#ladz answers
ladzwriting · 25 days
Honestly, Ladz, I'm scared to read fealty even though I bought it. I feel like I'll become obsessed and then want something similar
I am so flattered by this; thank you so much!!
In terms of becoming obsessed and wanting more, there are minimum 7 more volumes to write (it takes a long time to stop a forever war while preserving a vestigial empire, who knew!). But in the interim of me writing them, I have a carefully curated to-read list for the different aspects of FEALTY that you like most.
NON-FICTION (also featured in the back of the book)
The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II by Svetlana Alexievich (2017)
God's Playground: A History of Poland, Volumes 1 & 2 by Normal Davies (2005)
Revolutionary Russia, 1891 - 1991: A History by Orlando Figes (2015)
Queer Gothic by George Haggerty (2006)
Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs by Douglas Smith (2016)
Hellsing by Kouta Hirano (1997 - 2008)
Monogatari by nisiOisin, illustrated by Vofan (2005 - Present)
Vampire Hunter D by Hideyuki Kikuchi, illus. Yoshitaka Amano (2005 - Present in English)
A Flame in the Night by Morgan Dante (2023)
Ossuary by T.D. Cloud, illus. by Ambi Sun (2023)
Unholy with Eyes Like Wolves by Morgan Dante (April 2024)
Mistress of Lies by K.M. Enright (August 2024)
Tower of Fools by Andrzej Sapkowski (2020 in English)
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid (2021)
Kalyna the Soothsayer by Elijah Kinch Spector (2022)
Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin (2011 in English)
The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczyk (2022 in English)
Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake (1946)
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake (1950)
Titus Alone by Mervyn Peake (1959)
Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey (2001)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth J. Dickinson (2015)
tbh Mervyn Peake's books also work for this category
The Monk by Matthew G. Lewis (1796)
Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh (2022)
The Lord of Astiigos by Soren Häxan (2023); please note: there is an update coming in the next few months
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw (2023)
(if not in previous sections)
Little Death by Pom Poison (2022 - Present)
A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock (2023)
A Necessary Chaos by Brent Lambert (2023)
All Tomorrow's Photos Duology by S.S. Genesee (2023)
Bloodborne (2015), especially Castle Cainhurst
Fire Emblem Three Houses (2019), the Black Eagles house
I think this is most of it!! I have read and reviewed most of these on my blog, where you will find things like content and trigger warnings.
Hope this answers the questions and please take your time! FEALTY is a dense, gory book with a lot happening both politically and interpersonally, so don't feel bad about taking time to get into it.
It took me a few years from purchase to actually reading Mervyn Peake's work, for example, and it absolutely came at the right time for me.
I hope this answers the ask!
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TransRightsReadathon Sales & Freebies!
I will be collecting books that are reduced or made available for free by authors for the TransRightsReadathon here. Feel free to share any that you know of that I might have missed:
Queeird: A Collection of Unusual Trans Masculine Erotica edited by Max Turner | ebook 2,80 £, paperback 6,30 £
Androids and aliens, werewolves and vampires, furries and… tentacles? This is a collection of unusual, and at times monstrous, erotica featuring trans masculine characters. From the ridiculous to the romantic, expect kinks, quirks and tropes. All the stories feature trans masculine main characters, with a variety of cis, trans female, trans male and non-binary lovers.
Deck the Holes by WrenVLothaire | ebook 0.50$
It’s Yule, a celebration Aloysius is well versed in but never has the time of year been his favorite. But with Malachai, a partner with whom he’s come to love and cherish, this holiday may not be as somber as it’s always been. This time he has a surprise in store. Let’s just hope the owner of the home approves of the decorations. t4t, trans man MC
Tales of Genesis I-III by H.S. Wolfe | ebook free, (the book one that these short stories are based on costs 1.99$)
Out of the Rain by TinyLesbianRobot | ebook 0.50$
Echo interrupts a lazy morning with a strange request of Ender. The first in a series of shorts set in the Genesis universe and can be read as a stand alone without having read In The Garden Of Echo t4t, trans man MC & trans woman MC
The weather has taken a turn, forcing Flax and Lost to rush for shelter.  But now that they've found a place to dry off, Lost's drenched clothes are clinging to her, and Flax is finding it difficult to keep from staring... This story is a non-canon short set in the world of my novel 'Messenger': just under ten thousand words of warm, fluffy, robot-on-angel-on-human smut, a cozy and affectionate scene between women who love each other a whole lot. transfemme MC
Rien Gray's Trans Rights Readathon Sale | ebooks 60% off, $6.00 for 2 books
Follow a fellowship of sapphic knights as they’re seduced by witches, queens, goddesses—and each other—in a dark, lush fantasy inspired by Arthurian legend. genderfluid butch MC, agender MC
Valerin the Fair by Rien Gray | ebook free (+ other free sapphic books)
genderfluid butch MC
Our Monsters by Jemma Topaz | ebook 69% off, $1,23
Rosemary Dulahan, answering a strange job posting, arrives in Monstertown – a place inhabited by magical beings from another world. Navigating the politics of sphinxes, lamias, and secrets, she must learn how to get along with her non-human coworkers and maybe romance a few monster girls along the way. There's nothing she wants less than getting caught up in a murder mystery troubling all of Monstertown… but the mystery doesn't care what she wants, and she's about to discover the darker side of her new world. trans woman MC
A.A. Fairviews TransRightsReadathon Bundle | ebook free
In celebration of the second TransRightsReathon you can grab A Doctor's Touch and Peaceful in the Dark for free.  Following a trans masc vampire and queer werewolf- these stories are as sweet as they are sensual.  transmasc MC
Bury your Gays & Bound in Flesh | ebook free
Anthology of tragic queer horror & anthology of trans body horror by ghoulish books
The Fealty of Monsters by Ladz | ebook free
Winter 1917. After years on the run from a dangerous cult, twenty-three-year-old Sasza and his father have established themselves among the Odonic Empire’s ruling class. But there’s a problem: Sasza is a vampire, and vampires aren’t supposed to get involved in human governance. What the aristocracy doesn’t know, after all, cannot hurt them. Unfortunately, Sasza is far more involved than a stealth vampire should be. Not only does he work to quell the rumors of the vampires’ responsibility for an unsolved massacre, his lover is also the pro-proletariat Ilya, the Empire’s Finance Minister, who tries to recruit Sasza into the same cult hunting him. Then—the Emperor declares war against the Vampire States. Diplomacy has failed. Sasza quickly learns that he will do anything to preserve peace–including giving in to the monstrosity he spent so many years concealing from even himself. nonbinary MC
Trans Readathon by Wicked Witch Writes | ebook 50% off, $5
Your Body is Not Your Body anthology | ebook $1,99
A centaur seeks illicit surgery in an alien bodily modification club. Two medieval monks react to their transformation and demonic pregnancy in very different ways. A resourceful trans teen destroys sports bigots through the power of pluckiness...and abundant body horror. A stellar cathedral crosses galaxies to dump the corpse of God into a star before the mission devolves into a panoply of psychedelic orgies. A doxxed teen falls victim to violent assault and dishes out some harrowing retribution of their own. Over thirty Trans and Gender Nonconforming creators unite to voice their rage, and the rules of conventional Horror go out the f$%&ing window in this collection featuring murderous pleasure-bots; proselytizing zombies; acid-filled alien cops; science run amok; sorcerers, ghouls, cannibals...and that barely scratches the grave-dirt.
Blood from Stone by Bellamy Scott | ebook PWYW
Hitting a deer while driving a country road is unfortunate, but common enough that no one expects it to re-order the fabric of reality as they know it. For Sam, a rogue stag on a summer night takes his husband, his life, and his name in a single blow. As months of grief pass, he things he's begun to get used to his new reality, until an encounter with a childhood friend changes it all over again. BLOOD FROM STONE is a story of an old lady doing good deeds for bloody boys on the side of the road, of poisoned wine, and of a trans man Becoming Real.
