#kinda hooman
ruubesz-draws · 2 months
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Zeuszilla? Zuezilla? Zeusilla???? Idk but it's trending on Twitter rn
Anyway, my contribution haha I'll just put this here and disappear!
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ikemengoessbrrrrr · 1 year
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Atalum in my artstyle
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gothdadgrrrl · 2 years
how do u feel abt frog moustache abby..
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elaemae · 4 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
Twst x Obey me!AFAB!reader
(Reader is Ob's MC)
•Reader is referred to as "you" or they/them and even "he/him" because NRC boys refer to any living humanoid in the school as a male by default.
•It's my first time writing a fanfiction, pls tell me if I should continue writing this.
(Random pic go brr—)
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What will happen when a perpetually hungry-for-cuddles and tired-of-this-shit hooman gets kidnapped by a motherfucking horse and decides (kinda? Yeah nope. This wasn't by choice.) to enroll in a school full of problematic kids and their irresponsible af headmage?
Chaos. Pure and utter chaos with a lot of high-end simping in the mix (Along with the slightly unhinged urge to commit arson and burn a bitch to crisp)
So read as [y/n] tries to run away from the school-life while trying to just get back to their goddamn harem family (God saw this thought and decided that giving y/n more harem members is the appropriate course of action), all while juggling the harsh responsibilities of being a guardian, babysitter, therapist, healer, protector, local crush and celebrity for poor Yuu and the entirety of NRC.
("Pls send help" — y/n)
• • • • •
Disclaimer: You may have been kidnapped to a whole 'nother world and you may be on the verge of a mental breakdown, but you're sure as hell gonna look hot and serve cunt while you go through all your problems.
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Prologue: 1
IMPORTANT: Mc will be referred to as they/them in this story, but in these beginning chapters a lot of people will refer to mc as a dude because y'know; NRC is an ALL BOYS school and nrc students came to expect that those in the school are all boys.(this'll change dw)
In order to avoid confusion, every time that the MC is addressed by others as he/him or more; I will color it blue. why blue? I find it easier to read.
Sample; 'He turned to them.'
The "He" in this passage is referring to MC because the character referring to them thinks that they're a guy.
REMINDER: This is Fanfiction! Not everything will be the same as canon because of this thing called the 'butterfly effect'.
• • • •
The Dorm Leaders + lilia were just about to call this Opening Ceremony over.
So close to getting out of this hall and finally being able to go on their merry ways to escort the new students back to their respective dorms before the hectic-ness of preparing for hours starts to catch up to them.
Though, things are never quite that easy in NRC.
A commotion with the students quite far from them leaves the majority of them annoyed/disgruntled. (Kalim is just confused and curious)
The headmaster rushes to check what was wrong only for a student to point out that there is an unopened coffin floating in a shadowy part of the hall.
Armed with the desire to get this shit over with and to avoid embarrassment from missing a coffin when he was going around opening them and also, with Yuu waiting near the mirror, the headmaster opens the coffin to wake the new student inside.
The dorm leaders walked closer to be able to quickly usher the new student to the dark mirror only to notice that the headmaster froze up.
"...Headmaster? Are you alright?" Azul "Boutta-do-sumthin-devious" Ashengrotto asked with faux concern.
"Ah– Ah yes! I'm alright Mr. Ashengrotto."
Crowley the bitch cleared his throat and reached inside the coffin to wake the student up.
The dorm leaders subconsciously or not, peaked inside the coffin before getting gobsmacked by the sleeping student.
Sure, the student looked quite cute ("New potential apple locked in" — Vil.) even with half of his face obstructed but what really drew their attention were the jewelries that he was wearing.
Three luxurious looking earrings on each of his ears, all unique from each other, all with a respective color and design except for that one earring with two gemstones engraved in it, orange and indigo. Seven gems, six earrings
An ornament on his forehead that looks to be a combination of a circlet and a Ferronnière made from gold, with intricate black bat-like wings surrounding the red gemstone in the middle.
And that's just the jewelry on his head.
