#kingsman secret service reader insert
Could I pretty please request #17 with Eggsy!! You’re writing is amazing and you definitely deserve all the love you get!
.⋆。Let’s Pretend It’s Sunday。⋆.
Eggsy Unwin x plus size reader
Eggsy finally has a day off from saving the world and all he wants to do is stay in bed with you
Warnings: implied smut, some nudity, domestic fluff
WC: 568
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
Cool morning light streamed into the bedroom, illuminating the lone figure in the bed. His dark eyebrows ruched as the light fell over his face, waking him from the first good night's sleep he’s had in a long time. 
He rolled onto his toned stomach to bury his face in the fancy pillows that he bought on a whim and stretched out his arm to pull his personal heater closer to him. But instead, his hand met a pile of rumpled and cold sheets. 
With a groan of frustration, Eggsy forced his blue eyes open only to be met with an empty bed and an alarm cloak reading a time too early for him to be awake. Just then the en-suite door opened, and you stepped into the bedroom half-dressed. 
You didn’t notice your now awake boyfriend as you quietly walked into the room, fixing one of your earrings as you did. But Eggsy certainly appreciated the sight of your gorgeously curved body clad only in a tight black pencil skirt, dark stockings, and your favourite bra which cupped your tits perfectly.
“Well isn’t this a brilliant morning?” You jumped at the sound of his voice, letting out a cute yelp as you clutched your chest.
“Jesus, don’t do that.” You scolded but with no real heat behind your words. Eggsy smirked and let his gaze slowly run over the length of your body before meeting your eyes. “And stop that, I have to go to work.”
He groaned pathetically and slumped back onto the pillows. “Oh come on, this is my first day off in months and I want to spend it in you.” You raised an eyebrow at him as you pulled your blouse on.
“Don’t you mean with me?”
“Nope I definitely mean in you.” The room is silent for a moment save for the rustling of clothes as you finish getting dressed before you speak again, killing your boyfriend’s dreams.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, I have to go to work.” But instead of complying, Eggsy slipped from the bed, letting the sheets fall away from his toned body.
“C’mon love, just call in. We can pretend it’s like the Sundays we used to have when we first got together. I order some food, we watch those shit tv shows you like and then I can fuck your brains out.” He cupped your full cheek and held your wide hip with his other hand. “Just say yes love.” His lips first met your cheek in a delicate kiss, then travelled across your face to the tip of your nose before he picked down to your neck and jaw.
Unable to fight his affections, you melted in his hold, your eyes fluttering shut as he continued to lather your skin with kisses. But then you seemed to suddenly come back to yourself and pulled away. “You know I can’t.”  You pouted.
Yet Eggsy wouldn’t give up. With a quick move, you were thrown onto the bed and swiftly pinned there by your boyfriend. “Sorry love, but you aren’t leaving this bed, not until I say so. And you know I’m not above tying you down.”
You grinned. “Alright Unwin, you have 10 minutes to convince me to stay.” Your skirt was suddenly bunched at your waist and your stockings ripped as Eggsy nestled his shoulders between your plump thighs.
“I only need five.”
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Headcanons: Eggsy reacting to meeting Merlin’s adult child and Kingsman member; codename “Morgana”
Requested by: @marissa-rosemary​
Triggers: None           
Gender: Neutral? If you are alright with the codename being Morgana that is. But I did not mention a specific gender.
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✬ You would be a more hidden member of the Kingman, really only being backup and taking on secret cases, that only required one agent.
✬ So Eggsy never heard of you until he was in deep shit.
✬ Merlin would say he was calling backup. A.K.A You; ‘Morgana’. 
✬ When you showed up and pretty much saved Eggsy’s ass he was stunned, confused and attracted to you, of course. 
✬ So he was flirty, and asking a lot of questions about who you were, why he hadn’t met you yet, if you were single.
✬ You dodged most of his questions but entertained him enough to keep him interested.
✬ But it wasn’t until you returned to base that you were properly introduced. 
✬ “Eggsy, this is Y/n or Morgana, my son/daughter/kid”
✬ Eggsy would pause and stay silent for a moment, looking at Harry who would just nod (he noticed the flirting)
✬ “I’m sorry, you’re, Y/n’s....father?”
✬ “Yes” you and Merlin would say at the same time. 
✬ Eggsy would suddenly get a bit uncomfortable “So, you, uh, heard me before, when I was-”
✬ “Flirting? Yes” Merlin cut him off before taking a step closer to Eggsy “So I suggest you start watching what you say.” 
✬ Eggsy would just nod silently as you smiled, amused in the background, sharing a knowing look with Harry. 
✬ After that Eggsy would tip toe around you when Merlin was there, for a while, but you actually got along decently and made a pretty good team. 
✬ He thought you were funny, smart and pretty bad-ass.
✬ Of course he would still flirt, eventually feeling brave enough to do it when Merlin was able to hear it, just to piss him off a bit.
✬ You thought it was funny, not to mention you also thought that Eggsy was pretty cute, which your father knew, and hated. 
✬ But who knows maybe you and Eggsy would end up together, and maybe, just maybe, Merlin would be okay with it. 
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multifandomfanfic · 3 years
The Alley
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x reader
Warnings: oral (m receiving), some dirty talk, language, semi-public sexual acts
Summary: After a night of drinking, some feelings emerge between Eggsy and Y/N. It gets pretty hot and heavy.
Word Count: 2.1K
Request?: Nope!
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Eggsy Unwin. If you had asked me how I felt about him a day ago, I would have told you that we were just friends. Maybe even best friends. I wasn't sure what we'd become after last night. It's difficult to think clearly right now. Our actions in the alleyway would alter our perceptions of one another for the rest of our lives. We weren't the same people anymore.
*the day prior*
"Hello, Y/N." 
I turned around to face Eggsy Unwin, the most charming and, by far, the most attractive of the Kingsmen. I was the only one who could tell him he was cute and charming without making him feel uncomfortable. We were practically joined at the hip after he landed me a job with the Kingsman. 
"Hello, Eggsy! You look dashing today!" 
I remarked sarcastically. It was the start of the workday, and he appeared especially tired. His unkempt hair was concealed by his white baseball cap. His sweatpants were wrinkly, and so was his fitted white shirt. He wasn't dressed for work.
"Oh, fuck off!"
He gave me a friendly punch on the arm. I flashed him a sly grin. 
"Did you have a long night?" 
He scoffed. 
"Not in the way you're probably imagining."
"Oi! Eggsy! Y/N!"
We both turned in unison to look at Merlin, who stood tall in front of us. He gave Eggsy a stern look before inspecting his attire.
"What on earth are you wearing?!?"
Eggsy shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Merlin. I was in a hurry this morning."
He rolled his eyes and met my gaze.
"Make sure he changes before tonight's party."
I raised my eyebrows.
"What party?"
Merlin appeared surprised.
"Didn't you hear?! It's to commemorate the Kingsman's anniversary."
I cast a glance over at Eggsy. He raised his hands.
"Hey. This is also the first time I've heard of it."
I locked my gaze once more on Merlin.
He furrowed his brow. 
“Oh! You guys can look at my invitation.”
He relaxed his face and reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a folded-in-half piece of paper. He held out his hand and I took it gingerly from him.
Merlin gave us a slight nod of approval. He turned on his heels and stepped out of the training room. I quickly unfolded the invitation and skimmed it over. I scoffed and handed it to Eggsy.
"Who thought it would be a good idea to throw an anniversary party at a fucking nightclub?!"
Eggsy furrowed his brows, causing wrinkles to form on his brows.
He was astonished and open-mouthed as he read the invitation.
"This is going to be fucking mental."
"This is going to be a disaster Just a bunch of irresponsible agents who are busy getting blackout drunk."
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Eggsy completed reading the invitation and returned it to me.
"Perhaps it'll be entertaining."
I bit the inside of my mouth
"At least, I'll be able to walk there instead of worrying about getting a ride."
My house was only about a ten-minute walk away from the club. I could simply walk there instead of worrying about who would drive me home and whether or not they were sober enough.
Eggsy drew his arms around his chest.
"I can call a cab."
My weight shifted.
"You know... If we're both drunk by the end of the party, you're free to spend the night at my house."
Oh my god. Why did I just say that?!
Eggsy's head shot up the instant the statement left my mouth. I was flushing hotly. My reply elicited a chuckle from him.
"Are you trying to take advantage of me?" He smirked smugly.
I opened my lips to speak, my words faltering.
"No! I-I was just-"
Eggsy burst out laughing and wiped a tear from his eyes.
"I was just messing with you!"
He gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder.
“See you tonight Y/N!”
He walked past me. As he passed, I caught a whiff of his cologne. Eggsy wore cologne all the time. It didn't matter what the occasion was. When I asked him, he only answered, "Is it so horrible that I want to smell good all the time?"
I shook my head to shake myself out of my stupor.
"Shit." I muttered beneath my breath. I cringed. "What was I thinking!? I sounded like a moron!"
I took a deep breath, attempting to clear my mind of the embarrassing interaction. I still had the rest of the work day left. I should attempt to concentrate.
*later that night*
The club was exactly as horrible as I had feared. I used to be able to come out of my shell at parties, but I wasn't in the mood tonight. I was dazed by the bright lights and loud music. I was dressed in an outdated cocktail dress that was far too small for me. I was continually shifting I n a futile attempt to make myself more comfortable.  My heels were excessively large, and they slid around my feet, causing blisters. Nothing felt quite right. I ran my hands through my hair. The alcohol was the only thing keeping me going. My thoughts were already hazy.
How many drinks have I had?
I had absolutely no idea. I observed someone pushing their way through the crowd out of the corner of my eye.
Over the music, Eggsy yelled.
He was clearly drunk. His white button-down shirt was untucked, and three of the buttons were undone. His black dress pants were a little saggy. As a result, they began to pool somewhat at his ankles. His black dress shoes had gotten scuffed. He looked like a hot mess.
"Hello, Eggsy!"
As he walked, his legs wobbled. He sat on the comfortable sofa across from you after stumbling in every direction except forward. Due to my drunken state, it was difficult for me to fix my gaze on him. The couch was arranged around a tiny table that was strewn with drinks.
"This table has no fucking room!"
Eggsy swiped the glasses off of the table to the ground. A tremendous smash ensued, but it was muted by the agonizingly loud music.
When the waitress approached our table, Eggsy requested a gin martini, stirred. I requested two shots of vodka. I needed to stop drinking for the evening, but I wanted to finish with a few shots.
Eggsy and I discussed virtually every topic. Everything was 10 times funny because we were both extremely drunk.  I drank my second vodka shot and felt a feeling of unease wash over me.
"Oh fuck." I felt as if I were on a swaying boat. I was going to vomit.
"I think I'm gonna be sick."
I covered my mouth with my hand. Eggsy leapt from his seat.
"Let's get you outside. I think you need some fresh air."
Eggsy lifted me from the couch and slung my arm over his shoulder.
He assisted me, or rather, I assisted him, outside. We rested our backs on the club's outer brick wall. I felt better as soon as the fresh air hit my face. My head throbbed as I leaned against the hard wall.
"Oh my God, I had to get out of there."
Eggsy gave a nod.
