#knk request
n3ptoonz · 5 months
Okay but like the whole save a horse ride a cowboy thing… for Arthur?
'Snake on a Train'
THANKS FOR 300+!!🖤🖤❤️❤️
Pairing: Arthur Morgan/F!Reader
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption II
Warnings/tags: Smut; Explicit, i'm writing this like i'm from the old west bear with me it's really fun, post chapter 6 MEANING he's alive and DOES NOT have TB. never caught it. we live in delusion round these parts. dialogue driven y'all know me i love me some interaction, implied breeding knk, cowgirl, barely proofread writers block is fucking me up
fr tho read this in a southern accent shit is kinda funny i had way too much fun LMAO
i got so many arthur requests then realized i used THIS theme so i'm using this ask i hope those who sent in will find this!!
Word count: 2300
Explicit content under the cut
Never trust a "runaway" O'Driscoll ever again. You was on the run now, away from those freaks and needed a proper escape at least for the time being. Why you chose to not accept Arthur's offer of joining the gang was beyond you. You knew each other well in Blackwater before they had to leave, he suggested you join since you'd be a great addition and trustworthy, but you declined. Later on you were picked up by a "runaway", he sold you out and now you're high tailing it to the nearest escape.
You stumbled across a particularly high end looking train that looked like it was headed west--aka opposite way from this shit. Your initial intent wasn't to rob it, yet. You just needed a quick getaway from this madness. Quick and sneaky you were getting into the back past a few guards. You found an abandoned ticket under a seat and stuffed it in your pocket, walking around until you found an empty cart that looked quite fancy.
You kept your head on a swivel and constantly looked out the window for any suspicious activities when somebody barged in. You quickly stood up and drew your revolver when you realized who you laid your eyes on.
"...Arthur?" you said. His eyes adjusted from the sun reflecting off the window when he heard his name escape from your lips, recognizing your voice almost immediately.
"What are you doin' here?" you both inquired in unison.
"Put your damn gun down I ain't here to rob you." he said sitting down on one of the two seat chairs covered in leather. You slid it back into the holster with curious eyes still on him. Just how long had it been? Why was he here?
"You normally waltz into carts that aren't yours?"
"Ain't that what you did?"
...he had a point.
"Maybe, but I had a reason."
"You sayin' I'd hop onto a nearby train for no reason?"
"I ain't seen or heard from you in almost a decade, Arthur. I don't know what I know anymore. Where's the rest of Blackwater's finest?"
Arthur just leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. There was a deadpan look in his eyes as he recalled everything that went down in the last two weeks. All the betrayals and chaos started to montage in his mind all over again; how he was this close to death, but managed to escape somehow.
"Dead, on their own, or all the above. Remember John? I helped him and his folks get out. The others...well I don't rightly know where they are. And quite frankly I don't care."
You sat in front of him as you processed his words. What's understood don't need to be said, and you knew this well.
"Is that why you're here?" you asked. It felt like a question with an obvious answer but you honestly just wanted a confirmation. It wasn't like him to just run off, at least from when you last seen him.
"In so many words, I guess. Although I didn't expect to see a woman of your caliber running away from your bullshit either. I'd like to know too, if you don't mind."
"Oh hush that up." you waved his comment off dismissively, "I was sold out."
"Well I'll be. You know I always wondered what you were doing or who you decided to hang with if not us. Who in their right mind would sell out one of Blackwater's most wanted?"
In your time together you always had a playful relationship, but you could tell in his tone there was slight bitterness or sarcasm. Truth be told he started to feel some type of way when he realized you declined him just to end up with some other gang that clearly didn't give a damn about you.
"Watch yourself." you warned, your tone half serious half playful.
"What? You didn't want to be around folk who had your best interest that's fine. I won't say I told you so."
"When the hell did you tell me so?"
"The day before we left." he answered without hesitation. "The night we spent together? Ring any bells?"
Damn. You tried to forget that night since the day he had to leave and you too shortly after. You didn't want to remember all the fun you had. You didn't want to remember his hearty laugh at your stupid jokes. Hell...you didn't even want to remember just how good he treated you. He treated you like a lady, unlike most of the men you came across. All it took was one heated kiss, and you both were hooked. But also knew it couldn't be given both your circumstances.
When he offered for you to join you wanted to jump at the opportunity. So why didn't you? Because, well, you loved the man. You thought your own feelings would hinder the morale of the group somehow and break it apart, and you wouldn't dare that be on you. Plus you couldn't really tell where he stood. He's a guy who treated most people with respect despite how he grew up.
Back then he mentioned how people like them were hard to come by and that most gangs were either just downright pieces of shit or cultish. So he in fact did tell you so, and you tried to forget that as soon as possible. Didn't want any sort of thoughts of him clouding your mind or else you'd go crazy.
The only reason you two didn't get intimate that night is because he respected you and your boundaries. He still does. He didn't want it to feel like he was grasping on to the nearest thing to fuck with and then dip. That's not the kind of man he was nor will he ever be.
"What does that night have to do with why I'm here now?" you tried so hard to seem like it didn't completely take over your thoughts, but this is Arthur Morgan for christ sake. He's damn good at reading people.
"It can mean just about anything, sweetheart, but I know it meant something to you just as much as it did to me." he said. The tone of his voice sounded a bit like he was trying to convince himself that was the case. If it wasn't, he wouldn't know what to do.
You sat back in your seat but that didn't take away the feeling of his gaze pouring into your soul. "It did." you said looking down at your hands
"Then why decline? Was it me? I know it's not my lifestyle because we lived the same way."
"I didn't want to get in the way, alright? I knew you'd be gone often and would be out for days at a time while I worried if you'd come back in one piece. I've been there and done that. Wasn't doing that again."
Arthur leaned back up in his seat and ran his hand over his face, sighing. He didn't want to come off so strong, but he felt real feelings for you and didn't know how to process it properly. The woman who's been on his mind since the day the gang left Blackwater sat in front of him and he felt like a lost puppy all over again.
"Okay." he said softly, "Was I on your mind at all?" he continued looking down, mumbling under his breath but you still heard him.
"Everyday since." you said standing up. He slowly looked up at you with those pearly blues that never failed to capture you. He was just so relieved that it wasn't just him. That it wasn't one-sided. Grabbing his hand you pulled him up to meet your eyes--like he wasn't visibly looking down at you.
"I thought about you so damn much I guess I had to distract myself by running with some undercover O'Driscolls. I figured out who they was too late and voila, lawmen breaking down my door."
Arthur shortly chuckled upon hearing you explain more of your situation. To him it was unbelievable, and he never thought he'd hear that name ever again especially after seeing Colm swing.
"This evening is full of surprises. How do I know this isn't some big scheme to take me down once and for all?" he said while wrapping his arms snug around your waist and his voice grew more rugged and deep. Oh how he missed this. What this is, who knows, and who cares?
"I don't need some big scheme to take you down." you said placing your hands on his biceps, squeezing just a little bit. He smirked at this action and pulled you closer.
"That so?"
You hummed in agreement, and it didn't take long for you two to finally lock lips together after a bit of playful murmuring here and there. And just like that, you both were taken back to that night. That heated kiss you shared was the absolute highlight of your lives, and you intended to relive that again and more.
It's like you never left but kissed like it's been forever. He ran his cold palm up your back to hold you while the other unbuttoned your pants. Even after almost ten years, he didn't miss a beat. He still got it. Are we surprised? You followed his lead and kept one arm around his neck while the other attempted to pull him free.
His hands were quick and nimble like yours, so next thing you know your pants are on the ground and you're sitting comfortably in his lap. You was now clad in a loose collar shirt and underwear and his shirt remained unbuttoned at the collar. Your mouths never stopped dancing throughout this whole process too.
Arthur just kept groaning into your mouth at every subtle grind on his thigh. This was only the second time of you two getting together like this, yet it feels way more than that. That same drunk feeling from the night made its return and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
You pulled back so you both could catch your breath, holding his face and running your thumbs over his stubble that was soon to becoming a full beard.
"I missed you...so damn much." you said in a tone just above a whisper.
"I can't imagine more than I have..." he replied while toying with the hem of your underwear. "Would you give this old outlaw the honor of... having you? All to myself?" he asked, looking deep into your eyes. You could feel him fully hard and his hands trembling a bit, but he still wants to hear it from you. One part is confirmation, but the other? He would easily gain satisfaction from knowing you want to give yourself to him.
"Well...I've saved a horse...and I plan on riding a cowboy," you whispered and smiled against his lips before leaning back in. Arthur chuckled into the kiss, wasting zero time pulling them panties to the side and slide right on in.
Your breath hitched as you eased on down his thick shaft. "That's my girl." he whispered, right next to your ear so he could physically feel you clench against him from his praises. You gripped his shoulders as your eyes closed shut, expelling light whimpers here and there as you set a place. He placed his hand on your back once again to encourage you, feeling a little smug at your struggle to keep up.
Best believe you weren't no bitch though; you swallowed thickly and kept on riding him. The ambience of the train was quickly fading as you two became lost in your own desire.
Were you expecting your orgasm to approach so quickly? Honestly, it made sense. Arthur knew all the right things to say and touched all the right places that churn your butter.
He was also nearing the end, and yet he had such a genuine smile on his face. He grunted with every time you sank back down into his lap and this meant he simply could not be happier. He's been dreaming of this moment forever, and finally. Finally, the woman of his dreams is having the time of her life because of him.
To keep yourself grounded you pulled his head up to rest your forehead on his, "Please, cum inside me," you begged. Your climax was seconds away from hitting you and you wanted to reach bliss at the same time.
You ain't have to tell him even once with how quickly he followed suit. Your hips slammed right back down into his lap as you both tried to stifle your cries of pleasure, still mindful of other passengers.
After you both calmed down in each other's arms, you cleaned yourselves up and plopped back down onto the two person couch you had just gotten intimate on. You held his bicep and laid your head on his shoulder with a content smile on your face. His the very same.
