#like its just Fluff and its sweet
roe-and-memory · 3 months
its been enough time for me to stop gatekeeping and Immediately talk about how, in a human au, i choose to interpret the night in cars 1 where lightning and sally talk.
sally listens to mater and lightning talk, mater slowly driving down the main road and lightning trotting along beside, talking to him through the open window. the conversation goes how it does in the movie, nothing much changes there, but when they split lightning makes his way into the motel office to get his room key.
hes Dirty. hes got mud in his hair and sally just cringes because the rooms have white sheets and she does NOT want to scrub dirt off of them. she tells him that, he cant sleep in the room if hes gonna track dirt everywhere. he just kind of winces and apologizes. its not like he really has anything with him, and, on his crash into town, he cut his arm open pretty badly and has gauze wrapped around it. doc still isnt too fond of him, and he tells sally that he cant really shower because doc will Kill him if he ruins the bandages.
without hesitation and out of nowhere, sally is like well i can help you wash your hair in the sink right here! and she cant even process her offer until its already out of her mouth. he gets a kind of shocked look on his face and is like oh! okay. that’d be nice. and they both stand there awkwardly before one of them makes the first move (its sally; she quickly runs into the “back room aka her little apartment” to grab her shampoo)
lightning wanders around the counter, studies the stuff on her desk, and flinches when she reappears. he doesnt really know what do to so he just stands there and waits for instruction.
they get to talking, conversation Basically the same as it is in the movie, shes helping scrub the dirt out of his curly hair and its dawning on her that maybe hes not an awful person after all. maybe he Is a little misguided.
its a generally quiet scene, a majority of the light in the little office/lobby is from the streetlights outside, and its very comfortable. they get more comfortable as they chat, and its at this moment that she realizes maybe she even likes him.
the end of the conversation is the same, he thanks her for letting him stay and Also helping him feel a little cleaner considering he hasnt showered in what feels like years (its been like 3 days)
the next morning shes talking to flo and she thinks she can casually talk about how lightning is actually kind of nice and flos like ohhh honey ure so in love with him arent u. she immediately gets flustered and tries to deny it and all flo can do is give her the knowing motherly look of “u love him dont bullshit me!!!”
her and sallys conversation, though, kind of opens flos mind up to the idea of hearing lightning out — maybe he ISNT that bad.
anyways silly domestic salqueen Gets me . i think stuff like this becomes a little tradition between the two like just quiet comfortable chats over random little things. do you get me.
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stiffyck · 1 year
I've been bothering people with this in dms so much but that's not enough so I'm sharing my insanity here.
Scar who doesn't need physical touch. He's not exactly touch averse (tho you could see it that way), he just. Doesn't need the affection. He likes the occasional hand holding or a quick hug, but he also likes his personal space and freedom. Hugs and cuddles are too warm and too stifling and he needs his freedom for movement.
He's not sad about this. It's not anything tragic or awful. He likes the idea of cuddling and he loves seeing other people hug and cuddle. It's just not for him.
He also doesn't understand touch starvation. He's never experienced it and probably never will.
In 3rd life, in the desert. Grian noticing scar taking a step back when someone is standing too close, shying away from physical contact and never being the one to initiate it. He stops trying to touch scar, only when it's necessary.
He notices how much more comfortable scar looks after he stops giving him so much physical affection. But... this leads to grian maybe becoming a bit touch starved.
Grian telling scar in the desert he feels a bit touch starved and scar asking him what it means. Grian explains.
After that, grian notices scar holds his hands much more often. It's not much but it means the world to him.
Hermitshipping under the cut
Also. Comedic potential.
Let's take redscape for example (or scarian. Works both ways. Just imagine whichever ship you prefer sjcjdksk). Scar and mumbo start dating. But since scar can't really provide all the physical affection mumbo needs, he goes to grian. Mumbo gets cuddles and hugs from his best friend and he gets hand holding and occasional short kisses from his partner. It works for them.
Now imagine tho. The hermits thinking it's mumbo and grian who are dating. They will often see mumbo and grian cuddle or hug or hold hands. A lot of the times scar is even with them, but keeps distance a bit.
Sometimes scar holds mumbos hand, but that's about it.
