#like OBVIOUSLY if you WANT to write all the hermits more power to you
theminecraftbee · 5 months
Hi! I’m like 90% sure you answered this already, but I was wondering if you had any advice on keeping all the hermits in character? There just too many for me to keep track of.
actually, unlike the answer to "do you have a list of characterization notes for each hermit, i want help writing [x hermit]", i have an answer to "there are too many hermits to keep track of"! and it's, uh, maybe not the answer you expect/want to hear? but...
my advice for keeping all the hermits in character is that you don't actually need to write all the hermits.
some stories ARE served by an ensemble cast! but many stories are not; you'll note most of my fics have a cast that is really only two or three leads deep, sometimes four or five in my larger casts but normally two or three! and that's because trying to keep a bigger cast than that perfectly in-character is REALLY HARD because you do not have the space in your story for it. read a LOT of things; MOST people do not fully flesh out a cast of 26 in their stories! because there just is not time.
there are two solutions to this. the first is, if you are committed to an ensemble cast, accept that everyone won't have as much depth to begin with. in large ensemble casts, it's pretty normal for everyone to just sort of have One Character Trait each, except for whoever the most common POV characters are, and that's okay. 
additionally, you'll note most TRUE ensemble casts are found in things that are long-running; the way something like an ace attorney game or a shonen fleshes out its ensemble cast is that it'll take turns with who's turn it is to get characterization. before it's that character's "turn" to have their backstory/characterization/motives explored, they typically stick to the point in their arc/character traits that have already been revealed, and that is okay! economy of storytelling is important, after all, and no audience is going to be able to follow twenty-six character arcs happening simultaneously. like, that's normal. that's fine. so use shortcuts to get through them!
the second solution is like... just don't write all the hermits! choose the ones you are comfortable with (or, alternately, you want to get more comfortable with by practicing). those are now your leads. focus in on characterizing THOSE GUYS and ONLY THOSE GUYS correctly for your story. use other hermits as bit side characters as needed, but they won't need to be characterized as well, because they are side characters.
and like. okay. that's the thing: it is OKAY if you have particular hermits you write less often or that you use as side characters. fandom sometimes shames people for not having everyone be a richly-characterized, perfectly in-character character, but like... there are TWENTY-SIX HERMITS. you will not be able to write them all perfectly. hell, i take shortcuts to write them all too (mostly related to my ability to write efficient dialogue but that's a thing you learn with practice and i can't really easily teach you to do), and i still get praised for writing them alright! i certainly don't even try to claim i keep track of all twenty-six hermits in every fic i write with them. that would be absurd. it is okay to have leads, to focus in on specific characters, and almost certainly better for your story, i promise.
anyway the third answer here is "also you just need to practice" but i acknowledge that's the boring non-answer. it's true, unfortunately. just... practice, and if there's a specific hermit you're trying to write that you're shaky on, practice them and watch a few of their videos to at least get the cadence for how they talk down, and you'll start to figure out what to do with them.
so,,,,,,,, yes i hope this actually helps with your question,
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spitdrunken · 4 months
i am absolutely insane about your headcanons with the vee's, my mind is so full now... this is exactly what i was hoping to find when searching through the hazbin x reader tag after watching the episodes 👁️🙏🏻 please i'm so!! the being a writer for the vee's imagine is such a good idea, val and his.. comment especially got to me..
also, for your consideration:
Val — or all of the Vee's, really —, but, in the beginning, he's really not convinced about the quality of your dialogues, despite all the lines he's read (or, well, has had Vox read to him), so naturally you have to read your previous stories out loud to him, cheeks flushing and squirming when it gets to particularly graphic scenes and his gaze on you is so very heavy, smoke caressing your jaw while you stumble over your words.. It's worse if you've written about them and a character who resembles you, and Val's smile widens when you skip from story to story, mentioning the character — definitely not you — sucking Vox off, bending over willingly for Val and begging for Velvette to touch her, or even take all three of them at once, greedy...
Also the. love potions Velvette makes have me feeling things.. Her or Vox but they might end up putting a drop or four into your glass — purely accidentally, of course! —, and...
this is terrible.. my mind is too full now... i might have to post writing for hazbin now and it is your fault alone.. (affectionate; truly, I've enjoyed your thoughts so very much!! thank you for sharing!)
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :D!! I had an absolute blast writing it myself, and I've been thinking about it lots!! Your ask made it even Worse (/pos) and I simply had to write more!! Please please please let me know if you write something for Hazbin, I can tell from your ask already that it'll be wonderful! And if you ever wanna chat about these guys, feel free to message me again, haha.
Notes: power imbalance, sexual harassment, heavily dubious/noncon due to love potion usage.
The fact Vox even bothers at all to take the time to sit Valentino down and read to him is already a show of your quality— He really wouldn’t go through wrangling him like that for just anyone, especially not with Val getting a bit pissy when being reminded your works were being compared to his. He needs to be told that, obviously, Val, some mere written words are never going to compare, especially not in earnings, to his creations. This placates Valentino. But all Vox gets for his efforts are a lazy flick of one of Valentino’s four wrists, his eyes not even looking at him. “Look, I still think it fucking sucks. But if you wanna hire them so badly, whatever. I’ve got better shit to do than listen to daddy’s horny story-time.” Suffice it to say, he becomes a lot more… Amiable (poor you) once you’re actually working there, and he has a face to attach to the stories. He can tell upon first glance that you’re one of those pathetic little hermits, too scared to leave your own shitty apartment, barely scraping by— He’s recruited plenty of those types as whores, after all. So easily pushed around that it shouldn’t give him nearly as much satisfaction as it does.
When Valentino practically demands you join him in his room and read your previous work to him, you sputter out protests, heart skipping a beat. Every employee in the company has something bad to say about this man, and so he’s about the last person you want to be caught alone in a room with. Especially not his bedroom.
“Ah, sir, I’m not really sure—“ But he’s already wrapping one of his arms around your shoulders, pulling you flush against his side as he drags you through the halls. The first thing that strikes you is how different the texture of coat is than you were expecting. It doesn’t even feel like anything at all. “Oh, sweetheart, call me Valentino. No need to be so unfamiliar with each other.” He practically purrs, a single finger tracing up the contours of your chest. “I feel like we’re going to get quite familiar.” If all the alarms weren’t ringing in your head before, they most definitely are now. But there’s nothing you can do. His grip on you is tight and, underneath his red coat, you can feel the hard metal of a pistol pressing against you.
He takes you to his room, walls covered with posters featuring himself, and you hardly have the time to look around before he sits you down on one of his red couches, still caught underneath one of his arms. It’s hard to think, much less speak, as Valentino starts to prod you to pull out your phone and start reading. “No need to be shy. You’re such an artista, aren’t you? Don’t keep me waiting.” It’s easy, at first. When the scene hasn’t grown explicit yet, and you can pretend you’re only reading the text out loud to yourself like you always do, making sure the sentences sound right. But Valentino makes it hard for you to distract yourself entirely. He rubs circles on the skin of your thigh, and the smoke from his pipe has long since been the only thing you can smell. The red smoke makes your head a little hazier, tongue a little looser— Though that all just might be because you’re not getting enough oxygen. Your every muscle is tense and, you think, this is what being a prey animal must feel like. The first time you stutter out the word ‘cock’, Valentino barks out a laugh, loud and sudden, entirely contrasting with the sultry demeanour he’s been putting on the whole time. You jump, gaze flickering from the screen to his face, before continuing. It gets worse when you realise exactly what story you’re reading out loud to him, one of the ones you’d never even posted anywhere, so utterly self-indulgent and poorly thought out that you regret it with every ounce of your being. (Unbeknownst to you, Vox has already read every draft you’ve ever typed up, but that’s neither here nor there.)
“Sorry, can I maybe, um, read a different one?” You practically squeak out. “I realised I have some better drafts, and…” “No,” Valentino shuts you down, tone temporarily harsh. “Don’t get too fucking cocky now, you’re already taking up enough time as it is. Shit’s about to get interesting, finally.” He’s saying all of this as if he wasn’t the one to drag you there in the first place.
So you trudge onward, reading as fast as you possible can, just trying to tough it out. As you read about a scared, unaccomplished demonic main character catching the eye of a trio of some of the most famous demons in town—through entirely unrealistic circumstances—you can see his grin grow wider from the corner of your eye. His nails dig into the flesh of your thigh, the smoke surrounding your face turning to caress your cheeks.
“So, let me gets this straight… You wrote about a trio of powerful demons with matching names, taking turns fucking an absolute nobody silly. One of them’s a pimp, the other a fashion designer, and the other a business man.” Valentino doesn’t give you the chance to respond. “Greedy little slut. You even chose this one specifically to read out to me, huh? Seems I got you all wrong,” he hisses out. “This must be a dream come true for you, isn’t it?”
Let’s just say that you got enough ‘material’ to write another four or so stories, just from that line alone.
----- A drop of love potion, and models always behave the absolute best, or so Velvette thinks! (As long as you don’t put in too much. It’s very hard to take good pictures when the girls keep trying to kiss you.) No bitching, no whining, only an easy to pose, cute demon to work with. And if she dresses you up in clothes that reveal more than they obscure, purely for her own enjoyment and usage, who’s going to blame her?
Certainly not you. You won’t remember a single damn thing. Not even the parts where you babble on about how pretty and gorgeous and cool she is, and how you’ve admired her for so long— All things she’s heard a million times before. Normally, she wouldn’t care less about it, but such words coming from someone with only a drop of her potion in her system means they’re all the absolute truth. She thinks it’s almost cute when it’s coming from you, really. ------------ Vox, on the other hand, would be more likely to use his hypnosis on you than a love potion. Just to have a few minutes in the middle of a meeting where you’re practically putty in his hands, all of your usual anxiety and shame having slid right off of your shoulders. He doesn’t feel any guilt about it whatsoever. Having read all of your works, he finds it safe to say that this is the exact kind of scenario you would enjoy…
And even if you didn’t, he still would. He gets a bit of a thrill out of the loopy, relaxed smile on your face as you nuzzles your cheeks against his arm, professing all of the thoughts you had about him before working at VoxTech, and the ones you still have today. It’s during one of these exact moments, that he’d likely find out that Valentino had fucked you already, something he hadn’t found necessary to mention. They’ll have a bit of a discussion about that later!
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liveontelevision · 2 months
Hallo!!! I’d just like to say to start I ADORE your work! Especially with Lucifer, the way you depict him is SO refreshing you have no idea.. your work practically canon in my eyes I love it!!! You’re super awesome.
I did also notice that in your Lucifer works you talked about his more ‘unappealing’ traits, so-to-speak. Like his temper, his possessiveness, and especially his paranoia and panic.
I suffer with a paranoia disorder and some ptsd of my own, and it was really nice to have those traits made known, but not have them severely criticized, y’know?
I understand and agree that Lucifer would need a patient partner when it comes to these things, someone to stick around and be reassuring through it all; And while they can get frustrated, not criticize or even leave him for it; something I theorize may have been a reason for Lilith’s own departure.
But what if the reason for the reader’s patience is because of their own panic issues? Or their own temper?
Now to be fair, not sure how i’d exactly want it to go. It could be them comforting him when he panics, or Lucifer when they panic, or just a simple heart-to-heart about their combined struggle and the resilience that is forged because of that…
Like while their breath quickens, hands clutching into their thighs as their brain practically screams at them to calm down through all the mind-numbing internal noise; boiling tears stream down their face as they shiver within the darkness of an empty corridor. Perhaps Lucifer steps around, bearing witness to their storming off, getting a glimpse of the uglier side of their lover. The strange, uncomfortable, terrified side of them. But that isn’t what he sees, not at all. His gaze softens as he stares into their tear-blinded irises and carefully sits in front of them. He sees a person. A real, true human being.
(hahaaa got a bit too silly sorry xP)
All I know is that I think Lucifer, while also being equally concerned, would appreciate having someone who could understand what he’s going through; Well, as close as a sinner could get to understanding it, at least.
But what do you think? Would he act any different? I’d love to know ^^ ❤️
Thank you so much for getting into these details! After reading this I realized how much I connected my own mental struggles to what I write. So just seeing that you're about to relate to it as well made me feel really good :)
This was honestly a little hard for me, trying to get into this mindset. Even though it's not super motivated by Lucifer's character, I kinda needed to write this for myself honestly :') but still, I hope you enjoy this!
CW: Descriptions of depression and panic attacks, flulff, angst
You were head of heels for Lucifer. And you’d do anything for him, that goes without saying, even if you do enjoy seeing his reaction to your devotion. You knew Lucifer as the king of Hell before anything else, so your first impression of him was obviously different from the Lucifer you know and love today. He was always portrayed in media as some suave, flirtatious, powerful being. No one dared talk negatively about him, his true authority being misinterpreted as pure malicious intent. But that didn’t stop the media from tearing Charlie apart. Why didn’t he defend his daughter then? In summary, Lucifer was known for two things; incredible power and little consideration for the actual ongoings of Hell, even with whatever his daughter was involved with. At first. His saving the hotel, defending Hell on extermination day, and encouraging his daughter, was the side of him that only a handful of trusted people could experience firsthand.
