#kotas merch
kotaboda · 13 days
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gege!!!! lets get you out of that coffin and those weird wrappings....
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crehador · 6 months
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FINALLY SOME OVERTAKE MERCH only haruka and kouya got the big acrylic stands though. rest of the gang only got the like normal ones with 'default' outfits
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onewingedangel3 · 2 years
i don't recall if i ever posted that screenshot of this video where kota says "i think that lettuce is harmless. but im not sure about cabbage", but i found the whole scene on twitter! i have absolutely 0 clue what is going on here
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prapuna · 1 year
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Besides all the merch plus the zine itself you can order a personal traditional drawing from one of these three artists:
@donkringel ⭐️ @unstable-river ⭐️ @oluka
Don Kringel @donkringel offers: a greyscale half-body drawing of Tony Stark from the universe of your choice
Kota RiverRoad @unstable-river offers: a bust sketch of Tony Stark from the universe of your choice. Black and white shaded drawing
oluka @oluka offers: a bust drawing of your iron man armour of choice + (optional: accessory or hand gesture), drawn with colour alcohol markers and pen
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la-mancha-screwjob · 8 months
Hey if I wanna start caring about wrestling, where should I start?
That's a tough and fascinating question! I started with this:
This incredibly stupid match from a small promotion taught me one of the many things wrestling can be, and that things I like can exist in the realm of sweaty fake-fighting.
If you're looking for more background on the history and craft of wrestling, also check these videos out:
But really, I think the most you can do is Go Watch Wrestling. Right now, we have access to maybe the most televised wrestling ever, with WWE and AEW (my preferred of the two) each having three weekly TV shows. Pick one of those six shows (I'd probably recommend AEW Dynamite on Wednesday nights, but feel free to check them all out) and watch that every week. You'll learn the characters and the storylines and the feuds pretty organically. And if that show isn't for you, try a different one. If you live anywhere near a big city, you probably have a local independent promotion - go to one of their shows, or check out that promotion's youtube channel, see some wrestlers who aren't on tv, or were, or will be. Pick a favorite, and buy a t-shirt from them personally at their merch table. Find someone you like on tv? Look up their indie matches on youtube, find some new favorites that way. We're living in a real golden age of wrestling right now, and you couldn't be more spoiled for choice.
Now watch Kota Ibushi wrestle a match with Yoshihiko, the pro wrestling sex doll.(Yoshihiko is my favorite wrestler.)
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mitchtheficus · 2 years
A Golden Lovers Timeline
After the emotional climax of Dominion the lovers kind of take the rest of June 2018 off. NJPW had partnered with the Fire Pro Wrestling game, allowing them to use official njpw characters, and the lovers appeared in the trailer for the new game, and in June they headed to CEO (a fighting game convention) to promote the new game and njpw
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[ID: picture of Kenny and Kota seated on a couch holding controllers in their hands and grinning in delight as they play the video game. Kenny is wearing a GL merch shirt and Kota is shirtless. Text over the image says “Multiplayer Mayham” End ID. LINK]
It’s not their first time playing video games publicly, back in February 2018 the lovers did a twitch stream where they played games and answered fan questions [LINK] in it you get to see a little of their dynamic outside of the ring, and just how much Kenny enjoys the way Kota expresses himself
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[ID: three gifs of Kenny and Kota, Kenny is speaking and the text says: “[translating Kota’s response to a question about an upcoming DDT matchup] Since they’ve wrestled so many times before up until now, he’s hoping they’ll do something different. Otherwise- [suppresses a smile] well. Otherwise it’ll be a bit of a disappointment. But you know, Ibushi’s a very tough critic. He’s a very hard person to impress. He’s very critical of the people around him and of himself. It’s not a bad thing, I think it’s a good thing.” End ID]
Asked about the possibility of Kenny vs Kota III...
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[ID: two gifs of Kenny and Kota, again Kenny is speaking and he’s saying: “Some people are sad because they had wished that they could see Kenny Omega vs Kota Ibushi in a singles match.” He looks up at the camera and shakes his head “It’s not happening.” End ID]
(sure bud)
Anyway, they go to CEO together (Kota has some travel trouble and has to be rescued [LINK]) and they get up to some cute nonsense [There’s video of the first part of their video games LINK but not the second part, where most of the cuteness happens]
At one point they’re both playing themselves in the fire pro game, and Kenny keeps having video game!Kenny kiss video game!Kota while they both just dissolve into giggles [gifset of this: LINK]
They win a fake wrestling belt for their video game prowess and try to wear it at the same time [LINK]
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[ID: picture of Kenny and Kota attempting to wear the belt, Kenny is grinning and Kota is looking down at the belt. End ID]
After the video games they have a real wrestling match at CEO against Naito and Hiromu (booked and organized by Kenny) [LINK]
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[ID: gif of Kota standing up on the turnbuckles, asking for the crowd to cheer him (which they do) while Kenny stands on the apron beside him nodding approvingly, pointing at Kota with his thumb and saying “I like him too. I like him too.” End ID]
It’s a delight
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[ID: Kota is in the ring facing Daryl Jr. (a stuffed animal cat with a luchador mask). Kota is treating this very seriously, approaching with hands ready for a test of strength and then Daryl falls over and Kota withdraws and shakes out his arms the way he would after a tense exchange with another wrestler. Kenny is on the apron, at first cartoonishly confused and then cheering Kota on to kick Daryl’s ass. End ID]
(later in June Kenny and the bucks face the New Day at yet another video game convention: E3 [BTE ep])
Also idk where else to mention this but sometime in 2018 NJPW puts out a little CD with Kenny and Kota’s entrance themes, as well as their GL entrance theme and the inside features this picture:
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[ID: a picture of the inside of a CD case. Kenny and Kota are pictured about to kiss, lips inches apart, eyes closed while Kenny like gently guides Kota’s chin. End ID. LINK]
once July hits the vacation is over. Kenny has his first title defense coming up, and he has picked Cody Rhodes as his opponent.