"Me too."
We sat there in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable silence, but rather peaceful silence. As the booze began to take effect, I felt pure ecstasy.
"What do you want right now?"
I inquired, my words slightly slurred together as I spoke. Eggsy chuckled with his mouth closed.
"A blowjob."
He burst out laughing. I kept my mouth shut. I stared at a puddle near my feet, contemplating my next move.
"If you wanted, I could give you one."
Eggsy's grin had vanished.
I turned my head to face him.
"Yeah. Why not?"
I had more confidence in this moment than I ever had before in my life. Eggsy cocked an eyebrow.
"We are right in the middle of a fucking alley!"
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Don't be such a pussy. There's no one nearby."
I was correct. At this hour of the night, this area was usually bustling with people. However, it was unusually quiet tonight.
Eggsy remained unconvinced. I got down on my knees in front of him and began unbuckling his belt. He didn't protest. The buckle clinked and his belt slid out of his pant loops with a satisfying woosh. I dragged his pants halfway down his thighs. I would have pushed them down more, but sitting butt naked on the filthy ground didn't sound appealing.
I shifted his boxers down just enough for his cock to pop free. I placed my hands on his hips. He tensed up under my touch, then instantly relaxed. I stroked his cock up and down a few times. Eggsy's breath hitched in his throat. 
I shouldn’t be doing this. He’s my friend.
I placed my hand back onto his hip. I licked a stripe from the base to the tip. I looked at him through my thick lashes. He threw his head back and sighed deeply.
Too late now.
I took him into my mouth and moved slowly at first. Eggsy reached down and entangled his hands in my hair. I took more of him into my mouth. He took my hair and formed it into a makeshift ponytail. Eggsy bucked his hips violently into my mouth. I gagged. 
His voice was thick with pleasure. It was breathy and undeniably sexy. I took his entire length into my mouth. I felt his cock hitting the back of my throat. This time I was able to control my gag reflex. 
Eggsy was a moaning mess. Sweat was forming on his brow. I had an idea.
I took my mouth off of his dick with a loud pop. I kneeled in front of him, my hands on his knees. 
“Why did you stop?” 
Oh my god his voice was sexy. 
I gave him a mischevios look up and down. My gaze lingering on his hard cock.
I gave him an up-and-down mischevios stare. My eyes lingering on his erect cock.
“You look hot... You should take off your shirt.”
Eggsy scoffed.
“You're the boss.”
He took his time unbuttoning his shirt. He was obviously getting a kick out of teasing me. I bit my bottom lip. He smirked playfully
He took his time undoing the buttons on his shirt. He was clearly having a good time teasing me. I bit my lower lip. He gave me a smug smirk. He completed unbuttoning his shirt after what seemed like an eternity.
"Would you be willing to do the honors?"
I yanked his drenched shirt away from his toned shoulders, throwing it to the side. I could feel myself getting wetter just by looking at him. His toned chest was riddled with sweat beads that clung to his skin. In the low light of the full moon, they glistened. His eyes glowed with hunger and need. They bore into mine.
"Do you like what you see, darling?"
His voice changed completly and was now low and raspy. I could tell he was eager for me to finish what I started. I smirked as I sucked on my teeth.
"You're hot. I'm shocked I haven't been tempted to suck your dick sooner."
Eggsy intertwined his fingers and placed his hands behind his head. Showing off his large arm muscles. 
“Please. Continue.”
He leaned back against the wall, watching me intently. 
“With pleasure.” 
I dipped my head back down, taking his entire cock into my mouth. Eggsy let out a satisfied moan. I hollowed out my cheeks, causing even more pleasure for Eggsy. 
“Fuck Y/N. Your taking my cock so well.”
His raspy voice echoed through my body. I was practically soaked at this point. 
I tasted his precum. His legs began to shake. I lightly played with his balls, causing his release to come sooner than he expected. He let out a final moan as his cum shot into my mouth. I swallowed it and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. 
As I raised my head to meet his eyes, I began to process what had just happened. At this point, I was too drunk and “in love” to care. Whether it was real or not, I wanted to feel it for a little bit longer. I wanted to feel like we were two teens that had fallen head over heels for each other. 
“My place?”
I asked. Eggsy nodded.
“Yeah. Get ready to be fucked so hard you can’t walk tomorrow.”
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It’s On
Genre; Fluff, Fun
Word Count; 2.1k
Warnings; None!
Pairing; Whiskey x Reader
Just thought this was a nice idea! Reader is a Kingsman agent who has been horse riding all their life. Hope you enjoy!
You couldn’t help but laugh as you stood next to Whiskey, watching the comedy of errors going on in front of you. What little remained of Kingsman - you, Eggsy, Harry and Merlin - had once again teamed up with Statesman, this time to take down an international smuggling ring who just happened to be in the horse racing business. Apparently, there was a show taking place in a week or so not two hours down the road from the Statesman HQ, so working together really just made all of your lives easier. What hadn’t been taken into consideration, however, was exactly what would need to go into playing the part; horse riding.
Merlin, much to his relief and Eggsy and Harry’s chagrin, was exempt from the fitting in bit; he was staying with Ginger to handle the tech side of the operation. You had no doubt that if he was watching events unfold, he was laughing just as much as you. After a meeting with Champ to discuss exactly what needed to be done, Tequila had rushed off with Eggsy and Harry, claiming they needed to practice riding a lot in order to be ready in a week. That left you and Whiskey to follow slowly after them, discussing what the other agent might have in mind.
“Oh my god,” you grinned, barely containing the laughter threatening to bubble up once again. Horse riding. Eggsy had never done it before you were certain, and Harry might have sat on a horse for a few moments in a ceremonial capacity, but neither one of them had a clue what they were doing. Tequila had gotten two sets of tack onto the fence surrounding the field were some of Statesman’s horses were kept in the time it had taken the two Galahads to just approach a gorgeous appaloosa. They were meant to be getting a headcollar on her, but so far had managed only to loop a lead rein around her neck. The horse even looked like she found it funny, refusing to stand still and stamping her feet when either agent tried to approach her head. Tequila himself started leaning against the fence in exasperation, Whiskey smirking as he alternated between watching the chaos and watching you laugh.
“Take it you can ride, then,” Whiskey commented after a while, glancing over at you. You nodded in return, telling him you’d done it all your life and smiling when he said the same. “Well then, sweetheart, either we can stand here an’ watch the show, or you and me can go for a ride ourselves. What d’you think?”
“I’d love to!” You exclaimed immediately, thinking you had never smiled so widely in your life. You had long since stopped paying attention to Whiskey’s unending selection of nicknames, jokingly telling yourself he had forgotten your name and didn’t want to ask again. The Statesman agent started walking in the direction of the tack room and you matched his pace, delighted at the thought of going for a ride. Your smile dropped a little however when you looked round and realised there was one thing you hadn’t taken into account; everyone here rode Western. Of course they did, you reasoned, but being from the UK it was never something you had done. Whiskey caught the change in your expression, having already hauled a saddle off of the rack in front of him and then pausing before giving it to you.
“Never ridden Western, sugar?” You huffed out a chuckle and shook your head, an idea forming in your head. “Well that doesn’t matter, I’ll teach ya how.” He tried to hand the saddle over, but put a light hand on his arm to get his attention.
“Can I just go without?” You asked, gesturing to the saddle then hastily adding, “If you don’t want me to, that’s fine of course.” You could fully understand why someone who had no idea of your riding ability wouldn’t want you to go bareback on their organisation’s horse. As it was, Jack simply raised his eyebrows in a surprised smirk.
“Reckon you can manage?” You were grinning again as you assured him you could. He waved a hand towards the row of bridles and directed you to one for a horse called Brandy - you simply had to comment on the theme of code names extending to horses - and took the saddle himself, grabbing a second bridle on his way past as he led the way to a different field. You watched as he called out to a pair of quarter horses standing on the other side of the field, who came trotting over immediately. Whiskey set his saddle down on the fence then vaulted over it, you following suit. You tacked the horses up in a comfortable silence, Whiskey giving you a saddle cloth to make up for your lack of saddle, then mounting his horse. He raised an impressed eyebrow when you just leapt up from the ground before unlatching the gate with his boot and setting off at a brisk walk, your horse keeping pace with his without needing direction.
Jack led you all through the tracks and fields surrounding the Statesman HQ, eventually arriving at a long dusty stretch that had your back straightening at just the thought of galloping along there at top speed. Naturally, your companion knew exactly what you were thinking. The tension between you went up tenfold when he asked if you wanted to race. Your horses picked up on the excitement as well, starting to become restless and dancing about a bit in anticipation. You chuckled as Brandy skipped backwards a few steps and tugged at the reins, desperate to run. You lined him up next to Jack and nodded you were ready, leaning forward as he produced a handgun. You were gone as soon as he fired the shot up into the air, heart pounding as you urged your horse to go faster and faster. Jack kept pace with you, looking relaxed as anything with both reins in one hand and the other keeping his Stetson on his head at a jaunty angle. Turning forwards once again, you blinked moisture from your eyes from the speed you were travelling at and yelled at Jack to find out where the finish line was. When you looked back over at him, a cheeky grin was plastered on his face.
“Statesman!” He shouted back, then turned his horse at a sharp angle to loop behind you and take a trail which you didn’t know about, giving a wink and a mock salute as he went. It was a shortcut, you had no doubt, and a totally unfair one given that he had only stuck to the main routes with you.
“Oh, it’s on,” you muttered, eyes flashing with the thought of competition and urging Brandy on once again. Jack’s route was no doubt going to take him back alongside the paddocks you saw on your way out, which he would then follow round until he got back to the main road, at which point he would go back through the official entrance. He was probably expecting you to turn around and go back the way you came, arriving at the main entrance a few minutes after him. And he had definitely underestimated your level of competitiveness. That in mind, you directed your horse through a small gap in the hedge you were following, holding on as he stumbled through a ditch then took off once more, the distinctive outline of the Statesman HQ now in sight.
Whiskey was laughing to himself as he galloped along a trail he knew very well, utterly confident in what he thought was a sure win. What he didn’t know was that you weren’t going to give up without a fight.
Brandy’s hooves were leaving a trail of dust behind you as you approached the fields belonging to Statesman, a plan in mind for how you were going to get to the finish and beat Jack. Your fingers were crossed your fingers in the hopes that both you and Brandy would be able to manage it. The fence surrounding the outermost field that you would need to cross was rapidly coming into view, your breathing was as loud as your horse’s and your heart pounding. You had no idea how good he was at jumping so you could only hope that this was going to be worth it. You were more than willing to take risks if it meant winning this competition, especially given the trick Jack played on you. The fence was coming up and you were whispering encouragement to your horse, making sure he knew you believed in him in the hopes you would make the jump. There were a few horses in the far corner of this field, you noticed, but that was nothing to worry about.
“Go on, go on-!” You shouted as you came up to the fence, whooping in joy as Brandy cleared it. “You good boy!” You told him through your grin, clicking at him to keep his speed as you came up to the second field, the only one left between you and victory. It also just so happened to be the one in which Tequila was still trying to get Eggsy and Harry onto their own horses. That didn’t matter though, because you could see the yard in which you were supposed to finish and Whiskey still wasn’t there. You repeatedly told Brandy how well he was doing as he cleared the second fence, still galloping even after all this time.
