#knife spiderling
lunathrix · 1 year
assortment of hk asks, january edition ⛄ (1/2)
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delicatebarness · 13 days
bring him home | chapter three
Summary: How has it been a whole year already?
Warning: MCU Spoilers. Mentions of Grief. Violence. Knives. Injury.
Word Count: 1376
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A/N: I love Rocket, okay?
Tags: @vampirethingz | @whiminiferous | @armystay89 | @bucky-just-needs-love | @esposadomd | @motylekrozi | @erica2024 | @wintrsoldrluvr | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @mostlymarvelgirl
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The first anniversary of the Snap, the second most difficult day of your life. Standing before the ‘Wall of the Vanished’ in Brooklyn, your eyes locked on a single name that meant everything to you. ‘James “Bucky” Barnes’. His name began to blur as tears welled up in your eyes, every letter was a reminder of the loss you were still struggling to accept. 
You woke up that morning with a heavy heart, the weight of the anniversary pressed down on you. As if you remind you of the silence that had followed that day, the city seemed quieter. 
The journey to Brooklyn was blurred as your memories of Bucky, his laugh, his smile, his stare, replayed in your mind. 
The ‘Wall of the Vanished’ was a structure, a monument of collective grief. Every city and county had built their own, a testament to the billions who had disappeared without a trace. As you approached, others were standing, some in silent reflection, others weeping as their fringers traced the names of their loved ones. 
It felt like a punch from The Hulk as you reached Bucky’s name, whispering it under your breath. As if saying it softly enough could somehow bring him home. Reaching out to touch the cold stone, you felt the roughness under your fingertips. You couldn’t believe that a year had passed since your world changed forever.
The memory of his tortured cries haunted your dreams, even into your teenage years. Some years had passed since that harrowing day, and you were not allowed to be trained by him afterward. As time went by, you knew you had to escape. You bided your time with your older sister Natasha, feigning obedience while secretly plotting. You seized the moment as soon as the opportunity arose, slipping through the cracks of their iron grip and disappearing into the shadows.
You managed to build a new life away from their horrors and your past. Living in hiding in a quiet town, trying to blend in. You began to attend a public high school and tried to reclaim something of a normal life. The world now only saw an ordinary girl, but you were always on guard, waiting for them to come. 
After a long day at school, you decided to walk home through the park, basking in the setting sun. The air was crisp, and the scent of the spring flowers beginning to bloom provided a fleeting comfort. 
You barely noticed a figure approaching as you got lost in thought. It wasn’t until he was right in front of you, that you noticed him. 
“Soldat,” you whispered, the name catching in your throat as your heart stopped. He didn’t look different, his hair was the same length as you remembered and his eyes were still that intense blue.
There was no response, he lunged at you with a knife. It grazed your arm as you barely managed to dodge it, indifference over his features.
“Don’t you recognize me, Soldat?” you pleaded, your voice trembling as the memories flashed in your mind, you continued to dodge.
He stared blankly at you while not backing down, his movements were as mechanical as you remembered. Your heart pounded in your chest.
“It’s me, your Spiderling,” you said desperately, hoping to reach the side of him they would try to erase.
For a moment, he paused, his gaze scanned you up and down. You saw a flicker of something in his eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. You had grown, and aged since the last time you saw him. 
“Liar,” he hissed, his voice was cold and detached. 
He began lunging at you again. Summoning all your strength, you accepted that the brief hesitation was all you were going to get. You prepared yourself for the hardest fight in your life. One against him.
His knife came at you again, but this time, you deflected it was a swift motion you learned from him. Knocking the knife out of his hand, his response was immediate; launching a barrage of punches. You countered and dodged, drawing on every bit of training you’d received from him.
“Soldat, please!” you shouted between strikes, testing your hope again. “It’s me!” 
He didn’t respond, he was relentless. The initial adrenaline rush you had began to fade as you tired quickly. The sound of HYDRA agents filled the previously deserted park, they were closing in. You could only imagine they were tracking him to ensure he completed his mission. You. 
You darted into the woods, him hot on your heels as the agents followed. Their shouts echoed through the trees. The only chance was to lose him in the woods, hoping that his memories of you, however buried, would slow him.
As branches whipped your face, and the ground became uneven, you heard him behind you. And, he was gaining ground. Your small frame began to feel as though it couldn’t go any further, yet a shot rang out. A searing pain rushed from your leg, and you stumbled, falling to the ground. 
He was on you in an instant, and fear began to rise within you. Yet, he hesitated again, instead of completing the mission, he looked down at you. Your eyes pleaded with his as you met his gaze.
“You don’t have to do this, please.” 
His grip tightened on your arm, his eyes flickering with confusion and pain. The voices from the distance grew louder. A sudden burst of strength came over you, wrenching you free from his grasp. You tried to stand but your injury caused you to collapse once more. 
“Finish it!” An agent demanded as they reached you, roughly pulling you to your feet. A piercing scream escaped you as the pain through your arm. 
His eyes locked onto yours again, for a moment, you didn’t see the soldier. You saw the same man you did as a child. But then, the cold mask returned. You struggled against the agent as darkness closed in around you. 
The last you saw was him being led away in the opposite direction. 
When you woke up, you were in a dimly lit room. Bandages covered your wounds, and you recognized the faint hum of medical equipment. Leaning over you, a kind-faced nurse began speaking to you.
“You’re safe now,” she said softly, relief washing over her features as she saw you waking up. “We found you just in time.” 
The days quickly turned into weeks as you recovered, the emotional wounds taking longer to heal than the physical. At night, the memories haunted you, the sight of him being taken away scared into your mind. 
You had lost him once again.
That evening, back in the quiet solitude of your room, you found yourself surrounded by a blue glow, a small hologram appearing on your table. Natasha had given it to you, as a way to keep in touch with those still fighting. With a deep breath, you accepted it, and a tiny shimmering figure of Rocket appeared. 
“Hey, kid,” his voice crackled through the device, his sarcastic tone was surprisingly soothing. “How ya holding up?”
His expression softened as you sat down, the weight of the day continuing to press. “Not great. Saw Buck’s name on one of the walls they built today.” 
He let out a small sigh, “Yeah, I guessed it might be a tough day.” he took a moment to pause, no doubt thinking about the family he lost a year ago too. “Look, I know it ain’t much, but we’re out here, doing everything we can to fix it.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes, only this time there was a small flicker of hope. “Thanks, Rocket.” you sniffled. “It means a lot to know you’re out there, still.” 
“We’ll get them back,” another pause from him. “All of them.” his voice became full of determination. “And, when we do… we’ll all have a big, stupid celebration.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
Rocket chuckled. “I might finally get that arm.” 
The weight of your grief lifted, for only a moment, replaced by the warmth of Rocket’s humor and the promise of a fight not yet over.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Spiderling Sunshine
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AN | No asked for this, but you’re getting anyway. Here we have a mixture of coffee shop, tattoo artist, and soulmate aus! Enjoy❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language 
Word Count | 5.2k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You hadn’t heard the soft twinkle of the bell above the door go off. It wasn’t until you heard his warm voice that you even realized that you weren’t alone. 
“Is that challah?” 
You jumped from where you were crouched on the floor, managing to hit your head on the counter. You hissed as you rose to your feet, rubbing at the sore spot that was already forming on your head, checking for blood or any sort of visible injury. Across the counter, much to your surprise, was a handsome man looking at you with a sheepish expression and meekly pointing at the display.
“Yeah,” you managed to choke out, distracted by the throbbing of your head and the glittering ochre eyes apologetically looking back at you, “it’s challah.”
“I’m so sorry,” he grimaced and took a step closer, “I didn’t realize you were behind there and fuck, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“I’m alright,” you promised, knowing you’d taken many worse knocks to the head and been okay. You gave him a small smile, hoping to put him at ease, “no need to apologize. I probably should have been paying more attention too.”
“I’ll make more noise next time,” he joked and you both relaxed. You looked him over and realized you’d never seen him before; the only people that came into the coffee shop at this time of day were usually regulars. Almost as if he could hear your thoughts, he stood closer and held out his hand to you, “I’m Peter. Peter Parker. I just moved into the space down the block - well, my shop that is.”
“Peter,” you shook his hand, trying to ignore the warmth of his skin and how easily his hand swallowed yours. You told him your name and he repeated it softly, testing out how it sounded on his tongue, “oh! The new tattoo shop! I’ve walked by it a few times and was wondering when you’d be here. What’s it called again?”
“Spiderling Tattoo,” he smiled and damn, he had a magical smile that made your knees weak, “we open officially next week! I’m glad I found you…r shop. Now at least I have a spot to get my coffee.”
“Well, I’m here bright and early,” you gestured vaguely, feeling shy under his warm gaze, “so I’ll ughh…be here. Umm…bright and early. For coffee…because that’s ugh, what I do here. Obviously. I, ugh…I’m rambling and making a fool of myself so I’ll shut up now.”
“Don’t worry, it’s cute,” his eyes crinkled in the corner when he smiled wide and if that hadn’t been your weakness before, it was now, “do you think I could get some challah and a coffee to go?”
“Right, yes, of course,” your face warmed and you went to grab a knife to slice the freshly baked bread. You had to get yourself in check and stop oogling your customers. Just because they were incredibly kind, funny, flirty, and cute didn’t mean you had the right to objectify them. But no…you weren’t objectifying…just admiring beauty. Sure, you’d go with that.
“Are you Jewish?” he asked as he watched you carefully slice it. 
“No,” you answered softly, “well according to 23&Me I’m like fifteen percent, but I don’t think that counts. I learned the recipe from one of my neighbors when I was growing up. She was an older Jewish lady and she loved sharing her recipes. Her kids and grandkids had moved out of New York and her husband had passed away, so she kind of adopted me in a way. I used to go see her a lot on weekends, so I like to think that I picked up her little tricks to make it perfect. I’m assuming you are? Jewish, I mean.”
“Yeah,” he liked you, he’d already decided that much, “my aunt used to make challah a lot growing up and I’m particular to it. I can’t wait to see how this stacks up.”
“I doubt it’ll be anywhere near as good,” you wrapped it up carefully and handed it across the counter to him. His fingers brushed against yours and it sent a warm shiver down your spine, “but you’ll have to tell me.”
After asking how he took his coffee, you busied yourself with making it to perfection, feeling the need to impress him. He took a sip as soon as it was in hand and you could see the smile on his face that he enjoyed it, “it’s perfect! Thank you - how much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house,” you insisted as soon as you saw him reaching for wallet, “consider it a little welcome to the neighborhood gift.”
“You’re the best,” yeah, you could get used to hearing that from him, “I’ll find a way to get you back for this, I promise.”
