#kwak aron scenarios
cherrysarchives · 1 year
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🔞 - sᴘɪᴄʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ
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sept-dix · 6 years
college au! aron
summary: you and aron are uni roommates genre: fluff a/n: requested; i feel like i’m trying to singlehandedly end the aron drought here lol hope u enjoy!!
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yknow the myth about art students living off of virtually no sleep and no money is not entirely false
as a visual arts major who’s only still alive thanks to 20 cent instant ramen and the discovery of the red bull + coffee mixture, you would know
what you didn’t know was that journalism majors had it almost worse, bc with all news platforms having to publish their stuff at the break of dawn it was a given that they had to slave away while the rest of the world was asleep in order to even get something meaningful done during internship periods
the workload is also intense so even during non-internship periods they’re buried in work
you learnt this (and more) from aron
at the start of your second year in uni your existing roommate had dropped out of college, leaving you with an empty apartment which was both too big and too expensive 
and as you’d been aimlessly walking around your campus after school one day trying to think of possibilities for a better living arrangement, you’d fatefully come across an advertisement for someone looking for a roommate
the thing that had caught your eye was the shockingly low rent 
given the rlly cramped and small nature of the actual flat of course the rent wasn’t unexpected but you couldn’t care less about space at that moment
so yeah, you called and this guy called aron picked up and you two became roommates just like that
aron was so relieved and thankful when you called him and eventually became his roommate bc just like you, he was rlly tight on money
but let’s just say he just got even more thankful with time
when he first opened the door to you it would be an understatement to say that he was surprised
because well..,,, he looked at you once and got overwhelmed by how good looking you were
and you were moving in all your thousand of art supplies and the whole time you kept apologising bc you had to make so many trips and you kept getting in his way and he thought that was so cute
that first night you insisted that you make dinner as thanks for him letting you be his roommate
but he insisted that he make dinner as thanks for you wanting to be his roommate in the first place
so the both of you just ended up making dinner together 
it was nothing fancy you guys just made pasta lol
but you two had so much fun making it!!! 
you were exchanging pasta sauce recipes and tips with each other and aron tried so hard to stop himself but every now and then he kept finding himself thinking about how cute you were
somewhere in the back of his brain, there were warning sirens ringing trying to tell him that he shouldn’t be thinking like this about you because you were his roommate,,, it would mess things up big time
but what can i say aron ignored those sirens lol
both of you were naturally very sensitive of each other’s needs and preferences so it was almost too easy for you two to fall into a comfortable routine
like you’d wake him up before you left for your 9am class on tuesday because he had a 9.30 one
and he’d do the same for you on thursday when the situation was reversed
it just so happened that you came home earlier on 3 days of the week and he came home earlier on the rest of the days
so you’d cook the both of you dinner when you were back first and he’d do the same when he’s back first
and towards the end of the month there were always those few days when you guys had to make do with instant ramen lol rip
you two never rlly meant for this to happen but you guys ended up bonding a lot through these shared dinner times
admittedly it wasn’t too often that the two of you actually ate dinner at the same time 
but when those times did come, you two always ended up just talking or watching a tv show together
as it so happened you guys loved the same tv shows so that’s great
and he loved hearing about your art stuff bc well he’s an aspiring journalist and he loves to hear about everything
and you loved hearing about what he’s studying just bc you never really knew much about it before and he made it seem super interesting
you didn’t know this but during all those times aron was thinking to himself ok so not only are you super cute you are also interesting and ambitious and passionate and nice???? not fair 
but it wasn’t exactly that he had a crush on you or anything
lol jk he had a crush on you
a small teeny tiny one that grew concrete and huge over one fine weekend
which wasn’t so fine because well,, aron was sick
he was down with the flu and he had a high fever and he couldn’t even get out of bed
not only was he physically sick but yknow when people are sick and away from home they get extra homesick and emo
so yeah he was feeling like shit in all aspects of the word
and he had gotten sick when he was still living with his old roommate
that time he had just had a slight case of the flu he didn’t even have fever or anything
but his roommate had avoided him like he had the plague or something just bc he didn’t want it to spread to him
so naturally aron expected you to do the same and stay far away from you but what did you do instead?
that’s right
you made him soup
and you stuck a thermometer in his mouth
and you forced him to tell you any medical allergies he had so you could go out and buy him flu medicine
and then you came back with the medicine and forced him to eat it with soup and then stayed by his side for another 15 mins just to make sure he was okay
15 mins might seem like a short time but considering the huge assignment you had due in 2 days which you hadn’t even started on, 15 mins was as good as half a day
and i guess you could say that’s when aron knew he was in trouble
you’re cute and nice and interesting and everything but you’re also good at taking care of him
it’s all too much for him
so he decided to consult his bro minki on the situation
and minki being minki told aron to confess asap in the most corny and cringey and extravagant way
and aron wanted to follow that advice (at least a part of it) but when he got home that day and saw you smiling at your phone for god knows what reason
he realised that he knew all sorts of things about you but he didn’t know whether you had someone you liked or someone you were already dating or whatever
and of course he was too nervous to ask you about it at that moment bc you were already smiling at your phone meaning there was a high chance you were already being sent lovey dovey text messages from the love of your life
but you would have told him if you had a boyfriend right?