It's actually scar and mumbo who are dating but they don't know that.
The mumscarian option where they are all dating. Grian and mumbo get the affection they need from each other and scar is happy to just be with them.
Sometimes, when sleeping on the same bed, grian and mumbo will cuddle while Scar just holds one of their hands. Or not even the whole hand, just have their pinkies interwined.
Also scar definitely has a ton of plushies to hug close at night
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
You don't ship kaeluc because it's pseudo-incest. I don't ship kaeluc because in a romantic relationship their dynamic would be toxic. We are not the same.
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Sorry to be a hater but this is how I’ve been feeling recently
#listen.#I love fluff#fluff is great#but does EVERY relationship have to be fluff and only fluff#I’ve noticed in the past that fandoms fandoms tend to#like#stray away from any conflict between characters they ship that doesn’t end in ‘omg you were right and I was so wrong 🥺’#‘no I was wrong and I’m so sorry 😖😖😖’#‘okay let’s agree to never fight again and be healthy and happy forever 🥹’#and I’m more into complex not quite a perfect fit relationships right now#ones where they struggle to stay together#or where they both like each other but don’t get together for reasons OTHER than miscommunication#ones where they know they love each other but there’s obstacles#or where they’re both abusive shits#or where they’re both shitty people and they fit like a glove#I want more than just ‘luv you bby’ ‘awww me too’ ‘let’s go pet puppies together’#like sometimes I find two characters and I’m like ‘YES! something refreshing! let me find more content’#only to find all the fandom flanderized the characters#especially with the more toxic ones#it’s like. they’re shitty people but the fandom can’t explore that so they just remove everything that made them interesting#and its like ‘…why are you using *these* characters to do this?’#there’s every other character in the world to be sweet and cutesy#I’m hyperfixate on *this* dynamic#not the same dynamic every other relationship before it had#it’s like copy paste characterization regardless of if it makes sense#anyway#sorry for being a bitch about this but whatever :/#personal post
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PRINCE!GOJO X KNIGHT!READER MY BELOVED i just thought about another thing and i need to get it out - i like to think out knights are connected ok. hear me out maybe my knight is just another version of yours - meaning if my knight had met satoru at a young age, they would've turned into your knight DOES THAT MAKE SENSE your knight is a bit more soft (still a warrior though!!!) while mine isn't as soft as they'd like to be and that's just because one grew up in a castle with the prince taking care of them and the other grew up having to fend for themselves they're all just sooooooooooooooo ahhhh i can't i keep thinking about your knight too like they all actually made a cozy little home in my head i love them so much
and i think your lovely "i think i was born to meet you." applies for my little prince and his little knight too:(((((((((((
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I KNOW I SAY THIS EVERY DAY BUT WE RLLY ARE CONNECTED i was literally thinking abt this while answering that ask…. the differences between our knights…. AND UR SOSO RIGHT thats literally perfect. its canon to our lore now. 
it makes sm sense too bc the reason why my knight!reader is so devoted to prince!gojo is bc he saved them!! and i think that also leads them to have a kind of hero complex where they want to return the favor, or save others the way he saved them… but to your knight satoru is just a silly little spoiled prince that theyve never met before, so why would they like him??
ok but now im just thinking abt our knights meeting each other…::: ur knight coming face to face w a version of them that isnt as hardened, that was saved and got to live a more peaceful life….. the envy and maybe contempt? or maybe just apathy. idk but i am THINKING
AND AND AND…….. ok but what if our princes met the other version of their knight 😵‍💫😵‍💫 HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUTTT
just…. ur prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who is soso loyal and smitten w him (he would cry and explode i think)….. and my prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who lost their smile (WHO HE FAILED TO SAVE oh i think that would just break him)…… my knight being so indulgent and ur satoru taking full advantage of it, ur knight getting hissy when my gojo acts overprotective…… HHHHH IM LOSING IT MICKEY CAN U FEEL IT……..
anyways in my head theyre one big found family who take care of each other <333 love & peace on planet earth etc etc. they were meant to meet each other one way or another!!!
