just said it yourself. If she helped you, you definitely stayed there. It’s simple dots connecting. Oh, my god. That would be a spit and disgrace for Bruce if he ever were to find out! I can literally imagine his face right now.” She laughed hard, not moved by the fact that only a second earlier she was brutally pinned against the wall. She was a vigilante, things like that did not bother her.
“Will you just shut up!?” he yelled in frustration.
“Don’t worry. I won’t be the one to tell him. That’s one thing I can do for you” she smirked “Cheshire knows exactly how to keep a secret and yours is safe, all right? Now will you just calm down?”
“How do you expect me to calm down?” his gaze fixed on her and for the first time in a long, long time she was completely frozen by the look in his eyes “Do you know what you are doing to me?” he groaned
“Jason……” her eyes went wider and wider when he started moving towards her again and soon had her cornered. “Fuck!” she hissed. There was nowhere to run now and she mentally facepalmed herself for not taking precautions. She was not scared. Jason could be angered and violent, but he would never hurt her, right? Despite that rational part of her brain, telling her that it was still her Jace, her vigilante instincts got the best of her when she ducked under his arms and moved to the other side of the room.
The sound, the groan that came from the back of his throat when she wriggled out of his reach was not human. God, she always knew how to get on his nerves. So why the fuck did he still love her? Why did he want her? Now. Immediately. He wanted her under him, writhing and moaning his name in indefinite pleasure as he would go down on her, getting exactly where she needed him and giving her everything. He wanted to feel her against him, caressing her perfect body, showing her how much he missed her for those last years.  He needed to feel her and her touch on every scar he got from his fights. He wanted to kiss every place, every square centimeters of her smooth skin, her neck, collarbone, her breasts and belly button. He wanted her lips and those sweet sounds he knew she would make. He wanted to make her feel so fucking good. He craved to assure her that she was the only one on his mind. Ever. He needed to hear her whisper that she was his. He needed to know that she loved him too, that he was the only one for her. Fuck! He saw it in her eyes and if he was someone else he wouldn’t even hesitate just took her right there, right now, without asking, without waiting for her to say yes, just getting what he wanted. That was what Red Hood would do. However, she was still his sweet, beloved Y/N. Unruly and challenging but still he never wanted to break her. And just to her, he didn’t want to be the vigilante, the anti-hero. He wanted to be Jason Todd, the boy she knew before, hoping this would be enough and that she wouldn’t turn him away. Oh, he was getting such dirty thought…. The fact that he spaced out did not pass her
“Jaybird?” his eyes got a bit glassy when her voice switched from Cheshire  mode to concerned words of Y/N as she used his nickname “Jay?”
His lust filled eyes landed on her, pupils blown unnaturally, dark and with so much need and …..love. she involuntarily took a deep breath and just by seeing her like this, now completely vulnerable, with chapped lips, so innocent and frightened made him hard.
“Jay, why are you looking at me like that?” her voice trembled. Was she scared of him? That is not what he wanted. Slowly, carefully not to made her run away from him again he took a step forward. And then another and other, getting braver when she did not move, eyes searching his face “why are you…..?”
“You know I want you…..” he whispered “I always wanted you. Even when I was with…. anyone else, there was only you.” his face was now inches apart from hers and he could tell she wanted him too and were struggling to keep her composure and self-control. That was what she was learned, never give up control.
“Wait, you thought about me when you were having sex with other women? Ugh. That is seriously messed up and sick.”
“Y/N….” he whispered against her skin, brushing his nose over hers “You know I’ve always loved you…. I know I messed up, but give me one chance to fix it.”
“Just…. Just one chance.” She gasped and he leaned to kiss her but she put a finger on his lips  “What do you want to do to me?”
“I want to fuck you. Slow. With the lights on.”
“Ja…. Jay….” She whimpered “I…. I don’t…..” who would have thought that tough and independent Cheshire would suddenly become so shy and embarrassed because of physical intimacy.
“Don’t worry, kitten. I will make you feel good, I promise. I will devour you….” he whispered and finally, finally their lips met when, surprisingly, she was the one who pulled him down to her by his neck. Oh, she still wanted control. Even when he grabbed her hips, lifting her up with no effort and wrapping her legs around his waist making her feel how hard he was for her. She was still fighting for dominance when he bit on her bottom lip and his tongue sneaked into her mouth making her moan so sweetly. She was still resistant when his hands moved under her shirt, up, up, to her breast, cupping and massaging it gently through the thin material making her whole body shiver.
“Jay….” She gasped when his mouth moved down her neck to the collarbone, at the same time pulling the shirt over her head.
“Fuck, I love you…..”  he bit on her pulse point, definitely leaving the hickey. He wanted to mark her whole. “I so fucking love you.” he pulled away only to take her in. Her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, her wide, innocent eyes.
“I love you too Jace. But don’t stop.” she moaned
“I have no intention to do so, baby. I will take my time with you. We have so many years to make up for…..” he carried her towards the bedroom, throwing her onto the bed, losing his own shirt on the way and climbing up to hover above her body. All his scars were now visible and she gently, seductively, but also lovingly traced her fingers over them making him close his eyes. He was still insecure about how his body looked.
“My poor boy. My wonderful boy…..” she whispered “you’ve been through so much, haven’t you?” her hand travelled up to his cheek cupping it “Jace, look at me….”
“I hate them…..” he whispered
“Well I already love them. I love you. I don’t care about those scars. You are beautiful. So, so, beautiful. Each part of you….”
He could not hold it back any longer when he leaned in to kiss her with all passion he had. He wanted her closer, he wanted her to feel the love and longing and every emotion he had for her.
“Tell me what you want, Y/N. I’ll do everything, just tell me.” He kissed her neck again as she played with the hair at the nape of the neck.
“I…. Can we turn the light off?”
“Well, you are not the only one who’s insecure. And…. And I am not as experienced as you, so…..”
“Fuck. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes now. You are a goddess Y/n. I’m gonna show you” his hands moved down and behind her back unclasping her bra and as soon as her breasts were free he started kissing them with feather light kisses switching between left and right one. His tongue circling over her sensitive nipples as she was already falling apart. “Hmmm” he grinned moving down “we’ve only just began and you’re already  a mess. “
“Jay….. please, please…..”
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ll take you over the edge.“ she shivered and barely noticed when he moved down her pants and underwear pulling her legs apart. “so wet for me.”
“Come on!” she urged him, arching her back and moving her hips up to signalize him what she wanted.
“As you wish.” He dropped in between her thighs immediately hitting the perfect spot. She moaned and he grinned “there then?”
“Yes! Fuck! Yes, Jace, please, oh, please, please. I need you…..” she threw her head back and he sped up wanting her to cum, to feel all the pleasure.
“Tell me you’re mine, babygirl. Tell me who do you belong to?”
“You! You Jace! Please, fuck! I’m so close, so fucking close!”
In some other circumstances he would tease her more, but the way she squirmed and begged for release was too much. He just couldn’t keep edging his treasure. She deserved the best. A couple more licks and gentle circles on her clit and a few words “come for me babygirl” and she was over the edge, her vision turning white, her whole world limited to him. Jason. Jace. Jay. Her Jay. It took her a few seconds to get back on earth and the first thing she saw was his smiling face.
“Was that good? Was I good?”
“Fuck, Jay. That was… that was… fuck. I don’t even want to know who taught you that, but you were just phenomenal…..” she gasped locking her hands on his neck making him lean his forehead on hers “I want more…..” she closed her eyes.
“Needy now, huh?”
“Can you blame me? I bet you got enough stamina to keep me satisfied.” She smirked
“’Is that a challenge?”
“You know I never back down from such. You want me inside you, baby?” he started unzipping his pants and soon they were on the floor along with his boxers, his cock hard and swollen springing out.
“Oh fuck, you’re huge…. I don’t know if….”
“You can do it. I’ll go slow, all right? Just say a word and I stop. No need to rush.” He assured her, capably putting on condom.
“Good….” He lined himself against her entrance but once again she stopped him from taking any action.
“Jace…..” she whispered looking anywhere but on him finally making him grab her chin and force her eyes on him
“Second thoughts?”
“No. No, of course not. I…. I trust you.” he melted when she said that, his hands started to shake, heart swelling with love and affection. “I just…..”
“Tell me what you want, baby. What do you want to do? I’m listening.”
“I want on top.”
“Getting confident, now?” he grinned “Can’t lie, I like that.”
“I just…. I’m not sure if I know how to…..”
“You never….? Wait, weren’t there any men?” he muttered and regretted that a second later. If there were anyone else in her life, touching her and loving her he did not want to know.
“A few. But…. Most of the times, even after…. I just had to take care of myself……” she tried to look down but he didn’t let her, softly caressing her cheek.
“You poor thing. Neglected and kept unsatisfied by a bunch of losers.  We’ll make sure it will never happen again. You….” he whimpered “you trust me?”
“Yes.” No hesitation in her voice. Zero inhibitions.
“I’ll make it worth it.” He pulled her up, making her sit on his lap so he could prepare her for his huge cock, his fingers circling her clit at first and soon getting inside. One. Two. three fingers were moving inside her and she was moaning and saying his name like a prayer. “You think you’re ready?”
“I…. Yes. Just… help me with it….”
“Come here” this time it was his turn to groan and moan when he grabbed her hips and guided her onto his cock slowly moving her down. “Fuck! So good, so tight!” she whimpered when he bounced a bit due to his excitement “sorry, baby” a little kiss on the lips “you’re good?”
“I think so….” she smiled shyly and looking more beautiful than ever
“God, you’re so hot. So beautiful. Do you even know it?” he said absolutely hypnotized by her widened eyes, messy hair and lips swollen from the kisses.
“All red and sweaty and sticky?” she laughed “you can’t be serious, Jay….”
“Look at me, babe.” She slowly lifted head to meet his eyes “You. Are. Fucking beautiful. And I’m so lucky you let me make love to you…..”
“Oh, so now we are making love? I though you said something about wanting to fuck me….”
“Changed my mind. You deserve so much more than just fucking.” his grip on her hips tightened when he pulled her closer and she moaned “That’s it baby. Show me how good you feel.”
“Jay…. I want to….”
“Ride me?”
“Yes...." She threw her head back in ecstasy.
“Go on then. You’re in control. Use me. Take what you need.”
“I don’t know…..”
“Just do what you feel like. Don’t worry about me. It’s all about you now, ok?”
“Mhmmmmm…. Ok.” She started to move her hips, slowly, testing the waters. That was new, and she did not want to hurt him or embarrass herself by doing something stupid. However soon it started getting more and more natural and easier.
“You’re doing so good, baby, so good” Jason praised her, fighting the urge to guide her hips to move a bit faster. “you can pick the pace up, its…. Ah, fuck!”
“Enjoying yourself?” she smirked, much more confident now, as she observed his blissful face and his half closed eyes and some sort of pride crept on. She was doing it to him.
“Oh, you little tease.” He moved and she bounced on his cock, squealing when she lost balance and quickly grabbed his neck for support “you first.” He started moving his hips against her, and the heat started building inside her. “close?”
“Mhm. So close. You?”
“Come for me baby boy” she used the same  sentence as he did before and with one final snap of their hips, she was sent over the edge, feeling his cock twitch inside her.