well idk but that’s all that went through aron’s mind that day
and he tried to look for more signs that you were already taken throughout the course of the next few days but he didn’t catch anything else except for that one smiling at your phone event
so he reported this back to minki and minki all but hit him 
“why tf you doing all this when i clearly told you to just conFESS??”
 so aron tried another time
this time, thankfully, you weren’t doing anything suspicious like smiling at your phone
you were just on the floor in your room working on a huge canvas painting for one of your classes
as soon as you noticed him walking in you asked him his opinion on the piece
“it’s supposed to be a study of movement, i’m not exactly sure if this is what my professor wants but what do you think?”
“oh well it’s great”
bc duh aron doesn’t know anything about how a proper study of movement should look lol
he just stood there watching you work for a little longer before you noticed him
“is there a reason why you’re just standing there looking at me, aron?”
“no! i mean well, yes, actually. yeah, i mean yes”
you chuckled at his clumsiness and that put him at ease for a moment
“ok then, what is it?”
he took a deep breath and
“i was just wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me this saturday?”
“.... aron are u ok we always have dinner together on saturdays unless one of us is busy or smth lol”
“yes but this wouldn’t be our usual dinner. i could bring you to that japanese place down the road from here and we could perhaps catch a movie afterwards?”
“... are you asking me out?”
“yeah i guess you could say that”
the few seconds you spent looking at him then almost made him pass out bc they convinced him you were going to say no but-
“sure, it’s a date!”
needless to say the date went great bc well,, it isn’t an unknown fact that you two match each other super well
in fact, it goes so well that one date turns into two, which turns into a few
and before you know it, you’ve been introduced to minki as the person aron’s in an actual relationship with
aron finds out months later that the moment you started falling for him had been the same one when he’d been so sick that he was out of his mind
and he had looked up at you and whined that “he would have really missed his mommy if you hadn’t been there to make him soup”
that’s so cute
soon you guys become one of the established College Couples in campus
with him walking you to your classes all the way in the arts building
and you hanging around in his editing studio while he types away about something or the other
and the both of you always grabbing dinner together at the end of the day
what can i say uni isn’t so bad when you’ve got someone like aron by your side hehe
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smutwritingpolice · 3 years
Nu’est reaction to s/o fainting
Requested by anon
Admin B
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Would run to you and start calling out your name
He would panic, all confused and not knowing what to do
Calls emergencies, running his hands over your face and tapping on your cheeks
Lets out the biggest sigh of relief when you wake up
“Jesus Christ, you scared me to death.”
Hugs you really tight and makes sure to take care of you the rest of the day
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He’s able to stay calm, being the oldest brother in his family taught him to deal with things smoothly
Would try to wake you up with a bit of alcohol against your nose
Feels relieved when you wake up anyways, a soft smile appears on his face
“Are you okay? You passed out. Do you want me to call a doctor?” While running his fingers through your hair lovingly
The best at taking care of you and babying you
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Would probably drive you to the nearest hospital, just in case
He’s too worried, keeps calling out your name and shaking you gently
When the doctors say you’ve woken up, a huge grin appears on his face
Goes straight to your room and pesters you with kisses
“The doctor said you needs to rest, so we’re going home and I’ll tug you in bed, okay?”
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Gets super worried and nervous
But tries his best to keep his composure
Tries to wake you up, if it doesn’t work he would probably call either a doctor or ask his mom
Poor boy is so relieved when you wake up
“Love, you passed out. Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling unwell? Does anything hurt? What can I do for you?”
Cooks a soup for you and gets super super sweet
Cuddles with you the rest of the day in case you start feeling bad again
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Almost about to pass out himself
His mind goes blank and starts pacing back and forth after trying to wake you up
Trembling hands diall the first number that comes to his head
“Aron hyung, y/n passed out and, a-and I” 
Stuttering mess
“How can I stay calm? What if she/him dies? Hyung what do I do?” In whines, touching your face
His soul goes back to his body when you wake up, wraps you in the tightest hug and even giggles at himself
Would probably ask you if you’re okay every five minutes
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marriedtothewriting · 3 years
NU’EST | Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s day L.O.V.Es! I have something for you uwu
NU’EST planning their Valentine’s Day for their partner.
JR simply surprised you with your favorite candy and some cute roses. He didn’t see a big reason to do anything else, as he knew you knew he loved you. But still in the end of the day, spending time with him was the best gift.