"You sure know how to get down for someone I ain't seen in a long time." he said playfully, looking down at you.
"Who said I ain't got none in a long time?" you replied a little too fast for his liking, looking up and seeing his expression comedically fall to a straight one. "I'm just messing, I wouldn't dare risk having anybody else's kids but yours." you continued casually before shutting your eyes. You had to stop yourself from laughing at the sound of his heart rate getting faster through his chest.
He chuckled, looking out the window at the scenery become painted with the pinks and yellows of the sunset passing by.
"You are something else."
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alien-magnolia · 2 years
About Me 🌙🍂🕷️ | + Navigation
L | She/ They | 21 | bi | 🤍 men |
This is a 18+ blog. All posts nsfw - I am not responsible for your own media consumption. Minors/ ageless blogs will be blocked. Make sure to have an age in your bio if you want to follow/ interact.
♥︎ requests are open!
Enjoy !! 🌙🕷
Master List 🖤
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I mostly write for the following fandoms:
stranger things, avatar, scream, the last of us
fem reader, no y/n, dom! male characters, but will eventually write for fem x fem content.
Current men I write for:
Steve + Eddie + Billy (st4) Billy Loomis (scream 1996) Jake Sully, Tsu’tey, Tonowari, Aged up!Neteyam (avatar) Joel Miller (tlou)
Sometimes I will post a few times in a week, sometimes nothing for a few weeks. It depends!
Last updated April.30.24
Steve Harrington 🖤
Cozy Nights
Winter Cuddles
Innocent reader
Size knk w Steve
Autumn hike
Daddy steve nsfw
Bookstore Date
Casual Dominance w Stevie pt. 3
Casual Dominance w Stevie pt. 2
Casual Dominance w Stevie pt.1
Dom! Stevie blurb/headcannons
Nights At Family Video
Winter Break
Eddie Munson 🌧
Bad Dreams
Eddie's Little Housewife: Part 2
Eddie's Little Housewife
Thanksgiving with Eds
Shower W Ed's
Giving Eddie A Bj
Aftercare W Daddy! Eddie
Spookinktober: Those Woods Look Scary, Eds!
Eddie's dck headcannons
First Tattoo w Dom!Eddie
Casual Dominance With Sweet Eddie
Period Pains
Older!Eddie Munson + Hyperfem Housewife
Wife <3
Billy Hargrove 🖤
Dom!Billy - Date Night
Billy Loomis🔪
Surprise: Dom!Billy Loomis
A Night In The Woods
A Little Trip
Tainted Love
Protective Billy
Jake Sully 🫐
Lost: pt 2
Lost: pt 3
Boyfriend! Jake Sully
Starting a family with Jake
Protective Jake hc
My heat’s here
Jake’s bbygirl
Tsu’tey 🦋
Sky woman
Sky Woman 2
Breeding hc
Taking care of him
Tonowari 💙
Soft Tonowari
Our Nest: Tsrul
Burning For You
Neteyam 💙
Nisoaia pt ii
Joel Miller 🌸
Daddy Issues
21 Questions
Spoiled: Two
After hours
Missed You
Sidon 🐳
His Little Grace
Quaritch 🌴
Mine And His &lt;3
Dean Winchester🦇
I Need Someone Older
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ilhoonftw · 1 year
know your kpop lawsuit:
tablo vs weirdos that claimed he faked going to stanford - tablo won (soompi)
block b members vs stardom - block b lost (channel-korea, very long breakdown)
sm + lee sooman tax evasion/fraud saga: 2003 2014 2021 pandora papers
jyj vs sm entertaiment - mother of all lawsuits, birthed a new law (officialykmusic)
half of exo-m vs sm entertaiment - two settled (asianjunkie) tao won in china but lost in korea (asianjunkie)
sm entertaiment vs sustainable ethical enterprise limited - sm entertaiment lost a bunch of exo related trademarks (kbizoom)
sm, yg, jyp vs korea creative content agency - delayed registering the company under, violating the popular culture industry act (koreatimes)
the rose vs j & star company - contract termination request denied, later settled (soompi1) (soompi2)
kara nicole, seungyeon, jiyoung vs dsp entertaiment - 'reached agreement' (seoulbeats)
knk vs ynb entertaiment - contracts terminated (soompi)
younha vs lion media - younha won (younha fan blog)
jbj95 vs star road entertaiment - jbj95 won (kbizoom)
l.joe vs top media - settled (soompi)
inx vs na entertaiment - inx won (soompi)
the legend members vs ss entertaiment - the legend won but still disbanded (reddit)
b.a.p vs ts entertaiment - settled (soompi)
hyosung vs ts entertaiment - settled (soompi)
sleepy vs ts entertaiment - sleepy won, later was aquitted of defamation (soompi) (asianjunkie)
madtown vs gni entertainment - madtown won (soompi)
samuel vs brave entertaiment - settled after 3 years (soompi)
n-sonic vs c2k entertaiment - n-sonic won (soompi)
lai kuanlin vs cube entertaiment - twice dismissed, then contract was ruled invalid (soompi)
clc elkie vs cube entertaiment - contract terminated (soompi)
2ne1 minzy vs music works - minzy lost but after appeal contract was terminated (kpopstarz)
ioi/pristin kyulkyung vs pledis entertaiment - breach of contract lawsuit filed that's all we know (soompi1) (soompi2)
kang daniel vs lm entertaiment - reached agreement via mediation (soompi)
kang daniel vs dc inside - kang daniel lost, he requested for p101 season 2 community page to be deleted (soompi)
chorong vs 'she's a bully' accusations - accuser found guilty of defamation, later they both met in person and dropped the lawsuit (soompi)
i tzy lia vs 'she's a bully' accusations - accuser not found guilty of defamation, jyp requested reinvestigation (soompi1) (soompi2)
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dxliqhted-mochi · 19 days
Hello! Welcome to my Tumblr blog :D
This blog will mostly be oc x canon/ Oc & canon doodles, comics and drawings. It will more than likely be INTK/KNK (Inochi no Tabekata/ How to devour Lif/ Kara no Kioku/ Empty Memories) and other things to do with the Japanese singer, Eve
Rules for the blog
- Hateful comments will be removed
- Reblogging is permitted, but stealing/tracing is not
- Fanart of my characters is allowed and I will look forward to any, doodles and comics of them included
- Asks are open at any time, feel free to ask anything! Request will be considered as well
- If you do do anything related to my characters or art, credits are appreciated
- Lastly, have fun and enjoy my art! I want this to feel like a safe space for people to enjoy themselves and bond!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 month
Fill for the “A whodunit on who pegged Mikiya” and “I feel like Azaka/[Ryougi] Shiki has comedy potential, whether or not Mikiya is involved” prompts. Needless to say, crack fic ahead. Also, the Shiki here it’s Shiki Ryougi, not SHIKI Ryougi. It’s just that the fill is using the format of the SCP wiki’s Murphy Law stories, which uses capitalized character names.
This one has a bit of a weird story. I submitted it earlier but forgot to do it while being logged off Tumblr so I requested the mod to take it down since I’d rather do these anonymously. As a “thank you” to the mod, I improved the fill a bit, mostly on the ending. The old version ended up revealing that Mikiya had just tripped on a floorboard. The new version was actually the first idea for the ending, but it was scrapped since it involved forced pegging, which is kinda rape and that’s something I really don’t want to write. However, I managed to find a fix to this and now the new-original ending is back, in all of it’s cracky glory.
You will never guess who the culprit is.
FADE INThe scene is set up at the Garan no Dou office. MIKIYA is lying on the floor, mumbling something incomprehensible with a remarkably stupid face. SHIKI and AZAKA watch with a worried look. TOUKO is too busy smoking and reading important-looking papers.
AZAKA: Good buddhist heavens! What happened to you?
MIKIYA: …my gluteus maximus… the sensation is… holy cow the pain…
MIKIYA faints. AZAKA covers her mouth in horror.
AZAKA: Oh no… no… the shock… the physical damage… this can only mean one thing… 
he’s been… pegged.
A dramatic music sting plays.
SHIKI: doesn’t look too bad, maybe he could just use some rest?
AZAKA looks at SHIKI with a surprised look.
AZAKA: …you know what pegging is, right?
SHIKI: Some western dining tradition?
AZAKA looks at SHIKI in sheer disbelief. She turns around to face TOUKO.
TOUKO: If you want to tell her, you’re on your own.
AZAKA looks at SHIKI again, and opens her mouth.
SCENE CHANGEThe scene is set in the Garan no Dou office, except the place is covered in slash marks. AZAKA and TOUKO are hiding in strange humanoid metal contraptions. SHIKI is disheveled and breathing heavily while holding a knife. MIKIYA is still on the floor, now asleep.
TOUKO: …I told you the Nokia phone body armors weren’t a waste of money.
TOUKO takes off her armor and resumes sitting on her desk, doing unspecified but surely 
important work. AZAKA also removes her gear and approaches SHIKI.
AZAKA: …have you calmed down now?
SHIKI: Only externally. I’m going to find out who did… that thing to him, and kill them.
A dramatic music sting plays.
AZAKA: No, we are going to find out. Your usual method of “stabbing the problem” won’t work if we don’t know what the problem is.
The camera focuses on AZAKA, who stares at the audience.
AZAKA: (whispering) Besides, I’ll get to prove to Mikiya that I’m a much suitable partner than Miss Giant Enemy Crab Vision there by virtue of rationality.
SHIKI: …just because the camera is focusing on you doesn’t mean I can’t hear you.
AZAKA: There’s no time! Think! What kind of degenerate monster could possibly do this?
SHIKI points at a trail of bloody footprints coming from Mikiya’s sleeping form, which lead to a broken window in the office.
SHIKI: someone crazy enough to jump from the third floor.
AZAKA: Let’s think… our suspect must be someone with an unhealthy attachment towards Mikiya…
TOUKO: That pretty much includes every girl in this show except me.
