#like yeah bait vibes strong
thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
Kinda funny how still in 2023, people call Mabel the worst character of Gravity Falls simply because she acts like a 12 year old child, but they silent as hell when it comes to Dipper.
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42starsintheuniverse · 3 months
Sokka & Zuko- The Invisible Winner of the Kataang/Zutara Debate.
Please don't take this as "Shipping War Bait", I'm doing a character analysis of ATLA about my opinion on which close Zuko relationship makes the most sense!
I feel like fandom treated Zuko/ Sokka as a crack ship but like?? That's never made sense to me.
Firstly I personally think that Aang will always remember how the fire nation destroyed his people. No matter how much he consciously says he forgives Zuko (& the fire nation) I would BET that unconsciously there's still something deeply hurt in Aang that can never truly be healed about that. As a result, Aang would not be able to LOVE Zuko as close as his other relationships. It's one of those hard to swallow pills but it's just how I interpret the characters. Aang's body has that bias, the deepest parts of his mind won't ever forget the horrific fact that his people are dead because of Ozai, and Zuko is Ozai's firstborn.
I know Aang's whole thing is that he preaches forgiveness, but here's the thing... We aren't always aware of how deeply our trauma affects us. Sometimes you don't hold a conscious bias against people... You hold an Unconscious bias. And to me, Aang holding an unconscious bias against Zuko, and not being as close to him, makes sense.
Toph could honestly work with Zuko, I think she's also a good contender for closest relationship. Though I see it in either a platonic or romantic sense (depends on the vibe). I think there could be a bit of 'fandom implicit bias' there in having Zuko and Toph constantly presented as platonic only. Like, Toph is disabled, she's blind... Do we ever question that maybe we don't like putting her with people romantically because she's disabled? Is Katara the one people ship Zuko with romantically- because Katara is more traditionally attractive? Toph is short, stocky, has short hair, is brash, and blind... Like, there's a chance she doesn't get the same treatment as Katara because she's not traditionally attractive in the way Katara is.... Something to think about.
-All that being said, I like Toph and Zuko as having a close bond either romantically or platonically. I think it's funny that they're both born rich kids, I think it's funny that they only have one fully functioning eye between them (and the comedy and hijinks that leads to). And they do work really well together throughout the show, Toph forgives Zuko when he accidentally burns her feet. And Zuko clearly appreciates how chill Toph is- she doesn't have PERSONAL bias towards Zuko as the son of the Fire Lord, in the way that the other three do.
Moving on to Katara, I have a similar sort of feeling there. It's made obvious that Katara SAW her mother die at the hands of the fire nation. It was traumatic, it was horrific, and because she was a child watching it- that is likely a DEEP core memory. In the context of the show, Zuko helps Katara find the man who killed her mother, because it's sort of a levelling of the scales. It doesn't even make Katara LIKE Zuko, it makes her neutral towards him. He helped her to basically right a wrong (that's her perspective). So yeah- for the same reasons, I've just never been convinced that Zuko and Katara could have a strong and intimate relationship because of the deepness of Katara's trauma. It takes a significant amount of time in terms of the show for her to even start talking and trusting Zuko at all. Doesn't FEEL like good romantic potential to me.
But Sokka, Sokka is the best fit of them so far. The thing is, Zuko and Sokka have a lot of different experiences- but shared values. Consider the things they've had to deal with, Sokka had to handle a huge level of grief & pressure as he quickly became responsible for his family and community at a noticeably young age. Then consider how that parallels (it is not THE SAME, but there is a PARALLEL) to Zuko's abuse & exile. They're both young men, they're both conditioned to think they should be a certain way (Sokka a warrior, Zuko a tyrant). Sokka is creative & inventive, which mirrors how Zuko has to create a new emotional source for his fire bending- once again, these are parallel elements of their characters, and demonstrate how they could relate to each other.
Sokka as a character is also slightly more separated from the association between the fire nation and the death of his mother- compared to Katara. Once again, she saw it happen right in front of her as a small child, Sokka was slightly older when the event happened, and didn't see it first hand.
There are some more generic elements of their characters that might suggest gay subtext; such as Sokka's hypermasculinity being a masking behaviour so no-one would think he's attracted to men. (Most people understand why that is; but if you don't know- leaning into very masculine things as a man, can make it feel like people won't question your assumed "straightness").
But I think what I've touched on is more relevant because it's very much tied to THESE specific characters, and how they interact, and how they could relate to each other.
TLDR; Zuko and Sokka work as a ship cos they have less things stopping them (barriers to intimacy & trauma to heal from). And they have probably the highest relatability to each other's lives, allowing them to trust each other and open up, compared to the other characters.
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linktoo · 2 years
Watching Alien 9 - how it's perceived and what it wanted to say
Warnings for themes of abuse and implied sexual assault. 
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Two things before I start: I watched the subbed version of this, and also there are only 4 episodes if you want to check it out yourself, it’s very short.  
I started watching Alien 9 basically knowing nothing about it. It's an older anime, released back in 2001 so there isn't much internet discussion about it for each episode. But I remember watching it slowly realizing there’s a lot to unpack here. The art direction is beautiful and the dialogue is actually really strong. I went out of my way to look for analysis I could find on the internet because there was a lot that I couldn’t really put into words… but I very quickly came across an ongoing issue.
I guess this is probably a common problem with a lot of media that came out before the internet became the juggernaut that it has become today. The discussion you tend to find doesn’t seem to be very cleaned up or very nuanced - a lot of it is also probably lost to time with discussion forums and personal websites shutting down. But all I saw were really outdated remarks, like “oh kasumi’s the lolicon" and "this is pedo bait”, etc. It was gross and frustrating. So I wanted to talk about it in-depth.  
The anime is initially presented to be a cute slice-of-life anime. Set in a regular school with a sci-fi twist, it gives off a cheery sweet vibe, but even from the very beginning, there was always such an off vibe to it all. With the music fluctuating between cute and off-kilter and discordant. Every shot feels vaguely oppressive, trying to hide something that should be immediately within your line of sight if you were there yourself. You immediately get a sense that something is wrong. 
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Not to mention so many silent shots of this looming, grotesque-looking alien pod that looms over the school with weapons. 
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Someone commented that the OST for this anime like “a child with anxiety” which is such a great way to describe it! It’s filled with lots of very juvenile, bouncy tunes (like lots of recorders and kazoos and xylophones and horns), even with motifs that sound similar to nursery rhymes like “Mary Had a Little Lamb” but in a minor key. It gives a very jaunty feeling while distinctly feeling off. I think it also has a very soldierly, elementary school vibe to it - like the sound of a bell and young students chanting together in unison like a military cadence. There are instances of kids singing as a choir, giving a religious, holy aspect to certain tracks. It also mixes in synthy, crazy bonker wet sounding and snappy sound samples for the alien feel of it all. It’s erratic. And it’s so cohesive!! I really don’t know much about music composition, but it’s so distinctive to fit the narrative and themes of the show and I love it. Check it out if you’re interested, it’s so funky: [x]
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The show focuses on three 12-year-old girls, being tasked with capturing and subduing aliens  with guns, roller skates, and symbiotic aliens that are attached to their heads and feed on their body fluids. Yeah. That’s a bit overwhelming. 
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And Yuri Otani, the main character, gets so much shit for hating it. She was forced into it, in a very isolating method of basically the entire classroom ganging up to all vote for her to join (no one wanted to join themselves). The other two, Kumi and Kasumi, are very competent in their own way, which makes Yuri’s inability to capture these very understandably disturbing, pulsating creatures look foolish in comparison.
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She cries. Yuri cries a lot. She’s already had a very overwhelming fear with anything that pertains to aliens and left to her own devices she collapses, faints, shudders, wails, and shuts down throughout the entire show. 