“Fuck!” he panted, holding her closer not ready to pull out. “I should…..”
“No…. hold me like this. Just for a while…..” she sneaked her arms around him clutching to his chest and his heart nearly jumped out of his body “I missed you.”
“Well, who am I to deny you this little koala moment?”
“koala?” she chucked against his skin, her laugh so beautiful
“Sorry, I forgot. You’re a kitten.”
“Not just any kitten. Cheshire. I can play with your mind….”
“You don’t even have to try. You already made me crazy for you. " He kissed her temple lovingly. "Now, let me clean you up.” He pulled out, removed and threw away the condom and collected a cloth to clean her up from her own juices. “You have no idea how I missed you.”
“I’m hoping you suffered through the fact you knew I was alive. I was living in grief but in belief I would never get to see you or touch you or…. be more than friends. Cause you know, your death left us in a very ambiguous relation.”
Jason lied on his back, sighing deeply.
“Come here” he urged her and the girl put a head on his chest, tracing patterns on his abdomen, while he run a hand up and down her arm “now you got me back. And if you want to…..”
“Sh. Don’t.” she silenced him “We don’t need to have that conversation now. Let’s just live in the moment for a while. Blissful, peaceful moment before we put a tag on it. And before we figure out how to reconcile my work with your family and you solo Red Hood killing spree. Is that all right with you?"
“Perfectly perfect than….” She muttered slowly drifting off. In his arms. Where she always belonged.
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ineedrickgrimes · 1 month
Chapter 3: Bonfire
(Y/N Perspective)
Before I know it, it’s nighttime and the boys are starting the bonfire. Lighting it up, all of us grabbing a glass of Gallys special recipe and sitting down with our friends having a laugh. It’s bonfire nights that I love the most for quite obvious reasons. Having a night like this where we can all just chill and relax feels great. I’m sure it feels better for the other boys because it feels like most of my time during the day is down time. I’m doing the same thing every day and few Gladers come to the med-jack hut anyway.
I’m sitting next to the Greenie with Newt on the other side of us, eating dinner. The bonfire illuminating an orange hue around us None of us really say anything for a bit and focusing on our food instead. That’s until Newt speaks up.
“Hell of a first day, Greenie,” Newt looks at the Greenie while he gives a little nod.
“Here,” Newt picks up the glass filled with Gallys special drink and hands it too him. “Put some hair on your chest,” I give Newt a look as to say what are you doing. Gallys drink is very strong, no one know what’s in it and it taste like klunk. But it’s better than nothing. The Greenie looks a bit hesitant at first but grabs the glass and take a big sip, only to spit it out. Me and Newt look at each other as I let a giggle, and he chuckles. It might be a bit mean but still funny.
“Oh, my God, what is that?” the Greenie questions and passes the glass back to Newt.
“I don’t even know,” says Newt.
“Its Gallys recipe, it’s a trade secret,” I say as Newt turns around and looks at Gally wrestling some of the Gladers, just like every other bonfire night. The boys never seem to get bored of it.
“Yeah, well, he’s still an asshole.”
“He saved your life today. Trust me, the Maze is a dangerous place.” Newt says and we all look out at the closed door and listen to the sounds of the grievers.
“We’re trapped here, aren’t we?”
“That’s until we find a way out, hopefully sooner rather than later,” Newt and the Greenie look at me, but I keep my eyes concentrated on the door.
“But” We all turn out heads around, “you see those guys, there, by the fire? Those are the runners. And that guy in the middle there, that’s Minho. He’s the keeper of the runners. Now every morning when those doors open, they run the Maze, mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out.”
“How long have they been looking?” asks the greenie. “Three years,” the shock on the Greenies face is not hard to miss. Every time someone comes up from the box they hear the same things, and most of the time have the same reaction. Coming up in a random box surrounded by a bunch of boys only to find out that their stuck in here, it’s a pretty shit thing to hear.
“And they haven’t found anything?”
“It’s a lot easier said than done, listen” Newt raises his finger in the air, and we all sit there listening to the walls of the maze changing. “Hear that? That’s the Maze changing, it changes every night,” Another shocked look from the Greenie.
“How is that even possible?”
“You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet the bastards. Listen, the truth is, the runners are the only ones that really know what’s out there. They’re the strongest and the fastest of us all, and it’s a good things too because if they don’t make it back before those doors close, then they’re stuck out there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the Maze,” As per usual this topic of conversation doesn’t sit too right with the Greenies, but this ones special. He seems to be taking it a lot better than most, even after the stunt he pulled today. Walking up the doors of the maze is a ballsy move.
“What happens to them?”
“Well, we call them Grievers. Of course, no one’s ever seen one and lived to tell about it. But they’re out there.”
“Well this has turned depressing hasn’t it,” I say. I decide that this is the best time to maybe catch up with some of the other boys.
“You’re acting as if you don’t hear me say the same thing every month,” Obviously he’s right but maybe I don’t feel like hearing much more, I already know how the Maze and the Glade works.
“Doesn’t mean it isn’t depressing, I’m going to go. I’ll talk to you guys later, yeah?” I say right before I start walking off.
“I have a question for you,” says the Greenie. “What’s Up.” I answer.
“Why are you the only Girl in here, I’ve been keeping an eye out all day for another girl and I’ve yet to spot another one,” I should have seen it coming. I glance at Newt who is also waiting for the answer.
“Uhm, I don’t know why I’m the only girl. I wish I knew though, being the only girl surrounded by boys isn’t my favourite thing ever, but I guess I didn’t really have a choice.”
He nods. Thankfully, he doesn’t have any follow up questions. “Well, I’m going to go, see you guys around,” I say, and they nod their heads goodbye and I walk over to the other boys. I talk to some of them while we watch Gally fight some other boys, then I notice Newt and the Greenie get up.
I watch them as they walk around, and Newt starts pointing out the other boys and what their jobs are. Jeff and Clint walk past the other 2 boys and then Newt points at me, probably explaining that us 3 are med-jacks. They continue talking until one of the boys that Gally was fighting bumps into the Greenie almost making him fall over.
Gally looks at him “What do you say Greenie? Wanna see what you’re made of?” One of the boys start chanting, “Greenie, Greenie,” and the rest of the boys join in.
I stand up and join he circle that the boys are forming. I hate when Gally challenges a Greenie to fighting, but it’s almost impossible not to watch this all go down. I’m still never impressed with Gally’s antics.
“Okay. All right. The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle. You try and last more than five seconds,” Gally says being a bastard as always. The other boys laugh. “Ready,” Gally pushes the greenie out the circle, but Zart and some other boys push him back in. Gally grabs him and throw him onto the ground. “Come on, Greenie. We’re not done yet,” says Gally.
“Stop calling me Greenie.”
“Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?” Everyone laughs. “What do you think, boys? Does he look like a shank?” The greenie makes a run towards Gally in an attempt to push him over, but Gally grabs onto him and pushes him back down into the ground. He gets back up.
“You know what? I think I’ve settled on shank.” Gally is nearing the edge at this point to the Greenie makes another attempt to push him out. But Gally grabs onto to him and pushes him back instead. The greenie lets go of Gally and pushes him into the ground. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Embarrassing Gally though, maybe not the best idea but what else could he do. I’m looking around the crows and my eyes land on Minho, and even his face shows that he impressed. The Greenie gets back up.
“Not bad for a greenie, huh?” and right as the boy finishes his sentence, Gally kicked his leg which made him fall straight back onto the ground and seems to hit his head pretty hard. All the other boys are cheering.
The greenie whispers something to himself. He gets up “Thomas. Hey. Thomas!” We all look at him pretty confused. “I remember my name. I’m Thomas!” Everyone starts surrounding him and cheering. I stand back a bit and cross my arms with a smile on my face. Me and Newt lock eyes and we smile to each other. I see through the cracks of the boy’s head and see him take another sip of moonshine, this time swallowing it. And then Gally congratulating him.
A loud screeching sound can be heard from the Grievers, and we all look over to the door, as if it’s about to burst through and kill us all. It goes silent again until Thomas speaks up. “What the hell was that.”
“That, my friend, was a Griever. Don’t worry. You’re safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls,” Gally says.
“All right, guys. Let’s tuck it in for the night. Come on. It was a good night,” says Alby.
I start walking back over to our hammocks to go to bed, and then I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Newt. “Good night, huh.”
“Yeah, I guess so. But you should tell Gally to stop challenging the Greenies. I know you guys love it but were supposed to be welcoming towards them, not scare them,” I say to Newt.
“Aww come on! It’s just a bit of fun,” Newt says while giving me a smirk. I smile back at him.
“Fun and intimidating are not the same thing, Newt.”
“Don’t worry about, Thomas was fine tonight. Y’know there’s never any real damage.”
“I guess so,” We make it back to homestead and I say goodnight to Newt before heading over to my hammock and getting it in my hammock before falling into a peaceful sleep.
Sorry this took me so long to get out, I honestly don’t even know what happened. Also, so thankful that I never have to write the word Greenie ever again. Also not edited sorry for any mistakes
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tinythebunni · 2 years
Druig x innocent reader
Such a Dumb Little Thing
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Druig is not a good man. Sure, he’s an immortal eternal, but by no means was he a hero. Hero’s are good people, hero’s only ever have good intentions. Hero’s do no wrong. But he’s saved people, he’ll be saved the planet! But what he planned on doing to you, that made him lose all hero points.
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Druig first saw you 2 years after the emergence. After he rebuilt his village, he decided to move to Queens. He had some friends there after all.
Once he arrived at the Avengers Tower and had a brain cell splitting conversation with Loki’s oaf of a brother Thor, he went to the library to find him.
Once he saw his old friend, he stood in the doorway waiting for him to notice his presence. But you can’t exactly scare the God of Tricks, now can you?
“You seem as brooding as ever.” Loki said with mirth in his voice.
“And you seem as depressed as ever. How’s the daddy issues?”
“How’s the fake God?”
Eventually, neither one of them could keep it together. As soon as their eyes connected they burst out laughing. They gave each other a side hug and reconnected.
Druig is in the living room now, listening to Loki hum an Asgardian hymn. Druig was listening as he read The Odyssey. He was half way done when the elevators opened up, with two teens stepping out.
One, being Peter Parker. Otherwise known as Spider-Man. The arachnid avenger. The second, being unknown to Druig. But he wanted to change that. This one drew him in.
She was tall, most likely above 5’7. Soft locks flowing down to her breasts, wavy and beautiful. Her eyes, a beautiful dark brown. But her clothing, a beautiful indicator of her innocence.
This angel in front of him, this goddess, was wearing a pink milkmaid dress. Her tits practically flowing out the top. The dress just barely covered her ass, falling down to mid thigh. She had on knee high socks with a light pink bow in the middle, and Mary Janes to cover her feet.
She was a wet dream. With her hair in pigtails and adorned in bows, she looked ready for him to take her. And yeah he meant fuck when he said “take her” but he also meant literally take. He planned on kidnapping her.
In his mind, it wasn’t exactly kidnapping. It was relieving her of her duties. She’d be his pretty little housewife. His own personal cum dump. She’d walk around in that dress or only an apron and knee socks. His pretty house wife.
“Oh, hi mister Loki! This is Y/N, she’s my friend from science!” Peter said.