Your attention was drawn to Eggsy and Harry as the former yelled expletives after seeing your display, clearly convinced you were going to fall off. Even Harry looked surprised, though he didn’t actually say anything. You grinned at them and waved as you sped past, the home run now in sight. Then, disaster struck. Tequila leapt up as he watched you soar over the fence, spinning around and looking at the entrance to the Statesman HQ at the exact same time as you and Whiskey saw each other. Even at that distance, you could see the shock that overcame his features and knew that he could probably see yours, but you recovered quickly.
“Oh no you don’t!” You yelled as both of you spurred your horses on at the same time. The last barrier between you and victory - a five bar gate - was coming up. You could feel the gazes of Tequila, Harry and Eggsy as you encouraged Brandy to jump the last fence, adrenalin pumping through your veins. Brandy landed hard on the other side of the gate, speeding towards Jack. You got level with the front door of HQ seconds before he did, whooping in joy as his horse bolted past yours, cries of “No, nono!” hanging in the air behind him. You turned around just in time to see Whiskey slide his horse to a halt a moment before they reached the fence like he was barrel racing, whistling appreciatively as you trotted over to him.
“Neat stop, Whiskey,” you called over, “nice trick you played on me too, shame it didn’t work out!” The grin he’d been wearing was more than wiped off of his face and replaced completely on yours, and you returned the wink he’d given you as well. Tequila leapt over the fence and rushed over to the both of you, followed closely by Eggsy and Harry.
“Y/N, what the hell was that?” Harry asked you disbelievingly, while Eggsy proclaimed the brilliance of what you had done. Tequila on the other hand, was staring open mouthed at Whiskey, arms held wide open in a universal ‘what was that?!’ gesture. The other agent just shrugged helplessly.
“I know, I know-”
“How did you lose?!” He exclaimed in the end, “They didn’t even have a saddle!” Jack’s gaze flicked between Tequila and you, still wearing that brilliant smirk.
“Well darlin’, colour me impressed,” he told you in the end, though the truth was he far more than impressed. He’d taken you down absolutely no shortcuts whatsoever and you didn’t know the first thing about the trails around the brewery. And Tequila was right; you’d done all of that without a saddle. If Jack thought you were intriguing before, now you were positively enthralling.
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muse-oleum · 4 years
Kingsman - Harry Hart x Reader
Based on this request: Can you do next door neighbors AU? Harry being infatuated with the reader? It can be either smut or fluff! Or both!
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
I have a thing for softy Harry, in case you hadn’t noticed.
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A soft knock on your door interrupted your cozy Netflix and chill session. Frowning, you paused the wildlife documentary you’d been watching, heading to the front door. A delighted smile appeared on your face almost as soon as you opened it. 
Harry Hart, your neighbor, was standing in the rain, a small smile on his lips and a book in his hands. 
“Harry! Come on in! Have you just returned from your trip?” you asked, taking his umbrella from him, hanging the huge and slightly ominous-looking thing on the coat hanger by the door. 
Harry chuckled, divesting his coat automatically before pausing. 
“I don’t want to intrude on your evening, y/n, I simply came to give this back to you.” 
He handed you the book as he spoke, presenting its cover to you: The Silmarillion. 
Ah yes, one thing you and Harry had bonded over was your love of Tolkien. You’d almost forgotten you’d lent him your tattered first edition copy. His had been lost in a fire that had apparently destroyed his previous home a few months ago. Apparently, that was right after he’d lost his eye. 
You’d never dared to ask how a tailor could lose an eye on a “business trip,” as he’d called it when he moved into the house next door, but that had you more than a little perplexed. 
“I hope you enjoyed re-reading it?” you asked, showing him into the living room, where your Netflix documentary was still on pause. “I was just watching stuff about insects, although I really can’t think why since I despise critters.”
The word “despise” was said with such dramatic emphasis that Harry couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Not all insects are bad critters, y/n. What about butterflies?”
“Well, yes, if only I could get hold of them. I had a formidable collection of beetles, as a child, but they’re easier to catch.”
Harry’s eyes grew wide. By the look on his face, you could tell that beetles did not hold a particularly dear place in his heart. You’d have to enquire about that later. 
“Tea? Or something stronger?”
“Just tea, thank you. I really don’t want to intrude, especially if you were watching something…”
“Nonsense, we can watch it together.”
Harry followed your retreating form and heard you start the kettle. He wondered if you’d ever noticed just how infatuated he was with you. How much younger your bright eyes and vibrant laugh made him feel. 
He had felt like an old discarded parchment, battered to the four winds and stored away in a dusty place to rot, before he met you. Single handedly, you had brought back a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. How, he wasn’t quite sure, but then, he had no great experience with love. 
What he knew was that you felt right. And he felt good when he was with you. 
You brought back two steamy cups of tea, setting them down on the coffee table in front of the couch. Harry reached out for his almost immediately, relishing the warmth that began to sip through his fingers. 
“So, how was the trip?”
He shrugged, unwilling to talk about business.
“Much as it always is. Exhausting. Makes me realize I have grown less fond of travelling.”
“I never knew tailors traveled as much, before I met you. What do you do?”
You met his pained gaze, seeing a suffering of a kind you hadn’t seen before. 
Harry had always been reluctant to share much about his work, which had led you to believe that there was in fact more going on. But every time you asked, you could see pain reflected in his eyes, as if he tried to block some kind of memory that refused to go away. 
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to pry. I’m just… curious about you.”
Harry’s gaze was intense as he stared at you.
“I mean, you know a lot about me already: what I do, what I like, my age… all these little things that seem so trivial to others, they somehow… bother you.”
He sighed, taking a sip from his cup. 
“That’s because they do,” he frowned, flexing the fingers of his hand. “Truth be told, I’m not allowed to tell you more. In fact, already, by saying this, I’m telling you more than I should.” 
He let out a dark chuckle, playing with the wisps of steam.
“What I can say, is that I am, officially, a tailor, and officiously, someone else, although I promise you my name is my real name,” he added, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “And I’m in my fifties. Positively ancient compared to you.”
“What you see in me, then, I will never understand,” you said, laughing, “My parents always say they can’t understand me or any new generation at all!”
Harry didn’t laugh, not really. He simply stared at you, a ghost of a smile on his lips. Surprising you, he reached out to place a stray curl back in place behind your ear. The intimate gesture made you shiver. 
“You’re wrong,” he said softly, lowering his eyes into his cup of tea, “you make me feel much younger than I am. Before I joined the army, before… everything.”
You drew a sharp breath and he winced as soon as he realized he’d let the mask slip. 
He took a deep breath. 
“I feel alright when I’m with you. Better, frankly, than I’ve been in years, although I probably did not realize it back then.” 
Reaching out, you placed your hand on his, allowing yourself the small liberty to caress his knuckles. Only then did you notice they were bruised. 
“I’m glad,” you murmured, drawing one hand to your lips and kissing the bruises softly, “if I can make a difference.” 
Harry’s hand tightened on your own, and you managed to draw the brightest smile out of him that you’d ever seen until now. 
Taglist: @justawriterinprogress; @tonystrksslut; @emilyyblackkk; the-sea-belt; @flybi91
Let me know if you want to be added to the HH taglist!
202 notes · View notes
ardentmuse · 5 years
No Ties (Harry Hart x Reader)
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Kingsman - Harry Hart x Reader
Wordcount: 6.3k (sorry, not sorry)
Summary: When Harry is recruited to KIngsman, he is an engaged man. But the organization’s policy means he can have no ties. He’s willing to sacrifice his happiness to keep you safe, but can you ever really get over having it all? 
Warnings: angst, angst, angst... did I say angst?? Talk of death and violence, just a little bit of soul repairing at the end, but not much
A/N: This started a fem!reader which I then made gen!neutral so let me know if I missed anything. This also isn’t a song fic but is GREATLY inspired by I Was Gonna Marry You by Tristan Prettyman. So angsty and so lovely. Listen to it if you want! Also I need something fluffy after this so there may be another fic tonight to heal my soul. Also note that Kingsman - Day refers to the day Harry starts at Kingsman. Also I did not proofread this because I didn’t want to tbh. Thanks, sweeties! 
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Kingsman – Day 12
“What’s that you got there?” came a voice from the door of Harry’s new bedroom in the Kingsman manor. Harry turned to see Merlin, the newly-hired tech specialist, peering in and over his shoulder.
Realizing he was caught, Harry took the frame that he was intending to slide under his mattress and placed it prominently on the bedside table.
“Beautiful,” Merlin remarked as he took in the smiling face of a person about Harry’s age their nose scrunched in laughter. “Yours?”
“Was,” Harry mustered as he moved back to unpacking his bags. Merlin turned at the phrase, surprised at the finality of it, but when he saw how rigid Harry’s back was at the inquiry, he didn’t push the matter.
Eight Months Pre-Kingsman
“Darling, will you marry me?”
Harry knelt in the grass of the airfield, having just returned from his third and final tour with the military. His back was straight and his shoulders rigid as was customary in his regalia, the crisp blue suit holding his body in form.
The newly added third Bath star upon his shoulder, the sign of his most recent title, seemed almost as bright as the ring he held out to you. But your eyes seemed to take in neither. You only had eyes for Harry. Your gorgeous, glowing countenance was smiling down upon him, so desperate to hold him in your arms after months and months apart with only letters, much of which were redacted, to keep you connected.  You hadn’t even got to hug him yet before he fell to his knees in front of his entire regiment. Tears were rolling down your cheeks at the sight of him, but he couldn’t even be sure you had seen the ring at all.
“I missed you so much,” you whispered as your hands came down to brush across his freshly shaven cheeks.
“And I you,” he smiled against your mouth as you took him in a kiss, completely ignoring his question. But he didn’t mind. He needed you, wanted you, and after so long apart, your touch was like a salve to all the open wounds of his heart, healing his mind from the terrors of war and replacing them with impossibly beautiful images of you naked across his white sheets, flush from lovemaking, or dancing with him on your back patio to soft jazz after dinner, or the sight of your face tilted downward as you walked towards him down a cobblestone path blanketed with flowers to exchange your vows.
As you collapsed into his shoulder, breathing in deeply his scent, his arms found the soft flesh of your waist and tugged you close, two humans wanting nothing more than to never have to part again.
“Say you’ll marry me,” he whispered in your ear, “Please.”
He felt you nod against his jaw more than he heard the mews from your lips. You pulled your hand away from his neck enough to give him the space to adorn it with the precious metal. And as you admired the ring over his shoulder, he admired the skin of your neck, the curve of your legs, and the soft feel of your waist under his hands, the greatest gift in his life his now for good.
Kingsman – Day 01
“I’ll only be gone a week, love,” Harry said as he kissed the top of you head before returning his attention back to the small travel bag he was packing. “And then I will be right back in your arms before you can even miss me.”
You laughed, “I miss you now.”
Harry sighed and turned to you fully as you reclined among the pillows of your shared bed. You were twiddling your thumbs, a weird new habit that formed since he placed that ring on your finger several months ago. The diamond shined in the soft bedroom lights, each turn of your hand catching a new beam. Your gaze danced in your lap and he could tell you were trying not to whine any more than you already had.
