#kill la kill analysis
cyphyree · 11 months
Kill La Kill - Fight Club episode is also about conditional love and it kills me, man
The first time i watched it, I thought that Ryuko was being selfish for wanting to step down. She puts Mako in the president position to begin with, and dissolving the club meant that the family goes back to poverty. Like, girl, you're fighting everyone to begin with, why stop now?
Later on tho, I realize that what was actually happening was that the family was exploiting her. Mako works hard as an exec of the club yes, but Ryuko's the one who's actually fighting and taking all the hard hits (literally) for them, so that they can live in overkill Top 1% luxury. She wasn't a family member anymore, but a tool to be used for the gain of others, and discarded when no longer useful. For Ryuko, love is conditional, and she just cannot meet those conditions.
Which is the struggle Ryuko is faced with her entire life, the entire show. Ryuko couldn't figure out why no one wanted her--she was carted off to boarding school by her dad and bullied by peers. She struggles with finding innate value in herself, yearning for family and friends who will accept her as she is. Even in the haha funny filler episode 4, Ryuko's would-be friend Maiko has only been using her to get to Senketsu.
The fact that Ryuko is half-Life Fiber is devastating because Life Fibers are either insentient tools or the enemy to cull. The entire show, she was treated as a tool or an enemy, and now there's indisputable, irreparable reason for her to be treated as such. There's no reason to love someone who's half-monster like her, and Ragyo exploits this by "fully embracing" Ryuko for "all" that she is. But in reality Ragyo seeks to effectively kill off the human side of Ryuko -- again, discarding what's useless.
Thus in the Wedding, Mako tells Ryuko to choose what she wants: to love and be herself, or to kill Ryuko off for good and assimilate into the Life Fibers. It's during the Wedding, that Ryuko realizes that, whatever she is, there is someone who unconditionally loves her -- not as a tool, but as herself.
Kill La Kill is about loving your body, but also loving yourself in your entirety. It's about breaking free of toxic expectations, and living a life of your choice, wearing the clothes (or not) that you want, you being you, and being loved for it all the same.
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
The Brainwashing of Ryuko - A Bloodied Wedding Dress (EP 20)
Trigger Warning // R*pe, sexual assault Nui stitches Junketsu's life fibers together with the life fibers inside of Ryuko's body. From a metaphorical standpoint, we could argue that this is some acute foreshadowing to Ragyo's control (Junketsu's life fibers) mixing up with Ryuko's memories (her own life fibers), with her past, and with everything she stands for... and eventually overwriting them. Ryuko loses grip, and Ragyo, very deliberately, hits her weakest point during her most psychologically vulnerable state. Through Junketsu, Ragyo is now able to pry into Ryuko's deepest subconscious. To reach her biggest wishes and desires, her best and worst memories, the core of what makes Ryuko, Ryuko. Now, Ragyo knows all about the deep loneliness of little Ryuko. About the neglect, the bullying - the desire for a damn parent. And so, Ragyo uses this knowledge to her advantage. Just at a horrifying moment when Ryuko has no idea who she is, what her past truly meant, and what she's really fighting for... Ragyo eagerly barges in to fill those gaps for Ryuko. She creates an illusion of Ryuko's most desired reality, and plants fake memories in her head - overwriting her real, painful ones. We see images of little Ryuko during important events of her life, such as her birthday, or her first day of school. Images of Ryuko playing outside, and going to her first ever prom. Now, what's common about these fake memories? About the memories she wished she could have had? Her mom was with her. In Ryuko's real life, she was abandoned at an orphanage by her father, and never knew her mother. So Ragyo gave her a feigned illusion of what she wanted most of all things; a loving parent to celebrate her birthday with. A parent to cheer her on during her football matches, a parent in the audience to watch her school plays. A parent to hug. I believe that all of that pain was pictured through a bloodied wedding dress. Deep down, it truly hurt Ryuko that whenever she'd get married, nobody would be there to walk her down the aisle. She's so damn strong, but deep down, Ryuko is still an abandoned, scared, lonely child who needed love. So Ragyo corrupts her head with memories of Ragyo giving her exactly that. And poor Ryuko... poor Ryuko caves. She is going to fight for her parent who gave her that love, and all those who dare to stand against her...she's going to fight for the life she's always wanted. All according to plan. As this is established, Ragyo (and Nui joins in too, YIKES) then proceeds to r*pe Ryuko, in the midst of brainwashing her into servitude and dependence using all of these good memories. Why? Why was that necessary, Ragyo? Was the whole overwriting of her memory not enough, did you have to pepper in some lifelong trauma to seal the brainwashing? Well.. unfortunately, other than just being a disgusting individual who gets a kick out of controlling others, there is one more reason. She is r***ing Ryuko while simultaneously corrupting her mind with all of these joyful memories. And so, she is conditioning Ryuko into associating the r*** with good memories. Ragyo wants Ryuko to believe that all these icky things are part of the happiness Ryuko wants so badly. This also very much explains why a brainwashed Ryuko kissed Nui. 