It seemed Druig hadn’t been noticed yet. But you noticed him. You were staring, quite hard to be honest. His leather jacket made him seem all the more attractive.
“H-Hello! I’m Y/N, but you already knew that. Peter just introduced me, I’m sorry that was dumb.”
She’s cute. Quite adorable actually.
“Hello Bunny. Pleasure to meet you.” Had you not been standing, you would’ve clenched your legs together. A way to relive the ache between your thighs.
You’d let him use you if it meant he’d kiss you. You barley knew the man but you’d made up your mind.
“I, um, oh my god. I-It’s a pleasure to meet you too! What’s your name?” You asked as you sat next to him on the couch. Peter would’ve taken a picture if he had his camera on him.
You, dressed in pink and white, cheeks aflame and thighs clenched. Next to this Eternal, dressed in all black, brooding and a dark demeanor to him. Truly comical.
“I’m Druig. I’m a friend of Loki’s.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you! Loki’s really nice to me, so any friend of his is a friend of mine!”
“Oh bunny, I don’t wanna be your friend.” Druig said with a smirk. Loki and Peter took this as a cue to leave, you two looked five seconds from fucking.
With teary eyes you asked, “you don’t?”
“Oh no bunny. I wanna be more than that. I wanna do some things that friends that don’t do with each other.” And with that, he walked to the guest room
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It’s been a week. You’ve come over to the tower every day since you met Druig. Everyday it was a game of cat and mouse. He’d stare and you’d blush and never look. Too scared to even try. But tonight was different.
Peter invited you to have a sleepover and you gladly accepted. You guys watched Star Wars (Peter’s choice) and Barbie (your choice).
It’s 2am now. Peter’s sleep, has been for a while. You on the other hand, haven’t fallen asleep yet. You’re horny (all Druig’s fault) and hungry. A bad combination.
Walking out to the kitchen, you grab an apple and sit on the counter. While scrolling on your phone, you hear foot steps walking towards you. You don’t look up, half expecting it to be Peter.
“Didn’t think you’d wake up before New Years. Surprise surprise.”
“Ooh, you’ve got a slick tongue, now don’t ya.” You look up at the voice of the man who’d been plaguing your thoughts.
“I know a few tricks with my tongue too.” He says with a smile. Two can play at that game.
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“Oh my god! mmm nghhhh! Please Druig please!” You’re on his bed now, completely naked, while he’s still fully covered. Leather jacket on and everything.
Suddenly he stops. Removes his fingers from your puffy cunt, tongue from your clit, and head from in between your thighs.
You whine in protest, writhing and whimpering with need. You open your mouth to speak, but Druig beats you to it.
“Call me Daddy.”
You nod your head and beg him to continue. He lays his right hand on your abdomen to keep you from arching up. The thumb on his left hand finds your clit and runs figure eights. He just seems to be doing everything right.
You get close in seconds, it’s your first time even being touched like this. You’ve never even touched yourself before! You’ve never masturbated! (Your slick coating Mr.Carl the bear begs to differ.)
He can tell your close, he gets impossibly faster with his thrusts. Your a moaning mess underneath his hands, turning into putty for him to use.
The bed is moving too much for it to be just from him fingering you. You sit up just a little bit to look down and confirm your suspicions. Druig is jumping the corner of the bed. Hot.
The sight of Druig grinding against the bed sets you over the edge. You cum all over his hand, your slick covering his fingers, wrist, and forearm.
“Mhmm, virgins get wet so easily. Can’t wait to feel your soaking pussy wrapped around my cock.”
You thought he’d stop already. You’d already came, that much was evident, so why was he still pumping his fingers in and out of you?
“Mmm, dr-daddy it’s too much!”
“Be quiet or I’ll shut you up myself.” Don’t gotta tell you twice.
You muffle your whimpers with the palm of your hand, the other one finding the bed sheets to ground yourself. You were feeling floaty already.
Druig making you call him daddy, the overstimulation of him fingering you, and the tears slowly running down your cheeks was too much.
You slipped your thumb into your mouth, a coping mechanism you used when overwhelmed. Usually when you do this you’re stressed because of a test, not because you’re being fingered by an absolute God.
“Such a dumb bunny, I beg there’s not a single thought in your head right now that ain’t about me” Druig smiled. Keeping his eyes on you, he replaced his fingers with his tongue. He planned on making you cum 4 times tonight. One orgasm for each time you made him hard that day.
You could feel him deep inside you, his tongue claiming you all over again. You squirmed as you found yourself getting close to the edge again. And Druig new this too.
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when you cum, look away, and I’ll stop and leaving you begging me to cum.” You nodded in submission and listened.
Once you found yourself about to cum, you looked at Druig with begging eyes. You looked so pathetic right now, it made him chuckle. The vibrations from his laughter sent you over the edge. Your eyes almost rolled back, but Druig smacked your thigh before they could.
While Druig helped you ride out your orgasm, you made eye contact the entire time. Once your high was over, you were left panting and staring up at the ceiling.
“Oh baby, we aren’t even close to done yet.”
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spicywhenspeaking · 6 months
If I'm There: Chapter Fifteen
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings: underage drinking, unprotected sex (ope), mentions of depression and alcoholic parents.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic @laurpartyprogram
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When I read New Moon for the first time I thought Bella was being dramatic, sitting in front of her bedroom window just staring as time passed and seasons changed. How could your boyfriend breaking up with you leave someone such a shell?
I understand now.
Time isn’t just passing by me, it’s passing through me. School and work blur together, I’m still doing relatively well in my classes but I’m not giving it much effort and my teachers have noticed. Maggie tried to pull me out of my funk and invited me out to hang out, but I constantly came up with excuses to get out of it.
Mom comes home in November and I don’t register her arrival. Maybe if she had been a normal mom I could have been the kind of teenager that could keep up with her cool rockstar boyfriend. I wouldn’t have had to be nerdy Natalie, too focused on school to step away and have fun.
Thanksgiving is as eventful as you could imagine. Mom and Dad are trying to make us seem like a big happy family again like nothing happened. Of course a week later we find Mom’s stash of vodka in her sock drawer and she sobs while dad packs her bag to haul her back off to rehab.
I don’t react. I don’t care.
Nick texts me every once in a while but I usually ignore him. I know that’s mean but I don’t want to hear about the tour or Noah. Who doesn’t reach out at all. Jerk. I take all the pictures I had of us printed out together and shove them in an old shoebox. I throw in the shirts he gave me too, along with the cd and that stupid wolf drawing I kept and bury it in the back of my closet.
“Natty, come on. Let's just get out of the house, we can go to a movie?” Kyle has been trying to make me feel better, he feels responsible for what happened with Noah. I don’t think so, he didn’t force Noah to break up with me. No. Noah did that all on his own. We end up going to see some stupid action movie, I don’t pay attention to it.
Suddenly it’s December and finals are done. The semester is over, only a few more months and highschool is done.
It’s Christmas and Kyle got me a new set of ink markers and a sketchbook. “You haven’t been drawing much, thought a new sketchbook would inspire you.” Kyle says.
I try to smile, turning through the crisp clean pages. “Thank you Ky. I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything…” my voice disappears. “I just lost track of time.”
He nods in understanding, “no worries sis, you can draw me something” he nudges me and laughs.
“Yeah, of course.” I curl up onto the couch with the empty page in front of me. I end up drawing a skeleton hand sticking up its middle finger. I rip it out of the book and hand it to him. He laughs “thanks Natty, very festive” he jokes and a small laugh escapes me.
A week later it’s New Year’s Eve and Kyle is trying to get me to go to a party with him.
“Come on Natty, you’ll have fun!” He tries to convince me but it’s not working. “Really, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to head to bed early. You should go have fun Ky.”
He reluctantly leaves me and I’m digging in my fridge smelling leftovers when I hear the doorbell.
Walking over I open the door and Maggie barges past me dressed in a beautiful silver body-con dress, her curly hair is bouncy and her make up is sparkly and bright. Perfect for New Year’s Eve. “Um..hello to you too Mags, what are you doing here?” She gives me a once over and huffs an annoyed breath. “Well after you go take the shower you desperately need. We’re getting you dressed up and going to the party Hunter is hosting a few streets away.” Hunter is the guy that works at the coffee shop that’s a year older than us. We work together some weeknights and he’s nice enough.
“Uhhh I don’t know Maggie, I’m not really in the party mood.” I tell her as I pick aimlessly at my oversized hoodie.
“I don’t care. You’ve been sad about that idiot long enough. It’s time to start living again and show everyone what a mistake it was letting you go. The first of the year is the perfect time to start!” She encourages me and ushers me up the stairs towards my room.
Thirty minutes later I’m shaved, moisturized and sitting in front of my vanity while Maggie applies my makeup. She brought a dress for me to wear, it’s a deep cut golden glittering dress that hits me in the middle of my thighs. She brought a matching pair of gold heels and I put on my small gold hoops. She’s finishing up with a light mist of setting spray and moving on to my hair. Maggie thinks I will look good with loose curls with one side pinned back. I decide to let her take full control and when she’s done I look like a different person. Well, not exactly. I look like me, just not like I’m used to. My boobs are pushed up because of the bra Maggie brought for me so they look incredible and my skin is glowing because of the luminous powder Maggie dusted me with. I feel good. For the first time since Noah dumped me, I actually feel good.
I turn to hug Maggie, “thank you.” Her arms wrap around me returning my hug. “You’re welcome Nat, now let’s go party!” Giggling, we run down the stairs together.
Hunter's house is about a ten minute walk from my house. It’s a cold night but when I reached for a jacket on my way out of the door, Maggie told me not too. That “the party would heat me up,” whatever that meant. As we round the block and head down the street towards the party my skin prickles with goose bumps and I rub my hands up and down them to warm up. Maggie sees the house and points it out. It's a big white two story colonial with warm white Christmas lights lighting it up.
The front door is open but thankfully Maggie was right and it's warm inside the crowded house. “Okay, now lets go grab a drink!” Maggie calls out over the music. A DJ that I noticed in the corner of the cleared out living room is playing “We Found Love” by Calvin Harris and I have to laugh at the irony. I follow Maggie to the kitchen where there is more alcohol surrounding the kitchen island than I’ve ever seen. She mixes two cups and hands one of them to me. I hesitate to grab it at first but eventually I take it “what the hell,” I say and take a big gulp. The alcohol burns my throat going down but leaves a warming sensation in my stomach. “Woo! Lets party Natty!!”
Maggie cheers as she raises her cup in toast and takes a sip. The crowd, the loud music and the hungry eyes that have been checking me out since we got here have me slightly nervous. I want to have fun, I want to get out of my funk and have a good time. I take the drink and chug it all down. “Another one please,” I hold out the cup to Maggie and she looks at me surprised. “Alright Natty, careful now. I don’t want you to get sick.” she warns gently. “Trust me, I'll be fine, I come from a long line of alcoholics.” I mean it to come out as a joke but Maggie just looks slightly concerned. “It's just a joke Mags, I’ll be fine.” She nods and mixes me another drink and hands it over.
I take it and we wander out towards the dance floor. It’s only 10:30 so we have plenty of time until midnight. I think the DJ is doing a countdown of songs of the year because now he’s playing “I Love It” by Icona Pop. Maggie and I are dancing and I can feel myself loosening up, swaying my hips and jumping to the beat. I feel more alive than I have in weeks. I am so thankful to have a friend like Maggie.
