#let the soil play its simple part
bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
To Be Cherished (Dragon x GN!Reader)
Pairing: Male!Dragon x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Slight infantilization (of the reader)
Word Count: 2255 words
Summary: You'd never thought of yourself as the "darling" type; That seemed more fitting for demure nobility, fawned over by their one true love. Usually a knight, or a duke, or someone else.
But dragons were never ones to play by the rules.
Request: heyo, if it’s okay, could i have a male dragon taking a transmasc (or just gn) human to be their pet? kind of just petting and praising the reader, saying things like “good boy/pet” to them? thank you!
A/N: Another dragon! Feels like I haven't written a proper dragon fic in forever, glad to be back.
I wasn't sure if this request wanted NSFW, so I decided to play it safe and do SFW. But if people want a NSFW second part (or another part in general!), I'd be glad to continue this!
When you started this day, you had expected mundanity. Thats what your whole life up to this point had been, a slightly-changing list of chores on the same land your family has worked on for generations. It may have been boring to some, knowing that some towns folk would refer to your family as ‘simple people’, but you always brushed it off. You loved your life! You loved the ever present routines and the beautiful rolling hills, even the gray-blue mountains that seemed to loom over like a fog. It was nice, your life was nice!
Now, looking down the muzzle of a dragon, you think you may have benefitted from exploring a bit more. Maybe if you had gone into town more, talked to more adventuring parties, you’d have the proper response ready when you found a Dragon sitting in your pumpkin patch.
You mutter, which has the dragon cocking its head. It’s eyes are frighteningly large, giant pools of yellow with a menacing black slit at the center. they sit several feet above you, even with its head tilted low to look at you. A wave of its hot breath rolls over you like a summer breeze, it’s nostrils right by your face.
“H-how can I help you?”
The dragon doesn’t move, just letting it’s third eyelid flit between, only adding to its uncaring (?) gaze,
“Uhmm…” You mutter, looking at your basket. “I have some cucumber, some eggplant, some tomato-” You hold up a fresh, fat red tomato to the dragon's nose, “-if you want some?”
You know dragons prefer more luxurious gifts, but maybe it's hungry? Whatever it wants, it can have, you’re just hoping it doesn’t sees you as the meal.
Another wave of breath is snorted over you, ruffling your overalls and the straw hat on your head. Your hands shake, still tired from harvesting all your vegetables this morning, your nails caked in dirt. You’re sure you look a mess right now, especially in front of something as regal as a dragon, you hope the smell of sweat and soil is enough to deter it from eating you.
The dragon eyes the tomato, but does nothing to eat it. You slowly put it back into your basket.
“Sorry, that’s all I’ve got it. Just a farmer, as you can tell.” You rub the back of your neck, mayb you could appease to it’s sense of humor? Dragons love wiley adventurers, don’t they? “I’ve been told I can make a mean brisket, though. W-would you like some of that?”
The dragon blinks again, but this time you see the sides of its mouth begin to curl up, it’s tail flitting behind it. Is it…smiling?
“Yes.” The dragon’s booming voice nealry rocks you backwards, just as noble and threatening sounding as you thought it would be. “I think you will do, just fine.”
Before you can even stutter out a “What?” the dragon's claw descends upon you, gingerly wrapping around your torso as its wings extend. The ground rumbled as it flaps the giant wings, pushing it’s massive body off the ground with you still in it’s paw. You’re gobsmacked, no words and breath left to exclaim as it begins to take off into the air. A million and one thoughts and panics run through your mind, but as quickly as you realize you are being kidnapped, you black out.
You’ve never actually swam in a lake, but if it was anything like this 30 foot cavern-bath you were taking, you were clearly missing out.
You had woken up in a dark cave, so far underground that the only light source were the various braziers and bioluminescent mushrooms decorating the walls. Laying on top a pile of furs, you noticed how surprisingly intact your body still was before noticing the dragon sitting nearby. It’s only when the dragon huffs that you jerk upward and look at the beast.
“Oh….hello again.” You say, trying not to freak the fuck out. The beast is just a mere 20 feet away from you, the tip of his (at least you think its a he) tail just close enough to tilt up your chin. The dragon hums, appraising you, its lips curling into that same intimidating smile.
“You look so cute when you sleep, pet. I was wondering if you would ever wake up.”
Your jaw would’ve dropped if not for the sharp scales pointing it upwards. This is really not what you were expecting.
The tail moves to your cheek and coerces to tilt your head to one side, then the other. The dragon hums again.
“What nice features. I feel awfully lucky to have found you dear, before you had to suffer any more hard labor.”
Hey, it wasn’t that hard.
You rebut in your thoughts, not daring to speak out of turn. The dragon doesn’t seem to be dangerous…not yet.
The tail moves down your chest and to your hands, lifting them up by the wrists but not pulling you uncomfortably. The dragon leans its head closer, its black scales shining like mother-of-pearl in the mushrooms glow. It tsks. “Workers hands, I loathe the fool who callused these hands. Who has you breaking your back, picking those fruits.” The tail reaches up, and pats you on the head, almost like a dog. “But you mustn’t worry, my pet, you won’t have to do that anymore.”
“I-I think there may be a misunderstanding.” You meekly say, almost a whisper. The dragon tilts its head, still amused. “I appreciate your kindness, dragon, but I wasn’t an indentured servant. Those fields were my own, I chose to work in them, and wasn't forced to do anything.” Your shoulders shrug up, trying to appear grateful but embarrassed at the mix up. “So you can take me back, I promise I wasn’t being hurt.”
The dragon looks at you, not saying anything and still having the amused look on his face. You feel sweat bead on the back of your neck, trying to avoid losing eye contact, showing disrespect or weakness. But the tail simply tips up your chin again, the dragon chuckling.
“Oh no my dear pet, I’m afraid you have misunderstood.” The dragon stands up on its paws, circling around the piles of furs yet keeping his tail under your chin. “ I know you weren’t imprisoned, you just didn’t know any better.”
You furrow your brow. That literally explained nothing.
“You will find your accomadations much more suitable for you now, my dear. Now, lets get you cleaned.”
The dragon’s tail nudges you backwards, turning you to see the large cavernous pool of water behind you.
Huh, that's why it’s so humid in here.
The dragons tail moves down to your shoulder, moving with enough finesse to pull down a single strap of your overalls. Your eyes go wide and you find yourself stumbling away.
“I c-can undress myself!” You squeal, before catching the way the dragon’s brow furrows. “I-uhm- thank you. But I can manage.”
The dragon chuckles, retracting his tail.
“Of course dear, I forgot how important clothing was for human propriety. Here,” The dragon sits up again, sitting around the rim of the bath, though facing away. That long tail flops over the side and stirs the bath water, the fragrant steams of lavender and bergamot bath salts wafting across, “I won’t even look.”
You shrug. You think thats about as much privacy as you’re going to get.
To his credit, that bath was amazing. You don’t think you’ve ever been this clean in your entire life, having grown comfortable with a base level of sweat and grime.
Still, did he have to get rid of my clothes?
You’re not sure how he did it, but when you stepped out of the bath all that remained as a silk robe and fluffy slipper for your to wear. No sign of those well-worn overalls. He even had you do a spin as you got out, cooing at the outfit.
“My, my, now don’t you look handsome?”
You rub the back of your neck, not quite sure how to feel. Embarrassed, flattered? The growl from your stomach does the hard part of filling the silence for you.
“Lets get you some food, huh?”
The dragon leads to a different part of the cave, an outcropping with a gigantic dining room table, several blankets and quilts, and a circular bed in the center. Theres a stack of books, paper and pencils by the bed, but what draws your attention is the platter of delicious food on the table. You walk a little too eagerly to the table, the site of a freshly roasted chicken and potatoes tempting you in. When you sit down, you try not to lunge for it. This is the most luxurious food you’ve ever seen, plates of figs and rinds of cheese for you to snack on, alongside various other fruits. You give the dragon a side eye, wondering if you could start.
The dragon nudges your chair, effectively pushing you in, and gestures with its head for you to eat. Trying to keep some sense of propriety, you use the fancy silverware to your right instead of just digging in with bare hands. You even try to take a delicate bite of one of the chicken wings, but find yourself quickly melting under the flavor.
You were right, this is the best food you have ever eaten.
“Do you like it?”
You nod, taking another large bite. The dragon chuckles, laying down its head and just watching you. You swallow and give it a smile. A real one.
“Yes, thank you. I…don’t know what to say.” You take another quick bite of a nearby fig, almost moaning at the sweet taste. “How’d you get all this?”
“I have my ways, sweetling.” The dragon winks.
“Well, good job because this is incredible.”
You eat until your belly’s full, the lingering heat from the bath weighing down your muscles and making you feel drowsy. Sitting back in your chair you hum in content, before looking at the dragon. He still watches you, that pleased smile on his face.
“Uhm, could I ask you your name?” You set aside your plate, brushing imaginary crumbs off your robe. “I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”
“My name is Nyryym, dear.”
“Na-rim?” You enunciate, smiling when the dragon nods. “Nice to meet you, my name is ____.”
Nyryym nods, sitting upward so his head lies above the table, looking down at you. “A fitting name for my adorable pet.” He uses his tail to tilt your chin, admiring the way you fluster and blush. Your body responds almost naturally, that drowsiness from before weakening your resolve.
“Yeah, about that-” You swallow, a shaky smile on your face, “What’s the plan? Like, do you want me to do something or…” you gesticulate randomly. You’ve heard of dragons enjoying human talents before, like taking dancers or musicians, artists and poets to keep them entertained. But those were usually carefully curated picks, often from a big city or a royal court. You were just a farmer and while you’d like to think you're witty and charming, you didn’t have any extraordinary talents. “I c-can clean, or cook, maybe-” You look at the big pile of books near your bed, “Read to you?” You’d sometimes read to the children next door, putting on funny voices and such.
Nyryym chuckles again, patting you on the head with his tail.
