#like it here and we'd like to keep living here but they're not the amazing people that they think they are just for letting us pay them a
w2soneshots · 2 days
So you know how jj's mum is just the sweetest person on earth so how bout ksi x reader where they're at jj's mums house and his mum just keeps stealing reader from him
love your work <3
The favourite -KSI
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Words: 0.4k+
Warnings: none.
In which you go for lunch at JJ’s parent’s house and his mum absolutely loves you.
a/n: hi babe! I completely agree, I love JJ’s mum🫶🏼. This is quite short since I couldn’t think of anything else to write🤗. Enjoy!!💓
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Today me and JJ are going to his parent's house for lunch. It's only going to be with his mum though because his dad's at work. I got ready then once we'd left I asked JJ if we could stop off at our local grocery store. He asked what I needed but I just told him that I'd be back in a minute. A few minutes later I returned to the car with a bright bunch of flowers, for his mum. "Aw that's cute." He said as I put my seatbelt back on.
Once we arrived I knocked on the door. "y/n! Come on in baby!" She cheerfully led me inside. Then pulled me into a warm hug. "How are you?" She asked me, after quickly saying hello to JJ. "Great! I got you these." I smiled as I passed her the flowers. "Oh my! How thoughtful." She generously thanked me.
After taking our shoes and coats off we took a seat in the living room. Yinka asked me how my parents were doing, if I'd cooked any new recipes recently and if JJ had been behaving himself. I giggled at the last question then answered that he had. She left to begin making lunch. Then a few minutes later she popped her head back into the living room to ask if I could quickly help her with something.
As I walked into the kitchen she immediately began whispering "so, has he really been behaving?" She asked in her thick accent. I laughed "yes he has, don't worry." I replied. She seemed satisfied with my answer then asked me to poor some rice into the boiling water. I did as she said and continued to be her little helper.
"Are you alright?" JJ asked as he joined us. I turned. "Yep." Then I continued plaiting up the food. "It's almost ready, come sit." Yinka pointed to the table I had just set. Once everything was ready we all sat down to eat. "This looks amazing!" The plate had chicken, two different types of rice, macaroni cheese and potatoes. And it was well seasoned.
We began eating and I'd never tasted food like it. "We're gonna have to come here more often." I joked, but I was actually being serious. Yinka chuckled "you're always welcome darling, I love when you come and visit." JJ smiled "yea, I'm starting to think you like y/n more than me." "Uh. No I love you both the same amount." She replied, sending me a wink.
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On days like today I really wish I still had a therapist. It would help so much to discuss what happened with a neutral outsider, someone who is a competent, apparently well adjusted person whose judgment I can trust. Like, I know we didn't do anything wrong, I even googled it to see if you have to ask your landlord before drilling holes in walls here (you don't). But it didn't help, I still feel like I did everything wrong and like I'm a horrible person. Knowing that's illogical doesn't help unless someone else that I trust confirms it and discusses the whole thing with me. Because my brain is stupid.
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WIBTA for unfollowing my friend-groups insta account?
When I was still in school my friend group (me, my gf, my bestie, his gf and 2 other friends) started cosplaying. We used to make CMVs and got a youtube account to share those, later we got an insta and a tumblr acc.
After school everybody besides my gf and me went to the nearest bigger city for university reasons. My gf and me decided to stay close to the town we grew up in. (We found jobs here and she couldn't really go too far away for longer time bc family reasons.)
So the friends live about an hour away now, that's fine, we can still visit on weekends, totally chill.
We also spent time at conventions together even though our cosplays didn't always match up.
A bit into this the friends start making new friends, which is obviously perfectly okay, I want them to be happy and the bigger the friend group the better.
But then our original friends stopped inviting me and gf along if they planned things.
If we were like "hey, next weekend we could come visit" everything was cool, we'd meet up, have a good time and we'd all say we'll have to meet up more often but then the friends never call again.
Instead they started doing little parties with their new friends and posting about it on our group's insta-account.
At conventions they always hang out and cosplay things with their new friends and only talk about their dnd group's adventures (which we also used to play together over discord during lockdown but now they only play with their new friends).
And honestly, yeah I'm kinda jealous but mostly I'm really fucking hurt.
Their new friends are amazing, don't get me wrong. New friends, gf and me get along perfectly fine. (Didn't spend enough time with them to call them our friends yet but they're super fun to hang out with at cons.)
But it hurts to see that some of their new friends have a longer way to get to them (one actually has to drive through our hometown) but they get invited to birthdays/halloween/new year's/... but we don't.
Gf and me also stopped telling our friends if we visit their city because we don't want to put in the only effort to keep the friendship going but we feel like absolute shit about it.
So now I'm thinking about at least unfollowing our group account on insta.
They only ever post pics & stories of their new friends and their fun time hanging out and I don't really wanna see that and feel left out anymore.
Would it be petty/asshole-y of me to unfollow since we're friends and we started the account together?
(Sorry, English isn't my first language and I think this got a bit confusing but I can't word it better...)
(Also hope this is in line with the faq post. Fisrt reject part got me confused a bit. It's totally fine if this falls into that category and gets trashed though.🙏💗)
What are these acronyms?
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is-the-fire-real · 4 months
judío por elección (part 2)
(part 1.)
My wife and I started searching for a community after a lot of talking. But, technically, we were already looking.
After E died, S gave us charge over a specific set of books. He had told her that it was vital these books go to a synagogue. He preferred it to be a London synagogue. We had no clue which one.
Shoved in with all the different books he had, and we inherited, was ephemera from different synagogues--pamphlets from the 1980s and 1990s, booklets from the '40s and '50s. We started calling and emailing them about these books, because they were pretty important.
They're chumash with a publication date of 1898.
