#lets get REAL writers asks
charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Okay this one I’m taking time to answer because I’m gonna use some real examples (because I never delete shit from my AO3 inbox and I'm feeling a little self-indulgent this morning) so strap in:
1. Comments left in the bookmarks. It’s rare, I’ve only ever had it happen twice. But it’s a little window into someone else’s view and I love that shit.
In one someone quotes a line from the fic itself and follows it up with “I’m gonna use that, maybe, once I get bitches, gotta cut my hair for that.” The once I get bitches part had me genuinely laugh out loud for the first time in I don’t know how long. I really hope their endeavour panned out for them 🤣
2. Comments that quote parts of your own fic. I love seeing what parts of a piece of dialogue or scene really resonated with people.
This was fantastic! Oh especially the whole show bit, I enjoyed it too damn much! So well-written and funny, I was grinning like crazy! “But I work in a morgue, so the guys at work are not exactly the sort of stiff I want to be picking up. Naked Attraction please help me find a man who isn’t mortified to go home with a mortician!” - I remember this from the snippets and it's brilliant!
3. Comments from the same username on several chapters of a multi chapter. Those people are the bees knees and fill me with the warm fuzzies.
I can’t even begin to tell you how my heart soars whenever I see your name, @blondelunaa, @abihastastybeans and @practicecourts doing this. 10/10 kudos to you guys.
4. The “Sorry, I got too engrossed and forgot to comment” or “Re-reading!” Kind of comments. With fandom it sometimes feels like something is dead after a week without new kudos etc coming in. But comments like these prove that people are still reading and appreciating long after that.
Oooh ive gushed over this chapter before, but wow- this patronus scene is everything and more. I love the image of the stag, so powerful and magnificent - ima sucker for patronus reveals but this one takes the cake 🤩 and the end is perfect !!
5. The requests for more or a prequel/ sequel. Again rare (for me anyway). I got a few of these on a microfic but I’m gonna share the one:
I am obligated to inform you that I'm in dire need of a sequel. Or prequel. Or both, I won't complain...
6. The paragraph. I think these are the kind of comments everyone loves to get. Just a full paragraph of gushing about something you made.
Oh my goshhhh!!!! My heart!!!!!!! Thank you so very much for writing this <3 This is a perfect, heartfelt, beautiful glimpse into the "after" I requested. I'm so happy they resolved all their feelings! I love the sweet domesticity of the line "it's just me", like they're already an old married couple in Godrics, instead of two teenagers in the Heads Dorms. I feel like that line really helped set the tone of intimacy for the rest of the fic. I'm glad they talked about all their feelings and James doesn't have to be broody anyone xx Thank you for sharing Charms!
8. The full block caps shouting comment. The passion involved in that style of comment.
9. The one word/one liner comment. It's small but mighty.
This was fantastic!!!
This was fab. All the kudos to you 🌸 You are a very talented writer ⭐️
This was mad…I loved it
10. The comment from someone "fandom famous" who you thought wouldn't even know you exist. Exhilarating and also incredibly daunting when posting a WIP.
Ahhh the drama in this one!! Loved the James and Lily interactions. Sweet to see Alice and Lily's friendship in person for this one! Got some satisfaction from James hitting Pettigrew I won't lie lol. Glad to see Lily's not pregnant (yet)! Excited to see how you wrap this up!
11. The unexpected compliment comment. Someone paying your work a comment you weren’t expecting. I’ve highlighted a few here that I go back to when I feel like just throwing in the proverbial towel:
Hot damn, this is best court room scene I’ve ever read in fanfiction and most published novels. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! I’ve been devouring this fic quickly because the dialogue is so freaking good- the perfect combination of fun banter but with a realistic flow- I feel like I’m reading conversations with my own friends. Also I don’t know if this makes sense but they everyone’s Britishness jumps off the page in a way that I love.
