#ko dog
skenisasleb · 1 year
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I finished the OK KO multimedia painting!!!! 💅
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systarkitty · 5 months
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hapy 2014 tumblr!!!!!! ^_^_^_^_^
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sjonni33 · 24 days
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hurt (click for better quality)
ko-fi☕️ shop🎣 redbubble🪲
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denimecho · 7 months
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Lifelong companion (Ko-fi request: Fukuzawa Yukichi) (If you like this art, please consider sending a tip to my kofi)
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wis-art · 7 months
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Stjärna (he/him) he's gay and he likes strawberry pocky sticks
my patreon
my ko-fi
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c0riiander · 2 months
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that show was supposed to be buried deep into the untouched areas of my brain but goddammit
also bonus fink and elise getting along i guess:
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boomerak3 · 27 days
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Smash 4 roster done, I replaced mr.smalls with Johnny test cause I felt it was a combo that made more sense, plus more CN representation, some design I had to improvise since I couldn’t see every little detail in the outfits, regardless nicklauerart, the original creator of these designs and concept were really well done. Now time to move on to ultimate
Edit: Finished up the miis or in this case the noods(If you know what this is your a true cn fan)
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yup-thats-me · 26 days
Men who love to love you!
Had a bad day? He's there to visit you with flowers to make you smile. Forgot your lunch? Fret not! He will be at your workplace with your lunchbox even before you find out that you had left it at home.
They literally would praise the ground you walk on. How could he not? Ever since he met you, he knew the heavens had rained grace over him for he has never met anyone so beautiful as you are, both inside and out. He loves the way you talk, the way you walk. You could be doing the most mundane thing in the world but he'd still be mesmerized by your beauty.
They would not be embarrassed to show you affection in public too! Holding hands? That's too basic for him. He'd rather wear those "king&queen" t-shirts and force you to match with him. Walking can hurt your legs!! He prefers tou carry you like a bride, all around town. Do not worry about your weight though. He has enough strength to carry his darling wife all day long and not get tired. Because if he doesn't, how could he become the perfect husband his perfect wife deserves? <33
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do not copy, steal or translate any of my works to other websites. all books belongs to yup-thats-me on tumblr
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justlous-art · 10 months
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when it's time for the simba cam at your baseball game 🐶
clint and lucky request for @anonyxsideblog! thank you for your support ♡
buy me a ko-fi and get a sketch!
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shippyo · 5 months
My friend's dog is having a HUGE problem with a disease right now and they need money to cover up the veterinarian stuff and heal their bby,its absolutly ok if you can't donate but please i beg you all to rt and share this, that would be a huuuge help to them! ;;u;;
The link for more info about this is right there and the link of their ko-fi to donate too!! Thank ya all for reading!
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otiksimr · 15 days
The scariest part of Ted's Caving Journal isn't the the actual horror of the situation but instead where the fuck did you find that cave did you just spawn one in for the sake of recording a spooky little series what-
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dreamyeuphoricll · 2 months
1. mother
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2. Father
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3. Brother
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4. Sister
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5. Pet
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ranticore · 3 months
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the whalers
This is the most 'modern' cast of characters on Siren, at a time when technology is equivalent to about the 1900s in Earth. Their ship is a cutting-edge coal-fired hydrofoil with a metal hull (i'll have to decide what type of metals are abundant & available to them but it is likely iron). A hydrofoil ship lifts physically out of the water using the underwater foils, which generate lift similar to a wing, vastly increasing the speed of the vessel. These foils are specifically designed to penetrate the denser layer of water which can more easily support the ship, and they can be raised and lowered at will. This ship is the Seerkaseer, the same callsign (Sierra Oscar Sierra) as the visor worn by its astronavigator, so that it can be tracked using the global telecommunications array.
They hunt giant siphos, which also propel themselves out of the water using the same hydrofoil principle (i was going through a hydrofoil phase last year when i designed these things...). The translucent shells are used to create a transparent glass-like material which has particular applications in pelagic villages, and the meat is eaten. But it's the hydrophobic oil produced by the tail glands, which reduces drag in flight, that commands the highest prices at the market. It's one of the most precious liquids on the planet, in fact.
When a giant sipho is sighted, the ship raises itself out of the water and gives chase. The crew uses a battery of harpoons and bow chasers to hook onto the creature, though it can take several shots to penetrate the shell. The ship can only fly above a certain speed, and this is achieved by propellers as well as its simple sails. When it makes a kill, it can sink back into the water and unfold a floating platform on which the entire body is butchered over the course of a few days (or weeks if it's a big one). Close to shore, the body might just be towed to a land-based processing facility, but the largest and most valuable siphos are only found in the unbroken sea, away from the ridges and mazes of land.
I named each of the crew and also made a few more guys which I didn't illustrate. I wanted to have a sort of slice of life story on board this ship. The main conflict lies in the kattakati (one of which is illustrated there, the lookout) presence on board the ship, as this would be rather rare at the time. I'll make a big post later (I need to draw updated art, I don't like the old art I did) but essentially a kattakati is, legally and culturally speaking, a single person with two bodies. It's a quirk from the dry breaks area of the Eastern continent and almost unique to the zeta type of people, which have a very different history to all other lineages. Other people struggle to comprehend the kattakati and don't really Get It, but it is exactly what it sounds like - two people who enter a permanent pairbond such that they become one person, total and complete extensions of a single being. But I'll talk more about it later.
Being sooo honest here I was deeply, deeply inspired by reading the manga Drifting Dragons at the time lol it made me want to make a whaling crew story so badly, and given all the other whaling references in Siren as a whole it felt appropriate
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denimecho · 7 months
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Don't you try to run right now Cause baby I could burn you down (Ko-fi request: Daaku - If you like this art, please consider sending a tip to my kofi)
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inuamaru · 2 months
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all the sketches from last kofi sketch stream!
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motorcyclemurphy · 5 months
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I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests ✨ here! ✨
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