#this is 1300 words of answer
striving-artist · 5 months
first of all, apologies: this may sound like needless bait and or agressiveness, it may not be my place, as a non usamerican, to comment on usa's politics, i can't hit enter on anon ask for some reason so this will be a block of text, and my english is of dubious quality when it comes to expressing my points. But as a non usa citizen, or even a non global north citizen, but honestly the bidencourse or whatever feels like its distracting... from the actual point? 1/?
Okay, first, Very Sorry it took me a while to answer. I wanted to wait and give this a proper response, and then real life got to be a Lot. Second, your english is better than my french, and your phrasing ends up saying things more clearly than native speakers because you’re trying to communicate, not say something with clever words. 
Actual answer now. It’s below the rest of your asks, which I copied all into this. I’m going to talk about Americans as ‘We’ in this. I know that there are exceptions, I hope I am an exception to it, but its easier to talk like this.
like, yeah, sure. american politics are horrifyingly influential on a global scale in such a manner no single country should be. yeah, sure, deciding whether your president did something bad, terrible even, whether your... ok i dont know the name of state guys in usa politics, so biden & folks, and whether you'll vote for or against him to continue supporting your political goals against their current actions is important, sure 2/?
but also, it really feels as a sorta... united states of america main character of the world moment? really bad at wording this, but it feels as though the vast majority of americans right now are using whats happening in palestine as... performance, sorta? political performance, or using palestine suffering as set dressing to their own issues. theres a really strong vibe of "see all these people suffering, *arent you, white american liberal* feeling guilty about your choices?" 3/?
its like... it really feels as though the whole things is abstract or like, superficial to most people posting about it right now. sure, theyre making a big show, or whatever, but instead of heres how you can actually help, heres what you can actually do about this, american posters are doing the equivalent of asking for a manager about a building thats on fire. theyre complaining more about their own politics than actually helping 5/?
and it circles back to how could my politician do this, or im not voting for him, and, sure, by all means, feel this way, act on it even, but like. grips their shoulder. Can you please not make it about yourselves. once in your lifes. can you please not think about people who are dying, who are being killed, who are being oppressed - in terms of set dressing for internal american politics? just this once? 7/?
this is going a little offtopic, but like, fuck yknow? i saw more people commemorating the death of kissinger than discussing on how to undo the shit he did, and most people commemorating were... americans. i celebrated too, because i was born raised and live in a country that got its dictatorship through american involvement, but it always ends up being how the world impacts america than the opposite, despite how ppl phrase it. sorry. idk. this ended up venty as hell. 8/8
As long as the USA continues to shove into the politics of other nations, especially in the global south, you have the right to comment on what is happening here. I’m happy to be a place for you to vent. You’re also right that the USA is acting like a Main Character. We have done that since Isolationism went out of style. Lots of American politicians on the right talk about ‘America First’ and staying out of other countries’ problems, but they just mean they don’t want to send aid money. Almost every American politician still wants to get involved when it suits their interest (oil, money, personal agenda, personal religion) 
Talking about Biden is an intentional distraction here. In part because our politics is a mess of blame shifting and personal attacks. In part because it’s election time, and anything a president running for re-election does is heavily scrutinized. But also, because most americans don’t know enough about global politics to actually talk about it. Instead, we make it about ourselves.
That gets amplified online, and especially on tumblr bc there’s a lot of americans on english websites. We are used to everything being about us. 
You’re right that our politics have a huge impact globally. That’s also true for Russia, China, and some key European countries. For the most part, the global south is considered unimportant. Not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s definitely true right now. The next american election could, genuinely, collapse the USA as we know it. I don’t mean the country will turn into anarchy and the purge overnight if Trump wins, but it would be very bad. I’ll ignore the problems we would have domestically for now and how those filter into the rest of the world. That’s an entire essay. They’re huge, but you asked about why we only see things through our own lens.
I kind of want to say that we just suck. That it’s ego, and nothing else. But, we’re actually taught to think this way. That won’t help your frustration, but it is the Why.
Americans get raised with an american perspective, obviously. We’re taught, pretty specifically, that we are a superpower who can change anything we want, and the rest of the world can’t stop us. Having veto power in the United Nations is a good example. We don’t see things that aren’t filtered through American media and reports unless we go out and look for them. Hell, we’re at a record high right now because 60% of americans have passports. We don’t go to other countries, when we do, we expect them to cater to us. We never see anything but the american side of things. 
And if America is the only one who can really have any impact, we see our elections as the Most Important Thing. It isn’t completely wrong. How our politicians think about other countries has a direct impact on the rest of the world. We supply a huge amount of money, weapons, and aid to countries. Right now, funding for aid to Ukraine and Gaza are really contentious in Congress. Congress has to pass the bills that let Biden send help. Our system is a mess, and we have people who are elected thanks to a few thousand, or a few hundred voters, that are going to be critical to get those bills passed. 
But that’s the bigger picture. That’s officials, and why, in a lot of ways, it DOES matter to the rest of the world how our politics change. I don’t like that, but so long as it’s true, then any american who cares about the rest of the planet needs to focus on effecting our government’s choices. 
As for individuals. You are very, very right about this. We treat global events as set dressing for our leaders. Like I said, it does matter, but the way we talk, especially online, is performance. 
Lots of americans WANT to help internationally. We feel helpless to do that. If you don’t have the money to donate to charities, it feels like all you can do is scream. Media and news in America doesn’t talk about the rest of the world, so we pour all of that anger onto our politicians, and expect them to fix it. We feel weak, we don’t know what to do, so we do the only thing we know. We don’t know the names of Knesset leaders. We don’t even know about UK politics unless it’s really dramatic, and they’re our closest ally and culture. 
To use your metaphor; we’re screaming at the manager because we think he has the keys, and we’re in the fire too. He doesn’t. We don’t know how to handle that. So we’re just screaming.
As for Kissinger, it ties into the above, I promise. A lot of the hate for him, and the celebrating that he died, is because we know what America has done is fucked up. He was a symbol of that. Lots of young americans hate what we did. Shit, lots of americans who were young back in the 70s hate what we did. Him dying felt like we’d gotten rid of some of the baggage tied to us (it doesn’t, we still interfere all over the world) It was a bit of good news when we are facing the fact that we can’t force other countries to obey us.  
I’ve talked before about how conflicted I am about this. I badly want America to step in Fix It. I want us to help the Rohingya. I want us to stop Putin in Ukraine. I want us to force a peace deal in Israel and somehow make things right. I want that so badly because I hate what’s happening. I also hate the idea of America continuing to act like we’re the main character. But. I hate that we could do more, and we aren’t. I think a lot of Americans feel that way. 
Americans who are watching the rest of the world feel weak right now. Younger Americans - who are more likely to be online talking, AND more likely to be watching the rest of the world - feel weak in every part of our lives. Money, politics, social stuff, corruption. We feel like we aren’t able to do anything. So we’re screaming at the manager because staying quiet hurts too much, and we don’t know how to change it. 
This is already long, and I don’t think it will make you or anyone else feel better. But I want to add this. 
Everyone pays attention to their immediate surroundings first. The people of Guyana are focused on Venezuela trying to annex them. The people of Sudan are thinking about how everything is falling apart for them. The problems in the US are pretty privileged. The danger for trans americans is bad right now. It’s not wrong to think about keeping yourself alive and safe first. You put on your own oxygen mask first. Everyone does. 
I don’t know if I missed something that you want me to talk about. I don’t know if this was helpful at all. Really, I just sympathize with you. It isn’t fair, it isn’t right, I want to shake americans by the shoulders, and I can’t. And I hate that. 
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
roy proposing to qistina after two years of finely plotting their relationship and including bits and pieces of their development and interactions into their thoughts and feelings and feeling that GOOD SWEETNESS of writing a woman who self sabotaged, was in so much pain and so beyond lonely experience the joy and expression of pure love -
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cower-before-power · 3 months
As Mortals Do
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Pairing: Gale X Fem Reader
Summary: As much as you enjoy being with Gale in the Weave, you love being with him just as he is more- aka All The Ways Mystra Missed Out
Warnings: Implied sex, very light grinding, mentions of oral (both on Gale and reader), I guess a smattering of angst?? But mostly soppy romantic, sexy fluff. MINORS STAY AWAY!
Word Count: approx 1300
A/N: I haven't written anything for ages but I'm obsessed with BG3 and Gale, just had a little idea and decided to jot it down. I hate hate hate Mystra, Gale deserves all the love and adoration just as he is, and this is me giving it to him haha. I'm not a Weave sex expert, nor do I know for sure if Gale and Mystra did it outside the Weave, but this is my fic and I'll do what I want!
Mystra is a fool, you think.
It’s not a new thought. You often find your mind turning to the goddess, and the depths of her raging stupidity. How she cast aside a man so full of love and devotion, a man whose heart bled worship and loyalty, a man who gives and gives and gives. A man like Gale Dekarios deserves to be loved as much as he loves, to be held near and never let go of.
Her loss is your gain, you think to yourself smugly, as you lay on your lover’s chest, the two of you basking in the sweet afterglow of your lovemaking. Gale is all yours now. His mind yours to delight in, his body yours to lose yourself in, his heart yours to cherish as the precious thing that it is.
You do not intend to replicate her mistakes.
“I can hear the gears in your brain turning, love,” Gale’s rich voice rumbles softly under your ear. “Spare a thought?”
You prop yourself up on an elbow, allowing yourself to drink deep of his satisfied visage before you answer. Gale is truly a vision after you’ve wrung pleasure from him, eyes aglow and face flushed, happiness exuding from every pore. You keep the image tucked close to your heart, a special treasure for you and you alone to revel in.
“I was just reflecting on the folly of your previous lover, darling. As I often do.”
Mystra’s name no longer brings pain to his dark eyes. Instead, he quirks a brow, no doubt curious as to the train of your thoughts.
“Oh? And in what way do you find fault in her this time?”
You brush your fingers along his cheek, his forehead, the slope of his nose. His skin is warm and slick with sweat. “I couldn’t help but think how foolish of her to never have you like this, in this mortal plane. She missed out greatly.”
Gale catches the hand tracing his face, bringing it to his mouth to kiss each of your fingertips. A shiver of delight skitters up your spine.
“How do you figure that?” He asks, lips moving to press more kisses to your palm, your wrist. You want to melt into his gentle devotion, but you have a point you wish to make. Gently, you prise your hand from his grasp, settling it over his beating heart.
You grin down at him. “Don’t mistake me, sex in the Weave is incredible. Every time you take me in there, I’m drowned in ecstasy. Our very souls meeting, entwining like that? It’s not something I ever thought I’d experience, and I’m thrilled I get to. With you.”
Gale smiles at that. “I’m glad to show you those delights, my love.”
“But,” you lean forward and press your lips to his quickly, gently. “as pleasurable as the Weave is, it skips a lot of my favourite parts.”
Gale’s mouth opens, no doubt to inquire what you mean, but you silence him with a firmer press of your lips.
“Your ethereal paramour did not have many glorious experiences, darling,” your breath mingles with his as your lips brush teasingly. “She did not get to feel the smoothness of your lips the graze of your beard against her skin as you kiss her. Or how it bites deliciously against her sensitive inner thighs.”
You nip his bottom lip softly, relishing in the hitch of his breath and the flutter of his lashes.
“She did not smell your scent, sandalwood and mulled wine and bound leather, and how it mixes with the musk of sex and passion into an elixir I wish I could bathe in.” To drive your point, you lower your face to rest in the crook of his neck, inhaling a generous lungful of said aroma. It sends a visible shudder right through you, and you feel yourself already wanting for your wizard again.
Your tongue sneaks out to lave a long stripe up the side of his neck. and the soft groan that tears from Gale’s throat makes your whole being positively ache with need.
“She did not taste your sweat, the salty tang of your spend. She did not feel the wonderful heaviness of you on her tongue, the little twitch right before you spill. Or see the way you look so thoroughly and splendidly debauched after I’m done with you.”
You climb atop him, hands braced on his chest as he grips your hips harshly. Gods above, he is a truly beautiful sight. You think you are the luckiest woman in all Faerun, to have such a man beneath you.
“She did not get to feel how warm you are inside her, how delicious it feels to be flooded with your seed. How connecting in that base, physical manner can feel just as wonderful as a merging of souls.”
To emphasize your words, you grind your hips against his, mewling softly at the feel of him growing between your thighs. Gale himself is practically panting, his sweet brown eyes nearly swallowed by dark lust, his own hips rutting up into yours mindlessly as he hangs on your every word.
You lean over him, chest to chest, face to face. Close as close can be, just the way you always want to be.
“She missed out on so much you have to offer,” you whisper, “and I’m not sorry for her. I’m greedy, all of this-intimacy, unconditional love, an equal partnership-with you is mine and mine alone.”
Gale snaps then, leaning up to capture your mouth in a voracious kiss. You sigh and sag into him, letting him devour your mouth as his hands wander the expanse of your naked skin. His kiss excites, his touch inflames, your bodies melt together like they were made to be entwined.
You firmly believe they were.
Lips meet, tongues dance, sighs and groans mingle in the soft moonlight. You soft whimpers of delight however, are soon abruptly turned into a squeal as he flips you under him. “Gale!”
Your wizard simply smiles down at you in awe and reverence. You think his eyes might be glassed with unshed tears. “My love, your words….I would ask if you truly mean them, but you’ve been quite the persistent one in making me believe my own worth.”
You return his smile. “I am annoying in that way, aren’t I?”
“Doggedly so,” Gale teases, kissing your nose as it scrunches up at his jesting. “But, I appreciate it. More than even my verbose vocabulary can explain, if you can believe that.”
You giggle. “My wizard of words? Unable to explain something? I certainly cannot believe it.”
Gale’s smile turns salacious. “No matter. I’m learning the benefit of expressing myself physically when words fail me.” He shifts, hard as steel against you, and a moan strangles itself in your throat. “Now, my love, my light, my darling precious gem, shall I express my feelings on your lovely speech with my body? Allow you to enjoy all the things you just praised so eloquently?"
He shifts again, and you cant your hips upwards with a whine, desperation seeping into your pores. You want to have him, again and again again, unending, unyielding. You feel like you might go mad if you don't.
Gale’s reciprocation of your hunger shines down upon you like the sun. “Let me indulge in you, sweetheart,” he croons lowly, “let me bring you to the heights of pleasure. In all the corporeal ways that mortals do.”
Your heart cracks open, joy overflowing. There is no greater bliss. He is bliss, in all that he is and all that he gives to you.
“Yes, please,” you murmur, as Gale presses in and consumes you whole. “As mortals do.”
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wlykjh · 1 month
knight in shining armor
can you tell I’m in love with writing period pieces 🤭 (even if they’re not that historically accurate…) ALSO PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS 🙏🙏🙏 btw, italics is y/n's thoughts and bold is euneok's thoughts.
summary: y/n’s a college student majoring in history on a school trip to a historical castle in england. somehow she and her academic rival, eunseok, get stuck in a secret chamber in the castle which ends up transporting them to the 1300s! will the pair overcome their differences and manage to get back to the 21st century? (not proofread)
date: 04/09/24
scenario themes: time travel, enemies to lovers, period piece
idol: song eunseok or eunseok of riize
concept: fluff, fantasy
warnings: swearing
word count: 12k (i got a bit carried away)
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song eunseok is an exchange student from korea who makes your college life a living hell.
you love studying history, especially the entirety of medieval england. you’re even writing your senior thesis on english nobility during the medieval period.
unfortunately for you, eunseok excels at history as well.
since you have such a huge passion for history, you’ve always naturally excelled at it. you tend to be a bit of a try-hard when it comes to school and that bit increases tenfold when it’s anything history-related.
it’s immature to compete so openly with a peer at this age. to many, ‘rivals’ are a high school concept. and yet, something about the way eunseok knows every detail about chinese foot-binding practices and confidently leads discussions about the cold war makes your eye twitch.
history is your thing.
you know you sound crazy, but it’s not like it was completely one-sided. eunseok hates not being the smartest in the room.
he worked his ass off to learn english, leave korea, and get a scholarship at your university. there’s no way he was going to settle for mediocrity.
and of course he noticed how intensely you glared at him when he answered a question you were dying to answer.
just like you noticed how annoyed he was when you would mention getting a slightly higher grade than him on a paper.
you were both in the same major which meant you had a lot of overlapping courses, and unfortunately for your professors and classmates, you almost always ended up in the same class.
for the most part you tried to ignore eunseok outside of class. sure he was the bane of your existence for the hour and a half lecture on roman architecture, but outside that he was none of your concern.
eunseok on the other hand found himself thinking of you quite often. it’s not like he always disliked you. in fact, he found your passion for history admirable, and he thought your dedication to your coursework was cute.
but when you began treating him coldly and sending him glares from across the room, he was quick to react in the same way.
eunseok isn’t stupid, he knows why you dislike him, and that if he was less of an overachiever, you’d maybe warm up to him. but he’s not going to jeopardize his grades and hard work to please some girl… no matter how much he’d like to get to know said girl.
you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive, but there isn’t a soul on this earth that could waterboard that information out of you.
to put it simply, you can’t stand each other.
but right now that doesn’t matter. nothing matters. because you’re going on a trip set up by the history department to riize castle in england.
it might just be another old site to everyone else, but it's your absolute favorite castle. you know the entire history of the building, you've studied the floor plans an embarrassing amount of times, and have spent most of your childhood yearning to go there, and that dream is finally coming true.
and not even eunseok could ruin it for you... or so you thought.
your flight was set for 3 am, and while the other students were groggily arriving at the airport one by one, annoyed at both the timing and the expenses they'd have to cover for the trip, you were elated.
that is until you received your boarding passes and found out you would be spending the entirety of the 10-hour flight from california to england seated next to the one person you abhor.
maybe he's less insufferable outside of class, you thought to yourself.
after your group boarded you sat down next to him and the two of you continued to sit in awkward silence until takeoff. but once the plane began moving, you noticed eunseok starting to shuffle around and breathe heavier.
"are you alright?" you asked, glancing at his trembling hands gripping onto the armrest. "yes." he responded immediately.
