#labryinth lost
ghoastixx · 10 days
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Not mine!!!!
Let me know if you get a bingo
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delicatereviewtrash · 5 months
okay I don't know if I even fully agree with this take of mine so bear with me
with the creative changes that the pjo show is bound to have, and though this is not likely to happen, I actually wanna see bianca di angelo die in the last olympian rather than in a titans curse.
dont get me wrong, her death is extremely crucial to nico di angelo's character development, and the introduction of his hubris. and the strained relationship between him and percy. but it can be taken in a different approach that still sort of follows this plot.
I think that bianca's power and status as a child of hades is taken lightly, and her dying because she was crushed, is tragic yet also maybe a cop out? I think that children of the big three are such interesting characters that should be explored even if they have an inevitable death within the story. as invincible as a forbidden child may seem, they are not immune to death. no matter how hard they try to avoid it (such as jason).
I understand that its meant to be tragic, but isn't seeing the struggle of these young children trying to survive and find their happy ending more appealing in a tv show? As well as showcases how the gods don't care for their children. not saying that I crave for these character's to go through even more hardship, but within the series it may be more interesting, and still at it's core be a tragedy.
instead of bianca dying, she just becomes lost. obviously the events of percy telling nico the news is the same. bianca and nico are constantly searching for each other through the battle of the labryinth. they know that they're alive, but for some reason can't meet. possibly cause of the gods distaste of hades, monsters, or luke receiving intel from camp half blood spies.
then we get to the last olympian where we get to a point where they both meet and they convince hades to fight in the war, things are looking pretty great. in the battle they both believe that they'll get through it alive, especially being children of hades, and that their dad is also fighting in the war. it almost seems that they are invincible. yet in the heat of the battle, bianca dies.
nico is upset with the gods, as nobody showed her favor, or saved her. not even their father. his idol couldn't even protect them, and the worst part is that it could not be prevented. she was always destined to be lost, she was meant to die on the quest from two years ago. and although it seemed that she was saved from that, being a child of death, thats not how the story goes.
idk y'all this seems like an interesting concept to me that can be adapted into the show, it can seem like a fanfic ik 😭 buttt if done right I think it could be pretty heartbreaking and great!
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Lore for my pjo oc lucy castellan
Lucy castellan! Who was just 8 when they ran away from home with their brother.
Lucy castellan! Who looked up to luke and relied on him.
Luxy castellan! Who became second to annabeth in her brother's eyes.
Lucy castellan! Who managed to be left out in a group of four
Lucy castellan! Who struggled to get along with people in camp
Lucy castellan! Who was left unclaimed for two years after her brother.
Lucy castellan! Who trained day in and day out to get any praise from their brother.
Lucy castellan! Who finally felt happt when clarisse and annabeth befriended her
Lucy castellan! Who was the second best swordsman in camp but ignored cause she wasnt first
Lucy castellan! Who always lived in the shadow of her brother
Lucy castellan! Who used to be beaten up by campers who didn't like Luke
Lucy castellan! Who was the punching bag of the hermes cabin
Lucy cadtellan! Who went on a failed quest right after Luke, lost her left hand but was ignored.
Lucy castellan! Who did so much for luke but was still never his favorite
Lucy castellan! Who set fire to the big house when she left camp halfblood behind luke, hoping he would be impressed
Lucy castellan! Who did everything she was told by luke, and rose to position of lieutenant.
Lucy castellan! Who became friends with ethan nakamura and finally felt equal.
Lucy castellan! Who spent her 15th birthday battling a gorgon on their own and no wishes.
Lucy castellan! Who risked their life ovwr and over again for the love of their brother.
Lucy castellan! Who was the first to realised that luke was posessed.
Lucy castellan! Who was horrified by what luke was doing once they opened their eyes
Lucy castellan! Who openly defied lukes orders to kill hostages, and and was replaced by ethan as lieutenant
Lucy castellan! Who made attempts on her life but was stopped by ethan
Lucy castellan! Who risked everything by anonymously revealing lukes plans to chb
Lucy castellan! Who was pushed into the labyrinth by ethan on lukes orders for their betrayal
Lucy castellan! Who was in the labryinth for two years
Lucy castellan! Who was grossly mutilated in the labyrinth by the monsters and toxic air
Lucy castellan! Who was brutally tortured and almost died in the labryinth
Lucy castellan! Who escaped but lost their leg.
Lucy castellan! Whos all grown up but has no true self, and doesn't think she is capable of being loved.
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purple0-0lilac · 2 months
So I have been playing Hollow Knight...
I have reached 108% of Hollow Knight...What have I been able to do?
-Defeated The Radiance
-I have all the charms
-I beat three of the Pantheons (Artist, Sage, Master), and was able to reach Pure Vessel in the Pantheon of the Knight, but did not defeat it (Wiped the floor with me actually)
--See also Nightmare Grimm, haven't even got close to beating this Lost Boys/Labryinth dude here.