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
god i need straight ppl to be fuckin normal abt gay intimacy like right now
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keischreiber · 5 months
Me just thinking of the before and after of how Reiner and Kristina interact with one another as they got to know each other better…
∘ Before: First few weeks of being… friends? Acquaintances? They didn't know. ∘
Kristina is working late because she has documents that needed to be reviewed for tomorrow's war council meeting with the brass. Reiner who also stayed behind because he had his own share of work to finish notices that the lights were on inside the room which Commander Magath shares with his officers. So, he knocks before carefully pushing the door that was already ajar to begin with, open. Reiner: Is anyone still— Kristina whose ears twitches at the sound of the familiar voice looks up from her pile of documents with a dirty look. Kristina: What do you want? Reiner: O-oh, I, uh— Kristina: Spit it out Eldian, otherwise, get out. Reiner: I— sorry to bother you. He leaves. Somehow, he felt a little disappointed, because they thought they had put a dent in their relationship as strangers. But that didn't seem to be the case. The next morning, Reiner finds a sorry note written in code, tucked away inside a map that was to be used for that day's meeting. The map was with him because he'll be discussing routes and logistics later. The sender? Kristina. It explained that there were listening devices inside the room, which was why she acted the way that she did. Somehow, Reiner found himself stunned. He simply shook his head, a defeated smile barely tugging at the corner of his lips. Reiner thought to himself: She really didn't need to apologize and explain herself.
∘ After: Almost a year and a half of being friends ∘
Kristina usually finds herself staying late at the Warrior's HQ. With the Warrior Candidates training being sped up because of the current war that Marley had with the Mid-East Alliance… there's always a lot of data about the children that need to be filtered, reviewed, and evaluated. At this point, Reiner would know that it was her who had stayed behind if the door was kept ajar. Regardless, he can't just take his chances, so he still knocks before entering. Reiner: This is the third night you're working late, Instructor Qual. The instructor doesn't even look from her pile, a look of disinterest was hanging over her features though. Kristina: Data doesn't collect itself. Why are you even here, Braun? Your War Chief already left hours ago, the other warriors, an hour ago, and the warrior candidates even earlier. Go home. Reiner: You're right, it doesn't. That's why the Commander handed this. Happened to be on the field when he did. Looks like he needs you to look at this too. He hands her an envelope with the words CONFIDENTIAL stamped on in. Kristina: If that's all, you can leave. Reiner: Here. She still doesn't look up, but sees him sliding a ration packet, and a small thermos. Raising a brow, she finally lifts her head from her papers only to look at the Vice Chief. Kristina: What's this? Reiner: Used to eat this a whole lot during missions back when we infiltrated Paradis. Downed it with some tea, when we could. She looks at it again. Kristina: I didn't ask for a sob story. Reiner: I know. Just thought you might need it. Kristina: Who'd want to eat or drink something that came from you monsters… Shaking his head, it was then that Reiner made gentle taps on the desk, too soft for any hearing device to pick up. It caught Kristina's attention for a moment, only to realize that he had already turned and began walking away. He raised a hand as if to say goodbye and then 'click', the door was closed, and the instructor was now alone inside the quiet office. Kristina: I feel like a jerk… he even shared something about his past… When she remembers how he really tapped, "I understand" on her desk, she sighed. For now, she placed her pen down and reached for the thermos. Pouring its contents in cup, she found the warmth comforting on such a cold night. She sighed and took a drink. She could only really think to herself at that point. Kristina: Where the hell did he learn to make such a good cup of tea? It was warm. The tea, and most likely, her face.
tagging: @mobolanz Not entirely a story but, it is an example of how they interact. @sandosa Hi, this is erudianokabe. I remember you asked to be tagged too if I ever made content for Reiner and Kristina. xD
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
meme time meme time!! absolutely over the moon for this week's chap!! they hugged!! they spoke! it's all i ever wanted 😭
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im hhh so happy,, thank u for today's chapter i love you
Meme time meme time meme time!!!!!
for chapter 7 of cetbwa
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flower-zombie-rob · 1 year
Me wondering when people are going to stop expecting every piece of queer media to deeply adress every nuance of the queer experience when it was actually just built to be the happy tv show etc fluff that the gays never seem to get in the media
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deathsweetblossoms · 11 months
i still have massive book hangover due to one rebecca ross
first it was for divine rivals, and i soothed that wound with a river enchanted. which filled all the holes in my heart that divine rivals left.