AZAKA: …and enough agility to survive a 3-floor fall… I believe I know who could be…
SCENE CHANGEThe scene is set up in a dimly lit alleyway with the usual KnK chiaroscuro style. Which pretty much means any alleyway in Mifune city.
SHIKI: You sure this is the right place?
AZAKA: Yes. I don’t know what exactly, but something tells me he is here.
SHIKI and AZAKA walk into a menacing vacant building. The camera scrolls up to reveal a neon sign displaying the text “UNCLE SHIRAZUMI’S UTTERLY AWESOME AND DEFINITELY LEGAL DRUG EMPORIUM (please don’t come with the police)”.
SHIKI and AZAKA walk inside the building, revealing an expectable dimly lit interior. LIO is seen sorting some boxes. He turns around and jumps at the sight of the two clearly mentally stable girls.
LIO: OH SH…! Nothing to see here! Just… selling drugs and… stalking someone who is totally not in this room with me at this very instant while I say these very words!
AZAKA: Cut the chatter, you girly junkie werewolf-wannabe! Today you pay for your crime!
LIO looks at AZAKA in confusion.
LIO: …which one?
SHIKI: Can we get to the part where I kill him?
AZAKA walks up to LIO and grabs him by his shirt’s collar.
AZAKA: Don’t play silly with me, you walking definition of degeneracy!
LIO: …at least I’m not into incest…
AZAKA punches LIO in the face.
SHIKI: …gotta say, that was a pretty good punch.
AZAKA: Thanks! Your history speaks for yourself, Shirazumi! Drug dealing! Cannibalism! Voyeurism! Staking Shiki! Listening to nightcore!
SHIKI: Wait what?
AZAKA: Once a scum, always a scum. Now, talk. Why did you peg Mikiya?
LIO: WHAT! Look, I may be a crazy cannibal, but I got limits! Besides, who knows what magic hazards Touko has set up for intruders at your lair!
SHIKI loses interest and goes outside.
AZAKA: Denying the crime, aren’t we?
AZAKA throws LIO into the floor, and walks to a door that seems suspicious because it’s the one that is closer to her.
AZAKA: bet you are keeping pictures and recordings of your despicable actions in there!
AZAKA opens the door. She enters a dark storage room. AZAKA turns on the lights, revealing industrial amounts of Shiki Ryougi doujins, perfectly organized in racks. AZAKA’s jaw drops to whatever the actress can manage without requiring medical attention after filming. LIO enters the room, shaking in fear.
LIO: …please don’t tell her…
AZAKA: I won’t. Not because I care about you, but because I’m scared of the possible consequences of telling her.
LIO: Look, I did not do anything degenerate towards Mikiya… today. I was sorting these for hours.
AZAKA sighs and leaves through the door. The camera focuses on the door for a while. 
AZAKA quietly returns.
AZAKA: …do you have any lesbian orgy ones?
LIO: Sorry, I sold the only one today.
The scene is set in the halls of Reien Girl’s Academy, where the yuri is abundant and holy. AZAKA and SHIKI walk through the halls, the former seemingly performing deep mental calculations.
AZAKA: With Shirazumi ruled out, we need to find someone else with an affinity for blood and Mikiya…
SHIKI points at herself.
AZAKA: …besides you, I mean. And I believe here we can find the next prime suspect!
AZAKA kicks open a door, revealing a regular student room. FUJINO is in said room, and is visibly distraught by the appearance of our excessively lethal defenders of what they think it’s right.
AZAKA: Game Over, Miss “Hey Roger, what do you call the middle of a song?”! We have come for you!
FUJINO looks at SHIKI, screams in terror and hides under the bed.
SHIKI: …what the hell is up with you?
AZAKA: Maybe you scared her a bit during your fight?
SHIKI: But I did spare her…
AZAKA: …after beating her up enough that she telekinetically destroyed a bridge out of desperation?
SHIKI: Ok, whose side are you on here?
FUJINO: …please be on my side…
SHIKI walks closer to FUJINO, who screams in terror again and proceeds to hold a crucifix between her and SHIKI
SHIKI: I’ll make it easy for the two of us. Did you peg Mikiya?
FUJINO drops the crucifix.
FUJINO: …no?
SHIKI: Well, our job is done here.
SHIKI and AZAKA walk through the hallways of the Mifune City hospital.
SHIKI: Why are we here?
AZAKA: With the telekinetic psychic and the crossdresser in the clear, there’s only one possible suspect left…
AZAKA kicks a door open. The camera switches to a hospital room. KIRIE is laying in bed, and looks at the general direction of our heroines of subjective justice.
KIRIE: You could have knocked…?
SHIKI: It would have taken at least two minutes for you to get in your wheelchair and open the door.
KIRIE: …good point…
SHIKI: Although, to be fair, Azaka has a weird thing against doors today.
AZAKA quickie rushes towards KIRIE, and grabs her by the collar.
AZAKA: Your days are numbered, you Stand User wannabe!
KIRIE: …they already are… you know, terminal illness and…
AZAKA: We have no time to hear the excuses of criminals!
KIRIE covers her face and trembles.
KIRIE: …I’m sorry… those girls… I didn’t know what I was doing… and I… made them jump…
AZAKA: Who cares about your gravitational conga line? This is about you pegging Mikiya!
KIRIE: …I didn’t do that!
AZAKA: That’s what a criminal mastermind would say!
SHIKI: She doesn’t look very “criminal” to me… more like pathetic, actually.
KIRIE: I didn’t do that! I couldn’t bring myself to even hurt Mikiya… beyond accidental soul-sealing…
SHIKI: …besides, don’t you need a physical body for pegging?
AZAKA lets go of KIRIE. A frustrated look can be seen on her face.
AZAKA: Damn it! I was sure it was her!
SHIKI: Doubt it. She can barely do anything but whine. Let’s go home, I don’t have the time for weak people.
Suddenly, a pillow is thrown at SHIKI’s face with surprising force. KIRIE stands up on her bed with an atypical furious look. AZAKA stared in disbelief.
KIRIE drops down to her bed, breathing heavily. SHIKI drops her knife and leaves the room with a shocked expression.
AZAKA: …holy shit.
SCENE CHANGESHIKI and AZAKA wander through a street. The Garan no Dou building can be seen in the background.
AZAKA: Damn it! We failed!
SHIKI: I can guard Mikiya and kill the pegger if they appear again.
AZAKA: And take all the credit again! …but it’s the correct solution. (Sighs) Let’s go home.
AZAKA walks towards a building with a broken window.
SHIKI: Where are you going?
AZAKA: To the Garan no Dou office?
SHIKI: That’s the building across the street…
AZAKA: Then why is the third floor’s window broken?
AZAKA notices a trail of bloody footprints leading from the Garan no Dou building to the building across the street. AZAKA and SHIKI look at each other.
The scene is set at an abandoned music school which happens to be right next to the Garan no Dou office. AZAKA and SHIKI wander through the empty rooms.
AZAKA: This doesn’t make any sense… If all of Araya’s unpaid interns are innocent, who could be insane enough to assault Mikiya, survive a third floor fall, leave a trail of blood and then jump to the third floor?
SHIKI: No point in thinking, we are going to find out.
AZAKA’s expression changes from detective in deep detective-ish thinking to concern.
AZAKA: Oh no… no… no… Sweet mother of crack fic plot twists, NO.
SHIKI: …what?
AZAKA: It can’t be. She fits the criteria, but… no! No one remembers Final Record/Garden of Oblivion. There’s no way it’s her. She was just a cameo! As a freaking corpse!
MYSTERIOUS FEMALE VOICE: Azaka, Azaka, Azaka… this is Type-Moon. Any vague connection can be important! And now, after an unnecessarily long wait, I got you right where I wanted!
A mysterious female character steps out from the shadows, clad in a bloody wedding dress. The unknown girl has long black hair and clearly-evil golden eyes, and an expression that makes Lio Shirazumi look like the epitome of normality.
AZAKA: NO FRICKING-FREAKING WAY!!! You were just a cameo in a bonus chapter that wasn’t even animated, Kanata Ishizue! And your home series, D.D.D., is deader than Portal 3!
KANATA: rubbing salt in the wound, aren’t we? VERY WELL, HAVE IT AT YOU!!!
KANATA walks closer to AZAKA. SHIKI does not care.
KANATA: Let me tell you something, from imouto to imouto… (whispering) I actually got my onii-chan’s meat inside me… by virtue of cannibalism.
AZAKA gasps in the most exaggerated manner the actress can manage without needing medical attention after filming.
SHIKI: Cut the meta crap. Why did you peg Mikiya?
KANATA: Whoa there, pegging? I may be a crazy cannibal, but I got limits! I just slapped him in the butt to piss YOU off! 
AZAKA: You slapped him with enough force to cause bleeding!?
SHIKI: What is your problem? Why would you even want to get me pissed off?
KANATA: Oh, you want expository dialogue don’t you? FINE! It’s all because of Final Record! I was robbed of the mother of all showdowns, and I’m taking it back! Being in development hell limbo for almost two decades has given me time to think! To analyze all of your movements! After years of research, I finally found out all I needed to pick a fight with you was doing any form of harm to Mr. Nice Guy Turd!
AZAKA: It took you years to figure that out?
SHIKI: And why didn’t you just wait for us instead of making us waste time on investigation?
KANATA: Huh, I could swear I left a note near Mr. Harem Devil… Oh, forget it. ENOUGH TALK! The time has come! Shiki Ryougi, I challenge you! Today, the one-hit-kill tomboy OC meets the SCP-682 imouto! The Void faces Eternity! This fight shall be so glorious that all records of it will be rated S, because that’s higher than R! This is the ULTIMATE. SHOWDOWN. OF. ULTIMATE. DESTINY.
KANATA lifts a piano with one hand, and proceeds to play a boss theme with the other.
SHIKI: …pianos are not an officially recognized melee weapon.
KANATA: Your face is not an officially recognized melee weapon!
