#eggsy headcanons
Hiii! 🥰💜 Can I please request an Eggsy x fem!civilian reader where she’s Harry’s daughter with prompt 4 “He makes me happy and safe”?
A/N: Hey there. Hope this is what you invisioned. I took the liberty and threw in a Christmas prompt of mine too. Happy reading!
Caught under the Mistletoe
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x fem!reader
Warning: getting caught by a parent, kissing, fluff
Summary: look up. a mistletoe
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The house was quiet. No wonder, your boyfriend was away on a mission. Before he went away he asked you to dog sit JB. You laughed at his request and snorted, “Why should I do that when I already live here. You know my apartment only has some belongings there.” Then you squinted at him. He only smirked lazily. “Tell the truth you planned it. You strategically took items of mine with you every time you were over.” Eggsy just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at you.
You had to giggle as you walked by a candle holder you thought you had lost until you found it in exactly the same place it stood right now. Oh the face when you tell Eggsy you had given up your apartment. You had a talk a while back but it wasn’t anything serious. It ended with you telling him you had to consider your father in all of this. After all he was the one who chose your flat.
JB ran between your legs and to the front door. He whined and pawed at the door while looking at you. As fast as you could you ran over. If JB was acting this way it only meant one thing. Eggsy was home.
“JB, go to your bed.” You pointed at the little basked at the end of the hall. Slowly the little pug mad his way over and laid down. His eyes trained to the door. Slowly you opened the door gingerly. Eggsy was standing at the other end of it with his go bag slung behind his back and a charming smile on his lips. You squealed as you saw his handsome face you missed so much.
You flung the door open and ran into his arms. “You are home!” Eggsy’s strong hands enveloped your body and pressed it tighter to his. “I missed you so much, darlin’.” You breathed in his cologne you only faintly smelled on his pillow.
“Hey sweets.” You looked up from his neck. “Look up. A mistletoe.” With one hand he held up a small twig. You giggled while hiding into his neck. “No hiding! You know what this means.” You looked at him with a bright smile before closing the gap. The kiss was slow at first till Eggsy deepened it.
The kiss was broken by an all too familiar clearing of the throat. You broke apart from your boyfriend’s lips as if you burned yours. You looked over his shoulder and saw your father standing at the stairs. He raised a brow as your eyes met.
“Not only did you take my code name and my house but also my daughter.” Eggsy’s eyes widened. He turned around fast. You were scared he would have whiplash. “Harry! What are you doing here?” Your father’s eyes narrowed. He looked between him and you before walking up the few stairs separating you both from him. “You forgot your glasses in the meeting room. I wanted to get them to you because I don’t know if you have a spare pair at home.”
Eggsy scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Thanks, Harry. How thoughtful. I actually got five spare ones because I left them all over the place and Merlin was annoyed by me so he made me so many extras.” He began to ramble which was your sign to step in. “Dad, please don’t be mad. He makes me happy and safe.”
Harry looked at you in disappointment. He looked over at a frightened Eggsy and back to your wide-eyed form. His hardened eyes softened. I am not mad at your relationship. I am disappointed that you didn’t confine in me.” His gaze swept over your slightly relaxed forms. “I am relived that you are in a relationship with Eggsy.” His eyes went nostalgic. “Wouldn’t I have died I would have introduced the both of you.”
Eggsy chuckled lightly. Both man eyes met. Your fathers went saddened once went curious in a heartbeat. “In a way you did, Harry. We met at your ‘funeral’.” He made air quotes at the mention of the worst day of your life. But at the same day one of the best. The corners of Harry’s lips went up and he let out a soundless laugh. “Seems like it.” He nodded back to your still opened front door and a waiting JB. “I think someone else is waiting for you, Eggsy. I don’t want to intrude further.” Before he could turn you stopped your father from going home. “Stay. I think you have questions. And from experience I know how hungry world saving secret agents can get. Dinner is finished and I cooked too much for me alone. I didn’t know when you would come back. Merlin only told me this week. You know how I like to prepare for any of your returns.” Both men chuckled as they remember all the food you would cook so they would come home to home cooked warm meals.