..... (this was written by my cat who walked over my keyboard, so imma just leave it here) It is implied that this aforementioned event too, is a false memory planted into Ryuko’s head. Still, whether it really happened or not, it was the last straw that truly pushed Ryuko over the edge. Because shortly after this, episode 20 ends and Ryuko fully surrenders to Junketsu’s influence. To evil. All according to plan.
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oswinsdolma · 24 days
something about how merlin and arthur both died the moment they became a story. how in becoming a legend, they sacrificed the versions of themselves that were real for the infinite potentiality of the versions that could have been. "the story that we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men" but at the cost of the lovers who wrote it, fragmented across space and time by a thousand new imaginations that keep them alive in all that they never were. when we read their story, they are broken and reborn anew, so does that make us murderers or gods? or maybe the whole point is that there never really was much of a difference between the two.
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theriverbeyond · 10 days
it's always so interesting to watch the inspiratory work *after* watching the works it later inspired it feels like doing a (very passive, tbf) form of media archeology
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thatcrazyfangir1 · 2 years
Mike subconsciously picking more yellow flowers than purple ones.
Please tell me Will’s favorite color is yellow…
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touchlikethesun · 15 hours
okay so. don’t crucify me. but su she and jin guangyao do actually make some pretty compelling points.
#critical class analysis of mdzs when???? when will i write it when????#but like.#like#fuck okay i love how it ends#because i love a happy ending#but i just keep thinking about how su she and ESP jin guangyao are right that… they kinda… had to do what they did#like su she has a few more blunders and he’s clearly jealous/resentful but… he’s not necessarily wrong about being looked down on in the la#for reasons he can’t really control#and jgy… where to even begin like okay he shouldn’t have done all those horrible things#but they ALL did horrible things#the difference is that jgy did not have anyone backing him if he fucked up if he wanted to live in dignity#he had to make sure his spot was secure#lxc lwj and whoever else was in the guanyin temple can judge him all they want#but except for wwx they’re all clan leaders or uncontested heirs#they have a level of wealth & security that allows them to make judgements on the actions of others#knowing that they can act basically free from lasting consequence#the only person who isn’t immune is wei wuxian but even then… he had the jiang clan in the past#which. it’s complicated. i know it’s complicated.#but he did attain a lot of privilege thru his connection with them and they did protect him as much as they reasonably could have#in the circumstances they were given#for the most part#and then in the future he has lan wangji who will literally kill anyone that comes at him#makes sure he’s warm and fed and kept entertained and away from pesky things like#responsibilities#and difficult conversations#so even tho he once knew a life like jgy’s he’s so far removed from it now#and just#sorry there’s a reason why all of this is in the tags#it’s not super clear in my head yet#but this is the start i promise i will come back to it
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Nui Harime
She’s cute
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Smart, cunning and a master of disguise.