"don't you go back to korea every school break, how are you scared of flying-" before you could finish your sentence, eunseok grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly.
you were about to interject but you realized the plane was beginning to ascend so he must've been frightened.
his hand was warm and soft, despite his trembling, the foreign feeling of his hand on yours was comfortable.
as soon as the plane was fully in the air, he let go of your hand as if nothing happened and picked out a book from his carry-on.
"um.. are you okay?" you questioned, confused at his sudden behavior change. "i get a bit nervous during takeoff and landings, i'm usually fine during the rest of the flight so you don't have to worry about me holding your hand for the next ten hours." he deadpanned.
"a bit? you were shaking like a leaf." you chortled. he rolled his eyes in response, going back to his book.
it was then that you realized you stupidly hadn't brought any entertainment with you for the trip, and your flight didn't have wi-fi either.
you decided the only thing you could do to remain sane in this situation is fall asleep, it was 3 in the morning after all.
leaning your head as far back as the stiff seats would allow, you closed your eyes and drifted off.
approximately five hours later, you woke up with a crick in your neck and an odd numbness on the side of your mouth. opening your eyes slowly, you were greeted with the site of eunseok's shirt directly beneath you with a large wet spot.
holy shit.
you fell asleep on eunseok's shoulder and drooled all over his shirt. if he didn't say anything this far he's probably going to the next 5 hours you're on this flight.
you haven't moved your head yet, scared that if you indicate you're awake, he's going to hold this against you until the end of time.
panicking, you accidentally jolted your stiff neck up, causing your chin to collide directly with eunseok's.
fuck. well there goes my cover.
"ow!" you both exclaimed in unison. "was drooling over me not enough? you had to break my jaw too?" he grumbled, rubbing his chin.
"you could've moved my head!" you defended, flustered. straightening yourself up, you wiped the side of your mouth awkwardly.
instead of responding, he grabbed a napkin from his bag and handed it to you.
"thank you." you said, taken aback.
why is he being so nice?
"i'm... sorry for ruining your shirt," you mumbled. "it's no big deal." he shrugged.
was this the same eunseok that commented "worst thing I've ever read." on your peer-graded essay?
maybe you could mend things with him during this trip. after all, he did seem pretty excited when the announcement was made.
"so... have you ever been to england before?" you began, initiating small-talk.
"can we just sit in silence?" he replied coldly.
nevermind, he's still just as much of an asshole as ever.
shit. why did I say that? eunseok thought to himself.
the truth is, you made him nervous. whether it was your icy stare or your intimidatingly vast knowledge on history, he could never let his guard down around you.
the rest of the flight was spent with the two of you refusing to so much as face each other until landing.
as the plane was about to descend, you noticed eunseok starting to take deep breaths. part of you wanted to extend a hand, but the other part of you wanted to throw him off the plane.
deciding to be the bigger person, you asked "are you alright?"
"I'm not a child." he croaked.
"I didn't say you were." you sassed.
"then stop talking to me like I am one." he began, growing more irritated.
the two of you began to go back and forth, and before you knew it you had landed. eunseok managed to forgot all about his fear because of how unbelievably petty the two of you were.
"will you guys shut up!?" a passenger behind you shouted, causing the both of you to stop arguing.
annoyed, you got out of your seat as quickly as you could and made a beeline for the baggage claim, waiting for your bags.
how do you keep getting forced into these kinds of situations with him? were you some kind of monster in your past life? was he your karma?
once you and the rest of your group received your luggage, you headed to the hotel. due to the time zone difference, it was already 9 pm in london so your group supervisors told everyone to get some sleep so you could head to the castle in the morning.
whether it was because of the nap you took on the plane, or simply how excited you were, you couldn't sleep at all.
staring at the clock reading 1 a.m. in your hotel room, you decided to try catching a glimpse of the castle before everyone else woke up at 7. it wasn't your brightest idea, but it's not like you had anything else to do.
you managed to get past your sleeping roommates, throwing on a jacket and slipping out the door. coincidentally, eunseok couldn't sleep either, and he decided to go for a walk around the hotel at the same moment you decided to leave.
spotting your figure leaving the hotel and heading off towards the street, he couldn't help but follow you.
was this extremely stalker-ish? yes. but what if she got hurt or kidnapped? we're in a different country after all. not like I care if she gets hurt or kidnapped... but if she did it would ruin our trip! so I have no choice but to follow her eunseok reasoned.
it didn't take long for him to figure out where you were going. the hotel is extremely close to the castle, after all. once you reached, you stared at the castle from afar, marveling at it.
you waited for this moment your whole life, and it was even more beautiful in person. there's no way you could turn back now. you have to see it closer.
carefully maneuvering past the gates, you managed to miraculously sneak in, and there didn't seem to be any security guards present.
what the hell is she doing? this is illegal!
what the hell am I doing? this is illegal!
you thought about turning back, but your curiosity was eating you up inside. you had to go see what the interior of the castle looked like.
thanks to your insanely intensive study of the building, you managed to find a secret opening that not many people knew of and you quickly slipped inside, hoping nobody would notice.
however, someone--that someone being eunseok--definitely did notice. and he mentally cursed himself for following you this far, wondering why he couldn't bring himself to turn back.
slipping through the opening, he entered a completely dark hallway, unsure of where you were.
you had dreamed of walking these corridors your whole life, and even without any light you were able to manuever around the halls.
unfortunately, eunseok couldn't say the same, and when he started walking, it didn't take long for him to bump into a stand of knight armor.
the loud crashing was enough to trigger an alarm system and turn on emergency lights, which exposed both eunseok and you to one another.
"what the hell are you doing here?" you shrieked "what the hell are YOU doing here?" he retorted.
you knew it wasn't long until authorities would arrive, so you grabbed eunseok and began running further into the castle.
"what are you doing? we need to leave!" he yelled.
"if we leave, they'll just catch us on our way out. we need to hide somewhere they won't look."
dragging him by the arm, you rushed into the old servant chambers, diving into the closet. well... what you thought was the closet.
what it actually was was a secret set of stairs that the two of you fell down, leading to a small room that you've never seen before.
impossible. i've watched every virtual tour, studied every reconstruction plan, read every primary source document... and i've never heard of this room.
"great. now we're stuck in a dark, cramped, dusty room in the middle of a castle that's going to be searched any second now and it's all your fault-" eunseok ranted, stopping midway when he saw you staring bewildered at the room.
"what's wrong with you?" he poked your shoulder.
"i... didn't know this room existed." you whispered.
"it's an old castle, I'm sure there's plenty of secret rooms everywhere... you think this is where the servants used to smash?"
"shhh" you urged him, hearing distant footsteps.
"what are we gonna do?" he sighed.
"let's just lay low until they leave. I doubt they'll look for us here. and don't touch ANYTHING. this room might be undiscovered and contain hundreds of year's worth of preserved artifacts-"
you were interrupted by eunseok toppling over a candle.
"EUNSEOK!" you whisper-shouted. "I'm trying to get some light in here." he defended.
fishing in his pocket, he pulled out a lighter before picking the candle off the floor and lighting it. once the room was illuminated, you could see your surroundings much better.
the room was stacked with cabinets and shelves containing miscellaneous items, it must've been used for storage. it seemed to have some personal items that belonged to servants.
you heard the footsteps start to get closer, and a voice appeared right outside the closet doors. looking to eunseok, you began panicking.
"blow the candle out! now!" you whispered.
eunseok blew out the candle and right as he did, the door creaked open.
"I know my rights!" eunseok yelled at the foreign figure coming closer.
"what are you talking about?" a woman's voice echoed throughout the room.
a middle-aged woman appeared with a candle in hand, dressed in a long cloth dress, similar to the ones maids would wear centuries ago.
"are you some kind of role-play tour guide? I didn't even know they did those tours this late into the night." he asked, confused.
"what? why is he speaking like that? and why are you two alone in here? and what happened to your clothes?" the woman interrogated.
the both of you had messed up your clothes running through the castle and falling down the stairs. your shirt was ripped up and dusty and his jacket was covered in cobwebs.
"oh, I see. the two of you are following eleanor and harold's example and fooling around in here! how many times must I tell you kids not to fornicate in the storage closet! go back upstairs and fulfill your duties." she reprimanded the two of you.
"told you they fucked in here." eunseok whispered to you.
you shoved him in the arm before responding "ma'am I appreciate your dedication to your job, but can you just tell us if you're going to turn us into the cops or not?"
"what are the... cops?" she exaggerated. you fought the urge to roll your eyes. you might be obsessed with history, but at least you can accept the fact that you live in the present.
"let's just leave." you turned to eunseok. "and get arrested? absolutely not." he crossed his arms.
"who is getting arrested?" the woman gasped. "you know damn well who, lady." he scoffed.
"lady?! I'm simply a chambermaid! have you hit your head?" she exclaimed.
"you know what, you're right. I'd rather get arrested than deal with this crap any longer." he sighed as the two of you began making your way up the stairs.
when you reached the top, you noticed the decor had changed drastically and the windows were letting in sunlight. wasn't it just 1 in the morning?
men and women dressed in modest, cloth clothing were running in and out of the halls and rooms.
"y/n... what's going on?" eunseok tugged at your dirty shirt. "it must be some kind of role-play experience? I'm not sure... how long were we in there?"
"you two must change out of your soiled garments!" the elder woman said, handing you a long dress and eunseok a matching set.
"wait! what's your name, and what's going on?" you sputtered, just as the woman was about to walk away.
"now I'm sure you've hit your heads. I'm agatha, head chambermaid and in one week from now is the duel of knights. we are hosting for the first spell in a decade and tis in a week. now get up and get to work!" agatha demanded.
dumbfounded, you and eunseok simply stared at the clothes she handed you. "let's just go along with it. maybe we can pretend we're a part of whatever this is and avoid getting in trouble." you urged.
"what about the rest? won't they notice we're gone?" he worried. "let's just focus on getting out of here."
he nodded in response and the two of you rushed to find a place to change into your clothes. once you were changed, you walked out and led eunseok back to the secret entrance.
to your surprise, the parking lot that was once set up in front of the castle had been replaced with a moat. a large moat at that. with a ginormous drawbridge leading to a dirt path. the city looked different as well, with the cars being replaced with horse carriages and once large, gray buildings now appearing much smaller and made of stone and wood.
"is there some city-wide renaissance fair happening? are we getting pranked? where's the cameras?" eunseok whipped his head around, waiting to see john quinones pop up at any second.
"is this a dream? did i go unconscious during the fall down the stairs? quick, y/n! pinch me."
you did so eagerly.
"ow! what the hell? I didn't mean literally." he complained, rubbing his arm.
"will you shut up? i need to find out what's going on." you huffed. pulling out your phone, you saw that there was no signal or wi-fi network available nearby. "that's weird, I swore the website said the castle had guest wi-fi." you muttered.
"i have an international data plan, let me try," eunseok whipped out his phone, only to find there was no signal on his device either.
"do you think... maybe, we're actually back in the medieval times?" you shuddered.
eunseok never laughed louder in his life.
"yes, y/n. we time traveled like we're in back to the future! should I call you marty? or do you want to be the old scientist?" he cackled.
"his name is doc brown. and I'm being serious," you began, "how else would all these buildings change overnight, and why else would all these people be wearing clothes from a different time period. look around: there's not a phone, car, or even pavement road in sight. there's no way we were in the castle long enough for them to make all those changes either."
"let's just talk to an actual sane person here and I'm sure they'll explain everything." he assured.
just then, a young woman wearing a silk blue gown walked past, surrounded by two men in armor.
"excuse me, miss. sorry to interrupt your little role-play party but my friend and i were wondering if we could use your phone to make a quick call." eunseok asked.
one of the men rushed forward, "halt! how dare thee speak so freely to her highness, the crown princess."
eunseok rolled his eyes, "i'm not hitting on your chick, dude, i just want to use a phone."
the armor-clad man suddenly put his sword up to eunseok's neck. "what the hell?" eunseok exclaimed.
"release him! who are you sir and why doth thee use such... peculiar language?" the princess implored.
"you people are psychos. no way you're taking this shit so seriously." eunseok grumbled, rubbing his neck after the guard let him go.
"answer her highness!" the other guard insisted.
"we are travelers, here to observe the duel of knights! I must apologize for my companion, he is delirious from traveling all day." you interjected, grabbing eunseok and beginning to walk away.
"wait! your companion is… quite handsome. and his odd way of speaking is rather charming. i wish for him to compete for my hand during the duel!" the princess chirped.
"yeah right, you're crazy if you think I'm gonna-" eunseok was interrupted by your hand slapping over his mouth.
"whatever you wish, your highness." you responded, bowing curtly.
"wondrous! I would also like to invite thee to stay at my manor. surely a handsome man like you is a person of importance." she batted her lashes at him.
"no thanks weirdo-"
"we would love to! we thank you kindly for the offer your highness!" you interrupted eunseok again.
"oh I must have misspoke. I did not invite your mistress, only you." she spoke, shooting daggers at you.
"mistress?!" you gasped which made eunseok send you a shit-eating grin.
"actually, I would prefer my mistress stays with me, if that's alright 'your highness'" eunseok mocked.
the princess rolled her eyes and agreed reluctantly. once the princess and her guards were out of sight, you turned to eunseok. "see how those men didn't hesitate to hurt you? we're clearly in a different place!"
"yeah, a place where people have lost their minds." he scoffed.
"and her dress! it was real silk and embroidered with gold! I doubt a cosplayer has enough money to pull that off, especially in this economy." you tried convincing him.
"fine. lets say we really time-traveled to the 14th century and the princess wants me to join a little duel for her hand. does that mean...
... that i'm hot by both modern and medieval standards?"
you may not like eunseok, but he is quite attractive. it's no wonder his looks attracted the affections of a princess.
"eunseok! will you take this seriously? she wants you to participate in the duel of knights for her, do you understand how dangerous that is?" you practically screamed at him.
"yeah yeah the duel of knights is a fight to the death between the most skilled swordsmen of a kingdom for the right to court noblewomen and the princess. i know it may be hard for you to believe but i passed our medieval history class y/n." he quipped.
"and you realize you will be fighting those men to the death, right?" you asked.
"sure, i'll fight a bunch of history nerds in party city costumes." he chuckled.
you grabbed him by the arm and began pulling him in the direction of the city center… or what used to be the city center and now looked like a town square.
"we really need to talk- about boundaries because you-hey! can't keep dragging me around like a ragdoll-" he struggled as you continued tugging him into the busy streets.
"i'll stop when you quit being so stubborn. i'm gonna show you just how real this is." you stormed.
by the time you reached the city you were greeted with a sign that read 'SM's southern district' in big letters and below it in a smaller font was inscribed 'taverns, traders, and shops'.
the two of you went inside a tailor's shop since you deduced that if you were going to pretend to be people important to stay at the castle, you should dress the part.
as soon as you stepped inside, the tailor called out "good morrow strangers, thou must be travelers from far hence."
"why yes, and we were-" you started before the tailor cut you off, "is there anything I may help you with, good sir?" he ignored you for eunseok.
you forgot that as fun as the medieval period was to learn about, it was hell to live through as a woman.
trying to bite your tongue, you waited for eunseok to respond.
"yeah, can we get some fancy clothes?" he asked nonchalantly.
you sent him a glare as the shopkeeper stared at him puzzled, "I'm afraid I do not understand your way of speaking."
"what he means to ask is if we may purchase some refined garments?" you asked, clearing your throat, only for the tailor to continue to ignore you.
sighing, eunseok repeated, "may we purchase some refined garments?" the tailor's head snapped up and he grinned, "of course, good sir! for the lady as well?"
"yes." you stated through gritted teeth. no response. "yes." eunseok repeated once again, to which the tailor nodded.
as the tailor went off to find some clothing for the two of you, you turned to eunseok, "I thought you were a history buff, how do you not know how to speak to these people?" you interrogated.
"first of all, i specialize in east asian history. second, I didn't think I'd ever actually have to rely on my shakespeare lessons from high school."
the tailor came back rather quickly with suits for eunseok and a few uncomfortable-looking but beautiful dresses for you. at least they didn't wear many corsets in medieval england.
"I shall fit them to the both of your measurements and you will be able to pick them up in a few days time. services included, the charge will be 30 pounds, good sir." the man said, awaiting eagerly for eunseok to pay.
"right... one second, good sir?" eunseok hesitated awkwardly, turning to you "you don't have any money, do you?"
"my wallet should be in my pocket... shit I left it when we changed our clothes in the castle. ask him if we can pay him when we come back to grab our clothes." you urged eunseok.
"how the hell do I say that?" he panicked. "just try your best!" you whisper-shouted.
turning back to the tailor, eunseok sputtered out "may we pay... in a few day's time... perchance?"
the shopkeeper looked confused before laughing, "doth thee wish to pay at which hour you come to pick up the garments?"
eunseok nodded vigorously which was enough to communicate the message across to the tailor.
once you left the shop, eunseok breathed a sigh of relief "okay, I believe you. we time-traveled, nothing makes sense, and I'll do anything to get back to the 2020s."
"let's head back to castle, grab my wallet, and we'll figure out what to do from there. we already have a place to stay anyway." you declared.
"if you weren't... yourself, I'd find it hot how calm and collected you are about this," he admitted. you shot him an annoyed look.
"sorry I don't know how to regulate my emotions... or my thoughts... or words. we traveled back in time. we're marty and the doctor guy." eunseok began rambling.
"it's doc brown. and calm down." you grasped his shoulders. "we're going to get out of here, because i need electric plumbing and I refuse to die of syphilis. but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy our time here. you and I both love history right? well now we get to experience it ourselves!" you exclaimed.
there's that look in her eye, the one she always gets when she's talking about history. I could stare at her forever... what the hell am I thinking? it's been a long day and I should get some rest.
you noticed eunseok spacing out while looking at you so you shook his shoulders a bit which jolted him awake, "so what do you say?"