the loss at Supercard still hangs between them, and more than that Kenny is ready to move on from this and hopes that one last decisive match will finally put the conflict behind them to rest
Their title match comes at the G1 Special in San Francisco at the Cow Palace (July 7 - Official LINK)
Cody puts out a little promo for it on njpw’s youtube page [LINK]
(it features several other BC members, most notably Hangman Page looking like the goodest possible golden retriever and Hangman announces he will be entering the G1 Climax tournament for the first time!! Hangman won’t really be in the lovers’ G1 story much because he’s in the other block, but he uses the G1 as a canvas to paint a satisfying story of his own soft face-turn. you feel throughout the two months of matches just how excited Hangman is to be there, how much he wants to make us all proud and be deserving of the fans’ love. Every match of his is full of feeling, he somehow manages to build a unique, compelling relationship with every opponent. He is the first person who is able to Awaken Okada during his Depressed Balloons phase, he gets adopted by Tanahashi who promises to personally face-turn this beautiful cowboy (Hangman calls their match “handsome battle” bc njpw once used it to describe one of Kota’s matches and the BTE guys will never forget it), he even makes Evil kind of grudgingly want to take him under his wing)
In the promo video Cody reveals his truly embarrassing stalker board of GL pictures
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[ID: Cody stands before a board of pictures of Kenny and Kota. Some are cut out from magazines, some are framed in golden picture frames, some feature the lovers together some as singles. End ID]
And he has the gall to lecture Kenny on “distractions”
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[ID: Cody stands in front of his stalker board and says “Distractions like Kota Ibushi” End ID]
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[ID: screenshot, a broken framed picture of the GL reunion lays on the ground where Cody threw it and Cody’s words are written above it “On July 7th you find out what everybody else already knows, that you can live your dreams and your nightmares at the exact same time.” End ID]
behind the scenes Matt goes to both Cody and Kenny in the hopes that this conflict can be ended amicably
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[ID: screenshot of Matt looking at Cody in distress. He says: “Now I look at you and go “Where is he?” As I look in your eyes I know there’s still good in you. I know that same guy is deep down inside.” End ID. LINK]
he still loves Cody, even after everything. he asks him to be better than this, but also extends his love without conditions
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[ID: gif of Cody looking at Matt and then away, his face expressionless, while Matt puts a hand on his shoulder and says “Good luck on your match tonight. We love you. Be safe.“ End ID. LINK]
he makes an appeal to Kenny too
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[ID: Matt speaking to Kenny right before his entrance. Matt is wearing a Golden Elite shirt and he says “Deep down, man, the guy that we fell in love with 2 years ago...he’s in there.” End ID. LINK]
ever since Supercard of Honor, Cody has been feeling incredibly alone and lonely. the bucks are spending less time with him, and when they’re around he is met with their constant, loving, exasperated demand that him to become a better person. Even Hangman is giving Cody less of his time because as the Elite have come back together (repairing part of his broken family) and as he’s gotten more singles opportunities, Hangman’s anger at Kenny and Kota has pretty much melted away
Cody has become so lonely that he has considered reaching out to Kenny to try to smooth things over, but he hasn’t been able to bring himself to follow through. It’s not necessarily that he feels bad about what he’s done, but he can recognize this loneliness as the consequence of his own actions.
Cody knows deep down that he cannot beat Kenny in a fair fight. That was, after all, the point of all this. He needed all the mind games with Kota and the manipulations with the bucks to get in Kenny’s head and isolate him from his allies in order to achieve his victory. And now all that hard work has come undone.
in this match he’s backed into a corner: either cheat for another temporary victory and possibly lose the bucks for good, or just do his best and likely lose fair and square
it ends up not being a singular choice but one that Cody has to make over and over throughout the match as Cody is offered ways to cheat and slowly divests himself one-by-one of the remaining signals of his heel-dom
he’s already returned to his natural hair, and now he sends away Bernard the Business Bear (a creature that both interfered in matches and also represented Cody’s attempt to corporate-ize the bullet club)
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he gives his big belt to Matt after considering using it against Kenny’s back
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and he stops hiding behind Brandi
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[ID: three gifs. In the first Cody sends away Bernard the Business Bear. In the second Cody gives his big belt to Matt instead of using it to attack Kenny. In the last Cody asks Brandi to leave the ring after she tries to protect him with her own body. End ID]
And in a fair fight, Kenny beats him.
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[ID: kenny and cody lay on the mat after Kenny’s victory. Brandi cries on Cody’s chest. Matt sits between Kenny and Cody, his hand on Kenny’s knee while he holds Cody’s hand. End ID]
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[ID: picture of Kenny giving his victory speech. Kenny says: “Each and everyone of us deserves a second chance. Even Cody.” End ID]
And then
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[Kenny and the bucks post at the top of the entrance ramp when suddenly Nick begins having a Vision and Tama tonga attacks Kenny from behind. End ID]
Tama’s never liked Kenny, and after this past year of drama and Kenny’s frankly blatant disinterest in his role as leader now that he’s back with Kota, Tama is done.
the Guerillas of Destiny drag the Elite back down to the ring and kick their ass a bit. When Hangman tries to help, they kick his ass too. When Cody comes out, they offer him a chair and a choice.
this is it, what Cody’s always wanted, right? Finally he has the bullet club behind him, finally he can kick Kenny out and not even the bucks can stop him.
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[ID: picture of Cody standing before a kneeling Kenny, holding a metal chair. on either side Tama and Tanga stand and talk shit to Kenny. End ID]
but that’s not what Cody chooses
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[ID: gif of Cody using the chair to attack Tama and Tanga. End ID]
Cody is eventually beaten down just like the rest of them and the BTE boys are left broken in the ring as Tama flaunts his way back up the ramp.
in the aftermath, Cody extends his hand to Kenny, and they reconcile.
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[ID: Kenny and Cody hug while the rest of the BTE aligned BC members look on. End ID]
you’re probably wondering: “where is Kota in all this?”
Kota was not present for this match. He was not at the G1 Special at all in fact, because he wasn’t booked. He didn’t have a match at Dominion either, and that is starting to bother him.