Problem was, we couldn't get any synagogues to respond. The one who finally did said that they had too many books and could not accept any more. They suggested that E might still be honored if the chumash went to a Spanish synagogue.
The community here, as you can imagine, is struggling. Spain has done a real good job at keeping Jews out since the expulsion of 1492. Most groups operate in half-secret: no website, or a website that hasn't been updated in years; no phone numbers. Half of the people we tried to contact never responded. Most of the rest couldn't support our conversion.
One rabbi from Madrid answered us. She made it clear that we'd have to move if we wanted to attend her group. This was expected and crushing. We're poor, disabled, and pretty well stuck where we are. But then she said that there was a brand-new community in a city closer to us, one we visit with some frequency. She introduced us to their leader.
I have the impression that A would be considered a cantor. He is not a rabbi, but he can lead services. He had a few questions about my wife and I's histories and experiences with Judaism. (Those experiences I'll talk about somewhat, but it's difficult to talk about meaningfully while also maintaining privacy, so it'll have to wait.) He wanted to know if and what we were reading. Then he invited us to Shabbat, which they conduct through videocalls.
This group does not have a rabbi, much less a synagogue. Several of the folks who call in for our Shabbat meeting live in a different city entirely. That person talks about experiences with Mossad. I want to get better at Spanish so that I can learn from her.
There's singing (as someone who's seen Ashkenazi services, the Sephardi tradition sounds amazing), of course, and because there's so few of us, A has my wife and I read sometimes for services. The very first thing I got to read was Psalm 23, which has always been one of my favorite works of art... which A couldn't know when he asked me to read it.
I said I'd stumble at lot. He told me to read it slowly in Spanish, that it's better to read slow and correctly than quickly and clumsily. He seemed pleased with my effort.
I was raised Mormon, and the entire approach to worship was very different, in a way I found appealing. My wife said it wasn't that different for them--they were raised mainstream Protestant, so singing and standing/sitting a lot were normal for them.
When we were asked to raise a glass of alcohol, we asked if it had to be wine. (We're bad Spaniards. Neither of us likes the stuff.) A said that as long as it was fermented, it was fine. One attendant had a gin and tonic.
The last time we celebrated Shabbat, we used gay-pride themed glasses and filled them with beer. "¿Qué tenéis?" we were asked.
"¡Cerveza!", which cracked them all up, and the ex-Mossad member talked about how the Orthodox she used to worship with would drink whiskey.
Setting aside the Shabbat has been, overall, easier than I thought it would be. I check HebCal to make sure when the candles should be lit. I do all my household chores throughout Thursday and Friday-daytime. My wife tries to cook as much as possible before the candles are lit, and we eat, talk, and do our video-call service with the community.
Saturday I set aside. I have to keep reminding myself not to work, to consider things done even if they look like they're not.
But onward.
Our little community is fantastic, particularly A. He found out I'm having problems with some of my IDs. He told us not to worry. He knows a lot of people who work immigration and he can help us go to the right office and navigate the Spanish bureaucracy. ("Byzantine" should be replaced with "Spanish".) He's answered all our questions and invited us to events about the Shoah and personally introduced us to people.
They were so welcoming, so open, so not-rejecting-us-three-times (but if you count all the rabbis who told us no, technically, that's more than three) that it shocked my wife and I. We talked beforehand about how the community might want to withdraw, and not trust new converts, given October 7. We found the opposite. Our local Jews seem to feel that our willingness to look at how the world is behaving right now and still say "Your people will be my people" demonstrates our sincerity in and of itself.
On the other hand, when we first met A in person, my wife made a comment regarding his personal safety. He admitted that there was a man in the room with us who's his armed bodyguard. He and his wife do not leave home on business related to the community without their bodyguard.
My wife felt a cold hand creep up their back when they heard that. I was not nearby--I was checking all the exits of the auditorium and calculating where we'd need to sit if we had to flee. There were "pro-Palestinian" protests going on that day and the odds were there wouldn't be any danger near us, but... but...
Several of A's family members are also converting. We will have to travel halfway across the country to a mikveh. There are many medieval mikvehs in Spain, but to my knowledge, there are only two which are actually in use. My wife says we'll have to do a road trip. I immediately think about how "one Sephardi and four converts go road tripping across a country where one of its favorite dishes was designed as a Fuck You to Jews and Muslims" would be a fucking great novel.
Would be? Will be. And completing this branch of the journey with a journey feels right.
Oh, and my favorite A story: he invited us to spend some time with him and his wife after a community meal. We agreed to attend the meal, but had to leave after. "We have a lot of dogs and cats," my wife said, "we have to return and care for them."
"We'd love to have you," he said, "but it's a mitzvah, taking care of animals. Do that instead."
Afterward, my wife stared at me in wonderment and said: "I don't think I ever heard that once in church."
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@earnmysong asked me "top 5 ways to have ended 'ted lasso' better than they did" and I decided to put it in its own post since I have Thoughts!
These are all just personal preference, and I don't really trust my instincts where this show is concerned anymore, so. Here are things I would have loved to see, without changing the overall episode majorly!
One last Biscuits with the Boss + addressing onscreen that the ritual is over. :'( It felt so weird to not acknowledge that.
Jade and Barbara briefly meet and have an amazing interaction that gives everyone the distinct suspicion that they might one day have a spinoff where they recreationally solve crimes and mysteries together. I will always on some level be daydreaming of this spinoff. Can you imagine how much they would weird out everybody they were investigating?
I'd like there to be some tip to Rebecca that Ted is the thunder and lightning (maybe he checks the weather forecast in Kansas while they're together saying goodbye at the airport and tells her that's what's coming and she's like ?!?!?!), but she keeps it to herself because she knows he has to go home to his boy. That tragic culmination of the whole psychic prophecy storyline would have sustained me forever in delicious agonies. I'd even let her run into frickin' Boat Guy afterwards if it absolutely must be. :P Just the idea that Ted was the right one and they were in some way fated, but it was the wrong time and the wrong set of circumstances, and sometimes you just have to carry on with that sad knowledge.
