#like i just wanna learn how to braid it like my cousins
orionsces · 7 months
You know what I'm too old to care about what people think about my gender, figure it out yourself, I just look nice with skirts and long hair and I'm a guy who is snazzy with suits. I fuck with it both
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rumisgf · 20 days
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summary: kiri boyfriend hcs because he needs more love. also this has been in my drafts for too long but i finished it y’all, round of applause!
includes: fluff, female pronouns, black!reader cs duh, crack
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✧ and the best boyfriend award goes to
✧ before y’all even started dating he was always so sweet to you, opening doors for you whether it was at the food place or a car
✧ he has absolutely no shame making sure whenever he’s around, you never have to lift a finger
✧ he helps you up the stairs, buys you food whenever you’re hungry, even ties your shoes for you
✧ i mean he’s your boyfriend, it’s manly!!
✧ speaking of, one of the most attractive things about him is how good he is with kids
✧ if you have nieces/nephews or baby sibling/cousins they definitely adore him and it’s so sweet
✧ and when you get far enough into your relationship, he’s eager to express that he does wanna have kids one day
✧ if you let him pull out his list of baby names he will be so happy
✧ i think eijirou is one of the men very comfortable in his masculinity compared to all the other men he’s around
✧ not to say they aren’t, but he definitely has no issue doing things deemed as “feminine” in the slightest
✧ besides, manliness to him is about not always having to prove you’re manly. you’re simply just manly.
✧ kiri will let you do his makeup all the time and he’ll post pictures on his story after
✧ and he’ll love if you do things deemed as “masculine” with no shame
✧ no matter how it sounds out loud, he’ll be like “my gf is so manly i love her”
✧ yes, you wanted to pop him the first time you heard him saying but it’s truly just how he talks he can’t help it😭😭
✧ (one time he called mina manly as a compliment and she smacked him dead in his face, though, so he doesn’t say it often)
“wow babe, you’re so manly!”
“thank you eij— wait.”
✧ even though he’s willing to do it in a heartbeat for you, kirishima has a hard time letting you buy him things
✧ it’s one traditional standard he can’t seem to shake and even then he just feels bad for some reason
✧ but weirdly, he still likes when you ask even if he’s just gonna say no😭
✧ it makes him feel bubbly that you still wanna spoil him too and maybe he’ll let you a few times
✧ one thing kirishima loves is helping you do your hair
✧ he already dyes his hair himself so i feel like he’ll be very knowledgeable about hair care
✧ and he’d do his own research for you
✧ mans learned how to part hair, he oils your scalp for you, even washes your hair for you, and he learned how to braid
✧ in return he loves when you help him dye his hair whenever his roots grow in too dark
✧ this man can barely go to sleep without cuddling you it’s starting to concern his friends a lil
✧ it’s the one thing he looks forward to at night and he always hold you so tight
✧ which is completely fine because i feel like he’d also have warm skin
✧ he’s definitely the type of boyfriend to refer to you as his lady
✧ he definitely has clips floating the internet of him calling you that during interviews at hero galas
“oh, tonight i’m here with my lady!
“i’m sure she’s somewhere, she’s still a little camera shy.”
✧ if you’re the quiet type, he absolutely has no problem speaking up for you or just talking when you’re too nervous
✧ kirishima loves picking you up, you could be with friends and he’ll randomly just hoist you up into his arms
✧ when he works out, he begs you to do things like spot him or sit on his back while he does push ups
✧ or lay under him while he does them so he can give you kisses
✧ although one habit he does have is hugging up all on you while he’s still sweaty after he comes back from the gym
✧ i think he’d love a partner who does sports, so if the school has any college teams he’ll try to convince you to join even if you never did sports in high school
✧ he also thinks it would be fun for you and he always wants you to have fun
✧ in general, he loves being able to make you smile
✧ if you’re every having a bad day, he’s the best at giving advice or just comforting you
✧ and not to mention, gives top tier hugs
✧ when you start crying about anything he literally drops everything and runs to you
✧ to the point where even your friends will text him whenever you do and he’ll be there in an instant
✧ eijirou absolutely loves giving you flowers
✧ he’ll seriously find any excuse to show up wherever you are with a bouquet in hand ready to give to you
✧ valentine’s days? flowers
✧ birthday? flowers.
✧ passed an exam? flowers.
✧ having a bad day? flowers.
✧ having a good day? flowers.
✧ just because he felt like it? flowers
“awww this is so sweet baby, but what’s the occasion?”
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, just post with ‘em so i can take pictures of your pretty self.”
✧ in conclusion, he’s the man of your dreams
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@ rumisgf
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mpfuro-station · 2 years
I guess its that time of year where I feel all the romantic feelings and attractions and crave intimacy even though for the majority of the year I forget that it exists!
Specifically, the urge consuming my mind right now is having someone I trust and feel completely safe with that I feel comfortable having them play with my hair/help care for it.
Hair has always been a big thing growing up in my family and eventually became one of my live languages I guess? I remember the first princess story I was told that had a princess that looked like me was The Princess Who Lost Her Hair. In it, the princess learns how to love herself even if the main thing other people loved her for was gone, cause her beauty was on the inside (at least that was one of the lessons that I got from it there are more). Add to it having a sensitive scalp and growing up being ridiculed for having textured hair, it turned into a very vulnerable thing for me to share with others. I'm just now learning to love my natural hair again and the proper ways to care for it.
That being said, even before and during all of that bad junk with my hair, getting my hair done by close family and family friends was a bonding experience. I would accidentally marathon old crime shows with my mom because that's how long it took to do my hair for the week. Now, I get to talk to my one cousin more because she knows how to braid extensions and such in my hair. Now, imagining all that time with a partner just talking, sharing favorite TV series, ugh it sounds so nice. Not to mention most of the time whoever is getting their hair done is sitting between the other's legs, maybe resting their head on a knee depending in the length it takes and the style. That is very close physical contact.
And then at night, wrapping hair to go to sleep. That takes forever, especially if you have thick and/or uncooperative curls like me. After a long day I just don't wanna, but I gotta. The thought of getting ready for bed after a long day and my partner offers to wrap my hair for me. 🥺😍 It is so sweet. And the possibility that I start dozing off while they do it just makes it fluffier!
Of course, I would offer to do all this as well. My skills leave much to be desired, but I'm learning! And if my partner has different textured hair than me, I will try to learn! Even if all I can do is brush/detangle it at first. And I adore both receiving and giving pets on the head. It is just so soothing and just enough physical intimacy that it doesn't trigger my "no touchy" thing. I love it!
But yeah...I want some form of queer-platonic to romantic relationship. Really craving it. I want to fall asleep to someone playing with my hair.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 14 - Unexpected Meeting
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, who will they run into?, 3.2k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: death mention, emotional trauma
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
“Man, I need a break,” Reggie was saying as he strolled with Alex down an unfamiliar street in the early evening, stretching his arms. “I mean, being in the studio all the time has been good, but on top of everything else it’s just so much!”
Unsure where they were headed, Alex walked a few paces ahead on the sidewalk, casually navigating for both of them. He squinted as he looked at Reggie.
“Reggie, you dropped, like, all of your classes once we signed on.”
“Nope!” his friend exclaimed, tilting his head in a proud manner. “I just needed two electives to graduate. It’s okay, though, man. Not everyone finishes their math requirements as a freshman.” Reggie patted Alex’s shoulder, as if it were any sort of consolation.
“No, good for you Reg,” Alex said. His parents had paid for all this private tutoring and even gotten him to take some college credits early. Of course, his only serious plan after high school had been the band so it was all wasted effort, but then all of their attempts with him amounted to that. He was learning to feel less guilty over it. It wasn’t his fault they never cared about what he wanted.
“How long do you think Luke and Bobby are gonna be workshopping their parts together?” Reggie asked.
“Long enough. Where are we going, exactly?”
“Oh, I was just kind of keeping an eye out for anywhere interesting.”
Alex blinked. “I thought we were headed somewhere specific.”
“I’ve only been to this side of L.A. like, once, so I don’t think I’d make a good tour guide,” Reggie stated.
And just like that, Alex’s mind thrust itself back into remembering Willie. He was getting better at not crumbling completely in the moment, but it still felt like his heart was temporarily dunked into a dark ocean of misery. It would remain waterlogged and heavy inside his chest for a while.
“Alex?” Reggie was saying, looking at him with concern. “You okay?”
Snapping his thoughts back to the present, Alex sighed as he looked back at Reggie.
“I’ll be fine.”
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket and pressed his arms against his sides. Shoulders hunched, he continued through the crowd. Focusing on walking would hopefully help it wear off. He made every step purposeful, trying to get the weight in his heart to fall through his feet. Reggie’s hand on his shoulder made him turn.
“It’s still rough, isn’t it?” he asked gently. “If I said something - ”
“It’s not your fault,” Alex tried to assure him. “Sometimes it just comes out of nowhere. Besides, I can’t make you and everyone else walk on eggshells.”
“Maybe not, but we’re in this with you. It may have been different for us, but we all met Willie. I’d never seen you warm up to anyone that fast. Even after a few months, it’s still fresh; don’t force yourself to be better for us.”
Pausing on the sidewalk, Alex looked up at Reggie. He tried to smile as gratitude edged its way in, relieving most of the heaviness in his chest.
“I appreciate that, Reg.”
“Of course, man.”
“So,” Alex took a deep breath to let everything else wash away as they kept wandering. “You made it sound like you had a lot going on. Is everything at home okay?”
Reggie shrugged. “Eh...no change there. My mom went to stay with her sister after the last fight, so my dad’s been trying his best to take care of everything, but he’s too upset to handle it well. My little sister has just been sleeping over with friends anyway, and I can handle myself, so - ” he shrugged again, “ - you know, I do what I can.”
Alex nodded. He had nothing really to comment, and Reggie knew he was always there to support him. This wasn’t anything unusual for him, but it still wasn’t right. Neither of them spent much time at their own homes, so wandering through the city like this kept them occupied when they weren’t with the rest of the band. Looking up at the store signs around them, he saw a record store about a block ahead.
“Hey, why don’t we check that out?” he suggested.
“Yeah!” Reggie said, dropping any ounce of gloom from the previous subject and skipping along to catch up with Alex.
A small bell rang as they came through the door, and they immediately began filtering through shelves of records and CDs. Peeking toward the back of the store, Alex could see a counter that offered a menu of food and drinks, some tables, as well as the smallest stage in the world. This seemed like a neat little place.
“Oh,” Reggie started after a while. “I got us a gig playing at my cousin’s wedding.”
“A wedding?” Alex said skeptically, turning from the Pansy Division vinyl he was checking out. “When we’re trying to finish a record and go on tour?”
“It’s Conrad, okay, he’s family! And he said we could make the setlist.”
Alex shrugged, considering that was fair.
“...with his approval.”
At that addition, Alex could only sigh and shake his head.
“And then maybe, you could, I don’t know, finally ask Bobby to be your date?”
Reggie put down the Mötley Crüe album he’d been examining and looked up at him in shock. Alex realized he’d possibly been too blunt. But immediately Reggie began to cover it up, laughing and shaking his head.
“What?” he said, his denial completely transparent. “Was that a...was that supposed to be a joke or something?”
Giving him a look of pity, Alex put his hands on his hips.
“You’re really gonna try to pull the wool over the eyes of your gay friend?”
Caught, Reggie looked back at him in defeat and bowed his head.
“I’m gonna guess you noticed a while ago?”
Nodding, Alex tried to soften his demeanor. 
“There’s been something up with you two for months. How come you haven’t tried to talk to him about it?”
Reggie knit his brow and began fiddling with his fingers.
“Well, I’m a little confused by it, to be honest. Cuz, I mean...I like girls, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“But I like Bobby, too.”
His friend looked up at him, expecting more of a reaction. Alex leaned against the shelf and folded his arms.
“Do you think there’s something wrong with you? Because you’re talking to the king of wrong feelings.”
“Well, sometimes I feel like that, but not really. It’s something else,” Reggie said.
“Like what?”
“Well...we’ve been friends for years. It just sort of crept up on me and I don’t know what to do. What if he rejects it? He’s one of my best friends.”
Thinking for a moment, Alex looked down at his feet. He didn’t blame Reggie for being worried. He’d had a mini crush on Bobby for a couple weeks back in ninth grade and had the same dilemma. It was easier for him to get over, though, simply because it had faded quickly.
“Well, I wish I could say if it’s meant to be it’ll happen, but sometimes…”
Sometimes it dies in a fire before there’s any chance of knowing.
He shook his head to get rid of the awful thought and ignored Reggie’s look of concern.
“But if I know Bobby, I don’t think it’s going to harm anything. I think you should go for it, Reg. I truly, honestly, will back you up on that.”
A smile spread wide across Reggie’s face.
“Thanks, man!”
Without fretting over it for another second, he turned back to the shelf of CDs he’d been perusing, and Alex did the same. There was a crazy good selection, and Alex wished he could get his hands on a record player. Playing CDs on a boombox worked for some things, but there was a level of charm in playing something on a vinyl record that appealed to him even more. He made a note to get a small notebook to carry in his fanny pack, hoping to return to this store and make a wishlist of sorts to work toward.
“Do I see Alex and Reggie of Sunset Curve?” A familiar voice said from behind.
Both of them turned to find Flynn standing in the aisle, braids tied up into a high ponytail and eyebrow arched in her usual smart fashion.
“Hey Flynn!” Reggie exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. Alex went in for one afterward, happily surprised.
“Hey guys!” she said, grinning.
“What are you up to?” Alex asked.
“Gonna be performing in a bit,” she said excitedly. “Just a warm up before the main group comes on. I’ve been working on some of my own stuff; I think you guys would love it! Got time to stick around?”
“Sweet!” Reggie raised a fist for her to bump. “I’m down. Alex, wanna stay?”
“Yeah, sounds great!”
He had yet to see what Flynn was capable of. If he were to judge only on knowing she’d been in a duo with Julie, he expected it to be good.
“Also, you should try the burritos here,” Flynn told them. “They are to die for!”