-I have beat Zote the Mighty thrice
-I rescued all the grubs
-2/3 of the Colosseum battles have been beaten (I reached the God Tamer but didn't beat em)
-156/160 Encountered, and 127/160 Completed in the Hunter's Journal
-All Soul Shards, Nail Arts, Spells, Possibly found items (Maybe not stuff like the Wanderer's Journal and stuff like that) have been obtained
--I need like one more Mask Shard but that Grey Mourner flower quest is like.........
-Upgraded Dream Nail and Normal Nail to the max.
I have surpassed my previous run of 102%
I could try to reach the coveted 112%, but I need to learn to love myself sometimes.....whilst I am also attempting a Steel Soul Run
-So far, No deaths, I have reached the City of Tears, and have had close calls already.
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imaginativeworks · 3 months
I am writing an alphabet fanfic. Any prompts for words starting with the letter L? I'm kinda stuck with this one. 💜
Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you!
As for prompt words starting with “L”
Love a simple but pleasing one someone’s feeling of care and affection for someone in not just the romantic sense but platonic, familial and admiration for things. Maybe they finally express how much they care about or feel for someone when something almost happens or they just come to the conclusion to on their own or in passing.
Lovely to describe the beauty and admiration of something that can be towards a person, a place or item they may treasure. Maybe it will be the first time it strikes that how lovely something is, was it always this lovely, how haven’t they noticed, etc.
Laboratory could be the ones you’re writing about could be working at or staking out a laboratory where a test subject can go wrong or even right. What are they studying, what are they trying to make, should it continue or stop in a Frankenstein monster type of sense.
Luminous can be used to to describing a feeling the have or observation. Like maybe they are walking alone or with someone and it truly hits them how beautiful the night sky really is, they never had the time to really notice because they’re always so busy. Or they are on the beach and see the flow of bioluminescent plankton rush to the shore glowing ever brighter for the first time with someone.
Labryinth, perhaps they get lost in or trapped in a labryinth, who trapped them there, how might they get out. If they’re with their friends, allies, rivals or enemies how will their dynamics change and grow. Will they learn more about the person and their opinion of them change. A labyrinth in both metaphor from their feeling and atmosphere.
Late, maybe it’s someone’s internal monologue of how late they are or how tired they feel but can’t rest because they’re already late for a deadline. They begin to dose off at their desk perhaps someone notices and puts a blanket or jacket on their shoulders as a small gesture of concern and care. For the being late maybe they’re given time to rest and take things into perspective.
Latte, maybe a cafe sequence their thoughts are expressed as they go to a cafe to take a break maybe the relief they feel as they hold the mug or the subtle ambience of the place.
Lucky, maybe they become lucky or things begin to go good or go their way. Or their luck takes a turn and in that moment they realize how lucky they were. How will their perspective change, what will they do now?
I hope this is helpful to you and if you need more just leave an ask and I’ll try to think of more.
💕 Thank you for the ask and I hope you have a wonderful day! 💕
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justaaveragereader · 2 years
The Eight Evil Thoughts // OT8
Part 3: Envy
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You were a firm believer that when you died you were bound to go to heaven…but what happens when you get casted straight down to hell. Before kneeling before the most famous evil thought/leader you run into the other evil thoughts along the way.
“Never underestimate the power of jealousy
and the power of envy to destroy.
Never underestimate that.” - Oliver Stone
🏔️ Pair: Reader x ????
🏔️Genre: Angst, Thriller, Possible Yandere, Suggestive, Slight Religion Talk, Cursing
🏔️Word Count: 4.1k
Tossing the apple in the air you continue your journey within the labryinth. Deciding to just give up you sit on the ground. Leaves crunching underneath you as you sit. Tossing your loser apple in the air to help pass the time. While trying to come up with any thoughts of how you are going to get out of here. Your last two visits, Mingi and Jongho, were a complete bust.
“I have to pass the rest of these. There is no room for failure now.”
Exhaustion slowly starts to take over you, eyes shutting while you grip the apple Jongho chucked at you. The apple felt like the only thing keeping you grounded like everything was a fever dream, the apple was your reality check, that it all was happening. This was all real.
Letting your thoughts come to a screeching halt you drift off. Sleep now fully consuming your body, a belly full of the apples from Jonghos orchard.
🏔️ 🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️
You feel a wet soft object touch your face. The wetness throws you off, eyes flashing open ready to fend off what or whoever is deciding to disrupt your sleep. You move quickly to sit up, hand clutching the apple tightly.
Right before you is a small light brown dog with small white dots for eyebrows, its underside is completely white while its top half is a caramel brown color. Eyeing it closer…you are hesitant but hold your hand out so it can sniff you. Nudging its head forward in your hand like it’s signaling you to pet it. You decide to run your hand over the top of the dogs head, shocked completely that this dog, cute and innocent looking, would be down here in a place like this.
Tucking your apple into your side so the dog wouldn’t eat it. You bring your other hand up, squishing the dogs face together while petting it.
“Well how are you good boy? Who’s a good boy?” You repeat while cooing at the animal in front of you that looks so happy. Checking to see if the dog belongs to anyone you pull at the small collar around the dogs neck.