I would have had Roy and Keeley officially get back together and have a swoonworthy, deeply romcommy reunion kiss scene! I respect Keeley/Roy/Jamie as a concept, but I didn't enjoy seeing them devolve into love triangle nonsense in the last ever episode. I wanted my Roy/Keeley reunion and so on this list, I'll imagine it passionately & without shame!
No Jamie having a happy chat with his dad in the montage. If I had to pick just one thing, I'd even axe that over Beard and Jane's crazy, Ted-less wedding. Having an abusive parent with addiction issues is extremely complicated and I just didn't like the "And he's sober now so they lived happily ever after! Put a bow on it!" simplicity of that at all when we'd seen absolutely no hint that Jamie should reconcile with him prior. Personally, it felt in poor taste to me. I get that this show is all about forgiveness, but that was too far and too trite for me.
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royallpetrichor · 6 months
Okay so I haven't posted in like 12 years and I know I'm like a week late, but what's everyone's thoughts on the live-action ATLA teaser? I'm genuinely very interested to know, because I certainly have thoughts, and I've definitely seen some polarised opinions. What do you like about it, and are you worried about anything?
Anyway, my long personal thoughts are below the keep reading line. I probably haven't said anything super new, or any hot takes but they're there.
First, what I loved about the teaser. It looked visually stunning! The shot composition all looked amazing (to someone who knows nothing about film), the visual tone was definitely there, and the set design was gorgeous! The entire time I was just going "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" but in a good way. The characters especially look great. In particular, I loved Suki, Aang, and Zuko. I know some people were disappointed with how the characters looked, but I really think it's the best we could have gotten considering the wide disconnect between animation and live-action, and I think it's something people need to remember.
The acting obviously hasn't been shown very much, so it's still up in the air in that regard. I've been trying to convince myself I'm cautiously optimistic, but quite honestly I've gone straight to pure excitement, despite my worries.
We're also getting more flashbacks, as shown by the fact there's a scene of the Air Nomad genocide. More worldbuilding and backstory is definitely something I'm very happy about, so I'm excited to see where it goes. The thing that stumps me on it is whether they're going to do it well. In the film that shall not be named, Shyamalan put references to the original show everywhere, but he never took the time to understand why they worked. It was like he wanted us to say "Wow! They said the thing!!!!!" as if we'd clap at the screen without actually thinking about anything. I'm really, really hoping that's not the case here.
The tone is definitely something that people are concerned about, myself included. The teaser was very serious and dramatic. Of course, the show has those moments but it's overall very lighthearted. It's a show about friendship first and foremost, and those positive messages are highlighted throughout the series. I'm hoping this teaser is more Netflix saying "Look at these cool effects!" and less "This is the overall tone of the entire series!".
The humour also comes to play in this. ATLA has a lot of jokes. You know this, I know this, they work, I don't have to talk about it. I'm curious about the humor in the live-action series because a lot of the humour in ATLA works because the show is animated, and wouldn't work in the live-action setting. In the film that shall not be named, Shyamalan tried to take jokes from the show, but they just fell completely flat because it was the completely wrong genre and just created tonal dissonance.
The last big thing I'm worried about is the characters, particularly Katara and Zuko.
I'm worried about Katara, because film has had this tendency in the past (and I know this is probably outdated) to "tone down" a female character's more "unsavoury/unladylike" traits. This is a bad example but it's the best my brain can come up with, but Hermione in the HP films compared to the books. In the films she was smart, brave, never wrong, and never made fun of. In the books, she was smart, yes, but also naive, and really mean and judgy sometimes.
Katara is a strong female character because she's not perfect. She's hotheaded and can hold a mean grudge, but those make her who she is. Also, in the film that does not exist, other character's strong moments are inexplicably given to Katara to make her more "badass" without actually putting in the work for her.
I'm worried about Zuko for an entirely different reason. I'm scared they'll "tone back" his assholeness in the first season, and possibly even give us his backstory a lot sooner. I really don't want this, because the whole reason his redemption arc works is because he was a villain first. He did bad things, but he atoned for them. His backstory explains his actions but doesn't excuse them. If we're sympathetic to him too early, the payoff is going to feel a lot cheaper, and like he didn't actually work to make himself better because he was already there.
Okay wow that was a lot, but that sums up all of my thoughts/concerns/excitement for the show. I'm really stoked to see where they go with it, and even if it's a disaster I'll probably enjoy it anyway honestly.
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devotioncrater · 1 year
jason and co being like if there's gonna be a s4 they're gonna need to wait for the inspiration to strike of where to take the story if there even is any further story. meanwhile james is out here with his 70k fic lined up ready to go
JASON SEASON 4 IS TED ACCEPTING LOVE OKAY. HE HASN'T DONE THAT YET HE NEEDS THAT ARC. season 4 ted learns it can be about him. and all these people that love himmmm
SAY IT!!!!!!!! ted needs to break down his walls and allow himself to be taken care of!!!
also....the way i would watch s4 even if the football focus was gone....astronomical. if it was just a season full of no real plot outside of ted in richmond learning to accept love in all its forms, count me in. give me that same type of storytelling derry girls used, where it focuses in on every day life with no big overarching stakes.
it'd never be boring because the past three seasons have laid the foundation for character-driven shenanigans from a stacked cast of individualized characters.
you can't tell me phoebe and henry wouldn't cause mayhem together the second roy and ted introduce them to each other. or that trent and ted in a museum together would be anything but an impassioned game of Who Can One Up The Other In Weird Niche References & Jokes. or that the week before a fundraiser event, rebecca would paint ted's nails over a wine night to see which color would best match her dress, all the while ted opens up to her about whatever is on his mind.
a season of domestic, steady life in richmond where ted isn't under this insane "what am i doing here" pressure would be amazing, i think. we'd finally see what ted is like when he's settled in and relaxed without the strain of living away from henry. what would his home decor choices be? does he teach henry how to bake biscuits? how does he show up for his found family outside of the role of Coach?
i think it would be interesting to see how the other characters operate outside of the Football Club backdrop, too. do will and leslie go to more jazz clubs together? what does dani do on his days off? have moe and beard ever accidentally run into each other on a night out?
there's so much potential there to keep building up the richmond lore & world & relationships
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deadmomjokes · 8 months
How is bean doing?