There's also the sleek black choker with a golden sheen on his neck with a teal gemstone surrounded by small diamonds hanging in the middle.
They don't know if this guy has anymore but the jewels they can see for now is more than enough for them to make the deduction that this student has some alot of money on his hands.
No wonder the Headmaster froze up.
Azul subconsciously starts fixing up his appearance when he starts to wake up, wanting to make a good impression on a potential, rich victim client.
• • • •
"Mmh... What the hell.. Why is the bed so hard.."
You mumbled as you stirred, feeling someone lightly shaking you awake.
You opened your eyes, expecting maybe the brothers, solomon, dia, barbs, simeon or luke but you were instead met with a face obscured by a dark bird mask.
"You have two seconds to unhand me before you lose your hands." or your life. Depends on who I can summon first.
You made your voice as cold and unwelcoming as possible as the man with the bird mask squawked and backed away a bit in shock.
"H– How rude..! I'll have you know that I was only–"
"Where am I?"
You cut off the weird looking bird-man as you scanned your surroundings and moved to come out of the coffin why were you in a coffin? you were in, in fear of it closing and locking you inside.
You glance warily to the bird-man while keeping an eye on the huge number of robed individuals that you can see. are you in a cult? Damnit, did one of the Brothers' crazy cults decide to kidnap you out of jealousy again??
Especially the seven (reminder that lilia is there with the Housewardens) closest to you and bird-dude.
Some solomon-kinnie motherfucker is currently eyeing you down like he's about to sell your kidneys to the black market or something.. Hmm... Your fight or flight instincts are telling you to sell HIS kidneys instead.
Burd-dude cleared his throat and addresses you.
"It seems that the teleportation magic has left you disoriented... No matter, I can forgive your offense of trying to threaten me for I am gracious!"
He then looked weirdly like a combination of preening peacock and a proud chicken.
"I repeat. Where in the unholy trinity of the three realms, am I?"
Now that raised a few eyebrows.
You feel for the necklace under your clothes that Thirteen gave you, filing the question of why you're also wearing the same robe as these people away, in your head.
While the guy that you now dub-thee as "bird-bitch" started gawking at you and going on a tangent of being disrespectful, you scan the big hall/room you're in looking for ways to escape.
• • • •
Hmm... This new student seems to be a knowledgeable individual.
Lilia kept his gaze on the student, studying how he took on a defensive stance the moment he got out of the coffin.
They need to calm this student quickly before something happens.
The student seems to be confused on why he's here and is looking for a way to get out.
If the way his eyes moved around the room in quick succession is any indicator.
Not the first time that something like this happens but add in the magicless student's appearance, he gets the feeling that something strange will happen once again.
Seeing him take out and grasp the palm-sized gemstone of a whole 'nother necklace hidden under his robe how many trinkets does this boy have??, Lilia got ready to jump in the fray should something happen.
There's a possibility that the student can use that necklace as a weapon if that was what he chose to hold in this situation and not his other shiny ornaments.
Lilia was proven right when the necklace and the gemstone glowed and formed into a fancy-looking staff that the student quickly pointed towards Crowley.
He looked at the dorm leaders around him to see if any of them will do something.
yeah no. If anything, they look like they're watching an amusing show. Especially Schoenheit and Kingscholar..
Though it seems more like Riddle is still assessing the situation before he brings out his infamous collar.
Haahh.. Youngsters these days..
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Elae: Sorry if my grammar is off, English isn't my first language.
Btw, Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed it😊
Srry if my format is also off, I've only been using tumblr for a few days now...
MOST IMPORTANTLY; Should I continue reading this fanfic? I wanna know if people still read Obey mexTwst stories here...
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insideous-beez · 1 year
Briar Valley wholey welcoming Malleus's little sunshine human partner bc fae are kinda petty but sunshine human bae is super wholesome and not at all petty, and the fae see that as some divine benevolence blessed unto their kingdom. A servant accidentally spills something on the human? "Oh no biggie!" And they laugh it off with a shimmer of light that rivals a thousand suns. The human is attending court and someone makes a passive aggressive comment? The human addresses it with such sincerity and earnest will to cooperate that the commenter melts and feels so bad they never do it again. All of Briar Valley reveres how wholesome Malleus's lover is and cry tears of joy to have their revered Ruler of the Abyss showered with love and joy by this wholesome little human.