“I know,” he whispered, allowing his fingers the joy of running along your jawline. His touch had you lifting your eyes to meet his, still so captivating from behind your lashes. He had to kiss you.
As his lips moved down your jaw, he found himself crawling onto the bed with you, his body hovering over yours in a silent question.
“But I’m right here, right now,” he said with a cheeky smile against your neck. “No need to miss me already.”
His licks and nips across your skin had you smiling in earnest.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him hard against your body. You could already feel him responding to your closeness, the pleasant press of his hardening length against your core just an enjoyable sensation.
“You could always give me something to remember you by,” you cooed into his ear.
Harry chuckled, “How’s a card sound? Or maybe a nice tray of cookies?”
You lifted your hips and ground against him, shutting down his witty banter in a satisfying moan.
“So predictable” he laughed as you slowly sucked on his ear, rocking into him with vigor now, “my perfect little vixen.”
And he gave you quite a bit to remember him by.
Kingsman – Day 05
Several days of tactical tests and mental games had Harry worn down. He was succeeding at whatever they threw his way, but he was finding himself missing you more than he had during any previous training or deployment. Maybe it was the isolation. Maybe it was the raised stakes. Maybe it was the lies. But whatever it was, he could taste you upon his tongue each night as he tried to sleep. He could feel your warm body pressed against him. And if his dreams were any indication, he spent several hours of the night whispering to himself how much he adored you.
But today’s task may have been the very worst yet. He watched on a screen in the tech room as you danced around your kitchen, cleaning and singing and enjoyed the day. He even watched as you ran a finger lightly over a framed photo that hung just beside the sink of the two of your from last year’s military banquet. You gave two firm taps to Harry’s face before pulling your finger away, kissing the tip, and doing it again.
For minutes he watched as he sat as the alone recruit in the room, a few scattered agents watching along as well. No one said a single word.
That was until as you went back to your dishes, faint red crosshairs appears on the screen, centered perfectly on your precious skull.
Harry let out a primal yell, unsure to whom he was really yelling, and rose from his chair, clutching Mr. Pickles, as he decided a few hours ago to call his dog, to his chest.
“If we can get this close, just imagine what your enemies could do, Harry,” Agent Lancelot said with the firmness of a man who knew what he was saying from personal experience.
Harry held tight to the tiny puppy in his arms, unsure of what the actual test was here. Was he supposed to protect you? Was he supposed to call their bluff? Could he trust these strangers with your life?
“You’re bluffing,” Harry said, stern through his teeth as he watched another agent, Gawain he believed his name was, move the mouse, and the target, along with you. The lines gently bobbed along to the music you had playing.
Sensing Harry’s heightened attentions, the agent turned the volume up ever so slightly and the sounds of the third track off the record you listened to so often together when you cleaned came pumping into the suffocatingly cavernous room.  And even fainter was the sound of your voice, humming along; happy and completely oblivious to the harm he was bringing to your life simply by being the capable soldier he already was.
“I assure you we never bluff here,” Lancelot said with a smile that only served to make Harry’s blood boil. “But we do have a strong code of honor here. I assume you’ve read the Gentleman’s Guide? Kingsmen only take life to save life.”
Lancelot took long steps towards the desk at which Gawain sat. The tactical agent was still staring intently at you as he kept his target as he had been instructed. But something in his gaze set off flares in Harry’s head and he saw red, a deep possessiveness overtaking him at the fact that any man could look at you as a target, for bullet or otherwise.
“But if you read the Gentleman’s Guide, then I assume you also became acquainted with another one of our rules, an important one. One that is necessary for the safety and success of our missions, and by proxy the safety of the crown, the country, and the planet in general, including your precious fiancé(e) right here.”
Harry felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand as Lancelot nodded at Gawain.
“No ties.”
A shot rang.
You screamed, piercing through the speakers with shattering waves.
Harry bolted towards the monitor as the agents watched him. You had moved several feet away from the sink but appeared uninjured. But Harry saw what you had yet to see: a perfect prick right in the middle of the beautifully framed photo of the two of you, a bullet piercing what little space existed between your heads. Glass was shattered everywhere and the frame hung limply from its hook.
You slowly moved towards the photo, picked it up between your hands. You examined the damage while avoiding the shards of glass so fractured and sharp.
“What the fuck,” he thought he heard you whisper before you whipped your head around quickly to examine the room for the source the explosion.
Before Harry could see you calm, assure you that there was no harm to come to you in the home you loved, the monitor shut itself down.
“That right there is a liability, Harry. Sure, you can leave all of this, go back and live your happy little life. But you are a man of a certain set of skills. It won’t be long until someone finds them and wants to use them. How long until someone finds your lover who doesn’t have the same code as we?”
A pregnant pause filled the air, only the soft, whimpered breathing of Mr. Pickles at the clear distress of his owner broke through. Harry locked eyes with the man who just dared threaten your life. But did he really threaten your life any more than Harry’s mere existence did?
“Gawain,” Lancelot finally called out. He opened the door to the tech room and left Harry alone in the space. Once the door shut tight, Harry fell to his knees and cried.
Kingsman – Day 10
“I’m taking this job,” Harry said with a deep breath. His words pulled your eyes from the book you had been reading as you lounged so peacefully among the throw blankets on your sofa. “And you aren’t coming with me.”
You scrunched your face in confusion at Harry’s words, more serious than the kind of conversation you were expecting at this time of night, but then softened after a moment of thought.
“Like another deployment? Harry, whatever the time or the distance, we can make it work. I support you. What is another year when we’ll get to spend our whole lives together?”
You smiled up so sweetly at him, so sure that your love could endure any distance, any time, any weird radio silence his operations required. You suffered through so much already, supported him through years of putting his life on the line, going into the most dangerous places in the world and setting up systems to support British forces. And here you were, willing to do it all again, even when you’d come so close to a normal, domestic life. And that smile, that confident smile plastered on your face, broke his heart in a way he knew would never be repaired.
And yet somehow that smile also tightened his resolve. You were too good for this life, too good for him. And you deserved to live in a blissful world that was just as bright and pleasant and welcoming as you were. He couldn’t burden you with the darkness he knew, the darkness that would surround him wherever he went, Kingsman or not.
“You are misunderstanding me, love,” he said, cursing himself at how easily the pet name fell from his tongue, completely betraying his heart.
You looked at him with a serious expression. Your mouth fell open as the wheels turned. You gapped like a fish a time or two, watching the rigid tension of Harry’s jaw as he bit the inside of his cheek, trying his hardest to appear firm.
“… so that’s it?” you whispered. Your lip curled upward and quivered, causing tears to fall from Harry’s eyes as yours did as well.
“Yeah,” he managed before losing it completely, “it is.”
Harry fell at your feet, his hands coming down upon the blankets to draw circles into your tender knees as you cried in earnest.
“Was it something I did?”
You looked up at him with wells in your eyes, your hand kneading at the fabric in your lap. That image, the one of you broken and lost and just inches from him, a few inches of space so easily closed for a kiss but so vast now that those kisses were off the table, that image would be plastered in his mind forever. He knew it would haunt his dreams seeing the only thing he ever loved destroyed by his choices. But he told himself his own pain meant nothing if he couldn’t protect you. You would recover from this. What was he compared to you? In a few years, you would move on. But to move on from someone like you, he knew he never would. And that was his burden to bear, the burden of assuring your happiness and safety, even if he wasn’t the one to benefit.
“Never. You could never do anything—“ Harry said as he rubbed at your ears and your draw. “You’re perfect. But this is something I have to do for me.” Harry swallowed so he wouldn’t fill the space with the words he wanted to say: ‘for us. For you... Everything I do is for you.’
After a few minutes of crying and Harry trying his hardest to calm you with soft rubs of his hands, you took a steadying breath. You reached down to your hand and began to pull off the ring that had sat there, unmoved, for so many months.
Harry felt his heart stop. He had understood what leaving you meant intellectually but the sight of you without your ring, no longer wearing the symbol of where you heart lied, was simply too much. He felt like he couldn’t breath, the tightness in his chest too much for him. He had a brief flash of the flooding of the recruit room, the near drowning that has taken ahold of him just as he reached the toilet and the lightheadedness that was much closer to blacking out than he would like to admit. But this was worse. This pain couldn’t be alleviated with a few deep breaths and a couple minutes time.
This damage was permanent.
Quickly, his hand came down to hold the ring against your fingers and your gaze flicked up in hopeful question. But Harry simply shook his head no.
“It was a gift without condition,” he said to you, hoping you would understand just how much he needed you to keep it. “It is yours.”
You hiccupped, “I can’t keep it. I can’t. I can’t remember that I was going marry you.”
At your imploring gaze, Harry yielded, just like he always did for you. A final tug removed the diamond from your finger.
“It’ll hurt too much,” you pleaded as you dropped the ring into his palm. He didn’t have the heart to tell you it hurt him too much to take it away from you.
As he slipped the ring into his pocket, the weight of it feeling like it could sink him in a sea of despair, he heard you whisper, “I love you.” He ran his hands through your hair as he watched your eyes, still filled with tears pooling and pouring over down your lovely, kissable cheeks.
“I know,” he said and kissed your forehead, slow and sweet like it was the last time.
And when he pulled away, fully expecting to remove himself from you and your life for good, you met his gaze, pleading and honest as you leaned forward. And he could not deny himself the pleasure of feeling your lips, and your love, once more.
The kiss was bruising and all-encompassing. Your mouths melted together in a song they knew so well, but what were once bright chords became a mournful melody, a goodbye ballad.
And when he pinned you to the couch, sucked on your collar bone, and entered you, he moved as slow as his body would allow, memorizing the feel of your muscles gripping him so perfectly, the warmth of your hands upon his back and your breath on his neck, and the sounds that purred from your lips at his lovemaking.
He carried you to bed that night and held you close to his chest until your tears lulled you to sleep.
And when you woke in the morning, Harry, and his things, were gone.
Kingsman – Day 42
Harry walked down the high street away from the Kingsman tailor ship. It still felt quite strange to be wearing such a complicated piece of technology masquerading as formal wear, but he found he liked it. It was a uniform, the same as the kind he grew accustomed to as a soldier, but without the air of force or stoicism. He held his back tall as he continued down the road.
But something simple caught his trained eyes, just a flash of the familiar at the end of the road, the tap of shoes and a black top that sparked his brain, that set off sensors of love in his mind, signaling to his aching heart that it wasn’t done mourning the loss of the only thing that seemed to make life worth living.  
When you lifted your head, Harry knew for sure it was you. Your eyes were puffy and your hair less kept than normal, but you still shined brighter than anything else on the road. Your best friend stood in front of you, holding your hand as she pulled you across the street. And it really was a tug as your limbs seemed to not want to move. But you entered the restaurant on the corner without much protest.
Harry felt his chest tighten at the sight. He wanted to run to you, to beg you to forgive him, to come back to him and love him again, but the gentleman’s code ran through his head, and having no ties, no relationships, was a large part of what made the organization successful. A collective of spies with nothing to lose is much more useful than those who hesitate. He had to do this to make the world a safe place for you. And so he watched with sadness as the slumped shoulders and tear-stained cheeks he caused disappeared into the restaurant just beyond his grasp.  