Best wishes for the start of a new school year!
I honestly thought I had answered this earlier, so my apologies for leaving you hanging!
The Bean is doing pretty great! She's a whole four years old now, which she's very proud of, because as we all know, 4 is when you become a Big Kid (apparently).
This year is her first time with a different teacher at preschool, and we were worried about how she'd handle it. She LOVES her old teacher, and had been with her since she started there at 2.5. There was exactly one day of mild confusion and mild pouting, but she's been a total rock star about the transition and is still loving school.
Her only complaint is that she wants to be friends with some of the other kids, but they aren't very kind to the teacher and don't listen to what she (teacher) says. They whisper when the teacher tells them it's not talking time, and they get up and leave when they're supposed to listen. So maybe she (Bean) can't be their friend, because they try to talk to her and distract her when she's trying to listen to the teacher, and that's not very nice.
Let me tell you, hearing that was kind of a relief. She's a wiggly, distractible little squirt with more than a few signs that an ADHD diagnosis may be in her future, so I've been worried in the back of my mind that she'd end up being a bit of a disruptor. Hearing that she, of her own volition, is trying to pay attention and avoid distractions was just amazing.
I told her I was proud of her for making good choices and sticking to them even when other people are choosing something different. We talked about how we can't control what other people do, but we can always choose what we do and how we respond to them. I also explained that you can be friends with people who don't make your same choices, and that being a friend doesn't mean saying yes to everything they want from you. Sometimes being a good friend means telling someone no and making a better choice, and that's called being a good example. She said she didn't like how they kept trying to make her do "not good things," though, and I told her she can always choose her friends, and she doesn't have to hang out where she's uncomfortable or with people who upset her.
Who would have thought we'd be talking about peer pressure in preschool? Complicated life lessons right out the gate, man.
Then, of course, we have the time she got in the car all weepy eyed and frantic, and goes "Mama today in class there was a roly poly on the floor and [classmate] wanted to smush it and I told him no, so I picked up the roly poly but [teacher] said we needed to put him outside, but I really love roly polies so I just pretended to put him outside but really I put him in my pocket so I could bring him home because I love him and he is so cute, only I didn't want him to fall out or crawl in my pants so I moved him to my backpack right here, but now I can't find him in my backpack and I think he's gone D: "
We scoured that backpack. No roly poly, living or smushed. He probably escaped (lucky for him). We had a discussion about how bugs aren't happy inside, and when we love something we have to do what's best for them, so even though we really love bugs, we shouldn't put them in our pockets and keep them inside because they need dirt and grass and rain and all the things they can only get outside. Also it would be very scary to be stuck in a giant pocket and backpack, so next time we won't do that because we don't want to scare the roly poly.
Have I mentioned that I love my child? She's kind of the best, and that is not sarcasm. She's a hoot and a half and I adore her, and the way her little mind works.
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xsturniellax · 10 months
the bench
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Summary: a short story about a little date between you and matt :)
Warnings: kissing, fluff, not proofread.
A/n: dm me if u have any ideas of a story for either Matt, Chris or Nick!
Matt❤: hey my love, wondering if you want to meet up at mine to go out tonight for a little late night walk?
Y/n: hey, yeah it sounds great! :)
Matt❤: okay, meet here at 9?
Y/n: yeah okay.
Matt❤:okay see you then my love <3
Y/n: okay bye <3
Another day, another late night walk. Matt always loved taking me out, just anywhere really. He'll always get excited when I come round, and he'd always give me a chocolate bar or flowers. It was a dream come true.
As I got ready, my phone kept pinging with notifications from matt saying 'I love you' or 'can't wait to see you'. He was so cute.
I decided that I'll make my outfit casual. Recently in LA it's been hot at nights, so I only out on a white crop top. I paired it with somr baggy jeans and matching white trainers. There was so need for a bag this time.
Luckily I only lived round the corner from them, so I'd walk to their house. The streets would be normally quiet, unless you count cute old couples.
* knock knock *
I arrived at their house and waited out the door. Matt answered the door and looked at me in shock.
"Hey, you look so beautiful." He says, looking at my outfit, "these are for you my love." Of course they're flowers. It's like he's my soulmate.
"Thank you!" I say, taking the dark red roses, and kissing him on the lips. I take his hand and he shuts the door.
We hold hands, fingers interlocked. He walked me to the park where we sat on our bench. It's been the same bench every single time, but it has an amazing view of the city.
We lived on a hill, so this park was special to us. We could see all the lights, with the dark clear skies. Sometimes we'd lay on the floor and stargaze, or just lay there, together.
We sat on the bench and he put his arm around me. I started to get cold and shiver physically, making him realise.
"Are you cold my love?" He asks, taking his big hoodie off and gives it to me.
"Thank you, I thought it would've been hot tonight." I say, as I put on his hoodie. It smells like him, but in a good way.
"You can keep it tonight." Matt blushes and looks up at the stars.
"Thanks." I say, laughing a little bit. Deep down I never bring a hoodie just so I could have his.
We end the night by cuddling under the moonlight and the stars. We look at each other and share another kiss, before ending our date once again...