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And was willing to die, so her “mom” can take over Earth and make everybody her zombies…
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
HAPPY! BIRTHDAY! part2 bc i realized its also wipwednesday :3c you should post a snippet for old times sake
HI HIIII THANK YOU STAR!!!! i honestly thought you were finally gonna deliver on that promise to ask abt the yaoi metanarrative so that i could have a reason to rant about it to people but like mark my worms that will be up on the neocities anyway soon enough
also EXCUSE U. we did six sentence sundays not wip wednesdays smh
fortunately For You i have Actually Written.... 197 words today (so far) so there is indeed something new for you to see hehehe
this is so hard none of them feel particularly good out of context. here's something i wrote on a car ride in my talk-to-self discord channel that has no context whatsoever:
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will it ever be used for anything?? idk!! it'll probably be worked into something, if i remember it hehe
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daeluin · 8 months
y'all ever had one of those moments where something makes you acknowledge a fact you know but have spend a lot of time avoiding???
like one of my coworkers showed me the exchange rate of the dollar today and suddenly? i was crushed by the reality of, if i take the 1u$s = 945$ convention rate, suddenly my monthly salary is less than 325u$s and it means i make little more than 1u$s per hour????? and like i know im poor but jesus christ i hate to think how much
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smilesobrien · 1 year
nge 🤝 utena
everyone wants to use the aesthetics but nobody wanna engage with the themes
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gyuzgrl · 28 days
too sweet //lsm//
summary- when Jeonghan brings up BDSM at dinner, your boyfriend is keen on trying it out for himself. you laugh it off, telling him he doesn't have the stomach for it, and he decides to show you just how capable he is in bed.
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Crystal-chandeliered ceilings, a live cello performance, a bottle of Domaine de la Romanee- 1945; you're in the lap of luxury. After a particularly long week, your boyfriend decided to organize a 'little' get-together to get your mind off work. Something small, he said. Just a little dinner with Jeonghan and Hoshi- nothing much.
That's how you find yourself here- seated in one of the best restaurants in Seoul, surrounded by friends, donned in a dress so stunning it would've killed a small Victorian child.
Earlier on in the relationship, you used to get awkward in places like this, wondering how much it cost, trying to order the cheapest thing on the menu, but now? Now you've grown accustomed to Dokyeom's treats. It's how he shows his love for you- among many other ways- so who are you to say no?
"and yeah- we fucked." Hoshi states, mouth full of food as Dokyeom's eyes widen to the size of saucers.
Jeonghan giggles, turning around to see if anyone heard, and shakes his head.
"and-" Hoshi continues, prodding a bit of beef with his fork, "and it was like painfully vanilla,"
You watch as Jeonghan's face contorts into a disapproving frown, and sip at your wine, praying to whoever's listening that your sweet, baby boy doesn't open his mouth to ask any questions.
But of course, you've never had much luck with the universe, have you?
"like ice cream?"
Aghast, the older man turns to Dokyeom.
When the inquisitive, wide-eyed stare doesn't leave his face, you cut in, clearing your throat.
"c'mon don't be like that- you know how he is Han"
Your boyfriend shifts his gaze to you, now wondering how you of all people know what his hyungs are talking about.
A sheepish, watery smile paints your face as you reach for your glass, taking another sip.
The air stills for a minute, awkward pauses flooding the space while Hoshi and Jeonghan share knowing glances.
They turn to you, flashing you those up-to-no-good grins, before fixing their attention to your poor boyfriend.
"alright buddy," Jeonghan starts, reaching out to grasp Dokyeom's shoulder, "lemme teach you about sex."
Immediately, you see the tips of his ears burn red. Poor thing.
"why are we uh, why're we talking about sex?"
"cause you still think we're talkin' about ice cream" Hoshi sneers. You shoot him a glare, and his shrinks back.
Ever the explorer, Dokyeom chimes in again, turning to you this time.
"we're not talking about ice cream? what are we-"
"sex." Jeonghan whispers, voice taking on a mock-sultry tone. He turns to you,
"what's he like in bed?"
"he seems vanilla now, so I'm guessing it's basic shit" he continues, eyes narrowing in on you.
Suddenly you feel conscious of your surroundings. A nice evening out has somehow turned into a free-for-all analysis of your sex life, and your most intimate moments with Dokyeom have come under the looking glass.
"y-yeah, we're vanilla"
"oh you poor thing," Hoshi fakes a sob, bringing his hand to his chest as if your house caught on fire.
"don't be like that- some people prefer vanilla y'know?"
