#kyouka jirou headcannons
br-kker · 2 years
Here we are: My final birthday headcannons (unless one of you guys want to request one) for My Hero Academia. Our final character is everyone's favorite rocker: Kyoka Jiro!
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Pairing: Kyoka "Earphone Jack" Jiro X Reader.
Media: My Hero Academia.
Content and/or Warnings: Language, mentions of sex (all characters are aged up), very heavily music-oriented (I can't help it, I'm also a slut for music), I might throw in mentions of my birthday (yes, me and Jiro do have the same birthday).
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The Meetup
*cracks knuckles* Let's do this shit!
You met Kyoka at a record store. Take a shot everytime I mention music.
PSA: f3ll0nb1ackday5 is not responsible for any casualties that come out of her work.
You were browsing for a CD/vinyl/cassette tape/8-track of an album you like when you come across this girl at the other side of the record store.
You recognize her as one of the girls in your class, so you go up and formally introduce yourself.
Instead of introducing herself as well, she takes notice to your band shirt and compliments you on it. So fuck getting each others' names, it's time to geek out about music.
You guys walk around the block conversing about music, which turned into getting to know each other outside the realms of music.
You both make it back to the record store, and exchange phone numbers.
'What a woman,' you thought, feeling the beginnings of a wonderful friendship.
You're My Best Friend
You guys are the total 1980s' duo.
Passing notes to each other in class, talking underneath the bleachers, etcetera etcetera.
Kyoka's definitely teaching you how to various instruments.
She also leaves music sheets on your desk if she gets to class before you.
"Hey Jiro, what's this?"
"The power of sound!"
You end up becoming friends with Momo and Denki due to being around each other a lot.
I feel like Kyoka is a napper and takes naps in class if it's a "chill" day.
She definitely draws on the desks, so depending on who you are you either stop her, help her with her doodle, or try to compete with her to see who's the better artist.
She sometimes asks for your help with music, like for inspiration or composition depending on your level of music knowledge. Speaking of...
Love Potion No. 9
So, Kyoka needs some help with a song she's writing. Alrighty, no big deal. This isn't your first rodeo with this.
You meet up at your usual meetup spot (under the bleachers) and she's a blushing mess. Sometimes she gets like that, so you're used to it and don't think it means anything.
You're dead wrong, my friend.
You greet her, and she replies with "T-Take this," handing you a piece of paper that you assume has lyrics on it.
You read it, trying to see if there's anything to add, but then notice that the lyrics were a bit too personal towards you.
Not in an invasive way, but that she had written specifically about you.
You ask her if she wrote this about you, and she nodded. Putting two-and-two together, you decipher that it's a love letter of sorts.
You threw your arms around her, telling her you feel the same way.
The biggest fucking sigh of relief came from her as she reciprocated the hug.
Crazy on You
Alright, so PDA is about a six-ish.
She likes to cling onto your arm. Not in a childlike manner, but she likes knowing you're there.
You like kissing her cheek and forehead.
Kyoka is a sucker for cheek kisses send Tweet.
Ok, but she's canonically 5'0 (154 centimeters) so if you're taller than her, she'll love wearing your shirts, hoodies, etcetera.
I feel like she would like having a taller S/O, but if you're the same height as her or shorter she won't care c:
If she's ever feeling insecure, you hype her up to the sky, baby!
Let's get the obvious out of the way: She's writing a shit ton of music dedicated to you.
At least once a week she's dragging you to her bass and tons of paper scattered everywhere.
"This one's for you, (Y/N)!" *plays Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple*
Alright, sex with Kyoka is a vibe.
Lowkey a bottom-
100% music is playing softly on a speaker while y'all are doing the do.
I feel like she would be into oral sex so there's that.
Movie nights cuddling on the couch? Movie nights cuddling on the couch.
Someone take away my headcannon that she loves Jackie Chan movies-
Love love LOVES to go to concert and venues with you.
Also adores late night drives, like a lot.
Overall, dating Kyoka is a pretty rockin' time!
Birthday Special!
Alrighty, so we all know Kyoka would love to go to concerts, that's a given.
Your birthday gift for her was a fairly easy one. You guys haven't gone to a concert in a few months, so now is the time to go.
You search up concerts that are happening around that time, and your eyes lit up when you saw that her favorite band was coming to town on her birthday.
Absolutely without hesitation, you bought the tickets and waited.
