#kissy joker is my life
koda-arts511 · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! :D
Sorry this isn’t really a Halloween picture 😅 been spending time away and it’s done me some good! I’ll be back eventually Lolol
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year
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digging out the eah content i created in a frenzy during last year’s summer of obsession part 1: my personal sapphic multishipping guide (created to explain to my friends which of these dolls i think should hold hands)
(more in-depth discussion of the ships below the cut)
the polycule that will take over ever after
kitty/lizzie; kitty/maddie; maddie/lizzie
self-explanatory. frequently purchased together do not separate. bonus shoutout to maddie canonically giving kitty a little kissie on the cheek and getting off scot-free in the books though. a wonderlandiful world was a banquet to me
cedar protection squad
once again a wonderlandiful world and once upon a time i owe you my life. kitty ESP being so adamant abt not giving a shit then turning around and fucking up those boys who were mean to cedar...... i love friendship
also self-explanatory. she was a catgirl she was a wolfgirl can i make it anymore obvious. also doribuki’s phenomenal fake dating fanfic....... transformative foundational transcendental
YOU MUST UNDERSTAND. i entered eah a rapple shipper and exited the book series ready to burn at the stake for cerise/raven. book two was SO MUCH. it had everything. raven befriending cerise despite her attempts to isolate herself. texting in class. winking at each other. raven meeting the parents and hearing embarrassing baby cerise stories. cerise putting it all on the line to save raven. i’m ambivalent about shadow high but cerise gets literally one (1) mention and it’s in raven’s internal monologue wherein she equates cerise’s hood w feelings of warmth and safety. like how was that in any way necessary. i rest my case 
raven & maddie
self-explanatory as well. dabesties. the ride or dies. it means so much to me that raven always has a friend in maddie no matter how many clowns and jokers (derogatory) treat her like the antichrist. maddie the character ever
WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. the gelphie dynamic is a classic and i am EXTREMELY vulnerable to it. they are THE ship and i will pay my respects to the end of time. i am a big fan of how they trade their roles throughout the franchise and how rich the drama and history are between them. it’s pure fucking poetry.
TBH. a serve. the only thing juicier than evil queen/damsel in distress is evil queen/princess charming. big big fan of darling giving raven the five star princess treatment after a lifetime of being feared and shunned and vilified. equally big fan of raven’s momentous act of rebellion giving darling the courage to be true to herself. ALSO. the absolute archetype-subversion slay of the Pure-Hearted Hero(TM) confronting the Mistress of Evil(TM) and dropping their sword. looking through the smoke and mirrors and the will of Fate itself to see the girl who has wanted nothing but to be kind beneath. swearing their heart and soul and sword to the one true good they have found. picture it. i can almost see the 100-word drabble
now THIS is just THE fairytale couple. the evil queen, the damsel in distress and the princess charming ALL holding hands and riding off into the sunset together. dappling on its own doesn’t do it for me but raven in the mix just makes everything gel perfectly. she’s the tomato in the ratatouille the cornstarch in the spring roll water, etc etc
this is one of those ships where i read a really convincing fic and the more i thought of it the more it just made sense. like they'd read swashbucklers and tales of courtly love together. holly would 100% write a darling placeholder in her self-insert romance fanfic pre-relationship as a way to express her feelings. darling would 100% find out and gently pull her out of the pit of sheer mortification she drilled into the ground to escape. also the height difference is a thing of beauty
safe from the polycule
they have one singular episode to their name and it was enough. it was Everything. the dynamic you can extrapolate from that one single interaction is so incredibly appealing to me. duchess’s bitchiness belied by her palpable air of vulnerability coming up against poppy’s spine of steel tempered by her skill in gaining perspective. poppy can challenge duchess into being a better person and duchess can be poppy’s character flaw like idk she just has shit taste in women that was the price she had to pay to be moisturized and unbothered by destiny. i just think they have the potential to be the unexpected, inexplicable power couple of eah
do i even need to say anything they had a whole movie to make their case. they’re rapple if rapple got their shit together before armageddon, with the bonus of a potential curse-breaking true love’s kiss for the fanfic authors to thrash between their teeth. truly unlimited. also unlike rapple where raven is 100% against being a villain and therefore it’s apple who has to do the mental gymnastics to open herself to the possibility of a relationship w raven, faybelle is just chomping at the bit to make her momma proud and presents a compelling perspective for the whole “falling in love w your fated nemesis” thing
they are icons, they are legends, and they ARE the moment. these two are so chaotic individually, what with blondie’s criminal skillset and habit of menacing innocent woodland creatures and cupid’s matchmaking powers combined w her shitty aim, that putting them together can only mean good things. there’s this whole element of their shared passion as public figures who at their best seek the truth and guide others through matters of the heart respectively that’s always interesting as a point of irony/obstacle when they start catching feelings and have to decide what to do with them. their joint youtuber/podcaster slay can level nations
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deltaswapjevil · 6 months
Finally posting this
You may be wondering why I haven't been post too much art recently especially my secret bosses
While I ran out of paper
I have some i finished before I ran out but......never got to posting them
But that's for tomorrow
Today I have something that's a month overdue
Halloween post
So here's all my secret bosses dressed up for Halloween
I swear I started this in October but......uhm things happened
Long story but next year I'll be starting in September
Costume list: Jevil: Pennywise (It) Spamton: Billy the Puppet (Saw) Tinkerina: Jenny (My Life As A Teenage Robot) Lucifur: Lamb (Cult of the Lamb) Radiola: The Phantom of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera) Flowery: Joker (Joker Movie) Ratelly: Mickey Mouse (Disney) General Woodrow Stiltskin: Solider (Team Fortress 2) 314: Mew Mew Kissy Cutie (Undertale) Lunzzz and Sunestra: Sun & Moon (FNAF) Pupina: Frankenweenie (Frankenweenie) Dyla: Wonder Woman (DC Comics) Octoboo: Mimikyu (Pokemon) Creatos: Balloon Boy (FNAF) Fetti Widow: Betty Boop (Betty Boop) Be-Bo: Ghost (Pac-Man) Crysdoll: Kangel (Needy Streamer Overload) Pentagone: Pyramid Head (Silent Hill) XO: Shringold (DHMIS) Aeros: Peridot (Steven Universe) Cozmoze: Buzz Light-Year (Toy Story) Smasher: Bowser (Super Mario) Count Von Thrill: Count Dracula (Non Specific) Falangel: Angel (Non Specific) Sewtipede: Mad Scientist (Non Specific) Gossipel: Poison Ivy (Batman) Sucubyxxx: Catgirl (Non Specific) Scriptos: SCP 035 (SCP) Anne Pecy: Pomni (TADC) Barb B. Barb: Halloween Barbie (Barbie) Mommy Longlegs: Marge Simpson (The Simpsons) E. Vile: Robbie Rotten (Lazy Town) Mr. Mupidley and Socks: Wally Darling and House (Welcome Home) Ex Rai: Glados (Portal)
If you notice any characters I posted missing....thats because I made them after I started working on this and decided not to add them
If you notice charecters I haven't posted here thats because they're really old and I lost the original art
If you want to know the reasonings of why they're dressed this way ask in the comments/reblogs (which are highly encouraged)
Lastly who's costume is best?
