#like she thinks she's always two steps ahead of her enemy but that's only because she's so blinded by her overconfidence
hiddenbeks · 6 months
#7 from general and #2 from story (from the tav meme) for khaless please!
yayyyyy thank you jasper!!
bg3 companion!tav asks
putting this under a cut bc it got super lengthy!! sorry abt that hgfhfg
general #7: do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the player character makes?
yesss tho i'm still trying to figure it out! her story is strongly tied to menzoberranzan and drow political intrigue and since you don't go anywhere near menzoberranzan and only encounter a handful of drow in-game it's been hard to figure out how to tie her into the game's plot but anyway-
some backstory first!! basically her house fell from grace several generations ago when one member (khaless' silver dragon ancestor disguised as a drow) was revealed to be an undercover servant of eilistraee. the rest of the members quickly disposed of her to avoid the whole house being destroyed. but their reputation took a hit and ever since they've been a minor noble house struggling to survive. enter khaless, an ambitious young visionary who wants to restore house dhalmar to its former glory! she was viewed with suspicion growing up because her draconic powers and scales were a nasty reminder of the house's past. but she proves herself a cunning and ruthless and kinda fanatical worshipper of lolth and advances quickly despite it all.
khaless becomes a priestess in house dhalmar and wipes several houses out of the way and grows house dhalmar's influence. she starts to believe she is unstoppable and thinks it's a great idea to accept house baenre's offer of alliance, not realizing the baenres' plan is to betray her and destroy house dhalmar before they become an actual problem. khaless survives and flees into the underdark! she is discovered injured by a group of silverhair knights and she spends some time with them after recovering and initially thinks they are stupid and weak but it's the first time she encounters drow with a different way of life and maybe it.. leaves an impression...
anyway the knights are killed by some assassins looking for khaless. rip. she flees to the surface and gets abducted by the mind flayers and this is where we finally get to her quest phew!!
when you encounter khaless she is at a crossroads; on one hand she believes she deserves vengeance and power after everything she's been through. on the other she is becoming disillusioned with lolthite society and very deep down just wants to live without having to constantly look over her shoulder, plotting to betray others before they get to betray her.
you can either convince her to return to menzoberranzan for revenge and to continue her elimination of houses until she reaches the top as she believes she should. or you can guide her down a gentler path and help her find new purpose outside of the cycles of violence she grew up in. tbh i think returning to menzoberranzan would be the sexier and more satisfying ending but maybe that's solely because i haven't come up with an equally satisfying "good" ending yet. idk. the ones i have cooked up don't have a catharsis factor similar to the menzo ending but maybe that's like the point... sometimes there is no catharsis and sometimes a happy ending is not an epic one... you just have to move on or whatev. although coming to terms with her past and choosing to leave it behind and live for herself can be cathartic i guess?
ALSO one important thing in khaless' questline is her ancestry being at odds with her upbringing and her being conflicted about having the blood of a silver dragon who served the goddess she was raised to hate and said blood also giving her the powers that have helped her survive throughout her life. so that's one more thing to deal with lol. in her non-menzo ending khaless would fully embrace her draconic ancestry! and maybe she finds out that her ancestor is only Allegedly dead and goes on a journey to try and find her to learn more about her powers and heritage from her.
story specific #2: how do they advise the player character on raphael?
she would say something like "i hope you're not foolish enough to take this cambion at his word. that being said i think we should take full advantage of his powers and knowledge. perhaps we could even trick him into serving us..." basically find out what exactly raphael wants and what exactly he is offering and use that to the party's benefit. kinda similar to gale's advice iirc? khaless is always looking for opportunities to take advantage of more powerful people in order to get ahead. unfortunately she also tends to get in way over her head and have it all backfire on her. it's almost as if she and her 10 wis learned nothing from her disastrous alliance with the baenres,
btw speaking of gale. khaless is kinda similar to him with how ambitious she is and this drives her mad. she is Not like this nerdy ass wizard he is so lame she would've shoved him into a locker in her youth she is nothing like him she is nooooooootttt (she is)
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southparktexts · 2 months
Enemies to lovers with the main four?
i love this concept so much anon !! thank you !!!
Enemies to lovers w/ main four
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Kyle :
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- i know damn well you guys became enemies because of grades.
- academic award fights.
- this literally all happened because you two wrote on the same topic but you had one mark more than kyle.
- gave you the biggest side eye
“I can’t believe that THEY out of all people got 100! i got 99 why couldn’t i just get a 100, it was the same topic!”
“…dude. y/n is kinda smart its not that surprising.”
- he complains about you whenever you ‘beat’ him with grades
- you dont even know he got beef with you tbh 😭
- you guys didnt even talk at all, you were just in the same class as him unironically.
- one day, you got paired up with him for a history presentation
- he literally rolled his eyes when he heard that and had a mood when you talked to him.
“so.. ill to information and research and you can summarise my points?”
“yeah. whatever. i don’t care.”
- eventually, after days of the two of you guys doing the project he realised you weren’t that bad of a person.
- i can see, after you guys did your presentation he would ask to be your partner more and you happily accepted
- one day, after having kyle over to do another assignment the two of you went to mcdonald’s together.
- that was probably the first time he talked to you, outside of school work.
- he definitely caught feels for you
- unironically invited you to game night with the main 4
“..dude i thought you hated her.”
“….shes not that bad.”
- definitely got jealous when kenny tried flirting with you.
- after that he unironically got more touchy with you.
- holding hands when you guys hung out after studying maths together.
- one day he asked his dad for advice and he said just to ask you out.
- he did… on text.
- my guy wrote a whole essay on you.
Eric :
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- you guys definitely became prank wars enemies. full stop.
- prank wars.
- this definitely started because eric thought it would be funny to put a whopee cushion on your seat
- you saw it before you sat down and he got so fucking pissed.
“fatass it isn’t that personal.”
- from there you and him back to back prank each other.
- ..they got worse as they progressed.
- he put a lot of laxatives and arbys sauce into your lunch once
- in return you put a lot of melatonin into his milk and made him sleep during an exam.
- yall are both fucked up like that 😭
- definitely spends a lot of time thinking how he can prank you and you do the same.
- you’re the only thing on his mind at this point.
“i fucking hate how that BITCH is always one step ahead of me.”
“you gotta admit.. theyre kinda hot..”
“cartman you talk about them a little too much, its like you like them or something.”
“..sure fatass.”
- after stan said that he started questioning his feelings towards you.
- he kinda realised you both are kinda similar in your own fucked up way.
- after that day he made a glitter bomb card with a note inside telling you to meet him at his house.
- you arrived and you guys actually worked out well..
- gradually eric started introducing kenny into the group.
- the three of you started planning pranks on the teacher.
- eventually eric started falling. hard.
- you were always so funny and unique with pranks and he loved that.
- eventually asked you out with a cupcake.
“will you go out with me?”
“hm? yeah sure. ..this cupcake doesn’t have arbys sauce and laxatives in it, does it..?”
Kenny :
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- to be honest time !! i personally think you guys wouldn’t be enemies.
- more just mutual annoyance.
- i feel like hes not the type to personally hate someone.
- the only reason he would find you annoying is because you would take the girls when he was trying to flirt with them.
“hey doll.”
“you’re talking to me?”
“oh tammy !! exactly who i was looking for!”
- he gets so annoyed because each time he was trying to talk to them you’d interrupt and drag them away to talk to them.
- one day he was fed up with it but didn’t do anything about it.
“how come y/n knows literally every girl i try to flirt with?!”
“because dude, y/n is cool and popular. their going to know everyone dude.”
“yeah bro.”
“plus they hang around the girls as well”
- after that, you kinda stopped hanging around the girls since they were doing a whole protest about something that you didnt want to be involved with.
- kenny eventually just say you walking around the school, just being yourself.
- he oddly, like it. he liked seeing you act like yourself. not pretend like you did with the girls.
- eventually he invited you to game night with the boys.
- you guys played dnd and had fun!
- after that, kenny would invite you to game night more and you eventually unironically replaced butters.
- you and kenny slowly became close friends and he became more possessive over you.
- one day he had enough of these thoughts about you and just asked you out out of the blue.
“hey y/n! doll!”
“hm? oh hey ken.”
“wanna date?”
“uh sure?”
Stan :
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- if im going to be honest.. he doesn’t get enemies, except for craig.
- he definitely gets angry but doesn’t hate you.
- he probably got jealous because of you though, that what ticked him off.
- this is probably right after stan and wendy broke up
- you were wendy’s friend but also being stans.
- he once saw you comforting wendy and he got jealous.
“that backstabbing bitch! y/n is with wendy right now.”
“..dude i thought you said you were over wendy.”
“i- i am but still!”
- complained about you to the boys, slowly he would have something against you.
- since you were also friends with him he would give you a moody response when he replied back.
“how are you holding up, stan?”
“fine. just fine. its not like you care.”
- became more cold and colder.
“god look at y/n over there. at the swings with wendy.”
“dude, why are you looking at y/n so much. do you like them or something.”
“what?? no?”
- he kept looking over at you and he slowly started noticed little details of you.
- how you bite your nails when your shy, how pretty you look when your studyin.. wait.. what..
- slowly started noticing more details about you and since you were friends with him he would hang out with you more.
- became more touchy while you hang out.
- he realised now you were just being nice to both sides. trying to be there for both.
- wrapping his arms around your waist while you two walked together.
- blushing as you talk to him.
- eventually he bottles up all his feels about you and breaks down but in a good way?
- going to your house at 3am, crying as you hold him in your arms on your bed.
“and- and my dad keeps putting all this pressure and me and i love you and its so fucking difficult.”
“i know stan, i know… its alright.. wait. you love me..?”
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bo0tleg · 3 months
"The jacket! The famous jacket that pulls women, pulls men, pulls the world!"
"Oh look how hot~ he looks on that motorcicle. He's even pracing his ass!"
(Maverick, on screen: "Well... He's not here yet.") The mans madness has begun."
"He lasted two months at Top Gun? HA. He probably was a bigger piece of work than the students."
"From what I can tell, Maverick tamed Iceman. In the first one he was the little annoying bitch and Maverick saw a challenge."
"I mean, at least these two (Penny and Mav) have chemistry. They hooked up in a plane, after all."
"Iceman solves his problems, Iceman keeps his job, what a simp. That's dog behavior."
"Maverick doesn't look likes he's flirting with her, he's just confused. His confused face looks like his flirting face, and people assume. I know this because people do it to me."
"Yeah, he's kinda like that one Olívia Rodrigo song that she gets confused when she sees her ex... What was it again?" ('bad Idea right?' by Olivia Rodrigo)
"I like him (Bob)! He's pathetic like me!"
"Oooohhh they're (Phoenix and Bob) gonna be besties! I can feel it."
(When Phoenix racks Rooster with the cue) "OHOHOHOOOO I LIKE HER ALREADY."
(Didn't notice Hangman taking Bob's cue, I relayed the information) "Aaaahhh don't steal Bob's cue. Bob's cool, Bob's nice."
(After rewinding the scene) "NO, NO, NO! WHO IS THAT? NOBODY CAN STEAL BOB'S CUE! I don't like him (Hangman)."
(Hangman, on screen: Bradshaw! As I live and breathe!) *Slowly turns towards me with dead eyes*
"That's not enemies to lovers, that's just enemies."
"With just this scene, I can tell this guy (Hangman) comes and goes. 'Sometimes I flirt with you, sometimes I hate you.' He's like a tsudere."
"Oh, got it. Phoenix is adopted into the man's group. She's a bro."
"I wouldn't say that they're his support system, but those two are the people that know him the best. Hangman is paying attention because he wants to be the best and needs to defeat Rooster. Phoenix is demonstrating a more sibling like worry."
"Hondo is like Mavericks babysitter."
"Oh. Oh, now Mav's flirting with her."
(Following the 'Baby on Board' comment) "Don't talk shit about Bob! I don't like Hangman."
"Maverick is like a step father to Rooster. Not in the 'HAHA I FUCKED YOUR MOM' kind of way, but in the way that he helped raise him."
"Where is Iceman? I'm here for the two of them, I don't give a fuck about Aeronautics."
"I think Ice and Maverick had a long relationship, but they're not together anymore. They maintained a friendship, but their lives probably went in different directions. I'd say they were together for 10, maybe 20 years."
('I ain't worried' by OneRepublic starts playing) "This song is from 2022? OH MY GOD THE SCENE"
*Started chanting "BOB! BOB! BOB!" When he got picked up*
*Eeriely quiet during the bird strike, until Maverick starts talking to Rooster* "OH THEY'RE NOT DEAD. THEY COULDN'T HAVE KILLED BOB! IF THEY KILLED BOB I WOULD STOP AND NEVER WATCH TOP GUN EVER AGAIN!"
"Definitely 20 years. Ice is probably the only person Mav actually loved. Like, not a fling?" "Yeah, probably." "He's been with lots of women, and men, but Iceman is the only person he was ever in love with– maybe still is."
"I think his (Ice's) wife knows. That's probably why she recognizes Mav and is kind of friends with him." "That's probably why she just let him go up to see Ice." "YEAH GO AHEAD, FUCK MY HUSBAND!"
"It's pretty easy to notice that Snowman– No, ICEman."
"That is the face of a man who just lost the love of his life."
"Damn, the mans a beast. If It was me I'd already have cried, alone, in a room absolutely destroyed, never to come out again."
"He's got nobody, dude! I just want his step child to come back, because If he doesn't that man's gonna kill himself!"
"Why does it always have to have a romantic ending. Just leave him with his adoptive son. Go away."
"They (Penny and Mav) aren't going to end up together."
"I have a theory! Fanboy is obsessed with women! Cus he's 'Fanboy'." "But wouldn't he be called Simp, then?" "Ah, then he's obsessed with men." "... simp can be for men too."
"There's gonna be a Top Gun Three? Who's it gonna be about? It ain't gonna be Maverick, that man has a foot in the grave already."
"Bob is my favorite in the second movie. I have no favorites in the first one because everybody is very macho and very gay, and that's boring."
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storiesbyrhi · 3 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Homeward bound. 2738 words.
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Every now and then, you’d catch a glimpse of Eddie swooping by, keeping pace with your car. It was mid-afternoon by the time he grew tired, burrowing into his front seat nest and sleeping until twilight. As soon as the sun was safely locked away on the other side of the world, Eddie chittered and you responded by turning him back into himself.
He stretched out, making dramatic noises and pulling faces.
“You okay there?” you asked him, laughing at the show of it all.
“Only trying to make you smile, my little witch.”
“So, you were right,” you changed the subject. “About not being the only non-witch,”
“Wolf, right? I could smell him.” Eddie’s face screwed up in disgust.
“What happened to the support group for monster lovers?”
“I draw the line at lycans.”
The seriousness of his expression made you laugh. “Well, you’ll have to redraw it, because Ev has it bad for him. The others already knew all about it too,”
“And we believed we were special,”
“I mean… We still are… Witches and werewolves aren’t mortal enemies…”
“Of course. Wolves’ mortal enemy being their own tail and all,”
“Eddie! Stop,” you laughed, hitting him with the back of your hand.
He grinned at you, then looked out at the road. “And the other?”
“That one is a bit more of a secret. Ash is seeing one of the fae folk. It’s still very new. Taking it slow… Making sure they’re not actually trying to lure her into some centuries old curse. You know how they are,”
“Trickster sprites,”
“Exactly,” you nodded. “And then there’s Steve fucking Harrington… who has elected to inexplicably haunt Mel,”
“Why? I assume he never met her,”
“Yep, but she came and asked me if the ghost in her house was him. It was. He says he’ll leave her alone but had this stupid puppy dog look on his face… So��� Maybe there is a whole new world of witch romances to come.”
Eddie grinned, he liked the sound of it. Though, he really didn’t want a werewolf as a brother-in-law. “Do you want me to take over?” he asked then, pointing to the steering wheel. “I’ve been practicing,”
“And here I was thinking you disappeared in the middle of the night to eat,”
“Oh, I do. I find the worst person I can. I eat them. Then, I take their car for a lesson,”
“A two birds, one stone, kind of thing, huh?”
Eddie nodded with a disconcertingly innocent smile on his face.
“I was thinking about that actually. I think I can help,”
“With which part?” he asked. “The eating or the thieving,”
“Neither. The choosing.”
The joy left Eddie’s expression. He looked away from you, suddenly studying the hardly visible horizon out his window. “You don’t need to be a part of it. You don’t have to have it on your conscience,”
“Neither do you. Not in the same way, at least. What if I can take some of the guesswork out of picking who is, you know, bad,”
“It’s not guesswork. I watch them. I find them while they’re-”
“I know. But what if you didn’t have to wait for them to do something bad? What if you could tell what they had already done?”
Eddie stayed quiet. There was a gas station up ahead, the lights shining brightly. You pulled in and cut the engine.
“I know it’s always going to be on you. You’re always going to have to make that call, about if they have sinned and if the sins are…”
“If they justify death,” Eddie finished for you solemnly and still not looking at you.
“Yes. But what if you could see them? The sins. If you could, I don’t know, just touch someone and see the worst of them. And only when you wanted to. Would that help?”
He was clicking two fingernails together, pensive or maybe anxious. Eddie got out of the car and looked around. There was a family inside the gas station. The kids were screaming about peanut butter cups and soda.
“Would it help you?” he asked after you’d got out and walked around to him. His hands were shoved into the pockets of the sweatpants he’d been getting in and out of, vampire then bat then vampire then bat. “It might make it more precise. But it’s still conjecture. Still a judgment. Still a human death.”