On her birthday, you tell her to dress as punk as possible. A few minutes later she looks like she stepped out of London in 1977. Perfect.
You guys hit the road, all the while she's asking where you two are going. You actually find it kinda cute.
Parking at the venue, you guys get out and she sees the sign that says the band's name. Her gasp and hug said it all.
Now for your birthday. Kyoka's wrote you so many songs that it would almost be comedic if she wrote you ANOTHER one.
I know I say this every time, but this time I mean it when I say she's genuinely clueless on what to get you.
She's gotta get you something, though. You can tell her ten thousand times that you don't want anything for your birthday but she won't listen.
There's a shoebox under her bed that has all the little things you gave Kyoka. Guitar pick, letter, bracelet, you name it and it's in the shoebox.
'That's it,' she thought, looking inside the shoebox. She's gonna give you the shoebox, or at least show you that she kept everything you gave her.
So your birthday comes and she leaves the shoebox open on a table for you to find. When you stumbled upon it, you smiled and asked her why she kept it.
"Keepsake, memories, because I love you-" We'll be damned if that wasn't the biggest hug she ever got.
(A/N: After a complete brain fart in the beginning, I did get the main portion done. But wait, there's more!)
Twentieth Century Fox
Kyoka is very pretty, we know that. You tell her that she is, which is a highlight of her day.
She doesn't tend to dress out or anything, but sometimes she'll put on a cute dress or skirt.
However, I feel as though she really likes casual/loungewear.
You walk to her dorm room to spend some time with her, and you open to find her on a chair facing the wall next to you. She's wearing a jacket that has slipped of her shoulders and a white crop top, absentmindedly chewing on one of her earphones.
"Holy shit, my girlfriend's a model!" You say, startling her, causing her to nervously giggle and turn a shade of cherry.
(A/N: Annnnd we're done! Y'know, some people tell me that I am a LOT like Jiro, yet it was a bit hard for me to write. Coincidentally, it's my birthday as well so I didn't have too much time today, but I did get them done! If any of you want to know, my birthday went well except for right now as I'm writing this [10:54 pm/22:54] because I'm having the worst period cramps of my fucking life! Someone please take my reproductive system and throw it in the trash. Anyway, the titles for the parts are based on songs, and if you know those songs I actually love you. Anyways, that's all for me. Thanks for following these birthday headcannons, happy birthday Jiro and me, and I'll see you guys later!
Signing off for now,
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cherrywhipped · 1 year
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• Class 1A + Shinsou •
GOOGLE SEARCH Headcanons Pt. 1
A/n: Google thinks I’m a robot now. Yep. This was the byproduct of a convo with @endeavwh0re 🌟
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heronoegg · 8 months
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i can't find enough of them but there are a lot of scenes where Jirou is like doing whatever this is with her ear cords? whatever you wanna call it but yall she's stimming! she does this casually or nervously sometimes but i see her doing it alot
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
LGBT Class 1A Headcanons because season 6 is making me sad
Izuku is bisexual. He's known this about himself for a long time, and he probably came out when he was still in middle school. He definitely had all sorts of hero crushes when he was younger, and he's VERY easily flustered by pretty people. He almost definitely had a crush on Hawks.
Ochako is also bisexual, but it's something she didn't figure out until recently because she doesn't have a lot of experience with dating or even crushes. Like Izuku, she for sure had her hero crushes, but it wasn't something she put a whole lot of thought into.
Iida is straight, but almost aggressively supportive of his friends. Iida is also flustered very easily, and he is very attracted to women who are confident, flirty, and capable in their field of expertise.
Bakugou is gay. End of list. He's never had any doubt about it, nor any interest in girls. Like at all.
Todoroki is gay and demiromantic as well as demisexual. Todoroki has no experience with crushes, dating, and almost no experience with physical attraction. Dating was never something he cared about until he came to UA and was allowed to discover himself and explore the uncertainties in his identity. He had a lot of help from his friends and definitely went down a dozen internet rabbit holes of research on the topic.
Tsuyu is a lesbian. Full stop. She's very comfortable with herself and her identity, and it's something she's always known about herself. Tsu and Habuko are technically ex-girlfriends. They dated for a little while in middle school, but the relationship kind of came to a natural conclusion when they found out they'd be going to different high schools. But they're on such good terms with each other regardless of the breakup, and they're still very good friends that love each other very much. Tsuyu's siblings love Habuko and think she's the coolest person ever.