And with his head held high and your engagement ring still weighing down his breast pocket, he continued on his way
Kingsman – Day 381
Harry collapsed in a ball on the jet, his hands still covered in the blood of Agent Kay who had so valiantly sacrificed himself to secure the team’s safety. The bomb at the World Cup stadium was disarmed and disposed of, another normal day to any excited fan, and another happy headline to add to the wall of the home Harry had just bought in the part of the city you had always dreamed of calling home.
Maybe he had hoped he could at least have the pleasure of seeing your head in the produce aisle of the grocery store or imagining he had just missed you by a few minutes at the underground station. But really it was just that Harry needed to play pretend. In the year since he had joined Kingsman, he had seen more evil than all his years at war. And to come home to a quiet neighbor, a charming flat, a home cooked meal and families walking down the sidewalk, cleared his mind better than any other distraction.
Right now he needed that distraction more than anything.
Hours later, and completely numb, Harry found himself in his kitchen, pretending like everything was normal. But nothing was normal about this life he had chosen.
He had normal, with you.
Harry tried to cook himself dining, to play music to distract himself. He even put on a movie, a last resort gesture for him if there ever was one. But nothing cleared his head of the sight of Kay slumped over and pool of blood under his body. Or the image of thousands of fans walking just over that spot an hour later like nothing had occurred.
Harry threw on his robe and took slow, long strides up his stairs. He collapsed in his bed and closed his eyes, but the images still remained. The bed felt wrong somehow: the blankets too scratchy, the mattress too firm, the pillows still holding their shape from such light use, and more than anything the warmth of your body and the thrill of your lips soothing him from his nightmares were starkly absent.
He wanted to go home.
His eyes sprung open. The clock beside his bed flashed midnight. Before he knew it, his slippers were on and he was sliding down the hall into his office.
As he sat at his computer, beside him resided that same picture of your face that he brought with him to the Kingsman manor. You were smiling so bright and it was motivation enough for him.
But not today.
Harry booted up the machine, went through the login processes Merlin had set up for him, and soon he had access to every CCTV camera throughout the city. Harry’s fingers typed in the coordinates to navigate to the cameras that pointed towards the front of your new apartment. You had moved a few weeks after Harry left, not that that surprised him. You had picked the place with your joint needs in mind and more room than was necessary for one person. Plus, the memories… so many memories.
He found your window, two stories up and right above the door. Your lights were off. You were safe. You were sleeping. The world was turning as normal for you. Harry smiled.
But then two figures walked into the frame. Harry recognized your form immediately, though the figure beside you was new. He was tall and lean like Harry but his attitude was confidence and charisma in a way Harry always felt he lacked.  
Harry watched as you walked up the stoop and looked down at the well-dressed man. This hands were in his pockets but as you spoke, he lifted one to play lightly with your wrist, a move so intimate that it formed a lump in Harry’s throat. And after a few more seconds, the man pulled your forward and into a kiss that seemed as passionate as any you’d ever shared with Harry.
It seemed like minutes, though Harry knew it had only been seconds, before the man pulled away, his fingers dancing with yours as he made his exit. Harry watched you wave at the man’s retreating form and then felt the knife push deeper into his heart as you smiled bliss-filled to yourself as you fumbled with your keys.
Once you shut the door, Harry powered down the computer. He grabbed the photo of you from his desk and tossed it hard against the wall, cracking the frame in two and sending glass flying. Harry was fuming; consumed with a rage he hadn’t felt in years. He was so angry, with himself more than anything, for hoping that you might stay in mourning a little longer. He had wanted you to move on, deep in his bones he had prayed for it more than anything, because if you did it would make his choice justified. But even deeper, he had hoped you would pine forever, so on nights like tonight, when things became too stressful, he could run to you and find solace in your arms once more, let your laughter heal him, your kind words reassure him, and your body erase the pain.
But your life would not wait for him. There was no going back.
With some stabilizing breaths and a hard punch into the most stable part of the wall, Harry began the work of cleaning up the mess that was the one remaining piece of you in his home. He swept up the shards and put them in the bin along with the photo of you which all the mess had once enshrined. He needed to leave you behind, just as you had left him.
But upon seeing you thrown away, your face discarded among dust and debris, he just couldn’t do it. He pulled out your photo and tried his best to wipe away what scratches now littered its surface. He tucked your photo away in his filing cabinet among his mission briefings, safe and secure.
You may have not needed Harry anymore but the time may come when he needed you.
Kingsman – Day 710
Harry failed to prevent a car bombing in Bosnia. Your photo came out of its hiding spot one more time.
Kingsman – Day 1001
A plane is hijacked in Brazil. Harry opened the cabinet.
Kingsman – Day 2484
A sleeper agent assassinated. A peak in the drawer.
Kingsman – Day 3111
The death of Lee Unwin. The reminder of your face.
Kingsman – Day 8851
The death of Harry Hart. Nothing more.
Kingsman – Day 9245
“I know it is against the Kingsman rules, having a relationship—“ Eggsy said as he paced around Harry’s home office, still completely frazzled about how to handle the current state of affairs. Harry had just returned to him but Kingsman as they knew it was not the same. The protocol here was so unclear and the only man Eggsy could rely on for guidance seemed to be a shell of himself these days. But at Eggsy’s words, Harry cut him off, a quick movement of his head that let Eggsy know he had said something that broke the fog.  
“When I was shot, you know what I saw?” Harry’s eyes were already gleaming with tears at the reminder of his near-death experience.
Eggsy merely shook his head, urging his friend to continue.  
“I saw Y/N,” his voice was raw with emotion as he tilted his head upward to the only piece of newspaper on Harry’s walls that wasn’t a front page. Instead, it was tiny cut out from the Wedding section of the Telegraph, a beautiful face smiling brightly as a rather dashing man, not too dissimilar to Harry, stood behind, the date on the page well over a decade previous. “The love of my life, a person I haven’t held in my arms in over twenty years, but one I still love to this day.”
Eggsy looked away from the newspaper to Harry’s face. Fat tears rolled down his cheeks and he was swallowing over and over, waiting for the words to find space in his throat.
“Probably doesn’t even remember me anymore. Married, has a family, runs a business. I stopped looking into things a decade ago. But still, they are the closest I’ve ever had to something worth dying for. And I’d still die for them. I nearly did.”
Harry lifted his eyes to look at Eggsy in earnest, “In that moment, Eggsy, all I felt was loneliness… and regret.” Harry choked on his words and Eggsy felt the emptiness in his own soul acutely.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Harry cut him off, wiping at his own eyes with a new resolve, “I lost my chance. But you haven’t. Just know that having something to lose makes life worth living.”
Harry stood and walked towards his desk and opened the lowest draw. He pulled out a tiny velvet box, unmistakable to Eggsy as to its contents.
He handed the box over to Eggsy without meeting his eyes. Eggsy opened it to reveal a beautiful pave diamond ring with scrollwork detailing along the elegant gold band.
“Why—“ Eggsy started but the way Harry couldn’t meet his eyes explained everything.
“Let’s go get your girl.”
With a nod, Eggsy sprung out the door and down the stairs of Harry’s home. Before Harry could follow, he took the steps he knew too well to the old filing cabinet in the corner. He hadn’t bothered with paper files for missions in years, but the filing cabinet served another purpose in his mind. He pulled at the bottom drawer, to the single manila envelope that contained the frayed photo of your face, some 25 years younger than he knew you probably looked now, but just as happy and enthusiastic as he believed you always would be.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said as he shed the last of his tears. He placed you back in your folder and back in the home he had built for your memory – the external storage of his heart – and left his study in pursuit of Eggsy.
Kingsman – Day 9504
Harry smiled from his seat at the main table overlooking the dance floor of Eggsy’s wedding. He had entertained himself for quite a bit chatting with Tilde’s parents and his new friends at Statesman. But now, from where he sat, taking in all the details of the place settings, the floors, the music, and the happy couples spinning circles on the hardwood, he couldn’t help but picture the bright and festive events you were planning when he started down this path with Kingsman.
You had narrowed down the venues to a handful of places and had already made quite a few decisions about aesthetic. Harry had cared so little, as long as he got to call you his spouse at the end of it all, that you had tasked him with planning your honeymoon. He had never told you about the tickets he had already booked before you gave him back his ring or the extra vacation days he had managed to negotiate with your boss behind your back.  
It didn’t matter. It was all a wash anyway.
But at his mind wandered, his thoughts wistful about the life he could have led and the happiness he may have found beside you, he failed to notice Eggsy take the seat beside him.
“You think too much, Harry,” Eggsy said, passing a stiff drink his way. Harry didn’t bother asking what it was but shot it back in a single gulp regardless.
When he set back down the glass, Eggsy passed a manila folder across the table, filled to the brim with papers.
“Consider this a best man gift from me,” Eggsy said, his smile growing just a little cheeky as he sipped his own drink.
“I’m supposed to get you a gift, I’m fairly certain.”
“You being alive is gift enough.”
Harry went to open the folder but Eggsy’s hand stopped him, pulling Harry’s eyes upward to meet his.
“If it isn’t too late for me, it’s not too late for you,” Eggsy said, and with a pat to Harry’s wrist added, “It’s about time for the Gentleman’s Guide to change, don’t ya think?”
And Eggsy stood up and walked away.
Curious, Harry opened the folder and on top sat a photo of you, the pose almost the same as the one secure in his home but the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes and the laugh lines along the corners of your lips gave away the passing of time.
But you were still breathtaking. God, you were breathtaking.  
Harry pushed the tears in his eyes down just a little to find your marriage certificate,  nothing he hadn’t already known, but behind it he found something a new. Six years ago, a divorce filing and court paperwork documenting just what a cheating bastard your husband had been. Harry knew he shouldn’t be happy that life that treated you so poorly, but part of him felt justified. He thought that man was too cocky for his own good, too sure of how handsome he was and of the power he had over you.
But it seemed you turned out alright. A fat settlement came your way and you bought a house just a tube stop away from his own home. Your work was thriving, your most recent pictures seemed to depict many a fun night out with a handful of friends, and some charity work too, exactly the kind of person he remembered you being. He had been doing his best to keep the world a good place for you, and you had been doing the same, even if it wasn’t for him.
But it was the last few documents that really got to him: security footage from outside your house, the camera able to see into your kitchen. And beside your sink, in the place it always had been, hung a picture of Harry holding you tight in his full regalia. A shot mark marred the middle of the photo, but the intention was still clear. And in a series of photos, Harry could make out your form in the kitchen, your finger moving to your lips, and finally you touching his face the way you had when he was a recruit. And for the third time in his life, his chest was so tight he thought he wouldn’t be able to breath.
Maybe some days you needed him, too.
Harry didn’t think. He just moved. He left the wedding and the folder, his friends and his life, and an hour later he found himself in front of the address that had been listed as your home. The lights were on and in the kitchen he could see the faint outline of frame that he just knew held his own face.
He walked the steps, tears already threatening to leave his eyes and wet his cheeks. His heart was beating faster than it had in years but he didn’t take it as a sign to stop but rather a sign to keep going.
