#lane tag < 3
ecstarry · 2 months
"First Gift" a microfic with a really funny (and honestly hard) prompt revealed on the tags for the lovely @sixlane
Regulus had received a total of three gifts from James. 
The first one was for his birthday, they had been dating for less than a month, yet James had wrapped up a beautiful dark green notebook with Regulus’ initials embedded in silver foil. The second gift was a bracelet with a little sun pendant, he gave it to Regulus as “monthiversary” present. And the third one was a framed drawing of the two of them flying around the Quidditch pitch, this one James had insisted it was “just because”.
Regulus had given James a total of zero gifts. 
As Christmas approached, he was determined to find his boyfriend the perfect gift. He did. The first time Regulus visited Potter Manor he couldn’t help but notice some funny looking footwear around the house. They were all different colors and had some sort of pins latched onto the holes that were on top of the shoe. 
He later learned they were ‘all the rage’ amongst Muggles as James had put it. He enlisted Remus’ help and went to the store himself to pick everything out. 
Under the Potter’s christmas tree, in a red and gold box were two pairs of James’ funny shoes: Crocs. Regulus settled on a green pair for himself and a crimson one for James, on top of them there were little pins with stars, the sun, a snake and a lion to decorate them. 
James has worn them every night since.
all of my microfics with your prompts are here
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sixlane · 5 days
wine tour
jegulus microfic | idk not very many words | straight from the notes app to your dash <3
“I think I’m getting notes of…” James swirls his glass pensively, “wine.”
Regulus raises a brow. “Well, yes. I would hope so.”
Today has been a long one for Regulus, as summers tend to go, with tourists in and out of wine tastings all day. He usually feels like he has a good grasp on hospitality, a perfect combination of informative and casually funny, but something about this group has been throwing him off. Namely the tall, tanned man with glasses and a million-dollar smile that stretches across his face any time Regulus looks his way.
“Perhaps notes of grape as well?” James asks, shoving his nose past the mouth of the glass and inhaling deeply.
Regulus finds himself giggling just a bit, bringing his hand to his mouth to conceal his slip up. James tracks the moment.
Of course, it isn’t the first time he’s heard jokes like this, and it certainly won’t be the last. He doesn’t even think it’s all that funny, but something about James…
Maybe it’s the charming confidence or the way he squints in the sun despite wearing a backwards baseball cap, but Regulus can’t help the way talking to him makes him feel like a teenager again. Giddy and shy.
“Oh shit, Regulus cracks a smile,” James says, leaning back in his chair. “Been looking for that all day.”
“Yes, well your jokes have been rather subpar,” Regulus fires back, the corner of his mouth upturned.
“But ‘notes of grape’ did it for you?”
Regulus shrugs, running his eyes over the man in front of him and taking a sip of wine, “yes, something like that.”
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americiumam · 11 months
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what if lois lane was a plus size babe? inspired by conversations with the lovely @milfmisspiggy and the gorgeous original piece by Julian Totino Tedesco, which can be found below the cut ! :3 (also click for better quality, tumblr is killing meee)
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arachnestwilight · 2 months
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Some King George V-class girls while I avoid my schoolwork. :V
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garlicboyart · 11 days
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happy very belated 10 year birthday mr lodger !!!
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mothbart · 1 month
hurts just right
introducing mothbart who has quickly become my favorite monster. this was literally supposed to be a fuckin' microfic but tell me why it's over 3k. anyway, this is for @sixlane, who came up with this meetcute. thank u for spending time talking to me about mothbart. and thank u to @theapocryphaofantares for also entertaining this idea with me.
bartylily | mothman au | words: 3.5k
The first time that Barty saw her was when she hit him with her car.
It was the one night that he decided that maybe walking around would be better—he’d been flying around all day and he got lazy. Walking was less work than flying.
But see, Barty knew better than to just walk along the road or even near the road. He was a cryptid, for Christ’s sake, and the most well looked for, too. They even gave him a sick nickname—Mothman. Not the most original name, but humans love it and who was he to judge? People come to West Virginia all the time to try and spot him, but he was pretty good at keeping himself hidden. So imagine his surprise when he thought he could just cross the road to get to the other side of the forest without getting caught and then being slammed into by a car.