SHIKI: That’s it, I’m killing you.
AZAKA: Well fuck.
SHIKI and KANATA charge at each other. The moment the former’s blade meets the later, the movie freezes. After a second a message appears.
WARNING!!!: IncomaptibleHaxError
The system is unable to handle an instant deletion ability hitting and endless regeneration-adaptation ability. Please turn off your timeline, reboot from BIOS and load the latest security copy.
No doors or timelines were harmed during the making of this movie.
AFTER CREDITS SCENEWe see TOUKO pick up a note left by KANATA challenging SHIKI, and burn it with magic. 
The scene cuts to SHIKI and AZAKA leaving while MIKIYA drags himself to the infirmary. 
TOUKO inspects the room.
TOUKO: …all alone.
TOUKO walks to a safe and opens it, revealing a lesbian orgy doujin starring Shiki Ryougi. She begins to read it.
TOUKO: …worth every penny.
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soulmateszedits · 1 year
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Jihun × KNK ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Simple || Requested
✧ Nako
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kumakuramata · 10 months
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This blog is made for Mature Audiences (18+) only viewer discretion is advised.
Hello! My name is Kuramata Kuma and I am a wannabe Vtuber, Editor, and Writer! This blog is full of all things writing, bulky men, and creative announcements! See below for my writings, tags, Ko-Fi, and other recommendations!
*note that many content that is provided here may look familiar as Maribelle C. That is also me and that blog is now inactive.
Archive of Our Own | Asian Fanfics
Chanyeol x Mirai { Tiny & Gigantor } FxM
Infatuation (BandMember!Chanyeol, Neighbor!Mirai)
Morning (18+ Only)
Cute Guy Alert
Love in Aquaria: The Bodyguard and the Hermit Witch (18+ Only, BodyGuard!Chanyeol, Witch!Mirai)
Long Enough (College!Youjin/Brother’sLittleSister!OC)
Heat (18+ Only, Youjin/WerewolfFilipina!OC)
Prenuptial Agreement (Prince!Youjin/PrincessFilipina!OC)
Beauty and the Fool (Highschooler!Heejun/BlackF!OC)
In San Francisco (PersonalAssistant!Youjin/BossF!OC)
Sleep Train (Youjin/F!OC)
Don't Take Overly Friendly Dogs Home (18+ Only, Yongguk/WerewolfF!OC)
I Forgot Something (18+ Only, PersonalAssistant!Hoseok/BossF!OC)
When the Worlds Collide (18+ Only, Kakashi/F!OC, SERIES)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Under (18+ Only, DILF!Toji/F!OC)
Sucker (18+ Only, Nanami/F!OC)
It’s All For You (18+ Only, BusinessMan!Nanami/RoommateF!OC)
Finally Mine (18+ Only, BusinessMan!Nanami/SuccubusRoommateF!OC)
Record of Ragnarok
No Gods (18+ Only, Qin Shi Huang/FBunnyHybrid!OC)
Perfect for Me (18+ Only, Yakuza!Kakashi/OC)
Video Games
Dynasty Warriors
Resident Evil
After Hours (18+ Only, Semi-Canon, Carlos Oliveira/Filipina!OC)
Alpha/Beta Requests
I am currently open for both Alpha reading and Beta reading on my Ko-Fi. Please note the difference--Alpha Reading is where I approach your work as a writer, while Beta Reading is where I approach your work as a reader. If you would like me for either, I am currently open for reviewing! Please send a message on my Ko-Fi account
Author/Mangaka Recs
Original authors:
Mariana Zapata (Slow Burn & Age Gap)
Tessa Bailey (Contemporary and Nasty)
Sylvia Day (Nasty)
Eve Dangerfield (Nasty, smut)
Raven Kennedy (Funny, nasty, adult fantasy)
Tomomitsu Yamamoto
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oraclekleo · 2 years
List of Idols and Actors I know or follow
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
List of Idols and Actors I included into my ultimate chart and into the Compatibility Calculator:
Black Pink
Block B
Golden Child
Red Velvet
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
The King
The Rose
Xdinary Heroes
Actors + Soloists
Ahn Hyo-seop
Ahn Jae Hyun
Byeon Woo Seok
Do Ji Han
Eric Nam
Gao Hanyu
Gong Yoo
Ha Sungwoon
Hirose Tomoki
Hong Jong-hyun
Hyeok Geun Choe
Cha Hyunseung
Ishikawa Plowden Luke
Jasper Liu
Jay Park
Ji Chang Wook
Ji Soo
Ji Sung
Johnny Huang
Jung Il Woo
Jung Won Chang
Kang Daniel
Kang Haneul
Kim Jaewook
Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Woobin
Kinchiku Yuuki
Kwak Dong Yeon
Lai Leon Yi
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Jae-wook
Lee Jehoon
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Joon Gi
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Min-ki
Lee Soo Hyuk
Luo Yunxi
Nam Joo-hyuk
Park Bo-gum
Park Hae Jin
Park Hyung Sik
Park Seo-joon
Sakaguchi Kentaro
Satoh Takeru
Seo In Guk
Simon Dominic
Simon Gong
Song Kang
Song Weilong
Sota Fukushi
Sung Hoon
Takhon Paing
Timmy Xu
Tsao Yu Ning
Vardy Wang
Wang Rui Chang
Wi Ha Joon
Woo Do Hwan
Xiao Zhan
Xu Kaicheng
Yokohama Ryusei
Yoo Seung Ho
Yu Christian
Zhang Zhe Han
Members of the listed groups who went solo
+ You are allowed to request any idol or actor or celebrity you like as long as they are 18 years old or older. Including non-asian ones.
The K-Pop Chart and Compatibility Calculator can be found
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maribellec · 2 years
see below for...
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Intro | Masterlist | Alpha/Beta Requests | Author Recs
Hi, my name is Maribelle C. and I am a writer and reader of all things smutty. I made this tumblr for promotional purposes of my writing, favorite books, and other smut* related items!
Don’t be shy hit me up--or read my stuff! You can find everything in this masterpost!
*Please note that most of my work is for adults only.
Archive of Our Own | Asian Fanfics
Chanyeol x Mirai { Tiny & Gigantor } FxM
Infatuation (BandMember!Chanyeol, Neighbor!Mirai)
Morning (18+ Only)
Cute Guy Alert
Love in Aquaria: The Bodyguard and the Hermit Witch (18+ Only, BodyGuard!Chanyeol, Witch!Mirai)
Long Enough (College!Youjin/Brother’sLittleSister!OC)
Heat (18+ Only, Youjin/WerewolfFilipina!OC)
Prenuptial Agreement (Prince!Youjin/PrincessFilipina!OC)
Beauty and the Fool (Highschooler!Heejun/BlackF!OC)
In San Francisco (PersonalAssistant!Youjin/BossF!OC)
Sleep Train (Youjin/F!OC)
Don't Take Overly Friendly Dogs Home (18+ Only, Yongguk/WerewolfF!OC)
I Forgot Something (18+ Only, PersonalAssistant!Hoseok/BossF!OC)
When the Worlds Collide (18+ Only, Kakashi/F!OC, SERIES)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Under (18+ Only, DILF!Toji/F!OC)
Sucker (18+ Only, Nanami/F!OC)
It’s All For You (18+ Only, BusinessMan!Nanami/RoommateF!OC)
Record of Ragnarok
No Gods (18+ Only, Qin Shi Huang/FBunnyHybrid!OC)
Video Games
Dynasty Warriors
Resident Evil
After Hours (18+ Only, Semi-Canon, Carlos Oliveira/Filipina!OC)
Alpha/Beta Requests
I am currently open for both Alpha reading and Beta reading. Please note the difference--Alpha Reading is where I approach your work as a writer, while Beta Reading is where I approach your work as a reader. If you would like me for either, I am currently open for reviewing!
Author/Mangaka Recs
The following are authors that I personally enjoy immensely. I have also linked my recommendations tag. As a reminder, adults only!
Fanfic authors:
sukunaslut / sukunababy
DeenaDolly (inactive but I love her so much)
Original authors:
Mariana Zapata (Slow Burn & Age Gap)
Tessa Bailey (Contemporary and Nasty)
Sylvia Day (Nasty)
Tomomitsu Yamamoto
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Tease in the wild
Wordcount; 5,648
Fandom; KNK & Actor
Pairing; Reader X Park Seoham
Characters; Park Seoham, A.C.E’s Lee Donghun & Seven O’clock & Soloist Kim Sangwon aka Login.
Warning; public and outside sexual acts, teasing, fingering and oral (both giving and receiving) full sex.
Notes; requested by @lidongsa 💜💙
You was pouting with your red wet lipstick lips together at the mirror, smirking at your reflection when your eyes found the reflection of one of your best friend’s Lee Donghun, one eye widened as he stared you out with a slow smirk growing. “You might scare him off with those bright red things,” he teased as you found the pillow beside the chair by your side, throwing at him missing him slightly. “Don’t tease her Dongdong, your only cry when she beats your ass,” Sangwon scoffed as he walked through to the living room. “She wishes,” Donghun bit out, tensing his arms showing his well defined arm muscles that if you wasn’t his best friend you would have melted at, you admired good muscles and both your friends Donghun and Sangwon was well defined in the muscle camp.
“Are we ready doll?” Sangwon asked kissing your cheek as you swatted his ass. People would easily mistake you as their girlfriend, but you was very much there cover story. Usually often on there arm in public but listening to them go at it all night long through your thin walls. It was that very suffering that had then say they was going to bring you someone who could love you the way they couldn’t.
All you knew was it was there old uni friend Park Seoham. They refused to give any details, that had left you with the impression that he was a boring gamer with nerdy like spots. Donghun’s savage sense of humour left you lacking your trust in his ability to find you a man.
However, you choked on your drink to Donghun’s smirks when Sangwon introduced you to the very man that evening in the club. He was tall, his tight features but mischevious eyes told you his sense of humour similarly matched your friends. His black shirt was opened by the top three buttons, his muscular chest on show. He looked delicious, from the grin from both your friends they knew your thought process too as you allowed a slight pink blush to hit your face.