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And understandably so, it’s creepy and gross and absolutely horrid! It doesn’t get any better!! But everyone around her acts like fighting these aliens are completely normal. Her peers are passive about her distress. Her one kind classmate friend tells her it’s not that bad because of the emergency perks. The adults around her tell her to just stick it out. The other two peers in the alien fighter club frankly have their own concerns and it’s more than just a bit of a liability that Yuri can barely defend herself at all. 
Yuri in turn struggles with depression every moment she isn’t fighting aliens. She can't get out of bed in the morning. She zones out, at home and at work. It’s very resonant with me, because that kind of depression is debilitating and takes over so much of your life - you’re seen as lazy when really, you quite literally can’t function unless someone firmly and continuously forces you to do something. It’s upsetting to watch. 
There are invasive, sexual overtones to this story. A lot of people have likened it to an allegory of puberty where your body is rapidly changing and just in general everything feels very confusing and upsetting. Being taken advantage of because you aren’t experienced. The danger that these adults put these children in and tell them just to figure it out or basically die trying, is very reminiscent of a lot of real societal pressure for kids to grow up with very little emotional support. To “toughen” them up, because one day they have to face this big scary world alone. It’s uncomfortable and it gets worse as the story progresses. 
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I don’t want to get into it too much, but there is an allegorical gang rape scene that occurs to Yuri in episode 2. The Hunt club advisor already recognized that she was struggling with alien capturing and was instructed to feed the aliens alone, without the help of the other two members to keep her safe. There, three boys who willingly attached aliens to their head and have had this odd fixation on Yuri for several days, find her all alone. It’s violent. Their drills are overtly phallic themed. I can’t get over the haunting statement of her friend calling her “miss popular” just a few hours beforehand. Their attention was NEVER wanted and that framing is so unsettling to me, like the way people say women who were sexually assaulted were “asking for it”. It’s one of the most disturbing parts of the whole show.
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It’s repulsive what they do to her. And her pain is destructive not to herself, but everyone around her. 
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And how she immediately collapses when she sees the one person that has always been the closest thing to emotional support throughout the entire show. 
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There are very human moments in the show, when there are people that show signs of affection that they didn’t have to do, but did it because they cared about her and it makes all the difference.
Yuri’s one friend Miyu always waits to walk home with her. The alien capturing duties are very isolating from the rest of the school, and forces Yuri to stay very late after everybody leaves. But Miyu waits long hours, and at the end of the day, excitedly meets up with her. She invites Yuri to go shopping with her. It’s very obvious she looks forward to the time they spend together.
(E.g. Miyu reading the shopping manual, passing a note to Yuri in class, the way she runs up to meet Yuri when she’s free. It’s so sweet.)
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You can even see the beams almost being prison bars that Yuri is momentarily free from. She’s the reason why Yuri gets enough courage and resolve to try her best again with alien fighting and bonding with the others of her own accord. It shows a lot about Yuri’s desire to do well with the insane tasks and responsibilities her adults give her, even when no one else notices. 
The other two members of the alien capturing club are Kumi and Kasumi.
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And though they help Yuri out, it’s definitely a little of a drag for them. Kumi in particular has this deep rooted anger when Yuri begs for help. Her own situation at home reminds her that she is constantly relied on; to be the good sport, to be the mature one in every situation and make all the decisions for everyone. 
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“I don’t feel like being nice. Not anymore.
You know something? I was the class leader from grade one onward. Being class leader sucks. All you do is look after other people and you even have to be responsible for what they do. I always got stuck doing all the crappy jobs. That's why I have this position now. So nobody can say to me ‘YOU be the leader.’ Back off and take care of your own problems.” - Kumi
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You can even see her wardrobe tends to be clothes that make her more mature than she actually is, especially her black turtleneck. But she’s just a kid, too.
And to her, Yuri is another pathetic whiny colleague asking for her help. Again. And she’s tired.
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Kasumi's own narrative definitely is its own disturbing, isolated situation. She’s seen to be the least upset out of the three of them in the whole series, always with a level head and a smile on her face. She’s a prodigy, and seemingly enjoys what she does. She loves everything - sports, playing music, scoring high on tests. But you can see how it feels rather empty, how she’s put herself in this situation to constantly affirm to all the adults in her life that she is well adjusted and super talented. I get the feeling she was not given the love and attention really needed as a child, and did everything she could to get some form of acknowledgement. Notably, her big brother who is noticeably absent the entire time. For… disturbingly what was implicated to be because of incest and grooming. She never quite recovers from the yellowknife alien taking advantage of her unhealthy dependency on him, as they weren’t able to save her before it symbiotically fused with her.
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It's not until the traumatic incident Yuri goes through that it’s revealed that the three of them are emotionally bound and feel Yuri’s distress as if it's their own. It’s startling, like they realize that they all experienced that same terror individually, but Yuri’s is much more paralyzing. And understanding that distress, they become particularly protective about her. They only have each other that can ever fully understand what they’re going through at the moment. A classmate couldn’t ever really see that, and Kumi and Kasumi become the people in Yuri’s life that truly empathize with the situation.
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and with all of them, Yuri SHINES.
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Every time there is a kindness that someone extends to her, her eyes light up. She goes quiet and says, “I think I can stick this out, I think I can keep fighting for a little while longer” and god honestly it makes me feel so weepy. Being shown even one ounce of love, one little action that says “I want you to be here with me,” it gives so much weight to her as a person, someone that keeps her being like. I don’t know! Just a little kid!! Doing random kid stuff!!! It’s genuinely healing and the things they do to coax her out of her shell just a little bit brings levity of the show and moments that she can feel safe again.
You also really get to see as she’s encouraged to get over her fears on a much lower level of danger (swimming in an ocean, running through a “haunted” shrine) with her friends. Even when she’s heavily reminded of her traumatic experiences, she can always run away, back to her friends' arms. 
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Notice I didn’t point out her advisor leading the alien capturing duties, because she obviously has no real care towards these kids. It’s honestly a little insidious, because every adult Yuri comes in contact with is female, and have this like, motherly/teacher tone that can SOUND nice and polite, but it’s cold. It’s distant. The three go through harrowing experiences and all the advisor can focus on is her job, and what it means for her. Just that it’s just a nuisance to her. 
“This is strange. I didn’t ask for this. I wonder if it got here by attaching itself to a spaceship. I haven’t even finished checking everyone’s summer homework. This is the last thing I needed!”
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Obviously, that doesn’t even begin to talk about how she and the other adults are not transparent at all and have hidden intentions for the girls.
And I want to get into that as a narrative with the discussion online, because holy FUCK. 
It’s time to talk about the obvious Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) inspiration that touches the show, from the stark compositions and beautiful animation and notably, how the main character is struggling with depression and the overwhelming responsibility that’s piled onto him. It’s honestly such an interesting comparison to me especially since the two main characters are in starkly different (yet overwhelming) situations. While Shinji is a 16-year-old boy, Yuri is a 12-year-old girl and their societal expectations based on each identity sets them apart. 
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Everyone really loves to compare Shinji and Yuri, even going so far as to say “Alien 9 is basically just NGE.” God. That’s a bit reductive of a comparison. You can see the way they talk about both of them, how useless and crybaby and whiny they both are perceived to be by this audience. 
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They call Yuri “bitchy”, they call her “useless crybaby”, they call her stupid and moronic, but most importantly, they say she has 0 character development throughout the entire show. I want to take a second to process that, because trauma does NOT equal character development. 
And finally, I want to talk about one of the most casually unsettling parts of the show for me, personally:
Yuri’s teacher notices that she’s distracted and detached. She can’t focus on school. And her assumption?
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That she’s thinking about summer vacation. And then, in the very next scene, Yuri asks to quit the alien capturing duties because she can’t take it anymore - and the teacher says THIS.