Eggsy made way so you and your father could step inside. “How often did I tell you to wear socks when the weather was cold, missy. You catch colds so fast.” Eggsy looked down at your bare feet. He sighted, “Harry, how did you manage to get her to wear socks. I tell her this every time. I even lay out a pair for her every morning when I’m home.” Harry sighted deeply. A disappointed look was thrown into your direction. “I tell you everything you want to know over dinner. But let me tell you this. It was always a war getting her to wear a pair of socks.” You groaned as you walked into the kitchen.
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muiitoloko · 7 months
hi! could you post some headcanons for harry? (or harry x reader! however u like) thank uuuu <3
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→ Harry has a secret passion for ballroom dancing, and he occasionally attends dance classes under an alias, leaving his fellow Kingsmen unaware of his graceful moves.
→ He's a technology whiz and enjoys keeping up with the latest gadgets. His phone is loaded with various spy-themed apps, and he prides himself on being a cybersecurity aficionado.
→ Harry has an impeccable taste in suits but secretly dreams of rocking a flamboyant, sequined outfit at a glamorous Kingsman party – a side he never reveals to his colleagues.
→ He has a collection of customized umbrellas, each equipped with a unique gadget, just in case he needs to deal with unexpected situations in style.
→ He's a master at poker and often hosts secret poker nights with fellow Kingsman agents, where he may or may not let them win on purpose.
→ Harry's favorite guilty pleasure snack is a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which he enjoys in private to maintain his image.
→ Another of Harry's guilty pleasure? Binge-watching cheesy rom-coms. Eggsy and Merlin stumble upon this secret one night and decide to join him. Movie night turns into a hilarious marathon of lovey-dovey flicks.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kintober day 4
Eggsy Unwin + size difference
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I was imagining reader with a pyramid head height and build the entire time when writing this. Idk what the reader is in this, but he isn’t fully human.
kinktober list
Eggsy cursed under his breath as he ducked around yet another corner, bullets flying past where he had just stood. He could hear Merlin in his ear as he watched through the glasses on Eggsys face, telling the younger man which way to go to get to safety.
The mission had been a bust. Eggsy had simply needed to break into a secret lab, collect some information, and get out. But to his luck, he had been caught. He had shoved the USB stick with the information into one of his inner pockets, leaving his hands free to use his gun as needed. Another bullet whizzed past, hitting the very edge of his glasses, and sending them careening off his face, smashing as they met the floor.
Eggsy cursed out loud this time as his one connection to Merlin was gone, and he was on his own. He turned down another hallway, this one seeming less cared for as it was made mainly of cement and metal doors with no windows. The kingsman sped down the hallway, his shoes tapping against the hard floor under him. When he heard the yells of the enemy getting closer, he looked around for an out but all he could see were the doors.
Biting his lip, he shoved one of the doors open and silently shut it after him, his ear pressed to the metal as he heard the sound of the soldiers running by. Eggsy kept still, giving it some time before he would make his way out, in the meantime he turned around, taking in the room he was in.
Right behind him stood the large form of a man, so tall Eggsy had to bend his neck enough to ache to see his face. The scars littering his body, and the medical gown told the spy that he most likely wasn’t here willingly. Eggsy had almost calmed down before the man came at him with a speed a normal human couldn’t reach, but instead of attacking he shoved the brit up against the cold metal of the door.
At any other time Eggsy would be reaching for whatever weapon he had on him and fight his way out, but he froze up at the heavy weight that was pressed against his stomach. He gulped, glancing up at the large man that had him pinned up against the door. His pupils were large, not just from arousal but from what Eggsy could only assume was drugs. Flicking his eyes downwards where they were pressed up against each other, he almost felt his jaw drop to the floor as he saw the size of the man through the flimsy robes.
His chin was lifted, with a care that didn’t seem to match the mans gnarled appearance. Eggsys eyes widened when their lips pressed together, the fingers holding his chin squeezing just enough at his jaw to make his mouth open. The other man’s tongue was cold as it rubbed against Eggsys own, a shiver running down the kingsmans spine like freezing water.
Eggsy fumbled with his hands, lost as where to place them, before he rose to the tips of his feet and wrapped them around the neck of the man. (Y/N) grunted softly as Eggsy tightened his grip, the larger man reaching a hand down and picking the kingsman up with ease. The spy moaned softly as he wrapped his legs around (Y/N)s hips, grinding his hips down to rub his own hardening length against (Y/N)s own.