“The moment he won [at Dominion] I was delighted. I wanted to congratulate him from the bottom of my heart. But a few seconds later I was thinking, “Why aren’t I in this ring having wrestled tonight?” [...] It’s easy to think he’s going to keep moving forward and we’re going to move apart. But tranquilo asssen na yo [stealing Naito’s catchphrase] People can think that, but I just have to get results, and that starts in the G1.”
- Kota Ibushi, [Chris Charlton Translation LINK]
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decadentrot · 2 years
It is finally summer so i have the time to pump out a couple AUs out in the open cause they have been taking up too much free real estate in my brain (●'◡'●)
Ok so BKDK Nerd AU right:
Izuku and Katsuki are best buds as kids who live their life to the fullest until tragedy strikes. Izuku’s father gonna divorce his mom and leave his ass but as a parting gift he gives Izuku an All Might plush.
From there on, every traumatic experience Izuku has, Izuku will treat himself to buying a new hero plush and thats his coping mechanism. Basically at the tender age of 5, Izuku has developed the habit of retail therapy.
He finds out he's quirkless, ‘dont worry he has an all might doll to remind him to be strong in tough times.’ Kacchan starts bullying him, ‘ok let me buy that mirko doll to remind me that you always gotta keep going and stay determined.' His mom dies, ‘oh look a ms.joke plush to remind me to always keep smiling no matter what ( totally not b/c the green hair reminds him of his mom.’ Izuku gets sent to an orphanage, ‘ahh ill get a present mic figure. Maybe his confience can rub off on me and I’ll befriend the other orphans…’
At the orphanage he meets his roomie… dun dun dun Shinsou woo and at first they kinda ignore each other until Izuku wakes up at 2 am and feeling scared of this new environment and wants to sneak out to buy a new plush and sees his roomie also awake crouched over a laptop with over 300+ items on his amazon wishlist (hes even more aghast when he sees all of those items are cat related.) Nevertheless, together they enable eachother's bad shopping habits and become the resident disaster duo. Also Izuku decides not to go to the UA and instead decides to follow in his moms footsteps and become a nurse, while Shinsou learns of UAs difficult entrance exam and when inquiring about Izuku's ms joke plush, he decides to attend Ketsubutsu Academy where she works and try to learn to be an underground hero like her (I like to think shes also underground cause shes close to aizawa)
Meanwhile, Katsuki was never really one for plushes or dolls thinking thats soft shit but he always still kept the matching Endeavor keychain he still has when Izuku's father also got them when they were kids so he doesnt feel left out. Anywho he goes to UA, feeling like something is missing but adamantly refusing to admit he misses  certain green bean. He goes on grumpy and frustrated and eventually meet Shoto who sees the Endeavor keychain and gets angry at it to the point where he burns it and Katsuki is angry cause 'hey thats the last reminder of my connection to my childhood best friend' and Shoto gets angry cause 'what the hell he just said he wasnt gonna use his fire ever and he just broke his promise' They become ultimate rivals ™ which eventually turns into friends eventually in their UA years and they all work out their trauma together
Speaking of UA years, in this au I imagine there are a lot of differences but ill probably draw snippets of it later like for one All Might saves the students at the USJ but hurts himself and ends up in the hospital and surprise surprise Izukus there volunteering as a nurse (to get experience yk) and he ends up caring for Yagi-san and blabbers about heroes this and All Might that, unaware of who exactly he is talking to. I also like to imagine that Kota instead of being sent to live with his aunt, they think heroics are too dangerous and send him away to the orphanage for 'his own safety' and he become little brother to Izuku and Shinsou and slowly also becomes a hero plush fanatic ect 
The real meat of the story begins when everyones all graduated and grown up and debuted as heroes and Class 1a is asked to attend a hero con where they answer questions and give out merch to start a fan base and Izuku, Shinsou, and Kota are living their best lives in the crowd buying everything ‘woah look Hito-chan its Red Riot or woah is that Uravity yk they really captured her muscles in this figurine i boug- not that i was ogling her muscles no stop laughing at me Hi- OH MY GOD oooh cool its Creati and shes even using her cool quirk’ Meanwhile Katsuki is in his own personal hell at this convention and when overhearing a conversation, is flabbergasted his his classmates mention that this so called cute MEGA DORKY HERO FANATIC LOSER is going to all their stands and buying all their merch and complimenting them, but dares to IGNORE THE MIGHTY GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT'S MERCH?? I mean damn he may not like this aspect of heroism but he didnt sit through over 10+ hours of trying merch meeting discussing whether he wants ebony black or midnight black to be he color of his figure to be ignored. He didnt get woken up at 3am in the morning by his manger for his opinion on whether he wants to sell a 32 ounce or a 40 ounce hydroflask for this shit. So obviously he has to go and confront the nerd and he almost shits his pants when he realizes this mega loser dweeb is fucking DEKU!
Katsuki talks with him and eventually asks why he doesnt want to buy any of his stuff and Izuku ends up admitting that this merch, all this stuff is basically his therapy, when he sees these dolls he is filled with hope that he future is gonna get bad and he wont be haunted of the past and katsuki is the antithesis of that. Getting a Dynamight figure will just remind him of the past he wants to forget and while he loves Kacchan and believes in him and truly does believe he is destined for great things, he needs to let him go. Please Kacchan, let me let you go...
FUCK YOU DEKU! take my phone number and since you keep associating me with bad memories, well then lets go make new BETTER memories shitty nerd. And suddenly Izuku is hanging out with Kacchan again and Katsuki is giving it his 110% until he slowly but surely builds up Izuku's Dynamight collection.
The End lmao (hopefully i explained it well and you get the premise)
Bonus: RING RING RING "Hey Half and Half remember when you burned that Endeavor keychain... wanna help me burn down some other merch?"