“Happy Valentine’s Day baby! I love you so much!”
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Aron didn’t think you’d want anything too fancy for Valentine’s Day. So he cooked your favorite meal and made a table for two in his place. Noah and KKotsooni would also join your romantic dinner.
“Happy Valentines Day!” *Noah and KKotsooni join* “And happy Valentine’s day to you too...” *Aron looks at you* “I hope you don’t mind them joining too.”
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Baekho but all in. He bought flowers, a teddy holding a heart that said “I love you” and he also made a five star course meal for the two of you. All for you. He loves you so much and wants you to know it. And maybe he also has something else planned for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Happy Valentine’s Day babe! These flowers are for you! ... Yes I made this meal, and desert, just for you... yes I got you this teddy, but isn’t he cute? And I also have something else for you if you want... .”
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This awkward bean had planned the Valentine’s Day for weeks. He wanted it to be perfect for you. So he asked for help from Aron for the cooking and Baekho for other gifts. In the end of the day, he had a whole meal ready for you (mostly done by Aron) and few cute gifts like flowers and a teddy holding a heart.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love! Uhh... Yes, I made all of this myself... and chose this teddy for you as well.. I love you!”
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Ren went all for Valentine’s Day, but in his own way. He first sung a beautiful love song for you and then dramatically gave you his hand and guided you to your favorite ramen restaurant. He told you to order whatever you wanted. He payed for the two of you. You spend the whole day with him.
“Eat well! I have put a lot of thought into this day! I love you.”
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kpopreac-tion · 4 years
choosing them in a dating show - nu’est reaction
ARON: “Really?”
He wouldn’t know how to react but as soon as he realized you had picked him, he would be very shy about it, especially since his members would be teasing him too as he has liked you for a while.
“Yes, I’m serious. Why?”
“Just can’t believe someone like you would like someone like me.”
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JR: “Oh.”
He would try and make small talk with you but wouldn’t really know what to say when you continued the conversation. He would be so awestruck by you that he wouldn’t know how to continue the conversation.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I don’t even know how to react to that.”
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BAEKHO: “I’m glad I did this.”
He knew he had to pick you. His members had hyped him up and he couldn’t have been more grateful. You just had a way of making him smile without even trying and he knew he couldn’t let you go.
“Me too. This is going to be so much fun.”
“I like the sound of that.”
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MINHYUN: “You have a great smile.”
He wasn’t sure what to do but when he saw the change, the picked you. When he saw the smile on your face, he knew he had made the right choice and he couldn’t wait to get to know you.
“I could say the same about you, I’d like to see it more.”
“I guess we both agree on the same thing.”
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REN: “I knew you would.”
He would, of course, be very cocky about it. He liked you but wasn’t sure if you liked him too so when you chose him, he knew he had his answer. He’s be teasing you and be very smug about it.
“If I had known you’d be this annoying about it, I wouldn’t have.”
“Please, you love me really.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Saving Ruins
Prompt: “You’ve got to be kidding me!” - @challengingwords​
Pairing: Aaron Kwak (Aron)  x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 554
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“You’ve got to be kidding me!” you breathed exasperatedly, both of your hands rising to scrunch up your hair within them before you attempted to place them around the neck of the man before you instead.
Aaron laughed uneasily. “It’s not that bad, Y/N.”
“No, you’re right; it’s not that bad, it’s worse! I cannot believe I left you in charge of watching over it. What was I thinking?!”
“That your boyfriend is trustworthy?” he offered and then sighed when you narrowed your gaze on him. “Okay, so I got hungry and left the sculpture unattended for maybe five minutes. That’s all I was away for and-”
“It took five minutes for this type of destruction?!”
You had been constructing a cathedral template for an upcoming presentation at work. It wasn’t something you had just slapped together with a bit of paper and glue. No, you had painstakingly been layering it up bit by bit, spending so far four days on the project.
And just like that, it was in ruins much like the fallen cathedral the corporation you worked for wished to rebuild. You almost laughed at the irony, but the bitterness in your chest trapped it within, the finger now being pointed at yourself.
You had only yourself to blame for this.
Dropping to crouch beside the chewed up beams, you willed yourself not to cry. Aaron sat beside you. “I didn’t think Kkotsunie would do anything to it. Normally that’s Noah and he was with me watching me make some food.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Well, no, it’s Kkot-”
“It’s mine for being stupid enough to leave it on this table,” you concluded tearfully. You were exhausted. It had been a long four days and knowing you’d have to reconstruct the whole thing almost from scratch again made you wonder why you were even bothering with the visual. You already had drawn up the 3D computer image. You wondered if that would be enough, even though you knew the opposing team had tasked Minki with their proposal. He was always your biggest competitor, and you could only imagine what amazing concept he was going for.