Luckily, you got to be one of those people. It’s easy to take his goofy exposure and temper and make it appear that he is an aloof king. But no one can handle being a hermit for centuries without having a different view on life. And being an outcast from his original realm? Being abandoned by his brothers? Even the most powerful demon couldn't experience that without it taking a mental toll. That was obvious. Comforting Lucifer would never be an easy task, even for someone who’s experienced exactly what he has. And who knows exactly how close Lillith was to him? Was she able to see him in this state? Was it another factor of himself that he chose to bury in fear of rejection and abandonment? It was a pitiful thought, but definitely not an impossible one.
Whether or not you truly understood Lucifer's past, you wanted to be there for him. It felt good to comfort such a powerful being, being an anchor for someone who has an absurd amount of baggage. But it’s not like you always knew what you were doing. You weren’t this perfectly healthy person who knew what to say all the time. When you first got together, you had your doubts about even having feelings for him. He was an icon, a celebrity, royalty. It was great he confided in you, but was his status clouding your judgment? Were you only enjoying the dominance you had over his emotional state because of who he was? Was your admiration misconstrued as love? It took a while for you to get over this mindset. The longer you were together, the less it became you constantly praising and fawning over him, the more it became being in love with your best friend.
You didn’t really bother to bring any of this up to him, the idea made you cringe. Would bringing up your doubts about the relationship only transfer those feelings to him as well? The moment passed, so there’s no need to get him worked up over nothing.
That’s a great example of how your mind works. You assumed that all these spiraling questions, that brought you to the brink of tears, just went away. That, because you realized how much you loved him and how much he loved you, that meant that you never needed to express these thoughts. Nothing could be done about it, those feelings were in the past. Why bring it up now?
There was also the question of how much you gave into the relationship. You gave Lucifer your all, gave him your heart and body, and yet you don’t feel comfortable enough to share your own suffering? You could've blamed Lucifer if you wanted. He should be supporting you the same way you support him. Or you could blame yourself. Obviously, if you wanted support you should feel comfortable asking for it. But why do you have to ask? Lucifer never asked for it. Why don’t you feel comfortable sharing your feelings? Your own trauma? What’s wrong with you?
That ended up being your downfall. Nothing ever just goes away. How could you constantly comfort Lucifer and push him to let out what he needs to, yet refuse to express anything that truly upset you? Demons are essentially immortal, these feelings couldn't be bottled up forever. But they can be bottled up until you break.
Lucifer had an especially rough day, he was looking forward to finding his sweetheart and venting about how shitty his meetings went and how Alastor pissed him off, along with some other daily struggles. That’s all it was; a daily vent session that helped him decompress. What he wasn’t realizing was how much that affected you. It wasn’t really his fault, or he wasn't doing it on purpose at least. You weren’t really the type to share your own struggles, you mentioned that to him once or twice. You felt that crying and letting it all out, venting about struggles that simply don’t need to be discussed, none of that really helped you when you were struggling. But today, you were struggling. 
“Ugh! That tacky son of a bitch made fun of my suit today, can you believe it? Like - I mean - C’mon! We basically wear the same things but in different colors, I don���t know what he’s on about. Oh, and I had to go to the Embassy today. Luckily I didn’t need to meet with anyone but I - “ As Lucifer started his long-winded complaints, he stripped himself of his boots, hat, and jacket, then approached you. You were lying in bed, which wouldn't exactly be strange if it were early in the morning or late at night, but it was nearly dinner time. You were wearing your usual pajamas and had been scrolling through your phone for who knows how long. Did you have anything to do today? You didn’t have time to think about that.
Lucifer placed a quick kiss on your forehead, then between words, one on each cheek, then a final, slightly lingering, kiss on your lips. He finally plopped down and laid perpendicular to your lounging body, laying his head in your lap and looking into the ceiling as he went on. You set your phone aside, that had been plugged in and turned on since late last night, leaving it hot to the touch in your hand. You had become numb to it at this point.
None of this seemed to really come off as an issue to you. Who doesn't have a day or two where they can't get out of bed? You were sure you’d be ready to get back to work the next day, so it’s not a problem. Plus, Lucifer was here! You could get some quality time in with him and convince yourself that you weren't wasting a whole day. He went on and on. Talking about the Embassy got him on the topic of Heaven, which led to him sharing a story of how his brothers weren’t supportive of a specific invention he was sharing. “It was really something, you know. If I could've just been accepted by them, if they supported me.. like you do! maybe things could've been different. Maybe - “ Plop. Lucifer flinched at the sudden drop of water that hit his cheek. He wiped it away before finally discovering its source.
You were crying. It was silent, and you were holding your breath to prevent it from turning you into a heaving, sobbing, mess. Lucifer was quick to sit up, seating himself on his knees as he tried to question your disposition. He was finally noticing your overall situation. You are in the same spot that he left you in this morning, wearing the same pajamas, scrolling through the same phone that never left the nightstand. He started to feel ashamed that he didn’t notice any of this sooner. You had shifted your gaze downwards, picking at your clawed fingers like you would your skin when you were alive. This is embarrassing. You don’t want him to see you this way, you look like a mess. You tried your best to keep tears from coming from your eyes, but the fact that Lucifer was sitting near you in absolute silence somehow made it worse. You hitched your breath, trying to control your emotions in any way, then let out a shaky exhale that made your body shrink.
The moment seemed to go on forever. It felt like his eyes were burning into you. You had to do something. Anything. “I’m okay! I’m okay, Luci. Sorry, J-Just a rough day. But it's over now! We can just relax now. Promise.” You quickly said, your voice raspy due to it being the first words you had spoken today. You shifted yourself over, pulling the blanket aside and patting the spot next to you. Lucifer didn’t know how to respond. He’s seen you like this before, everyone has rough days. And why would you lie to him? You could go to him for anything. You knew that, right? He reluctantly moved into the bed, holding his arm out to allow you to snuggle into his side, finally resting your head on the center of his chest. Your eyes looked vacantly towards the other side of the room, as your finger mindlessly traced the seems on the side of his shirt. A monotonous task that kept your mind on anything other than how you were feeling. Today was just one of those days where every little problem you’d encounter was tipping you over the edge, sending you into a spiraling mess.
He knew something was wrong. He didn’t push you away, you clearly needed the contact, but the warm spot that you created from staying in bed all day was apparent when he went in to hold you. Sure, he’s seen you like this before. But this was different. “Darling..? Erm.. Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to - I should’ve.. How was your day, love? Wanna.. talk about it?” He always struggled with words. It’d take him a while, but he’d always manage to get what he intended when he spoke. “Oh, um.. It was good.. My day was good. Didn’t do much, but that’s okay. Just a relaxation day I suppose.” Ah, relaxation. You’ve used that word before. He always wondered; How come relaxation never meant going to a spa or doing something legitimately soothing? Was laying in bed all day really what you considered relaxing?
“ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worry. Go on, you were talking about your brothers? What were you - “ Your diversion was immediately noticed. Before you could even finish your question, Lucifer had taken your chin and angled your head upward to look at him. It was a struggle for you to meet his eyes. You gulped, and no matter how much you wanted to pull away from his grasp, you didn’t. Tears were welling in your eyes the whole time, and even though your breath had calmed, you still seemed winded. “Please tell me what’s wrong. Please. Let me help.” It seemed like everything just fell into place. Lucifer finally picked up on things you never realized came from your insecurities and paranoia. And he wanted to fix it, not stop it, actually fix it. You hated how the idea of it surprised you. It shouldn't, of course, he’d do this for you.
“ I-I promise it’s nothing.. I’ve just been feeling off today, I just want to be close to you. That always helps.” You smiled up at him. No matter how forced, he returned your smile. “Well.. Do you think.. Talking would help?” You tensed up as he spoke, an obvious sensation to Lucifer since you laid suddenly uncomfortably on his chest. “Hun, you know that stuff really isn’t for me… I don’t benefit from that, I think. So don’t worry. Just - be here. For me? Can you do that?” You began to sound agitated. It wasn’t an aggressive plea, more like a plea for this conversation to be over. He wasn’t a huge fan of how you spoke, it came off as a sort of insult to him. Did you not think he could help you in the same way you did for him? He could try. He wanted to try.
He planted a small kiss on your forehead, then traced his hand up and down your back, feeling your tension melt as he did so. He pressed his cheek against the top of your head and picked up your hand in his. He traced your palm, running along the wrinkles and folds of your skin, then lightly grazed his claw up the length of each of your fingers. He sent a starfish motion across the entirety of your hand before finally interlacing your fingers. You stared at his movements the whole time, watching only for a moment before your eyes glazed over, leaving you in a sort of mindless state. He squeezed your hand after giving it attention, which brought you back to reality. Your eyes had continued to drip, leaving a few small specks of wetness on the part of his shirt that sat below your face. With the newfound grip he had on your hand, he pulled your still clasped hands up to his face, rubbing his cheek on the back of your hand before pressing gentle kisses across your knuckles. His eyes looked at you, half-lidded, with your hands still held to his lips.
Well, you weren't lying when you said being around him helped. Just the sight of him caring for you in this way, calmed your mood. You managed to accept that your actions today wernt like you. That something had taken over in your mind to keep you weighed down in your shared bed. “Thank you.” It barely came out as a whisper when you said it, bringing your clasped hands to your own lips and pressing a kiss on his own knuckles in response. “Of course, love. Anything for you. I mean it.” These actions weren't exactly new to the two of you, these were methods you occasionally used to help Lucifer fall asleep, or calm him down after a rough day. But he was using it on you. He had learned how to take care of you, by watching what you do. Noticing how you act on a daily basis and how that contrasts from the version of you he’s seeing right now. It was a subconscious transaction that you two had. But when you did notice it happening, you could hardly contain the mixed emotions you felt. Embarrassment, Pride, Love.. 
“ I mean it.” He repeated, snapping you from whatever state of mind you caught yourself in, “You know that, don’t you? You know I can help you, right? ” Now, this was new. He’s never questioned you like this. For some reason, it became difficult to respond. To admit that you knew he had your best interest in mind. “Tell me.” He wasn’t demanding, he seemed genuinely concerned as he spoke. Your cheeks flushed, feeling some sort of embarrassment. “Y-Yeah, I know.” You were quiet, still.
Lucifer didn’t seem completely convinced. “I’m sure you do. But can’t you just.. I want to know what goes on in your head.. If that makes sense. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this - No, I want you to try and talk to me. Just try?” You almost scoffed, trying to play it off as some kind of joke. “It’s not important, I’m feeling better now, that’s what’s important.” 
That’s when he became agitated. He gently sat up, lifting you up with him. “No! It still matters. Tell me how you feel. Or - how you felt, I don’t know..! Talk to me. Please.” He had a tight grasp on your arms, almost shaking you as he spoke. You tried to calm down, you really did, but you felt forced into talking. Not in a negative manner, just in the way that your instinct to isolate yourself in this state was being challenged. You were physically reacting, tensing under his touch and lowering your eyes to the point he couldn't see them. You rubbed your hands against your thighs, trying to figure out what to say. It seemed like it took too long for you to respond. When you did it came out in the form of broken sobs, your hands moved from your thighs to your cheeks, running your forearm across your face to wipe tears. You broke.
You finally open up about your day. About how today, you felt like you didn't have any reason to get out of bed, how it felt okay to just rot there. You tried your best to describe what makes you this way, but you really weren't all that sure yourself. And despite how much Lucifer struggles with his own words, you were almost silent when it came to describing how you felt. He would nod his head and keep a calm composure, just like you do for him. It took everything in him to just hold you as tight as he could, to repeat I'm so sorry and it'll be okay and I love you so much. But that's not what you'd do at this moment, and he realized how much he'd hate that for himself. It’d feel disingenuous. You loved physical affections, even the slightest intimate moments were improved by a simple hand-holding, or just sitting close to Lucifer. And right now, you felt ashamed for wanting to push him away. But you didn't.
He cooed you, and pulled you in close, his arms engulfing your curled up body. He continued to rub your back, just like you’d do for him, and would ask if you needed anything multiple times, even if you politely rejected each time. Just to be safe. You let out a gross mixture of sobs and apologies, and possibly some things that you’d regret saying later, but the dam was broken at this point. After you had calmed down, he loosened his grasp to let you sit up, your body stiff from holding it in that position for so long. He was quick to create some tissues out of thin air and hand them to you, catching sight of your reddened eyes and nose, but he also made it a point to not stare at you. He’d turn his gaze to the floor, or to your hands, or he’d rest his head on top of yours. “So..? How are you doing?” He almost sounded nervous when he asked as if he might have messed up at some point. “I feel disgusting.” You said bluntly, your voice nasally due to your nose being so stuffed up. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I told you this stuff doesn't work for me, I feel awful still.” A bittersweet smile hit his face, but you were still making it a point to keep your eyes away. “I know, love. But, I’m glad you did it. I’m.. well, I’m glad you’re talking to me - I know it was hard.. So.. thank you, I suppose. You did good.” His words were choppy as if he was still figuring out what he wanted to say. He said what he needed to though.