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The hypocrisy and apathy in these two scenes. The way adults pretend they care but also assume every sign of distress means you're just lazy. It’s heartwrenching. Which one is it? Stop relaxing, or don’t be so uptight? It’s maddening to me. To change the narrative to suit your own assumptions about this child because really, Yuri doesn’t have a choice in the matter. And she continues to collapse under the weight of these responsibilities, and continue to be locked into something that she is completely incapable of handling. 
Yuri is so overwhelmed all she can do is shut down and cry and everyone just tells her to get over it like one day she'll snap and do her job no problem like she's not going through the most harrowing shit no one should ever go through ever in their lives. And she ends up screwing up more and more because they keep withdrawing all support to "toughen her up". They NEVER take her seriously, they never let her breathe because she's just a little crybaby girl who doesn't know what's best for her and it just keeps getting worse.
And that’s what is so haunting to me, to see such a common response from the audience watching this same show, to sound exactly like these adults. To take away from the show that Yuri is useless and bratty and should have snapped and fought back at one point, like a main protagonist in a hero’s journey converting their trauma into a badass version of themselves or something. I don’t know, there’s something to be said about how these tone deaf reviews were written and discussed by cis men, while one of the few blog posts I actually liked about Alien 9 was posted in 2021 by two women. There’s a bit of a whiplash to how people received this show on the internet based on who was watching and when.
Anyway, there’s still way more to unpack in terms of the other characters in the show, but I’ll leave it here. Alien 9 in all of its flaws and open-ended questions deserves to be engaged head on. It has its flaws and due to cancellation and budget cuts, was forced to leave on a cliffhanger on its fourth and final episode. A lot was left open. 
But it had a very particular set tone from the beginning, and there was a lot of deliberate intention behind their creative decisions. I’m tired of seeing people say “it’s sooo weird” and “they didn’t know what they were doing” for discussion. It’s definitely a show I keep thinking about on and off again.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
YANDERE THE MAN HUSH DUDE HEADCANONS BUT THE READER LOVES HIM BACK?? Btw they make tiktok vids together or share the same humour, They make vids about jokes or making funny vids by reacting or making someone read something & forcing to watch the vid with their reaction lol.
YANDERE the man (John) x reader
Headcanons, filming vids together or forcing each other to react to a weird video or doing weird funny stuff, if you want you can add anything else and yeah lol
Woah that is a long letter u wrote there
I LOVE THE IDEA OMG PLUS THEM PRANKING EACH OTHER omg BUT U FOROGR TO SAY WHAT PRONOUNS TO USE😭*exploes* gonna use she/her :) , there is some dialogue John is green and she is pimk
(Swf)(Request open)(TW:yandere,stalking,bulling people on tiktok)
Yandere silly dude from Hush (le josh) with as silly s/o
When he saw her first time he was sure that he will stalk her a little, spook her with some dead bodies, and kill her (his average sunday)
But after a while he kinda realised that he kinda likes her?? But he didnt pay mind to it(just yet) he still will try to commit crimes
He probably tried to stalk her while she was out in city but she bumped into him and he just 😳🧍 she probably started apologising while he tried to catch his breath.
And imagine if she decided that hes cute and invite him to some cafe. This guy went on mission to gather info to kill her, now He sits there drinking some tea and talks about some drama with her.
He will kinda find her funny, she seemed to have similar sense of humor like him. Then he decides to slow down his kill evil plan and gives her a chancs
His yandere type is defo "youre mine and only mine" but if she gets along with it, he is the biggest cuddle bug and shmol bean ever.
John wont tell her that he loves her (even if she is visably in love with him) and probably plan some evil kidnapind plan(super epic) So yeah he invites her to cute trip in forest total cute, then he ties her arms, then he yeets you in his car (he expects some sort of fight tbh) and drives you to his hause. While she just vibes to songs in radio.
"This is your hause now, try to escape and you wont be so happy" "cool, do you have wifi here" "🧍yea"
God zamn John prepared so hard!! Duble locks on doors, windows with super hard Glass, ect. He was prepared for game in cat and mouse and she just vibes on couch?
"I ordered pizza honey:)" "I cant eat it, I have ligma:(" "whats ligma" "😈 ligma bools"
Shes lucky he loves her because after limga joke he accualy regreted sparing her in first place
Also she would show him the most gen-z memes you can think of and record his reacion "Who is 🤨 among?"
He would blush like crazy when she wears his shirts, he will cuddle her a lot
He works out a lot, and eveytime after, he feels super strong and he just picks her up or play catch or just play-fight
'Damn babe somone just posted rat stealing whole bag of chips, wanna see?" *sees the video* "damn, so us"
He will say stuff like: slay, common W, most sane person in Ohio. This Type of stuff, im sorry if this bothers you
He will give headpats
If shes like tiktok famous and posts funni shit daily, she will try to inculde him. At first only as the guy holding camera or something. But later she will do stuff like "my bf reacting to my skincare routine!" Or "puting make up on my bf! (Not click bait) (he is shocked)"
But if they dont mind its win-win because its free comments and likes (and in big scale it means money)
I wanted to post memes at the end but tumblr doesnt like so I prolly post meme right after posting it
Also reader sending him funny shit while he is 'at work' *she sends funny rat meme* "honey i litteraly shoot somone leg off wtf is that" "hehe funi rat"
He loves walks in forest, with hand holding ofc. Also He has ps5 and he will play with her some silly games
Overall 9/10: pros:you get free food, and u dont have to work, u get hugs 12/7. cons: u get kidnaped
I hope its up to ur standards, i made it a little long, john>>
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bookofmirth · 4 months
Hi I asked the question about Gwynriel book being boring.
It wasn’t meant to be bait, sorry about that. That was me with 1am brain and overthinking. Then freaking out now that Gwynriel’s book seems more likely than ever and and my expectations are high. And wondering how their book would be structured.
Obviously no one has the answers but sometimes hearing different takes can be comforting.
…And I was too tired to type it all out. Sorry again for the mixed vibes.
Ohhh I got you, sorry! I usually get people being jackasses in my inbox whenever there is a new release, so I am more wary than usual right now.
I actually do get what you mean now, because I've been having a similar conversation with @fracturedarkness about what I think acotar5 will be like and I have some pretty strong ideas about it and I'm going to be really sad if they don't happen. Normally I just wait to see where an author takes things but it feels like 3+ years now of expectations. And I don't usually try to predict what will happen next, but acotar5 has been an exception to this, so yeah. I have pretty strong opinions about what is coming and they could be really neat to read about and I want them to happen!
I know I keep teasing these posts about what I think if coming next for acotar, but I swear to get them out on Tuesday or Wednesday. I just need to get a few quotes (that I know exist, I just need them in regular old English haha) to help everything fall into place.
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I'm sure someone already though of this but I'll say it anyway because it's stuck in my head and I need to get it out.
Zombies x Descendants crossover. Meeting each other. Villains and Zombies meeting and sympathizing with each other because OBVIOUSLY. Auradon and Seabrook...doing whatever they do.
Oh I definitely have Thoughts.
And unfortunately, you all have to see them too.
Let's say the Zombie protagonists are the same age as the Descendants protagonists, yeah?
The Zombies and the Isle kids definitely get eachother. Like, a lot.
That said, Addison is dragging about 99% of Descendants kids to therapy, personally. As she should, tbh.
The Zombies coach is utterly exactic because a lot of both Auradon and Isle boys end up playing football.
The pirates end up in cheer, though. I mean, it's shiny.
Also, turns out, the pirates (read: Harry and Uma) have the chronic inability to say „no“ to Addison Wells, Sunshine Personified.
As have the Werewolves.
Which is how the groups meet.
The wolf pack and the Lost Revenge crew gets locked in a staring contest in the locker room, mutually thinking something along the lines of „What the fuck is wrong with them??“. Some people might or might not have been bitten. Don't ask.
I need A-lli to meet Audrey Rose. Just. Them.