You were close to defeat before the race had even begun.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Aaron’s fingers had something on them. Lifting your head up, you then noticed the repaired wall on the east side of your structure. You reached out to take his hand. “Did you… did you try to repair it?”
“Yeah,” he mentioned softly. “I mean, I don’t know how you did this for as long as you did. The glue gets everywhere and-”
Moving to kiss him gently, you then smiled gratefully. “I take it back.”
“Which part?” he mused, angling his face in hopes of another kiss.
“The part where I said it was worse.”
“Can I make it better?” he offered and you waited for Aaron to continue. He grinned. “I’ll help you fix it. If we both work on it together, it won’t take nearly as long, right?”
You nodded happily. “You know, you really are a trustworthy boyfriend to have.”
“You acknowledge it now, huh?” He laughed and then picked up the pieces that were salvageable. “Shall we get cracking?”
You knew with Aaron’s help, you wouldn’t go down in ruins after all.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[NU’EST Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
I will now be accepting requests for Nu’est. I know you Loves need more content here!!
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nuest-love-lab · 4 years
Bet bet! Au
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You've won, Take your prize and leave. Oh honey, you're the prize I'm taking.
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daybreakx · 5 years
‘I’m not wearing a tie’ + NU’EST Aron.
Female reader.
Prompt list
Warnings: none.
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“I’m not wearing a tie” Aron complained, plopping down on the bed.
“What do you mean you’re not wearing a tie? It’s a wedding”
“But- I don’t want to wear a tie... please, it’s the groom and the bride who have to look good”
“Aron, please” you tried not to laugh at the childish attitude coming from your boyfriend “It’s a formal event, and I think you look handsome with a tie”
“Fine” he finally surrendered “But let me know what color is your dress, so at least we can match”
You smiled at Aron, touched by his last comment, you leaned in to give him a kiss.
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“Are you crying?” You whispered, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
“No I’m not” he hissed, his right hand wiping his right cheek quickly, “Fine, I might be”
You chuckled, pecking Aron’s cheek and returning your attention to the bride and the groom, swaying in the middle of the dance floor. “You’re adorable”
“Who doesn’t cry at weddings?” Aron grabbed your hand from under the table, “You cried with the vows”
“They were so beautiful” you sighed “I love weddings!”
Aron laughed at your excitement, kissing the hand that he was still holding. “Do you want to dance?” He wondered, people were starting to get together in the dance floor.
“Sure, let’s go”
The distance between your bodies was extremely scarce, your arms were wrapped around his neck and Aron was holding your waist firmly. “Do you think bow ties are acceptable at weddings?” He asked.
“Not this conversation again” you laughed “I’m glad you’re wearing a suit and a tie...”
“Would you be mad if i wore a bow tie to our wedding?” Your boyfriend asked, eyebrows raised in a playful gesture, he knew his words had left you speechless.
Aron laughed again, bringing you even closer to him. “Well, would you?” He teased again.
“You can wear whatever you want” you giggled “As long as it’s me you’re marrying”
“It couldn’t be anyone else” he whispered, at last sealing your lips in a soft kiss.
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love-kazin · 4 years
Writings - NU’EST
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- Kwak Youngmin/Aron - 
  Driving Crazy
- Kim Jonghyun/JR -
     none yet
- Kang Dongho/Baekho - 
   Love Song
- Hwang Minhyun -
     none yet
- Choi Mingi/Ren - 
     none yet
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zecendrazenda · 5 years
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Hybrid Baek Ho Au
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haoreo · 5 years
let's continue to work hard by continuing to stream the bet bet mv! we almost got them their 4th win yesterday but due to mnet's mistake in the calculation, oh my girl actually deserved the win. (congratulations to oh my girl and miracles, btw! 💕) we got a low score in the social media category which includes mv views so please keep on streaming for nu'est! let's not let down this comeback, loves!
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kpopreac-tion · 5 years
nu’est reaction to their s/o falling asleep on their chest
JR: “...”
He wouldn’t know how to react. He would freeze but wouldn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you. He was glad you felt comfortable enough around him that you could sleep on his chest.
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ARON: “You are so cute.”
He wouldn’t even hesitate to wrap his arms around you before pressing a kiss to your head. He loved having you close and you falling asleep on his chest was one of his favourite things.
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MINHYUN: “What am I going to do with you?” 
He knew you had been busy with studying and hadn’t been getting much sleep but he wasn’t going to wake you up even if his arm was falling asleep. He loved watching you sleep, knowing you were comfortable with him.
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BAEKHO: “Now you’re just making me tired.”
He would be used to you falling asleep on his chest. He was soft and comfortable so you would fall sleep on his often and more often than not, he would join you for a short nap or carry you to bed so you both could sleep comfortably.