You let out an absolutely exhausted sigh and leaned back into his chest, bringing both of you back down onto the bed. After a bit more backrubbing and hums of affection, you finally lift your head to look up at him. He was absolutely glowing. The smile on his face brought you butterflies that you didn't realize could resurface after being with someone for so long. “You did so well~” He said in a low tone, keeping his eyes locked on yours, and keeping your head turned upwards by gently holding your chin. “W-Well, don’t say it like that.. Perv..” You let your suddenly dirtied mind blurt out a nervous response. “Hey, that one’s on you. I would never proposition a damsel in distress.” He tapped your nose, speaking in a theatrical voice, before meeting your lips in a much-needed kiss. “Love you.” You muttered into his lips, only to feel his smile form in response. His eyes weld with affection for you when he pulled away. “I love you.”
Even if you felt awful after your little outburst, the reality of laying in bed all day finally hit you with a burst of adrenaline. You weren’t able to sleep after that and Lucifer had no complaints about that. The rest of the night was spent doing silly little things, Lucifer demanded you do your nightly routine, insisting it would help your mood. He provided snacks, started a movie that you mentioned you wanted to see a while ago, and sat behind you as he either brushed your hair or spent the time to give you a thorough massage.
You were so proud of him. You always struggled alone when this kind of thing happened. And, although a little awkward, he was exactly what you needed him to be at that moment.
( @vififofum @thornwolfy235 @tinywolfiegirl @chipper-chip @bat-boness @misfitgirlwrites @nayomi247 @lonelynmisunderstood )
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hajihiko · 1 year
Thank you and have a nice (early) talky tuesday :)
See that's kinda hard BC most media can fit on with a Battle Royale, but I definitely could not assign a Stand to every DR character. There's so many DR characters.
Oh but existing Stands, hmmm ...
Impostor: Yellow Temperance, somewhat obviously
A sticky, rubbery mass bound to and encasing his body which consumes any other organic substance it comes in contact with. The Stand defends him from all forms of brute force and allows him to effectively impersonate others.
TeruTeru: Pearl Jam, also obviously. He seems like more of a healer/support player than a fighter anyway.
A swarm of vegetable-like creatures that infuse themselves into the user's dishes, and increase the healing potency of the dishes to supernatural levels. Supposedly people with split stands have some Issues??
Mahiru: I wanted to say Hermit Purple but I dont think she has it in her to smash cameras....Atom Heart Father it is.
Atom Heart Father is bound to a Polaroid camera which takes pictures with several extraordinary properties. The user essentially lives within the camera but can interact with the subjects of the photos taken with it. Anything that happens within a photograph is reflected on the real life subjects. The photographs cannot be destroyed to stop the power because the damage to the pictures will be transferred as equivalent wounds to those depicted inside. Secondly, everything inside the photo becomes an effectively isolated space defined by the frame of the photographs. While people inside trying to get out will find themselves bumping into an unbreakable and invisible wall, people outside trying to go inside the photographed space find themselves transported to the other side of the space.
Peko: I mean ... Silver Chariot? It's a sword wielding knight. It's silvery. I think it'd look cool.
It's way too much to explain it's a very fast sword dude
Ibuki: Maybe Echoes? Sound manipulation PLUS .... Heavy metal...get it ....
Echoes ACT1 can write words on any surface or person. If the writing is an onomatopoeia, typically in Katakana letters, a sound related to the onomatopoeia in question is produced. If the writing is a sentence written in Kanji, the words will influence the target's state of mind.
Echoes ACT2 can write an onomatopoeia on any surface. When the sound effect is touched, an effect related to the sound is produced, either affecting the person who touched it or the object which the words are inscribed on.
Echoes ACT3 applies a "freezing" or stopping effect by greatly increasing the weight of its target by punching it. This one is fully sentient which is kind of an anomaly.
Hiyoko: GooGoo Dolls probably. Squishes people like ants
Goo Goo Dolls, has the ability to shrink the size of selected targets within her range to the size of a mouse.
Mikan: so conflicted. Green Day? Crazy Diamond? Metallica?? I wanna say Metallica.
Okay so it's basically iron manipulation but the user usually uses it by creating scissors, knives etc inside of people and cutting them up from the inside
Gundham: dude how sick if it was Scary Monsters
Scary Monsters' main ability is to infect other living beings with a virus which transforms them into dinosaurs, but also allows the user to control them. The user is capable of changing his own body into a dinosaur, either completely or as a hybrid of the two. Being bound to the user's body, Scary Monsters allows them to fight against other Stands and physically damage them with their bare hands. Fossilization; the ability to alter beings transformed by this Stand into a hardened dormant state much like a fossil. 
Nekomaru: had to think a lot buut maybe Bad Company? Hed like train them and have all these formations and moves. Idk.
it's a bunch of toy soldiers with guns and tanks and helicopters that shoot you.
Nagito: Black Sabbath, I think it fits nearly with his whole "I will bring out the true hope!" thing while also not being super overpowered in the wrong circumstances.
Black Sabbath can hide in shadows and is strongest there, but is vulnerable to light. By grabbing someone's shadow, Black Sabbath is able to forcibly drag out their souls, whereas grabbing a potentian stand sser's shadow would drag out their Stand.
Sonia: Love Deluxe because she has super long hair and I think it'd look cool as hell with her aesthetic.
Love Deluxe is attached to the user's hair, enabling it to grow to huge lengths, be used as extra appendages, and can be strong enough to break through walls.
Akane: honestly tbh Magician's Red? It's strong and fiery and detects things, like Akane's enemy senses. Hard to think of a gymnastic Stand..
Huge flaming bird with fire powers. The fire can suffocate a target by burning oxygen, restrain them, and detect Stand energy and breathing.
Kazuichi: Aerosmith! Second best to a rocket is an airplane.
Tiny toy fighter plane that can sense carbon dioxide, as well as shoot a machine gun and drop a bomb.
Fuyuhiko: Sex Pistols?? For gun?? He doesnt really fight much, all we know is he takes pain well.
Six tiny guys who kick bullets around so the shooter never misses, unless the shooter is Guido Mista. They're sentient and split up, so, funky combo.
Chiaki: Atum aka the video game stand, duh
Atum's primary ability allows the user to steal souls from someone who has recognized defeat in a game, for example video games. It can also ask a nearby person's souls a yes or no question which the soul is obliged to answer, unbeknownst to the one being read.
Hajime: shit that's hard. I'm gonna go with Tusk because: truth bullets -> nail bullets, starts off really pathetic and weak and ends up literally dimension-breakingly strong, and uuh I love Johnny lol.
Tusk has four ACTs; first one shoots nail bullets, yes it's gross. Second shoots nail bullets where the hole made from them will seek out the intended target even if they miss. Third creates bullet holes that are also wormholes through time space, and the fourth is basically infinite damage in infinite dimensions, gravity and time defying, like this shit will destroy you.
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epicfranb · 26 days
Anyway remember a post i made about assigning hermits superpowers. No worries if you didn't see it btw. Basically, i talked about how i looove coming up with superpowers, but usually have no idea how to tie the plot together... The last concept i had was pretty boring (hermits get isekai'd into the real world. Blegh), but i think i got something here. Take my hand and let's go.... Into the read more
Bdubs comes home from work to find his girlfriend, who he lives with, Cleo, murdered. And the murderer, still at the scene! The murderer disappears right before Bdubs's eyes, and leaves shards of glass behind. The investigation obviously takes place, and, after long questioning and everything, Bdubs is forced to spend the night at a hotel, exhausted. Strange things continue to happen, as everything becomes strangely quiet, as though the entire world had stopped. There is knocking on the door, but no answer; until a tall woman, mysterious but strangely normal looking, enters the room. She introduces herself as Pearl and gives Bdubs a clock, saying he lost it. Bdubs doesn't recognize it, until Pearl shows that his name is engraved on the backside. That's when Bdubs remembers that it was his former friend, Etho, who made this clock for him. They haven't talked in such a long time, but Bdubs was still devastated that he lost such as precious item. Pearl doesn't even hint at where she found it or how she has it, but she says that it's been away, quietly collecting magical power. Turns out, the clock can stop time - Pearl shows him how, and after Bdubs puts the palm of his hand on the face of the clock, the time resumes, the ambient noises are back and Pearl just... Disappears, with no answers.
As if Bdubs wasn't stressed enough already, Cleo's body also goes missing. One of those days, Bdubs walks by his house and sees a familiar silhouette... It speaks with a familiar voice, though horribly distorted. The person is Cleo, a walking corpse. She calms Bdubs down to the best of her ability and they try to catch up on what's going on. Turns out, Cleo woke up with a strange woman looking at her; it was the same woman that Bdubs met, Pearl! Cleo thinks she probably was given a little time to finish her business, and decides that the last thing she has to do in this world... Is to take revenge on her killer. Bdubs thinks it's uncharacteristic of them; he thought they'd say something like, "to spend my last days doing what i love, with someone i love". But Cleo says they have a specific reason why they want to take revenge. It's because they know the killer! They don't tell Bdubs who it is though.
Now, i haven't figured out what happens next yet. Here's some miscellaneous stuff ig
Some people may have guessed that "person disappears before your eyes and leaves glass shards behind" sounds like a specific power i have for a specific someone... It's Etho, actually. But also, writing this, i thought how cool would that be... If they meet Etho and find out about his power, and think oh it's so obviously him. But he swears it's not. And plot twist it's actually someone else who framed him ghhhhgghh do i wanna say who i have in mind. Do i wanna say. Um. I was thinking Lizzie. Idk. Idk. I think it's cool tho
There's gonna be other peepos in this AU too!! I'm thinking it's gonna be groups of people who start off seeming unconnected, but gradually your realize they're all part of one story (i love this sort of thing!!). The other group will be the Magic Mountains bros (or whatever they're called). So far I have thought of powers for Scar and Joel, and i have ideas but am undecided on Gem, Grian and Skizz, and haven't even began thinking about Impulse.. And mumbo (i keep forgetting he exists)
I thought it'd be funny if Grian had to throw a dice for everything he does and let luck decide if he succeeds or fails. No particular reason for it, other than sort of? adapting a curse i had for him in another AU but for a different setting. In that other AU, he had a curse where, when he would involve himself in someone else's business, the result of his involvement would be the opposite of what he intended. Here, i adapted the basic idea of this, which is: Grian's actions are not under his control, and are independent from his intentions. The only thing is... The rest of them have actual powers, but Grian is stuck with a curse again LMAO i will keep thinking about this.
For Scar, it's a power that i talked about and, in fact, also headcanon for his Hermitcraft character. It's that he has (pretty limited) shapeshifting abilities. Essentially, he can change a few basic things about himself, but he can't, like, turn into a tiger or into a rock. So he has to remain human basically. I think.
For Joel i wanted something crazy. I remembered an AU i had for another fandom, so i gave him a power based on that. Whenever Joel has a bleeding open wound, he goes berserk.. he has increased strength, but can hardly control himself. He ends up being covered in scars, poor boy.
For Gem, i initially had nature powers in mind. Her talent and love for building organics could translate very well into something like controlling plants. But then i remembered, if I'm (sort of) basing this group on season 10, should i give her water powers instead? Hm.
For Skizz, uh, I'm like. I REALLY want something that's kind of like... It SCREAMS that it's Skizz's power, or maybe it enhances his already present character traits. But so far the only thing i came up with is... Super duper eyesight. He can see ridiculously far, with all the detail, but also ridiculously close. What do you think. I think it's a cool power but I'm not sure it fits.
As for Pearl, i think she's kind of like... Not the "mastermind", but something like an outside force who has more powers and information than everybody else. Perhaps she isn't even human. I thought it'd be neat if she only appeared during a full moon.
Oh, and on Etho, of course. His power is to go fully non-existent for short times, but he leaves glass shards behind. In addition to that, he needs to keep a strong grip on his consciousness in this state, or it will disappear as well and he will forever remain this weird type of ghost.
That is all i have for now (i think)! I just like thinking, guys. I guess i should really get into a habit of finishing stuff though... It definitely won't be this time lmao sorry. Please do talk to me about this though UwU
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Hi, is there any advice you could give to beginner writers? Your works really inspired me as a writer for whom English isn't a first language and i wanted to say thank you so much for that, even if it wasn't intentional. I wanted to try writing something a bit more serious than short fanfiction and i figured you'd be the best person to ask about that. Sorry if it's a bit too weird ^^"
Anon, I'm truly and deeply flattered, and thank you so, so much for letting me know this. This isn't weird at all, and don't apologize for asking!
As for your question, uh...
So, the thing is, I've never, ever taken any sort of formal training for writing or English. I did okay in school, but as far as writing goes, I'm entirely self-taught.
The most basic piece of advice I can give is: For the love of god, use your enter key to break up paragraphs and make sure everything is roughly grammatically correct. That's the single biggest thing to keep in mind.
Aside from that, here are the only real pieces of advice I have:
Write for yourself.
And write the specific content you want to read.