The next hour is a mix of dancing and drinking, I am playing a round of flip cup in the backyard. My team wins and two other senior boys that I think are on the football team I was playing with lift me up onto their shoulders in celebration. I’m laughing and definitely drunk at this point and when I look up towards the back porch and feel like my eyes deceive me and I have to do a double take.
It’s Nick and Noah. He’s here. Why is he here? He’s looking at me with wide eyes and then looking down at the very large football players that are currently holding me up and his eyes squint into a glare. I tap the boys shoulders and they place me gently back on the floor. “Thanks for the lift boys.” I joke and we share a laugh.
My eyes shift back towards the porch and Nick and Noah are gone…was I just seeing things? I am pretty drunk so It’s likely.
I walk over to Maggie and she’s looking down at her phone texting, when she looks up and see’s me she quickly puts her phone behind her back.
I eye her suspiciously. “What are you up too?” I ask.
She smiles wide and tries to tilt her head to act innocent. “Well…maybe Nick texted that him and Noah were in town…and maybe I told him where the party was.”
My eyes bugg out and I lightly push her shoulder. “Maggie! Why would you do that!! Since when are you two texting?!” She grabs my drink and hands it to me and with the added surprise I throw it back instantly. “He texts me occasionally to see how everything is going? How you’re doing, since you don’t respond to his texts….” I roll my eyes. “I’m not going to talk to them. I don't care that he’s here. I’m having fun and I’m going to dance some more.” I turn and head back towards the house. “Are you coming?” I ask back towards Maggie and she follows after.
Grabbing Maggies hand I get back onto the dancefloor with new found enthusiasm. My hips are swaying and my hands are above my head, my hair is swinging side to side. Maggie is dancing in front of me and I suddenly feel hands on my waist. Looking back I see it’s Hunter. “Nice party Hunter.” I tell him. He smiles, “Nice dress Natalie, you looks hot.” I blush at his compliment. “Thanks.” I don’t know what comes over me but I know my dancing with Hunter is becoming riskier. My back is pressed completely against his front and his strong hands are gripping my waist.
Suddenly I’m being ripped off the dance floor and away from Hunter and Maggie. “What the fuck!” I squeal, turning to see how grabbed me. I see none other than Noah.
“Put me down Noah! Right now!” I yell at him over the music. I wiggle and kick to get out of his grip but he’s too strong and I’m too drunk to figure out how to escape with any of my karate skills. What’s the point of having a black belt if I can’t remember how to break out of a hold after a few drinks. More than a few drinks I guess as the world spins and I’m set back down on my feet in the cold night air.
“Natalie, what the Hell are you doing?!” Noah says in an explosive tone.
It takes me a moment to react. To fight past the feelings of relief in seeing him. To dig deep into myself for the anger. “Excuse me?” I say and my voice is dripping with venom. “Who the FUCK do you think you are?! Wisking in to pull me away while I’m finally having fun!” I yell not caring who hears and his eyes dark around. I fight the compulsion to get closer to him, the need to reach out and touch him to see if he’s real.
He just ignores my yelling and asks again “what’s going on Natty, you’re drunk dancing on some guy? That's not like you.”
I laugh out loud “ha! What happened?! Seriously? Well..let me see.” I say in a mocking tone and tap my finger against my chin. “My boyfriend dumped me and then left without a word, then, my Mom immediately relapsed when she got home from rehab and I fell into a pit of depression that my best friend dug me out of. She brought me out to party tonight and that’s exactly what I was doing. I’m at a party. I’m partying.” My voice despite slurring slightly is resolved. He eyes me up and down, his hand reaching out, hesitating and then dropping back to his side. “You’re barely clothed. You never dress like this” he snides, “and you're drunk. I thought you didn’t drink?” He asks.
“Yeah well, I thought you said you’d love me forever but I guess things change. And you’re drunk too! How are you judging me for that right now and as for the outfit? Everyone else thinks I look hot. I know Hunter did. Should we go ask?” I know I’m pushing him but I don’t care. I move to get past him and he holds out his arm, stopping me. “No need. I know exactly what he was thinking. I saw his face, how he was looking at you like a piece of meat.” Noah’s voice sounds tormented, like watching me dance with Hunter was painful. “Well Noah! He can look at me however he wants! And I can dance with whoever I want and I can kiss whoever I want! And if I want to, I can FUCK whoever I want! You dumped me, remember? You don’t get to come back and act like my big protector anymore.” Forgetting my previous restraint I end up growling out all of this about an inch from Noah’s face. He backs me back up against the wall and keeps the distance the same. We’re nose to nose and I hear a rumble in his chest. “You deserve better than him, better than me.” My eyes roll, “oh fuck off with that. I am perfectly capable of making that kind of decision myself”
We can hear the countdown begin inside the house.
“I’m just trying to help you Nat, that guys bad news”
“Hilarious, that’s exactly what people told me about you.”
“Maybe you should have listened.” His eyes fall to my lips and I can feel deep down that I’m done for.
“Is that what you wished had happened. That you had stayed away from me?”
I shake my head and without thinking, maybe due to the drinks or because Noah is finally back in front of me and I still desperately miss him despite the heartbreak. I pull him even closer and kiss him.
At first he’s stiff, hands and body stilled until my fingers toy with the hair at the nape of his neck and he comes alive. Grabbing me back and kissing me fiercely, like a man starved and I’m the only water he’s seen in weeks, months, years.
Fireworks explode in the background and we burst apart when the rest of the party runs outside to watch the sky glitter with a chorus of colors.
Staring at each other, mouths red and swollen from our harsh kiss, he looks me up and down again and says “fuck it, do you want to get out of here?”
I nod silently and Noah takes my hand and leads me away from the party and down the street heading towards my house. Praying to the universe that Kyle isn’t home and pushing away the thoughts that are asking “is this a good idea?” “What’s going on here?” I don’t care. We kissed and everything fell away.
I am so weak.
Apparently so is he, his whole “you deserve better” thing flew out the window the second our lips touched again.
The cold air sobers us up a bit by the time we’re sitting on the floor against my bed awkwardly.
“Um, I found a stash of my moms vodka my dad didn’t catch if you want another drink?” I ask and fidget with the bottom of my dress. His eyes track my fingers on my thighs and he mumbles out a quiet “sure.”
I run out of the room back downstairs to grab two cups, filling them with ice and cranberry juice. Next, I go into the pantry and look behind the five pound sack of flour and still sitting there, a tad dusty, is half a handle of whipped cream vodka. I pour some in each drink and take the cups along with the bottle back upstairs.
Noah has moved to now sit on my bed, his head against my headboard. “I missed your room, it smells like you” he says softly as I hand him the drink.
“Yeah, well hopefully by that you don’t mean you miss my BO. I’d have to call you out for that one” I try to joke and diffuse the awkwardness. He chuckles and takes a sip of the drink. “This is good. Um, butno I don’t mean you’re BO. It just smells good. Like you”
I smile and take a sip of my own drink. “Thanks then, I guess”
We drink in comfortable silence finishing our drinks and refill the cups with another shot of the vodka. There’s not as much cranberry hiding the flavor but the sweetness of the whipped cream in the vodka is pretty easy to get down. The closeness, the renewed alcohol in our systems brings me back into my warm drunken state.
“How have you been Natty?” His eyes are downcast, not risking seeing the pain that flashes in my eyes at his question.
“I’ve been better, but Maggie has been helping me. Nick texts me sometimes, I should be better about responding. How have you been?” I ask, but I keep my eyes fixed on him.
He lifts his head and meets my gaze, “pretty shit without you to be honest, I shouldn’t have ended it like that.” His words are soft and lure me in.
“But you still would have done it?” I ask and take another sip, easing the nerves creeping up.
“I should say yes. I think you deserve so much more Nat. You deserve everything, attention and support and no drama.” His fingers trail from resting beside him to tracing the hem of my dress and I chug down the rest of the cup and set it aside. “What is life without drama?” I ask and fight against the urge to lean forward towards his warmth.
“A life free of sadness and anger?” his voice is melancholy and I feel my heart cracking again.
“Those come with life regardless. They are unavoidable for everyone.” Like an invisible force field shatters, I place my hand delicately on his shoulder, “you brought much more into my life than sadness and anger” I whisper to him, afraid of putting so much of myself out into the open but, the effects of drinking seem to have broken down my boundaries.
“You brought everything into my life” Noah replies and moves swiftly capturing my lips in a firm kiss and I instantly melt into him. Scrambling I slot my things on either side of him and tangle my hands into his hair. His hands grip my waist and move to squeeze my ass and bring me even closer. “Noah, Noah, I need you” I whimper in between kisses and he slides his hands under my dress and squeezes my flesh.
“Fuck, Natalie. I missed you so much” he says into my neck as he kisses up and down. He reaches around and unzips the back of my dress and lets it fall down my arms and around my waist.
He unhooks my bra and I rip his shirt over his head. Instantly he’s on me again, lips kissing and sucking at my skin causing me to squirm and grind down onto him feeling the hard length of him.
He flips us over and pulls the rest of my dress down and staring down at me with burning desire. My head is spinning but I refocus on the feeling of Noah pulling down my panties and trailing a path of open wet kisses towards my soaking wet core. At the first touch I buck off of the bed and a sinful whine escapes my lips.”I missed the way you taste” he moans out. And even with his mind clouded with alcohol he is a master with his tongue and I squirm in pleasure. When he adds a finger my body writhes in pleasure as I fall apart in a cry of ecstasy.
“More Noah, please. I need more” I beg and he stumbles to unbutton his pants, not even all the way off his legs before he’s sinking into my warmth. “Oh Natalie, you feel perfect. You’re everything, so good. Fuck” he moans as he begins to move his hips back and forth causing sparks of white to appear behind my eyes and the glorious feeling of being filled completely.
We’re a tad uncoordinated and unbalanced due to the alcohol but we eventually set a pace that’s causing us both to catch our breaths and moan in tandem. Noah’s hand reaches down to press against my clit and I set off into a second orgasm. My inner walls clenching around him and causing him to lose himself and spills deep into me.
“Fuck.” He gasps out and rests his head against my stomach as we both take a moment to catch our breath.
“Yeah, you can say that again” I respond half asleep.
Noah rolls off and onto the stop next to me, crashing onto the pillow and we pass out wrapped tightly together.
Hours later with the morning sun leaking into my room I groan, wiping the sleep from my eyes and while moving to sit up feeling the arms around me I am reminded of the actions of last night.
I reach over to my phone that is almost dead on my nightstand and I see I have missed texts.
Maggie: ims o drink!!! I’ll call u tmorw LUCV YOU 1:36am
Kyle: staying to make sure my boys get home safe, I’ll be back home tomorrow afternoon. Happy new year nat! 12:45am
“Shit” Noah grumbles as he slowly rises and sees the state of the two of us. “Um..how are you feeling?” He asks cautiously. I shrug “I feel tired, nauseous but also hungry? And my head is killing me” I say to him, “you?” He has his face in his hands before looking up at me. “I’m okay. I'm just- I’m sorry about last night. That was stupid” his voice is pinched and he’s throwing his legs over the side of the bed pulling his pants quickly back on and running a stressed hand through his hair. “What? What are you talking about Noah?” I demand, pulling the blanket higher to cover myself. He pulls his shirt on next and let’s put a harsh sigh. “Sleeping together, that was a mistake.”