Becoming Light by Riley Nash | ebook free
When people meet me, they see a bright faced, happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher who will do anything to support his friends. Not everyone knows the struggle I’ve faced to become the man I am today.  Now it’s finally time for the gender-affirming surgery I’ve been dreaming of for years. But when an emergency leaves me without a caretaker, the only person who can take me in is my best friend’s aloof, reclusive, and incredibly sexy dad. The one who has no bedside manner and struggles to communicate. The one I’ve had a crush on for years. The deeper we see into each other’s worlds, the stronger the attraction gets. I’m not sure either of us can make it through the next four days without giving in. Trans man MC
​TransRightsReadathon Sale by Matthew Zakharuk | ebook 50% off, $2.50
a story of trans transhumanism + a dystopian gothic
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casp1an-sea · 1 month
(If your name isn’t Kren, Edie, Sunshine, or Bee your tag will probably change eventually lol)
@xen-blank (#xe.Lu.le :))
@theosb0rnway (#Goblin Junior :>)
@distant-velleity (#Kai :))
@l7k-a (#Luka :))
@krenenbaker (#I’m just Kren 😎🌾)
@edith-is-a-cat (#Edxiety bear <3)
@vivislemonade (#Vivi :))
@femmefaeryboi (#Silas :))
@v-anrouge/ @transpomefiore (#Aster :))
@dove-da-birb (#Dove :))
@magics0up (#Crowman >:))
@shinysparklesapphires (#Sapph :))
@messylxve (#Amortentia :))
@keii-starz (#Kei :))
@kirans-wonderland (#Kiran :))
@ravenwing0110 (#Raven :))
@hyperfixation-or-death (#Bee movie script 🐝)
@cheezy-moon (#Novah :))
@sunshinechildskywalker (#sunshine 🍭🌈)
@fizzydreamz (#fizzy :))
@xentari94 (#North :))
@ferris-the-wheel (#ferris :))
@kw4ziicat (#tao :))
@thehollowwriter (Quinn :))
@cimonim-crunch (Chef Wendell 🥣)
@elenauaurs (Elana of Avalore 💃)
@the-banana-0verlord (Lillian :))
@diabollicallyangelic (Eli :))
@notakoolladz (Ladz :))
@snowy-yoshi (snowy :))
@i-like-forgs (Ryo :))
@octo-doofus (Vee :))
@tomatette (mysh:))
@bigmack2go (Mackj :))
@dragonflies-draw-flame (Stella :))
(I love making friends so please ask if you wanna be my moot <3)
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Misc: #just little things for my intro post, #Captain America is my father, #caszurole, #Hunter’s Song, #Frilled Shark 🍄, #Re Rambles 🦈, #Re answers 🦈, #Re Asks 🦈, #cas feeds on human interaction (pls talk to me I’m lonely or depressed posts pls look out for this one)
Writing and Art: #Re’s little doodles, #Re draws 🦈, #Cas’s commissions, #Re writes 🦈, #Darling Requiem, #The Line Between, #Cas’s OCs, #Octonauts Intern AU, #Octonauts Intern AU One shots, #Octonauts Intern AU Art, Octonauts Intern AU Lore, #Star Wars but Better
Daily Creature: #silly goofy critters
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dabigmek · 2 years
Boss Nailz looked up as the sky lit white, devastating stabs of actinic flare punched through the cloud cover leaving tunnels of clear sky through which the stars could have been seen had he not have been temporarily blinded by the light.
The Humie ship in orbit was blasting away at the Mek constructs out on the plain, trying to reduce the Gargants, Stompas and other assorted Orky war machines back to the scrap they had come from.
Many beams were absorbed by the multiple layers of Bubble Force Fields generated by the Meks fancy machines, but just as many were getting through, creating explosions which rained deadly debris for hundreds of yards in every direction.
Nailz raised his slugga and roared as he emptied the full clip into the air, the scattering of Nobz and Boyz around him followed suit, and soon the noise of the bombardment was drowned out by the banging bark of small arms fire.
Not until a rocket, fired by his tankbusta boyz, plummeted back to ground pulping a handful of boyz did he start to wave his arms, calling off the futile fusilade.
"Dis iz no gud," he bellowed at the growing collective of Orks and Grotz. "We are neva gonna hit da ship from ere, stop wastin' yer bullitz."
Reluctantly, the boyz slowly lowered their weapons, looks of genuine sadness on their faces.
"We need ta get much hiya dan dis afore we can hit it, quick ladz, let's climb dat mountain."
With this, Boss Nailz set off at a jog towards the nearest mountain, some twenty or thirty miles away.
"Datz why yer da Boss," called out one of the Boyz, coming alongside, "all da bestest ideaz"
"An dontcha fergget it!" Answered Nailz with a grin.
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hey 🥺💛
ASH!! hey dude, your song is....
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From the Woods by James Vincent McMorrow 😘❤️
hey let's make a playlist!
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theflirtmeister · 6 years
for the year in review meme thingy (random numbers): 1, 18, 23, 39, 46
1. First things first, did you have a good year?
It was okay!! I enjoyed it
18. What was one nice thing you did for someone else?
Idk?? I read through people’s uni work and gave advice but that’s boring
23. Did you get a job?
39. What was the worst?
Friends went through some tough times which wasn’t nice
46. If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year?
Yes!! I wrote 2 books, Pennywise Sixth Form AU and Gay Witch Baby
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Press Start 🎮
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A night in with your boyfriend Jungkook includes all kinds of things: anime, witty banter, snacks from 7-Eleven and, you know, sex.
This moodboard was made by my incredibly talented best friend @me-trash-tbh​ and, I love her so much
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: established relationship, domestic! Jungkook, smut, fluff
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: Guys, I love Jungkook. Like, I’m so sorry but, this is just pure fluff and filth. Love you. Also this is unedited for now, it’s 2am plz save meeee (update: it’s edited now woohoo)
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (stay safe ladz), explicit language.
“They’re staggered so, we should push now...”  
You hear your boyfriend mutter from the other side of the room, body bent towards his computer screen.  
He’s been at this for hours now, fingers furiously working his keyboard, throwing suggestions/commands at his friends through an expensive headset.  
“Yah, we’re almost there...just stay focused...”  
Another encouragement is grumbled through his pouted lips as his hands make another commotion against his laptop.  
A fond smirk caresses your mouth and, you shake your head, positively endeared by his dedication to his game.  
You don’t want to interrupt him, you know playing video games for hours on end, shot gunning ramen like tic tacs is a luxury for him and, he deserves that. You’d be lying though, if you said that your side of the bed was aching for him a little bit. The bed you shared with Jungkook is massive, far too big for one person and, spacious enough for both of you to starfish across the surface comfortably.  
And now, with only your laptop to keep you company, you’re feeling a lil lonely.  
But, you won’t let him know that.  
One, because you want to give him his space to do what he enjoys.
Two, because you know its only a matter of time before your competitive, enthusiastic boyfriend turns into the shy, needy, cuddly man that he always becomes during bed time.  
And morning time and after sex and, well...
Most times.  
But, he isn’t consistent.  
Certain days, he comes home feeling on top of the world and, other days he comes home with the world on his shoulders. During the former, he pesters you, pushes your buttons, tries to steal your food all while continuously stealing kisses whenever he can. When the latter hits, he slumps into your arms, eager for affection, he picks at his dinner, he mumbles his worries into your neck and, lets his anxieties melt away under your touch.  
Lately, he’s been coming home somewhere in between but, the last two days have been better given that he’s on break for a week.
“Watch out...watch out!”  
You giggle to yourself and shake your head at his enthusiasm, finding it outrageously charming.  
You can see the side of his face, peeking out through his hoodie, his mouth suddenly turned up into a grin as he presses a button on the side of his headset.
“Don’t laugh at me, this is serious...” He shoots a playful glance towards you, eyes narrowed in mock offense, “You’re going to be sleeping next to a champion tonight...” He presses the button again, his friends likely trying get his attention, "sorry sorry, I’m here...I reloaded...”
“I’m not laughing at you Widowmaker.”
Your response causes him to snicker and, shake his head, his cheek creasing with the size of his grin. He presses the button another time, “I’m not playing her this time thank you very much but, if you’re jealous babe, we can talk about it...”
You know he’s just trying to press your buttons, it’s one of his favorite pass times but, unfortunately you’re not easily annoyed and, you miss him too much to be bothered by his antics.
These days, everything he does is endearing...
His headset is turned back on but, his attention isn’t fully focused anymore.  
It’s late, after 2am and, while he enjoys playing games into the early hours of the morning, he’s missing you a little bit but, of course, he won’t admit it just yet.  
“I’m just jealous you play with her more than you play with me.” You quip, smirking and, you can see his expression shift to match your own whilst he shakes his head.  
Before he can formulate a response, you make an executive decision to visit the 7-Eleven downstairs. The two of you had eaten dinner but, given the fact that you’re still awake, you’re starting to grow a bit peckish. Pushing your laptop aside, you scan the floor for the pair of leggings you had discarded earlier, wanting only to be in your boyfriend’s sweatshirt and your underwear; Jungkook’s favorite look.  
He’s still a little flushed from your comment but, as far you’re concerned his attention is fully back to the game. However, as soon as you turn around to pull your leggings on, Jungkook steals a glance or two your way. Half of him is curious as to where you’re headed whilst the other half is admiring the way your body looks illuminated by the lights streaming in from the city skyline.  
Fuck, if he isn’t in love.  
But, there is a ranked match to attend to so, he’s gotta snap out of it.  
With your pants on and your cell phone secured in your pocket, you scan the room for your wallet before remembering you left it on the counter.  
Jungkook presses the side of his headset again, eyes widened in curiosity, “Where are you going?”
You lean down as you pass him, pressing a kiss to his head before responding, “7-Eleven do you want anything?”
With a boyish grin, he catches your wrist, tugging you back in his direction, “You know what I want baby...”
Ok, you know he’s joking with you when he deepens his voice and, lets his accent slip into his sentence but, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t go straight between your thighs.  
“Banana Milk?” You giggle, stumbling back towards him until your hips are level with his shoulders.