"fine. let's experience your nerdy little medieval fantasy. but, we find out how to get out of here as soon as possible in the meantime." he agreed.
as you guys made your way back to castle, you were stopped by guards in front of the moat. "who art thee and what business doth thy have at riize castle?" a guard barked.
"we were personally invited by her majesty the princess to stay at the castle until the duel of knights." you reported. you saw the guard contemplating a bit before giving the other guards the signal to let you in.
breathing a sigh of relief, you headed towards the castle doors. after a few steps you realized eunseok hadn't moved from his spot.
"what are you doing? let's go back inside!" you scolded him. he looked completely pale and visibly shaken as he started towards you, "y/n. if we're really in medieval times... does that mean I have to fight during the duel of knights?" he fretted.
"i can't die yet. i haven't gotten cross-faded yet! do they even have weed here? I told myself once I leave korea I'd try it but what if I don't even get to experience that-" he began rambling once again.
you grabbed onto his hand, similar to how you did in the plane before trying to calm him down, "you won't die, because you won't fight anybody. we'll find a way to get back to our time before then, it's in a week so we have plenty of time. and you can always just try getting out of it by asking the princess!" you assured.
"you're right!" he exclaimed, squeezing your hand and pulling you into a hug. by the time you processed what was happening, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
that can't be right. butterflies... over eunseok? maybe I'm just touch-starved.
he pulled away rather quickly though, awkwardly trying to move past you to rush into the castle gates as if it would somehow undo his action.
fuck. did I make things awkward? did I kind of like the hug? wait-why do I care? we're just classmates who time-traveled together, nothing more and nothing less.
you followed after him until you reach the room you stumbled out of a few hours prior. digging through the pile of your old clothes, you were able to find your wallet.
fortunately, you exchanged some of your dollars for pounds at the airport. unfortunately, modern-day pounds look nothing like the ones they used in the 14th century.
"I don't think he'll even take these." you sighed, waving around the colorful bills with queen elizabeth's face stamped on them.
"we'll just say it's currency from... wherever we're from." he shrugged.
"and where's that?"
"uhhhh... america?"
"europeans haven't even heard of america yet." you rolled your eyes.
"which is why it'll work perfectly, they'll think it's some secluded, far away town." eunseok reasoned.
you don't know if it was eunseok's annoying presence or the lack of sleep you've had in the last 24 hours, but you felt a migraine coming on. massaging your temples, you decided you should take a nap before you try to find a way back to the future.
"let's get some rest, we can worry about everything else later." you yawned.
"where are we gonna sleep? the princess didn't even tell us which room we'd be staying in." he remarked.
"maybe we could ask agatha." you figured, walking towards the center hall.
"stop wandering off! we could get lost, this place is huge." eunseok argued.
"we won't. I know this place like the back of my hand." you assured.
"nerd." he commented, under his breath. for the sake of your sanity, you pretended you didn't hear anything.
with all the people rushing around the castle corridors it was nearly impossible to pinpoint agatha, and you ended up walking headfirst into the chest of a tall, handsome man wearing a padded shirt, usually worn by knights underneath their armor.
the man was slightly sweaty and holding a leather-wrapped sword in his hand, he must've been a knight coming back from training.
"art thou alright, madam?" the man asked. i am now.
eunseok let out a loud cough behind you, "she's fine. let's go, y/n."
"doth thou not recognize me? perhaps the two of you are not from here." the man reasoned.
"we're travelers, from... america." you hesitated.
"america? where is that?" the man questioned.
"tis a small town up north." you stated, trying to sound as sure of yourself as possible.
"makes sense." the man nodded "what business do you have in my castle. i've never seen you around, and I reckon I would remember a face as enchanting as yours."
am i getting hit on by a hot knight? maybe staying here isn't such a bad idea after all.
"your castle?" eunseok replied.
"yes. i am the crown prince, anton. now remind me again what you're doing in my castle?" anton asked.
"the crown princess invited us, my... brother here is to compete in the duel of knights." you quickly added.
"brother? I thought you were supposed to be my mistress-" eunseok started before you cut him off.
"do you know where the princess may be? she hasn't yet told us in which room we shall be staying." you asked the prince.
"ah, forgive my sister for she is very easily overexcited. I doubt she put much thought into housing you two as guests. I'd usually turn two strangers away, but you're an exception," he stared at you intently, "i'll arrange a room for the two of you shortly. in the meantime, would you care to join my family and I for dinner? it's the least we can do as hosts for you as you've traveled so far."
"we'd love to!" you exclaimed. "wondrous! I shall see you in two hours for dinner. the maids will help you to get ready." he smiled, kissing your hand before he walked away. you felt your cheeks heating up as you waved him goodbye.
"I thought you were tired. now you wanna have dinner with the royal family?" eunseok grumbled.
"eunseok, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. eating dinner in a castle with medieval royalty! how many people can say they've done that?" you beamed.
eunseok held back a smile as you gushed about the opportunity. why is she so cute today?
in a matter of minutes, a young woman approached the two of you, ushering you into a room.
"...here is the closet, and finally, the washroom. I shall give the two of you your privacy now." the woman bowed her head before exiting quickly.
"that was a quick tour." eunseok joked. "she must be busy preparing for the duel." you figured.
"ugh, don't remind me of the duel." he dramatically collapsed on the bed. "wait... is there only one bed?"
am I being lazy and using the one bed trope? guilty!
"I'm honestly too tired to care. scooch over." you shoved him to one side of the bed as you made yourself comfortable on the other. you wouldn't usually be so bold, but you were exhausted. after nearly getting arrested and getting stuck in the 14th century, you deserved a nap.
eunseok, on the other hand, was more wide awake than ever. he didn't want to look immature and get up the second you laid down, but he was even more nervous around you right now than usual.
looking over at your figure, he was shocked to see that you had already passed out. he couldn't hold back the small smile on his lips while watching you.
what the hell am I doing? I look like a creep. he thought, snapping himself out of his daze. deciding to wash up, he headed the the bathroom.
great. a large tub, a couple of buckets, and a hole in the ground. not a single source of running water in sight.
venturing out of the room, he tried calling one of the maids rushing past for some water but everyone seemed to be preoccupied.
annoyed, eunseok decided to try finding water himself. just because y/n's annoyingly obsessed with this castle and knows how to talk like these people, doesn't mean I'm completely lost without her.
after a few minutes of wandering around the castle, eunseok was completely lost.
unknowingly, he stumbled into the throne room while the princess was in the middle of receiving a lecture from her advisors.
"you mustn't invite complete strangers into the castle. do you understand how harmful that could be?" one of the advisors warned.
eunseok tried leaving as quietly as possible but it was to no avail as the princess spotted him almost immediately.
"you! traveler! what is your name?" she chirped, jumping up and heading towards him.
"eunseok, your highness." he shared through gritted teeth.
"what an odd name! I suppose tis because thou are from a far away land. my brother told me you were from am-amiri? amera? what ever it's called." she rambled.
"i am princess giselle, and between you and i, you're my favorite contender for the duel of knights. oh how I hope you win and earn my hand." she gushed.
"i hope so too." he responded nervously.
"the prince told me the woman you were with is your sister, did you not refer to her as your mistress earlier... sir is your sister your mistress?" the princess gasped.
"umm, no! where I'm from we use the word mistress instead of sister. silly, isn't it?" he hesitated, holding his breath as he waited for giselle's reaction.
the princess burst into laughter, "how amusing! oh please don't die during the duel so you may make me laugh for the rest of my life." she cooed.
the hairs on the back of eunseok's neck stood up. even if he manages to survive the duel, he'll have to spend the rest of his life married to a loud-mouthed princess in a castle with no electricity.
I have to find a way to get out of this time.
"if you would excuse me, I should wake up my, er, sister for dinner!" eunseok mumbled, turning to walk away.
"nonsense! I'll have a servant do so. you may have the privilege of sitting with me until then." she assured.
"well, I was actually thinking of washing up before-"
"why would you need to wash up? you look perfectly clean." the princess interjected.
eunseok was anything but perfectly clean, but then again, that was by 21st century standards. in 14th century england, even royalty only bathed about once a month.
I can't believe it's gotten to this point, but I really wish y/n were here right now.
as princess giselle kept eunseok company, you were lightly shaken awake by a familiar figure: agatha. once you finally sat up, you heard her gasp.
"aren't you the servant from earlier? what are you doing in the guest bed?!" she shrilled.
"well... we're travelers invited by the princess. besides, it was you who assumed we were servants." you tried shifting the blame.
she put a hand above her heart, "goodness! that explains your odd clothing and speech. oh I apologize deeply. how can I make up for my terrible mistake?" she begged.
you felt bad seeing how apologetic agatha looked, but you remembered there was a favor you needed. "very well, then I demand full access to the storage room in the servant chambers." you declared.
agatha sent you a puzzling look, "what's so special about the storage room, my lady?"
well for starters, it's an opportunity for me to study a room never heard of by most historians. and a way for me to figure out how we got here, and hopefully, how to get home.
"i... liked it?" you said lamely. agatha simply nodded, "anything else?" she added.
"a piece of paper and a writing instrument, please."
"for your lord?"
right. most people, especially women, were illiterate during this time.
"um... yes!" you lied, not wanting to make yourself stand out anymore.
"I shall see to it." agatha dismissed herself.
as soon as she left the room, you collapsed back onto the bed. all you needed was some quality alone time-
the door burst open again, with a flock of servants pouring in. "we must prepare you for the dinner!"
for the next thirty minutes, you were stripped, clothed, had your hair done up in an elaborate hairstyle, and exposed to powders and cosmetics you were 99% sure were toxic. you almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror, but you had to admit the dress was flattering and you might even copy the hairstyle when you get back to your time.
as annoying as it was, it was fascinating to experience everything you've read about in books up until now. the history nerd in you couldn't help but marvel at it all.
by the time you arrived at the dining room, you were greeted with the sight of eunseok sitting next to the princess, looking mildly irritated. you spotted an open seat next to the prince directly across eunseok and decided to sit there.
shooting the boy a small smile, you sat next to anton who immediately began talking to you.
eunseok took in your appearance, staring intensely at you.
she looks stupid... with her big hair, obnoxiously red lips, long gown, perfect smile-snap out of it!
"lord eunseok, why are you staring at your sister like that?" princess giselle asked loudly, catching your attention.
you turned your head quick enough to see eunseok staring at you with a look of... admiration? impossible.
he turned tomato red and cleared his throat, "I was... wondering what we'd be eating for dinner! I'm famished."
"once mother and father arrive, we may begin eating." prince anton assured. he turned to you, "tell me about your family, lady y/n. aside from your brother here, of course."
eunseok rolled his eyes. why's he so concerned with y/n? and why is this princess on my case?
after a few minutes of you and anton conversing and eunseok stealing glances of you while giselle talked his head off, the king and queen arrived.
you immediately got up and curtseyed to them, gesturing for eunseok to bow. "your majesty, tis my pleasure to dine with you." you resounded.
"my children have told me much about you. do tell me about this 'america'" the king mused.
the rest of the dinner consisted of you and eunseok making up ridiculous facts about america and your backgrounds. occasionally, you'd send each other knowing looks and have to stifle your laughs. it was the closest the two of you got to bonding this whole trip.
by the time the dinner came to a close, anton rose up slowly. "I wish to make an announcement." once he had everyone's attention, he continued, "I have completed my knight training this year, and I have father's word that I will be able to compete in the upcoming duel of knights."
"excuse me?" the queen cried out, "it is far too dangerous. and whose hand will you be competing for? your sister's?"
"of course not. I will be competing for lady y/n's hand."
"WHAT?" you and eunseok yelled in unison. "I understand this may come as a surprise to you, my sweet y/n, but I truly feel we have developed a connection."
we met two hours ago!!!
"NO!" you screamed, resulting in horrified looks on everyone else's face, "I mean... no, your highness. I could never expect you to put your life at risk for my hand, PLEASE reconsider." you begged.
"nonsense. the last ten knights left standing win the duel, and I am sure my son is capable of coming in tenth place at the very least." the king argued.
"charles, he is but a boy-" the queen began, angrily.
"he is twenty for christ's sake! I was even younger when I competed. there will no more discussion, anton will be competing for lady y/n's hand and lord eunseok will compete for giselle's." the king settled
"what the hell are we going to do?" eunseok panicked once the two of you were back in your room. "if we don't leave before next week, I'm going to die fighting for a girl I don't even want and you're going to get married to that guy!"
"you care about whether or not I get married to the prince?" you teased. "what? no, I- shut up." he deflected.
"relax. I got us unlimited access to the storage closet. whatever brought us here is in there, I know it. we'll look through it tomorrow and find out how to go home." you determined.
"and if we don't?" he gulped. "then we'll figure something out." you resolved, holding onto his shoulders. "we'll be alright, we have eachother." you smiled.
you couldn't explain why you were being so nice to the man you swore you hated just yesterday, but something about the vulnerability of your situation made you desperate to hold onto the only ally you have.
eunseok's heart rate increased in response to your words and close proximity, he couldn't help but stare at your lips. "they overdid it with the lipstick." he commented, mindlessly.
"it's a mixture of berries. and I know." you giggled.
before you could say anything else, eunseok began leaning in. his lips were on yours in a matter of seconds, and it felt completely natural.
your friends always joked that the two of you were just covering up sexual tension with the whole rivalry thing, and you're embarrassed to admit you may have fantasized about kissing eunseok before, but you never in a million years thought it would actually happen.
the kiss was slow yet passionate, there was an unprecedented amount of emotion in it, you felt like you were drowning in it.
eunseok was on cloud nine, it was better than any other kiss he's ever had. his hands wandered to hold your waist tightly as yours flew to his hair.
you don't know how long the kiss has lasted so far, but you know that you never want it to end.
except it does. when the prince and princess walk in on the two of you.
as soon as you heard princess giselle scream, the two of you pulled away, but it was too late. they had seen enough.
"you people are sick! I should have known it when you said you call your sisters your mistresses!" the princess cried out.
before she could say another word, you and eunseok dragged the siblings inside and shut the door. "what the hell are we going to do now?" eunseok frantically whispered to you.
"we have to come clean." you said, which eunseok shook his head 'no' to almost immediately.
"anton, giselle, we lied to you." you confessed while eunseok stayed silent.
"I knew it! there is no america. are you thieves? or spies? who sent you?!" giselle accused.
"there is an america, and we did come from there. but we came from a different america than the one that exists today... we're from the future." you shared.
it didn't take long for both siblings to burst into laughter. "the future? do you take us for fools?" anton choked out.
"it's true! eunseok, show them your phone." you insisted. he pulled out his phone and tapped the screen, causing it to illuminate.
"sorcerers!" giselle screeched.
"it's not sorcery, it's technology! it's made from various metals and allows you to communicate with people across large distances." you explained.
"sounds like sorcery to me." anton commented.
"y/n, you've spent years studying this stupid castle, don't you know anything about the residents? there has to be some information you have on the royal family that could convince them." eunseok looked to you.
"well I wasn't able to study much on these two because they both died young..." you said quietly.
"WHAT?" giselle screamed. "how dare you even suggest that?" anton stood up angrily.
"the records I read said you passed away during the duel of knights when you were 20 and that giselle was unable to take over the throne afterwards because she disappeared one night and was presumed dead... but some say she fell in love with a commoner and eloped with him." you shared.
this caused giselle to gasp loudly, "you... i... i believe them."
"how?" anton interjected, "she just said I'll die and you'll elope with a commoner. you show interest in every nobleman you come across and get over them in a matter of days. there's no way you'd fall in love with a common man and elope."
"I've been pretending to be boy-obsessed so nobody finds out that i..." giselle hesitated "i'm in love with mark."
"the stable boy?" anton cried out. "he always mentions the possibility of eloping but I never took it seriously-" she began.
"you two can sort out whatever's going on with mark later, can we go back to y/n and I time-traveling?" eunseok interrupted.
"how did you even end up here?" anton asked.
"in our time, your castle is a historical monument. eunseok and I managed to sneak in, but we were about to get caught so we hid in a storage room. when we emerged, we were transported to your time." you explained.
it took the siblings a while to process your story, but they agreed to help the two of you find a way to get back to your time. once everything was settled, anton asked to speak to you privately--which eunseok did not like.
"I'm sorry for lying, anton, I was just trying to avoid getting in trouble." you apologized, breaking the awkward silence.
"I understand. I've been meaning to ask about you and eunseok. are the two of you...?" he began.
"I don't know what we are. this whole day has been confusing for the both of us." you answered honestly.
"right." he replied, sadly. "well, I wanted to ask you specifically about my death. does the future really say I die in the upcoming duel?"
"i'm sorry anton... i know how excited you are for it."
"excited? i'm dreading it." he chuckled dryly. "i've only ever shown interest in being a knight because of my father. he was a knight back in his day, that's how he courted my mother and became king."
"wait, so you don't want to compete in the duel?" you queried.
"absolutely not! I'm terrified. I've always wanted to be a writer, but my father told me I have no time for silly dreams like that. I'm the heir to the throne, after all."
I feel horrible, most of the documents i read mentioned anton as an eager knight-in-training, but I guess history books aren't always accurate.
you grabbed anton by the hand and began taking him back to where eunseok and giselle were.
"so you really don't think I'm handsome?" you overheard eunseok asking giselle. "you're okay-looking... but I just needed a cover-up for my late-night rendezvous with mark." she shrugged as eunseok's face fell.
"eunseok. giselle. we need to do something before we go back in time." you announced.
"and what's that?" eunseok responded.
"we're getting anton out of the duel of knights." you declared.
"but how? father is adamant on him competing." giselle protested, "and I doubt he'll believe your time-traveling story."
"we'll just have to figure out a way." you said stubbornly.
although eunseok and giselle seemed uneasy, anton sent you a grateful look which was enough.
the next few days were spent with you and eunseok exploring the storage room and you writing down as much as you could about the contents of the room as well as the royal family.
eunseok agreed to help giselle meet with mark in secret and you agreed to help anton with his writing. in return, the siblings helped you look through the castle library on anything related to time-travel.
to avoid the awkwardness of sleeping in the same bed with eunseok after the kiss, anton offered up his room and slept with him instead.
there was now four days left until the duel, and you still had no idea how to get back or take anton out of the competition. anton and eunseok seemed to get a lot closer though, either through sharing a room or the mutual dread of having to fight to the death in a few days time.