That stings. “A mistake?” I whisper, “so you don’t even want to try and make this work?” I ask with agony clear in my voice. “You’re just going to leave? Again?”
“I shouldn’t have come over here last night, it’s not fair to you Nat. I can’t be what you deserve right now and I can’t ask you to wait around for me. I'll just complicate your life” He finally looks at me and there’s nothing I can do about the tears falling from my eyes.
“If that’s how you feel I’m not going to beg you to love me. Just go Noah. Leaving is apparently something you’ve mastered” I don’t care about the spiteful nature of my words. I just roll back over facing away from him as he finishes gathering his things and heads out of my room and out of my life again. I go back to sleep for a few more hours. I don’t cry until I’m showering off the makeup and sweat from the night before.
Kyle gets home and doesn’t ask when he sees my red rimmed eyes just gives me a side hug and tell me it will get easier.
Maggie texts me again later in the afternoon.
Natalie: Come over? We can have a girls night and I’ll tell you about it. Just understand that I don’t want to ever hear the name Noah Sebastian again. 2:37pm
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muawh muawh ! kisses kisses ! I know it hurts but just trust the process....
next chapter
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Seeing You For The First Time–Joe Keery
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Joe's POV
I carried a box into the empty apartment. I couldn't help but overanalyze the safety of this place.
"That should go in the kitchen."
I turned around to see Y/N walking in with a box in her arms. I quickly put the box I was carrying down and ran over to her. I grabbed the box out of her hands and put it down.
"I can carry boxes," she teased me.
"Doesn't mean you should."
Y/N and I have been best friends since we were little. She moved in across the street and didn't have any friends. My mom was talking to her mom and they were worried about her. My mom asked me to befriend her. We instantly clicked and soon we were inseparable.
I moved to LA last year and it was the most depressing year of my life. Sure, I landed my role as Steve Harrington in Stranger Things. But it drove me crazy being away from Y/N. After weeks of begging and pleading and negotiating, I got Y/N to agree to move to LA.
Her new apartment is a ten-minute walk from mine. I plan on being over there all the time. Or having her at my place all the time. While I'm filming, Y/N is going to art school. She's an incredible artist. She won multiple awards and was the star of every art show in school. She also helped every theatre production with its backdrops. I have multiple Y/N Originals in my apartment.
My plan is to get Y/N a job working for Netflix. I may or may not have shown the Russo brothers some of her artwork. They loved it and were obsessed with the idea of Y/N working with us. They don't even care if she goes to art school or not. They want her to work with us starting next season. I just need to sneakily introduce her to the cast and get her invested before they officially offer her the job.
"Seriously, Joe," Y/N sighed as I carried in two boxes. "Please let me help you."
"Absolutely not," I said quickly. I put the boxes down, trying to hide how tired I was. But Y/N caught on. She grabbed her water and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Please sit down," she begged. Before I could say anything, she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the couch the movers put in a horrible place. She sat down, pulling me with her. She leaned her head on my shoulder as we relaxed.
"I'm really glad you decided to move here," I mumbled. "I've missed you like crazy."
"I've missed you too," she giggled.
"Want to come to set with me tomorrow? It could be fun," I offered.
"I'm in," Y/N shrugged.
"Great," I said, sounding a little happier than I should have. I cleared my throat, pretending like I was just coming up with this. "We could go to lunch. You could meet some of my costars. How about noon? We might be finishing the scene so you're probably gonna have to wait a little, if that's okay. I could take you on a quick tour of the set, head to my trailer, let me change real fast, and then I can take you to my favorite diner for lunch."
"Sounds great."
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"Hawkins, Indiana is pretty cool," Y/N laughed after our tour. I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward my trailer.
"Who's this?"
We turned around to see Gaten walking toward us. He glanced down at our intertwined hands and smirked up at me.
"This is Y/N," I introduced, trying to ignore Gaten as he sent me his 'knowing' look. "She's my childhood best friend. She just moved here. Y/N, this is Gaten. He plays Dustin."
"It's nice to meet you," Y/N smiled.
"It's nice to meet you too," Gaten smirked. I really hoped she didn't catch on to the dumb look on his face.
"Well," I said, trying to get Y/N away from him, "we should get going."
Before either one of them said anything else, I pulled Y/N toward my trailer. Once we were safely inside, I let go of her hand and let out a sigh of relief.
"Everything okay?" Y/N laughed as she grabbed her purse off my couch.
"Yeah," I said, clearing my throat. "I was just. . . Gaten is a little uncontrollable. We always have to watch him."
"He's cute," she giggled as she walked over to me. I smiled when she looked up at me and stuck out her bottom lip.
"What's wrong, pouty?" I asked.
"I'm hungry."
I grabbed her hands and pulled her closer. "Then let's get you something to eat."
After lunch, we went back to set. We headed to my trailer and talked for a bit before I had to get back to work. I went the long way to the costume trailer so I could walk Y/N to her car.
"You're going to come over tonight, right?" She double-checked.
"Duh," I chuckled. "I'll pick up some food on my way over and I can help you finish unpacking."
"I'm already done," Y/N shrugged.
"What?!" I yelled making her giggle. "You did manual labor without your man?"
"My man has a full-time job," she laughed as she unlocked her car and opened her door. "He shouldn't be worried about me unpacking a couple of boxes when he's busy saving Hawkins."
"But his girl is so much more important to him than some kids in Hawkins," I said instantly. Y/N rolled her eyes as she laughed. She stood on her toes and kissed my cheek.
"I'll see you later," she said with a small chuckle. I stepped back as she got in the car. She started it and sent me a wave before pulling out of the parking lot. After making sure she was safely on her way home, I turned around and headed back to set.
                                * * * * *
"Where's Y/N?" Gaten asked as he walked over to me with his knowing smirk.
"She's probably at home, unpacking or getting things ready. Her semester starts soon," I said slowly, not sure why he was looking at me like this. "What's wrong with you?"
"The two of you are adorable," he smirked.
"Y/N and me?"
"I especially love how you become a different guy around her."
"I do not," I scoffed. "I'm the same guy. I don't change for Y/N. She's the only one who. . ."
I stopped talking when I saw Gaten smirking at me.
"You really don't see it?" Gaten laughed.
"See what?" I asked, losing my patience.
"How much Y/N affects you," he smirked. "You completely change when Y/N's around you."
"I do not," I scoffed.
"Yes, you do," he pushed. "I've worked with you for over a year, Joe. I know you. But the Joe Keery that I saw the other day when you showed Y/N around? I've never met him."
"I don't know what you're talking about," I stuttered.
"Come on," Gaten scoffed. "You were acting like a puppy following your owner who just got home from a long vacation, terrified she was going to leave again. You're whipped."
"I'm not whipped," I said quickly. "Y/N's my best friend. Of course I'm going to act a little differently around her. I don't want her thinking Hollywood has changed me."
"Bullshit," he laughed. "You're whipped. You're whipped. Joe is whipped. Joe is whipped for Y/N. Y/N and Joe, sitting in a tree. He's in love with her but won't admit it!"
I ran my fingers through my hair as he skipped away from me. My breath got caught in my throat when I saw Y/N walking toward me. She watched Gaten skip away with a confused look on her face.
"What's with him?" She asked when she got to me.
"He's a weird little guy," I stuttered. I cleared my throat before asking, "You ready for lunch?"
"Of course," she said, still studying me.
Y/N shrugged and grabbed my hand. I couldn't ignore the zoo in my stomach as we walked through set, hand-in-hand. My stomach turned sour when I saw Gaten watching us.
We walked down the street to one of the neighborhood ma-and-pop pizza places. On the way back, I took her the long way through the park. I pulled her out of the way as the sprinklers started. All of a sudden, I heard Y/N let out a devious giggle.
"What's wrong with. . ."
Before I could finish asking her what was wrong, Y/N pushed me into the sprinklers. I turned around to see her smiling at her with fake innocence.
"Are you okay, Joey?" She asked. "You must've tripped."
"How clumsy of me," I smirked. Y/N gasped, turning into a giggle when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my chest. I spun us around, the both of us getting completely soaked.
We started chasing each other through the sprinklers. We didn't care that people were watching us. Y/N always made me feel like this. I didn't care about anything anyone else had to say. As long as I made Y/N smile, that's all I cared about. She's all I cared about.
"Joe!" She shrieked. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. I walked over, out of the sprinklers, and set her down when we were out of the splash zone.
"We should go dry off," she giggled. "You still have three scenes to film."
My heart did a weird flip when she knew my schedule for the rest of the day. I grabbed her hand, unconsciously intertwining our fingers.
"We can go to my trailer," I said, pulling her with me. "I've got towels and you can steal one of my shirts."
"I love stealing your shirts!" Y/N said, jumping up and down excitedly.
"I love when you steal my shirts," I chuckled. "I should probably buy more if you're going to keep stealing them."
"One request?" She asked shyly.
"Anything, m'lady."
"Can you buy some that are a little bigger?" Y/N asked. "They're comfier to sleep in."
I'd do anything for you, I wanted to say.
"Sure thing," I said, instead.
We walked back to set without saying anything. I held her hand, checked before we crossed the street, and made sure she wasn't walking on the side closest to the street. When we got to set, we randomly started running and hiding around every corner.
"What are you two doing?!" Finn yelled at us.
"We're running," Y/N ran and giggled.
"Duh!" I agreed.
I grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her into my trailer. I slammed the door shut behind us and held her against my chest, wrapping my arms tightly around her.
"I think we're safe," I whispered.
"I think so," she whispered back.
I looked down, my breath getting caught in my throat when I saw her looking up at me. We stood in each other's arms, looking deeply into each other's eyes. A few minutes passed by without either one of us saying anything or moving.
"Joe," she whispered, finally breaking the silence. "I'm freezing."
"Oh yeah," I whispered. I let go of Y/N and quickly grabbed her a towel. I turned around to hand it to her and couldn't help but stare at her. We were both still pretty wet but Y/N somehow looked gorgeous.
"Thanks," Y/N smiled. She went to grab it but stopped. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," I cleared my throat. She looked at me for a second before finally grabbing the towel. She started to dry her hair but she kept looking at me because I wouldn't stop looking at her.
"Joe," she pushed, "what's wrong with you?"
"I need to confess something," I rushed out.
I closed the gap between us, stepping in front of her. I took the towel out of her hands and tossed it onto my trailer couch without looking away from her.
"The year without you was the worst year of my life," I started. "I missed you every day. Nothing I did was worth it without you by my side. But when you agreed to move here with me, I was extremely relieved. I need you, Y/N. In every aspect of my life. Work. Friendship. Relationship."
"Relationship?" She repeated, her voice under her breath.
"I'm crazy about you, Y/N," I whispered. "I've been crazy about you since we were kids. When you're with me, all I can think about is making sure you're safe and happy and having fun. When you're not with me, all I can think about is wishing you were with me. I never want you anywhere but next to me. I know this sounds kind of obsessive but, I'll be honest. I am obsessed with you, Y/N. In fact, I'm in love with you."