Kirishima is gay, but his identity has always been a source of self-consciousness for him, as the few friends he did have in middle school weren't as supportive as they should have been. They weren't bigoted or anything, but they definitely made a few jokes and comments that made Kirishima feel self-conscious enough that he just never told anyone. Not even his mothers. It wasn't until UA that he finally told someone, and it was Mina, since he's known her the longest, and is probably the most comfortable with her, aside from Bakugou.
Jirou is the most flirtatious bisexual to ever bisexual, with an extensive list of ex-partners that she is increasingly proud of. Some people at her old middle school called her a slut for it, but haters gonna hate, and she never hesitated to deck those kids in the mouth because she has no fucks left to give.
Mina is asexual and aromantic. Because she doesn't experience romantic attraction, she's kind of obsessed with the concept of romance and shipping, and gets unnecessarily invested in her friends' love lives; almost like she's living vicariously through their romantic experiences. She also flirts with literally everyone purely for fun, and she refers to everyone with pet names like "babe", "sweetie", "hun", etc.
Satou is a straight trans boy with a lot of love to give and will punch transphobes in the face. His parents are loving and supportive and he was able to take advantage of gender affirming care since he was young, and has had a near seamless transition.
Momo is a lesbian, and thinks men are gross and women are goddesses. While Momo is... aware of her preferences, she doesn't have any experience with dating, as schoolwork and hero studies have taken up almost all of her time and attention, and left little room for dating in the spare time she actually had.
Sero is pansexual and proud and shameless. He and Jirou currently have a running bet about who's dated more people and who can collect the most phone numbers. They're either each other's hype man or nuisance depending on the person they're trying to ask out.
Shouji is also pansexual and is definitely some brand of gender non-conforming. Shouji most likely uses he/they pronouns, but he's never actually told anyone, because unless they deliberately ask for his pronouns, he just doesn't see the point in bringing it up. He kind of has a "don't ask, don't tell" mindset, in that they will not willingly offer information about themself unless it's prompted out of him by other people. Quite literally, if they don't ask, he won't tell.
Tokoyami is gay, and has only ever dated one boy. He revels in the mystery he thinks he has by intentionally keeping things vague and playing hard to get because he's a dramatic goth like that. He's secretly a massive dweeb, though, and Dark Shadow frequently cramped his style, so he learned to have better control over when Dark Shadow was allowed to be out and about.
Ojirou is straight, but also a massive ally. He's only ever dated a couple girls before UA, but he's a sincere, earnest gentleman who's always very honest about his feelings and very down to earth.
Hagakure is also straight and maybe a tad boy crazy. She's more than a bit of a hopeless romantic with all the restraint and dating habits of Mabel Pines.
Aoyama is also aro/ace like Mina and is riding that self-love train all the way, baby.
Kaminari honestly doesn't quite know what he is yet. He definitely likes girls, but he doesn't know if he likes... More than girls. He's currently doing a lot of soul searching (and even more internet searching). It's a good thing his friends are so patient.
Kouda is asexual and panromantic. The idea of sex more than kind of grosses him out, but the prospect of being in love and truly comfortable with someone is as appealing as anything. Dating is hard, especially for someone who struggles to speak on the best of days, but he's trying. And at the very least, he can take comfort in the fact that he knows his friends and family love him.
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Dumping Music Headcannons Cause Nobody Can Stop Me (BakuSquad)
You can't tell me that this bitch doesn't listen to Megan Thee Stallion when he commutes to his Agency or when he's working out.
He would totally replace the pronouns when listening to Her.
Bakugou always played Megan's music through his headphones. But one time, Kaminari and Ashido were stopped at a red light beside him and secretly recorded Bakugou vibing out to Thot Shit via speakers.
He listens to some sappy songs when relaxing in the comfort of his own home but tell everyone that he listens to rap.
Bakugou would be the person to blast rap in public places just to prove it.
Electric Love - BØRNs, Lovers Rock - TV Girl, Marlboro Nights - Lonely God, Honeypie - JAWNY, Everybody Talks - Neon Trees, Bubble Pop Electric - Gwen Stefani, Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood, Touch You - YBC...need I go on???
Anything Indie, Pop, or Soft Rock (Or combo of such).
Probably listens to some Hyper Pop with Mina.
Has had a Mother Mother/Marina/Arctic Monkeys/Gorilliaz phase.