You tried to read him, but he’d locked you out for the moment.
He continued, “Sometimes it hurts. Or, sometimes I think it hurts. Or, I think it should hurt. I don’t know if I can tell the difference. I don’t want to hurt anybody. I can stop myself from hurting them. But I don’t know, really know, if it weighs on my conscious. I don’t even know if I have one.”
It had been easy to get lost in Eddie’s goodness. It had been the important thing to show your coven. But it was never going away, the darkness. He might have been a good vampire, not a properly made monster, but it didn’t change the fact that he was still a vampire.
“If I say it would help me-”
“Then, I am sure, it would help me. What is good for you is good for me,” Eddie told you. “But I can tell which of them are more like me than you. I can see it in their faces. But if this makes you feel more in control of it, then I’ll do anything you ask of me.”
The neon sign of the station buzzed and crackled, the cicadas trilling back at it. The family got in their car and hit the road again, the radio turned right up to drown out the noise of bickering children.
You could see the station’s clerk watching you and Eddie from behind his counter.
“Loving you doesn’t make me feel guilty. I’m not ashamed of what you are,” you told Eddie then, looking back at him. “I’m not trying to make you into something you’re not.”
He nodded. “I know.” He saw it on your face, a flash of exasperation. “What are you trying to do?” he asked. “Because I’m not ashamed of what you are either… You don’t have to be a lawful, virtuous witch.”
There was a small smile playing on Eddie’s lips and you knew it meant he’d cottoned on to the fact that the seed of darkness that lived inside you was working its magic.
“It’s not just about making things easier for you or for me. It could be… A kind of justice…”
“Ohhh,” Eddie almost laughed. “I am your weapon, and if you can point this blade in the right direction, then well fuck, it might work faster than the humans’ courts and witches’ spells?”
Eddie had only recently started to swear, a habit he was picking up from you most likely. Fuck, in particular, sounded terribly good coming from his mouth.
You looked at him and slowly nodded. He threw his head back and laughed into the night. The gas station clerk sighed in relief at the sudden change of atmosphere around you both.
“Oh, my little witch. You do continue to delight me.”
Eddie pulled you into a rough kiss, letting the tips of his sharpest teeth run along your bottom lip. You were warm and tasted so sugary. He had been itching to eat you up since leaving the Catskills.
“I love you,” you said breathlessly when he let you come up for air.
“I love you too. Entirely.”
Waking up alone was bittersweet. Although you missed the weight of Eddie next to you, the immediate crawl of his body to yours, it did mean he was likely up to something. Mostly, it was innocent domestic work.
Pre-turning, Eddie never really had a place to call his own. As a vampire, the idea of home meant something different too. But now, the boy could nest. He cleaned and picked flowers to put in vases and glasses all across the trailer. He was also dabbling in cooking, though he could not eat the fruits of his labor.
So, mostly, it was domestic work, but now and then, you would wake up to him doing something different. A week after returning from the Catskills, you and Eddie had fallen back into routine, but this morning was out of the ordinary.
Eddie had stacks of books crowded around him. Pages of handwritten notes were spilled across the coffee table, your altar supplies stacked neatly below it.
“Looking very witchy there,” you greeted, voice gravelly with sleep.
“Hi, my love,” he replied without looking up. “I’m almost finished.”
Looking around, you realised it wasn’t just the books Eddie had been combing through. Herbs and other potion-brewing bits and pieces were lined up along the kitchen bench.
“Almost finished what?” you asked.
“The spell.”
Nodding slowly at him, you waited for the explanation. It never came. Instead, you let him work on his craft and went about your day.
By mid-morning, he was ready.
“Little witch!” Eddie yelled loudly. You were outside, watering your potted plants and herbs. “Little witch! Come!” There was childlike enthusiasm in his voice and it made you smile.
“Where do you need me?” you asked him, but he was already ushering you to the couch.
“I have written you a grounding spell,” he announced.
“A grounding spell?”
“Yes. Something to reconnect you to the natural world. To promote health and healing.”
Eddie was wide-eyed and on the verge of mania. He had a little dirt smeared across his cheek, and it was caked under his nails. Although his hair was pulled back in a bun, single coils of curls had fallen out throughout the night. He was beautiful.
“Go on,” you urged.
“It starts with malus domestica,” he began.
“It always does,” you noted, already holding back a giggle. He could have just said apple. Still so very dramatic.
“They connect you to the earth. Sacred. Biblical.” He really had been doing his homework. “Then, black hellebore root.” Eddie was at the kitchen bench, holding up a jar that he’d already dug through. That explained the dirt.
“I hope you’ve been careful with that,” you warned.
“I know. Extremely toxic. Even witches sometimes wear gloves to handle it,” Eddie said, reciting one of the books he’d read. “But it is also symbolic of rising from the past. And has a long history of use in witchcraft.”
Eddie had read about hellebore poisoning, how it brought on hallucinations but could also cure mental affliction. He read about how it could be harnessed and used in banishing spells and for purification. About white versus black hellebore and all the folklore surrounding them.
“Okay. What do we do with this apple and root?” you asked, playing the part of a captive audience.
“Core the apple and thread the root through it. Let it air overnight, by moonlight. Come morning, it gets wrapped in willow then cooked,”
“Willow?” you tested.
“Willow that is strong and true. Willow that takes pain and fever and grief and releases you from it.”
You nodded and smiled.
“When the apple is cooked through, falling apart, you take the hellebore root and powder it,”
“Then what?”
Eddie hesitated. “Alas, I do not know…” he admitted. “I can’t find a way to close the spell,”
“Do you have any ideas?” you asked, standing up and coming to the kitchen counter. You looked at everything he had pulled out of the apothecary.
“Moreso, bad ideas. What not to do. Consume it, for example,”
“Yeah. That could kill me. Maybe even turn me into a werewolf,” you joked. The look on Eddie’s face was priceless. “Kidding. Hellebore is an active ingredient in lycanthropic ointment though… Mostly it’s used in what we used to call flying ointment, or magic salve. So no, I cannot consume it,”
“Yes… Well… I thought then, returning it to the earth. Burying it. That didn’t feel right,”
“Mmmhmm… I think you have a clue here,” you told him, pulling a bowl of eucalyptus seed pods forward. “Did you read about these?”
Eddie shook his head.
“They’re kind of amazing. Eucalyptus trees are native to Australia, but are planted ornamentally around the U.S. They produce a highly combustible oil through their leaves. Little fire bombs, basically. They catch ablaze easily. But, these little seedpods are fireproof, and when threatened with fire, they drop lots of seeds and fertilise the scorched ground. Within a couple of years, the burnt earth is already returning to its gloriously green form,”
“Very smart of them,”
“Very smart,” you agreed. “Maybe we can learn from them. We can not just withstand the blaze, but add fuel, let it all burn, and start again,”
“The powder… we let it go free…” Eddie said slowly, catching on to what you’re saying.
“Ah-huh. We give it to the wind.”
Working side by side, you and Eddie cored apples and filled the void with black hellebore root. You set them on the kitchen windowsill ready for the moonlight. (You’d have to take down all the window’s covers though, sunproof house and all.)
Eddie was proud. It was written all over his face.
“Now who’s the little witch?” you whispered to him, stepping up to his body, pressing yours to his.
In reply, Eddie pulled you close, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame. He kissed the top of your head then pressed his cheek to it, resting on you.
“Thank you. Nobody has ever written a spell for me before… Well… Not a good one…” You looked up at him. “You are good, Eddie. And you’re allowed to be. You can be… both. Everything,”
“Everything,” he repeated quietly.
“Yeah… So… What now? We can’t work on them until tomorrow.”
Eddie swept you off to the bedroom by the time you opened your eyes after your next blink.
“But it’s not bedtime,” you said voice saccharine and purposefully dumb.
Eddie grinned. “It’s not. I don’t want you to go to sleep now anyway,”
“No?” You sat on the edge of the unmade bed, looking up at Eddie.
He stood between your legs, reaching out to cup your face in his hands, his thumbs running softly across your skin. He smiled wide, teeth sharp. “I’m very, very hungry.”
Eddie rarely let himself taste your blood, though the occurrences were becoming more regular. He was scared of a multitude of things. Not being able to stop. Seeing something in your magic blood he couldn’t unsee. Pissing off some ancient and unknown creature that would resurrect if ever a vampire munched on a witch.
Sometimes, if you begged pretty enough, you’d get a small bite out of him. But it was better when he came asking for it. The soft inner thigh was his greatest weakness.
Lifting your arms up, Eddie followed the instruction and took your shirt off. You fell back against the bed and let him push your skirt up. He dropped to his knees and kissed the tops of your thighs. Up, up, up, until his mouth was bruising the skin above where the femoral artery was pumping blood.
You still didn’t know how he did it, how he could make it feel so good. You didn’t want to know. It was his own secret vampire magic and it was one mystery that would never appear on your murder board.
Eddie’s teeth sank in and your hot, red blood began to flow. He pushed you further back on the bed, then held your leg up, so the blood would pour down towards where you were already wet. His tongue lapped at blood and arousal fast. He didn’t waste a single drop.
You writhed under him, eyes screwed shut, and body on fire. The vibration of his tongue was pulling you ever closer to climax, but he wouldn’t stay in one spot long enough to let you get there.
Eddie grabbed your hand and smashed it to where he’d bitten you. “Heal it,” he growled, barely able to form words. You did what he said and he licked your palm clean of blood as a thank you. He hooked his arms under your legs and ripped you back to the edge of the bed. Then, he was positioned exactly where he needed to be to let you get there.
End Note: We're back in Hawkins... Now what? Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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makos-hotbox · 1 year
I need the classic "freezing on a mission so we have to warm up by cuddling" with ghost or könig and fem reader honestly I can't pick when it comes to these to so you get to 💀
Maybe reader falls into a lake by accident so she's extra cold, but it is snowing so that doesn't help on bit.
Bonus if she gets sick and now they have to take care of her <3
LARGE FONT VER. (coming soon)
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫… 𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞! ◞
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Quick and smooth.
That’s how all missions with König were. The two of you had always been the perfect duo for in and out situations. König’s sniping skills were remarkable. Paired with your quick feet and close combat skills? Where there was one, the other was close by. König would stay back and shoot down any straggling enemies while you speed through the compound in search of your target with your K9 in the lead.
Just like you are now. Cold winter air biting at your skin and freezing your lungs. You thanked yourself for deciding to wear the spiked boots this time. The layer of ice on top of the concrete you were running on would have definitely screwed you over if you wore your normal shoes.
“All targets down back here. I’ll start following you.” König’s hushed voice came over the earpiece. You didn’t answer, but none was needed. König knew where you were, and he wouldn’t want you talking and bringing attention on accident. Your job was to be stealthful, get in and out in one piece.
The snow that had made it way into your uniform had melted, leaving you a bit damp under all those layers that were meant to keep said snow out. It was already enough to make you feel gross and uncomfortable, giving you all the more reason to hurry up with this execution. Turning a corner, you finally caught eyes on your target.
He was alone, unaware that all his men had already been taken care of. He thinks he’s safe. Reading up on his history and file made you sick. No man like him should feel safe knowing he’s murdered tons of innocents. With a loud whistle, you sent your dog to go ahead and grab him.
Over the screams and begs for mercy, there was finally an opening for you to sink your knife into his flesh. Bringing an end to the dangers that he caused. Finally. Shadow waited patiently with a wagging tail as you slowly got up from the cold ground. “Gruselig.” Startled, you quickly turned around to see König standing not to far away. He laughed at your reaction, seeing you as a tiny kitten now. No longer a vicious wolf who just executed their target.
“Fuck… don’t sneak up on me like that!” You whacked his arm, which only made him laugh more. “Whatever. Anyways, our targets down. Mission accomplished. Now let’s leave because I am freezing.” König heard your teeth begin to chatter and shook his head. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder to hold you closer to him, as you both walked back to the truck.
Shadow followed as you all left the snow covered compound. Eventually going into the forest, piles of snow everywhere you could see. It looked like every winter wonderland scene in the movies; gorgeous.
Spotting the truck tucked between some trees, you pulled away from König with a sudden burst of energy. “Race you!” And before he could respond, you sprinted through the remainder of the forest. All that was between you and the vehicle was a field of snow.
Hearing König’s loud stomping through the snow as he caught up to you, a scream of excitement left your lips. A large grin on your face as you enjoyed your time with your boyfriend. Still managing to keep your lead, you sped up enough to leave a big gap between you and König.
However, your lead didn’t last long. König was barely leaving the forest just as you finished crossing halfway through the open field of snow. And after one particularly heavy step, a loud crack was heard. Not a moment passed before the ice under your boot broke and sent you plunging into the cold water. A shock immediately hit your spine from the sudden temperature change.
The water felt like needles against your skin as you panicked, trying to swim back up and get out. Reaching a hand out to the surface, you felt something firmly take hold of it. You were immediately yanked out of the water, König being your savior. He held you steady as you tried to regain your composure.
“Holy shit!— Y/n are you okay?” König worried, watching as your body began to shiver even more. You nodded your head, too cold to even speak. “Let’s get to the truck, no more running. We need to be careful.” Instead of letting you walk though, König picked you up in his arms and began carrying your shivering body to the vehicle. Shadow was still a happy dog during all of this. A bit messed up considering his handler just fell under the ice of a surprise lake.
You had no complaints though, all of the shivering was causing your muscles to ache. Once König got to the truck, he placed you in the passenger seat and quickly moved to the driver's side. Turning the heater on, he quickly drove away from the area of your recent mission back to the base so you could change.
After arriving at the base, König ignored the greeting from Soap. Too busy helping you back out into the cold weather. The snowy wind already making your teeth chatter again. “Woah! What the hell happened to you c/n?” Soap tried to stifle his laughter with no sucess.
“K… kiss m-my ass-ss So…Soap.” You grumbled, shivering jaw making the comment much less threatening. Before Soap could bother you anymore, Ghost shooed him away. Also waving off you and König, urging for you to get inside and take care of yourself.
Grabbing your hand, König led you inside and through the halls of the base. Your legs ached from the uncomfortable feeling of your cold gear pressed against your skin. The feeling in your fingertips had gone away long ago and you were aching to have it back. König still hasn’t said much, just quiet whispers of encouragement here and there.
Finally, the two of you reached your room. As soon as the door was shut, you began to discard your uniform. Yanking off the wet fabric while König searched for some warmer clothes for you. “Get in the shower Maus, I’ll bring your clothes. You get warm.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. Quickly, you ran into your bathroom and turned on a hot shower. Relief flooded your body feeling your muscles relax and warmth make its way to your fingertips. For a few minutes, you just stood there and allowed for the warm water to just wash over you.
There was a quick knock at the door before it was opened, König’s voice reaching your ears from the other side of the shower curtain. “Your clean clothes are sitting on the counter. Do you need anything else, Liebling?” He asked.
“No, I think I’ll be okay. Thank you König.” You replied, washing the soap out of your hair. König left the bathroom, going back into your room to take care of the dirty uniform.
Getting out of the shower, you quickly threw on your warmer outfit and walked into your room. König had set up your portable heater and some extra blankets on the bed. The man himself was busy looking for a movie on your laptop for the two of you to watch. He had taken off his veil, and also changed his clothes. “Feeling better, Maus?”
You nodded your head with a small smile on your face. Joining him on your bed, the two of you shifted so you could lay comfortably with each other. “Much better. Thank you so much for helping me out of there König… I don’t know what could’ve happened if you weren’t there. I almost couldn’t find anything to grab onto.” A shiver went down your spine at the memory of being in that dark, freezing cold water.
“It’s okay, Maus. Remember, as long as we’re together, I’m never letting a damn thing happen to you. Not a splinter, not a drop of blood.” König said reassuringly, squeezing you closer to him. His free hand played with your hair while the other continued to search for a movie.
The remainder of the night was spent with the two of you curled up in a cuddle pile. Movies playing back to back until the two of you fell asleep. König wanted to stay and also make sure you would be okay after experiencing all of that cold weather. Your body never shivered again, König prevented that with his insane body heat.
Sweet kisses and romantic gestures were shared, while also being interrupted by your jealous K9 who seemed to only ever care about you when you were being loved. It was perfect. And only perfect because this was normal. It wasn’t a special thing for you two to be lovey dovey all night. Daily, endless words of love were shared. And it was your favorite thing in the relationship.
The next morning, you opened your eyes to see your bedside clock. 9:00 A.M. you slept in longer than usual, and the scratchy feeling in your throat explained why. Bursting into a fit of mini coughs and sniffles as your nose begins to run. Shit.
König ran out of the bathroom, a concerned look on his face. “Oh Gott. Maus, you’re sick.” a loud groan left your lips, sending more discomfort to your throat. “I’ll be back. You stay here. I’m going to go get medicine. Don’t move!” He quickly left the room, not giving you any chance to speak up and tune him down.
He was going to take care of you whether you liked it or not.
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» 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞 … 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧
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latriii · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS. Do you believe in reincarnation? You’ve lived over fifteen lives, but your fourteenth life stuck with you. As you lived your fourteenth life, you meet a boy who seemed to peek your interest after years of being bored of living life over and over again. Your friendship with Sunghoon grew until it suddenly stops and your reincarnated again.
IN WHICH, Sato Maeji or Moon Y/N and Park Sunghoon grow strong feelings for one another until Y/N suddenly passes away and reincarnates.
GENRE. angst, fluff, fantasy, childhood enemies to lovers. Inspired by See You In My 19th Life.