„I AM in harmony, just in like, a super-hostile way!“
„It's okay, deep breaths.“ *kicks the mothership*
They are allowed to have emotions for like two days and immediately choose violence and Iove them, your honour.
Audrey could also vibe with Bucky? Two flashy strong-headed cheer Captains? ...Then again, they might just try to kill eachother.
On the other hand, Harry meeting A-spen would be such a disaster.
„Such passion!“ „Dude, no. She wants to rip your heart out.“ „She can have it!“
And, you know. Everything Harry Hook has ever done. („Hey, she's the Captain I'm the first mate, enemies sea sick can't see straight. Call them fish bait, throw them on a hook, Uma's so hot they get burned if they look!“)
Uma and Wylla are having lots of fun though. (The most intense double dates you have EVER seen, once the pirates and the Werewolves get over their initial mutual, ehm, extreme distrust.)
Faciliers kind of. Try to find out if the Zombies can be controlled via voodoo magic? Like the risen-from-dead?
(It would be really funny if they could. And the sisters wouldn't exploit it. Too much.)
I think that some Isle kids are definitely low-key disappointed that the zombies don't eat real brains. Like, it's a scam, that's what it is.
Marya Rasputin still freaks out everyone when she casually pops off her hand at her wrist. („What?! I thought they all could do that!“)
Everyone is almost mortally offended that Seabrook has one (1) ice cream flavour.
Well, everyone except for Ben. He likes Vanilla. And Gil, who is just generally happy to have ice cream.
Evie and Eliza are definitely getting a little sabotage ✨ done and they are not getting caught.
Look, Seabrook might have gotten its redemption arc, but Auradon is far from it. And Eliza likes being a revolutionary.
Between Eliza, Wylla, Uma and Evie, King Beast decides to take a very sudden holiday, ideally very far from the sea and the forests.
Fairy Godmother decides to visit him about two weeks later, when all electricity in her house stopped working, the sprinkler system was on nonstop, the carnivores nearby went haywire and somehow, all of her food have gone bad. Oh, also a few fires, courtesy of the Hook sisters. Miraculously, as soon as the fires went on, the sprinklers went off.
(you know, a little sabotage? The girls are having fun.)
(I just want to make her suffer.)
The Aceys are dating and keep getting confused when upon learning this, the Isle kids solemly nod their heads and state: „Ah, yes. Mutually destructive threesome. We have all seen it.“
Cheerful Addy explains that „Don't worry, it's an Isle thing!“ and even more cheerful CJ tries to set up another double date. It does not go well.
Actually I think CJ would adore Addy too? I mean. Everyone loves Addy.
Mal is bitter over it and, like, she had it coming.
Oh, the Isle... Addison has so much to say about the Isle.
(She tracks down King Beast after about three days of his holiday, solely by asking people if they know where the former king is really nicely.)
I feel like she'd drag Ben out on, like, platonic dates? Hang out. Have fun. It was not right for teenagers to lead a revolution and it is not right for a teenager to be a king.
Surprisingly, I think that Mal should hang with Bonzo. Chill out. Spray paint a bit and zen away. It would be good for her. Bree brings them cookies.
They have guns, right? Because CJ is giving a gun to Eliza and Lonnie. A gift. She is practicing her Goodness, and Addy said gifts are a great way to get closer to people!
Just. Addison manages to befriend literally everyone?? And I love her??
Again, if I think of anything else, or, like, coherent plot for the crossover, I'll let you know!
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bthump · 10 months
You ever think the story is gonna lead to a point where the Dragonslayer gets broken? Yeah I know it’s supposed to symbolize slaying beings stronger than you, but in the context of the story, I feel that those apply to the Apostles, but someone like Griffith is a much more high being than any he’ll ever face.
Swear, there was like a perfect opportunity for that to happen when Griffith appeared in Elfhelm, Guts tries swinging at Griffith, again, and instead of it just phasing through him, he grabs the sword, or uses his powers, and just shatters it with barely any effort.
Would’ve been a nice bait and switch from all the talk of the sword possibly being able to phase the Godhand, it would’ve driven Guts to despair much quicker and, at least from a more meta perspective, made the writers more creative in how Guts can fight besides “Swing sword even harder”
Oooh yeah ikwym, Guts' sword shattering during that fight would've been a really strong image and probably would've gone a long way towards making Guts' reaction feel less melodramatic lol. Especially with the potential parallel to the second duel.
Though I do feel like if they're going for Guts succumbing to his armour and going ham now, he still needs his sword. The sword shattering would've been great if Guts fell into a more passive despair and then re-evaluated his goals/methods based on seeing Griffith's single tear or moonbaby or whatever, but if that lost Elfhelm fight is leading to Guts digging himself in even deeper first, then it's probably best for him to keep the sword.
(Though honestly it would've also been cool if his sword did shatter, he still went beast of darkness, and it manifested more animalistic/monstrously with Guts using claws and teeth instead of a sword. Would've been a vibe, would've fit some of the thematic stuff like Guts turning his body into a weapon.)
(Oh though that said, it might've also had a downside of equating Casca's kidnapping with a loss of phallic masculine power lol, even if unintentionally. Win some, lose some.)
I think it could still shatter later on, like at the climax of the story, but if that was the case it would probably be like, yk that moment in a big fight when all seems lost and then the hero rallies and does something unexpected. Hopefully talks to Griffith and opens a meaningful cathartic dialogue, but maybe falls from a height and drags Griffith down with him, or maybe gets stabbed and sends Griffith into despair by dying, etc.
Thanks for the ask, it's interesting to think about!
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lovelytayforce · 4 months
TBH I think the Chameleon is already shaping up to be a better execution of Kai’s character concepts than Kai himself. She’s a green villain who steals the power of kung fu masters from the spirit realm (including Tai Lung), and has a whole motif around taking instead of giving. This also applies to her identity motif; Just as Kai is forgotten by the time of a film that discusses Po’s identity, the Chameleon’s need to copy others indicates a lack of real identity/confidence as well. She also just looks cooler imo. I feel like Kai’s green eyes and horns didn’t do enough to convey his supernatural vibes, whereas the Chameleon’s species is perfectly connected to her motifs as a character.
First off, Hello and thank you for sending me this ask!! (I thought I'd never get one but we out here~!!!!) Ahem anyways, I wouldn't say Chameleon's need to copy is from a lack of identity, that would fit more for Kai funnily enough considering no one knew him and he was a mere shadow of Oogway, this is where these two supernatural characters themes divert in my opinion. The Chameleon has more confidence than Kai in seeing the power of intaking multiple arts of Kung Fu and integrating it into her own. Kai was just a (mentally) weak man using strong foes as an army with no input of their own because that's all he was "A Controlling General". The Chameleon though obviously has her own army that conducts things in their own ways, ie the sunbathing naps, there's a decisive lack of control and breathe of freedom between the leader and subordinate compared to Kai. Aka Cammy (I'm sorry I am tired of spelling her whole name) doesn't have to zombifiy people to follow them against their will. She knows she is strong and is making herself stronger and more of a respected power. Considering trailers have already shown she is well versed in the movements of Kung Fu.
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And I get it audiences won't look at her almost damn perfect form that could only come with ages of practice, but I do cause I LOVE KUNG FUUUUU~!!!! <3 Anyways, sorry for that long tangent anon, I just really love what the Choreographer's did with her movements. They are sooo CLEAN~ (But frfr I wish the director didn't market the damn MCU stunt actors when they had a man from RUSH HOUR 3 on the line!! Bro get your thoughts together!!) As for Kai's horns and green eyes, yeah I can see what you mean, he seemed more akin to some davy jone's locker sorta ghost and not some demon of the depths. I can see where they tried to work with what they had but it just didn't have that oomf feeling as Cammy does her with her mix of beautiful older Chinese attire and all the designs upon her head, some that resemble Chinese characters. The designers this time, tried to get away with more by making the Awkwatwat Fox; basic Furry bait. Which good on y'all they KNEW they had to pop off with my Auntie Miss Davis on the mic!! For BHM baby!! So, yeah tldr: We love ourselves Miss Cammy for BHM and Awkwafuck can suck one!