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myfixationacademia · 10 months
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this is Deku's dorm room, one he gets once he is accepted into the hero course, and starts acting as class 1A and 1B's personal nurse, his dorm is at the 1A dorms cause he chose that class. In his dorm there are two major and easy-to-notice traits, stacks of paper and WWPC merch, we got 3 posters, the one on the wall to the left being signed by each member + Kota, a tiger-themed pillow and bedsheets and a Ragdoll alarm clock as well as Ragdoll themed curtains. In this universe, Deku aims more towards rescuing civilians than being in a direct line of combat, so to reflect that, the green bean admires the Wild Cat heroes more than All Might, specifically Ragdoll, who I headcanon isn't a popular fan favorite as her quirk, although very useful, is not as flashy or noticeable as her fellow cats, much like Deku's quirk, unnoticed but impacting, so he admires her and when they meet up, both light up during the meeting. The paperwork is primarily medical-related stuff, records, documents, and past medical exams, all of which Deku goes through to examine his fellow classmates with the best care for their health, but also because, like Recovery Girl, he wants to help out in hospitals around the city. Extra stuff to note are the Spiderverse posters cause Deku is a fan, the wolf from the bnha "Winter AU" is a stuffed animal Katsuki gave to Deku to welcome him back to Japan, and the board next to Deku's bed has pictures of various things related to his personal life.
And as a bonus, here's the signed poster!
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"Keep rocking Cutie!" - Pixie Bob
"Thank you for Still believing in me" - Ragdoll
"Never let the world bend your will" - Tiger
"Never lose your spark" - Mandalay
"Thank you" - Kota
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kotaboda · 10 months
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polycule complete
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asrisgratitudejournal · 9 months
Wow… terakhir menulis adalah 17 Agustus 2023 dan ini sudah 18 hari setelah itu aka 2 mingguuu. Dari kemarin sesampainya di Oxford udah mau nulis padahal, bahkan kepikiran apa menulis di flight ya karena lumayan lama juga kan itu 8 jam x 2 jadi pasti bisa banget menulis… tapi tentu saja si Asri ini anaknya hanya nge-plan saja tanpa eksekusi. But anyway, here I am! Back in my office 30.18 di department dan bingung mau ngapain lagi hari ini karena target ngemail Alex udah, terus submit GSR juga udah. Sekarang lagi kelaperan aja nunggu jam makan siang… Maka dari itu memutuskan untuk menulis di sini!
WOW. Jujur tapi sejak tanggal 17 Agustus ni hidup sangat roller-coaster sekali gatau mau cerita dari mana. Ok. Highlight pulang ke Jakarta dulu: the MAIN REASON why I went back to Indo in the midst of August di saat harga tiket lagi mahal-mahalnya dan berujung akhirnya I spent £1200 from my own pocket for return ticket: MITA’S WEDDING!!! Sangat fun, I enjoyed most of my time on the day (despite the heat, karena konsep resepsinya Mita adalah outdoor – di TENGAH-TENGAH KOTA JAKARTA, jadi kurang panas apa kan ye). Terus tapi jadinya yaudah most of my time ya I spent di ruangan ber-AC dong jelas Hamdalah. Terus tapi ya seru aja, bajunya Mita bagus, the akad went very smoothly (despite the fact that I got told off by the MC gara-gara I bersorak-sorai di tengah ke-khidmatan acara, in my defense: That’s a HAPPY DAY! We should be happy??!). Terus Mita dan Adam danced to Arctic Monkeys’ I Wanna Be Yours (proceed to sing “I wanna be your vacuum cleaner…”). Mita dan geng cosmicnya juga ngedance sangat bagus remix XG dan beberapa lagu hits lainnya, ditutup dengan flashmob pake Timber.
Terus kemudian selain Mita’s wedding, highlight pulang kemarin tentu saja: MEETING FRIENDS. Huhu literally support system-ku tuh emang udah established sekali di Indonesia. Di sini juga okay… tapi main-nya ya jelas masih di Jakarta. Ku senang sekali pertama-tama, karena IGEO! (semua cerita ini sudah ku recount di previous post walaupun ku belum mention nama orang-orang yang aku sangat bersukur bisa ketemu dan catch up with lagi sih… Ku tulis sekarang deh: dari urutan ketemu kali ya...)
Abi di stasiun Gambir. Abi made like 30% of my Indo trip actually. Terima kasih banyak Abi… (1) (kayanya harus ada dedicated post buat bahas trip sama Abi). Nyampe Novotel ada Clint (2) (yang supersibuk tapi emang ni orang keren banget deh dedikasinya ke IGEO dan comaradeship with Pak Samsul w ngefans), terus Diani (3) karena dia yang ngurusin kunci kamar, yakin sempat papasan dengan beberapa anak pelatnas tahun baru-baru yang I might have talked to/seen virtually tapi ya mereka ga nyapa jadi yasudah saya tidak sapa balik lah ya daripada SKSD terus salah. Terus tiba-tiba ada tim akademik muncul pada mau lunch: Maska (4), Iqbal Hakim (5), Ipam (6). Terus kan habis itu gabut ya, jadi ketemu Iqbalpaz (7) di Eiger (ini agak redundant udah dibahas di post sebelumnya kayanya). Malemnya makan lagi sama Abi terus pas balik lewat resto ada Ditauv dan teman-teman pelatihan gurunya. Besoknya moved to Aryaduta ga ketemu siapa-siapa sih… Di Savoy Homann palingan yang paling aneh karena ada PAK IDWAN SUHARDI (8)??? Kemudian tentu saja bertemu Pak Irdam (9) dan Pak Djati (10) dan Pak Samsul (11) dan istri (12). Terus di acara opening ketemu beberapa anak yang menyapaku (dan salim) yaitu Pradipta (13). Malemnya di gedung sate baru bertemu Prof Ewa (14) dan (soon-to-be-bedroom-mate) Nashita (15), sapa-sapaan dengan Pak Wiwin (16) dan ngobrol tentang publish di jurnal juga dengan Pak Joko Wiratmo (17). Kemudian ketemu Rubens (18) dan Aned (19) juga ga sengaja di masjid gedung sate. Terus ada Izza (20) dan Aji (21) juga. Bahkan malemnya sempat jajan bola ubi dulu sama Aji.