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REN: “Again?”
You loved your sleep so whenever he was with you, you would cuddle up to him before falling asleep. At this point, he was used to it and he would put a blanket over you before continuing to watch TV. Sometimes he would join for a nap but usually it was just you sleeping on his chest.
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f-l-writes · 5 years
Even In Death
Warnings: Major Character Death
Word Count: 3.2 K
To: @wxngyxkhei
Hope you enjoy and feel free to request!
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Things always happened in unpredictable and mysterious ways. Perhaps the keys you lost and didn’t find until after an accident happened on your route to work were signs from some sort of higher power. Or maybe it was just the subconscious. Either way, it was something that showed that there’s always something watching over you, be it yourself or whatever God that you believe in.
Or maybe it was someone who died who looked over you. Someone who cared so much about you in life that they couldn’t bear the thought of dying and leaving you alone to deal with it on your own. That little thump in the night might not be the house or a monster in the closet at all. Maybe it was your great-grandfather or a friend. Maybe it was someone older than that just looking over you because they followed the line of their grandchildren and so on.
We don’t always realize the things that stop us from getting hurt or even stop us from getting into little mishaps. We don’t always realize that there may be something there and, for the case of one, there is this failure to realize that she is never alone.
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Haley had been at the site of the crash her boyfriend, Aaron, was a part of. At first, she hadn’t known who was in either of the vehicles but she had been far too shocked to move as the large, dark blue Ford truck came barreling through the intersections and into the smaller silver Maxima. Honestly, if the crash hadn’t been so horrific, the crumpling of the front half of the Maxima would have been almost cartoonish.
However, that wasn’t the case. It was obvious that whoever was in the smaller car wasn’t going to make it. There was no way in hell anyone in a car like that would survive that crash. It just wasn’t feasible.
When the ambulance arrived, Haley was still at the scene of the crash, her mind going a thousand miles a minute as she watched them recover the body from the car. What she saw broke her heart into a thousand pieces. Pulled from the wreckage was Aaron’s mangled body.
There were shards of glass in this face, neck, and arms. He was cut up nearly beyond recognition. He was clearly not breathing and his body was completely limp. It wasn’t until they had produced the body bag that her body sprung into action and she was by the ambulance in an instant, staring down at the body of her now-deceased boyfriend.
As one would expect, tears were falling, some dropping from the bottom of her jaw while others snaked down her cheeks and throat, leaving their temporary stain behind. Her mind was blank except with the grief that had swelled inside her.
This shouldn’t have happened to him. It wasn’t fair. He didn’t deserve this! If there was some otherworldly force, why the fuck did it allow this to happen to him? He was at the peak in his life! He was loved and he loved many. He wasn’t that old and he was happy. Above it all, he was happy. Despite the hardships he and his group had gone through throughout the years, despite the years of training, despite the arguments that arose between him and Haley, he was happy.
So why did this happen to him? What could he have possibly done in his life that would lead him to such a grisly death? He didn’t deserve it! His friends and family didn’t deserve to deal with the news of it! He had so much more to live for… but it was all cut short because some jackass couldn’t just fucking wait at a stop light.
Haley hadn’t even noticed the paramedics who had pulled her away from the body of Aaron, talking to her in that voice that mimicked empathy but, on the inside, she knew they didn’t care. This was just another day in their lives. For her, this was crushing but they could never understand that, could they? They would never have to see the one they loved get brutally killed in a crash or, for lack of a better thought, murdered by some reckless asshole.
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All Aaron knew when he came to was that he had been driving down the road and now he was in Haley’s house, sitting on the couch. The world didn’t seem completely there and, if he was going to be honest, he didn’t feel completely there either. Everything seemed fuzzy from the noise of the barking dog to the sound of the T.V that had been left on.
Standing from the couch, which the feel of leather had also been muted, he shut it off. It had really become a habit at this point. He knew how often it happened and he was usually the one to turn the device off when Haley forgot to. Aaron couldn’t help but smile at the thought, a warmth that he recognized as love towards the woman filling him.
However, when she came walking through the door of her home sobbing, that feeling faded into concern, his heart-shattering at the thought of something so horrible happening that it would leave her this way.
Walking over, Aaron wrapped an arm around her, hoping to comfort her a bit only for her to tug her jacket against herself tighter and walk to her room. Frowning, the male followed behind her, pushing the slightly closed door open so he could try to figure out what was wrong with her.
Just when he had thought he had finally been recognized, based on her look of mild shock, he was just as quickly shut out as she stood and walked through him to close the door. He had felt her shiver in cold as she passed through him both times and the sudden realization had hit him. He wasn’t alive.
Panic had struck him like a freight train and he wasn’t sure how to deal with the information. A memory of the crash had broken through but otherwise, he was left in the dark about whether or not he died on impact or at a hospital.