Always bothers Bakugou when Dynamite by BTS plays.
One of the best people to go to for music recommendations.
Because of his vast music taste, he usually nerds out with Jirou while knowing absolutely NOTHING about instruments.
Tried picking up guitar to show off said vast taste, but it hurt his fingers too much.
listens to anything from the 90s and later. "Because it was the most manliest music era,"
When cooking Kirishima listens to Micheal Bublé even though he was mostly 2000's music.
Was obsessed over Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy in middle school. (And Queen songs in general)
Has a whole playlist dedicated to songs from musicals
Sings Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka in the shower.
Listens to rap on occasion, but not the inappropriate ones. "Because it's unmanly to disrespect someone's body via music."
Vibes to literally everything.
Everyone asks why he likes songs that are written in languages he doesn't know and he just says: "I just think they're neat"
Any hype song out there, he listens and blasts it to hype of his besties.
Secretly a Camellia Cabello stan.
You always know where he is in the dorms cause he obnoxiously singing to his music.
Has spent HOURS in the bathroom with Kaminari doing K-Pop dances in the mirror while playing the music wayyy too loud.
Hyper Pop playlists that goes on for MILES.
Will forever stand Doja Cat and will cuss you out if you diss her.
Tried to teach Bakugou the Body x Bring It Back dance when she found out he liked Megan Thee Stallion.
Is obsessed with Photo ID by Remi Wolf.
Sad music? Don't know her!
Knows so many body positivity songs that its scary...
God of music.
Was the cause of Kaminari's phases.
There's an occasion, Jirou's got the music for it.
Really into Scene Queen and CORPSE.
Tries to unlearn her hatred for certain Pop genre's.
When on road trips, she's always in charge of music. (For fairness and everyone else's sake)
Won't dance in any party. Instead, she plugs her earphone jacks to the speaker to listen louder.
Even during school/work hours, she tries to sneak AirPods or something to listen to music in secret.
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plushmer · 1 year
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rengo-katze · 2 years
I swear that after the arc of this week's episode, whenever Denki needs to do something downright frightening, he goes back to Midnight's advice and thinks of Kyouka as his motivation. It is so effective that at one time, he killed the huge spider in the dorm's bathroom wall without flinching just by looping "Get it done, Chargebolt" in his head like a mantra.
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heyyallitssatan · 9 months
I want to procrastinate doing anything productive or useful to my to do list becuase everything on there sucks
So have more poly bakusquad headcanons
Bakugou: he doesn’t nap, he has a strict sleep schedule that he will not ruin, and he doesn’t get tired until bedtime and naturally wakes up at 430 every morning for the sake of running, of course
Kirishima: he’s a lot like bakugou, has a sleep schedule that he mostly keeps, even then, not really one for naps
Kaminari: he crashes, whenever they run out of that seemingly boundless energy, he’ll promptly crash on the nearest person, and she’s done for at least a few hours, but they’ll intentionally nap occasionally after a bad whey mode, it’s mentally taxing to be in whey mode, even if it’s the bodies recovery method, so laying down and sleeping off some of that sparking soreness and mental drain
Sero: likes to take relaxing afternoon hammock naps when they’re stressed, just hangs up the hammock and naps until someone says it’s dinner time
Mina: naps aren’t her favourite self care, and she really doesn’t take them, too boring to just lay there and try to sleep
Jirou: not really one for naps just cause of how sound sensitive they are, it’s hard enough to sleep when everyone else is relatively quiet, let alone awake and bustling around, but she definitely appreciates a quiet nap since she gets so little deep sleep
Shinsou: napper, but not in a casual way, in a ‘stay awake for five days straight then crash and sleep for sixteen hours’, but he’s also a cat, so like, if he flops on you to sleep, you cannot wake him
None of these prior rules apply on Nap day. Nap day is a very special day they have once a month where the whole bakusquad just lays down and naps, even Denki with his never ending energy gets a partner weighted blanket that puts them right to sleep, Hanta gives up their hammock for a day in favour of laying on a pillow/blanket pile on the floor, Katsuki and Ejirou give up their perfect sleep schedules for a night, Mina lays down, and known night owls Kyouka and Hitoshi will lay down and sleep just like that no matter how recently they got some sleep.
When living in the dorms all of class 1A promptly made themselves scarce for the afternoon so they could sleep peacefully for a few hours at the behest of a certain katsuki bakugou, who had asked (read yelled at) them to all get out on that day cause if they were all making noise Jirou would never be able to fall asleep.