The dogs ears perk up at its name being called.
“Are you Shiber? Well, aren't you adorable Shiber!”
Continuing to coo at the cute dog in front of you. Rubbing its belly, the dog was just a big ball of love. This felt like the most human thing, the most normal interaction you had since you’ve been down here. Nothing was off about the dog; it looked like a normal dog. Getting lost in the affection and love for the dog. You hear a whistling noise. Shibers ears perk up. Assuming that this was the owner signaling for the dog to return, you brush your hand across the dogs head one more time.
“Come on boy, let's find your owner.”
Brushing your pants off while standing up, grabbing the apple. You notice Shiber is wagging its tail excitedly.
“Show me that way. Let’s go boy!.”
The dog happily starts trailing in front of you. Taking you through a heavily wooded area. It’s like you are on the edge of the woods. Nothing but dark trees and dead leaves are all that’s around you. Worried, you start to slow down. Shibber senses you aren’t walking anymore. Turning around to look at you he lets out a small bark.
“No can do buddy. I’ve had my share of scary places already.”
Letting out a small whimper noise giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen.
“No. No. No…please come on. Don’t do this to me.” You whine out to the dog, the eyes tugging at your heart.
“Don’t do this please. You don’t understand the days I’ve had down here. Come on..!”
You whine to the dog who is proceeding to let out sad whimpers at you. Ears laying flat on his head head. Big sad eyes looking up at you. Letting out a groan you proceed forward.
Dead branches smacking you in the face, dead leaves in your hair, trying to not stumble on the dead roots on the ground. Putting so much focus into trying not to injure yourself you realize you have made it to the edge of the wooded area. Picking the dead leaves out of your hair with frustration.
“You know this is against my morals!”
You look down, eyeing the dog. Letting out a small groan of frustration. You decide to look around at your new surroundings.
You are rendered speechless. You are surrounded by small house like pets from dogs all the way to small goldfish.
“It’s like a pet store here..”
You think out loud, still stunned by what is all in front of you almost missing the whistling noise that sounds off. This time it is much closer to you. Shiber nudges his head against your ankle knocking you out of your awe like state, looking down you rub your hand over his head.
“Alright boy, lead the way.”
Giving the dog a small smile, proceeding to follow behind him. Passing by so many animals…You had never seen so many animals in your life it was like being in a small zoo. Birds, fish, cats, you had even seen a snake just hanging out in a tree looking like it was resting. Following aimlessly behind this dog, it was like your feet were on auto pilot again. Everything was so amazing to you, you were being wrapped into the scenery.
“Ah..Shiber I see you’ve brought company!”
Coming to a screeching halt, body completely freezing, whipping your head to look at the person in front of you. His features were sharp, with a big brightening dimpled smile, about the same height as Jongho, and solid gold eyes, no pupil.
Shiber makes his way towards the young man before you. Rubbing his head against the mans pants leg. Wagging his tail excitingly. You knew right away this was his owner. He had such a comforting aurora but that ick like feeling was scratching at the back of your head. Screaming in warning but yet you could not fight the feeling you got seeing this solid gold eye man grin at you.
“I’- I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to enter your space without permission…I just wanted to make sure h-he got back to his owner…”
You say silently while letting a small smile creep on your face…eyeing the man closely.
“Nonsense! You are fine. Shiber has a tendency to play by his own rules, don’t you Shiber?”
He says while rubbing behind the dogs ears. You feel a sudden ick, upset he’s showing so much love and attention towards the dog yet you try to shake that feeling. He looks at the dog with so much love. You find it hard to believe a sweet man like this could be trapped down here. Yet you are still on guard, trying not to fall into any traps set up for you. You cannot afford to fail again.
“Are all these animals..yours?”
Letting another big dimple smile across his face he looks up at you, solid gold eyes boring into your own. Your brain is on high alert, it’s like it is screaming once again at you to get out of there but the way this man is smiling at you it’s hard to leave. Your heart is persuading you to stay. Your body feeling insecure the more he looks at you yet so fulfilled that he’s even glancing your way.
“Why yes they are! Have you taken a look around at them? If not, you should! They are the most gorgeous animals you’ll ever see.”
Getting lost in his smile you shake your head in a nodding motion. At a loss for words, there is so much you want to say but it’s like you are short circuiting. Feeling something brush against your leg, you look down. It’s by far the cutest cat you’ve ever seen.
“That’s Byeol, she’s quite friendly.”
Squinting slightly you see in the left eye of the man his solid gold eye is starting to slightly turn a green like color. Your brain now feels like it’s sounding off an alarm, bells, whistles are going off in your head yet you can’t get your body to move your heart is swooned. Bending down you rub your hand over the cats back. Shocked by how soft she is.
“Wow! She’s so soft! You must take very good care of her!”
He lets out a small laugh. This left eye slowly goes back to being fully gold. A big smile appears on his face, blush dusting his cheeks. He kicks slightly at the grass in a shy manner. Slightly shrugging his shoulders.