In any case, he was confused about why he was here in Haley’s room now. Wasn’t there supposed to be some afterlife other than remaining on Earth? Or had it been with his sheer want of hoping to see Haley day in and day out that had kept him around, making him, in a way, her guardian spirit? Either way, the spirit of Aaron knew that he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that she was able to live a full and happy life with himself no longer being in the picture.
While Aaron knew that she would one day move on to find someone else to live out her life with, he also knew that he would remain around until the end of her days. Maybe that was going to be his purpose in the end. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to die so soon and he was meant to at least live out a decent portion of the rest of her life watching over her.
Watching Haley cry made him want to go to her, to comfort her. But he knew better. He would just be a gust of chilly wind, looked over until he could find the energy to become a visible figure. He knew that he would just become a bump in the night for her but, for him, he knew that he would be trying to show that he was still there with her, forever and always.
With a knock at the front door, Aaron moved out of Haley’s way before following her to the door, only to see the rest of his group mates, including Min Hyun, standing there. Each one had eyes as red and puffy as her own and it was clear that they were there to try and comfort her as well as themselves.
Aaron truly felt horrible for the whole ordeal, a slight feeling of guilt entering him as he watched them filter into the woman’s home before surrounding her in a large hug, an attempt at comfort. Had it been him who hadn’t been paying attention or had it been the other driver? If it had been him, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to forgive himself for as long as he was just a hovering spirit.
The now-deceased member of NU’EST stepped aside as his friends began to filter farther into the house. He dimly heard them talking about trying to get Haley’s mind off of the death of her boyfriend while preparations for his funeral would take place over the next week or so.
Aaron shuddered at the thought of being able to see himself going into the ground, wondering how his body would look dressed up, skin paler than ever and his chest failing to rise and fall. Would his parents request his body to be buried back in California or would they leave him to be buried in Korea?
He had no doubt that after a period of mourning, his group would have to continue their promotional activities and, on a far more unfortunate note, Haley would be left to deal with losing the man she had spent the last four years of her life with.
Deciding to leave the group alone, Aaron wandered off to the guest bedroom that he used to stay in during the beginning of their relationship. He didn’t quite want to hover and possibly cause a feeling of discomfort, so what better place to go than to where he used to spend a lot of time? It almost felt cliche to go there, as though he really wasn’t anything more than your resident haunter.
After a while, he noted the closing of the front door and the steps that were coming up the stairs, prompting him to slip into her room, hoping that he may be able to garner enough energy to show himself to Haley, even if it was just once while he stuck around. As he watched her lie down in bed and curl over onto her side, he wondered just how to do pull energy from the electronics around him.
Closing his eyes, he set his focus on that and, after a minute, the light in the room had gone off. With it came the expected what the fuck? from Haley as she stood to go turn on the light again. Aaron kept at pulling energy from the surrounding electronics until he felt confident that he had collected enough to show himself to her, even if it was only by talking.
Taking a deep breath, Aaron projected the energy out with a sigh, hoping that this wasn’t for naught.
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As Haley turned away from the light switch after jiggling it a few times in annoyance, she jumped as she heard an all-too-familiar voice in the darkness. Nothing was really there, she was able to convince herself that much, but the voice was so… real.
Look, I know this is crazy and I don’t have long to say this but I just want you to know that I’m here. I’m always here with you, Haley. No matter what.
Like that, the voice was gone. She may have been able to put it off as nothing more than her imagination but it seemed too real, alongside the freezing cold that seemed to envelop the room as well.
Shaking her head, she gave the light switch one last flick and watched as the light came on, flooding the room with a much-needed brightness after being scared almost out of her skin. Walking back over to her bed, she huddled under the blankets, trying to ignore what happened. The coldness had increased since she had settled herself into bed and, in the back of her mind, she could believe that it was Aaron. However, the logical part of her just had to assume that it was the AC acting up rather than some paranormal force.
Closing her eyes, Haley let herself fall into a fitful rest, her dreams plagued by what had happened earlier. She had woken several times throughout the night before going back to sleep. The chill had remained steadily through the night, only to leave when morning came. It was almost a disappointing feeling but she was glad that she was no longer freezing her ass off when it came time to get up and get ready for the day.
“I could call off work,” she muttered to herself, “but I need the cash and no amount of grief can stop me from lessening my hours.”
Sure, it wasn’t the best thing to do. After all, grieving properly is a good thing as well as getting things off of one’s chest after such a horrific event but wouldn’t it be better to just deal with it? After all, death of all sorts was simply a part of life. Why bother being sad over something inevitable when there were other things to worry about?
As she finished getting ready, she accepted the cold chill that had come back into her room, ignoring it as best as she could before grabbing her keys and getting out of the house, leaving her unknown and ignored spirit behind her.