PAIRING. non-idol! Sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS. mentions of death, illness, car crash, panic attacks, alcohol, not so good family relationships
WORD COUNT. 4K ( 4,790 )
AUTHORS NOTE. Longest fic i’ve written and my first Sunghoon work! I wrote this awhile ago like maybe a month or two ago but honestly i needed this out of my drafts so please if you see any mistskes lmk!! + left you guys on a cliff hanger cus i felt like it LOOOL
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Is he alive?
Your back scratched against the wall as you slid down. Decades of memories had been unlocked, Images of places, faces, and events flashed in your mind. It was too many to comprehend in a single awakening.
You stare ahead, your parents had just burst through the doors. They were arguing again. You weren’t phased anymore, because only one thing mattered to you now. You wanted to know if he were alive.
You’ve gone through hell and back with all the lives you’ve lived. Every emotion you’ve felt in the past fiftteen lives ran throughout your body and had brought you closer to understanding of the world in a whole new way. You had tasted love, anger, and despair all in a few seconds.
You sang to yourself, your hands moved to the music as you stroked the brush against the canvas.
You weren’t bothered by anything. You were twelve and two years ago you were reminded that you were reincarnated once again. Luckily, you were wealthy in this life — You were at peace.
Until you weren’t. Your painting came crashing down to the ground, your eyes shifted to a boy who seemed to be younger than you.
“What’s your problem?” You shout. The boy turned around, glancing between you and your painting. “Shouldn’t you apologize after bumping into someone?”
“Who are you?” He says as he crossed his arms, he looks you up and down before stepping closer.
“You look like a kid. What grade are you in?” You look down, he was shorter than you.
“A kid?” He scoffed. You two stood in silence before a black car beeped from behind the nameless boy. He sends you one last glare before running off to the car.
“Kid!” You yell one last time before the car drove off. You scoff to yourself and turn back to your painting that was sitting on the ground. You pick it up and decide to go home.
Days went by. You walk alongside your mother as she held you close. You were finally meeting her friend who had been ill for sometime. She handed you beautiful handpicked flowers she prepared.
“She’s going to love them.” Your mother smiles, you both reach the door and were greeted by her friend, Sumin.
Your mother lets go of you as she stepped closer to Sumin and embraced her. You watched as the two share a moment together.
You’ve always wondered how people felt whenever they met a sick person. You’ve lived so many lives, yet you haven’t experienced this once.
You decided to walk around the beautiful home of your mothers’ friend as they sat down and chatted together. You hear them loud and clear while taking in every detail of Sumins’ home.
“The kids at her school call her Ms. Sato. She acts like an adult when she's still a kid.” You hear your mother toning down her voice.
“The problem with my son is that he’s too cold-hearted. I may have spoiled him too much.” Sumin pauses, “How did you raise her?”
“I think around two years ago, it was like she fully matured overnight.”
These conversations didn’t bother you. Your mother was right — you did change two years ago. You gained your memories two years ago.
You remember each night in detail of when you regained your memories. You started counting them.
It was a different feeling each time. Like someone had been stuffing down all your emotions and feelings you felt in the past hundreds of years into your body at once. You always wondered why you kept getting reincarnated — you wondered if there was heaven or hell because you certainly couldn’t get into either.
You didn’t want to eavesdrop any longer. You sneakily walked away. You stepped through the backdoor that led to a beautiful pool. You stood there as you notice a boy swimming peacefully underwater.
In my 14th life, I was getting bored of repeating life after life, until I met him.
The boy swam up noticing a shadow from above the water. He wiped his face and stared at you. You instantly recognize him — it was the boy who bumped into your painting.
This must be Sumin’s son. You could tell what she meant by he was cold hearted and spoiled. He never said sorry for knocking down your painting nor did he seem to care. He’s causally swimming like nothing happened.
You hesitated before speaking. “Was something down there?” You stepped closer to the pool as he swam closer to you.
You were always kind to people, even when it wasn’t deserved. You knew people took advantage of you, but you also knew that other people were struggling just like you. The world didn’t revolve around you. Your countless lives taught you that.
You lend your right hand as you kneeled closer to the boy. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the pool with him.
The boy quickly jumped out as you sunk deep into the water. He watched as you struggled your way out of the pool.
“Have fun.” He announced with a smile before running off.
You couldn’t believe the nerve of this kid. What was he thinking? Was this his way of flirting or was he just a jerk?
You changed into new clothes that his mom lent you. Curiosity filled your body, you asked his mother where her son was.
“He’s in the library,” she told you before you smiled and walked off.
You made your way to their library, the smell of new and old books filled your nose as you walked through the area.
Although you were distracted, you couldn’t help but notice the nameless boy struggling to reach for a book.
“Do you need help?” Your hand rested on the book, and the boy’s eyes shifted to you as you stared back in amusement.
The boy let go of the book and shoved his hand into your shoulder. “Get away from me. I don’t need your help.”
“You’re too short to reach it, kid.” You stood there, you observed his facial expressions, he was clearly annoyed. “I’m not a kid.”
You quickly grab the book and throw it onto his head. “You did that on purpose!” He winced in pain as he held onto his head.
“What’s a better way of teaching a rude kid a lesson than to throw a book at their head?” You reply.
“What are you going to do if I start screaming?” The boy crossed his arms.
“Do it. I’ll make you disappear in two seconds.” You took a step closer to him, to let the weight of your words sink in.
“Are you a witch?” The boy steps back, picking up the book off the ground. The witch and her past lives.
You remained silent, the boy looks intently at your face. You have his attention. “No, I’m not a witch. But,” You paused.
“Do you believe in reincarnation?”
My name is Park Sunghoon. You remember when he first told you his name. It took him about 4 days before he officially did.
Your fingers danced on the piano. You played as Sunghoon sat beside you. You both were on the topic of reincarnation again. He would ask you silly questions about it.
You always answered even if it were a stupid question.
“My true age? You’ll never know.” You draw your lips into a thin line, and looked up to meet his gaze. Giggles filled the room as he realized he was defeated. “Right.”
You two surprisingly grew closer over time. You would come over to his house and hang out with him whenever you had time.
One day, while Sunghoon was reading the book that you had dropped on his head, he paused and asked you a question. “Will my mom remember me when she's reincarnated?”
You stared into his eyes for what seemed like an eternity, a river of thoughts passing through your mind. You didn’t know what to tell him.
“No.” You leaned your back against the bookshelf, as your arms naturally crossed as your eyes shifted to the beautifully detailed ceiling.
Sunghoon hummed while staring at you, the sadness in his eyes waning only a little as he took your answer in.
His mother was very sick, you both knew she was slowly passing. You had promised Sunghoon's mother you would take care of her beloved son when she passed, and that's what you planned.
“You know I’ll always stay by your side.” You tell him as your eyes remained on the ceiling.
“Do you,” Sunghoon hesitated for a moment, searching for the proper words to say, ”Do you like me?”
You chuckle at his words before leaning close to his ear, “I’ll answer on your birthday.”
You told him you would stay by his side yet you couldn’t keep your promise. You were reborn into your fifteenth life.
The wind blew through your hair, you peered out the taxi window as your hand rested on the glass. You were on your way to meet Sunghoon again, on the very same day you met him yet a couple of years later.
You needed to know whether he was alive or not.
The cab stopped in front of the house. You took a deep breath before stepping out, the pavement felt familiar. Everything seemed to be the same.
You watch the car you used to ride in with Sunghoon pass by, the image of you two smiling in the back seats flooded your mind.
”Happy birthday, Sunghoon!” you smile at him, pushing the present box forward. He grabbed the present, and you felt content, only to be smothered by his embrace. “Thanks, Sato.”
It was almost like it was yesterday, you two were heading to the amusement park for Sunghoon’s tenth birthday.
You remember watching the boy's smile fading as if he noticed the car approaching from the opposite side. The memories of his eyes widening and how you could feel his grip tighten like he was trying to stop something from happening constantly replayed in your head.
Thats how your fourteenth life ended.
Drops of water started to fall from the sky as if realizing your emotions. You could feel the tears start to fall too.
You stood in silence as the memories of the past flashed by. You remembered how he would hold your hand, never letting it go, even during his toughest and saddest times.
You were soaked in the persistent rhythm of the rain, and there seemed to be a rhythmic harmony between your thoughts and the sound of the rain.
You were only ten in this new body. Unrecognizable in the his world and honestly your own. You had to make a plan and grow up well.
You were determined to find a way into his world.
But would he still remember you?
Your name switched overnight.
Sato Maeji changed to Moon Y/N. That was your name in your fifteenth life.
You usually would live a low and quiet life, you’ve always tried to blend in. But, not this time. You wanted to stand out — you needed to. The world was slowly becoming a living nightmare outside, and you need to do something to stop it.
You were born into a lousy family in this life. Your father was a raging alcoholic and your brother wasn’t any better. Your mother left the day you regained your memories.
All the time spent to stand out wasn’t for no reason, you needed to survive and live well.
You turned twenty-three and you were already known in your company, you were talented and famous for being a child prodigy. You did that on purpose of course.
You became a pretty successful young woman.
Now all you needed to do is meet Park Sunghoon again. It was hard though, you realized how difficult it was for two people to meet especially when they came from completely different backgrounds.
You knew as soon as Sunghoon graduated from college he went abroad. You were waiting for him to come back, which meant ignoring all the job offers you got from other companies once they learned about how smart you were. You only wanted to work for him and his company.
“Ms. Moon.” You suddenly hear a voice coming from behind you. You turned around to be met by Yang Jungwon, the owner of a rival company against the Parks’.
You quickly turned your back and continued walking away. “Don’t you think it’s unprofessional to follow me out of my job?”
“You haven’t been returning my calls.” He tells you. He was now walking beside you with his hands shoved in his suit pockets. “Also, if I were to see you while you were at home might’ve felt like I was stalking you.”
“Mr. Yang, you already coming to see me when I’m outside of my office unannounced is something a stalker would do, you know.” You point out.
Jungwon clears his throat. “Have you thought about the offer I gave you?”
“No, I am fine with my job. I have no plans on moving to another company.”
“Come on, I'm a big fan of yours.” Jungwon pauses, “Not in that way but business-wise. You had everyone under your spell with your talents and Yang company is better than the Parks. You know that.”
“Yes, you’re right.” You say shifting your body towards him. “But he’s not at your company.”
“What do you mean?” Jungwon asks, quizzically tilting his head to the side.
What you wanted to say was, yeah he’s my last love and I want to meet him again so we could get married like we promised when we were kids. But, you didn’t say that.
it went more like, “There’s someone I want to meet.” And with that, you walked away from the man.
Jungwon at first thought you had a boyfriend at work, it would make sense at least. But, he brushed it off since it wasn’t his business anyway.
Distracted by you walking away, Jungwon gets a notification from Nishimura Riki. Did you hear? Jungwon raises his brow at this message and continues reading. Sunghoon is coming back to Korea!
You walked into the company’s lobby, greeting your co-workers and other guests. Suddenly you noticed that Jungwon had followed you here. Except it wasn’t to bother you. He went to talk to other higher business owners that seemed to be all gathering at the Parks’ Empire Lobby.
“The Park Empire Ice skating business is recruiting.” One employee says. “The chairman's son posted these vacancies.”
You froze. You turned to where the group of employees and business owners were gathered. You thought Sunghoon had moved abroad for good. Why was he going into the ice skating business?
Should you give it a shot? it would be a great idea to work for the chairman’s son. Or in better words, for your last love.
“You should avoid the ice skating business. It isn’t doing well.” Soobin says to you, he puts his hands on your shoulder as you walk up to the paper that states the information.
Finally. You have a chance to meet Sunghoon again.
Sunghoon was sleeping peacefully in bed, his blanket covering his whole body including his head. He was trying to avoid the sunlight at all costs.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Ding. Dong. Ding.
Na Jaemin was annoyed. He was ringing and knocking on Sunghoon’s apartment door for what felt like years with no response.
He needed Sunghoon out of bed, so his fingers naturally pressed the pin of his door to unlock it and made his way in.
Jaemin walked into Sunghoon’s room, noticing his lifeless body asleep. He internally groans at this sight before pulling the blanket off him.
“Get out of bed, Sunghoon,” He says as he earns a tug from the opposite end of the blanket. “Do you want to be late on your first day back?”
Sunghoon was fighting for his blanket back. “I told you to not let yourself in like this.” Jaemin lets go of the blanket and scoffs.
“I wouldn’t have to if you just opened the door.” Jaemin grabbed a pillow and hit his best friend and business partner. Sunghoon naturally shielded himself from the hits.
“How many times did I tell you to stop covering your head with the blanket? You can never hear me knocking.” Jaemin bickers.
“It’s not the blanket, it’s the jetlag.” Sunghoon bites back.
“Dude, you’ve been in Korea for over a week.”
Sunghoon ignores him and decides to wash up. He was tired, he didn’t want to work especially under his father's company. But at least he got to run something he loved. Ice skating.
“I told you we should just live together.” Sunghoon walks over to Jaemin while he roughly dries his hair with a towel. “It would be great for me and convenient for you, so win-win.”
“Really?” Jaemin replies. He was looking at documents of the skating empire. “I already have to see you every day at the office. Now you want me to babysit you at home?”
Sunghoon ignores him again, he sat down across from his friend and goes on his phone.
“Jungwon wants to throw you a welcome-back party.” Jaemin looks up at the boy, “he said you could choose the date.”
Jaemin could see that Sunghoon was visibly angry at what he said. “Why is he contacting you?”
“It must be because you never reply to him.”
“Well because I blocked him. You should block him too!” Sunghoon raises his tone while Jaemin seems to stay unbothered.
“You know I can’t do that, he’s the heir of the Yang Empire.” Jaemin continues to scan over the documents.
Sunghoon gets up from his seat in a fit. “I’ll make sure you don’t have to deal with the Yang Emipre, so block him!”
“You can’t keep acting like you are still abroad, you have to face these people soon.”
“I know but I just can’t stand Jungwon!”
Jaemin shakes his head and signals Sunghoon to sit next to him by patting the seat. “Hating on him is like hating on yourself. You both are filthy rich and obnoxious.”
Sunghoon gives Jaemin a side eye before he groans loudly in frustration. He felt defeated by his secretary.
“Anyway. I’ve looked at the applications for the ice skating business like you asked.” Jaemin says as he hands Sunghoon the applications.
Sunghoon shuffles through the applications. “You should keep an eye on this one.” Jaemin points out a certain applicate.
“Who is she?” Sunghoon questions as he scans the document. “Moon Y/N. She’s the only person from the head office to apply.”
Sunghoon hums. “It’s unusual though. She applied for the role of executive assistant.” Jaemin states.
“But I didn’t ask for another assistant.” Sunghoon confusingly says as he shuffles through her resume.
“I know. But she insisted.”
“She’s only twenty-three and is already an associate manager?”
“She’s quite famously well-known in the company. For starters, she was a child prodigy that starred in many television shows to showcase her talents, and won countless academic prizes.” Jaemin continues to entertain Sunghoon’s hears as he continues to go over who this woman was. “She also is called the weirdo workaholic.”
Sunghoon observed her photo. She looked familiar to him yet he didn’t know from where.
“I don’t think the head office wants to let her transfer to our side of the business, but she insisted on applying.” Jaemin crosses his legs as he kept speaking. “I think they want you to reject her application.”
“Tell them we don’t need her if they don’t want to lose her.” Sunghoon adds, “I’d feel uncomfortable working with a weirdo workaholic anyway.”
Jaemin clears his throat before preparing to say, “Got it. But she must be really good since Jungwon has been showing up to the office to scout her everyday.”
“Tell her to transfer immediately.” Sunghoon pauses, “Who cares if she’s a bit weird, as long as she’s good at her job.” Sunghoon smiles at a shocked Jaemin.
“So do you want her as your executive assistant?”
“No, that would be a waste of her talents. Put her in marketing or sales.” Sunghoon proudly says.
You struggled while holding onto your boxes. You were finally moving departments in the company.
“Y/N, why don’t you stay?” Your former boss says as you bow at him. “You’re our youngest ever employee, youngest ever associate manager!”
You give him a smile before bowing one more time. “I’m okay.” You walked out of his office after that.
Your former boss always thought you were sort of unique compared to others. He started to wonder if you were just after the chairman’s son. Moon Y/N is scarier than I thought.
Sunghoon and Jaemin were on their way to the Park Empire building. “So are you going to meet the chairman?”
“My father? Why would I meet him when he forced me back into the business.” Sunghoon scoffs as he looks out the car window. “Does he keep bothering you? I’m sorry.”
Jaemin chuckles as one hand rested on the steering wheel. “It’s alright. It’s my job anyway.”
Jaemin glances at Sunghoon before asking, “How about Sato Maeji’s family? Did you visit them?”
Sunghoon stayed silent. He couldn’t visit your family after what happened. How could he show his face there?
My poor baby Maeji! I should’ve stopped you from going! Sunghoon specifically remembers these words coming out of your mothers’ mouth the day of your funeral.
Sunghoon shook this feeling away. He didn’t want to look back ay the past. Not anymore.
Time passed as you gathered all your belongings to your car as you waited to get information about your new office. You were filled with glee, you were basically skipping around in your head.
You walked by your now former co-workers at your department. “Y/N! I heard you’re transferring to the ice skating department. Why? That’s like a demotion.” Jimin says.
You nod as your former co-workers all unitedly gasp. You knew deep down they were glad that you were leaving. Imagine a young woman that just got out of college steals all their opportunities in one second, yeah that was you.
You excuse yourself and continue making your way to the Ice skating department. You were tired of hearing these people questioning every decision you make.