The whole class just thinks that’s so nice and cute they happily get out
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souls-thoughts · 2 years
A Slight Change
Tw: Cursing (It's literally one word)
I believe that as Bakugou (begrudgingly) gets closer to his friend group, he notices their small reactions to his nicknames.
The small falter in Sero's smile when he calls him "Flat Face".
How Mina covers her eyes with her hair when he calls her "Racoon Eyes".
How Kaminari gets quieter whenever he calls him "Dunce Face".
The way Kirishima tugs on his hair when he calls him "Shitty Hair".
And the way Jirou starts to hide her ear jacks when he calls her "Ears".
I also believe that he slowly adjusts his nicknames to be somewhat nice(although he'd never admit it).
He starts to call Sero "Scotch Tape" or "Flex Tape". He calls Mina by her hero name "Pinky". Kaminari's nickname changes to "Pikachu" or simply "Sparky”. He starts to call Kirishima "Sharkboy" or "Crimson Riot Fanboy". And, he starts to call Jirou "Aux Cord" or "Radiohead". He says the reason he changed their nicknames was that he was getting bored with the old ones but the Bakusquad knows he was trying to be nice(and they don't say anything out of fear of him going back to his old nicknames).
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Drabble #1
Momo: :[
Jirou: what's wrong?
Momo: I don't have a mentor :((
Jirou: oh.. Well what if I find you one?
Momo: you'd do that?
Jirou: ofc babe!
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Momo, at the front of fatgums agency by jirou and 98% of her classmates suggestions. [due to her quirk]:
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dapperenby13 · 2 years
Kyouka Jirou headcannons
- she/they pronouns
- bi
- her and Denki go thrifting together and pick out outfits for each other
- sound proofed her room, but everyone can still feel the base
- really likes goldfish
- has a special interest in bats
- really good at roller skating
- only wears seamless socks cause sensory issues, but they wanted cool ones so Momo figured out how to make some
- is trying to ask Momo out but she’s very oblivious and keeps thinking their dates are platonic
- has a deep hatred of sandals( no one knows why)
- master of eyeliner and helped teach Bakugou
- has a ring collection
- scared of fish
- their dad taught them how to give people piercings
- a very deep sleeper, she falls asleep at bakusquad sleepovers and stays asleep (Shinsou wishes he had her power)
- learning JSL for when she goes nonverbal
- some of her favorite bands are, babymetal, WILLOW, and the neighborhood
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high-on-stickbugs · 2 years
Boku no Hero headcanon #4
Jirou knows how to play most instruments, and learned multiple of them at once while growing up.
She usually plays guitar or bass, or the drums, but she actually knows how to play classical piano, violin, harp and cello and really likes this last one. They don't fit her punk rock vibe, so she usually hides this, but her parents have a wall of pictures of her as first chair in her city classical children orchestra, in various years.
She doesn't know how to play any instrument that requires breath, like flute, trumpet or clarinet. She's an absolute disaster, and she hides this with all her might. God forbid someone find out her only musical failure.
Her favourite instrument, contrary to popular belief, is not her electric guitar. It's actually her theremin, and she takes pride in her ability to play it. She likes the way it sounds, and how playing it looks like magic, like music is coming out of thin air through her hands. She makes it looks so easy, so fluid and natural, that Denki decides to teach himself how to play it too. I mean she just moves her hands how hard can it be? (He is an absolute disaster, and even with Jirou's help, he can't play it. Not even get a single musical note right. He decides it's impossible and the only reason Jirou can play that devil creation? Witchcraft)
She has an youtube channel just for her musical covers, and it's pretty successful. Her most viewed videos are the ones where she colabs with some classmate. Yaomomo plays piano beautifully, and their bohemian rapsody cover is by far her best video. She caught Bakugou singing quietly in the kitchen once, and has been trying to get him to colab with her since, but he threatened to blow up her theremin if she ever let anyone knows he sings, so she kinda gave up - for now.
She is The Queen of spotify playlists, and has one for each classmate, and a bunch of others, each one for a weirdly specific vibe. Mina teams up with her to create new ones, finding the perfect aesthetic and vibe, and letting Jirou go wild with the musics for hours. It's Their Thing. Not a single playlist is less than three hours long, and her rock playlist is over eight hours. She has a secret, extra playlist for Momo, and she's building up the courage to send her the link. It's five hours long, full of romantic songs, and is named "for the girl who stole my heart". Not even Mina is aware of this playlist.