“I’ve gotta go,” he looked at his watch and groaned slightly, “I’ll see you soon! I’ll be back, I promise!”
“See you soon, Peter Parker,” you watched him walk out the door, pausing to wave at you through the window once more before quickly booking it down the street. You found yourself staring after him, already missing him. Oh no. You had to pull it together. You’d known him for all of ten minutes, and you were already getting butterflies in your stomach. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were doomed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The very next morning Peter was back as promised…in fact he was there so early that he managed to beat you. When you walked up, he was scrolling around on his phone, leaning against the front of the shop. Your heart almost dropped into your stomach at the sight. You hadn’t expected to see him again, at least not so soon. 
He looked up as soon as he heard you, he looked up, that pretty smile on his face only growing. A hand was held up as he waved at you, “good morning!”
“Hi Peter,” it was easy to put a smile on, despite the early morning hour at the sight of him, “I’m guessing you’re an early bird?”
“No,” he shook his head as you raised an eyebrow in amusement, moving to unlock the shop, “anything but.”
“What brings you over so early?” not that you minded in the slightest. As far as you were concerned, Peter Parker was welcome any time.
“Wanted to see you,” he quickly blurted, and as soon as he realized his little admission his cheeks turned a pretty pink, “a-and coffee.”
“Ahh, well that I can do,” you promised, motioning for him to follow you inside. He trailed after you like a puppy, watching your every move with awe, “hey, Peter, I have a question for you.”
“Yeah?” he asked as you popped behind the counter and he leaned against, looking so effortlessly and ridiculously handsome, “and just what would that be?”
“Will you,” you mirrored his actions and leaned against the counter across from him, “do me the honor of being my guinea pig?”
“I - oh my goodness, Peter,” you laughed lightly, a pretty sound that went straight to his heart, “you don’t even know what for!”
“Whatever it is,” he promised, “the answer is yes. Now…what exactly is it?”
“Coffee and baked goods,” you smiled softly, “there’s tons of new things I want to try out and I need an objective opinion on things. Can I trust you to always give me the truth, Peter?”
“Of course,” there was something about his words that let you both know he meant a lot more than just the coffee, “it will be an honor indeed. What’s first on the menu?”
“Lavender rose latte,” you grinned and he gave you a curious look with a bemused smile, “so - iced or hot?”
“Iced,” you gave him a nod before motioning for him to come behind the counter to watch you, “oh - before I forget. Your challah? Amazing…don’t tell Aunt May, but you’re giving her a run for her money.”
“Yeah?” your entire face lit up at the praise and Peter decided that he wanted to see that look on your face everyday. He wanted to be the reason for that look. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Peter Parker came to see you every morning without fail. No matter what the morning brought, he was always there to greet you, a pretty smile on that handsome face. You didn’t even want to admit just how hard and fast you fell for your tattooed neighbor. Everything was just so easy with him; everything felt so right with him. Nothing else mattered when it was just the two of you in the early morning hours in your little coffee shop, or late nights at his tattoo studio. It was like time only existed for the two of you. 
You came to know him better than anyone else, and you felt like he knew you down to your very soul. It was hard to explain how two people could have such a connection, or how they’d even find each other in this big, crazy world. Maybe it was completely by chance, maybe it was fate, or some sort of cosmic intervention. 
Whatever it was, you were thankful that he walked into your life and managed to turn it upside down. You just had a feeling that he would be a part of your world for a long, long time. Sometimes it was scary, sometimes it made no sense, but none of that mattered. Only him and you, you and him. That was all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But one day it all seemed to come apart, to start unraveling at the seams.
“Peter?” you chirped out his name happily as you walked into his shop, hoping he wasn’t busy. But to your surprise you found a pretty redhead girl sitting at the little front counter, looking bored as she scrolled on her phone. She turned to you with a dismal look and raised her eyebrow, but said nothing, “h-hi. Is Peter here?”
“Why do you need to see him?” oh. That’s the kind of interaction you were doing to have apparently. She set down her phone and crossed her arms over her chest, “well?”
“I-I own the coffee shop at the other end of the block,” you explained lamely, holding up the packages in your arm and putting down the cup in your hand, “I brought him some fresh-baked challah and coffee. Is he here?”
“Oh,” she stood up and gave you a disgustingly sweet smile, “my boyfriend is in the back, finishing up with a client.”
Boyfriend. You didn’t want to admit just how deeply your heart broke at the singular word. You thought you’d gotten to him so well over the past few months, but you had no clue that he had a girlfriend. In all the time you’d spent with him you’d never never once heard him mention her. Either way, she was here now and you had to accept that heartbreaking little fact. Maybe it wasn’t you and him after all…
“It’s nice to meet you!” you put what you hoped would appear as a genuine smile on your face as you gave her name. You set the packages on the counter as you pushed them towards her, “can you please make sure he gets them…?”
“Mary Jane,” she eyed the packages but left them where you had set them, “did you need anything else? We’re kind of busy here.”
“N-no,” you shook your head, already taking a step back towards the door, “that was all. Thank you - if you ever want a coffee or dessert, feel free to stop by and it’ll be on the house!”
“Mhmm,” she was already back to looking at her, dismissing you without so much as a goodbye, “thanks. I guess.”
You were out the door and back onto the street, letting out a long sigh as you blinked back the tears that were stinging at the back of yours. You felt hurt, in a way, because Peter had never once mentioned her and you thought you were getting close to him. The other part of the hurt was the fact Mary Jane had treated you like garbage. Was she that rude to everyone? Or just you? She did think you were trying to steal Peter away? So many questions and so few answers.
But you pushed all of that out of mind and walked back to your little shop; you had plenty of work to keep you occupied.
Meanwhile, as soon as she was positive you were gone, Mary Jane tossed the delicately wrapped packages of fresh challah straight into the trash can along with the coffee and kicked it out of sight under the counter.
“Hey,” Peter had made his way from the back of the shop and came up front, “did someone come in? I thought I might have heard-”
“No,” she insisted firmly, putting a sweet smile that managed to fool him, “I was on the phone that’s all. Nothing important.”
“If you’re sure,” he raised an eyebrow almost as if he didn’t quite believe her, “well, I’m almost ready to go - five minutes. Still want to grab some Chinese on the way home?”
“That’s what we did last week Pete,” she rolled her eyes slightly, “let’s go out on a real date for once. It’s always the same thing with you. It gets so boring.”
“I never knew it bugged you so much,” he raised an eyebrow but she only huffed, “okay, we can go out for dinner and have a date night out more often.”
“Thanks babe,” her attitude changed quickly as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, “you’re the best. Can you please hurry up please?”
Peter bit his cheek to keep from making a comment and opted to simply nod instead. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few days passed before you saw Peter again, and if you were being honest with yourself, it had been eating you up inside. It had become such a routine to see him in the mornings when he stopped in, for you to go to his shop when you had time during lunch, and for either of you to find the other at the end of the day. This was the first time in months there had been any sort of deviation from the routine. And it fucking sucked. You wondered if something had happened to him because when you’d go by his shop it seemed to be closed.
You missed him. You missed Peter probably way more than you should have. You wondered if he missed you at all. 
But relief came on the fifth day when the bell over the front twinkled gently and you saw Peter Parker walk through your door. You were in the middle of finishing putting some fresh muffins, but stopped immediately as you ran over to him. A small smile grew on his face as you beamed up at him. 
“Peter,” you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly, “I’ve missed you! I was starting to get worried.”
“I was out of town,” he confessed as he hugged you back with just as much feeling, as you nodded, “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you. It was a last minute thing.”
“It’s okay,” you promised, “I’m just glad you’re okay, I’m glad you’re here. Hey, did you get a chance to try the challah?”
“W-what challah?” his eyebrows shot up in confusion as you cocked your head to the side, “when did you…?”
“I dropped some off,” you whispered softly, “the day before you left, in the afternoon. I came over and dropped them off along with a new latte at the counter…with your girlfriend.”
“Oh,” his cheeks reddened and you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d hit a nerve, “it’s umm…we…we just recently got back together.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged lightly, “we’ve…yeah. But she didn’t give me anything.”
“I left two packages with her,” you worried your lip between your teeth “they were freshly baked. I tried something new with the one and hoped you would try it. I guess they just…didn’t make their way to you…o-or something.”
“You dropped them off?” you could hear the emotion in his voice and just nodded. You didn’t even need to be told that they were thrown into the trash; you could put the pieces together. Peter on the other hand was still processing everything, “but I never….fuck. I’m sorry - I swear I didn’t get them.”
“‘s okay,” you nodded softly, feeling like crying, “it’s not your fault. I-I’ll make some more soon and you can try it. Can I get you anything this morning? I’ve got fresh cinnamon rolls and I can make you a latte.”
“Actually,” he shook his head and your mouth opened in surprise. He’d never once turned you down, “I’ve gotta go. But I’ll be back, okay? I swear I’ll be back soon.”
“Soon,” he promised, crossing his heart quickly which brought a smile to your face. But just before he could make his way out of the shop, he poked his head back inside, “but save me one of those cinnamon rolls please!”
“Always,” you whispered despite the fact that he was gone, “always.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Peter didn’t even bother going to open Spiderling Tattoo, opting instead to go to Mary Jane’s apartment. He knocked on the door, his mind reeling with all of the things that he wanted to say, and anger flowing through his veins. After a few moments, the door was opened and Mary Jane looked surprised to see him.
“Pete, what are you doing here?” she seemed perturbed at his sudden appearance, “shouldn’t you be at work?”
He ignored her question and said your name, which caused her face to scrunch up in annoyance, “she did stop by the other day. You said she didn’t. Why?”
“It didn’t matter,” she insisted, rolling her eyes and throwing her hands up dramatically, “why does it matter so much? She’s just the little coffee shop girl. She’s obsessed with you, Peter. It’s weird!”
“What happened to the challah?” 
“What happened to it?” he was upset with how she was acting, more even upset thinking about how hurt you must be, “tell me.”
“Jesus Peter, it’s just bread,” she sounded like she was ready for an argument, “I’ll buy you some damn bread if it’s that important.”
“It’s not just about the bread, Mary Jane,” he groaned in frustration, “it’s about all of it. Why did you lie to me? Why would you just throw it away?”
“Because Peter! All you do is talk about her and how great she is and what she did,” Mary Jane frowned deeply as Peter listened to what she said, “you’re not dating her, you’re dating me! Me! What’s so hard to understand about that? If she’s so important to you, maybe you should just go to her.”
“You know,” he took a step back, shaking his head more to himself than anything else, “I’ve been wondering why we got back together. It just reminded me of why we broke up in the first place. I don’t want to do this anymore, Mary Jane. We’re not good together…all we do is push and pull each other and I don’t think either of us are really happy. So let’s just…not do this.”