Here you were, standing right in front of the Ice skating department. You haven’t felt like this for a long time. It was like something was punching the insides of your stomach except in a good way.
You knew this day would finally come. But, now that you’re finally here to see him, you feel uneasy.
You stand alone, observing the sign that read, Park Empire Ice Skates. You chuckle at this. You remember how much Sunghoon loved ice skating and swimming.
“Is that him? Is that the new managing director?” You jump hearing two girls speaking behind you. “Yeah that’s the chairmans son.”
You shifted your eyes to the door and see two men walking through the door. You knew one of them had to be Sunghoon.
You rush inside expecting to see Sunghoon but no sight of him seemed to be found. You sigh to yourself. It’s okay, i’ll have many more opportunities to speak to him.
You made your way to your new office and introduce yourself to your new co-workers.
You felt butterflies deep in your stomach. You couldn’t believe this was finally happening. You were finally going to meet him again.
“Hi! I’m Ning Yizhou,” a shorter female suddenly says, interrupting you from your thoughts. “Hi, i’m Moon Y/N.” You give her a warm smile.
“I know who you are, you’re like famous.” She says, taking your hands and shaking them up and down.
You chuckle. “Also, there’s going to be a welcoming party for the new director so don’t miss out!” Yizhou smiles before walking off.
Bingo. You found easy access to fake a natural way to meet him.
The day came to an end. You made your way to the parking garage to find your car. You felt like today had somewhat been successful.
“I’ll go get those documents.” You hear a male voice speak from a distance. There you see him. You see him standing alone. This is your chance Y/N.
You were about to walk over til you were interrupted by a truck screeching its tires. The next thing you see is Sunghoon on the ground covering his ears and panicking.
You run over to the male, immediately stopping a few steps from him. You slowly clack your heels on the ground making your way to him.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?” You say.
Sunghoon turns his head quickly. Memories of Maeji asking, Do you need help? When he was struggling to grab a book flashed before his eyes.
You froze. It really was him. You were standing in front of your last love.
We finally meet again, Sunghoon.
“Are you feeling unwell?” You offer a hand to the male. He glances up at you after realizing his hearing and vision came back.
“That’s alright.” He says as he got up from the ground. Sunghoon observes you once again. You looked familiar. Who was she again?
“Moon Y/N?” You suddenly hear a voice from behind you. It was Yang Jungwon. “Oh, Sunghoon. Wow, I can’t believe you’re really back.”
You and Sunghoon both turn to the male. “Sunghoon, where have you been? It’s so hard to get a hold of you these days.” Jungwon continued. “Here are two people who keep ignoring my calls. How funny.”
You stood there awkwardly. Did they know each other? The tension seemed to be high between them.
“Can you hear me Sunghoon? Or do I need to get closer like before?” Jungwon steps closer to Sunghoon. He was aggravating him on purpose.
“You needed to speak to me right Jungwon?” You barge in between the two, separating them.
Why was Jungwon being such a pain in the ass right now? He usually is annoying but he’s being too much, especially to the man you were going to marry.
Okay maybe you are being a little delusional but point still stands.
Sunghoon gets a message, I need you up here now. And so he leaves, “Where are you going Sunghoon.” Jungwon questions, trying to move closer to the male but you interfere again.
“I thought you wanted to speak to me?” You say, pulling him toward your direction.
Jungwon raises a brow at you, “This is strange. This is the first time you’ve taken interest in talking to me.” He crosses his arms in disbelief.
“I couldn’t help but notice you and Sunghoon,” you pause, “I mean, the managing director, dont seem to be on great terms.”
“Really? What gave you that idea because I’ve known him since we were kids! I was just checking up on my buddy.” Jungwon says.
If you were concerned about him, you wouldn’t have spoken to him like that. Jungwon was getting on your last nerve but you held yourself back.
“I haven’t seen the two of you together before, but even I could tell that you were getting on his nerves, Mr. Yang.”
Jungwon couldn’t help but notice how angry you looked. Why were you so angry? Why were you sticking up for him?
Jungwon scoffs, “To be honest, I feel betrayed. You turned me down time and time again, and now you’re just at the ice skating empire?”
“I haven’t moved companies, I’m still under the Park Empire.” You shot back at him.
“Well doesn’t matter because I’ve given you better opportunities than the situation you’re in right now. It’s even worse than your last one.” Jungwon fought, crossing his arms.
“He’s here.” You interrupted him again. Jungwon sends you a confused look, “The person I want to meet.”
Jungwon silently chuckles, “You know sometimes when I talk to you, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You begin to walk away before turning one last time, “I don’t say things for your benefit so please stop seeing me.”
Jungwon felt defeated by you again. He always knew you were quite the character but Jungwon wasn’t dumb. The strange words you’ve said finally clicked in his head. The boy you were searching for was Sunghoon.
He hated knowing this. He also hated how much you rejected him and how his old childhood friend Sunghoon has you wrapped around his finger.
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✶ LATRII | 2O23.
PERM TAGLIST | @wtfhyuck @baekhyunstruly @strwberrydinosaur @xiaoderrrr @luvlee1313 @ensrfm @yenqa @enhapocketz @flwoie @hajimelvr @redm4ri
227 notes · View notes
(Gonna use Queen B MC's default name because fucking Bea is a perfect name for her)
I have so much to get off my chest about this rn -> i'm chewing through my bars
!!! So the thing about Queen B is that there's only two LIs right? But Bea gets the option to flirt with and sleep with a whole bunch of other people. And the difference between these two sets of choices are shown by the icon that appears when you have a romantic moment with them.
So for the two LIs any romantic/sexual moment is followed by a -> ❤️
And for casual flirting/hookups it's followed by a -> 👄
And in Book 1, you get multiple opportunities to romance the two LIs but only about a couple opportunities per character to flirt with the other characters
And then, in Book 2, suddenly, this changes! Suddenly, you're getting almost as many chances to flirt with/sleep with Poppy (Bea's arch fucking enemy) as you are to romance the two LIs. But still her icon firmly remains as 👄.
Because she's not a Love Interest. Bea and Poppy hate each other. They're constantly trying to ruin each other's lives in the most Evil ways possible. At most they're enemies-with-benefits having a hatefuck to work out the tension. Bea straight up just Evil Laughs while thinking about killing Poppy using her bare hands on a regular basis
But then,
But Then, it starts becoming obvious that they're having fun together. Whether they're plotting the other's ultimate downfall or just sniping at each other this is fun for them. Bea accuses Poppy of never having met anyone more interesting & fun than her, and Poppy accuses Bea of being obsessed with her. And they're both right.
And then Bea starts joking about Poppy being in love with her, which Poppy never outright denies
And then Poppy compares Bea to a dog follwing her around, and Bea cheerfully reminds Poppy that she likes dogs, and not only does Poppy not deny it, she agrees by saying she's always had a thing for strays
And then Poppy starts saying insanely romantic things while they dance together, like how Bea makes her more herself/ths best version of herself (more cunning, manipulative and straight up evil of course)
And then Bea starts calling Poppy adorably cute nicknames like "Pop" and "Poptart" (while obviously ruining her life of course)
And then at one point when Bea teases Poppy about liking her and gets a scoff in return the achievement that pops up is "De-nial isn't only a river"
But through this all, it's still 👄. Because it's not Romance. They're still gleefully trying to tear each other down to use the other as a stepping stool to their own success. There's no actual Romantic feelings here, right? They're just flirting with their enemy as one more thing they can hold over the other. They're just flying a little too close to the sun.
And then at the end of Book 2 if you choose Bea's final moments after the gala to be spent with Poppy, you skip ahead to the graduation;
Rightfully, this should be It for Poppy & Bea. The last day they see each other. They don't ever have to meet again. Not after all the horrible things they've done to each other. Nothing binds them.
There are reasons why Bea will still be involved with the two Actual LIs because Zoey is her best friend & partner in crime, and Ina/Ian has instant sexual chemisty with her and is fully in love with Bea whether or not you choose any romantic options for them. There's nothing like that binding Poppy to Bea. Because even if they do have fun together they also spend an awful lot of time wishing to never see the other again - and now there's no more excuse left for them.
There's a difference between ❤️ & 👄 characters, and it's made obvious from the beginning that there's nothing more to 👄 options, there no strings attached at all. So that's the end.
Unless, Bea spends her last moments of the gala with Poppy.
Because then, during her graduation speech she starts talking about the most important person to her in Uni, the one who made the biggest impact in her life, the one she can't let go of, and it's Poppy. And it's all said with a sincere yet mocking edge to it, because that's what they's like. And Poppy is fucking furious. And where Bea & the LIs would have exchanged "I love you"s here, Bea & Poppy exhange a "I loathe you"
And then you know what happens, you know what fucking happens!!???
A Fucking ❤️ pops up and the entire series just ends.
Do you see why I'm tearing my hair out!???? The end of the fucking Queen B series is the start of Bea x Poppy's actual romance. It's an open ending for them and the only thing you can do is imagine where they go from here and it's beautiful. They're always gonna be plotting to destroy the other and they're always gonna daydream about the other's death by their hand but now they're going to do it while falling in love.
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Hello! I just saw your Matriarch post! Can you possibly do a prologue about her backstory and her going to the other dimension with a batfamily and batmom that are still alive and together? And possibly a part 1 where she just walks into the Batcave one night after she sends out an all-call to the bats and the league and once they all start questioning what is going on she comes out and tells them about her backstory and how she'll prevent her future from happening by offing the rogues one by one and saying something like "I'm the only one who could ever succeed in doing this. And do you know why... it's because I know exactly how each and every hero and villain alike think. I know every plan and protocol in place that both sides of the gallery (i.e. meaning the heroic side and villainous side) have in place, how to stop or outsmart them, and every single possible move any of you could make against me. If you think you can stop your wife, mother, friend, or whatever else I am to you, then by all means... I invite you all to play my game, if you can capture me AND discover my plan, then I'll stop for good and go back to my time. But should I be victorious, well, the world and all of you are MINE."
Sorry for it being so long! And for the long monologue!
[Damn, that is good!!]
[Matriarch Au]
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In this au (Y/N) pretends to be a hero for the public sake. A part-timer of the league in the future.
Bruce doesn't know (but has suspicion) she is killing or torturing almost half of his rouge gallery.
She's afraid that Bruce won't love her become of his no-killing code.
There's technically a "(Y/N)" in this timeline who meets Bruce and falls in love. But, The Matriarch technically killed her before she could meet Bruce.
But here's another question. How does this (Y/N) interact with the Batfamily?
Since (Y/N) knows of each horrible thing that has happened to her children and lover. Batmom is very protective then most other Batmoms.
She still wants to give her children freedom, but also knows that when she did... They were beaten or almost killed for the sake of protecting others.
Batmom decided to mess with this world's timeline so it would be better than her own. But still deliberately decided to let some things stay the same.
1st Example, Dick Grayson. Now depending if Batmom came around before Dicks parents demise is up to you. But in this instance where she did, Batmom would try to save his parents but it doesn't work out.
2nd would be Jason, this is where it gets kinda fucked up.
Batmom is a very caring individual but Matriarch isn't.
Batmom would do whatever she can to make sure Jason will never know of his mother being alive. Batmom will even go out of her way to guilt-trip Jason and emotionally manipulate him. To the point where he doesn't care if his real mother is alive or dead.
But, if Jason does end up curious and decides to find his mother. Aw hell he ain't gonna be free from Batmoms protection. Including Matriarch.
Batmom will get Bruce on her side to not let Jason out of the house or better yet city to look for his mother. It will take a lot of convincing and emotional manipulation part two. Anything regarding Jason's mother or possibly anyone close to bearing resemblance is wiped from the Bat-computer database.
If Jason managed to find a way to convince Batmom or escape Gotham. You are three steps ahead as Batmom or Matriarch.
The only way Jason could even wind up dead is if Batmom was a second too late.
From that point on if that happens, it'll be a much worse for the latter members and friends of the Batfam.
(Y/N) has and will install trackers on everything and anyone. Your always listening, always alert.
You'll put on the facade sure, but the truth of it all is that.. You're no longer just "scared". No you're terrified, to the point you have the smallest threat or villain is your biggest enemy.
[I'll write more for Batmom/Yandere/Villain reader! I swear! If you guys want more let me know, I still gotta describe how Matriarch Au deals with villains.]
[Maybe even write a angst dead dove do not eat fic later hopefully. Thank you for reading!]
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foxy-eva · 2 years
A Remedy for Rivalry
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Summary: Spencer decides to put his rival in her place after she got cocky about her academic achievements
Request: I was wondering if you could do a one shot of jealous Spencer with an enemies to lovers-ish trope? Added black lingerie would be appreciated because I just love pieces like that too much
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: (18+, minors DNI) mild dom/sub undertones (Dom!Spencer, Sub!Reader), a little bit of sexism (related to being a woman in a male dominated field), arguing, jealousy, possessiveness, teasing, praising, thigh grinding, fingering, protected penetrative sex
Author’s Note: I wrote this for the lovely @reidsbookclub and her one year celebration! The prompt I used is: "Meet me outside." "NOW" 
Word count: 4.8k
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Being invited to speak at a conference alongside renowned researchers was all I had dreamed of for years. When I noticed that a certain someone was getting significantly less time to speak at the stage than I did, I couldn’t have been happier. Ever since he took on a full-time teaching job at the university I had worked at for years, he seemed to always be a step ahead of me when it came to publications. But today the tables had turned.
Dr. Spencer Reid was outshone by my academic achievements and I knew it made him furious. 
A part of me knew that seeing him more as a colleague than a rival would have made my life easier. But I couldn’t get over the fact that he had gotten everyone’s attention once he became a professor. So much so that I had to drop one of my classes because all the female students decided to attend his lectures instead. 
Of course I knew that this had nothing to do with his teaching skills. 
It was as if suddenly I had to work twice as hard to get half the praise he got. So it was only natural for me to enjoy the spotlight for once. The little get-together after the main event was a perfect opportunity to get to know other researchers to build a little network. I was deep in a conversation with a neuroscientist whose publications I had recently read when I noticed Dr. Reid approaching us to listen to our conversation. 
I didn’t mind his presence at all. In fact, I really wanted to see his face when he heard a well-respected scientist like Dr. Smith praise me for my achievements. 
“I must say, I was really impressed by you talking on stage earlier. And that had nothing to do with how stunning you look,” Dr. Smith said with a little wink. 
My smile instantly dropped while I saw a smug grin forming on Dr. Reid’s face. Why men had such a hard time giving compliments without mentioning appearances I would never understand. 
“Well, her looks might have been the reason nobody noticed the blatant mistake she made in her presentation,” Dr. Reid chuckled. 
“Excuse me?!” I hissed at him. 
“The paper you cited for your work was revised two days ago, making your whole argument invalid.”
I felt the color draining from my face as I tried to wrap my head around what he was saying. 
“As far as I see it, that is just a reason to do more research and publish another one of your brilliant articles,” Dr. Smith tried to appease me. 
It didn’t work. I downed my drink and left the party, stepping outside to breathe in some fresh air. I felt defeated and humiliated and decided that this time I wouldn’t let Dr. Reid get away with it. I pulled out my phone from my purse to send him a text. 
“Meet me outside,” was what I typed, followed by a second text right after. “NOW”
It took him exactly two minutes and thirty-four seconds to stand beside me outside of the building. 
As soon as I saw him I started yelling, “What the hell was that? You can’t undermine me like that!”
“I wouldn’t call it that. It was just me correcting you,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“Do you really think you’re better at doing this because… You’re a man?” 
“What? No! That has nothing to do with gender. Except that you’d have more time to do your research if you didn’t flirt with every man in there,” he mocked me. 
“You mean every man but you.”
He only huffed at that, averting his eyes from me to look at the ground instead. A reaction I hadn’t expected but found very interesting. I couldn’t let that go just yet. 
“If I recall correctly, you did agree with Dr. Smith that I looked stunning,” I teased. 
“His words, not mine,” he muttered. 
After taking a deep breath, I calmed down slightly and asked, “Tell me, Dr. Reid, what exactly is your problem with me?” 
“You mean other than you being nothing but spiteful ever since we started working together?” He spat. 
I shook my head, “I’m not that bad.” 
“You kind of are.”
I thought back to the times he tried to engage in a conversation and I didn’t even grant him a look because I was so angry at him for having had to drop one of my classes. Maybe there was a little bit of truth in what he said. 
“But I’m still good at what I do,” I countered. 
He seemed a little more leaned back now as well but he still couldn’t stop insulting me. “Most of the time, yes. But your latest research methods were a little… flawed.”
“Well, you’re flawed!” 
“Wow,” he chuckled. “Clever.”
“Look, Dr. Reid. There is a place for both of us in this field. I know you have a lot of experience but I have worked really hard to get where I am and I won’t let you take this away from me,” I tried to explain without it getting out too harshly. 
“I’m not trying to take anything away from you. In fact, I would have liked to do some research together with you when I started working at the university. But every time I tried to talk to you, you just showed me how much you despised me.”
He couldn’t hide the slight trembling in his voice and I wasn’t sure if it was from being angry or hurt. 
I brushed a strand of hair out of my face as I said, “It’s just… as a woman in my field, it feels like I have to work extra hard to get credit.”
His eyes found mine and for the first time ever I noticed how kind they were. 
“That’s understandable. I know the dean made you drop one of your classes because of the… influx of female students in my lectures. That wasn’t fair. If it helps, I’m pretty sure most of them aren’t actually there to learn anything.”
The last part made me laugh, “Yeah, I saw how they look at you.”