Thank you for reading! Dm me if you have any short story ideas, and if you like these!
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pillowfriendly · 5 months
tag game: 9 favorite characters
tagged by @gunkreads. this was really hard. lots of people left out that im sad about. tried to keep it to one per source material. not in any particular order
Nyneave al'Meara (Wheel of Time)
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healer wizard. temperament of a tavern brawler but will yell at you if you swear. mama bear over people 1.5 years younger than her. severe personality issues and a dozen complexes. could fight god and win
Major Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
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she's a blueprint character for me much as ghost in the shell was very foundational to my taste. introduced me to the world of sci-fi and the amazing ways the genre can play with ideas, WHILE serving cunt
G'raha Tia (Final Fantasy XIV)
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annoying prodigy historian turned spacetime-ripping wizard powered by and bound to an ancient solar power plant. i cant say more cause then we'd be here all day. im Not Normal about this character
Guts/Casca/Griffith (Berserk)
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there should be dissertations written on them. griffith in particular is THEEEE character study of a villain in all of manga but i would not put him as my favorite because i want him shot into the sun and then the sun should blow up
Paul (The Locked Tomb)
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this is NOT cheating to put another multiple character entry as one because Paul as a culmination of two characters arcs is important ok and i have a little room in my brain for them forever. (@keawi's art go look ok!!!)
Susannah Dean (The Dark Tower)
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civil rights activist who gets isekai'd into a high fantasy post-apocalyptic horror western world, becomes a gunslinger, and proceeds to knock it out of the fucking park. she's two personalities duct-taped together. she ain't got no legs. if you look up "tough motherfucker" in the dictionary she's there
Madara (Natsume Yuujinchou)
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not a complex character or anything i just like him so much. hes a kitty. he's funny. he was going to eat natsume but grew to care for him and now they're friends. he will never say this ever. he's actually a giant wolf demon. he lives as a fat cat and goes by nyanko-sensei. he's perfect
Amos Burton (The Expanse)
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apparent bog-standard tough guy character actually a huge delight whenever he's on screen, ends up having an insanely compelling arc. prime poor little meow meow material of the S-tier guard dog trope variety and that wins an insane amount of points with me
Ishmael (Moby Dick)
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this is not a joke he's my favorite narrator to ever do it. it's so much fun to be in his head, he's deranged and hilarious and a genuinely weird little man. king of tangents and making shit up
potential next victims: @iwishtobeafish @crowbandit @blackbutterflypriestess @terramythos @daedricprincessorigin @notimpossibell uhhh idk im curious about everyones but i dont wanna spam tag so just tag me if you see this and feel like doing it ok!!
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raphaelly · 1 year
About the Casino Royale stream on Beyond Live and how to make sure it happens again
I don't often write posts but I wanted to get something out for what is pretty much an historical day for Takarazuka. We just had for the first time in forever an officially subbed stream on Beyond Live, not only a platform fans not living in Japan can access easily without bothering with a VPN but also with subtitles in several languages and with the possibility of a restream with improved english subtitles at a decent hour (not at dawn and not in the middle of the night). And it was just so so much fun. Not only for long time fans but for new fans who never really knew how to get into something as niche as zuka, with people coming from all around the globe.
This is an amazing opportunity we just had and I'm sure we'd all like for this to become a regular thing. However, it's been stated that this stream was basically a test. If this whole operation turns out to be profitable, then we might have more of this. There isn't much we can do now about the profitability but there is one thing we can do to put the odds on our side : absolutely refrain from posting any pic or clip of the stream on the internet. TikTok, twitter, instagram, even private and unlisted youtube videos, just don't post anything about the Casino Royale stream out there.
I'm not saying this out of Respect For The Law. Frankly, I generally don't care about all of this and I'm not trying to preach about the Evil Of Pirating. But it's important for people to know who they're dealing with and Hankyu Corporation (the company owning Takarazuka) is extremely strict on copyrights and has been getting stricter recently. It is all too likely they might not only stop Beyond Live streams but they might even stop Rakuten livestreams, if the international fandom ever gets too careless about what we post.
I say "international" because most of us are used to a complete different approach when it comes to sharing content and the matter of copyrights. In all my fandom experiences, copyrights was never an issue I kept in mind but Takarazuka quickly showed me that it was going to be different. That's why I'm writing all of this, to warn newer fans that as much as I love their enthusiasm, it's better for eveyone if we all try to be cautious, or else we might lose the little we get.
We'll see how things evolve! With time, we could get looser about all of this but for the time being, I really urge all of you who might have taken pictures or recorded stuff to keep it to themselves or only share it through private conversations. Just no public posting.
Here's to hoping we get tons of livestreams with subtitles in the future 💖
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atlasscrumpit · 4 months
Avengers x Reader
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"Is this really a good idea, Cap?" Tony grumbled sitting across the table from Steve.
"I know Bucky isn't your favourite person and...killed your parents. But, that was the winter soldier, not Bucky. I'm the only thing he has left, this will be the best place for him to heal." Steve said as Tony groaned and rubbed his face.
"I'm just worried about Y/N." Tony muttered.
"We'll just do our best to keep them seperated and try to explain it to Y/N." Steve replied as Tony sighed and nodded.
"Friday, could you get Y/N down here?" Tony asked.
They waited a few minutes and you came down stairs, with your teddy hugged to your chest like usual.
You were Tony's daughter but he didn't know about you until you were thirteen when your mother killed herself and he was the only one to care for you.
The only problem was you had a pretty bad accident when you were a child, leaving your mind basically at age four.
You sat beside Tony, muttering to yourself about some kind of story you'd just come up with.
"We have someone else joining us, to live here and eventually be apart of our team." Tony said as you looked at him and nodded.
"Now, they're a bit different. This person went through a lot and sometimes they can lose control." He said as you played with your bear.