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striving-artist · 6 months
first of all, apologies: this may sound like needless bait and or agressiveness, it may not be my place, as a non usamerican, to comment on usa's politics, i can't hit enter on anon ask for some reason so this will be a block of text, and my english is of dubious quality when it comes to expressing my points. But as a non usa citizen, or even a non global north citizen, but honestly the bidencourse or whatever feels like its distracting... from the actual point? 1/?
Okay, first, Very Sorry it took me a while to answer. I wanted to wait and give this a proper response, and then real life got to be a Lot. Second, your english is better than my french, and your phrasing ends up saying things more clearly than native speakers because you’re trying to communicate, not say something with clever words. 
Actual answer now. It’s below the rest of your asks, which I copied all into this. I’m going to talk about Americans as ‘We’ in this. I know that there are exceptions, I hope I am an exception to it, but its easier to talk like this.
like, yeah, sure. american politics are horrifyingly influential on a global scale in such a manner no single country should be. yeah, sure, deciding whether your president did something bad, terrible even, whether your... ok i dont know the name of state guys in usa politics, so biden & folks, and whether you'll vote for or against him to continue supporting your political goals against their current actions is important, sure 2/?
but also, it really feels as a sorta... united states of america main character of the world moment? really bad at wording this, but it feels as though the vast majority of americans right now are using whats happening in palestine as... performance, sorta? political performance, or using palestine suffering as set dressing to their own issues. theres a really strong vibe of "see all these people suffering, *arent you, white american liberal* feeling guilty about your choices?" 3/?
its like... it really feels as though the whole things is abstract or like, superficial to most people posting about it right now. sure, theyre making a big show, or whatever, but instead of heres how you can actually help, heres what you can actually do about this, american posters are doing the equivalent of asking for a manager about a building thats on fire. theyre complaining more about their own politics than actually helping 5/?
and it circles back to how could my politician do this, or im not voting for him, and, sure, by all means, feel this way, act on it even, but like. grips their shoulder. Can you please not make it about yourselves. once in your lifes. can you please not think about people who are dying, who are being killed, who are being oppressed - in terms of set dressing for internal american politics? just this once? 7/?
this is going a little offtopic, but like, fuck yknow? i saw more people commemorating the death of kissinger than discussing on how to undo the shit he did, and most people commemorating were... americans. i celebrated too, because i was born raised and live in a country that got its dictatorship through american involvement, but it always ends up being how the world impacts america than the opposite, despite how ppl phrase it. sorry. idk. this ended up venty as hell. 8/8
As long as the USA continues to shove into the politics of other nations, especially in the global south, you have the right to comment on what is happening here. I’m happy to be a place for you to vent. You’re also right that the USA is acting like a Main Character. We have done that since Isolationism went out of style. Lots of American politicians on the right talk about ‘America First’ and staying out of other countries’ problems, but they just mean they don’t want to send aid money. Almost every American politician still wants to get involved when it suits their interest (oil, money, personal agenda, personal religion) 
Talking about Biden is an intentional distraction here. In part because our politics is a mess of blame shifting and personal attacks. In part because it’s election time, and anything a president running for re-election does is heavily scrutinized. But also, because most americans don’t know enough about global politics to actually talk about it. Instead, we make it about ourselves.
That gets amplified online, and especially on tumblr bc there’s a lot of americans on english websites. We are used to everything being about us. 
You’re right that our politics have a huge impact globally. That’s also true for Russia, China, and some key European countries. For the most part, the global south is considered unimportant. Not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s definitely true right now. The next american election could, genuinely, collapse the USA as we know it. I don’t mean the country will turn into anarchy and the purge overnight if Trump wins, but it would be very bad. I’ll ignore the problems we would have domestically for now and how those filter into the rest of the world. That’s an entire essay. They’re huge, but you asked about why we only see things through our own lens.
I kind of want to say that we just suck. That it’s ego, and nothing else. But, we’re actually taught to think this way. That won’t help your frustration, but it is the Why.
Americans get raised with an american perspective, obviously. We’re taught, pretty specifically, that we are a superpower who can change anything we want, and the rest of the world can’t stop us. Having veto power in the United Nations is a good example. We don’t see things that aren’t filtered through American media and reports unless we go out and look for them. Hell, we’re at a record high right now because 60% of americans have passports. We don’t go to other countries, when we do, we expect them to cater to us. We never see anything but the american side of things. 
And if America is the only one who can really have any impact, we see our elections as the Most Important Thing. It isn’t completely wrong. How our politicians think about other countries has a direct impact on the rest of the world. We supply a huge amount of money, weapons, and aid to countries. Right now, funding for aid to Ukraine and Gaza are really contentious in Congress. Congress has to pass the bills that let Biden send help. Our system is a mess, and we have people who are elected thanks to a few thousand, or a few hundred voters, that are going to be critical to get those bills passed. 
But that’s the bigger picture. That’s officials, and why, in a lot of ways, it DOES matter to the rest of the world how our politics change. I don’t like that, but so long as it’s true, then any american who cares about the rest of the planet needs to focus on effecting our government’s choices. 
As for individuals. You are very, very right about this. We treat global events as set dressing for our leaders. Like I said, it does matter, but the way we talk, especially online, is performance. 
Lots of americans WANT to help internationally. We feel helpless to do that. If you don’t have the money to donate to charities, it feels like all you can do is scream. Media and news in America doesn’t talk about the rest of the world, so we pour all of that anger onto our politicians, and expect them to fix it. We feel weak, we don’t know what to do, so we do the only thing we know. We don’t know the names of Knesset leaders. We don’t even know about UK politics unless it’s really dramatic, and they’re our closest ally and culture. 
To use your metaphor; we’re screaming at the manager because we think he has the keys, and we’re in the fire too. He doesn’t. We don’t know how to handle that. So we’re just screaming.
As for Kissinger, it ties into the above, I promise. A lot of the hate for him, and the celebrating that he died, is because we know what America has done is fucked up. He was a symbol of that. Lots of young americans hate what we did. Shit, lots of americans who were young back in the 70s hate what we did. Him dying felt like we’d gotten rid of some of the baggage tied to us (it doesn’t, we still interfere all over the world) It was a bit of good news when we are facing the fact that we can’t force other countries to obey us.  
I’ve talked before about how conflicted I am about this. I badly want America to step in Fix It. I want us to help the Rohingya. I want us to stop Putin in Ukraine. I want us to force a peace deal in Israel and somehow make things right. I want that so badly because I hate what’s happening. I also hate the idea of America continuing to act like we’re the main character. But. I hate that we could do more, and we aren’t. I think a lot of Americans feel that way. 
Americans who are watching the rest of the world feel weak right now. Younger Americans - who are more likely to be online talking, AND more likely to be watching the rest of the world - feel weak in every part of our lives. Money, politics, social stuff, corruption. We feel like we aren’t able to do anything. So we’re screaming at the manager because staying quiet hurts too much, and we don’t know how to change it. 
This is already long, and I don’t think it will make you or anyone else feel better. But I want to add this. 
Everyone pays attention to their immediate surroundings first. The people of Guyana are focused on Venezuela trying to annex them. The people of Sudan are thinking about how everything is falling apart for them. The problems in the US are pretty privileged. The danger for trans americans is bad right now. It’s not wrong to think about keeping yourself alive and safe first. You put on your own oxygen mask first. Everyone does. 
I don’t know if I missed something that you want me to talk about. I don’t know if this was helpful at all. Really, I just sympathize with you. It isn’t fair, it isn’t right, I want to shake americans by the shoulders, and I can’t. And I hate that. 