“You’re just going to break up with me?” her brows knitted together and her mouth formed a small o, “have you been fucking her!?”
“This is what I’m talking about,” Peter shook his head, “you always assume the worst, but just to answer your question, no. I have not. She’s my friend. But you? You’re not being a friend right now. It’s over, MJ. We’re done.”
“Whatever Peter,” she slammed the door shut in his face before he could even say another word. He shook his head and got out of the daze he’d been worked into. When he had first gotten together with MJ, things had been good, and they’d been good together. But he soon learned that she was prone to jealousy and acting irrationally. If it hadn’t been for that they might have worked out. But something in his gut told him that there was something else beneath it all.
The thing Peter knew was that he needed to go back to you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was getting close to closing time and Peter hadn’t come back. You thought he’d meant it earlier when he said he would be back soon. You really shouldn’t have made a big deal out of it, because it clearly wasn’t. Besides, the two of you were just friends. Just friends that happened to own businesses near each other. And that’s all you ever would be. You hated how much that broke your heart. 
You’d locked the door and were just about to flip the vintage, handmade sign on the door from open to closed, when you heard the rapid tapping on the window. You looked up and couldn’t believe the sight that met your eyes. Peter Parker was standing outside, a nervous but excited look on his face, his cheeks pink from the slight chill, hair messy as always, and a handful of sunflowers and daisies in his hand. You couldn’t right back your own smile as you beamed back at him. 
Let me in? he mouthed as you nodded, quickly unlocking the door and pulling it open as he came inside. You locked it behind him and flipped the sign before turning to him with an incredulous expression on your face.
“Peter? You came back...” you whispered softly as he seemed to mull over the right thing to say. Sometimes his mind worked way faster than his mouth, and he found him looking at you with a dopey little smile, “is everything alright?”
“These are for you,” he held out the flowers to you, causing your heart to beat impossibly faster. You gently took them, clutching them gently to your chest as you inhaled their sweet scent.
“They’re lovely,” you whispered, immediately touched by the sweet gesture, “but why…”
“They reminded me of you,” he confessed, a nervously anxious little smile on his face, “sunflowers because you always brighten my day, and daisies because they’re delicate and gentle just like you, and I know you told me a long time ago they’re your favorites.”
“Peter…” you blinked back the tears that had threatened to spill down your cheeks, “I don’t know if you should do this…”
“It was MJ,” he breathed out and the name was enough to make your heart constrict, “she threw it all away, and she lied to me about it. I…I’m so sorry. That wasn’t fair to you.”
“Or to you,” you shrugged lightly, lips trembling with effort as you tried to hold back your tears. 
“I broke up with her,” he confessed, causing your eyes to snap to his with a hopeful little expression, “I should never have gotten back together with her. I knew that but I still did…”
“Why?” you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your heart was beating so fast you wondered if he could hear it threatening to burst through your ribcage, “why did you?”
“I hadn’t seen her in a few years and she came back and I thought that maybe…maybe being with her would help me get over you,” now that it was out in the open, Peter felt a million times better. But the look on your face didn’t necessarily make him feel relieved, your face was a mask of confusion, “but that turned out to be a huge mistake.”
“You were trying to get over me?” your voice was small and trembling as you clutched the flowers tighter in your hand, “what do you mean? Why? Peter, I-I don’t understand.”
“It’s been you,” he breathed out, more nervous than he had been in a long, long time, “from the day I met you. And I just…I asked myself why you would ever want to be with someone like me? I’m just…I’m just a-”
“I’m in love with you,” you cut him off before he could say anything else, lest he go on a self-deprecating tirade. His mouth dropped open and he looked at those you had grown an extra head. You offered him a nervous smile but nodded, confirming that he had actually heard you correctly, “if you would have asked me I would have said yes, you know.”
“I didn’t want to flatter myself that much,” he breathed out, stepping closer to you and leaving almost no space between your bodies, “to think you could ever love me as much as I love you.”
“Well,” you gently laid the flowers on the counter as you shrugged lightly, “you were wrong.”
“I was wrong.”
Without wasting another moment his hands found your face and he pulled you into him, crashing his lips onto yours. It took you only a moment to respond, your arms wrapping around his waist, almost melting into him. You let him take the lead, deepening the kiss as you practically became putty in his arms. He didn’t stop until he’d kissed you dizzy, still not wanting to let you go. 
“Peter,” his name whispered from your lips sounded better than anything he had ever heard and he had to fight back a soft groan. Your eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his forehead against yours, feeling your eyelashes kiss his cheek. You could feel him smiling against your lips as his hands settled on your waist, “you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that.”
“I think I might have an idea,” he chuckled softly before kissing you again, all nervous and excited brushes of lips and promises of so much more, “I really like kissing you. Feels so right.”
“Funny,” you teased softly, brushing a hand through his hair gently, “I was just thinking the same thing. You know what that means, right?”
“Kiss me more.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were sitting on Peter's kitchen counter, watching him cook in between stealing kisses and sips of wine. You liked watching him cook - there was something inherently sexy about it - but couldn’t help but laugh at how messy he was. He’d managed to spatter himself with wine, oil, and sauce before he was even finished. 
“Pete,” you shook your head at him, all affectionate sighs and soft smiles, “go and change your shirt and soak that one so it doesn’t stain permanently.” 
“It’s fine,” he insisted meekly, looking down at his own shirt before groaning, “fine. But you stay right there.”
“Hmmm,” he quickly kissed you a few times before running down the hall to his bedroom. You let out a small sigh of content as you looked around his apartment. You liked being here, and found yourself at his place more often than not. You were taking it slow, but everything about this felt right. You knew Peter was your future, you could feel that in your bones.
“I settled on an old shirt,” he  came padding back into the kitchen, “that way if it gets dirty it won’t matter!”
You turned to look at him and nearly choked on your wine. The shirt in question was in his hands and he was currently shirtless in front of you. And what a damn fine sight that was; it sent every part of you into overdrive. He was lean and well built, and you were trying not to objectify him or study the deep v of his hips or the dusting of hair under his belly button that disappeared under the waistband of his joggers. 
Ample tattoos littered his body, which you had surmised from the amount on his arms, but still. They were gorgeous  - he was gorgeous. He caught you staring, which you were doing nothing to hide, and chuckled in amusement, “it’s rude to stare, pretty girl.”
“‘m not,” you lied sheepishly, sighing playfully as he pulled on the shirt. But just before he was covered up again, the tattoo on the side of his ribcage caught your eye, “Peter.”
“What? What’s wrong?” his hand settled on the side of your face as he gave you the once-over to make sure you were okay.
“That tattoo, on your side,” you reached for the hem of his shirt, but he beat you to it and pulled it up. The ink came back into view and your heart almost caught in your throat. Neat and polished was a pretty, intricate flower, a little spider perched on one of the edges of the petals, “I…it’s beautiful. But…it’s…how long have you had it?”
“This?” he seemed bemused as you traced your fingers gently along his inked skin, “a long time. It was one of the first pieces I got…kind of what pushed me into tattooing myself. Why?”
You remained silent as you slid off the counter, leaving Peter to watch you curiously. You looked into those pretty brown eyes before pulling up your own shirt. He watched you intently, but his eyes widened in surprise as soon as he saw it. There, on your own ribcage, on the side opposite of his own, he saw the tattoo that was almost identical to his own. Yours was a different flower with a different little spider, but eerily the same. He made a small sound of disbelief as he reached up and traced his fingers along the edge, leaving fire in their wake as you closed your eyes. 
“How?” he asked out loud, speaking his question into the ether, “how could we…when did you get this?”
“Almost ten years ago,” you breathed nervously as he settled his hand on your waist, “it was a small place in California…that’s where I went to college before moving back here. What about you?”
“Almost ten years ago,” he echoed and you both laughed softly, “but here, in Queens. How is this possible? They couldn’t have known…but they’re almost identical. I know this was hand drawn for me but…you too? I don’t understand. It makes no sense…”
“Maybe it doesn’t have to,” you set down your shirt and looked at the breathtaking smile on his face, “maybe it was -”
“Fate,” he finished for you. Peter Parker was a man of logic and science, tangible things that made sense. This? This made no logical sense at all, but at the same time it all made perfect sense. It all felt so…right, “I love you, you know?”
“I know,” you kissed him, pulling him into your arms, “I love you too, Peter Parker.”
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 6 months
❄May Your Days Be Merry and Bright Series🎄
by happyaspie
All of my G rated winter and holiday themed fics in one place!
Peter Parker's December Shenanigans  [1999]
A collection of related short stories that center around Winter/Christmas. Everything from Advent to New Year's Eve. [This fic is a continuation of Peter Parker's October but could also be read alone.]
The Definition of Anything  [2020]
The heater in Peter's apartment goes out on the coldest day of the year and the landlord seemed to be overrun with maintenance requests. Calling Tony to help him out seemed like the next logical solution. After all, he had told him many, many times that he should call him if he ever needed anything.  The man had never really specified what 'anything' meant but he figured that by definition, 'I'm cold and you know how to fix things.', fell into that category. Right?
Secret Sugarplum Spiderling [2020]
Peter has been taking ballet for nearly as long as he can remember and all of his hard work has finally paid off. He's been cast as the Cavelier to the Sugarplum Fairy in his Performing Arts School's production of The Nutcracker. It's a big deal and it's going to take up a good bit of time but... he's just not sure he's ready for his mentor to know about that particular hobby just yet. He's sure it'll be fine ... All he has to do is show up at the studio on time, keep his grades up, make sure to see Tony on a regular enough basis that he doesn't worry and try to squeeze in some patrolling in between. It's that simple. Right?
Holiday Traditions [2021]
When a brief misunderstanding leaves Morgan thinking that Peter doesn’t like Christmas, Peter decides that it would be fun to teach her more about Hanukkah. In order to do so, he and May invite the Starks' to share in some of their holiday traditions.[This story is part of a post-Endgame AU. However, it can easily be read on it's own!]
Well, Merry Sickmas, I Guess [2021]
Peter is sick, Christmas is right around the corner and May had no idea how to help him. Naturally they end up in Tony’s medbay. It doesn’t take long for Peter to be diagnosed with nothing more than some mild dehydration and a nasty stomach bug. However, knowing she can’t take Peter to just any hospital should things go downhill, leaves May feeling a little nervous. …And that’s how Peter and May end up spending the holiday with Tony Stark in his Penthouse apartment. [12/14] Now featuring a short and completely unplanned Bruce Banner centric chapter 2!