"y/n, can I speak with you. it won't take up much time." giselle asked you. "of course, what's up?" you responded.
"what's up?" she repeated, "what is the matter." you corrected yourself. you and eunseok let down your guard when it came to speaking in old english since the siblings already knew your secret anyway.
"you said in the future, I disappear. mark keeps asking to elope, especially with the duel of knights approaching as many men will be aiming for my hand." she worried, "I'm scared, y/n. I don't wish to leave but I don't wish to lose my beloved either. what do I do?"
you honestly had no idea. maybe it was a bad idea telling them their fates, but if i can try helping them avoid it, I should.
"I think you should try telling your parents. how bad could it be?" you said, stupidly.
"are you serious? they would murder him and i for even suggesting it. royals and commoners don't belong together, of course you wouldn't understand." she stormed.
"okay, okay I'm sorry. I really don't understand. I'm used to modern royalty, where the prince of england married an actress and left the royal family, then got to go on oprah." giselle shot you a confused look, "but if you never try, you'll never know."
"i suppose you're right. but I'm far too terrified of my parents." she sighed. before you could respond, eunseok called out to you, ushering you and giselle to join him and anton.
"we found a way to get out of the duel!" he shared excitedly.
"and how is that?" giselle asked, unconvinced.
"knights are covered head-to-toe in armor, right? we'll just pay two knights to replace us! anton said he's got the money covered."
"yes, I have the money covered, as they say in future america." anton added enthusiastically.
"and you've already found these knights?" you asked, "how do you know they won't tell the king?"
"we did, and anton made them swear because they are under an oath to serve him." eunseok shared proudly.
"don't you think that's a bit wrong, abusing your power? and what's gonna happen at the end of the duel when you have to take your helmets off?" you badgered.
"will you stop being such a baby, y/n? we'll tell them to keep their helmets on, and both you and giselle will be there anyways so you can cover for us." he argued.
"well i'm sorry that I want to make sure your little plan is foolproof so you don't, y'know, die." you fumed.
and just like that, the two of you began arguing again. giselle and anton gave each other a worried look before rushing out of the room, leaving the two of you yelling at each other.
"you're getting a bit too comfortable here, don't you think?" you scoffed.
"comfortable?! you think I want to spend the rest of my life in the 14th fucking century?" eunseok retorted.
"well you've barely been any help in looking for a way back. i've been the only one searching that stupid room for any traces of how we got here!"
"maybe because we've been searching that room for four days and haven't found anything. excuse me for trying to make sure I don't die before I find a way to travel back, if there even is a way."
you stepped closer to him, still seething "you piss me off to no end, song eunseok. you're the last person I wish I was trapped with in this stupid century!"
"do you really think you're my perfect idea of a travel buddy? my life is a mess, all thanks to you!" he snapped.
"I didn't ask you to follow me like a crazed stalker, did I? so why did you?"
eunseok finally went quiet. it seems like he didn't really know the answer either.
you were irritated, but you didn't want to keep arguing, so you decided to walk away before he started up again, "I'm going to town to pick up our clothes from the tailor."
up until now you've been wearing the servant clothes agatha brought you to bed and borrowing the royal sibling's clothes during the day. it'll be nice to finally have our own sets of clothing.
you tried to organize your thoughts but you were still thinking of eunseok. it's not like you haven't argued with him before, but they've never been so... personal.
it pained you to say but his words hurt you. you don't know when you started caring about what eunseok has to say but some time along the last four days you've been trapped here, you started to feel more strongly about him.
and you definitely can't forget about the kiss. you can't believe the two of you just acted completely normal after that. you were too scared to bring it up and so was eunseok.
he's so confusing. one day we're making out and the next we're screaming at each other... and it doesn't help that I can't read him at all.
by the time you were done reflecting on your entire relationship with eunseok, you reached the tailor's shop. walking in, you greeted one of the workers there before informing them of your prior visit.
as the worker brought out your clothes, he held his hand out waiting for the payment.
shit. I didn't bring any money. and it's not like the money I had would've done much anyway.
"I-um, I don't think I can give you the payment just yet," you stuttered, nervous.
"why not?" the worker asked, already putting the clothing back.
"because i'll be paying." you heard a familiar voice ring from behind you. what is he doing here?
eunseok walked past you and handed over the old-timey pounds to the worker, taking the sets from him in the process.
once the transaction was finished he walked past you and out of the shop, completely ignoring you. confused, you caught up to him.
"did you seriously follow me again? what's your problem?!" you exploded on the street, catching the attention of nearby townsfolk.
"I saw that you left your wallet and didn't even bother asking for money from the prince or princess. you're welcome for saving you the embarrassment and a trip back-and-forth from the castle." he retorted, stopping to turn to you.
"I don't want to argue. not right now, and not in public." he sighed "good. because neither do i." you sassed, walking past him deeper into the district center.
he rolled his eyes and continued after you, "where are you going?"
"does it matter? or were you planning on stalking me again." you retaliated.
i should just leave her alone if she's going to be so difficult... but this place is sketchy and confusing, and it's getting dark.
"I don't think it's safe to walk around alone here, it's almost sunset." he called out.
"I'm a grown woman, I can handle myself." you refused.
"fine." eunseok said, turning to walk back to the castle.
you spent the next two hours making a mental map of the district, excited to write all about it later. you had to admit this was a much more fun way to learn about history than sitting around with a textbook and reading all day.
unfortunately for you, there weren't any clocks around, so it was easier to lose track of time. you figured it must be around 9 p.m. and decided to head back to the castle.
after about 15 minutes of wandering the streets, you realized you were lost.
fuck. I can't believe I'm about to prove eunseok right. whatever, he's probably living it up at the castle, especially since I'm not there.
on the contrary, eunseok was worried sick. "what if she was kidnapped, or fell down a well or something?" he ranted to anton.
"we shall find her, there's no need to worry." anton assured as they headed out the castle gate.
as the two of them began walking, eunseok couldn't help but overthink.
I shouldn't have let her walk away. and I can't believe the last conversation we had was an argument. what if something bad happened to her? how will I forgive myself?
eunseok doesn't know when or how he became so worried about you, but what he did know was his heart was pounding just thinking about you.
"what... relationship do you and y/n share?" anton inquired as they walked. "we're just school peers." eunseok answered coldly.
anton laughed in response, “peers do not thrust their tongues into each other's mouths."
eunseok's ears turned red upon hearing the younger boy's comment.
"they also wouldn't worry as much as you are right now." anton added.
"she's my ticket back to the 21st century, of course I'm on edge. I need her help finding the way home." eunseok shrugged.
"whatever you say." anton smiled.
"are you into her or something?" eunseok asked, trying to sound casual.
"pardon me?"
"do you wish to wed her?" eunseok sighed. I'm definitely not gonna miss these shakespearean conversations.
"well... she is strikingly beautiful... and strong, and intelligent, and-"
"okay I get it." eunseok cut him off, erupting another laugh in anton.
"but she seems to only have eyes for you. besides, I'm a bit more preoccupied with the duel as of now." anton commented carelessly.
she has eyes for me? eunseok thought to himself again and again until they reached a nearby tavern.
it was then that the pair spotted your figure arguing with a clearly drunken man. before he knew it, eunseok rushed to your side to defend you from the man until he heard your conversation.
"you've gone mad if you think euripides is anywhere close to sophocles!" you yelled.
"you're the mad one, sophocles couldn't have written medea but euripides could have easily written oedipus rex in his sleep!" the man yelled back.
of course she's arguing over history. what a nerd.
"pardon us sir." eunseok interjected, dragging you away by the arm.
"hey! I wasn't finished. and stop dragging me." you ripped your arm away. "now you know how I feel." eunseok scoffed.
"y/n! are you alright?" anton asked. "yes, I'm fine. and I was just about to make my way back to the castle." you asserted.
"point in the direction of the castle." eunseok challenged. you pointed in a random direction hoping it would be somewhat close.
"you were going to head north, further into the town when the castle is down south." eunseok smirked.
if he didn't look so good right now I'd smack that smirk right off his face.
the walk back to the castle was dead silent, with poor anton making the occasional comment trying to spur conversation, but you and eunseok weren't having it.
when you finally reached the castle, anton excused himself leaving you and eunseok alone.
sighing, eunseok broke the silence first, "I was worried about you."
you whipped your head up. did i hear that right?
"I don't hate you. I hope you know that." he went on.
"I don't hate you either." you added. for the first time in a long time you looked at him in the eye.
the tension was palpable, but before you could act on any of your emotions, eunseok turned away. "goodnight, y/n." he walked off.
ouch. I know I said I wanted him to leave me alone, but not like this.
time passed by until it was the morning of the duel. you and eunseok had been growing even more desperate to find a way back home, and giselle and anton were getting even more nervous about the duel approaching.
eunseok had remained distant since that night, and although you hadn't argued since then, you also haven't really spoken much.
you missed him, but you had more important things to focus on.
as the knights began suiting up, you and giselle headed to your seats at the top of the arena. the arena was full of thousands of people, ranging from commoners to nobles.
if everything went to plan, the knights pretending to be anton and eunseok would win the duel, one of them would pretend to be injured and the other would carry them off into the stables where they would switch places with the real eunseok and anton.
of course, nothing ever goes according to plan. 'eunseok' was slain within the first ten minutes.
despite you having no connection to them, it hurt you to see young men lose their lives for a tradition meant to please the rich and powerful. and it hurt even more knowing that this tradition would continue for a few more centuries.
however, not everyone else shared your sympathies, as the majority of the crowd cheered excitedly with each kill. that was... until 'anton' was slain an hour in.
the entire arena went silent and the king jumped out of his seat, "stop the tournament! stop it now!"
oh shit.
the king ran down to check on his 'son' only to reveal a complete stranger under the helmet. still teary-eyed, the king roared "what is the meaning of this?"
we're screwed. we're so so screwed.
just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the real eunseok and anton entered the arena, assuming the silence meant it was over.
"son! what have you done? answer me, boy!" the king seethed. "i... i don't wish to be a knight." anton confessed, eliciting gasps from the crowd.
"what on earth has gotten into you? is it that boy next to you influencing you?"
"no! I never wanted it. you know I've always wanted to pursue writing-"
"nonsense. you are to be a king. and a king is to be able to fight for his people. will words on paper solve wars? no. only a sword will protect your throne."
dejected, anton nodded before eunseok interrupted, "weren't you just crying over your son's death?"
another round of gasps travelled through the arena. "how dare you speak to me that way? I should have your head cut off!"
"all I'm saying is, if anton listened to you and fought, he'd be dead right now. is forcing him into combat worth losing your son?" eunseok reasoned.
the king faltered for a moment before recovering, "he is not enough of a man to look me in the eye and you want me to let him pursue his childish fantasies?"
in that moment, anton snapped, raising his head, "if I am to be heir to the throne than you will treat me as such. my whole life I've done what you wanted me to do, and look how that would have ended," he paused, pointing at the corpse on the floor.
"father, i assure you I am grown enough to discern what I want and don't want. and what I don't want is a life of a knight. I am not an extension of you, I am my own person, and most importantly, I am a writer." anton concluded.
the crowd erupted into cheers at the prince's heroic delivery until giselle ran down, seemingly inspired.
oh no.
"and I am in love with a stable-boy!" she declared loudly.
just like that, the arena was dead silent again and the king went red with anger.
"this is all your fault!" he pointed at eunseok "you, and that sister-mistress of yours!"
the crowd began murmuring, confused.
"guards, execute them!" he declared.
now you were definitely screwed.
you saw eunseok running out the back as giselle and anton held their father back. panicking, you ran through the back of the arena, meeting up with eunseok.
"what the hell are we going to do?" he panted. you grabbed onto his hand and began running into the castle. you're not sure why, but your gut was telling you to head to the storage room.
once you reached the room, eunseok whispered "won't this be the first place they'll look for us?"
" just hurry up and light the candle, I have to grab my papers." you rushed. he found a set of matches and lit the candle as you frantically searched for all your research.
you heard voices gathering around the outside of the door.
"y/n. if we really do die, I need to tell you something." eunseok began dramatically.
"I love-"
he was interrupted by a banging noise on the door. you quickly blew the candle out, hoping the darkness would somehow make the two of you invisible.
but it was too late, the door flew open, and a man came down the stairs holding a... flashlight?
"stop there! london police, you are under arrest for trespassing."
"what?" you muttered, confused.
"oh my-OH MY GOD. we're back... we're back! what year is it?" eunseok asked the officer desperately.
"are you two on some sort of narcotics?" the officer asked.
the two of you were then escorted to the police station where your group supervisor had to bail you out. you and eunseok were grinning ear-to-ear the entire time.
you were informed that you couldn't go on the tour as a result of your trespassing and you couldn't care less. "I know how much you were looking forward to it, are you sure you'll be okay?" your friend asked, worried.
"I'll be fine! go enjoy it for me." you assured. I'm sick of that damn castle anyway.
after taking a long, warm bath, you settled onto the hotel couch before hearing a knock on your door.
opening it, you were greeted with the sight of an awkward eunseok.
"hey... can I come in?" he asked, nervous. "yeah." you smiled.
"I'm still trying to convince myself that was all real." he chuckled.
"me too." you breathed "but at least it's all behind us."
"yeah, thank goodness." he agreed.
"what was it you were saying before we got arrested?" you asked innocently.
"um- I was saying, i... wonder whatever happened to giselle and anton! surely there's some more information on them now that anton survived the duel." he changed the topic.
"you're right!" you exclaimed, rushing to your computer to google their names.
"it says here that the king passed away from a heart attack due to shock and anton inherited the throne, but he didn't want it so he passed it onto giselle. he went on to become a successful writer and giselle married a common man named mark, they had a son and a daughter named... eunseok and y/n!"
"you think they're sister-mistresses?" eunseok joked.
"gross. anyways, anton's most famous book is called across centuries and it's about a pair of lovers that time traveled." you gasped.
"well that definitely can't be about us, we're far from lovers." he laughed.
"right..." you agreed quietly.
"well, I guess that now that we're out of the medieval period, I can get out of your hair." eunseok began, standing up.
"wait." you spoke up suddenly. if giselle and anton could confess in front of an entire kingdom, than i can confess to a single guy.
"eunseok, i..." you began.
fuck. I can't bring myself to finish my sentence.
"you what?" he asked.
"are you alright?"
"no! yes-i mean no?" you sputtered.
"i'm gonna go let you rest." he nodded, slowly backing away.
"I love you! I'm in love with you. please-please don't leave yet." you practically begged.
eunseok's jaw fell to the floor.
"I don't know how or when I started feeling this way, and I get it if you don't feel the same way but I had to tell you. I'm-"
you were interrupted by eunseok's lips crashing onto yours, and for once you didn't mind the interruption.
"will you be mine, lady y/n?" he asked dramatically, shortly after you two parted from the kiss.
"why yes, my knight in shining armor." you laughed.
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toxicanonymity · 10 months
It’s scorching in California again and I’m shopping right now but I’m having thots of shopping with thighs out Joel and readers bf and they get separated so Joel takes the opportunity to take reader to buy a skimpy bikini for their next trip 😭
👙 fitting room w/ bf's dad
1300 words, Joel x f!reader
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YES. "Get separated." Ty for the thot anon. Bouncing chain for @gracieispunk . 🥵
WARNINGS: I8+ unsafe P in V, creampie, public, daddy, too small bikini, spanking. thighs out!Joel but can read alone
Joel is wearing mid thigh swim trunks and a Hawaiian shirt. The boutique is closing in less than an hour, but he says you’ll be in and out. On the way in, he hangs his sunglasses into his collar, nearly snagging his gold chain. He picks out a sexy bikini and holds it up. You tell him it's gonna be too small and your ass is gonna hang all the way out. He says "woo, that's the ticket" as he hands it to you. You hesitate. He takes a deep breath and nods to the back of the store. "Humor me."
Your face and loins heat up as he walks you to the dressing room with a hand resting lightly on your ass. When you arrive at a fitting room, he gives your butt a squeeze then a pat. He waits outside. You put the suit on and it's even worse than you thought. You can't open the door. You're hanging out everywhere. You send a pic instead. Outside the door you hear him take a deep breath then mutter "god damn." Then he texts you back, "open the door?"
You barely crack it open. "I can't let anyone–"
His hand grabs the edge of the door and he softly reassures you, "Just me, baby. That okay?" You nod and let him in. He swiftly steps in, closes the door and leans back against it.
His eyebrows shoot up as he checks you out. "Hot damn," he whispers. He steps off the door and looks in the three way mirror to see the different views. He sets his shades aside without taking his eyes off you. You eye the bulge in his shorts in the mirror as he gets behind you and puts his hands on your hips. He presses himself up against you, the shape in his shorts hardening as he cups your breast and snakes his other hand down your stomach. His lips part as his hand begins to dip into the suit. "Tell me to leave."
"Jack could–," you say as your head falls back and you lean into his touch. You're both looking into the mirror.
He palms your breast, holds onto your hip, presses his hard-on into you and whispers, "gotta say leave, baby. or I ain't." He inhales your hair. "let me worry 'bout him."
You subtly smile at him in the mirror and he slowly slides his hand lower until his middle finger is wedged between the hygienic liner and you. He dips his finger and sharply inhales at how wet you are. He unties one side of the bottom and lets it hang down, watching in the mirror as his big, veiny hand cups your sex entirely. He rubs you with two flattened fingers then his phone rings and he scowls. He keeps stroking you as he answers it with his other hand.
He doesn't even hold the phone up to his ear before he says, "we're in Bass Pro Shop," hangs up, and puts it back in his pocket. You're certainly not in Bass Pro Shop.
"Daddy's busy, " Joel explains to the mirror with a raise of his eyebrows. He pulls one cup of your too-small swimsuit down and gropes at your naked breast while his other hand slowly strokes your clit. He takes his hand out from between your legs.