Besoknya Bintang (22) datang, ada Fernando (23) juga entah membantu Pak Samsul terkait apa, sepertinya merch. Terus udah seharian ya hangout sama Bintang dan Aji aja. Malamnya ke Savoyy Homan datang technical meeting FWT ada Gammanda (24) juga nyapa (by this time, ku sudah bertemu dengan semua timnas IGEO 2021). Di tim akademik juga akhirnya ketemu sama Hadyan (25) yang super pendiam bingung mau ngobrol apa. Terus pas FWT day seharian lupa ngapain siangnya, tapi sorenya sangat recharged karena jalan-jalan di Tahura sambil dengerin Ipam curhat panjang kali lebar terkait banyak hal. AH pas di bis ini ketemu YAMINNNN (26) omg keren banget ni orang sekarang di Ruang Guru dan lulus dari Geografi UI dengan skripsinya adalah bikin peta stasiun kereta api untuk tunanetra??? Super mindblowing.
Yang ditandain di atas tentu saja adalah orang-orang yang sudah kukenal sebelumnya. Masih nambah orang-orang baru yang baru dikenalin seperti komitenya IGEO: Sue Lomas, Su-Min, tim akademik si Hana, dan beberapa tim task force lain.
Kemudian besok paginya ku ke Sabuga opening acara Expo ga ketemu siapapun… kecuali Fayola (27)?. Terus ke ITB deh bantuin tim akademik nempelin stiker nomer buat FWT, ketemu Tika (28)! Yang ternyata dia sempat ke Jakarta untuk nonton TXT dulu… Terus setelah ini sepertinya agak turun angka ketemu orang barunya… Kayanya cuma ngobrol sama Adel(29) aja yang lagi jaga stand sama Izza pas cultural night. Ada kenalan sama beberapa anak baru sih pas di Aryaduta yang tugasnya harusnya Expo/pelatihan guru/poster gitu tapi gainget namanya maafkan aku guys… Oh ada Fachri! (30) anak SMA8 HAHA tapi ku lupa mention. Ku juga sempat ngobrol dengan anak GEA 2019(?) yang jaga stand GeoPark tapi lupa namanya juga. Udah deh besoknya pulang. WOWWW dari IGEO aja literally ketemu 30 orang++ … kayanya ya emang dasarnya extrovert aja ketemu banyak orang menjadi senang. Terima kasih IGEO2023!
Itu IGEO literally sepertiga my trip to Indo…. Baru seminggu… Kayanya 2 minggu ke depan gaakan ketemu orang sebanyak itu sih, tapi mari kita hitung dan lihat:
Iqbal Lail (31) my love yang menemani-ku makan gulai otak, Nerissa! (32) terima kasih lagi Es Teh Manisnya!!!, Bu Ika (33) karena besoknya ke UI, Arif Rahman (34) walaupun cuma 2 jam kita ngobrol sambil jajan ayam mentega Dalas dan jus alpukat (seneng bgt btw muka Bapak dan Ibu Jus Dalas sangat sumringah pas melihat mukaku jadi terharu),terus sekalian aja ye geng UI jadi satu di sini walaupun baru ketemunya minggu depannya di hari Selasa: Mbak Rani (35) dan Mas Gamma (36) yang lagi sibuk mengurusi pindah jabatan Koordinator Akademik prodi :’).. Pak Supri (37) yang sudah menemaniku menghadap ke Pak Dekan, Mas Reza (38) dan Mas Rezky (39) yang sedang sibuk interview asisten sedimentologi pas kusamperin, Mas Rezky special mention deh karena udah ngebelain balik lagi ke Gedung A padahal udah pulang HAHA. Terus rekan seperjuangan ukhty Mba Fatimah (40). OH pas ke UI Rabu yang gaada orang sempat ngobrol sama Mas Iskandar (41)! Beliau nanya di UI ada void yang bisa diselidiki gak ya…? Terus bingung…. Void apa yang ada di man-made area…? Akhirnya kami sepakat tidak ada void di UI yang bisa diselidiki… Mas Aulia (42) juga tiba-tiba muncul sambil curhat papernya dirombak akibat faktor kompaksi natural harus ada yang dimasukkin lagi… Udah sepertinya itu aja, ada Mas Arif dan Mas… OMG lupa satu lagi namanya siapa OB Gedung A…
Kamis family day aja makan AYCE di Kemang sama Papa, Mama, Mita (yang ini ga dinomerin karena core banget literally pulang ya buat ketemu mereka bertiga ini kann).
Jumatnya! Ketemu Didi (43) makan chicken waffle di Pancious sency, ku sangat senang ketemu Didi karena satu-satunya temanku yang relatable kalau ngomongin konser deh kayanya. Dilanjut “ngebacot" session bareng Irfan (44) di Sushi Hiro, lalu ketemu Cita (45), Jordan (46), Gita (47). Malamnya ada unfortunate event yaitu insiden Blue Bird tapi males ceritanya di sini, next time aja lah ya. Udah ku-tweet juga kok.
Sabtunya ketemu 120110xx-kuuu di GI, tadi Ner udah dihitung tapi selain itu juga ada Mar Nabilah (48), Meyks (49) dan Harun, lalu Fidhia (50) yang memberiku stiker BTS langsung dari Korea! Malamnya ada webinar online PPI Oxford terkait scholarship scheme, itu selesainya malam banget btw, jam 23 WIB kayanya baru wrap up…
Minggu CFD dan pengajian… Di CFD awalnya mau ketemu Vannia tapi ternyata belum berjodoh untuk bertemu yasudah… Di pengajian lumayan senang juga karena didoakan banyak orang dan ketemu Mamanya Ika dan Bibi-bibinya Ika juga… Tante Ning, Om Cul, Sasha, Rara, Lala, Mbak Eni… (Ini ga kunomerin juga karena masih core family yang karena inilah ku datang ke Indonesia…).
Senin tanggal 21 ke BOGOR! O M God, trip Bogor ini deserve her own post sih karena mayan crazy literally Abi hampir ketabrak motor lawan arus dan gaada zebra cross untuk menyeberang???! Dan kami naik angkot juga beberapa kali. Literally HIGHLIGHT OF THIS INDO TRIP. Kalo ga gara-gara Abi kayanya gaakan merasakan Indonesia yang sesungguhnya. Trip ini juga udah di-tone down karena awalnya ABI NGAJAK KE PUNCAK PASS NAIK ANGKOT??! (INSERT SKULL EMOJI HERE). Tapi ku-tolak mentah-mentah. Good decision indeed.