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s1v0n1 · 1 year
if you gave them the aux p.2
An: some of the girls!! Lmk who else you want!
Mina: i know everyone says this but def old Nicki Minaj and like hip hop. A lot of old rap from the 90s and y2k pop, cus she would be singing boys a liar pt2 all the time. She keeps her music upbeat and happy to help keep herself upbeat too, plus it just gets her hyped.
Songs: boys a liar pt 2- ice spice and pinkpantheress, love and war- yellow claw, no diggity- blackstreet, my boo- usher
Uraraka: soft pop, think Clairol, and punk rock to get her hyped and like a guilty pleasure. Like she'll put her liked songs on shuffle and go from Dodie to bikini kill and just dance like no one's watching.
Songs: kiss my ass goodbye-7 year bitch, crybaby- destroy boys, freakathon- red aunts, honey- derivakat, pretty girl- clairo, glue song- beabadoobee
Momo: slow elegant tragic songs, romantic edgy vibes you know? Like a little angst in there, some yearning, that dark femme vibe. Like i can imagine her in her room after a long day, soft lamplight as she lets down her hair and rests to these songs in her old money aesthetic.
Songs:pearl diver- mitski, midnight love- girl in red, yes to heaven- Lana del Rey, a&w- Lana del ray
Jirou: i know she likes rock and metal, i think she would love goth music!!! Like depending on her mood, it 2ould ebb and flow together.
Songs: season of the witch- Lana del Rey, spellbound- siouxxe and the banshees, bite my hip- bauhaus, money- pink Floyd, highway to hell- ac/DC
tsuyu: rain sounds and Lofi, like electric pop like launchpad music, i dunno how else to describe it.
Songs: marble soda- Shawn wasabi, otter pop- Shawn wasabi, pixel galaxy- snails house, animal crossing ost
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heronoegg · 6 months
a headcanon i have is that since Jirou's body put everything into her ears cause she has her mom's quirk she has poor eyesight and a better but semi regular sense of small, her ears are awesome but her eyes are crappy that way teaming up with Shoji is the best for her
my friend also said sound waves ripple and it could be ripple her head and her eyes making her eyesight even more poor
ALSO Jirou's mom has glasses so this is a legit theory
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Jirou's mom doesn't use her quirk the way Jirou uses her quirk so having poor eyesight probably runs in her family because if anybody else in Jirou's mom's side of the family has this quirk it's probably the genes putting everything into the quirk -> the ears taking away from smell and taste there could be somebody in her family who can't smell things or somebody who's completely blind
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candleshopmenace · 2 years
jirou headcanons!!
- trans icon. i incorporate that into literally all of my fics my girl is trans and i love her okay
- is the baby of her family! she has two older siblings, kahine and kiiyu. kahine is her older brother and he’s six years older than her, and kiiyu, her older sister, is ten years older than her.
- she and kahine were basically raised by kiiyu
- started playing guitar to give her parents a reason to stay at home a little while longer, realized that she genuinely enjoyed it
- bad at feelings
- very very sarcastic
- favorite anecdote of her childhood is when kahine tried to help her yank a loose tooth but he tied the string around the wrong one
- least favorite anecdote of her childhood is when kahine sliced her hair off when she was seven; he accidentally cut her and now she has a scar on the back of her neck
- kahine used to be a little shithead! now he’s just a big shithead
- he also gets into some semi-illegal stuff so there’s that ig
- kiiyu and kahine own a bar and kyoka does her homework in the back corner of it bc their home is dark and empty and the bar may stink of booze and cheap perfume but at least there are people and she’s not left alone to wallow in her thoughts
- anyways! she’s an ambivert
- skips school if she feels stressed [which happens a lot] and one time aizawa brings it up and she’s like, “me??? miss school?? never!” and he’s like, “jirou i literally have your attendance logs”
- falls asleep on the rooftop at lunch! like a cat! lays down by the railing and puts a book over her face and kills anyone who wakes her up
- diluted abandonment issues
- i feel like she’d lowkey be the type to give you the cold shoulder when angry
- overtalks when nervous. will not shut up. will chatter on and on abt everything she has ever learned in an attempt to fill the silence
- kiiyu and their mother get into arguments a lot so she’s learned how to play peacemaker
- used to have long hair in middle school, cut it the summer before yuuei
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lovelyiida · 1 year
I’m srry if ur not comfy with writing for mha girls but I’ve been wondering if u can find time to write jirou headcannons? Tysm if u do!