“This is Seoham,” Sangwon said clenching his shoulders in excitement at acting Cupid. “Hi beautiful,” Seoham said, his deep voice luring you further into his beauty, his dark brown eyes twinkling in your view. “And that girl that’s drooling is Saam,” Donghun chuckled as your eyes snapped to his, “your welcome,” he said winking as he took a swig of his beer. “Well she’s a pretty drooling girl if I must say so myself,” he said taking your hand and leaving a single kiss to the top, leaving your skin full of goosebumps from how soft his lips felt against them.
You felt your face burn as you knew you was sporting a much darker blush. “Well move then, unless you want him to sit on your lap,” Donghun smirked. You moved up a seat giving him room to sit next to you, your heart thumping as your thighs touched under the table.
“Are you going to talk or did someone steal your tongue?” Donghun said as Sangwon swatted his thigh, “what,” he scoffed pretending to play innocent. “Saam likes dancing, this is one of her favourite songs,” Sangwon added as Big Bangs Bang Bang club remix hit the room. “Really this is one of my favourite’s too,” Seoham smiled as he stood from the table holding his hand to yours. Sangwon sinking slightly into his boyfriend, both of them Grinning as Seoham pulled you to the dance floor.
“Relax sweetie,” Seoham said as he brushed a loose hair behind your ear. “It’s just a date, this is just a dance, you can ditch me later if you want,” he said holding on to your hand. “Why would I want to ditch you,” you shouted above the music. His own smirk appeared on his face as he pulled his arm around your waist, bringing you closer so your body’s was close as you danced to the music. Seoham’s body soon gliding into the moves as if he had practiced the choreography at home, his arms truly left from your body and though you was sadden to lose the contact at first, watching his moves impressed you that you was glad to see this beauty in action. The rest of the dancing guests was cheering him on, the widest grin upon his face as he entertained the club guests.
When he finished he looked more delicious then when he started. Sweat dripping down his face and neck, as the pace to the next song was more sexual and smoother, his arms pulled you back in, his pants still audible in your ear.
A sweat drop rolled down his neck and before you could stop yourself, you licked it pressing kisses on his collar bone as you lost yourself to him. His grip around your waist tightened snapping you together, you buried your head into his chest, knowing your face was burning red. “Sorry,” you said over the music, “for what?” he asked turning his face to face you. “For that, I’m not a whore,” you said grimicing. He placed his fingers on your lips, “sweetie I never thought you was,” he cooed, his eyes blown as you felt his bulge hardened against your stomach. His own blush escaped, “see I do embarrassing things too, but your tongue on my neck was hot,” he says into your ear.
You continued to hold each other dancing for hours, his grip around you only leaving when he found the urge to dance to what ever song that randomly played that was one of his favourites. You hadn’t even realised Donghun and Sangwon had ditched you both as you danced the night away.
Seoham walked you back to your flat, holding your hand as you chatted about your lives. He talked about his uni life with Donghun and Sangwon and the chaos they enjoyed to create. He openly confessed to their rebellish behaviour, which you happily confirmed hadn’t changed for them.
Before you knew it you was at the door to your apartment and you was suddenly saddened at the thought of leaving him. “Pass me your phone,” he asked as you rummaged in your hand bag dishing it out and passing it to him. He dialled his number in and used it to ring his own. “Message me when your free next, it’s been fun, it be nice to do it again,” he said smiling, “that’s if you didn’t get bored of me,” he added. “Why would I be bored with you?” You gasped. “I’m free tomorrow night,” you added a smile beaming on his face as he kissed your cheek. “Till then sweetie,” he said before walking down the corridor.
Your hand touching the very spot where he left his kiss, your heart beating with excitement. The door behind you opened, Sangwon’s smirking face in your view dropping when he realised you was alone. “Where Seoham?” He gasped as you walked into the flat you shared with them. “On his way home,” you said slipping your shoes off your feet moaning instantly. “Why?” Donghun said appearing from their room, his bed hair on show. “Because I’m not like you two horn dogs that need to fuck on a first date,” you said brushing past him to your room. “No you just lick sweaty men you just met neck,” Donghun bit back earning your to flipping him off without a glance behind for his reaction. As you entered your room your phone bleeped with a message.
‘Was lovely meeting you tonight I look forward to tomorrow sweetie’
“So,” Sangwon said when you sat across from them on the table shovelling a mouth full of cereal the next morning. “So what?” You replied with your mouth full. “Didn’t your mother teach you manners,” Donghun said with his face scrunched up. “No,” you bit back before taking another mouthful open mouthed eating to annoy him, which worked as he went back to the laptop to finish writing his assignments. “Don’t let her change the subject Dongdong,” Sangwon scoffed to Donghun’s rolled eyes, “she won’t tell you anyway, she has more secrets then the NIS,” he added not taking his eyes off his screen. “Coming from the man who uses his innocent friend as his cover story, you can talk,” you scoffed before throwing another mouthful in, to his groan.
“When you seeing Seoham again?” Sangwon interrupted in another attempt to get it from you. “She’s seeing him tonight,” Donghun added keyboard attacking his laptop. “How would you know?” you and Sangwon said simultaneously. His eyes glazed towards you both as he tapped his head winking, “clever then a wise man me,” he chuckled before returning to his work. “Wait so you are seeing him tonight?” Sangwon asked looking slightly excited. “If the wise man says I am then I must be,” you said scoffing at your friend. “I said I was clever then a wise man not that I was the wise man honey, clean your ears out will you,” Donghun spat out. “Whatever,” you replied rolling your eyes as you scooped up the last mouthful of your breakfast up.
“Are you really going to keep all the glory info on your date from me,” Sangwon sulked. “It wasn’t a date, you pushed me into the arms of another man and ditched us so he had to walk me home,” you scoffed picking your bowl up to place it in the sink. Donghun pulled Sangwon toward him as he licked his neck before winking at you watching you blush like crazy. “Yeah she’s right that was a sex scene on that dance floor, that surpasses dating,” he chuckled as he returned to his laptop. “Your so lucky that’s my laptop your working on or I would chuck this at you Lee Donghun,” you growled holding out a chopstick in his direction. “Hey I don’t want to be your food,” he said turning his nose up in your view. “You,” “come on guys, Dongdong stop teasing her will you,” Sangwon cut you off. “Who said I was teasing,” he added smirking in your direction which earnt a childish tongue sticking out, leaving him laughing even harder. “Get fucked,” you spat out walking down the corridor, “that surpasses our agreement but I’ll let Seoham know,” he chuckled down the hallway as you flip him off even though he couldn’t see, you know he knows you well enough to know you did.
Your relieved when you leave your room ready for your date to an empty house as you breathe in a sign of relief at avoiding another inquisition from your housemates. The door buzzes as you dash to answer, Seoham’s there in a tight silk shirt with a brown shirt jacket hanging on his shoulders, he looks so hot your breath is momentarily taken away. “You look beautiful,” he cuts in as he eyes you up, especially the way the top of your dress is cut into your breasts hugging them perfectly. “You can talk,” you wink in reply as he tosses a gentle chuckle your way. “So what is the plan for tonight?” you say as you lock up the apartment. “Well how about the movies, you can choose the movie,” he grins wrapping his hand around yours. “Even if it’s a rom con,” you tease, “even if it’s a rom con,” he replied, smirking as you leave the apartment hand in hand.
You enter the cinema, popcorn and soda in hand, while Seoham holds his bottle of water after turning down sharing your soda due to him not liking Fizzy drinks. You was amazed to see you both the only one’s watching the zombie comedy about zombies falling in love. “You didn’t have to hire the whole cinema for me,” you teased. “Well only the best for you Sweetie,” he smirked, chuckling as he clasped his laced fingers with yours tighter.
You was stunned to see Seoham jump a few times in fright during the movie. It wasn’t even a horror but you chuckled every time he clinched your fingers in fear. “Stop laughing at me will you,” he cried out. “Or I have to shut that gob of yours up,” he replied suggestively. “Promises promises,” you elbowed him with a wink. His hands grabbing yours to place on his hardened member. “We’re alone in here, don’t pray for things you don’t want because I will go there,” he whispers in your ear leaving a kiss on your temple. “I licked your neck in a club, you think sexual acts In public scares me,” you reply biting your lip as he closes his eyes groaning.
Your hands reach to his trousers as you play with the zip, pulling it down to search for his member, it doesn’t take long to unbutton the buttons of his boxers to let it spring through as your hands enjoys pumping him slowly to the movie. Seoham bites his lips, but his eyes that’s returned to the screen doesn’t leave even though you know his actual focus isn’t there. You pump him a little faster as his head lolls back on the seat, you can feel the vibrations of his moans beneath the sound of the movie are escaping his lips. Your speed increases as his moans break through, his pelvis meeting your hands Rhythm as you feel his body shake slightly with each pump.
You slide off the chair and sink between his legs, his eyes watch you, their blown with lust in the view of the screen light as you take the tip of his cock into your mouth, his hands clenching on the cinema chairs. Your mouth matches your hand as his hands find there way to your hair, his fingers gripping on to the strands of your hair as he spills his seed down your throat as you swallow every bit of it down, his body convulsing as you clean his cock up.
You straddle him, your lips clashing with his as you let him taste you off him. “Fuck I need you,” he moans into your ear. “Maybe next time,” you say with a wink as you perch yourself back on your seat pulling the bucket of popcorn back on your lap. “Your not shy are you,” he smirks as you wink at him before continuing with the movie.
You was curled up in a blanket with Seoham watching a tv drama, the sex scenes not helping with your arousal when Donghun & Sangwon walked in. Sangwon’s eyes brightening at the scene he’s met with. “Oh look at you two so cosy,” Sangwon scoffs, earning a eye roll as Seoham chuckled, “Not as cute as you two are trying to be,” Seoham replied.