(The actual lastly....uhm do not use this as an accurate scaling for the characters because it is wildly off but most are accurate....the most inaccurate scales are Flowery, Ex Rai, Crysdoll, Creatos)
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Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
Iiii don't think I know ten different pieces of media but here we go!
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things (my love my life mwah mwah a million kissies for you💖💖💖💖💖💖💖)
Vincent Sinclair - House of Wax (2005)
Arthur Fleck - Joker (2019)
Doctor Who - Rose Tyler
American Horror Story - Liz Taylor (my WIFE 😭😭😭) (OR Michael Langdon, because he deserved better too💔)
OCN Black (k-drama) - 444/Moo-gang/Black (sweet baby boy💔)
I can't think of any others 😂😂😂
Gonna tag @seidenbros @robynnnhooddd @muns-trosity @hawkinshighdropout @hellfirebabe and anyone else who wants to do it!!! No pressure!
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neo-princess · 3 years
hi! could you please do fluffy A-Z for jaemin? thanks x
Absolutely! Thank you for your request!
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A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)
I think anything! Jaemin can always find something to compliment you on. He could go on and on about the things he likes about you.
B = Baby (do they want a family? why/why not?)
Why not? You know, I think he really likes to raise someone. On account of all his jokes of raising Jisung. But honestly, I don’t think he’d mind having a family someday.
C = Cuddle (how do they cuddle?)
Oh gosh, so jaemin is most definitely a sucker for clinging too you while you cuddle. He will literally wrap around you like a koala, and won’t let got. While, the whole time just having this large smile on his face.
D = Dates (what are dates with them like?)
These are the moments where the real romantic in Jaemin comes out. He loves to take you really nice places, like board walks at dawn. Or at some large cliff or rock so you guys can see the start. Dates with him usually are something unforgettable, and they really pull you guys closer.
E = Everything you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world…)
You are the best thing that has ever happened to him. He’s gotten a lot of things, and a lot of opportunities. But, you by far are the best thing he’s ever had.
F = Feelings (when did they know they were falling in love?)
I think he knew he was falling in love from the beginning. You were just all about him as he was about you. You guys had energy that matched perfectly, and synced so he had no choice but to fall.
G = Gentle (are they gentle? If so, how?)
He’s very gentle with you most of the time. He loves doing things so that you can relax, like brushing or coming your hair. Or even just running his hand through you’d hair. Any texture, any length, he just loved it.
H = Hand/Hold (how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?)
I think jaemin likes to hold hands, but that’s such a discrete form of PDA. And we know that he is not discrete with PDA. He’s more of a letting you sit on his lap like a big baby, or he will carry you again like a baby.
I = Impression (first impression/s)
Right from the start he thought you were beautiful, funny, and fun to be around. He loved the energy that you exuded, and he wanted to match that.
J = Joker (are they into pulling pranks?)
Oh poor you, you’ll never see the end of it. There’s most likely a prank war going on between the two of you. Jaemin loves to prank you, but you aren’t going to let him get away with it. Thus, the never ending cycle.
K = Kisses (how do they kiss?)
Well there’s two for jaemin. When he’s babying you are if you’re around the others, he will just make a kissy face and kiss your cheek over and over. However when you guys are alone, it’s different. I imagine him lifting your chin by his fingertips, and pressing a soft kiss into your lips. Pulling away slowing, though going back for more.
L = Little things (what little things do they love/notice?)
He loves how everything you do is cute to him. You don’t even realize how cute you truly are. And he can help but just stare and smile.
M = Memory (their favorite moment together)
There was this one time where you guys were both jumping on your bed. And jaemin fell off and bust his bud on the hardwood floor. And you rushed to ask if he was okay, and you were so concerned. And jaemin was just laughing. The whole situation was so funny to him.
N = Nickel (do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?)
Jaemin is definitely a spoiler. He loves to buy you things that you’ll wear or use often. He enjoys getting you friendship necklaces with him. Or a few rings sometimes. You probably have about 5 promise ring from this guy.
O = Orange (what color reminds them of their other half)
Pink. The color is cute and fluffy, and reminds him of how cute you are.
P = Petnames (what petnames do they use?)
Any pet and you can think of, especially the cringy ones he calls you. That’s mostly when he’s really in a babying mood though. But he usually goes for the regular “baby.”
Q = Questions (what are the questions they’re always asking?)
He’s always asking “do you love me?” Just so he can hear you say it. You know that’s why, but you still play along because how could you say no to that cutie.
R = Remember (their favorite memory of each other)
Another memory he has is on Valentine’s Day, he bought you flowers among other things. He just remembered how happy you were to recieve the gifts from him. He was glad to make you happy, so it was one of his favorite memories.
S = Sad (how do they cheer themselves/each other up)
No matter what, Jaemin always tried to keep a smile on your face. He will lay on you like he’s a big baby, smiling his perfect smile up at you. And you have no choice but to smile, because you can’t hide a smile from him. He knows that he makes you happy, so he just tries to be cute and lovey-dovey so he can see you smile.
T = Talking (what do they love to talk about?)
He loves talking about you honestly. Some of his members joke around with him about it. How they ask about you once, and he immediately goes off on a tangent. He just could tak about you for hours, he is definitely not ashamed of this.
U = Universe use a metaphor, what are they to each other? (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
It’s as if you’re the sun and he’s the planet. His happiness constantly revolving around you.
V = Very ___ they’re thoughts about each other (e.g she’s very smart, he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying etc.)
She’s amazing and perfect, nothing less than that.
W = Why (reasons why they love each other)
He loves you cause you’re the light of his life. Honestly he doesn’t even remember how he was so happy without you. He knows loosing you isn’t an option for him, you’re a vital part of his life.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I love you - Alex & Sierra
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You’re the key to my heart
Z = Zebra (if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?)
He gives me bunny parent vibes
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 7
Here's my name overview, in case you're new to this: Zhou Zi Shu = Baby Zi Shu/ Zhou Xu lord guy/alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy; Wen Ke Xing = Smirky Xing/Smirky fan guy/Kissy Xing Gu Xiang = Purple Girl/my Purple Love/my Purple Queen Smirklord is my personal ship name for Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing.
Also, here are the previous episodes.
Before we get started, just FYI, I went back to have a look at the red masked ghost guys gang scene with nuts guy in episode 1, and it’s finally confirmed that it's 100% Kissy Xing, because, now that i've been hearing his laughter for some eps, I can't not recognize it. Actually, he’s not just part of the ghost gang, he’s their boss. :O
Okay, so that is settled.
Let’s move on to episode 7:
Luo Mansion. What is that? Where is that? Who are these people? There's one with a joker grin, and several with weirdly upturned eyebrows and darkened lips. Are they from the ghost gang?