After what felt like hours of their tongues rolling against one another, Eggsy found himself laid down on a metal table. (Y/N) grabbed onto his clothes and pulled, the well-placed stiches tearing under his strength like one would tear through a napkin. Eggsy whined softly as (Y/N) ripped off the paper gown, revealing the type of body Eggsy could only have ever dreamed off in the past.
The brit couldn’t help but gulp at the mere size of the man, subconsciously clenching his thighs together at the idea of that being inside of him. (Y/N) just huffed a noise that could be seen as laughter as he stepped closer, stepping over the piles of ripped fabric and paper that had once been their clothes. Eggsy gulped as (Y/N) grabbed his thighs, pressing them together instead of spreading them like the spy had assumed he would.
Eggsy grabbed onto the edges of the table as he felt (Y/N) press his cock between his thighs, moaning out loud as he saw and felt the length press against his own where it rested against his stomach. Eggsy cursed, clenching his thighs as arousal poured throughout him. The pants from (Y/N) made it obvious the other man was just as into it as Eggsy himself, the brit biting his lip as he wiggled his hips, jostling the position enough to make (Y/N) groan softly.
His mouth felt open as (Y/N) began to thrust his hips, slowly pulling back and pressing forwards again, rubbing their cocks together in a wet and sticky display. Eggsy couldn’t keep his noises quiet as he reached up, grabbing at (Y/N)s hands where they were still holding his thighs together, trying to force his hips backwards to make the large man move faster.
Seeming to understand what Eggsy was trying to do, (Y/N) tightened his grip and started moving faster, their lengths grinding harder up against one another as precum dribbled onto Eggsys stomach. The spy reached down to try and wrap his hand around both of their lengths, but he soon realized he needed to use both hands to get anywhere near wrapping his hands around both of them.
The kingsman moaned as he felt the building feeling inside him, his eyelids fluttering as it grew closer and closer. He started moving his hands quicker around the two of them, and grinned to himself as he felt (Y/N)s hips stutter in an obvious sign that he was growing closer.
(Y/N) was the first to cum, thick robes of white painting Eggsys torso, a splash even hitting his chin. Eggsy moaned as the white painted him, moving his hands quicker as he reached his completion, his own white joining what (Y/N) had shot all over him. When (Y/N) finally let go of his thighs, Eggsy wrapped his legs around the man’s waist and pulled him closer, reaching up to pull him down so he could press his lips against his again.
Eggsy knew that Merlin was most likely trying to find him, and that enemy were still outside and searching for him. But as he kissed the surprisingly gentle man, he threw those thoughts away for later. He would deal with Merlin and Harry scolding him when he was finished up here, and hopefully he could bring his new friend with him back to the Kingsmen.
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kingsmint · 1 year
Both Harry, Merlin and possibly any other agent must have had really close contact with explosions at one point right? Especially Harry because if I remember correctly, in the first movie, he was saved by a grenade in 1997, and then blown up by his own grenade while escaping the university and then the church scene, AND THEN in the golden circle where Merlin blew up. (i still refuse that merlin died so he’s alive and im being delusional shh). He could literally by hard of hearing, almost deaf, or have tinnitus.
Merlin as well but not a lot since he was just behind the desk, but when he exploded (and survived.) he most likely had some acoustic trauma as well.
EVEN EGGSY CAN YOU IMAGINE?? Even though bro was a field agent for a little while having done a few missions (evident in the golden circle when he pins his own newspaper articles on harry’s wall) being in the field often enough he would eventually also have acoustic trauma.
So literally almost everyone at kingsman wear hearing aids and has learned sign language and learning sign language has become mandatory for training ever since Harry began his reign as Arthur. Agents also had to get specially designed hearing aids from medical and R&D when it gets  b a d. Since the glasses also has a microphone implemented in them, Merlin upgraded them so that live translation/subtitles could appear. (it became extremely useful for missions but the microphone can only pick up so far, yknow?)
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theomenscouncil666 · 2 months
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Self indulgent agere Eggsy Unwin icons and headcanons!!
- young kid regressor! From around 3-6 to be exact!
- very VERY weepy and clingy to his cgs because he doesn’t wanna lose them like he did his father
- his cgs are Harry and Merlin! He calls them his uncles!
- absolutely loves when Harry reads stories to him before bed, they snuggle up with some soft lighting and a good book and five minutes he is out like a light!
- he gets absolutely spoiled by Tilde because her special little man deserves it
- mostly non verbal!