And so he knocked.
When you opened the door, your face was just as soft and vibrant as he remembered. Not a single mark of age made you less beautiful, but just enhanced all the lovely parts of your bone structure his fingers spend years memorizing. You were still in your work clothes except for your shoes were soft slippers covering your toes in a strange combination of serious and comfort that made Harry smile. This was you all right, in front of him and still the same as the person he fell in love with so many years ago.
“Ha-harry?” you gasped as your eyes moved up and down his body, settling on his eyes. He realized then how silly he must look too in his wedding attire at this odd hour of night, but then again the man you remembered was often in uniform.
Harry tried his best to smile more but he simply couldn’t. His lips quivered and his mouth grew dry. All he could do was nod in affirmation.
He watched as your shoulders fell and your hands moved forward hesitantly to touch his face.
“I missed you so much,” you whispered, gently brushing at his skin. The feel of you was still magnetic, smooth and soft and warm, pulling him into your orbit.
“And I you,” you said, laughing at the realizing that this conversation had happened once before. You laughed too, though it was more of a hiccup between your tears. His hand reached for your cheek on instinct, wiping away the tears that collected there.
After a moment of just staring, moving closer and closer, unsure of what was right or real, you pulled away.
“Do you—do you want to come in?” you said with hesitation, quickly gesturing to the open door behind you and the faint sound of television going in the background.
Harry felt the butterflies collecting in his stomach at the sight of your beautiful face staring at him once more in the flesh, the manifestation of endless nights alone in his bed.
“I would.”
And with that you grabbed his hand, unsure until he wrapped his fingers once more around your own, and walked in into your home.
As the door shut behind him, Harry felt the large chunks of his broken heart that had been severed since he took in that crestfallen look on your face the night he left slowly begin to sew themselves back together. And come back together they would in time. What was twenty-six years, when you get to spend our whole lives together? 
All tags: @fangirlandnerd, @aerdnandreaa, @thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian, @whovianayesha, @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy, @luna-xxxxx, @sleepylunarwolf, @starryrevelations, @potter-thinking, @all-by-myself98, @bananafosters-and-books, @cutie-bug Kingsman tags: @allonsymexgirl, @eiensteiner, @thecaptainsgingersnap, @madamcadaver, @doct0rstrange, @ratwrites Harry Hart tags: @un-education, @lexicon04, @bananzaa, @consultingdoctorwholock, @sparrowharkness, @newconnorwhodis
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silentwaters4 · 5 years
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For anon...enjoy!
You hissed as you sunk beneath the shivering layer that was your bath. It was followed by a tension-releasing sigh as the cold gave way to soothing. You felt each and every bruise throbbing while leaning your head against the tub.
“Everythin’ alright in there, love?” Eggsy called from the room. “Sooooo niiiiiice,” you drawled. Your boyfriend peaked his head into the room with a smirk. “Thought you had everything handled.” “Shove off,” you rebutted with a smirk, “I’m not all muscle-y and impervious to other people’s fists.” He chuckled. “Haven’t seen me with my shirt off quite yet.”
Deciding not to respond, you closed your eyes. You heard your boyfriend clambering around, presumably taking off his shirt, the room. You heard him walk into the bathroom. You opened an eye to see him placing a stool on the ground.
“What’re ya doing?”
Without answering, he pulled your arm that was closest to him and placed it on the side of the tub. He smirked.
“Hafta raise it; eases the blood flow.” You thought a moment. Shrugging, you said, “Right then. Get on with the pampering.”
He chuckled before kissing your hand.
“Anythin’ for you, love.”
Perma-tags: @caswinchester2000 @thelastgalacticcat @alisoncdariel
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
Fun & Fair
Pairing: Roxanne (Roxy) Morton x reader
warnings: Angst if you squint, FLUFF, vomit, language
Summary: Roxy, Eggsy, Tilde and you go to the fun fair
A/n: I’m not sure what to think about this yet please tell me what you think
“Come on Roxy it’ll be fun” you whined, trying to convince your girlfriend to join you, Eggsy and Tilde to the fair fair in town. “I don’t know y/n, I’m pretty tired,” Roxy said. She shook her head as you continued to whine for her to come.
“It’ll be romantic,” you said, seeing Roxy’s expression cleared to a bit more positive you knew that you were close, “I promise that I will score a big teddy for you.” At this Roxy chuckled and kissed your cheek, “Alright, I will come for you.” You immediately brightened up and hugged her. “Perfect, let’s go.” Together you took the underground to the fair and went into town to meet Eggsy and Tilde.
Your hands held each other as your fingers were intertwined. You were close to the meeting point and you could already see the other couple standing. “Hey guys,” you smiled as you waved at them.
“Hi Roxy and Y/n” Tilde smiled politely at you. “So what do you guys wanna do first?” Eggsy asked you. “Oh, I want to do a shooting game because I promised my girl a stuffed animal” you winked at Roxy and she chuckled. “Alright let’s go” Eggsy said.
The four of you walked to the stand and you paid a few pounds to play a game. “I would watch out no one has gotten a good score before,” the owner of the game said. You just rolled your eyes and grabbed the fake gun. You shot a couple of rounds and all hit the bullseye without any issue on your side.
“I guess it’s not so hard” you smirked. The man grumbled and gave you a big plushy, which you immediately handed Roxy. “A promise is a promise” you smiled at him. You shook her hand and took the bear from you. “Thank you hun” she kissed your cheek and you blushed.
“Let’s eat some churros” Eggsy suddenly says. You agree and the four of you walk to a foodtruck. You ordered the food and walked further through the fair. The soft evening night made your skin glow and Roxy couldn’t keep her eyes off of it.
The four of you decided it would be fun to go for a ride on the rollercoaster. Eggsy and Tilde sat next to each other and you and Roxy sat behind them. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a rollercoaster” Roxy states. “I’m not surprised,” you said honestly, “Work got you swamped Rox Nd when we go out it’s normally not to an amusement park” you laugh.
“I know baby,” she looked down. “It’s okay Rox, we have enough time to spend together, remember last week when we suddenly went to town around midnight” you comforted her. “I love you y/n/n” Roxy smiled. “I love you too Rox.”
The ride went by fast. The four of you stepped out everyone seemed to have enjoyed the ride, only Tilde looked a bit pale. “You okay?” you asked, the moment you said that she bend forward and puked. “I think it’s time we head home,” Eggsy says checking if his girlfriend was alright. You nodded your head, “It’s late I think it’s time we go back too.”
“Yeah we have to get up early,” Roxy said about you and herself. The next day you both had to go back to work, dreading the moment you had to step into the office you worked in the city center. It was a dull job and you’d much rather spend your time with Roxy only you had to make money somehow.
You walked to the parking lot and Eggsy took his own car to get back home while you and Roxy hauled a cab over to get back. In the ride you could already notice how Roxy was a tad more tired. Whenever she would get sleepy, she would become more affective. Her head was placed on your shoulder and her hand was holding yours. “You tired darling?” you whispered in her hair before you kissed her. Apparently just sitting down made Roxy release how tired she actually was and all she desired was being wrapped up in your arms.
She needed you to hold her as much as you possibly could, her hectic and dangerous job made it hard for her to feel relaxed and only when she was wrapped in your loving hold she felt truly safe.
“We’re almost there Rox, just stay awake a little bit longer,” you said in a hushed voice. When you get home you pay the taxi driver and head in your house.
You and Roxy change into your pyjamas and brush your teeth. “Ready for bed babe?” Roxy asked, she was already sitting on the bed. “Yeah I’m done” you sat down beside her and snuggled up under the duvet.
You placed your head in her hair and smiled. “Goodnight” you muttered in her neck “G’night” she grinned, before Roxy slowly fell asleep.
Taglist: @loxbbg @zabdisamor @hcllander @tom-hollands-blog @meg-holland @vintageroses1014516 @jackiehollanderr @whyamihere-bro
Specific tag: @yanderepeterparker
(I’m laughing about specific bc it’s for a specific fic and the worst pun I’ve thought of so far)
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writer-rochelle · 5 years
“Body Like A Back Road” Agent Tequila x Black/Agent! Reader
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a/n this is the first many fics i hope to post to tumblr. this was a longtime coming, and i’m so excited to finally be doing something that i’ve put off for a long time. let me know what you think, and send in some requests! <3 al
(also please listen to Body like a back road by Sam Hunt, it’s so good)
Got a girl from the Southside, got braids in her hair
First time I seen her walk by, man I 'bout fell up out my chair
Had to get her number, it took me like six weeks
Now me and her go way back like Cadillac seats
When Tequila thinks back to the first time he met you, he instantly recalls your braids. Long and black, covering every inch of that pretty little head of yours. Thinking about it now, he recalls how it had taken a minute to register that those were in fact braids and not just strands of hair. He watched you saunter past him, you and your girls giggling about something when you suddenly made eye contact with him. He just about tumbled out of his chair when you sent a wink his way, those big hazel eyes set against your melanin skin instantly being saved in his mind for later. The remainder of the month that the rodeo was there he made a point to speak to you. From complimenting your braids, to inviting you to watch him (even if he was just a rodeo clown), to you finally having pity on the boy and giving him your digits. Several years later and you were closer than ever, finding yourselves working for the same intelligence agency. Crazy how that works. 
Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed
I know every curve like the back of my hand
Doin' fifteen in a thirty, I ain't in no hurry
I'ma take it slow just as fast as I can
The way she fit in them blue jeans, she don't need no belt
But I can turn 'em inside out, I don't need no help
Got a hips like honey, so thick and so sweet
It ain't no curves like hers on them downtown streets
“Agent Vodka, you will find the remainder of your debriefing packet back in your quarters, but if you’ll follow me I’d like to give you some new tech.” Ginger said, watching as (Y/N), Tequila and Champ removed their Statesman issued glasses. “Sure! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been cooking!” (Y/N)said, getting up and following the femme tech wiz out of the meeting room. Tequila jumped a little, feeling the junoesque woman glide her hand along the back of his neck, causing goosebumps to rise. Champagne smirked, the small yet intimate interaction not lost on the head of Statesman. Tequila (oblivious of his superior’s playfully chastising gaze) continued to watch you strut out of the room, your curves stretching against your blues jeans. The same blue jeans that had been laying inside out on the floor of his bedroom that morning. 
“While you two Knuckleheads may think your little secret is safe, the teasing and ‘Fuck me eyes’ ain't lost on anyone boy.” Champagne laughed, watching the former rodeo clown flush with embarrassment. “I'm sorry sir, it won’t happen again sir,” Tequila said, watching his Superior get up and leave the room. “Don’t worry about it Tequila, just know there ain’t no other girl like (Y/N) out on them streets. And one other thing, don’t call me sir it makes me feel old” Champ said, chuckling as he closed the door. Tequila relaxed, pulling a Polaroid he had of you out of his wallet. There sure as hell was no other girl like you. 
We're out here in the boondocks with the breeze and the birds
Tangled up in the tall grass with my lips on hers
On a highway to heaven, headed south of her smile
Get there when we get there, every inch is a mile
It was one of those rare occasions, a day to relax before inevitably some jackass somewhere would just have to enact some evil scheme. Tequila had surprised his girl with a picnic, including a batch of his mediocre attempt of recreating her Grandma’s lemon bar recipe. The young woman smiled, and ate them despite how dry they were. She knew he had tried his best, and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. 