Aka: all of Briar Valley simps Mal's hooman bc hooman is too pure for this world.
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autumnnnsun · 6 months
Now that I’ve finished reading Hortus de Escapismo and Executor’s record, I really gotta ramble about Executor for a second and kinda talk abt how Arknights handles his lack of empathy trait that I really enjoy. This isn’t a proper analysis or anything just my thoughts I wanna vomit for a sec.
So it’s implied in Executor’s record that he just, wasn’t born having empathy despite being a sankta. Or at least he just naturally doesn’t have the same levels of understanding of emotion as other sankta. The part that I really like about it is how Executor’s Record and story in general doesn’t portray that as a necessarily bad thing.
His lack of empathy allows him to think in a way that is a lot more unique than other sankta. When his partner in his record story told him to sacrifice him, he still brought his body back to Laterano. One of the reason being because of a specific sentence in the will they were enacting (“I hope all Laterans return back to their home.” Smth that most people would assume is just smth the will writer wrote for some extra literary flare) but also because he disregarded his partner’s feelings. His lack of empathy is the reason why he did something good and that is very interesting to me especially when most people tend to demonise having low/no empathy.
I also just really like how in his record story, it’s emphasised that he knows what emotions ARE. He has developed a system with his parents to recognise and visualise emotions by drawing lines that represent them. He knows what it is, he can recognise it to a level where he can think of the next best course of action when confronted with it, he just doesn’t put much importance on it nor does he bother with understanding it for the most part. Especially if it’s something that will get in the way of his job. And I REALLY like that cus it reminds me of how people irl that have low empathy will develop systems to work around it and still be kind.
I know a lot of us joke about Executor being autistic and that’s funny and I like the jokes as much as everyone else, but low or no empathy is a trait of other mental disorders and disabilities and even as someone that hasn’t been diagnosed with anything yet it still feels kinda nice to see low empathy being portrayed in a way that isn’t villanious.
In fact, Executor having low empathy kinda makes him the best person in the room sometimes especially in Hortus de Escapismo. The part where he does a warning shot at Oren and Lemuen and essentially goes “Can ya’ll STOP I’m trying to do my JOB.” And essentially manages to stop a massacre because of it is so funny but also so fucking hype bruv. I like how in the end of the event when Executor was starting to ask more questions and have more doubts and was starting to let emotions affect his actions a bit more, it isn’t framed as like “Oh mah gerd, he’s learning empathy and being more hooman!”
Instead he’s asking questions and seeking to find solutions to them in his own unique way. Asking around and adding more variables to his thought process like a computer would (which has some implications that gets my lore brain churning but hrghrghrgh)
Top it all of with the fact that he is specifically a character that is born and raised in a society that values empathy. Being able to feel other people’s emotions is what makes you a sankta. And Executor, is one of the better sanktas because he doesn’t follow that rule.
God I love Executor, go son, thrive.
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kyutpudding · 12 days
TigerHybrid!Sukuna who will always suffocate u in his embrace whenever owner-san invites people to their house. He can't help it , he's just a kitty who feels insecure that other hoomans will try and take his kitty wife away from him just because he's a little (alot) bigger than other housecats🥺 (sukuna ooc delulu arc?) SIKE Nah honestly bro probably don't give a fudge about the peasants who enters his not so humble abode, just know if they just as much as simply look at his wife(not official yet but your're technically mates who have indeed mated so...)
Owner-san would probably be searchin up ways to despose a body. Well it's lucky that sukuna tolerates them, if they would've taken you in first instead of him, bro would prolly tryna kidnap you back to who knows where LMAO.