- regresses to cope with stress and the traumas of going on missions (seeing harry get pew pew’d, what happened while he was having dinner with Tilde’s family)
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artknifeandglue · 1 year
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eggsy unwin praise kink eGGSY UNWIN PRAISE KINK
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flaresanimedump · 1 year
Prompt: "I think Azz-kun just killed a man with his thighs."
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Eggsy needs reading glasses.
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fixatedneurons · 1 year
I think Eggsy would’ve passed the dog test if it’d been Merlin handing him the gun instead of Chester. Doubt it’s an original take but like, at least with Merlin there was some trust built up at that point, Chester’s just a skeezy raisin Eggsy didn’t know at all that kept making backhanded remarks
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psychedelic-ink · 10 months
Loving the Dave York apologies all day every day obvi ✌️…now consider this your invitation for a teeny tiny jack rant? One headcanon you can’t live without?
Oh god you just opened pandora's box because my rant about the movie doesn't end with Jack it's for the entirety of Kingsman 2
buuut I'll just keep my rant limited to Jack. Spoiler alert, I'm a jack apologist as well, fight me
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First of all, I'm still confused as to when Jack decided to let every drug user die. But from what I understand he just decided to switch during the snow scene since there was no indication in the movie that he was plotting with Poppy all this time
That man did not deserve to DIE, LET ALONE GET MINCED
I get so so mad that they just decide to shred him. Especially when Eggsy just brushes it off by telling him to "put jel on it now"
As if Eggst didn't kill Charlie moments ago for vengeance
It's dumb that eggsy has 0 conscience there. They could've just sent him to statesmen prison or something. And I like the kingsman franchise, I had fun during the first movie (tho very salty about how they treated roxy which is my second reason why Kingsman 2 just rubs me the wrong way) but the writing for the second one is just not it. I hate shock-value death.
But loved the fight scene. Like can I point out just how skilled Jack is. He went head to head with two kingsman agents TWO
I know Jack was "the asshole" of the statesmen but no one questioned his death. Just how big of an asshole was he????? We don't even get much clarity about why he doesn't want Ginger to be a field agent, we're just left to assume he's either misogynistic or just jealous Ginger might do well or---which is my personal take on it; he was just worried for her. In my head I have conducted an entire angsty story about those two and why their relationship is strained
But long story short just like with Dave, Jack did not deserve to die like that. It's not like he was straight-up evil. Man was grieving, throw him a bone for christ's sake lock him up or something
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brinleyparke · 1 month
Who else has the headcanon that Harry Hart from Kingsman would sign his texts like Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine?
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Can you not totally see Harry signing his texts, "Sincerely, Harry Hart"? Eggsy would be like, "Bruv, it's a text. Not a letter. You don't have to sign your name."
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Masterlist
(*) ➞contains sexual innuendos/light smut
(**) ➞contains smut
(▾) ➞contains angst/trigger warning(s)
(°) ➞authors personal favorites
(…) ➞request
(•) ➞holiday themed
(§) ➞alternate universe (AU)
(≈) ➞headcanons (HC)
(۵) ➞prompts
(❅) ➞blurbs
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-Confession (…)
-GN!Reader's Birthday (...)(❅)
-Princess Charming (▾)
-The Parents (...)
-Treasure (…)(▾)
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Gatorbites-imagines Kinktober 2022
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Feel free to write any of these yourself, and tag me if you do, id like to read them.
 I used a randomizer to put these together, so let’s hope some of these are good.
List under the line
1. Jango Fett + Rough sex
2. Stu Macher + Lingerie
3. Clint Barton + Dom/Sub
4. Eggsy Unwin + Size difference
5. Steve rogers + Roleplay
6. Jack “the narrator” + Edging
7. Angel Face + Teasing
8. Billy Loomis + Dacryphilia
9. Pyramid head + marking (hickeys, bruises, etc)
10. Tyler durden + Leather
11. Barry Allen + Prostate Massage/torture
12. Jake Lockley + Rimming
13. Bucky Barnes + Kitchen/Cooking/Aprons
14. Michael Myers and Corey Cunningham + masks
15. Boba Fett + Muscle/body worship
16. Steven Grant + Wax play
17. Jason Voorhees + dry humping
18. Michael Myers + Bondage/Shibari
19. Din Djarin + shower sex
20. Bruce Wayne + Hero/Villain
21. Hal Jordan + Semi-public
22. Dick Grayson + Drool/spit
23. Marc Spector + Oral fixation
24. Conner Kent + Sparring/fighting
25. Clark Kent + Musk/sweat
26. Namor + beach sex
27. Tim Drake + Knife or gunplay
28. The Deep + Praise kink
29. Jason Todd + Pet play
30. Brahms Heelshire + Breeding
31. Homelander + Daddy kink
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dryadsys · 11 months
She was 100% an older sister. She had a younger brother, and a younger sister
She was very teenage girly when she was about 13-18. She had band posters in her room and her walls were pink. She wasn't *girlie* but she was,, , teenagery
"GET OUT OF MY ROOM" was her most spoken phrase at home.