The endless click-rollll-click-click-click of his board filled his ears as Willie moved through the street, feeling the wind pass over him in the way that made freedom feel like he could clutch it in his hands. He’d actually spent today not worrying about Alex. It felt good not to dwell on what little past he had access to. Of course, he still had repetitive dreams about the few memories that had come back, but the backwards one with Caleb in it hadn’t come back ever since he’d gotten to LA. Moving forward felt...nice.
He had spent the morning sketching at the beach, getting all sorts of practice in. The beautiful waves, seagulls, the different activities all around him. Somehow a group of young college kids had gotten him to join their volleyball tournament. Willie wasn’t sure if he’d ever played it before, but once he caught onto the game, he’d gotten surprisingly good. It felt nice to roll up the hem of his jeans and dig his toes into the warm sand while playing with a group of strangers. They’d nicknamed him Mowgli, whatever that meant. He liked the sound of it though.
Heading off to work after cleaning himself up, he realized he could spend all his free time that way. Peacefully sketching, meeting fun people, and enjoying his surroundings. Was that all it took to be happy? Willie chuckled at the thought of how much Caleb had stressed over rising to the top of his business game, never appearing to be satisfied with any of it. Leaving Vegas remained the best decision he’d ever made. Of course, he wasn’t always proud about his method of burning down the shed, but it had been one of those...heat of the moment things.
Willie skated up to the back entrance and shook his hair out after lifting off his helmet. Just a few short hours of making food, some chill entertainment, and he could peace out for the night. He headed inside the store and right into the small kitchen. Thankfully, the store didn’t fit too many patrons and it was never hard to keep up with orders, and Kyle had a system so he never had to leave the kitchen. This basically meant he could jam to the live music during the lulls between orders with no interruption.
Kyle entered the kitchen just as Willie was tying on his apron.
“Hey, dude, thanks for coming. We actually got two acts coming in, so it should be a full crowd. Katelyn can be the MC for the first bit, but do you mind taking over for the second half?”
A twinge of excitement came over Willie and he lit up. He’d never gotten to try being an MC before.
“Don’t mind at all!” he said.
“Alright, man!” Kyle exclaimed. “First two orders up: swamp style nachos and a bog burrito.”
“Got it.”
“We’re up for a big night with these performances,” the girl hosting hyped up the crowd. “Let’s give it up for our artist of the night: Flynn Taylor!”
Reggie cupped his hands over his mouth as he hollered along with everyone else’s applause. Alex clapped with a mouthful of nachos. Flynn stepped onto the stage behind a set of deejay turntables, smirking as she began flipping switches and turning knobs.
“Thanks for coming out here everyone,” she said into the mic. More applause and whistles echoed through the room. “We’re gonna make a lot of noise tonight, so let me hear you get pumped!”
As she began playing a beat, Alex bobbed along, immediately interested. He didn’t know a thing about mixing, so he was highly impressed with the different sounds she was using. Then Flynn picked up the mic and began rapping and the whole room cheered.
“...I’m a princess, I don’t need a prince, boy I’m priceless...I’m here to shut it down like a night shift…”
“Man,” Reggie leaned over to Alex. “She’s so good! I say we book her to open for us ASAP as possible.”
Alex merely snorted and chuckled at Reggie’s misuse of the acronym. He actually enjoyed the idea of having Flynn rapping to open for their rock shows. Gigs where all the bands sounded the same got a little flavorless sometimes.
“Also,” Reggie said as he took a huge bite into his burrito. “This is the best burrito I’ve ever had.”
“Lemme try some, you can try my nachos,” Alex said.
All Reggie could say was Mm! as he passed the burrito over.
The final beats of the first performer echoed in the kitchen where Willie had been dancing, waving various kitchen tools around. He’d thoroughly enjoyed the whole set, and wondered what sounded so familiar about the girl who was rapping. Before he could spend more time thinking about it, Kyle came in.
“Okay, you ready?” he asked.
“I just keep people busy and then announce the next group, right?” Willie guessed.
“Yeah, man, you’ve got this!”
“What’s the next group called?”
“Downslide. And they brought some merch, so it’s a good idea to mention that to the crowd as well.”
“Okay,” Willie nodded, slipping out of his apron. “Maybe I could put their t-shirt on or something, you know, sell the look?”
Kyle looked impressed. “Yeah! I’ll go see what they’ve got.”
He left the kitchen and hardly a minute later returned with a jacket.
“They said you could wear it for the night. Not gonna lie, I wish I could wear this, it’s a sweet jacket.”
Willie slipped it on, and turned around. He didn’t often wear jackets, but whatever it was made of was pretty soft.
“Guess I’m ready,” he said, giving Kyle a hand slide and fist bump before leaving the kitchen. He stepped up behind the microphone and looked out at the crowd, and further back, the empty store.
At that moment, he heard the bell of the store door ring and two guys walked outside. Through the window, a familiar leather jacket passed. Then, he saw a head of blonde hair follow, turning to look both ways to cross the street, and his heart grew to fill all the empty space in his chest. It was unmistakable. It had to be.
“Alex...” he breathed quietly into the microphone. Adrenaline immediately went out to his extremities. The crowd before him looked bewildered as they waited for him to announce the next group.
Glancing offstage, he saw Kyle give him a strange look. Willie shook his head, unclear what message he was sending but ultimately knowing he couldn’t stay at his current spot. Before he could think anything else, his legs were bounding out the door. It felt like every ounce of blood in his veins knew. The search was over.
Reggie and Alex had just reached the opposite corner. He wasn’t going to miss his chance.
“Alex!” he cried, running to meet them.
He immediately thrust his arms around a surprised Alex, gripping him tightly, burying his face into his shoulder.
“Oh my god, Alex!” he said, panting. “It’s so good to see you.”
He didn’t feel the hug didn’t reciprocate, and instead Alex grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away. The darkness of the street seemed to envelop him.
“What are you - ?” Alex started, staring back at Willie like he’d just been assaulted. Then shock wiped over his whole face. Then confusion. And then a pain came over all of it that made Willie’s concern grow.
“What - what is it?” he asked, all the excitement gone.
Alex wouldn’t look him in the eye, and he raised a hand to hold the side of his head.
“No, this isn’t real,” he whispered to himself, shrinking backward and shutting his eyes. “This can’t be real.”
Willie glanced over at Reggie, who also stared like he was seeing the impossible. He could see Alex shaking and heard a rattled breath, and felt tension grow thick in the air. Quickly, he went to take Alex’s face in his hands.
“Alex, hey, look, it’s me,” he soothed. He fought to get a look directly into his eyes. “It’s me, Willie.”
Finally, the green ocean gazed back at him, turbulent and restless. What once had been a grounding rhythm of waves had turned into a maelstrom of despair. Even worse were the tears welling up right before him. Willie watched the storm rage for a few seconds, seeking for a moment of calm.
“What’s wrong?” he murmured, lowering his hands. Alex looked so wounded it frightened him.
“How are you alive?” Alex begged to know.
Blinking, Willie sat back, astounded at those words. While he agreed it was a miracle he was still alive, he couldn’t fathom why Alex would ask such a question. He chuckled merely out of discomfort.
“I’m here.” Willie glanced at Reggie, looking for an explanation. “Flesh and bone. Why? What happened?”
Alex looked at him incredulously, jaw hanging open. He looked so tightly wound and so scattered all at once. 
“Caleb told me you were dead.”
Willie blanched inwardly at the mention of Caleb, but even more so at the rest of that sentence he’d been utterly unprepared to hear.
“He...he - ” he stammered for a moment. “When would you have even talked to him?”
Sharing a look with Reggie, Alex took a deep breath. Then he looked back at Willie hesitantly.
“We see him all the time. We work for him now.”
It was Willie’s turn to drop his jaw.
“We’ve been signed to his record label for a few months now,” Reggie pitched in.
Directing his gaze to the ground, Willie puzzled for a minute.
“Why would I be dead?” he asked, looking back up at Alex.
For a minute Alex simply gazed at him wordlessly.
“I don’t know,” he said. There was a pause as both of them finally looked at each other, fully aware that this was real. And then Alex threw his arms around Willie to return the hug. Willie had to raise himself up on his toes to avoid falling over, and he tightened his grip to remain steady. He felt joy spread through his whole torso and breathed a sigh of relief as hands tangled into his hair. “But that doesn’t matter. I’m so happy to see you.”
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jiaraforeverr · 3 years
Friends to Lovers in Canon Universe
I'll be the light and lead you home (when there's nowhere left to go) by @homebody-nobody and @hmspogue
“Hi, Dad,” he says, his heart pounding, his veins already humming with fight-or-flight adrenaline. He can feel his brain kicking into overdrive as his body is tensing to prepare for whatever comes next. Keep your voice down, his mind reiterates, reciting rules that governed years of his childhood, learned the hard way and necessary for his safety -- for survival. Stay an arms length away, nod and agree, don’t tell him no, respond with “yes sir”, keep your voice down for as long as possible, and get out before the yelling starts at all costs… But, now, in the midst of this frantic inventory, a new rule makes its way into his consciousness. Stay between him and Kiara.
baby, it’s halloween (we can be anything)
JJ tags along with Kie as she goes costume shopping but she leaves the store with much more than she bargained for.
The Haunting of Crowley Manor
After spending the night with JJ, going to Sarah's Halloween party at an abandoned, and allegedly haunted, Kook mansion is not high on Kiara's list of things she wants to be doing. When the Pogues do some exploring, what they find is unsettling at best. Even amidst all the pandemonium, Kiara would really just like to clear the air.
you wanna play with fire (stick and poke tattoo) by @homebody-nobody
'JJ chews on the information she’s given him, tracing his fingers down her arm, over the curve of her elbow and back up to her shoulder. “You’re still gonna go home, right?” He asks, uncertainty and maybe longing in his voice. She realizes, then, that of course she is. Her parents love her, even if they don’t know how to show it, don't understand what the Cut and its inhabitants (and one in particular) mean to her. Of course, she’s going to go home. Because JJ doesn’t get to. Because she still can.
touch me someone by @homebody-nobody
He pulls away from her, and his eyes are wide but dry as his chest heaves. He looks wild, uncaged and raw, the moonlight turning his blond hair white and his blue eyes into pools of silver. Tragedy and shock have destroyed him, the chains he’d wrapped around his brash, heedless, unending want twisted into shards by an explosion of hurt and grief. He has always been the victim, the boy left behind in empty rooms with nothing but loss and bloody fragments, told to piece himself back together. Finally, they’ve taken the last thing. When he told John B they had nothing to lose, they still had each other. And now, he doesn’t even have that. But she’s still here.
A Midsummers Night's Scheme
Kiara really doesn't want to go to Midsummers, and this time it isn't just about the socioeconomics of it all. When she runs into someone she was hoping never to see again, she enlists the help of JJ, who might already be more involved than she would've ever thought.
georgia (georgia, i love your son) by @jiaaras
Two years after Sarah and John B died (or disappeared, if you asked JJ), Kiara and JJ must deal with the return of a familiar face to the Outer Banks.
it was there the whole time
The rest of the pogues notice that JJ and Kiara are hopelessly in love with each other long before they do themselves.
because i'm still in love with you (i wanna see you dance again.)
post season one; John B and Sarah are gone, Pope is M.I.A and Kiara just wants to help JJ stop drinking so much.
lets go surfing by @simpforjiara
everything good happens in the surf
and even when you look away i know you think of me by @hvitstark
The night of graduation Kie worries about the future.
Her Boys *trigger warning character drugged against their will*
Some guy tries to drug Kiara during a kegger at the Boneyard, and her boys ride to the rescue, and then take her home and take beautiful care of her…which leads to a very unique first Jiara kiss.
five times JJ or Kie kissed the other as friends + 1 time they were definitely not friends by @simpforjiara
don't blame me for fallin' (i was just a little boy) by @simpforjiara
JJ Maybank could never just simply care about something, when it came to Kiara it was always too much
Home is Where the Puppy Lives by @tiggerusername
Four months after John B and Sarah disappear, everything in Outer Banks is strange. JJ and Kiara are hardly talking. Pope is hardly around. And storms keep coming. That is until Kiara decides to visit the chateau after work one day and finds a puppy stuck in the destruction of the night outside.
Snapshots Through Time
Just as the title implies, jumps in time depicting moments in JJ and Kiara’s lives. First as friends, then as a couple, and eventually as a family.
Don't overthink it
For the majority of the time she was not even sure she liked JJ as a person.
i don’t wanna be your friend (i wanna kiss your lips)
If she’s being honest, Kiara used to think about kissing JJ all the time. aka the five times kiara thinks about kissing jj, and the one time she finally does it.
I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
JJ and Kiara grow closer in the aftermath of what should have been the best summer of their lives.
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)
After spending a night with Pope, Kie runs to the person she was meant to be with in the first place.
it wasn’t special til i met you by @dayas
kiara never expects teaching jj to braid to matter so much. it does. or, alternatively, the four times kiara lets jj braid her hair and the one time she doesn’t.
every piece of you
Five places that Kie hadn’t expected to be intimate when kissed and one place she does.
if we were meant to be, we would've been by now by @alphinias
five times JJ was jealous, and one time he didn't have to be
and if my wishes came true (it would’ve been you)
the one where jj and kiara go on a road trip together and do a miserable job of pretending they’re not two idiots in love
tell me when you’re falling (can you hear me calling?)
being in love with your best friend makes vacationing pretty inconvenient. luckily for kiara, said best friend will never suspect a thing.
bare necessities by @rae-of-fricking-sunshine
the five times they were unintentionally undressed, and the one time they weren't
better date than never by @alphinias
Kiara is sick of her mom badgering her about the single groomsmen at her cousin's wedding, so obviously, taking JJ as her date is the perfect solution. It won't be complicated. Not at all.
i had a few (got drunk on you)
Kiara is a student at bartender school and JJ is helping her practice (when he isn’t hindering her by drinking all the liquor).
i'll be there 'til the stars don't shine by @maybankiara
in which the pogues throw a kegger, and jj keeps getting distracted by the feelings he might have for one of his closest friends.