Woah! Broken can be a beautiful place to start. Mind blowing and emotionally a masterwork
Just read all of this in one sitting, love your writing! Look forward to reading more of your fics
Asfjksagf this fic is amazing!! It's nighttime here now and I thought to myself that I would just read a couple chapters and then finish it tomorrow - but I COULD NOT put it down!!! Had to devour it all together!! It was just so novel, so interesting, so fun! And the final scene with James holding and hugging Lily from behind had me positively melting the whole time ;A; incredible! <3
I’ve just found this story and I binged the whole thing \o/ Thank you so much for sharing it. The soulmate concept can be so tricky to navigate and I imagine it’s hard to come up with fresh takes on the Lily/James Patronus storyline, but all of this came together so seamlessly and the narrative is so engaging. Such a lovely experience, and I’m incredibly grateful to have stumbled upon it! Phenomenally done! \o/
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tippenfunkaport · 5 months
That viral post that's going around about how people who write "book quality" mlm fic are too "normal" to publish and have real jobs so only "weird" people publish their "shitty" fanfic is so completely out of touch with reality and I am giving a massive side eye to everyone reblogging it.
Not only is it completely, easily verifiably untrue (you cannot enter any professional writing space without tripping over a dozen grizzled scifi writers who got their start by filing off the serial numbers and publishing their Star Trek fanfic even going back decades ago??? it's a whole thing?? plus how can you look at the mlm category on Amazon right now and say with a straight face that people aren't publishing shitty Spirk and Stucky fanfic??? Oh, honey...) it's also the perfect example of this kind of sneering elitism that true artists would never sully themselves by seeking profit, they do it only for the purity of the thing that always somehow leads back to, "no one should be paid to make art, actually."
The only reason you're seeing more published fanfic right now has nothing to do with the idealistic purity of your hypothetical government employee written smut of the past vs the debased scribbles of those awful straights of today and everything to do with the fact that a) self-publishing has created a voracious readership that wants a ton of content so it's become a viable, flexible income stream for many, especially disabled people b) anyone can publish now with self-publishing tools so there are less gatekeepers and c) lockdown got a lot of people into fandom and therefore writing who never tried it before.
And if you really think there's no "shitty" published mlm and no "book-quality" m/f writing out there that started as fanfic, then you are clearly not a reader so why are you even talking about this?
#love how they manipulated people into spreading that post by making it seem like a cishet vs gay thing#when the real message is OP thinks trying to sell your writing is cringe and 'weird' and 'normal people' with jobs would never#which would of course never have flown on the fandom website#so they played into the queer shipping is purer than cishet shipping puriteen thing#and it worked!#because my god people are gullible#this is the direct pipeline that leads to AI thievery#''normal' people write for the joy of it anyway so why do you need pay? you are just greedy and 'weird'!'#'oh no this isn't about who we get to call cringe and who gets to profit from art it's about um...#(quick what's a hated m/f ship?).. oh uh 'shitty' REYLO#and not our super pure uh... (spirk is still popular right? lets throw in that avengers one too to make it seem timely) stucky!'#I'm sorry if I have no sense of humor about this but the year is 2024 and people are still way too ready to sneer#about writers trying to earn a fucking living in the shittiest timeline#and i need you to look deep into yourself and ask you why it's so important to you to tell yourself that only people writing what you like#are 'normal' with real jobs and to vilify everyone else as 'weird' and 'shitty'#for trying to make an income during a financial fucking crisis#i would say sorry for ranting about this but I'm not sorry because wtf#write whatever you want#publish whatever you want#there is no moral fucking purity in what the content is#and one thing certainly doesn't make you more 'weird' or 'normal' than the other#like there is soooo much shitty mlm that started as fanfic???#that post is 100% OP made up some guys to get mad about and called them relyos for the clicks#writing#publishing#writblr#writeblr#i wasn't going to tag this anything but you know what fuck it I'm mad#i had like 5 more tags but tumblr cut me off which is fair 😅#fan fiction
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bloodcoveredgf · 10 months
in my prophet era
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🌿 💞🕯️💌
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Alive. Powerful (in some ways). Really good about myself because I'm utilizing my imagination and creativity and all of those things I learned and worked toward in my writing classes/degree. I feel really good about myself when I'm writing - like I'm fulfilling part of what I'm in this particular life for, which is storytelling.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
The characters are definitely the most important thing, I think. I like to get their voices right - their voice, mannerisms, their expressions, the specific tone and lilt of their voices. Everything else - the plot, the worldbuilding, the settings - those are secondary to the characters. The plot (or scenario, if it's not something huge that requires a full-out PLOT) drives the characters, but I mean, the plot can change from story to story, so it's really still mostly about the character. I'd be lying if I said the technical stuff wasn't a top important thing - I'm an English/writing major, and all those grammar and spelling and punctuation things are hella important to me. Those keep me honest and make me slow down and pay attention to how I'm writing. Figurative language fits in with that, too, though, because it's all the stuff I absorbed in trying to become a better writer, either by reading or by what my awesome professors passed along to me.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
I just answered this one here!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
From Too weird to live, too rare to die, a prompt fic for @kleenexwoman that is a Justin Hammer/Loki (in canon, post-Endgame, everyone lives) bonkers fic:
Still humping the American Dream
Tony closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose between the thumb and index finger of his left hand.  He took five deep breaths.  Counted to twenty.  Took five more.  Counted to ten.  He opened his eyes, the right one pale amber and couldn’t see nearly as well after his snap that ended the war with Thanos. 