Terus besoknya Selasa 22 ke UI bertemu semua warga UI sudah disebut di atas, plus siangnya JALAN KAKI DARI GEDUNG A KE MARGO CITY untuk makan Mozaru Zenbu bersama Vannia (51)… Akhirnya… Seru mayan obrolannya. Malamnya dari UI langsung ke Plaza Kalibata untuk bertemu Diena (52)! Dikasih hadiah pulak sama Diena berupa kerudung HUHU makasih lagi Diena… Baik banget pusing. Dan selamat wisuda S2 juga!!! Oh iya kemarin Gita juga ngasih kerudung (yang kupake sekarang banget ini selagi mengetik ini di office, terima kasih Gita!).
Rabu ketemu Jeremi!!! (53) yang lagi dijodohin – agak bingung ya Wak… terus Irfan lagi, lalu Iqbal dan Ishaidir!(54) Cukup aneh menemukan nama Ishaidir di nomor 50-an melihat intensitas komunikasi kami yang sering banget telponan Oxford-Jakarta?? Tapi tbf sejak Ishaidir pindah ke CGG jadi lebih jelas sih ni anak pattern hidupnya, gak banyak bergadang, jadi bagus. Pertahankan, Dir!
Kamis ketemu geng SMA16: Alfina (55), Rendy (56), dan Bu Novi (57) di PS. Diskusinya sangat berfaedah senang banget ketemu Rendy tuh, ku kayanya ga punya teman yang se-cablak Rendy while also being relatable. Dari situ langsung naksi ke Megaria (hhhh terlalu banyak kenangan di tempat ini… sejujurnya cuma 1 sih…) ketemu Muthi (58)!!! Muthi makan pempek terus kita ngadem di Sbux lalu jalan ke Kimia Farma dan jajan di depan Stasiun Cikini. Muthi nge-treat semua jajanku! Dari es teh manis, siomay, sampe telor gulung HUHU. Terima kasih Muthi!
Dari situ ke daerah Sisingamangaraja buat acara OXSI yang duh sorry banget tapi not my kind of event ajasih. Ketemu banyak banget incoming freshers 2023 (yang adalah orang Indonya ada 20 MBA students???), salah satunya adalah Aji. Dan senang aja catch up dengan old friends: Cita, Jordan, Alris!(59), Ronny (60), Carina (61). Ada beberapa familiar faces juga anak-anak undergrad Ox yang lagi summer break…
Besoknya ISTIRAHAT dari bertemu orang…. Malamnya dinner Jardine di Mandarin Oriental sambil certificate awarding karena ku angkatan Covid… Bertemu teman lama juga, teman-teman Jardine angkatan 2020-ku: Randy Taufik (62), Randy Cambridge (63), Dara Nasution (64). Terus beberapa anak baru Jardine incoming 2023 ini salah satunya Alvin KI ITB 17(?) yang akan ke Cambridge ambil Nuclear???, Annisa (yang ternyata adalah istrinya Mas Yusuf???), Aji (lagi HAHA, atp Aji udah di rangking 3 di bawah Abi dan Iqbal Lail di list orang terbanyak kutemui di trip kemarin), Lulu! yang udah ngechat di DM Instagram (dan ku dibawain oleh-oleh snack dari Lampung juga HUHU terima kasih Lulu). Oh iya, terus pas lagi nunggu di lobi papasan sama Adit Parama! Dulu kenal pas di TOTAL Balikpapan, ternyata dia lagi abis interview Jardine-ITB jugaa, super seru! Senang sekali juga ketemu lagi Mba Michelle (65), Kak Kaca (66), Mba Lhuri (67), Mba Chacha (68). Tentu saja ku juga senang bertemu my Jardine interviewers ada Pak Jonathan Lloyd, Pak Budi Astra, dan Anthony Nightingale… Ku juga sangat senang karena pas lagi dinner duduk di sampingnya persis Prof Taufiq Astronomi ITB! We had a very insightful talk sangat senang HUHU dan ngefans sama Bapaknya.
In which I just remember HOW TF I forgot to put meetup with Geng Sampah di Seribu Rasa Menteng right after dari Bandung di sini??! HHHHH udah dapet nomor belakang-belakang deh… Tapi gapapa, kalian tetap nomor atas single digit di hatiku (awwww). Iya, jadi habis dari Bandung, turun kereta langsung ke Menteng untuk bertemu my 2nd biggest support system of Asri setelah my own bloodline: Geng Sampah. Reyhan (69) (special number for you), Ulya (70) dan Kak Trap (jadi satu ya, soalnya kan kalian soulmate hehe), Lambang (71), Misly (72), Reza (73) dan Anita, serta Teguh (74). Terima kasih sudah made my day dan made a really safe space dari jaman TA di Timor sampai sekarang (WOW lama juga). Pokoknya betulan di geng ini aku gapernah takut ngomong apapun, dan beneran didengerin dan direspon huhu. Semoga sukses selalu dan lancar-lancar semuanyaa. Kemarin juga habis bertemu Tharina main ke Oxford… Terus barusan banget chat sama Pipit….
Terus udah habis itu ya Sabtu aja acaranya Mita. Orang-orang di sini yang kutemui jelas masih di circle keluarga yang tidak perlu kuberikan number lagi. Tapi tentu saja terima kasih banyak Mita karena acaranya sudah mempertemukanku dengan orang-orang ini yang udah lama banget gak kutemui… Terakhir lebaran 2019 berarti? Terus di tengah-tengah acara resepsi juga ada yang spesial yang kutemui yaitu Judith (75)! Udah janjian tapi susah banget ngepasin jadwalnya, yasudah jadi we decided to catch up di acaranya Mita aja. Sangat hepi. Udah sih sepertinya yang belum kesampaian ketemu ya cuma Aditya Perdana aja HUHU, next time ya Dit…
SEKIAN!!! WAH. Kalau dihitung sama keluarga besar ya literally ketemu dengan 100 orang sih liburan 3 minggu kemarin. Terima kasih banyak lagi terutama kepada Mita karena sudah membuat hajat yang membuatku bisa ketemu orang-orang ini (old friends, new friends, family). Dan somehow ya worked aja gitu pas ada IGEO (gabisa ikutan OSN sih tapi ga menyesal kok karena capek ya ceuuu kerja). Dari 75 orang, 30-nya adalah former students/colleagues di geografi juga sih… Oh iya! Sempat ada online zoom juga di-arrange oleh Reza ngobrolin Nikel! Ga dimasukkin sini karena bukan in-person catch up tapi tetap senang mendengar enthusiasm orang-orang dalam memikirkan ni negara mau dibawa ke mana! Waktu itu ada Adiswara, Faisal, Dirga David, Fahmi, Oddy, Wahyu, Okky(?). Masih didominasi oleh pria sekali dunia per-brur-an ini tapi gapapa pelan-pelan pak supirrrr.