I know that's easy to say, but the thing is, it's incredibly easy for fic you think is killer to get ignored, and at the end of the day you need to be your own target audience. If you ONLY write for numbers or comments or reaction, you're going to go insane and want to quit. Now that's not saying that feedback isn't important- it's critical, and it's a huge help. But having a story you really, REALLY want to see to completion is such a powerful motivator, at least for me. It's the only way you'll have enough steam to keep going for longer works. So, when I walked into the Hermitcraft fandom, I looked around, saw that nobody else was giving Keralis the nightmare monster treatment he deserved, and dove in with both feet.
Another thing:
Full send. Every time. Write something and full send it, slap that shit on Ao3. Obviously edit and spellcheck, but don't get bogged down in "is this good enough". No, it's not perfect. Because nothing created by human hands is EVER perfect. If you agonize over every line you'll hate yourself. So when you have something roughed out, give it a day to rest, give it a polish, and then drop it like a lead potato. It's fanfiction. We're not getting paid. It's for fun!
So who cares if the fic is short? Who cares if the fic is weird? Who cares if it's something odd or strange or whatever? Don't give yourself minimums and requirements and regulations. Let the words do what they will.
Both of these things tie into my biggest single tip, which is:
The thing is, fanfic is a fantastic way to sharpen your skills. There's an old anecdote about two classes of university students in a pottery class, and how one class was graded on number of pots produced and one was graded on a single pot at the end of the semester. The class that cranked out pots like there was no tomorrow had better clay pots at the end of the day, because they'd put in the time to actually practice pottery instead of stressing over theory!
So just...start. Just open a word document (or a google doc if you're not a piratey pirate like me) and just put some words down. The more you write, the easier it gets.
If you don't have an idea for a story, look for some prompts- or just start asking questions. This is sort of how I come up with plots:
Grab a hermit. Grab your favourite hermit. Your protagonist doesn't have to be a nice person, or a good person, or even a hero at all, but if they're a blorbo it really helps.
Let's say it's Zedaph. Now let's put that fucker in a situation. Think of something you're interested in! For me, I have an extreme obsession with aircraft and aircraft disasters and the wilderness. So, okay, let's do a pilot AU. Now I get to dress Zed up in a pilot costume! (Keralis can be his co-pilot!) It's fanfic- you're allowed to spoil yourself! And then, from there, we make decisions about our story- does Zedaph crash his plane? How do they find rescue?
Plotting a story, at least to me, is about putting these bitches in a situation and then asking questions about how things will turn out based on how these characters act.
So, in general, just... go for it. Your first stories WILL suck. Christ knows mine did. You don't have to post them! But you can. And you might be surprised- because as you grow as a writer and a creator, people will look at everything you've made with very different eyes than you have. Even the old stuff you come to cringe at is often loved by someone, somewhere. (This is why you should orphan old works instead of deleting them, trust me!)
But when you go for it, there's another thing you should keep in mind:
Take breaks. Rest. Take time off. It's not a job and it shouldn't feel like it! Go for a walk. Take a month off. Look at the daisies. Spend time with your family. Real-world experience is valuable to a writer, helping you understand sensations and situations. Reading other people's works is invaluable too, helping you get to grips with stories and plots and all the machinery of narrative. So take time to exist, and take time to consume, and take time to rest.
Take time to be.
To sum up, writing is a game of mental leapfrog where you shuffle puzzle pieces around in your head until they click into some kind of shape. The perfect is the enemy of the good and secret rules will make you insane. The actual act of putting words down is something that absolutely gets better with practice. And you're not a machine, so don't treat yourself like one.
And anyone can write.
I'm not some authority on writing. To be frank, I'm kind of clueless. I don't know the technical terms for things, I'm not an English teacher, and I'm not a professional. This is just my general, overly long thoughts on the matter.
I hope this was even slightly helpful. Go for it, dude. I believe in you!
Oh, and one more thing...
Listen to some Pendulum while you write. <3
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onbeinganangel · 2 years
hi! just here to tell you I adore your tarot drabble series so so much! every single one is magical✨ you tell beautiful stories with so few words 💌 I don’t know much about tarot so I was wondering (only if you’d like, of course!) if you could talk about your process in connection to the cards? I would love to know more about how their meanings inspire your writing!!
omg hi 🌳🌳🌳🌳!!!
you are so kind! I have been dragging this series around like my wee dog does his blanket (which is to say, I love it and want to see my task through but also jesus fucking christ why is it under my feet I can’t stop tripping oh fuck ouch bloody! stupid! blanket! aaaaggghh) and it just means the world to me that you are enjoying my teensy little drabbles!
(before I talk out of my arse, I want to say that I know tarot is a very loved, powerful, and special tool and practice for a lot of people. I am by no means a savant and I do it very informally, the way I was taught by my aunties and then later by a group of friends. my practice may not match your practice. such is the way of the world.)
I grew up around a remarkable group of wonderful women that taught me a lot of things, from how to make bread to getting stains out of fabric to — you guessed it — how to read cards. but then I was a teenager for a dreadful little time so I lost that for a while, and for a few years now I have been trying to reconnect to that. my practice is rusty but I love how the cards still feel right, like I know them.
so, back in like march (?) or so, in an attempt to practice and study two things I was feeling very weak at but love dearly, I decided to get back into writing by pulling a card and trying to make something out of it. a lot of tarot has to do with intuition and reading of imagery so whenever I’d start on a new drabble, I would pull out the physical card and let it speak to me. in fact, for the most recent ones, I have been pulling the same cards from two or three different decks and looking at them for guidance (sometimes a different illustration will put more emphasis on something so while I know the meanings of the cards by heart, the deck you use can also influence your reading)
all cards are easier to read when applied to a question/problem/situation (and also you usually pull a few in a reading and they are much easier to understand when together rather than just a lone card), so there is a lot of freedom when writing because I am not necessarily going in with any of that in mind. sometimes I go in with just a pairing and look at the card and see if anything comes to mind, sometimes I throw in an extra prompt or ask myself do I want fluff? angst? smut? or do I want this to be an AU, etc.
for a lot of the cards, I have used them really liberally. so, while the meaning of the card always comes to play — sometimes very obviously, sometimes very subtly — I have been trying to really put the card against the pairing and/or genre, and then let it lead me.
as a quick example (I’ll shut up soon I promise), I wrote this open ending drarry one for The Hermit card, which is traditionally a card that means introspection and isolation but it is also about seeking wisdom and knowledge, despite not quite knowing the way — which is sort of where I got the open ending from! visually, most depictions of The Hermit have him holding a lantern and I actually used this motif very literally for this drabble: as the bright light that sets everything off. the drabble starts with Draco’s magic (“hot and bright”) and ends with Harry’s (bursting into “pure brightness”), so while the meaning of the card is also there, it’s obvious I also took a lot of visual inspiration for it. 
and that’s basically how I go about most of the drabbles! I will pick an element (a lot of the cards have sooooooo much you can take from them, all the little details in the illustrations matter) and come up with a situation and it all snowballs from there. sometimes it’s very hard to keep it at the 100 words. but yeah, that’s it : ) I am not taking myself or the series very seriously, and I lost steam along the way a lot, but it’s been a fun excuse to practice short form, to try out new pairings and study my tarot all at the same time!
thank you for this question and I AM SO SORRY FOR RAMBLING I don’t know how to shut up sometimes oooopsies. anyway thank you thank you, you are really very kind for asking! I hope at least a third of what I just wrote makes sense x
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hi! im gonna say seiga or miko for the ask game!
seiga was just done over here but she's about to come up soon :P ! so that toyosatomimi...
General opinion/How much I care about them: i love miko... 🎧 i mentioned before about coming to love the td crew as a whole over a long time of reading doujins featuring them and Miko is obviously a big part of that too. she and her crew are such a fun addition to gensokyo's worldbuilding and Miko herself is amazing. zun's historical rpf version of prince shotoku who became a hot girl wizard and wants to take over the world and is super charismatic about it? that's unmatched.
...that said, kind of a tangent here, her premise and deliberately kinda nationalistic motifs are only fun in touhou because she's contrasted with a bunch of similarly ambitious reglious leaders and their own groups, and that you know none of them would ever actually ever 'succeed'. They'll probably always be competition and waning in powers, but that consistent conflict is sort of its own kind of peace since gensokyo can always accomodate them.
A ship I love: hey guess what im not done talking about seiga because its seimiko time. just like seiyoshi i also have a really specific headcanon backstory in mind for them which i cant really get into all of it right now, but to try and sum up: Even if Miko knew Seiga's desires were only self-serving, she admired/respected/idolised/loved Seiga who appeared before her to answer all of Miko's greatest desires, and at some point decide it wasnt enough to just learn how to not die from her, but to also become a beautiful hermit who challenges the fate the world bestows them.
And it mustve been unexpected for Seiga to meet someone who managed to see her for everything she is (which includes defiling corpses and generally making an enemy of heaven every day), and not only not really care but also Gets Her.
thaaaaat all being said, in present day Miko knows Seiga has a Reputation and gets up to Antics that doesn't exactly paint hermits in the greatest light, so she's like always bouncing between two ends of a meter where she's begging her dear teacher to reign things in, or she's trying to explain to others why digging up corpses is actually not as bad as it looks 😰🥰
A non-romantic relationship that I love: it doesnt come up in my head often but her shared parenting of Kokoro along with Byakuren and Mamizou is both sweet and extremely funny. Miko taking it upon herself as a matter of pride to guide the menreiki thanks to her role in their creation is really good, and its also really funny that despite that connection she still basically has to compete with others over her, and she probably loses to the tanuki more often than not??
also does 'ex-romantic' count because i absolutely adhere to belief that in her and okina's former lives, they absolutely were a thing, bonded over a shared love of art and beauty, created a whole bunch of noh masks together... But then Miko started caring about all that a whole lot less when a certain hermit hailing from China entered the picture, and the rest was history 😌
The NOTP: call me miss no fun but it might be miko/byakuren. i do actually really love the rivalry between miko and byakuren, the back and forths, the varying hypocrisy, the thematic parallels, and the ways they do manage to work together for a common cause! I just. have yet to see a way to turn it romantic that works for me.
also on that note if you're gonna do miko/saki (which will always just be for jokes to me and never anything i sincerely consider), saki has to be the one putting a saddle on miko 🤠
My biggest headcanon about them: everything above was kinda it 😆 maybe more will come to my mind in the future...
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: she'd be in the seiga backstory fic too since their first meeting is kinda vital to both characters. but as for another idea... Adventure Game type story where to earn points with the people, she susses out some random people's desires and goes to find the most quick and expedient way to fulfill them n_n
Something that makes me think of them: one time in pokemon xy i thought of naming an espurr after her because i knew meowstic kinda reminded me of her 🐱
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Here's some fun, non-to-lightly spoilery Rift AU thoughts for everyone!
So Ren in Rift AU is inspired by the faon interpretation [maybe closer to canon? I havent watched s7] of Mayor Scar mixed w the Red King from 3rd Life - Specifically, Ren is inspired by @mochiwrites's Scar in her Good Crimes AU [Which if you haven't read you ABSOLUTELY should]. I just love how she wrote Scar to be publicly one way and Privately another, and while I certainly don't imagine that Ren the King is quite as beloved, the inspiration is there.
Originally, Rift AU was tagged w Watcher Grian but I changed that because I want to mess with the Rift as it's own separate force and leave the Watchers for something else. I think the Watchers [And Listeners! *looks at Martyn*] function more as an ancient, ANCIENT religion, maybe even older than the ancient cities.
Also another original idea that's been put to the side for now is that the Warden was a watcher - I don't know where I was originally going with that idea, but it was my first pivot after deciding Grian wasn't going to be the watcher.
For anyone curious, and because I don't know if I'll name it directly in the stories or just leave it more ambiguous, I'm basing Scar's mobility issues and chronic pain off my own experiences with Cerebral Palsy, among other things. I have a very mild for of Cerebral Palsy that left me with a weaker right side and mobility issues and I absolutely wanted to make sure Scar was still disabled even if he isn't wheelchair bound. I imagine that he certainly has a wheelchair for bad days, but those would be like. Really bad days. The staff - to - cane that he has, made out of the same magical wood as his tree, is probably good for most of the sort of bad days.
Rift AU actually started as a way for me to explore sculk and ancient cities in fiction, which is funny given that we are now 17k in and counting with no mention of either. I have plans for it, but the story needed more work up than I was originally anticipating, which is great! I'm really enjoying returning to my roots with fanfiction, which is the whole reason I started writing Rift AU in the first place
Obviously I'm sort of picking and choosing what elements from hermitcraft [and the life series] I want to include in Rift AU but I am a little bit grumpy that I started writing it before I really fully understood the king plot [When I started, I had only watched Grian and Etho. Now I've caught up on Ren, Impulse, Mumbo, and Cleo, with plans to watch Pearl, Tango, Zedaph, and Doc next. I also really want to watch Beef and Iskall lol] because now I really wanna jam the whole royal council shenanigans in there and I'm not gonna be able to without probably retconning Scar and Ren's relationship which I refuse to do!