I noticed a rosy shade spreading over his cheeks, his eyes finding the ground once more. 
When our eyes locked again, he had a sincere look on his face. “I’m sorry about exposing you in front of Dr. Smith like that. I should not have done that.”
“Maybe you could actually tell me what about my method seems flawed to you when we get back to work?” I suggested. 
Suddenly there was a glimmer in his eyes I couldn’t ignore. He stepped closer to me but still kept a fair amount of distance between us. I had never allowed myself to look at him like I did then. I had never seen him as the man he was and not just a rival I had to beat. It was then that I felt the warmth radiating from his smile and I secretly hoped it wasn’t the last time I’d notice that. 
“That would mean you’d have to spend time with me,” he chuckled. 
I joined him in his laughter, “If it’s for science, I think I could endure that.”
Dr. Reid glanced at his watch. “It’s getting pretty late, I think I’m heading back to my room.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll do that too.” 
A smug grin formed on his face at the innuendo. 
“To my room, I mean,” I snickered. 
Together we entered the hotel and stepped into the elevator, realizing that our rooms were on the same floor. When I reached my door I whispered, “Good night, Dr. Reid.” 
“Please, call me Spencer.”
“Good night, Spencer,” I breathed as I stepped into my room, closing the door behind me. 
As I rinsed my body under the shower, I thought about the conversation I had with Spencer. He had shown me a side of him I hadn’t noticed before and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this had to do with how I treated him. A knot built in my stomach at the thought of how things could have gone differently if I had given him a chance months ago. 
I only then realized that underneath the intellect and cockiness he wore as armor, there seemed to be a kind and warm man with a more exciting side as well. Maybe it was the researcher in me who wanted to explore every part of him, to see which hidden sides I could make him show me when we were alone.  
When I stood in front of my suitcase to look for something to sleep in, I suddenly held a set of black lace lingerie in my hands. I didn’t pack it for anyone to see but myself because it always gave me an extra boost of confidence when I wore it underneath my usual attire. However, in that moment I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering to the image of Spencer’s face with his mouth agape and his cheeks tinted red at the sight of my underwear. 
The knot I felt in my stomach before quickly turned into a pleasant tingling that spread through my whole body. When I put on the flimsy pieces of lace I got a boost of confidence and decided that there was still something I had to tell Spencer tonight. 
After putting on a pair of jeans and a shirt, I smiled to myself. Spencer didn’t know about the secret underneath the first layer of my clothes and maybe he never would. But if he’d give me a chance to let him in on it, I definitely wouldn’t let it pass. 
With three firm knocks against his hotel room door I announced my presence. Spencer opened a few seconds later, staring at me like a deer caught in headlights. I let my eyes roam over his body and couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my face when I saw him wearing a washed-out shirt and flannel pajama pants. 
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” 
“I can’t stop thinking about our conversation and there is something I need to tell you,” I announced. 
He stepped aside to let me enter, closing the door behind us. The room was only lit by the lamp on the nightstand, an open book laying abandoned on the sheets. I turned to face him, standing a little more than an arm’s length away from him. 
“The reason I came here is… I thought about what you said, about how I treated you. I’m sorry I acted this way. I would really like a fresh start,” I admitted. 
He didn’t say anything, instead he stared at me with his lips slightly parted. 
“Please, Spencer.”
That seemed to get his attention. I noticed how his eyes darkened slightly as he took a deep breath. 
I continued, “I’m sure we can find common ground if we both try. Maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle.”
He started to smirk and stepped closer until I could almost feel the heat radiating from his skin. 
“What are you doing?” I muttered. 
“Meeting you in the middle. Now it’s your turn to take a step,” he chuckled. 
“I… didn’t mean that in a physical way.”
He came even closer. “Are you sure about that? You don’t seem to mind the proximity.” 
He was right about that. But there was something about his confident demeanor that made me incredibly nervous. I thought that I could walk over here and take the lead in our encounter, but by the way he stared at me I knew that I wouldn’t have the upper hand tonight. The thought of that excited me more than I could put into words. 
I took a step in his direction, halting right before our bodies could touch. I stared up at him, wondering if he had expected me to make the next move. His eyes fell to my lips for a split second and I noticed his tongue darting out of his mouth to lick over his lips. He looked at me like a man starved, his appetite growing the longer he kept his eyes on me. 
The tension between us was almost unbearable and I felt like my head was spinning, unable to grasp how the energy between us could have shifted so drastically in such a short time. Maybe I had been in denial about how attracted I was to him this whole time. 
Without a warning he started to speak, “I also thought about our conversation.”
I raised my eyebrows at him, interested in what he had to say. 
“You said you had noticed how those girls were looking at me.”
It took me a moment to remember what he was hinting at until I realized he was talking about all those female students who didn’t exactly make a secret of their attraction towards their professor. 
“Yes, it’s very obvious,” I whispered. 
“You do know, I would never do anything about that, right?”
I had never thought about Spencer in that context. He didn’t really strike me as the person to cross a line like that, so I shook my head. 
“Good. The truth is, I don’t care about them at all. It’s ironic really. I walk around the campus every day, noticing how those girls start chatting when they see me. And all I ever think about is the one woman whose attention I can’t seem to get.” 
My eyes widened at the realization that he was talking about me. He said it with an almost harsh tone in his voice but he couldn’t conceal the vulnerability bleeding through his words. 
I placed my fingertips on his cheeks and noticed how he closed his eyes for a moment and leaned into my touch. I leaned against him, his hands instantly flying to my waist to hinder me from moving away from him again. That was the last thing I wanted to do right then anyway. 
With our lips mere inches away from one another, I whispered, “I’m sorry it took me so long but I see you now. I see you, Spencer.” 
He didn’t hesitate to close the distance then, his lips pressing against mine with a fervor that shocked my whole system. He pushed against my body until my back met the nearest wall, having me gasp against his lips. He saw that as an invitation to deepen our union, his tongue meeting mine as he melted into me. 
My hand flew to his hair, grabbing a fistful to keep him in place. We kissed each other hungrily, months of rivalry finally unloading at the contact. When I thought that we couldn’t possibly get any closer to each other, he leaned further against my body until I could feel the extent of his desire pressing hard against my hip. 
It sent heat directly into my core and there was no way I could have stopped the whimper from escaping my throat. I needed to feel more of him, getting greedy to explore every inch of his body. My palms glided down his body until I found the hem of his shirt, dipping underneath it to feel the skin of his back. 
I felt him breaking out in goosebumps as my fingertips danced over his skin without a barrier. He seemed to appreciate the contact or else he wouldn’t have dared to break our kiss to practically rip his own shirt off his body. He was back at me in no time, kissing along my jaw and down my throat while my hands kept exploring his upper body. 
His hands fell to the hem of my shirt, toying with it before pushing it up slightly to graze his fingertips along my sides. He pulled back to look at me for a moment, stopping me when I attempted to continue our kiss. 
“Do you want this?” He asked. 
He was offering me an out but nothing in this world could have made me take that. “Yes, I want this. More than anything,” I sincerely told him. 
“If you want to stop or do anything else, just tell me.”
“I will.” 
That was the last bit of reassurance he needed to continue. He walked me over to the bed and I expected him to push me onto it but he didn’t. Instead, he sat down on the edge of it and looked at me. 
“Take off your clothes,” he demanded. 
I hesitated for a moment until his eyes found mine, looking at me with the utmost adoration. I shed my shirt and my pants, leaving me standing in front of him in only the set of black lace underwear I had wanted him to see. His eyes roamed over my body as if he was absorbing my image and storing it into his mind. 
When our eyes locked again, a smug grin was prominent on his face. 
“Did you wear that for me?” He chuckled. 
My honesty seemed to surprise him as his eyes widened at my answer. 
“So, talking to me wasn’t the only thing you had in mind when you came over.” 
I slowly turned around to let him see every side of my body. “Do you like it?” 
“Very much so,” he groaned. “Come here.” 
He pulled me into his lap and I found his lips to capture them in a soft kiss. It was gentler than the one before but it still left me yearning for more. Spencer placed his hands on my thighs, his fingertips pressing into the supple flesh. He broke the kiss to look at me. 
“Do you want to know why I interrupted your conversation with Dr. Smith?” 
I didn’t quite understand why he would bring up another man at that exact moment until he continued without waiting for my answer. 
“I saw the way he looked at you. And I couldn’t stand the thought of him taking you to his room tonight,” he confessed. 
My fingertips traced the scruff on his jaw. The thought of him getting jealous let my panties quickly dampen. Instead of teasing him for his feelings, I decided to reassure him instead. 
“I’m here with you now.”
His eyes got a shade darker as I witnessed his pupils dilating. 
“It’s where you belong,” he groaned before kissing me once more. 
He pulled back with my lower lip caught between his teeth, only letting go of it when he heard me whimpering. 
“Say it!” He ordered. 
He seemed almost desperate in his need to be reassured that it was really him I wanted to be with. 
“I belong with you, Spencer.”
With one swift motion he repositioned us to lie on the bed. His mouth was all over me, exploring every inch of my skin within reach. He nipped at the sensitive skin of my neck before tracing my collarbones with his lips. Wandering further down, he kissed along the seam of my bra before finding my hardened peaks through the thin lace. I arched my back into the contact, getting desperate to feel more of him. 
Reaching behind me, he undid my bra to remove the fabric from my body. He took a moment to take in the sight of my exposed chest before continuing his mission to explore my body. He sucked harshly on my skin whenever he wanted to elicit a whine from my throat, smiling against my skin when those sounds morphed into moans. 
His lips found mine once more while his hand descended further down my body. His fingertips ghosted over the lace of my panties before hooking underneath the waistband to pull them down my thighs. My own hands started to get more curious as well, gliding down his back until they found the soft fabric of his pajama pants. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” I breathed between kisses. 
Spencer didn’t hesitate to get rid of the remaining pieces of clothing, leaving him just as bare as I was. We pressed our skin into one another, our kisses growing more heated while our bodies started rocking against each other. His length was pressing hard against my thigh until my hand wrapped around it to slowly stroke it. 
The groan he let out when I swiped my thumb over his leaking tip echoed through the room and imprinted directly into my brain.  
His hand grazed over my inner thighs several times, always skipping over where I wanted to feel him the most. The longer he denied me the much needed contact, the more desperate I grew. I was burning for his touch, for some friction, for anything really. In an attempt to soothe my aching core, I pressed my thighs together. 
Spencer was not happy when he noticed that. 
With more force than necessary, he pushed my legs apart and looked at me with furrowed brows. He hovered over me with one of his legs between mine. Pushing his thigh against my heat, I gasped at the sudden contact. 
“Here, show me how desperate you are.”
It took me a second to understand but once I knew what he wanted from me, I started grinding against his leg, seeking the friction I so desperately longed for. Spencer hovered over me, unable to decide whether to look at my face or my wet folds moving against his skin, leaving a shimmer of arousal on his leg. 
“That’s my good girl,” he praised me. 
I was getting desperate as I chased some relief, aware that it would be hard for me to find it this way. 
When I dared to close my eyes Spencer groaned, “Look at me!” 
I obeyed but struggled to keep my lids open as the pleasure overcame me. Just when I thought that I could actually fall over the edge like this, he denied me the contact. I whined in protest, the tension in my loins becoming almost too much. 
“Not yet,” he cooed, “not until I tell you to.” 
He was still hovering over me, propped up with one of his elbows beside my head. He kept kissing me while his other hand snuck down between our bodies to make contact with my heat. Moving his fingertips through slick folds, I couldn’t contain the moans and sighs rolling from my lips and directly into his mouth. 
When he slowly entered me with two of his fingers, I couldn’t help but clench my walls at the intrusion. He halted his motion, waiting patiently for my body to let him in. 
“Relax,” he whispered against my lips. “I want to make you feel good.” 
After taking a deep breath, I welcomed him inside me and he started to work his fingers against the tight flesh. My hips began to rock against his hand as I quickly longed for more. When he seemed to be pleased with the way my body reacted to his touch, he removed his hand to get up from the bed. 
He was back on the mattress with a little foil wrapper in his hand after just a few seconds. Kneeling between my legs, he took his sweet time to let his eyes wander over my body. 
“You look so hot lying all splayed out for me,” he purred. 
How he was still able to form proper sentences I couldn’t understand. I started to feel lightheaded, as if my body might crumble if he didn’t grant me what I longed for. 
“Please, Spencer…” I mumbled. 
“Please what?”
“Fuck me,” I pleaded. “Please.” 
“God,” he groaned as he ripped open the foil, “I will never get enough of hearing you beg.”
After putting on the condom, he leaned over me with his cock aligned at my entrance. He slowly pushed into me while his mouth captured mine, not letting any of my sighs escape. When he reached my deepest point, he halted inside me and I felt him twitching against my walls. 
“You feel amazing,” he mumbled against my lips right before he started moving. “Even better than I had imagined.” 
My eyes got wide at his confession. I wanted to know more about me being the center of lewd fantasies, but I was already too far gone to ask him about it. He decided to tell me anyway. 
“You have no idea how often I thought about bending you over your desk in your office,” he hissed. 
I answered him with my moans at the thought of that, my walls clenching hard around his length. 
He continued, “Everytime you disrespected me, I thought about putting you in your place.”
If him reprimanding me would feel even remotely close to what I was experiencing then, I’d be happy to keep treating him the way I did before. 
His thrusts were deep and hard, keeping a steady rhythm that soon was matched with my hips moving with him. I clung onto his body with my arms and legs around him, only allowing enough room for our hips to move. When the need for air overcame us, our mouths separated to pant against each other’s faces instead. 
With all the built-up tension inside of me, I felt my climax quickly approaching and that didn’t stay unnoticed. Spencer accelerated his pace, his eyes fixated on my face to not miss any of my reactions. 
When I scrunched up my face, he kissed my cheek before whispering into my ear, “Come for me.” 
If life would be perfect, I would have come undone at his command. But I didn’t, instead I kept dancing along the edge, desperate for the final push to enter a state of pure bliss. Spencer seemed to notice my struggle and let one of his hands sneak between our bodies until his thumb found my most sensitive spot. 
He kept a steady pace pushing into me while drawing tight circles around the bud of my crevice until I finally managed to let go. 
“There you go,” he moaned as he watched me fall apart. 
When he felt me pulsating around his length, he retracted his hand and buried his face into the crook of my neck. His thrusts became erratic as he chased his own relief, his breath feeling hot against my skin as he sang my praise in the forms of the sound of his undoing. 
I noticed him holding his breath right before I felt him throbbing inside me. My hips slowly rocked against him until the stimulation got too much for him, making him whimper against my neck. With one hand in his hair and one on his back, I let my fingertips dance over his body as he came down from his high.
It was inevitable for him to move but I still whined when he disappeared in the bathroom. He was back after a few moments with a damp towel in his hand. He sat on the edge of the bed, placing one of his hands on my thigh. 
“Open up for me please.”
I tried to reach for the fabric, muttering, “I can do that myself.”
He softly smiled at me and tapped the skin of my leg, telling me with a soothing tone, “I know that you can, but you shouldn’t have to.”
Without thinking about it further, I let my legs fall open to grant him access to my most delicate parts. He carefully cleaned me up, letting the fabric run through my folds to rid me of the remains of my excitement. 
When he was done he put the towel away to lie down beside me, pulling the blanket over our bodies. I curled into his side, letting my head rest on his chest. His palm brushed over my back, helping me relax inside his embrace. He placed a featherlight kiss on the top of my head before he wanted to know, “Are you okay?” 
I propped myself up on my elbow to be able to look at him. 
“Yes, I am. Are you?”
He smiled at my question. “I’m more than okay.” 
I thought about the conversations that led us to this exact moment and realized something. 
“You never actually told me what you think about a fresh start,” I remarked. 
Spencer broke out in laughter and shook his head. 
“After all that just went down between us, you still need me to confirm that?” He chuckled. 
“To be fair, one could misinterpret this as a hate-fuck.” 
Despite the playfulness in my voice, his eyes softened at my words. His hand found my cheek, having me lean into his touch. 
“That’s not what that was. Not for me, at least,” he cooed. 
I kissed his lips and mumbled against them, “It wasn’t for me either.” 
With his hand on the nape of my neck, he kept me in place to deepen the kiss while shifting our position so he was on top of me once more. He kissed along my cheek until he found my ear. 
“Yes, I would really like a fresh start with you. Especially when it means I can keep doing this” he whispered before kissing down my neck and descending further down my body. 
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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It’s Nice To Have A Friend
| this story was inspired by the song ‘It’s Nice To Have A Friend’ by Taylor Swift |
“ school bell rings, walk me home, sidewalk chalk covered in snow, lost my gloves you give me one, wanna hang out? yeah, sounds like fun ”
Coriolanus Snow is a very important person. Well, at least that’s what his mother says. She reminds him of that every day before he goes to school, while she helps him with the buttons of his coat because sometimes those can be difficult for a six-year-old to manage.
He likes going to school, the Academy. His mother and father went there, that’s how they met. Husband and wife, President and First Lady. Coriolanus thinks the two terms seem to go hand in hand with one another.
When he was younger—five years old—he’d one day wondered if he would ever meet someone, some girl. There were lots of girls in his class but he didn’t particularly think of them as First Lady material. Clemensia was nice, pretty even, but she was his friend. Arachne could be very bossy and Coriolanus doesn’t like being bossed around. And don’t get him started on Livia who’s practically his sworn enemy.
No, perhaps he shall die alone.