He unties the halter, then without letting go he reties it tighter so your tits are really spilling out. The sound from the back of his throat sends a pang through your core. You reach behind you and grab his ass with both hands so you can feel his hardness more. He's fully erect and you're dripping wet.
He reaches around to finger you again. He unties the other side of the bottoms and lets them drop to the floor. You’re even wetter now and he can feel it. He mutters "alright, let's go baby."
He backs up his hips and jostles with his swimsuit and can’t resist spanking you while your ass is on display. You whisper, “Joel!”
He pulls his shorts down low enough, and you catch a glimpse of his cock in the mirror as you tilt your hips. "Yeah," he whispers. He crosses a forearm in front of your chest between your breasts, and his massive hand braces on top of your shoulder facing him. He bites his lip as he notches himself then plunges into you with a sigh, parting your core with his girth. He whispers, "God DAMN, this pussy."
You watch in one of the side mirrors as he backs his cock out and slams in harder with a quiet grunt. He slides his hand down from your shoulder to engulf your breast. He thrusts again. "Ohhh, fuck yeah." You gasp softly as the force bumps you forward and you brace your hand on the middle mirror.
Your skin burns as you hear the indistinct murmur of other customers leaving the shop and the staff talk about closing early.
"We'll make it quick," he reassures you.
Footsteps approach and he pauses all the way inside you. You wait silently and his cock twitches. You look at the different views in the mirror--you can see his thighs flexed and ready to go. His big hands rest on the sides of your ass. You look at each other in the main mirror as someone grabs a rack or hangers and the footsteps recede.
Joel grabs the back of your neck to hold you steady. You’re bent forward so you can see both of you in the mirror as he begins to rail you. You’re both leaning forward and his gold chain swngs off his chest to the rhythm of him pummeling you. Your tits jiggle out all over the place, your nipples quickly escaping the top. He grabs a breast and says, “Damn, baby.”
You meet his voracious gaze in the mirror. “Fits just right," he says.
Yeah it does, you think as you're stuffed full of his cock. You couldn't take another inch. He sighs "fuuuck" as he watches himself rail you, and pleasure shoots through your abdomen and you feel weak in the knees.
You sigh, “Hold me daddy.'
“I got ya.” His grip tightens on the back of your neck where it meets your shoulders and his thrusts intensify. His chain and your tits bounce harder. His cock fills you up so good. “Fuckin’ hot as shit.” You moan softly and he grunts as he pounds you, both of you quickly approaching climax. “Fuck,” he breathes, and your pleasure explodes, choking his cock with your convulsions.
You catch your face in the mirror, mouth hanging wide open, trying not to moan too loud. Joel gasps and shudders, eyes on your tits, then slams to the hilt and begins to release. He takes a deep breath and sighs vocally as his cock slowly throbs in powerful bursts, filling you with his load.
“Is anyone still back there?” someone calls.
You're silent for a second. “We should say something,” you whisper. His cock is still twitching inside you. He groans quietly and his face is like really, do we have to.
But it sounds like they're closing so he pulls out, gives your ass a pat, and quickly pulls his shorts back up.
He unties your top and picks the swimsuit bottoms up off the floor. He tells you to take your time getting dressed. He takes out his wallet as he leaves the dressing room and says "yeah, sorry!" as he goes to check out.
THANK YOU for reading & engaging 💙💙💙
yeah meanwhile poor jack just bumbling around bass pro shop like a rollercoaster tycoon guest who can't find the exit
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All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot
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green-sky-smoke · 4 months
Reader asks Husk about his ideal date. (~1300 words)
"My ideal date, huh? The one where i win all your money in poker." He laughs, and smiles at you firmly, his eyes pierce at you warmly, like he was looking at nostalgic show, on old, thick tv screen, in worst quality possible. "Bring me cards, hun, i shall do a little," he waves palms happily, "magic! Watch future, how good your chances are." He laughs purringly. Then his smile and cheerful look dissolves. He's never like this for long. "But if you don't plan it... Honestly, i'm not really used to dates. I'm not interested in flowers and fancy dinners, i saw enough of them. I am a man of simple pleasures. I have booze here, why don't just stay where we are?" he tilts his head a little, with catlike grace and elegance, expecting you to nod. And then you both hear something heavy, loudly falling on the floor, and a lot of swears and arguing. His ears press on his head from the sudden noise.
"Well. That's why. We may go somewhere." He sights, annoyed. Husk is frowning, looking in almost empty bottle, like lines of light and reflections on emerald glass will say something his drunk brain stubbornly refuses. He tries very hard to think it out, but he got solid brain fog.
"How about... Well..." he is really lost in his own thoughts. You can almost see how his neurons try to reach one another, but fail miserably, and pain gently swipes them away. "How about... About..."
No. Date isn't a game, it's when you entertained enough being with someone. Not a game. You did games everyday, Husk, what make date unique if it just another playful robbery? Date is not another gambling game, loss of big money and property. Especially not of someone who you like. Maybe you can both play and share loss, or win, playing together and not against each other... But against anyone else? Hm. Would be nice to offer it later, if he won't forget.
He hasn't had any sugarcoated romantic fantasies in a long time, and his brain rejected him creating some now, when he got someone interesting enough. The most interesting thing was just looking at your confused, annoyed face, and just any negative emotion. He felt better sometimes, seeing unhappy faces, when he is himself aren't happy at all about where it all ended for him. Husk hunched over the table, puzzled. Looks like he completely zoned out.
Most of all, he enjoys spending time together, calmly, not in a fight. Table games where he can bluff and laugh at someone's bad strategies and skill, or hand motorics. Magic tricks and spectacular shows. Gently massages and some cuddling. Sleeping and resting, doing nothing. He doesn't like very pricy places, or sports. He isn't most complex person, so it's quite a mystery for him why you would have interest in alcoholic with ludomania who likes to mock you lovingly, or insult. It's kinda easy when he presented with people insecurities every day, every year, when they can't shut up about it, and any anecdotes happening. He could write dissertation about it.
"Cheap, and funny." He chuckled, as your face becomes a little disappointed. "What? Not the answer you wanted?" He smiled, a bit smug. He enjoys your confusion, and how you try to think of questions to to clarify exactly what he wants, when you know that he won't reply long, he mostly gives you very vague answers that tells nothing at most.
"Let me tell you a thing, boo... Planning perfect dates is the most useless thing to do. Life is always unpredictable, chaotic, troubled and hard in hell. Situations always change, your mood, your tastes, you never the same person as day, or hour ago. You never know. If you hunt perfection, perfect place, perfect person, perfect reaction, day and time, you will end up miserable. And... You can try small things and be happy with surprises from this chaotic universe we live in, being constantly amazed how bad you are at fortune-telling!" He spreads his arms with enthusiasm, and then puts them down, waving one. He takes an indifferent sip of alcohol. "Or whatever. I don't care." He for a moment forgets what he wanted to add. Seems like he forgets that you're here too, too entertained with looking at same bottles, as if he was in an elite art gallery. His head migraine felt as if brain is expanding like the universe, right in his skull, and it is about to crack, while he won't be able to say anything intelligible or catch a coherent thought. He needs time to frown. You just look at him, wanting to stroke him. He looks so soft and fluffy, but you can't tell a moment you can do it.
"There isn't such a thing i would call a 'perfect date'. But there is 'it wasn't so bad as i expected'." he says before another long pause. He is clearly thinking hard, trying to scratch words off the walls of the skull, that hit him with an electric shock for any touch. His body was sometimes a real prison, making him worse person, who can really, really never leave for long.
"There may be all things i can enjoy to a point of addiction, but i would just act as grumpy ass until you take me there, waving booze, fists, threats, and i would know how enjoyable this is only after." He smiles and cackles, a bit annoyed and a bit self-ironic. He knows his brain and mood tricks pretty well, but believes he don't really need or can change a thing. He hates it, but he wouldn't wish to be anyone else. "It all seem too boring, overrated, overpriced and annoying to me when i think about it. I can find all reasons to not go anywhere and not move at all. Im in the point of life where it's really hard to find joy and eagerly seek things. You know?" He shrugs. "Go on, i don't mind, if you can bear with me constantly rejecting anything im not used to, and being grumpy old growler. It may at some point end as perfect date i would be sad to forget." He looks at you, like he doesn't really believe it, but willing to let you try. It doesn't matter to him, he will suffer each way in same amount, you wouldn't make it much worse than Alastor. " ...Or not. Who the hell knows. Maybe you will have patience to make some use of such boring, forever grudging and mean demon. Im not the best choice, and it will only make you pathetic to try make impossible work." You smile, finally out of confusion. He just invited you to annoy him, how sweet. You bend over to him and hold out your hand. He doesn't understand your gesture, so he just hand you some heavy bottle of some sweet, sparkling tonic for cocktails. You move the bottle to the table, and you put your hand on his. It suprised him, but he smiled at this micro-miscommunication, and places other hand over your. Old cats are playful too. And no cat will reject some good, pricy food and quiet place to see all things, not just hear behind the bar table. "Well, you are the strongest creative source of new things in my life for now." He smiles faintly. Maybe he was completely sarcastic. "So, take care of yourself. I can't appreciate you most times, but it would be loss for all hell. And i think you didn't drink in a while, so you need some liquid more than hold my hand, dumdum." He gets his hand out of your warm touch, and moves the bottle almost in your face. "Or shall I shake it for you?" He laughs. Husk believes you totally can use some foam of wrath in your face too.
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majesty-madness · 19 days
Back Then - Husband!Sebastian Sallow x Wife!reader (sfw)
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Summary: As the first week of marriage comes to a close inside they’re new home, Y/N can’t help but to think back on the old days. 
Word Count: 1300+
Warnings: slight angst, kissing, newly married Sebastian & reader, mostly fluff, a bit of suggestive content (like one joke, and the ending)
a/n: Not proofread. Fucking love this game (perhaps a bit too much).
Main Masterlist
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It’s night out, Y/N stands in the lamp lighted bedroom, staring out the window overlooking the front garden. She can hear the crickets chirping outside and the fireflies are in full bloom in the darkened night. She’s already dressed herself in her white nightgown, the material soft on her skin. 
Though she stood in the house she shared with her husband, her mind wandered back in time when she met him for the very first time. It had been in Defense Against the Dark Arts Class, learning to duel with an opponent, and the words “Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome” caused a soft chuckle to slip past her lips. 
Even though he sounded overconfident, his words made her giddy with excitement and then she’d won. She had surprised herself when she managed to pull that off. And when he walked up to her she was expecting a snarky remark or perhaps a nasty comment but he’d said, “You give as good as you get.” He also smirked playfully at her before walking away and she couldn’t deny the way his words caused a flurry of warmth to rush to her cheeks back then. 
As soon as they’d met, she knew she was done for. 
Again a laugh escaped her and without her knowledge her husband had come back to their bedroom, fresh from his bath. Sebastian stared lovingly as he watched his beautiful wife laugh quietly to herself. 
Throwing the towel he just used to dry his hair onto a nearby chair, he silently approached his wife from behind and when he was close enough to gently wrap his arms around her waist she didn’t flinch or jump away, instead she pressed her back against his chest as she melted into his warmth. 
“What are you laughing about?” Sebastian asked, pressing a delicate kiss to the back of her neck. 
She smiled in return, “I was just thinking about the first time we met.” 
Sebastian hummed back at her answer, pressing several other kisses into her skin. “Mmhm, we met in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, we dueled each other, remember?” 
Sebastian scoffed, “How could I forget the moment I met the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?” 
This caused both of them to laugh at the playful comment before Y/N continued. “I remember you walking up to me, saying ‘Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome,’ very confident of you I must say.” 
“Well I had a reputation to uphold.” Sebastian reasoned. 
This time Y/N scoffed. “Yeah, and as I recall I swept that reputation right from underneath you.” 
“That wouldn’t be the last time I was underneath you.” 
Y/N gasped then slapped him on the arm, causing him to burrow into her neck once more with a laugh. “Don’t be so crude, I was reminiscing about school.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, darling.” Sebastian half-heartedly apologized although he meant no such thing. 
There was a pause as the two of them listened to the crickets outside, both taking a deep breath and feeling each other decompress in their exhale. 
“I didn’t realize it then, but that was the start of so many things.” Y/N uttered fondly, oblivious to Sebastian’s sudden frown. 
“The start of so many mistakes.” Sebastian spoke softly, almost repeating Y/N’s exact words.
Only turning her head, Y/N stared up at Sebastian as she observed his expression. “Don't do that to yourself.” 
He couldn’t help but to shake his head. “I can’t help thinking about it all. The desperation, the anger, the betrayal; I wished we had met in different circumstances then perhaps our fifth year together might have been normal.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N huffed, the makings of a smirk spreading across her lips. “I was entering Hogwarts for the first time as a fifth year student who could see traces of an ancient magic, who would complete these trails created by wizards from long ago to see their memories and ended up fighting a goblin turned dragon before the year ended.” 
Sebastian looked down to see his wife smirking. “Regardless of how we met, our fifth year was never going to be normal.” 
Just like that the dark thoughts whirling in were cast away by Y/N’s light hearted humor, and it didn’t hurt that she was absolutely correct. 
He let out a deep root laugh, nuzzling into Y/N’s neck once more and began to gently sway her in his arms. “I suppose you’re right, darling. And I believe that even if my situation hadn’t been what it was, we would’ve met eventually anyhow.” 
Y/N pulled away a bit only to turn to face him while still in his embrace, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck. “Call it fate. Someone had to keep an eye on you.”
“Well I’m glad to have had your company, Mrs. Sallow, even if it was to keep me out of trouble.” 
“To be fair, I didn’t do a very good job at it.” 
Tightening his hold around her back, he pressed Y/N further into his chest. “True. Probably wasn’t the wisest to send the ancient magic prodigy to babysit a no good scoundrel.”
He said it like it was a joke, but the regret quickly filling his eyes didn’t fool Y/N. Her expression fell into that of compassion and without thinking, she brought her hand up to softly caress the underside of his jaw. 
“Hey now..” The words barely a whisper as she spoke. “I love you and despite it all, I’m glad that I met you. I’ve never had any regrets about that so you shouldn’t either.”
“I love you too.” Was all he said then leaned in to plant a tender kiss to Y/N’s lips. First it was the soft, overly gentle kiss that most new couples share in moments of vulnerability but seamlessly turned deeper, passionate. The heat of lust rising within and fanning the flames of love that survived the hardships promised to every living being. 
Their hands began to wander over the familiar plane of their partner, taking note of the thumping heartbeat and the sudden warmth enveloping the skin. They continued this memorized dance for several more seconds, pulling away only when the need to air outweighed the need for the other. A light panting exchanged between the two when Y/N’s eyes had left Sebastian’s for just a moment to stare at the bed. 
“The sheets…” She breathlessly uttered. 
His brow furrowed slightly. “What about them?”
She looked back at him. “They’re new.”
Y/N brought her hands to seductively fiddle with the two tops buttons of Sebastain’s nightshirt, only to finally unbutton them completely. “Annnd,” she let the word roll on her tongue for longer than necessary, “I think that it’s time that we break them in, see how they hold up.”
She could almost see the ways his eyes darkened at the promiscuous suggestion though he chuckled despite the heat growing in his groin. “Good idea, darling, it’s best we make good use of the new house. See what we can get away with.”
Sebastian had let his hand drift from her back over the plump flesh of her bottom, giving her rear a small squeeze and suddenly lowering his hands to the back of her thighs to lift her up into the air. Y/N let out a gasp at the motion with a sweet giggle bursting from her throat right after as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her towards their bed. She gave him a few pecks on lips, continuing to do so even as her back was lowered to the plush material of the mattress. 
For the remainder of the evening, Y/N and Sebastian got lost in each other’s touch; not sure where one ended and the other began. And into the late hours of the night, Y/N couldn’t help reminiscing on how much her life had changed. 
Through all the pain, the battles, the injuries, and broken hearts, Y/N would always be thankful that she met the trouble making fifth year: Sebastian Sallow, a good friend and the love of her life.
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addthespaghetti · 6 months
French Toast
please ignore my bad jokes.
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warnings: drinking, fluff, harassment, and sexual humor
1300+ words
You wake up tired from the night before, and as you attempt to roll over to stretch out, your girlfriend pulls you toward her. You smile at this gesture; Emily's love language has always been physical touch. Whether its cuddling with you on the couch after a hard case or even just holding your hand under the table at dinners with her team. She always makes it a point to be touching you in some way.
She has been like this since you met; it was a long day at work, and all you wanted to do was to drink away your problems for the day, alone, at your favorite bar. Of course, a man had to ruin you by asking to buy you a drink, but you politely turn him down. Then, he refused to take no for an answer. He kept trying to buy you drinks, and when you kept turning down his offers, he got aggressive over it.
That's when she came to your rescue by flashing her FBI badge at the man so he would stop bothering you. When he finally decided to back off because he was scared of getting arrested, you insisted on buying her a drink to thank her, but one drink became two, and two drinks' quickly became four, and while you don't usually hook up with strangers. Emily was the exception because she immediately captivated you, giving you butterflies by only touching you slightly.
It was no surprise when you woke up naked that morning in a strange bed with her arm wrapped around you and a random cat purring by your head.
Now, after almost one year of being together, you are in the same position, minus Sergio, who is most definitely getting into something he shouldn't like he always does.
As much as you would love to lay in bed with Emily all day, you really need to pee, and if you wait to feed Sergio any longer, he will start breaking things. So you reluctantly try to quickly and quietly sneak out of Emily's arms without waking her up, but of course, why would the world be on your side and Emily ends up waking up anyway.
"Baby, go back to sleep." You say quietly, knowing she just came home from a hard case and needed more time to rest.
"Don't leave me, please?" Emily spoke in her raspy morning voice that has you folding every time you hear it. The only reason you didn't give in and lay back in bed the second that came out of her mouth was the growing need to pee, and you did not need another broken flower pot from an annoyed Sergio.
You grab Emily's face lightly and give her a soft kiss. After you break apart, you whisper against against her lips, "I need to feed Sergio, if he doesn't get food, you will be cleaning up dirt from the carpet."