“I mean yea..I try.”
Smiling brightly through every word he says. Byeol and Shiber both seem to really like you. His eye once again starts slightly turning green. Feeling goosebumps litter your spine. Your brain once again feels like it’s yelling at you, calling you an idiot.
Bending down now fully crouching to scratch the cat, the apple Jongho threw at you falls out of your pocket, rolling right in front of the mans feet.
That’s when you hear it. The scribbling noise. You heard it with Mingi, you heard it with Jongho, now you are hearing it with this man. Slowly moving your hand off of the cat. You look up at the dimpled man before you. Cautiously standing up from your crouching position, noticing that one of his eyes is fully green. Standing fully..leaving the cat fully purring below you, walking in between your feet.
“You are one of them…. aren’t you?”
The man is just staring hard at the apple on the ground. Staring at it so hard you would think he could light it on fire just by his gaze.
“Where did you get this?”
Your eyes grow slightly in size. His voice sounds nothing like how it sounded just moments ago. He lets out a low chuckle. Suddenly it feels like everything around you had froze, the cat no longer is purring below you. Out of your peripheral vision you see Shiber whimpering with his ears close to his head like he is afraid. A sinister smile graces his face.
“Where did you get this apple?”
Now fully scared you slowly back away..putting as much distance between you and the mystery man as you can. Eyes darting around looking for any sign of what the name to this man could be. Whoever he is has had no effect on you so he must not be as powerful as the others you’ve come across. Eyes still dancing around you glance back towards Shiber. There it is! There is a board with his name on it. Slightly stretching your neck to see the name.
“I’m going to ask once more…and once more only…Where did you get this apple?”
Nervously you bite your lip. Goosebumps are now littering your whole body. Fight or flight is now in full gear. You could just turn around, run away but you are too frightened to move. Fear is nipping away at you. Everything is still so still, so quiet around you. All the animals you had been hearing earlier are no longer making any noise, like they never existed. Shrinking back into standing up straight, as curious as you are to figure out who he is, your body is quivering with anxiety which is taking over.
“From Jongho…”
You say through a whisper.
The man lets out a sick cackle. One eye is now fully dark green while the other is sparkling gold. His grip on the apple now is so tight you see his knuckles are now turning white. He’s now laughing so hard he’s bent over his face almost touching his knees like he is caving in on himself.
“Can you just give the apple back to me please..?”
Continuing his hysterical laughter, gold and green tears are running down his face, smacking the ground. One hand on his chest like he’s trying to catch his breath. You can almost taste the uneasiness, the ick now running up your spine.
“Sir please..I just want it back..”
You slightly take a step towards him, hand slowly coming out to pat his back, to show him you mean no harm and you are here for peace, no other problems.
“You want your filthy apple…he’s never once given me an apple. He’s never even let me in the orchard so you tell me..what makes you so special?”
He whispers through a raspy voice. Full on standing up, you swore he had grown in height. Jerking his body back, catching your hand before it can even grace his body.
“What makes you so special huh?! What do you have that I don’t?! You think I want your stupid apple?!”
“I-..I don’t..it’s not..it’s nothin-.”
“I’ve been down here with him since forever! I’ve asked to go multiple times, no invite and here you show up, getting to frolic through the orchard!”
“Please the apple..I just want it back”
You step back now noticing both eyes are pouring with tears. It’s like whiplash with him. He’s a whole different person than he was moments ago. It’s reminding you of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, two sided coin. No longer having the bright smile grace his face. Green and gold tear stains are littered across him, eyes holding so much insecurity, pain, and hurt. Holding out the apple in his hand, locking eye contact with you.
“If I can’t have it…no one can!”
He closes his hand in a tight fist causing the apple to burst. Apple chunks fly everywhere, some smacking your lower legs, other pieces flying towards Shiber who was as still as a statue. That’s when you felt it. The feeling of jealousy pins your body. It comes in palpitations, your heart feels like it’s going to turn sour. Letting out a shriek.
“How could you do this!? You insecure asshole! You couldn’t handle the fact he gave the apple to me and not to you?! But you knew of him prior I had to wander to find him! You had it all laid out for you! Look around you have everything that I want! It’s perfect here!”
Falling on your knees. Throwing your hands over your mouth. Eyes growing in shock you can’t believe you even had said that.
Silence is all you hear.
Before your eyes can rake their way up to look at the two colored eye man…you spot the board with the gold encrusted writing.
Eyes growing wide once again.
“Green with envy.”
Your eyes flicker up to his face. He looks down upon you. Like you’re scum, like you are the small thing in this world built up of garbage. Green eye piercing your soul, or what’s left of it. Cause as you know your humanity is slipping right through your fingers, into his hands.
“That’s why your eye turns green, right? I’m sure you’ve heard of that saying before. I’m green with envy.”
Gritting his teeth, jaw tense, his arms are at his side, apple juice dripping off his hands. The waft of envy was rolling off of him. He resented you, even though he looked down at you like you were worthless you still could feel the heat radiating off of him. Watching his eye twitch at you quoting the famous saying is what flooded your ego.