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Aaron was more than elated to realize that he could leave the house to follow Haley. However, for this day, he wanted to leave her alone. He felt that there wouldn’t be anything that would remotely be dangerous that day and, if anything, he would only make things worse. He knew that, eventually, he would have to prevent her from going out one of these days but today was not that day.
Letting out a sigh, Aaron wandered around the house, wondering just what he could do. He had no idea if he could visit the dorms or not and, if he could, would he just stumble in on his former group mates mourning? Or would they have made like Haley and just pushed themselves through it?
Whatever it was, Aaron wanted to find out his limits as a spirit.
Amazingly, he found, he was able to go back to the NU’EST dorms. Upon entering, he was greeted with the sight of them sitting on the couches in silence, no one looking at the other and rather just basking in the tense silence. Walking over to where Jong Hyun was seated, he stood beside the man, mildly aware of how cold he had made the room with his presence.
“You guys are so dull,” he muttered to himself, knowing they wouldn’t be able to hear him.
“I get I’m dead but damn, lighten up.”
It was almost nice to be able to talk to them without them hearing. He would pretty much always be able to vent if he needed to and no one would be able to hear him. Definitely a plus to being an invisible being.
“Can one of you guys turn on the heat?” Dong Ho questioned, looking over to the others.
“Why don’t you do it if you’re so cold,” Min Ki scowled, lowering himself into the couch.
Dong Ho visibly rolled his eyes before standing, walking over to the thermostat, turning it up a bit in an attempt to soothe the chill in the air.
Aaron was amazed at the fact that they had all become so cold towards one another with the untimely death of one of their friends. Sure it wasn’t the greatest thing to have happened to them, especially considering they just got Min Hyun back from Wanna One, but it was still shocking that they weren’t consoling one another and rather bottling their feelings and snapping at one another.
Shaking his head, Aaron turned to walk out before Min Hyun spoke up, speaking the deceased’s name.
“I really don’t think Aaron would like us acting like this, guys. I get it’s hard but… shouldn’t we be trying to talk to one another? About future things? Helping Haley? Helping ourselves?”
“What does it matter? Everything will fall back into place. She’ll move on. We’ll continue with our activities, he’ll just be a skeleton in the ground.”
“Jackass!” Aaron spoke aloud, looking over at Dong Ho, the man who had spoken.
“Still, shouldn’t we at least try to do things to remember him how he was in life?” Min Hyun shot back, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Alright fine, what do you suggest we do then, Min Hyun?” Dong Ho’s voice was dripping with sarcasm and the younger male’s face dropped as he turned away from the elder, falling silent.
Aaron scowled as he looked at Dong Ho before picking up, successfully may I add, a pencil from the table and throwing it at Dong Ho. The eraser end struck his chest and the others all looked to the center of the room like they had just physically seen Aaron.
“What the hell…”
“Do you think…?”
“No, that’s not possible. There shouldn’t just be souls wandering around…”
With that, Aaron tried to pick something else up, only to find it near impossible. Instead, he opted to roll something across the table instead.
“We need out of the house,” Min Ki suggested, standing quickly.
The others followed suit after, each one quickly making a leave while a mass of cold air followed them out the door, only to disappear as Aaron decided to make his way back to Haley’s awaiting her return from work.
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Haley had only dealt with the cold spots for the weeks following up to the funeral and the two weeks after it. However, it had all quickly changed after getting dressed one night to get ready for bed and making her way into her room, only to see the near transparent figure of Aaron sitting on her bed, looking at his hands.
Almost as though he had sensed her presence, he looked up and gave her a ghostly smile before gesturing her over. Cautiously, the woman moved closer, eyeing the spirit before her and wondering if this was real or not.
When he spoke, however, that question had been put to rest.
I know this insane, but trust me. It’s me. Like I said before, I’ll always be here. I need you to believe that because if you don’t, then my reason to be here would be next to useless. I’m acting like a guardian angel until your own death… I don’t know when that will be but I’ll be by your side throughout it all. You can count on me.
With that, the figure of the man faded, though the cold spot was still there, signaling his presence and prompting Haley to speak, though her voice was the slightest bit shaky at seeing the non-mutilated version of her boyfriend once again.
“Aaron, I… Thanks for sticking around. You could be living with a much better afterlife than watching over me but I appreciate it. I really do. I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend- neither in life, nor death. So thank you.”
With that, the woman went to go lay down, the cold spot only moving over in her bed, almost as though Aaron had decided to lie down with her, much like he had when he was alive.
Although Aaron was no longer alive, he was still there. And, like he had said, he had remained until Haley died. Once he was sure she would no longer be in danger, he finally felt comfortable enough to pass on and meet her in the forever ambiguous afterlife.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Enjoying the summer where your lives changed
Prompt: #153 - “If they mess with you, they’re messing with me.”