And why is everything red, is this a wedding?
There's a white haired woman with long golden fingernails and she's referred to as tragicomic ghost.
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Oh it IS a wedding. Something tells me this might not be a voluntary one... Maybe it's the amount of gagged people in cages who don't look joyful.
Is the gagged guy who's gonna get married unconscious magenta leader guy from when that other ghost lady dropped her face?
He's getting married to a memorial tablet? What?
Ah, back to more familiar people in familiar circumstances. Baby Zi Shu is drinking alcohol. Now this I recognize.
But he can't get more because somebody bought all the remaining bottles. Should I say that this has Kissy Xing written all over it?
Ooooh, the kid is there!!! With a-hole-uncle Shen and uncle Zhao. And the kid notices Baby Zi Shu right away, and thinks it's his master. He's better at recognizing people than I am, but he's mislead by Baby Zi Shu's lack of tan and scar. That's a shame. But he clearly misses his daaaaads! Awwwww.
Side note: I cannot stress enough how much I need to focus on not misspelling Baby Zi Shu’s name. I’ve typed Zi Shi, Zu Shi, Zu Shu, Zhu Si, Zhi Shu already... and now I almost typed “Baby Sushi”, because my brain is WEIRD. In case it happens in the future and I miss it, you have been warned. Maybe I should just go with Baby Sushi, because that one would be easiest to remember. I should also change my tumblr handle to “face-blind-and-name-stupid”.
Meh, back to the ghost gang wedding ceremony.
Whoever speaks dies. That would have been a good rule to know in advance, I guess.
So what's this list of the unfaithful? Is it like Santa's naughty and nice list?
Everybody who is unfaithful gets killed by white haired gold finger girl. Got it. Everybody who speaks gets killed too. This seems like such a shady set of rules, I bet more people get killed just for fun.
Ooooh, it's celebrity death match. But with friends of the groom.
I feel like this guy who says that the ghost folks never break a promise, while being a jerk, might be telling the truth.
:O WTH? Did a-hole-uncle Shen just seriously call our kid useless??? He just assumes that our kid is a liar??? The audacity!!! I feel so outraged on the entire fandom’s behalf.
Huh, the kid is eavesdropping on all of it. I feel so bad for him to having to hear this, but at the same time, I feel so proud of his spying nature. He's already picked up some of his adopted dads' talents.
Back to the wedding deathmatch. A red wedding indeed. Everybody's dead.
Two guys talking at Youyang sect, alright, whoever that is, I forgot. But, they have nice dragon decor. Ah the younger guy is the leader of Window of Heaven while the older guy with the mustache is the 5 lakes final boss. Top boss, I mean. I might be playing too many computer games, sorry. Anyway, so Youyang is 5 lakes, also confirmed by the pleated skirt soldiers around. K, k.
So, pretty heaven's window leader guy wants to get the scoop on the glazed armor situation.
Whoa, did mustache final boss guy just really say glazed armor is just a rumor? Does he think people are stupid? Even I know that it's not. Tsk. He makes Window of Heaven sound like a super power spy agency.
Everybody is after our poor kid. Ooooooooh, Baby Sushi is following the uncles plus kid through the bamboo woods. Nice. He won't let the kid get harmed, I'm sure.
There's a girl kid who looks kind of like TopTap (if you're familiar with Thai TV shows).
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She seems nice, but... looks like they're just trying to get our kid out of the way to discuss stuff. Pfff, they always complain about him not knowing stuff, but how is he supposed to when he's constantly left out?
"The martial arts world won't be peaceful anymore" LOL, whut? It hasn't been peaceful from the start of the series. What is 5 lakes final boss guy even trying to say?
:O what? Baby Sushi wants to genuinely leave the kid there and thinks he's safe there?
Oh, he's onto the spy situation and Window of Heaven being involved. Cool, cool.
Aaaaand spontaneously kills a spy guy, k.
Wheeeeeeee Kissy Xing is back. Has also been following around. Nice nice.
Ah, the dead guy was from the scorpion gang. And both Baby Sushi and Kissy Xing know. Oh, so Window of Heaven is an assassin organization. Alright, the more you know. Okay!
He's so daring, talking about how everybody is after the glazed armor while wearing a piece of it openly over his clothes. And he keeps hinting at how much he knows about Baby Sushi but never outright says it.
It's always the same with those two. Kissy Xing points out how good a person he is and then flirts with Baby Sushi who then gives him the cold shoulder.
LOL, I love how the subtitles really translate EVERYTHING. A random note of Tofu Pudding, not plot relevant at all, but BAM in your FACE!
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(joking aside: I am so grateful for all the subs and translations. Whoever is doing this stuff, you guys will always be my heroes. <3 )
Oh, somebody looked at them, and Baby Sushi recognized him? And Kissy Xing is like a marching band, stomping onto the scene, parading around with banners that say "Look at this glazed armor!" lol.
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Ooooooh, Kissy Xing is in cahoots with the merchant lady. He's planned something. This is exciting. Seems like he's trying to set all parties up against each other: 5 lakes, scorpions, window of heaven and whoever else wants to participate.
Okay, so he let that spy guy steal his piece of glass on purpose, right? And it must be one of the fakes, I assume.
Oh, the heroes conference... I remember the name, but what was that again? Was it a 5 lakes thing? Anyway, Baby Sushi and Kissy Xing are gonna be there on uncle Zhao's invitation, alright.
See, when Kissy Xing calls the kid dumb, it kinda doesn't feel offensive to me. I don't know. It just doesn't. It's like somebody affectionately calling their pet dumb or something.
Waaah, there's another beautiful tree. Please don't burn it down this time.
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There's some morse code thing going on with lots of people that I don't know. Everybody's drumming on stuff and passing along messages.
:O my Purple Queen. The love of my life. There she is. ahhhhhhhh. <3
She's also drumming on stuff, but I'm not sure it's code with her, might also just be frustration, lol.
There's a bunch of drunk guys and they're requesting the traditional DJ guy to put on some song that probably has explicit content or something, because he doesn't wanna play it.
:O they snatched his daughter from DJ guy! Right under the eyes of my Purple Queen. Ooooh, she's gonna clean up that place, lol.
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Yeah you show them! Heh.
Oh, she's got herself a fanboy. Who is he?
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She still keeps drumming away on the dishes with her chopsticks. Hmm, maybe it is a code after all.
LOL, they're having this awkward conversation about double standards for guys and girls, and my Purple Queen is not having it. She is the best.
Not gonna lie, every time the series cuts back to smirklord, I get all excited.
Ok, Baby Sushi places some... nut or whatever on his chopsticks obviously some code, Kissy Xing watches and looks confused. Oh, and he almost gave away that he doesn't understand the code.
LOL, what is happening? Kissy Xing looks so pissed at my Purple Queen making friends with her fanboy.
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Seriously, does he have some sort of beef with fanboy guy? LOL, won't even let the poor guy finish his meal. A+ in cockblocking.