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asknarashikari · 9 months
This is the other ask that when i first sent it, the internet was glitching. so I'm sending this again.
Continuation of this ask https://www.tumblr.com/asknarashikari/725002965824552960/villain-from-the-far-distant-future-even-further?source=share
Everyone was waiting with baited breath as they waited for Keiwa to return.
Suddenly a large boom  was heard and everyone can see an explosion in the sky,
A moment later, Keiwa materialized in front of them, as Bujin Sword Tycoon and detransformed out of his armor.
He looked relatively fine, his clothes were now covered with soot and is singed in some areas.
Ace; What happened?
Keiwa: Yeah, it turns out, its some idiot who wanted to emulate Suel and got himself the same technology as the DGP to travel back in time.
Tsumuri: The Vision Driver?
Keiwa: That’s very inferior.
Michinaga: And the explosion?
Keiwa: Idiot didn’t know how to fight as Gazer and simply had his orbs shoot everywhere liberally.
Michinaga: But why were you using Bujin Sword.
Keiwa: *shrugs* convenience.
Keiwa: I literally had to operate their Vision Driver to send everyone back to their time.
Ace: You didn’t kill anyone this time too.
Keiwa: How is Win-san doing?
Ace: He’s doing fine.
Keiwa: You know the whole plan might not have succeeded had Win-san did not try to fight them off last night.
Keiwa: Had we saw the fight take place.
Ace; How did you know Punk Jack tried to fight them off.
Keiwa: They were bragging how weak us fossils were.
Keiwa: I think its about time you upgraded Monster’s power output, Ace-sama
Ace: Shut up.
Ace: I want Punk Jack to have a different form of his own.
Neon: So long as its not the same as Demon King, I’m good.
Sara: Same
I don't remember if I received this particular ask, but I remember feeling somewhat uneasy with the ask you linked because of the Keiwa-Atoning-for-Sins-He-Didn't-Commit vibe. I don't care much for asks like those, sorry.
Like in this case, I don't particularly see why Keiwa would decide to deal with it on his own, especially post Bujin Sword arc. He's always been the one most open to working with the other Riders (barring said arc). Even Ace is less cooperative than he is.
Personally I feel this is OOC of him :P I know it's to show that he's strong enough to deal with threats on his own, but that's just not his style, I feel.
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soleminisanction · 1 year
maybe you've already answeredt his, but have you read the current batgirls book? from what I've seen it seems to have some charming art but I'm afraid of delving into it only to find that cass will have been reduced to nothing but a shallow shell of herself that plays second fiddle to steph
I have not read it. I've occasionally flipped through it in the comic shop and seen scans here on Tumblr but otherwise I haven't touched it because I know it's not for me.
My percption of it is not good. Literally the first thing I saw when I flipped open a random issue to a random page was Cass telling Stephanie how special and strong she is, and my eyes nearly rolled out of my head. Then Stephanie yelled at someone while the narrator went "Lol isn't she so funny?" and I put it back on the shelf.
I'm also getting a really strong vibe that they're yuri-baiting. Also I keep seeing panels of Steph saying things like, "I've always been an OUTSIDER. I'm a WEIRDO. I'm so UNIQUE and QUIRKY. There's nobody out there who's anything like ME."
And it's all just the same shallow "I'm not like other girls" bullshit she's been written as before, only now it's even more laughable, because Steph is by far the most straight, gender-conforming, basic suburban white girl that the entire Bat-line-up has seen since the original Betty Kane. Just makes me think of that quote from the Social Network about how some people go through life thinking they're ostracized because they're too special for other people to handle, when in reality nobody wants to be around them because they're stuck-up, arrogant jerks.
This is all an outsider's perspective mind so you should probably ask someone who's actually read it but yeah, I'm not a fan.
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land-of-holly · 2 years
The southlands! Isildur! Numenor! Galadriel! Elendil! That's the two storylines we're getting this episode, isn't it.
GAUNTLET. Love that dirt. Ooh, what dark magic is this?
I so want to know how many of these guys Adar is actually the dad of. It could be a lot.
He sure can give a speech wow
Like it's a flat out fascist speech, but, ya know, they're not animals
Still not sure why the evil sword sculpture is in the elf tower
Adar continues to be suspiciously silent on the subject of Sauron
Here goes thr plan! Good job Arondir
New theory: Adar is Turgon
The Numenorean soldiers are sleeping cheek by jowl, but those ships STILL look like they must be bigger on the inside.
Galadriel CAN be a good commander when she tries
Don't ask personal questions about people's mothers
I suppose this show has enough bad bitches, they can be allowed ONE dead mother
I likw the look of the Numenorean battle armor
Hitting it a bunch is not gonna work, Arondir. Guess he can't be good at everything
I swear I'm not slut shaming Bronwyn, but I like her little shawl-thing. Makes her outfit look more put together
Another one for the "light" motif
Ah the old, "you'll be their protector" ploy
I am SO TORN as to whether Theo is Arondir's son or not. There's so many reasons to think he is, but Arondir and Bronwyn simple do not strike me as two people who have already slept together
The ranks of orcs always follow the path of the land, giving them a strong "flowing water" vibe
Get that woman a Bic!
Are the torches for intimidation/source of fire? I bet the orcs don't need them to see.
Wow I would have expected a wood elf to have better falling off of roofs skill
His karate skills are top notch though
Eew, right in the eye
Wow that final struggle went on forever
I mean, the guys fighting on the orc side certainly weren't holding back
Bronwyn duck!
Bronwyn's the only one who has npc levels and can survive getting hit with an arrow
Fortunately, Bronwyn got hit in the upper chest, famously a place where no important body parts live
Medical drama!!!
Oh gosh AND they're field cauterizing the wound? I should get out my bingo card
Bronwyn makes such wonderful pain faces, the acting is magnificent
Nah, this is not a dramatically appropriate place for her to die.
Yeah I would have passed out for a minute after that too
Like the hand of God. GLORIOUS!
Galadriel is as big of a drama queen as Sauron when it comes to horse color
Why is it full daylight where the Numenoreans are? Are they still in the past?
Don't give in to threats, Arondir!
Is it actually there, though?
It is? Arondir, you couldn't have at least taken it out of the village?
Remember: stab, twist, THEN gut
Ontamo! The Meriadoc Brandybuck of Numenor
Don't worry Isildur. You'll have time to go completely dephalagulatingly nuts later.
Horse chase! Through the woods!
Oh thank god the horse is okay
Oh no his other hand ow
Uh insight check on Adar not knowing who Halbrand is. Unfortunately the Sauron hints keep piling up. If you wanted to see it you totally could.
Besides, we gotta question this guy
I love that Isildur is the shortest of his friends. Take that jrrt
When she was a child? So, the ORIGINAL orcs? SWEET
No not his kids!
"Healing" Middle-earth. Oh "perfect order", yeah, that sounds like Sauron
Oh yeah the evil spirit magic experiments
Oh my god that's adorable. He didn't just split with Sauron because of power rivalry, but because he loves his kids
"Split him open"????
Galadriel, God doesn't make mistakes :(
Whoa, chill girl. Don't let him bait you like that
The thing is, it would be so easy for Halbrand to be merely what he seems (well mostly). AND YET.
Yeah there's no motion toward each other. They just look at each other and talk about their personal growth. No sexual tension detected.
Bronwyn go lay down. You're not well enough to stand up yet.
Miriel you inherited your power, what does that say about you
Lord Halbrand? I didn't vote for you
If you miss feeling powerful, Theo, might I interest you im a nice ring?
Oh yes, throwing the evil artifact in the sea is a wonderful idea
Where's the sword??
Still don't know why the sword goes there
Oh shit are they gonna flood the whole town??
Uh it's not Isildur's pain that's bothering Berek either guys
Awww father son hug
Heeeere it comes
Yikes are they gonna sinkhole the town? Is that what the tunnels are for?