Justin still stood in front of him, hands defiantly on his hips, watching him. 
“Anthony, I’m not here to just take up space and piss people off,” Justin said in that affable tone that still managed to dig underneath Tony’s skin and threaten to give him hives. 
“And yet you do that so well, Justin,” Tony snarked as he felt the threat behind his eyes indicating a headache was imminent.  He winced at the harshness of his tone, even with this pain in the ass he never expected to see again, much less share a living space with him. 
Still, they’d made peace with Loki when he returned with Thor and Bruce to help them handle Thanos, and as it turned out, the guy wasn’t so bad in the long run.  Tony liked his sass and sense of humor – always had – and he was pretty handy to have around. 
Perhaps he could make himself get used to Justin Hammer, too.  The guy wasn’t dumb, and since they’d released him early for good behavior and some other reason Tony had already forgotten for the moment, he’d dropped some of that pretentious peacocking that paralleled Tony’s own, which to be fair, he’d been happy to mostly give it up since it got tiresome after a while. 
“Who?  C’mon, Tony, I’m a big boy.  I can take it.  You can tell me who else I’m pissing off besides you,” Justin cajoled, his big grin stretching across the angles of his face.  He’d been trying, but Justin wasn’t stupid; he knew he’d fucked up by trusting the wrong guy.  Didn’t help that he kept trying to compete with a guy known for his genius and his ability to stare any problem in the face, punch it once with his intellect and creations, and boom, no more problem. 
“Pepper for starters,” Tony blurted out, “though she doesn’t live here, and she’s kind of gotten over the idea of you being around Morgan since the kid actually likes you and trusts you.” 
The expression on Justin’s face burst with a sappy fondness he used to reserve for his nephew alone, and he schooled it quickly when Tony had to dial back that initial Papa Bear concern that his kid was around several former villains these days.  Respectfully, he tried to look serious, to take Tony’s comments seriously. 
“To be fair, your kid’s awesome and one day’s gonna run circles around us to make the world a better place,” his words came out clear and heartfelt, and Justin thought he noticed that Papa Bear pride seeping into Tony’s features. 
Note to self, praise that adorable little big-eyed bunny, and that’ll keep Stark from wanting to shoot your nuts off.
“Yeah well.  That’s the truth of it.  Oh and Nat’s still keeping an eye on you.  Everyone else...you’re a somewhat clean slate with.  Not like you’re the only former bad guy in residence,” Tony remarked and went back to what he’d been working on when Justin wandered into the kitchen, namely working on agility and firm (but not too firm) grip with his new arm by making and rolling out pie dough. 
“You want some help?” Justin asked when it seemed like Tony was having trouble with one of the cookie cutters he was using to cut out star shapes (to go with the crescent moons).  He held up both hands when Tony just tossed a glare his way.  “No problem.  Just...offerin’.  As for Natasha, eh.  Sam mentioned it took her a little bit to warm up to Loki, too, so I’ll just...be patient.” 
Justin was in no rush to be liked, and he really didn’t expect to be.  It wasn’t even that he was being a martyr or self-deprecating or living on his low self-esteem.  The prison counselor got him to see where he’d fucked up way before he’d actually chained his personality to impressing the military and broke Anton Venko out of custody. 
Piece of shit and his dumb fucking bird.
Thank you for the asks!
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Sorry if you‘ve been asked this before, but since we know you‘re fav lmk characters, I was wondering what you‘re favorite duos and trios were?
And/or however many characters you wanna group together. Just in general, the character dynamics you find neat!
(My guess is that MK and Mei are somewhere on the top of the list- if not THE top)
One of my favorite things about lmk (of which there are many lol), is that you could throw two darts, and whatever two characters the darts land on are bound to have an interesting dynamic.