and now the only thing i can read is emotionally riveting dramione fanfic.
that's how dire the situation is rn.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 2 years
angel wings- g.satoru
synopsis: you ask gojo to tattoo you.
warnings: mentions of sa. mentions of sa tattoos. childhood trauma. mature themes. mentions of groping and unwanted advances (18+)
a/n: a part of me didn't want to post this and wants to delete this while another part of me sees this as something that has to be mentioned. I have no idea where this surfaced, but I want everyone to know that I admire you for being here. sa is not a joke and should never be treated lightly. if you know anyone or you yourself struggle with sa, please reach out to anyone- whether it be me, a friend, a counselor, or a trusted individual, I encourage you not to internalize your emotions for they are valid.
"I want to get a tattoo, gojo." you speak, slowly aware that the path you chose meant a change in your relationship. "and I want you to do it for me."
"yes," you breathe, in hopes of composing any shaky speech, "I uh... I did some research and I saw how much people use medusa as an exam-"
"we don't have to talk here," he says, motioning to the back, "we can talk in my room if you want."
this was it, you think, following his larger frame from behind. gojo was everything but energetic right now, you noted. his footsteps were gentle, breathing serene, and his movements were graceful. the dress shirt he always liked to wear was rolled up, covered by a black apron. one he always wore by custom as it was -according to him- his lucky 'cloak'.
you met gojo during your sophomore year of college, an art class you thought he was too advanced for. the professor, though disliking his character, couldn't say anything about his art. it was beautiful, detailed, profound, and striking.
they're looking at you, you whisper to him smugly during a group project full of girls. they want you to draw them.
I won't draw someone because they ask, he whispers, I only draw from inspiration. right now, your hands are more inspiring than their faces.
you look down, seeing your hand hold a pencil as a sketchpad rests against your thighs.
you're only saying that because you want me to do your part of the project.
oh right, he smiles teasingly, that was my plan all along. befriending you to get my work done.
a cleared throat pulls you from your memories, gojo leans against a wall, "okay, now you can tell me."
"r-right. I was wondering if you could do a tattoo. I did some research on what I'd like... but a medusa tattoo is too obvious..." his silence remains as he encourages you to continue, "I was thinking some flowers, maybe a ladybug... just something that symbolizes moving on." you pause, "are you still doing those temporary tattoos?"
"still am," he replies factually, "they last about a few weeks to a few months."
"that's good," you sigh in relief, "I didn't want something permanent. sounds perfect."
gojo seems to show no exterior expressions, his facial structure remains the same; serious. and you can't tell what his eyes are thinking under the covers over them.
"I could give you some wings..." he mutters under his breath, loud enough for you to hear. "let me get my sketchbook..." he pulled you to his artist desk, offering you his chair before he sketched the details. and you were surprised to find that this was just what you wanted.
"how does your inner ankle sound?" he asks, biting the tip of his pen between his teeth, "we could try your forearm too, but if you want something private then your ankle would be-"
"that's perfect," you nod, "do you have any appointments for next week?"
"I was actually hoping you could stay and I could finish it by tonight..."
"but aren't you full like two weeks in advance?"
"only when I want them to," he smiles, "I have some hours open for drawing or for walk-ins. I like it that way."
"okay... so do you want me to sit?"
"yeah," gojo points with his pen, "you can sit on the chair. I'll elevate the chair so that your ankles are at a good level, is that okay?"
I can't believe we finished that assignment in one go, you breathed as you lay on your friend's couch that same day. the clock across from you read 3:03am.
yeah, but it was us who did most of the work. gojo frowned. all those girls did was stand there and look pretty.
you forced a chuckle, yeah but don't you need pretty? artists need muses too, you know.
he shrugs, not always. sometimes... what we need is practicality, order, and stability.
then... you didn't find that today?
of course, I did, he said, I found that and much more.
oh yeah? like what?
like... you, for example. if it weren't for you, I probably would have quit already.
that doesn't sound too convincing...
he laughs at something you can't understand.
you never know, do you? he grins, but that's okay. it's getting late. do you want to stay the night? I think it's too late for you to be driving at this hour...