“So what are we watching?” Donghun said as he lifted your feet to sit at the bottom of the sofa hugging your ankles.
“Something that’s past your bedtime to watch, so do one,” you growled at the imposter. “Honey I’m older then you,” he said patting your ankle. Seoham was unaffected by his friends arriving, stroking your hair as his eyes returned to the screen. Sangwon’s doe eyed at you both in your view, “Hey I’m going to charge you for the views,” you scoffed waving in his direction. “I’d pay to see you two cuties any time,” he said sinking into the other sofa.
“You two not finishing your date in your room or something?” You added kicking Donghun to give him the hint to leave you be. “Owww Bitch I won’t be now,” Donghun scoffed throwing your feet off to grab your blanket from you both to move towards Sangwon, to sink in to his side. “What the fuck Lee,” you growl, “Don’t be mean let them have that back,” Sangwon said snatching the blanket off him and tossing it back to you both to Seoham’s laughter. Donghun rolled his eyes as he sunk into watching the drama.
While your eyes was all focusing on the hot sex scene on the screen, Seoham shifted slightly uncomfortably, your hands went searching to find his cock. It was hard under your grasp as a low gasp escaped under the noise of the sound of the tv, a smirk plastered over your face to his blushes, as his hand gripped around your wrist to stop your torture.
His hand around your waist reached down your pants towards your heat, the smirk faded on your face. Park Seoham was about to punish you for the cinema the previous night, and you knew with an audience this time you was going to struggle under his touch.
The way his fingers brushed against your nub proved you right as a moan escaped.
Donghun and Sangwon’s attention thrown on to you as Seoham chuckled lowly just for you to hear. “What you two up to?” Donghun quizzed with a raised eyebrow. “I think she’s getting turned on by these sex scenes,” Seoham teased chuckling, earning your glare normally reserved for Donghun. “Well take lover boy to your room and get it over with….. quietly,” Donghun added. “This one’s too precious to fuck and leave,” Seoham cooed nuzzling into your neck playfully. “I’ll just torture her instead,” he whispered before looking at Donghun’s twisted face. “Yuk, whatever,” Donghun replied, his eyes shooting back to the screen. Seoham’s eyes rested over yours mischievously as he enjoy the new game he had set.
His stilled fingers moving as your wrist attempted to stop the rolls of eights he was slowly rubbing on your nub, failing in the process as you grabbed the material of the blanket between your teeth to help stifle the moans attempting to escape. His fingers dipped beneath your fold as you squirmed panting. When his fingers slid into you, sounds of gurgling low enough for Seoham to hear escaped as he lightly chuckled. Your worry of your friends thrown from your mind as your pelvis worked alongside him, grateful for the loud music suddenly playing so you could let some moans slip.
You felt your core spring, as you chased your orgasm, his fingers curving against your sweet spot as you dug your nails into his arm that you knew would leave marks. You leaned your face into his shirt to hide the fucked up look you knew you was wearing as your orgasm built.
Just as it was about to attack he removed his fingers as you growled to his chuckles as he looked at his phone. “Oh my, is that the time, I must say goodbye,” he said kissing your crown.
“What the fuck,” you spat out, your nub throbbing and your hunger to be released burning through you. “What the fuck Y/N your dating not adopting him, if he wants to go home let him,” Donghun scolded you, as you realised he had made you look like some jealous girlfriend when actually the drive to be fucked hard by this man was crushing you. “Yeah Y/N what’s with you?,” Sangwon added looking at you with concern. “Sorry she doesn’t date much, not after the asylum let her out,” Donghun scoffed. “It’s ok I think it’s cute she can adopt me anytime,” Seoham chuckled stroking under your chin like you was a kitten.
You plastered a fake smile upon your face earning his laughter in return as he stood up. “I’ll see myself out,” he said excusing himself. “Till tomorrow sweetie,” he said bowing to you and walking out the door leaving you bewildered ,and thoroughly turned on. “Goodbye sweetie,” Donghun mocked as you threw your pillow in reply storming from the living room to Sangwon’s gentle call of your name and scolding Donghun.
Once in your room you let your fingers type against your phone
‘Like that is it, let the games begin,’
It didn’t take long before you earnt your reply.
‘I’m only finishing what you started’
‘Oh I’ll finish it alright’
‘In the land of dreams, my favourite sweat licker 😉’
Your face blushed as you dropped your phone, the pure horniness making your mind crazy as you rummaged through the draw in need of your plastic friend to finish the job. Seoham’s sexy body ploughing into you on your mind to help the release his fingers deprived you.
Your put your plan into action on your following date as You walked out the changing room in your red swim costume that hugged all your curves, Seoham’s face dropping as you approached. You felt proud of yourself watching the bulge form in his swimming trunks as his face blushed a bright red. “Saam,” he whispered as your fingers laced with his. “What’s up babe?” You asked innocently, “nothing,” he choked back as he tried to hide his erection to no avail.
He sits on the step to the pool, his embarrassing situation under water as you walk in, the water lapping around the top of your breasts. “Can you not swim?” You ask smirking. “I’m just admiring the surrounding,” Seoham scoffed biting his lip. “Well come admire it closer,” you say as you stand up letting the droplets of the water fall down your body. Seoham shifts clearly struggling to control the situation he has found himself in. You walk in the water towards him, forcing your way into his open thighs as your hands rest there. “I’ll bring the surroundings to you then,” you add brushing you lips alongside his jaw. “The warm wet kind,” you whisper into his ear watching him shiver as he gasped.
You walked away from him back into the deeper end of the pool as you swam making sure to pose when you got a chance. Seoham remained on the step his face blush red as he leaned over covering his still ever so hardened member.
After ten minutes he walked into the pool, but his eyes glued on yours as he prowled towards you clearly losing the last strand of clear mind left. His large hands wrapped around your wrist as he pulled you close to him, his lips clashing on yours, kissing momentarily. “With me now,” he growled as he pulled you out the pool making his way to the changing room.
“Are you determined to make me crazy,” he growls before his lips clash with yours once safely out the public eye, door slammed behind you. “I’m making you crazy?” you chuckle panting from his kiss. “Well I’ll give you crazy,” he growls as he pulls your wet bathers bottoms off, your core instantly throbbing as he bended to his knees.
His hand gently pushing you to sit on the bench behind as his mouth wasted no time connecting with your nub.
He swirled his tongue against your sensitive bud before his tongue lapped around your wet hole, small moans slipping your lips. He left you momentarily to glare at you, pressing a finger to his lip to encourage you to keep quiet. You remembered your location and when his tongue entered you you bit your hand to muffle the moan escaping.
Seoham ate you feverishly as if you was his last meal, his combination of his nub tongue swirl, licking strip’s along your core and plunging his tongue to fuck you was pulling you towards the edge. Your pelvis meeting his assault on your core as your hand scrunched through his hair to bring his face even closer as you chased your high. Just before you was about to fall over the edge his mouth left you.
His lips clashing with yours as you tasted yourself. Your hands palming his bulge as your fingers played with the waist band of his swim trunks, but before he could attempt to brush your hands away he backed away from you standing by the door smirking. “Let me sort myself out and I’ll meet you in the pool,” he said with a shit eating grin as he escaped the changing room, while you sat there extremely turned on and being left once again.
When you returned Seoham stood there smirking in the pool, his erection clearly having been taken care of. “What’s up my favourite neck licker,” he chuckled as you walked towards him. “It’s ok my fingers did the job you couldn’t,” you said with a wink trying to pretend as if you was left unbothered. His smile fading slightly before you both enjoy swimming and messing around in the pool.
You was walking home, chlorine smell still in your hair, hands laced as you walked along the park. When Seoham stopped to sit on the bench, he patted the wood for you to sit next to him.
Once you had sat he slung his arms around your shoulder pulling you in, the winter night falling around you with the park lamps and stars for light. “This is nice,” Seoham said kissing the crown of your head, “Yes it is,” you replied snuggling into him, “but then every moment I’ve spent with you has been,” Seoham whispered into your ear his voice making you shiver earning a smirk on his face. “Even watching you be frustrated,” he adds before leaving some kisses along your jaw to rest below your ear, earning a moan. “Your such a tease,” you scoffed rolling your eyes, “Well you started it,” he smirked. “Maybe I should finish it,” Seoham added, your heart thundering as it dropped, “what you don’t want to see me?” you cried. Seoham eyes widened before he chuckled, “Saam I meant finish this teasing game, why would I not want to see you?” he said cupping your face, his thumb rubbing alongside your cheek bone. “Oh,” you replied blushing before he brushed his lips against your fleetingly. “Sweetie I never want to stop seeing you, ever,” Seoham smiled as his lips clashed with yours much more passionately, your tongues sliding against each other as his arms pulled you in tight. “I need you,” Seoham said panting, “I want you,” he added. “What like a girlfriend?” you asked watching his grin then turn into a slight chuckle. “I meant,” he paused to place your hand on his hardened bulge, “but I settle for being your boyfriend too,” he finished before kissing you on the nose. “What here,” you said looking around, your hand still where he placed it as you felt him twitch beneath your palm. “Don’t go making out your sweet and innocent,” Seoham scoffed with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Seoham stood up taking your hand to stand with him as he walked you towards the corner of the park, he started climbing a tree along a wall when he looked down to you. “Come on,” he said with his hand reached down to take yours. “What doing it on that tree? I don’t think so,” you said standing back arms folded. “No, where is your mind at, we need to get into there,” he said pointing over the wall. “There’s a much more exclusive garden, no one checks it trust me, Sangwon and Donghun,” “please don’t tell me I don’t want to know what they did in there,” you cut him off screwing up your face. “Again with that dirty mind, no we all just use to enjoy a smoke or two,” Seoham said, his hands still reached out to you. “Come on let’s live a little,” he said scoffing. “And what If I break my neck?,” you said rolling your eyes unmoved. “I won’t let you fall, this is me you trust me right?” He asked his eyes zooming on to you. “Fine, but this is so beneath our age,” you scoffed taking his hand to take your footing against the tree to climb it with him. “You are as young as you feel,” Seoham said pulling you into the same branch then him, his arms holding you tight around your waist.