"Like Bruce?" You asked as Tony smiled and nodded.
"Yeah like Bruce... But, this person can be even more dangerous. So, whenever he's around someone else has to be with you, okay?" He explained as you nodded again.
"Will he want to be friends?" You asked still playing with your bear.
Steve chuckled at your innocence.
"I'm sure he would love a friend, Y/N. You just need to be a bit careful around him, okay?" Steve said as you smiled a little and nodded.
"Okay, Steve."
The day came around when Bucky was moving in.
Tony made sure you were in your room and would meet under calmer circumstances.
Bucky came in and hugged his old friend.
"What's in your hand?" Tony asked as Bucky showed him a teddy bear that looked like him.
"Apparently they make bears or me... I tracked it down for Y/N. I thought maybe it'll help her get used to be and my metal arm." He said as Tony smiled and slowly took the bear.
"Well, that's very kind of you, Buck. I'm sure Y/N will love it, you can meet her later. I thought we'd just ease into it." Tony explained as Bucky smiled.
"That's a great idea."
Tony came into your room with the bear Bucky had brought.
Tony saw you on the ground drawing like usual.
"Hey, kid. I've got a surprise for you." He said kneeling down to give you the bear.
You slowly took it with a 'thank you' making Tony smile.
"Bucky got it for you, it's a teddy bear of him." He said as you ran your hand along the soft metal arm on the bear.
"Does Bucky have a grey arm too?" You asked making your father chuckle.
"Well, he has a metal arm. It's silver and made of vibrainium." He said as you looked at him with wide eyes.
"A metal arm? Woah." You muttered as Tony chuckled.
"Do you think you're up to meeting him?" He asked as you smiled and nodded.
Tony lead you down stairs where Bucky was waiting with Steve.
You sat across from him and smiled nervously.
"Thank you for the bear." You whispered as he smiled.
"That's okay, Y/N." He responded as you stood up and slowly approached him.
"Can I touch your metal arm?" You asked looking away nervously as he chuckled.
"Of course you can." He replied, holding his metal hand out for you.
You slowly reached up and touched it cautiously.
"It's so cold... It's so cool." You muttered in amazement making Bucky chuckle.
Tony sat there and watched as you talked to Bucky and asked him questions.
Steve sat beside Tony and smiled.
"Went better than we thought." Steve said making him chuckle.
"Well, the teddy bear definitely soften the blow."
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The other day, I was heading to the warehouse in the mansion with Shiranui.
SHIRANUI : Sorry to bother you with this. I just can't seem to find the ritual tools I put away.
EMMA : No problem. Hopefully we can find what you're looking for!
EMMA : …Huh?
It was there, under the shade of a nearby tree, I caught sight of a familiar figure…
EMMA : T-Tamayura…!?
SHIRANUI : Hm? What's the matter, is something wrong?
EMMA : Just… Look at him over there…
Many birds had perched themselves upon Tamayura's body, sitting peaceful on his head, shoulders and arms.
SHIRANUI : Oh, right, no wonder you're surprised, it's your first time seeing it.
EMMA : So he's always like this?
SHIRANUI : Yeah, it looks funny, doesn't it? Tamayura covered in birds!
As soon as we walked up to Tamayura, all the birds that had been perched on him took off at once.
TAMAYURA : …Shiranui, Emma. Whew… Good morning.
EMMA : That was amazing!
TAMAYURA : ...What was amazing...?
EMMA : So many birds were resting on you, Tamayura!
TAMAYURA : …Oh, yeah, we were just taking a nap together. They're all such good friends.
EMMA : Sorry, I chased all the birds away when I got too close…
EMMA : So… You like birds, Tamayura?
TAMAYURA : Yes… That's right. I love them. I can't choose my favorite. They're all my friends.
Tamayura held a leather sack filled with grain in one hand.
EMMA : Oh, so you were feeding your friends, I take it?
TAMAYURA : …If the birds are full, then maybe they won't eat the bugs as much.
EMMA : Bugs?
TAMAYURA : …It's inevitable that we all have to eat to survive, but life is life.
TAMAYURA : Birds, insects, humans, we're all the same. The weight of our lives are equal.
TAMAYURA : So, even though what I'm doing right now is a very, very, small thing in the grand scheme of things…
TAMAYURA : I still… Wanted to do what I could to help…
EMMA : I see…
EMMA : So you want to take care of everyone, then? Birds, insects, people, even plants for that matter.
SHIRANUI : It's one of Tamayura's strongest qualities. He's kind to everything.
SHIRANUI : He's also so easy going and can joke around while keeping such a straight face.
EMMA : He can do that? …Tamayura can?
SHIRANUI : Yep! He's also a surprisingly big drinker! He loves to party and always takes the lead dancing at festivals!
EMMA : (That's so surprising…)
From there, Shiranui shared all his stories and memories of Tamayura with me.
And by the time we'd found the ritual tools in the warehouse, I could safely say my image of Tamayura had wildly changed.
EMMA : Whoa, really? You danced 'til morning during that festival?
SHIRANUI : By the end of the night we were all so exhausted and drunk. Tamayura and I were the only one's left standing.
TAMAYURA : …I was having so much fun. I lost track of time.
EMMA : I wish I could have seen it. It's hard to imagine Tamayura getting in the groove.
SHIRANUI : Haha, it's only a matter of time now you're here.
On the way back to the house, Asahi noticed us and rushed over.
ASAHI : Tamayura, our guests from Koyomi no Kuni arrived earlier than expected. They are waiting for you in the guest room.
TAMAYURA : …Okay, got it.
EMMA : Visitors?
TAMAYURA : Yes. They have a request for me.
EMMA : Oh?
TAMAYURA : Emma, if you don't mind… Would you like to sit in on the meeting?