“That is very sweet of you to offer, pet. You are such a dutiful sweetling. But I do not require you to do anything.” He sweeps his tail around your waist, nudging you to stand up and walk towards him. “Your company shall be delight enough, pet.”
“O-okay.” You nod, eyeing the large bed nearby. Surely he didn’t mean..
Well, you’re not gonna even broach that topic.
“I’m happy to help, Nyryym.”
His smile is less disconcerting than you thought it would be, especially with a mouth full of teeth that could grind your bones into dust. Nyrymm draws you even closer to him, his tail now fully wrapped around your waist. His head leans down dangerously close, enough that you yave to coach yourself not flinch away. Another hot breath of air blows through your hair, when you realize he’s smelling you.
Nyryym lets out a content sigh, rubbing your stomach with the tip of his tail. It almost tickles. After another sniff, he opens his eyes and stares you down.
“That’s a good pet. How about we retire for the night?”
You both look toward the bed, luxuriously plush and practically begging to be slept in. The combination of shock, the bath, the food and a morning full of work beforehand urges you to lie down. Now knowing that Nyryym doesn’t plan to eat you, that urge is even more compelling. So you nod, letting him guide you to the bed.
Laying down in the cotton sheets confirms your suspicions; You’re fucking exhausted. Your body sinks into the cushions, immediately pulling up the blankets to tuck yourself in. Nyrymm curls around the bed, lying his head so it's parallel to yours.
“Good night, my sweet pet.” He says, rubbing your face with his tail one last time.
“Good night, Nyryym.”
The hum of the cave and Nyryym’s heavy breathing, alongside everything else, quickly lulls you to sleep. It might be the best sleep you’ve ever had.
You guess things could be worse.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 8 months
Moment of Peace
sorceress!reader travels with geralt and ciri as their healer and ciris mother figure as geralts wife. one relaxing day, reader shows ciri a little party trick that geralt doesnt know yet. ends with geralt and reader play fighting about why she didnt show him but showed ciri; and them all acting like a family
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(not my image)
As we finally settle in a meadow, surrounded by forest, I let out a sigh of relief. The feeling of sun against my face and the soft soil beneath me feels amazing.
"Ciri! Y/N! Go collect water. I'll be right back." Geralt commands, but before he can leave to collect wood and sustenance for the night, you stop him and give him a quick kiss.
"Be safe."
"Always am."
Those simple four words are all you need before you walk off into the forest for a few yards, before you come upon a clear water stream. You see Ciri standing in the water and feeling the sun while collecting water. As you join her in the water, she looks up.
"So... why do you allow him to order you around if you're his wife?" Ciri, blunt as ever, asks, not understanding that this is Geralt's way of showing his love.
"He doesn't 'order' me around. It's his way of keeping us safe. I'm a mage and can keep you safe. You're training and can keep me safe. Plus, he goes off and does the dangerous hunting, so we don't have to. It's his way of showing love." I explain his actions and why I react without losing my patience with the way Geralt talks to me.
"Oh. I didn't think about it like that." Ciri ticks her head to the side and continues to collect water.
"Geralt isn't conventional. But he is exactly how I want him. I wouldn't want it any other way." I start towards the bank of the river and continue walking along the greenery of the forest.
As Ciri looked on as you walked, she watched in mystery. The forest seemed to bend to your will. The trees would part to make a path for you and the stones would roll out of the way, leaving only soft soil for you to walk on.
As you both reached your camp site, Geralt was dragging a large deer, and a cloth behind him that was filled. Probably with wood.
You and Ciri both put your jugs down as Geralt drops the sack of wood off near you and walks to the trees to skin the animal for food & it's hide.
You have the sense to build the fire and let Ciri light it later. She's normally sleepy when you build the fire. Makes it easier.
As you both run around, you find a good size patch of daisies.
"Ciri!" You call over the girl, "Come here!"
The blonde girl runs over to see what you're looking at.
"Would you like to learn how to make a daisy chain? You can even put one on Geralt, if you'd like." You throw out the tempting offer to make the Witcher seem silly.
And Ciri quickly agrees. You sit down, careful to avoid the daisies, and show her how to make a daisy chain/flower crown.
As the sun is no longer at its nice, warm heat and enters the baking heat, you take Ciri down to the stream again to clean up. 'The sun will dry us faster' was your reasoning to drag the girl with you.
As you are cleaning your clothes and yourself off, you see Ciri doing the same. Perfect.
"Hey, Ciri! Would you like to see something?"
"Um... What is it?"
"I promise, no harm will come unto you from me. It's just a little party trick."
"Ok..." She waded closer to you as you met her in the middle of the stream.
You magically gathered the sweat and water from Ciri and yourself, throwing it into the air and condensing the clouds around the sun to have more water, allowing the clouds to form a sort of circle around the sun. As the sun continues to shine, the clouds begin turn colors... briefly pink, then a light green, and there's a light blue! (Refer to the picture at the top)
Ciri looks at the sky in awe. "You can do this?" She points to the clouds.
"Yes. When I was at Aretuza, they taught not just politics and magic. They taught basic sciences. This was one of those. I had asked my teacher why there as a rainbow after every rainfall. She explained it to me. Since then, I had been practicing it until I was able to perfect it. Took a couple tries, but it came one day, and it stayed."
"And you never showed me?" A deep, hulking voice inquired from the shadows. Of course, the yellow cat-like eyes gave him away.
"I'm sorry, Geralt. I thought of it as a mere party trick. And it's not like it is helpful when we are off on adventures." I laugh and 'apologize' for not showing my husband sooner.
"You better be sorry!" He charges out of the woods and into the stream, getting both you and Ciri wet again, before lifting you by the waist and carrying you back to base on his shoulder. Everyone was laughing and peace was covering the three of them.
Just a moment of peace.
Author's Cup of Tea:
I am so sorry the ending was bad. I didn't know what to put for the ending so I winged it. Thank you all so much for your love and support of my work! I love to see everyone enjoying it.
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davnittbraes · 2 years
The First Step - Chapter One
Part of The World Is Light, Embodied.
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader (eventually)
Rating: Explicit (also eventually)
Word Count: 3100
Warnings etc: Reader insert, female reader, anxiety, stressful situations
Notes: Thanks to everyone who interacted with The Problem, a little snippet of this fic that I posted a few days ago - you gave me the motivation to finally get this series cleaned up and throw it out there. Also I’m making some shit up about Bakura here, just filling in some worldbuilding gaps. If it’s not on Wookieepedia, it’s mine.
Please check out the Series Masterlist page for more info.
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“I know, I know. You think I’m being unfair. And honestly, I can see how that’s justified from your perspective. But let’s take a step back and look at the simple facts of the situation: this is my sandwich, and you’ve got an entire kriffing mountain to pick through if you’re hungry.”
The Bakuran deer flicks an ear with a stubbornly defiant attitude that you can appreciate despite it being directed at you. Sighing, you pull an apple out of your backpack and toss it gently toward the deer.
“Fine, eat that, it’s better for you than a sandwich anyway. Just keep this between us, ok? I’ve only got enough food for myself for a few days, definitely not enough to feed you and all of your friends.”
Tentatively, the deer takes a step toward the apple, stretching its long, graceful neck to sniff at it. There’s a flash of realization in that wild gaze, then it’s pulling the apple into its mouth and crunching enthusiastically.
Settling back onto the fallen log you’ve re-purposed as a temporary seat, you bite into your sandwich with a little extra ferocity, narrowing your gaze at the deer as it finishes the apple and looks at you with a distinctly hopeful expression.
Nope, not gonna happen.
Sure, you can forage well enough - you’ve lived off the land a few times in your life, scraping together food and shelter from whatever you could find wherever you were living at the time, whether it was forest or mountain or the backstreets of cities. But you’ve also gone hungry enough times to know you’d rather not get to that point.
With a short huff to emphasize your unwillingness to share more of your lunch, you stand up and wave a hand toward the deer. It startles and takes off, moving with that fluid grace only wild animals can achieve.
Then you’re blessedly alone once again.
And what better place to be alone than this place, right now?
The sun is high, light filtering through the treetops at a slight angle, beams that flicker as the soft breeze plays through the leaves. This part of Bakura is beautiful, still untouched by the growing centres of civilization popping up around the planet, full of people drawn by the booming commercial trade. The soil of this mountain range is too rocky, the weather too unpredictable for any type of agriculture, and the expense of building up here, so far from any city centre, just isn’t appealing to even the most enterprising entrepreneur. Which means this mountain range is still wild, devoid of humans and other similarly noisy, destructive beings. A perfect refuge for those looking for solitude.
And pfassk, you definitely need some of that.
A shudder runs down your spine at the memory of the day before. You were finishing up your work day and trying to head home to pack for this trip but people just kept talking to you. Asking what your plans were for vacation, asking where else you’d travelled to, suggesting places they’d been and how much you’d love it - as if they knew anything about you that would make them qualified to suggest vacation spots for you.
So many people. And so many questions.
The last namana berry harvest had yielded more than twice as much as anticipated, thanks to some lucky weather, so your employer had pulled in temporary workers from other namana tree farms, and your quiet little commune had tripled in size overnight.
Which, if you’re being honest with the tree that you’re currently staring blankly at, sucked big furry bantha balls.
You finish off your sandwich and readjust your backpack, moving forward before you swallow your last bite.
With more people came more eyes on you, more curious questions, more attempts at building ‘rapport’ or whatever was a precursor to friendships - things you had avoided for years, with very few exceptions. Relationships were messy and demanding and came with unnerving concepts like trusting people.
The forest floor slopes gently upward, some unseen path carrying your feet higher and higher. You don’t really have a goal in mind aside from finding somewhere peaceful, beautiful, serene. Somewhere to camp out for a few days and think about what comes next for you.
What the next step is.
It’s time, you know that. Sudden increase in nearby population aside, you’ve been on Bakura for three years now, one of the longest steps you’ve ever taken. It had been perfect for you in the beginning, a little out-of-the-way planet at the end of a barely-used trade route with no particularly defining feature to attract attention. Other than namana liquor, of course, but although it was Bakura’s main export and a popular drink in the Core Worlds it certainly wasn’t enough to bring anyone of note out this far.