One of my favorite episodes is the Sandy and Huntsman episode (2x08), Tang and Macaque also have an intriguing conflict in 3x08, and Pigsy and Chang'e (3x07) have such a heartfelt shared passion that you can't help but enjoy their on screen time together.
I'm someone who wants a sort of Ne Zha and Yellowtusk "we reluctantly work together" arc, where even though Yellowtusk may have helped nearly bring the world to it's destruction, he ultimately helped save it, and he also happens to know a thing or too about keeping the Jade Emperor's power contained. I think it'd really fit in with lmk's "past mistakes vs making the right choices now" theme—in all honesty Yellowtusk has already paid his time with an eternity spent in the scroll—and now he can truly help make a better world. I think it'd be a neat way to keep him involved in the story, give Ne Zha someone to bounce off of (they both view power as sacred and a huge responsibility, unlike Wukong for example who is much more flippant with power), and would give some juicy drama ("You would betray your brothers?") between Peng and Yellowtusk later down the line.
Though anon you're 100% right, MK and Mei are at the top of my favorite dynamic list lol (They're whole motivation is to protect each other out of 100% platonic love. Obsessed with them). I'm also really partial for the MK, Mei, and Sandy trio that pops up here and there (1x03, 1x04, 3x04, 3x06). Traffic light trio is a treat, and the sunburst duo has my heart forever and always (I love seeing the way MK and Wukong's relationship has developed over the course of the show, both for the better and worse). Pigsy and Tang are always a delight (thank you 1x04, 2x03, 2x04, 3x05, 4x04, and specifically the line "Sometimes it's that little bit of char that makes for a more flavorful meat! Even if it is a bit tangy."), they're definitely at the top of my list. Obviously I like shadowpeach, and shadowpeach + MK (ooooo the monkeys are such delicious/tragic foils oooo), and I think Mei and Wukong have a really interesting dynamic (Wukong seeing Ao Lie in Mei, Mei viewing Wukong as someone who has hurt MK). Wukong and Azure's dynamic is also super interesting (Azure with his unrequited crush and heartbreak), so is LBD and MK's (could talk forever about these two), however I'll cut this off here since I could probably go on for a long while about this specific topic.
#no one's asked me this before and it wouldn't be a bother if they had!#Sorry I kind of went on a tangent about different dynamics in the show and my Yellowtusk and Ne Zha agenda adsfafs#Come on Mr. "Wukong is not the loner he pretends to be'' see the good in Yellowtusk. Let him help keep the world from breaking.#Do it for me#Am I perhaps a bit too invested in a character that's honestly not had that much screen time? Perhaps#But what we are given is *muah* I love Yellowtusk#''This is not the change we dreamnt of'' lowkey the moral backbone of the brotherhood.#His little ''Azure...no!'' in the s4 special gets me too#He's just like Mei and MK fr fr#Yes. Maybe I DO like characters that would chose the person they care about over the world. What of it?#lmk writers are fucking masters at giving the most characterization with the least amount of screen time#And I'd say they mainly do that through parallels/foils/themes but I'm no expert#You can just usually put together a lot of who a character is and their arc based off how they interact with what's been established#I have a long rant about Pigsy's arc rattling around in my brain that I want to write out at some point#I will say this though: Pigsy being a man of tradition/family (2x04 - 3x07) and then giving him qualms with his family in s4 is. *muah*#Like. The thing that get's him to soften up about Zhu Bajie is learning he worked hard to become someone better#Like DO NOT TOUCH ME. I LOVE THAT PIG MAN GOD#I'm a pigsy stan blog now#Actually I love every single character I'll be real this is just who I am#I just also happen to love MK Mei LBD and Azure a little more than the rest afdasdf#asks#lmk#lego monkie kid#monkie kid#lmk speculation
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aobawilliams · 2 months
Hewwo!!! ✨💞💝💋 please!!!!
[Let’s Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks]
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Uuummm not so quite breath life into again but maybe Before the coffee gets cold - the sisters and the flowers have water like I knew they'd be fairly niche but they're still some of my favourites (even if I am aware they're far from perfect)
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I think fairly equally the plot, characters and worldbuilding? Like they're the most important to me, but to different levels depending on the kind of story it is.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Hmmm very hard to tell 🤔 maybe what it takes to survive because I was expecting more Shinsou Defenders to get mad at it but I think they didn't find it (or there's less Shinsou mad fans than I thought) but beyond that I kind of knew what to expect from the fics I've posted.