"You're what?" She asked, barely audible.
"I am madly, obsessively, completely in love with you," I said a little louder. "And I need you to tell me how you feel about. . ."
Y/N grabbed my face with both hands and smashed her lips to mine. I instantly tightened my arms around her waist, pulling her closer as I kissed her back. Things sped up as we collapsed onto my couch. It took everything in me not to push her onto her back, crawl on top of her, and fulfill every dream I've had about her.
I forced myself to break the kiss, both of us out of breath. I leaned my forehead against hers, catching my breath.
"Joe," she said, still breathing heavily. "I can't believe that you're in love with me."
"Of course I am," I said quickly. "How can I not be? I've been in love with you since. . ."
"I'm in love with you too," she cut me off.
This time, I initiated the kiss. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. I felt her smile against my lips as she kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync as I gently pushed her back so we were laying down. I wrapped my arms around her, keeping her pressed between me and the back of the couch.
We jumped apart when my phone started ringing. I groaned, forcing my anger down as I reached into my back pocket and answered the phone.
"Hello to you too," Gaten chuckled. "Are you and Y/N back from lunch yet? We need you on set."
"Shit," I mumbled. "We just got back. I'll be right there."
I hung up and sat up, pulling Y/N with me. "I'm so sorry," I sighed. "I'd really like to continue. . . this but I have work to do."
Y/N stood on her toes and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. She broke the kiss and smiled at me.
"Come over tonight," she whispered. "We can pick up where we left off."
I pulled her into my chest and leaned down to kiss her. Our lips fit together perfectly, just like I dreamed they would. I broke the kiss with a small sigh.
"I'll pick up dinner on my way.
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astranva · 2 years
Leaked | Backstage Girlfriend blurb
Backstage Girlfriend pt. 1
Backstage Girlfriend!YN Universe tag
Word Count: 1.1k
Category: Angst-ish
Warning: None
Summary: In which pictures of Harry and Backstage Girlfriend!Y/N from when they were together get leaked after their breakup.
A/N: as promised! we can build up on that one together x
There were good and bad sides to everything in life.
For example, attending a concert to see your favorite artist live was a good side of life and being a fan. However, post-concert depression was definitely a thing and it wasn’t at all pleasant. 
It was the same thing for breakups; good side is you moving on, bad side is when your ex is one of the most sought after artists and so, their private life is public treasure and once again, you get hurt in the middle.
You knew that Jeff was good at his job. After all, in the small scheme of things, Jeff played a role in your breakup with Harry but it wasn’t like you would put the blame on him, but he definitely was a persuasively convincing manager–it was why you didn’t expect any of it to happen, especially a year after your breakup.
Waking up to the sight of your boyfriend, Joe, preparing breakfast in your kitchen was becoming the norm of your 5-month relationship and you definitely weren’t complaining.
“You’re up,” his calming voice said with a smile.
You hummed, wrapping your arms around his waist, accepting the gentle kiss he placed on your lips, “Good morning,” you smiled, reaching one hand up to brush back his fluffy hair that sat messily on his head.
“Good morning,” he replied, “Slept well?”
You hummed again, nodding, “Yeah, you?”
“Of course,” Joe replied, leaning to place his lips on yours in a gentle kiss once again, “Breakfast will be ready in about…” He turned to look at his preparations, “Two minutes.”
“You’re the best,” you tightened your arms around him in a hug, smiling when you felt him kiss your head before you let him resume his preparations. 
Intending to unlock your phone to scroll, you were surprised when you were met with a call from a late cousin whom you never really talked to.
Your eyebrow furrowed, staring at the call coming through before reluctantly answering, “Hello?”
“Y/N!” They answered excitedly, “So not only are you in a relationship with Joe Keery, like, after you were friends with Harry Styles, but you and Styles were actually together?”
Your stomach dropped, “What? What are you saying?” You asked confusingly.
Joe turned around, giving you a look as to ask if you were okay, to which you gave him a shrug.
“You–Come on, Y/N,” they laughed, “Everyone had a feeling about it.”
“I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said.
“Wait–Wait, you’re not–you’re not kidding?” 
“Kidding about what?”
“Damn,” they breathed out, “I’m sorry–I’m really sorry, I thought you knew. There was a leak about you.”
“A leak?”
“Pictures of you and Harry, like a year or two ago? I don’t know, but you were–you know, kissing and all.”
“Oh my God,” you gasped, covering your mouth with your hand.
At that, Joe completely stopped what he was doing to approach you, putting his hands on your arms, “What happened?” He whispered.
“Hey, I’m–Um–I have to go. Bye,” you quickly hung up before looking at your boyfriend.
“Hey,” Joe spoke quietly, seeing the panicked look on your face, “Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“I–” You shook your head, unlocking your phone to open Twitter. 
You didn’t even need to search for your name because Twitter already had suggested a tweet for you:
twitteruserhandle: (LEAKED) PICS OF HARRY AND Y/N FROM 2020/2021 (?) via Unknown 
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You gasped again, eyes wide as you stared at your phone.
Respecting your privacy, Joe stayed quiet but held you still, waiting for you to let him know.
You turned your phone toward him, showing him the pictures. 
Joe gazed at them, face falling slightly as he let out a low “shit” before looking at you, “What do you want to do?”
“I don’t–” You were cut off by your phone ringing, the screen changing to show you the caller.
You stared at your phone, watching it ring as you tried to imagine how his reaction would be like. 
“Are you going to answer?” Gently, Joe asked.
You nodded reluctantly, accepting his call before putting the phone to your ear.
“Y/N?” Harry instantly asked.
“Did–Have you seen?”
“Yeah,” you repeated in a different tone.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. We’re working on everything right now. I’ll deal with this.”
“Harry, that’s not how the internet works,” you said, “They’re already probably everywhere.”
“I’ll–Jesus,” he sighed, “We’re doing the best we can to hide them.”
You almost bit your tongue.
“You hid it once, I’m sure you can do it again.”
Harry’s words got stuck in his throat. 
He deserved that.
“I’m–” You sighed, your shoulders slumping as you closed your eyes, feeling Joe rub your back with a caring look on his face, “Sorry, that was uncalled for. But–Just, try not to drag me into any of that.”
“I get it, I get it, yeah–You’re in a relationship, this is the last thing you need,” Harry, too, almost bit his tongue but it seemed like it had a mind of its own.
You stayed quiet for a short moment, glancing at Joe before looking away, “Yeah,” you answered, “And I’d hate for anything to ruin it.”
Harry’s jaw clenched and his face hardened, because why did you care so much about your happy, healthy relationship with a man many people told him had slight resemblance to him, when he had been romantically unsuccessful ever since you walked out?
Why did you sound distraught over people knowing that you were together when he believed it was something you had wanted? 
Why did you have to move on when he had to purchase your shampoo and conditioner because he felt homesick? 
Harry hummed, “Yeah. Absolutely. Don’t–Don’t worry, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you answered, “Did this affect you at all?”
“You mean, like…mentally?”
“I meant your sales and whatever else your team cares about, but sure, yeah. Mentally.”
“Why are you asking?” Harry asked, almost feeling defensive.
“Because…” You trailed, looking at the ground, “It was all about that, wasn’t it?”
Harry stayed quiet.
How could he tell you that he was going to journal that you answered his call? How could he tell you that amongst the hundreds of thoughts rushing through his mind, that very phone call inspired 2 songs that he was going to write after hanging up with you?
“I-” He tried, “I’m okay.”
You nodded to yourself, “Good.”
“I’m sorry again.”
“It’s alright, Harry,” you said softly before looking at Joe, “I’ll go now, yeah?”
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
“Bye, Harry.
“B–Hey, Y/N?”
“It was good hearing your voice.” 
Your nose scrunched and your eyebrows furrowed, not knowing how to reply.
“Bye, Harry.”
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mephinomaly · 6 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: One week later. The day before the “vampires'” subjugation battle, tentatively named Flashback. The day UNDEAD first met
Location: In Hasumi Keito’s family temple's graveyard
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Rei: Bein’ a ghost must be fun ♪ Bein’ a ghost must be great ♪
Don’t have to work , don’t have to study, you can just have a concert from noon 'til midnight~♪
Adonis: What’s wrong, Sakuma-senpai? Have you been drinking?
Rei: I’m not old enough to drink. But if I was, it would probably be a lot of fun~♪
Adonis: I don’t understand why, but you are in strangely high spirits…. Recently you have had a gloomy aura about you, so I am glad to see you feeling better.
Rei: Fuwah. That’s amazin’, you really noticed I was depressed?
No matter how much you say you like ‘n respect them, humans will never bother to understand or even look at other people.
Adonis: I only noticed due to the fact that I have known you the longest, Sakuma-senpai, therefore I noticed your change in behaviour early on.
Rei: So much for humility. Even my little brother, who I’ve been with since the very day he was born, has no idea what I’m goin’ through.
I want him to know so like an attention seeker I say “hey hey, let’s play a game! What is your oniichan thinking about?”
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Adonis: Is that why he thinks you're annoying and hates you?
Rei: H-he doesn’t hate me! The Bible says that a younger brother loves his older brother as much as his older brother loves his younger brother!
Adonis: I see. As my view was incorrect, I apologise.
Rei: Adonis-kun, anyone ever told you you’re a joke killer?
Adonis: Killer…? I’ve been trying to keep a low profile so I do not earn a shameful nickname such as that.
I am a foreigner. Even if you don’t want to, you stand out in this country. It’s sad, but that is often how things go. Especially mothers with children tend to be strangely wary of me.
That’s why I believe it is better for me to be a good child, who is quieter than needed, serious, and harmless.
Rei: Hm. Since you have a different point of view, you see things most people wouldn’t see.
How could I think you of all people, was the person behind those “vampires”?
It’s been worse than usual, but it feels like my thoughts are bein’ influenced by someone. Feels pretty bad.
It’s like I’m bein’ forced to be a character in some story told by someone I know nothin’ about.
Is it just a puberty thing? Whaddya think, Adonis-kun?
Adonis: I don’t know. But I do think that accusing me of being the culprit and denouncing me was out of character for you.
Fortunately, everything seems to have been cleared up but to be honest, it hurt me a little.
Even you misunderstood me.
Rei: Ah, yeah, I’m sorry. I really love you though, you know?
Adonis: It’s not a matter of liking or disliking me. It’s about recognition and understanding.
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Koga: …What are you two talkin’ ‘bout?
You said we was practicin’ for the battle against the “vampires” today… Yet Hakaze ain’t even here.
Thought you’d bring him with you Sakuma-senpai, and uh, who’s this?
Adonis: I am Otogari Adonis. I have told you my name numerous times.
Koga: Adonisu… What’s this got to do with him?
Is this really okay? Can we even beat these “vampires”? Of course, if Sakuma-senpai is here we won’t have a problem but—
Rei: Realllyyy now. Maybe I’ll betray you again like I did at the Deadmanz live, hm?
I don’t really like it when people depend on me. Doesn’t really do it for me ya know.
C’mon, Wan-chan, tell me somethin’ inspirational ♪
Koga: I dunno how to do that…
I wrote a song for the Drefes, incase we hadta perform somethin’. I was jus’ tryin’ my hand at writin’ a song myself.