TAMAYURA : You said you wanted to see my work.
EMMA : Huh!? Yes, please, I'd love that!
TAMAYURA : …My name's Tamayura, Master of Talismans. Is your request in this package?
OLD MAN : Yes, yes. I hear the Master of Talismans here at Eternal Flower is very talented. I need you to do something about this…
The old man slowly unwraps the furoshiki to reveal a doll of a girl in a red kimono.
TAMAYURA : …It's beautiful. But it's on the verge of becoming something bad.
EMMA : What does "something bad" mean?
I glanced across to Tamayura and saw Mashiro standing in the shadows, her heckles raising menacingly as she glared at the doll.
The temperature in the room seemed to have dropped all of a sudden, causing my shoulders to shudder with involuntary fear…
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amynchan · 3 months
While we were growing up, my younger siblings didn't know that I would have taken a bullet for them. My older brother got it, but that's because we trauma bonded (?).
My little siblings didn't, though. I thought and acted in large gestures, and if it wasn't a large gesture, I just went and did my own thing. They didn't know that I would do my best for them if only I had a script to follow.
One time, my sister got sick. We didn't know why or what was going on, but I had a script to follow. Bring soup, check temperature, let her sleep. That was the gesture, and I did it. I did want her to get better. Then, we figured out it was strep throat. The soup wasn't necessary, she wasn't gonna get a deadly fever, and I was pretty quiet anyways, so I didn't know about the sleep thing. Besides, mom had it covered. Once mom knew what it was, mom could take care of it because she knew the script.
It was later that someone--either my sister or my mom--told me that that was surprising for my sister. That I would do those things, and when I suddenly stopped, she felt sad.
Another time, my youngest sibling got on a roller coaster with us (being me and some aunts and lots of cousins). I remember being scared for my first roller coaster long before that point, and I like to be in control of things. So, when my sibling began to scream and sob hysterically, the script I followed was to screen ahead of the roller coaster at all times and tell them what was happening "Okay, so we're going up and up and up, and the drop is coming soon. Do you want to hold my hand? Shh, it's okay. Here comes the drop, now we're going! And we're done. See? Okay, now we're gonna go straight" etc etc. They Did Not Like the roller coaster, and when they got off, they were distraught. I felt like I failed to help.
It wasn't until this last holiday season where one of my siblings found the photograph my mom had taken and saw me curled over them as best as I could be that they said "wow. You were amazing." It was several years after the fact. (And, also, I kinda freaked at that because it didn't feel amazing at the time. XD It just felt like it was the thing to do. I did eventually thank them for their kind comment, though.)
I loved my younger siblings. It was an innate part of my being. I didn't always show it well, though. And here's the kicker: it's not their job to perceive that. It's not their job to perceive that I love and care for them if I'm not doing it in a way that they can perceive.
They thought I hated them because of my other actions. When I would flee at the first instance of secondhand embarrassment in the things they wanted to show me. When I would get territorial over my time. When I would hog the computer or ignore them in favor of doing my homework or invest in my growing hobbies. When I would get frustrated that they would do stuff that didn't stick with the script I'd grown up with. When I got mad at them. When I was living my own life and focusing on what I perceived my job to be, they felt ignored and unloved. As much as I didn't mean to and as much as I wish it weren't so, I did that to them.
Nowadays, my siblings know I love them. Perhaps embarrassingly so at times. Not because they had an 'AHA' moment. Well, not just them. I did, too. I didn't realize that they saw me as cold, unemotional, and detached. I didn't know that they didn't realize that I had issues and was doing my damnedest to keep those issues from them because they are younger than me. I didn't get it, and they didn't get it. It was only after a drawn out--nearly fighting--conversation where we all realized where we'd been missing each other.
Now, and for the past several years, I've been trying to love them in the way they need to be loved. Step back, no control, open ears, open arms, present in ways that I can be, and not hiding the fact that I'm human and make mistakes. I still do my grand, silent gestures when I see that they're needed, but I also focus on what they need to see and feel instead of just on what I want to do. Life's gotten a lot less frustrating, and we get mad at each other less now rather than compared to before.
The amount of love I have for them hasn't changed. The way I show it has, and it's made all the difference.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
hi !! what’d you think of the new episode of Ted Lasso?
OKAY getting to this a few days late i'm sorry. as usual, i have about One Million Thoughts. in short, i thought it was fine!! it wasn't like, AMAZING, but not every episode of something is gonna be, and it was overall pretty solid. i liked it more than last episode by a good measure but not as much as
here is, as is traditional for me, some more specific thoughts in no particular order on ted lasso 3x05:
i feel like this episode was sort of a return to form in some ways, from some of the stuff that's been causing what i'd call..... some issues? in the front half of this season so far. it feels like they've been trying to do way too much at once? which has led to a bit of a disoriented, frenetic feeling. i think this was sort of a way to.... cut down on some of that? with what would seem to be the wrapping of the zava and shandy plots (which i'll.... get to). this is overall i think a good shift. let's redirect a bit. focus a bit.
oh my gd the stuff with ted and henry was so good. i also was like. really in my feelings immediately when beard was so protective the instant they thought henry'd been bullied. and then ROY was too. man. that got me where i live :')
and man. man. the bit after where ted talked himself down from that panic attack with 'he's okay, he's okay, he's okay.' i about cried at that.
this is gonna be extremely predictable from me and i know i've mentioned it already but i really did expect like. literally any acknowledgement of playing man city being a Big Thing after what happened last time. for jamie particularly. wouldn't need to take much space, just like. a nod to them being mindful of keeping an eye on him that week, or a quick 'you good?' or yknow. anything.
that said. man am i ever so proud of jamie. his speech to them was really, really good - especially if you actually do consider what contemplating playing against city for the first time since the wembley thing must have been like for him. still, he rallied and gave this really effective motivating speech that got the team going.