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Awwwww, and my Queen still gets it. Pinpointing smirklord in one sentence. Baby Sushi brings out Kissy Xing's humanity. And now he looks sad. It must be true.
Ahaha, "I will pay. A Xu, where is your wallet?" Comedic genius.
Oh, what a clever way to bring the subject to the "thief" guy. Man, Kissy Xing is GOOOOOOD at this. And Baby Sushi is so amused that he admits to knowing thief guy too.
My queen doesn't recognize Baby Sushi. Whaaaaat? I would have expected her to feel the sparks. Oh, wait, no, she does get it. Hehe. And Kissy Xing instantly has to praise his crush's appearance and beauty. Everything's alright again in the world.
LOL, the way she goes right in to touch him. No inhibition. No etiquette. And Baby Sushi is so surprised that he lets her, lol.
Ahaha, Kissy Xing has to stop her from touching his baby. Awww
XD, I can't deal with this. He even flat out asks why he's not allowed to touch.
And Baby Sushi replies with a compliment to my Queen and a rebuff for Kissy Xing. It's funny, but I do feel a little bad for Kissy Xing. He did not deserve that.
LOL, waiter guy wins quote of the day, "Can you all pay first? Then you can touch whomever you want, however you want." This episode is gold, man. Also, I'm all for the touching. Yes, touch each other. Go go.
Heh, nice. Baby Sushi threatens that the money is a loan and he'll expect interest. And Kissy Xing does not seem sad about owing him at all but goes and buys even more food. After all, owing Baby Sushi gives him reason to stay in touch, doesn't it?
Aww, why do they always end on smirklord scenes? I want more. :(
Okay, this was a really nice episode. I can't wait to continue.
What I learned: The ghost gang enjoys torturing people. Kissy Xing is definitely nuts guy (well not learned from this episode, but I still learned it). I need the kid to return to his dads because I miss their interaction, as does he. There's a famous  thief wandering around and he stole Kissy Xing's fake Glazed Armor. The Heroes Conference is coming up.
Goals for future epsidoes: still to figure out how Kissy Xing and Baby Sushi know each other, understand the purpose and connections of the ghost gang and why Kissy Xing is part of them. Also, just generally, get to watch more smirklord interactions. ;)
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Dating Jason Todd would include
-like this dude will literally let you get away with ANYTHING and no one better stop you
-“Hey Jay I just robbed a bank and took a lollipop from that kid next door.”
-“Aww you’re so cute, Doll. Let me put out this cigarette and I’ll help you count the money, okay?”
-“Jay, Dick said I can’t have anymore ice pops!!! I really want some, it’s not fair!!”
-“ He said what?! hOld On iM gEtTinG mY Gun nO OnE TelLs mY lItTle Babe sHe caNt haVe anY iCe popS.”
-wearing his thick leather jackets that smell like cigarettes and expensive scotch 
-Stealing his 1/16263819827 Red hoods and waddling around the house while he’s out on patrol
-“Hey I’m RedHood and I have DaDdY IssUes, prepare to diEee!!! *pew pew*”
-“is that how I sound to you?! Because I don’t *pew pew* I *brrraaatratratatataaa* get it correct Y/N”
-Your tough edgy boyfriend 
-If he has an off day, he’ll take you on a ride on his motorcycle to wherever you want to go. If it’d make you happy, he’d drive to Paris for you if he could.
-You guys usually end up drifting by the waterside, taking in the longing smell of the sea, feeling the subtle warmth of the setting sun and melting into the welcoming breeze
-There’s this really good Sandwich stand by the oceanfront and you guys always get a large one, and share it with a nice cold bottle of Coke. There’s also this really nice private beach that you two have no business being on, you guys would sometimes just sit on one of the lifeguards stands for a while and just enjoy each other 
-“Hey Jay Jay?”
-“What’s up, Love bug?
-“Your eyes have a hint of Aqua Green in them. It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. I just wanted you to know that, that’s all.”
-every week you guys make a list of your favorite classics and you build a Spotify playlist and dance around the house screaming *cough* I-i mean singing on the top of yalls lungs.
-weird adventures around the city! Like you guys sometimes go to weird parts of the city to see some weird crap to laugh about later on. 
-“Why is he wearing a tutu and dirty socks-“
-“keep walking baby girl don’t question it.”
-monthly movie nights where you guys watch a movie that has crappy 1 star reviews while eating a bunch of unhealthy garbage all night.
-“but why did he do that?”
-“according to ‘moviecridictbooiiii12’, he’s an uncultured swine who has no Character development, 1/10 trash person totally.”
-If you guys are just sitting in a comfortable silence, just cuddling, he might open up a bit about his childhood or maybe talk a bit about how he’s feeling. But that’s a rare rare occasion he doesn’t like talking much about it.
-This sometimes can cause a bit of a rift because it almost feels as if there’s a lack of trust but you understand he’s been through a whole lot and if it were you, you’d probably be the same way
-he does not like pills in the house but if you have health issues and have to take them, he won't crucify you because of it, but he will monitor you and make sure there is no drug abuse. He wants to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself. He doesn't wanna lose you that way.
-He’s a depressed crackhead 
-“Hey Y/N, can you tell me what’s in the drawer in the kitchen. The one next to the sink”
 -“Hmm? There’s nothing in here Jason.”
-“Nothing you say? Just like my relationship with Bruce haha.”
-“Are you okay?”
-“No I am not and neither is my sleep schedule.”
-Oh yeah this Poor boy barely sleeps. Mainly because he’s out on patrol all night and when he finally gets home, he’s being called back out. Or sometimes he’s just so restless thinking about everything he needs to do. Other times he’s just scared to sleep.
-Yeah he’s pretty reluctant to go to sleep. He’s scared to have a bad dream and wake up in a vulnerable state. Or to accidentally wake you up from tossing and turning and wails of agony.
-You lost a lot of hours of sleep already do to comforting him at night so as much as he can function without a nights rest, he’ll do it to spare you
-You hate when he does this because you actually don’t mind comforting him, it makes you feel like he trusts and can rely on you.
-nightmares about the joker or the pit. Cryinggg this boy is really traumatized
-“Shhh, Jason it’ll be alright. I’m right here love.”
-Even though he avoids sleep at all costs, this doesn’t stop him from napping on the recliner or at the kitchen table from time to time.
-He’s a bit self destructive with drinking, smoking, betting himself up, not sleeping or eating properly. You really have to help him and work with him. Be patient and kind pLz.
-He doesn’t like exposing you to the stuff he does, he doesn’t like you seeing all the gore or what not so he doesn’t try to come home bloody much actually. He might stop at dicks house or some other friend’s house to clean up a bit before coming to you
-Todd doesn’t like you to see and be around all that. He wants to keep that life very very separate, he even tries to keep the news off and away from you. Although you already know and if it bothers you it not, it’s not much you can do to stop him.