Obviously, Mumscarian and Treebark are in the story, and there's also going to be platonic Soup Group and platonic Team ZITS [bc. Skizz deserves to be here. I love him]. I won't tell you ALL of the pairings that end up in the story because a. I feel like we're be here all day but b. some of them are spoilers but I AM planning on having Solidaritek [Apparently team ranchers is only for platonic or something???] and ZedBeef and also Ethubs all make their own appearances. There might even be some like short stories following a few of the other couples in the story because I have attachments to Ethubs in particular. IDK if you can tell but Etho is my favorite hermit and I used to watch him all the way back in 2011 on his singleplayer world. I remember the boat dispenser. My baby girl.
One of these days I will genuinely type up an essay about my latent energy theory but in case anyone else is interested here's a very short tldr version: Redstone, Glowstone, End Rods, debatably sculk [I havent decided if it falls into the same category yet tbh], etc etc all power themselves via latent energy. That latent energy is compatible with electricity in some way, as evidenced by the fact that lightning rods can be used to power redstone machines, but it's different. More in between electricity and magic - either because it actually is or because it's not as understood by the people who work it. That same latent energy is the stuff magic feeds off, like is seen in Changing of the Season to help rejuvenate Scar. Whatever it is is old. Older than the Ancient Cities since they knew to build redstone machines to distract the Warden. It's older than the end cities, too, since end rods exist. Arguably it has always been and will always be around in some way.
Also this might not interest anyone else but thoughts on vampires and elves. Vampires are more closely related to Zombies, whereas Elves [Who are Fae, which means the Vex are included here] are more closely related to Endermen than anything [<- that will come up again] - and then the Warden and sculk are like. Very distant cousins of vampires. Sort of. Their trees connect somewhere.
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 month
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Beltane is the sacred union between the Divine aspects of the God and the Goddess. It is when all acts of creation come together to make love and fertilize the land through pollination, reproduction, and creation!
It is because of this symbol of creation that it is seen as an act of the most divine lovemaking of all. The God-like seeds are planted in the womb of Gaia for the rebirth and growth of all that is wild and free.
This union is celebrated between us humans on Beltane and the Goddess chooses who we are to do the Great Rite with. It is usually orchestrated in such a way that is natural and non-manipulative. So, if you are single, trust the process – are you the hunter or the hunted? Only the Gods will know.
There is one aspect of this that I have never discussed and as a High Priestess and Witch, it should be mentioned for those who plan on celebrating Beltane in the old tradition and have never done so. Now of course I'm not telling you how to celebrate the Sabbat, but as someone who has celebrated it for over 40 years, I just thought I would give you some tips if you would like them.
For those who want to re-enact the Great Rite with their chosen one, you must take the time to prepare yourself for the ritual. Both of you. I am writing this only for the women who are drawing down the Goddess. If I have time, I will do a separate one for the Male energy or they can follow this. It will work either way and please adjust where needed.
Unfortunately I should have done this in April but I've been very busy and obviously most of this cannot be done a month in advance. However, you can still do some of this or add to your already prepared ritual.
The reason I suggest a month in advance for preparation is it gives you more time to cultivate the things that you need to do. You are taking on the role of the Great Goddess, this process is more than dressing up in flowing robes and putting a crown of flowers on one's head.
It should be respected; you are building up the power and need to make sacred the vessel (body) to which you are invoking the Great Goddesses’ energy. The process should go as follows and the following should be done before drawing down the Goddess at the sacred rite.
Month prior to ritual:
1. Fasting or eating vegan to purify the vessel prior to ritual
2. No alcohol or altering substances of any kind (that include prescriptions if you take them).
3. Go into hermit mode and avoid negative people, places, and things. Look within, do some shadow work, heal, embrace the light and the dark within and focus on purging what no longer serves you.
4. Meditation, prayer, affirmation geared towards the Great Rite, sacred sex, and the beauty of the Goddess. This is the most important, because of the prophetic images that you will attain for the year ahead. It is also to invoke your totem and/or animal spirit. These energies are inherent to the awakening of the Goddess and of the Elements. This will say a lot about what you will expect in your own life walking the Priestess path from Maiden, to Mother, to Crone.
5. Working with a particular Goddess and her consort /King with a unique love union such as Hades and Persephone. It’s even better when the Goddess chooses you.
6. Do not choose someone with no experience in the magickal arts or lacks any belief in the old ways – it will not benefit the energy or cosmic blessing of the land. However, choosing someone who is open and receptive to the energy is a wonderful addition. We love curiosity!
7. Choosing the tools for the altar and having the proper offerings – this means creating your oil blends and making your libations ahead so that they are in the sun and moon phases accordingly. That includes anything else you put on the altar – gemstones, skulls, crystals, herbs, wands, whatever charms you wish to have blessed or are key to the energies you are invoking. Offerings should be foods from the celebration, or you can keep it simple, honey, apple, and some of the wine is just fine as an offering – but of course, it depends on the Goddess that you are honoring.
8. Finding the proper garments – they should be made of a pure fabric like linen or cotton. They should also be a color that is your power color and yours alone. Simple is best. Or go skyclad because you will be naked when making love regardless.
9. Making your headdress or wreath: this is just as important as all the other things listed. The reason this should be decided a month in advance is because each and every herb, flower or piece has meaning. It’s important to do the research and then make the wreath the day of.
The importance of all of this is a reminder of how powerful the Goddess is and how blessed you all are to be a part of this Divine ritual and act of love. To be aware of the power that you are taking within your body by sharing with your consort during the Great Rite is not something to be taken lightly.
Prepare the body with a ritual bath laden with fresh flowers and herbs – they may join you as well. You do not even have to dry yourselves, let it air dry so that the herbs and flowers remain, paint your bodies with symbols of the God and Goddess, runic symbols, Theban alphabet, etc. You can use vegan body paint. The preparation of the body is as equally important to the ritual as the ritual itself before union commences.
Set the mood with music, incense, candles. Lay a mattress on the floor or futon bed. Once I did a sheet tent above with lights and flowers, it was beautiful. Be creative in making it enticing for your lover. Begin the ritual.
I cannot outline a full ritual here so you will need to do the research.
Just anoint each other before you begin and draw down the God and Goddess. Begin with touching and appreciating your counterpart. There is no rushing here. This isn’t a race for an orgasm, but really appreciating one anothers bodies.
Foreplay is essential for the build up of energy. Tease and tantalize. It is important to see one another’s higher selves at this time. Look deeply into one anothers eyes. Be playful, loving...you are both divine.
Make love, but utilize the energies as a build up to the orgasm and release the blessing outwardly to encompass the energies to the Universe and the world. Ideally this is done outside in a field blessing the land and coming crops. If you have the privacy to do so – by all means do it!! I would!
There is nothing more powerful than the sacred Union between the two of you and the energies that you are putting out into the world! Loving, blissful, spiritual, and a creative force to be reckoned with!
Just promise me that you choose wisely to whom your counterpart is. Because once you do this ritual it's not only called the Great Rite but the Sacred Marriage. You might be bonded for a long time after this. 😘
Blessings to all you lovers out there for Beltane fast approaches!
Photo credit taken from stock/pinterest.
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blueisabear · 2 months
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POV: Your Friend is hiding a secret
[M4F] [Friends to lovers] [Slowburn] [Superhero] [Robbery] [Confession]
Well I took a long hiatus, not like anyone on here knows me. I don’t know, maybe writing some short stories will help me clear my system from the undiagnosed ADD ideas running in my head. But for a while I had this idea of your best friend, a very boy next door type, who you known for years is actually one of the most powerful people on the planet. Cannot imagine how Lois Lane felt.
You know being hunched over your computer is really bad for your back. Oh don’t give me that “uh-huh” and ignore what I just said. Listen I get that you’re on a deadline but you’ve been working all day and deserve a break. Why don’t we go for a drinks? There’s this new bar that has a medieval theme and it’s got all these weird cocktails, they’re supposed to be like potions. It’s fun and new. Your favorite combo.
And…You’re not even paying attention, great. Look, I know that you’re a hermit who loves her computer but you and I both know it’s been a rough week. Especially since we’re working on the project for the client. But you came here early and now look, we’re last ones to leave. Please do yourself and me a favor and let’s go home. Even the night staff want you out. Yes I know there’s no night staff but you get my point. Please?
That was totally a yawn, it was a fine but it’s more proof to go home. Come on I’ll help you pack. ‘Cause I’m a gentlemen that’s why dummy. You’re right, names are mean. I’m sorry. Now can we go now? It’s Friday and 9pm and we’re still at the office. At our age, we should be at that bar I told you about. No I haven’t been there but I read it in the paper. People love the place. Maybe tomorrow. I know I always flake but emergencies always pop up. Yes they are emergencies. Well you know stuff. It’s uhm tough being…well, what’s going on… It’s hard to explain. It’s just that I’m trying to thank you for being there. I wanted to do something nice and take you out for dinner. Yeah, yeah. Call me cheesy. I know. It’s just unfortunate that the one night I’m off, you’re at your desk working. I’m teasing, I’m teasing! Ah jeez, you didn’t have to hit me. What that was totally a punch, I’m definitely getting a bruise from you. Signs of this abuse I go with you. I’m teasing! You’re so sensitive, its adorable, in a weird sadistic way. OW! Okay I deserve that one. But you know I love you.
Woah, you okay? You’re wearing heals? Hey I didn’t say you couldn’t wear heals. I’m asking why you’re wearing heals. I know you tripped but did you roll it? Come on, let’s sit down on the bench here. Take off the shoes. No, I don’t have a foot kink. Jeez get your head out of the gutter. Is it sensitive here? Sorry, I didn’t mean to. Bad news is that you definitely rolled it. I got some wraps in my bag that can help. Just let me…ah ha! Got ‘em! Uhm, lets start here then… I know it’s tender. Just a few more…done! How does it feel? Better? Good.
So uhm, why were you wearing heals in the first? Well it’s just that, as long as I have known you, you’re the tomboy. The girl who takes no shit from anyone. Was it that rough of a work day? Yeah I figured by the way you yawn every three sentences. It wasn’t just work? You had a date? With who? What do you mean ‘don’t mind him!’ Well obviously you were glued to your computer when I found you which means this story doesn’t end well. He ghosted you? Jeez what an asshole. Well look at it this way, it sounds like you dodged a bullet with that one. Not all bad? What do you mean? Ohh when you were texting, the conversation seemed one-sided. Ohhh…The energies didn’t match? Haha, your desire to read people’s personalities are adorable. No I’m not saying its a bad thing, it’s just cute when you say that I’m just a Scorpio moon and all that crap. Right not crap, sorry. But it is adorable that you blame mars for being in Gemini for a bad hair day or whatever. You taught me way too much or that. But I am glad that you’re here with me now. Can you walk? Just…ahhh, be careful. Your ankle is still tender. You can lean against me till we get you home.
So what’s this project you’re working on right now? Oh, the new Hero in town. Mr. Greeley wants to track him? Wait what? Oh, my bad the client wants to track him. I don’t like the hero but still, the guy deserves some privacy. When did we decide this? At the past meeting…there was a meeting? No I don’t remember that. It was a week ago, okay. Not to long ago. No I think I had a doctor’s appointment that day. I’m sorry but apparently I had someone beg me to get checked out for iron deficiency. Me being bruised all the time really concerned you. Also not like you punch me every chance you get. I had to have the record for you to believe me that I was fine. You know that I am clumsy, I just don’t watch out where I…ow… am going. Stupid corner came out of nowhere. My point exactly. So how are we going to track him, the man can literally fly. Ohh so you had the idea of the people reporting sightings of him. Like a community twitter? See… you are smarter than you look. Hahaha, hey, hey! Can’t take a joke. You know I love teasing you, just as much as you love hitting me. Okay maybe I deserve a couple but still, that’s us.
Wait, so what are your thoughts of the new superhero? Mysterious? Why’s that? I guess that makes sense that he never publicly announced his name. And that he always flew away as soon as a camera get’s within 50 feet of him. He doesn’t always run away? What do you mean by that? He’s saved you before? When? Yeah I remember that day you were running late to our monthly movie nights. Wait robbed? At the grocery store. Wait why didn’t you tell me this before? I could have met up with you. Ugh, I’m so sorry. I could’ve…I feel horrible that I wasn’t there. Don’t worry? I mean you’re alive, that eases my stress a lot. So what exactly happened? So after the muggers ran away with with your stuff, he came in last minute and beat them up. Oh and then he returned your stuff. Gotcha. No I’m not jealous. If the guys wants to save pretty girls then I won’t stop him. I’m not jealous. Ugh. No I am not. Fine, you tell yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. I’ll let you know that my love life is perfectly existant. Yes it is! The last time…Rosie McDonald. The elderly lady that I volunteered to read to. That doesn’t prove anything, she’s a lady that enjoys my company. Same thing as a date. Yeah, it’s been a while since I last saw her but I have had emergencies.