Tequila had led her further into a large patch of land, the overgrown grass up to their waists. Despite potential bugs or snakes, the couple had laid there sharing kisses and stories and enjoying the time off. At some point Tequila had noticed how still and quiet his girlfriend had become only to realize she had fallen asleep, cuddled against his chest. He kissed the top of (Y/n)’s head, breathing in the coconut scent of her scalp conditioner. God how he loved her braids, that pearly smile set against soft brown sun-kissed skin, those hazel eyes. God, he loved every bit of her. “I love you” he whispered, he hoped those words had only been heard by himself, the breeze and the birds overhead. “I love you too”, (Y/N) whispered back a small smile settling upon her features, before further falling asleep. Tequila smiled softly, god was he in heaven?
Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed
I know every curve like the back of my hand
Doin' fifteen in a thirty, I ain't in no hurry
I'ma take it slow just as fast as I can
Sam Hunt was one of (Y/N)’s favorite singers, so it was only natural that Tequila would yank her onto the dance floor, the young couple happily two-stepping; with the sounds of “Body Like A Back Road” booming through the speakers. The young woman laughed, her eyes closed showing off the glittery gold eye shadow that had been dusted across lids glinting in the neon lights. Tequila was a little more quiet than usual, something that was not lost on his partner. However, unbeknownst to (Y/N), there was a small black velvet box starting to weigh heavy in his jean jacket pocket.  About halfway through the song, he passed (Y/N) off to Eggsy to dance with, under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. 
He stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, slightly pissed with his sudden lack of suavity. This was supposed to be the night he proposed, your Kingsman friends present to celebrate the completion of the distillery in Scotland, even Ginger had joined them. It would’ve been perfect. Yet here he was ruining everything. And finally, it dawned on him. Y’all had made it this far. Through his old clowning days, to the time his addiction almost cost him his life. If you were still here, then why was he in such a hurry. He breathed in and out for a few moments, calming his nerves. “I'mma take it slow, Just as fast as I can”
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Requested by anon
It’s been ages since you’ve had such a nice sleep. Between going on missions for Kingsman and trying to keep your mother out of your private life (you swear she’ll be the death of you one day), sleep hadn’t come too easy these days. But today? You’ve never woken up so warm and refreshed.
You knew it was because of the man sleeping soundly next to you, arms wrapped tightly around you. A smile made its way onto your face, seeing how peaceful he looked. He was always cool-headed - you had to be if you wanted to work for Kingsman - but there was just something about this morning that made him look ten years younger.
“Are you going to continue to stare at me or are you going to greet me properly?” You rolled your eyes - of course he was already up, pretending to be sleeping. 
“Good morning, Merlin. Sleep well?” 
“I should be the one asking you that,” he joked, arms tightening around you briefly, “but yes, very much so.” You smiled at him, leaning towards him slightly before planting a loving kiss to his lips. 
This was the life.
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taron-egrotton · 6 years
Domestic || Eggsy Unwin
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It’s been raining a lot here and I’m home alone so inevitably, a fluffy Eggsy imagine is a must!
You started your day in the kitchen, making broth for Eggsy who had been running a cold since the night before. He had spent a few hours in the pouring rain on a mission and his body didn’t react well.
“I’m starting to think you’re turning into my mum with the way you’re worryin’ about me,” said Eggsy from behind you. You heard his footsteps get louder as he walked to you.
You smiled, not looking at him. “I never told you I was worried.”
“I just know you are,” he finally wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your neck. “you should settle down a little, doll... you’re gonna have to learn the art of calm if we’re going to have kids.”
Your heart fluttered at the thought of Eggsy thinking about kids with you. “No kid of mine is going to become a Kingsman, so I think I’m all set.”
“Oh, come on, don’t do that, love. I can’t wait to have a kid come with me on missions.”
“You’d let your daughter become a spy of sorts?” you challenged, knowing full well how overprotective Eggsy would be as a father to a girl. Hell, he was already so protective of you, you didn’t want to think how overbearing he’d become to a baby of his own.
Eggsy huffed. “Fine. But how about a mission for some father-and-son bonding?” he grinned.
“No way in hell,” you said, turning the stove off. Eggsy then lifted you up to the opposite counter top and stepped in between your legs.
“I can’t believe we’re fighting about our non-existent children,” he smiled affectionately, kissing your cheek.
You smiled back, draping your arms over his broad shoulders. “Our beautiful, not-existent children.”
“With you as their mum, I’d expect nothing less.”
“They’re not joining Kingsman, though.”
All my regular readers know that I LOVE comments and feedback. Leave me anything from an emoji to a long-ass comment. Maybe even leave a request!
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Almost Too Late
Eggsy Unwin x plus size reader
Who knew the perfect opportunity to finally admit his feelings was when she was tied to a chair with a gun held to her head?
Request: Fluffy eggsy after saving his crush from the villain?
Warnings: this is just all fluff, guns, love confessions, kissing, swearing, kidnapping
WC: 895
A/N: Sorry I skipped the fight scene, I was too lazy haha
Minors DNI
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Y/N looked bored. “This is bullshit.” She groaned, rolling her neck in a vain attempt to get the kinks out of it after being forced to sit in the most uncomfortable chair in the world for such a long time. 
“Will you please stop talking!” The man was clearly exasperated, his face almost purple it was so red, the vein on his big ass forehead throbbing with anger. “Then entertain me! This is so fucking boring.” She whined, shuffling against the wood she was sitting on in an attempt to ‘wake up’ her ass which had gone numb over an hour ago.
“I’m holding you hostage! This is supposed to be boring!” Y/N kicked her feet out like a pouting child as her head lolled back against the back of the seat. “I didn’t ask to be kidnapped and tied to a chair for hours on end, now did I!” The cold barrel of a gun was suddenly pressed tightly to her temple. “Shut the fuck up!”
“Now, I don’t think that’s any way to talk to a lady, mate.” Y/N sagged in relief at the sound of his voice, breathing out a deep sigh, she knew she was finally safe. “And who the fuck are you?!” She winced as he pressed the gun even tighter to her skull. Eggy’s blue eyes rolled behind his black frame glasses.
He looked casual standing in the doorway of the dilapidated house, one hand tucked neatly into his suit pants pocket, the other loosely clutching a black umbrella. He winks at her, his pale cheeks only slightly pink with a flush. “I’m her knight in shining armour ain’t I.”
 His hands were soft against her cheeks as he tilted her head to the side, inspecting the tiny cut just behind her hairline from the gun. “You think I’ll live doctor?” The pine cologne he always wore surrounded her as she pulled the navy suit jacket closer to her curvy body. “Unfortunately, I think we need to amputate.” He murmured solemnly but the upturn of his lip into a boyish smirk gave him away.
“Is there any other way?” She giggled, nuzzling her cheek into his palm. Eggy’s smirk fell into an easy smile, his eyes dropping down to her lips before traveling back up to her eyes. “You scared me princess.” He knelt before her, his slim body taking up everything in her vision, preventing her from seeing the body on the floor.
“‘M sorry.” She muttered, eyes half lidded. “Not your fault.” He held her tenderly, his left hand rubbing the rope burn along her wrists. Eggsy had never been this close to her before, their previous touches being platonic ones, a handshake here, a clap on the back there, but he craved it. He needed to feel the softness of her skin, smell the products she used in her perfect hair, see the way her eyes reflected the dim light of the lone lightbulb above them.
His heart was pounding so loudly he feared Y/N could hear it. “I should’ve gotten here earlier.” Now it was her turn to cup his cheek, his 5 o’clock shadow scratching the sensitive skin of her palm. Azure eyes fluttered shut at her touch, a please sigh escaping his slightly chapped lips. “I knew you would find me, you always do.” 
He couldn’t tell her how scared he had been, how his veins had turned to ice when his mother called him to tell him that Y/N hadn’t shown up to babysit Daisy while she went to work. He’s sure Merlin would inform her later that he had to slap the young Kingsman to get him to calm down when she wouldn’t pick up her phone. 
She’s safe in his arms now, unharmed, just a little shaken. But he’s still panicking, still feels that icy grip of fear around his heart. He could have lost her today, shown up too late or not picked up his mum’s call. And all he could think about was how much he regretted not telling her how he felt before.
“Y/N?” She glanced up at him, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “Eggsy?” “I need to say something yeah so just let me get through this and then you can slap me and tell me to fuck off, alright.” Her fingers tightened on his naked forearms. Taking in a shuddering breath, he looked deep into those eyes he loved so much.
“I love you, I’ve loved ya forever. You’re just the most incredible person I have ever met and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I was so terrified when mum said you were missing, I froze. I couldn’t think.” A strand of sandy blonde hair fell from his hairstyle. Y/N pushed it back, a shy smile stretching over her lips. 
“I love you.” He whispered, slowly leaning forward. Then, “Gallahead just feckin kiss ‘er already!” Eggsy winced at the volume of Merlin’s voice. “Shut up will ya! ‘M tryn ta be romantic here!” 
But Y/N just laughed and tugged him closer so he now knelt between her thick thighs, looking up at her with wide eyes. “I love you too Gary Unwin.” And then she kissed him, right there in the middle of an abandoned house but she didn’t care, all she wanted was him. 
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Kingsman Masterlist
A masterlist for the fics I have written for the Kingsman movies
Link to my Main Masterlist
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Eggsy Unwin
Headcanons: Eggsy meeting Merlins adult child (humor/general)
‘If you say Halloween one more time-’‘You’ll kiss me?’ (humor/cute)
‘Drunk Love’ (humor/cute)
‘Star gazing’ (fluff)
‘I’m your lock screen?’’You weren’t supposed to see that’ (fluff/cute)
‘True Loves Kiss’ (Soulmate AU; suspense/fluff)
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Hamish Mycroft (Merlin)
Gif Imagine: ‘Being Eggsy’s friends and crushing on Merlin’
‘Being in a relationship with Merlin’ (cute)
Eggsy meeting Merlins adult child; codename ‘Morgana’
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Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey)
Two Part Fic: Shall We Dance: Part One (flirting/jealousy/cute) Part Two (end);(cute/pining/angst/fluff)
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Harry Hart
Headcanons: ‘Being a female Kingsman and secretly dating Harry’
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Agent Tequila
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘First Kiss’ (cute)
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imaginefan · 6 years
Trust And Love *Part 2*
Eggsy Unwin X Reader
Word Count: 516
Requested: Anon
Request: Part two of Trust and Love with Eggsy ? But this time he is the one being jealous af
*Part 1*
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You had passed your training becoming an agent of the Kingsman Organisation but you had realised how much you were going to hate some of the mission that they put you on, you thought that most of the time you were going to be put on different missions from Eggsy because of your relationship and most of the time you were right but there was one time that the relationship would serve a purpose and so they decided to use it to their advantage, you were supposed to be getting info from a girl, that meant that Eggsy was supposed to get close to her and once he got the information that he needed then you would come in as the angry girlfriend and as you sat watching you realised that none of it was actually going to be an act.