Merry Stitchamas  [2022]
All Peter wanted to was to cook May a really nice dinner for when she got home from her Christmas Eve shift. He'd thought it out and was excited to put it all together-- until the knife slipped and he accidentally cut his thumb. The good news is, he knows exactly who to call.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter greeted with as much enthusiasm as he could pull together given the circumstances. “I, uh, I know it’s Christmas Eve and all, but can I ask you a really quick question?”
Calm Still Night  [2022]
Just a quick fic about Tony enjoying the Penthouse's warm Christmasy atmosphere with Peter by his side.
Seeing is Believing  [2022]
Young Peter Parker, who has started doubting the existence of Christmas Magic, is given the opportunity to board a train heading for the North Pole. The entire night is one big adventure as he meets new friends, makes some spontaneous decisions, and has the best, most magical time of his life. [This fic is based on the film version of The Polar Express. However, you don't have to have seen the movie to enjoy the story!]
Snow-cation [2023]
After Tony's elaborate family winter getaway plans are grounded due to the early arrival of some snow, Peter does his best to make sure everyone still has a good time. Especially Tony, who seems more than a little put out by the disruption.
Toasty Warm  [2023]
Peter comes to the tower after a night of patrolling in the cold- with a broken heater. Tony helps him warm up, with hot cocoa and warm blankets, and a hoodie straight from the dryer.
🆕 Best Night Ever  [2023]
Peter’s been promised a night of ice skating. At first, things didn't go quite as he planned. But in a joyful turn of events, he ends up having a night filled with unexpected surprises, a walk in the snow, the promised ice skating adventure and several heartwarming moments. It all wraps up with a few holiday treats and a lot of family bonding.
✨Coming Soon! ✨
Santa Impersonator Happy [Dec. 14th 2023]
Happy walks into the F.E.A.S.T. building prepared to drop off a check and leave. Then Peter uses his big brown eyes to convince him to stay and help out. He just wished he'd asked a few more questions before agreeing.
"Santa. You want me to dress up as- Santa?
How Spidey Saved Christmas [Dedc. 20th 2023]
After rescuing a few stolen shopping bags, Spider-Man stumbles upon Santa Claus and his damaged sleigh in Central Park. With Tony's help, Peter is able to get Santa back in the air, thus saving Christmas. As an added bonus, he’s able to get Tony back the nice list as well. Santa thanks Peter by inviting him to assist in delivering some gifts Including the ones he’d saved! Together, they fly through the night, spreading holiday cheer. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
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pvnkesttt · 5 months
TLOU Spidey AU: A Rundown.
titled: katipō.
tlou-verse: a masterlist.
Featuring the pairing: Joel Miller x Athena Kallis (OC). Other OCs included/Mentioned: Rowan, Dev and Uncle Ari. Notes: Hi, Hello! So, I recently made a mini post about wanting to start a Spidey AU of sorts for TLOU/my OC, Athena Kallis, who essentially becomes a spidey/spider-woman variant. In this post, I'll be doing just that: sharing my thoughts and idea on the spidey au I have in mind for my OC as well as her relationship with Joel Miller and how it's effected in this AU. I hope y'all like this and if you like this, please feel free to let me know!
Let's begin, shall we?
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For starters, let me introduce Athena Kallis and her lore in this specific AU:
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Athena Kallis was born on November 1st, near a settlement in Auckland, New Zealand. That settlement was known as Piha. Growing up, she'd love exploring the beachside and creating her most memorable memories there as a way of distracting herself from the mournful loss of her parents.
Her parents died of a tragic accident while she was young and at the young of 9, she would find herself moving in with her uncle. Where? San Marcos, Texas. However, she moved within the inlands of that area which arises some conflict with who she is and where she's from.
Later on in life, after graduating high school, Athena took the road to college, moving away from Texas and finding herself in Seattle, Washington where'd she study up on her education and use her degree to become a wildlife biologist at the age of 25. Her Uncle Ari had soon moved into Seattle as well, hoping to be near her whenever he'd like. He also found a job working for a nearby homeless shelter, one in which Athena would volunteer at from time to time.
Getting back to Athena, though, being a wildlife biologist was great! She got to provide expertise on conserving the biological diversity of national forests and grasslands while working to protect and recover endangered species. One particular species she worked on a lot was that of a spider: the katipō. The young woman grew fascinated with how it worked and what it's species was like. The spider, itself, also became crucial to Athena's life after the incident.
One night, while getting so caught up in her work and studying up on the spider, she hadn't realized that she got bit by the venomous spider she was studying. For a time (more like a few hours), nothing abnormal seemed to have happened after getting bit....that was until things started changing. Soon after, Athena found out just how much she had changed due to the bite. Things were sticking to her glue, she had a strong grip on objects and....she could shoot out webs AND climb up walls. She was living, human spider in a way. There came a time where she took advantage of these spider powers, it happened during robbery near the homeless shelter her uncle worked at. At first, Athena didn't know if she could help out or not but luckily she did as she managed to stop a criminal from going around the city and robbing other places. HOWEVER, that also came with the scar she now bares under her eye, a scar that she got while chasing down the criminal as he struck her with a knife. Athena figured that, if she can stop a criminal like the one before that, she'd be able to stop many others. It's what the city needed: A hero.
So, she became just that, a hero that Seattle needed. She managed to make a suit for herself, one in which the colors were reminiscent of her favorite bird: the wrybill, that meant her colors were white, black and gray. With the suit, she could keep her identity hidden while still being able to save citizens from criminals and turning them in. There was a cop, Dev Burman, who had become curious of why this spiderling was roaming the streets, why they were suddenly coming in to take out bad guys. He still keeps an eye out on the spiderling, hoping to one day get to know her a bit better even if he already knows about the girl behind the mask.
The people of Seattle loved this spiderling and Athena loved seeing how much she was loved, even if some had doubts about her. Her Uncle Ari was quite fascinated over a person in suit taking the streets to fight off bad guys, he just hoped that whoever was under there was staying safe. Speaking of Uncle Ari, he's important as he's the one who unintentionally gets his niece into a budding romance with his best friend, Joel Miller, without even knowing it.
The Beginning/Relationship of Joel and Athena:
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Joel Miller was close friends with Uncle Ari for a while, a bit after Athena left for college. Sometimes, Uncle Ari would mention him to her on the phone, was yapping about what the two discussed that day and everything like that. Athena never knew what he looked like but did have curious mind as to what he looked like.
Joel Miller was around Ari's age, having met him a bit after Athena left for college. From then on, him and Ari have been the greatest of friends. Sometimes, whenever Athena was mentioned, Joel was reminded of his sweet baby girl: Sarah. Sarah was Joel's daughter, his everything however, she was gone from him to quickly after a tragedy happened, he'll never forget what was taken from him, how someone he loved so much can just vanish like that.
While Athena never knew what Joel looked like, it was quite the opposite for Joel as he knew what Athena looked liked. Ari would show baby pictures of his niece to Joel from time to time and had even showed a recent picture of her attending some local event with friends Athena had sent to Ari. It was a polaroid picture of her and, while Joel would never say it out loud, he thought Athena was very pretty in his eyes. It seemed as though she could light up his whole world if ever got the chance to meet her.
and she did.
When Joel came up to visit with Ari, he'd told he'd like to stay for a few months, see what it's like away from Texas. Ari was thrilled about this visit, excited to see his best friend after months and even more thrilled that he'd be able to properly introduce his niece to Joel.
Both and Athena and Joel had met when Athena came in to help volunteer at one of the many cookouts the shelter threw every few months. Athena's mind immediately sensed that a handsome, older man was standing in front of her as soon as Ari called him out. Joel's brain was no good either, here Athena was, standing right in front of him. She was real!
The two introduced themselves, making small talk that day but both would eventually hit it off. Time went on and soon, Joel and Athena were gaining strong feelings for one another, feelings that would be admitted. They just couldn't help themselves around each other, it was a spark that matched between them. So, they do eventually get together and things are better than ever for the pair.
For a time, Joel doesn't know about Athena's identity as "The Katipō", and Athena keeps it that way for a while. In fact, the only person who knew at the time was Rowan Bauer, her best friend (and has a thing for Dev) and he's done a (almost) pretty good job at keeping it secret. She doesn't want Joel to freak out over his girl practically risking herself to save the city. Eventually, though, it's revealed to him that Athena is the web slinger he keep seeing on the news and tv. Things are a bit complicated for a while but, in the end, Joel realizes that all he wants is for Athena to be okay out there. That she comes home, still in tact, still carrying her love for Joel. That's exactly what she does because both she and Joel couldn't live without one another, they deserved one another and belonged together.
Bonus fun facts:
Joel has a calico cat named franklin.
Athena has a tattoo in honor of her heritage/culture and where she comes from.
Athena also has a blind salamander named Palo (though, sometimes he's referred to as "Matty" also 😉)
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notes: there you have it! a rundown on the tlou spidey au I've got going on! I've been loving this AU so MUCH that I wanted to share with you all. If you enjoyed or have thoughts, like I said, please let me know! I'd love to know. :))
(also, I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes in this post lol)
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Paternal Syntax Hours B/c I'm In A Mood
A/N: Sometimes I just need to do a lil scribble to get my brain going, have a lil autistic Syntax headcanon & drabble with a smol spider demon. The Spider Queen's technology had begun advancing towards a fraction of what it had once been, and that meant there were resources enough for Syntax to generate another spider demon. This time Syntax decided to use a measure of his own DNA to see if his intelligence could be replicated. The result was a little spiderling who the queen absolutely adored. Huntsman and Goliath's developments had been accelerated for the sake of necessity, and Syntax wanted see how a 1/3rd human spider demon's development differed from a full-bred spider demon's. While typing up an update regarding the child's growth and development, Syntax frowned as he re-read the report in full. After checking that it was around noon, he stood and went to make his way to the kitchen. There would be the toddler and Huntsman, who was very frustrated and trying to hand the kid a ham-and-cheese on a little plate. The exasperated demon turned to Syntax and said, "Can you deal with your brat? I made his food exactly how I always do and now he's refusing to eat it." The toddler looked close to tears, but Syntax had a feeling it was more than general toddler upsets. "Small one, why don't you want your food?" Syntax asked calmly, kneeling down to his level. "No!" The toddler shook his head, trying to give the plate to Syntax. "It looks fine to me, is it..." The scientist pointed to the bread itself and asked, "The bread type?"The toddler shakes his head said. "Is it the ham, is there something wrong with it?"Another head shake. "Do you not like the crust?"A smile lit up the child's face and they nodded. "Ahhh, I see." Syntax turns to Huntsman. "Normally I just get them off since he doesn't like them, it's never really a big fuss."Huntsman crossed his arms, calmer now that the issue was identified, and looked down at the kid. "If that was all, you could've just said so, little buddy." His tone is still frustrated, but it's obvious he's trying to keep a more gentle tone.When the toddler looked down, his pointed ears lowering sadly. Syntax just patted the child's head and said, "It's almost time for you and Goliath to watch that show you like, why don't you go wait for him while I fix your food?" The small kid smiled, hugged Syntax, and ran off for the living room. When he did Syntax set the plate on the counter and began digging around for the proper knife. As he did so, he said to Huntsman, "I noticed some interesting patterns in behavior when I was typing updates about his personal development: being upset if routines are broken more than the usual toddler degree, noises that are at low volume to us greatly distressing him, preferring certain materials over others. He also speaks in mainly one-word sentences while most toddlers his age speak up to three-word sentences. All of these are behaviors I had with my age and can be indicative that the young one has autism like I do. When I was a human, my family did have several autistic members who were non-verbal or semi-verbal. It's likely my genetic history led to this developing." Huntsman frowned and peeked his head out of the kitchen to look at the toddler who was now sitting beside Goliath on the couch, his favorite cartoon playing on the TV. "Should...what does that mean? Is he gonna be okay?" "If I didn't know any better, Huntsman, I would say you were worried." Huntsman let out one of his growls which Syntax ignored. "It just means we must have more patience when speaking with him. At three his emotions are already primitive, to not be able to properly communicate what's distressing must be very frustrating. In other words..." He lifts the plate. "We care for him as part of the family, and above all else we don't treat him like a freak in a zoo. I could be completely wrong, it is just something we will have to keep in mind."