“You sit here tending to your animals all day. Crying about not having an apple. A stupid rotten apple that someone you know gave me. You have nothing but luxury here. I’ve been wandering around for God knows how many days, barely making it, barely surviving. Yet here you are crying to me about what you don’t have. You have everything here! You have the dog! You had my fucking apple that your insecure ass decided to combust, you have I’m sure every animal that was on Noah’s fucking ark here. Yet you are crying about a damn apple!”
Chest heaving from the yelling you just did…sweat beading down the sides of your temples. You brush off your pants, standing up. Not even sparing him a glance, turning around you start to walk towards the entrance you came from.
“You sound so insecure…jealous of what I have…dare to say I’m getting into your head?”
You feel it…You feel the envy snipping at your bones, the insecurity trying to seep into you. Everything you lacked this man had. His looks, this scenery…He had everything yet he was envious of an apple. The emotion now was feeling so strong…Like being in the middle of a tidal wave, your brain and heart were constantly knocking against each other. Biting your lip you keep your mouth shut, continuing to walk. You know he is just trying to provoke you, get into your head, stroke his own ego. You were not going to give him that luxury.
“San! That’s my name sweetheart!”
Deciding to cover your ears with your hands, the more he talked the more you felt the emotion running its course through your veins. Painfully you feel it, trying to remain strong. The feeling now is hollowing itself in your body. Pain surges through the back of your head, the same feeling when Mingi had his hand on the top of your head. It feels like someone is splitting you open from the top down, your knees start to get weak. Legs slowly are giving out. Trying to walk as fast as you can, the edge of the woods is in plain view. Your legs don’t feel like they can carry you much anymore, dropping to your knees, falling into the dirt below.
Gripping the back of your head, the pressure being unbearable. You try to remain on all fours, attempting to crawl your way to the edge of the woods. You feel a weight on your lower back, your whole body knocks to the ground. Wincing as your body makes full contact with the dirt.
“You think you’d turn your back and just walk away from me?”
Removing the foot he had on your back to under your stomach, flipping you over so you are face side up. His smile is huge, something like the Cheshire Cat. Dimples on full display yet one of his eyes is still green. He looks so angelic, yet you’ve seen the act he had just put on so you know it is too good to be true. Squatting down so he can get closer to you. He grabs your face in his hands. The envy feeling in your body spikes. The feeling makes you sick, like you have too puke. He has a pout on his face.
“I know you feel it in your body. I can smell it on you.”
He inhales deeply.
“You think you are above me? You're the bigger person by walking away? Sweetheart…It’s already consumed you.”
Both of his hands grab the front of your shirt pulling you up right. Disgusted by his actions yet your body is so weak you can’t pull away. Your face scrunched. You continue to keep your mouth shut. Trying to put all your focus on trying your best not to feel the jealousy nip at you.
“I must admit tho…you are kinda cute. I like them stubborn. It makes it all the more fun to rile up. Like a ticking time bomb, you blow up. Like a stick of dynamite! You take time to set off but boy oh boy when you do…”
“…I could just spit on you.”
A smile graces his face once again. He’s amused by your comeback. It’s like a game to him, cat and mouse. He’s the predator, you are his prey. His gaze is so intense, your body is in a high panic, you try to remain calm on the outside, inside you are shaking, terrified.
“By all means please do.”
A smirk gazes across his face. Opening his mouth, sticking his tongue out. Like he’s poking fun at you. Mocking you. Gritting your teeth you clamp your mouth shut. His eyes are so cat-like, so intense. He’s so gorgeous, it makes you insecure, sickly upset. Dimpled smile grazing across his face again.
“What? No treat for me? How rude.”
He says while fully standing up from his squatting position. Pulling you fully upright. He stands behind you gripping your shirt, starting to drag you off. You try to shake out of his grip.
“Hey! Hey! What are you doing with me?! Let go!”
Trying to muster up all the strength you have left but he’s so strong. He’s pulling you away from the woods. Dirt gathering underneath you.
“You know I can see why Jongho took pity on you. You are very enticing! Like a surprise box, you never know what to get but I see the appeal from you now. He always was one for the kinder hearts. He’s a sick man if I do say so myself.” He silently chuckles to himself. Face still beaming with his dimpled smile.
You stop thrashing trying to get out of his hold. Pity? Pity? How in the hell did Jongho have pity on you? Dealing with Jongho was like its own personal hell.
“He knew you were coming to see me next so he tried to prepare you! Can you believe that?! He’s been down here since before time yet he’s still so faint at heart. You almost got away with it too! Ooo it’s so exciting to say that!”
You can hear the chipper tone in his voice. You can feel true excitement rolling off of him. This man was insane, you were convinced, he was so two sided.
“If that apple hadn’t rolled out your pocket. You would’ve almost overcome me! You were so close. What was it like almost tasting victory? Ah..I’m so jealous! You almost had it too!”