What if... (Secrets are dug in the best friends' back yard?) by @tiggerusername
What if JJ and Kiara have been keeping a massive secret from the Pogues? What if JJ and Kiara were a lot closer than anyone had expected during Kiara's Kook year?
Standing On Younger Ground by @usnavisbubbly
If he really thinks about it, he knows it probably just took missing her for an entire year for him to realize that he never wanted to again. Miss her, that is. That shit was brutal. She’s his best friend and he wants her around all the time. It’s just that now, he sometimes wishes it was just them. Like, he’d never want John B and Pope to go away, per se, he just also wants Kie to himself? Or something? It’s confusing.
Bad Timing
the one where the Pogues all had a thing for Kie, all get rejected and JJ eventually finds the right time.
wish you were sober
The Pogues are growing up and following their dreams, which means it's time for JJ and Kiara to sort through some feelings.
around the world
You can take the boy out of the Outer Banks, but you can't take the Outer Banks out of the boy. when it's all calmed down, kiara travels the world. jj's not precisely an unwelcome addition.
drunk off of nothing but of each other until the sunrise (i swear to god it was the best night of my life)
The night before Kie leaves for collage JJ finally makes a move. It's the start and end of something all at once.
friends don’t look at friends that way
anyone observant can see that JJ and Kiara are clearly more than friends.
You Can Get Lost in the Music For Hours, Honey by @anniebibananie
A love story told (predominately) through text messages and a collaborative spotify playlist.
Come Down to the Black Sea Swimming with Me
JJ and Kiara try to deal with the aftermath of John B and Sarah's deaths, and find it easier together.
if this is love, i know it’s true (i won’t forget you)
kiara carrera doesn’t know when she falls in love with jj maybank. she just knows that she does, and there’s nothing she can do about it.
i want to see you stare at ceilings until you fall back asleep
jj and kie have a moment.
(au mid-season before any of that insane police chase stuff went down)
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Painted Pink Room
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A/N: @talkfastromance4​ mentioned that a part 2 to this would be cool and I had some ideas for it, so here we are.
Word Count: 2.3k
And away, and away we go!
It took a month for McKenna to finally sleep through the night in her own room, not that Calum and Luke minded in the slightest. Nap time was fine, but there was something about sleeping in the dark alone, even with the aid of a nightlight, that sent McKenna scurrying into bed with her dads every night.
So when Calum rolled over one morning and found empty space before his hand smacked into Luke’s arm, he shot awake. “Where’s Mack?!”
Luke mumbled angrily in his sleep. “Shh, Cal, I’m sleeping…”
“And Mack is missing!”
That got Luke’s attention, blue eyes snapping opening. He sat up straight, throwing back the covers. “What do you mean she’s missing?!”
“Do you see her in here?! Did she sleep in her own bed all night?”
“She better have otherwise she might be actually missing…”
Both men jumped out of bed and raced down the hall to McKenna’s room. And found her peacefully sleeping in her bed, Duke and Petunia curled up on the floor next to her. “How is she still asleep?” Luke asked in a whisper. 
Calum shrugged, checking the time on his phone before groaning. “Probably cuz it’s five in the fuckin’ morning…”
“You woke me up at five in the morning because Mack was asleep in her own bed?!”
“I panicked, okay?! She’s never spent the whole night in her room before, what was I supposed to think?!”
“Sssshhhhh!” Luke shushed, gesturing for them to leave the room. “You wanna wake her up, or go back to bed? I, for one, vote for going back to bed.”
Calum yawned, agreeing with Luke that more sleep was needed. “Hey, Lu?”
“She did it. Whole night in her own room,” he smiled in pride.
“Yeah,” Luke matched Calum’s grin for a second. “But I’m kinda gonna miss her elbow in my ribs.”
“Yeah. Me too…”
And as much as they missed the little body squeezed in next to them, they did enjoy the extra uninterrupted hours of sleep. They also enjoyed McKenna tiptoeing into the room with both dogs at her side to wake them up, asking for breakfast.
“Alright, little miss, how do we want our hair today?” Calum asked her after Luke helped her get dressed. “Up or down?” He swung her up and sat her down on the bathroom counter, spinning her around so they both faced the mirror.
“Ponytail, braid, or bun?”
“Great choice!” Calum grinned before setting to work, taking in pride at how well he’d learn to do her hair over the past handful of weeks. “Did Daddy tell you what we’re doing today?”
“‘Ool?” she asked, cocking her head to the side and turning a little.
“Gotta sit still for me, darling.” He gently set her straight again. “But, yeah, you’re right. We’re gonna go swimming today. Do you know why?”
She thought about it for a second, her little face scrunching in the mirror.
“You know you scrunch your face just like Daddy when you’re thinking,” Calum noted.
“Like Daddy?” she asked, scrunching her face more.
“Just like him.”
“Eyes like Papa!”
“Yep, eyes just like mine,” Calum smiled at her. “Can you remember why Daddy said we’re swimming today?”
“It’s because we’re meeting some friends today!”
“Yeah! Uncle Ashton and Uncle Mikey are gonna come over, so you can meet them and your cousin Wyatt.”
“Wots of fwends!”
“A little bit, yeah. But they’re excited to meet you.”
“Yes, you! So, what do you say? Wanna go swimming with your new friends today?”
“That’s my girl! C’mon, let’s go find Daddy.”
There was a small downside to having told McKenna that friends would be coming over to swim. It was the fact that she had very little concept of how time worked. So any sound of a car driving past was met with an excited gasp of “Fwends?!” and Calum and Luke having to shake their heads and go, “No, Mack. It’s not time yet. We have to have lunch and a nap first.” A cycle of conversation that repeated on an endless loop even after lunch had been eaten and the nap had been taken.
“Seriously, where the fuck are they?” Luke asked in a low, aggravated tone.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Calum replied in a similar tone, huffing and pulling out his phone. Then he sighed in relief, flashing the message at Luke. “On their way. 5 minutes ago.”
“Which means they should pulling up any-”
“Fwends?!” McKenna interrupted as a car turned into the drive.
“That better fuckin’ be them,” Luke grumbled, marching for the door and pulling it open. “Hey, ya made it!” he hollered.
Ashton laughed as he slung a bag over his shoulder. “Sorry mate. Someone took forever to go down for a nap.”
“S’alright. Still got most of the afternoon. How long can these two swim for anyhow?” Calum pointed out, stepping onto the porch next to Luke with McKenna at his side. “Look, Mack, our friends are here! You wanna say hi?”
McKenna peered around Calum’s leg over at Ashton and Michael, her eyes wide. “Big wike you…” she whispered.
Calum laughed. “Yeah, Uncle Ashton and Uncle Mikey are big like me and Daddy. But look! Wyatt’s little like you.”
“Hey, McKenna,” Michael said, crouching down in front of her. “I’m Mike, and this is Wyatt. Wyatt, do you wanna say hi to McKenna?”
“Hi,” the little boy said, before glancing up at Michael, and whispering “Swimming now, Daddy?”
“You don’t wanna say hi to your uncles first?” Michael whispered back.
“Oh…” Wyatt turned his attention to Calum and Luke. “Hi.”
“Hey, bud,” Luke chuckled. “Mack, they said hi. Do you want to say hi back?”
“Hi…” she offered up shyly.
“How ‘bout we hit the pool, yeah?” Ashton asked, trying to steamroll through the shy hellos.
“Great idea!” Luke agreed. “C’mon, Mack, let’s go get your swimsuit on.”
From there, conversation flowed much more fluidly as the four men leaned against the pool walls, chatting about work ideas while McKenna and Wyatt splashed about on the steps, engaging in their own imaginary play and toddler babble. “So how are you guys adjusting and everything?” Ashton asked once they’d worn down work ideas. 
“Fine I guess,” Luke said with a shrug.
“Yeah. She actually slept the whole night in her own bed last night,” Calum added. 
“Shit, that’s a huge step. Have you reached the tantrum stage yet?” Michael asked.
Calum and Luke looked at each other and shook their heads. “No,” answered Calum. “She gets whiny and pouts about things sometimes. But no major meltdowns so far.”
“But don’t jinx us,” Luke added with a laugh.
Just then there was a particularly loud splash and all of them turned as Wyatt came up sputtering, before letting out a scared wail. “Whoa!” Ashton rushed, stepping over and helping Wyatt back up on the step. “Deep breath. You’re okay. What happened? Did you slip?”
“She! Pushed! Me!” he continued to cry, pointing at McKenna who scowled at him.
Calum grabbed McKenna, pulling her away from Wyatt before setting her on the ledge in front of him. “Did you push Wyatt?”
She nodded.
Calum sighed. “Why?”
“He mean.”
“He was mean to you?”
“Uh-huh.” And to demonstrate, she dipped her hand in the water and splashed Calum in the face.
“Hey!” Calum said sternly, grabbing her hand. “We don’t splash people in the face. That’s not nice.”
“He did!”
“Oh…” Calum said in understanding. “He splashed you in the face so you pushed him?”
“Okay, but we don’t push people, darling. That’s not nice either. If you have a problem, you come get me or Daddy, okay?”
“Okay. So what do we say when we’re mean to someone and hurt them?”
“Don’t say sorry to me. Say sorry to Wyatt.”
“Sowwy ‘Ayatt…”
“It’s otay,” he sniffed.
Ashton and Calum set both kids back to play before making their way back over to Michael and Luke. “So what happened?”
“I think Wyatt accidentally splashed her in the face and she got pissed, so she shoved him,” Calum recapped.
“So we’re raising a vigilante? Cool,” Luke laughed. “Good to know.”
“Shut up, it’s not funny,” Calum scolded.
“Eh,” Michael shrugged. “In all fairness there’s a 50/50 shot that Wyatt splashed her on purpose.”
“That’s true,” Ashton nodded. “Tried to break the habit about a billion times, but hey, maybe he just needed to get shoved to make the lesson stick ya know? They’re kids. No one got hurt. That’s what matt- Wyatt James, don’t splash her.”
Wyatt’s hands were poised in the water, ready to splash at McKenna again. He giggled, not thinking Ashton was serious and gave McKenna a face full of water. On instinct, she shoved him off the step again.
“Dude, what did I just tell you?” Ashton groaned as he went over to get Wyatt.
“Alright, we’re done,” Calum said, following Ashton to collect McKenna. “That’s enough swimming for the day.”
“Good call,” Ashton nodded.
“Papa, no!” the toddlers shrieked as they got taken out of the water.
“Yeah, I bet you’ll listen next time then, huh?” Ashton asked.
“Papa!” Wyatt continued to sob as Ashton wrapped him in a towel and sat with him in a chair. “I… wanna… swim!”
“Me too!” McKenna hiccuped.
“Maybe later. Right now we’re taking a break,” Calum told them both.
“Daddy!” McKenna cried.
“Oh, you’re mad at me so you want Daddy? Alright, see how far you get,” Calum chuckled, as Luke and Michael made their way over to the rest of the group.
“What’s up, sweetheart?” Luke asked, taking McKenna from Calum.
“Swim, pwease?”
“Nope. We’re all taking a break.”
She let out a loud cry, burying her head into Luke, who reached over to shove Michael. “I told you not to jinx us, ya cunt.”
Michael laughed, “Wait til she has a tantrum over something completely ridiculous.”
The men continued to talk, while whispering small assurances to the toddlers that “It’s alright. You’re fine,” until the hiccuped sobs turned to soft sniffles.
“You understand why Papa had you take a break?” Michael spoke softly to Wyatt. “We don’t splash people in the face.”
“The first time, maybe it was. But the second time we all watched you. Papa even told you not to, and you did it anyway. That’s why McKenna pushed you, and that’s why we all had to take a break.”
“Oh… Sowwy…”
“Not to me. To McKenna for splashing her, and to Papa for not listening.”
“Sowwy Papa.”
“Thank you, bud,” Ashton smiled at his son. “I love you.”
“Wuv you. Sowwy, ‘Kenna.”
“It otay.”
“What else do you say, sweetheart?” Luke guided. “Papa already warned you about pushing people the first time, that’s why you had to take a break.”
“Sowwy ‘Ayatt.”
“It’s otay.”
“Daddy?” McKenna asked, tracing her fingers over Luke’s painted nails.
“What’s up, sweetheart?”
“Dis pwetty.”
Luke waggled his fingers. “They are pretty, huh?”
“Mhm. Mine wike dat?”
“Yeah, we can get your nails painted.”
“Me too?” Wyatt asked, perking up.
“If you want, bud, sure,” Michael nodded, before directing his attention to Calum and Luke, “You guys got nail polish? We can do it now.”
“Yeah, we got a whole bunch,” Calum answered. “I’ll go get the stuff. Lu, you wanna get her changed out of her swimsuit?”
“On it.”
Fifteen minutes later found the group hunkered down in the living room, nail polish bottles scattered on the coffee table while little fingernails were swiped with pretty colors. “Tada!” Luke cheered as he capped a bottle of bright red polish. “Look, your nails are just like mine, now.”
“Papa too!”
“Oh, I dunno. Does Papa wanna match with us?” Luke asked Calum, waving the bottle back and forth.
Calum looked at his nails, and shrugged. “Eh, fuck it. Go ahead.”
“You want the red, or do you want your usual black?”
“Red’s fine.”
“Alright, Mack, you wanna help me paint Papa’s fingers?”
“Careful not to smudge hers,” Calum warned lightly as he settled back, giving Luke one of his hands.
Carefully, Luke held his own fingers over McKenna’s on the brush to guide her as she painted Calum’s nails for him.
On the other side of the coffee table, Ashton was blowing on Wyatt’s fingers to help the glittery purple nail polish dry. “You know, Daddy used to have hair kinda like this.”
Wyatt looked over at Michael and laughed. “Daddy hair purple!”
“My hair was lilac, not purple,” Michael corrected as he swiped black nail polish across his own nails.
“Not the lilac. The…” Ashton snapped his fingers as he thought. “Fuck what was it? It was like purple, blue, and black all at once.”
“Galaxy. Yeah, that one was fun.”
“Probably my favorite hair color of yours honestly,” Calum told him.