Rei: Really now? Impressive, you’re lookin’ like a real band member ♪ Go on then, show me ♪
Koga: I-its not very good so don’t have too high of expectations please![1]
I only picked this up as a hobby in the past few years, and since I’m self-taught, I’m still not perfect so—
Rei: What’s with the sudden keigo? Stop it, it’s not you.
Durin’ the Deadmanz live you was bitin’ ‘n snappin’ at me, weren’t ya?
Koga: I was excited then… But now we’re in a band together, and we’re closer, you somehow seem more impressive to me.
I-I’m nervous… I apologise if I made you uncomfortable, I don’t want to upset you again so quickly.
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Rei: Upset me? Interestin’ wordin’... Hah, hahaha?
Ah, yeah. Wanna try playin’ that song of yours?
[ ☆ ]
koga starts using polite speech, which as you may know, is not something he does often lol
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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Please do!!
Well If You Insist!
(copied right out of the drafts <3) (long)
okay beatle roys. they don’t map perfectly at all, but if you absolutely HAD to, im sorry roman but you are george. yeah sure romey we know you’re a good songwriter you can have 2 on this album how’s about that? as smart as or maybe smarter than his siblings/bandmates but doesnt have a genius complex unlike them so is forced to play their games. including their mind games with each other. didn’t want to go on the roof; ended up on the roof. kendall is paul, ‘big brothering’ the little angry guy on the bus who he’ll always see as a little kid even though there’s like 2 years between them for christ’s sake. in terms of age seniority john might be the kendall equivalent but unfortunately paul was ACTUALLY an older brother and he brought that energy to the band, and the john/george alliance against paul reeks much more strongly of roman and shiv teaming up to peck their golden boy older sibling than anything george and paul had together against john. and to those who would say roman’s too much of a dick to be sweet peaceable george, he’s actually nicer okay cause he refused to sign the letter decrying kendall as a bipolar drug addict but george played slide guitar on how do you sleep quite happily.
on the subject of kendall, his depressive lows may seem more john but his manic highs? his big creative visions? his costumes (he got one for roman too)? his general addiction to the spotlight? his droopy eyes? his inability to have swag despite his charm and talents? the way his siblings close ranks against him when he tries to make a stand? the way he's a cog built to fit one machine and paul mccartney's state after the beatles broke up Actually im getting sad let's change the subject? looking for pussy like a fuckin techno gatsby? non zero chance of having done a collab with kanye west/wanted to do one? paul. he’s paul. 
but it’s tough because shiv is the least easy to pin down as her age and gender relations with the rest of the family put her the furthest from john, and she ends up being at best a combo of all three - the underestimated and undermined baby (george) the repressed thwarted leader failgirl (paul) and the hotheaded bastard who's smart but not as smart as she thinks she is (john). but that john role gets much more delectable when you have kendall as paul, or at least if you think of them as the core duo in some way - im thinking of that crushing final scene between them, like take 'I want a divorce' and multiply it by a hundred holy fuck. she respects him, but she needs to prove herself better than him constantly. she needs validation just the same as he does but she's determined to believe/put out that everything she does is entirely under her own steam and that other people are pawns to her. her relationships with logan and mattson remind me of john with authority figures he would latch onto in the hope that they'd fill the void left by his parents, before realising they were phonies trying to get something from him and angrily discarding them.
honestly actually while shiv is the hardest to map clearly john is also the hardest from the beatles end cause there's a lot going on there from childhood trauma that any one of the roys can relate to, and his brand of cruel wit fits them all to an extent as well - but this is the configuration i like the most. also her spouse broke up the band
of course connor maps onto ringo perfectly do i even need to explain it - actually i do cause people might just take that to mean i’m saying ringo was useless or ignored. no he was the older brother everyone loved and who loved everybody, who was an only child for most of his childhood and was so happy to get three brothers/siblings even though they happened to be the worst people alive.
there you have it. and logan. is allen klein (kendall dreams he is being hunted down by him as a dentist)
oh one more thing - kendall as paul is right because he's the only one who's a documented beatles FAN lol
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marengogo · 1 year
QUICKIE - 2: Watchu Want Me To Say Tho?!...
Listening to INDIGO by RM on repeat. STILL. YES. I KNOW.
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
I know, I know, I know .. I have blogs to complete, comments to reply and asks waiting for me to answer; I know. There are reasons for the lack thereof, of course, but today, today I will not stay here and bore you with My Lifes’ Whys, I’m currently feeling a heavy wave of sadness, which I am starting to finally recognise as a sign that my period is looming. Used to only have pain, but now I’ve evolved to heave-ass sadness ungracefully tiptoeing its way into depression, which given some personal stuff and very recent Tannie Jin specifically stuff, couldn’t have come at a worse time. But I digress, as I said, today I shall not share negative stuff.
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Instead, I’d like to share a cute/funny/peculiar thing that I realised/noticed Jikook do from time to time when they start something with each other and one of them proceeds to perhaps take it a bit too far until the other is left in a situation where they are like: “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” NGL, most of it is usually JM, but JK has his fair share;source: Trust Me Bro. As this is a “quickie” I’ll bring up 3 examples for each. Let’s start with JM.
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Time & Place: RUN BTS 15 - Aired March 14, 2017.
This was the second episode of “The Spy Who Returned” 3 parts RUN BTS episodes. At the very beginning of the episode, they are playing a “tolerance” game where they are divided into couples and each has to say something that they don’t like or that bothered them about the other and the other has to not be offended and “sincerely” state that they “understand/I see”. The couples were: Tae & Namjoon, JM & Jin and JK and Hobi (Yoongi was the host).
JK & Hobi went last and though JK had nothing to say, Hobi did, lots to say in fact 😂, which in itself would have been enough but JM, out of nowhere, had the not-so-brilliant impulse to get up in there, uncalled, to question JK about a mysterious toothbrush. JK is clearly taken-aback like all of us watching I am sure given that he and JM are in the same team. Yet JM doesn’t stop, he clearly wants to hear something from JK in regards to … the toothbrush. JK does reply, and says that the toothbrush wasn’t his and JM stands there speechless, seemingly not expecting that answer … oh the confusion of it all! …  which is why JK’s “it wasn’t me” actually really felt to me more like a: “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” .
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This to me in “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …”-vibe is very close to the “JK hugs me when he sleeps” moment which happened at the Sinchon Fansign - May 15, 2015.
Time & Place: FESTA 2017 - Aired June 12, 2017.
We’ve actually already discussed this in a different previous post. This was one of the few times where JK wasn’t able to even try and reply to something. If it were me, and we were just friends, you’d have to wait for me to gift you something on your next birthday: YES I’M PETTY. Yet, homeboi pulled up that same year with a trip to Tokyo as a gift, so obviously the problem wasn’t the question itself. What was the problem? We will most likely never know, but in that very moment JK’s silence was definitely a: “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” silence.
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Time & Place: WEVERSE LIVE in Busan - October 15, 2022.
This is one of my recent personal favs, because as opposed to the Jikook VLIVE - June 21, 2020, which also had to do with a marriage related question, this time around JK tried his very best to not divert the convo and hold his own. Yeah, he really did … but JM was not having it. He really wasn’t. How many of you have said “Yoongi Marry Me” for fun? How many of them have said “Yoongi Marry Me” for fun, including JM? At times even changing the Subject all in good fun.
This time around, JK simply mentioned that saw “Jungkook Marry Me” and all hell broke loose. Yeah, for some reason, JM wasn’t having it, and so began a little back-and-forth between the two at the end of which JM accepted that in summary JK “just saw the sign and meant to take no action”. JM smiled/laughed, got up and got out of frame. JK also smiled, watching JM leave, with a: “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” giggle, like I don’t even know what just happened tho! aaand he proceeded to wait for him to get back like:
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Jiminah … 😬.
And now it’s JK’s turn. Differently from JM this young man is a tad more determined in getting his answers and JM indulges, for the most part, in fact I’ve noticed that he’s never just kept silent, but don’t let it fool you, cause at times, whatever answer he provides wasn’t the answer JK was looking for; lest we forget that JM is indeed the HYUNG … but yeah, let’s get it!
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Time & Place: JinJiKook VLIVE in Osaka - December 15, 2016.
Jin and Jimin decide to have a candy-centric episode of EatJin, and Jimin seems to be a bit on his mischievous streak right from the bat, but Jin, being the outstanding eldest hyung that he is doesn’t seem to mind at all and cutely goes along with his playful dongsaeng. All is well thus far until the bell rings and, you’ve guessed, it is JK.
By this point Jin, like all of us, is still very much oblivious to any argument/quarrel which might have happened between JM and JK, one may even dare say that frankly my dears, he didn’t give a damn! But JM had damns to give and so he did, testing JK on the other side of Jin’s closed hotel room. Jin is now starting to get confused and to this point, JM has full control of the whole situation, until JK whips out his cellphone. 
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Quite clearly JM didn’t take JK seriously, at first, he even egged him to post “whatever questionable pic” JK thought he had but that was Jin’s danger-alert-signal moment: no questionable pic was going to be uploaded on his watch and that’s how the doors were finally opened to the maknae. So, once JK got his way into the room, Jin, and us watching, clearly could sense something going on, but as for what exactly, nobody had a good clue. Like anything else revolving around Jikook afterall, for example, we may know that they once fought and JK ended up crying in the rain (FESTA 2020 - Aired June 12, 2020), but as to what caused the argument? … 🤷🏾‍♀️.
JM at this point is still trying to have it his way don’t ask me why, how would I know?! But JK was high on courage that day and ever so casually, the moment JM tried to leave the room, he once again whipped out his phone, pulled up a particular pic which we got to see later as JK did momentarily uploaded and it seemed he had something like a hickey on his neck and simply said “I took a good selfie” and JM quickly sat back down and replied “I won’t go then, all right” in a very: “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” resigned manner. Then again, if the selfie was just that, a good selfie, JM could have easily said “sure, go ahead and show them”, but that’s not what happened right? 
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Time & Place: Jungkook (eventually TaeJiJinKook) VLIVE in New Jersey - May 19, 2019.
Yet again, Jin and Jimin were up to their shenanigans with our maknae, who just wanted to show his face to ARMY. That’s all he wanted but the other two ended the stream. So what does one do? If you are a JM you post a quick apology video on twitter, but if you are a JK you start your own stream: obviously. 
This stream is supposed to be just you doing exactly what you wanted to do to begin with, show your face to ARMY, but then … all of a sudden there is a cough in the background and the plan folds when do plans every work anyways?!, immaright?.
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Hence starts a whole convo summarising what just happened in Jin’s room leading up to JK’s “cutting off” during which not only does JM explain himself, he also apologises and lets JK once again know that he loves him. Yet, JK still stresses that, he just👏🏾 can’t 👏🏾let👏🏾 it 👏🏾go👏🏾 at which point JM decides that it is time for him to leave in a very: “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” fashion, more like “what else do you want me to say?!”. 
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Time & Place: FESTA 2022 - June 14, 2022.
Emotions are running high, slightly tipsy, but still hella high as the boys start getting us ready to momentarily part from them. Within all of this there is a lot, A LOT, of banter there are even first official talk of a PJM1 and everyone was hella excited, ARMY and TANNIES alike except for a certain JK who playfully made it known that he didn’t appreciate not knowing about progress in said PJM1, not once, not twice, not thrice, but 4 times (didn’t put the 4th time in the pic because, you know, aesthetics 😌).