He nods, smiling as he keeps your wrist secure in his grip, his lip tucked between his teeth, brown eyes still trained on the screen, “Ramen too, extra spicy...”
“You’re going to make yourself sick...”
He chuckles, shrugging as he places an absentminded kiss against your hand, “Will you still love me even if I throw up on you?”
“Absolutely not.”  
This tickles him and, his chuckling gets a little higher in pitch as he finally releases your hand, fingers heading back to his keyboard, “Fair enough...can I get two of them then? I’ve been trying to get out of this for awhile now but, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings...”
With a scoff, you laugh in disbelief, nudging your snickering boyfriend, “I’m not getting you anything now! Tell your little friends to bring you food!”
Jungkook smirks, pausing the match before grabbing your wrist again, eyes creasing with laughter, “Yahhhh come back!” He widens his eyes, his pretty lips pouted up towards you as he tugs you closer, “PLeaaaassseee?”
Your faces is formed around a faux expression of displeasure but, his pouting is slowly breaking your resolve, “You’re so annoying...”
He snickers again, his features alight with boyish mischief before he leans up towards you slightly, “I’ll behave once I have my snacks.”
This makes you giggle, cause he’s so ridiculous sometimes but, fuck if he wasn’t the most adorable person on the planet, “I don’t believe you.”
He sneaks a few kisses against your lips, melting your previous fake expression, “That’s fair. I am now aware of my actions and, how they affect you and, I promise to do better in the future...”  
You roll your eyes, still bent slightly to reach his mouth before, nudging him away, still giggling, “Get back to your game before your friends disown you. I’ll be back.”  
“Wait...one more...” He insists, brows furrowed in determination as he pulls you back down for a deeper kiss, “I love you.”
His kiss makes something swirl deep in your gut and, you cope with that by, pushing him away playfully, “Love you too Widowmaker...”
“Extra spicy!” He reminds loudly while laughing before, returning to his game.
“Stupid...” You mutter to yourself but, you aren’t able to help the giggle that bubbles over your lips at your boyfriend’s antics.  
The trip to 7-Eleven lasts all of 25 minutes and, the next thing you know, you’re back at your front door, punching in the passcode.
The door chimes the little song that welcomes you home every day and, you’re grateful that you have a free hand to open the door since you know Jungkook is likely still preoccupied.  
“Honey I’m home!”  
You call teasingly and, you hear him chuckle through the slightly ajar door in your bedroom.
“Give me a second, my side chick is still getting dressed!”  
Biting your lip, you resist the urge to giggle at his statement, approaching the door with the bag of snacks hanging in crook of your arm, “Wow you didn’t last very long did you? I figured I would have caught you two in the act this time...”
As you swing the door all the way open, you’re met with one of your favorite sights in the world: Jungkook, cuddled up under the covers.  
His hood is drawn up over the back of his head, the sleeves of his sweatshirt are covering most of the length of his fingers as they encase his phone whilst the screen illuminates his mischievous grin.
“I was wound up from winning my match so, it was a quickie this time...”  
You giggle before plopping the bag on the bed, jerking your head towards it, “Here’s your stupid milk and your stupid soup. I’m glad I can provide you with your post-sex snacks...”  
He smirks, ignoring your teasing and, pressing send on his final contribution to his group chat before, setting his phone aside, “What did you get?”
“Matcha Kit-Kats and, Hot Cheetos.” You answer immediately, pulling said contents from the bag and, making your way over to your side of the bed. “A balanced meal...”
Jungkook chuckles, keeping his eyes on you as you set your food on your nightstand, “My trainer is going to kill me when I go in next week but, it’ll be worth...hello beautiful...” He beams and, if this was earlier in your relationship, you might think he’s referring to you but, you’d be wrong.
He’s talking about his noodles.
“Did you boil the water yet?” You giggle and, he immediately shakes his head, leaning over to kiss your cheek before, grasping at both containers of Ramen before hoisting himself from the bed.  
“No, I’ll be right back,” He vows, stopping at the door to turn towards you, “If you’re not too tired, can we watch Death Note?”
Popping open your bag of Cheetos, you nod, eyes scanning the bed for the remote, “Yeah I can probably last through an episode or two...”
With a pleased grin, his eyebrows wag playfully in your direction, “Each episode is like thirty minutes babe, you'd never last that long.”
You pretend to be put off by his immaturity, throwing a pillow in his direction, which he dodges effortlessly, laughing, “Hurry up and make your food...”
Happily, he obliges, bounding off into the kitchen, pleased at his double entendre.  
Not ten minutes later, your boyfriend is back in bed with one cup of steaming ramen in his hand and, the other waiting patiently on the night stand. The steam raises up from the cup wafting in Jungkook’s face as he pulls apart a pair of disposable chopsticks.  At your request, he’s turned all lights off except for the blue lights he has set up on his desk for “gaming ambience” as he had so eloquently described it.  
"Ready?” You murmur to him, your thumb hovering over the play button as he shoves his first bite of noodles in his mouth.
He furrows his brows, chopsticks between his lips, “No?” His words are muffled over the noodles but,  he looks rather offended, “Compe hewe...”
Cuddling is something Jungkook needs in his life, you know, along with oxygen and apparently spicy ramen. There isn't a night with Jungkook that goes by without the two of you wrapped up in one another.
In more ways than one...
Remedying the situation, you scoot over to his side of the bed and tuck your body against his, pecking his cheek despite the fact that he’s smacking his lips around the noodles, “Better?”
Jungkook grins, mouth closed, pleased beyond belief, “Mhm...prwess p..ay.”
“Chew...” You urge him, pressing a kiss over his lips.
He makes a dramatic motion of his mouth, chewing loudly and tucking his face into your neck. Despite the essence of spicy ramen broth now on your lips, you still relish the scent of your boyfriend's cologne.  
“We already saw this part, cause this guy dies on the train and, then he’s like L-LIGHT YagAMIIII...” Jungkook groans beside you, shoving another bite of noodles in his mouth.  
A breathless laugh comes puffing past your lips while your thumb presses the skip button on the remote, “What was that? What did he say?”  
He snickers before, swallowing, “L-IGHt Y-aGAmi...” He mutters out in a dramatic voice, pretending to loose his breath.
Jungkook loves making you laugh and, he feels his cheeks start to burn from how much you’re making him smile.  
“How do you not have your own drama already?” Your words are spoken through a series of giggles, pressing play at the appropriate point in the episode.
“Bang PD is a coward, he doesn’t understand my genius...”  
With yet another bout of laughter sent his way, the two of you finally settle and, turn your attention to the show.  
“I don’t understand why L doesn’t just tell Chief Yagami...like sir I am sorry to break it to you but, your son is a little psychopath who kills people for sport.” Jungkook inquires beside you as he finishes off his second cup of ramen.  
“BEcaauusee....” You emphasize with a raise of your hand, gesturing towards the screen, “he needs evidence, he can’t just accuse him of murder without any proof.”
“Why nooot? He’s obviously guilty, look at his smile!” He blazes, eyes widening comically “He looks like a super villain, he wears nothing but, trench coats and he’s handsome...too handsome.”
Your hand that lays flat against Jungkook’s stomach, pinches him lightly, “Do you have a crush on Light Yagami babe?”
He practically giggles, body squirming underneath your touch, “NO I just think he’s...” He trails off as a smirk catches the end of his mouth, chocolate eyes darting back and forth, “he’s...”
With that, you pounce on him, forcing more giggling from his gut as you scramble on top of him.
“Are you serious??? First I have to compete with Widowmaker, the GODDESS of Overwatch and, now you’re telling me I have to compete with the LIGHT YAGAMI??? Owner of the DeathNote??? King of Sass and APPARENTLY TRENCH COATS????”  
Jungkook’s high pitched laughter is out to play due to your sudden outburst, his head thrown back against the pillow as he accommodates you atop his waist.  
“No no no no babe, you know that isn’t true!” He insists hoarsely, his fingers reaching up to lace with yours. He pulls you down so your hands are braced on either side of his head, “...it’s only Widowmaker.”
With eyes widening like saucers, you make another obnoxious sound and attempt to jerk your hands out of your boyfriends grip, “Oh so you finally admit it then???? DO YOU LIKE HER MORE???? IS IT THE BLUE SKIN??? IM SORRY I DIDN’T UNDERGO COVERT TRAINING THAT ALTERED MY PHYSIOLOGY IN ORDER FOR MY SKIN TO TURN BLUE JUNGKOOK!”
“AH-” He chokes out through his hysterical laughter, his teeth gritting as he tries to hold on to you,“My stomach hurts...oh my god...”
Jungkook’s face is scrunched up with the evidence of the giggle fit you’ve sent him into and, although you’re trying to mess with him, you can’t help but notice how adorable he looks.
You can’t help but notice how much you love him.  
“Your stomach is hurting now??? Is it because of your burning desire??? Are you thinking of her???”
“Maybe-” He chuckles still, a determined look blooming across his face as the grip on your wrist tightens.  