“Yeah, you ever gonna dye your hair again, Mike?” Luke asked.
“Maybe when you finally decide to dye yours.”
“I did dye my hair!”
“You’re blonde, and you dyed your hair more blonde. Doesn’t count.”
“How does that not count?!”
“Cuz you gotta dye it another color.”
“It was another color!”
“No, it was a different shade. Not the same thing.”
Luke made sputtering sounds of disbelief. “Cal! C’mon, tell Mike it’s the same thing.”
Calum snorted. “I’m with Mike on this one. Dying your hair a different shade, isn’t the same as dying it a different color.”
“You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“Not if that side’s wrong, I’m not.”
“You’re an ass for 1. And for 2, your nails are done.”
“Very pwetty,” McKenna beamed, proud of her handiwork.
“Thank you very much, darling,” Calum said, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “Now we all match. Me, you, and Daddy.”
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theobligatedklutz · 4 years
ray falling head over heals for rose when he went to one of their shows to support his cousin nayelis, drummer of rose & the petal pushers. she played piano and guitar and he was awe struck by the sheer joy she had playing and interacting with the crowd; it was infectious. his palms were sweaty when nayelis tugged his arm and shoved him in rose's direction. rose looked so self assured. (he finds out later, she was nervous, too. nayelis told her about ray, she thought they would be a 1/2
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So I'm going to cry. But I am also going to take your hcs and run with them:
Nayelis is 15 when she meets Rose. She is this confident, beautiful woman and she works the room with an unimaginable charm so naturally, she and Nayelis become best friends in a span of a day. Their love of music is what really brings them together. Rose shreds on the keyboard and guitar. She is incredible. They end up writing a ton of songs together and Rose quickly learns that Nayelis is soft inside but rough around the edges, poetry epitomized.
Rose introduces Nayelis to her childhood friends, Kiera and Ashlyn. And the four of them can't seem to get enough of each other. Kiera is chaotic, can chug seven sodas in a matter of minutes (three minutes is her best record) and it's literally never a dull day with her in sight. Ashlyn is the one who gets them out of trouble most of the time - and they get into trouble a lot - and is perpetually tired of their shenanigans but lets it slide because she secretly loves them too much.  
And so forms Rose and the Petal Pushers with Rose as lead singer and guitarist, Nayelis as drummer, Kiera on the keyboard and Ashlyn on the bass.
At 17, she meets Sunset Curve working the Orpheum Theatre. They are up and coming, they sound fantastic and their music touches Rose's soul. The lyrics to Now or Never seem to resonate with her at a deeper level than most songs that bounce around the walls of the theatre. She is absolutely digging their vibe even after Reggie, their bassist, tries terribly to flirt with her- I mean “size beautiful” come on now. But Bobby is the dorkiest, attempting to nervously ask her out after his other band mates go out for hot dogs. That whole incident sours drastically when the news of Luke, Reggie and Alex's death reach them.
Bobby and Rose end up somehow getting closer after the tragedy, they go on a few dates too but it doesn’t stick. It just never becomes romantic between them so they end up being good friends.
At 21, Rose and the Petal Pushers get a lot of gigs because Rose has an "in" with most of the cafes and clubs around town. Since 16, she's bounced from job to job waitressing and bartending so of course she does. And they are popular amongst the teens like no other. They rise even higher when they produce a demo, get even more gigs and it's at their set at the Oracle Theatre that everything falls into place. Rose is swaying to the music, feeling like the strings of her guitar have become part of her, her limbs, everything is so natural and every beat sounds like the badum badum badum of their hearts, it all feels like a dream and Rose realizes this is what she is destined for when she hears the roar of the crowd as she sings the chorus and she can't help but laugh into the lyrics just a little. The crowd takes it all in like they're in desperate need of her infectious joy.
Nayelis introduces Rose to her cousin, Ray, afterwards. She's mentioned him before, how he was a really amazing photographer and he could really do a rad album cover for them. But she had also mentioned Ray was totally her type and "are you trying to set me up with your cousin?" "So what if I am, Ro, music has been your life pretty much all your life. Live a little." "I'm fine, thank you very much." But Nayelis had failed to mention that Ray is adorable.
He's fidgeting and she can't help get nervous because he's cute. There's this shine in his grey? green? eyes like he knows Rose, like they've connected somehow. There's a raspyness to his voice, like he's a little out of breath, as he tells Rose she was fantastic up there. And Rose tries to be smooth, she really does but Ray is still looking at her like that and of course, she gets more nervous but she's got practice being something she's not: confident.
They dance around each other like the dumbasses they are. Nayelis can't stand it, it's so painful to watch. Somehow they've ended up friends, really good friends. Ray is willing to pluck the bright hot stars right out of the night sky for Rose and Rose has Ray withdrawals whenever he's not around. They seem to fit together like a puzzle, Rose's rambunctiousness and Ray's softspokenness.
He brings Dahlias for her whenever he shows up to "hangout" and one day, Nayelis just about loses it when he shows up at band practice- they are practicing for the Orpheum, it's their big night in two days and Ray is here and Nayelis knows that if she wants Rose to bring lovejoylife into their performance, she needs Rose and Ray to get their shit together so she gives fate one last chance before she'll butt in and do it herself.
She drags Ashlyn and Kiera out the door, tells Rose they're going to take a small break and leaves her cousin and best friend alone in the garage. And Rose doesn't waste any time dragging Ray over to the piano - "I wrote a little thing for you, I wanna show you" -, they sit down, sides pressed together and shoulders brushing and she starts delicately playing a soft tune on the piano. Her voice comes in after a little while into the music and it is so beautiful, so angelic, Ray feels light. And the song is about seeing so many faces but not recognizing a single soul, not until you came into my life and then everything turned sharp and full and vivid and colored. Her nimble fingers move against the keys in a graceful dance. Her side profile is lit up by the sunlight filtering through the windows and with that voice, she seems like she doesn't belong on earth, she looks otherworldly. Ray knows she's singing about him and it makes him giddy, he feels like he's going to float off into space. Rose stops suddenly then and turns her face towards him and he freezes. They are so close, there's merely an inch between them. And she kisses him, soft and slow, much like her fingers against the piano and her silky voice. And he kisses back like he's been waiting for a lifetime and honestly, he has.
Kiera, Ashlyn and Nayelis watch from the garage window with goofy smiles plastered on their faces. They play the best show known to man at the Orpheum that Friday.
It's nearly July in 2021 when Julie finds a fraying fading photograph cleaning her dad's folders off the dinner table. It falls out from one of his many work binders and Julie picks it up slowly and carefully. Julie's mouth falls open. There are four girls in the photo, they are standing in a garage much like the one they have. The girl with the wild curls is definitely her mother, unmistakably so by that bright smile on her face. She's wearing a guitar against her hip and has the rock-on fingers up. And Julie takes a minute to take in the other women and then recognition dawns, there's the drummer, Aunt Nayelis Molina, her faded brown hair longer and tucked into a pony tail. There's Kiera Simmons, Flynn's mother, she looks the same as she does now - and Julie is shocked because how does she still look so young??- her braids flailing about as she pretends to play the keyboard. And then there's Ashlyn Wilson. Same features except her hair is shorter and dyed pink at the tips, she's wearing more leather and has a bass against her side. And oh my god, it all makes sense. These are Flynn and Carrie's moms standing together on a stage next to her mom and Aunt Nayelis. They were in a band together. Rose and the Petal Pushers is the name written on the drumset- the same name on the ticket in her mom's clothing chest. And it all makes sense! How Carrie and Flynn had always been by her side, how she has known these girls since she was old enough to remember.
Something else dawns on her, she understands now why she felt such automatic attraction to Luke on stage. She brushes a finger against the guitar settled on Rose Molina's hip. Guitar. Luke somehow unknowingly reminded her of the same energy her mother had when she played the guitar on stage and for her in the studio. The same connection to the audience. The same willingness to leaves pieces of themselves with the crowd. The same love for music and mayhem. And Julie stands there in silence because this world is too small, time is too short and too grand simultaneously, there are all these webbed connections she didn't even know about and it should be overwhelming but it all slots together perfectly.
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luxfurem · 3 years
@treppenwitzz​​ asked: i need all the deets about your bellatrix... ALSO ANJI i wanna know more about anji | MEME.
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So... this ended up really long and therefore it’s under the cut! I sort of left out the “who they could get along with” part but I also feel like that really just depends on verses and such, so we can totally discuss that sometime  🥺🥺🥺
Bellatrix Lestrange
TW for mentions of alcohol, abuse, death and miscarriage
TROPES/ARCHETYPES: The Champion, Femme Fatale
Bellatrix is the very first muse that I officially wrote on indie, but also a muse that I’ve explored in the many group rps I’ve been in in the years before that. Because of that, she’s been through a lot of changing and tweaking over the years, but I like what I’ve got going for her now.
I’m absolutely a big fan of villain characters and I support the humanizing of them because in my mind, it is all the more terrifying that a villain could like the same things as you, could be like you, but be capable of such terrible things. I think it creates a frightening perspective that’s the quiet sort of terrifying, and it’s what I aim to do with Bella. I wanted to create a villainous woman who is powerful without being sorry for it.
I do want to stress that a villain doesn’t necessarily become worthy or deserving of pity or redemption because their story contains sad aspects. In the end, everyone encounters terrible and sad things in life, and it’s what you do with these experiences that matters. If you become bitter or vengeful, that is a decision, and the consequences of however you decide to treat the world after are not cancelled out because of the reason why you became this way.
On the one hand, she is this terrifyingly powerful witch who, despite her comparatively young age, climbed up the ranks of the death eaters to the position of lieutenant at Voldemort’s side, but on the other she is someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s wife. I wanted to explore how these two aspects of her story intertwine, or, in some cases, clash.
My Bella is a bit canon-divergent in that I absolutely refuse to write a woman who’s completely submissive to a man, especially one that doesn’t deserve it. Of course, I don’t want to stray too far from her original arc in that I still believe she’s absolutely starstruck by Voldemort, but she is more interested in his abilities, his mind and his cunning than she is in him as a partner. It’s a different kind of infatuation, where she isn’t all too sure if she wants him or wants to BE him. In time, she settles with neither, and becomes his champion, instead. She’s a knight under his banner, a soldier under his command.
Much of Bella’s arc comes down to a dominant woman living in a society that doesn’t like dominant women. Pureblood circles are catered to the pureblood man, whereas the woman’s job, much like in societies of previous eras, is to bear a husband's children to continue the pureblood line. It’s a crude and sexist thing, and Bella wants none of it. From a young age, she rebels against her father’s firm beliefs in the way things are supposed to be, and rebels against her mother’s attempts to “guide” her back to how she’s supposed to be. She’s the feral child with the holes in her dresses, the scrapes on her legs from climbing trees and running too fast. Her long hair always tangled and messy. She knows that as a girl in the Black family, the highest achievement would have been to become matriarch, but even that wasn’t ever going to be enough for Bella.
When her mother dies, about two years after the birth of Narcissa, the matriarch of the Black family, Walburga, takes over the role for a short amount of time while her father drinks his grief away. After Sirius is born, however, even this steadiness falls away, as their aunt spends her full time caring for him and the second son, Regulus, born a year after. This leaves Bella to assume responsibility for her sisters at the age of 8. Her fights with her father, their temperaments going head to head resulting in situations I don’t really care to divulge about.
Once accepted into Hogwarts is where things start to divert. From one day to the next, her previously always messy hair is neatly combed back into a braid. Her clothes are pristine, not a spot in sight, and her sharp commentary is kept to a minimum. To all those around her, it seemed she had finally heeded her mother’s wishes, and embraced her place in society. But to those who knew her well enough, to her sisters and to her cousins, there was a stubborn fire burning behind those crow-black eyes, burning higher and brighter the more time passed. It was only a matter of time until the fire either consumed her, or consumed those around her.
It was at the age of 17, during her last year at Hogwarts, that Bellatrix was introduced to the Dark Lord. She’d seen him before, of course, but the Black family had stoically kept their stance on the matter of his campaign neutral, although this wouldn’t last. Her fiance-to-be, Rodolphus, who was a few years her senior, had already joined the ranks, and Voldemort’s actions could no longer be brushed off as a mere whim by the family. And Bella, who desired more than the life of a housewife, saw this as an opportunity to lift herself up.
I want to stress that I, as both a Tom Riddle and Bellatrix writer, don’t think their dynamic was of a romantic or lustful nature at all at this point in time, if ever. Voldemort saw the fire and the potential, and decided that he wanted both of these things for himself, for his ranks. She exceeded expectations and he decided that, if anyone was worthy to be his student, it was her. Over the course of the next two years, he trained her in the dark arts, eventually revealing her, at the age of nineteen, to be his new lieutenant. This was met with some resistance, of course. but Bella was quick to silence that. After all, she had risen above her station, and it had taken effort. She was not about to lose that to a bunch of butthurt men.
It’s also around this time that she marries Rodolphus, whom she puts through the ringer for months before and even post-marriage. She hated the idea of being passed from one man (her father) to another (her husband), as if she is nothing more than a possession. The marriage was arranged, and this bothered her, too, considering her lack of choice in the matter. And because she couldn’t exactly fight her father on it, she fought Rodolphus instead. On every turn, hoping he would be turned off and cancel it. After all, a man’s voice, even if he was only an heir, and not patriarch, still sounded louder than a woman’s voice ever would. But it only seemed to invigorate him, pulling closer the more she pushed. As if he were attracted to the fire, wanted to scorch himself just to stand in the light. He never forced her and he never would, even as she refused to let him into their marriage bed for months, even as she taunted him and ridiculed him. The marriage, in time, seemed to grant her a certain freedom that she never had as a daughter of house Black. She could go where she pleased, do as she pleased, pursue her position among the death eaters as she wanted to. She lost her wariness towards him, her anger. And eventually, she learned to love him.