Hey-hey watch you’re ankle! Did you think of bringing extra shoes? You left them back home? Were they in front of the door right as you were about to leave, you forgot them? You know what, it happens to the best of us. I can’t even blame you. With so much being on your plate It’s hard to keep track of which is what and where it goes. Sorry that was a bit deep, here sit on the stairway. Let’s fix your wrap…There we go! Now it’d be stupid of you and careless of me if you walk again. So either A) Call an expensive cab this late or B) I have to carry you. Wha- I’m stronger than I look! Oh I get it, you don’t want my cooties. I fucking knew it.
Ayo! Taxi! Thanks, we’re going to 25th ave. We’ll be fine if you drop us off at the main light. Princess? You alright. Yeah you can rest on me. It’s should be too far. I’ll wake you up when we arrived. Shhuussh it’s okay. You’re okay. You’re just stressed from work all day. Plus you’re exhausted. Just relax.
Pssst, Princess. PSSST, Princess! We’re here. Thank you sir! Keep the tip! Come on, hop on my back. I’ll carry you inside. Have…I mention…I hate…stairs? Where are your keys? I’m gonna put you down gently. Here we…found them. Hop on in. You go get ready and I’ll bring your stuff inside. I’m always this I nice, you just…Forget even I’m too tired to make a witty joke. Listen I know this is last minute but can I stay here the night? Sorry you go first? Oh, yeah I’d like to stay here. I don’t have any clothes though. Your brother accidentally left some here. Sounds just like him. Are he and I even the same size? He too also like baggy shirts? Must be a family trait. No but seriously, I can’t blame him. Where are they exactly? Guest bedroom? Gotcha.
I’ll lock your door and grab some ice for you.
* You hear footsteps of him locking the apartment and opening the freezer. Then the non-gentle footsteps lead to your room *
Here you go Princess. One ice pack and a glass of water for you. You took no time getting into bed. Did you even brush your teeth? Floss. Who am I kidding, you’re literally a perfectionist you’d never forget but you can afford to miss a night. Is your ankle feeling any better? Good. I’m going to get ready. Do you still have my extra toothbrush? Right, guest bathroom, where else? Call out if you need me. Good night Princess.
* It’s late in the night and you hear small creaking noises. You slowly sit up and grab your bear spray from your night stand drawer. Your ankle is better but it’s still tender, so your footsteps is have a slight limp. Slowly but surely, you make your way over to the door leading to the hallway. There you hear footsteps that weren’t yours and your friend was definitely a sleep. Something smashes in the kitchen and then a long comes a “fuck.” The voice wasn’t familiar. You quietly but quickly limp over to your friend’s room. You jump to the bed and go to shake your friend but he’s gone. Another shatter comes from downstairs but it’s louder than the first. Before you knew it, you hobble over to the stairway. Where was your phone? In your purse, down stairs, left by your friend, where the danger was. Maybe you could go the fire escape, no your ankle was too sore. CRASH! You take one foor after another and soon you were in the kitchen with your friend in the middle of the room, surrounded by broken glass, furniture, and five unconscious men *
Uhhh… I can explain. Oh! Watch out for glass! Yeah I wouldn’t, especially with bare feet. Hey, let me fly over to you. Hang on, don’t want to- Are you okay? You look scared. The costume is just temporary one, until the current one gets fixed. I swear, it’s still me. I’m still your best friend from college. The guy who watches romcom movies with you. The guy who carried you when you were too drunk to walk back to your dorm. I’m still that guy.
Right, those guys. Well the best way to think of it is like getting strikes by lightning. You just got robbed and they robbed the best friend of a Superhero. Hang on, I’ll tidy up the place up.
* Intense winds from superspeed *
Okay bad guys in jail and did the best I could to fix the place. I know a guy if there’s any problems. So I imagine you have questions and want answers. I’ll happily indulge with whatever but be warned, I will repeat the questions.
How long? As long as I was alive? My parents think I was born with these powers but other than that we don’t know where they came from. DNA test? No. Pa says it’s to risky. Doesn’t want the government to take me away from him. What do you think I’m Superman with same back story? No. My parents are my parents and I even had a brother. Yes, a brother. He died when I was fifteen and he was seventeen. Some jerks were messing around 4th of July and decided to pick on the weird kid. They tried aiming a firework at me and ultimately my brother took the bullet. This was before I found out I was immune to fire. No, my brother was a good guy. He was top of his class, football star, Prom King, and just got accepted to Harvard Ivy League. Yeah, the jackass was gonna be a lawyer. He couldn’t be any more cliché. I try to follow in footsteps. Thank you, I appreciate your condolences. Why did I shit on myself earlier? You mean for the project and such. Disguise purposes. But…thank you for, uhm, defending me against real critics. I appreciate that too. When was I planning on telling you? Well, the superhero thing is a new thing but the powers…right after you saved me from this swarm of frat guys trying to forcibly pledge me in. Even though I could have saved myself, you rushed in with no hesitation. Honestly, I just love the way you struck those guys dumb with your quick wit. God the way they look so stupid after you told them off with big words that none of them understand. It was hilarious. Yeah, still got the spitfire with Mr. Greeley, I think he can’t decide whether to fire you or send you to the big boss himself. What you got some great ideas, you should totally market them.
Right, you want answers. Sorry. List my powers? That’s a dozy of a list. Well you know the obvious ones, flight, speed, strength. I have ice rays and energy blasts from my hands and eyes but I really use those for ice pops and the real baddies. A new one is that I can phase through stuff. X-ray vision? No, that’s Superman. I can see microscopic things though. Fire immunity, bulletproof, breathe in outer space and underwater. I don’t know, the list keeps getting longer. It’s hard to keep up.
Hey I just wanted to say that you do a lot more for me than you realize. Well, I mean that…remember that time those guys tried to rob you. Now that you know the truth, you obviously realize that your best friend is actually the superhero who took you on a moon light date. Yeah the flying and us dancing in mid-air. That was me. I didn’t mean to scare you with how high we were. I just wanted to impress you. My parents taught me how to be good. My brother showed me what I could do. But you…you taught me why. I don’t know how or where I got these powers but I do know why. You. No matter how many guys you dated, it hurt watching you get your heart broken over and over again. But, you put on your best smile and kept going. When you did break, you trusted me to run to and just hold you.
What was that? A name? No not yet. I was thinking Boulder but I don’t really have anything with rocks. Champion? I like that. To be the people’s champion. Haha, cheesy but I like it. You’re my champion.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
hermits species headcanons!
UPDATED VERSION (february 12, 2024)
DISCLAIMER: i have not watched all of the hermit povs. i also only included the hermits i have headcanons for! if you have any headcanons for both the hermits i did write and didn’t write, please feel free to add on :]
also there is some form of an order listed, i swear. like. alphabetical but kinda scuffed
anyway, full post under cut!
bdubs- moss… thing? nobody is really sure what he is. but they know he’s definitely not human and he is a Menace
edit, feb 5: based on what a lot of people said and my own realization, bdubs is a glare! he hates the dark and is a little feral creature <3
cub- alien shapeshifter! he fakes forms based on the people around him. for example, the hermits are mainly humanoids, so his regular form is human as well. however, he can change to anything he wants!
cleo- zombie (duh) cleo is definitely undead, but a magician put a spell on her so that she has the traits of a living being and will function similarly to one. she actually doesn’t smell undead, but rather like flowers. it’s pretty nice!
doc- creeper… goat… cyborg… thing??? the hermits are not sure if the goat or creeper came first, but they definitely know the cyborg thing wasn’t originally there. but they Do know that this madman genetically modified himself to have a weird centaur-like goat body just to get extra inventory storage.
edit, feb 26: he also now has fae blood! (related to stress on dad’s side) he now has the power to steal your pronouns and change your gender presentation <3
etho- ?????? etho is an enigma. he looks human and acts human, but there is one detail: his mask. it doesn’t move when he speaks. he never takes it off. he doesn’t even need to eat because his account is so old that it doesn’t even have a hunger bar. he’s tried taking it off before but it won’t budge. nothing makes it move. they all have given up.
gem- deer hybrid! she’s a saytr-like deer lady with cute ears and legs :] but even though deers are herbivores (and consequently, so is she) this tiny little lady can be incredibly Violent when she wants. and man, those hooves hurt.
grian- parrot avian! he has little bird feathers for ears, parrot wings, and bird talons! he is also able to mimic voices perfectly (which he uses to play pranks and swear in other hermits’ voices) and is a Hollow Boned Menace :] he carries a lot of bird tendencies, like loving shiny items or preening his friends’ hair when it’s too messy (which is always)
npg- ????????????? he’s supposed to be a robot, but he has wings and flies sideways?????? not even grian is sure of what he created tbh
robot grian- robot. exactly as the name suggests.
edit, march 24:
hypno- warlock! maybe he was human at some point, but who knows anymore. who did he make a deal with to get power? we don’t know either.
impulse- imp! has little horns and bat wings. looks generally normal until he yawns, where then he becomes a lovecraftian horror being whilst also looking adorable like a cat. it’s really scary.
iskall- cyborg! well… they don’t know if he was fully human before getting the cyborg parts, but acts sure like one. other than eating redstone, of course
jevin- slime! nothing else to it. no known reason as to why he’s blue, though.
joe hills- ???????? now this guy is Weird. he looks human and acts human, but only if you’ve seen him for less than five seconds at a time. if you look closer, there are things that obviously Are Not Right. he has a little more teeth than average. he has a purple-tinted tongue. he leans forward when standing. his pupils and irises are reversed. you don’t know what he’s capable of, but he vibrates whenever any politician is mentioned. don’t mess with joe hills.
mumbo- robot! with a core heart and stretchy limbs, he runs mainly on the consumption of redstone and occasionally typical foodstuffs. he had a creator before the days of hermitcraft that taught him all there is to know about redstone and the outside world. he also inherits the british accent and mustache from his creator.
pearl- lunar deity! she’s a being created by the moon’s consciousness herself, manifesting into the mortal world to build with the earthlings. her power and energy increase the bigger the moon gets……
ren- weredog! can shapeshift into a dog form, which he usually uses to either run fast or play fetch. he’s also more prone to change when the moon is larger…. also probably has rabies, but who can tell?
scar- wizard! he’s very clearly magical, as seen from previous seasons and how he can magically float his wheelchair for convenience. jellie also is his familiar! but this wizard just happens to also be a capitalist.
stress- fairy! just because she gives off the vibes of one :)
tango- ?????? everybody knows tango is not a human, but he refuses to elaborate on the pointed ears and red eyes. so they do not ask any further
edit, march 24: hes a blazeborn! or at least he used to be anyway. i should’ve done this sooner but here’s the link to my full post about it LMAO
wels- human. yes, it’s very typical, but hey! at least he’s a knight!
hels- ???? is there a species for evil clones created by copying machines or
xisuma- voidwalker! created by the young void gods, he was made as the first experiment in giving life to a void being. he can walk through and survive in the void, and he also can borrow powers from his creators. he also may or may not have a mouth, just because nobody has seen it before.
evil x- also a voidwalker, but this time the void gods pressed random on a picrew and sent him out into an alternate dimension. this little rascal has red scleras, ram horns, and a devil tail. he also has sharp teeth and can eat pretty much everything.
zedaph- human, but he’s not sane. i mean look at this guy. look at what he’s doing. this is not a mentally stable man. also has a weird obsession with worms
worm man- surprisingly, human. or maybe he once was. but he lives with zedaph so he might go insane if he stays with that man for too long
and that wraps it up! again, if you have any hc species headcanons feel free to drop em below! i am very interested in y’all’s thoughts
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janeaustentextposts · 3 years
As someone from a postcolonial country, am I the only one who dislikes Colonel Brandon because he is literally a coloniser?? Idk if I am unreasonable or extreme but Colonel Brandon canonically perpetuated the exploitation of my people. This is one of the few JA blogs out there that critically analyses Colonel Brandon as a character so I wanted to know your thoughts on this.
Yeah, the reality of Britain’s colonial past looms large where there are military characters. Given the Napoleonic wars, generally-speaking the Army and Navy characters are thought of as simply fighting against the French during that very specific engagement (and shows like Sharpe haven’t much helped push back against this idea,) but the British Empire was putting down its roots globally long before Napoleon had come into any kind of power, and Sense and Sensibility in particular was written in the late 1700s so there’s no reason to suppose Colonel Brandon’s engagement overseas was ‘protecting’ any home interests, but rather colonizing other nations. (Really makes ‘the air is full of spices’ line from the 1995 film feel less ~cool~ and more creepy exoticizing of a place that was absolutely exploited for the spice-trade, among other things. The genteel British people don’t really question this, and I wouldn’t expect most of them to, being products of their times, and Orientalism was even fashionable at the time, which is why the spice line is meant to show how worldly and interesting the Colonel is supposed to be, compared to the idea of a dull do-nothing landowner. But doesn’t stand up to deeper scrutiny when you consider the larger implications of what the army he was with was DOING in the places he visited. He wasn’t backpacking on a gap year, and even backpacker culture is its own can of worms, but I digress.)
Even my favourite, Captain Wentworth, isn’t exempt from this criticism. There’s obviously more heavy Napoleonic engagement within the recent scope of his career given the later time-period of the novel’s setting, BUT during less tumultuous times, his work would take him beyond conflicts between European powers to the places where European powers were carving up chunks of the known world for their own exploitation, and the Navy was a vital part of protecting those imperialist/capitalist interests.