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marveltrumpshate · 7 months
October 2023 MTH fills
Waiting for us to finish tallying up the donations? Take a look at all the amazing fills that were posted in October.
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
@tj-crochets - Bucky Bear plushie for @maia-saura
@kimmycup/@kimmycupcreates - Black Hawkeye logo candle for @rubickk7 (MTH 2021) (posted in September)
@kimmycup/@kimmycupcreates - Green Loki helmet necklace candle for @saganarojanaolt (MTH 2021) (posted in September)
@tj-crochets - Alligator Loki plushie for @maia-saura
BritBrit99 - Embroidered piece with an orange, a flower, and leaves that says "You always stand up" for @liloau (@alpineandbucky)
@scioscribe - "Nowhere" (MCU fic where Bucky and Sam rescue Zemo when they find out he's suspiciously missing from the Raft) for @eys93
Dogsled - Art of Jack stitching up an injured Brock who finds it hard to sit still with Bucky in the background offering a hand in making Brock stay put for @kalika999
Aelfay/@alchemistdoctor - "Who the **** Funds Torchwood, Anyway?" (Doctor Who/MCU crossover where Tony meets Rose Tyler post-Doomsday) for @kerravonsen
@nostalgicatsea - "An Open Palm" (canon-divergent IM2 fic where Tony and Wenwu meet after Tony is captured by the Ten Rings) for @magicasen (MTH 2021)
@pennydrdful - Art of Steve watching Bucky do ballet from "Captain America Finds His Fella," by and for @trappingsofzed
@sing-the-beginning-of-moana - "The Outfit" (post-TWS Bucky/Steve fic where Bucky experiments with feminine looks) for Aelfay
Skarabrae_stone/@captaintoomanybattles - "Six Blade Knife: Part 1" (Steve/Bucky AU fic where the Avengers find Winter Soldiers Steve and Bucky and bring them home) for @zepysgirl (MTH 2021)
Skarabrae_stone/@captaintoomanybattles - "I Just Want You to Know Who I Am" (Steve/Bucky MCU AU fic where the serum makes Steve look like the Red Skull) for @bulkyphrase (MTH 2021)
@spagbol99 - "Bro-mance" (MCU (but blended with Fraction!Clint) Clint/Bucky fic where the two get closer when Bucky keeps an eye on Clint after TWS) for effervescentaardvark
@sing-the-beginning-of-moana - "We Want The Same Thing" (X-Men: First Class Charles/Erik fic where the two are on a road trip and Charles picks up on Erik's thoughts about him) for @ashes0909
@massivespacewren - Art of Brock stealing a bite of the batter that an unamused Jack is mixing for @kalika999
thelonebamf/@amazing-spiderling - Art of Peter Parker and Johnny Storm from the fic "Hot Off the Press," a comics-based soulmate AU fic for @missmoochy
@ruquas - "Bellum Invisible" (Sleepy Hollow-inspired Sam/Steve AU fic) for @bulkyphrase
@areiton - "immutable as gravity" (Steve/Tony Top Gun AU fic) for @earliebirb, @iseult-1124, and @ralsbecket
clockways/@clockwaysarts - Art of medieval era Steve staring lovingly at Tony talking about his blacksmithing work for @sabrecmc
@wilmakins - "Someone's First Choice" (Steve/Tony enemies-to-lovers undercover mission marriage of convenience A/B/O AU fic) for Yenny2206 (MTH 2021)
@zenaidamacrouras1 - "Punched!" (Steve/Valkyrie modern politics AU fic featuring the two punching Nazis) for @tehroserose, @kerravonsen, @bugsandcoffee, @illogicalkat, @alwaysabrighterdarkness, and TheUltimateUndesirable
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n1ghtwarden · 7 months
there is blood on her hands, her blades, her armour - perhaps it is the night warden's, perhaps it is not - but her ears are ringing, her heart pounding; joy that only a good fight could ever bring her - every nerve a live wire, limbs taut - it is an ecstasy unlike any other. to raise a blade in service to lolth and strike in her name - it was what she had been made for. territory gained and borders fortified; foolish things in the dark that thought they had any chance of staking a claim in the spider queen's land. victorious she may be, the night warden lingers - waving her retinue on before her. there are no spoils this hour - not tonight; and as their steps fade into the dark, minthara knows herself to be well and truly alone in the beauty before her - the gentle glow of luminescent fungi and crystals; the silence, so vast and comforting. the night warden takes a moment, breathing in - spores and damp; cool earth that sustains just as much as it harms. it is a quiet she adores - and her eyes shut - taking a moment to collect herself with a breath. rustling catches her attention - shattering the quiet, the echoes of things crawling and skittering in the deep - well-trained ears picking up even the slightest of sounds. perhaps it might be nothing; but in the underdark, it is always something - and her long fingers curl around the hilt of her weapon, soft footsteps crunching against the packed soil as she approaches the stalagmites and stalks of nightlight fungus - her moments are fluid, graceful as she prowls - mace ready to land a sharp blow until she sees it is not something, but someone - a surfacer; one who is like and unlike her, and she freezes - @bruinescence could very well be a threat, and yet - the night warden, normally so resolute and single-minded in her goals, gives pause - a small spider makes a home upon the dents and cracks of the rocks; watching minthara as surely as it is watching him. " you do not belong here, kivvil - this is not a place meant for your fragile kind. " the night warden looms over the druid; one with the shadows in her leather and spider silk; eyes luminous in the welcoming, comforting dark she has grown in. he is not the first surface elf to stumble into what many consider hostile territory - though to minthara's memory, he is the first she has found alive. that, alone, shows strength - if not cunning. lolth may not be a merciful goddess ( nor the easiest to follow; and spare the night warden for thinking such thoughts ); but the spider queen rewards strength where she sees fit just as she rewards chaos and bloodshed. it is by lolth's will alone that this surface-dweller lives - who is she to deny the spider queen and her whims?
spiderling, you are meant to serve; above all. knife and dagger, sword and shield - an enforcer, a shadow in the dark. everything you do, child, is in the name of lolth. by rights, she should strike him down; he would make a fine display in menzoberranzan - a welcome fitting to all those who trespassed. she could be crueller, still - take the surface dweller down into the dark of a dungeon and pluck every secret from him like the strings of a lyre. she can hear her mother's voice again; always hissing in her ear - lolth guides. but he is alive; and that must be some sign. this has to be a test - has to be; and the night warden has every intention of passing it. " get up. " her rough voice lacks its bark - quiet in the still of the underdark; unwilling to attract attention in what she knows to be an act of blasphemy. her second one - something that cannot be absolved through trial. slowly, she exhales - gaze appraising him in the dark; cuts and bruises - stains that hint at deeper, harsher wounds she cannot treat. " if you are able to. no doubt the underdark has proven itself to be formidable in its own way to unseasoned, unwanted guests. "
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6th of Frostfall, Turdas
Yesterday Sildras was still very excited about his lessons. His Astronomy courses went well. He spoke excitedly about the effects of the different universal bodies upon the arcane. About how his knowledge was tying into that which he was learning at Shad Astula.
Although I had little idea of many of the things he was speaking about, I was proud to see him drawing so many conclusions between the different disciplines. To understand that the world is about interconnection rather than separation. It made me feel good. And what a pleasure to see it happening within in right before my eyes. 
My lessons had me sore as Luayl had me continue the same things from the day before. So when I had the evening to just sit back and lesson to my son, see how he was growing, developing right before my eyes, how could I feel anything buy great joy?
Despite my soreness, as soon as Sildras had gone to bed, I bade my farewells to Avon and went back to the Nest.
As before, my return was greeted by the bright faces of my Spiderlings. I looked at them, they were similar to children in a way. I had a pride and joy in them, too. To seeing how they were growing and developing. And I was there to support them in this.
That night, I had a special lesson for those within the Nest who wished to learn about the final pillar. I explained this to everyone, that I was not requiring this lesson of anyone. In fact, I thought it best that only those who were looking to actively pursue this path in the near future should attend. That anyone was free to change their mind and later decide to learn or to decide that they no longer wished to proceed down this path, we did not require anyone to stay the course, as it were. That said, it was not an easy pillar to proceed towards. It took a great deal of time to learn to provide for efficiently and was the lengthiest to learn properly.
I could see the desire within both Blaze and Effervescent to proceed. Prince seemed intrigued.
I was sure from the looks that Goat had some sense of wanting to try, but he did not speak up. Ebony looked as though she were too scared to start just yet. She is the newest recruit, so I would probably have wished to dissuade her from starting just yet, even if she had decided she wanted to try. Arrow had already expressed her feelings on the matter, so I did not attempt to sway her, though I suspect she would grow to be quite adept at it.
The three eager Spiderlings I had come with me, while I left the others to a lesson with Tanur. Prince asked if their coming with me meant that they would miss out on Tanur’s lesson, he seemed a bit disappointed in not being able to attend. I said that if he had a keener interest in Tanur’s lesson, he could always go to it now, otherwise he could feel free to implore Tanur to give the lesson to him later.
I felt bad, Prince looked a bit deflated by my answer. I stopped him and laid a hand upon his shoulder and apologized for being short with him. He told me it was fine, but I told him that he need not lie to me, I knew when any of them spoke lies. He nodded.