Her dad was a banker, and was away on business a lot.
She grew up in the country. She was always surrounded by nature
Before she joined kingsman, she had a poodle called Lily, they were best friends.
Her family engaged in hunting, making her quite skilled with a rifle. She often hunted pheasants, rabbits and pigeons.
Definitely wlw.
She was very very skilled in school. She was top set in everything.
Her favourite subject was English Literature.
She always viewed Percival as a family figure to her, to make up for the frequent absence of her father at home.
She and Eggsy once fake dated to hide the fact that she was wlw, and wanted to avoid backlash for it.
She was secretly close with Merlin, and could often confide in him if Percival was unavailable.
She enjoyed listening to The Beatles, and help was her favourite song.
She always kept a photo of her and her poodle, Lily, on her, she was everything to her.
She was very close with her mother, though they often clashed because of how similar they were.
She loved flowers, and would research and study them at home.
She had her first wlw crush when she was in primary school, though at the time she thought this girl was just incredibly pretty. (That's how it always starts)
She had GAD, and struggled massively with panic attacks.
Before she joined kingsman, she was about ¼ way into a novel, she wanted to be an author.
She enjoyed flower pressing, and took her scrapbook with her to kingsman.
When she wasn't working, she would sit in the park and make flower crowns and daisy chains.
She feels very strongly about women's rights, and would often secretly attend peaceful protests.
She writes letters back home, but never sends them.
After realising the risks she would face as a kingsman, she wrote personalised letters to everyone she loved, and kept them under her mattress in HQ incase something happened to her at work.
The only letter that got preserved in the missile explosion at HQ, was one to her father, he never received it.
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Updated Masterlist (June 2022) ☽ 
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(still being edited)
Archive of Our Own - you can find most of my work here as they update
Collision Course (Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader, Past Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader)
Next Time We Meet (Sylvie Laufeydottir & Fem!Reader)
Side Effects (Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader)
Student of Nature (Loki x Fem!Reader) (wattpad)
Somebody's Watching Me (Marvel Slasher/Horror AU, Fem!Reader)
The Last Time (Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader)
Warm Blood (Avengers & Reader/TBD x Reader) (wattpad)
Welcome to Spiderhead (Steve Abnesti x Fem!Reader)
Welcome to Westview (Pietro Maximoff x Fem!Reader) S: You’re a new resident of Westview after recently moving to town with your husband, Pietro Maximoff. Your sister-in-law, Wanda, lives only a few doors down. Things are great. You’ve always been happy and always been together…but you can’t help feel that something isn’t right.
(To be updated episodically on tumblr, but will be cross posted on AO3 as I will have a different image for each decade episode.)