until zava took over and repeated what he said lmao but still. (also the bit of him like. grabbing at and holding jamie's head? WHOOF that was hard to watch. jamie does Not want that man touching him, and watching him just sorta hunch a bit and Deal With It until deciding he'd had enough and ducking away was. whoof. what a little scene.)
dunno where this psychic thing with rebecca is going but i do kind of love the shift her story has taken, if this is gonna continue to be a focus (pursuing the possibility of motherhood). idk if this is like..... a controversial take in some way or whatever but i actually always kind of thought that it would make more sense for her narrative arc to go more in the direction of searching for that as a possibility than of searching for a romantic partner? it's something she clearly wanted very much but couldn't have because of rupert and that whole. thing. i think it's a much more interesting avenue to go down with her, and idk if it's gonna go anywhere else but. yeah. enjoyed her storyline in this episode a lot more than i have in some others.
i dunno how to feel about the whole bit with nate and jade the woman at the greek restaurant. i feel like i kind of get what they're going for with it but i'm not really sure where i land? like my romance allergy aside, i was ruminating on it and i wish we'd had like. idk. she has been pretty...... weird and rude to him in every single scene we've seen her in and i really think in order to actually know how i feel about how that was played i would need some more context. i wish we'd seen her interact with other customers? if that makes sense? like i want to see if this demeanour she has with nate which is pretty shitty and bizarre is just sort of. how she is and she's a weird and rude person generally, or if she's somehow treating nate differently than other people she interacts with at her job.
man i really did otherwise like nate's bits in that ep though. his scenes so far have been fucking stellar this season - though i didn't like last episode much, his part? oh my gd it was incredible. and then in this one it's like- rehearsing what to say on the phone was fantastic, and the part where he's trying to explain to anastasia what that place means to his family (which...... buddy. man. that made me sad, it doesn't seem like he's been very well treated there, but it's such an important figure in his family. feels like a metaphor.)
was a little disappointed we didn't get a bit more west ham follow-up? like they got, what was it, three red cards in that ep? that's three suspensions. how long were they suspended for? obvs we didn't see the immediate subsequent matches but yknow. that's a Big Deal. the way that match went is a big deal. otherwise, i did like the switch from the big win streak to this winless streak after the west ham loss. that was a satisfying The Epic Highs And Lows Of Sports detail.
keeley sleeping with jack? GET IT. not sure how this is gonna shake out in the long run and has the potential to get messy and i generally don't.... know how i feel about jack yet but for now? get it.
i answered a whole ask about this, but in brief: i thought the zava wrap, if that was actually his whole wrap and he's not gonna return in some dramatic fashion, was anticlimactic to the way he and his arc were introduced. i think it was..... misplayed overall. they should've either not played so hard into seeming like he was being set up to be a major factor when he was first introduced and then had that focal episode, or they should've followed that energy through. instead he had his intro and then that huge focus episode and immediately following that he just kinda..... faded and was a nonissue and then abruptly decided to ride off into the sunset. makes me wonder what they were going for at all when they didn't really resolve any of the big stuff that whole thing brought up.
i feel similarly about shandy. it seemed like they were setting something up with her to be a Thing and then she ended up not like.... her arc wasn't anticlimactic in resolve, it was actually extremely dramatic, but it happened very fast and in a way that felt kind of. cartoonish? keeley Learned A Lesson i guess about being a boss which is a tough thing to do, and that was neat, but it felt like. idk. i think they could've done that without introducing a whole new character who felt like she had a lot of potential to have an interesting arc with keeley and then kinda built tension in the background for a bit only to resolve it pretty quickly and in a pretty. what's the way i want to put this.
interested to see where it goes from here!
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yeetlegay · 2 years
Hii. I just want to ask you a question as I like your answers and a welcome blog. How do you keep the differentiation between loving Kinn Porsche on screen and not going there hoping they're together in real life as their chemistry is amazing? I think we'd be too lucky if they were together in real life unfortunately :/
Glad to have you!
As to your question, to put it bluntly anon, I mind my business lol. Actors are professionals and deserve to be treated as such. I love that Mile and Apo seem to be close and enjoy each other’s company, but I don’t follow their personal lives at all beyond the occasional funny anecdotes I see, like how loaded Mile is lol.
I’m not saying it’s wrong to do that at all. I guess having spent a fair chunk of my undergrad years studying parasocial relationships and the commodification of celebrity bodies, I have a healthy fear of engaging in actors outside of their work. I don’t even follow them on social media for the most part, and I’ve only sat down and properly watched maybe two interviews in full with the Kinnporsche cast. Mostly I just see little clips here and there, and sometimes I get asks or DMs about specific interviews or behind the scenes and I’ll go check them out.
So for me it’s pretty easy to just, like, not step into that shippy territory. Again, I’m not saying it’s an inherently bad thing to do. Having written a fair amount about this in an academic setting (although it’s been years now lol), I know how nuanced this is and why people do get invested in celebrity relationships, especially when they’re “queer” (as in shipping two men, two women, etc). To an extent, it’s a natural response to very intentional marketing strategies and the inherent ways in which capitalism makes products of public figures. There’s no way, in almost any present-day society, to make art without being seen as part of it, an extension of it.
Would it be super cool to find out two actors from a show/movie you loved were dating? I mean, yeah! I think the sheer volume of fanfic with this trope speaks for itself lol. And it’s not like it doesn’t happen. Tons of celebrity couples started off as co-stars and fell in love on set. It makes for a good story.
That said, there’s boundaries here, and it’s always a good and healthy thing to analyze how you engage with celebrities and fandom to make sure you’re not contributing to harmful fan behavior or making the actors/singers/whoever uncomfortable. They’re people before they’re anything else, and they deserve respect and privacy just like anyone else does. 💖
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