I wouldn't want to impose, you say, I'm sure you have to wake early for tomorrow.
nah, he grins, I can sleep in. if you want, you can take my bed.
there's no way I'm doing that to you.
come on, he nudges, it's just a bed.
your, bed. you enunciate, I'm not doing that to you.
it's just a bed, he casually rolls his shoulders, or are we gonna discuss till dawn? I'd rather be sleeping already.
alright, you fail to hold back a yawn, but I'm sleeping on the sofa.
don't be ridiculous, he says, sleep on my bed. it's clean if that's what you're worried about.
I never... you lose your words, I didn't mean to-
-it's fine, he smiles, now, can you go to bed? man needs his beauty sleep.
I've got some pj's if you want, he says, suddenly getting up. I've got some basketball shorts and a tee that'll fit, if you want.
satoru, you say his name for what seems like the first time, I'm not doing that to you-
-I'm just being a good host. come on, will you let me be one? I hardly have people over. come on, please?
you finally accept. for the remainder of the night you sleep in gojo's borrowed clothes, and his bed. meanwhile unbeknownst to you, satoru happily snores from the comfort of his own couch. a warm satisfaction swirls in his stomach; knowing that you were sleeping in the best place of the house.
"is there any reason for the tattoo?" he asks you, holding the pen in his hand, "you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."
"I..." you struggle to find air, "I wanted something to commemorate my freedom..." you watch as satoru takes a glance at you before he arranges his ink cart. "I didn't have the most ideal childhood..."
"so it's a childhood tattoo?" he asks.
"kinda, well, if you consider my childhood a childhood- which I don't think was." you sigh, hoping to not get too gloomy, "you remember in grade school when all the kids used to have their parents bring snacks for school parties?"
"my parents were never like that," you shrugged, "maybe it wasn't a priority... I don't know for sure, but as a kid... all you care about are those small things, you know? game nights, camping, and field trips..."
"then..." he asks softly, "where do the wings come in?"
"my home life was never harmonious, surprisingly. I always felt like I was walking on eggshells with everyone that... I didn't know who I was. you don't really focus on your identity when you've got a lot of yelling going on in the house..."
"was there anything physical?" he asks, worry laced in his tone.
"not really," you swallow the lump in your throat. unsure if it's because of the needle approaching your skin or the explanation you were about to give.
"did he ever hit you?" he asks, "your dad?"
"stepdad," you correct.
"same thing if it's a dad," he says, "they're meant to protect, are they not?"
you don't meet his eyes after a moment of silence. he calls your name gently, and you feel shivers run down your spine.
"he wasn't... really a dad." you speak, evidently unsure on how to word your next sentences, "he would...um, as a child... he'd do things in my room. I never really told anyone, because- how could I? we were financially dependent on him. if I told my mom, then we'd probably be on the streets, and I worried about not going to school anymore."
"so you let him."
"yes and no," you want to smack yourself for your answer, "I um... he'd do it most of the time... when I was asleep. so it's not like I hardly noticed anything." a dry laugh erupts from your chest, "but when you're 16 and obviously grown... things escalate further. stares last longer, hands in the kitchen sink lower, and pats on your back end up fixing your bra strap..." you shake your head, smiling to fight off tears.
"I uh... I'm glad I'm gone though. I promised myself, once I get out- I'd celebrate. I'd do something great. I'd get a tattoo against their wishes to commemorate my freedom." you laugh, "and here I am."
when you look down to gojo's frame, you notice how the ink has barely touched your skin. his pen, floats above your ankle, and his eyes are piercing the skin of your ankle. processing things.
"I probably shouldn't have said all that," you frown, hoping your apologetic smile would be enough, "I'm sorry."
"what..." he chokes, "what are you apologizing for?"
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."
"I'm not uncomfortable..."
"I'm..." he bites his tongue, "I'm distraught... how could you live like that?"
"you get kinda used to it, really-"
"-that's not something someone has to get used to," he replies, "especially not a child."