OMG IM SO COMFY WITH WRITING ABOUT THE MHA GIRLS DW!! I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me to write about the mha girls for a minute so thank you for your service lol. I also have a Mina fic otw, but that's another conversation for another day ;)
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when the both of you first met, you guys instantly clicked.
it was the first day of class, you had so many thought running through your head at that moment:
were you good enough to become a pro-hero?
did you really deserve to be here?
will you actually make it?
is this even your calling?
sitting at your desk your hands were occupied with a fistful of your uniform. you look down at your legs, lips quivering and eyes watering, you were so nervous.
"hey? are you alright?" you heard a soft voice say. your head rises, snapping out of your nervous thoughts you try and show a smile.
"um yeah! I'm just so nervous." you look away in embarrassment, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. looking back you take in the unknown female's looks.
her dark eyes look into yours deeply, her short dark purple hair laying perfectly around her face. you notice her give you a deadpanned look.
"you're obviously not alright⏤here, we can listen to music together before the bell," she says, she lets out a shy smile as she removes a singular headphone from her ear and extends it out for you to grab.
a little dazed by the confident proposal, you nod and give her a slight bow. placing the single headphone in, you patiently wait for the girl to play her music.
when she presses play, your eyes light up.
"you know this band?" you beamed, the girl's eyes widened as well at your sudden burst of energy. "hell yeah! they're like the hottest thing out on the underground scene! I just went to one of their concerts!" she says back, a light blush on her face forms as she chuckles in excitement.
"what's your name?" you asked.
"Jiro Kyouka! and you?" she says, you tell her your name and the both of you formally greet each other with a bow.
after that day, both of you were hip-to-hip.
it didn't matter where either of you was, because you were always together.
and everyone knew that.
"hey, have you seen L/n? I need help with my combat skills," Mina says.
"y'know they're with Jiro," Bakugo says.
the both of you always went out places or hung out at each other's dorms and listened to music.
you loved it when Jiro would send links to her favorite music, and she'd love it when you'd do the same.
sometimes if the both of you were bored, you guys would make stupid songs on garage band, ultimately leaving the room with stomach cramps with how hard you laughed at Jiro's fried auto-tuned vocals.
there's one time when the both of you were getting tickets to see your favorite popular band, hovered over the computer in the lunchroom waiting for the ticket sale to drop. eyes wide open, staring into the blue LED screen, feeling that if you looked away for one second you'd lose all your chances.
you had all the devices possible, computers, tablets, and phones, the both of you were completely silent clicking any button possible to buy the tickets.
"I got them!" Jiro screamed loudly, the both of you crashed into each other's arms and started to scream like wild banshees. there were a couple of odd stares from people in the lunchroom, but that didn't matter.
and when you guys finally went to the concert, you guys screamed even louder. yelling out the lyrics like your life depended on it, hands entwined the whole night.
taking so many photos together that night, you had so much fun you'd never forget this moment ever.
voices hoarse and eyes tired, you had a sleepover in your room after the concert crashing in the bed...you fell asleep so quick you didn't even notice that you guys cuddled the whole night.
everyone seeing the life drained out of you and Jiro as they first hand witnessed the effects of post-concert depression.
sometimes there would be times when the both of you just co-existed with one another.
no talking, no interaction was needed, just the feeling of each other's presence was enough.
and on days when that wasn't the case, Jiro was there for you no matter what.
if you felt down, she'd be the first person to cheer you up, singing one of the weird songs the both of you made to make you laugh
letting out a weary smile, you huff out a breath and wrap your arms around her waist and embrace her into a soft hug. "what would I do without you, Jiro?" you mumbled into her shoulder.
"I don't know...die?" she says, sarcasm oozing from her lips.
the both of you burst into laughter, she hugs you even tighter now.
"I don't know what I would do without you either, L/n..."
you knew you never felt out of place when you were with Jiro, you always felt so in tune with her. you knew her deepest secrets, she covered all your wounds and healed all your scars.
you were complete.
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is it weird to giggle at your own writing, this was so cute I literally was melting into my bed the more a typed this out. I hope you liked this anon!
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