Bellatrix used to be closest to her sister Andromeda. The two of them were, for a long time, practically inseparable, two halves of a whole. It was as if they should have been twins, and what one lacked, the other would possess. Where one went, you could soon expect the other to be. That was, of course, until Andromeda defected. When she did, Bella’s whole world collapsed. Her castle was captured from the inside, by sadness, by grief and by anger at the deceit. Because Andromeda hadn’t chosen her. Had chosen a “filthy mudblood” instead of her own sister, who had always cared for her, always been there for her. If Bella had had a mean streak, before, it was now full blown, a riptide that would destroy everything and everyone that didn’t get out of her way. She was devastated by the loss, and would never quite recover from it. This event had a huge impact on her view on muggleborns. Whereas before she allowed herself a certain tolerance, where she still viewed herself as holier than but limited her disdain to snooty looks and haughty comments, she now was actively hostile, threatening and garnering a reputation among the ranks of the death eaters for her ruthless, cruel actions.
During her marriage, Bella was pregnant exactly 4 times, but all 4 pregnancies ended up miscarriages fairly early on. It’s my belief that her problems stem from the inbreeding within the family and the English pureblood society in general. Contrary to her other beliefs on the woman in pureblood society, she was interested in being a mother and had the motherly instinct to go with it. Her not being capable of bearing children left her feeling devastated and hardened her heart. In AUs where she does have children, whether of her own or adopted, she develops a sort of caution, a knowledge that she isn’t just responsible for herself, but for this child as well. In these AUs, it keeps her out of Azkaban.
Speaking of Azkaban, I usually don’t write about her time there or really post-Azkaban, and this is mostly because I hate the narrative that she’s “crazy”, and I think it’s harmful towards people who have mental health problems. I believe, due to how Azkaban’s dementors suck the happiness out of people and how Azkaban looks like hell on earth, she suffers from a form of PTSD, but she is not “crazy”.
A few loose facts about her:
is bisexual but leans towards men
loves to write poetry, but she never shows it to anyone.
has a very low tolerance for alcohol and barely drinks.
loves coffee and can’t function without drinking it every morning
is obsessed with taking care of her hair. It’s long and dark and very well-maintained
loves to wear red lipstick
forced herself to learn to use her wand with both her left and her right hand
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Anji Terryll
TROPES/ARCHETYPES: The Antihero, The Living Legend, The Reluctant Hero
Anji is actually one of my older muses, who doesn’t see the light of day often because I suppose the Skyrim fandom is sort of dead. On top of that, she’s a female oc. i don’t think i’ll need to explain this. Regardless of that and the lack of information I’ve put online about her ( which I actually seek to remedy by writing this ), she’s a quiet favorite who will never disappear from my roster.
I wanted to create a person who fate had been thrusted upon unwillingly. I wanted to create a woman who had never planned to do anything that didn’t benefit herself in life. Anji’s early life consisted of what was barely a life at the orphanage in Riften, where she watched the Thieves Guild lift jewelry from a man’s pocket with the man none the wiser. She never entertained the idea of being an honest worker, because she’d seen how the jarl treated honest workers. Of course, she knew that if she were to be caught thieving, the storm she’d call over herself would be worse, but that was only if she was going to be caught.
So she got herself into the Thieves’ Guild, worked her way up the ranks to Guild Master, before, near the border, she was caught stealing a horse and shipped off to Helgen, where the main story begins.
Anji is, from the start, reluctant about her supposed fate. She never believed in prophecies and rarely in Gods and now, everything was real, everything was true. And she was the main character of a legend. Thrust into a role she doesn’t think fit her. She isn’t who these people deserve, a thieving woman who serves only her own benefit. The people deserved a selfless knight, advocating for the survival of mankind, believing so wholly in oneself that they could overcome a legendary monster like Alduin the World-Eater. Someone who isn’t her. So she rejects her abilities, rejects her destiny, and pretends for months that she isn’t the one the Greybeards are calling from the Throat of the World.
And for a time, it works. For a time she can focus on the physical gain, the money she earns, the reputation. But in the back of her mind, the knowledge scratches at the door she keeps it behind. She sees the destruction the dragons are causing all over Skyrim, the terror of the people. The loss of morale. She tells herself that she decides to see what these Greybeards have to say, if only to tell them they’ll need to find someone else.
But she comes to learn that there is no one else. There is only her and her bow, and her lack of morale, against an ancient dragon.
Anji is the Reluctant Hero, the Unlikely Hero, not the woman you’d expect when one mentions the Dovahkiin. She’s slight and flighty, quick as a whip with her twin blades, relying on speed above strength. She prefers sneaking through the shadows instead of fighting her way through boldly and openly, and she never starts fights she can’t win. This doesn’t mean she won’t kill, and doesn’t mean she won’t use her powers, even for personal gain. She enjoys the power of the Voice and, as lore suggests, overtime grows more and more powerful (think: her voice can at some point burn the ice off a mountain), but she hates the responsibility that comes with it and will never fully accept it. She’s practical and quick-witted, more on the serious side of the spectrum, although she possesses a funny streak that only shows up in intimate settings ( think: close friends/guild/lovers ) or when she’s completely drunk. She observes each angle of a job or mission before proceeding, wanting to be ahead of each trap she might run into.
A few loose facts about her:
is bisexual but leans towards women
has absolutely no interest in bearing children, adopting is fine though
favors her bow over her twin blades
carries two daggers in each boot
In some verses she can be a werewolf for absolutely no other reason other than that i can
in modern verses she owns a martial arts school
Play smart not hard
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tastingmellow · 3 years
People have always complimented my hair for being “pretty/long”. My familys taken care of it my whole life cause idk how to do it. Its embarrassing and I cant learn cause I dont have the right products. It’s white people stuff and my hair is like 4a/4b. A while back I saw a post saying that its more groundbreaking if black girls grew out their hair instead of cutting it like white girls in shows. And I kinda agree with that. I also know that it’s my body and I could do whatever I want with it. My family says I shouldnt cut it cause they associate my beauty with my hair sometimes. My friend says I just need to learn how to take care of it. I dont wanna cut it because my hair has been/is a big part of me. But I wanna cut it cause its so much work. I also wanna learn and get to know my hair all over again. If I were to cut it Id wanna go bald and let it grow. I wanna feel the wind on my head and wake up without a weight on me ig. Idk if any of this made sense, if it doesn’t I could clarify. But do you have any advice/ideas on what I should do? If anyone else does that’d be really good, I could use some help.
Okay, I just wanna say this is YOUR choice. At the end of the day, you’re going to have to live with it, okay? Okay.
I’d definitely take a moment and really think about what you want to do. For me, I have a lot of hair as well and it’s sooooooo much to manage that I’ve thought about cutting it a few times. But I’ve always thought about how I’d feel in the end. Which is why it’s really important to know and understand yourself as a person. No one knows you better than yourself.
My advice for you is if you plan to keep your hair, definitely learn how to take care of it. There’s a few things that I use as someone with 4b hair. I use black castor oil to keep my scalp clean, there’s a specific shampoo and conditioner that I use because I have psoriasis so it helps keep mine clean as well. For just regular washing, I would definitely recommend Pantene. Some people may disagree but there’s a specific formula that’s really lightweight but it still cleans thoroughly. Also, with that I wanna say PLEASE USE CONDITIONER. It makes detangling so much easier, I promise you. I’d recommend finding cream that work well for you, I personally don’t use them because it makes my hair really heavy, I haven’t found anything that I like but you could be different so when I publish if anyone who has found cream that works for 4 type hair please feel free to share!
Side note: Everynow and then, do a hot oil treatment! There are looooooads of tutorials on YT.
When detangling I personally recommend using a wide tooth comb or a wide paddle brush. Start at the end of the hair and work your way up to the root. It hurts way less and it’s a little easier. Before you do that tho, part your hair into about six even sections, just so it won’t be so overwhelming. Then braid those sections after detangling to prevent matting. Now, an even better way to manage your natural, PROTECTIVE HAIR STYLESSSSS! Sew ins, wigs, braids, twists, faux locks, etc.
Find a BLACK hairstylist who specializes in these things, if you’re in Atlanta I recommend the Braid Bar in Jonesboro, they have great prices and do some awesome work. The best way to find someone who braids is just ask some of your black friends/family. Somebody’s cousin always does hair, I promise. If you can’t find anyone or you don’t have many black friends, Google and Instagram are gonna be your best friend. Most salons have photos on their IG pages and many stylists ask that you book through a number or DM, either way do some research honey. I’d honestly just recommend searching under the hashtag #boxbraids(Your city name).
If you really want to cut your hair though, find a hairstylist that specializes in natural hair. Specifically Type 4 hair. Again, word of mouth, Instagram, and Google are gonna be your best friends. I’m telling you to find someone who works with natural hair because they are best equipped to cut, treat, and style your hair the best. They will take extra care in making sure your hair is cared for. Plus a good scrub of the scalp is heaveennnnnn!
Ultimately, it’s up to you. I want to say though, regardless, it is your hair. Do not make your decision based on what your family or friends will say. Make your decision based on what you want, honey! Either way, you are beautiful! You are loved! And I promise you are not the first or the last black woman to love their natural hair but despise it at the same time! 💕
I love you, honey bun! Happy New Year! 🎊
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mmblaq · 4 years
Ok since you obviously love Ritsu so much (honestly who doesn’t), could you please tell me how you think he feels about the other Sohma’s? I really wanna hear what you think about the character dynamics there because that’s what really drew me into loving the series. I love what you’ve written about fruits basket, keep up the good work and have a lovey day!
omg this is such a good ask, im excited to dive into this
i am going to use they/them pronouns for ritsu so that its the most neutral lol i know some people prefer he/him, some prefer she/her, and i respect all those preferences for ritsu so ill use they/them as a middle thing lol
I honestly think that ritsu probably doesnt think they have the right to dislike any of the sohmas. Even akito. Ritsu probably feels absolute dread regarding non-zodiaca outside of their parents, but when it comes to the zodiacs, i think ritsu has a pure empathetic soul that could never just not get along with someone. but let’s go thru the zodiacs (as i think their dynamics is what you wanted to hear about right? lol)
the main 4 (yes, tohru is a sohma in my head): as we have seen- shigure and ritsu have a very brother/sibling relationship. Where shigure is the older brother and ritsu is the trouble making and naive younger sibling that are a bit distant but respect each other. shigure teases the poor monkey and ritsu thinks highly of the man. Its honestly kind of a cute relationship to me even though shigure is such an ass lmaooo as for kyo, i would have loved to see ritsu lean on his shoulder or trample him like their mother did LOL kyo’s reaction would be priceless. And yuki......i feel like yuki associates ritsu with ayame and just ignores ajdjsj but ritsu doesnt seem to mind and still loves him. TOHRU AND RITSU THOUGH 💕💕💕🥺🥺😊😊 the sweetest babies!!!! absolute angels- i think they learn a lot from each other where tohru gains a deeper understanding of the sohmas and ritsu learns its okay to want to live for someone and to want a purpose in life.
Now as for kagura: i absolutely adore kagura and ritsus relationship. Afterall, kagura let ritsu wear her dresses growing up and helped them feel comfortable while figuring out their identity. I wish we would have seen them as adults interacting!! i just know kagura would be like “i just KNOW that guy looked at you wrong, you want me to key his car? stab his tires? take out his engine? what do you want me to do” and ritsu is like “UUUHhhHHHHH PLEASE DONT”
momiji and hatsuharu: i feel like momiji would be really sweet with ritsu.....like “hey ritsu, i like your kimono :-)” and ritsu would instantly cry. Hatsuharu is really respectful and also a bby so hed probably offer some of rins clothes to borrow LOL
hatori and ayame: hatori DEFINITELY knows ritsu probably the best- other than kagura and ayame maybe. hatori is very empathetic and tries to be patient with ritsu and probably does his best to keep ritsu out of akito’s mind. Now, i headcanon that ritsu eventually starts working under ayame and ventures into fashion and clothing design, and ayame would teach them how to gain confidence. I believe ayame would be the only person to never lose his temper with ritsu’s breakdowns. He would just simply override it with his own dramatics but ritsu respects and admires him so much that they’d be like “you’re right cousin ayame........” and Mine would just be like “can you guys not do this around customers PLEASE”
for rin, kisa, and hiro: post-canon rin would be supportive of ritsu and actually hang out with them! imagine tohru dragging rin along to hang out with ritsu and kagura 🥺🥺🥺 I also feel like hiro would talk mad shit to ritsu and when they get older kisa would scold him definitely. BUT remember the fanart of ritsu helping hiro put on his traditional wear? i just KNOW that they get along and ritsu loves and cares for hiro a lot like a brother. but we definitely have haru or kyo who probably smacks him when he’s rude to them LOL. Also imagine kisa braiding ritsu’s hair or doing it to match her’s 🥺
lets seee who is left. kureno! honestly have they even met?
akito: ugh ritsu is irritating me again
kureno: ........whom?
AJDJS im jk but i feel like they would actually be the sweetest together. Kureno shares many personality traits with tohru, so it’d just be kureno being his angel self and ritsu trying not to explode cuz someone is nice to them
Thank you for sending this ask! i hope i answered it well lol tbh all i think about is ritsu interacting with the sohmas and i really had to shorten some of these haha im always down to gush about ritsu!!!
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ginny-rose-sixx · 4 years
What the Fork? Ch 1
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Story Summary:
Eva Rozlyn "Roz" Roberts accidentally time travels when she fiddles with her time turner while watching The Dirt. She ends up in 1981 in the Mötley apartment. How will the Crüe react? Will she ever be able to get back to 2020? Will Roz be able to handle their way of life? Will she ever be able to control the time travel?
I decided to start putting my story ‘What the Fork’ on Tumblr in addition to AO3 and WattPad (11 chapters). I wanted to organize my writing some more. Since I plan on this being a very long book and I want to make it a series, I want to take notes on my chapters so that I avoid continuity errors. Also, if I find any grammatical errors that I missed I will fix those. With the notes and everything, I thought that I would start putting this up here as well. As time goes on, I may do alternate takes on chapters and stuff like that. 