The mid-sized namana berry farm had been ideal at first, offering both food and lodging as well as reasonable pay in exchange for labour. It had been a place for you to live the quiet, unobtrusive existence you needed. But you’ve already heard rumours of your boss looking to continue expanding operations, building on the success of this year’s harvest to increase overall yield, break into more markets, bring in more workers, and all the other things that savvy business people do.
You don’t want to be around when that happens.
The mountain suddenly slopes up, a steep incline that stretches as far as you can see, broken by jagged outcroppings of grey and white rock that jut out from the ground like miniature mountains themselves. You opt to pick your way between them instead of attempting to skirt around the incline, thoughts drifting as you wander through clusters of towering stone. It’s peaceful, the sounds of the forest fading as you hike further into the rocks, sunlight alternating between brightening the path and casting you in shadow when you squeeze through another group of boulders.
More people. More needless chatter.
More questions about who you are and where you come from.
Yep, it was definitely time to move on.
A flash of bright light suddenly hits you square in the face and you reel, blinking rapidly to clear your vision, looking around to find the source. “What –”
There, in a wide clearing between two outcroppings, maybe a couple dozen paces away, previously hidden from view behind the overlapping stones.
Sunlight glinting off of a hulking shape, rising to the tops of the rocks.
What in crikking hells was a starship doing parked on a Bakuran mountainside?
Your instincts kick into high gear and you quickly duck back behind a boulder, every sense tuned for signs of movement around you, hand grasping the grip of the blaster strapped to your thigh. You didn’t go far without it - old habits die hard or whatever they say - though you definitely hadn’t expected to use it on this vacation.
But the only people who would park a starship on a mountain on Bakura were either good people hiding from something or bad people hiding from something. 
And even good people could become bad people if their hiding spot was threatened.
Time to find another mountain to vacation on. 
You start to take a step back the way you came until you hear the pneumatic hiss and metallic grinding of a door opening. 
Dank farrik. 
The hair on the back of your neck rises as you press against the boulder, trying to mould your body into the rock as tightly as possible and stay out of view of the door that’s sliding open on the side of the ship.
Taking a deep breath, you slip into a familiar thought pattern.
Calm. Focus. Control.
Your heartbeat is a steady thrum in your ears, reassuring - you’ve been in far worse situations than this and that same heart is still beating. 
Examine your surroundings for escape routes. 
Keep still and wait until you know where the potential enemy is. 
Minutes pass, the only sound is the skittering of leaves tossed across the rocky surfaces around you.
Ok. Well. You also couldn’t hide here forever.
Slowly, you tilt your body out from the boulder, craning to peer just over the curve of the rock until you can see the open door and ramp leading to it. 
It’s empty. 
There’s no one in sight. 
Doesn’t mean there’s not someone watching from the shadowy depths of the ship that you can barely make out through the doorway. Or maybe someone opened the door remotely and is about to step into the clearing. 
Either way, your best bet is to slip back behind the boulder and away through the rocks, get off this mountain before whoever owns the ship finds you. 
But your gaze catches on the sight of faint writing on the side of the ship, paint faded and worn. Probably the ship’s name and identification code. You can’t make it out from here though, not that it would do you much good if you could - you’d never learned the types of ships and at this point in your life, you’d given up trying. Ships were mechanical, and like all things mechanical, hated you and usually stopped working properly the minute you touched them. 
It looks old, probably pre-Empire. Not bristling with weapons or heavily shielded - maybe a cargo ship or something? 
The wind picks up and shifts toward you, carrying a soft, cooing sound. Your gaze automatically moves toward it - there. 
A tiny figure peeking out from behind the ramp. 
It’s a… someone. All you can make out is a kind of lumpy robe and some sort of hat that sticks out on each - wait, are those ears?
Then it moves, shuffling toward you, stepping into a stream of sunlight. 
Wrinkly, pale green skin, barely-there wisps of white hair between floppy, pointed ears so big they look like if they caught a strong breeze the creature would topple over. Large, wide eyes that take up most of its face, so bottomless they look black at first until the sunlight glints off the amber irises within. 
And those eyes are looking right at you. 
You stay absolutely still. 
Calm. Focus. Control. 
Ignore the panic that threatens to tighten your chest and increase your heart rate. 
Focus on breathing shallow and light
Minimize your movements.
Maybe it’s a coincidence that those eyes are looking at you. Maybe the creature doesn’t actually see you, maybe it’s -
Lifting its tiny arms, three-fingered hands reaching in your direction, cooing softly. As if it’s calling to you.
Ok, what are your options?
The creature seems harmless, its movements are awkward, almost uncoordinated. Plus, it must barely come up to your knee - although in your experience sometimes the smallest creatures pack the most painful bite.
And it might not be alone, maybe it’s got friends - big ones, the kind of friends who are fully geared and ready to kill on sight. Sure, you’ve got your blaster and a hunting knife but you’re definitely not prepared to take on an army of fighting types.
The creature suddenly moves, startling you out of your thoughts. It shuffles toward you a few steps, lifting its arms and making little grabby motions with its tiny clawed hands.
The universal gesture of children asking for something.
A cold shiver runs down your spine as realization dawns.
The thing is a kid?
Who would leave a kid out here alone?
You chew on your bottom lip, debating. You can’t risk stepping out into the open and giving away your location but this little… thing-child is going to do that on its own anyway, if you wait much longer.
At least if you make the first move, you’ll maybe have the element of surprise on your side.
Moving slowly, you ease your blaster from its holster and flick the safety off.
The kid is only a few paces away now. You straighten your shoulders and step away from the boulder to prop your arm up on it, blaster in hand and aimed at the door of the ship.
Frowning down at the little green thing, you pitch your voice low. “What do you want?”
The creature’s cooing intensifies, hands stretching up to you. Other than that, he doesn’t respond.
“Do you speak Basic?”
Little arms fall to his sides as if defeated, and he heaves a big sigh that almost makes you smile, coming from such an innocuous thing.
“Take that as a no.”
The little guy sits down, suddenly distracted by a small, round beetle scurrying along the ground between its feet. It's tiny hand deftly swipes it, lifting it up to show you, and you smile reflexively.
“Yes, that’s a very pretty bug.” You glance around the clearing again. “So uh, you got someone looking after you?”
It waggles the beetle at you again, the bug’s wings twitching frantically as it tries to break free.
“No, uh, thank you. You keep it.”
It sighs again, and brings the beetle closer to its face, peering at it for a moment. Then in a surprisingly quick movement, it pops the beetle into its mouth.
Panic sets you in motion and you step out just a bit from your cover to reach for the kid. “No no I don’t think you should -”
It chirps playfully at you, chewing happily, grabby hands curling toward you again.
You tilt your head at it, considering. “Actually, I don’t know, maybe you eat bugs. I’ve never seen someone like you before. What are you, exactly?”
“Drop the blaster.”
The cold voice rips down your spine.
Every muscle in your body freezes, your senses flaring wide, searching for the source.
A breeze shifts the branches above you - a flash of silver in your peripheral catches your attention.
Dank farrik.
A blaster, a few paces away, pointed right at your head.
Lightning-fast, your gaze assesses the threat.
Bright silver. Dark brown. Worn leather. Ammunition - is that a kriffing sniper rifle? -  vibroblade, other unknown gadgets that are probably weapons.
Tall. Broad - like ridiculously so - solid frame. Stance relaxed, long legs spread, booted feet planted. Practiced. Experienced. Dangerous.
How can someone make standing look dangerous?
Black. Sharp black slicing through silver.
And behind that, a gaze so focused, so piercing, you can feel it, even though it’s hidden.
Your instincts shift, thoughts jumping frantically - kid, man with blaster, keep kid safe - then the little green creature babbles joyfully, waddling over to the armoured man and your thoughts flicker again.
Kid is with him. Ok. Kid is safe.
What about me?
The man doesn’t move, blaster still trained on you, low voice rasping through the helmet’s modulator.
“I said drop it.”
You can hold your own in a fight, are a decent shot with a blaster. But you’ve never faced off against someone like this guy before.
Sometimes the best way to win a fight is not to fight at all.
Slowly, deliberately, you raise your free hand, palm facing him to show your surrender. “Ok, I’m dropping it. Just turning the safety on.”
You flick your thumb over the safety switch and let go of the grip. The wind shifts, breeze tossing a slew of leaves across your boots, catching on your blaster as it falls to the ground.
A beat of silence, your heart pounding in your ears.
He speaks again, harsh words crackling through the air. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m on vacation.” No sense in lying, if he wants to kill you, he’s going to do it no matter your excuse. The helmet tilts slightly, as if in disbelief. “Honestly. I took a few days off, decided to camp out on this mountain, stumbled across your ship accidentally.”
“How did you unlock the door?”
You blink, gaze flicking automatically to the ship’s open door, then to the little guy at his feet. “I didn’t.”
He sighs, the sound crackling through the helmet’s modulator, and looks down at the creature, who chirrups back up at him. “I told you to stay in the ship.”
The creature doesn’t respond, just blinks up at him with those big eyes.
The whole interaction is downright adorable. Probably not a good time to comment on that, though.
You clear your throat. “Sorry for intruding. I’ll be going now, leave you to… whatever you’re doing. Not my business. Don’t want to know, really. I’ll just find my own mountain, one not currently in use.”
The man seems to hesitate for a moment, then slowly lowers his blaster.
You wait to see if he’s going to do anything else. When he doesn’t move, you bend to pick up your blaster, keeping your movements steady despite your body’s flight instinct kicking hard for your feet to run go fast now.
The kid burbles curiously and you can’t help but look at him, smiling at the sight of those big eyes and ridiculous ears turned in your direction. “See ya, kiddo.”
Before the terrifying wall of armour with legs can change his mind, you turn and walk away, adrenaline pushing you to take long strides, get as far away from this place as quickly as possible.