The impact made him roll over the hood, and Barty felt his soul leave his body. He truly thought at that moment that this was it, this was the end and he supposed he lived an alright life. He didn’t really get to do the things that he had hoped for—like maybe go around the country and explore a bit. Or maybe actually see if sasquatches were real.
Then he realized that he was fine, he was clearly being dramatic. It takes more than a fucking car to bring him down. But he was annoyed—because who the fuck drives without their lights on? Especially at night? And on a road with no streetlights? He wanted to give whoever a piece of his mind, maybe even try and traumatize them a little—teach them a lesson. As much as he wanted to, though, he knew he needed to get out of there before whoever this was saw more than they should’ve. Barty quickly got up from the wet pavement, groaning while standing up. He looked over his shoulder to make sure that his wings were fine, and when he extended them out a little, he let out a sigh of relief when there wasn’t any noticeable damage.
He felt his head, touching his antennas, and grumbled to himself when he felt that his left one was bent. He hated when that shit happened—not that he’s been hit by cars often. But his antennas were the most painful to try and put back into place when they’ve been bent. Inhaling a deep breath, he yanked his antenna and pulled it straight, flinching when there was a sharp pain that ran through his head.
He brought his attention over to the vehicle, and the hood of this ugly, old green piece of shit car was very much dented (served them right for being an absolute moron). He blinked a few times when the car lights suddenly turned on (a little too late for that), practically shining right into his eyes.
And when he was able to focus better, Barty could’ve sworn that his heart fell out of his chest when he laid eyes on her.
Sat there was a girl frozen in place with a horrified expression. Large, green eyes stared back at him, and he could tell that she was not only freaked out but also intrigued by what she saw. He watched as she slapped her hand over her mouth, clearly needing a moment to process what just happened before she was struggling to get her seatbelt off. He wanted to see more of her looks—get a real, nice close up of her and make sure that he’s not being fucked around with by some kind of deity. There was no way that someone as beautiful as her existed, but here he was, being proved wrong.
He had to get out of there before he decided to do something stupid—like casually introduce himself and maybe ask her to hit him again to see if he was hallucinating.
So he took off before she could get out of her car.
☾ ☾ ☾
Barty saw her the next morning.
After he bolted out of there, he perched himself on a tree a few miles away. He checked himself, making sure that there weren’t any major injuries other than a few scratches here and there. He was exhausted at this point, and who knew that getting hit by a car would take so much energy out of him. He made himself comfortable on the branch and allowed himself to fall asleep.
When he woke up, he figured he should at least go check out the area where he got hit. He’s not sure what compelled him to make him want to go back—it just felt like he was being pulled there, and it was a feeling that he hadn’t felt before. His wings weren’t sore anymore, so flying out there wasn’t too bad.
He landed on a tree that was closer to the road, where he had a clear view of everything. He could see that there was a car just parked in the middle of the road, and it wasn’t the one that hit him last night.
Two people were standing outside, looking around at the opposite side of the forest.
“—I swear to God, James, I know what I saw—”
“Lily, I’m sure it was a deer or something. It was late—”
“Deer can’t fly, James,” the girl snapped. When they both turned around, Barty recognized the girl right away.
And she looked fucking ethereal when she didn’t look scared out of her mind. The sun made her red hair glisten and it fell over her shoulders. Barty could see the scattered freckles covering her arms and face. She looked annoyed, and when Barty looked at the guy next to her, he could see why she was annoyed.
He looked like a douche canoe.
“Listen, it was dark outside, you forgot to turn on your lights while driving,” the guy—James—said. “I’m sorry that there’s damage to your car, I told you that you could borrow mine while you search for a new one.”
“I don’t care about my car,” the girl—Lily—said. “I just want to find what I hit.”
“I don’t think we’re going to find it,” James replied, sighing. He walked over to the driver's side of the car and opened the door. “Come on, Lily, let’s go.”
Barty watched as James shut the car door, and Lily just stood out there, staring into the woods as if Barty was going to come out and say hello.
He wanted to—you know—say hello, but he knew better and stayed put. Lily shook her head and turned around, making her way to the car and getting inside the passenger seat. The two of them drove away, and Barty rolled his eyes.
“You’re never going to see her again,” Barty told himself. “Get real.”