Sampe Oxford lumayan… kesepian… Terutama karena pindah ke rumah baru dan Listi (my new flatmate) lagi conference juga kan. Bayangin habis menjalani 3 minggu yang sangat EVENTFUL bertemu 75 orang terus tiba-tiba ZERO. Apa gak depressed… Untungnya malamnya Puspa dan Zarin langsung datang untuk mengambil titipan… Terus besoknya Tharina datang dan langsung ada acara farewell Mba Lala jugaa (terima kasih Mba Lala sudah diundang HUHU), jadi langsung ketemu warga Oxford ramai-ramai. Dan sekarang ku tinggal satu blok sama Aisha, Rashid, Mas Rifky! Wian juga langsung ngajak catch up sambil transaksi barang. Kemarin Nadia Sampurno sleep-over, Hanif nyamperin ke G&Ds, Diny ke rumah mengambil segondolan titipannya. Dwi juga ke rumah sebentar dan ku dikasih kacang mete!!! Sangat senang.
WAH. Betul-betul ya hidupnya Noni sepertinya memang tidak bisa tidak jauh-jauh dari orang…
Terima kasih banyak YAALLAH dikasih dan dikelilingi orang-orang SUPER DUPER BAIKKKK. Pantesan w spiraling ya first year PhD 2020 nyampe Oxford literally gapunya teman… Untung sekarang sudah WAY BETTER. Semoga ke depan selalu baik seperti ini YaAllah… AAMIIN.
Dah itu dulu sepertinya untuk kebacotan hari ini. Abis ini mau St Giles Fair sama Diny yey! Byea! Wishing y’all a very good week!!!
18:43; 04/09/2023 @ 30.18 EarthSci Oxford Uni
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mencobaberakal · 10 months
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Kalau diingat2 lagi, Juli sudah semacam bulan yang diluar ekspektasi. Beyond dari "kepikiranan sedikitpun nggak". Beberapa aktivitas hanya didorong oleh keinginan memaksimalkan potensi, ngga lebih, ngga berharap dan ngga kepikiran petunjuk2 akan keluar dari tiap keputusan2 aktivitas yang dibuat.
Tiap ingat kejutan2 itu, batin saya lemas dan luluh dengan betapa ngerasa cintanya Allah sangatlah dekat. Betapa mudahnya Allah giring saya pada hal2 yg dulu dirasa sangat amat sulit digapai. Keputusan2 yang berbekal, kapan lagi, selama masih dalam koridor, kenapa ngga dicoba. Ibaratnya, mencoba semaksimal mungkin tanpa berekspektasi apa-apa. Semacam terdoktrin dogma "Tugas kita hanya berusaha, hasil Allah yang punya hak atasnya".
Keputusan2 tersebut terasa seperti buah dari menantang kecemasan diri sendiri. Menembus takut dengan kesendirian, takut ngga bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik, atau seremeh, takut salah jalur dan tersesat.
Bulan Juli semacam bulan terrandom dan terself dating yang pernah saya lalui. Setelah rehat full selama bulan Juni. Juli seperti momen balas dendam, tiba2 ke banyuwangi, bikin bakso dan krupuk dari nasi sisa meski hanya bagian iris dan goreng saja, tiba2 memutuskan transit semarang buat jalan2 ke kota lama, lanjut jakarta dan bertemu kerandoman yang lainnya, ngeliat karya sendiri dipamerkan, bertemu relasi2 baru yang sebelumnya ngga kepikiran bakal dipertemukan oleh mereka, hingga celetukan misi pengen dapet merch dari salah satu event yang berakhir menang games dan dapet hadiahnya.
Belum lagi benang merah2 yang terjadi pada momen pembelajaran yang dilalui. Placemaking. Tactical Urbanism. Informal Economy. Stakeholder Mapping. Children. Seperti diajak untuk upgraded learning dari apa2 yang sudah dilalui di beberapa bulan sebelumnya. Dari sekian macam materi dalam urban design, seakan digiring lagi pada topik2 yang ini lagi ini lagi. Bahkan serandom celetukan pakde bude saat menjenguk nenek di puskesmas seakan menjadi doa dan terjawab pula setelahnya. Allaah, saya masih jauh dari sempurna tapi rahmatmu mengapa selalu bikin saya melting. Pernah baca salah satu tulisan kak Wirda, lupa persisnya mungkin seperti ini kurang lebihnya. Saya tahu saya masih jauh dari sempurna, tapi bukannya ngerasa ngga pantas dapetinnya, tapi semua ini hanyalah bagian dari betapa agung dan besar rahmah-Nya. Syukur yang selalu ditambah terus nikmatnya, semoga. Tapi balik lagi, Hadza minfadhli rabbi.
Lalu siang tadi, Allah giring lagi saya untuk memilih coret2 nulis di buku untuk bekal brainstorming suatu projek dibanding melakukannya dengan laptop. Kemudian menemukan tulisan ini
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Lagi2 luluh membacanya, seakan kekhawatiran2 yang sempat terfikirkan sedikit demi sedikit bertemu dengan obatnya. Meski demikian, saya yakin ini hanyalah awal, bukti2 aktivitas2 nantilah yang menjadi kunci benarkah apa yang sedang dilakukan menggiring pada sebetul-betulnya kebermanfaaatan? Saya masih butuh bimbingan dan iringan penuh atas petunjuk-petunjuk yang semoga hadir kemudian.. Saya masih sangat haus dan harus banyak belajar kedepan.