Pairing: Nuest x reader
Genre: friendship / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 940
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“Stop!” you cried, holding your hands up to cover your face.
The laughter continued, along with the attack and you squealed, running across the now slippery tiled floor, heading to the small back yard in hopes to lock the assailants inside your house and you safely out in the backyard.
You had suggested to your friends about having some summer fun, but not at the expense of your new home, or more importantly your health.
You had only popped out with Jonghyun to purchase some watermelon and drinks for a celebratory I just bought my first home gathering and thought it would be safe to leave your most trusted friends in your new and thankfully unfurnished home.
Boy had you been wrong. And you knew better too.
Returning to the home, you had found it silent, frowning as you had seen the other car still out in the driveway.
“Dongho?” you called out, placing your bags down on the otherwise empty counter and looked around yourself. “Minki, Aaron? Where did you all go?”
It was like clockwork, as soon as you stepped around the counter one by one they appeared, water guns loaded and ready to go.
Where they had even gotten them you were unsure. But you weren’t ready for the firing of the water, trying to understand the situation you were in right now and protect yourself from being squirted in the eye.
A small part of you was thankful that all the floors in your new house were tiled.
“Why… ugh! Honestly! Aish, stop, why!” was all you managed to get out, defenceless as they surrounded you.
Your only choice was to get outside and you managed to do so somehow, holding the sliding door in your grip for dear life. You knew it wouldn’t last long if Dongho reached for that handle.
“Here,” you heard and turned to see Jonghyun rounding the corner of your house, two water blasters within his grip. He grinned at you as he handed you one of the guns and then nodded his head, getting his aim ready. “If they mess with you, they’re messing with me. Let’s get them.”
You let go of the door and prepared to fire, thankful to see water soaking through their own clothes and not just yours. You laughed loudly at Minki getting water in his face awkwardly, only to almost choke on a shot that hit you in your open mouth. Until your energy wavered, you ran around your back yard, all laughing and screeching like you had done as children. Your new neighbours were probably wondering what on earth they were in for. You had known these boys like brothers since you were a child, and yet they still managed to surprise you in the most interesting ways.
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Exhausted, you all lazed around on the wet floors inside your kitchen, content with revisiting your childhood memories.
Jonghyun sighed and then smiled at you. “I never thought it would be you of all of us to be the first to settle down. You were always the firecracker out of us all.”
“Hardly,” Minki argued, a pout momentarily crossing his lips. “I’m envious though, this is a pretty awesome step forward.”
“Don’t be like this; you guys are doing amazing in your own walks of life. I just happened to find the right path that worked for me.”
“Don’t you mean the right one for you?” Aaron smirked.
“What do we tell him when he gets here? He’s not going to be exactly pleased.” Dongho looked around at us and then laid back down, too exhausted to truly care.
Your own eyes fell to your phone, noting the time and then cringing when the door opened.
All five of you looked up at the new arrival, each adorning solemn expressions, much like you had always done whenever he caught onto your mischief.
Minhyun’s eyes travelled all over, quietly absorbing the situation in disbelief. Finally his eyes landed on yours and you hid behind Jonghyun’s shoulder a little, hoping his gaze would fall elsewhere.
Instead he closed his eyes for a moment, then walked over carefully, placing the things he held onto the counter and joining you all on the floor, regardless of how wet it was.
You smiled, Minhyun could never not join you all. It’s what had attracted you to him for all these years.
“Should I ask what happened to my new home, or be more annoyed that you clearly had fun without me, again?”
“It’s not our fault you chose to be late to the party.”
“You let them away with too much,” he scolded you and you raised your hands in protest.
“I had no idea about this either!”
“So it’s cleaning time, right?” Minhyun announced and you all looked around at each other, shaking your heads and smiles growing again.
“You were upset you didn’t get to join in right? Where’s my gun?”
Minki nodded at Aaron’s reply and pulled him and his friend up. “Always nagging us to clean, thank god he’s Y/N’s problem now.”
“I can hear you, you know!”
Dongho patted his friend on the shoulder, smiling warmly. “Well then you should know what’s about to happen then. Prepare yourself.”
Jonghyun darted after the other three and you moved over to the taller boy, helping him to his feet. “Are you ready?”
“Adventures with you all make it worth it.”
You smiled at each other and rushed out to meet the others in the back yard again; enjoying the summer where your lives changed, intertwined even closer, and reminded you to live life with laughter.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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pocky-bugi · 6 years
Nu’est as translator’s notes from The Tale of Genji
Baekho: he had accepted the inconvenience of contact with death.
Ren: an all purpose warning cry.
Minhyun: excessively obvious allusion to The Song Of Unending Sorrow.
Aron: one mystery is that asters have no smell.
JR: the river of my tears.
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