Oh, and the title is a bit of a funny story. When I first was trying to come up with a title, I asked for my boyfriend’s help. I told him the premise of the story and a summary of the first chapter. The first words out of his name were, “What the fuck???” And I was like, “Ok, there we go.” Of course, I wasn’t gonna swear in the title even though I do in the story. So, I decided to make a reference to the tv show ‘The Good Place’.
Pairing: Not disclosed to reader yet
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 1886
Chapter One
Eva Rozlyn Roberts, aka Roz, was sick of waiting for her friend to pick her up. She was supposed to be going to her first ever convention. She was dressed as a Gryffindor witch. She started to fiddle with parts of her costume. First, she was twirling her Newt Scamander replica wand for a while. *Why on Earth am I still waiting for her?* Roz wondered. Roz put her wand up her sleeve, and she tried calling her friend Katy for what felt like the 100th time that day.
After the voicemail picked up again, Roz decided to start watching The Dirt again. She had lost track of how many times she had watched the movie and listened to the songs since the movie came out. As she watched the movie, she took out a time turner necklace and started twirling it in all of the different directions. *I wish I had never agreed to go with Katy. She always forgets about me or bails.* She dropped the necklace and started to braid her hair.
 About an hour into the movie, Roz had already braided her hair so that it hung over her left shoulder. Her hair was black and it had deep red highlights all throughout. When she started twirling her time turner necklace again, a faint blue tendril of light started twisting around her fingers and slowly working its way up her arms. Before she even noticed it, the light was covering the entirety of her forearms. She immediately stopped playing with the time turner and started to panic. *Time turners are NOT even real! I cannot deal with this. I just turned 19 and I have to move soon. Fuck! What’s gonna happen to Hope?* The blue light had engulfed her and no matter how hard she tried; she couldn't get the time turner out of her hands. The last thought she had before she blacked out was *I hope she’s safe and that I’m at least gonna go somewhere fun.....*
 The guys had just finished agreeing on a name. Mötley Crüe was finally a reality. They kept drinking together and didn't pay any attention to the strange blue light emanating from under the table. After a few hours, Tommy exclaimed, "Dudes, the only thing that could make this better would be for a chick to be here!"
 After a pull from his beer Vince laughed and asked, "Where exactly do you expect a chick to come from?"
 Mick growled sarcastically, "In a ball of light ya dumbass."
 Tommy's eyes lit up with teenage enthusiasm. "Ya really think so Mick?"
 Nikki just laughed and said, "He was joking dork."
 By then the light had waned and then, all of a sudden, it flashed back out from under the table. It engulfed the Crüe and Vince screamed. Once the light was gone Mick was shocked. "Seriously, I was joking about the light. What the fuck's going on under the table?"
 Tommy ducked his head under the table and immediately popped his head back up. "Dudes, I can't believe it.  I think I drank too much! There's a fuckin chick under the table!"
 Nikki cackled "T-bone quit fuckin around! Is there even anything other than trash under there?"
 Tommy glared and pouted "I'm not joking. Just look for yourself dude!"
 Mick grunted in pain as he got down on the floor and saw the strangest thing. There was girl who was maybe in her older teens. Her sudden appearance wasn't the only strange thing. She had unnatural black and red hair that was braided. She was also in what looked to be a school uniform. She had a red and black plaid skirt, knee high socks, odd combat like boots, a black blouse, a dark grey cardigan with a lion crest on it, and oddest of all a cloak. Mick decided that they needed to at least get her out from under the table. Maybe wake her if possible. "Nikki stop your cackling and help me move her to the couch."
 "Fine, fine" Nikki said as he rolled his eyes.
 Tommy and Vince moved the table and Mick carefully lifted her head and shoulders with a grimace while Nikki got her legs. Once they got her on the couch, Vince decided to bail to his girlfriend’s place, "Sorry, but I'm not sober enough for this shit. I'll be back later."
 Tommy leaned over the girl and asked, "Where do you guys think she came from?"
 Nikki shrugged, "Fuck if I know. Wake her up and see."
 Tommy started to poke her in the cheek. She mumbled "...5 mur min mum..." Tommy giggled and then decided to poke her sharply in the side. The girl's emerald eyes flew open as she shot into a sitting position.
 She screamed and flailed her arms which resulted in smacking Tommy in the face. "What the fork? Son of a bitch! What kind of asshole jabs someone they don't know in the side? Seriously, what the fuck?!"
 The guys looked at her with wide eyes and then at each other. "Well Mick you're the one who said a chick would come from a ball of light.  What do you think we should do with her?" Nikki asked.
 Mick chuckled "Your apartment, you guys figure it out.  I'm gonna just drink more."
 Sitting up fully and looking around the room, the girl was disoriented.  "She's right here and she even has a name! She also wants to know who you guys are and where she is," she snapped at them.
 Tommy sat next to her on the couch and responded, "Well I'm Tommy, that's Nikki and that's Mick. You are in our apartment."
 "Well theirs" Mick said pointing between Tommy and Nikki with his bottle of Jack.
 "Now your turn" Nikki said pointedly to her.
 Roz nervously tucked her legs under herself and hugged her knees. Looking down at the floor Roz said, "I'm Roz, that's all you're going to get from me right now. I want to know what city I'm in and what year it is. I've learned from books, TV, and movies that fresh out of a ball of light you figure out where and when you are."
 Tommy's brow knitted and he said, "Um its 1981 and you're in Los Angeles. Uh I guess that means I should ask you; where and when are you from Roz?"
 She looked with wide eyes between Mick and Nikki before settling back on Tommy. "Please don't freak out," she said quietly. As she looked down at her boots, she mumbled, "I'm from Madison, WI, and I was in the year 2020. I was born July 1, 2001 so I turned 19 a week ago in my time.”
 Nikki snorted, and Tommy elbowed him before he interrupted, “Seriously dude?? You’re from the future AND from Wisconsin?? How the fuck did you get here? Also, why under the table?”
 “I have no clue Tommy, I was just messing around with my necklace and then POOF………” Roz trailed off and then stared wide-eyed at Mick, Tommy, and then fixed her eyes on Nikki. She had finally realized who she was with. “Holy fucking shit balls!!!!!! M-Mick Mars? T-Tommy Lee? …. A-a-an-and N-ni-Nikki S-ss-Sixx?” She continued stare at Nikki who, after a bit, narrowed his eyes at her before turning to Mick and Tommy.
 “How the hell does she know who we are?” Nikki wondered.
 Mick shrugged and Tommy laughed and said, “Wait dude, she’s from the future, right? We’re probably famous. Hey Roz is that how you know us?”
 “Shit, I shouldn’t have let that bit slip. This better not fuck up the space time continuum. I refuse to tell you guys about your futures.” She said wildly staring at Tommy.
 “Ok… ok… What should we do with her until we figure out if she can even go home?” Tommy asked turning to Nikki.
 “Well we can claim she is related to one of us,” suggested Nikki. “Hey Mick want a sister or a cousin?”
 Mick shook his head and chuckled slightly. “If she’s gonna be my cousin I wanna know her whole name.  So, lady teen, what’s your name?”
 “Seriously Mick? Lady teen? Ugh fine, my name is Eva Rozlyn Roberts. I prefer Roz though.” She looked between the guys and then around the disgusting living room. “So… um…. Where am I going to live? If I recall this place only has the 2 rooms and Vince and Tommy already share one of them.” She thought for a moment, *Honestly, I hope they say I have to share with Vince and Tommy. Sharing with Nikki would be nerve wracking.*
 “Seriously dude, it’s creepy how much you know about us. You can share the room with me and Vince. I know Nikki ain’t gonna wanna share.” Tommy said looking like a hopeful puppy.
 “I guess that works. I’m gonna need something other than my costume to wear guys. I can’t always walk around LA dressed as a character from Harry Potter.” Roz said.
 “Wait who’s this Harry guy?” Nikki asked frowning.
 Roz giggled, “He’s the main character from a series of books that started in the late 90’s. He is a wizard and goes to a magical boarding school. It’s my favorite series of books ever. Right now, I’m wearing the Gryffindor version of the Hogwarts uniform. I also have a time turner necklace and a replica of Newt Scamander’s wand.”
 Mick rolled his eyes, “ So let me get this straight. You just decided to dress like a wizarding school girl and then play with magical objects?”
 Roz’s face clouded over, “Well I was supposed to be going to a convention with my friend Katy. Bitch never actually picked me up. I was fiddling around with the time turner necklace while watching a movie. Then I was in a blue light and passed out. Seriously, magic isn’t real. At least it wasn’t until the time turner decided to spaz out and actually work.”
 Nikki smirked and asked, “Are you sure you’re not a witch? You’re already a time traveler. Why not be a witch too?”
 “Bro do you really think she’s a witch? That would be so cool!!!” Tommy turned to Roz and asked, “Do you think that your wand will work too?”
 Roz giggled, “That would be amazing, although I doubt it does. But damn is it getting late or what? Any chance we can go back over this after some sleep?”
 “Well Tommy show her to Vince’s bed. I think it would be hilarious if Vin came back while she was sleeping in his bed.” Nikki says lighting up a cigarette.
 Tommy turned to Roz, “I should have some sweatpants and a shirt for you to wear.”
 “Tommy I hope you’ve got some workout shorts because your legs are way to long,” Roz said as she followed Tommy. Tommy handed her some shorts and a t-shirt and pointed out Vince’s bed. “Thanks Tommy.”
  After Tommy left the room Roz shut the door and changed. She folded her clothes and stuffed them in the pillowcase, and she still wore the time turner and kept the wand in its sheath on her forearm. She laid down and her last thought before sleep claimed her was of how strange this all is.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Wiztober Day Nineteen: Transformation
Welcome to Day Nineteen of wiztober2020. Content warning for arguing, implied bullying, death mentions.
(link to prompt list)
Castian moved her fingers nervously, the slight rasp of her scales against one another a soft, soothing sound. She balled her hands into loose fists, thumbs slowly feeling the sides of her index fingers, her claws carefully out of the way.
She had been very, very excited at first. One of her best friends had a mysterious, long lost sister, so how could she not be ecstatic for her friend, as well as for the opportunity to watch something so dramatic.
But it hadn’t been fun, not really.
Castian had known of Mari Jade, but had never met the girl. Castian knew almost every student at Ravenwood, so to have not met Mari meant that she was a recluse to the highest degree. All the information Castian had about Mari was through the grapevine of school gossip that Castian played no small part in facilitating, and even that was sparse and, apparently, wrong.
Mari was supposedly intelligent, though not as skilled in practicals, and had a habit of barely even passing classes that relied purely on casting magic. She was a quiet doormat, easily pushed around by the more bullheaded or mean of the life school. She was also a teacher’s pet, on very friendly terms with Professor Wu, sometimes slipping up and calling her Moolinda in class, to her own embarrassment.
It was a pitiful amount of information, and Castian quickly learned that most of it was completely wrong.
The Mari that wreaked havoc through the ice school, barging in and demanding to see Emrys Pyre and not taking ‘no’ for an answer was not the meek theurgist that Ravenwood Academy knew her as. The ambient magic around her was sharp, thorny, and enraged, a dark green aura around her instead of the usual vibrant lime of average life wizards.
When she had found Emrys with the help of a very mischievous Genevieve (usually going by Eve, or Evie), a vital, if not very young member to their friend group, Mari had tackled the stoic and typically rude boy in a hug, and began violently sobbing into his shoulder.
And Emrys, instead of pushing her away or looking uncomfortable at the display of emotions, had simply soothed her, arms reaching around her thin shoulders and mouth moving fast. Castian, Eve, and Jen couldn’t understand the language, but it was fast and in a soft undertone, a constant stream of bouncing syllables as Emrys let this random girl cry all over him. Jen, the only one of them who knew any Earth languages, guessed that he had likely been speaking Vietnamese, though how a half Korean, half Japanese boy who was raised in Mooshu knew the language, none of them could know. Well, they could just ask, but doing so would likely anger Emrys, who was a deeply private person. Private enough to hide a whole sister from his best friends.
Emrys never faltered in his kind, if not protective hold on Mari. He guided her to the ice wizard dorms, and into Jen and Castian’s room instead of his own. There, he had sat down with her on the floor, not even noticing his three friends trailing along.
Finally, when Mari had calmed enough, anger flooding back in over any fear or sadness, the line of her jaw tight enough that Castian worried it might just snap like a rubber band, though she didn’t know much about human wizard physiology. Mari stared at Emrys with a deep anger, not at him, but simply too ingrained in her state of being so she could not stop sounding as if she were going to strike the next person who drew near.
“We need to go to Dragonspyre, and rescue my-” Mari stopped, seething, nostrils flaring. “And rescue someone. The old death professor, Malistaire, kidnapped her. He’s going to kill her, after using her to help destroy the Spiral.”
“Woah.” Eve whispered from the doorway, standing alongside Castian and Jen. She was just thirteen, due to turn fourteen in a month’s time, though she refused to act her age. Considering she was a prodigy, she usually got away with it.
Emrys shook his head, leaning back a bit, putting his weigh on his hand. “Right now? You wanna go storm an entire world right now?”
Mari’s face twisted with her anger. “If you’re not going to help me-!”
“No- no! I’ll help, Mari. Whatever you need.” Emrys’ voice was vulnerable, raw in a tone that usually meant a bad flashback, though not this time. “Just- we can’t run off with no plan, no preparation. I can’t-” His voice cracked. “I really can’t do this without at least a day to prepare, Mari. After that, we’ll do whatever we need to save this person and even save the Spiral if we must.”
Mari huffed out a breath. “A day? She could be dead! The Spiral could be gone, wiped out!”
“It will be anyway if you run off right now, Mari. Look at yourself. You’re running on fumes already- when is the last time you ate, or slept, or even drank some god damned water?” Emrys demanded harshly.
“I-” Mari’s voice cracked. “I don’t...” She seemed to almost sway from where she was sitting.
“A day, Mari.” Emrys murmured. “Just one day and then we can go save another world together, okay?”
“‘Kay.” Mari slurred tiredly.
“Cas, Jen, please take care of Mari while I get the supplies we’ll need? Genevieve, come with me.” Emrys kissed Mari’s forehead as she leaned against the side of Jen’s bed, and then he left, Eve excitedly following him.