2 Agustus 2023, Maghrib di Kokas Jakarta
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See below for the list:
Sadistic Sparkle
Wicked Snack 
Jay Valq (jayjayverse)
Kota RiverRoad
---------------MERCH ARTISTS---------------
Pixelladium Creations
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siderisejournal · 1 year
Sebuah pertunjukan intimate catch up dan gig akustik oleh Rendy Pandugo, bertajuk “Coffee and Friends”.
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Wonderland Records / Universal Music Indonesia dan Rendy Pandugo dengan bangga mengumumkan pertunjukan intimate catch up dan gig akustik, Coffee and Friends. Rendy Pandugo adalah seorang penyanyi-penulis lagu yang lahir pada tanggal 7 Mei 1985 di Medan. Dia menghabiskan sebagian besar hidupnya di Surabaya. Rendy mengawali karirnya di dunia musik melalui internet, tepatnya melalui SoundCloud dimana ia memperkenalkan kemampuan menyanyi dan bermain gitarnya. Pada tahun 2014 Rendy menyadari bahwa ia ingin serius dengan keyakinan di industri musik dimulai dengan melakukan pertunjukan reguler dan bernyanyi dari kafe ke kafe sambil bertahan hidup di Jakarta. Di tahun 2020, Rendy Pandugo merilis single HOME yang bercerita tentang arti rumah bagi Rendy, yang juga menandai “rumah” dan label rekaman barunya, Wonderland Records / Universal Music Indonesia. Pada 29 Januari 2021, Rendy merilis EP barunya “SEE YOU SOMEDAY” dengan 6 lagu termasuk single sebelumnya, HOME dan MR. SUN, dengan FAR sebagai jalur fokusnya. Dan di tahun 2021, Rendy Pandugo merilis tiga single berjudul “Morning Light”, “Honey Bee”, dan single kolaborasi “Friends” bersama Pamungkas.
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Single-single tersebut akan dimasukkan dalam album mendatangnya. Rendy Pandugo memang terlahir sebagai performer sejati, panggung adalah tempat yang seharusnya. Dengan adanya pandemi benar-benar memberikan efek yang membekas bagi Rendy yang membuat Rendy merasa ada jarak dengan pendengarnya. Oleh karena itu, dengan diperbolehkannya tampil secara offline, Rendy Pandugo memutuskan untuk membuat panggung kecil untuk berkumpul bersama para pendengarnya yang ia sebut sebagai teman-temannya. Dengan konsep panggung kecil ini, Rendy pun memutuskan untuk memberikan konsep yang sedikit berbeda dari gigs nya sebelumnya, dengan konsep pembuatan panggung kecil ini, Rendy pun memutuskan untuk memberikan konsep yang sedikit berbeda, Rendy membuat panggung ini sebagai sebuah panggung bagi para pendengarnya juga, yang diperbolehkan berbagi cerita, sehingga percakapan dengan Rendy terjadi secara akrab. Tujuan acara juga bertujuan untuk mempertemukan Rendy Pandugo dengan “teman baru”. Berdasarkan konsep ini, Rendy memutuskan menyelenggarakan acara ini di kedai kopi, agar memiliki kesan yang santai dan intim dengan pendengarnya Rendy juga memiliki tujuan jangka panjang untuk acara ini, yaitu membawa panggung-panggung kecil ini ke kota-kota lain di Indonesia.
Coffee and Friends pertama berlangsung di Stuja Coffee, Jakarta Selatan, pada 16 Desember 2022. Dalam acara tersebut, Rendy juga mengumumkan lini merchandise pertamanya. Rendy Pandugo juga menjual tiket termasuk merch dan kopi. Tiket termasuk merchandise terjual lebih dari 200 pax. Malam itu merupakan pengalaman yang luar biasa bagi Rendy dan juga bagi para pendengarnya, mereka memiliki obrolan yang akrab dan luar biasa, didukung juga opening act yang menyenangkan dari Refo dan Fauna. Setelah Coffee and Friends pertama di Jakarta ini, Rendy Pandugo berencana untuk segera mengunjungi kota-kota lain untuk reuni dan bertemu dengan teman-teman baru di tahun depan.
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radioactive-force · 2 years
Serigala Malam Gelar Promo Tur Album ‘Bloodlines’ Chapter Pertama di Pulau Jawa
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Setelah mengonfirmasi pada bulan Januari 2021 silam bahwa sang veteran hardcore berbahaya asal Yogyakarta, Serigala Malam, resmi kembali meliar dan aktif sebagai sebuah band, saat ini mereka baru saja melesatkan album penuh ketiga “Bloodlines”. Bangkitnya Serigala Malam dibarengi dengan sesuatu yang baru terutama member solid yakni Herman Yoseph Dhyas Aries Utomo (vokal), Tutut Aribowo Herlambang (gitar), Peter Andreas Tapilatu (bass), dan Nikodemus Pratama (drum).
Serigala Malam juga bersiap menggelar agenda tur promo album Bloodlines yang diberi nama Bloody Roar Tour 2022. Sudah ada 14 titik tersebar di kota Jawa diantaranya ada Salatiga, Solo, Blitar, Malang, Magelang, Purwodadi, Surabaya, Gresik, Bekasi, Tangerang, Ungaran, Cepu, Purwokerto, dan Wonosobo. Tur ini menjadi agenda utama Serigala Malam di Pulau Jawa. Nantinya mereka bakal keliling di pulau Bali, Lombok, Borneo sampai Sumatera.
Gimana, ada kota kalian yang dikunjungi oleh Serigala Malam? Jangan sampai kelewatan jadwal turnya yang dimulai pada 2 Juli. Bawa duit ekstra juga untuk ngeborong official merch Serigala Malam disaat kalian datang. Info selengkapnya, cek di sini.
Ditulis oleh Fadly Zakaria.M
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oneesanmarket · 2 years
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God Eater: Lenka Utsugi & Kota Fujiki  Acrylic Key Chain - Official Ichiban Kuji
Size:7 cm
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available: 1 of each
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested!!)
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