Udun? Oh fuck
Fucking volcanos, how do they work?
GTFO guys!
You can't stop phase one
Take shelter where???
Is Galadriel having PTSD flashbacks to the Dagor Bragollach or what? Move, girl!
ADAR NO! Man I hope he lives.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
since it’s an art day and not a writing day, here’s some blog related content that isn’t writing! presenting: how i think my muses would align in the magnus archives.
claire stanfield: the stranger. circus background notwithstanding, most people who either see him in action or fight against him stop to wonder if he’s human or some kind of monster, and his acrobatics have been describes as unnatural too many times for me to dismiss him. alternatively: the hunt, the slaughter.
maria barcelito: the slaughter. she attacks most people she sees on sight and her sense of self worth is tied to slicing and dicing. it wasn’t a difficult pick. alternatively: the hunt.
graham specter: the spiral. have you heard him make his little speeches? that’s a spiral guy if there’s ever been a spiral guy. a very spiralling story. you keep making your cars, funky little wrench man. alternatively: the desolation.
jacuzzi splot: the corruption. honestly, i’ve based this very loosely off the “toxic love” aspect of the corruption. people are naturally drawn to jacuzzi and his gang is inseparable, and i just think he’s too good of a guy to actively try doing malicious things, but i do think he could have fuckin bugs everywhere. alternatively: the desolation, the hunt.
nice holystone: the desolation. she likes bombs, gang. she likes bombs. alternatively: the corruption, the hunt.
huey laforet: the web. master manipulator 9000, has his fingers in all the pies, orchestrating things you don’t even know about. he could do fucked up little experiments as a webvatar. alternatively: the eye, the lonely, the flesh.
melvi dormentaire: the stranger. he’s a genetic clone of someone handpicked to make maiza uncomfortable, gang, i dunno what to tell you. also, the almost-human vibes. alternatively: the eye, the lonely.
luchino b. campanella: the web. he’s had control over the vast resources of the mask makers since he was a child, and he’s had to make himself good at it. he’s both the puppet and the puppetteer. alternatively: the stranger, the lonely.
luck gandor: the lonely. he’s caught between a few for me, but i think his general fear of apathy that sets him apart from everyone around him has sold me on lonely!luck, in the sense of being alienated from the people he cares about the most. alternatively: the eye, the web.
sham: the eye. there’s an incredibly strong argument for the stranger... but he was created as a spy network. his strengths lie in his ability to gather information. so, even if he may be a little uncanny, the eye wins it all for me. alternatively: the stranger, the web.
ronny schiatto: the eye. to be clear, he’d be a creature and not an avatar, but ronny’s entire deal is being omnipotent and, more than that, wanting to see how things around him play out. he’s the epitome of the eye’s whole deal; he sits and watches things play out from the sidelines because he wants to. alternatively: the dark, the vast, the extinction.
christopher shaldred: the stranger. what an interesting man. he could go in any number of ways, but i chose the stranger a. as a foil to claire and b. because of his strange desire to be above humanity but also to not be different from them. however, he’s maybe my candidate for most potential choices! alternatively: the corruption, the hunt, the slaughter, the buried, the flesh.
isaac dian: the spiral. i don’t think i need to explain myself on this one. alternatively: N/A.
ladd russo: the slaughter. yeah, so, again, not really much of an explanation to be had here. he likes killing people. what do you want from me. alternatively: the hunt, the desolation.
maiza avaro: the lonely. you could make a strong argument for several others, but the incident aboard the advena avis pushes him towards the lonely for me. he’s missing a lot of his friends and gretto and i think it could cause him to become prime lonely bait. alternatively: the eye.
jules upham: the buried. he just seems like a buried guy to me. alternatively: the dark.
chané laforet: the hunt. she was practically raised to take down all those that would oppose her father, so i think this tracks. alternatively: the lonely, the end.
gabriel & juliano barsotti: the hunt, both of them. they’re referred to as the mad dogs and our introduction to them is them going out on a chase for the people who kidnapped their charge. they are the hunt. one hundred percent. alternatively: the stranger.
pamela mccall: the buried. i don’t know what’s with all these bitches with anxiety but they all have buried vibes to me. alternatively: the hunt.
lana sutton: the vast! lana is something of an adrenaline junkie herself, and she rushes into things without thinking of the consequences because the consequences don’t matter to her. also, her and pamela are constantly bickering over everything, so. opposite entities! alternatively: the hunt.
sonja bake: the slaughter. uh......... yeah. alternatively: the hunt.
rachel jones: the eye. she’s a gopher from an information brokerage! her job is to be a nosy bitch and snoop around in things! alternatively: the end, the hunt.
molsa martillo: the web. i think you can ascribe the web to most successful mob boss characters---either that or the corruption, but i’d go with web here. despite the way he acts, molsa is pretty good at controlling the circumstances around him to keep the martillos out of trouble. just look at his deal with huey in 1935. alternatively: the corruption.
victor talbot: the hunt. are you kidding me? tma’s law enforcement corruption notwithstanding, talbot is the most aggressive person ever, and he’s ruthlessly pursuing and trying to detain huey laforet. alternatively: the eye.
kate gandor: the lonely. but in the way you walk on an empty streat and hear no sounds but a distant piano. i mean, seriously, her plot in drug and the dominos is all about the despair the lonely brings, both with the silent film collapse and with keith never being able to make it home. alternatively: the end, the extinction.
laz smith: the spiral. this guy idolizes madness above all else. sure, he’s a total fraud, but i think he’d be happy with the spiral. alternatively: the hunt, the stranger.
roy maddock: the corruption. it was a tough choice for him, though, but i think i’d like to focus more on the decay and decimation his addiction problem brought him than the whimsical world it created for him. alternatively: the stranger.
tick jefferson: the stranger. i think tick’s uncanniness would suit the stranger well, combined with his intense understanding of anatomy but failure to grasp the significance of emotions. i just think it would be neat. alternatively: the end, the eye.
mark twain: the eye!! i have put him in several places but i always circle back to the eye. he’s a notorious nosy bitch and he likes to ask people for interesting stories so he can write them down “for later”. alternatively: the vast, the stranger, the extinction.
roger zelazny: the extinction. listen, he time travels, i just think the best way to adapt that into tma stuff is to have him be an avatar of the fear relating to things existing and catastrophically changing after you’ve long died. alternatively: the end, the eye.
cyran azerrad kapral: the hunt. of course. he’s a vampire. alternatively: the stranger.
il dottore: the extinction: experiment doing motherfucker techologically advanced bitch. stupid ass fucking scientist. alternatively: the eye, the flesh.
yemevon: the end. fucking of course it was going to be the end. my goodness. alternatively: the dark.
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
Of you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you choose out of your favourite characters to be stranded with you? And why?
Thank you for your question anon🖤I absolutely love answering it 🙏
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CK Terry without hesitation. I think he would stay calm even in dangerous situations and he's also a very strong and skilled fighter who can protect me from all evil.(he's also very handsome 😁)
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I absolutely think that Taligaro has major survival skills. He knows how to make a fire and hunt some animals for food. He might also know how to build a shelter and he's a very strong fighter. And he'd absolutely know how to keep me warm at night.
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Okay hear me out. Maybe, just maybe depending on the size of the island, it might be fun to be stuck there with Max. Is it a very small island he would be shark bait in less than an hour 🤣
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Surprising I know but I absolutely think that I could have a pretty good time with him on a deserted island. I like his vibe and he very skilled with weapons and fighting.