He knows you’re going to react so, before you get the chance to, he’s pinning you against the mattress.  
“I am...heartbroken...” You lament, slightly breathless, attempting to stifle your laughter.  
Jungkook chuckles again, “Yeah? Well that doesn’t sound very fun.”
This time, you pout despite the bit of laughter that makes it through your lips. The tendrils of Jungkook’s hair are long enough to hang from his head and brush against your cheeks, a sensation which causes your nose to wrinkle.
“How did you know that?”  
His question takes you off guard a bit and, your eyes narrow in his direction, “Know what?”
Jungkook’s teeth are out to nibble on the edge of his lip, eyes sparkling with something you can’t recognize, “How did you know about Widowmaker’s skin?”
“You told me.” Your answer is immediate and, matter of fact but, it melts Jungkook’s heart, “you told me about all the characters.”
Then, he smiles.  
The kind of smile that leaves you feeling really fucking special for having witnessed it.
You still aren't sure what brings on such a response but, you’d never miss a chance to see your boyfriend smile.
“What? Why are you smiling? Is it Widowmaker again? Is she using her Infra-Sight? Tell her to fuck off, she can have you tomorrow...” You giggle, slightly nervous under his gaze.
Jungkook can’t contain himself anymore, with his hands still pressing into your wrists, he leans down to press his lips firmly against yours.
Your boyfriends' mouth is warm and, although there are remnants of ramen on his breath, you’re eager to accept his kiss none the less.  
The smile he sends into your lips only makes it easier to forget the fake argument you were vigorously pursuing just a moment ago.
He’s fully at it too, pecking at your lips, giggling in between them as his nose nudges against yours.
“I...” He chuckles, nudging your nose again, his breath a little uneven, “I fucking love you.”
You can’t help but, return his chuckle, bewildered by his sudden burst of affection, “Wh..why? What did I do?”
Placing another kiss against your mouth, Jungkook just smiles, the grip on your hands loosening a bit, “You actually listened...to me-” He kisses you again, nuzzling his nose against yours, “when I was talking about Overwatch characters and, you’re just I don’t know- you're just cool...ok?”  
He’s flustered at the task of actually having to explain himself so, rather than let you respond, he goes straight back to your lips, allowing more of his weight to settle into your body.
The kiss gradually grows deeper, sending waves of arousal to the pit of your stomach. Jungkook’s lips are so soft as they tuck into yours. His movements are unrushed when his tongue slowly slides into your mouth but, the rest of his body is growing increasingly antsy.
Making out with you never fails to turn him on. He genuinely doesn’t understand how he survived the first few months of your relationship because, the two of you took things really slow and, whilst he still stands by that decision, he’s thankful that he gets to experience all of you now.
“Jagiiiii....” He’s cooing playfully against your lips, dark eyes heavy with lust.
Your eyes are heavy too but, they catch your boyfriend’s playful grin before he nuzzles into your neck, sucking against it a few times, eliciting a laugh from your lips, “What do you want?”
As he kisses up the column of your throat, he snickers boyishly, pressing his hips to yours, “I’m hard...”
His response earns him a harsh nibble against his earlobe, given that it's your only means of retaliation since your hands are still beneath his, “That doesn’t answer my question.”
Jungkook snickers again, leaning back, puffing away past his lips to move his hair from his face, “Can I be honest?”
With amusement evident on your face, you nod.
“I want-” He smirks, his cheeks growing hot at the nature of his response, “I want your mouth.”
There is an attempt to hide your surprise but, the raising of your brows gives you away, an action that causes Jungkook to groan and hide out against you, “Yahhhh don’t look at me like that...”
The fondness you have for the man currently whining into your neck explodes and, you peck at his cheeks, giggling as he nuzzles against your skin.
“Lay down.” You murmur in his ear, your tone lowering slightly.
Although he wants to fight you in an effort to keep his pride, he’s not going to refuse you. He wants this too bad.
With a shit eating grin, he kisses your cheek and rolls off of you, a breath puffing past his swollen lips as his back hits the bed.  
His eagerness makes you shake your head but, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t salivating at the thought of having him in your mouth.  
Jungkook is always responsive during sex but, there is something about the way he acts when he’s in your mouth. It’s like he feels it for the first time every time, like he can’t believe how good it feels...
A searing kiss is touched against his mouth as your fingers tuck underneath his hoodie. Slowly, you pull it upwards, revealing the toned expanse of his stomach. He’s already hard but, that doesn’t stop you from leaning down and kissing against the taut muscles.  
“You’re driving me crazy...” He chuckles, voice laced with arousal, his forearm coming up to shield his eyes because, no matter how many times you’ve done this, he still gets shy.  
The word is whispered against his belly button before you continue nibbling and kissing against his skin. Shaky breaths are coming from underneath Jungkook’s forearm but, that doesn’t urge you to speed things up.
You know that despite his complaints, he loves to be teased.
He loves anything you do to him.
Finally, you’ve decided he’s had enough teasing and, you hitch your fingers into the band of his sweatpants and, pull them off his legs.  
Jungkook’s breathing increases slightly as he tries to anticipate what you’re going to do next but, he keeps his forearm securely over his eyes, his teeth securing themselves against his bottom lip.
You genuinely didn’t realize how hard he’s become until his pants are off but, now you can clearly see how much kissing you really affects him. His length is swollen, bobbing slightly in your direction, pink tip imbued with precum, begging to be cleaned up.  
You settle between his calves before gently moving your nails up the length of his legs, swirling around his kneecaps as you spread his thighs for you. His dick twitches towards you, jolting up from his lower stomach, attempting to get closer to your movements.  
Your lips come in to play now, taking turns between both of his tender thighs kissing and, sucking lightly at the muscles when they tremble for you. Finally, you end your teasing and, kitten lick over his sensitive tip before encasing it within your mouth, sucking gently.
Jungkook’s breath hitches above you, his upper body lurching towards your mouth. He’s trying his best to keep quiet but, as you brace your hands on his hips, and begin a slow rhythm up the length of his dick, he can’t help himself.
“Th-that feels so good.” He whispers and, it’s then his forearm falls away from his eyes because, as coy as Jungkook likes to play, he likes to watch.  
And through his heavy gaze, he does, his swollen lips parted in awe.
“I bet it does.” You smirk, licking up his balls before drawing one of them into your mouth.  
As your tongue caresses the sensitive flesh, your hand works a steady rhythm against his aching dick. Squeezing at the tip, you illicit a low groan from the back of his Jungkook’s throat, his toes curling against the sheets.
“Do you_” His inquiry is cut off as you lick back up his length, using your hand and your lips to work him closer to the edge, “Do you like doing this for me?”
He’s so fucking endearing sometimes you could burst.
“Do I like sucking your dick?” You clarify, speaking against the tip of his dick, your tongue tracing the curves of his frenulum.
He can’t respond just yet, his mouth is occupied by a different sound but, as soon as he gets his wits about him,his watery eyes open to gaze longingly at you.
“Yeah, does it turn you on?” He breathes, sweat beginning to collect around the curves of his face, causing his long hair to stick against his skin, “It makes me so crazy, to watch you do this for me. To know that you want me in your mouth...”
You take your time answering his question, sucking down the length of him as you let your fingers brush against his twitching balls, “I’d suck your dick every day if you’d let me...”
“Oh my god.” He groans, not expecting such a detailed answer. And at this point, his oversized hoodie is getting too much for him. He hastily pulls it over his head, doing it so quickly that he doesn’t interrupt the motions of on his dick. “I think I'd get addicted if I let you do it more, it’s too good, it feels so good...”
His beautiful face is smoothed out with pleasure, mouth unable to close unless it’s secure by his teeth, his eyes either blown wide with amazement or screwed shut with toe-curling euphoria. He looks so beautiful, his nipples erect on his chest, his stomach trembling underneath your touch and, you don’t notice but, before you know it, you’re whimpering around his dick.  
“What’s wrong baby? What happened?” He whispers hastily, his hands leaving the sheets to brush your hair from your face.
You don’t want to interrupt what Jungkook would consider to be the best head he’s ever received but, the aching in your core is getting really difficult to ignore and, feeling Jungkook’s dick in your mouth is making you a little delirious.
“I’m really...” You begin, pressing your thighs together, “this always makes me so wet, I kind of want to-”
You don’t get to finish your sentence as Jungkook already knows what you’re getting at and, the fact that sucking his dick makes you wet is enough to make him loose his shit. He sits up and pulls your mouth from his length, securing your lips into a sloppy kiss.
“You kind of want to fuck?” He whispers, trailing his lips to your ear, nibbling against the shell of it, “Is that what you were getting at? Does my girl want to fuck me?”
Jungkook is normally the shy type in the bedroom but, there are certain times, times like these when he gets riled up enough to display his more vulgar side show.
“Want to ride you...” You mumble into his mouth, pouting a little bit as he snickers, his hands sliding down your body to pull you in by the hips.
“You’re so fucking cute.” The compliment is uttered into your mouth as he situates the two of you in a position to grant your request. “How could I refuse you hm?”