-The only time you might see him bloody or hurt is when he can’t make it to a friends house and he needs you to patch him up and put him to bed quickly.
-Yeah you guys do little annoying antics back and forth but it’s not something super crucial. The only time where it heats up is like if something he’s doing really really bothers you, like his killings or if he does something super reckless. The arguments usually end up with
- “I’m sorry Doll, I’ll do better for you.”
- “Sorry JayBird, I wasn’t being fair” 
-The worst an argument had ever gotten was when he didn’t come home for weeks without telling you he was out on a mission and you were scared out of your mind and ended up cursing him out for scaring you. 
-You didn’t talk to him for about a week and he was a wreck
-“Hey, it’s okay Y/n- I’m here no-“
-He cannot stand when he breaks your heart or makes you upset like he beats himself up a whole lot. He will apologize to you and do anything to make it up.
-“Stupid Todd? How can you upset the one person that seems to be so patient and loving to you? Ugh you idiot.”
-yeah he literally kissed up to you for months he felt so bad even after you apologized for overreacting and told him he didn’t need to do anything 
-Yeah speaking of kissing up to you, he Buys you anything you want just ask. Looking at that super nice outfit in the mall? Check your room, it’s on your bed with a cute little note. Want an ice cream sundae? Yeah he got extra fudge/caramel for his princess. 
-He just loves you like so so much he doesn’t care what you look like, how big or how skinny, how light or how dark you are. He literally adores you and wants to protect you with all his heart. He’d buy the whole world for you.
-“Jason, literal listen to me. 600 dollars for a charm bracelet I liked in the mall is too much, go return it”
-he’s a bit overprotective with you. Not in a “HEKDJEHEHEHINEEDTOKNOWWHEREYOUAREATALLTIMESSENPAI.”  Kind of way but in a like “Check in every once in a while will ya babe? I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
-He doesn’t let you go outside after a certain time for ANYTHING unless it’s an emergency. It’s too dangerous in Gotham for you to be out scrolling going to a convenience store at 10pm at night. So if you need something from the store he’ll go get it for you or already have it in the house.
-Will 100 throw hands for you
-actually makes sure you can defend yourself and trains you a bit every month to make sure if trouble comes and he’s not there, you can protect yourself
-Honhonhon. Although what many believe Jason has a high sex drive and wants it a lot or what not. I don’t think it’s 100% true
-I believe that like if his partner wasn’t the type of person who wanted it, or didn’t feel comfortable with it, he’d be okay with it. Like he doesn’t need it to survive although you look hecking good in that outfit today
-I feel like he’d be more kissy and rough touching than the full 100 yards with a more soft/standoffish sexually significant other. 
-Yeah if he gets from a stressful mission or just needs to feel you, he’s gonna wanna kiss and touch on you but if you’re not into all that then like he’d back off because he respects you enough 
-neck kisses and thigh kisses 
-“jaybirdy I wanted to wear that new skirt I got yesterday, now I got your bites all over my legs.”
-he's a totally Dom and that’s on that period boo
-dAdDy KiNk I’m sorry
-His voice somehow becomes super raspy when he’s aroused?!?!
-He will tease you to a point you moan out his name and then turn around and act innocent 
-“let’s watch Frozen! What’s with that face dear? You didn’t think I’d let you have it that easily now did you?”
-*wears anything short*
-Highkey finds it so hot when you sit on his lap like damn it feels so nice to him like you know you’re his and that’s like arousing to him. Will play with the hem of your skirt if your wearing them and your thighs aren’t safe
(Anyways I ain’t trynna make this NSFW but I might do a little something for my 200 follower special)
-On a softer purer note, you guys are like the roasters of the fam, okay! Like no one is safe, especially Damian.
-“Tch- Todd and his little pet.”
-“Dami, didn’t know you’d be here, and apparently your hairline didn’t know either.”
-*Jason, Tim and Dick were dying*
-“Hey you little accident, why you standing like that, you look like you’re bout to enlist in the army.” 
-“shut up Todd, at least I have good posture unlike you.”
-“Hey leave Damian alone, Jason. Dami just has a pole in his ass that makes him stand in first position all the time. It’s a serious condition, y’all need to stop laughing.”
-“Hey Selina! Your Sugar Daddy is in the kitchen, try not to steal anything though because he might cut down your weekly allowance.”
-“Haha Y/N and yours is in the living room getting drunk, careful he might end up with me tonight.”
-“Hmm, a gold digger and a cougar? Wow you got your careers set don’t ya! Ooops you should check in the mirror tho! I think your Botox is drooping.”
-yAlL CAnT sTop ROaStinG PeOpLe anD it’S wOrse When yaLls DruNk
-You’re actually pretty close to The BatFam and like Bruce Adores you he thinks you’re a wonderful influence on Jason like you changed him a lot. Dick sees you as a baby sister and like he literally baby’s you so much it’s sad. Tim and you like to joke around a bit and talk you guys get along decently. Although Damian would NEVER admit it, he actually is kinda fond of you even though you guys insult each other. He might stab someone for like hurting you or something. But watch your back because he might stab you as well.
-going to Bruce’s Galas and charity events like by force. 
-“yYyyYYyyY/NnnNnNnNiEeeeEEee PLEaSE COmeEeeee sO iWOnT DrInk MySelF ouT oF tHeRe!!!”
-“Jason let go of my leg.”
-You don’t actually mind it too much, you’ve made some nice connections and plus it’s a little date night with Jason so Win Win!!
-He actually wears a nice Tux and styles his hair real nicely. Might even be wearing that nice watch Bruce gave him a long time ago on his birthday.
-*sniff sniff* is that Cologne? *sniiiiiiffffffff* *HIGHLY* Expensive cologne he’s wearing?! And *pat pat* HAIR GEL OH BOIIII
-He actually picks out a dress for you to wear. One he’s been dying to see you in. The super expensive one he found while shopping with Dick and Bruce one day.
-If some rich guy try’s flirting with you, it’s over for them. Jealous Todd Mode activated!
-“Doll Face, I found you. Love wandering off don’t you babe? When we get home, I’ll make sure you won’t want to wander off again,” He kisses into your ear hungrily “wHo’s tHiS, Y/N? Is he bothEriNg yOu?” He asks like he didn’t see him there
-“No but Jason you are.“
“YEAH ‘oH’! serIouslY I CanT stAnd yoU.”
-Jason’s drinking and smoking. Let’s just say you’re not the biggest fan of it because of his health, you’re so worried about it. He’s already taking shots and stabs but like the drinking and smoking on top of that? You’re worried about him
-You always voice your concern and he’s never too phased and he’s always like 
-“Don’t worry L/N, I’ll be okay. If this kills me, don’t let Dick take my meat stash in the freezer. Tell him I’m coming back to life in like 3 months give or take and I’ll be hungry for steak.”
-Actual best boyfriend! Like if you’re insecure about anything he’ll make you feel so much better, in every way possible. He makes it so know how much he loves you it’s so sweet and super cute like I’m crying.