"The hell u lookin at? Her ass or my dick? You finna get this fist instead-"
I'm simply just writing random thoughts, me and reality don't mix well :/ . Kinda awkward writing your own imaginations in social media but gotta let it somehow yk. Kinda cringe tho but my whole life has been cringe🗣
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infinite-hearts-333 · 2 months
Alrighty. We are doing this cause I have zero self control over my hyperfixations. Ugh. LETS GO SPELLCASTER AU-
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Meet Tay Bridgeback!
Tay was born from a one witch family, so their dad, is in fact a hooman. Despite this, Tay was raised around magic pretty much their entire life, so they are rather used to it. It was a big thing for their family on whether Tay should go to the school due to two things- they were an Australian family- that lived in Australia, so they were not near the school. And Tay, has autism, so sending them so far away with no one they knew was.. well, daunting for all of them. But when Tay’s powers manifested and they had little to no control over it, that was the nail in the coffin for them. They wanted to go despite how scary it was- because the option of having haywire powers is scarier.
Tay’s mum had gone to the school and knew some of the staff from when she left, so that’s why they didn’t pick another in Australia. So Tay was stuck on a plane and shipped off to the school :>
Over all emotional wise; Tay is more like Cartoon Oura thorn, who as well is hinted at to have the tism. (Space rider! Oura thorn is the only one that doesn’t!!) They are naturally shy, and between sucking at social interaction and them being nearly practically deaf, they simple don’t speak. Kinda like space rider catnap! They can, but they prefer not to.
However, the same can not be said when they are using their powers.
See to Tay (and myself haha) a costume comes with a character. And well, that character doesn’t have to be you, does it? Playing a character is like the opposite of masking- you can be as wild or excited as you want because you’re playing a role! So no one is ready when this quiet as Aussie suddenly is a confidence powerhouse when they use their magic lol.
Lil thorn is more bubbly, a true insight to how Tay feels, but rarely shows due to anxiety and masking :> they can be quite affectionate and cheeky!! But they prefer to ensure their human is doin okay, cause this whole school thing can be a lot more on their emotional battery than they show.
Also a lil thing with Andri and Miguel lol NO I DIDNT MAKE THEM TO FLIRT WITH NORTH. >:((( I can control myself grrrrr
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Both of them have no idea how long Tay spend hunting for a clover to show them lmao. I’m projecting far to much haha- ‘hello, have a gift pleas like me’
Andri in the blue belongs to @north-heats-stronghold
Miguel in the yellow belongs to @novalizinpeace
The spellcaster au belongs to @onyxonline
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k-marzolf · 2 months
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Hair Rollers & Doritos.
—warnings; roommate au, pet names, kissing?, fluff & stuff, fem!reader.
Word count; 550.
Tagging; @terry2227 @kayhi808 @e-dubbc11 @aoi-targaryen @snowkestrel @zz-kennedy @fictional-hooman @oops89 @thejanecampaign @vaguekayla @firexfate @rosaleenablack @russosafehaven @idaofinfinity @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @danzer8705 @littleblackcatinwonderland @disneyloverjaime @milea @bookloverfilmoholic @firequeensposts @gh0stf1c3 @ittybxttykxttytxtty
You threw yourself into his lap, glasses going askew and he laughed, fixing them. “Whoa, slow down, Velma.” He husked as you threw your legs over his knees, planting your iced coffee between your thighs.
You blew hair out of your face, “Velma?” You asked incredulously, narrowing your eyes at him.
He laughed.”From Scooby Doo. You remind me of her. Mostly calm under pressure, and smart as fuck.” He said, flicking your forehead.
You swatted at him. “I’m kinda dumb, love. I’d be the blonde to die first in a horror movie.” You grabbed his spicy chili Doritos, putting some in your mouth.
He didn’t believe that for a second. You’d figured out how to change your alternator after weeks of reading about it, every morning at breakfast, refusing to let Billy pay for the repairs, while you ate your toast with strawberry jam on it
“Excuse you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, can I have some, Billy?” You asked, looking at him from under your lashes, hand still in the bag, making him swallow hard, his throat bobbing up and down.
He could never say no to you, except maybe to let Freddie Mercury, your hamster, on his bed. “Sure, Velma.” He teased you, ruffling your rollers.