It wasn’t long before you climbed the wall, landing to view the beautiful scenery in your view. This garden was much more up kept, a water feature in the middle, benches with fancy lights and a chair swing, which Seoham was walking you towards.
He sat on there patting for you to straddle him, which you happily obliged. “It’s really pretty in here,” you said as you snuggled into him, “Yes It is,” he replied pulling your pelvis into his groin, clothed cores rubbing together as he bit his lip. “I want to fuck you so badly,” he growled into your ear. “What instead of tease?” You asked pressing your core into him to earn another moan. “Yes Sweetie I need this,” he said slipping his hand to cup your heat, just the warmth of his palm making your walls clench around nothing. “I think you do too,” he said smirking feeling the wetness from your arousal. “What here?” you smirked despite knowing that he just as much as you had a low risk public sex kink. “Yes here,” he whispered kissing your neck, his hand slipping underneath your panties dipping in to your folds.
His fingers took no time to plunge into your core in search for your sweet spot not taking long to complete, his long fingers curving, your wall clenching around them, moans on your lips which he instantly kissed to swallow down. Your hands palmed his bulge through his jeans as he bit your lower lip. Your fingers attacking his buttons as he helped you by pulling his jeans and boxers down, his cock on show hard between you both as you gently started fisting him.
His head lolled back against the back of the swing seat, eyes closed as he bit on his lip. “Look at you all weak,” you tease earning him to snap his head up, his fingers returning to your heat this time rubbing eights into your sensitive nub as you head rested on his collar bone, your lips resting nearby.
“Mark me baby,” he pleads as you suckle along his collar bone marking him up to his groans. “Make me yours,” he growls as you suckle another mark in to him.
Once your finished he tugs gently on your hair exposing your neck to him as he suckles his own mark. “Well if that doesn’t have Donghun and Sangwon knowing your mine I don’t know what will,” he smirks proud of the mark that you already feel is large on your neck. “Are you trying to turn me off,” you growl, “well you got turned on me fucking you with my fingers in the room,” he teased as you swatted his arms. “Stop talking about my house mates and fuck me,” you groan.
He happily obliges, his hand pumping his cock as he slides your panties to the side. He rests his hands over your waist as you help position his member in your entrance, before slowly sitting on his member. “Fuck your so tight,” Seoham hisses as you slid to take him fully.
He waits for you to stretch around his long length before using his hand on your waist to guide you, helping to Bob up and down on his member, all while you both return your lips to each other to muffle the moans your both making.
Your reminded your in a public place when you hear people chatting behind the other side of the wall. “Fuck,” you flinch stalling, but Seoham smirks, his hands you brushed off your waist returns as he speeds up. “Better be quiet,” he whispers as he brings his pelvis into you to brush the tip of his cock against your cervix. Moans escaping as you stuff your hand in your mouth as the other digs your nail in to his shoulder. He doesn’t let it slow his pace instead his speeds up further, “let the world know baby,” he cooes, one hands leaving your waist momentarily to brush away your hand. Your walls clenching around his member as you feel your orgasm start to creep up.
You can hear the people question the sounds as Seoham stifles a slight laughter, his eyes full of mischievous and you know his kink is much more then yours, he’s determined to get caught. “Sweetie let go,” he cooes smirking as his thrusts become more harsher that your orgasm is tethering. Your mind becomes mushed as you give up your worry’s, your mind not letting you as you help meet his thrusts with more determination to let your orgasm attack. Moans leaving Seoham lips tell you that his orgasm isn’t far as he grunts in your ear sending you off on yours. Your walls clenching around his member as you convulse on him, the sounds coming from your lips mere cry’s, sending him into his own, spilling his seed deep in you, his pace not slowing till he’s completely filled you up, which surprises you is a large amount.
“Good thing I’m on the pill with the amount you just filled me up,” you panted collapsing into his chest. “Good because I plan to fill you up every chance I get,” he chuckles, his hands groping your ass as he places small kisses to your exposed neck.
“We’re really lucky we wasn’t caught, well minus those on the other side,” you scoffed hiding your blushing face into his chest. “Well no one would have seen you, this garden is mine,” Seoham smirks, your head snapping to face him, confusion plastered on your face. “Well this is my estate, and this,” he paused to wink, “was so We could enjoy your public outside kink,” he smirked. “I don’t have an outside kink,” you scoffed. “Sure is that why you came so hard thinking someone was listening over there and that’s without the fact your still on my dick,” he smirked thrusting himself back up into you, his member still hard and still hungry for more.
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mdpikachu · 2 years
List of hc’s concerning a clown (mephi fgo) as requested
(Not ordered in any way, old hcs and new ones intermixed.)
-Do not put your clown in direct sunlight for extended periods, he will sunburn SO fast.
--Jeanne’s interlude? Where she thanks Mephi for helping her and his response is, open quotes, “Reeeally? I’m not used to this sort of thing, so I’m not quite sure how to respond to that. But as long as you enjoyed yourself, that’s all that matters. Even better if it made you smile!” Please praise your clown. Clowns require praise to function. Hell, just speak to him. Acknowledge him.
-In Chibichuki, Mephi is shown as a hairdresser, so make that Chaldea occupation #3 under Clown and Alchemist. Wait, no. And makeup artist. he’d 100% help james/moriRuler/what have you, with his goofy makeup. edit FORGOT ABOUT THE CASINO DEALER TOO. At this point mephi’s just talented way outside the expected perimeters that aren’t combat. he does a LOT. buttling/butlering if he HAS to. etc. etc. etc. etc. talent clown.
--His eye color is startlingly inconsistent- Sometimes they’re blue and pink, and sometimes just plain Purple. I think in life they were blue without the pink. here’s a visual complaint. i do like the purple but it’s not... correct?
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-There is a joke around here somewhere concerning what it means to have an “ego”. There is also a comment regarding clown gender around here somewhere. Spoilers: it’s a bomb down there. for emergencies. trans rigs. local baby homun goes to dad and says “im boy”. situation over. his ingame bio says ♂? you cannot fight me here. if he really needs to prove it, he’ll let euryale shoot him. for science.
--For the longest time I thought the make-up was permanent markings. In this house they’re permanent markings except when they’re not. 
-Santa Mephi could potentially lead to a Krampus situation, especially if he ends up in half again. I would accept this. I’d also accept getting a costume and being an elf for someone else. I just want him to get into a christmas event for more than 1 seconds. as cute as a lily mephi would be, his spirit origin wouldnt be strong enough to be on it’s own. these are less HCs and more commentary
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--I drew mephi in his lab coat once here, take it, and yes that Is an alchemy circle on his neck. Tattoo from Papa Faust. That’s kept covered up 100% of the time. no touchy. (DID DRAW HIM AGAIN RECENTLY BUT NOT DONE YET)
-bc of his panicked reaction to the large ghost in knk, secretly a bit scared of ghosts. a “bit”. only a “little” (BLATANT LIE)
--the tiny horns he can hide at will and are from innocent monster. two of his tails are from the same source. one tail he’s always had.
-this is the absolute hardest take on here, but i dont think he (mephi the homunculus) killed faust. the innocent monster mephi (the demon) would take CREDIT for it, but he’s just acting in accordance to the myth that he caused it, like how salieri’s totally fucked up. who actually killed faust? idk. the church probably. stop summoning demons and making shit. thats not very churchgoing of you. unless faust himself asks, in which case mephi is free to say “no, i didnt!”. cause he didnt and he liked dad outside of the whole “killing people” thing. (which i did NOT know about when that was decided. kept outta spite and it being too late to fix.)
--isn’t mephi gay in at least one version of Faust. I’d need to research that one. highest honor, slaps with both ace and bi labels and then leaves without explaining myself. 
-mephi cares. mephi cares so Fucking Much and probably genuinely struggles with it. the one i write figured it out, kinda, but he’s lucky. canon mephi and generally accurate mephis have Issues with this.
--the mephi i write for is Lucky. the guda that summoned him (her name is Minako, mink for short) is a horror fan and as soon as she saw his name she was like “oh fuck yes”. in hindsight this is hilarious knowing now that Most People in Chaldea or In General do not like him. no wonder her mephis doing so well. Immediate Acceptance. i wrote that in fucking 2017 with a base knowledge of him. im not fixing it. im not linking it either bc i do need to rewrite a small segment. the og rp that came before that is from even EARLIER. mephi betraying his betrayal nature SPEEDRUN ANY % bc mink yelled “YES I LIKE YOU” immediately. again not changing this.
-hates being Not Clowny, esp. in public. he can tolerate it for short bursts, if its to fuck with everybody, or if he’s allowed to be an Absolute Menace the entire time.
--need a read on his emotions? cant trust his face? look at his tails. his hearts on his tails [i am booed off stage for the pun, and i shout “BUT ITS TRUE!” on the way out].  they wag, they wave, they curl up or go still. sometimes they all do different stuff. i know they’re meant to be one splitting into three but consider;;;; no?
-im like 90% sure he called mash his sister once as a joke in the knk event... he’s not far off. shes a designer baby (that hadn’t been revealed yet), hes a homunculus with an ego. hes like... the prototype to most homunculi and to mash. hes absolutely her older “brother” and if u fuck with her, he gets to kill you for free. from this, he absolutely accepts jokes about Lancelot being his dad. He thinks its Very Funny.
--his SERVANT name is Mephistopheles. named after the contract demon (NAME EXPUNGED). as a Just a Little Guy his name was Philetus and No One is allowed to use that. One of the few things hes serious about. (i don’t remember where i go that from. i think bc it sounded good. I genuinely don’t remember. something between the Pheles part and Philos (which is a name for a type of love, and also the name of a completely unrelated oc that has 0% to do with fate or any of this but. i think it was just bc it sounded good next to Faust or Faustus.)
update on above:  Philetos means beloved so THATS also probably where it came from. faust cared him so goddamn much.