-makes weird faces at you randomly and it somehow gets you to laugh?!?! 
-cooks breakfast or dinner for you every once in a while but messes up a few times 
-“sorry y/n I accidentally burnt the cookies I was trying to make for you. I-I can go run and ask Alfred to make some? I know how long you’ve been waiting to have some.”
- Did I mention he’s best boi? Like ugggghhhh he’s so blind to all that superficial mess people get caught up in. You talk down about yourself and he’ll like attack you in love I swear he will. He doesn’t like the self deprecation you do. He completely detests it.
-“Say you’re ugly one more time I’ll slap you with this heart of mine. Don’t make me do it Y/N. I’ll give you so much love, the only thing you’ll be able to say is “Omg I love myself so much like damn I’m so sexy and so fine and my personality? Perfect! thanks  to my totally handsome boyfriend, I see myself so clearly now.”
-You guys Also like spend his birthday with just each other. But it’s really special to him and he always looks forward to the small marble cake you make, that has strawberries on top. He loves when you sit on his lap with your face in the crook of his neck, whispering into his skin ever so gently telling him to ‘make a wish old man’
-something about the birthdays you spend with him, brings him back to a happy place he once felt as a child. Or wanted to feel. He always wishing for the same thing…..to always see you happy
-“Jay I love you.”
-“I love you too Y/N. Remember that okay?”
(Request open)
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
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These Four Walls And Me - Dick Grayson Imagine
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Summary: Dick, all titans and the reader went to a hard mission against the Joker. Something’s wrong and Dick dies, but is he really dead?
Warnings: Cursing, mention of smut, fights. *Y/S/H/N: your superhero name* *Italic means memories*
Credits: Thank you, @incorrect-titans-quotes​ for always helping me. i’d give up on this if it wasnt u.
Today is D day. The day we will finally do what we’ve been planning everyday for one month. To stop the Joker. Dick has done his best to the team, we train everyday with blinded eyes for hours. Because anything can be taken from you in a battle. I forgot to say that Dick Grayson is also my 4 years boyfriend, i may be suspect to talk about him as a hero and as a lover, after all..everything he does is pretty well done, so if there’s something we are in this moment is ready to catch this fucking crazy villain.
[4 PM. Titans Tower, Training room]
This was our last training, i had Dick watching us and Jason against me right now and it’s not easy, after all, the three of us had been trained by Batman himself. Me and jayson had our sticks so we could practice defence, no attacking. Blinded, i could feel Jason’s breath behind and when i feel the closeness of his stick, i hit it with mine
“Are you asleep, Jaybird?” I mock him
“Wait and see, Y/N”
“Be mad, Jason, but defend yourself, concentrate” Dick said in his particular tone.
Attack followed by defence, the training kept going. Every move was necessary. When both of us had properly trained, we followed to the living room, where we met the rest of the Titans. Dick wanted to reunite us so he could talk about tonight.
“I believe all of you are fully ready to this. But it’s a dangerous mission and i need to ask you all, one more time to be concentrated in this. Be fast, be confident, we are in a bigger number but it doesn’t mean he has no ace up his sleeve. After all, he’s the joker.” Dick has concern lacing his voice as he tried to make them all understand it wouldn’t be easy.
We had already fought agains many villains, but this one really had got us in alert. The fact is: Joker is a psychopath, nothing satisfies him more than provoking his targets, whether through chaos, fear, delirium. He’s been here in San Francisco, but this is our place, and he won’t mess it up.
“We can do that, we know the old train station, we rule here in San Francisco so i believe we have advantage” Kory said
“Yes, we will do that in the most titan’s style, this is what we do, guys!” Gar said with his notorious excitement.
“Be careful, smart and lithe. We’ve seen things the rest of you can’t imagine, when in Gotham, I don’t want it to happen here.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N, we’ll do our best.” Rachel says and hugs me. Since she came in, since the start, Dick had done everything to protect her and i may have got into this with him, because i see her as my own child.
We are a Family, every one of us complete our team, so that’s why 1 month of insane training. We are ready.
[ 10 p.m, Dick and Y/N’s bedroom]
“We will stop him, won’t we?” Dick asks while we were cuddling in bed, we took our bath and we were relaxing right now but something doesn’t seem okay, my black-and-blue Bird doesn’t seem that confident as he Always do.
“We will, love, because we strive for that. You’re our mentor, Dick and you’ve done everything so we could be hundred porcent compatible to him in this mission. Don’t worry that much. You, by yourself would detain him, i blindly believe it.” I tell him, filling him with kissies over all his face.
“Okay, okay, baby, i’ll relax, we’ll be lying here after that and we’ll make love like there’s no other day on Earth.” He says in my ear, I wish we didn’t have a mission to lead.
“You’re such a perv, Dick Grayson” I mock him and he starst tickling me.
“You make me, Y/N” and we kiss.
“I love you, D.” I tell him.
“I love you with all my heart, kitten” the surname he use to call me since we met.
We heard a knock in our door. It was Jason.
“Hey, Guys, C’mon, We need to go, he’s almost out of the old station” He says from behind the door.
“We’re coming.” Dick in his serious tone answer Jason.
“It’s time, love.” And we went to change in our suits.
[10:45 p.m, San Francisco’s Old train station]
We get there, to end it up for once. We recognize the place that we had already beat some bad guys. It is dark but with some old yellow lights, behind the railroad of the train, there is an abyss that’s the reason why this station is closed, there’s 2 trains in the railroad, and a misterious silence.
Dick was the first one to appear, he told us to stay back until the joker appears. We stay in the dark, Jason is already upside the train station.
“Joker, i can offer you a deal. I’ll send you right to arkham and you wont have to fight against all of us.”
When we least expected, he apperead. Not in the way we expected, he had a hostage. He was holding a woman by her neck, she had her 30 years or more, tiny woman with glasses.
“This fucking whore was dealing my penalty for criminal acts in gotham. She was going to send me to arkham, can you believe it? and she ran to San Francisco so she could be safe from me.” The freak laughs out loud in his own typical way. “I guess you all asked yourselves what the hell i’m doing here? This cunt is the reason, now that she’s gonna die, i won’t to Arkham anymore and i’ll be free.” More and more laugh, i can’t bare hearing this asshole laugh like this anymore
He knew we’d be coming, he knew we’d be after him, but he didn’t stop.
“You won’t take a life from a inocent, Joker, let her go.” Dick says, confident and being sure that tonight he has one point: stop him.
“You did surprise me this time, Nightwing. Do you really think i’ll be letting her go? This is the first time i see you so defensive, what’s up? Love has made you soft?”
He draws a gun. Fuck. He points the gun at her jugular.
“Where’s the rest of your team of dumbasses, Little Bird? Are you by yourself? Are you going to tell them to leave or i will have to kill her so fast? I wish I could enjoy a little more”
“We can end up in two ways, Joker, one: you let her go and we will solve it with no inocente lives. Two: i kill you.” I can hear anger, fury in Dick’s voice
We were hiding in the back of the two trains, me, Dawn and Donna.. Jason was up in the roof of the station, ready to act, and now it’s the our. I give him the sign.