“Hey, now! Don’t fudge with the process. Or I’ll come at you with a rolling pin.” Your glasses slipped down again, and you pushed them back up.
He laughed, “Wouldn’t wanna ruin a sleeping beauty’s hair.” He said, dodging the couch pillow. He kissed the corner of your mouth, tasting your iced coffee.
You ducked your head shyly, taking another fistful of Doritos in your mouth. He smiled against your cheek at your shyness. He usually hated shyness, mostly because he hated coyness. It was always used by other women to manipulate him.
But you were genuine.
“Like you don’t spend an hour on your hair every morning, love.” You retorted dryly.
Billy huffed a laugh, “It takes work to look this good.”
Your eyes slid over to his, as you licked your fingers, “So you don’t look that good naturally? Okay, Barbie,” you laughed, scooting closer, opening your iced coffee.
“I’m hunting Freddie Mercury for sport.” Billy grunted.
“Mean.” You said taking a drink, before flicking him on his nose.
He hummed, arm settling around you, wishing to crawl inside your heart and live there, warm and happy.
You fought him for the remote, and won (or rather he let you), finding The Mummy on some movie channel.
Later on, he watched you doze, pressed firmly against him on the couch, eyes fluttering. Your hair rollers pressed against his side, your empty bottle of iced coffee in the couch cushions. He had the temptation to take a photo of you with the rollers in. You were so goddamn cute.
His eyes drooped as he settled in, some infomercial playing quietly on the television now. It was late, and he rested his chin on your head, squishing your rollers, and smelling whatever spray you’d used on your hair. He was content, but he always waited for the other shoe to drop. Something always happened.
He never had a connection other than with Frank. But as he watched you demolish his Doritos, he thought he might have found someone in you.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 2 months
Okay but can we pet Dream? Can we get a diagram on him and Nightmare?? The hoomans deserve pets too!
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*no unless specified
Nightmare's Hair: avoid the face scar and hair knots
Nightmare's Left side of face: holding only
Nightmare's Hands: massages help with the pain/swelling (i'm projecting). holding is fine too
*no unless specified
Dream's Hands: massages help with the pain/swelling (i'm projecting)
Dream's Shoulder: fine
Dream's Legs: used to kids running up and clinging to his legs, probably won't notice
Comic Book Summary: Siblings who got separated at birth, and ended up on opposite sides (hero and villain) (comic book)
Kid with birthday hat: why is your hair short?
Dream: that horrible villain i'm always fighting stuck gum in my hair
Kid with birthday hat: ohh
Teenager: didja have to bleach your hair for this job?
Dream: no
Teenager: ..sorry for bothering you
Dream: it's all good
Teenager: i remember at my uh- 7th birthday party, i think, i clung to Barney's leg and wouldn't let go and the girl under the suit dragged me around the whole time. by the end of the day i was covered in mud and had a stomach ache from all the cupcakes i had, but i had a good time and it's one of my only childhood memories
Dream: were you emo back then too?
Teenager: HA! nope, but- this is really nice. thank you. i kinda thought i was too old to do this
Dream: for the record, not being effected by kids clinging to my legs is why i work out
Teenager: solid reason to be honest
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tr-mha-fan · 1 month
Baji Keisuke x female reader
AU where everyone is alive and friends until they got into a fight and went their separate ways (except you and Baji, who stayed friends and eventually dated)
⚠️Trigger Warnings ⚠️ blood, death, crying, robbery (is that even a warning???), Guns
This was just supposed to be a normal date with your boyfriend, so why?
Why could you hear muffled screams inside the cafe?
Why were their masked people, stuffing money into bags?
Why were you on your knees?
Why were you grasping your chest?
Why was there blood oozing out from between your fingers?
Why were there two bullet holes right where your heart is?
Why could you hear your boyfriend's muffled screams for you to stay awake?
Why could you see, with your blurry vision, the tears that streamed down your dear Keisuke's cheeks?
Why was Kei now carrying you on his back?