The loud coos of the little creature echo off the rocks, and instinctively you look back over your shoulder. It’s running toward you as fast as it’s little legs will carry it, hands outstretched. The man reacts quickly, scooping it up into his arms, and you turn away before he catches you watching.
Cute little kid. Not sure why he was so fascinated by you, though. Maybe it was just the sight of a friendly face after being around that cold, walking, talking hunk of metal.
Then again, the kid had seemed excited to see the man, even ran to greet him. They obviously had some kind of relationship, perhaps the kid was -
Nope. Doesn’t matter.
You shake your head to stop the thought from continuing.
With any luck, you’ll never see them again. You have absolutely no interest in getting wrapped up in whatever the crikking hells they’re doing with a starship on a Bakuran mountain.
You’ve lived out the adventure part of your life already, now all you want is some damn peace and quiet.
Your steps lighten as you continue through the forest, thoughts turning to alternative destinations for your vacation. Somewhere, anywhere - as far away from the strange man and his little green kid as your feet can take you before nightfall.
Next Chapter
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Virgo
Ah, Virgo, the meticulous maestro of the zodiac! If the cosmos had a resident perfectionist, it would be this sixth sign of the astrological wheel. Virgos may not wear capes, but they're the unsung heroes who keep the world spinning with their attention to detail, analytical prowess, and an uncanny ability to spot that microscopic lint on your shoulder. Since the Sun is nearing its final days in this mutable earth sign, I feel it’s more than appropriate to explore and celebrate everything about Virgo: the zodiac sign’s myths, its glyph, and its core characteristics.
The Virgo Vibe
     When it comes to astrology, the signs are much more than simple character traits. They are cosmic storytellers, revealing profound layers of human nature. Virgo, as one of the Earth signs, plays its part in this celestial narrative with remarkable finesse. Let's dive into the world of Virgo, exploring its Earthly essence, mutable modality, and the myths and realities that shape its unique character.
Virgo's Earth Element: Grounded Wisdom and Sensibility
     Virgos embody the Earth element with grace and precision. Picture them as nature's diligent architects, constructing their lives with a methodical approach. Earth signs, including Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn, share this fundamental connection to the tangible world. They are grounded, practical, and unwavering in their commitment to reality. In my guidebook, Astrology 101, I’ve dubbed Virgo “The Cosmic Perfectionist” because the astro-Virgin is the analytical, practical, detail- and service-oriented healer of the zodiac. Ruled by Mercury, the cosmic messenger, Virgo seeks to improve and refine with precision and attention to detail.
     Like fertile soil, Virgo individuals possess the power to nurture and sustain life. Their pragmatic nature allows them to cultivate ideas, relationships, and projects with a steady hand. They're the dependable friends who'll come to your rescue with a first-aid kit or sage advice, ready to tackle any practical challenge.
Virgo's Mutable Modality: Adaptability and Resourcefulness
     Virgo belongs to the mutable modality, sharing this trait with Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Mutability bestows adaptability, flexibility, and resourcefulness upon these signs. Virgo, however, brings a unique twist to the mutable dance.
     Imagine Virgo's mutable energy as a river, flowing steadily through the seasons. While they may not be as overtly changeable as some of their mutable counterparts, they possess a subtle talent for adjusting their course as needed. This adaptability manifests in their exceptional problem-solving skills. When life throws a curveball, Virgos calmly analyze the situation and devise practical solutions.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Planting Seeds of Change: Celebrating Earth Day Every Day
Shaina Tranquilino
April 29, 2024
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As the Earth blooms with the vibrant colours of spring, there's no better time to reflect on our relationship with our planet than on Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22nd. This Earth Day, I found myself compelled to take action, not just for a single day but as a commitment to a sustainable future. Inspired by the spirit of Earth Month, I decided to plant a tree, a simple yet powerful gesture to honour our planet and contribute to its well-being. But as I dug into the soil and watched the sapling take root, I realized that every day is an opportunity to make a positive impact on the Earth.
The Significance of Earth Day:
Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has served as a global reminder of the environmental challenges facing our planet. From climate change and deforestation to pollution and habitat loss, the threats to our environment are vast and urgent. Earth Day symbolizes a collective call to action, urging individuals and communities to come together in defense of our planet. It serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in preserving the natural world for future generations.
Planting Trees: A Timeless Tradition:
One of the most timeless and impactful ways to honor Earth Day is by planting trees. Trees are the lungs of our planet, absorbing carbon dioxide, producing oxygen, and providing vital habitat for countless species. By planting a tree, we not only mitigate the effects of climate change but also enrich our communities with beauty and biodiversity. And while Earth Day may serve as a catalyst for tree-planting initiatives around the world, the truth is that any day is a good day to plant a tree. Whether it's in your backyard, a community park, or a reforestation project halfway across the globe, every tree planted represents a tangible step towards a greener, more sustainable future.
Honouring Earth Every Day:
While Earth Day serves as a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to the planet, the truth is that our actions should extend far beyond a single day of the year. Each of us has the power to make a difference in our daily lives, whether it's through reducing our carbon footprint, conserving resources, or advocating for environmental policies. By adopting sustainable practices and fostering a deeper connection with the natural world, we can honour Earth not just on April 22nd, but every day of the year.
As I stand beside the newly planted tree, I'm reminded of the profound interconnectedness of all life on Earth. Each tree, each blade of grass, and each breath of air is part of a delicate web of existence that sustains us all. This Earth Day, let us renew our commitment to protecting and preserving our planet, not just for ourselves, but for all living beings that call Earth home. And let us remember that while Earth Day may come just once a year, the opportunity to make a difference is always in bloom. So, whether it's planting a tree, reducing waste, or advocating for change, let's celebrate Earth Day every day, in every action we take.
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musicwithoutborders · 2 months
Caroline Shaw · Sō Percussion, Some Bright Morning I Let the Soil Play Its Simple Part, 2021
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Unlocking the Essentials: Your Gutter System Explained!
Gutter Empire Vancouver: Your Ultimate Solution for Gutter Guard Services
When it comes to home maintenance, there’s one critical system often overlooked until it's too late: the gutter system. At Gutter Empire Vancouver, we understand that what keeps your basement dry and your foundations solid is hanging right above your head. We are dedicated to shielding your home from the elements, one gutter at a time. Today, let's dive into the basics of gutter systems and explain why each component is vital for your home's protection.
The Gutter System: Your Home’s First Line of Defense
The primary role of gutters is to channel rainwater away from your home's foundation. This simple yet crucial function prevents water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. The main components of a gutter system include the gutter itself, end caps, miters, downspouts, elbows, pipe cleats, gutter spikes, ferrules, and hangers. Each part plays a unique role in ensuring the system works efficiently.
1. The Gutter
The gutter is a horizontal channel installed along the edges of your roof. Its job is to catch rainwater and direct it to the downspouts. Without gutters, rainwater would simply pour off the roof, leading to soil erosion around the foundation, water in the basement, and potential damage to siding and windows.
2. The End Cap
End caps are critical because they close off the ends of gutters, preventing water from leaking out. Properly sealed end caps mean no leaks and no drama. They ensure that all the water collected in the gutter system is directed toward the downspouts.
3. Miters
Miters are used at the corners of the roof where two sections of gutters meet. They ensure a seamless flow of water around the edges of your roof, preventing water from escaping at the joints. Miters are essential for maintaining a consistent water flow and protecting the structural integrity of your home.
4. The Downspout
The downspout is the vertical pipe that carries water from the gutter down to the ground. This is where gravity becomes your friend! The downspout directs water away from your home's foundation, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion. A well-functioning downspout is crucial for effective water management.
5. Elbows and Pipe Cleats
Elbows and pipe cleats guide the water flow from the downspout to a specific area away from your home. Elbows change the direction of the water, while pipe cleats secure the downspout to the house. These components ensure that water is directed precisely where it should go, preventing pooling around the foundation.
6. Gutter Spikes and Ferrules
Gutter spikes and ferrules are used to secure the gutters to your home. They keep the gutters firmly attached, ensuring they can handle the weight of water during heavy rains. Ferrules are small tubes placed inside the gutter to prevent it from collapsing when the spikes are driven through.
7. Hangers
Hangers provide extra support to the gutter system. They are brackets that hold the gutters in place and prevent them from sagging. Properly installed hangers ensure that the gutter system remains functional and efficient over time.
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Why Gutter Guard Services Matter
At Gutter Empire Vancouver, we know that every part of your gutter system is crucial for protecting your home. However, even the best gutter system can get clogged with leaves, debris, and other materials. This is where our gutter guard services come into play.
Gutter guards are designed to keep debris out while allowing water to flow freely through the gutter system. They reduce the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance, prolong the life of your gutters, and prevent blockages that can lead to water damage.
Our team of experts at Gutter Empire Vancouver installs high-quality gutter guards that are tailored to your specific needs. We assess your home, recommend the best products, and ensure that they are installed correctly for maximum effectiveness.
Protecting your home starts with a well-maintained gutter system. Understanding the roles of each component helps you appreciate the importance of regular maintenance and professional services. At Gutter Empire Vancouver, we are committed to providing top-notch gutter guard services to keep your home safe from water damage. Trust us to handle your gutter needs, and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is well-protected.
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Unlock the Benefits of Liquid Lawn Fertilizer: How it Can Transform Your Yard
Ever wondered how to achieve that lush, vibrant lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood? The secret could be in liquid lawn fertilizer. This powerful solution can transform your yard from lackluster to luxurious in no time.
Liquid lawn fertilizer penetrates the soil quickly, delivering nutrients directly to where your grass needs them most. It's easy to apply and can significantly improve your lawn's health and appearance.
Ready to see the difference for yourself? Explore the world of liquid lawn fertilizer and give your yard the boost it deserves.
Even Distribution
One of the main benefits of using liquid lawn fertilizer is its ability to spread evenly across your lawn. Unlike granular options, liquid lawn fertilizer assures that every part of your grass receives the same amount of nutrients. This even distribution is crucial for preventing patchy growth and ensuring your entire lawn looks healthy and vibrant.
With liquid lawn fertilizer, you can avoid uneven spots and get consistent greenery throughout your yard. It's a simple and effective way to keep your lawn looking its best.
Quick Absorption
The quick absorption of liquid lawn fertilizer for spring care. This type of fertilizer gets to work fast, feeding your grass right away. Since it's liquid, it seeps into the soil easily, letting your lawn soak up all the nutrients it needs to grow thick and strong.
With lawn fertilizer for spring, you don't have to wait long to see results. Your lawn starts to look greener and healthier in no time, thanks to this fast-acting solution.
Easy Application
Applying the best grass fertilizer is simple. You just need to spray it over your lawn with a hose or a sprayer. This makes it easy for anyone to do, even if you're not a gardening expert. Plus, you don't have to worry about spreading it by hand or making a mess.
With liquid fertilizer, your lawn gets what it needs without any hassle. This easy application process is why many choose it as the best option for their grass.
The best fall lawn fertilizer is versatile. It works for many types of lawns. You can use it on different grasses. It helps your lawn get ready for winter. It also prepares it to grow well in spring.
This fertilizer is good for both cool and warm weather. It makes your lawn strong. It helps fight against cold and frost. That's why it's a great choice for your lawn in fall.
Eco-Friendly Options
Choosing eco-friendly options for your lawn is not only good for the environment but also for your yard. Products from https://www.revive.com offer a green solution. They nourish your lawn without harmful chemicals.
This means safer play areas for kids and pets. It also means helping the planet. By using eco-friendly products, you help your lawn and the earth. These products are easy to use and good for all types of grass.
Discover All About Liquid Lawn Fertilizer
Liquid lawn fertilizer makes your grass green and healthy. It spreads easily and works fast. You don't need much time to use it. It can be made just right for your yard. Some are even good for the earth. This helps your lawn and the planet.
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safethaw · 4 months
Melting Myths: How Salt Acts On Ice
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As winter envelops our surroundings, the shimmering blanket of snow and ice paints a picturesque scene. However, beneath this beauty lies the treacherous task of navigating icy pathways and roads. That's where the magic of salt ice melt comes into play. While many recognize its value in de-icing, misconceptions abound. Let's debunk some myths and delve into the true science of how salt acts on ice. The Simple Science Of Salt And Ice When salt is sprinkled on ice, it doesn't just magically make the ice disappear. The true process is both beautiful and scientifically intriguing. Salt, when it comes into contact with ice, lowers the freezing point of the water. This phenomenon is known as 'freezing point depression.' Essentially, salted ice requires a colder temperature to remain frozen than unsalted ice. This means that, even in cold conditions, salt can cause the ice to revert to a liquid state, making pathways and roads more navigable. Misconceptions And Their Meltdown - Myth 1: Any salt will do the trick.Truth: While common table salt can melt ice, other variants like calcium chloride and magnesium chloride can be even more effective, especially at lower temperatures. Each salt variant has a different freezing point, which determines its efficiency. - Myth 2: Salt works instantly.Truth: The effectiveness of salt depends on various factors like temperature, the type of salt, and the amount of salt used. While it can work quickly under certain conditions, patience is sometimes required. - Myth 3: Salt melting is 100% environment-friendly.Truth: Traditional salt ice melt can lead to environmental concerns. Runoffs can elevate water salinity, harming aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, high salt concentrations can degrade soil quality, affecting vegetation. Lastly, some salts can be corrosive, leading to infrastructure damage over time. Safe Thaw: The Modern Solution To Traditional Challenges In light of the above concerns, it's essential to have a solution that is both effective and eco-friendly. Enter Safe Thaw, a revolutionary product that addresses the downsides of traditional salt ice melts: - Toxin-Free Solution: One of the standout features of Safe Thaw is its chloride and toxin-free nature, ensuring reduced environmental impact. - Protect Your Assets: Corrosion is a significant concern when using traditional salts. Safe Thaw, with its non-corrosive properties, guarantees no harm to industrial property, machinery, or electrical setups. - Potent and Long-Lasting: The concentrated formula of Safe Thaw ensures its long-term effectiveness, reducing the need for frequent reapplications, and hence, saving costs in the long run. - A Leap in Innovation: What truly sets Safe Thaw apart is its patented composition. The modified crystalline amide core, when paired with a special glycol admixture and traction agents, takes ice melting to a whole new level. Looking Ahead: Making Informed Choices The age-old practice of using salt for ice melt is a testament to human ingenuity. However, as our understanding evolves and environmental concerns come to the forefront, it's crucial to adapt and adopt better solutions. Safe Thaw emerges as a beacon in this scenario, marrying effectiveness with eco-friendliness. By opting for such products, not only do we make our immediate surroundings safer, but we also contribute to a broader goal of environmental stewardship. In conclusion, while salt will continue to play its part in battling winter's icy grip, products like Safe Thaw underscore the importance of innovation in everyday solutions. It's not just about melting ice; it's about doing so responsibly, efficiently, and sustainably. Read the full article
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ainews · 5 months
Harvests have been an essential part of society since the dawn of agriculture. They are a time where crops are gathered, and resources are plentiful. However, while most people associate harvests with farms and fields, there is one industry where harvests are equally important - the sewer industry.
Yes, you read that right - sewers have harvests too. But why are these harvests so vital for sewers, and how are they an evolutionary process for the industry?
Firstly, let's establish what exactly a sewer harvest is. In simple terms, it is the process of removing solid materials (known as sludge) from the bottom of sewage treatment plants. This sludge is made up of human waste, food waste, and other organic matter that has been broken down by bacteria. The sludge is then treated and disposed of, allowing the clean water to be released back into the environment. This process happens several times a year and is crucial for maintaining the proper functioning of sewage treatment plants.
Now, you may be wondering why this process is called a harvest. The answer lies in the fact that the sludge removed from the sewage treatment plants is actually a valuable resource. Once treated, it can be used as fertilizer for agricultural land, thus completing the cycle of food production. This is particularly important in areas where soil quality is poor, as it provides a natural and sustainable solution for improving soil health.
But beyond the practical aspect, sewer harvests have also been critical in the evolution of the sewer industry. In the past, sewage was often dumped directly into rivers and oceans, causing severe pollution and health concerns. As the world's population grew and cities became more densely populated, this became an unsustainable and dangerous method of waste disposal.
The introduction of sewage treatment plants and the concept of sewer harvests was a significant step towards solving this problem. It allowed for the safe disposal of waste and the reuse of valuable resources. It also paved the way for further innovations in sewage treatment and management, such as the use of advanced technologies and renewable energy sources.
Moreover, sewer harvests have also played a crucial role in raising awareness about the importance of proper waste management and the impact of human activities on the environment. As people began to see the positive results of these harvests, they became more invested in supporting and promoting sustainable practices in their communities.
In conclusion, while harvests may seem like a purely agricultural concept, they are also a fundamental part of the sewer industry. They not only help keep our cities and waterways clean but also provide a sustainable solution for managing waste and improving soil health. As the world continues to evolve, so too will the sewer industry, and harvests will continue to be essential for its growth and development.
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quantifynorthamerica · 7 months
The Art of Elevation: How High Should Your Wood Floor Structures Be?
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Imagine standing on a beautifully crafted wooden floor, its rich grains beneath your feet, its warmth radiating up. Now, have you ever paused to think about the intricacies that lie beneath? The hidden world of beams, girders, and joists is all expertly elevated off the ground to give you that solid feel. It’s a marvel of engineering and design.
For the uninitiated, it might seem like a simple wooden platform. But for those keen on details, understanding the perfect elevation of these components is crucial. Whether you're a budding builder, a curious homeowner, or someone with a penchant for wooden wonders, let's embark on this journey to uncover the secrets of wood floor framing elevations together.
Why Elevation Matters in Wood Floor Framing
Now, why the fuss about elevation in wood floor framing? It’s like asking why a chef cares about the heat of an oven. Elevation ensures the wood breathes, lives, and lasts a lifetime! Let's get into the nitty-gritty of it.
First up, there’s ventilation. By giving our wooden components a little lift, we’re letting the airflow beneath. Imagine wearing a heavy coat on a hot day; you’d be sweating buckets. Similarly, without proper elevation, wood can't "breathe", leading to moisture accumulation, rot, and unsightly fungal growth.
Then there's the ever-looming threat of pests. By pests, we're not talking about nosy neighbors but termites. By elevating our wood floor framing, we’re putting up a "No Entry" sign for these tiny destroyers. It’s like giving your wooden structures their very own bodyguards.
Lastly, let’s talk about soil. Earth is moist, and wood in direct contact with it? A recipe for disaster. Elevated wood means less direct contact with soil, ensuring longevity and reducing maintenance nightmares.
Getting to Know the Wood Floor Joists
Imagine floor joists as the silent guardians of your floor, holding it up like Atlas with the world on his shoulders. They might be hidden, but their role is undeniable.
The recommended height for floor joists in residential structures is usually around 18 inches above the ground. Why this specific height, you ask? Well, 18 inches provides just the right clearance for insulation, electrical lines, plumbing, and other utilities. It's like providing a cozy little underground city for all the hidden workings of a home.
However, it's not just about utility space. This height is also a deterrent for moisture and, yes, our tiny foes - termites. But as always, your local hero (the building code) might have its take. So, always double-check to keep things up to spec.
Girders: The Elevated Pillars of Support
Girders, the unsung heroes of the hard wood floor framing world. They're the pillars, the support beams that make sure everything stays just where it should.
The golden number for girders? Typically, they like to float at least 12 inches off the ground. This height is like the Goldilocks zone. It's just right to ensure they're kept away from moisture but still close enough to support the structure above effectively.
Thinking about the local building codes again? You're catching on. They're like the rulebooks of a game. And in the game of construction, we want to play by the rules to ensure safety and durability.
Beams: The Horizontal Heroes Below Our Feet
Now, onto the beams, those robust horizontal wonders that crisscross beneath our feet, offering a foundation as solid as bedrock. Beams are the unsung melodies that make the entire composition harmonious.
Hovering around 8 inches off the ground, beams have a slightly lower profile than joists and girders. But don’t let that fool you. They've still got enough clearance to avoid any unwanted moisture from the ground below.
Why not as high as joists or girders? Well, beams often have a different role, providing lateral support and tying various parts of the structure together. But, as our recurring theme suggests, always give a nod to local codes. They might have their own tune to which our beams should dance.
Factors Influencing Elevation Decisions
If you’ve ever tried choosing an ice cream flavor at a parlor with dozens of options, you'll understand that some decisions are influenced by various factors. Just like your choice between Rocky Road and Mint Chocolate Chip depends on your mood, the elevation of wood floor framing isn't a one-size-fits-all decision.
Soil is our first influencer. Picture different soils as the various personalities we encounter in life. Some are dry and standoffish, while others are wet and clingy. The type of soil under your construction can significantly impact the height decision. If it’s moisture-loving soil, you might want to give your wooden structures a bit more elevation to keep them away from that damp embrace.
Then there’s Mr. Weather. If you’re in an area that sees rain as often as Seattle or has the potential of flooding like New Orleans, you’ll want your wood a tad higher. Think of this as giving your wood its very own pair of rain boots.
Lastly, let’s not forget the type of wood itself. Just like humans, woods have their own quirks and sensitivities. Some might be more resilient, while others may need extra care and, thus, a bit more elevation. For more details visit us at https://quantifyna.com/.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Ah, the pitfalls and potholes of the construction journey. We've all been there. You think you've got everything covered, and then, you realize you missed a detail. When it comes to wood floor framing, avoiding these common missteps is key.
One frequent error? Assuming what worked for Mr. Jones will work for Mrs. Smith. Every project is a unique beast, with its own challenges and needs. Treating every project as its own entity ensures that you're catering to its specific requirements.
Remember those local building codes we chatted about? Ignoring them is like ignoring speed limits on the road: risky and potentially costly. These codes are there for a reason, like a cookbook recipe. Miss a step or an ingredient, and your dish might not turn out as expected.
Lastly, and it's a big one, is underestimating the importance of good materials and ventilation. Think of this as choosing between a gourmet meal and fast food. While the latter might be quicker and cheaper, in the long run, investing in quality always pays off. No one likes a sagging floor or beams that have seen better days.
From the hovering heights of joists to the sturdy stance of beams and girders, the world of wood floor framing is a dance of design, science, and art. By understanding the importance of elevation and the factors influencing it, we ensure that our wooden structures not only stand tall and proud but also remain resilient and long-lasting. 
So the next time you find yourself marveling at a wooden structure, you’ll appreciate the intricate details that went into its creation, knowing that beneath those stunning floors lie tales of elevation, protection, and craftsmanship.
Read More:
Conventional Wood Framing
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beauholove · 7 months
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A Painting For Tymon, inspired by The Fly Agaric @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques
Some of his quotes, from which this painting, from which this painting takes heavy inspiration
Time heals all brain holes it seems
Damp dark soil, filled with all manner of things rich and thriving
Watched her as she dropped each little token of life in its new home
Smoothing the turned soil over her darlings. Only that gardening sometimes feels like i am burying family. Burying friends
It’s a hard ordeal to bury something Erik agreed, tilting his head as he ran his own bare fingers through the dirt, every silvery scar wrapping around them alight with sunshine. But from such plots come such fragrant memories. It was in little exchanges like these, so simple and so mired in her husband’s own queer fashion, that she found herself able to make dinner in peace
I think the best compliment is to remember one’s writings and words
Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth as there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again, he stooped down and wrote on the ground
What I love about @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques The Fly Agaric is that he has cleverly used soil and the garden as the central theme to his fiction. Hereby, we see Erik and Christine actually come together naturally amidst their whatever differences that they might have and it is in gardening they have this in common between them, came to an agreement and a certain peace. The author LGF, used the analogy of the soil to signify both the birth of life and death, ironically both found in soil. The soil also held a divine meaning, in which in the Beginning ( of life of mankind ) God first used the dust and soil of the ground to create the first Mankind in The Garden in which God Himself would have a relationship with. The writings of both authors in this case is similar, when we have Erik and Christine bent over sowing seeds of life and God Himself bent over as if in child’s play dough, forming Man from the damp dark soil in the ground. And then we see Erik’s fingers running through the dirt, as LGF has described as every silvery scar in a similar scene as God’s fiction in which Jesus stooping over running his fingers writing on the ground. Both of them in an attempt to bury the past, scarred memories or dead events. We note that LGF has laid the important themes in the beginning of his story The Soil, The Garden and importantly Unfortunately for him, Christine never forgets. Hence this scene is exceptionally touching, as we actually see Erik as Christine’s emotional support, agreeing with her and stopping together beside her, helping her to bury memories of her past, which frequently surfaced in her mind, even as she carried on with the chores of her daily life. I also note this story of LGF described and played heavily on the theme of Christine’s mind. Readers were actually able to read the thoughts of Christine, which was veiled to others. Indeed the mind is so important as it helps us to frame perspectives and truly it controls almost every part of our body and actions. “clinging to her arms like he’d won her at a carnival” was how she really felt. LGF managed to describe real and vivid examples of how although how we can’t help but feel and respond in a certain way towards a certain person or event, due to how our brain perceive and react. Ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, we have lived in a very much imperfect world of suffering. Wounds, scars and brain holes are inevitable due to the imperfections of man. In fact most of these brain holes are inflicted by family or friends closest to us, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly, for in Jesus’ famous last words, He cried “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” We read online of horror stories of horrible men committing horrible atrocities deserving condemnation, yet the sad truth is most of them turned out this way due to neglect, hardship and similar abuse unto them and the cycle of evil continues. My favourite part of my drawing is the blood clots in the brainholes mired with soil, upon from out of which all baby birches rich and thriving are birthed. My biggest apologies to everyone as I had tried to adapt Van Gogh’s painting for his nephew also named after him Vincent - Almond Blossom but it didn’t look similar. I hope the idea and thriving manner the branch blossoms are drawn make up for gaffes. It is also interesting to note the lives of the three different Vincent Van Goghs “ coincidentally held a very Christian analogy in the first VVG representing the law, the second VVG representing a type of Jesus, the third VVG representing an inheritor, something I learnt together with my soul mate this year as it was he who contributed such readings about VVG that even I didn’t know about.
The brain was also shaped like a fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and spherical earth like. The yellow and blue spiral staircase inspired by my experiences on Tumblr this year, yellow and blue is our theme, and also dedicated to everyone out there who suffers from a spiralling mind ( mental awareness week ) The staircase is painted as royal golden stairways to Heaven as these minds are often beautiful in their ways too. And even if they should fall, they fall into the bosoms of the everlasting petals of The Rose Palm. The Rose did not lie to the Little Prince. It’s true that there was only one special rose of its kind. The blue and white ladder is inspired by the DNA gene 🧬 and spiral staircase which I have learned from Prince’s analogy one first Sunday of the year
There are many amazing details in The Fly Agaric, in which the author LGF has infused in his fic, which should be savoured and understood in depth, which is why I have taken my time to read and re read and let this fic linger in me, instead of hastily reading through and then moving on to other fics. The theme was also my favourite and I think no other author has made me cried so much in my life but Tymon, hence the title of my painting A Painting for Tymon. Thanks @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques for the awesome story. I hope this detailed compliment is the best compliment you have ever received among all the compliments for this work
Forever yours,
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davekendrick · 10 months
Mastering the Art of Watering: Essential Techniques for Healthy Plants
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Watering is a crucial element in the care and maintenance of plants. While it may seem like a simple task, understanding the art of watering can greatly impact the health and vitality of your plants. This article aims to provide valuable insights and techniques for mastering the art of watering, ensuring that your plants thrive and flourish. So, let's dive in and explore the essentials of watering.
Understanding Watering Basics
Watering is the process of providing plants with the necessary moisture they need to grow and thrive. To master this art, it's essential to understand the basic principles surrounding watering. Water is vital for plants as it serves several crucial functions. It helps transport essential nutrients from the soil to the different parts of a plant, provides structural support, and aids in cooling through evaporation. Without adequate watering, plants can become dehydrated, leading to stunted growth, wilting, and even death. To ensure healthy plants, you must take into consideration the factors that influence watering requirements, such as plant species, climate, soil type, and stage of growth. Adapting watering techniques to these factors will ultimately optimize plant health and growth.
The Importance of Proper Timing
Timing plays a critical role in effective watering. Watering at the right time of day can significantly affect the water uptake by plants, reducing water loss through evaporation and ensuring proper absorption. Early morning (around sunrise) is generally the best time to water your plants. At this time, temperatures are cooler, winds are calmer, and the sun is not at its peak. Watering in the early morning allows plants to absorb moisture before the heat of the day, reducing the risk of disease development and minimizing evaporation. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day (midday to early afternoon) when the sun is at its strongest. Water droplets on leaves can act as magnifying glasses, intensifying the sun's rays and potentially scorching the foliage. Additionally, much of the water will evaporate before it has a chance to seep into the soil, leaving your plants thirsty and susceptible to dehydration. Evening watering is not recommended either because wet foliage overnight can promote the growth of fungi and increase the risk of diseases. Excess moisture on leaves can also attract pests. However, if morning watering is not feasible, late afternoon (approximately 4-6 hours before sunset) can be an alternative time to water.