Secret Santa (Xavier, Hank, Alex, Sean & Fem!Reader)
A Mother’s Love (Jax Teller x Fem!Reader)
Be Careful (Jack Mercer x Reader)
Beware the Krays (Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader)
Few People In This World (Eric Northman x Fem!Reader)
Happy Birthday, Marie (Rogue x Reader)
Here Come the Queen (Margaery Tyrell x Fem!Reader)
King’s Choice (Tommen Baratheon x Fem!Reader)
Lie to Me (Victor Creed x Fem!Reader)
Lie to Me Part 2  (Victor Creed x Fem!Reader)
Lie to Me Part 3 (Victor Creed x Fem!Reader)
Moments (Jon Snow x Fem!Reader)
Never Again (Jax Teller x Fem!Reader)
Not Alone (Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader)
Not Alone pt 2 
Not Alone pt 3
Not Alone pt 4
Not Alone pt 5
Shy (Eggsy x Fem!Reader)
Stay (Charles Xavier x Reader)
The One I Want (Robb Stark x Fem!Reader)
Watchful Eyes (Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader)
Wounds (Francis Freeman aka “Ajax” x Fem!Reader)
You Don’t Have to Hide (Jax Teller x Fem!Reader)
Fanfiction (mostly old stuff)
A Blessing And A Curse (Underage OFC & Parental Figure!Bane/Talia) - on hold
A Face I Couldn’t Forget, Even If I Tried (The Joker x OFC Julia) - on hold
Face the Music (Eames x Wife!OFC Sophia) - on hold (wattpad) (ff.net)
The Fire In Your Veins (Bane x OFC Natalie) - on hold (wattpad) (a03) (ff.net)
The Price (Enid & Father Figure!Negan) - on hold (a03) (wattpad)
You Found Me (Tommy Conlon x OFC Danielle Cassidy) - on hold (ff.net) (a03)
Harley Quinn (Dating)
Reggie Kray (Shy/Affectionate Reader)
Sean Cassidy AKA Banshee (First Time)
Restart (Jax Teller x Fem!Reader) *on hold*
The Wreckage - Tom Hardy x Reader (Zombie Apocalypse)
The Forgotten - Chris Evans x Fem!Reader (Semi Post-Apocalyptic)
my recs
writing memes
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artknifeandglue · 23 days
as shattered stars shine: DVD commentary (3/12)
It is remarkably easy, the transition from dancing around Harry to whatever this is that they’ve got going. Eggsy makes himself at home in Harry’s office as always, sits there with his laptop or folder of readings or phone, stays until the evening sun paints the sky golden yellow and starts its descent towards the horizon. As always, he walks in step with Harry through the brightly lit corridors, stands patiently in wait for the shuttle, slips into the seat opposite Harry at dinner. What isn’t the same: the step he takes to close the distance between him and Harry, the warmth of Harry’s arm around his waist or shoulders, the fleeting goodbye kisses on Harry’s doorstep or his own. The world keeps turning, the stars keep shining in their places; here by the fireplace in Harry’s office, Eggsy sits in the armchair, cup of tea warming his hands while his second chance frowns at Bors’ latest mission report. This is worth a thousand souls, a thousand of him, a thousand times over.
The mundane is worth the extraordinary, or something something, I don’t know. At risk of sounding faux-poetic, I do think the small everyday moments of bliss are most precious, especially for Eggsy, who’s lost them once and probably didn’t have all that many of them to begin with.
“Hello, handsome,” he drawls, “come here often?”
Most unbelievable of all is how Harry leans forward in his chair and narrows the distance between them, resting his hands just within reach of Eggsy’s. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m afraid I’m already taken."
“Shame,” Eggsy shrugs, though the grin he tries to suppress makes it to his face anyway. “Lucky guy, landing a bloke as fit as you.”
Harry reaches forward to put a hand over Eggsy’s, lifting the other to cup Eggsy’s cheek. “He’s quite the catch himself, actually.”
Any excuse to write stupid-ass cringey boyfriends sickeningly in love.
He’ll never get used to this, he thinks wildly, this ease of getting close enough to feel the heat radiating off Harry, to see the pretty curl of each dark eyelash, to be near enough to hear Harry murmur words of affection that make his heart beat a giddy rhythm against the walls of his ribcage. He’ll never get used to this, and he’ll never know how to live without this ever again, because how is he supposed to find a way to live without the knowledge of what Harry’s broad palm feels like against his skin?
He won’t, Eggsy thinks. And if he plays his cards right, he won’t have to.
Foreshadowing! But also, I do think being with your soulmate (whatever definition that word takes, platonic or romantic or anything) changes you in utterly irreversible ways just because there’s no one quite like that person ever again. Maybe I’m just a hopeless-romantic aromantic, I dunno.
“How,” Merlin demands, “did you manage to fuck up stealing?”
“AirTags don’t usually come with explosives built in!”
Headcanon from Kingsman: The Golden Circle: Eggsy’s being entirely sincere when he says “You know, I really don’t have as much experience with all this drug stuff as people think.” I think people in-universe probably make assumptions about how extensive Eggsy’s criminal background is, when he’s probably just a hell of a pickpocket and nothing else. I can’t remember where I read on Tumblr (probably?) someone suggesting that maybe he took the fall for a friend r.e. a drug charge, but that sounds like something he’d do. Quite funny for even Merlin to go “yeah okay we’ll send the thief to go steal shit, he’ll be just fine” only for it to not be fine.
As the last man keels over with his throat open and bleeding out, Harry straightens up and begins dusting plaster and gunpowder off his jacket, and Eggsy lowers his gun to stare. There are too many alarms going off around them and if they don’t get going now, there’ll be another fucking shootout and another report they’ll both have to write, but Harry looks brilliant like this, put-together and proper even with dust in his hair and on his suit and still devastatingly handsome. “We should go,” Harry says. When Eggsy doesn’t respond, he looks up and frowns. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” Eggsy grins. “Anyone told you how hot you are?”
Harry rolls his eyes as he steps closer. “You’re incorrigible.” Yet he wraps an arm around Eggsy’s waist anyway and tugs him in, pressing their chests together, his heart beating strong against Eggsy’s ribcage as Eggsy laughs against his collarbone. In a few seconds, there are going to be bullets, and there is going to be hell from Merlin later for wasting precious getaway time like this, but right now Eggsy thinks only of tipping his head up enough to press his lips to the faintest hint of stubble on Harry’s jaw.
“We should move,” Harry murmurs, but he doesn’t let go. Eggsy buries his face into Harry’s shoulder, breathes in the mingled scents of cement dust and Harry’s cologne, and waits for the footsteps to draw nearer before he lifts his head and starts shooting.
To quote my lovely beta Bri (@lovingherwasgay), “my dude Merlin can see through YOUR GLASSES. he’s developing homophobia right now in the command centre” because ehhh what’s a bit more extra shooting if we get battle boyfriends hugging?
 A thought crosses Eggsy’s mind as Harry kneecaps a man and then shoots him with his own gun. How odd it is to have an Everest-sized crush on a bloke like this one whose hands are gentle on Eggsy’s waist or shoulder one moment and then lethal in the next, to have spent hundreds of hours in his company and known the taste of Earl Grey on his lips. How marvellously strange it is to know Harry Hart under the Galahad armour, to see the slight shift in his brow and glimpse the annoyance a second before he gripes about some bit of bullshit or other in the mission report in front of him, to make a cup of tea with lemon and two sugars alongside his own, to recognise in a slightly clenched jaw a migraine Harry tries to bullheadedly will out of existence. To know all the bits and pieces that make up this wonderful man, to love every inch of someone Eggsy barely knew a year ago and can’t imagine living without now. Even odder it is to realise how many more layers of Harry Hart await, how much there is to learn, how much there is to know.
The mundane is extraordinary. ‘Nuff said.
Later that night, as they lie in a tangle of limbs on thousand-thread-count sheets and the inevitable shelling from Merlin is still half a world away, there is all the time in the world to lean in for lazy, unhurried kisses. It’s dark out and has been for hours, the faint glow of the bedside alarm clock the only clue to the passing of the night. “I love you,” Eggsy whispers, and feels Harry’s lips curve into a smile against his. Outside, the stars sit frozen in their places in the sky, like time itself might stop for them, just for a little while.
Beautiful lil’ confession of love on a starry right, or lovely moment undercut by ominous celestial presence? Both.
But Harry hasn’t answered, and Eggsy turns to look and finds that Harry isn’t looking at him or even at the stars whizzing above them. Instead, his gaze is fixed on the oak tree at the edge of the grounds. Eggsy glances over in its direction, but the oak tree is still just an oak tree. Gently, he nudges Harry with his elbow, and Harry turns his head to meet Eggsy’s questioning gaze. “Sorry, were you saying something?”
“Is it the butterflies again?” Only Harry’s arm keeps him from scrambling to his feet to get Merlin or the medics all the way on the other end of the field. “No, seriously, is it them? The meds are supposed to—”
“It isn’t. Don’t worry.” Harry shakes his head, his arm tightening around Eggsy’s waist as though pre-empting another attempt to go fetch Merlin. “I thought someone was standing there, but I was mistaken. Trick of the light, that’s all.”
This is one of the parallel scenes in which Eggsy’s side of the story intersects with Harry’s side. Not all is well, but there is always a much more plausible explanation than “doomed by the narrative and Mephistopheles in a suit”, and Eggsy’s damn well not going to own up to having sold his soul for Harry.