The 1999 Mansfield Park adaptation is the only one I know of that even attempts to address British imperialism, specifically the slave trade, and it’s not neatly resolved, and that’s both realistic and frustrating to modern viewers. I don’t know if they had enough time and space to devote to even trying to unpack the hugeness of that issue, and if that was the aim, they failed; BUT a more charitable interpretation is that they were aware there was no tidy easy answer that would make everyone feel good about themselves, so the ambiguity was left in and the story moved on. Sir Thomas is a monster and Fanny knows it, but he has a very weak change of heart and seems to feel some shame at being found out, but it’s way too big a thing to dissect in what’s left of the film. Maybe it’s a commentary on the moral compromises some people feel forced to make in order to survive--as Edmund says, ‘we all live off the profits, including you,’ to Fanny, who is THE most dependent on Sir Thomas’ money, and in the least powerful position to push back against Sir Thomas’ horrific actions as a slaveowner. But as we know, there are very few parts of the British upper classes which were NOT tied to these abuses and exploitation, at the time.
We have only to scratch the surface of discussions of history coming out of the anger around monuments and street-names in major British cities and towns after major historical figures who had been previously seen as great philanthropists and change-makers in British history, who had known involvement in the slave-trade and other such despicable practices. These people were embedded in the whole society Austen was writing about, so the darker implications of Britain’s actions in the wider world will always find their way into the setting of the stories. Austen herself was in this society, and to some extent perpetuating the culture, because it would not have occurred to her to question it. Her novels don’t directly address politics, but certainly they’re informed by them, because the political is personal. Figures like Brandon and Sir Thomas Bertram are probably the easiest examples to make as their involvement in atrocities is easily presumed from their contexts, but really anybody in the novels would have to be living as a hermit under a bridge to avoid some second-hand consequence from the broader imperialist structure of society taking hold at this time.
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roastedsoup · 2 years
theres this very good song about evil x by this guy gideon on youtube (if you havent heard it yet here) and it has these very good lyrics about how jeff the minion is controlling things so i analyzed them in this mega big essay i hope you all enjoy it >:)
The song “Evil X” by Gideon is written in two distinct ways; with two almost opposite meanings. One side tells the story that is at first the easiest to hear, the story of Evil X tricking the Hermits into exploiting them, a new method of his ultimate goal of destroying the server. The other meaning, hidden between the lines—almost literally in the final chorus—is the story of Evil X not being in control of his actions and instead working out the plans of the greedy Jeff the Minion.
While there are many lines showing this double-meaning writing, the most easy to notice is the chorus, arguably one of the most important elements of the song. The entire chorus is matter-of-fact chorus details Evil X’s—or rather, Jeff the Minion’s—plot to destroy the server. The first line goes: “So when the server’s up in flames, you’ll know who to thank,” then, “Oh, isn’t it obvious?” This, at first glance, shows Evil X’s secret evil plan. He is pretending to be nice and having turned over a new leaf only to show that he has won and the server has been decimated, they will know who to thank for the destruction—him. If you look at the other implied meaning, you get an entirely different story. “So when the server’s up in flames, you’ll know who to thank,” Evil X knows that once he is forced to complete Jeff’s schemes and Jeff regains his power, everyone will see Jeff as the true culprit, they’ll know who to thank for it, and they’ll see, far too late, that it isn’t Evil X. During the final chorus, there are echos after each line, accentuating them but showing a different perspective. After “So when the server’s up in flames”, the echo repeats “Server’s up in flames.” This echo can be easily read as Evil X’s true voice while the main chorus lines are Jeff, or rather, Evil X being manipulated. Another possibility for why the main chorus sounds more like Jeff is the line during the bridge, “Why can’t you hear? He’s listening.”, implying that Evil X cannot just reveal Jeff’s plans. This echo repeats “Server’s up in flames” because that’s all that matters, no need for extra words because the server is in danger and Evil X is warning us, not because he wishes to save the server but because he knows how much worse Jeff is and what he can do. The next echo comes after “You’ll know who to thank”, except it is slightly different. The echo says “You’ll know who to thank,” accentuating “who”, obviously on purpose. Evil X is taking the line, originally meaning that he himself is to blame for it, and rather further pushing the truth that it isn’t him, and it might be too late. The last echo is the most striking, at least in my opinion, and shows a second side to this alternate story. The original line is “Isn’t it obvious?”, while the echo says “Tell me it’s obvious.” This shows that Evil X is not only trying to warn us, he is desperate. He’s been dropping hints for us, and we need to listen. He is pleading with us, hoping we understand the method. Tell me it’s obvious that Jeff is behind it all. Tell me it’s obvious that we are all in danger and you heard the warning. Tell me it’s obvious that it’s not too late.
While the main chorus holds most of this tragic duality, Evil X’s desperation can be seen in other parts as well, most importantly the bridge. The bridge begins with Evil X telling his plans—Jeff’s plans—in the most blatant way possible: “ In this economy I’ve introduced a currency, a true trial of trust and greed.” This is what Jeff wants: greed. It’s what after this that shows Evil X more, however: “A shadow’s following. Why can’t you hear? He’s listening. He twists my words behind the scenes.” This is showing that Evil X fears Jeff the Minion. Jeff has a power over even him, Jeff could do terrible things if he got his hands on it. Evil X cannot warn us outright, telling us that he is listening. “He twists my words behind the scenes” confirms that the chorus isn’t genuine, at least on the surface. Evil X is desperate to warn us, the whole song being a facade to appeal to Jeff, sounding like his evil plans, but between the lines are fear, desperation and a bitter hope that Evil X knows we heard him.
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hermit!Tommy au keeps living rent free in my brain and i need to get it out to write my other stuff. writing sort of helps but it’s also letting other aus in!
like in this i’m also using triplet au and some avian race stuff plus one au thing i’m adding because i like it!
send help, i don’t know enough about dream smp to write it well but i’m writing anyway and maybe it’s good but i have Anxiety™.
uh, anyway, part one of this new idea, if you have any idea who would help dream get tommy back like this, tell me cause otherwise i’m only using tubbo techno and dream cause i’m not sure who would realistically join.
oh yeah and @petrichormeraki for making the hermit!tommy au and i think also the triplet au? and then also @strawberrylemonz because i didn’t realize they had more chapters of their one fic and i binge read all of memories in the stars so now Grian and Tommy are brothers in this fic.
Dream smiled wildly under his mask as he stared at the portal that stood in front of him. It was no nether portal, the only resemblance being the purple color between the blocks of the frame. Said blocks were eight pure diamond blocks making an almost five by three shape. It had taken months to learn of the design and get it to work properly, but here it was. Known only as the infinity portal, Dream knew this was just what he was after.
A few other players stood near him, having assisted in the creation of the portal at Dream’s demands and threats. It had started when Tommy disappeared. When everyone realized, there were a range of emotions, but almost everyone knew that there would be no way to find Tommy. They hadn’t noticed for who knows how long after he left, leaving no trail. Dream was the only one who thought there might be a way to find his lost ‘friend’. And that idea became real when at a MCC tournament with Tubbo, the compass the boy always wore stopped spinning once again. And even then, learning that had been chance when in the middle of a game the normally hidden item had come loose.
Dream never saw Tommy so he assumed that he was simply in the crowd and not participating, which made it harder to pin him down, but with the return portals going group by group, it was easy to see the compass stop tracking Tommy after the Hermitcraft group left.
The initial knowledge left Dream shocked and even doubting a return of Tommy. That place was known as a very well protected place. It was likely that Tommy’s arrival caused those that resided in Hermittown would have their admin making things harder to bypass. And at the same time, someone who could get through like Tommy did, even by chance, would likely be heavily monitored. It’s just how Dream would do it.
But not wanting to give up, Dream researched into these people and learned how the Hermits would open their gates briefly before moving on. Based on previous patterns, there was no way Dream would wait months and months before that happened again, but some knowledge has seeped over from the previous event.
Some of the Hermits had found a way to create something called the infinity portal, and immediately Dream knew that would be his way to Tommy. If anything were to get past the Hermit’s protection, it would be something of their own design.
And now here it was, his very own Infinity portal. He had even used his admin powers to give it a little upgrade. A duplicate of Tubbo’s compass was placed into one of the blocks making up the frame. It was slightly dented and scorched from previous attempts and was currently sparking dangerously, but it was all holding. 
Now, speaking of Tubbo, the boy was just to Dream’s right. He grabbed Tubbo a little harshly and pulled him forward. “See, it finally works!” Dream spoke, his voice edging complete madness. “And I’m sure it wouldn’t have without that little trinket of yours, so why don’t you have the honors Tubbo?”
Normally Dream wouldn’t want to give anyone else the chance to get to Tommy before him, but he was smart and knew how to survive. While the portal looked stable and working for the most part, the sparks from the compass told another story. He could go in first and potentially die, or he could use a test dummy. 
Tubbo was too eager to see Tommy once again and didn’t see any problem with going first. He stepped onto the portal and barely gave a second thought about Dream’s Request to come back once he was through to say where exactly they landed. He watched as the world around him warped and turned purple, just as with a nether portal, but the bright white flash that followed was different.
The first thing Tubbo saw was a large turquoise building, but to see it better, he took a step out of the portal and fell into the water a few blocks below. He looked back up at the portal and then at the ocean floor before using the blocks he had on him to build back up to the portal. As he did so, he could feel his communicator buzzing madly. Tubbo finally looked at the thing once he reached the portal again and made a small platform around it.
<MumboJumbo> Did someone make a new cam-drone?
<Tango> Not me
<Grian> Might be Tommy, he’s the only one afk right now
<joehillssays> name sounds familiar and he doesn’t normally use them, so might be an old one.
Tubbo stared at the communicator, there were more messages, but only the first few mattered to him, specifically the message with Tommy’s name in it. He couldn’t be completely sure that it was his friend though, but before he could look at the list of other users, two new messages came in.
<TommyInnit> Guys, please just let me have this one, it’s really important.
<TommyInnit> Tubbo how the fuck
Tubbo couldn’t help but tear up at the message. He started typing back, sure his message was coming out poorly due to the tears messing with his already impared vision, but there was a ping as his message was sent before he walked through the portal again.
Tommy had finished afking near Mumbo’s industrial district, having turned off his communicator so he could just sit and watch the machines go. As he turned everything off again, he unmuted the device just to have a flood of messages show up. He scrolled up until a yellow one caught his eye.
Tubbo_ joined the server
Tubbo. His Tubbo. How was he here? Tommy had to know, and even if the other Hermits would get upset at his language, it was all he could think of right now. He sent a message, hoping Tubbo would see it and that this wasn’t all some huge mistake. After the messages were sent, he stared at the communicator until another message was sent. Seeing Tubbo’s name in a message made his heart soar, but it immediately seemed to stop as he actually read the response.
<Tubbo_> Dream’s been trying to find a way to you for months and he finally did it! I’m going to be right back with him and the others!
Tubbo_ left the server.
Tubbo was one thing but Dream was another. Tommy could feel himself trembling. He had found a way in. Tommy’s worst fears were coming true. But then another message came in.
<Grian> Alright, guess I’m breaking out the axe again
<Stressmonster101> I’m already headed to my brewing area.
<xisumavoid> Looks like they used an infinity portal.
<Docm77> I have nothing to do with it
Tommy managed to smile just a little at how quick everyone was jumping into action at the mention of his own admin. As more Hermits chimed in, Tommy sent his own message.
<TommyInnit> Dream is the real threat. I don’t think Tubbo would be helping if he knew the full story or is being threatened or something. I’m not sure who else will come, but just maim and capture anyone besides those two unless I say otherwise.
After what seemed like an eternity, Tubbo stepped back through the portal. He was dripping wet but had a huge smile on his face and Dream knew Tommy had to be on the other side.
“He’s there! He’s really there!” Tubbo was practically bouncing around.
“You’re wet.” Came the deadpan tone of Techno’s voice as he stepped closer, now knowing the portal was working.
“Yeah, it sort of spawned over an ocean but I made a platform and everything.”
“Good job Tubbo.” Dream spoke before anyone else could. “Now we can go help free Tommy from wherever these people have trapped him and bring him home.”
“Well, when I showed up, Tommy was able to use a communicator which is how I know he’s really there, so maybe he isn’t trapped and need rescuing?” Tubbo asked meekly.
“If that were true, wouldn’t he have come back Tubbo? If not for all of us, if not for his home, why didn’t he come back for you?”
Tubbo didn’t respond and Dream pushed past him to be right in front of the portal. He turned around to face the others he had collected there and pulled out his axe. “We don’t know what all will be there to ‘greet’ us once we go looking, so better to arm yourselves now. And the sooner we go through, the better.” And with that, he stepped into the portal.
When he reached the other side, his communicator immediately started buzzing. With no one in sight, Dream pulled it out to read what these Hermits were getting up to. He couldn’t help but laugh at the messages coming in. It seemed that they were torturing Tommy or something. This would be easy. Behind him, more people from the SMP came through the portal. They had weapons at the ready and even looked a little disappointed at the lack of a battle on the other side.