Emily groans, but she knows you're right. "Fine," she says, pouting against your lips.
You roll your eyes' playfully, taking your hand off her face and grabbing a shirt off the ground. While pulling the shirt over your head, you walk to the bathroom to pee and brush your teeth.
After finishing up, you exit the bathroom and look at your sleeping girlfriend. Emily has always been effortlessly beautiful, and honestly, you are a little jealous of how good her hair looks after a whole night of sleep.
You get brought back to reality by a screeching cat after zoning out thinking about Emily. Bending over, you pick up Sergio so he would stop meowing. You whisper to him while leaving the room, "Hush, you wake her up, and I will withhold your treats."
Sergio meows back, and you laugh. You know he can't understand you, but it is still amusing when he meows back like he is answering you.
After putting him down, you go to the cabinet and
grab his food. Emily always gets him the good, expensive stuff. It's kinda funny because he eats better than you half the time. While putting the food in his bowl, you realize how hungry you are after forgetting to eat dinner last night, and for the first time ever, you are happy your fucked up mother forced you to learn how to cook so you could "please a man."
Going over to Emily's fridge, you open it and laugh. It was so empty you were surprised you didn't see a tumbleweed roll across one of the shelves. Luckily, she had some eggs and milk, so you grabbed them from the fridge. Remembering she also has bread in her cabinet, you go grab that too, deciding to make French Toast.
After getting everything ready, you turn on the stove to let it heat up for a second.
While waiting for it to heat up, you zone out and think about your life. You grew up in such a fucked up household, having your mother teach you that a woman should stay in the kitchen and that woman's only purpose is to take care of her husband. However, because you were smart, you secretly applied to college and got accepted. You cut off your parents as soon as you got to college. After escaping your parents, you spent years unlearning this way of thinking and started dating women. Then you found Emily, and you learned what true love and happiness is.
You snap back to reality to a pair of arms hugging you from behind and Emily's head lying on your shoulder. You smile and start cooking the French Toast. While you cooked the French Toast, Emily did not make one indication that she was going to move, and she didn't. She stood there hugging you from behind for the entire time you cooked.
When you finished cooking the French Toast, you turned off the stove and moved the pan to a different burner. Not being able to move because Emily is holding on to you like you will disappear if she lets go, you decide to say something so the food doesn't get cold, "Em, baby, you need to move so we can eat before the French Toast gets cold."
Emily groaned but let go of you, and then she grabbed plates from the cabinet and handed them to you. You took the French Toast out of the pan and plated it. After Grabbing them, you walk to the table with Emily behind you with forks. You spoke, deciding to poke fun at Emily for her lack of food, "Sorry for the lack of syrup or powdered sugar, but you had so little food you would think it was the 1940s, and we still used ration cards."
After Emily tried and failed to suppress her grin, she decided to take a bite out of her food so you couldn't see her smile at your joke.
"I see you smiling," you say, smiling at her.
"Just shut up and eat your French Toast," Emily says unseriously.
"Or what," you say just to get a reaction from her.
Since you sat right next to Emily, she grabbed your face and brought it closer to her. She whispered right by your ear, "I'll fuck you so hard you will feel it all week." Then she let go of your face and started eating her French Toast like nothing happened.
You sit there with your jaw dropped. No matter how often she does that, it always renders you speechless. While you sit shocked, she brings her fork to your mouth and feeds you the French Toast. You and Emily start dying of laughter after this. You laugh so hard it brings tears to your eyes.
When you finish laughing, you notice Emily staring at you, "What?" You ask confused.
"I love you," she says.
"I love you too."
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 7 months
The family you make
Azriel's week: Day 1
Hosted by: @azrielappreciationweek
Word count: 1300+
You returned to the House of Wind more mentally than physically exhausted, tears stinging your eyes. You regretted the silly decision the moment you stepped into your parents' house. How could you be so naive to think things would change? After so many years that only proved that your parents wouldn't change. Never.
For them you were the biggest disappointment in their perfect lives. Whatever you did, nothing was enough, nothing was good. Your work in Library and cooperation with High Lord and inner circle? Pointless. Living in the High Lord's palace? Pathetic. Being part of his inner circle? Embarrassing. Suddenly your entire life felt like one big failure and you were drowning in it.
You were so tired and beaten by the life itself, that you weren't able to make it all the way to your room and needed to find some silent place nearby where you could put yourself together, away from prying eyes. You looked around, realising there is small family library right on your left.
Silently you entered and quickly closed the doors behind. You forced legs to take you to the one of the corners hidden behind shelves where nobody would notice you. As you dragged yourself through the room you didn't see anybody in there. The sets of armchairs and sofas were empty as well as the aisles between the shelves. You sighed in relieve. At least Mother had been merciful to you. Sitting down in the dark corner you pulled knees to chest and resting head on your arms you gave free rein to the feelings.
You didn't hear anybody to enter the library, so you startled when a deep voice came from the other side of aisle.
“Are you okay?” You couldn't see a thing because of the tears that wouldn't stop rolling down your cheeks, but you didn't even need to. You knew the voice as well as his owner. It was Azriel, the dangerously looking shadowsinger.
You became part of inner circle just recently and while others had welcomed you with open arms, he kept his distance. You still vividly remembered as he flinched when he first met you as well as his piercing gaze that followed you for the rest of that day. It was quite uncomfortable, making you feel naked in public. Even now you sometimes sensed his eyes being glued to your back causing unpleasant shiver ran down your spine. Only good point was he had never been mean to you, but he wasn't friendly either.
“I'm fine,” you managed to breath out between sobs, still hiding face in sleeves. Azriel huffed.
“If you insist,” was the only thing he said, but you could hear the sound of his boots getting closer to you. You tried to stifle sobs, but he certainly still heard them anyway. Wings rustled as he sat down in front of you. “Something happened when you went to visit your parents earlier?” Surprised, you looked up at him through tears.
“How do you know where I went?” He shrugged shoulders as if to say that the answer is clear. Another wave of tears welled up in your eyes as you remembered all the insults parents told you today.
“Sometimes people we are bond to by blood aren't the best of the family,” he said, his voice much softer than you had ever heard him to use.
“They are the only family I have,” you opposed. A lump rose in your throat as sadness consumed your inside.
“You are wrong,” he simply said.
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He measured you from head to toe with unreadable expression.
“We are your family or at least can be one if you let us.” His hazel eyes with gold flecks wandered around your face, searching for answer on unspoken question. You were too tired and felt so bad, you really didn't get what he was telling you at first. You shook your head in frustration. Corners of his perfect mouth lifted up in hardly-there smirk.
“Rhys and Cassian already consider you their little sister. Mor and Feyre like you, too. I'd dare to say even Amren kind of likes you in her own way.”
Any other day these words would make you happy, but today wasn't that day. For some reason it hurt you even more. His words were like salt to your widely open wound and you broke down. Azriel made a restless noise and his wings rustled while shadows whirled around you, caressing your back and arms. He hesitantly reached out and his big warm hand landed on your head, gently patting it.
“They really do?” you sobbed.
“And what about you?” He stiffened. “You don't want me around you and your family.” You felt bad for what you said as soon as the words left your mouth. It was a blow below the belt, especially when he was trying so hard to be nice.
He thought about it for a second, silence stretching between you. "I like you too," he muttered reluctantly at last, his voice slightly shook on word 'like'.
"Liar," you laughed through tear, but there wasn't any joy in it.
"I'm honest. You are my family," Azriel stated, his voice flat of any emotions. "Maybe I can't show it as easily as others, but I do think so. Really." His eyes seemed to be earnest, but his body was sending the opposite signals. You just nodded, blush spreading on your face. Even though it was confusing, something in his statement put on a spark in your chest and you felt a bit better.
"Thank you," you muttered. One corner of his mouth lifted up forming a lovely dimple in his cheek, his hand slipped down to your shoulder and rubbed it reassuringly.
"Anytime," he mumbled. "I'm here for you." He watched you for a while with lips pressed into a tiny line. "Should I leave you alone?" he asked hesitantly.
You shook head. "I mean if you don't mind, but you probably have some work to do." You wanted to add that he always seemed to be busy, but you didn't. Azriel just nodded in answer.
And so you sat there in quite comfortable silence. Your sobs gradually calmed down, but he continued to rub your arm in soothing circles.
Suddenly doors opened and you could hear heavy steps. "Y/N, you in there?" Cassian called into the room. Azriel looked into your wide eyes and nodded once in understanding. Then he swiftly stood up and peeked from the aisle.
"She isn't here," he answered seemingly bored. "Do you need something from her?"
Although you couldn't see Cassian, you could imagine how his brows furrowed now.
"Not really. Y/N went to her parents, but she should be already back. She's always depressed after that, so I just wanted to make sure she's okay."
"I see," Azriel said without interest. "Did you try her room?"
"Yeah, I did, but she isn't there. Books are quite her comfort, so I thought she might be in here. Never mind. I'm going to ask Clotho if she has seen her." And with that Cassian left.
Azriel waited few moments before he returned to you. "You okay?" he asked sitting back down.
"Thanks," you nodded. Once Rhysand told you that even though it didn't look like that, when it comes to family, Azriel is very caring and protective type. Now you wondered if this was also his way of taking care of family. As you were thinking about it, something warm raised in your chest.
You wiped your tears on the sleeve. "I guess I should go clean myself. Cassian is already worried enough. He doesn't need to see me like this."
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Azriel cocked head to the side, watching you carefully.
"I feel much better thanks to you. I'm really grateful," you gave him small smile.
Shadowsinger just nodded, helping you stand up. Then he stepped aside, so you could pass him.
Before you turned the corner you looked back at him once again, but he was already searching the shelves with books. "Thank you," you whispered and left.
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nolita-fairytale · 8 months
don't want to walk alone | carmen 'carmy' berzatto x fem!reader | epilogue: november
summary: sugar has her baby marking the beginning of a new chapter for the berzatto family.
warnings: husband!carmy who comes with a warning label of his own, swearing, lots of tooth rotting fluff, marriage, no use of y/n, second person pov, she/her pronouns, the end
wc: 1300
listen to: 'lean on me' -- bill withers & 'chinatown' -- bleachers (because it's so make my heart surrender au coded) on the official don't want to walk alone playlist
a/n: well, folks! this gets us from here to the carmy as your baby daddy au. BUT i think it's time for me to let these two ride off into the sunset and go on their merry way. i have loved this story, these characters, this world since it filled my brain with a story that begged to be told, and forced me to write it because i couldn't stop thinking about it. i wrote something quite sappy in the a/n a few chapters ago, so i'll spare us an encore performance of it and just say this: thank you for reading. thank you for being a part of this story. thank you for being a part of their journey. i will pop into this world and perhaps maybe write oneshots from time to time, but... it's time, my loves. :) would anyone be interested in a behind the scenes look at this world like i did with 'burn your life down?' let me know!
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part five | masterlist
After sixteen long hours, Sugar’s baby comes: a perfect, rosy-cheeked, healthy baby boy that sends you and Carmy rushing to the hospital. Sugar hadn’t wanted you to come till she was ready to push, and by the time you got the text from Pete, you’d sped to the restaurant, ready to drag Carmy out of there, regardless of how busy it had been. 
Besides, everyone knew what was going on – on the edges of their seats, phones at the ready to hear any and all news about the new member of the family, and more than happy to support so that you and Carmy could show up for Sugar. 
“Carm?” Sugar asks for her brother, as you and Pete hug it out in the waiting room. You can’t even tell that the man’s been up all night; the excitement and joy in his eyes overshadowing any and all fatigue. 
Carmy excuses himself from you and Pete’s congratulatory embrace, making his way into the hospital room where his sister lays, propped up on her bed, baby in arms. 
So much has changed for the both of them: his sister, now a mother, and he, an uncle. Carmy takes cautious steps forward, the reality of it all beginning to hit him. 
“Hi,” she smiles, in complete awe of her new baby. 
“Woah,” Carmy says, though completely incapable of hiding the smile that begins to form over his face. “You made that.”
“I made that,” she chuckles with an eye roll, glancing from the baby, to her brother, then back to her son. “And he’s the most perfect thing in the world. Baby boy, I want you to meet someone. I want you to meet your uncle.” 
Carmy carefully sits in the chair right next to the bed, turning his attention to the baby. 
“Can you say hi to your Uncle Carmy?” Nat coos, shifting so that she can properly introduce her son and Carmy. 
“Oh my goodness… look at you,” Carmy says, his eyes full of wonder as the sleeping baby shifts in Sugar’s arms. 
He’s not sure what to say, the words caught in his throat. He can feel it – that this is something momentous – but it’s as if he doesn’t know where to begin, lost in the magnitude of what’s happening right now. 
“Hey, little guy,” Carmy finally manages to get out, his voice stuck in his throat. 
Sugar chuckles again, letting out an exasperated sigh. 
“How ya doin?” Carmy asks, looking over at his sister this time. 
“Great. Just great,” she replies dryly, earning a laugh from Carmy, because it really has been one hell of a night. 
When she opens her mouth to answer this time, her words come out much more genuine and soft as she adds, “I am though. Really. I’m great.”
Carmy nods in understanding, his eyes searching his sister’s face for any more of a reaction. But he knows that this is a dream come true for her -- that being a mother had always been the plan. Carmy chooses to focus this time on the sleeping baby, who’s tucked his head into her chest, seeking out warmth and comfort in this strange, new world. 
“Bear?” Nat asks, as Carmy lifts his head to look at her once more. 
There’s something urgent in her voice that grabs his attention and he’s not sure what she’s going to say next. 
“Yeah?” he asks back, his eyes wide. 
“So I want to talk to you about something,” Sugar says, his voice softening even more as she looks down at her baby boy. Carmy nods once, letting her know that he’s ready as Nat continues. “I uh… well, Pete and I have been thinking a lot about this. And… I wanted to talk to you about it before we move forward with it.”
Carmy swallows, leaning in this time. 
“After we found out we were having a boy, Carm, we talked a lot… about what we would name him and… with his due date being in November… I don’t know. And look at him now, meeting him... it just feels right,” she begins, emotions welling in her voice. “We-, well, we want to name him Michael. If that’s okay… with you.”
Carmy has to stop for a moment, frozen in time as he hears the name. It’s not like he gets emotional about these kinds of things very often, but then again, this is all new to him – new to the little families they’re building; a new generation of Berzattos. 
“Uh,” Carmy croaks out, his voice stuck in his throat as he realizes he’s much more moved than he expected to be. “Uh yeah, Sug. I… it’s okay with me.”
“Are you sure? Because I didn’t know if you wanted to use the name or-,” Sugar begins to explain. 
“No, it’s-, it’s okay,” Carmy is quick to interject. “If it feels right. I mean we haven’t even-, you know, we’re not talking about… yet….” 
Sugar nods in understanding, because she knows that you and Carmy have only been married for two months now. Hell, she's your best friend; she'd know if either of you were talking about having kids.
“So,” Carmy says, his eyes suddenly feeling watery. “Guess there’s a new Michael Berzatto then?”
He takes another look at his baby nephew, joy and grief both trapped inside his chest. Carmy's overwhelmed by it all: hearing his name, what this means for the Berzattos, this new beginning. He thinks back to what you said to Sugar on your wedding day -- that this could be the start of a new chapter for all of you -- the reality of your words reflected back to him now, all in one tiny package of new life.
"Welcome to the world, buddy," Carmy manages to say, his voice soft and full.
And it's as if every single thing that's led to this moment, and every single possibility that the future may hold rush before his eyes.
“Welcome to the world, baby boy,” Sugar whispers, suddenly overwhelmed with emotions.
Wanting to give Carmy and Nat time alone together, you spend the first part of your hospital visit with Pete in the waiting room, as the teary-eyed man recounts the intensity of the last eight hours. You can see it in his eyes, hear it in the way he speaks, that this is a dream come true for him – becoming a father. 
Soon enough, Pete is ushering you into the hospital room, more than eager to introduce you to your new nephew. By the time you and Pete join her and Carmy, the new Berzatto is fast asleep on her chest, while Carmy sits quietly next to her. There’s an energy between the siblings, something you notice right away, and you can only imagine that this is emotional for the both of them on so many levels. 
“Hi,” you grin, looking from Sugar to Carmy, as you join him by her bedside.  
“Hi, sweetie,” Sugar greets you. Carmy smiles at you, as your hand comes up to rub comforting patterns over his shoulder and back. 
“Pete,” Nat begins again. “Carmy and I were just talking… about his name.”
“Oh yeah?” Pete asks, smiling hopefully as he exchanges a look with his wife. 
She nods, a full conversation happening between the new parents with just one look. Pete lets out a heavy exhale, smiling at his wife as Nat answers with:
Carmy clears his throat, his arm closest to you squeezing you closer to him, gently leaning his head against your side in search of comfort. 
“What’d you decide on?” you ask curiously, the air seemingly tense with feeling. 
“Michael,” Sugar answers, exchanging a look with her brother this time. Carmy squeezes your hip, and as you search his face for a reaction, you can tell he's holding back tears.
“His name is Michael.”
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 6 months
One in Eleven Million (ch. 6)
damian wayne x reader x jon kent
(A/N): So I think this ends up being ten chapters? I'll try to post more frequently; I've tortured you all long enough haha. Though I'm hoping to get a couple different things out in the next couple of weeks, so you'll get more from me, just not always of this.
As always, masterlist linked here.
warnings: air travel, turbulence
wc: ~1300
Damian turned from where he was watching you continue your project to face Jon. He pulled off his zip up sweater, tugging down the sleeve of his long sleeved shirt to hide the bandages Jon did at the hotel earlier in the morning, before passing it over to Jon. 
“Here.” Damian nudged him. “For the sunglasses.” 
Though he could feel your eyes on the back of his neck, Damian ignored you for now, taking his sunglasses back from Jon’s outstretched hand. In the corner, Jon curled into a ball, head tilted against the wall and face buried in Damian’s sweatshirt. Damian watched him for a moment, chest tight. No matter how many times he’d been through this with Jon, it didn’t get easier seeing him in pain. Jon flicked him a thumbs up and Damian relaxed, turning back to you. Overhead, the safety announcement came to a close. 