Castian and Jen exchanged one look, and that was all they needed. Castian grabbed some of their many mugs, filling two with tap water, and then preparing to make hot cocoa. It would be a long night, and hot cocoa solved most problems, even if it wouldn’t solve this one.
Jen lifted the now sleeping Mari onto their own bed, covering her with a quilt. They hadn’t expected this, but they adapted easily, and this would turn out okay. It had to.
After Mari woke from her impromptu nap, she drank water, she ate, she even drank a bit of cocoa. She was silent, though sometimes if she stared off into space she would let out a dry, hoarse sob. This person who was kidnapped was very, very important to her.
Castian knew the best thing would be to distract her, fill her mind with other thoughts so she could rest, and then she could think as much as she wanted about whoever she wanted then. But not tonight.
It started with a haircut. Jen had suggested it, considering Mari’s hair was a mess, cut quickly and uneven. Mari told them that her braid had gotten caught on a fence, and she had no time. Jen began suggesting hairstyles, pulling out one of their magazines. Mari saw a picture of a beautiful girl in a leather jacket and ripped jeans, with half of her head shaved, staring moodily at the camera.
“That one.” Was all she said.
Jen had gone all out, and they turned it into a spa night, complete with nail (and claw) painting, and a bit of hair dye. Jen had even shaved a little complex design on the side of Mari’s head, vines curling and dyed green, a bit of magic involved to keep it in.
Mari finally smiled when looking in the mirror, though the bags under her eyes spoke of far deeper turmoil that a bit of pampering could not fix in a million years. Castian and Jen knew this, but still. It was fun, and Mari deserved fun before she went on a mission to likely kill a man.
They began picking out clothes, and that was when the real fun began. Mari was introduced to Jen’s rather broad taste in music, though she quickly honed in on the punk side, eyes wide and mouth almost twisting into a smile when she heard loud, almost chaotic sounds, and knew it was called music. After that, Mari spoke more. As usual with Castian, it turned to gossip.
And it was amazing. Castian hadn’t known how deep the life school really went with its sometimes harsh interpersonal relationships, but Mari was in it, and not at all phased by sharing these supposed life wizard only secrets. It was a whole new side to almost every life wizard, and Castian couldn’t get enough, almost overwhelming Mari with questions, both of them drawing out their anecdotes, dramatic pauses and all.
Mari was changing, and she’d need to be more and more prepared to change, because Castian knew that people who went on quests never came back quite the same. It reminded Castian of her cousins who were in the process of shedding their skins, draconian scales dulling, almost dead looking.
Then on the other side they were shining and radiant.
Maybe it reminded Castian of herself, a bit. Though she had never felt the loss and fear Mari had, not since she was very, very young.
Castian would always be willing to help out a friend in need though.
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lovelyloveylou · 4 years
Illa Tabris
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Icon by Earthsong9405! 
I think first I’ll talk about my girl Illa!
Honestly I flip flop a lot on if Illa is more a s/i or an oc but either way I love her! She’s a character I’ve had longer than most and who’s stayed pretty consistent for the whole of her existence. She’s a lot of parts of me and was my first Dragon Age character and that series means so so much to me. She’s also the canon warden for my main world state! Some things abt her below
Illa Tabris/Illa Theirin
21 at the start of Origins, 31 in present canon
Birthday is 10th of Bloomingtide (the 5th month, summertime!)
130 lbs
Warrior class, specializes in berserker, usually fights with a two handed axe but sometimes does sword and shield!
Shipped with Alistair Theirin
Relationship status Married! Tho I’ll probs reference different points throughout their relationship depending on my mood or what’s asked!
Anniversary July 22nd 2014
Kids? Yes! Adaia and Duncan, they’re twins!
Aggressively cheerful, absolutely the sunniest optimist you will ever meet. Can sometimes be too positive (like refusing to cry for 11 years after the loss of her mother. That was something to work through) Perpetually confused but always trying her best. Very encouraging, believes anything can be achieved with enough will power. She is SUPER stubborn a lot of the time. High charisma and empathy, a helper personality, a nurturer, will help anyone that asks. Also kinda a con artist tho, but that shrewdness comes from necessity, living the kind of life she does. She actively decides to be a good person in a world that hasn’t been good to her, it’s very important to her to meet everyone she can with kindness and understanding. That being said, if you meet her kindness with cruelty she becomes absolutely ruthless.
More Facts!
Grew up in the alienage with her father, cousins, and adopted sister (another oc of mine named Solia Amell) She’s never left the city and is very close to her family and her community and values their happiness and safety above most things! If you hurt them she will destroy you. Which leads to the second fact which is…
She low key runs a gang! Mostly they deal in the smuggling of resources humans either grossly up-charge or won’t sell to elves but they also help with community security. Three of her friends acts as the ‘face’ to keep the city guard off their tails and heat off her specifically.
It came about in her late teens when she realized how much she could get away with when people underestimated her wit and her strength. As said she’s pretty high in charisma and can talk people into a lot so much of what she does really is negotiation and bribing with a little bit of force behind it.
She’s good at organizing friends and even better at convincing adversaries that what she wants is in their best interest.
She learned to make moonshine from her neighbor and sold it out of his house as a secondary form of income until she joined the wardens! Her first form of income was as a maid/nanny for a middle class merchant family.
She loves flowers! When she braids her hair she likes to tuck flowers into them. She collected them all along the road to Ostagar, it was the first thing Alistair noticed about her.
The second thing he noticed was how willing she was to laugh at his jokes, she adores bad puns and dad jokes.
Very physically affectionate, does a lot of hand holding with Al and with her friends.
Also very domestic, loves to cook, to sew, finds it really satisfying to finish a big cleaning project.
Journals, usually every day if she can. Her entries about Alistair are so sappy, she loves him so much!!!
Uhhhh I’m not sure what else to include but if there’s anything you wanna know just ask!!
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presleysfm · 4 years
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what’s crackin, pals? i’m ally, this is my very first rp, i’m so fucking excited and nervous at the same time, but hey, that’s life ig. anyways, i present to you miss presley , your local absent-minded professor. this intro is a mess and a half but i. gotta wear my admin pantsuit on the main and i can change into my player leggings and sweatshirt here. 
SO the jamisons aren’t like. super Known in elmridge. but her mom’s side of the family, the tsuga’s, are. they own the local walgreen’s in downtown elmridge, three different car dealerships, and a pig farm on the property adjacent to presley’s own home. 
she has an older sister, dakota, and two younger siblings, her brother kennedy and her sister tatum. her mom is the middle child of her own family, and presley has like eight aunts and uncles and almost two dozen cousins that all live in the skaneateles hills and elmridge. so. yeah. everyone knows a member of her family, and any troublemaking she tries to do will get back to them. and also everyone is constantly comparing her to her siblings and cousins. 
her dad’s side of the family is russian and scottish (even though i said blackfoot in the sample app uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just recently learned booboo stewart just deadass lied about that so thats no longer canon to presley), though her surname was adapted by her russian grandfather after fleeing the soviet union in an attempt to hide from the kgb. he is, to this day, incredibly paranoid. either way, it’s quite a bit smaller, with only her father and her aunt, no cousins. and yet its her grandfather that haunts her in school. great. 
ANYWAYS enough about the family life lets get to presley herself 
she’s a weirdo. she’s weird. she doesn’t “””””fit in”””””” and she doesn’t (dramatic pause) wannafitin. 
because fitting in means being easily comparable and only identified with how good she is in relation to others hahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahha
she was literally the most cartoonishly goofy child you can imagine. like, she was already pretty cheerful and imaginative, but she also loved how much attention she would get by being weird and cute. it was a part she played very, very well. every day as a child she wore her big yellow rain boots and her duck hat, and she always tried to find the joy in everything. not for herself, of course, but for everyone else. to be associated with joy. 
at home, she was too likely to be forgotten. she never wanted to be forgotten.
she used her same happy, imaginative self to try and befriend all of the big fish. she never much cared about earning respect, she mostly cared about earning affection.
always naturally bright, she discovered her knack for computer science at age eight. at first, she didn’t see what was so great about it, but then her older cousin explained to her that programming could be used to make everything from computer programs to video games. that’s where her imagination really shined through. 
video games were like the ultimate games of make-believe, that you could make for others. either way, her parents were thrilled by her new fascination with coding, and assumed she would grow out of wanting to make games. 
she.... didn’t, though. it’s still what she wants to do to this day. but her parents convinced her in high school that software engineering would be a better use of her time. so, she applied to software engineering at mit, and got accepted. her parents threw a congratulations party for her, and she couldn’t picture them being any more proud. she cried a whole lot that day. 
the problem is that mit fucking SUCKED. it was just the definition of a grind, and it was hard for presley to pretend she was okay, to be her normal, cheerful self. sure, she’d had issues with anxiety before, but being so far from her family, so isolated from everyone, and so overwhelmed, she was just... drained. but her family was so proud of her, and all the big fish had gone off to their fancy programs, and here presley was, unable to take the heat. 
(anxiety attack tw) the big fish know that presley ended up transferring to cornell after her first year. but they don’t know how bad it got. and presley intends to keep it that way. after all, nobody likes the wreck sobbing on the floor of the dorm bathroom; they all preferred the usual her, the self she was crying to cling to. 
presley doesn’t wanna grow up because then that requires not only picking a career path but leaving her family again and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to do that so. 
uhhhhh her favorite things include m&ms, her rubber boots, fancy braids, video games, the new duck tales series, tik toks, and making people laugh. 
speaking of tik toks, i spent twenty minutes finding some: 
this is basically her tinder bio
mit is really testing her
pres when fucked up 
she’d do this and like... idk how to feel abt it 
anyways i have a pitiful amount of wanted connections here but like i kinda wanna plot on a case by case basis y’know????? lets get DEEP 
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missingmywing · 4 years
Let Us Embrace Whatever It May Bring
@boomchickfanfiction this was inspired largely because I randomly remembered your 30-day challenge, went back to reread them, and rediscover your D&D au. And then got seriously inspired by the remake because I’ve got this colossal D&D universe that I’ve never written or posted anything for. Which is a shame.
So, thanks for reinspiring me!
(Potential spoilers for FFVIIR)
(Link to headcanon post on this; here!)
. . . . .
“They’re going to be so confused.”
“Of course they are, that’s what makes it fun!”
“Cloud is going to hate us.”
“Oh, he is not. Admit it, he’s going to be so excited to bring back the goofy try-hard jackass from the original story. He’s been irritated at what Strife’s slowly turned into across the multiverse, all because he actually payed attention in Intro to Psychology and accidentally took the “play to reality” character type a bit too literally. A hard reset is exactly what he needs, bonus points when he realizes where we’re going with this.”
“Which, hopefully, won’t be until the end of the first part of the campaign.” Sephiroth sent Aerith a pointed look. “We’ll have to be careful not to give them too much to work with too soon.”
“Tell that to the DMs,” she shot back, nudging her cousin with a grin. “Who’s heading it this time? Angeal was the main one last time, even with your parents helping him out, but are we going back to that?”
“Time travel isn’t Angeal’s usual forte,” Sephiroth conceded, “but that adventure was very much his. I’m not willing to take that from him unless he’s an actual player this time. Which, considering where we’re starting the timeline, he can’t be. Not with his own character, at least.”
“That is true,” she sighed, leaning back in her chair to stretch. “I definitely agree; it was his and he really owned it. I know Auntie was super impressed.”
“Yes, yes, mother is very supportive of dragging people into nerdom. It’s why she and Gen get along so well.”
“And that they share a nickname?” she grinned.
He rolled his eyes with a sigh. “That too. So, how are we going to pitch this without arousing suspicion?”
“‘Hey, why don’t we see if we can keep Aerith alive this time?’”
He sent her a deeply unimpressed look.
“I know it may come as a shock, but the world doesn’t actually revolve around you, y’know.”
“This one does!” she shot back with a brilliant grin. “Now help me figure out how to set this up so no one realises that we’re literally resetting the timeline.”
. . .
“Hot damn we actually got everyone here,” Barret looked around, impressed, at the barely-contained chaos of people reuniting, getting food and drinks, and discussing storylines.
“I didn’t actually expect everyone to show up when I sent out that message,” Aerith admitted. “I mean, I did send out the call for Avalanche specifically, even if everyone was invited.”
“What, ya’ thought we wouldn’t show up to a new campaign for this story?” Reno asked with a grin, slinging an arm over her shoulders. “Everyone shows up for the first and final sessions, even if they don’t participate. C’mon Aer, this is our baby. We all wanna know what new adventure awaits us on the distant land of Gaia.”
“Yeah, who’s getting possessed this time?!” Zack called across the room with a grin. “Do I finally get to come back to life for good? Does Cloud finally die for good? Do he and Seph finally bone in-game?!”
“No, that was Dissidia,” Cloud corrected with a grin, and laughter rang through the rooms.
“Oh boy, that campaign,” Genesis grinned, elbowing Sephiroth.
“You weren’t even there,” Sephiroth protested, elbowing him back with a smile.
Angeal shook his head from where he and Jenova were setting up the table. “That’s what you get for live-streaming it.”
“It was a fantastic campaign,” Jenova assured them. “Full kudos to your DMs, they did a fantastic job juggling everything and showing how young their gods were last time, especially in comparison to Cosmos and Chaos from the first two campaigns. And all from behind the anonymity of a computer and avatar.”
Sephiroth narrowed his eyes at her, and she winked at him. She preferred to stay anonymous in the wider campaigns like that; it preserved her character’s image.
“It was fun,” Cloud admitted, “even if it was chaotic. And speaking of fun and chaotic, is everyone here?”
“Role call!” Jenova shouted through the house. “DM’s to the floor prompto! Avalanche and evil people, to the table! Everyone else, spread out and stay out from underfoot!”
There were chuckles and laughter as people called out jibes and protests toward their treatment, but everyone gathered just the same. With some subtle prompting from the DMs and two schemers, the people from the Midgar section of the Meteor campaign were settled closest to the DMs, Shinra (Rufus, the Turks, and Reeve) on one side and Avalanche on the other, and Aerith managed to snag Zack into sitting next to her. At his raised eyebrow she winked.