You feel bile crawling up your throat at those words “You were so close.” Nausea starts to swim through you. Resentment fills your heart, that’s all you feel towards San.. You can’t believe that he is now the cause of you failing. You are disgusted with yourself, hurt, let down.
“You know resentment is a feeling of envy! They both go hand in hand.”
Your eyes grow wide, confused if you had spoken your thoughts out loud or if he was a mind reader.
“No, no. I’m no mind reader, don’t you worry about that sweetheart!”
The hairs on your body stand up. Terror fills you, he can read minds. He hears your thoughts. You try to think of anything to get your mind off of what you’ve been thinking. Trying to focus hard on any random object. You try to set your focus on the ground, the dirt, anything. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t realize he had stopped dragging you. Too afraid to look behind you to see where he had led you. Your hands quiver in fear, sweat is beading down your body, lips raw from biting the skin off of them.
He squats down in front of you, wanting to be eye to eye with you. Wicked grin plastered on his face. One eye is still green while the other is gold. Feeling a soft cool breeze hit your back, your skin is covered with more goosebumps. So many emotions are crawling all over you. Trying to penetrate your skin by the only one that pierces you is fear. The fear of not knowing what’s behind you, the fear of what he’s going to do to you, the fear of not knowing, the fear of it all.
“I hope you can swim.”
“Wait wha-.”
He shoves you with full strength, falling backwards into water, surely he has bruised your skin with the shove. You can swim yet you are sinking it feels like you are anchored down, drowning. Water is filling your lungs, the burning sensation takes over. Your lungs feel like they are on fire. Is this the cost of failing? Dying all over again? Dying a painful death? A painful memorable death?
Life must be making a mockery out of you cause all you can see as you sink deeper into the dark water is Sans face smiling brightly at you while standing on the edge of the water like he’s just won a prize. There it was again that feeling of resentment and envy. This is what feels like to be consumed by such an emotion. Accepting your fate you close your eyes and let the darkness consume you.
Authors Note: I’m so sorry it took me a while to post part 3. When I tell you school has been occupying so much of my time. This week is my last week before winter break so I’ll be able to put out part 4 on time! Besides that well…What are our thoughts👀👀? San was interesting to write for. I think I revealed quite a lot in this part. Its kinda revealed in the form of “If you read between the lines well enough you should be able to piece things together.” I can’t wait to hear y’all thoughts on this chapter!
👉👉👉👉👉👉Part 4 👈👈👈👈👈👈
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dirtyoldmanhole · 3 days
i was perusing wikipedia for historical gothic architecture similar to nohr's vibe (since not all gothic horror is equal); thistle chapel seems like a pretty metal and visually striking similar edifice considering the dark/black interiors mixed with the golden hue and the dramatic lighting mixed with the signature pointed arches.
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(imagine anankos' mask and sun/moon motifs on the ceiling like iago's golden half mask, reminding the viewer there's always somebody more powerful watching. shit would be so creepy.)
but you know a cool visual/architectural element nohr would definitely have that i haven't seen in fanworks? labryinths.
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tell me this shit isn't straight out of a nohrian dragon's blood ceremony.
apparently a ton of chapels/cathedrals/castles had labyrinths (walking through them was meditative) - imagine these under anankos-faces, for one. but take it a step further and imagine krakenburg castle deliberately built as a labyrinth to loose the unwary permanently in its depths....
mages dissapearing people who get lost, or setting traps/evesdropping parallel corridors..... the throne room at its centre and most defensible point..... even just as a visual motif for metaphor or background design element, you could get a nutty amount of mileage with this.
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Who Somewhat Saw Coming Through Portal (Wrong Answers Only Edition)
DISCLAIMER: This started out as a joke post, took a turn into interesting fanfic ideas territory and mostly didn't find it's way back. Overall, it's meant to be something fun rather than actual serious meta.
Filed Under: Closest to Actual Likeliness (but Mostly Just A Cute Thought)
The Blacksmith Herself:
Her forge seems to be in a space separate from the rest of the Ever After. She does have to leave to get groceries at some point. The portals are her preferred method of travel for getting around, and Afterans, like Somewhat, are always excited to see her.
Filed Under: More of an Interesting Fanfic Idea I'll Never Write
Gets to be on this list bc one of my current inking practices is the Faun from Pan's Labryinth, which got me thinking about Del Toro movies and how Pinocchio in his recent adaptation died and talked to Death a couple times before returning to life. The idea of Penny doing something similar, but traveling through the Ever After each time, seems kinda cool to me.
Pietro and Maria:
We didn't see them in the epilogue/Beyond because they got lost Odysseus-style on the way to Vacuo. I realize getting lost in something as large as Amity Colosseum isn't likely (also it did canonically arrive in the kingdom), but I still find the idea fun. They were outside at the wrong time and got whisked away by a sandstorm (tornado in Wizard of Oz-style) to the Ever After. Older Characters Deserve Fantastical Adventures Too Okay
Filed Under: Actually In Line With The Original Joking Tone I Was Going For For This Post
His 'assignment' is to keep the Relic of Choice's Vault secure, but he accidentally tripped and fell into the space that led to the Ever After.