“He’s okay?” You asked, eyes fixed on Jon. Your arms, already wrapped around yourself, tightened. Damian nodded, eyes straying back to his left for just a moment before returning to you. 
“He will be, once we get up in the air and away from the chaos of the airport.” He tipped his chin at the project left abandoned in your lap. “How long have you been doing that?” 
“Oh a couple of years maybe? I’m not sure exactly. Do you,” you hesitated. “Do you do some kind of art? And you read Arabic, right? I saw the book you were reading last night.” Damian’s eyes scanned your face. You looked nervous, though genuine, and he found himself not minding the questions. It felt more like curiosity than idle small talk. He hated small talk.
“I do. And speak it.” Your eyes lit up. 
“Cool,” you breathed, smiling. “I’m not great at languages but I would like to be fluent in a few one day. And art?” 
“I draw,” Damian revealed. “And paint.” He fought to keep from mirroring your smile.
“That’s awesome. I write a little bit, but only as a hobby.”  
“Really? About what?” He asked genuinely. 
“Whatever I get motivation for I guess? I wish I had a better answer but I just like it.” 
“Doing things for liking them is an answer.” Damian could almost see you mulling the words around in your head. He took the moment to observe your features up close: beautiful eyes and an unexpectedly striking smile. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
“I know.” 
Your startled laugh tore the last of his self restraint down. Damian’s face split into a grin.
The two of you spent the next while talking about everything and anything. You shared your reasons for being on the plane at all, your favorite color, your other hobbies. In turn, he showed you pictures of his art, his cat and dog, and gorgeous shots of Gotham at sunrise. He had a lot of pictures of him and a brown man with shaggy dark hair and bright blue eyes. In the recent pictures, Damian began to overtake him in height. “My oldest brother,” Damian offered when you asked. 
“You’re the youngest?” He nodded. 
“Of several. I am one of the tallest, though.” 
“Oh boy,” you laughed. “I bet your older siblings hate that.” 
“They do.” 
And then there were the pictures of Jon. Jon by himself or with Damian’s pets, Jon captured in Damian’s art, and Damian and Jon together. 
“Where was this?” You asked. In the picture, Damian was standing on a pathway covered in a dusting of snow, bundled up and on crutches. Jon, in a blue zip-up and jeans, was making a snow angel on the ground in much deeper snow beside him. 
“A few winters ago. In Gotham.” 
“I remember that snowfall” You thought back to the remnants of a Mr. Freeze plot. Following Batman’s intervention, all that was left was a snowy cold front. “But mostly I stayed inside and caught up on work during the snow day. And watched too much TV.” Damian huffed a laugh. 
On his other side, small snores emanated from the pile of denim and red fabric. Jon didn’t wake when the flight attendant came around with snacks. Damian accepted Jon’s pretzels for him.
“How long have you two known each other?” You asked, some time in. Damian looked over at Jon. The lights in the cabin were dim, and both boys were bathed in shadow. 
“A decade or so, now,” he said. Then, a little quieter. “He’s my best friend.” 
“You’re a good friend Damian.” Your eyes followed his over to Jon. He looked smaller than you’d ever seen him, all 6ft something curled up in an economy airplane seat. “He’s lucky to have you.“And I know I don’t know you guys that well but I can tell he’s a good person. And that you’re lucky to have him too.” 
Damian didn’t argue. 
“I am.” 
Two hours in, Jon stirred, pushing the hood off his head and blinking slowly. 
“Hey,” he mumbled. Your breath caught unwittingly in your throat. Jon’s voice was rough and his hair was mussed from where it had been smushed underneath his hoodie. You curled your fingers into your palms, resisting the urge to push back a curl that had dropped onto his forehead. Jon rubbed the backs of his hands against his eyes, dislodging his glasses. “Did I fall asleep?” 
“Morning,” you managed. Some part of you was surprised you managed to get out any words at all, much less in a tone that wouldn’t pass for a squeal. 
Damian took his sweatshirt back from Jon’s offering hand. “Feeling better?”
“Yeah,” he said, attempting to stretch while crammed in a seat with no legroom. You just watched, chest squeezing pleasantly. Damian was watching similarly. What am I doing? You wondered to yourself. He’s not yours, neither of them are. 
“You needed the sleep,” Damian said beside you. Jon snorted out a laugh. 
“Thanks Dames,” he said dryly. 
You wrenched your attention away from the boys, turning your phone over in between your hands. It was too late, you knew. You were already attached. But this was a plane, a vehicle to get you from place to place. There was no reason they would be any different, just a passing point in your life. Selfishly, you hoped they might be more. 
A tap on your shoulder from Damian brought you back into the conversation. 
“Huh?” Two sets of concerned eyes were watching you carefully. Your eyes met green then blue for only a moment. “What’s up? I zoned out for a moment, sorry. Tired.” 
Damian looked like he wanted to argue with you. You hoped he wouldn’t; you might have only met him the day before, but you had a feeling he’d figure it out anyway. 
“Do you know how far we are?” Jon asked instead. 
“Oh sure I can check that one sec.” You opened the airline map on your phone. “About an hour and a half away.” The little airplane icon on your phone screen placed the plane somewhere above the Chicago area. “See?” 
“Oh that’s cool!” Jon said to Damian, taking the device from you. “Kinda looks like the thing your dad has for my dad.” There was context you were missing, you assumed. Damian huffed a laugh. 
“It’s a similar technology.” 
“What do your dads do?” You asked them. 
“He’s a journalist,” Jon offered. 
“Businessman.” Damian’s lips quirked up. “Family business.” 
That did not clear it up for you whatsoever. You snapped your mouth shut on any follow-up questions at the jump of turbulence. Your shoulders stiffened instinctively for a moment before you relaxed back into your seat. This wasn’t your first batch of turbulence and it probably wouldn’t be your last. Damian didn’t seem shaken. Jon, though, looked terrified, one hand gripping Damian’s wrist and the other tapping furiously against his thigh. 
“Is this normal? On commercial planes?” 
“Sometimes,” Damian assured. “The pilot warned of turbulence earlier.” 
“They usually come over the loudspeaker when it happens, just to reassure people.” 
Your prediction came true with a crackle of the intercom. 
“Just an average bit of turbulence folks. All numbers are still in the green, so no need to worry. As a precaution, the seatbelt signs are going back on so please stay seated if possible.” 
The pilot’s voice seemed to reassure Jon. You, for one, were tired of hearing it.
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iovebarca · 27 days
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The Coin Toss - Pablo Gavi
Authors note: send me some requests!
WC: 1300+
warnings: incorrect grammar (probably), my first language isn't english so if you notice any mistakes please tell me, just fluff!
summary: You rely on coin flips to make decisions, leading you to meet Pablo at the park, where you bond over your shared tradition. A coin toss decides on the beginning of a beautiful love story.
Decision-making had always been a daunting task for you. The weight of choosing between two paths, each filled with its own set of uncertainties, often left you paralyzed with indecision. It was during one particularly challenging period in your life that you stumbled upon an unconventional solution, the simple act of flipping a coin.
It started as a whim, a desperate attempt to break free from the cycle of overthinking and second-guessing. One day, faced with a difficult choice, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a coin. With a flick of your thumb, you sent it spinning into the air, leaving its fate to chance.
On this particular day you couldn't decide if you wanted to go to the park or stay in your apartment to study for an upcoming business exam. "Heads, I go to the park," you whispered, the words a silent prayer to the whims of fate.
As the coin arced gracefully through the air, time seemed to slow to a crawl. And then, with a soft clink, it landed in your palm, revealing its verdict. "Heads," you repeated, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Looks like the park it is."
You arrived at the park with a weight on your shoulders, a decision looming in the forefront of your mind. The vast expanse of greenery seemed to beckon you, promising solace and clarity amidst the chaos of life.
As you wandered through the winding paths, the sunlight filtering through the leaves above, you felt the tension begin to ease from your muscles. The scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers filled the air, carrying with it a sense of tranquility that you desperately needed.
Finally, you found yourself drawn to a secluded bench nestled beneath the shade of a grand oak tree. It seemed to call to you, offering a sanctuary where you could gather your thoughts and find the answers you sought. Only there was a guy sitting on the bench.
Approaching him tentatively, you cleared your throat, your voice betraying the nervousness that churned within you. "Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?"
The stranger looked up, his warm brown eyes crinkling at the corners as he offered you a friendly smile. "Not at all," he replied, gesturing to the empty space beside him.
Introductions are made, and you learn his name is Pablo. You chat about inconsequential things at first— the weather, the beauty of the park— but soon the conversation takes an interesting turn.
"So, what brings you to the park today?" Pablo asks, a playful glint in his eyes.
You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts before deciding to share a glimpse of your quirky tradition with the stranger beside you. "Actually, I was going to study for a business exam I have coming up," you began, your voice tinged with a hint of amusement, "but I ended up here instead. You see, I have this odd tradition where I flip a coin to make decisions."
The stranger's eyes widened in surprise, a grin spreading across his face. "No way, you too?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "That's incredible! I can't believe we have the same tradition."
You couldn't help but laugh at the sheer coincidence of it all, feeling a sense of connection growing stronger between you with each passing moment. "It seems like fate brought us together," you remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
A playful glint danced in Pablo's eyes as he suggested, "Well, why don't we put our tradition to the test? Make a decision together?" "Sure, I'd love that," you replied, unable to hide the smile that tugged at your lips.
With a grin, Pablo retrieved a coin from his pocket, the sunlight catching its gleaming surface as he held it between his fingers. "Heads, we go for ice cream. Tails, we take a stroll by the lake," he proposed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
You watched with bated breath as Pablo flicked the coin into the air, its metallic clang echoing through the quiet park. Time seemed to stand still as it twirled and spun before finally landing in his palm, revealing its verdict.
"Heads!" Pablo exclaimed, a delighted smile spreading across his face. "Looks like we're getting ice cream."
Your heart soared with excitement as you rose from the bench, a sense of adventure coursing through your veins. Together, you set off towards the nearby ice cream parlor, laughter and lighthearted banter filling the air.
The bell above the door chimed cheerfully as you stepped inside, greeted by the tantalizing aroma of freshly made waffle cones and the colorful display of frozen delights. Pablo's eyes sparkled with delight as he scanned the menu, his excitement infectious.
"I can never resist a classic vanilla cone," he admitted with a sheepish grin.
You chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth spread through you at his endearing confession. "I'm a sucker for anything with chocolate." you confessed, feeling a twinge of excitement at the thought of indulging in your favorite flavor.
As you waited for your treats to be prepared, you and Pablo found a cozy corner to sit, the air filled with the hum of conversation and the tantalizing scent of freshly baked waffle cones.
With your ice cream in hand, you and Pablo savored each delicious bite, the sweetness of the frozen treat melting on your tongues. You couldn't help but smile as you watched Pablo's eyes light up with each lick of his cone, his expression one of pure bliss.
As you and Pablo enjoyed your ice cream, there was an undeniable spark between you, an electric energy that seemed to crackle in the air. With each laugh shared and every lingering glance exchanged, the connection between you deepened, igniting a flame that warmed your hearts.
As you continued to chat, the conversation took a more intimate turn, delving into deeper topics that revealed the layers of your personalities. Each revelation felt like a step closer to understanding each other on a profound level, and with every shared moment, the connection between you deepened, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and emotions. It might be weird but you felt like you've known him your whole life.
As the conversation lulled into a comfortable silence, a gentle breeze swept through the park, stirring the leaves of the trees and sending a cascade of golden light dancing across the grass. In that moment of serene tranquility, Pablo's gaze met yours, his eyes soft with an unspoken question.
Without a word, he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your cheek. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt the electric thrill of anticipation coursing through you, your senses heightened by the proximity of his presence.
With a tender smile, Pablo's hand brushed against yours, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Is it okay if I...?" he began, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes searching yours for permission.
Your heart raced in your chest as you nodded, a rush of warmth flooding your cheeks. "Yes," you breathed, your voice barely audible over the sound of your pounding heart.
And then, with a tenderness that took your breath away, Pablo closed the remaining distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a soft, hesitant kiss. It was a moment filled with all the sweetness and innocence of a first kiss, a gentle exploration of the newfound feelings that bloomed between you.
As you melted into each other's embrace, lost in the magic of the moment, you knew with absolute certainty that this was just the beginning of a love story that would unfold in the most beautiful of ways. And as you lingered in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of newfound affection, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had brought you together.
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photogirl894 · 1 month
You probably know where the inspiration for this one comes from, but can I pretty please request a Hunter x Reader with the line “I’d rather share one short life with you than spend my whole life alone, " possibly in a fantasy AU where Hunter is a knight and reader is a princess??
Congratulations on 1300 followers, lovey!
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Girl, you know the quickest way to my heart! Give me Hunter AND Aragorn?? YES!! 🥰 Glad you caught where that line prompt came from lol I just re-worded it a little differently.
I can definitely do a fantasy AU for you, my sweet Liz 💜🥰
"Heart of a Man"
7. “I’d rather share one short life with you than spend my whole life alone.”
Pairing: Hunter x Princess reader (Fantasy AU)
As a Princess, you were not afforded the luxury of love. Your older brother was next in line for the throne, so you didn't have to worry about the pressure of being Queen one day and finding a suitable spouse to rule with. However, you were expected by your parents, the King and Queen, to enter a political marriage with the Prince of another kingdom to secure an alliance between your kingdom and his. You didn't want to be forced into something like that, but you were a Princess; therefore, it was your duty.
You especially didn't want to go through with the marriage because your heart already belonged to someone else...someone you unfortunately could not be with.
His name was Hunter and he was the Captain of the Kingsguard. He was the one your father always entrusted with your safety when you traveled to other kingdoms or needed security or an escort somewhere. When you spent so much time with the Captain, it was almost inevitable that you would fall for him. Especially when he was handsome beyond compare with his long, dark hair and a skull tattoo on half of his face; a mark of the tribe of people he hailed from. Even the most handsome Prince in all the world that every maiden fawned over would not rival the Captain. Not by a long road. He was also noble, loyal, brave and incredibly kind. Even though he was loyal to the King and tried to abide by his sworn duty to protect you, he couldn't deny his true feelings either and had fallen for you, too.
After one particular trip, when you had almost been assassinated and the Captain had saved your life by putting himself between you and the attacker, you had let your feelings slip by kissing him when you were alone in the medical room. The both of you had suspected there was something more between you, but had chosen to not act on your feelings so as to not put yourselves in compromising positions. That day, though, when you thought you'd almost lost him, you decided duties be damned. Even if it was just the once.
It was that day that changed everything. Your tender kiss was what caused a shift in the Captain's heart...a shift so great that one night, at a grand ball; the one where you were supposed to announce your engagement to the Prince, even, he came to you with an offer that greatly surprised you.
The feast was over and everyone in attendance was mingling or dancing. Your parents were talking with the Prince's parents and the Prince was trying to talk to you, too, but you weren't really in a mood. You hated that you were even at this ball to begin with. Luckily, Hunter came to your rescue, telling you he had some urgent business to discuss with you, which gave you the excuse to take your leave of the Prince.
He led you to the secluded gardens out on the grounds of the castle and once he was sure the two of you were out of sight from any patrols or royals, he took you in his arms and kissed you with such overwhelming passion that you immediately couldn't help but reciprocate.
"Was this your urgent business, Captain?" you asked between kisses.
"Yes and no," he answered, "but I will get to it in a moment."
You pulled away and hugged him around his waist, burying your face in his chest. "I don't want to go through with this," you told him, your voice quivering as you felt his hand smooth your hair. "I don't want to be with the Prince. I want to be with you. If I marry the Prince, I'll be taken away to his kingdom and I'll never see you again. I don't know if my heart could bear it."
Tears fell from your eyes and onto his armor. For a short moment, he said nothing, but when he did, he said something that you didn't anticipate:
"Then run away with me."
Stunned, you lifted your head to look at him, his brown eyes almost glowing in the moonlight as he looked down lovingly at you.
"I can't deny myself of this any longer," he told you. "My heart as a man has overcome my duty as a knight...and I have fallen deeply in love with you, my Princess."
You lightly gasped in both surprise and delight. He swore he would not shirk his duty as the Captain and that he would not compromise you that way for your safety...but now, it appeared that he was forgoing that vow.
"I can't bear the thought of you marrying the Prince either," he continued. He reached down and took your hands in his. "Run away with me and marry me, Princess. We can go anywhere, just us, and be together as we desire." He brought your hands to his lips and kissed your knuckles, showing his heartfelt devotion to you. “I’d rather share one short life with you than spend my whole life alone. Come with me...tonight...please, (Y/N)."
Never in all the time you'd known him had he ever addressed you by just your name. It was always formalities such as "Princess", "your Highness" or "my lady". That proved to you how incredibly serious he was about this proposal...and you thought your heart would burst with all-consuming joy.
"Yes!" you quietly exclaimed. "Yes, I will go with you and I will marry you! Yes!"
You threw all caution to the wind and jumped up on him, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him happily. He stumbled back slightly from the impact, but he held you in place against him as he kissed you in return.
When he set you back to the ground, he kept going, "I only have a bit of money to my name and I don't have a ring for you yet, but I can offer you my heart and my undying devotion. My duty to you remains the same: I will do everything in my power to protect you and to make you happy. I will love you for the rest of my days and beyond."
"I don't need anything else," you reassured him, your hand coming up to his cheek. "I only need my beloved Captain and the love he gives. That alone makes me richer as a woman than being a Princess ever did."
With a sigh of both relief and love, Hunter turned and pressed his lips to your palm.
"I love you so much," you told him.
"And I love you," he replied. "More than I can ever put into words."
"When do we leave...Hunter?" you asked with a smile, his name sweet as honey on your tongue.
"We can leave this very moment, if you wish," he answered.
"Then what are we waiting for, my love? Our future awaits."