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
Yes!!! I love when they answer my comments, that's such a nice feeling, that's how you make friends! (Not to say every author who answer your comment is a friend but you get what I mean, you gotta start somewhere)
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landwriter · 1 year
💝 & 🍭 for the fic asks! :)
Thanks, Nate! :)
💝What is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? For sure it’s gotta be Black Shore! It’s the strangest thing I’ve written, and I felt in my heart it was really neat but did not expect much engagement at all from a story that opens by addressing the reader, has poems, is broken into arbitrary sections, and is from the POV of an ocean that is technically also Dream. This was the third fic I'd ever posted. Not only did it get read, but @missmisnomer made insane and gorgeous art for it, and @btwimkindagay wrote an ESSAY that made me weep. To me, writing is just loving things loudly into the void and it’s such a fuckin’ incredible and life-affirming experience when people love a thing back. Especially when it’s a bit weird.
🍭Why did you start writing? I sure didn’t plan to! At all! I’ve spent my life telling stories and writing creatively in every way that did not force me to actually own up to Writing, because perish the thought that I might do something I love dearly and be witnessed Trying, and potentially Failing. Better to just love it from a distance! When struck by bouts of awful desire to Be A Writer, better to just say Someday Soon! Better to bear it and go on.
Then two things happened last September: I watched The Sandman and liked it a lot; and I remembered that I had once started writing a fanfic over a decade ago, and I suddenly remembered the title. I looked it up expecting the cringe and laugh, and instead found lots of nice comments, including this one written nine years after the last update:
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What am I doing, I said. I used to be brave enough to write when I was 12. And it had meant something to someone, even then. I left lots of insane messages in my best friend’s DMs. And when I was done crying and unpacking all my grief for the kid who wrote and frustration with the grown-up who wouldn’t, I went to bed. I was too wired and raw to sleep. So I got up and started writing a Sandman story. Then I kept writing all weekend. And the rest is history.
(let’s get real! fic writer asks)
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mcfiddlestan · 2 months
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
🌈 is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I struggled the entire time trying to get through Ghosts That We Knew, the conclusion to the Picture Perfect series. I honestly hadn't planned to write a whole ass trilogy. Dark Side was the only one I had an idea for, and then halfway through, people wanted more. So I started planning the sequel, Come Back to Me. I'm not a fan of duologies. Trilogies just make more sense. So I started thinking up plots for the third entry. Where could Tony and Loki go after marrying and having two kids (one through a relationship, the other through a surrogate)? What kind of problems would they face? I had no idea, lol. I knew I wanted to insert another kid (Audrey Maria or "Audi"), but I also wanted to show that after 8 years and 3 kids, even the most in-love couples have bad times. I'd gotten about halfway through and just blanked on where to go. It didn't help I was having outside issues -- my RP partner (whom I was in love with) and I were having issues, I was stressing about school, and my dad was having health problems at the time. Oh, and I was struggling to RP too. But I was able to pull something out in the end. And everyone seemed to enjoy it. 😁
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don’t, you should!)
Umm....I'm not sure what "celebrate" means?? I might give myself a mental high five? Say yay? LOL
🤍what’s one fic of yours you think people didn’t “get”?
It's not a fic that's completed, nor is it posted on AO3 anymore, but it's Fools Rush In. It was Frostiron set in the Matthew Perry/Salma Hayek movie. First time I was writing fem!Loki and even tho I only published like 4 or 5 chapters, I got complaints that Loki was "too feminist" and "obsessed with her dad's [Odin's] opinions about what a woman her age should be doing." To be clear, Loki was a 28yo grad student who'd been adopted by the Odinsons as a baby and at 13, chose to search for her birth parents who were teenagers when she was born. She was the youngest in the Odinson clan (Thor and Baldur being older) and the oldest in the Laufeyson family (Helblindi and Býleistr were much younger). And the only girl. So Odin certainly had a lot of opinions about her needing to be settled and married, not living with her bestie (Natasha) in an apartment in a big city.
This isn't the reason the fic is incomplete, tho! I removed it, along with four other fics, from AO3 and ff.net bc I'd reached a block on all of them and I felt bad just letting them sit there unfinished. I do hope to complete them someday. But we'll see. Here's a banner I made for it, when I still thought Olivia Wilde was a good choice for fem!Loki. I do not anymore.