"but I'm okay now," you smile in hope, reaching his jaw to look at you, "still conflicted at times, but I'm mostly okay."
his eyes won't meet you. "satoru," you call, grabbing his forearm gently.
your friend puts his pen down before turning to look at you. and slowly, you find yourself loosing composure.
satoru's eyes are watery, eyes pink, and the color of his face is not the same luminous color you have known. his hands slide right below your knees, but you don't pay attention to his hands, you frown when you meet his eyes.
"why are you crying?"
"you don't deserve this," he croaks, hot tears run down his face. "I... your childhood was taken from you."
"I know," you whisper, allowing hot tears to stream across your cheeks, "but I'm done, I survived. I don't have to live through that again. and now... I'm lucky to live the life I want for myself." your thumbs reach to wipe down his tears from his beautiful eyes, "I've met the people I want in my life. people I care about, people who make me smile everyday." you grin.
"that's why I love spending time with you. you always find a way to make me smile."
gojo feels his head spin. his skin feels warm, and all he wants to do is close his eyes, but when you're in front of him wearing a smile, he wants to be the stronger one. wants to be the one you tell him things. so he grabs your hands.
"thank you for telling me this." his eyes meet yours, "I had no idea what you were going through... I... I understand why you wanted to do this so badly now.'' gojo fails to see the frown on your face when he lets your hands go, but rather focuses on the new drive pumping through his blood encouraging him to finish this piece. he wants to do this.
the both of you rarely speak a word except for gojo's, tell me if it hurts, when his needle inks your skin. he stops once when you hiss, and proceeds when you nod in approval.
the wings themselves are relatively small. they almost look like a doodle, small enough for only you to see. your secret that no one besides you, and now gojo, will know.
you don't ask him to keep your story a secret because you know he will. gojo is a reliable friend, unbeknownst to all. he respects your privacy and understands the seriousness of the subject never to bring again casually.
as he makes final touches to your tattoo you realize that you hold no regrets, your chest feels lighter, and the air in the room feels cleaner. as if an invisible barrier had been broken.
placing his pen down, gojo sighs, in relief. turning to you with a look you can equally identify as the feeling in your chest. he smiles.
"you're free, angel."
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02x14 · 5 months
tumblr mutuals has a bit of mom magic, because the second I complain to moots about something, the problem gets solved
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thephantomtheory · 2 years
god just thinking about watching the stars w armin, and you’re sitting in between his legs, your back pressed up against his chest, and he’s breathing so steadily, pensively watching the stars all content with you in his arms, and you turn your head to look up at him but for a sec all you see is his exposed neck and the soft skin right below his jaw, and it’s so vulnerable, such an intimate spot, and you’re so entranced you don’t even think before placing your lips to it, gently, lazily, kissing him there, and he’s a little startled because two seconds ago he was so lost in thought and now you’re kissing his sweet spot and he’s very quickly flustered by it, by the way your tongue dips between your lips and your teeth gently nip at his skin, but god you just cant help it, and you can smell his cologne that’s just, ugh so perfect for him, and your fingers dig into the fabric above his chest and then he lets slip this fucking beautiful little whine that makes your head spin, and you pull back to finally look at him, really look at him and his beautiful blue, deep, intelligent eyes that are quite literally consumed by you, i mean he’s eating you up with a glance, the way your lips glisten after you pull away, the way your eyes are so cute and expectant looking up and him and he hears you beg in the tiniest, needy voice, please kiss me, armin, and god how can he fucking refuse.
yeah, he loves watching the stars with you.
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literally scrap every angsty head cannon I've made about regulus hating James the second he met him
Regulus meeting sirius' best friend that he spent all summer talking about and idolizing him. bc if Sirius likes him so much he must be awesome! and pretty much spending all year being as shy and sweet and strange as Ginny was when she first met Harry.
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uefb · 10 months
A new chapter of With Its Head Under One Wing will finally be posted this week, and it took an utter left turn during editing that created another 1.5 chapters for me to write before we’re back on track with the 10 that are already written 😅
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I think I’ve accidentally written crack into the middle of an otherwise pretty serious story, I’m so sorry that I’m just not at all sorry
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when-wax-wings-melt · 8 months
honestly I am SO surprised all their friends are able to be around Sophie and Fitz right now when every time he speaks I want to throw something at his head
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