You smirk playfully, biting your lip and, taking in a moment to admire the dichotomy of your boyfriend’s expression. He knows his words affect you and, the smirk on his mouth shows that but, his eyes are glossy and they hold something so much more, to the point you feel like there is something he wants to say.
But, he doesn’t, instead he just strokes himself a few times whilst you hover over his length.
Soft lips places kisses all over your face as you sink down on him, the two of you leaning into each other for support.
The things is, you’ve had sex with Jungkook hundreds of times.
And while yes, you know it feels good and, you know you’re going to cum your brains out, you never get used to the way he makes you feel.
Like you’re the only person in the world.
Like you’re everything he could ever dream of.  
“I can feel how tight you’re getting around me jagiya, are you close? Are you gonna cum for me?” His voice is higher in pitch and, growing desperate as the two of you near your orgasms. He angles his hips a certain way before, increasing his pace and, the sensation of his dick hitting your g-spot at the perfect angle, blows your eyes wide open.
With his thumbs placed on either of your cheeks, he smirks, “Oh was that it hm? Was that the spot?”
A frantic nod is all you can give him before your orgasm seemingly hits you like a freight train.
"Jungkook...oh-fu...fuck...i love you.”
He isn’t far behind you, cumming hard enough to fuck with his vision and, holding you through the entirety of both of your releases.
“I love you too, I love you so much...”
“Are they seriously just going to expect me to believe that he just FORGOT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED????”  
Jungkook's outburst is enough to send you into yet another giggle fit.  
The amount of ‘giggling’ you do around this man is honestly excessive.
“Listen, sometimes you have to give your Death Note back to your God of Death  in order to further your diabolical plans, it’s totally normal babe, you’re overreacting.”
After the mind numbing sex, you and Jungkook finished off the rest of the (your) snacks and, decided to at least get through one episode of Death Note. He’d been a little handsier than before but, that was normal Jungkook behavior; the man is always needy post orgasm.
Not that you minded...
The one thing you did mind was the occasional dazed look in his eyes, you kept catching him staring at you, or smiling fondly in your direction. You felt like something was up and, it was bothering you that you couldn’t figure it out.  
As the episode ends, the two of you get ready for bed, which mainly entails you finding your hoodie somewhere on the floor and calling it a night.  
“Jagiiii can you please turn on the lights back on? I can’t sleep without them anymore, the vibezz are off...” He pleads from behind you and, you snort at his choice of words before padding over towards his desk.  
Normally, you wouldn’t notice the contents of Jungkook’s desk mainly because, he likes to keep it tidy, claiming that a messy desk would ruin his gaming abilities. However, this time something stands out-
A small black wooden box, containing the words ‘Press Start’ sits on top of Jungkook’s glowing gamer key board. Intrigued, you pick it up before casually looking over your shoulder, “Hey babe whats-”
You cut yourself off because, Jungkook isn’t on the bed anymore...
He’s in front of you.
On one knee.
“I never...uh..” He clears his throat, his eyes glassy with tears, his face alight with adoration, “I have never believed I could fall in love with someone as hard as I’ve fallen for you. You make me laugh harder than anyone I’ve ever known, you make me smile, you make me feel like I’m the best man alive, like...like what I do ma-matters...”  
“Oh my god...” You whisper, your own eyes filling with tears, clutching the box within your hand
“Through you, I have learned to love...not only you but, myself. If you’ll have me, I promise to spend the rest of my life, thanking you for what you’ve done for me and, loving you harder than anyone has ever loved another.” He’s so competitive oh my god you love him so much, “Uh...can I?” He gestures to the box, laughing through his tears
Your eyes widen, practically shoving it into his hands, “Oh shit, I’m sorry...here...here.”
The two of you laugh together, as you always do before Jungkook takes your hand in his, smoothing his thumb over your knuckles, “Y/N Y/L/N? Will you marry me?”
Through the screeches and happy, almost inhuman noises, Jungkook slides the ring on your finger before, wrapping you up in his arms.
“I love you so much, oh my god how long have you been planning that?”  
He chuckles, kissing along the side of your face, “I’ve had the ring for a while but, I was waiting for the perfect moment but tonight, I realized that this is how I want to spend my life with you. Because it doesn’t matter where we are, all that matters is that I get to be with you. So, when you went pee earlier I stuck the ring on my desk and, turned the lights off...”
“You ass! I had no idea!” You giggle, kissing his lips before he can answer.
“Uh yeah...” He smirks, walking you back towards the bed. “That’s kind of the point babe...”
With a roll of your eyes, you tug him onto the bed with you, securing yourselves under the covers.
You don’t clapback because, the blue light illuminating Jungkook’s face catches your attention and, suddenly you realize that you’re going to get to spend the rest of your life with this man.  
Because he wants you too.
One last kiss is placed to his lips before, the two of you begin drifting off to sleep, “I love you.”
He smiles, pulling you close to him, “I love you too.”
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riseofus-zine · 4 years
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✨ Last, but most definitely not the least: ✨
@n4tiart​ ☆ EM ☆ Avocado
(bio text under the cut!)
schedule / about / answered asks / links / contributors
@n4tiart [twitter]
Hello, I'm Nati and I'm a rottmnt fan since 2019! I'm mostly known for being very busy, having organized the Mad Dogz Zine and for the 'Mad Ladz'! My OC Val, aka Leo's son, aka pink ninja turtle, is my faceman for social media and I am so happy to give him and his team a special place in this zine!
EM [twitter: turtles_Rising]
Hi, you can call me EM. I love writing a lot. I also love Rise of the TMNT.
Avocado [instagram: Delgado_the_avocado]
Heya!!! My name's Solua but you can also call me Avocado! I've been a fan of tmnt for many years now and when I heard it was getting a reboot I swear I could've exploded! I loved it as a kid and still love it to this day. I like drawing fanart and drawing my oc's form time to time. This is my first time ever participating in a Zine, hope you like it!
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happypuppys · 3 years
ladz want u all to knwo. i have discovered if u send me an ask and i privately answer it i can give u a video saying i love u
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dandiesindanger · 4 years
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Snap Dragons,
Spiritual mystery.
There’s a lot of spiritual mystery going on about Dandies. With so many questions, answers are sure to follow, but will they be ones you like?
The LADZ would like to know if you have any suggestions for flowers whose meanings you want to know of? Reblog and write your suggestions in comments or tags!
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Greater Strength
The trek through this particular Rok was a difficult one, mostly due to the new occupants being the typical horrors that became attracted to drifting space wreaks, examples being the chittering hordes of Genestealers, drooling blighted worshippers, and worse yet…
This didn’t matter much to Zagbad though, even with the sight in his left eye being reduced to a bloody haze after having to fend off a particularly bold beast. It’s blood still dripped from his Klaw, and if more dared to step in his remaining line of sight, he’d make them pay for it. But he wasn’t here to fight, even if he wasn’t against a scrap or two. No, he was here to retrieve property, for a battle far in the future that would require all the strength that he could muster.
At least that’s what Snaketeef had predicted, and if Zagbad was honest, he didn’t particularly like these vague prophesies and divinations. Still, the Ork Kaptin himself had begun to feel some sort of urgency these last few years, the sensation an equivalent to being stalked by something that always stayed just out of his sight…but nevertheless was there. The Ork would shake himself, bringing his mind out from his thoughts and to his surroundings, which were the rundown remains of an asteroid space station that had formerly belonged to a former boss of his.
As his footsteps echoed through the rusted halls, a voice would speak up behind him,
“Oi, Boss, yooz sure yooz ‘id somefing ‘ere?”
Zagbad would growl in response, and the Ork known as Grimgrod would take notice of the warning,
“Oh uh I’z meen Kaptin! Dat’z wot I’z said, yep yep.”
Satisfied, Zagbad continued his journey, denying Grimgrod an answer as he ducked underneath the doorframes ahead, getting closer to his prize. Soon, they’d reach a door, heavily locked down by numerous chains, bolts, and latches. Grimgrod reached into his bag for the explosives he had brought with him, but his Kaptin had other ideas. With a roar he charged forward Power Klaw first, and after his rammed into the obstacle, it creaked and groaned under the pressure, but held.
Huffing, Zagbad pulled his fist back, the limb in question becoming coated in the familiar black material the Kaptin seemed able to summon at will. With another roar he’d finally swing, his fist sailing through the air until it impacted with the door with an loud bang. The force of the blow caused the door to buckle inward, screws abs nuts flying as it fell back through the air with an echoing crash, followed by silence…
“Stoopid fing, shooda known Lokkmek’z skrap wudn’t be able ta ‘old fer anyfing…” Zagbad would murmur under his breath, stepping over the remains of the door and into the room. Grimgrod would hesitantly follow, shuffling in behind his boss but keeping a healthy distance away. The gloom would begin to brighten the further in they went, until bright blue lights lit up a small room, filled with the hum of machines barely running. In the center, nestled in the mess of wires and tubes, was a see through capsule holding what appeared to be some sort of fruit.