Why were your arms lightly wrapped around his neck, your grasp loosening every second?
"Y/N, stay awake, please, I'm begging you..." Keisuke's voice wavered as he spoke to you, running as fast as he could towards the nearest hospital.
"Kei..." you called, voice low and exhausted. "I won't make it, don't tire yourself."
"No! You're staying awake! You're staying with me! You're surviving this, you hear me?!" Your heart ached at your dear boyfriend, you didn't like it when his voice shook. It barely ever did. The only time you remember him being this scared was when his mom got severely injured in an accident. But, you found it hard to keep your eyes open any longer. Your eyelids felt heavier than Burj Khalifa. (This sounds kinda outta place in such a serious moment)
"I wish...I could've seen them...one last...time," a tear finally found its way out your tear glands and down your cheek.
Memories started flooding your brain in your last minutes
"Kei, I'm so sorry.." you shut your eyes closed as a twelve year old Baji looked at you confusedly.
"What are you talking about?"
Before you could even answer, Kazutora had already dumped a bucket of cold water on Baji's head.
"I'M SORRY!! I WAS BRIBED WITH ICE CREAM AND ANIME!!" You frantically screamed as you made your escape, Kazutora not far behind.
"COME BACK HERE YOU FUCKERS!!!" Baji angrily ran after the two of you, as you hysterically laughed.
"Guys look!" Sanzu barged into Toman's hideout, holding a katana in his hand.
"Wooah! A katana?! Where'd you get it from?" Chifuyu asked in awe.
"I bought it!" The proud smile on Haruchiyo's face made your mischievous demons whisper to you.
Without a second thought, you snatched the katana and took it out of its cover thingy.
"HAAH?! GIVE IT BACK!" The pink haired male called after you as you ran away, katana in hand.
"NEVER!!!" You saw Mikey in the distance and decided to mess around.
Long story short, you ended up getting lectured by Mamasuya for almost injuring Toman's president.
Many photos passed your mind, you and Chifuyu reading manga, you and the girls hanging out at the mall, you being Mitsuya's fashion model.
No words could explain the deep wave of regret which you felt that moment. The fight was over a trivial matter, but it ended up splitting you up. You never even got the chance to apologize to anyone.
"Kei, could you...maybe tell everyone I'm sorry? Make up with them for me, ok?"
"Y/N, you apologize to them yourself, once you get out of the hospital." The tears streaming down his face only increased.
"I'm sorry Kei, I love you..." your arms suddenly went limp around Keisuke's neck. Your skin went cold. The short frantic breaths you were heaving a second ago stopped.
Baji's steps slowed and came to a compete halt. His eyes widened, his breathing picked up.
He had, just now, and in his own arms, lost the love of his life. And what made it worse, the engagement ring in his pocket, the one he never got to give you.
Hello there hoomans! What a lovely day for angst 😍! In case you didn't notice (I'm sure you did) this was very much inspired by Emma's death 😈)
Ahhh, I sure love writing heart breaking angst
Anyways, hope you liked it!
Kazutora out! 🐯
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anonymoosen · 5 months
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Zimmy wimmy and Dibby dookie were rivals since elementary skool! And they still were in hi skool :3
Also, yes, Zim’s a hooman here! (Or issss heee? Jk he rlly is-)
One day, in science class, Dib and Zim were too busy bickering to listen to their teacher. It basically went like:
Miss Bitters: Class, you have a science project, also known as an opportunity to disappoint your parents. You need to choose a partner for it so that you two can share your misery.
*Everyone went ahead and chose their partners. However, Dib and Zim were too busy fighting to notice what was happening*
*In the end, Zim and Dib were paired up because there was no one else left for them to choose!*
Zim and Dib: NOooOoOoOoOo!1!1!1!1!1!
So the boys decided to make a Time Machine to go back in time to prevent Miss Bitters from pairing them up because they think that they could NEVER succeed in working together.
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Basically, Zim went to Dib’s house and brought his Time Machine parts.