Until mother pointed out a little girl one day when she was dropping him off. The little girl was dressed in a soft light pink coat, with a white hat and white gloves, holding onto her father’s hand. “That’s the girl you’re going to marry one day darling,” his mother had said to him.
Coriolanus couldn’t believe it! He was already promised to someone? He thought for a moment that it might be left to him to decide on his future wife but the grownups were once again, one step ahead of him. That preposterous idea of already knowing who you were going to marry filled his head with questions that he brought to his mother, mostly because father was very busy.
She chuckled and ran a loving hand through his blonde curls before assuring him that no one expected them to fall in love until they were much older and more mature.
Well, that was a relief.
But that didn’t stop Coriolanus from getting to know this girl. His future wife. She was very pretty, she also had blonde hair but her eyes weren’t blue like his, no, they were more…grayish blue. Coriolanus knew enough about colors to decide that Soarynn, his future wife, had the best-colored eyes in the world.
She was so much fun! They played together all the time at recess. Soarynn was great at playing games and always made sure their classmates were included. She would always move the worms off the sidewalk after it rained and when it wasn’t raining she’d help him use chalk to draw pictures.
Sometimes Coriolanus wished he could see her outside of school. Maybe have a playdate. But none of these adults seemed to be in a rush like he was to get this show on the road.
Until one fateful day.
It had snowed while they were in school and while Eudora Trinket—the family planner—had come to collect Coriolanus after school as she did every day, Soarynn’s father had not. Apparently, the roads were closed or something like that, Coriolanus could only pick up so much as a six-year-old. But there was a silver lining! He and Eudora got to walk Soarynn home! He was giddy with excitement but didn’t let it show. He had to be collected. Play it cool.
As they walked Soarynn home their shoes left footprints in the snow, giving them a glimpse of the sidewalk chalk drawings they’d made a couple days ago. Soarynn giggled, “It snowed and your last name is Snow! Isn’t that funny Coryo?”
He smiled at the nickname she’d given him when they first became friends. It sounded much better than Coriolanus, an apparent family name, whatever that means. “Yeah, it is funny. What’s your last name?”
Soarynn proudly beamed up at the sky, “Nightingale.” Coriolanus nodded, it was quite an impressive last name compared to others like ‘Cardew’ or ‘Creed’ in his opinion.
The wind blew against them and Eudora muttered something about needing a raise when Coriolanus noticed that Soarynn only had one glove.
“Where’d your other glove go Soarynn?”
Soarynn looked down at her right hand and her eyes widened, “Oh! I must’ve lost it somewhere. It’s okay though, I can just put my hands in my pockets,” she said, shoving her hands into the pockets of her light pink coat. She even offered him a smile to show all was well but Coriolanus wasn’t convinced.
Soarynn was his future wife. He should take care of her, shouldn’t he? Father always took care of mother.
He pulled off his red glove without hesitation and offered it to her, “Here, you can wear one of mine.”
Soarynn furrowed her eyebrows, “But what if you get cold Coryo?” He waved her off, “A Snow doesn’t get cold.”
Once they arrived at her townhouse Soarynn was let in by the maid who welcomed her in with a smile. Coriolanus took this as an opportunity to lean into the doorway, his feet still lingering on the threshold of the Nightingale’s home while he worked up the courage to ask a daunting question.
“Wanna hang out?”
Soarynn broke into a wide grin and nodded.
“Yeah! Sounds like fun.”
It’s nice to have a friend.
꧁ ꧂
“ video games, you pass me a note, sleeping in tents. it’s nice to have a friend, it’s nice to have a friend ”
“I keep losing!” Soarynn whined, throwing herself onto the pillows they’d brought onto the floor.
Coriolanus knew Eudora would probably scold them for letting the precious pillows touch the floor but he felt the floor was clean enough. Besides, they’d put them back once they were done playing.
“You have to make the right moves,” he told her, tearing his eyes away from the screen to see Soarynn glaring up at the ceiling. He was attempting to teach her how to use the new gaming set he’d gotten for his birthday. All his friends thought it was the coolest thing. He did too, especially since he was the first child in all of Panem to have one.
Being the President’s son certainly has its perks.
Soarynn however, did not share the same sentiments about his video games. Probably because she wasn’t the best at them but Coriolanus felt compelled to make her feel better. He didn’t like seeing his friends sad, especially Soarynn who he considered his best friend.
At the bright age of ten, Coriolanus was often teased for having a “girl-friend” since none of the other boys wanted anything to do with girls right now. They were more focused on tussling, spitting, and eating weird combinations of food during lunch.
And he was too!
But Soarynn was different than other girls. Coriolanus liked spending time with her, laughing with her, playing with her. And she was much prettier than his friends so that helped.
She’d tossed the remote to the side and for a moment Coriolanus felt his hand inching towards hers but he stopped himself.
They were just friends.
꧁ ꧂
“My mother says we can put the tents up in the backyard tonight if your father is okay with it.”
Coriolanus was quick to jot down a simple note before folding it and passing it down to Soarynn who sat two seats behind him.
He looked over his shoulder to see her unfolding it and grinned when she looked up and eagerly nodded. The two of them had discovered some old tents in the storage room of the President’s Mansion and ever since they’d been begging to sleep outside in one of them.
Eudora argued that they could get sick or that it could rain but they didn’t care. It sounded like fun.
And it was fun as they set up the tents, even when it collapsed on them because twelve-year-olds aren’t very qualified at putting up tents. They both just laughed in the dark, laughed so hard that they couldn’t breathe.
“We’re not very good at this,” Soarynn said, wiping away a tear.
Coriolanus chuckled, “No, no we’re not but we can fix it.”
Once they’d fixed the tent it was much easier to sleep in. Their sleeping bags provided enough warmth and Coriolanus couldn’t help but watch as Soarynn slept, how pretty she looked even at night. But they were just friends and their friendship was something Coriolanus valued deeply.
It’s nice to have a friend.
꧁ ꧂
“ light-pink sky, up on the roof, sun sinks down, no curfew. 20 questions, we tell the truth, you’ve been stressed out lately, yeah, me too. ”
They probably shouldn’t be up on the roof.
Soarynn had come to Coriolanus one morning with excitement in her eyes as she told him about her new discovery. That if you were careful, you could climb up onto the roof of her townhouse.
He of course had to try it and found you could see a good bit of the Capitol from up here.
The sky was light pink, just like Soarynn’s coat all those years ago when he first saw her. It was strange sometimes to look at the girl sitting across from him and think to himself, “She’s my future wife.” He knew that, she knew that. Everyone knew that.
They were eighteen, about to graduate, become adults and Coriolanus knew what happened when you were an adult. You got married.
They wouldn’t get married right away, no. The agreement was that they’d get married once they finished up at the University. At least they had a few more years of just being friends. But Coriolanus didn’t know if he wanted to be just friends. Not anymore. Not when she was his best friend and he simply wished to be by her side all day and all night.
“Twenty questions,” Soarynn said, jolting him from his precarious thoughts about marriage and dating girls. Why did everything have to be so complicated?
Still, he couldn’t stop the small grin from forming on his lips at her statement. They still loved to play games but now that they were older, the games were too. Twenty questions were a good way for them to gauge one another’s feelings, their mental and emotional state.
Coriolanus nodded, “You go first.” Soarynn sat up a little straighter, smoothing out her skirt while she bit her lip, trying to think of a question.
“Are you excited to graduate?”
Boring. But he still had to answer it. Coriolanus hummed, “I am. Mostly because I won’t have to see Dean Highbottom every day.” They both laughed when thinking of the Dean who seemed to despise children which made his job a bit ironic.
“I believe he feels the same way,” Soarynn told him, giggling when he gave her a playful shove. Coriolanus shook his head, a grin still on his lips, “Alright, my turn. Did you or did you not kiss Titus Fenton at the dance last month?”
Soarynn’s groan and the roll of her eyes were more than enough to answer his question. She ran her fingers through her hair, “No I did not kiss Titus although he did give me a hug that was long enough to feel a bit awkward.”
Coriolanus snorted and wiped his hands on his pants. For some reason, they were a bit sweaty and he refused to believe it was due to his nerves about the possibility of Soarynn actually kissing Titus.
Arachne had told everyone that she saw them kiss but Coriolanus has learned to take Arachne’s word with a grain of salt. But still, he had to ask.
“Okay, no more romantic questions. How are you actually feeling about going to University? And don’t give me that bullshit answer that you give every adult who asks the same question.” Soarynn said, giving him a knowing look.
Coriolanus sighed, there was quite a bit happening right now with graduation right around the corner. So much that he didn’t even want to think about University.
“I’ve been stressed out,” he whispered, thinking about how many talks his father had given him the past few months about how he had to be perfect, be a Snow. Even though he was growing up he still felt like a kid.
Soarynn scooted in closer until they were shoulder to shoulder, “Yeah, me too.”
They both sat there in silence, watching the sun set over the Capitol, thoughts of the future lingering around them.
Coriolanus was glad to have Soarynn in his life, to share this burden. He couldn’t imagine going into the future alone.
It’s nice to have a friend.
꧁ ꧂
“ something gave you the nerve to touch my hand, it’s nice to have a friend, it’s nice to have a friend ”
It’s hard to study with Soarynn sitting right next to him.
They’re supposed to be studying for their upcoming biology test but Coriolanus keeps finding himself studying her, rather than the books laid out in front of them.
And hasn’t everything been laid out in front of them?
There’s only three weeks left until winter break and Coriolanus is counting down the days until he and Soarynn can have each other's undivided attention for those two blissful weeks.
If only he could garner the strength and courage to ask her out.
He knows he doesn’t have to. It’s all been arranged but he knows how much it’ll mean to Soarynn. And frankly, how much it means to him as well.
“Oh, I give up,” Soarynn said with an exasperated sigh, pushing her pencil away. Coriolanus chuckled as she leaned back in the wooden chair, letting out a yawn. They’d been in the University’s library for a good four hours now so he felt they could call it quits for the day.
“Want me to walk you home?” He asked, already knowing she’d say yes. Soarynn hummed and gave him one of those looks that recently made his heart beat a little faster, “Mhm. Oh, and you can stay for dinner if you want, my father should be home soon.”
Coriolanus swallowed at the thought of having dinner with Mr. Nightingale. Not that he was scared, because he wasn’t. But it came with a certain set of expectations and he feared he wasn’t living up to any of them.
Still, he didn’t let that get in his way as they walked into Soarynn’s home, his ears hearing the sound of Petunia before he laid eyes on the feline.
“Did you miss us?” Soarynn asked her cat as she scooped her up and spun them around. Petunia let out a meow and pawed the air as she looked over at Coriolanus, almost as if waving him over. Coriolanus of course obliged because only an asshole would ignore a cat like Petunia.
Petunia purred when he gave her a good scratch right behind the ears, "I'm surprised you haven't brought her with you to class yet," he teased, knowing how inseparable Soarynn and the cat could be. Petunia had been a birthday gift to Soarynn when she turned fifteen and she'd been ecstatic. Coriolanus of course felt left out and begged his parents for a dog only to be turned down.
Dogs had fleas and all sorts of diseases, and his mother wasn't shy to remind him of the time dogs had carried rabies. Needless to say, Petunia was the closest thing he'd get to a pet. But once they got married, technically she'd also be his cat.
Coriolanus held onto that hopeful thought as they went upstairs to Soarynn's room where she flung herself onto the large bed, "Maybe we should watch something to pass the time," she suggested, rolling onto her stomach to look up at him. Coriolanus nodded, "As long as it isn't scary because I don't want any more late-night phone calls because you're convinced something's inside your closet."
Soarynn scoffed and threw the nearest pillow at him which he caught, "That was one time," she defended, "and we should watch something romantic, like the one about the girl who gets amnesia." Coriolanus all but rolled his eyes at Soarynn's request since he despised that film and how unrealistic it was.
Who forgets everything only to remember everything after one magical kiss?
Still, he obliged since he knew how much Soarynn loved the film and he put it on, watching Soarynn mouth all the words to her favorite parts. She looked so pretty with her hair pulled back, a few pieces still in her face. Coriolanus had opted to sit on the edge of the bed while Soarynn lay next to him on her stomach, her feet kicking back and forth in the air. She always did that, ever since she was little she kicked her feet.
The film was getting closer to what was arguably "the best part" and Coriolanus couldn't help but look at Soarynn's hand. All these years had passed and not once had he held it. He was beginning to feel a bit like a failure.
He didn't know why or where it came from, maybe it was the movie but suddenly he had the courage to make a move.
Something gave him the nerve to touch her hand.
Soarynn looked down at his hand on top of hers for a moment before she smiled up at him and laced her fingers through his.
They fit perfectly together.
It's nice to have a friend.
꧁ ꧂
" church bells ring, carry me home, rice on the ground looks like snow "
Soarynn's arms wrapped around his neck as she squealed. Coriolanus laughed as they finally emerged from the building they had just gotten married in, bells were ringing, friends were cheering, cameras flashing.
They were married.
Coriolanus couldn't believe it. He didn't believe it when mother gave him her blessing along with her ring to propose to Soarynn with. He didn't believe it when Soarynn said "yes" and started jumping up and down, nearly tackling him in a hug. And he certainly didn't believe it when she was walking down the aisle an hour ago, dressed in a beautiful wedding dress on her father's arm.
But here he was, married to his best friend, carrying her down the steps to the car that was waiting to take them home.
Confetti and streamers were in the air as they passed by family and friends, all congratulating them. It was, after all, the wedding of the Capitol.
Soarynn rested her head on his shoulder, giving their parents a wave. His mother was a mess, crying while waving whereas his father had a more stoic expression. Soarynn's father on the other hand gave him a wave along with a bright smile.
There was rice on the ground, crunching under his shoes as he descended the steps. Apparently, it was tradition to throw rice in the air and Coriolanus wasn't one to break tradition. "There's quite a bit of rice on the ground," he noted when they finally made it to their car. Coriolanus carefully set Soarynn back down on her feet but she made no moves to let go of his neck, in fact, she pulled him down for another kiss, earning a loud cheer from everyone.
Coriolanus smiled into the kiss, he could never get tired of this, tired of her. He loved this girl so much that his heart hurt.
Soarynn whispered against his lips, "Looks like snow."
꧁ ꧂
" call my bluff, call you "babe", have my back, yeah, every day, feels like home, stay in bed, the whole weekend, it's nice to have a friend, it's nice to have a friend, it's nice to have a friend "
"You wouldn't dare," Soarynn said a playful glint in her eyes.
Coriolanus raised his eyebrows as he precariously dangled a pitcher of ice-cold water over Soarynn's head. "You sure about that?" He asked, smirking when she attempted to glare at him. What was supposed to be a romantic picnic in the gardens had turned into a bit of a battle.
It started when Soarynn stole the last strawberry, and then Coriolanus took an all too big bite out of her sandwich which led Soarynn to retaliate by throwing his cookies in the air to be swooped up by birds.
He was so close to evening out the score by giving her an unsolicited bath. Soarynn tilted her head, giving him that smile that caused his knees to go weak, "You'd never get the love of your life wet, especially when she just got her hair done."
Coriolanus smiled and slowly lowered the pitcher to where Soarynn wasn't in danger of being waterboarded, "You always seem to call my bluffs hmm?" He asked as he sat back down on the blanket, his shoulder brushing against hers.
Soarynn smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "It's because I'm the love of your life." He laughed and nodded his head, "Yes, yes you are."
Coriolanus had never been happier. Soarynn had been a wonderful girlfriend and she was an even better wife if that was possible. He liked to just stare at her through all times of the day to remind himself that she was real and not some figment of his imagination.
"Although you could always strip down a few layers if you're getting too hot," he playfully suggested, earning him a swat on the arm. "You're quite keen on getting me undressed Coryo," Soarynn said with some flirtatiousness in her tone, "is there a reason why?"
Coriolanus grinned like a schoolboy and shrugged, "No reason at all. You're just a babe when you're lying around in your underwear is all." Soarynn rolled her eyes and grabbed a grape, popping it into her mouth before answering, "Suppose someone saw me? You'd be quite upset." Well, she had a point.
Their romantic picnic was then interrupted by Eudora who was standing out on the veranda, looking down at them, "Coriolanus! Your father wants to talk to you again dear!" Coriolanus sighed but nodded, he knew better than to keep his father waiting. He gave Soarynn a strained smile, "Sorry, I...I better go see what he wants."
Soarynn took his large hand in her small one and gave it a squeeze, "I understand Coryo. It's a busy month isn't it?"
It sure was. Coriolanus was about to become President of Panem, and as expected, that took some planning and teaching. Father had been adamant about having more and more talks with him although Coriolanus felt they were more like lectures than conversations. He'd vented to Soarynn about it many times, telling how pressured he felt to be perfect in the eyes of his father.
"It is," he agreed, "but once it's over we can have all the picnics you want." Soarynn smiled and he felt his heartbeat a little faster, "You know I've got your back right?" Soarynn had been his rock since they got married and she moved into the Mansion with him. There used to be times when his father could practically corner him at dinner, leaving him defenseless. But Soarynn always had his back and defended him.
Coriolanus leaned in and pressed a soft, loving kiss to her lips, savoring the sweet, tender moment.
"Every day."
꧁ ꧂
There were moments in his stressful life when Coriolanus felt like he was floating on a cloud. Waking up next to Soarynn was one of those moments. When she moved in he had worried she might feel homesick, miss her father or her room but she cozied up to his room rather quickly.
He'd once joked how easy it was to make her feel comfortable in a strange place as long as a soft pillow was provided and Soarynn just smiled, "Feels like home," she had said to him.
She felt like home.