In a minute lot’s of things happen, it’s like a movie is passing by our eyes
Jason used the birdarangue to hit the joker in the leg, at the same time Dick pushes the hostage and tell her to go. Dick and the Joker start fighting physically, it gets rough and when we move to get in, a loud noise got us mute.
The joker had a bomb. My ear aches, my head is about to explode, but my only worrie is: is Dick fine? There’s a lot of smoke and i can’t see anything but i try to get closer, i need to see him. Something in my heart say it isn’t good.
“NIGHTWING?” i yell and it only hurts more. I have no answer. I crall a bit more and i call him again. “DICK?” still have no answer.
“Y/S/H/N, I don’t know where Dick is, he was right here, he was fighthing the joker, he..i..don’t know” Jason says still confused because he was also too close to joker like Dick.
The smoke was going away, i could see Jason again, he was all blodied because of the fragments that exploded with the bomb.
I was slowly recognizin the faces around me, and i didn’t see my boyfriend’s face. I started getting anxious, i started feeling bad and i had no more air, where’s Dick Grayson? “DICK WHERE ARE YOU, please answer me, dick” i still had strenght to yell but i felt my vision blur and i have no more strenght to finish the sentence. Where is Dick, where’s him?
“Y/N, I found this, I’m sorry, I think Dick couldn’t make it, i think he fell in the abssys.” Hank gave me a piece of his uniform, the black and blue fabric of his Nightwing uniform.
I couldn’t believe, it was like there was no ground in my feet, i felt everything getting far, i could barely hear anything anymore, this was the biggest pain i’ve ever felt, everything hurted and i felt like had no more air to breath.
I fell on the ground, i called, i yelled for his name but he never came, i can only feel donna come to help me and everything went black.
[6 a.m, TitansTower]
I woke up in our bed, It all felt like a nightmare. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t here, I had to go to the living room. I wish I could have stayed in bed because when i got in the room, all i saw was sad faces looking right at me, and i couldn’t take it, he’s not there.
“Y/N, come here” Dawn says calling me to her side.
“Dawn, it was real, wasn’t it? He couldn’t make it, could him?” I sob and try to think straight but it is too hard. It was like one tonne had fall in my head.
“He couldn’t, Y/N, we can believe it, but he couldn’t” Dawn is in front of me right now. Holding my hands, she was trying to make me feel better but I couldn’t. I could only feel pain but this time something else appeared and it was anger, because the Joker took him from me and he would pay.
“Jason, call Bruce” I said in a serious tone and i left to our bedroom.
When i got there, And I, I wanted the sheets to take me under because I can't help but think, what if I had one more night for goodbye? He won’t be here to turn the lights off, it will be only these four walls and me.
I went to take a shower, and staring at the shower’s wall i just could realize the numb i felt.
“I would give the world for more time to look at you” Dick caressed my face while we were under the shower
“I think we’ll have a long time, baby, because i’m yours and i do not pretend not being yours someday..” He kissed me, grabbing my legs he pressed me against the wall and we loved each other.
It hit me like a truck, the feeling of griefing was taking me. I tried to eat but the lump in my throat got in the way, this feeling, this feeling that i don’t have Dick anymore, it wasn’t human.
I follow to the living room, because i need to do it. Jason has lost his mentor, his old brother, the image of everything he wanted to be. Rachel has lost her image of parent. Gar has lost his leader. I need to be there for him, but the pain crashes my heart in many ways.When I get there, I hug every one of them and I sob by crying because I know how it hurts to understand it, then I left to the training room. I need to put this out, I can’t stand anymore, I’m going to train, I’m gonna make the Joker pay.I start to hit the punching bag, I hit it multiple times and I felt like I was losing my control, I kick it, I punch it with all my strenght.
“You, by yourself would detain him, i blindly believe it.” I told him, filling him with kissies over all his face.
“Okay, okay, baby, i’ll relax, we’ll be lying here after that and we’ll make love like there’s no other day on Earth.” He said
“You’re such a perv, Dick Grayson” I mock him and he starst tickling me.
“You make me, Y/N” and we kiss.
“I love you, D.” I tell him.
“I love you with all my heart, kitten”
“NO!” I yell punch the bag now crying when this memory hits me. “NO, DICK!” I punch it harder “YOU’RE NOT GONE” I keep yelling and i felt my body losing his strenght, until i felt Jason’s arms holding me, helping me and putting me on the ground.
“Y/N, I can’t stand seeing you like this, please” Jason says, after all, he’s like our little Bird, our little brother who’s Always on our feet, Always here.
“He’s dead, Jason, oh my god, he is dead.” I couldn’t believe how much it hurted. It is cruciating.
“You can and you will, Y/N, we need you, you gave the orders when Dick wasn’t here in the tower, you’ve Always been our second command.” I look at the kid’s eye and I start realizing they were needing me. Dick would never want me to destroy myself and give up on Titans, Because I can’t count how many things Dick had done for this team, it was his life. Our life.
“I’m here, Jaybird, I’ll recover for him and for you all. I need to talk to bruce first.”
[9 P.M, TitansTower]
I called Bruce, he was broken. But just like him, we seek for justice and that’s what’s going to happen. I ask Bruce to locate the Joker and me and them would catch him. For once.
“Team, go change, Joker is in the Central Museum, we’re going there.” I tell them the plain, we change and follow to the place.
[10 P.M, Central Museum]
The Museum was already closed, no people in there, only the fucking crazy Joker trying to do more crimes, but he wouldn’t, not here and nowhere.
When we first get in there, silente was dominating, he was hiding but he could show up anytime, so we were ready.
“You’re sure you want to do this, Y/S/H/N? Aren’t you feeling too bad, Darling? Your black uniform fits well your new status, because right now you’re a widow.” The bastars laughs out loud from my pain, but right now, i felt empty, i only had anger and fury going throught my mind.
“Won’t you show up, Joker?” I say so he can hear from wherever he is “Come here, Confront me. You’ve already took the life of the man i love. I don’t feel anything anymore.”
He appears, wth the most sassy and dirty smile in that fucking crazy face. My heart is so tiny right now. This man took my love, the only one i had in life.
“You guys won’t stop trying to detain me until i kill one by one?” He says to us
We get ready to start the Fighting but we get surprised by one of the glasses of the top windows cracking. The noise is so loud
“What is happening?” I hear Donna
“You’re wrong joker, you won’t finish to kill one by one because haven’t even started, you crap” This voice, this so well known voice. My heart pounds in my chest and I ask myself if i’m crazy or it is actually happening.
Then i look to the top of the museum and there he is. Holding on his bat-rope. My Black-and-Blue Bird. Alive.
“Nightwing, I asked myself when we’d see each other again. I believed you’d like to do some mistery but here you are. I have to tell you, your timing sucks.” Joker laughs.