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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seresinhangmanjake · 7 months
Beyond the Hills: Part 4
Jake Seresin x Reader (College AU)
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Main Masterlist, Beyond the Hills Masterlist
Summary: Technically, you and Jake Seresin have known each other for twelve years. All throughout your childhood education, you and Jake shared classes, lunch periods, homeroom teachers. It seemed if the opportunity for you to be in the same space arose, the universe made it happen. But you were not friends. Not enemies, either. Not much of anything to one another outside of the occasional class project partners. When high school ended you assumed you wouldn’t be seeing him any time soon, but then you find yourselves at the same college, and once again, forced together. It seems no matter where you go, Jake Seresin is there. But you are not the shy girl you were in your youth. You want to try things now; party, have fun, do things you’ve never done before, and suddenly, for reasons you don’t understand, Jake seems to take issue with your new choices.
Notes/warnings: just cursing, I think. Likely typos. I know people literally just voted for the second part of the Oh, Baby AU to be posted next, but this was almost done and I got a sudden burst of inspiration to finish it.
Words: 1300
“So are we going to talk about why you’re being weird or are we ignoring it or…what’s the plan here?”
Jake was trying to drown out the noise—the hundreds of jumbling thoughts in his head, each containing a question that led to the same answer: He liked you. He wanted you; enough to have the prickling sensation rise over his skin that said it might even be more than that. He couldn’t deny how he sought you out, catching himself walking to the campus coffee shop he knew you frequented, or considering attending the senior art exhibit because Lydia had mentioned you’d be there. Maybe it was because he needed you, in some way. He didn’t want to need you, and unlikely was it that you wanted to be needed by a man you barely knew, but he couldn’t stop himself. It was a craving. A yearning for something sweet and gentle and wholly unique, unlike anything else. And that’s exactly what you were. Unlike anything else. Special.
“Not answering me is only adding to the weirdness,” Rooster said, snapping his fingers from across the room, hoping the high-pitched sound might draw his roommate’s attention. “Did you hear me?”
Jake finally raised his forearm from his face where it had been resting to block the light from the sun, and sat up in his bed. His heavy inhale was a relief, as if he hadn’t been breathing quite right and just didn’t realize it until he made the conscious effort. 
“I heard you,” Jake said, running a hand through his hair to straighten the locks ruffled by his pillow.
“Oh, so you were just being a dick,” Rooster huffed. 
“Well, maybe don’t ask questions you already know the answers to.”
“How was I supposed to know if you wanted to talk about it or not?” Rooster moved to his own bed, plopping down and leaning forward with his elbows resting atop his knees. He clasped his hands and his thumbs began a little war with one another. “I guess I won’t ask if this behavior has anything to do with her, then.”
Jake nodded and snatched his t-shirt off the floor, pulling it over his head. “Would be a waste of a question.”
The shake of Rooster’s head in response irritated Jake immensely, but he knew where the reaction was coming from, and it wasn’t exactly…unfair. “It’s been a week since the bar, man, and you haven’t made a single move,” Rooster said. It was just short of a scolding, forcing Jake to roll his eyes. “Not even a step.”  
“I know.”
“Not even an ant-sized step. I mean, snails move faster than you. Snails, Jake.”
“I know,” Jake groaned. “I just—” He matched Rooster’s position but let his face fall into his hands, rubbing them up and down to try to erase the tight knitting of his features. “I think I’m going crazy." His words were muffled into his palms, then he lifted his head to meet his friend’s stare. “No, I know I am. I’m fucking insane, actually. I’m practically addicted to this girl and I don’t even really know her.”
“You keep saying that, but maybe you do.”
Jake’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “What?”
“You’ve always noticed her,” Rooster said. “She’s been in your classes for years. You know some of the things she likes, and what might make her laugh. You know that she’s embarrassed when the rain turns her hair frizzy, but you think it’s cute anyway. You know that…” He paused to remember another of many on the list of reasons. “You know she really likes strawberry-flavored things. And you know—”
"This is making me sound like a creep. How do you even know all of that?”
“You spilled it after a few drinks the other night," Rooster replied, smirking at the memory. “Look, all I’m saying is that you’ve unintentionally gathered a lot of information over the last twelve years. Putting all of that together,” Rooster shrugged, “Of course you like her. Hell, before Lyd wrapped me around her little finger even I was getting ready to like her and all I knew about her was that she’s beautiful. You know much more. So cut yourself some slack. She’s clearly a hard girl not to like.”
Understatement, Jake thought. Severe understatement. Rooster had a point Jake couldn’t deny. He had noticed so much about you—more than perhaps reasonable—and the truth was he had all the tools and knowledge to bring a smile to your face any time he wanted to. So why hadn’t he? Why had he restrained himself, and why did he still feel the itch to continue doing so?
You aren’t good enough for her, his thoughts intruded. That’s why. She deserves someone who won’t—
“Ok, why don’t you just say it out loud?” Rooster said. “You know, release it from that bottled-up, guarded portion of your heart.” 
Jake knew the look on his face was suggesting his roommate was nothing short of ridiculous, but Rooster didn’t budge. 
“Go on,” he urged.
The blond’s brows dipped in the center, mildly insulted. But that’s what happens when someone pinpoints one of the few things you’d rather not discuss. And it was harder knowing Rooster of all people was so easily able to do the pinpointing. The man’s brain was consistently on partying or Lydia, partying with Lydia, sex with Lydia, sex with Lydia at a party—Lydia, Lydia, Lydia—and still he had enough room in his head to sense Jake’s walls. He wasn’t intimidated by them, either. Despite how sturdy, how thick and long those walls of Jake’s were, Rooster had no issue walking right up to them, rapping on the carefully stacked stone with determined knuckles, and declaring, without any hint of gentle sympathy, that his friend was being an idiot. 
Maybe he was being an idiot. 
“My heart is not guarded,” Jake defended…weakly. 
Rooster's look easily proved how unconvinced he was. But maybe Jake wasn’t truly trying to be convincing. It felt like lying to his father after a night getting high with his best friend back in high school. Useless. Pointless. His father could smell the weed cloud wrapped around his son, and any following words from Jake’s lips fell on deaf ears. 
“Fine,” Jake muttered, his heart jackrabbiting against his ribcage. He was thankfully for that cage. It kept the organ from breaking free from his body like it felt it was on the verge of doing. Jake pushed on. He pushed through the thumping in his ears “I…I like her.”
“And all was well.”
“Shut up.”
Rooster clicked his tongue as he shook his head. “So touchy. Let’s hope if you two get together she soothes that grumpiness.”
“I’m not grumpy," Jake lightly snapped. If said by Rooster a minute earlier, Jake would have been harsher, but the weight of his confession was lighter than the denial he’d been holding on to. He suddenly found himself less angry. Less tense. “I’ve been conflicted for weeks and it’s exhausting.”
Jake would’ve said more. The relief of letting it out—however initially reluctant—coaxed him to spill more of his secrets. The tale of his past was ready to tumble off his tongue. But there was a knock at the door.
“It’s unlocked, baby,” Rooster called. 
The smile Rooster greeted his girl with whenever she entered a room fell instantly at the sight of her face. The confident woman he knew didn’t worry her lip between her teeth. She didn’t wring her hands. And yet, in that very moment, she was doing just that.
Rooster rushed her way. "Lyd, what's wrong?"
She released that lip; ran her fingers through shiny platinum strands. Her sigh filled the silence in the room, then she said, "We've got a problem, gang."
A/N: I hope you liked it :) It’s painfully long overdue, and I apologize to those who had an attachment to the series. I genuinely didn’t think many people wanted it. I’m actually really happy and thankful that you guys encouraged me to continue this. Just a little tidbit: “I’m practically addicted to this girl and I don’t even really know her” was the line this series was built around. I thought it would be fun to mention. 
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @sailor-aviator @novagreen04 @memeorydotcom
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just12moments · 1 year
Dreams of Winter [Preview]
aespa Winter x male reader
1300+ words
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A/N: Thanks for your patience. This is a preview of my 6k word draft in progress, but I feel like I'm forcing myself to complete it instead of letting the words flow. For now, I'll take a breather, work on other stories, and come back when the time is right.
I need to do Winter justice, ya know?
“Fuck me.”
Your eyes jolt open.
You look out to the patio in between blinding rays of light. The summer sun illuminates the wooden deck, and the grass beyond glistens with morning dew. A gentle breeze blows through half-open glass doors. You sit up on the bed and massage the strain out of the arm you had slept on.
That’s when you notice the persistent tension in your pants. You sigh and gingerly pull open the front of your boxers to check if you…
“Well, I didn’t cum to that.”
Disoriented from an imaginary journey, you soak in every detail of the room around you, refreshing your senses to start the day.
“This is the villa, which means…”
Your gaze lands on Winter, fast asleep by your side, her face glowing in your shadow. It’s soothing… the rise and fall of her chest, a pillow in her cute embrace. The sound of her faint breaths puts a thin smile on your face.
Your makeup’s still on. How late did you come back?
She stirs in her sleep, turning on her side to face you. She exhales as her face scrunches up ever so slightly, no doubt a reaction to the strange happenings in her dream. Her body curls up into a ball, and she tightly cuddles the pillow with her arms and legs.
Winter hums while she slides the cushion along her midriff down to her legs. She moans as she feels more friction on her sensitive areas. She nibbles on her lip and humps the pillow between her thighs, clawing and pulling it closer to her core, rubbing herself with increasing vigour. The unexpected scene sends a wave of arousal to your cock.
“Fuck… me…”
With furrowed eyebrows and curled toes, she acts out the sinful fantasies in her head. She sighs in pleasure, grinding deeper and harder into the pillow. After one especially harsh thrust, Winter lets out a long, sultry mewl. Her body subtly convulses and contracts into a tighter ball around her beloved pillow as her legs twitch with every orgasmic pulse.
The purest, most adorable Winter indulging in her sensual, lustful desires. This is a scene you had imagined many times but never witnessed.
You suddenly feel the hem of your pants at your fingertips. Just as you slowly tug them off, Winter’s eyes begin to flicker open. You quickly yank the blanket up to your shoulder and slip your head onto your pillow in a clumsy attempt to hide your growing bulge. Winter digs her sleepy head into her pillow as she struggles to open her eyes.
She greets you with a tired croak, muffled by the pillow smushed in her face.
“Haaa~ that was good…”
“Good sleep?”
Winter exhales deeply and lifts herself to her knees, eyes still closed. She combs her hair and brushes it to the side with a satisfied smile.
“Yeah~ I…”
She gasps with her eyes wide open. She looks down at the bed like she realized something. Then, her gaze meets yours. When you respond with a curious look, she looks away.
“Are you looking for something?”
You sit up and shuffle in your seat, searching for something that does not exist, but Winter answers in a hurry.
“Ah! N-no, no, I mean—I’ll go wash my face. Still have makeup on.”
She crawls off the bed and dashes barefoot to the bathroom. Winter disappears around the corner and into a nearby room.
Was that a dark patch between her legs, or are you still dreaming?
“Don’t get your hopes up. That probably meant nothing.”
The game on your phone lost its colour. Meaningless numbers and indistinct noises fill the background while the scene of Winter rubbing herself replays again and again in your mind.
Fuck… me…
“Oh, our tank died.”
Unable to distract yourself, you toss the phone across the bed. You sigh in frustration, contemplating the reality of the situation.
Did she change her mind? Here, of all places?
You can hear Winter whining and moaning as she rocks her hips back and forth against the pillow. She unbuttons her pants and stares right into your eyes. A wet pool of her essence stains her jeans and drips onto the bed sheets.
Hot breaths, beady eyes, wet pussy… she’s begging you to fuck her.
I’m still dreaming.
Winter’s sharp cry breaks the illusion. For a second, you forgot she was real.
“Oppa, please come here.”
“Yep, coming.”
You take a deep breath, hoping and praying to keep it in your pants.
“What’s up?”
Even Winter’s reflection looks stunning. Her chestnut hair flows down the curves of her small face, and her white blouse fits tightly on her slim body. She spread her arms across the sink, placing both hands flat on the counter. She’s looking away; her cheeks appear redder than normal.
On the side, you notice a folded pair of jeans with a pearl necklace placed on top.
But that means…
“I… had a w-weird dream.”
“Oh? Weirder than usual?”
“Yeah… I think we were running somewhere, looking for something. I first found you freezing in a blizzard. But I had magical powers to save you and keep you warm.”
As Winter explains her dream, the connections fall into place.
“So I hid under the snow, then I jumped on you when you passed by. You looked scared… but then you said—”
“My queen.”
Winter glances back at you, jaw dropped in disbelief.
“Huh? H-how did you know?”
“I think…”
Is this a sign?
“I think we had the same dream.”
Winter looks down at her feet, hiding the grin plastered on her face.
“So in your dream, what was I doing… on top of you?”
Is this destiny?
“If you were on top of me… that means you were the nine-tailed fox in my dreams.”
You gently place your hands on Winter’s shoulders. Her hands find yours, and your fingers weave into each other.
“Really? I was the gumiho?”
“Yeah. I think it means… you’re beautiful.”
Winter smiles from ear to ear as she pulls your hands to her midriff.
“Beautiful and… uhhh… attractive.”
You bite your tongue before you can say anything stupid. At the worst possible time, your wandering mind returns to that erotic scene.
Winter squeezes your hand, and you pull her closer. You try all your might to suppress your urges in this intimate moment. But the scent of her hair, the tightness of her abs, the innocence in her pleading eyes—
“I think I’m ready.”
In your embrace, Winter turns to face you. Her puppy eyes reflect the golden light of the room. The pouted lips between her rosy cheeks look cuter than usual. She caresses your shoulders, fiddling nervously with the seams of your shirt. Then, she tiptoes to kiss you.
Her tender lips melt into yours, soft as a pillow and sweet like honey. Her lithe fingers trace the V-shaped neckline of your top to its center and tug on the cloth, reaching deeper into the kiss as she pulls you in. Winter’s touch rides down your abdomen, circling your waist to grab both of your hands. Your fingers lock with hers, palm to palm. Your passion blooms with every smack of her lips onto yours. And just as soon as it starts, Winter pulls away.
The two of you bask in the afterglow, more questions than answers dangling in the air. Winter breaks the tension between deep breaths.
“I should give you a sign, right? You always tell me that.”
Winter turns back to the mirror. This time, she laces her fingers over your hands and guides them to the silky skin under her blouse. She slides your hands lower… and lower…
“P-please touch me.”
There’s a conspicuous lack of cloth below her waist.
“F-f-feel h-how much I want you.”
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pevensiegiigi · 9 months
My problem with the Prince Caspian movie
The reason i love CN:Prince Caspian is because of how Andrew Adamson squeezed the emotions out of Peter. From the frustration of being an adult locked in the life of a child who wants to return to his land/country, the happiness of returning to that place he loves so much, the sadness of knowing that it was destroyed, the anger of knowing that a descendant of his destroyers would be the one who would ascend to king of his country and the guilt for being forced to leave Narnia again with no possibility of return.
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My post is not to talk about those emotions, but i wanted to mention them anyway.
My post is to talk about my dissatisfaction with how everyone in the movie mocks Peter's words and orders, ignoring the title of high king. Except Edmund and Reepicheep; the rest, from Lucy and Susan, who are his royal sisters, to Trumpkin, Caspian, and Glenstorm, who are his subjects, disrespect his title of high king.
First Trumpkin by not addressing him with respect throughout the film, mocking his nickname, berating him for "leaving Narnia" and then making a fool of himself in the Stone Mountains when they searched for Caspian.
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He is followed by Caspian, who equally disrespects Peter's position. Caspian is a prince from distant lands who intends to rule lands that he does not know, wanting to review the words dictated by the great king.
There's that scene where Peter suggests infiltrating the Telmarines' castle and Reepicheep asks, "What do you suggest, Your Majesty of him?" and both Peter and Caspian respond at the same time, a staring match ensues between the two which Peter obviously wins. The thing is, Caspian shouldn't have answered Reepicheep's question in the first place because the rightful King of Narnia was present let alone challenge him with his eyes because, I repeat, HE IS THE GREAT KING OF NARNIA and, not least, peter is Older than him. . . Maybe he didn't know it or maybe he did, but humanly Peter at that time was 31/32 years old although he would look like a child and as if that were not enough in the years of Narnia, Peter is 1300 years older than him, while Caspian was around 17 Just years, so...
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Peter's plan to infiltrate the castle would have worked if Caspian had followed Peter's orders and we all know that, but no. He completely ignored Peter's order to go to the door and Susan supported that disobedience, don't get me wrong, but i'll tell you how it is. It's not just Caspian's fault that the infiltration failed, if Susan had supported Peter instead of Caspian, everything would have worked out and Cornelius would have been released at the end of the infiltration.
Caspian's most obvious disrespect towards Peter was challenging him to a duel in front of his people when Peter called him a usurper and it's not entirely a lie, he really was a usurper. From the moment he thought he was the leader of the Narnian rebellion, even knowing that he had called the old monarchs, he became a usurper, or at least it was for me. I understand Caspian will get mad at being called a usurper, but he called Peter irresponsible as if Peter wanted to leave Narnia when he didn't and then dared to duel him on HIS EARTH!?!?!?! The least he deserved was execution.
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Third, Glenstorm. The mere fact that he was looking at Caspian as if he was waiting for his orders to follow the ones he received from Peter is disrespectful.
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Lucy when she pretended to embarrass him by reminding him that it was Aslan who defeated the white witch, not him. I UNDERSTAND that being her sister he has every right to reproach her if she disagrees with something because he is also Monarch of Narnia, but why didn't she do it in private? At that moment, she took away from Peter part of the authority over the others.
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I'm a little glad that at the end of the film in a scene they let us see how Peter showed that his title of Great King and his nickname of magnificent, he didn't have them just for decoration. However, it bothers me that throughout the movie they tried to make him look stubborn when he was just angry and outraged.
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Peter is the character in the entire saga that carried the most weight and yet he did not complain about what Aslan gave him, his greatest wish was to return to Narnia and stay there for the rest of eternity, which he achieved.
That's why i love the movie 50% and hate it 50%.
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