I gave him a light kiss upon the cheek and then scrawled a quick note, which I sent off with Farayn. The others seemed a little startled by this, evidentially not having realized that the spider that often was seen in my hair or on my shoulder, would understand speech. Or perhaps they had not noticed her weaving a web around one of my hair ornaments. I could not say for certain.
Farayn returned soon after with a note from Zethith telling us to wait in my chambers for them.
As we waited, I began with explaining some of the more basic concepts that were integral to the training. Prince had the greatest amount of weapons training and so I used him to help me provide some demonstrations about different grips, the use of particular blades, when to use a dagger over a knife or a needle over a sword.
A portal opened up in the wall of my chamber and Zethith appeared from within, bowing their head. In Velothis, they announced that everything was ready and that they were eager to see how my plan was to work out.
I informed the three of them that we were to go to a special training area to practice. Then I stepped through the portal. It opened up into the training room inside of the Cathedral of Webs. I was enamored with how well it had been furnished to my specifications. There was a great amount of space to the room and within, individual lanes with a variety of training dummies set up in different scenarios. One in a bed as though asleep, another a mock market scene, still another at a dining table. There were several of these scenes and I turned to Zethith and told them that this was even more wonderful than I had imagined. That I was so grateful and blessed with their care.
They told me that I had proven myself worth the effort thus far and that they endeavored to assist in the training of my deathweavers.
The others came through. Blaze first, then Prince, and Effervescent last. 
They took in the space in amazement, given how small the Harborage was, to see this enormous space and a hallway beyond, they knew they were somewhere special. I told them that we were to use this space to practice our techniques and over the next few months, to begin honing those skills. We would also be doing practical lessons. That for our Prince’s Summoning Day, any who reached the necessary level of training would be participating. That they needed to master a certain level of all three pillars to participate, but that I had seen how gifted they were indeed.
I showed them examples of ways that they could eliminate the target, but reminded them that out in the world, people move, speak, and have defenses. That targets could be unpredictable. However, this was just to begin the process, so at present, they were to concentrate upon how they wielded their weapons. 
After a good effort on all of their parts through several scenarios, I also utilized my shades to provide them a bit of a challenge.
Prince was, as I had predicted, far better at using the blade properly. Blaze was the fastest. Effervescent was the most agile. They each have slightly different skills and I shall spend the next couple of nights thinking about how best to utilize those natural talents.
We returned to the Harborage and I gave Zethith my thanks all over again. Were they a mortal and not someone so important, I would have kissed them. As it was, I could only express my gratitude.
The three were sworn to keep what they learned to themselves, no matter what. And I told them I would have eyes watching them to see if they shared those secrets with the others.
I let them go and wash up as I went to check on the other group. I charged those who did not go with me to try and use their extra lesson in seduction to try and get the secrets of the first lesson of the others. I told them that I had eyes who would be watching their progress.
We then went through prayers and social activities and had a splendid night. Tanur joining me in my chambers for his reward  and then my returning home to Avon.
The rain stopped, finally. A week straight was a bit much, even for someone who enjoys it as I do. Avon curdled up to me, then woke up and told me I stunk like overly strong perfume and made me bathe before returning. He was asleep, of course, but it was nice to get into bed with him and finally, finally, get some good rest. It was not nearly long enough, but it was good when it happened.
I can only hope today will not be overly strenuous. I am so very tired. And sore.
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catsi · 2 years
watching tarantula spiderlings do a threat posture is so funny... it's like a baby with a knife. honey what are you going to do with that
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cloudy-minded-idiot · 3 years
pumpkin carving
pairing: mostly just bonding with Peter, but a bit of natasha x reader thrown in at the end
warning: mention of knives
word count: ~1,100 words
a/n: I'm aware I haven't posted in forever but I swear I'm not dead, just super busy with uni. I'll try to write more in the future.
to everyone who's decided to follow me during my hiatus: welcome! glad to have you here :) hope you're doing well and wishing you a happy halloween! 😊
summary: you carve pumpkins with peter 🎃
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"I'm not sure about this, Spiderling," you mutter, twirling the knife between your fingers with practiced ease. Deep in thought, your brows furrowed. Movement catches your eye as Peter turns to look your way, head cocked to the side as he takes in your progress.
"What do you mean? You're doing great! You're just overthinking."
You hum, pensively tapping the hilt of your knife against your chin.
"You're probably right," you conceded, with a sigh, "I just want it to be perfect."
Dropping the last scoop of pulp and seeds into the bowl between you, Peter rummages around in the some drawers, leaving orange stains on the surface.
"Maybe draw an outline first?" he suggests, holding out a black marker to you, "Here."
With a grateful nod, you take it. Carefully, you start to draw lines and shapes on the orange surface. You are by no means an artist, and the uneven surface doesn't help. Your drawing looks a little bit wonky in the end, but you were satisfied with your work anyway.
Picking your knife back up, you let the blade follow the markings carefully. Peter starts drawing on his pumpkin as well, using a picture on his phone for reference and biting the end of the marker in thought as he compares the two.
The two of you work in companionable silence, exchanging a few tips and tricks here and there. At some point, Peter asked FRIDAY to start playing music in the background and told you about some stuff that happened in school.
You were happy to listen to his stories, nostalgic for a time when getting good grades and a date for homecoming were your biggest problems. Simpler times.
"So you just stole the chemicals from the school lab?" You asked with a raised eyebrow, lips tugging up in amusement.
Peter pauses mid-carving, a sheepish look on his face.
"Well, yeah, I needed more web fluid, Mr. Stark wasn't answering my calls, and you know how Happy is."
You nod, a frown on your face.
"Maybe I should have a word with Tony about ghosting you. Very irresponsible on his part."
Peter's eyes widen almost comically as he hurries to reassure you.
"Oh no! Mr. Stark was just busy with the whole moving and being a superhero thing. Besides, all is well that ends well, right?"
You can tell he is nervous about getting Tony in trouble. So, reluctantly, you drop the topic, for now, still intending to talk to the billionaire another time.
"So, you two had a nice homecoming in the end?"
"Not really," Peter shakes his head sadly, "I pretty much walked out on Liz mid-dance to go fight her dad. And she moved states afterward and never wanted to see me again."
"That's rough, buddy."
He nods in agreement, mustering up a smile.
"But hey, I got a new suit out of it, and I'm more than happy with MJ."
You smile knowingly. Peter talks about his girlfriend pretty much all the time, so you are more than aware of how happy he is with her. You gesture to his pumpkin.
"So, is your pumpkin for MJ?"
Peter shakes his head with a grin.
"Oh no. She's not really that into Halloween. I made this for Thor."
The boy turns the pumpkin around so you can see his carving. It was a pretty good likeness of Thor's beloved hammer. You are impressed.
"I'm sure he'll be pleased. He's always interested in Midgardian customs."
You say the last two words in a poor imitation of your teammate's voice. The teenager chuckles.
"Yeah, and can you believe he has never been around for Halloween before?"
Peter shakes his head, cleaning his knife on a kitchen towel. You shrug.
"Yes, actually. Not a lot of Avengers-grade crimes going on at that time," you shared with a small smile, "I guess spooky season takes away the whole flair and fun of world domination."
Peter nods sagely, "And we all know villains are all about that flair."
Before you can reply, Peter freezes as he stares at something over your shoulder. Instincts kicking in, you grip the knife tighter, jump up, and swivel around, eyes searching for any danger. You relax when you see that it is just an unamused-looking Tony along with the rest of the team.
"What in God's good name have you done to my kitchen?" the billionaire asks, mortified, eyes sweeping the counters covered with orange stains.
You make a careless gesture with your hand.
"Relax. The kid and I will clean up later."
"There's pumpkin everywhere. How did you--"
"Is that Mjölnir!" Thor's boisterous voice interrupted Stark mid-sentence, effectively stopping what was sure to be a rant. The God shoulders past the billionaire to inspect the pumpkin from up close, almost knocking him over in the process.
Peter sits up straighter, holding the orange vegetable up proudly, his fear of Tony's wrath momentarily forgotten.
"Do you like it?" he asks, and Thor is quick to assure him, eagerly taking the pumpkin from his hands.
"It is wonderful," Thor pats Peter on the back with force. Peter hides a wince.
"You are quite talented, my friend. I shall put it outside my room."
Parker beams, and you send him a covert thumbs up. Your eyes scan the room searchingly. Arms snake around your waist, a chin comes to rest on your shoulder.
"Looking for someone?" A familiar voice whispers in your ear. Red strands of hair tickling your cheek. You smile, shaking your head.
"Not anymore," you wave towards the pumpkin sitting in front of you, "Look, babe, I made a carving of you."
"That's a spider," Natasha says deadpan.
"Correction: It's a black widow," you say, pointing to the hourglass shape on the spider's body. Natasha let out a small laugh, her breath brushing along your neck.
"It's very good," she compliments and presses a kiss to your cheek, "It's a pity that you're going to have to spend the whole evening cleaning this kitchen. Because I did have other plans for you tonight."
Her words drip with promise as she presses another lingering kiss to your neck. Your breath catches in your throat, and you swallow, mouth suddenly dry.
"Is that so?"
Turning around in her arms, you press the pumpkin into her hands with a loving smile.
"Hold this for me, will you, darling?"
She takes the pumpkin with a smirk, her arms leaving your waist. You turn back to Peter, who is still in conversation with Thor.
"Parker," you call urgently, running over and pulling him by the sleeve with you, "Go get the sponges we need to clean up ASAP!"
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imdoingathingmom · 3 years
Hi, I know I've been basically dead to the Tumblr world lately but here's an old ass headcannon I never posted. I'm clearing out my Google Docs storage and I miiiight start writing again. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Correlates to Oh So Subtle! (OSS!) 
Initially Loki just wanted the only interaction between him and Peter to be about discussing you and planning his apology surprise.
However, the spiderling didn't get the memo.
Peter would start to come around and talk about the most tedious things. 
School, memes (as if Loki knew what that was), his day. 
At first Loki ignored it but gradually as time went on he grew to enjoy the spiderling’s rambling. It was pleasant.
Loki started participating more in conversations. 
Asking questions and commenting on things. 
Peter tried to teach Loki how to play Left 4 Dead but the he gave up when a Tank beat him to death. 
Loki asked Peter to teach him more about memes. 
So far his favorite ones are: 
“it's a knife” “NO!” 
“Oh hi, thanks for checking in. I'm STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE.”
Distracted Boyfriend
“Really, right in front of my salad?” 
His least favorite ones are:
“Catch me outside how bout dat?”
Elf on a shelf "This meme is preposterous, Peter, elves are far more majestic looking than that THING and they have better things to do than sit on a shelf all day."
Salt Bae
Loki started teaching Peter about Asagardian traditions.
Loki and Peter often read together in the library.