Angeal cleared his throat, and it fell quiet.
“You all have your intro Meteor sheets, right?” He glanced around, and everyone nodded. “Right, get those out and let's get some stat comparing for this campaign.”
That raised a few brows and murmurs, but the rustling of bags and binders and papers soon filled the room.
Sephiroth was careful to hide his endgame Advent Children campaign sheet behind his intro Meteor one. No reason to give anyone ideas at this stage. The anticipation and confusion would be so much more fun if they were all kept in the dark.
His eyes met Aerith’s, and she looked just as excited as he felt.
They took a few minutes to minorly rework the sheets to better suit their play style now, but the changes wouldn’t be major enough to impede the story. Good.
Jenova clapped twice, Lucrecia and Vincent finished tidying up the papers, Hojo spread out the stat sheets, and Angeal once again cleared his throat.
“Imagine, if you will, a sky. Filled with clouds, oversetting a dusty plain with rocky hills. A bird flies overhead, feathers dark and scraggly. It soars through the sky, over the plains, toward a large mass of metal plunging into the sky.”
Angeal had the perfect voice for narration, everyone was hooked from the first sentence, and there were shifts of excitement at the mention of the ruins of Midgar.
“Carried up by the wind, if flies into a cloudbank, navigating through large metal beams and poles. With a burst of sunlight, it emerges on the other side- overtop of a thriving metropolis.”
There was a burst of noise at that. Gasps and shouts of surprise at the realization that these weren’t ruins, and it probably wasn’t Edge.
Jenova called for quiet, and all the DMs looked amused.
“So what, we doin’ a time-skip?” Cid raised a brow.
“No, that doesn’t make sense.” Elena dug through her notes. “In the AC campaign it opened with a five hundred year time-skip and Midgar was a jungle, remember?”
“Yep, Nanaki and his cubs were overlooking it,” Kunsel confirmed, pulling out the concept sheet he’d sketched out at the time, as well as the character sheet he hadn’t yet gotten to use. Apparently he wouldn’t get to use it this campaign either. Darn. He had tons of cool stuff Nanaki had learned over those five hundred years.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean that we didn’t time skip,” Rufus pointed out. “It just means that we’re before it was reclaimed by the Planet. It could be a two or three hundred year time skip, and we’re descendents. A city could easily be totally reclaimed in a hundred years or less.
“Or,” Cloud cut in, “we could just wait and see what nefarious plot our DMs have in store.”
“I just got done with the Number 3 campaign with the KH crew, so I know what my theory is,” Reno drawled, drawing snickers from everyone who followed that particular convolution.
Aerith giggled, and tried not to do it too hard. Reno would be the first to figure it out, solely due to the central part he played as Axel in that particular campaign with that group. He’d keep quiet though, just to see how long it took everyone else.
Angeal smiled at them, but continued. “It flies over the train tracks, the cars on freeways, and down between buildings in what appears to be an entertainment district. Children on bikes ride down the street, past construction crews and people loading fuel cells into cars, shoppers entering and exiting shops along the street, and cars making their way along the road. The children ride down a hill, across a road, and reach a playground with a few toys… and a strangely shaped slide.”
Cloud stilled, suspicion arising in his eyes, and Aerith and Sephiroth bit back smiles.
“Day fades to evening, to night, and as the young girl slides down, something catches her eye in the distance. She turns to looks, and watches as a large burst of green erupts from a distant building along the giant outer wall.”
More and more people were beginning to realize, and Reeve looked breathless at the description of something he’d labored at for weeks alongside Jenova, Lucrecia, Hojo, and Vincent to make somewhat realistically believable for his first campaign with them. He was blindly groping in his bag for the sketches and blueprints he’d rendered out on his own.
“Imagine, the sparks of green float up and up, into the cloudy sky, until they resemble stars- and now imagine drifting through them, through the emptiness of space-”
Oh, Cloud knew this. He remembered this from their first Meteor session. Their introduction to the fully realized Midgar, at the introduction of Reeve to their group. And, judging by other people’s reactions, he wasn’t the only one.
“Holy shit,” Barret breathed from beside him, and an incredulous grin was slowly spreading across Zack’s face, while Tifa looked torn between excitement and horror.
“Imagine floating down, down, until buildings take shape. An alleyway, and in the alleyway is a girl. Long, flowing brown hair, with a pink dress, red jacket, and pink ribbon in her braid. Her green eyes are focused on an opening from which the sparks are floating out of; as though she is receiving answers to questions only she would know to ask.”
There was silence for a moment, and Aerith counted down the moments in her head. Three, two, one-
The room exploded into chaos. People were shouting, throwing out questions and theories, laughter and horror in equal bounds on people’s faces.
“Yes!!! Oh yeah, Wedge is back baby!” Zack’s gleeful shout was the most obvious, drawing laughter and groans of protest in equal measure at the reminder of Barret’s Avalanche cell.
“Are we reworking Meteor?!” Elena looked ecstatic. “Because there is so much I want to rework with my fighting style! I have some nifty new spells that I want to try against a bigger level gap!”
“Oh noooo,” Reno groaned, dropping his head back. “I’m gonna go back to bein’ the guy who dropped the plate. Not cool, yo! I finally made everyone forget about that by bein’ a quirky idiot in AC!”
“Ha!” Yuffie grinned. “We’re never gonna let it die!”
Sephiroth focused on Cloud. “You seem conflicted.”
Cloud started, then grinned ruefully at him. “I am, a bit. I’m ecstatic to come back of course, to get Strife back before I put too much realism into his reactions, to completely rework him from the ground up. I mean, this was my first campaign as a major player the whole way through. I’m thrilled. I just also happen to remember all the horrible things that happened to turn Strife into sir angst-fest that he was.”
“Perhaps,” Sephiroth acknowledged, “but if we’re reworking it… then doesn’t that mean that you can change things this time around?”
Cloud sent him a flat look, though his eyes were warm. “I’m not naive enough to think it’s that simple. Between you and the DMs, this won’t go smoothly at all.”
Sephiroth smirked at him, that damn smirk that got to him every time. “Perhaps,” he repeated in a purr, “but isn’t that the fun of it all?”
“Alright children, settle down!” Jenova shouted, but her wild grin showed her true feelings on the matter. “Yes, to answer the question… we are, in fact, reworking Meteor. For a couple of reasons, but mostly… yeah, character development was a large part of it. A couple of people backed themselves into a corner with their characterizations, and needed a sort of… reset.”
Cloud winced, his own feelings being the most well known on the matter. “Oops,” he said weakly.
“It’s not just you,” Lucrecia assured him. “Vincent and I need to rework ours too, because Dirge wasn’t… hmm.”
“I need a character alteration,” Vincent said flatly. “I didn’t like how I played some of that, and would like to have come to some of those conclusions earlier, because some of my lack of action felt a bit too forced and I would like to see if I can smooth it out.”
Yuffie frowned. “What was wrong with it?”
“Essentially the same problem as Cloud, I took the after effects too seriously and made my character more depressed and stagnant than necessary. I’ll see if I can tone it down a bit, or at least form it into a slightly more active shape earlier.”
“And my entire character needs to just be completely reworked,” Lucrecia sighed. “Granted I use character very loosely, because she’s basically just an NPC, and since we based this whole thing on one of our high school campaigns, I am very annoyed with what I turned her into.”
“You turned her into that because she annoyed you and you didn’t like her anymore,” Hojo pointed out dryly.
“I know, but I’m hoping I might be able to fix it.”
“Hashtag-doubt,” Jenova murmured. “I, for one, am perfectly happy with my character.”
“You would be,” Sephiroth said dryly.
“And you aren’t, darling?”
“No, I am,” he assured her. “Just reminding you of your own nature.”
Murmured conversations broke out as people reevaluated their character sheets, considering possible changes. Cloud noticed Rufus, digging out a familiar pet-sheet and quickly scratching out the name up top, and snorted. A glance around revealed Zack gleefully revising Wedge’s sheet, While Jenova and Angeal already had Jessie and Bigg’s revised sheets out in front of them.
Reeve was considering his own three sheets, clearly calculating stats, as was Kunsel. He caught sight of Reno’s sheet just as Angeal called- “This isn’t Kingdom Hearts, Reno, you cannot pull Axel’s stats over to your Turk, he isn’t Lea.”
“Lameee,” Reno groaned, but put the sheet up well naturedly.
“They don’t even use the same element,” Tifa pointed out with amusement, her own sheet done with few revisions.
“Meh,” he shrugged, glancing over. “Not gonna revise stats, Tseng, Rude?”
“A few a bit later, perhaps,” Tseng responded distractedly as he flipped through his later sheets. “As of right now, however, no. I’m content until I can unlock a few higher-tier spell combinations.”
Rude nodded. “Same here. I know what I want to change, but I need higher levels first.”
Barret was grumbling along with Cid about potential mechanics later on, and Cloud turned his attention back to Genesis and Angeal bickering lightly about Scarlet’s potential and materia abilities. He shook his head with a smile, and waited for everyone to finish up.
Angeal cleared his throat once again, calling for silence, and continued.
“Long, flowing brown hair, with a pink dress, red jacket, and pink ribbon in her braid. Her green eyes are focused on an opening from which the sparks are floating out of; as though she is receiving answers to questions only she would know to ask. She starts, suddenly, as though breaking out of a daze, and straightens with a nervous glance around, as though looking for something. Nothing appears, but she quickly stands and hurries out of the alley, glancing over her shoulder as she does. She stumbles into someone, and drops some of her flowers, in her distraction. Quickly kneeling to pick them up, she collects all but one before a man carrying a box and thus can’t see it, steps on it. She slowly picks it up, cradling it in her hands, before her gaze is inexplicably drawn to the sky.”
Angeal to a breath, and continued.
“Pulling away from her, up and into the very sky she’s observing, see the building, lit brightly against the dark, theaters and shops and restaurants; further up and see the city take shape, enormous metal plates with large gaps between them, and at the center… at the center is a tower. Looming over the entire city with an ominous presence, it oversees all that goes on in the city.
Now we go down, down past the other side of the tower, down to Sector 1. A train flies along the rail, a delivery for Mako Reactor Zero. And atop that train is a young man. Blond flyaway hair and a modified SOLDIER uniform, a large sword attached to his back. As the train slows, he looks up, glowing blue-green eyes steely with determination. The train pulls to a stop in the station, and two guards separate to do an inspection.”
Angeal smiled.
“Roll for initiative.”
. . . . .
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obeyme-nerds · 4 years
Kiss Kiss Fall In Love
Finally wrote for my babies. If you want to learn more about the ocs I have, go either under obey me oc or my babies. Anyway, enjoy! B/c I promised @cookidoughlilac/@diavolos-devildom
Today was the hundredth time that the exchange program will be going. It made her nerves go worse. Lucianne was going to be the only one there with her cousin/nephew Sam since her mother has to get a check-up with her father. She can’t mess up.
Lucianne, if you don’t stop overreacting I will slap you. Lucy laughed, looking next to her where Sam stood. They were waiting for the first duo to arrive, the Celestial Realm students. She remembered hearing how much hell it took her father to get the Realm to agree to this.
The portal appeared with a blinding light. Lucy flinched from it, wondering if that’s what her mother looked like when he came down to Devildom. Out came two students, a boy who stood tall with coarse hair in a ponytail. He seemed to glare at the Pride and Wrath twin. The other one, however, seemed to be scared, her pale grey eyes shining in fear. Lucy blinked at her, feeling her heart go a bit faster at her. Her light blue hair was in a braid and her outfit reminded the crown prince of Simeon’s outfit.
“Hello and welcome to Devildom. I’m Sameul Jr, aka Sam, and this is-”
“I’m Crown Prince Lucianne, you can call me Lucy for ease. What are your names?” The portal closed, making both of them lose that brightness behind them. The boy scoffed at them.
“I’m Peter.”
“I’m Gabriella, you can call me Gabbi.” Gabbi almost whispered, smiling at the two. Lucy swore her face was heating up.
“We hope you two enjoy your time down here in Devildom, we’ll help you get to your dorm.” That’s when Lucy noticed it, the healing bruises on Gabbi, seemily all over her body but the freshest was on her neck. Both Peter and Gabbi nodded, following the two to the dorms.
“I was expecting to see the king and his consort.”
“Mother is the queen of Devildom, not consort, and there were matters that needed to be done prior.” Lucy explained as Sam took Gabbi’s hand, joking with her so she would laugh.
“Last I checked, a queen cannot be a man so, he must be the consort.”
“Last I checked, their titles are King Diavolo and Queen Lucifer, so there is no consort in there anywhere.” Lucy corrected when they got to Purgatory Hall. She showed Peter his room before moving on to Gabbi’s room.
“You’ll be here, Gabbi. If there’s anything you need, just call either me or Sam.” Gabbi nodded, entering the room and looking around. She looked back at Lucy with a faint smile. Lucy smiled back.
Sha-la-la-la-la-la Don’t be scared, you better be prepared, go on and kiss the girl. Sha-la-la-la-la-la Don’t stop now, don’t try to hideit, how you wanna kiss the girl. Go on and kiss the girl. Lucy sighed at Sam’s little song.
“Could I stay with you two?” Gabbi asked, her voice was like a soft song. Lucy thought about it for a moment before nodding, holding her gloved hand out. Gabbi looked excited, taking the hand into hers as she shut her door. Lucy smiled, walking back to the council room. They chatted about anything and everything, the stress of school and parents.
Sam shook his head at the scene in front of him. It was obvious that Lucy fell in love within seconds of seeing Gabbi. Actually, Lucy and Gabbi? That sounds nice next to each other. However, it all depends on them seeing it. They got back to the council room where Lucifer and Diavolo were talking about something. Sam sighed, knowing neither of them would see what their daughter is going through. After all, they took milleniums to get together. His father shook his head at Lucy and Gabbi.
“You must be kidding me.”
“Save me father.”
“Child, you think I can save you from the repeat of Diavolo and Lucifer, you are terribly wrong.”
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