Gaz walked in and asked what they were doing. After they explained that they could NEVER work together, Gaz tried to tell them that they literally were by building a Time Machine…TOGETHER-
As the boys were idiots, they didn’t listen lol
Also, here’s the reason why Zim made Time Machine parts in the first place:
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When the boys finally finished building the machine, Zim’s chaotic dog Gir came in and messed with the buttons. This caused a laser to blast Zim and Dib
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-and they died! The End :D
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nottapossum · 2 months
I've been into agere for ages but I don't know much about petre. what kind of things does Niffty like to do when she's in mousey mode? Is it much different from a little headspace?
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It's a little different.
It's basically the same with it being a coping method and pet regressors being small. They're just baby animals instead of baby hoomans.
(It's also kinda like age dreaming - because Niffty wasn't really a mouse, so she's not really regressing so much as she has created a safe headspace for herself that happens to be a mouse. In her mind, mice are safe, and being a mouse makes her feel safe and comforted.)
-Like most Agere, She loves cuddling and being petted
-She has special gear! Her mouse ears, tail, and some mouse toys! Alastor got her some Chew toys and created her maze and a jungle gym whenever she needs it.
-She loves scurrying around and climbing on things, even when she's not supposed to.
-She can talk, but she also squeaks! And cherp like a mouse. ^^
-She also loves bells!
-She'll climb on other people also!
-But also, like age regressors, she actually likes coloring, playing with toys, watching comforting movies/shows, and spending time with her caregiver/Handler.
If any pet regressors want to add anything to this, I'd love it so much, what do you guys do in headspace?
@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @abby5577 @trophyxtissues2
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burgycreeper405-blog · 7 months
drew this while i was feeling like sh1t last night
and basically kinda redrew that pixel art but in hooman ver
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they’re on the hotel’s rooftop btw if you din’t know,, the 4th pic is a when maybe the time where mp4 came back after s3
started from love hating the phone to slowlyy realizing that i’m the phone/jj
the w/out the railings in the way
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2himbosinluv · 8 months
Shoutout to the day Disney took the tale of a demon whose original story is that he falls in love with a human and decides to help her, ending up receiving angel wings... Then makes the choice to make him gay, even if it's not explicitly spoken of (by making the one he helps: Matthew's character) is kinda awesome.
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"Griffelkin, a young devil-in-training is sent to the surface of Earth to steal the soul of Dave, a hot shot pro-hockey player aspiring to be the youngest man to win the Stanley Cup."
He went for the soul, the human stole his heart.
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If hoomans are icky, then why Dave so prrty?
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Here, take this contract and sell me your soul, for marriage.
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The human doesn't reciprocate, but still. I take it as a win.
Plus the Archangel Gabrielle defeating Ms. Beelzebub through the love Griffelkin feels for Dave. His heart was too big to be a lesser demon, in the end.
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
Thirsty!Tanya anyone?
I´ve been meaning to write a snippet about Tanya being a lil too confident when faced with the one, and said one is just so done with stuff, like-
Socially acceptable behavior wha-?
And Tanya is just entirely convinced she has every right to bewitch them just like she´s been bewitched with any means necessary, like, girl is on a (failing) mission, lemme tell yall-
*affectionately* That dork.
The hooman (you) seems quite irritated, but ofc she doesn´t care realize because it´s meant to be, so it´s gonna be. If she gotta deal with a few delays here and there, then so be it.
And yknow, it was supposed to be a lil something that focuses on this mate/chosen one-mentality (with a sprinkle of humor), which ain´t always healthy, I know that. But it´s vampires so it doesn´t count. Like, cmon-
Vampires are supposed to be possessive, thirsting-after-you creatures. Ppl who know me know that´s how I like ´em. Human rules and moral compasses and whatnot may apply to them in public (sometimes), but off screen it´s a different story. Different rules.
My point is: It was supposed to be a lil something but it kinda escalated (as per usual) and now it´s sort of a mix between an analysis and fanfiction and I´m not exactly sure where it´s headed or where we gonna end up, lel. The only thing I know for sure is:
Tanya Denali is a woman who goes after what she wants with everything she´s got.
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