Or they just sit around quoting memes all day.
Sometimes they watch old movies together.
Peter teaches Loki how to use a cellphone.
Loki loves it. He often calls Peter when he's not at the compound. 
Peter: “I'm at school Loki. Stop calling so much.”
He sends Peter memes he thinks are funny.
Peter: “I've already seen it.” 
Loki: “oh”
Peter takes Loki to Delmar’s 
Loki is confused as to why Peter likes his sandwich squished. 
Loki doesn't know what to order and gets nervous. “I'd like a-” squints eyes “-ebt welcome.”
Peter tries not to laugh and just orders Loki his usual but makes sure it's not squished. 
Loki surprisingly likes it. I guess Midguardians aren't as bad as I thought.
All in all, even tho Peter is tremendously younger than Loki he’s was glad to have a friend like him. Peter made Loki forget all the wrong doings he's done and feel like a kid again.
Peter's friendship is unconditional and Loki was glad for that.
Wow, this was trash but it's my first headcanon and yeah. Hope you enjoyed. Feedback is always appreciated. 
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starlitheaven · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 / 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞
☾ - treasure (younger/pre-Troupe headcanons)
☾ - joyride (pre-troupe Chrollo steals his first car at 13)
☾ -  room service (pre-canon headcanons)
☾ - spiderlings (how the Phantom Troupe was formed) 
❦ - cara mia (chrollo x you moodboard)
❦ - art thief (drabble)
❦ - cultro (Chrollo+ knife kink) NSFW
❦ - matthiola incana (Chrollo’s favorite gift from you)
❦ - metallic heart (Chrollo + discovering his thigh kink) slight NSFW
❦ - sonnet at dusk (Chrollo’s preference for a lover who enjoys reading)
❦ - saccharine (gifts Chrollo would get you)
❦ - domestic (drabble)
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supersickies · 3 years
Summary: “Surgery was something that Peter Parker was used to. With his job, he really had to be used to going under the knife, and truthfully the more he experienced it the easier it got.
What Peter was not used to, however, were post-surgery infections. Of course, he knew that it was always a risk when going into procedures, but with the overly careful and competent medical staff in the med bay of Stark Tower, it was rarely something he had to worry about.
But nobody was perfect, accidents can happen, and that’s how Peter found himself in his current situation. Feverish, achy in more ways than one, and utterly miserable.”
Peter can't sleep after a surgery gone bad. He needs his Lukey...if Tony can figure out what that is.
A/N: Here we go @sicktember day five! I was pretty excited for this prompt but for some reason had a tough time putting something together for it that I really loved. But hope this fic suffices and if you read it you enjoy it! This was pretty much that last prompt fill I have completely completed for Sicktember but I’m hoping to get some more finished so I may be back with those, we’ll just have to see! Either way, hope you enjoy this fic! You can read it below the cut or on Ao3!
Surgery was something that Peter Parker was used to. With his job, he really had to be used to going under the knife, and truthfully the more he experienced it the easier it got.
What Peter was not used to, however, were post-surgery infections. Of course, he knew that it was always a risk when going into procedures, but with the overly careful and competent medical staff in the med bay of Stark Tower, it was rarely something he had to worry about.
But nobody was perfect, accidents can happen, and that’s how Peter found himself in his current situation. Feverish, achy in more ways than one, and utterly miserable.
His left leg, the cause of all his anguish thanks to an unwelcome bullet wound, was currently being elevated and his body was being pumped with an IV cocktail of anti-nausea, anti-fever, anti-pain, and antibiotic medications. Suffice to say, Peter was not just exhausted but he was loopy as all hell.
And he just couldn’t fucking sleep.
For some reason, despite his delirious and debilitated state, sleep would not come to him. So instead, he laid in his med bay bed with tears streaming down his face, as he begged whatever god there was above to just give him at least a minute of rest. The med bay staff, alongside Bruce and Dr. Cho, had been doing their best to synthesize a sedative for the spider-kid but they had yet to be successful, much to Tony and Peter’s disappointment.
Tony, of course, was by his side the whole time, and seeing his kid in this state was similar to experiencing his own personal hell. But he’d be dammed if he left Peter even for a second.
“Shh, Petey. I know bud. Just take some deep breaths kid.” He soothes the teen, just as he had been doing all night. It was nearing two in the morning and he had no idea just how much more either of them could take. He had tried everything from reading to the kid to making fucking ocean sounds with his mouth. Yet still, no sleep.
Peter doesn’t respond, just continues to moan and wail as Tony sighs. “Gimme something kiddie, please. How can I help you, bambino?”
Peter looks to Tony, his eyes feverish and hazy. He takes a shaky breath before finally finding the energy to murmur, “M-May.”
“May? You want me to get May back down here?” Tony asks. May had been down in the med bay with the two for most of the day, only retiring to a guest room in the tower after Tony had begged her to get some rest before her early hospital shift.  
But even after giving his answer, Peter still didn't seem appeased. “No!” He whines. “I-I need Lukey.” He says with a sob.
Tony’s brows can only furrow. “Lukey?” What/who the fuck was a Lukey?
“Please M’ster S’ark, I need him.” Peter begs.
“Okay! Alrighty kiddo I…I will do my best to get…Lukey.” Tony reassures the boy as he stands from the uncomfortable med bay chair, running a nervous hand through his hair. “Just hang tight kiddo, I’m gonna figure this out.” He grabs his phone, quickly but quietly leaving Peter’s room.
He was gonna get this kid to sleep if it was the last thing he did.
Tony doesn’t understand immediately, but using the context clues he was given, he figures that if anyone knew what a Lukey was it would be May.
He could only hope that she wouldn’t be too pissed at him for waking her up at this hour.
The dial tone only sounds twice before she picks up. “Tony? What’s wrong? What happened?” She asks in a panic, ever the protective aunt.
“May! Everything’s okay! Peter’s…well, he’s um, still awake. I can’t really get him to calm down and-and I think I need your help?”
He can hear May flip on the bedside lamp and sit up. “W-What is it Tony?”
“Peter is asking for someone named Lukey? Something named Lukey? I-I was hoping maybe you know Lukey or-or can get him here at this hour? I just…he still can’t sleep May and I don’t know what else to d-“
He’s cut off by a snort. An honest to god laugh.
“S-Sorry, I um…” She giggles a bit more before continuing. “Yes, I can get Lukey here at this hour. Just…give me thirty.” She sighs, but Tony can’t sense any annoyance in it. She almost sounds like she’s smiling?
“I- okay then? See you in thirty I guess?” And she hangs up.
Tony doesn’t know if it’s the lack of sleep or what, but he feels absolutely crazy. “Still don’t know what the fuck a Lukey is.” He mumbles to himself, before heading back into Peter’s room.
Sure enough, after thirty more minutes of doing his utmost to calm the distraught spiderling, Tony hears May coming down the hall. He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding with the hopes that May and the elusive Lukey’s arrival will calm the kid enough to send him right to sleep.
May enters the med bay room quietly. And alone? Where was Lukey?
Peter turns his head to the sound of the door shutting, his bleary eyes able to make out his aunt standing next to him. “May.” He rasps, fresh tears spilling over his cheeks. There really wasn’t much that wouldn’t make Peter cry at this point.
“Oh, my poor baby.” She coos, her kind fingers pushing the hair off of his overheated forehead. “You’re having a real hard time, huh tough guy?”
Peter nods miserably. “I-I need Lukey, May.” He whines.
The woman smiles warmly. “I know honey. He’s right here, I got him.” She reaches into the tote bag on her arm and pulls out a small blue blanket with a silky trim. It looked old but ultimately well-loved.
Oh, Tony thinks. Lukey.
Peter takes the blanket eagerly and is quick to hold the fabric lovingly to his chest. His thumb rubs the trim soothingly. Almost like magic, the boy’s crying has basically stopped, replaced with soft hiccups and shaky breaths.
Tony looks up at May, puzzled yet…impressed. He holds his tongue, though, not daring to interrupt the moment or disturb the finally calm spider-kid.
After a few moments of hushed reassurances from May, and of course the comfort of Lukey, Peter is finally asleep. The room is now overwhelmingly quiet, and Tony takes a much-needed deep breath.
He glances at the blanket that is now wrapped tightly around Peter’s shoulders, before looking at May. “So, Lukey?”
“It was a gift from Ben’s mom— Peter’s grandmother. She gave it to him the day he was born. She passed not long after but…she loved him a whole lot, him being her only grandchild and whatnot.” She explains.
Tony’s heart clinches. He knew May was the only family Peter had left, and to hear about other Parkers just made Tony remember how much the kid had lost.
May continues. “He had a connection to the blanket pretty instantly, only ever really stopped crying when he was wrapped in it. It was the only thing that would put him right to sleep.”
They both look at the snoozing boy. “Still is apparently.” Tony jokes quietly.
May hums in confirmation. “We joked that this thing was magic when he was younger, but honestly I’m really starting to believe it.”
Tony nods, reaching up to touch the blanket softly. He had to admit was kinda nice. “And…Lukey?”
“Star Wars. Luke Skywalker.” May explains. “We all called it his blankey until he was old enough for Ben to show him A New Hope. It was Lukey from that point on.”
Tony feels a bit stupid for not realizing sooner, that goofy space movie was all the kid ever talked about.
“I should’ve known he would’ve needed it. Really wish I’d have brought it earlier.” May sighs tiredly.
“Hey you-you’re exhausted too May, please go back to sleep. I said I’d take Peter duty for the night and you have your shift in a few hours.” Tony offers.
May stands from her spot by her nephew. “I guess I should, huh? If you all need anything else though—“
“I’ll let you know immediately, May. Swear it.”
May smiles warmly. “Thank you, Tony.”
“Good night, May.”
She leaves the room, shutting the door softly behind her. Tony lets out a deep breath, giving Peter’s hair one last pet before deciding it was about time he retire to his cot in the corner of the med bay room.
As he drifts off, he thinks of his mother and the stuffed elephant she gave him when he was a young child.
He makes a mental note to look in the tower’s storage units, see if he can find it.