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I actually want to say Valek too but it would have to be an island where he could hide at daytime, my sleeping schedule would be fucked up and yeah it's basically impossible to be stranded with him. But I think being stuck with him somewhere could be pretty interesting though. (also I love our majestic vampire king 👑)
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motherflecker · 2 years
SQUEE i this this video has such strong akktheo vibes
because i think we all adopted the concept of force being obsessed with gym into akk's personality 😂 and because theo will definitely tease akk so that he demonstrates his physical strength in every possible way (we know why. theo is naughty)
my god, anon. i am OBSESSED. the idea of akk going to the gym and getting buff like force and theo just like ".......... i am going to use this to my advantage."
they just have stupid fights that are clearly theo baiting akk into showing some stupid physical prowess. eventually shit like "i bet you can't pick me up" "oh please, of course i can" "with your wimpy noodle arms?" "have you SEEN my arms lately?" "yeah and they're wimpy"
and then akk proceeds to flex and pick theo up and theo pretends this wasn't his goal the whole time. theo daydreams about akk's arms, okay.
of course it reaches the point of "akk shows that he can lift theo with just his hips and theo enjoys every single moment of it" akk is a fool, a simp, he is devoted to showing theo he can take care of him any way possible. EVERY way possible.
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thealtoduck · 3 years
Your Lois Lane’s son and you become a Star Sapphire because you have crush on Kyle Rayner…
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Kyle Rayner x Male Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You have a crush on your bff Kyle, so the Star Sapphires decide to weaponize it to help get rid off their enemies.
(A/N 1: I’m gonna slightly base this of Superman the animated series, because then Kyle works at the daily planet and that makes everything easier for me.)
(A/N 2: Star Sapphire/Carol Ferris is also one of my underrated faves.)
You opened your eyes that morning expecting to follow your usual daily routine, eat breakfast, go to work, work, eat lunch, get back to work, go home, have dinner with the family and go to bed.
But little did you know that all that would be thrown out the window after the first step.
You went into the kitchen where your mother was cooking breakfast and she handed you a plate off eggs, toast and bacon. You thanked her and walked towards the table where your step-father Clark and your little brother Jon were sitting and eating.
You ruffled Jon’s hair as you walked past him and sat down next to him. You saw that he was eating his food as if he were wild animal. ”Jon, calm down you’re not a savage” you commented and Jon calmed his eating a little bit.
After you finished your breakfast you went into your room to get dressed for work. While you were there your mother, Clark and Jon left, since they needed to drive Jon to school before they went to work.
When you left your room you saw that your mom and Clark had forgotten their bagged lunch so you picked them up and decided to stop at the daily planet on your way to work.
You left the apartment building and got in to your car and started your drive towards the daily planet.
You stopped outside the tall building, got out of your car and walked inside. You found an elevator and stepped inside and you pushed the button that would take you to your mother’s floor.
But you heard someone yelling ”Hold the elevator”, so you pushed the button to open the door again and then Kyle Rayner aka your bff aka the man you were head over heels in love with, came running so fast that he hit the elevator wall.
”What did i tell you about running in to walls, Kyle?” You asked cheekily.
”Don’t do it” he answered while holding his forehead.
”But did you listen to me? No” you said.
”Whatever… By the way are you going to Jane’s party with anyone?” He asked.
”No, not really, are you?” You asked in return.
”Yeah, i’m going with you” Kyle joked making you roll your eyes. ”Who knows the night might end in some pAssIOnaTE making out?” Kyle continued.
He didn’t know but his joke made you die a little inside, since you wanted it to actually be like that, but you knew that Kyle wasn’t in to you romantically.
The elevator door then opened at your mother’s floor and you exited the elevator and said a quick goodby to Kyle as the doors once again closed.
You found your mother’s desk and gave her her’s and Clark’s lunch, she thanked you and you left once again.
While you were riding the elevator down but your mind couldn’t help but wander to thinking about Kyle, he was so kind and creative, he makes you feel safe and happy.
All of a sudden the elevator came to a halt and the lights shut down.
”Great, now i’m stuck in an elevator AND hopelessly in love with my best friend, just my luck” you thought to yourself, you were about to pick up your phone and call your boss to tell her you would probably be late.
But all of a sudden there was a glowing light in front of you, you covered your eyes from the sudden strong glow.
Then you looked at the source and saw a glowing violet six pointed star. All of a sudden a voice spoke up from no where.
”We know what you want Y/n Lane, you want the one you love and we the Star Sapphires can give you the power to take that love” a hypnotic voice said, from what Clark had taught you, you know you shouldn’t trust things like this.
Then all of a sudden a ring floated out from inside the six pointed star. ”All you have to do is do something for us, destroy the Green Lantern” the hypnotic voice said adding a bit more psychopath vibes.
You tried to back away from the ring but it was like you weren’t in control of your own body cause all off a sudden you arm started reaching out towards it.
The ring then floated on to your finger and the voice said ”Now repeat after me”. It started by saying one sentence and as if the words were being dragged out of your throat you said along with it ”For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight, love conquers all with violet light!”
Then all of a sudden you had no control at all and a violet light spread over your body.
Kyle was sitting and having a cup of coffee, he couldn’t get you out of his head, he hadn’t really been joking when he said he was taking you as his date for the party. He actually really wanted to ask you out but if you said no he didn’t want it to be weird between you, so he asked it in more of a joking manner to make it more lighthearted.
He was about to go and get back to work but then he heard chattering from the others, they were staring at something down on the street.
He went over to the window and saw a violet lantern down on the street which could only mean trouble, Kyle ran to find somewhere to change in to the Green Lantern.
Meanwhile you were down on the street causing mayhem. The ring had basically taken full control of your body and was now throwing one of the parked cars towards the people on the sidewalk who were trying to run away from you.
The people managed to get away but you were fine with that, you were trying to bait out the Green Lantern.
Then you heard a familiar whoosing sound and you turned around. Clark was flying towards you all suited up. He was inches away from punching you in the face but when he saw you he had a moment of realization and stopped himself.
”Y/n?” he asked confused and before he could do anything else you used the ring to trap him inside a giant violet crystal. You then continued your rampage.
Kyle now stood on top of the daily planet and watched the star sapphire blast a violet beam towards a car. He then flew down to get a closer look off his opponent.
Kyle then realised who the Star Sapphire was, ”Y/n” he asked himself, he was shocked at seeing you like this, not only because you were a destructive crazy person but also because the suit you were wearing made you look really fucking hot.
You picked up a car with people inside it and threw it out over the street but before it touched the ground it was caught by a green light.
Green Lantern had caught the car and put it down. As soon as you saw the man clad in green the ring told you to do one thing ”Kill him”.
You aimed your ring towards him and shot a violet beam towards him. He created a green bubble around himself that protected him.
Your battle continued to rage on, but it was noticable that Kyle was holding back slightly trying to avoid harming you. He was trying to think of a plan, he was also generally confused about the fact that you had turned into Star Sapphire.
After all the emotion of the violet lanterns were love, so maybe he had something to do with this. Well there was only one way to find out and it was the only plan he had.
He flew towards you dodging your different attacks and when he got to you he grabbed you around the waist and pushed his lips against yours.
He was glad that you didn’t pull back because that meant his plan worked. His hand slid down to your ringed finger and pulled the ring off.
Your suit the disappeared and it was replaced with your normal clothing. You then passed out.
Kyle kept a hold of you and brought you down to a rooftop. He then used his ring to free Superman from the violet crystal.
He walked back to you as you were starting to wake up. You looked at the Green Lantern and realised you were outside and on a rooftop.
”Green Lantern?” you asked ”Where am i? What happened?” you continued and Kyle made an impulsive decision. He made his super-suit disappeared and revealed his identity to you. After your initial shock about his identity he told you about what had happened and ensured you everyone were fine. Kyle then made another impulsive decision…
”Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?”
”Of course” you answered happily.
Instead of your date being at the party you were suppose to go to you and Kyle decided to have a relaxing night at your place.
Clark had taken Lois and Jon out to some resturant so that you and Kyle could get some privacy.
You and Kyle were cuddling on the couch while watching the news about Green Lantern stopping a villain by kissing him.
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