He couldn't help but watch as she slept, admiring how delicate all her soft features were like her lips and the way they were slightly parted. Or her soft blonde hair and how it was tussled after a long night's sleep. And the way her nightgown's thing straps had fallen off her shoulders. She was perfect, no doubt about it.
Coriolanus watched her until she finally began to wake up, speckles of sunlight peeking through the curtains made her face glow, showing off her freckles. "Good morning," she yawned, cuddling even closer to him than before. Coriolanus chuckled and kissed the top of her head, "Good morning my darling. How did you sleep?"
Soarynn sighed, slowly opening her eyes, "I slept wonderfully. What about you Coryo?" He found it rather hard to have a bad night's sleep when she was next to him but he answered her question with a soft kiss on her forehead, "I also slept wonderfully. I've been looking forward to a more relaxed day for a while," he admitted.
Today was Saturday and for the first time in a long time since becoming President, his schedule was clear.
Soarynn nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, a lazy smile on her lips, "Then perhaps we should just stay here, make the most of our weekend."
Coriolanus raised his eyebrows, at the idea of simply "relaxing" for the next two days. He thought Soarynn might want to go to the zoo or something along those lines but having her to himself sounded wonderful.
"Stay in bed?" He mused, smelling the sweet scent of vanilla that seemed to follow Soarynn everywhere she went.
Soarynn hummed, "The whole weekend."
It's nice to have a friend.
It's nice to have a friend.
It's nice to have a friend.
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calisources · 1 year
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MISC THE VAMPIRE DIARIES SENTENCE MEME. this includes spoilers for the show so approach with care. change names and pronouns as you see fit.
"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger."
"He's your first love. I intend to be your last, however, long it takes."
"And honestly when I'm with her, I completely forget what I am."
"I've been in love. It's painful, pointless, and overrated."
"What happens when the one who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?"
"I like this. You... walking on eggshells around me because you think I'm going to explode. It's very suspensable."
"I do not go behind people's backs and torture them. I like my enemies to look me in the eye and see the depth of my rage."
"If I have to hear doppelgänger one more time, I'm going to have to learn how to spell it."
"I do believe in killing the messenger. Know why? Because it sends a message."
"Life is too cruel, if we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?"
"Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness. No matter how easy it is to turn it off, it keeps trying to fight its way back in.Sometimes I let it."
"Kiss me or kill me. We both know you're only capable of one."
"People have been after me for a thousand years, but I'm always one step ahead."
"Sometimes the world turns good people into bad people."
"We live by a code of loyalty. We take care of each other. It's my duty and honor to help you. Please let me."
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves."
"Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century. You'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it."
"You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be okay again."
"It's not a crime to love what you cannot explain."
"It's funny how one event can change the outcome of your entire life."
"We choose our own path. Our values and our actions, they define who we are."
“You know, over the years, I've had my share of friends, enemies, lovers, losses, and triumphs. With time, they all begin to run together, but you will find the real moments are vibrant. The rest just fades away. Your pain will fade.”
“A warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for his family.”
“but in the one moment you two could have chosen to stand by me, you chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies.”
“You don't arm yourself after war has been declared, (name). You build your army so big that no one dares pick the fight.”
“You've said all that needs to be said…I'll play the role I've been given.”
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nemaliwrites · 6 months
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My super secret Big Bang fic is finally not so secret! My @mlbigbang fic, In Pursuit of the Uneatable, will be posted on January 1st!
Relationships: Adrien/Marinette, Marinette & Tikki, Marinette & Chat Blanc Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Bunny, Manipulative Lila Rossi, Self-Esteem Issues, Identity Issues, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir is not Chat Blanc, Introspection, Canon-Typical Violence, Lila Rossi's Downfall, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Psychological Horror, Moral Ambiguity, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Unreliable Narrator Summary: Who do you trust when your own reflection becomes a stranger? In a Paris where Lila weaves tales that blind the city, Marinette stands accused, isolated. Her parents’ trust is shattered, her friends distant, and in battle, illusions blur the line between ally and enemy. As the shadows and uncertainty threaten to close in, Marinette finds herself turning to the last person who claims to be on her side: a boy in a white mask who calls himself a fox hunter.
and here's a lil snippet from chapter 12:
Ladybug’s been crafting her apology in her head for days now, but if there’s one thing she’s certain of, it’s that it’ll all fall apart the second she lays eyes on him. That is, if he even shows up — it only occurs to her now that he might not, that he might be angry enough at her to avoid her.
But he does show up. Of course he does. She never should have doubted that; the fact that she did only has the effect of making her feel more guilty. Because he would never put his own feelings ahead of their duty, and she never should have thought he would. 
He comes, a shadow in the night, to stand before her. For a fraction of a second, Ladybug finds herself doubting which cat this is — after all, noir and blanc are two sides of the same coin, are they not? When she sees his eyes, though, she knows truth: his eyes that are one color, the greenest green. 
“Chat Noir,” she says, voice nearly lost in the wind. The only indication he’s heard her is the way he turns. His profile, the only thing that’s illuminated, faces her. “I’m sorry.”
He says nothing. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ladybug continues. Her voice threatens to break, but still, she persists. “I should have told you everything, I know that. I…I never meant to leave you in the dark like that. I just didn’t want you to worry about me—“
“I do worry, Ladybug.”
Chat Noir says the words loudly, confidently, an open declaration. She gapes at him.
“I’m always worried about you,” he says; he turns his eyes skyward, as though desperate to look at anything that isn’t her. “I worry if you’re getting enough sleep. I worry if you’re stressed out. I worry that an akuma might come for you and that this time, there won’t be anyone to save you — that I won’t be there to save you.”
And now it’s his turn for his voice to break. Ladybug steps closer, takes his face in her hands. Turns it so that he’s looking at her.
“Have you considered,” he asks softly, “that maybe you don’t like to rely on people? That you don’t want to show weakness? That you’re too focused on thinking that you can do everything yourself?”
Mirroring her, he brings his hands up to her face. They’re interlinked, intertwined, impossible to tell where one stops and the other begins. If noir and blanc are two sides of the same coin, then so too are the ladybug and the black cat. 
“Maybe,” she admits, hating the way that doing so makes her feel vulnerable. But here, of all places — in her partner’s arms — maybe she can let herself be vulnerable. “Maybe you’re right.”
Chat Noir drops his hands, steps away from her. A stark contrast to his next words: “You know I’m always on your side, right? No matter what.”
“I know,” says Ladybug, because she does. She’d just forgotten it — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Her hands fall to her sides. “And I think…I think I’ve found someone else on my side, too.”
Someone, something, somewhere, somehow. 
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WIP whenever
Hello, everyone! I know updates are very slow, but life is absolutely draining me of my writing mojo most days. But!!! I did some writing, just in time for it to still count as a WIP Wednesday! And I've been tagged by the lovelies @bostoniangirl21 and @sheirukitriesfandom Thank you very much for the tags and for keeping me motivated with them <3!!! I must say that working on ch. 17 of WYGTYA is hard because it's by far the most serious, angst-filled thing I've written so far :(((
I'll tag @dirty-bosmer @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @illumiera @thelavenderelf @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star only if you want to participate, of course <3 <3 But enough rambles! I will share a bit from both fics under the cut! WYGTYA feels and banter with another appearance from that mysterious Akaviri swordsman in HOTHS! Enjoy!
Wherever you go, there you are, chapter 17:
The noise of the city was still dim, the people of the port already tuning in to either a night of much-needed sleep or raucous drinking at the taverns, and so the port is quiet, peaceful, the only sounds filling the air are the soothing waves of the Sea of Ghosts and the distant noises of the city ahead of them. Blacklight. Full of its magical charm and dancing lights and colourfulness. Ravonna’s steps falter because the air smells like home once again: it is not damp and moist like Black Marsh, nor is it the warm and flowery smells of Cyrodiil, nor the harsh, cold, yet fresh air of Skyrim. It smells like ash and sea salt and flavored tobacco from shishas and that distinct smell of cloth paint that Dunmer use. She can hear the faint hum of Red Mountain, the distant bards singing in taverns, the loud laughter of the people in the city and the soft, hushed giggles of sailors who cannot sleep but don’t want to wake their crew up and they’re all so frustratingly, Gods-damned oblivious to her thundering heart and the violent lightning strikes that hit her soul with each step, each breath, each second spent here again. Fuck, she should be happy, excited, but everything hurts and this bad feeling that something’s not right, that something’s missing won’t go away.
Hymn of the High Seas, chapter 3:
They settle cross-legged around the small coffee table, collectively thinking that this place was not built to host so many people. Renjiro runs outside with a spring in his step.
“Sooo… I think it’s safe to assume that this guy is a big fan of swords.” Signe speaks, earning a huff from Rhaim and a knowing smile from Arvyvel. 
“That makes two of us.” Rhaim says.
“Really? I always figured you'd be more of a -” she stops to gesticulate clawing and eating an enemy in beast form, “- kind of person, ya know?” 
He looks at her for a moment before bursting into deep, earth-grumbling laughter. “Careful, you might scare away our future crewmates.”
“Me? I’m absolutely elated.” Arvyvel says.
“And I still haven’t agreed to anything! I’m not going on some suicide mission!” Marc says, annoyed.
“Fine by me. We don’t need you anyway. Don’t need your kind among us.” Rhaim flares his nostrils and breathes out aggressively.
Before Marc can say anything back, a loud, obnoxious cough interrupts them.
“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to interrupt the tense moment. No fighting in this house.” Renjiro says, making his way to the table with two bottles of fresh sake. He tries to keep his calm demeanor and shove down the thoughts of ‘Yoshi will kill me if I made a mess in his absence.’
The men stop, not before glaring menacingly at each other one last time. Rhaim doesn’t like traitorous bastards and he could smell this guy’s traitorous bastard-ness from miles away. He scoots closer to Marc, turning his back to him and making Room for Renjiro between him and Signe. His eyes light up at the bottle of alcohol. The swordsman lays out five small glasses and fills them. Rhaim takes it quickly, his patience running out, taking a sip and closing his eyes to really feel the taste on his tongue, going down his throat. A pleasure grunt escapes him. It’s unlike anything he’s ever tasted: strong, but not too strong. Balanced, a cascade of flavors – a harmonious blend of sweet and dry alcohol warming his chest and his spirit.
“Fuck.” He breathes, opening his eyes, only to see everyone looking at him, with their glasses halfway up in a toast. He raises an eyebrow.
“Ye need a moment alone with that glass of booze?” Signe smirks.
Author's note: I could and probably *will* expand on the feelings of drinking sake because I literally found my new favourite drink in the year of our lord 2024.
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oswildin · 2 years
Take My Hand {Dhawan!Master x Reader}
Summary: You & The Master have history. But it never ends the way you want it to.
A/N: Will probably do a part two
Warnings: TPOTD Spoilers! I guess a slightly toxic relationship??? It’s the Master so… always toxic lol
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You stood anxiously, finding yourself subconsciously biting your lip in anticipation. What the hell had he planned this time? Every time you’ve found yourself in his presence, he’d manage to lure you in, make you feel sorry for him, but then he’d ultimately betray your feelings and conceptions about him with trying to hurt the Doctor. Truth was, you understood somewhat how he felt. To not want to be you. To want to be greater, have more purpose, to be… More.
You’d been around the Doctor a long time. Not consistently, after choosing to walk away a few trips after the year that never was, back when she was a different person. But you’d often find yourself mixed up in the Doctors antics over the next few years of your life. You saw her when she was an older Scottish man, and when the current man on your mind was a she… Missy. You’d stuck around for a little while when the Doctor found himself alone after Clara. You’d become close with Missy. Friends you may have even said. Perhaps it was easier, purely because Missy felt completely different to the man you had to face when he was Saxon. Once again, you left, after sticking around for a few months, going back to your normal life. It was only a year or so later you found yourself in another situation involving the Doctor and her greatest enemy.
“Not dead then?” You raised a brow at the new face of the man in front of you. He was donning a dark purple jacket, tartan waist coat and trousers combo with a beard. He somehow looked put together, whilst keeping that crazed look in his eyes that told you he was as wild as years before. Smirking, he approached.
“I could say the same to you.” He looked you up and down. “I see time has been kind to you all these years.” You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head.
“Stop. Whatever you’re planning, just don’t.” You said exasperatedly. “It never works. Why do it to yourself?” His smirk dropped, a darker gaze falling onto his features, his eyes boring into your own.
“Because I have nothing else to live for.”
Of course, you were right. His plan was foiled, as the Doctor defeated him again. You had tried, time and time again to get through to the man, but every time you felt you got a bit closer, you were pushed back multiple steps.
You thought about all those times, as you were brought out of your mind by a familiar sound. The whirring of the TARDIS echoed through the building as you found yourself rushing towards it. You looked to see a swarm of UNIT soldiers aiming their guns at the box, whilst Ace & Tegan stood on the stairs, and Kate ahead, ready to face the crazed man when he stepped out with the Doctor. After what felt like a life time, the door finally opened, as the familiar face you had been thinking about appeared… The Master. He was quickly grabbed by two of UNITs men. He looked around, scanning the building, a grin breaking out onto his face.
“Put him in the bunker.” Kate spoke, ordering her men. “Constant monitoring, full security detail.” The two soldiers walked him, as they followed their boss’ words.
“Ooh, the bunker! That sounds nice! I love a bunker!” The Master smiled, looking around. “Anybody want to join me? Bunk-up in the bunker?” He smirked as you watched from the sidelines. He suddenly turned to Kate, pulling on the two armed men. “Your dad was an idiot.” He commented to Kate as she stayed straight faced, ignoring his quip. The two guards pulled him back, continuing to walk with him, as his head snapped back round, his eyes landing on the two former companions who stood above him. “Oh, Tegan Jovanka! How's your Auntie Vanessa? Do you keep her in a little doll's house?” He commented, as she glared down at him.
“I'm going to enjoy watching you locked up in a tiny cell.” Tegan narrowed her eyes at him as he raised a brow.
“That's right, you tell me. And Ace!” His attention turned to the other woman. “Or should I say Dorothy? Didn't the Doctor ditch you? No? Little fallout with your Machiavellian maestro?” He taunted.
“Last time I saw you, you were half cat.” Ace raised a brow, as he shrugged.
“A man’s allowed to experiment.” He retorted, before his gaze finally landed on you. You looked at him with a softer expression than the others, but kept your arms folded over your chest, showing you weren’t afraid and ready to stand your ground.
“And (Y/N) (L/N)…” He gave a half smile. “Still holding onto the Doctors beck and call I see.” You stayed silent. “No? Nothing to say?” He sighed. “Well that’s boring.” Truth was, what could you say that you hadn’t already tried before. “Still,-“ He paused. “-looking as young as ever.” He commented as you raised a brow, before Kate cut him off.
“Take him away.” She ordered as the men dragged him towards the elevator.
“Yes, yes, take me away! You'll all feel safer then with me in the building. You're not staying, Doctor?” He called from inside the lift. “You're not going to leave them alone, are you... while you go Dalek hunting?” The Doctor didn’t reply, as the doors began to close. “Whoo!” Was the last thing the Master said before the doors sealed, sending him down to below the building. You finally let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding.
“(Y/N), Ace, Tegan, I need you to stay here and monitor the Master. We won't be long.” The Doctor told you three as she turned to head back into her ship, you found yourself zoning out, turning as you headed back into Kates office.
A few minutes later, Ace & Tegan entered the room, seeing you watching the security camera of the bunker on the screen, watching as the Master paced around his cell, occasionally staring up directly into the camera above him. It was like he knew you were watching.
“We can take turns watching.” Ace commented as you snapped your head towards the voice, not even registering them enter. “I really thought I’d seen the last of him.”
“Yeah, well, he has a habit of coming back when you least expect it.” You replied as the two woman came round to stand beside you.
“How’d you meet him?” Tegan asked as you sighed.
“Many years ago. When the Doctor was still a he. The Master came to Earth, became Prime Minister… He managed to slaughter thousands of people, take over, but the Doctor reversed time. None of it ever happened to you.” You told them.
“That sounds like The Master.” Ace shook her head slightly.
“Then I met him again, when he was a she. Missy. But she was different, like she had more of a softer side. In her own wicked way of course.” Both women turned to you in surprise at that remark. “And then this one. With a cyber army not long ago.”
“Wow… You really had a lot of run ins then.” Tegan said as you nodded.
“I would’ve even said we were friends…” You muttered lowly, causing both woman again to look surprised. “But that was long ago now.” The two woman shared a look.
“Is there…” Ace began, unsure how to ask. “History?” She raised a brow as you scoffed lightly, shaking your head.
“Not like that.” You sighed. “Well, not in a conventional sense I suppose. He’s the Master. He doesn’t do feelings.” You looked back at the screen, seeing him once again staring directly at the camera. Silence fell between you all for a moment before you began walking away. “If I’m not back in ten minutes, come and get me.” You called over your shoulder as the two woman furrowed their brows, watching as you left.
This was stupid. Again. You found yourself running to him. You knew it wasn’t healthy. You knew you couldn’t change his mind. Yet here you were, heading down to face the man for what felt like the hundredth time. To try and empathise with him.
Entering the bunker, you approached the room he was being kept in, seeing two guards stood at the door.
“I need to speak to him.” You told them both as they looked at you, unsure. “Ten minutes. Kates orders.” They sent each other a look before one nodded, as they turned to unlock the door. You send them a nod as thanks as you entered, the door slamming shut behind you. The Master had his back to you, as you slowly approached.