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n1ghtwarden · 8 months
" i can fix that. " a nod to the cleave in other's side / a nod to dirt & grime & potential agony [ how adverse you once have been; to the task of 'camp healer' / caretaker / a benevolent hand. Who ever extended it to you? No one. No one you recall, no one you remember. - phantom pain in half of your face, where bloodied cuts once dwelt / where scars sprawled. That you cannot forget, that they did not let you forget; how it ached to merely eat, talk, smile.] " just... Don't do it again. "
" do not - " the hiss that manages to escape the night warden is pained; her body tense and aching. the wound at her side seemed to run deeper than she had originally thought; beyond the petty spells and blessings she knew by heart. it would become a beautiful scar - another pale mark weaving a web across her flesh; another reminder of minthara's prowess in battle - her strength, her skill. another mark that says i am alive, despite it all. a hand darts out; pale in the dark, closing around shadowheart's wrist quickly, tightly. her nails are blunt, but sharp - digging in as a warning, a reminder.
it is unlike the night warden to warn just as it is unlike her to show her pain; weaknesses, all - pathetic missteps and misgivings that would send a knife into her back in any other place but here. her expression twists; a scowl darkening her features - and suddenly, she lets go of shadowheart; her own hand falling limply to her side. " i do not need your help, sharran. nor do i want it. "
quiet falls; thick and heavy - the cracklings of the hearth, the murmurings of others from their tents and shared spaces. after all she had been through, after all she'd heard in her head - the pain of the absolute's voice always ringing through her ears - the night warden never imagined herself to suddenly be so uncomfortable with silence. briefly, her mouth presses into a thin, hard line, gaze dropping to the gash - deep and raw; bleeding through spider-silk and leather, even after all this time. what an odd thing, to see her blood so plainly now; and she frowns, a hand hovering over her side - a spell at her lips. spiderling, her mother had said to her all those years ago, the first mistake in any battle is to think that you are not alone in it. minthara baenre, wayward daughter, has been alone as long as she can remember - here, too; it is no different. it had never bothered her before. it does now.
" though... perhaps this is beyond my own capabilities. " comes the murmur, softer now; red, red eyes taking @nerimoi into sharp focus - the furrow of her brow, the determined set of her jaw. stubborn. the night warden could respect that. she does respect it. soundlessly, she moves her arm up - body curving despite the way she winces, grunts; exposed. vulnerable. " if you can mend this, sharran, i cannot promise that i will not gain another like this in the next fight. we have many battles to win yet; and our enemies still live. unpleasant as this may be, you will have to learn to endure it. "
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hale-13 · 3 years
Zero Days Without Incident
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 20 Prompt - Defiance
The ‘Days Without Incident’ sign in Tony Stark’s private workshop has nothing to do with engineering or science mishaps and all to do with a bet between him and a certain Spiderling.
Words: 1783, Chapters: 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan
TW: Stabbing
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
“Peter you have thirty minutes until your curfew,” Karen warned him, already plotting a course home and throwing it up on his HUD.
It was a balmy spring evening and Peter had spent most of his patrol leisurely swinging through Queens or relaxing on a hammock made from his webs. There had been a few petty crimes he had dealt with, some grand theft bicycle, a cat stuck in a tree but, all in all, he couldn’t really complain. He loved being Spider-Man and helping his neighborhood but it was nice to have a slow day sometimes.
A scream sounded in the distance.
“Spoke too soon,” he mumbled, altering his course and picking up speed. “Can you get me directions K?”
“Of course Peter,” Karen answered, as chirpy and happy as normal, re-routing him away from his apartment and toward the sounds of discourse in the distance. When he dropped in on the scene it seemed to be a mugging in progress and Peter rolled his eyes – didn’t people have anything better to do on a random Tuesday in April? God just seriously rethink your life choices.
“I would say its knife to meet you but I’ve definitely used that pun in the last couple weeks and I don’t want to be accused of not being original,” Peter called down, making both the assailant and victim flinch and look up to where he was perched on the wall above them. “Where did even get that thing? The renaissance fair? Who robs people with a full on dagger anyway? Run out of kitchen knives?” Peter quipped, flipping down and pushing the mugger away with a well placed kick to the arm that made the man stumble back.
“This has nothing to do with you bug,” the man snarled, brandishing the weapon at Peter now and making him roll his eyes. “Don’t get in my way and I won’t have to use this on ya.”
“Spiders are arachnids actually, not bugs” Peter pointed out, shooing the stunned woman out of the alley and on her way out of any potential danger. “And how about you not stab anybody today huh? If you promise to behave I won’t web you to the wall and call the police. Sounds like a fair trade right?”
The man snarled at him with irritation. “You talk too much.”
“So I’ve been told,” Peter agreed easily with a nod. “But what do you say? Ready to give up your life of crime for the straight and narrow?”
“No,” the man grumbled and, with literally no warning, lunged forward and stabbed his knife directly into Peter’s gut.
They both stared at each other in stunned silence before Peter processed the pain with a loud ‘fuck!’.
“You motherfucker,” Peter grunted, backing away to lean against the wall, holding the knife still with one hand so as to not dislodge it. “I can’t believe you stabbed me!”
“I thought you would dodge! You always dodge!” The man said, reaching up both hands to dig into his hair. “I stabbed Spider-Man what the fuck!”
“God this is just-,” Peter grumbled using his free arm to fire webbing at the guy and secure him to the nearby dumpster. “I’ve gone three weeks without having to go to the MedBay! Three weeks! All I had to do was last one more and then I got to pick the movie at movie night for the next month! God I can’t believe it! Mr. Stark is going to be so insufferable now!”
“You could just… not tell him?” The man asked hopefully, not even bothering to struggle against the webs and Peter blew out a breath as he sank down to sit on the gritty ground – he was starting to feel a little cold and dizzy from either the blood loss or shock, he couldn’t tell which. Not that it mattered, his fierce anger overshadowed everything.
“Not an option,” Peter grunted, leaning his head back and closing his eyes against the helpful countdown timer Karen had started displaying the second Tony had entered the Iron Man armor and started jetting to him. “He already knows.” Curse the Baby-monitor Protocol! He and Ned would need to remove it again…
“He track you or something?” The man asked questioningly, head quirked to the side in obvious curiosity.
“Or something,” Peter agreed.
“That’s wack man,” he said. “An invasion of privacy. A, uh… violation of your constitutional rights as a free American!”
“Do you honestly think Tony Stark cares about an something as simple as an invasion of privacy? I’m lucky he hasn’t microchipped me yet,” Peter pointed out. Or, at least, he didn’t think Tony had microchipped him. He’d have to check that and remove it post haste if he found something.
“Dude,” knife guy said commiserating and Peter had to fight the eye roll. Of course the person who stabbed him felt remorseful now.
“I know,” Peter agreed, peering down at his side to look at where the knife was embedded into him. He was pretty good around blood as long as it wasn’t his own and, looking at the way his suit was slick and blood was beginning to pool under his thighs in a puddle made Peter lightheaded so he closed his eyes again. “He’s probably going to be pretty pissed at you by the way,” Peter warned. “He has pretty good lawyers so I wouldn’t have high hopes of getting out of this without jail time.”
The man groaned and Peter just shrugged. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time and all that – also don’t stab people and leave them to the ministrations of their helicopter mentors. Same thing really. The sound of repulsers neared and Peter braced himself – he wasn’t looking forward to dealing with this.
“I guess that we can change the ‘Days Without Incident’ sign back to zero eh Spiderling?” Tony teased as he landed in the mouth of the alley, disengaging his suit and walking over to kneel next to Peter. “You were doing so good too – your longest streak ever in fact.”
“Don’t remind me,” Peter hissed as Tony prodded around the wound carefully with a pre-gloved hand. “Can you not touch that?”
“No can do buddy,” Tony said, not sounding the least bit apologetic. “Gotta anchor it in so it doesn’t fall out on the ride back. Happy’s on his way to pick us up.”
“Oh great,” Peter groused, letting Tony lean him forward a little so he could start wrapping roll gauze around the knife. “He loves to complain when I get blood on the seats.”
“Only when you get impaled,” Tony said brightly, pulling the gauze tight almost vindictively and making Peter wince. “Wouldn’t want to deprive him now would we?”
“You could just let me bleed out and die here,” Peter suggested seriously. “Since my life is basically over now anyway.
“You’re such a dramatic little shit,” Tony groused, tying off the gauze and levering Peter up off the ground to slump into his side for the extra support. “Now say ‘goodbye’ to your friend, he won’t be seeing the real world for a long, long time,” Tony’s voice had an edge of steel as he said this, dragging Peter to the end of the alley and ignoring the muggers ‘Aw man, c’mon!” as they passed. Peter just shrugged a ‘what can you do?” and wiggled his fingers in a facsimile of a wave as he was pulled away.
Happy, to his credit, was efficient and must have already been in the area because he was quick to pull up with a surly look already cemented onto his face as he surveyed where Peter was leaning into Tony and dribbling blood onto the sidewalk in large, heavy droplets. “I already called the cleaning crew,” he told them through the open window. “They’ll be here before the police to scrub up any possible radioactive DNA.”
“Best forehead of security ever,” Tony crooned lovingly as he carefully situated Peter onto the pile of towels Happy had put into the backseat to soak up the blood and keep it off his leather seats. Happy glared at the both of them in the rearview mirror before rolling up the partition. Tony snorted in undisguised mirth.
“How you feeling kiddie?” He asked as he peeled Peter’s mask from his sweaty face. “Not going to pass out on me again right?”
“Uh…” Peter groaned, squeezing his eyes shut tight to stop the spinning and grey dots that were clouding his vision. “No promises. Sorry.” Tony just let out a put upon sigh like he expected as much and pushed Peter to lay down across the seats, grabbing one of the extra towels to press tightly around the knife and making Peter let out a whining moan at the pressure. “Yeah I might pass out,” he said faintly as his vision started to tunnel.
“Go on then,” Tony said, running a hand through Peter’s damp curls and smoothing them away from his face. “At least you don’t sass me when you’re unconscious.” Peter felt the man lift his legs to slid a few wadded up towels underneath… like that would actually help keep him awake.
“Rude,” Peter grumbled before losing his grip on reality – he trusted Tony to take care of things for now.
“I hate this movie,” Peter grumbled groggily, as he pulled himself awake some time later. He was lying in one of the beds in the MedBay, attached to a blood transfusion and with a thick padding of gauze on his abdomen. Tony, seated next to him and munching on popcorn, just sent him a shit eating grin and held up the whiteboard that had been hanging in his workshop displaying ‘Days Without Incident’ with a large 0 written under it in obnoxious red ink.
“This is such bullshit,” Peter said petulantly, picking at the tape holding the IV in place. “I can’t escape! Go watch your garbage movie somewhere else.”
“Excuse me you brat,” Tony said imperiously. “The Breakfast Club is a cult classic thank you very much and besides,” he continued, offering Peter the bowl of popcorn, “someone clearly has to educate you on good movies.”
“I’m going back to sleep,” Peter said, flicking a kernel of popcorn playfully at his mentor (and missing damn – he must be on drugs) and letting his tired eyes slip closed again.
“Sore loser,” he heard Tony tease as he fell asleep and that did it. When he won their next bet they were marathoning the whole Star Wars series from beginning to end, including all of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian, and he didn’t care what Mr. Stark said.
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