-since he’s very much not human, getting sick is a bit easier for him than the average servant. he also doesnt drink booze for the same reason. 0 to 100 speedrun of a clown eating SHIT.
--Something about being good at witchcraft so hes aware of the witching hour. local fake demon can just. abuse a magical extra hour.
-Always knows the time (HES ALWAYS COVERED IN CLOCKS, CMON). ... actually, even without the clocks. thats his Thing.
--Can and will loophole. Someone call a place Hell? Sure, that’s a hellscape now! He can now appear.
-I DID give a rough design for the contract demon and faust but not putting here.
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sailorjisunq · 1 month
hi!! can i request KNK Hyunjong icons + aespa header layouts plz? thank you!! ❤️❤️
i've been trying to make something that looks good for days but couldn't make anything work, i'm sorry :/
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alien-magnolia · 10 months
After Hours
Fic description: mean!joel miller comes home after a long day of work at the construction site, and isn't too pleased with his wife's dinner and appearance. Fun ensues!!
Tw: mean!dom!coded joel miller, sub-coded hyperfeminine reader, housewife and service knk dynamics, scent/dirt, bratting, free use, breeding. 18+ MDNI
Request: yes | no
Author’s note: thanks to the anon that requested this! I had a lot of fun with this story <3 if you like this post, pls help a writer out and reblog!! :)
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A quaint, White paneled cottage style home, snugly parked at the very end of a cul-de-sac in the suburb of Dallas, Texas. Warm smoke is seen emerging from the chimney, distinguishing the cottage from the others lined up around it. The smoke was hot enough to be visible in a dreary mid-afternoon sky, in the middle of December.
A young woman inside the kitchen. Her dainty fingers, adorned with a large diamond ring, cut up apples and blueberries on a cutting board, placing them in the boiling pot next to her. She tries her best to look presentable, smoothing out her white apron, fixing her ponytail in the mirror.
She’s been at the stove all day, cooking dinner for her husband’s arrival. He provided for both of them, and his job at a construction site was very tough, hard to manage. She understood, and so her cooking dinner at home managed to help. However, she also did a lot around the house today. Cleaning, dusting. All that, plus the additional prep time for dinner, didn’t leave her much time to put herself together.
She was just about finished with her fruit punch and toasted chicken avocado sandwiches, when she heard the keys turn the doorknob.
“Hey, doll,” you hear that gruff voice you love from the hallway, as his heavy boots are heard with him walking into the kitchen. His calloused hands feel nice on the small of your back, as they wrap around your waist, pulling you into him. His stubble grazes your smooth cheek as he gives you a slew of kisses. He stops as soon as he smells you.
“Sweets. You don’t look too good,” his tone suddenly changes, from loving, to abrasive. “Joel — I didn’t have time to shower, okay? I know you wanted me all cute and clean for you, but…,” you trail off. “Ya didn’t. Don’t smell good. You know, I don’t like it when you smell nasty like that, hun,” he retorts.
“Sorry, Joel. I’ll know better next time,” you meekly say, with your head down. “What was that?,” he asks, tone dangerously low.
You knew what this was about. You didn’t use his honorific. His name. His title. The name that showed you that you, belonged to him.
“Sorry, daddy,” you pout, turning around to face him. “That’s more like it, girl. Since you’re already dirty, how’s about I add onto that, yeah?,” he snarls. With that, you realized that he hadn't even washed his hands when he came home from work, as sawdust and soil began to stain your pristine white apron, and your pink mini dress underneath.
His smell was a bit musky, mixed with sweat, and some other odor — that you couldn’t figure out why, yet it smelled very good to you. In fact, Joel’s smell relaxed you, calmed you down. It felt right. Your hands train up his gray t-shirt with flannel over it, and you look up at him, as if to ask for permission to take that off. He nods.
You gingerly slide off his flannel, seeing the marks of his day-job on it. He stops you when you attempt to see what’s underneath that gray shirt. “Daddy makes the moves here, sweets. Hope you’re not forgettin.’ Or are you, because you’ve just gotten a bit more dumb in the head, huh?,” he taunts.
“No, daddy. Haven’t. Promise,” you attempt to retaliate back. Usually, you would be a brat. Try and test him, just a little. Not tonight. You wanted to completely submit. You wanted to be his good girl. You were itching for that praise.
“Enough starin.’ Turn ‘round f’me, darlin.’” You stay still, wondering what would happen if you didn’t listen. His strong hands forcefully grab your waist, man-handling you, so that you were now facing him.
“Since you stink, I was thinkin’ I could use that pretty body of yours, huh, sweets? What do ya say?,” his brown eyes peered into yours. Even when he was mean, he still did ask for consent.
“Yes, daddy. Want it,” you reply, being met with his bearded face roughly digging into your shoulder, as he attacked your neck and collarbone with kisses. That led to more.
It led to you getting eventually bent over the kitchen sink, lace thong pulled down, feet kicked apart by his metal toed boots. Soil on the kitchen floor, soil on your dress, your panties. That sweaty cock of his, finally free, right where it belonged: in your puffy and swollen pussy <3 hammering into you. Joel was using his full strength, as the kitchen sink began to shake from the pace he set. You wanted it though.
You were his. His dirty girl, who didn’t make him dinner the right way, who forgot to clean up for him. That’s what you got for it — punished. You did love it though: you’d take his punishment any day.
“You’re mine to use, sugar. Just remember that,” his southern accent would drawl out, as he got you finally cleaned up, after soiling you even more. You’d sit down with him at the wooden table, dinner set, candles lit. You would happily eat your food, sitting on his lap — with his cum leaking down your legs <3
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kpopmebitches · 7 years
Take Care of Me - Youjin Scenario
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Prompt: A has a hangover, so B helps take care of A the next morning.
Characters: KNK’s Youjin x Reader
A/N: Hi, I am bored so here’s yet another morning drabble. - Admin Amanda
Youjin came home late last night because he was catching up with one of his friends and members Seungjun. It smelt like a brewery ever since Youjin walked through the front door. 
Currently you were making yourself a cup of coffee, but were interrupted by a loud groan. You knew that Youjin probably woke up, you made way to the room with a bottle of water and Advil in your hand.
“Babe, why did you let me drink so much?” Youjin groaned buried between two pillows.
You laughed, “I didn’t go with you remember? I went out with Youngin, Howon, and Joowoon last night.”
He groaned again, “Babe, can you get the Advil?”
While sitting on the bed next to his body you poured out two Advil’s and opened his water, “Here.”
He took the medicine and water, then laid back down, “Babe,” he whined yet again.
“Let me guess, you want breakfast?” You asked.
“Yes, but I also want cuddles,” he mumbled while wrapping his arms around you, pulling your body down next to his.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 8 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompt Reminder
Something around Ryougi Shiki and time loops, can be about the fifth movie or her falling back in love with Mikiya after the accident or legitimately anything with Shiki and timeloops please
Smut, I come humbly requesting for Saber/Guinevere sex. Specifically I want them to have the worst sex known to man. When Saber was given a dick to conceive a king they probably went at it like rabbits, but frankly I can't imagine either of them being happy with this. Even if they wanted it to happen it probably wasn't like this. So that's what I'm asking for! Everyone having a bad time having incredibly clinical and repressed sex.
Smut, Artoria and Iri bang except Iriviel is currently in Holy Grail form so it's more like Artoria trying to do passionate erotic acts with a cup. Iri is still completely conscious and appriciates the effort.
Smut, gore, Third tier Salieri's kinda hot right? Right. Looking for something with a monstrous Salieri losing his last semblance of self control and having his way with Amadeus. Amade can be into it from the start or slowly get into it, but I want it to end with him having a great time whether or not you decide to make it dubconnish. I love the idea of Salieri being incapable of touching Amadeus without hurting him. Use his claws to really screw Amadeus up, even if he's only touching him to move him or the like. Lots of gashes dripping blood would be good, and purposefully harming him would be even better. (would be based as hell to have his intestines hanging out as he gets fucked, just saying…) It would be super cool to have Salieri have inhuman anatomy too! He's become a monster in the true sense of the word, so lean into it! (this is just an excuse for knotting mostly but you can go as ham as you want)
Asterios/Habetrot, height difference. Anything about these two would be good but I'd give you my firstborn if you include their massive-ass height difference. porn welcome but not mandatory.
Smut, Koyanskaya of Light slowly realizes that OOPS, she's starting to actually fall for Ritsuka Fujimaru, as told through a series of BDSM sessions with the former as the domme and the latter as the sub. She tries to keep their relationship strictly professional, and predictably fails.
Angra stitching all over Ritsuka's skin as a form of therapeutic harm, recreating the same imagery as his tattoos with the stitches
Smut, incest, In attempt to help Lancelot stop seeing Mash as Galahad/Help Mash stop seeing Lancelot as a deadbeat father, they decide to have sex. Would appreciate if you made it as uncomfortable as humanly possible. You don't have to go all the way through btw if you want to write one of these two quitting midway through that's way welcomed.
gudako retires from saving the world post lostbelt, has no applicable skils to any sort of normal work, ends up using the hand to hand combat they learned from chiron, li shuwen and yanqing to stay afloat with money they earn from entering kengan tournaments
Hokusai and Bakin’s body-sharing with their daughters becomes really awkward and unfortunate for them when said daughters begin a relationship in spite of their protests
Smut, Castoria and Sieg having fun away from Gudako following a tiring farming session. Spoilers: they fuck.
Smut, based off that one post, I'm surprised no-one had Bedivere getting dicked down by Xiang Yu while Yu Mei-Ren coaches him through it, maybe even give him some extra stimulation
Pairing of your choice with a prey/predator dynamic. Smut very welcome but asexual kink is cool too. I just want two (or more) people chasing growling & wrestling each other. You understand.
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parkseoham · 4 years
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ride mv making // heejun
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