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JM does try to explain that he’d told everyone that they were all more than welcome to go and listen to him working if they wanted though apparently JK wanted his hyung to go to him instead, but that is a different story … in addition, when Namjoon pointed out that Hobi will always be the first for JM, both JM and Hobi quickly worked together to deny the “accusations” but at this point I think JK was very much speeding on the “I AM UPSET”-train, so much so that none of it seemed to matter and he very much and very blatantly ended up telling JM:
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At which JM did reply, quickly, shyly and all the colors in between, that “I am sorry” but in a very: I mean “Whatchu Want Me To Say Tho?! …” way, and who knows, were the cameras not on he might have had more to add, but, we’ll never know!
There are actually many more moments I can think of, and much funny at that, but this was supposed to be a quickie, and I can see that it ain’t damn … So let me just leave you all with this, go make myself productive, and not stress about life for a second or two. Hope you all have a great week, okay? Okay! 
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Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💗 pink heart in honour of Jin,
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limeade-l3sbian · 5 days
Can I ask your advice on something?
My mom and I spoke on the phone a few weeks ago.
I rarely open up deeply about stuff that upsets me to the people I know IRL, not because I don’t trust them but I just tend to have a hard time being emotionally open when it isn’t in writing. I’m usually always however open to listening to others emotional troubles and either just be a shoulder to lean on or should they want it, I also give advice.
Now back to the conversation from some weeks ago. I was opening up about something that had been troubling me deeply for a long time and had only gotten worse. It was physical health related and had gotten so bad it also veered into mental health. I wasn’t asking for advice, I simply had a rare moment where getting it off my chest verbally felt nice. The conversation came to a lull and she suddenly said “can I tell you something that can come across as a bit harsh?” She sounded hesitant but also had slight laughter in her voice. I said sure, not thinking it was anything actually serious. “I’m glad it’s you instead of me”, she told me, actually chuckling. I was so stumped. I didn’t really know what to say so I just said yeah and changed the subject while she sounded kind of embarrassed over the phone. Weeks passes and that sentence doesn’t leave me. It’s like i need a very long time to process it. I act normally in our conversations in between and I wasn’t faking that, I truly just felt like if I didn’t focus on that sentence anymore, the hurt and actual disgust from it would disappear. It hadn’t. It’s like the pin finally dropped this sunday. Like I was finally able to accept my mother, my own parent, was happy I was in deep pain instead of her. I can’t imagine thinking that about any of her pains, much less saying it. I feel so off center. It brings back a lot of old feelings of neglect caused by her. When I was younger she basically put me in a troubled kids home because I was too depressed for her to handle after half a year of me rotting away. I felt deep betrayal in that and didn’t speak to her for a year. I haven’t lived home since then and now i’m obviously not a teenager anymore and we have long since resolved and spoken about feelings on that instance, I had even come to believe again it wasn’t easy for her to throw me aside, but now it’s all back. All that resentment. All those feelings of inadequacy.
I know a lot of the time we expect parents to lose themselves in favor of their children, especially moms. I don’t. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be able to also pick herself. But to kick me while i’m down like this all of a sudden, I don’t know if I can ever truly feel close to her in terms of trust again or if something is irreparably damaged this time. I feel like all that was built up has been cut away now. What should I do?
When someone (anyone) shows you who they are, believe them, anon. It's very interesting that you've sent this to me specifically, because I've recently been coming to grips with who my father really is. I've written think pieces about him on here but even then, there is always some image of our parents that we think we can work towards or get back to. That image, generally, being their shell with our sense of morality and decency.
I won't go off on a bunch of stories about my dad because this ask is about you. But just know he's said equally fucked up things to me and laughed them off. Because what your mom said to you was fucked up. I want to be very clear about that. That's a really fucked up thing to say to anyone, let alone your child.
I'm always wary to give advice to cut a parent off because people's situations can vary so widely that that may not be a reasonable response. And I'm not even saying this shit will be easy, because cutting off a parent can be one of the most painful decisions you have to make. But I think your present and future will suffer needlessly if you do not allow yourself the process of starting to distance from your mother. I think if you are dead set on SOME kind of relationship, let it be distant and on your terms. Your childhood was on her terms, but your adulthood is on yours. Please remember that.
You did not ask to be born and you did not ask to deal with your private ailments. You do what you know is best for your life and your peace. 💜
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Alright, let’s talk about your blorbos—Gehrman and Ranni!!
Alright let’s talk about Gehrman and Ranni ! 
Send me a character ask game here
You know I will have a ton of stuff to say on the first hunter!
First impression
Weird old man who’s really pessimistic and kinda gave up on everything. 😕 (Why don’t you explain stuff?! Why aren’t you useful pls. What's up with the doll too ??)
Impression now
Well… do I really need to explain ? Ah yes I need. I should for people who don’t know. Ok. I really like him! My interpretations made me like him, a lot. It’s like that, that’s how I feel I can’t changed that. I am touched by his tragic and nuanced story. I might have a severe brain rot on him to help
I love him ok, he’s one of my favs after all. I joke he’s the little blorbo meow meow of my heart but in all seriousness.. I really like the character he’s really interesting and intriguing. Yes he screw up and found out the hard way but I think he’s such a tragic and misunderstood figure too. LOOK AT HIS BOSS FIGHT AND THEME too ! Omg and everything really. 
Also I used to found funny, people who have the most depressive guy as their comfort character ahah Well guess what 😅 I mean I’m probably still in denial but bro literally appear 5s in one of my nightmare to comfort smn so hm… I guess my brain is trying to made me understand smt.
Hm sorry I got a bit absorbed hm I will finish by saying that it took me quite some times to end to this impression. It din’t happen overnight for sure. I really I asked myself lot of questions. I spend lot of time doing research and having long reflexion on everything and particularly on him. 
Favorite moment
His freaking boss fight ! Ahhh (yeah after finishing the game I listened to his theme for like 1 hour at 2am. Yep normal bloodborne experience 👍) I really love it I feel like I can imagined all his life with his theme (same with Laurence’s theme too)
Idea for a story
I have too much. Most of my stories are focused on more than 1 characters so with only him or really focused on him ? Oh well…
-His childhood/teenage years/ young adult years + how he ended up at Byrgenwerth (Kinda angsty in the middle but hey it’s « soft » compared to the rest 😭😂) I won’t tell too much on that but I already share some hehe
His life after Maria passed away and before the hunter dreams…. (Divided in 2)
Really angsty dark and depressive part not long after that … :/ want to make me cry really…
When he’s older and  calmed down a bit, still hunts a bit, help new hunters, (rip og group of old hunters there’s not much anymore) have a dog and all 🥺 try to you know, live a normal life again  until well you know… Cainhurst & the church… the dream…
-(Bonus Gehrman lil adventures in the nightmares/dream but it would feature other characters a bit too much perhaps)
Unpopular opinion
Well… I don’t think he’s that creepy, fucked up and sexist old man many people depicted him to be. I won’t dive into that too much now. It would be long and I don’t have the time. Another day perhaps + I already try to talk about it I think. And there’s really good stuff on the subject around. I think he’s a really nuanced and maybe really loose it after some point but not that badly. With all the clues I got in the game : the mistranslations (+ I didn’t played in English originally too!) + the differents interpretations on so many things + his presentation & ending it just don’t feel right for me to categories him that way. (+If he was really the biggest asshole don’t you think he would have end like Seluvis or Gideon in elden ring? Like shit? I feel many bloodborne characters are way way worse and no one fight over it too XD)
So yeah that's It I don't thins he's that bad 😐 that's it
Favorite relationship
Hm I’m not sure… I don’t remember, what was the character that have my favorite relationship with him again ?
I think it was a hunter too ? An old hunter hm… oh a lady hunter perhaps ? Hm… oh yes the person the doll is based on maybe ? Oh who was it again… ? 🤔
Ok I’m so sorry that was a really poor taste joke… Of course it’s Lady Maria.
I’m not sure how to describe it. Might feel insane perhaps but I have just so many thoughts and feels on those 2.
Even if I have interpretations I prefer and I’m a bit biased because of some of my taste & main hcs cough I love so many interpretations of their relationships as well.
What was their relationship exactly, where they just close friends, master/apprentice, coworkers,  platonic? romantic feelings? Oneside/both sides? Did smt happen between them ? Never happened ? Was it smt really weird on fence or in the contrary nothing weird at all ?? Or were they maybe related from the same family ? Father/daughter (figure). Since when do they know each others ? How did they meet ?! 
Even if I tend to share more of one specific headcanons of mine (the more developed one and version of bloodborne lore that I have) I have so many ideas clashing in my heads and I love seeing unique and interesting takes on it. We can’t denied this 2 are strongly link together and have such a unique bond that transcend death and dreams themself.
Of course my fav one being the one where/when they were (just) close friends that relate to one another a lot and believed they understand each other really well (for some times at least) idk but I cannot, not imagined them being all silly and doing really silly things back at Byrgenwerth. 
So anyway I wish we had more and my brain is crazy trying to fill the gasps.
Also I wish we knew more on his relationship with Laurence & Willem but also Ludwig & the doll and  other characters as well.
Favorite headcanon
Oh wow I would have too much so I will just stick to a few ones
He was byrgenwerth groundskeeper 
He made the mercy blades + it was his originally (so he had a grand and smaller weapon too)
The weird half hidden note in the hunter dreams about ending the nightmare/dream is from him
He can sew really well and fixed the old hunters clothes who were damaged (people skins too 💀)
He used too/could make really great wood figures + toys
He made all the old hunters badge himself and they’re made out of siderite too (but I think it’s a bit oblivious) 
He did some study at Byrgenwerth and do know quite a lot of things (all the books at the workshop, blood gems etc)
Oh wait it’s just A favorite one ?! (I’m bad a choosing ahhh hm idk he would make a great house husban- I mean the mercy blade hc ! Maybe)
(rest undercut because it's a long post)
First impression
Really intrigued but I also knew many people love her quite a lot XD
Impression now
Well I love her of course (my tarnished is her consort so a bit biased sorry). But I’m quite critic of her too. What I mean by that is that I perhaps expect more things about her too you know ? 
Favorite moment
Do i need to say anything…
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And also when she talk to is in the form of the mini Ranni (that might be one of my fav moments yep)
Idea for a story
Euh… hm idk either her time with the witch Renna or what lead to the night of the black knife (that remember I have pics to read !)
Unpopular opinion
I don’t think it’s really unpopular but she’s quite a really gray characters too. I wish we knew more about her motivation and what she really wanted. Like did you really wanted to kill Godwyn and do a giant mess or was it circumstance hm? I found some other characters way easier to like than her too. Sorry 😢
Favorite relationship
With Blaidd of course (but also Iji and Rykard, her mother etc). (And the tarnished XD) and I wish we had info about her relationship with other characters (like all her siblings and half siblings)
Favorite headcanon
Hm… idk XD she really liked her mentor drip ? When I grow up I wanna be like her ! A old and ice heretic witch ? Ok sure Ranni x)
She wanted to escape her fate and all and she said she don’t want smn (a consort) to share her burden but she still deep inside i think she really wish to have someone 
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