“…..We’z ‘ere fer a froot?” Grimgrod would ask, brows furrowed in confusion and disappointment, before turning away quickly as Zagbad whirled onto him with a snarl.
“It’s more den dat ye bilge rat! Don’t fink I’z lost all dem ladz outta ‘ere fer just a lousy froot, or I’ll gut ye meself…naaah, dis iz so much more. Get on dem terminalz n start work’n. No tell’n if da stasis projektorz ‘eld up, but I ain’t risk’n anyfing, not today.”
With a little nod, Grimgrod would job over to a console that took up a decent amount of space in the room, and after finding the keyboard, he’d begin clicking and clacking as he strained to remember the instructions given to him by Lokkmek. Slowly, the generators around them would begin to power down as energy was rerouted, until the capsule holding the precious cargo would open with a quiet hiss. The glass around the fruit would slide down, exposing it to fresh air for the first time in years. Grimgrod would peek at it out of the corner of his eye, and with that quick glance he’d find it was indeed a strange fruit, resembling what he’d guess to be a melon, but covered in blue spines and weird red spiral patterns.
He’d turn back to the console screen as Zagbad gave him another glare, but from behind he could hear a satisfied chuckle and the heavy footsteps of his boss through the room.
“Dis’ll do nicely…little fing I’z pikked up a long time ago…from home.” The behemoth of an Ork would say, with an almost sentimental tone, but it was quickly replaced by pure mirth, and the echo of his laughter through the corridor. Whatever would come Zagbad Grimgul’s way, he was determined to give it a fight it wouldn’t forget.
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fistofgork · 6 years
Do you create any stories about your armies? Like backstories, characters, history, locations, and stuff like that?
EDIT: I made something of a mistake answering this, apologies!
Now, as for in Fantasy, I tended to play a Night Goblin Warboss called Skullface, who ruled from a ruined Dwarven Karak in the Grey Mountains over his Skullbreaker tribe. He’s involved in an ongoing quest to claim the spine of the grey mountains as his own domain! 
To explain the presence of Orcs in his army I had Skullface ally with Dagzog, a local Orc Warboss, who provided fast moving Boar Boyz and Wolf Ladz. These would then strike in raids across Bretonnia, and retreat back to the mountains owned by Skullface, to have succour from any forces pursuing them. If anyone came up the mountains they’d soon find themselves ambushed by Skullface’s Tribe.
Then I also had a High Elf force, which I played as a noble of Caledor who was trying to rebuild one of the Elven Colonies on the Coast of Bretonnia, to give a reason for why they’d be close to my Night Goblins. I often also liked to field a Princess and just pretend it was Eldyra, Tyrion’s Squire, since I very much liked her character always. 
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nuka-b0y · 6 years
I GOT TAGGED BY @courier-693 !!!! B]
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you would like to get to know better. [[i’m not gonna tag any1 cause im awkward fuc tha poleec]] Name: levi Nickname: dave(y) [[also my name but i never get called by it anymore ;-; ]], levs, lamb Zodiac sign: leo Height: king of the manlets (im 5′3 if u must know, i havent grown since 2012) Orientation: idk lol i mostly like dudes but idk ? like 90% gay i guess idk Nationality: irish british ig Favorite fruits: all them 2bh (you kno whats underrated? apples mm delishus) Favorite season: THIS IS DIFFICULT CAUS LIKE i’m always cold 24/7 EXCEPT during summer heatwaves, because then i get heatstroke and spend most of the week under a cold shower, possibly also vomiting, because my brain has been cooked from the outside like a potato in a microwave :^) im very sensitive to like . all temperatures so im always suffering. fuck ALL the seasons Favorite scent: uhhhhh idk actually?? clean towel smell ig also apples Favorite color: red Favorite animal: cats ig? i like dogs too but they are too energetic and no thx. also crows and other black birds i luv them Coffee, tea, hot 🍫: none rly Average hrs of 💤: ok my sleep pattern is a fucking wheel of fortune. i either sleep 20 hours a day (i’m not exaggerating) or like 5 hours in 30 min intervals cause i have SUPEr vivid dreams and they wake me up constantly. idk i have sleep issues ig but who doesnt Favorite fictional character: jjjjjjjhhhhhh wew ladz !! 2 many No. of blankets you 💤 with: 1 Dream trip: iuuuuhhh ok honestly my first choice would b nevada. i want to actually see the mojave, vegas, zion national park, etc? ALSO theres this abandoned old resort town called salton sea which is fucking AMAZING all the buildings look fuckin post-nuclear, you can find actual ponds of green slime water and theres SAND EVERYWHERE literally holy shit!!!!! (i’m hyped up purely because it actually does look like some shit out of fnv but like whatever) also berlin for sum reason! and japan obviously idk lmao Blog created: idk a year ago i think? when i started getting back into fallout B]
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celeryjiaozi · 7 years
hi iris!! idk if u answered this before but how did u get started with weights?? i really want to get Skrong and im thinking weight training will do that but it's so scary to start!!
hi!! i answered sth similar like 3 mos ago here but ive also learned soooo much since then so i will just add onto it :). i completely agree its scary n honestly im still scared u know this past week i moved from my uni place to cambridge and getting adjusted to a new gym was so uncomfortable n terrifying im used to our shitty college gym with beanpole ladz next thing u know im in a real gym with huge 30 yo men in it...im still a bit weirded out...
but YES im so happy u asked this and weight training will definitely get u #strong. i think around april 2016 was when i like..ventured into our college gym for the first time n i remember making sure i went rly early morning so there was no one there and i could play around w/ dumbbells n stuff in peace/not be embarrassed (thinking back that was rly unnecessary bc actually if u ask any huge grunting gym guy questions about how to use a piece of equipment etc they are 98% of the time very friendly and v willing to help out! seriously weight training didnt just give me a lot of confidence overall it also rly improved my ability to converse with seemingly intimidating white men.)
anyways ill actually answer ur question now i recommend getting familiar with the main three lifts first (squat / bench / deadlift) which r called compound lifts bc together they pretty much require almost every muscle in ur body and r the standard indicators of overall strength. here r some resources from alan thrall (who can be quite shout-y sometimes but he has really helpful and to-the-point content on all aspects of powerlifting n weightlifting): 
how to squat
how to bench
how to deadlift
there r a ton of different programs u can follow to get started - what i did was get comfortable w/ the bar (20kg / 45lbs) for each of the main lifts then added weight slowly each week. once u figure out a weight u can comfortably use for each lift (e.g. i think i started out with 35kg squats for 5 repetitions as my maximum) u can figure out ur 1 rep max (1RM, the max amount of weight u can lift for 1 repetition) with this calculator n get started with a program - good ones are wendler’s 5/3/1 (linked the beginner ver here) and candito’s linear program, /r/fitness has a whole list of recommended programs here.
i started out with stronglifts 5x5 bc it was so simple -- pick a weight u can do 5 reps for, and when u can hit all 5 sets of all 5 reps, u add more weight (i think i added 2.5kg - 5kg each week). im currently running a modified version of 5/3/1 which regulates how much weight u add per week based on amrap (as many reps as possible) sets and basically it gives u a weight, u do as many reps as possible and then base how much u increase the weight for the following week off of that. its fun!!!
im SORRY for the information overload but another good resource is juggernaut training for legit powerlifting/weightlifting Top Notch science-backed tips. also pls dont think im an expert at any of this im still in my newbie stage too!!! but i loveee talking about this stuff if u wanna dm me on my #fitness ig @growingirises id love that hope this helps
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velouresque · 7 years
@tigre--tigre was an angel and tagged me in a thing! god bless u let’s go
nickname: don’t rly have many.  dad calls me “the lodger” and “stink” but also “pet” which I want to hate but kind of like???  my friend started calling me kat because he knew i hated it but then it grew on me, also my flatmate once introduced me to his mates as “ketamine katie” and it stuck
gender: i’m a girl :)
star sign: capricorn holla
height: 5′4″ ish (making me the tallest woman in my family lmao my mum is 5 foot nothing)
time: 15:38 i should have taken my dog for a walk but here i am still hungover in my jim jams
birthday: 9th january  (i rly don’t like my bday it’s rly close to christmas and it’s dark and cold and no one wants to drink bc everyone’s doing a fuckening new year cleanse)
favorite band(s): the smiths, sundara karma, florence and the machine, dry the river, the decemberists, crowded house, fall out boy, my chemical romance (i’m still 13 inside fight me), slaves, paramore, red hot chilli peppers probably a ton more i’m forgetting
favorite solo artist(s): not nearly as many tbh - mika, hozier, sia, tim minchin, orla gartland, trixie mattel! (buy two birds on itunes)
song stuck in my head: waving through a window from dear evan hansen
last movie i watched: chicago
last show i watched: rupaul’s drag race (s4)
when did i create my blog: this one is probably like 2 or 3 years old?