Headmaster Theodore:
Shade has its own portal to the Ever After (through the Vault maybe) and Theodore regularly visits.
Filed Under: tbh not entirely sure how to categorize this one, probably fanfic again?
Somewhat mistakes her for a grown-up Ruby and talks to her like she is. It takes Summer some time to stop being confused and catch on, but then asks Somewhat to tell her about Ruby when she does. Though it now occurs to me that Somewhat wouldn't remember a lot about Ruby, so perhaps this leads Summer to retracing rwby's path through the Ever After like they did Alyx to learn about who her daughters became.
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GAMES: bg3, fc5, minecraft, fc3, fc4, rd2, gta5, tomb raider, fallout 4, etc (mainly story games)
BOOKS: You, Shiver, Harry Potter, The Dreamer Trilogy, A Clockwork Orange, Phantom of the Opera, The Raven Boys, etc.
ABOUT MEH!: I love to draw, I also love playing games & watching tv, my favorite thing to learn is history, & I will most likely be reading in my free time :3 I also love Broadway shows(my fav is phantom of the opera)
TV SHOWS: dexter (ofc), Supernatural, good omens, lost, game of thrones, midnight mass, you, etc.
MOVIES: the black phone, the lost boys, martin, Texas chainsaw massacre, scream, puppet master, labryinth, never ending story, etc.
SHIPS: Dean x Cass | Sam x Gabe | Jacob Seed x Staci Pratt | Angel Dust x Husk | Hannibal x Will | Michael x David
⚠️INFO⚠️: This is an sfw account. Yes, I'm a minor, so there is no nsfw stuff on this account. If you don't like it please leave. Thx!
DNI: ne0-n@z1, p3d0, m@ps, racists.
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folkdances · 9 months
hi merilance ... my quastions for you are what kind of music do you listen to. and top 5 things to do in the labryinth
answered the music ask because evy asked the same quastion top 5 things 2 do in the labyrinth intriguing question.. (1) get lost how romantic!!! (2) sit in a big window and look down at the clouds (3) get your soul sucked out by pseudo-vampires (4) the ffucking creatures. (5) take a sword to some of the pillars and make a little sculpture out of the chunks of marble or stone u break out
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ghoastixx · 1 year
If anybody has any lost boys or Labryinth asks I would love to write them! Please I’m desperate-
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malcontentswanns · 2 years
who: @lordofashemark​ where: the bustling streets of sunspear’s bazaars, following the dornish ball
busy, busy were the winding streets of sunspear’s bazzars; truthfully wylliam swann had gotten himself lost within the cobbled labryinth streets. it was entirely a sensory overload, every part of him distracted by hearing the yelling, the distant sound of music, and it seemed no matter way he turned he ended up in the same bustling street, with the same merchant selling something that looked as though it should go somewhere he did not want to think about. he knew sexuality was embraced here, but still - seeing it so brazenly in the open was something he couldn’t help but laugh about. 
looking around for what felt like the hundredth time, he wandered through the crowds when he felt a sudden shove directly into his shoulder, sending him nearly flying into the merchants stall behind him. and suddenly he was the one being yelled at, as fruits went tumbling down, including various melons rolling down over the culprit - how wylliam had to resist the urge to pick up said fruits and send them after a set of blonde, golden hair. 
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“apologies, it seems some idiots are mute as well as blind.” will spoke, attempting to resolve the matter with the vendor, scrambling to pick up some fruits. his sarcastic, dry tone of voice had raised to ensure the man had heard him, and yet, when he saw him stop, he suddenly realised perhaps he had made a mistake. “excuse me? apologies? pardon me, coming through?” will asked, his tone less irritated, though there was a hint of nerves within it now. “not that hard, buddy.” he was royally fucked, wasn’t he? could he defend himself with fruit?
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justalittletomato · 2 years
I wonder, how could Ezra have possibly ended up in The Marshmallow King’s service? Perhaps he too made a wish and played Puff’s game but he lost. Or maybe, Puff didn’t quite play fair. His Labryinth, his rules after all
Given Ezra being Ezra he probably lost in whatever game it was Puff set up, maybe some event or that special phase he was in lead him to being stuck as one of Puff's servants.
He feels bad for Aster and maybe doesn't want to see her stuck like he is.
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asterius-of-crete · 2 years
The manor creaks and bends under the newfound weight of Asterius’ rage, but it does not break. The ceilings stretch to accomodate his height. The doorways grow three times their usual size. It’s almost caring in how it shifts itself to fit him. Compassionate.
They do not want to hurt him. Only to show him that he is undergoing a fools errand that many have tried before and lost their lives to. Truthfully, they see themselves in him. Another prisoner of fate, trapped, doomed to walk the same endless circles, not even death enough to grant them their freedom from the agonising monotony of it all.