☾ ☾ ☾
Barty saw Lily a couple of days after the incident.
It was late at night, the stars were out and the frogs were croaking loudly. Barty had just finished scaring off some annoying teenagers away from the TNT bunkers, and he was hoping to have some peace and quiet but that clearly wasn’t the case.
Because in front of him was Lily.
Lily wearing a baby pink tank top and a pair of shorts.
Barty wanted to devour her.
She had a look of determination and irritation on her face, and he couldn’t detect a single ounce of fear radiating from her. It was kind of freaky because he’s never had someone just not be scared of him.
Her flashlight was right on him, shining on his fuzzy chest and he watched as Lily slowly brought the beam of light up to his face. Her gaze was intense, and Barty still could not understand how she wasn’t afraid of him. Instead, it was more becoming like he was afraid of her. He's confused, because she seemed afraid when she first saw him, but now looking back on it, it was probably more like she was scared that she hit something rather than what she hit. How could she not be terrified of him? Was it the antennas? The red eyes? The fucking wings? He knew they could be fucking goofy looking but come on.
Either way, this was a first.
“Uh,” Barty said, tilting his head, bringing his hand up to try and block the light. “Did you need something?”
Oh, God. Barty wanted to smack himself in the face. Out of all the things he said, that’s what he picked? He literally had a fucking goddess standing in front of him, and he already made himself look like an idiot. Not only that, but this was his first conversation with an actual human in years. He spent his time talking to himself or talking to a large toad that he named Evan. So, this? Talking to a beautiful girl like Lily? It was a curse and a blessing.
“I hit you with my car,” Lily stated.
“Yeah, you did—Sorry, are you not freaked out right now?”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of some weirdo dressed up like a moth?”
“Excuse me?” Barty asked, glaring. A pretty girl with a pretty feisty mouth on her. He can work with that. "You think I'm a what?"
"A weirdo?"
"Who the fuck are you calling a weirdo?"
“You can’t expect me to think that Mothman is real.”
“You hit me with your car and you’re insulting me?” Barty asked. “Where is my apology, huh?”
Lily walked up closer to him, the flashlight held in her right hand. She was tiny compared to him, the height difference was throwing him off. She shoved her left index finger on his lower chest.
“Prove it.”
“Prove what? That you fuckin’ hit me with your car?”
“No,” Lily replied, rolling her eyes. She put her hands on her hips, the flashlight pointing towards a tree. “Prove to me that you’re real.”
Oh, she’s bold.
“I don’t have to prove you shit,” Barty said. “You should know better than to be in the woods at night alone, princess.”
“My friends have my location, so if you’re thinking about kidnapping me or murdering me, I wouldn’t try it.”
“What? You’re the one who came after me,” Barty replied. “If anything, I should be the one worried since you’re the one stalking me.”
“I’m not stalking you,” Lily scoffed. “I just wanted to figure out what I hit, and now I know it’s some guy dressed up like Mothman. Are you wearing stilts under that suit?”
“I am Mothman,” Barty deadpanned.
“Yeah, okay,” Lily said, sarcasm dripping from her words. “Anyway, I’m heading back to my car now, so don’t even think about following me.”
“What car? You totaled it when you slammed into me.”
“It’s my friend’s car,” Lily replied. “Not that you need that information.”
“So then why did you give it?”
“You’re nosy,” Lily pointed out.
Barty snorted. “I’m nosy? You’re the one who is giving out information left and right.”
“Whatever, grow up, look for a new hobby, and stop dressing up like a fake creature,” Lily said. “And maybe look both ways before crossing the road or you’ll get hit again.”
“Maybe you should try driving with your headlights on.”
Lily ignored his comment and turned around. She started to walk away from Barty, and she waved behind her, saying goodbye.
And for some reason, that one gesture pissed him off. He’s never had anyone just wave him off like that, or even insult him like that in five minutes. He couldn’t help it though—his eyes wandered straight to her ass. He watched as she kept walking away until she was out of view, and the only thing that kept replaying in his head was:
Lily had a nice fucking ass.
He never took himself as that kind of cryptid—one that drooled over humans or fantasized himself with one. He couldn’t deny what was clearly a fact: Lily was hot.
And look, Barty was aware that he explicitly said that he wasn’t going to prove Lily anything, but after watching her just walk away like he meant nothing was a slap in the face. He knew exactly what he was going to do and how he was going to do it.
He waited a while before figuring that Lily was in the car and was already driving down the road—she wasn’t that deep in the woods. He started to flap his wings and when he got good momentum, he ascended into the air and looked around once he was above the trees.
And there she was—driving that stupid car that she was in earlier when she came there with James.
He glided over to her car, hovering over it and keeping up with the speed of the car. He decided that now was the best time to just go for it—do what he’s known best for. He obnoxiously landed hard on the roof of the car and let out a laugh due to the thrill of scaring someone off.
However, his laugh was cut off because what he wasn’t expecting was for Lily to slam on the breaks.
Barty, losing his balance, flew off the top of the car and hit the pavement, rolling multiple times before finally coming to a stop. He let out a loud groan and fluttered his eyes closed.
“—Oh my God, are you okay?” Lily asked, running out of the car. She crouched down next to Barty and frantically started hovering her hands over him. It was like she couldn’t figure out where to start looking for injuries, but also taking in that he was clearly not human. “You’re such an idiot!”
“How are you so fucking normal about this?” Barty asked, voice cracking. He looked up at her and the headlights shining on her made Barty think that Lily was an angel, but so far her actions had been pretty demonic, in his opinion. She was in a state of panic, her eyes searching Barty’s and he could tell when it finally clicked for her.
“Oh,” Lily gasped, shaking her head and moving away from him. “Oh, you’re actually—”
“I told you,” Barty said.
“You flew on top of my car!”
“It’s not your car.”
“Does that really matter right now?”
“It does, because you hit me with your actual car, and now your friend’s car is fucked up, too.”
“And who is to blame for that?” Lily muttered. She took a deep breath and scooted closer to Barty, and this time, she was taking him all in. Her eyes wandered from his face, to his wings, to his chest, to his legs. “Jesus, Mothman—”
“Barty,” he said, trying to sit up. Lily grabbed his arm and used all her weight to pull him up gently.
“My name is Barty,” he told her.
“Okay, Barty,” Lily said calmly. “It looks like you have some cuts on your legs, and I can look at them and clean them up if you want.”
“Nah,” Barty said. “They’ll heal on their own.”
“Wait, really?”
“Perks of not being human, I guess.”
“God, I can’t believe I hit Mothman with my car.”
“Maybe don’t go telling people that.”
Lily snorts. “No one would even believe me if I said that.”
“How come you’re not afraid?” Barty asked, looking at her.
Lily shrugged, her tank top strap falling off her shoulder. “I don’t know. There’s something about you that makes me feel the opposite, like I trust you.”
She stood up and wiped off her bare legs from the bits of gravel that were stuck onto them. Barty followed suit, standing up. He extended his wings to see if there were any cuts on them too, and when he saw small ones, he frowned. His wings always took longer to heal, so if he wanted to go anywhere, he’d have to walk until the cuts went away.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lily asked. She carefully places her hand on Barty’s arm, and he almost melts into it because he’s never been touched by anyone like this before. Soft and gentle—feelings that Barty thought he’d never experience.
“Peachy,” Barty replied. “You should get home. It’s late.”
“I don’t want to just leave you—”
“It’s fine.”
“Will I see you again?”
“Why? So you can try and do another hit-and-run?” Barty asked, grinning. He couldn’t actually believe that Lily wanted to try and see him again, but it was almost too good to be true.
“No, I—I don’t know, I’m just curious about you. I can’t properly explain it.”
“There’s nothing curious about me.”
“You’re literally a monster—”
“I would prefer the term cryptid, sweetheart,” Barty said. “Monster is a bit rude, don’t you think?”
“My name is Lily,” she said. “Not ‘sweetheart.’”
“Lily, huh?” He said. He had to act like he didn’t already know her name, he didn’t want her to know that he’d seen her before and eavesdropped on her conversation with her friend from a couple of days prior. “Cute.”
Lily’s cheeks started to turn into a soft shade of pink, biting her lip as she turned her head away, refusing to make eye contact. “Oh, thanks, I guess. Your name is...nice.”
Barty smirked and brought two fingers up to her cheek, forcing her to look at him. She looked up and stared at him, and he had this whole witty comment that he was going to make, but he forgot all about it due to him getting lost in her. Seeing her up this close, seeing the freckles all over her face—he wanted to sit down and just count every single one of them if she’d let him. He wanted to tell her how he could get lost in her eyes which were suddenly now his favorite shade of green. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and fuck, maybe he’d even try and learn how to braid hair or some shit if it meant being able to just touch her in any way that he could.
Lily was a light that Barty wanted to orbit around forever.
There was no other way to explain that Lily made him feel like he was meant to be here. Here, in front of her, as if being pulled away from her was going to destroy him.
Well, that was a bit dramatic.
However, he’d rather get hit by a thousand cars than have Lily leave.
But he knew that she had to.
“Thanks for the forced compliment, princess,” Barty said, dropping his hand. “But go home. We’ll find each other again one day, I’m sure.”
"And what if we don't?"
"Then we don't."
"I'm sorry, you know," Lily said, frowning. "For hitting you."
"See? Was that apology so hard?"
"God, you're so annoying," she murmured.
"And you think you're not?"
Lily smiled, and Barty wanted to see that every day.
Realistically, he knew that he couldn't. It wouldn't work. Anything Barty wanted never worked out for him, so why would this situation be any different?
"Come on, go home," Barty said.
Lily hesitantly nodded her head and walked over to the running car. Barty watched her get into the vehicle as he moved to the side of the road, not really wanting to get hit a second time.
If Lily looked back when she drove away, Barty wouldn’t know. He was too caught up in staring at the ground, already missing someone he hardly knew.
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albaharu · 7 months
Choose your Mission Part 3
Masterlist ; Part 1 ; Part 2
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The screen fades to black, but you can hear a faint sound of water falling from below. Ethan plays 4D chess on his head to guess what Lane wants. He would go to save Grace from drowing on a room filled with water first, and Lane knows that. Benji points out the water in her room didn't start to fall until now, indicating that Lane might have a remote control. Maybe going to find Grace is the trap, and the way to truly save her is meeting with Lane. Or maybe that's what Lane wants you to think. >> Because you are playing as ETHAN, leaving anyone behind is removed from the options.
This action will have consequences.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
I don't understand why everyone wants Bruce Wayne to adopt them when Clark Kent exists?????????SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE AS YOUR DAD AND MOM??????????????There is no cooler DC parental situation posibility to me so that's why i don't even think of other ones,in my head they've been my adoptive parents since i was 10 and i'm their eldest child.Kon is my oldest younger brother i make look like a dork by being even cooler than him times 10 and we're 'mean to eachother to show affection' siblings and i saved him from all those fuckass groomers in Superboy 1993 by being an actual good older figure in his life and Jon was a semi-normal baby so Chris,Mia and Laney are still canon but so're those obscure ass daughters Carol,Jane and Laura and our Superparents also adopted Match so he got a redemption arc and Laurel is in on it too thanks to Spiderverse style shenanigans and she's a trans girl Jon variant and we are the healthiest most crazy ass unhinged ass trans ass siblings ever.Karen and i have so much in common we make jokes about being variants of eachother and Natasha and i are like 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 and Kenan is my international bro and i used to live with Jonathan and Martha for a few months as teen for trauma recovery and every Superfam member you can think of is canon here because in the Superfamilia nobody gets left behind.Who cares about being Robin or Batgirl,i wanna be half kryptonian!!!
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randomminty · 11 months
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I wanted to draw misakis funny shirt so so so badly but i couldnt draw her hat for the life of me :,,,,(
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ecstarry · 2 months
EUGEEEE!!! loml 🫶🏼🫶🏼 sleepover asks!!! i wanna hear your barty headcanons. aaaaand who do you ship me with. idek if that’s an actual question but it’s in my head and it’s funny so i’m rolling with it <3
babeeeee you know what?? ever since i read @sixlane’s fics i cant think of anything else for barty 😭😭 like hes just that fucking guy with that many layers and just INSANELY HOT WITH LONG FINGERS AND WITTY BUT HES WITTY BECAUSE HES SO SMART AND YEAH HES HORNY BUT NOT DISRESPECTFUL, HE JUST WANTS TO BE SEEN AND HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE 😭😭😭😭
and babeeee ahdbfifofjrnf the only person i can think of to ship you @regscupid YOU TWO JUST MATCH IN A LEVEL NO ONE ELSE CAN COMPETE WITH 😭😭 the mormon au and that secret project that will soon be revealed ARE PROOF ENOUGH
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sixlane · 3 days
the bridge
jegulus microfic | just a few words | i only read this over like. twice. so um. hope you like it.
“Noooo, no no no Reg this is not happening,” James said, clinging to the railing of the pedestrian bridge.
“This will be fun,” Regulus had said, “amazing views,” he’d advertised. And now here James was, a million or whatever feet in the air over rushing rapids, his head spinning and his palms sweaty.
“James you can’t wimp out now. We’re already halfway across.” Regulus gestured toward the other end of the bridge where the rest of their tour group was waiting for them.
“Regulus, baby, I love you so much but there is no way I will make it over there. Just leave me here to die.” Maybe he was being dramatic, but it truly felt like the bridge would collapse with even the slightest movement.
“I’m not leaving you to die on our honeymoon. I think that would probably ruin the mood,” Regulus said with an eye roll. “Okay how about this. Just close your eyes. I’ll hold your hand and guide you the rest of the way.”
James started to shake his head. “I don’t know—“
“I’ve got you, James. It’ll be okay. Just me and you.”
And in that moment, looking into the eyes of the man he loved so deeply, so complexly, and so completely, James knew it was true. He would always have Regulus to guide him. His own personal north star.
“Okay,” James said, “Just me and you.”
As he took Regulus’ hand, even though they were 50 stories up, James had never felt more grounded.
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veryinnovative · 14 hours
ino…. we must discuss the evan marlene intersection. animal medicine vs human medicine. high empathy vs low. i feel like he would visit her on a clear night and they’d sit in silence on the roof under the stars while marlene chain smokes.
hello lane my love..............this made the gears in my brain turn. do you think about marlene losing one of their livestock and being a little upset about it...like not full-blown sobbing but still feeling sad for not having been able to do more at the same time evan has to deliver the news of his patient's passing to their relatives. just the first time he experiences this pang of emotion, like a tight, sudden clench somewhere in the center of his chest. the scene panning to him just sitting next to marlene on the roof, this eerie silence cloaking them, somewhat a tad louder than it usually is between the two of them. marlene taking a deep drag of one of her cigs and wordlessly passing it onto evan, murmuring something about how skill will sometimes not be enough to beat circumstance and just how shitty that is. she tries and be facetious, even then. still, none of her flippant remarks hold any substance because the loss of one of their old cattle hurts more combined with what evan feels...
marlene trying to say smth like 'well, there goes your off-switch for emotion, sorry for being a bother' and evan's staring straight out ahead, processing so many things at once. Tbh i like the idea of everyone take something out of being a sensate. reg needs to be open to receiving love. evan needs to be open to emotion. etc. etc.
ok how do we think pandora reacts to evan opening up a little tho..
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decentgarbage · 6 months
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I drew @sakurasunkiss oc!!! :3
Her oc is adorable!!! :)
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saiyansweetheart45 · 7 months
Ideas for the Coffee Shop AU
Hey, everyone! Later this month and throughout December, I'll be releasing the first chapters of my newest story idea! But for now, here's the layout for this lovely (if I do say so myself) new idea. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
The Full Moon Brew Coffee Shop is more than just a place to get a cup of coffee. It’s a haven that offers a break from the day-to-day chaos in the city of Calatonia, presided over by one Koala Connoisseur, Buster Moon, a coffee enthusiast as well as a master showman. The Full Moon Brew is a nook of coziness and even creativity. With the air teeming with coffee and creative encouragement, it’s no wonder the place hosts such an eclectic bunch.
Up and coming rocker Ash goes there at least twice a week to get her caffeine fix, but also likes the atmosphere because it helps inspire her songwriting.
Sweet-obsessed and sass-filled Nooshy likes to busk down the road (before meeting the rest of the gang) for extra pocket money to afford her cream and sugar-loaded coffees. And it combines the two things she loves: dancing and coffee. She also enters the occasional contest held at the shop.
Then there’s introverted British newcomer Johnny who spends anywhere from half an hour to sometimes even half the day, at the place, ordering at least three cups of coffee, all while reading or writing songs as well. It’s like a haven in the new city he's moved with his family to following his dad and uncle’s being transferred for a job. Occasionally, on their lunch break, the three older gorillas stop in to get a little bite of the pastries the place offers and of course an espresso-loaded cup or two. Each. They don’t ever stick around long, but they can see why the youngest member of their clan loves the place so much.
Then, we have the equally shy Meena, whose small family business supplies the baked goods to the coffee shop, and Meena occasionally visits both to subtly network for her family’s business, and to try to become more social, since coffee shops are great for being both social and withdrawn. And she loves their smoothies, and is trying to acquire a taste for coffee, but can���t quite do it.
Enter Rosita, the on-the-go mother that does it all, but always makes some time to get a little pick-me-up for herself and do a bit of work to help her husband, for whom she always orders a special cappuccino before she heads to pick up their extensive brood of piglets.
The tea-loving theater legend Nana Noodleman happens to be one of the top investors for Buster’s shop. The place is small but makes a pretty profit, what with having fresh, homemade treats, along with beverages one can’t get just anywhere. And Buster always makes sure to keep a steady supply of fine teas at the ready for Nana. She even has a special table with a high-backed purple velvet chair by the window just beside the patio overlooking the ocean.
The excitable bundle of Piggy Power Gunter occasionally visits the shop, drawn by the musical selection and the open mic nights. Though by his own admission, he comes less for the singing and more for the dancing. And of course, a caffeine fix here and there is needed for such dedicated dancing.
Another new kid enters. Meet Ryan Collins, a student in a nearby dance academy, who happens upon the coffee shop by complete coincidence. He finds that while he doesn’t much care for coffee, he enjoys the chill atmosphere, a welcome reprieve after his hectic classes under the iron fist of Klaus Kickenklober. Plus, who doesn’t occasionally love a Toasted Vanilla or Hazelnut Steamer?
Two new faces also enter this colorful Coffee shop mix, we have the two rich kids Eddie and Porsha, both of whom are working their first jobs ever under the watchful eye of Miss Crawly. Don’t let her age and dottiness fool you, the old Lizard Lady is a brewing MASTER.
Both prove straight away to be a bit…unskilled to say the least, but they slowly start to adapt, with Porsha even scoring huge brownie points when she creates a new drink for the menu.
And finally, the dutiful, efficient, and long-suffering Suki Lane occasionally stops by the shop to get coffee for herself, but also (reluctantly) for her image-obsessed boss who doesn’t like coffee but is quick to associate himself when the little shop starts to gain more attention.
Suki herself may not particularly like Buster, but she does like the coffee. And she does secretly loathe Crystal's dismissal of it. And dismiss it he does. At least until it starts to gain more popularity, at which point he tries to buy it out. But that meeting goes as well as you'd expect.
This version of Buster has a few slightly different traits; poised, knows his worth, and won't sell himself out for a few beans. He knows why Crystal wants the business and is having none of it. First off, because he knows the price Crystal offered is insulting given the profit the place brings in. Second, and more importantly, because his father bought the property, had the building built with his own money, and personally let Buster design the place, the menu, everything. This place is a symbol of everything his dad worked for and gave him. All the while the man was hiding a terminal illness. This last project was a distraction from the inevitable. And Buster will NOT trivialize that sacrifice.
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arachnestwilight · 1 month
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Another muse/idol event without a San Diego μ variant or skin... but at least there's Noshiro.
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honeybcj · 1 month
han don’t you dare vaguepost about your bartylily thoughts. share with the class pls 🤲🏻
lane *tucks hair behind ear* you don’t have to tell me twice. you see, i’m thinking about 70s bartylily and lily dragging barty to the disco…and she makes him go all out. he’s got the pants, the shirt, he’s even got eyeliner smudged along his water line and excessive glitter on his cheeks and down his neck. they do, in fact, fuck nasty in the toilets after popping something…just a thought…lily is ecstatic, making barty dance with her all night long and somehow they manage to stumble back to someone’s apartment once the sun begins rising. they hang out the window, sharing a cigarette or joint before they pass out…potentially with barty halfway in the bath tub and lily leaning over the toilet…just an idea…
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