Some people, sure.
Not you, though.
As much as you love how Dokyeom makes you feel, you have to admit, he's a little, well... basic. It's the same old scene, classic p-in-v sex, sometimes he goes down on you, sometimes you do him, nothing apart from that.
Not that it doesn't feel good- it feels amazing- but you've always wanted something more. Something you're sure he won't be able to pull off.
"uhuh, I'm sure they do," Jeonghan muses, seeing right through you.
"what are we even talking abou-"
"sex!" all three of you whisper-shout in unison, starling Dokyeom.
"but- vanilla?"
"it's classic, like your basic animal-planet kinda sex" Jeonghan's voice turns serious, brows set in a firm line. "there's more than that, though"
Hoshi watches intently, moving a bit of bread to his mouth in slow motion, as the scene unravels before him. You find yourself equally invested, eyes fixed on Dokyeom's wonderstruck expression.
"there's more?" he gasps.
"oh you bet- d'you know what BDSM is?"
Your mouth goes bone dry.
"I think so? it's the stuff with the knives and leather and like latex-"
Jeonghan shoots you a quick glance, mouthing 'you're welcome', before moving back to the man next to him.
"that's not- it's not all intense and gory... there's layers to it, kay?"
Dokyeom nods, eyes shimmering.
"BDSM as a concept is deeper than just leather and blood. B and D stands for bondage and discipline, D and S stands for dominance and submission, and S and M stands for sadism and masochism-"
"so that's what Rhianna was talking about-" he cuts in, jaw falling slack as he listens further.
"each of these can come out in different ways- bondage could include cuffs, rope, shibari, or y'know whatever material you have on hand. discipline is meant in its literal sense- you do things to teach your partner the quote-unquote rules of sex, which could include spanking, using gags for punishment or doing things they like for reward. Sadism and masochism basically play on pain. Sadists like to cause it, masochists like to feel it- again, many ways to do this."
Hoshi stares in awe as Jeonghan concludes, putting his fork down to clap.
"wait- what about dominance?"
A sly smile quirks up Jeonghan's lips.
"oh that."
You swallow at the lump settling at the back of your throat, unable to tear your gaze away from your boyfriend's face- so eager, so fascinated by what he's heard.
"it's the premise of what all this is; discipline, sadism, bondage, it's all built on power play. One of you is in control and the other follows, letting themselves be controlled, it-"
"what about consent?"
Oh sweet, sweet boy.
"that's where safe words come into play. I use the traffic light system, so if my partner says green it means they're feeling good, if they say yellow, they're still okay but I need to slow down, and if they say red, they want me to stop"
Dokyeom sits still for a minute, eyes glued to the plate sitting in front of him, and you can practically hear his brain churning to process all that he's learnt.
As the night goes on, he seems quieter than usual, staring at you, absorbing information, listening to what's being spoken about around him. Every time you turn to the side you meet his gaze- intense, preoccupied.
Dinner comes to a close with him shoving his shiny black credit card into the waiter's hands before anyone else beat him to it, and soon, you find yourselves saying your goodbyes, heading to the car.
Dokyeom opens your door, making sure you're seated, and moves over to the driver's seat.
"you don't- do you like how things are now?" Out of nowhere, his voice sounds in your ears, catching you off guard.
You look at him, surprise etched in the rise of your brow, and shake your head furiously.
"of course I do! baby, I love how things are with us, I love you"
He sighs, turning on the ignition, and begins to drive.
"not like that, honey, I meant physically,"
The blank look on your face has his cheeks burning as he works up the courage to say it.
"sex, y/n" he says, a little louder than before, "do you like the way we do things now?"
You hadn't expected the conversation from earlier to stick with him, but evidently, it has. A shiver runs through you when he says it- sex. He's never brought it up so unambiguously before. It feels dirty, somehow, even though you've laid with him multiple times.
"be honest, honey, okay?"
The earnest, gentle tone of his voice has your heart softening. He really is too pure for this world.
"I mean, I love the way we are now," you mutter, eyes focused on your lap as you pick at your nails, "you make me feel good"
Technically you aren't lying to him- you're just choosing to keep some things hidden. