#last ice age
arkipelagic · 1 month
Pilanduk shows evidence for specialized deer hunting and freshwater mollusc consumption during the Last Glacial Maximum. The results add to the evidence for the shifting foraging behaviours of modern humans occupying variable tropical environments across Island Southeast Asia.
The research describes new archaeological data for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of the Philippines based on the site of Pilanduk Cave on Palawan Island. We present new radiocarbon dates and faunal analyses for the site. Our new dates confirm the site’s LGM antiquity at 20,000 to 25,000 years ago. Based on these associated dates, we also present the oldest fossil remains representing the nine vertebrate species found in Pilanduk, which include the iconic tiger (Panthera tigris). Pilanduk Cave also provides the only substantive subsistence record known for the LGM for the entire Philippine archipelago.
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have you done your daily click
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footballandshit · 1 month
these options are just based on what i've heard from people. if you have more than one reason, try to pick the MAIN reason. feel free to tell me what your supported teams/clubs/players are and explain further in the tags!
reblog for larger sample size and all that!
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deeneedsaname · 1 year
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This is the blueprint for Found Family
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 months
Thinking abt the air nomads:
What if, after the war, once the dust has settled a little, Aang goes back to travelling, hoping that maybe he can find at least some trace of surviving airbenders. As an added bonus, he gets to do more of the exploring and wandering that he had to put on hold.
Toph goes with him ofc. She only just got a taste of real freedom and it was overshadowed by ever-present impending doom. While she's on speaking terms with her parents, she isnt quite ready to be back under their roof on a permanent basis. The rest of the gaang have their individual homes and responsibilities that they get back to, though they join for the odd field trip or adventure when they can.
So anyway, they're touring all over the world and over the years they notice just how displaced so many people have become. EK citizens who barely escaped the blaze but lost everything; FN military now decommissioned with no idea how to carry on; people looking for a new start in the hard-won peace. Maybe it starts with Toph heading back to Earth Rumble, where a group of young runaways scrounge for cheap fights to make a little money.
At each turn they find more and more people with no homes to return to and no family to protect them; runaways escaping the roles the war forced them into. Gradually, Aang and Toph start to see that they aren't so different from themselves. They just want a new start.
So they decide to give them one. They clean up the temples and set up villages in the surrounding areas (helps to be master earthbenders), where people can arrive and stay as long as they need. Travellers and refugees pass through in droves, sometimes choosing to stay and rebuild their lives there, sometimes continuing in their wandering with a guarantee that they'll always have a place to return to should they have the need.
Over time, the lemurs grow in number and even some flying bison calfs (hybrids with a relative species maybe?), can be seen in the skies. Whenever the founders visit, it isn't the same but Aang feels a little more at home.
The first time someone asks Aang to teach him his philosophies, and expresses his desire to become a monk, how can he refuse? Maybe it's a former soldier, somebody who's done terrible things, looking for a path to redemption. So Aang teaches him, and then he teaches others. And though they may not be airbenders, they are as earnest and faithful as any nun or monk Aang knew before. The temples become filled with new faces: Firebenders, Earthbenders, Waterbenders and non-benders all wearing Air nomad orange and yellow.
Aang always feared that it would be his responsibility to have airbender children, and the idea of forcing that on someone he loved terrified him. Maybe that's why he waited so long before acting on his feelings for his best friend, his travelling companion, his fellow-village builder and temple-restorer. How could they have a truly happy relationship with this pressure hanging over them? He wishes he could be content with the new way of things that he and his friends have created. But he knows that he can't be the last airbender forever...
Nobody knows why some children can bend the elements and others can't. Is it blood? Is it blessing? Is it the land in which you're born? Or is it the simple allocation of fates decided by the values and norms you're raised believing in? Is it enough to be surrounded by the culture and beliefs of the Air Nomads? Nobody knows...
All they know is that nobody sees it coming when the six-year-old daughter of two non-bender villagers from the Earth Kingdom and Northern Water Tribe sends herself flying twelve feet into the air with a sneeze.
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msue0027 · 2 months
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breaking news! local boy so scared of admitting his feelings that he calls to survival of the species
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zerothesonic · 7 months
They’re found family, your honor
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waterfire1848 · 6 months
[ Zuko watching Sokka’s plan during the Boiling Rock. ]
Zuko: You’re an embarrassment to nature, do you know that?
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dreamandinsomnia · 1 year
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Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (2009) dir. C. Saldana, M. Thurmeier
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (2022) dir. Joel Crawford
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fjordfolk · 8 months
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also i know that this is a tree fan blog usually, but look at this rock u guys
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arkipelagic · 6 days
In northern Palawan two tiger subfossils were found during archaeological excavations at Ille Cave near the village of New Ibajay, as reported by Philip Piper and colleagues … Piper and colleagues take the tiger bones as evidence of a viable tiger population in Palawan. However, tiger claws are widely used as amulets in the whole of South and Southeast Asia where tigers occur, a practice carried out in earlier centuries, as pointed out by Van der Geer. Furthermore, the condition of the tiger subfossils differs from that of the other fossils, as they show longitudinal cracking of the cortical bone surfaces due to weathering, indicating a post-mortem exposure to air and light. In addition, slight damage is present at several places, and partial concretion occurs on one of the condyles. Piper and colleagues are aware of the 'ornamental' (magic) value of tiger skins and teeth, and admit that these can be transported over long distances, but they overlook tiger claws and jugular bones, which are widely used as well. The tiger subfossils might thus very well have been imported by the human settlers. Such was the case with the tiger canine found in 10th to 12th century Ambangan sites in Butuan, Mindanao, as explained by Elenita Alba. On the other hand, admittedly, Palawan is not far away from Borneo, and tigers are known to be excellent swimmers. A few tiger remains have also been reported from Borneo, being two subadult canines and a metacarpal fragment (Niah Caves) and a navicular bone (Madai Cave), from large latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene vertebrate assemblages. The conclusion that there was a viable tiger population in Palawan during the latest Pleistocene and early Holocene.
Excerpt from “Evolution of Island Mammals: Adaptation and Extinction of Placental Mammals on Islands” (2011) by Alexandra van der Greer et al.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Hey, you know the assassin you sent to kill me? They’re part of my found family now. Suck it.
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dreamingcicada · 4 days
I NEED a more in depth exploration of Rat World in junior year. You’re telling me that there is a whole ass rat civilization under the school that hasn’t been mentioned once despite the constant references to rats??
Sexy rat, Fabian’s fear of rats, the ratgrinders, rats showing hole, the rat summoning pan flute; the list goes on.
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10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Meryl Davis and Charlie White win Olympic gold in ice dance
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weaselbeaselpants · 9 months
Emotionally devastating animated film moments part 4
again keeping it to the pg films wait for the animated adultfilm polls they're coming I swear
Click here for (some) deaths
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its-to-the-death · 5 months
Villain Song Showdown Preliminary Round #23
Top two will make it into the bracket
Songs below the cut
Hans of the Southern Isles Reprise - Villain: Hans
Life's Too Short - Villain: Elsa
Edgar Gets His Heart Broken - Villain: Edgar
Edgar Builds a Business - Villain: Edgar
Blood Red Dogs - Villain: Blood Red Dogs
What's Up Duloc? - Villain: Lord Farquaad
If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody (It Might As Well Be You) - Villain: Goanna
Masters of the Sea - Villain: Captain Gutt and his group of pirate guys
EXEC_SPHILIA/. - Villain: Mir
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