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And this one was made by a fan (@/tomhiddlesdarling), and as much as I loved it, I'm not big on Eva Green.
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Thanks for asking!
Let’s Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 7 months
Hi! Questions from The Let's Get Real ask game
Hiya dear friend! Just getting back to this now, and you asked some excellent questions! Here ya go:
🌿 How does creating make you feel? I'm going to try to reign this answer in, but the short one is creating makes me feel like myself and I'm comfortable in my own skin. It's like breathing, and I try to work on a thing on a daily basis as my non-negotiable. 5 minutes of doing a thing every day adds up to make something super cool. I think I've been wired to tap into creativity since I was a kid and I've used creativity as a way to reach milestones but also as a coping mechanism during really difficult times. It's definitely something I can't turn off? And hey, creating lets me throw down ideas or stories in a more accessible or tangible way, and it's a form of self-expression I can always rely on since it hasn't failed me yet.
💝 What is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? I'm going to mention 2 fics, since that's what happens when one writes for multiple fandoms! If we're talking about from HP, I think things will always back to Little did I know (Perciver, T, 2.5k), since that was the first official fic I published back in 2021 after a really long writing hiatus. I figured if I had 3 people read and liked it, that would be cool. But the amount of love the story got (and is stilling getting), and the fact it's one of my most bookmarked AND kudosed works to date is kind of insane. I'm grateful because I think that's the reason why I kept writing again. I could have easily bowed out, but I didn't! For Teen Wolf, The Walls Came Crashing Down (Sterek, T, 4.2k) was such a wild card. First time writing whump, and the recipient wanted lots of angst. I threw in lore, blood, and uhhh...for a short ficlet/one shot, I guess people really liked it? I honestly was unsure how I felt about the fic when I initially posted it since whump is not what I usually write. But it paid off because the person squeed, and honestly, it was refreshing to write something different from the usual, you know?
Thanks for the asks! ___ Want to ask a writing q? Send them over for the Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks!
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konbarts · 3 days
Aighr I'll bite, can we please hear ur romantic cissiebart opinions 👀
Listen I just think they would have such a sweet and cute relationship. Have you ever seen heartstopper? Archie and Betty? we're talking like that kind of vibes. Just ugh i think they would be so sweet together. The friends to lovers trope I'm such a sucker for it.
I do think that Cissie and Bart would really need to work at it to make things work. Cissie has to unpack everything that happened to her and how Bonnie treated her and Bart has to unpack and deal with so much too but ignoring that for a second, I just think they'd be cute.
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kiwiana-writes · 9 months
💝🕯🧿 for the writer asks!
Ooooh we love a multi-question, thanks pal!
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
This is a FANTASTIC question!
I rage-wrote a part-character study, part-alternate ending after watching Happiest Season that, to this day, is the most-kudosed fic in the Happiest Season tag. It's definitely 'got in early' effect and it not having a ton of fics but that is still a piece of information that blows my mind a little bit every time I remember it 😅
The response to the RWRB Much Ado actor AU was far beyond anything I could have anticipated, honestly. Like, I knew people would like it for sure, I wasn't expecting it to languish or anything, but it absolutely blew past my most popular Schitt's Creek fic for kudos/comments/bookmarks, like, the day after it was complete. It hit a ridiculous kudos milestone that took SC angstapalooza almost three years to achieve. There was a lot of just kind of... staring in bafflement at my stats page for a while that day lol.
For Schitt's Creek, the Patrick as a Hallmark greeting card writer fic is second only to angstapalooza for kudos, which also remains wild to me. I wrote that thing in like three hours because @midnightstreet posted a cute pic of queer greeting cards and, like, my hand slipped. Don't get me wrong, it's a cute fic, but every time I remember it's THAT high up I'm like ???
In terms of fics that maybe didn't do as well as I would have thought... honestly, when I take a scroll through my stats page it's sort of expected. All the low stuff is wlw or gen fic, or the more out there pairings, stuff where I dip my toe into polyam-adjacent things, etc. (And, of course, the podfics. Send love to your podficcers, folks!)
🕯️ was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you?
Answered here!
🧿 what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn’t do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn’t going how you’d like it to?
Woof, this is a tough question because like. My brain is a hellscape lol. The (mostly) unserious process is: I whine at @celeritas2997 and @ships-to-sail about how I'm Quitting Writing Forever and they tell me to suck it the fuck up and usually I'm writing again within, like, 24 hours.
[Let’s Get REAL fic writer asks]
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genavere · 8 months
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
Let's Get Real Ask
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Anyway, I won't go into a FULL explanation like I did before, but characterization is the most important factor for me in a story. If you don't have characters who you actually care about, nothing else really matters.
How many romance novels have we dissed because the characters are just so...bad? You can't root for them if you don't care if they live beyond the next page or not.
But, if you want my full blown answer on this, you can check out this answer.
And don't worry, I literally posted it probably around the same time you sent the ask...so I will let it slide this time.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 11 months
💝 ☯️ 💌
Thanks for the ask!! <3
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Well I was DEF not expecting for my fic latent attraction to inspire an in-universe theatrical review of the Midsummer Night’s Dream performance that Garak and Bashir attended near the end of the fic! I’m still so insane about that! <3 So yeah, please go read the outsider POV garashir ficlet in the form of a theater review, The Human Condition, by @sapphosewrites! <3
….Another unexpected response that happened on that same fic was that someone in the comments of ch14 drew out a diagram to show how they imagined that one of the big misunderstandings in the fic occurred! 😂 This is one of the few fanarts related to my fics that I’ve ever received haha, and oh how I cherish it so! <3
☯️ how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
I truly love to chat with fellow fans over ao3 comments, DMs, etc., it's literally what keeps me inspired!! I love the collaborative nature of fandom, the way we're just all egging each other’s self-indulgences on, and infecting each other with insane ideas back and forth, and, sometimes, when the stars align, those ideas spill out and become fics, art, amvs, etc, and that’s just beautiful!!! I just really enjoy the social aspects of fandom
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Well, I’m working on some post-Second Skin garashir smut (smut of the angsty character study variety), and I’m pleased to say that, in the current draft of the fic anyway, Julian does get to play a little bit with Garak’s tits <3 ^_^ (I have many more WIPs - and more to say about this one - so anyone can feel free to ask this particular question again haha)
(for this ask game)
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✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Given how few comments I get, I'd say "All of them" LOL but no. I'd love to see more people talking about the whole Hemispheres series, which isn't finished - isn't even close, but still. It's my first jump into long-ass fics/series. But there are also fics like Of everything that stands, the end and the Feed the soul art and music, it will live forever series (especially the Justin/Loki fics in it that started the whole mess going) that I'd love to get more attention to them.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Biggest compliment I think I can give myself is that I am fucking funny. Even at my grad school thesis defense, my three professors who were handling the defense remarked at how humor seemed to come naturally to me in delivery and everything and they were surprised because humor (in poetry) is difficult to craft. So I love throwing humor and snark and the many Easter Eggs (for humor that, sadly, I'm not sure if everyone catches sometimes). It's something I'm good at - much better than endless angst and whump, which have their place definitely but I can't seem to maintain that for long.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
I'm going to say Behind Blue Eyes and not because the subject was difficult (it's a Loki/Emma Frost fic, relatively more of a comic focus, I think, involving telepathic manipulations of perception as well as shapeshifting). I started this one not long before the 7 year writers block hit me. I started this in 2012 or 2013 and I didn't finish it until 2020 after the writers block finally ended. It was agonizing not to be able to progress with it because of the block, and at one point because of changing laptops, I thought I lost the fic entirely (thankfully, I didn't) where I would've had to start it all over, and that probably would've ensured it never got finished. It also was the start of my realizing that I liked shipping Emma with other people than Scott Summers, and quite frankly, by the time I did finish this one, I realized that I was moving away from shipping her with Scott (not that I hate him or anything - I just started to think of healthy and unhealthy relationships, and that wasn't one, unfortunately - can't be healthy when your dude continues to compare you to, and find you lacking, his dead ex who unfortunately keeps coming back).
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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Your lmk parallels post makes me so unwell there so many angst I can take dude
Though I am hoping for healing arcs in the specials I feel like we're leading up to that but that's just me
WE'LL GET OUR HEALING ARCS EVENTUALLY. JUST NOT YET (PROBABLY). This is the hurt comfort long con you feel me.
If it makes you feel better I make myself really unwell with my own posts
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aobawilliams · 2 months
[Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks]
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Those that comment on the story!! Moments the reader liked, things they've noticed/guessed on the story, especially when they point something that's clearly a "wink wink this will be important later" moment!!
(Coincidentally that's the kind of comments I try to leave when I'm reading a fic)
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