Water Quantity: Striking the Right Balance
Another vital aspect of mastering the art of watering is determining the appropriate amount of water to give your plants. Overwatering and underwatering are common mistakes that can lead to detrimental effects on plant health. The key is to strike a balance specific to each plant's needs. Factors such as plant type, size, growing medium, and environmental conditions all contribute to determining the right amount of water. To check if your plants require watering, perform a simple soil moisture test. Insert your finger into the soil near the plant's base, about 2-3 inches deep. If the soil feels dry, it's an indication that watering is needed. However, if the soil feels moist, hold off on watering. Remember, overwatering can lead to root rot and suffocate the plant. As a general guideline, most plants prefer a consistent level of moisture, not bone-dry soil or flooded roots. Aim for a moist but well-drained soil to ensure healthy root development and prevent waterlogging. Adjust the frequency and quantity of water based on the specific needs of your plants.
The Importance of Proper Watering Techniques
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Watering techniques can greatly impact the health of your plants. Different techniques are suitable for various plant types and growth stages, ensuring that water reaches the roots and is optimally absorbed. For smaller plants or seedlings, use a gentle watering method, such as a watering can with a fine rose attachment or a misting bottle. This allows for even distribution of water without disturbing the delicate roots. For larger plants or those with more extensive root systems, such as trees and shrubs, a soaker hose or drip irrigation system is beneficial. These methods deliver water directly to the root zone, minimizing water loss through evaporation and promoting deep root growth. Whenever possible, avoid overhead watering methods, such as sprinklers, especially during hot and sunny periods. Sprinklers tend to distribute water unevenly and can water foliage more than the soil, potentially leading to disease and wasting water due to evaporation.
Proper Drainage: Setting the Stage for Healthy Roots
Good drainage is vital to ensure healthy root growth and prevent waterlogged soil, which can suffocate plant roots and lead to root rot. Proper drainage allows excess water to flow away, preventing standing water around the roots. To enhance drainage, consider the following techniques: - Use well-draining soil: Choose a high-quality potting mix or amend your garden soil with organic matter to improve drainage. - Raised beds: If planting in a garden, creating raised beds can improve drainage, particularly in areas with heavy clay soils. - Add drainage materials: For potted plants, consider adding a layer of gravel or small rocks at the bottom of the container to facilitate water drainage. Additionally, ensure that plants are not planted too deep in the soil as this can impede drainage. The crown of the plant should be level with or slightly above the soil surface to prevent excessive moisture retention.
Watering Considerations for Different Plant Types
Watering techniques may vary depending on the type of plants you are growing. Let's explore the specific watering considerations for a few common plant types: Succulents and Cacti Succulents and cacti are adapted to dry environments and have low water requirements. They are naturally equipped to store water within their leaves and stems. When watering succulents, allow the soil to dry out between waterings, ensuring you provide enough water to penetrate the deeper roots. Leafy Greens and Vegetables Leafy greens and vegetables often have shallow root systems and require frequent watering. Keep the soil consistently moist, especially in hot weather. Providing a layer of mulch around the base of the plants can help retain moisture and prevent weeds from competing for water. Ornamental Flowers Ornamental flowers have varying watering needs depending on the type of flower. Research the specific requirements for the flowers you are cultivating. In general, ensure the soil is evenly moist without becoming waterlogged. Watering the base of the plant, rather than the foliage, prevents fungal issues and ensures the water reaches the roots.
The Art of Watering Indoor Plants
Watering indoor plants presents unique considerations. With limited access to natural elements, it's crucial to master the art of watering for optimum indoor plant health. Indoor environments tend to have lower humidity levels, so indoor plants may require more frequent misting to create a humid microclimate. However, be cautious not to oversaturate the leaves, as this can encourage the growth of fungal diseases. When watering indoor plants, remember that containers with drainage holes are essential to prevent waterlogging. Ensure that water does not accumulate in the saucer beneath the container, as this can lead to root rot. Regularly check for signs of moisture stress or excessive water retention to adjust your watering routines accordingly.
Mastering the art of watering is essential for promoting healthy plant growth and vitality. By understanding the basic principles of watering, adopting proper timing and techniques, and considering the specific needs of different plant types, you can ensure optimal moisture levels for your plants. Remember to strike a balance, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings and avoiding overwatering that can lead to root rot. With these essential techniques, you will become a water-savvy gardener, nurturing thriving and lush plants. Read the full article
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twnenglish · 1 year
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Soil and Growing Nutrient-Rich Food: Sustainable Agriculture
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Imagine biting into a juicy, ripe tomato, bursting with flavor, or crunching on a carrot that's just as sweet as it is crunchy. Now, what if you could grow these in your backyard, and what's more, the nutrient content was through the roof? Well, the secret lies beneath your feet - in the soil. 
Healthy soil is the bedrock of a bountiful garden. It's where your food begins its journey, drawing vital nutrients that eventually end up on your plate. But how can you ensure your soil is teeming with everything your plants need? 
"Take care of the soil, and the soil will take care of your food."
That's the mantra of sustainable agriculture. It promotes the growth of nutrient-rich food while preserving the environment. But it's not just for large-scale farmers. You too can be a part of this movement, and your backyard garden is the perfect place to start. 
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Soil and Growing Nutrient-Rich Food: Sustainable Agriculture
What is Sustainable agriculture?
Sustainable agriculture refers to farming practices that respect the ecological cycles, enhance soil fertility and biodiversity, and promote fair treatment of workers. This approach aims at providing healthy food without damaging the environment or threatening human health. Through sustainable agriculture, we can produce nutrient-rich food while preserving our planet for future generations.
Want a rich harvest? It all starts with the soil. The secret to growing nutrient-packed food is maintaining a healthy soil ecosystem.
This is where sustainable agriculture comes into play. Think of your soil as a bustling city. It's teeming with microscopic organisms, each performing vital roles. They help break down organic matter, control pests, and even improve the soil's structure, making it easier for plants to access water and nutrients.
Nurture this ecosystem, and your plants will thank you with bountiful, nutrient-rich harvests. So, how exactly do you maintain healthy soil? It starts with organic matter.
Compost, cover crops, and organic mulches are your soil's best friends. They feed the soil's microorganisms, improve its structure, and gradually release nutrients that plants need to grow. Similarly, don't be too quick to pull out your till. Tilling can disturb the soil's ecosystem, decreasing its fertility over time. Instead, opt for no-till or reduced-till methods. These practices help maintain the soil's structure, retain moisture, and reduce erosion. Lastly, don't forget to rotate your crops.
Different plants have different nutrient needs and pest profiles. By changing what you plant each season, you help maintain a balance of nutrients in the soil and ward off pests. Remember, the health of our soil mirrors the health of our food. Sustainable agriculture isn't just about growing food today. It's about ensuring we can continue to grow nutrient-rich food for generations to come.
The Importance of Soil Health for Nutrient-Rich Food
Let's start with a simple truth - healthy soil equals healthy food. You can't have nutrient-rich fruits and veggies without first ensuring the ground they grow in is well-nourished. It's a symbiotic relationship that's as old as Mother Nature herself. 
So, why is soil health so important? Fantastic question! Soil health directly impacts the amount and diversity of nutrients your food can absorb. Think of it like this: your soil is the kitchen, and your plants are the chefs. Without a well-stocked kitchen (healthy soil), your chefs (plants) can't whip up those nutrient-rich dishes (fruits and veggies) you love. 
The Role of Soil Microorganisms 
Picture this - billions of microscopic organisms, all working tirelessly to break down organic material and make nutrients available to your plants. Sounds like a science fiction film, right? But it's happening right now, in your garden's soil. These microscopic heroes, known as soil microorganisms, play a pivotal role in maintaining soil health. 
From bacteria to fungi, these tiny workhorses work in harmony with your plants, helping them absorb nutrients more efficiently. Without these little guys, your soil would be like a desert - devoid of life and nutritional value. 
Practices to Promote Soil Health 
Now that you understand the importance and role of soil health, let's talk about how you can improve it. It's easier than you might think! Here are a few sustainable farming methods that can help: 
Composting: This is like making a multivitamin for your soil. Composting kitchen scraps and yard waste creates a rich organic material full of nutrients your plants will love.
Crop Rotation: Planting different crops in the same area over a period helps prevent soil-born diseases, and some plants even add nutrients back into the soil.
Cover Cropping: These plants are grown to be plowed back into the soil, improving soil structure and adding organic matter.
Remember, a little love for your soil can lead to a major payoff in the kitchen. Healthy soil produces nutrient-rich food, and that's a win for everyone!
Read This Full ARTICLE, Click Here
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iolawines · 1 year
A Few Things to Consider Before You Choose A Natural Wine Club
With no official definition for what natural wine is, there are loads of opinions out there. “Natural wine” is a term that gets wobbly pretty quickly, so let's get after it.
Our focus is on naturally made wines which, for us, includes natural wines, organic wines, biodynamic wines, sustainably grown wines as well as wines that do not carry any of these certifications. Our wine clubs could be considered natural wine clubs or organic wine clubs; since those two things aren’t the same and there’s plenty of gray area around natural wines, we use the term naturally made.
For Iola, when we say a wine is “naturally made,” we mean it’s been produced using long-proven, time-honored practices with minimal intervention in the vineyard and cellar and all of the wines in our French Red Wine Club and our Italian Red Wine Club are naturally made. But what do all of those certifications actually mean? Let’s unpack these terms at a high level; starting with natural wine.
What is Natural Wine and what makes it natural?
As we said in Part I, it’s tough to get very far in any conversation about wine – especially naturally made wines - without first talking about terroir. Yep, we hear about and talk about terroir A LOT. But, its for good reason as great wine begins in the vineyard and further, terroir is a key element in naturally made wines.
There are many definitions, opinions, ideas and perspectives about what terroir is. Terroir of course refers to a sense of place but what is that makes a single “place” distinctive and “unique”? My preferred definition comes from Isabelle Legeron, MW, the global leader of the natural wine movement. She describes terroir in her book Natural Wine as a combination of factors - the plants, animals, soil, geology, climate, weather, topography, etc which are unique to a place - in a given year. Definitions of terroir often leave out the notion of the vintage variations. Vintage variation is inherently part of farming and therefore part of viticulture. Vintage variation can’t help but influence that ever-important sense of place. Part of what we love about wine is this vintage variation, as our producer Sophie Cachard in Bandol, France says “it’s not coca-cola”. She is absolutely right.