Dream pointed out the two landmarks that were best visible, a large turquoise tower and an island littered with buildings. While the tower was closer, Techno pointed out the building was made of warped wood, so it would be tough to deal with. The island on the other hand, it was so full with buildings that obviously plenty of these Hermits had to be living there. It was surprising it didn’t look like more of a mess.
Tubbo was the only one to notice a small island with a single chest on it. After close inspection, the chest was in no way trapped and Dream laughed when he saw it was filled with boats. “It’s like they’re asking us to attack them!”
After placing down a number of boats, Dream and the rest of his group rowed towards the island. A few people stayed out of the boats and swam in the water. While they weren’t as fast, it was better than having everyone vulnerable as they rowed.
They had nearly reached the island when there was the distinct sound of a firework being fired. Techno was the first to jump out his boat, looking for the source, but as the seconds went on, there was no explosion. Instead, another firework went off and a shadow passed over the boats.
Looking up, the group saw a figure with giant wings, a trail of smoke behind them. Techno fired his crossbow at them, but the flier swerved out of the way before diving at the group. Boats moved to get out of the flight path, but Dream stood in place and readied his axe. As the figure grew closer, he smiled. Perfect height, red shirt, blonde hair. That was Tommy. “Tommy, glad to see you. It’s been ag-” Dream was cut off and stopped smiling as an axe blade hit him just as Tommy passed him. 
He was about to speak again when there was a laugh. One that sent shivers down his spine. Dream looked around, but the source could only be from the one flying around him. That wasn’t Tommy. “A-Attack the imposter!” He managed to get out, pushing down his fear. There was only one person with that laugh. The dreamslayer.
As Grian swooped down for another attack, a yell from the nearby shore stopped everyone in their tracks, even making Grian slow down as it was someone yelling at him. “Grian! Get back here and give us a chance to be diplomatic about this!” Looking towards the island ahead, Dream could see a figure standing at the shore which the avian now flew towards before landing. Someone aligned with Grian was potentially dangerous as well, but Dream has an army while this new person wanted a peaceful option.
Still, it was an opportunity to get closer safely, so Dream obliged, having Techno follow him. The warrior begrudgingly agreed, this was for his brother after all. He hopped out of his boat and climbed into the back of the one Dream was rowing. Within a few moments they had reached the shore and Techno growled slightly at the sight of this new person. They seemed to have an attempted copy of Tommy’s face as a mask. The one Dream mistook for Tommy wore an identical mask. 
“Hello there. I’m Scar, mayor of Hermitcraft. I’m sure you’re here for Tommy, but I’m afraid he does not want to return with you, and we don’t have that many slots available for new comers at the moment.”
Techno crossed his arms at this ‘mayor’ while Dream let out a curt laugh. “I’m sure that’s what you think, but Tommy is one of us. He has to come back. Especially since staying here leaves his family behind.” Dream gestured to Techno.
“Hey, if they fill out the right paperwork and what not,” Grian started, Scar attempting to interject that he would have to be filling out the paperwork too before being shushed. “The rest of the family can come live here. Isn’t that right Techno?”
Techno barely gave any reaction and Grian shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, I get it. Haven’t seen you in who knows how long. It’s fine.”
Dream glanced over towards Techno. “You know Grian?” Techno replied with a no at the same time Grian replied with a yes. “Either way, that doesn’t matter. Tommy is coming with us.” And Dream swung his axe. Grian quickly intercepted it, but that’s why he had brought backup. Techno used the gap Grian had left and used his own axe on Scar. It only took a single hit as the mayor had come without any armor. In fact, the only things that fell to the ground were two masks, one of Tommy and the other of Scar. 
As Scar was killed, everyone’s communicator buzzed. Dream smiled, now it was a two on one, something this dreamslayer couldn’t possibly win against. But his smile fell as Grian gave a smile of his own. “You know we were giving you a chance. But now everyone knows what’s going on.”
Dream gave a nod and Techno lifted Grian by his shirt. In his other hand he held his axe which was now being positioned over the parrot wings Grian sported. That made the avian flinch which Dream was glad of, but before the axe could fall, there was the sound of plenty of fireworks going off and then the sky was filled with other hermits, all equipped with elytra.
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7ven-devils · 3 years
A really long overanlysis of minecraft servers.
This will be my only warning, this shit is really long.
I promised this to @ivi-prism 2 weeks ago (hi, i am Svetla) but university said no and then i feel my notes were incomplete so i have to do more research.
So let's talk about anarchism and capitalism. As a future political scientist, really bugs me how the fandom and some content creators (im looking at you techno) misinterpret both theories.
Yeah this will be a overanalysis about the political, social and economic system of two minecraft servers. Why? Cause i like analysis things like this and finally i can solved what is the system of hermitcraft and thats make me happy.
Things to consider:
First im not native english speaker and im lazy so im not often write or talk in english so my typos can make Doc really proud.
Second i don't watch Dsmp i only know things about the server by the animatics, the constant information wich pop up here on tumblr, the crossover fanfics and the tiny vods that youtube insist play when i have activate automatic reproduction.
Third i tried to simplified this much as i can because this analysis i maded talking with my friends (also political scientists) and a former professor, so it got quite technical while i was writing it.
And finally don't take this seriously, I'm not trying to insult anyone, I only started this because the hermitfandom started saying that hermitcraft was capitalist and then everyone started comparing the Dsmp with hermitcraft saying anarchism vs capitalism, that's why the dsmp entered into this analysis.
Guys, seriously chaos isn't anarchism and "sucefully economic" isn't capitalism, even paid with "money" (diamonds in this case) isnt necessary capitalism.
First, mini glossary:
I understand a server like a Society/State (country) with Mr Weber definition. In really vague words a State is anyone that has a territory and has legal control of violence (the laws, no the abuse of authority).
I understand the private property as the hermits bases and/or shops (i suppose only base in dsmp? Idk)
I understand the mass production as the farms and resources.
Capitalism is a economic, politic and social theory, wich it considers private property essential and tends to monopolize the resources 'cause this it also considered private property.
Anarchy means "without government" it has its origin in the Ancient Greece. And Anarchism theory is just a society free from any political authority, but respecting the liberties of the others.
A Failed State is which one lose control of the legal violence, and can't provide the peace, essential human rights and the basics for a normal lifestyle to its people.
I think thats all the bored shit (i hope so). Now the interesting shit.
Why hermitcraft isnt capitalist?
Short answer, their idea of private property is not the same as capitalism has.
Long answer, even if they have their own stuff, they had a really strong sense of community and dont really care if someone take things from them.
We can see this in the beginning of season when Iskall take some mini blocks from Etho and he didn't really care (yeah, iskall "paid" him, but later i will explain this) or the multiple times Grian "borrow" things from Iskall and Mumbo in season 6 or Scar in season 7, the team ZIT constantly take things from each other and i can go on and on with examples, but the point here is this couldn't happen if they had a capitalist society because this would break the "private" part of private property and mass production.
Basically their friendship made so strong their sense of community that they are basically inmune to capitalism, Uncle Marx would be proud of them (not really, but would be funny). So they are communist? Nope, communist don't believe in private property and the hermits does.
But you just said-? I said they dont has the SAME idea of private property as capitalism does. They still have their bases, farms and shops, but for them their private property isnt sacred like in a capitalism system would be.
They're respect each other things because they appreciated the effort and values the time the person puts on their buildings and not only because doesn't belongs to them (and obviously cause theyre frends, but shush, this is a overanalysis, the obvious things doesn't have place here) i mean even for the shenanigans they are really polite and try to cause the least damage possible not because is not of them but because they valued the person.
Basically the famous honor code of hermitcraft.
What about the economic system and the shopping district?
Lets talk about the elephant in the room.
If Hermitcraft isnt a capitalist system, why they have a economic system based in diamonds?
Well, despite the exchange based in money for resources or services is a principal characteristic of capitalism, it isnt exclusive of that theory.
The money is a social consensus, cause barter has becomes obsolete and gold isnt cheap or infinite to use as payment. And basically, this is why we use money on this days (if you want to know the history of money ask to your trusted historian or Wikipedia).
What does this remind us? Yep, diamonds and iou's are a consensus too. When the 1.16 came out some hermits tried to change to netherite as payment and didn't suit, so they ignored it and continued with their current payment system.
And as much as Mr Smith likes to say that this is how the free market (and his stupid invisible hand) works, capitalism needs the monopoly of resources and people who works to pay for those resources.
But in Hermitcraft nobody really controlled the resources, anyone can go and collect their materials or made a farm. They just decided don't do it and go and buy it, because they save the time to go and collect for themselves, in other words they paid for the time.
Various hermits say they saved so much time go and buy the materials instead to collect themself or trade with the villagers (cause theyre the worst and all of us know it) thats why the barge and lookie lookie at my bookie are so profitable.
The shopping district it wasn't a thing before season 4, i dont really sure how it worked before, because i started watch in season six and sadly i have a boring adult life to saw the old seasons, but i assume it works in the same way that the trades the hermits does between them to accord a discount or a collab, and speak directly with the interested hermit or directly take it and pays what's considered it was fair, like iskall did with etho.
Like i said all what's happen in hermitcraft is a consensus, even the shopping district.
So yeah, that isnt a thing that would happen in a capitalism system, probably you would be dead, because "how are you dare to entered to my property", or in the jail, "because thats not yours".
So, what is hermitcraft?
For the surprise from much of you, Hermitcraft has an anarchist system.
What?! But their server is so peaceful, they don't steal from each other, they doesn't griefing, hows that possible?!
Well, the anarchism isn't really a violent political theory, at least in its beginning, actually anarchism is one of the most peaceful theories i studied, thats why i dont really thing it will worked in our society, but work in a server of 24 friends. Its too idealist.
I don't really study all of the thoughts corrents of anarchism because they are a lot. But the one we are interested is one of original thought corrent, The Mutualism, this in contrast with their cousin Communism doesn't believes the private property was something bad and considered like one of the rights from the individual, but different as capitalism because like i said before it wasn't sacred and communal things will exist to help others to start or recover.
Proudhon, one of it intellectuals, considered not paid for the work of the other it was a form to violate their liberties and feel horrofied with Marx when he said we have to abolish the private property.
The mutualists believes that each person should possess a means of production, either individually or collectively, and the products obtained would be trade in the market for the amount equivalent of their work.
This sound familiar, isnt it? Hermitcraft works in this way.
The thing with anarchism is they don't believes in a government over the people. And the hermits doesn't have one, yeah there's Scar being the mayor, but he isnt have a power over the rest and only is in charge of the "cowmercial district" even aquatown isn't part of his jurisdiction, his function is more of organization, like when we put a friend in charge to organizing part of a roadtrip.
It's the same with Xisuma figure, we all put him in a position of the admin of hermitcraft, but the truth is he isnt the only one with admin commands (but apparently some or all of them losed their admin status, at least in one of the last tango's streams, he hasnt it anymore) and various hermits said that he is more like an ambassador of them in the legal things of the server.
The hermits take all of they decisions in group and in the majority of things all of them needs to be agreed with the decision or they simple doesn't do it. And this is a characteristic of the mutualism because for them anyone are over the other.
And if you aren't already bored at this point and you put attention to what i wrote of the concept of private property in the mutualism, you would see it is practically the way hermitcraft works. They make their bases and farms, recolect resources and sell what they don't will use, buy mostly to save time and paid for the price what they considered fair. Yeah i know sometimes they do some farm specifically for one shop, but this is more "yeah, this is my thing" (Tango and Iron; Ren and wood) or a division of activities "if you do that, i do this".
The perfect utopia.
What about the Dsmp?
If you do it to here, congratulations.
So what about the Dsmp, i entered here because i want to read of them and the only thing i read was about hermitcraft.
Well, the Dsmp only entered in the equation because much of you said they were an anarchist server, but i see it more like a "failed state" and when i was talked with an exprofessor he agreed with me.
I know the term of failed state is controversial and is almost obsolete, but is the best way to describe the server and stop said it is anarchist.
So why failed state and not an anarchist state? Because they have a government (or apparently multiples) a failed one, but is there, if it were an anarchist server wouldn't have one.
Usually the failed states are known for being violent and volatile places in which ones their governments can't provides the basics to their people to live, normally are places with ethnics conflicts, civil wars, authoritarian governments or states in wars. The most common examples are Haití, Somalia or Syria.
And i am sure you can see the similarities with the Dsmp, so yeah, theyre chaotic but not anarchist.
The wars ruined the stability from the server, have a multiple sides and a megalomaniac for admin, but the goverment still there and they are fighting for the power wich wouldn't happen if the server were anarchist because anarchism don't believe the power should be possess for someone.
The server simply is failed state wich struggles under a violent fight for power.
If you read this far, you're a hero and had my gratitude for read my useless thoughts. Maybe some day i do it other overanalysis of this servers. I hope you enjoyed and dont confused so much.
Thanks for read.
And if there are some angry economist with me for "misrepresent" the capitalist i am completely open to a debate, my only condition is it would be in chilean spanish ;)
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