what do i post: drag race (espesh sasha velour, trixie and katya), pretty things, a hot cocktail of memes and shitposting and talking to my uni friends and whatever the fuck else i see
last thing i googled: i’m not jokin bitch
do u have other blogs: ya i have a sh*rl*ck blog that i used to run obsessively but haven’t really touched since the s4 clusterfuck (that’s my main, so i have to follow you as seriesfourwho)
do u get asks: lol no
why did u choose this blog name: sasha velour owns me
following: 549 blogs jfc
favorite colours:  r e d !  also yellow
average hours of sleep: like 8-10 at the moment because i have literally nothing to do day to day
lucky number: i guess 7?  i don’t really have one
instruments: guitar mainly, a bit of piano, ukelele, and the good ol descant recorder
what am i wearing: mom jeans and a black ribbed crop top
how many blankets i sleep with: just the one i hate being too hot
dream job: idk i wanna be able to do stuff in theatre, i’m not really fussed about what it is.  writing, acting, youth work, idm i just love stories and theatre
dream trip: i’d love to go interrailing through europe
favorite food: quorn scotch eggs boi, a classic dominos vegi supreme with a fuck ton of garlic and herb dip, the sweet potato fries from the uea campus bar, falafel and hummus, mango, my mum’s lentil curry, halloumi
nationality: british (2 irish grandparents, 1 welsh grandparent, 1 anglo-indian grandparent)
favorite song now: that’s rly rough i’m gonna give u loads: 10000 weight in gold by the head and the heart; god only knows by the beach boys; don’t dream it’s over by crowded house; med school by dry the river; shutdown by skepta but the slaves version from the livelounge; last night i dreamt that somebody loved me by the smiths, toxic by britney spears; the mariner’s revenge song by the decemberists; waving through a window from dear evan hansen
ty izzy for tagging me and the ladz i miss u all xoxoxoxoxo
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
We! Are! Family! 💏
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Yoongi comes home with you for the holidays.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3.2k
Universe: Fear and Dumplings
Based on: this ask x
Warnings: language, suggestive themes/content, 18+ verbiage aka your family introduces Yoongi to Cards Against Humanity. 
A/N: Hello and welcome to the first installment of Merry Crizzmizz 2019 ! I’m so excited for the rest of the fics and, I wanna thank all of you for sending in your requests, I hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with. This can be read as a stand alone but, I highly recommend reading Fear and Dumplings as it’s based in that universe. Happy Holidays ladz!!!
Back to the masterlist! (click here)
Yoongi is nervous.
Okay so, he’s practically always nervous but, this time? It’s for real for real nerves,
Like, he kind of wants to vomit in the backseat of the taxi nerves.
Like, he’s kissing you for the first time nerves.
And you’re here, of course, fingers laced with his, thumb smoothing over his knuckles, trying your best to calm him down.
But, you know there isn’t much you can do.
Yoongi is meeting your family for the first time and, if you were in his position, you’d be nervous too.
“Your town is pretty…” He notes, his voice lowered in an effort to control his nerves
You smile, turning your attention towards him, your fingers gently hooking underneath his chin.
“You’re pretty…” You quip, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
A smile teases at Yoongi’s lips but, it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, “Stop trying to distract me. I’m supposed to be panicking right now…”
With a snort, you peck his lips again before leaning back, “Sooo, you don’t want me to kiss you?”
Yoongi sucks his lips between his teeth in an effort to remain serious, “I have to focus...”
“On what?” You giggle incredulously and, Yoongi doesn’t exactly have an answer so, he just buries his face into your neck.
“What if they hate me?” He groans, wincing at the bit of anxiety that shoots through his gut
Shrugging your shoulder, you attempt to pull his face from your neck, but he wraps his arms around you, securing himself in place.
“Look at me!” You laugh, goosebumps involuntarily raising on your skin as he burrows into you further, “They are not going to hate you, you’re literally the sweetest person alive.”
Yoongi snickers as you protest, wrapping himself around you tighter, “No, let me stay here, it’s safe…” He insists and, although he’s messing around, butterflies course through your stomach at his words. “You’re the only one who thinks I’m sweet…”
Stifling a giggle, you run your fingers through his hair, gently scratching at his scalp, “ Ah yes…that is completely and totally accurate.”
Yoongi smirks, sensing your sarcasm and while he’d love to sit there for hours and let you play with his hair, he has to protest, “It iiiis.”
“Yoongi,” You smooth his hair back into place as he positions himself to face you, still giggling at his antics, “you’re nice and, people know you’re nice. Every single one of my friends adores you, heck I’m pretty sure Jungkook likes you more than me at this point. He asks about you every day…”
His smirk doesn’t falter but, his eyes grow softer at your words, “That’s only because he convinced me to sign up for Overwatch and, he’s always checking if I’m going to play…”
“My family is going to love you.” You finally say, ignoring his attempts to depreciate himself, “I know this is a big deal, trust me, I’ve never brought anyone home before but, I know for a fact they will see what I see in you.”
Yoongi’s heartbeat goes a little wonky as you kiss him again, lingering slightly longer this time. With a deep exhale, he places a hand on your cheek, reciprocating your affection.
“You know it’s not really fair for you to kiss me like this right before I’m supposed to be meeting your family…” He mumbles against your lips, feeling the beginnings of arousal stirring in his gut.
Smoothing your thumb over his lips, you shrug, sporting an unashamed expression, “Is it still unfair if I promise to make you cum more than once tonight? You know, after you’ve finished winning my family over…”
He feels his stomach lurch at your comment, his teeth immediately coming out to tug on his bottom lip.
“Wait really?” His brows raise and, he wants to kick himself for how eager he sounds.
You have this way of redirecting his focus without dismissing his feelings and, although he’s thoroughly turned on right now, he’s also noting yet another reason why he’s fallen in love with you. (??)
A laugh leaves your lips and, with another kiss pressed to his mouth, you nod, “Really. Now, be nice to yourself and, get ready to eat until you’re stuffed.”
He chuckles, pushing aside his wandering thoughts before nodding and shaking his hair out of his face “Yes mam.”
The taxi ride only lasts for another 25 minutes or so and, although Yoongi still feels nervous, he’s thankful to distract himself with the sound of your voice.
You’re going on about the various family members he’d be meeting tonight: your mom, your aunt, your uncles and, a few cousins.
Yoongi wonders where you get your personality from; your articulation, your humor, your compassion…he notes that if your family is anything like you, then maybe he really doesn’t have anything to worry about.
The taxi pulls up to a medium sized home and, Yoongi feels slightly ashamed at his relief.
The neighborhood surrounding the home is modest, cozy and, riddled with holiday décor. 
“Home sweet home...” You murmur, your eyes alight with nostalgia as you kiss his cheek before, leaning up to pay the cab driver, “Thank you! Happy Holidays!” 
Yoongi smirks fondly, his cheeks flushing involuntarily. 
With a pleasant smile, the cab driver assists you with your bags in the trunk before zooming back down the street. 
Yoongi takes it upon himself to sling both of your bags over his shoulder, leaving you with only your purse in your arms. 
“You got it?” You check, nodding to your luggage, “I can take something babe...” 
He waves you off, adjusting his grip and leaning over to peck your lips, “I’m good, just hold this...”  
Shamelessly, he extends his hand towards you, his long fingers intertwining with your own as he tries to stifle a smile. 
Lips parted in awe, you obviously accept his hand but, you’re practically speechless at the fact that your boyfriend just made a dad joke. 
“I’m telling Hoseok...” 
Yoongi snickers, unbothered as he strolls up to the house with you and, just as soon as his nerves dissipated, they quickly return. 
By the time you both arrive at the door, Yoongi thinks he might actually be having a heart attack. 
You sense this, so your grip on his hand grows tighter and, with one last reassuring glance, you knock against the door a few times. 
It’s roughly 10 seconds before someone opens the door but, Yoongi swears 50 years pass until he’s greeted with the smiling face of a woman about your height.
It’s gotta be your mom, she looks just like you.
“Y/N!” She cheers, tugging you into her arms and, Yoongi feels his heart throb at the tears collecting at the corner of her eyes.
You smile brilliantly, letting go of Yoongi’s hand to wrap your arms around your mom, “Hi mom…”
“Oh my god, I missed you…look at your face!” Your mom cheers, pinching your cheeks between her fingers before, her gaze falls upon Yoongi.
With a giggle, you quickly turn towards your boyfriend, “Mom this is-“
But she cuts you off and, shoots a smile his way, her eyes lighting up, “You must be Yoongi, it’s so nice to meet you, I’m Y/M/N.”
Yoongi sends a small smile back, bowing slightly, “It’s nice to meet you to, thank you for-“
Your mom cuts him off this time, ignoring his attempt at a handshake to pull him into her arms.
“Thank you for bringing my girl home safely, I’m so excited to have you here.”
Yoongi actually feels kind of silly.
He’s been spending the better part of the week agonizing over whether or not your family would like him and, yet here your mom is, demolishing all of his worries within 10 seconds.
“Thank you so much for having me,” He smiles, bowing his head again as the two of them part, “She slept through most of the flight so, she was easy cargo.”
Pushing down the overwhelming fondness blooming your chest, you respond with an affronted expression, “He’s lying, he literally snored through both of the in-flight meals and, almost fell asleep at the customs desk…”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, nudging you playfully and, your mom admires the two of you with a soft smile.
“Customs is exhausting…” She laughs, raising her brows as she sides with Yoongi
“WOW, two minutes in and, you’re already siding against your daughter huh?” You tease and, the three of you erupt in a small round of laughter, as you retreat further into the house.
Yoongi notices the warmth, the smell of cookies baking in the oven and, most of all, the chimes of laughter emanating from the living room.
“Go ahead and set your bags in here,” Your mom gestures to a bedroom before the smile returns to her face, “Everyone is so excited to see you…”
Excited is an understatement, Yoongi is swiftly introduced and passed between the rest of your family members, each of them just as welcoming as the last.
Of course your family is amazing, he thinks, they’re apart of you.
“Yoongi have you ever played before?” Your cousin pipes up over the chatter of your family members.
After dinner, your family decides that the best (and most entertaining) ice breaker would be a round of Cards Against Humanity aka A party game for horrible people.
“No, I’ve never played; my roommates’ play it all the time though…” His posture is significantly more relaxed, his cheeks rosied from the bit of whiskey he’s been sharing with your cousin and, you’re thankful he’s already so comfortable.
After you and your cousin explain the rules, there’s a bit of chatter as your uncles tease the crass nature of the game.
“Oh my god Yoongi’s going to think we’re terrible…” Your aunt laments, causing the rest of your family to laugh.
Yoongi’s gummy smile is out to play as he responds, “I’m honestly more worried about what you guys will think of me; these are pretty bad.” He chuckles his eyes scanning over the cards in his hands.
“Ah c’mon we’re all adults here mom, Yoongi’s a big boy, he can handle it.” Your cousin chuckles, sending a wink Yoongi’s way as he deals out the first black card.
“Y/N and Y/C/N are pretty good at this game, there usually neck and neck…” Your mom murmurs to Yoongi whilst your cousin tries to settle the rest of the table.
He nods, a smirk curving against his lips as he shoots a glance your way, “That doesn’t surprise me…”
There’s something loaded in his gaze and that, along with the raspy tone in his voice, does something to you.
“Prepare to get your ass kicked Min…” Is all you say, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
The game is on and, throughout the next few rounds, the mood of the table settles into a comfortable chaos.
Yoongi is wiping the tears from his eyes from the amount of sheer fuckery in the cards and, although he was slightly apprehensive at first, he’s loosening up a bit.
“Ok who the hell put BITCHES AND DRUGS???” You accuse, trying to contain your laughter.
The black card you’re currently working with reads:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3: Profit
The laughter is impossible to contain however, when your cherry-cheeked boyfriend shyly raises his hand.
With the rest of your family now quaking with laughter, your eyes widen, nudging a cackling Yoongi, “Is that your backup plan or something?!??”
“Hey if music doesn’t work out, he’s gotta make that money somehow right Yoongi?” The question is forced out through your cousins laughter and, Yoongi responds by hiding his face in his hands, trying to contain his laughter.
The game continues and, in an unexpected turn, the person in the lead is none other than the shyest king of them all: Mr. Min Yoongi.
He’s collected 6 out of the 7 required cards and, is well on his way to winning.
“Alright, you guys ready?”
It’s your turn to read and, with 5 black cards in your possession, you’re right behind Yoongi.
However, you’re secretly hoping he wins…
Call it love or whatever…
“Ok…” You hold up the black card in front of your face, clearing your throat before reading it aloud, “‘This is the prime of my life. I’m young, hot and, full of blank.’ ”
Everyone gets to work shuffling through their cards.
After roughly two minutes, the pile of white cards sits in the center of the table, waiting to be read.
“Yoongi only needs one more so, if you pick him, you have to sleep in the kitchen tonight…” Your uncle slurs, smirking drunkenly between the two of you.
You giggle and wave him off, “If I pick him,” You place a hand on his thigh, “it’s because he’s funnier than the rest of you and, you’re just going to have to accept that.”
An involuntary blush presents itself on Yoongi’s cheeks because, he will never get used to your compliments and how they make him feel.
You get through a few response encourage a round of laughter throughout your family before, landing on the final card.
“This is the prime of my life. I’m young, hot and, full of…” You flip the card over, “poor life choices.”
As if laughter isn’t already the theme of the night, the rest of the table find themselves in another bout of it.
“Ok….I’m sorry but this one is clearly the winner…” You choke out, holding up the final card and scanning the table for its owner.
And would you look at that…
Yoongi wins the whole freaking game.
“OH CMON REALLY Y/N???? You just HAD to let your boyfriend win huh?” Your cousin teases, shoving his cards to the center of the table.
“Hey I didn’t know it was his card ok??? It was just the best one…” You giggle, pressing a kiss on his cheek as he takes another sip of his whiskey.
“Poor life choices huh? Isn’t Y/N one of your life choices???” Your uncle slurs again, trying to stir the pot as usual causing Yoongi to bury his face in his hands once again.
“Oooohhh Yoongi are you trying to tell us something??? Blink twice if you’re under duress.” The comment coming from your cousin causes you to launch a card in his direction.
“Leave Yoongi alone, you’re going to give him a heart attack…” Your mom wraps an arm around him, rubbing his bicep gently.
He’s still chuckling, cheeks beet red as he shakes his head, “You guys are going to get me in trouble…”
Right as the two of you are heading to bed, your mom chimes in, shooting a hopeful glance in Yoongi’s direction, “Yoongi can I steal you for a second?”
He feels his heart jump in his chest but, he lets go of your hand, smiling softly at her, “Yeah of course.”
You look between them, raising your brows expectedly, “Please give him back in a timely manner, the guest room is freezing…”
He chuckles as your mom waves you off, “Just two minuuutes!”
With a giggle and, one last glance, you leave them to it, trying to stifle the burning curiosity in your gut.
“I just-“ Your mom begins and, Yoongi’s brows furrow slightly as he notices the shakiness in her voice, “I just wanted to thank you for coming and, for being so good to my daughter…I’ve never seen her so happy before.”
Yoongi feels his eyes sting with tears as she sniffles slightly, dabbing at the corner of her eyes.
“God I’m sorry. I’m such a sap…” She laughs breathlessly and, he places a hand on her shoulder, his eyes deep with sincerity.
“Thank you for being so welcoming. I um…I don’t really speak to my parents anymore…” He confesses, feeling comfortable enough to divulge this information, “I haven’t spent Christmas with a family in years and uh…” He looks away from her, blinking furiously to stop the tears from falling, “I just feel really lucky to have met all of you. I can see now why Y/N is who she is.”
Your mom sniffles again, smiling fondly at him as he continues.
“Your daughter has made me happier than I’ve ever been.” He blinks away more tears, taking a deep breath as he glances towards the door of the guest room, “And I intend on spending my life making sure she’s the happiest she can be.”
With that, your mom pulls him into another hug, rubbing his back gently as the two of them share a tearful moment.
Pulling away, they chuckle, wiping at their eyes as your mom shakes her head, “Look at us, we’re a mess…” She takes a deep breath and, smiles once more, “Welcome to the family Yoongi.”
He swears his heart bursts with joy but, rather than giggle like an idiot, he opts for the gummiest of smiles and a nod in her direction.
“Thank you. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
Still smiling, your mom nods in the direction of the guest room, trying to ease the heaviness of the conversation, “You better get back in there before she comes looking for you.” She hugs him again, placing a kiss on his cheek, “Goodnight sweetie and, Merry Christmas.”
“Goodnight, thank you again for everything. Oh and, Merry Christmas to you too…”
Yoongi finds himself back in the guest room moments later, eyes searching for you.
He smirks fondly at you as you’ve already burrowed under a mound of blankets, your eyes barely peeking out from the top of the duvet.
“You’re baaaaack.” You cheer sleepily, pulling the covers aside for him.
Discarding his slippers and, his various pieces of jewelry, he strips down to only his boxers before sliding into bed.
With a gummy smile, he tugs you towards him, wrapping you in his arms, “Your mom made me cry…”
Your eyes widen and you jerk in his grip to look towards his face, “What???? Why???”
He chuckles at your reaction, placing a kiss against your forehead, “She just said a lot of nice things that my black heart was unprepared for.”
You snort, “Your heart is literally made of cotton candy but, go off…”
He ignores you, attaching his lips to yours, immediately smiling into your mouth and, after a few moments of kissing he speaks up again:
“I love you so much that it’s honestly disgusting….” He smirks, his kisses getting more frequent as he holds you closer.
“I’m sorry that I disgust you…” You mumble against his lips, giggling as he pinches your side, “I love you too…”
Yoongi’s soft lips continue to play with yours and, although you’re growing a little antsy for more, you’re content with just his mouth for now.
“You’re not a poor life choice by the way…” He notes as he kisses down into your neck, his big hands slipping under your t-shirt, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
And man oh man…do you feel the same way.
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