"I don't think I'm going to get the information from her here..." Eggsy said as he looked at you, you glanced at him for a second before Merlin spoke. "It's your call," Merlin said and you leant back in your chair as you saw the girl come back out, you walked up to the bar and smiled at the bartender. "That all your having love?" He asked and you nodded handing him some money before heading out without looking at your boyfriend. "Hey, Merlin I figured with the change in plans you don't need me anymore..." You said through the earpiece as you walked to your car. "Come back to HQ to debrief (C/N)," Merlin ordered. "Yes, sir." You said before leaving, you went back to HQ and debriefed before heading home, you sighed as you undid your hair and started wiping off your make up. You were humming to yourself when you heard the door open and then close. "Babe!" Eggsy called and you looked up from your phone to see him in the doorway of the apartment. "You get what you needed?" You asked and he nodded as he walked over taking off his jacket and sitting down on the sofa next to you "bet your both happy about that." "What does that mean?" He asked but as soon as those words left his mouth a smile was planted on his face "are you jealous?" "What does that have to do with anything?" You asked. "Oh, everything." He smirked leaning over and pressing his lips to yours before pulling you back with him until you were on his lap. "What was it that you said to me?" "I know what I said why do you think I haven't said anything?" You asked and he shook his head. "How did you get the information?" You asked and he looked at you and smiled. "They developed a truth serum and where better to test it?" He asked. "That could have killed her." You raised an eyebrow. "And that bothers you why?" He asked. "Because I always end up cleaning up the mess that you make." You mumbled. "You love it." He teased leaning in. "Mmm." You hummed before connecting your lips with his again.
Requests and general question!
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delicrieux · 6 years
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requested by anon🌻 prompt:  Hey! If your still doing Kingsman imagines, can I request a fluffy Merlin x reader, where the readers in the bathroom, and there's a spider so Merlin comes and saves her? Thank you!!
masterlist | ko-fi | fics as movies
Out of the corner of your eye you swear you noticed something shifty dart between the white towels. You pause brushing your teeth and draw you gaze away from your messy and sleepy reflection in the mirror, suddenly alert. The house is quiet. Merlin was reading a novel the last time you saw him, which was roughly five minutes ago. The bathroom lights flicker eerily. You frown. Could you possibly be seeing things? All this secret agent business is making you paranoid. You need to retire, you think, as lazily you start brushing your teeth again. Minty. The paste stings your tongue.
Just as you start getting comfortable, you see a shadowy long legged creature crawling on the corner of the sink and your heart stops for a split moment and you really don’t want to look directly at it. You close your eyes. There is no way, no way that that is a spider, you swear if it is you will scream and cry and honestly you’d rather deal with an assassin than a hairy daddy-longlegs or worse---
You open your eyes.
That is no spider you have ever seen. And in wild fear you forget all of you expert training and graceful moves as you nearly trip over your two feet as you try to get out the bathroom, screaming. A pair of hands land on your shoulders and stop you from running into a wall, or possibly something more expensive, as Merlin shakes you greatly concerned, “(Na—“
“KILL IT!” You demand, latching onto his wrists and squeezing with enough force to cut off his blood flow.
requests are open!
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muse-oleum · 4 years
So beautiful
Kingsman - Harry Hart x fem!reader
Based on this hot prompt: Hiii! I’d like to make a request where Harry buys beautiful lingerie for Reader and he can’t contain himself when he sees her with it on! Body worship, sweet love talk and maybe more ;)
Took this through a darker introduction, but it ends in pure fluff and happiness, I promise. 
Summary: After an indiscreet remark by one of your peers, you feel insecure about your body. That’s when you discover a surprise left behind by your boyfriend before he went off to work...
Word count: 1.5k 
Warnings: smutty and fluffy, all at the same time; mentions of body insecurities and eating disorders; swearing
Comment below if you want to be added to the taglist! Enjoy! xx
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(no i will never get enough of this gif)
You drank your tea moodily, staring off into the drizzle outside. Sip by sip, the comforting warmth of your lavender infusion came and went, in a sad rhythm that perfectly matched your current mood. 
You found it insupportable how the remarks of others could still affect you, even after all this time. You found it insupportable how people could be so careless as to assume that everyone felt as good about themselves as they did. Insupportable how they assumed words didn’t cut. 
But they did. 
You’d got out of your eating disorder alive, but scarred for life. It was something you’d always carry with you, as part of your story. And on days like today, it hurt more than it had in a long while. 
You were happier than you’d ever been, ever. And for that very reason, you hated every time something like this resurfaced. It was rarer and rarer, for which you were incredibly grateful; you’d mastered your own thoughts and finally accepted the body you had. 
You started to take care of it better, to love it better. 
Harry loved it, and while the confirmation of his desire and love was not needed, it was appreciated. He made sure to tell you how beautiful you looked every day. 
Sighing softly, you put the mug down in the sink. 
While doing the dishes, you cut yourself on a ceramic knife lying at the bottom of the pile. 
“Well, fuck.”
It truly wasn’t your day. 
Defeated, you took your book upstairs, fully intending on snuggling under the blankets and lose yourself in someone else’s miseries. 
That’s until you opened the door to your bedroom and found a package waiting for you on the bed. 
What had your boyfriend been up to? 
You didn’t remember him putting the package there this morning, and he had not gone back upstairs after breakfast. Instead he had left for work with a soft smile and a quick peck. 
Now that you thought of it, his smile did seem rather… mischievous. 
All thoughts of your book laid aside, you carefully opened the package, untying ribbon after ribbon in what seemed an endless line of silk. 
That looked expensive. Nobody wraps up gifts in silk unless it’s expensive. 
All thoughts of the price left your mind when you held the first piece of clothes up for inspection.
Though calling it “clothes” was like calling the elephant in the room a mouse, as far as you were concerned. 
Clothes meant a reasonable amount of skin coverage. This looked like it would maybe cover your hips. Maybe. 
The rest didn’t disappoint either. 
You held up what looked like a bra, except it was sheer, with a clasp in the front. You weren’t completely sure if that would fit your rather generous bosom, but you liked it. 
You liked it a lot. 
The next item was a nightgown, floor length, very vintage. After a closer look, you found that it was a wrapper, not a nightgown. 
Harry had bought you a whole outfit. A sexy outfit. Lingerie. 
You weren’t sure you’d ever owned anything remotely approaching lingerie. The word was foreign; it was for other girls who liked what they saw in the mirror every morning. 
Holding the wrapper close to your heart, you decided to try it on. Harry had obviously bought it in an attempt to make you feel good, and so you would at least try. 
Divesting your clothes, you tried on the bra and panties first. The bra felt incredibly smooth, the sheer fabric rubbing against your skin in a delightful way. It was a perfect fit. 
A true testament to how thorough a man Harry Hart was when making love to you. 
The panties also fit perfectly, and were actually not too revealing; just enough to invite a closer look at the skin beneath. The lace matched that of the bra, the whole ensemble as comfortable as it was sexy. 
You put on the wrapper next, tying it below your breasts. It brushed against your feet every time you took a step, tickling you and making you giggle. 
You were so enraptured with how perfect everything looked that you didn’t even hear Harry’s keys in the door. 
When you did, panic briefly overcame you. You felt uncomfortable, exposed. 
“Darling?” came his voice from the living room. 
Taking a deep breath, you answered: 
It’s alright, you told yourself, he has seen you in less than this before. He knows your body inside out. He loves you. 
“Do you want a cup of t…” Harry’s voice trailed off as he saw you, half-hiding behind the door, a shy smile on your face. 
From his post by the kitchen counter, he could only see the hint of a leg, purple-silk-wrapped as you were. 
The wrapper covered you head to toe, revealing the generous divide between your breasts. 
Maybe he would need a cold drink instead. And a cold shower. 
Recovering his wits, he said:
“I see you found my early birthday gift.” 
You nodded. 
“Want to show me more?” 
(fun under the cut)
He gave you the option, but you’d already made up your mind. He looked dashing, in his dress shirt, tie and suit pants. 
You suddenly had an urge to unpack what you considered your greatest gift. 
Humming slightly, you came forward. Harry set down the tea cup he had been holding, leaning against the counter as you cornered him. 
“Purple really is a good choice.” 
Your voice had turned seductive. Harry’s skin tingled under your breath. He felt your fingers tugging at his tie. 
It promptly came undone, allowing you access to more of his slightly rough skin. You could feel the stubble of his morning shave. 
In a daze, you saw him remove his glasses from the corner of your eye, setting them carefully in his coat’s pocket. 
“I thought so too,” his lips kissed your injured finger, eyes never leaving yours. 
Without preamble, Harry switched your positions, settling you on top of the kitchen counter. In this position, he could lean into you. You felt the press of him against your thigh, biting back a moan. 
“My turn,” his rough whisper brushed against the nape of your neck, his lips hovering above your pulse point. 
Harry was never rough, unless you demanded it, but you could feel the urgency in the deep kisses he left along neck, all the way up to your ear and back down to the hollow at the base of your throat. 
Sighing, you leaned back, allowing your hips to sink further into his, causing the both of you to groan. Harry took full advantage of the situation, carefully unwrapping you. 
He left butterfly kisses along the top of your breasts, ghost-like kisses that left your skin begging for more. Sliding the strap of your bra down your shoulder, he nuzzled the soft skin he exposed, humming contentedly against you. 
“You’re so incredibly beautiful, y/n. So beautiful.”
You could feel Harry’s lips trailing closer to your nipple, your skin stretching towards him as he kissed it. That earned him a deep moan. So he did it again, longer this time. 
Finally, he enclosed it into his mouth, the warmth of his tongue colliding with the coolness of the air. Pressing your thighs together, trapping him between them, you sank even further into his embrace, head resting against the cupboard. 
Harry’s tongue moved in time with his hands, which had found their way to your hips. He kneaded the flesh there, enjoying the way it rolled and stretched under his fingers. 
He hooked his index under your panties, mouth ceasing to torture your breasts. 
You were thoroughly aroused by the desire raging inside his dilated pupils. 
In an instant, he disappeared between your legs, eating you out right here and there. 
The sudden contact had you bucking into him, and he responded with equal vigor, his nose brushing against your bud. 
“God, Harry…” 
He didn’t stop his ministrations, humming his agreement against your sensitive skin. Sensing your release coming, you bit your lips, pressing against him, rolling your hips in time with his tongue. 
You gripped his collar, his hair, anything, as moan after moan left your lips, his name a breathy sigh as you came. 
Harry looked up, his own arousal overcoming him, as he nipped at your navel, drawing a chuckle. 
You looked a mess. A perfect, happy, purple mess. 
“Darling, you have no idea how perfectly sinful that was.” 
“Oh, yes, terrible, really,” was his only reply as he wrapped your legs around his lean frame. 
You held onto his shoulders, eyes full of lust and contentment. Harry had never seen a more beautiful sight before in his life. 
“To be fair, it is completely your fault, showing up in my kitchen looking like that. So fucking desirable. So soft, so warm…” his words lost themselves amongst moans. 
Harry would for sure buy you more lingerie if that was the result. 
You couldn’t say you objected. 
Taglist: @justawriterinprogress
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! :)
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