I stay paralised looking at Dick. He was here, right in front of me.
“What can I do? It’s a gift.” He answers the joker, fastly gets down to the ground and kisses me. “I couldn’t die, I fought too much not to die, because I had to come back. To you.” He kisses me.
“Rachel! NOW!” Donna yells, she wraps him in her lasso of truth and Raven envolve him with her black magic. They take him to San Francisco police which was outside the museum waiting to take him to arkham. We did beat him.
[1 A.M, TitansTower]
The going back home was unbeliavable, the guys were crazy about it, Gar and Jason wouldn’t get out from Dick’s feet. Our leader was back.
“Guys, I appreciate your love, You all are my Family and i’m so grateful, I can’t explain how hard it was, but i’m here, and tomorrow i’ll clarify everything. Because right now i’m going to love my girl.” Everyone laughs and we follow to our room.
There’s no words, there’s only two crazy lovers wanting everything the other can give, because the time that passed was too much for both of them to handle.
Dick was home, with me.
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batmanie · 5 years
Dress code
"You can't do this to me!" The Riddler waves his hands in exasperation worthy of a better cause. "You can't wear this for a heist! For our collaborative heist! I didn't sign up for that!"
“Relax. It's just a shirt,” Joker shrugs while staring at his own reflection in the mirror. He does not see the problem. “And not a cheap one, you know. It's silk. Handmade. Go ahead, touch it.” He turns around like a model on the catwalk, he is perfectly well-dressed: a shirt, a vest, a tie; and he looks undeniably elegant.
Riddler, however, does not approve.
“That's not the point!” The man hisses but he does get closer to the other as if tempted to really touch the material. “Well, it is a fancy one, I admit – but that's not the point! The point is – it's green!”
“Green is my theme color! MINE! Only I get to wear it!”
Joker looks at his current partner in crime, Riddler is wearing a green suit and he is pretty furious. The clown turns to the mirror again, ignoring the unnecessary fuzz.
“Haven’t you noticed? I like green too.” He points at his hair – slick and glossy. “Besides,” he adds totally unfazed, “we will look like a team! That's good for a shared heist.”
“That's good for goons!” Riddler roars.
Joker rolls his eyes. “You're overreacting. Do I ask you to change because you put on a purple tie? No! And you know how I feel about that color.”
“That's totally different!”
“No, it isn't!”
Riddler growls in frustration. Words are apparently not enough to express his feelings at this point, he is so funny when enraged. He starts to pace up and down, making Joker giggle.
“Look,” Edward tries again, this time with a different approach. “Keep the shirt, just put on some coat or a jacket. One that isn't green.”
The clown thinks about it for a second.
“I'll lend you one!” Riddler quickly offers before the other can decline. “Heck, I'll gift you one. Just put it over that shirt, please!”
“Hmm... I don't know, Eddie... You were right from the start. The way we dress for the heist is kinda important, I can see that now.” He poses himself in front of the mirror and fakes a kissy face. “And I like how I look in that. Bats will appreciate the style.”
Nygma's angry face reflects in the mirror right next to the Joker's, and judging by the look on it, Riddler is about to snap.
Joker has seen the other rogue losing it before – that had always been a loud and verbal but quite colorful spectacle. His memory drifts to that one night at the asylum when he had told Eddie that the evening news had confused the two of them. Riddler had been screaming his lungs out. Nobody had gotten any sleep that night, and that had just been a joke. Good times!
"That's it!" The high-pitched voice snaps the clown out of his happy flashback. “You're not going to out-green me in front of Batman! Take it off!” Riddler shouts and his hands are already on Joker, furiously unbuttoning his fancy, green shirt.
“You gotta be kidding me!” The Clown Prince of Crime snarls and pushes the other away, or at least intends to. Eddie clutches at his shirt like a god-damn leech and as the two of them struggle, the poor buttons give way – flying into the air like shooting stars.
Riddler stumbles back and has to catch himself not to fall. Panting heavily, he stares at the Joker who is looking down at the ruined outfit in disbelief. When he finally raises his gaze to catch Edward's eyes, there is nothing joyful in them.
“You little...”
“That was an accident...” The man in green takes a shaky step back but there is nowhere to run – not anymore.
* * *
Batman has seen plenty of crazy during his many years as the hero of Gotham. He has seen laughing fish, flying Christmas trees, exploding pumpkins and killing dolls. He's seen men coming back to life, a man turning into clay, into a bat, into an orca even...
Gotham had a lot of madness to offer, but tonight it was the first time the Dark Knight has the doubtful privilege to witness not one, but TWO of his notorious adversaries taking over the Fashion Week Gala – both of them shamelessly shirtless.
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koda-arts511 · 2 years
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Happy Batman day, y’all! 🦇💛
I based this piece off of that one Joker Funko pop I love so dearly
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titoasf-blog · 4 years
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in this painting it represents wet nurse swaddling a large baby was popular throughout the seventeenth century . and also represents the role the moms have and it is and odd image to picture that but when i saw this image it reminded me how i miss my mom . i study abroad here in ventura county and i dont see my parents so it just reminded me of great memories of family time with my mom. and really in the 17th century women we scared of child birth because very few made it to adult hood and mainly mothers gave birth to 7 -5 children and more than half wouldnt survive. now that we have alot prevention from doctors and better living circunstances . everyone has children even girls in highschool. in my highschool there was very pretty girl . i think she was the most prettiest out of our whole class and she had gotten pregnant all of sudden . everybody in school was talking about this and it was shocking to most but to me i didnt see the problem untill i did more research on it . because to bring a baby you need to have alot of resources to take care of it and mental experience too to teach manners. so i felt sorry for her and happy too. sorry because its gonna be a very bumpy ride in life for her for a couple a years and happy because she was going to grow as a strong person if she really takes full responsibilty for her actions. and the same thing happened to one of my friends in highschool and now he has to work and no time for studying . its pretty life changing . so in that time in 17th century i bet it was just the same way and i think it was worse in that time because they had 7-5 children . thats madness . also in the painting the baby is not normal sized baby if you notice . its really big and it reminds me of me too because when i was born i weighed 11 pounds and thats big for a baby . my mom told me that and she also told me my first words "agua" . its water in spanish . and in the difference between my parent and the 17th century is that they didnt have more children . my mom said she didnt want to nor my dad . i was telling my mom i want a sister but didnt happen. so in the painting it does give a background of motherhood back then and compare it to now . in my opinion i think withouth the mother , a baby cant be raised because i think mothers are the ones that give the child the love and the care they need when they grow up . my mom till this day makes kissy noisy ehen she sees me and it is annoying really but also feels peaceful too . and we have always a great family time together . my mom is someone that if you remember her is because she laughed too much in a conversation . she has that chronic laugh that the bad guy joker from batman has . its really funny and its all i can remember her being so far aways from her .
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koda-arts511 · 2 years
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Did a part two of my last post 👀 head over to Twitter to check it out! Or click here <3
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