It’s this, and a thousand more mornings like this, and a thousand more after that, again and again and again until they run out of time.
And they will run out of time living like this, Eggsy knows, but at least they have these moments, ones borrowed from a distant tomorrow. Harry’s lips are warm against his, and that is enough.
That will always be enough.  
If anything, these few lines are probably the thesis of the entire fic. To put everything on the line for another chance at ordinary happiness because ordinary happiness itself is a rare commodity, and to seize every bit of it precisely because time is never on anyone’s side.
And later, curled up next to Harry on fresh sheets, bodies moulded close like they were made to slot together, he tucks his chin into the dip of Harry’s collarbone and whispers those same words against the line of his neck, squeezing Harry’s hand and feeling him do the same in return. Harry runs his other hand through Eggsy's hair, gentle and slow and soothing. As the soft caresses on the back of Eggsy’s neck lull him to sleep, Eggsy closes his eyes and presses a light kiss to Harry’s shoulder for good measure. “I love you.”
Why’s he saying it so many times? I think he’d want to make up for never saying it previously. Not that Harry minds.
The phantom echoes of a gunshot echoing off the walls, Harry’s head snapping back with the force of a bullet piercing flesh and shattering bone. Oxfords slipping on concrete slick with blood, chunks of scorched brain matter and pulverised skull squelching and crunching underfoot with each step as he hurls himself towards the heart of a mountain bunker. Bodies, tens and hundreds of them lying heaped in his way, a second of weightlessness as he trips on an outstretched hand. Metal rasping as Gazelle shears away entire chunks of his makeshift weapon, blade edges inching closer and closer to his hand, his chest, his throat. Sickly green spidering along her arm, up her neck and all over her face as flesh rots before his eyes and she gasps for air that she won’t need any longer. The sickening crunch of Valentine’s body hitting the ground, thin lips pulled back to reveal twin rows of bloodied teeth, the macabre grin of a dying man whose every shuddering breath sends air hissing through pierced lungs and torn flesh, flecks of red sputtering in every direction with each exhale. With an awful sucking sound, Valentine takes a deep breath and says—
“Eggsy?” That isn’t Valentine’s voice. “Eggsy.”
Obviously as an action movie, the aftermath gets glossed over quite a bit, especially the psychological aftermath of everything. I do think Eggsy would have been trained well enough to hold his own and that he’d be prepared for a fight, but the utter horror of V-Day is an entirely different thing that’s grotesque and terrible in its own way. Some things stay with you long after they end, and I wonder if some part of Eggsy’s mind will always be in that bunker desperately trying to prevent the end of the world. While I’m not ruling out the possibility that the nightmares are deliberately induced by Mephistopheles, I don’t think he needs to do very much in that regard. The human brain is sort of fucked up in that way.
“Four,” Harry answers. “Nightmare?” “Yeah.”
“Want to talk about it?”
No, Eggsy thinks, no, he doesn’t. The last thing he wants to talk about is the memories staling and yellowing in the recesses of his mind. Instead, all he can think of is how wonderful it is to wake up and wrap his arms around Harry like the world’s clingiest octopus, to feel the feather-light brush of Harry’s thumb over his cheekbone. How wonderful it is to be surrounded by sheets and pillows that Harry’s scent clings to, to wrap himself up in blankets that smell like home; how precious it is to wake up with Harry beside him, close enough to reach out and touch, to have, to keep.
How it was always going to end this way, the two of them in the house that they share, hand in hand as Eggsy lifts their joined hands to his lips and presses a sleepy kiss to the ridges of Harry’s knuckles. “Nothing,” he replies, feeling the last of his panic fade away. “Love you.” When Harry murmurs I love you too, it sounds like a confession, a blessing.
That night, Eggsy sleeps and doesn’t dream again.
Ahahahahahahaha it’s never a good thing when the words that appear in the summary actually turn up in the fic, is it? This was the first line I wrote and decided I was absolutely going to repeat, because it does capture a lovely domesticity at the same time as there’s a sense of doom or inevitability. Is their happiness inevitable, or is it their doom? Yes. Dunno. Both. I think it’s also worth pointing out that none of their dreams are pleasant ones, because 1) opportunity for the subconscious to make itself known 2) meddling Mephisto? Maybe.
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