So why can’t he see it? Why can’t he see Mark as the architect of his own Labryinth, the Deadelus of his demise, Icarus to his sun? If only he weren’t so blinded by his dazzling charms, they’re sure that he would agree with them. That he’d thank them for this.
He was never sacred to begin with. He was tainted long before I arrived here. I’m only trying to show you what he’s been hiding from you all this time. Haven’t you ever wondered why he’s so alone here? Why he’s so starved for affection?
A single framed photograph hangs on the wall in front of Asterius. It’s glass casing is shattered where it almost obscures a black and white scene of four friends laughing together. Mark is in the middle, eyes creased in silent laughter, but the people next to him are blotted out. There’s someone who might be Wilford, or perhaps only someone who looks like him, the finer details of his face covered by an ugly scrawl of pink, drawn so vigriousoy into the paper that it’s torn through in places. The man next to him is prim and proper in a carefully clean suit, being tugged into frame by maybe Wilford’s sturdy arms, and you think you can see the edges of an exasperated smile before their visage is rendered garbled and warped by a mess of red and blue. The woman on Mark’s other side, pressed close to his chest by his arm looped around her waist, is reduced to a similar fate, her fond gaze smothered by glitches.
Haven’t you ever stopped to think of those who came before you?
Asterius reacts before he can stop himself, lashing out to punch the wall, just barely missing the photograph. He would have crushed it, but his mind was still his, not lost to fury quite yet.
"Do I look like I care how many sacrifices there have been?"
He grabs at his horns and shakes his head desperately, trying to force himself back into a smaller body. He doesn't want its pity.
"I promised I'd wait for him, and I'll wait another four thousand years for him to tell me if that's what it takes. But it's not going to be a flailing, whining beast that tears us apart."
Mark had told him of his darkness, briefly, in vague terms that he barely understood, and the Minotaur had held him and made a promise. And he would not break it.
"You have hurt what is mine, and for that alone I should burn you to the ground," Asterius growls. "But you don't deserve my time. Your master is far more important than you." He shudders, feeling a deep ache settle in his bones. Draining him. "Now, if you won't let me find him, I will keep untangling your insides until I can rip him from you."
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sanctamater · 2 years
  the silence had become unbearable. she had thought that the initial blast had been deafening - the screaming, the crying, the running - the bullets that had ricocheted on and on for days afterwards. and then, nothing. nothing at all - not a cry, not a whimper; just the ever present drip, drip, drip of sea water into crumbling infrastructure, the chime of vending machines and the mutterings of the lost, swimming in memories of what had been; and never would be again. and now, rapture itself was a monument to that -- and that was the problem with gilding; cling to it too tightly, and the veneer would come off. a pity it only stuck to the fingertips of the wealthy. a pity that the same gilding could not save them; though they’d certainly hoarded in the brief panic and frenzy that had occurred since new year’s - left nothing for man or splicer alike, and if she were to recall those hazy waters, the shelves had been bare then, too. hunger keeps her moving these days - fear keeps her sharp. it is a meagre existence - but one that she is accustomed to here. not much has changed, she thinks. it’s still about survival.    perhaps that is why she’s retracing old steps; well known patterns she’d lived in. the scent of week old fish, of salt, of brine - her nose wrinkles; and despite it all, she presses a ratty handkerchief to her nose. fontaine always had a will, a way - there had to be something here; some supply cache, some godforsaken lottery in the ruins of what was supposed to be a great place, a good place; some salvation under waterlogged smuggling crates and damp bibles. here, she sees fontaine’s work, flayed -- and her own next to it. the good book had never been the answer to this place -- and perhaps atlas had been right, no, he had been right -- but it had all been for nothing, and now this place had been turned into a tomb. was it too late to ask for a discount at twilight fields?    it’s still too quiet here. the hum of still powered electrics, the occasional scuffle - but never a footstep; pressed against the walls and tucked out of view -- there had to be some sort of den here, she’d heard of it once or twice during pick up, but never seen it - and fontaine had built himself a labryinth here - just how many were lost in it? a floorboard creaks, and she jumps; tenses, whips around as her shaking hands gripped her crowbar, raised it high, and then -- sweater kid? just as quickly as she’d poised to strike, she lowers the weapon, mouth puckered like she’d tasted something sour. ‘ you. ’ how dramatic - her stage whisper is a hiss. ‘ you come to pay me back in goddamn pep bars? i hope the chips were wet. ’
@wrench-jackie stole the chips amelia had claimed finders keepers on. >: ( 
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cortexreaver · 2 days
the way i document literally anything i work on is objectively a fucking nightmare it always starts out as an innocent little txt file for stray thoughts next thing i know im performing mark z danielewski maneuvers without even thinking and im like yeah libreoffice writer is right there i could be having my shit automatically formatted instead of constructing my labryinth of foolery with my tab key and my wet sock of a brain and the ability to organize shit with highlighting tables things of this nature would drastically improve the readability like this is becoming less of a "oh its messy but i know where everything is" situation by the minute i am getting lost in my own house. but can i be fucked. and 9 out of 10 experts say the answer is no
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