“It’s like you couldn’t stay away…” The Master quipped, slowly turning as he looked at you with a smirk. “And what do I owe this pleasure of your presence?” He gestured around cell with his tied hands. “I would offer you to come in but…” He trailed off as his eyes scanned the cell bars.
“So what’s it this time?” You asked, as you stepped closer, only a foot away from the bars that held him. “Take over the planet? The solar system? The universe? Take down the Doctor? Fail again?” You raised a brow as he laughed.
“Ever so perceptive.” He furrowed his brows. “Do you really think so little of me?” He took a few steps forwards.
“Can you blame me?” You folded your arms. “I mean, every time I’ve met you, you’ve tried to do one or all of those things. Your track record isn’t exactly varied.” He nodded, slightly shrugging.
“I’ll give you that.” He said. “But I could say the same to you.” He raised a brow, as he stood a right in front of the bars in front of you. “Still running to the Doctor every time she clicks her fingers.” He lifted his hands to snap his own fingers together, before breaking out into a manic grin. “It’s sweet really. Your loyalty. Your… What’s the word?” He pursed his lips. “Ah that’s it. Patheticness.” You rolled your eyes.
“I came down here to talk, not to be insulted.” You went to turn away but jumped at the sound of his hands hitting the bars.
“Do not turn away your back on me!” The Master exclaimed, as your head whipped back round to him, slight fear in your eyes as his expression looked dark. “You have no idea.” He said quieter. “No idea-“ He spat. “Don’t even try to pretend you do.” You swallowed the lump in your throat as you found yourself turning back to face him. “Remember what I said to you… All those years ago…”
“We could run away.” Missy shrugged, as you shook your head at her words. “No, I mean it. Imagine it. Me and you, on the open road of time and space.”
“You mean me watching you cause chaos?” You laughed lightly.
“If chaos was to follow us, then so be it.” She smirked as you found yourself smiling. “I always wondered what it would be like to be the Doctor… have a little pet-“
“I’m not a pet!” You exclaimed, as she gave you a ‘come on’ look. “I’m not!”
“Ok, ok, fine!” She said exasperated. “Companion.” She air quoted as you raised a brow.
“Why?” You wondered aloud. “I mean, you’ve always been a lone wolf right? What’s changed?” Her gaze softened slightly as she sat back in her seat, reaching her hands out as she began to play the piano that sat before her.
“I don’t know.” She said truthfully. “Maybe it’s age. Maybe it’s boredom. Doing the same thing, over and over and over.” She paused, focusing on her playing. “Maybe it’s you.”
“Of course.” You said quietly, almost breathless. “But that was then. Before you did what you did.” He sighed, leaning his head on the cold bars. He then pulled his gaze back to you, slowly holding a hand through the bars as you peered down at it.
“All you have to do is take my hand.” He said quietly. “Please-“ He tried as you blinked, peering down at his open palm, you found yourself subconsciously reaching out with your own, slowly going to do as he asked… Suddenly, an alarm blared throughout the building, jolting you away, as your head spun round to the metal doors, rushing over as you banged on them, trying to get a response, but nothing. You turned back to him.
“What have you done?” You asked, as the man before you smirked. “Master!” You exclaimed, storming towards him. He laughed as you looked concerned.
“Unleashed hell.”
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superloves4 · 4 months
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The Flame we Held (Fëanor son of Melkor AU) - Chapter 4
Relationships: Melkor/Mairon, Melkor & Fëanor, Mairon & Fëanor, Fëanor/Nerdanel Summary: Miriel made a deal with Melkor, she'd be able to bear children but in return the dark lord asked for her firstborn. When he gets imprisoned she believes herself to be free of her promise but Melkor shall claim his prize. TW: none! A/N: Enjoy!
Masterlist and on Ao3
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Fëanor was wiggling, Mairon glared at him.
The little thing couldn’t hold his own neck and Mairon had to put bars on his bed, lest he just fling himself out of it, and he couldn’t even communicate, not even babbling yet, it was all oohs and aahs, not to mention the crying, it would be so much easier if he could just hand Fëanor to any random orc but the orcs had the rather annoying habit of trying to eat the child. He had not agreed to this when he followed Melkor.
Fëanor wiggled even more when he saw him, hands opening and closing rapidly. Mairon poked his cheek, babies took much longer to grow than puppies and were way more helpless, so he was stuck for much longer than he ever cared to be.
“You are far more trouble than you are worth it, did you know?”
More aahs, Fëanor listened to his words in rapture, at least the child reacted to his voice he supposed, Mairon poked the baby’s belly, full thanks to his waste of time. The child grabbed his finger in what he supposed was strong for a baby, looking very satisfied with himself for the accomplishment.
Mairon raised an eyebrow “You won’t defeat me that way, you know?”
Mairon shook his head “Not at all, if you wanted to hurt me you cannot go for a frontal attack, unless you have a death wish that is, not to mention you squeal whenever you see me, that is not nearly sufficiently discreet to get close enough to hurt me.”
“Of course, I can see far more than your elvish eyes can, so if you truly wanted to attack you’d first have to make it so that I can’t see you and that’s impossible, so you are back at the start, you should always have at least a few months of thorough planning, at least two fail-safes, and another plan or two just in case.”
“That is a terrible plan! You need to think before any move and you need to be at least ten steps ahead of your enemy, what is you plan now?”
Melkor entered the room to a rather red Mairon, hands stuck stiff by his side, while Fëanor let his displeasure know, at what he didn’t know, he was fairly certain the child had already been fed and cleaned. What more the brat could possibly want was not his problem.
“Yes, my Lord?” Mairon bowed as he usually did, nothing strange about his tone of voice or his well practiced movements, so Melkor simply shrugged instead.
“The orcs are reporting a problem with the machines in one of the lower level caves,” he told his lieutenant, handing him the papers he’d been given “It’s your area.”
Mairon rolled his eyes at him but took the papers, frowning at some of the details, the machines of the third complex were fixed recently they shouldn’t be malfunctioning already, the third complex always had the most cave ins, perhaps it was simply a case of incompatible terrain rather than his design. It was never his designs, of course.
Eventually he sighed, turning to speak to Melkor “To resolve this, I will have to see the machines in person, someone will have to look after Fëanor as I do so” Mairon grinned giddy, Melkor already feared what was next “It is your area.”
He groaned “He cries with me.”
Melkor could hear Mairon gloating, the small movements of his throat, as he told him “Just smile then.” He glared at him and with a quick kiss, Mairon decided to give him a chance after all “He only likes me because he’s hungry and he’s just been fed, he’ll fall asleep in a few moments, just make sure he’s still breathing and none of the orcs ate him.”
And so he did, it was incredibly boring.
The unfortunate thing was that as the embodiment of the change and chaos of Arda, Melkor simply didn’t do boring, unlike how his brother might have thought he could be patient if the occasion called for it, especially if it was something he could recognize as important, there it lied the problem, looking after a sleepy Fëanor simply couldn’t hold his attention enough. Alas, everyone knew so, it was a rather bad idea to let the embodiment of the change and chaos of Arda be bored.
Fëanor complained when he was picked up, his eyes that had been drooping just a moment ago were now open wide and staring at Melkor. It was a pretty color, he thought, it was a very nice stormy gray with the light of the trees still shining in them, but he hadn’t picked the child up simply to analyze its eyes, no, he had decided to show the baby around. Better to start him early! Or along those lines he thought.
He carried him along the hallways of Angband, pointing out his work in the stones and funny anecdotes, like the time one of the elven slaves tried to run away only to be chased by Mairon’s wolves, or that time an orc tried to revolt and had his head bashed against the wall. One could still see the blood and Melkor would show the baby very proudly.
Some orcs would stop their work to try and catch sight of the new baby of the fortress but were quickly told off by their bosses, but some would give the child a dirty look, no nasty elven child for them, to those, Melkor, would hiss away, the threat unspoken.
He meant to continue his tour when he heard Fëanor make a new sound, it wasn’t exactly one of his typical hoos, it sounded closer to a… to a hiss! Melkor beamed, Fëanor was trying to copy him, it had been the best moment he’d had with the child since his return. Surely that had to mean that everything was coming together as he wished.
“See, not so bad after all,” he held the baby up, waiting for the happy wiggling Fëanor always did with Mairon, only to be greeted by crying. Melkor panicked, everything had been going so well, so why was he back to crying.
Food! That was the problem wasn’t it, the child needed food, right?
He had left much of the physical part of Fëanor’s growth to Mairon so far, after all his studies on their captives he knew more than Melkor on how the eldar worked and he had his wolves too, Mairon simply knew best, he could teach Fëanor when he was more grown, most likely when he knew how to talk, he was out of his depth whenever he heard the baby cry. Food had to be the solution, it was the only thing he knew.
However, when Melkor tried to shape his hröa to match the one Mairon had at the moment, his body was unmoved, something that had always come so easily was now not working. And the child continued to cry.
A sweet song reached them, it wasn’t the type of music either he or Mairon played anymore, a lullaby, he recalled, Mairon was singing a lullaby.
Fëanor’s eyes drooped again, seemingly trying to fight back the drowsiness until he could no longer hold out, falling asleep on Melkor’s chest. Mairon took the child back, putting him back in the bed once they reached their room, away from prying eyes.
Mairon waited but Melkor didn’t say anything.
He sighed “You were holding him wrong,” the lieutenant pointed out “Any more of that and all the prize you’d have is a dead child, besides I told you he was about to fall asleep, you should’ve left him there.”
Melkor nodded.
He sighed again, reaching Melkor he cupped his cheeks, meeting his eyes.
“I couldn’t change my shape.”
Mairon thought on it for a second “The work of Ilùvatar? For the trees?” Melkor grimaced, telling him everything he needed to know. He held his lover closer “We’ll get our due, soon, you’ll see.”
Melkor looked at the child sleeping peacefully in his bed, he wouldn’t get distracted, he couldn’t.
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corishadowfang · 3 months
Any or all!
Skuld and Mimir: 🫂 💢 🛡️ 
Skuld and Brain: 🎁 🏠 ❤️‍🩹
Skuld and Ven: 🛏️ 🎤 ⛓️ 
(For this)
Haha, two of these are pretty fitting, since I hopped on Tumblr to take a break from working on the next chapter of Fallen Stars. (Putting these under a read more because they get...kind of long.)
Skuld and Mimir
🫂 PDA — what are their opinions on public displays of affection? are they comfortable with touch, or is that a big ‘no’ in their friendship?
A lot of their public displays of affection are pretty subdued! Skuld enjoys hugs, but Mimir won't really seek them out unless they're pretty overwhelmed; Mimir's also not someone who'd really do a lot of the roughhousing Skuld might do with some of her other friends, except on rare occasions, haha. (Sometimes, they are willing to push her into the fountain or something, if only because they think it'd be funny and catch her off guard.) So for the most part, it's just like...gentle shoulder leaning or hand-holding, or just quietly hanging out next to each other.
💢Combat — for fighters, how do they work off each other to defeat a greater foe? would they have a “team attack” or tactics for attacking an enemy, or in a more realistic scenario, who would be most likely to pick a fight for the other’s honor? for pacifists, is there anything that can push them to resorting to violence?
Before The Reveal, they worked (or would've worked, since they didn't get much opportunity to fight together) really well together, balancing each other out almost instinctively. They'd probably both get a strong sense of deja vu, and slip into familiar patterns without thinking.
Directly after The Reveal, they'd ironically have trouble working with each other right away; both of them are still struggling to deal with the fact that Mimir is also the Player, and that means that they second guess themselves or feel weird about falling into familiar patterns.
After they start to figure things out, though, they kind of...find a way to work together that's unique to them. They still cover each other's weaknesses a lot, with Skuld being a much more aggressive physical fighter, and Mimir taking a kind of hit-and-run/healer strategy. It's different to what they used to do, and they spend a lot of time training to try and figure out what feels right for them. (They also definitely try and come up with team attacks, haha; it becomes a bit of a fun pastime for them.)
Of the two, Skuld's more likely to verbally challenge someone for Mimir's sake--but Mimir's more likely to just go ahead and smack them with a Keyblade, haha. (They do still have some of the Player in them, after all.)
🛡️ Guardian — does someone specific take the role of “guardian”, or do they protect each other equally? if one character is more protective of the other(s), is their protective nature appreciated or suffocating?
They tend to protect each other equally! Both are pretty capable Keyblade wielders, and neither wants to step on the other's toes. That said, they'll definitely step in to protect each other if there's something the other seems to be struggling with!
Skuld and Brain
🎁Gifts — what would they get each other as a gift?
Skuld might go the easy route and get him books, haha--not that he minds, because she has a pretty good idea of what he likes, and he'll always take new books.
Brain tends to make things rather than buy things, and a lot of them tend to combined practicality and sentimentality. He likes creating things that mean something to the person, if they're close to him, so he'd probably create something like "a star charm with a protection spell," or, "new pouch that's essentially a bag of holding but has decorations to remind you of home," or something similar. (Skuld occasionally feels bad that her gifts aren't quite as personalized, but Brain generally dissuades her of that pretty quickly, haha.)
🏠 Housemates — how would these characters be as housemates? if they’re already roommates, what does their life look like together? if not, would they want to live together, or would that be pushing things too far?
Haha, they tend to bicker a lot, but they do enjoy/would enjoy living together, depending on what sort of timeline we're talking about. Provided they're given enough time and space away from The Plot, they'd probably settle into an easier sort of rhythm...albeit one where they'd still mess with each other a lot, haha.
❤️‍🩹Healing — when one of them is hurt or suffering, what little things does the other do to help them heal (physically, emotionally, etc)?
Both of them tend to immediately check in and see what's wrong if the other seems off. They don't always actually talk about it, but it's the thought that counts.
Brain tends to be someone who makes things for his friends to try and like...either fix the problem or at least take their mind off things. Gifts are definitely his major love language, haha.
Skuld usually tries to find ways to make whatever Brain's dealing with a little easier. Usually, that means asking him if she can help with projects, which he's often grateful for.
Skuld and Ven
🎤 Karaoke — what’s their go-to karaoke songs, for when they’re taking turns singing and what duet do they choose when they’re singing together?
Haha, with Ven, I have to go with a Jesse McCartney song, and the one that feels most fitting is the cover of "I'll Try." Skuld...I'm not entirely sure. I think if she was going to sing Karaoke, it'd be something more energetic? But I don't know if I have a good song in mind. (I, uh...also don't know for sure what they'd do as a duet, though they give me strong Disney song vibes, haha.)
🛏️ Sleep — what sleeping habits do they have? how would they comfort the other(s) after a nightmare? would they share a bed or cuddle together, or does that cross a boundary?
The "nightmare" thing actually segues pretty well into the "share a bed or cuddle" thing, because...that's basically what happens! If Ven has a nightmare, he'll usually seek out one or more of the other Union Leaders, who'll either drag the rest of the Union Leaders into one big cuddle pile, or offer to share a bed with him for the night. Skuld tends to tell him stories until he falls asleep.
Skuld's a lot more reluctant to go to Ven in turn, though, just because she worries about putting too much of a burden on him. Ven gets pretty good at picking up when she's upset, though, and tries to do the same thing for her that she'd do for him.
When they get older, things change a bit. I imagine after they meet again in canon (uh. hopefully), they're both...dealing with A Lot. Skuld has a bit more trouble opening up to people, even if she wants to talk to Ven; Ven doesn't have the same problem, but he is aware that he doesn't know this version of Skuld. Skuld has a lot of nightmares, and I like the headcanon that Ven doesn't really like to sleep after everything that happened to him, and I think that leads to a lot of them just...spending quiet moments up together. It's comforting for both of them, since neither expects anything of the other, and they can just...be with someone who cares. (If they get tired enough, they probably end up falling asleep against each other, and I like to imagine that eventually, they get comfortable enough around each other again that that becomes more common as things go on.)
⛓️ Chains — how do they respond to learning about each other’s trauma, or what holds them back?
In the UX days, if Skuld had known about what had happened with Strelitzia beforehand, she would've been...distressed. If she didn't know that Darkness was involved, she'd probably be disbelieving, because she just...doesn't believe Ven would do something like that. If she did know about Darkness, she'd absolutely be ready to hunt it down and give it a peace of her mind. Regardless of which, though, she'd want to comfort Ven, even if she might not know how to proceed.
If Ven had learned about some of the traumatic stuff Skuld had gone through (i.e. the Keyblade War), he'd...probably feel a little overwhelmed, but his first instinct is to comfort his friend, so...that's what he's going to do! He might not know what to say, but he can still hug them or try to be a listening ear.
In the present, Skuld would be furious to know what Xehanort did to Ven, and it'd hurt a lot to know just how much he'd been through. (While she'd definitely be tempted to go after Xehanort if he was still alive, she also might find herself struggling with it, since, uh...she has her own trauma regarding him.) Because of everything she's been through, she finds it harder to figure out how to comfort him, but she still desperately wants to.
Ven would also be a lot less hesitant in the present. Given his own experiences, he has a much better understanding of the type of traumatic shit people go through, and how it can change a person. He gets it, and he can guess a lot of what Skuld's feeling about the situation...pretty accurately. That's not to say he's not mad at Xehanort too, though, and both of them probably vent about him as a bonding activity. I like to imagine at this point that Skuld's a lot less likely to see Ven as "kid brother that should be protected" and more as an equal, which makes it easier for both her and Ven to be honest with each other about what they've been through and how they feel, which...they can't always do with the others, to varying degrees. (Though it's definitely getting better for both of them!) It means they end up being pretty good support systems for each other, once they get past the initial awkwardness of, "I knew you once and now I have to relearn who you are" thing.
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