Legeron also explains that different years present different growing conditions which affect all the life forms in a given place, each of which are inextricably linked to the others through symbiosis, dependence on the food chain or just because they happen to be in the same place at the same time. Legeron importantly notes that “Humans may also play a part in this context, but it is only ever a part. If humans dominate, then the expression of place dwindles…”
“How is wine I drink actually made?” That depends on what you’re drinking…
Why should we care about how humans play influence terroir? Answering this question takes us not only to the vineyard, but also to the winery and naturally leads to the question “How is the wine I drink actually made?” It’s easy to think (and believe) that wine is made pretty much by growing some grapes, harvesting them, plopping them into a vat or vessel, then said grapes somehow become wine which ends up in a bottle that we open and drink. In fact, most wine isn’t made this way. There is a spectrum of human intervention in both the vineyard and the winery.
How is Natural Wine Made?
Since we’re on a mission to get into natural winemaking here let’s focus there first. The answer to this question isn’t very lengthy. Staying at a high level, the idea is to do as little as possible to the grapes when they arrive at the winery. Isabelle Legeron’s definition of natural wine is “nothing added and nothing taken away” (of course the grapes must be at minimum farmed organically). Natural winemakers count on Mother Nature to provide what’s needed for these grapes to become wine. The intent really is to keep things as simple as growing some grapes, harvesting them, plopping them into a vat or vessel, and allowing nature to take it’s course so that said grapes somehow become wine which ends up in a bottle that we open and drink.
A natural wine is fermented with indigenous yeast. Where does this indigenous, native yeast come from? Yeast is everywhere, including in wineries and vineyards and on the skin of the grape. From here the idea is to do as little as possible. Many wine growers tell me that sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing. They monitor the fermentation but, instead of intervening they let nature take its course. Indigenous yeast fermentation is a great way to start the journey toward producing a living, vibrant wine. A natural wine may be lightly filtered and may get a low dose of Sulfites at bottling. But that’s pretty much it.
So, where’s the rub? And why isn’t all wine made this way?
Great questions! Natural wine gets complicated when we start talking about things like level of sulfites used: how much is too much for a wine to be considered natural? Lots of producers understandably feel like they want to make sure the wine arrives to the consumer sound and intact, rather than spoiled by the journey it makes which can happen to wines with low to no sulfites added. Filtration is another gray area on the spectrum of natural wines. Some producers feel that any filtration eliminates a wine from the category of natural wines while some are ok with some light filtration.
So why isn’t all wine naturally made? To answer that, we’ll look at the options and choices available for the production of conventional wine.
Additives in Wine
Back to the Question “How is wine I drink actually made?” Conventional wines, i.e., high volume production wines which are typically found in liquor stores, grocery stores and supermarkets, add a few steps to the process described above and do it all a lot faster.
Working backwards from Isabelle Legeron’s definition of nothing added nothing taken away, you might be wondering what sort of things might be added in the cellar even before fermentation begins? Additives in the cellar include sulfur dioxide (sulfites) which can be added at various times in the winemaking process from adding to just harvested grapes to adding to juice to adding again before bottling. A certified organic red wine in the EU can add up to 150mg of SO2. A conventional red wine in the the USA can add up to 350mg SO2. We look for producers in France and Italy committed to using as little S02 as possible; often less than 90mg and several don’t add any.
Water, acid and sugar can be added prior to fermentation to adjust the must if the winemaker isn’t pleased with what Mother Nature provided in a given year. Most places do not allow the addition of water, California is an exception and does allow the addition of water. Wine appellations in Europe and the USA have specific rules about the addition of both sugar and acid. There are appellations where these additions are not allowed as well as appellations where these additions are only allowed under certain circumstances.
At this stage a winemaker could elect to clarify the must prior to fermentation to remove any solid matter which some believe could cause off flavors in the final wine if not removed. Large production wineries use centrifuges to quickly separate solids. Doing everything fast is of critical importance for the production of high-volume wines found on supermarket shelves because time is money. The more time spent making a wine the more it will need to cost. The centrifuge can be used both before and after fermentation to quickly remove solids. Some winemakers find centrifuges to be a rough and harsh tool which damages the wine. A producer who believes in -or is required by their wine appellation rules - holding their wines for several months will have to charge more for their wines than a high volume producer who can get it out the door in a few months.
Just as sugar, acid and water can be added they can also be removed along with many other elements naturally present in wine. In her book Natural Wine, Isabelle Legeron describes the high tech tools such as the reverse osmosis machine “which is capable of separating out wine components and removing them if desired. You can for instance, zap out water (if it has rained too much), or alcohol, remove the taint of bushfire smoke, eliminate yeast strains that producer “unfavorable” flavors”. Legeron also describes cryoextraction which is used to freeze the grapes solidifying water content so it’s left behind at pressing, juice can be micro oxygenated or sterile filtered. All of this to say that there are lots of “processing aids” available to the modern winemaker.
Besides these processing aids and the addition of acid and sugar there are loads of other additives allowed in wine in the USA, Australia, Japan, and the EU. Some of these include wood powders and staves to simulate oak flavor, powdered tannin for, well, tannin, enhanced cultured yeasts to add flavors to the wine that were not naturally there, gelatin, phosphates, hydrogen peroxide, anti foaming agents, as well as animal derivatives like albumen from eggs, casein from milk, isinglass (an extract made from the swim bladders of fish) and trypsin (extracted from the pancreas of pigs and cows).
Mega Purple?
Mega Purple is a real additive used A LOT. Eater says it best, “This isn’t a metal tribute band — it’s a grape juice concentrate that, added in small amounts, will deepen a wine’s color, which wineries believe consumers associate with quality. Mega Purple also adds a touch of sweetness. If you’re the average drinker, you’ve most likely consumed it without knowing. Technically, the process is only combining one grape product with another, but this is one additive no one likes to admit using.” Some people find that avoiding Mega Purple makes for a headache free day after. (Just a random anecdotal perspective I’ve heard)
What about Organic Wines?
EU Organic wines must follow the strict requirements for organic winegrowing in the EU. They must provide analysis and documentation and may even receive surprise visits from inspectors. Organic wines are grown with the use of organic products in the vineyard. Most producers are using minimal treatments. However, because they aren’t using high powered herbicides, fungicides and pesticide that can be sprayed every once in awhile they have to treat their vines more frequently which adds up to time and as we know, time is money. Additionally, organic treatments simply cost more than chemicals do. Isabelle Legeron says on a Levi Dalton’s podcast I’ll Drink To That, “ When you farm organically it has to come from the heart because otherwise you’ll never go through with it.” I think this sums it beautifully. For me, wine is something that comes from the heart so it’s no surprise that Iola Wines is committed to sourcing organic and biodynamic wines made by top vigneronnes in France and Italy. So, whether you’re looking for an Organic Wine Club or a Natural Wine Club make sure to look closely at the options before you choose. Organic Wine Clubs are easier to pin down as there is a clearcut definition as to what qualifies as organic wine in the EU and in the USA, but Natural Wine Clubs are more complicated because of the lack of definition of the term natural wine and many wine clubs don’t hesitate to take advantage of this to promote their club as a Natural Wine Club when it may not be. At Iola Wines one of our values is integrity; we’ll never tell you a wine is natural or organic when it clearly is not.
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Unlock the Benefits of Liquid Lawn Fertilizer: How it Can Transform Your Yard
Ever wondered how to achieve that lush, vibrant lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood? The secret could be in liquid lawn fertilizer. This powerful solution can transform your yard from lackluster to luxurious in no time.
Liquid lawn fertilizer penetrates the soil quickly, delivering nutrients directly to where your grass needs them most. It's easy to apply and can significantly improve your lawn's health and appearance.
Ready to see the difference for yourself? Explore the world of liquid lawn fertilizer and give your yard the boost it deserves.
Even Distribution
One of the main benefits of using liquid lawn fertilizer is its ability to spread evenly across your lawn. Unlike granular options, liquid lawn fertilizer assures that every part of your grass receives the same amount of nutrients. This even distribution is crucial for preventing patchy growth and ensuring your entire lawn looks healthy and vibrant.
With liquid lawn fertilizer, you can avoid uneven spots and get consistent greenery throughout your yard. It's a simple and effective way to keep your lawn looking its best.
Quick Absorption
The quick absorption of liquid lawn fertilizer for spring care. This type of fertilizer gets to work fast, feeding your grass right away. Since it's liquid, it seeps into the soil easily, letting your lawn soak up all the nutrients it needs to grow thick and strong.
With lawn fertilizer for spring, you don't have to wait long to see results. Your lawn starts to look greener and healthier in no time, thanks to this fast-acting solution.
Easy Application
Applying the best grass fertilizer is simple. You just need to spray it over your lawn with a hose or a sprayer. This makes it easy for anyone to do, even if you're not a gardening expert. Plus, you don't have to worry about spreading it by hand or making a mess.
With liquid fertilizer, your lawn gets what it needs without any hassle. This easy application process is why many choose it as the best option for their grass.
The best fall lawn fertilizer is versatile. It works for many types of lawns. You can use it on different grasses. It helps your lawn get ready for winter. It also prepares it to grow well in spring.
This fertilizer is good for both cool and warm weather. It makes your lawn strong. It helps fight against cold and frost. That's why it's a great choice for your lawn in fall.
Eco-Friendly Options
Choosing eco-friendly options for your lawn is not only good for the environment but also for your yard. Products from https://www.revive.com offer a green solution. They nourish your lawn without harmful chemicals.
This means safer play areas for kids and pets. It also means helping the planet. By using eco-friendly products, you help your lawn and the earth. These products are easy to use and good for all types of grass.
Discover All About Liquid Lawn Fertilizer
Liquid lawn fertilizer makes your grass green and healthy. It spreads easily and works fast. You don't need much time to use it. It can be made just right for your yard. Some are even good for the earth. This helps your lawn and the planet.
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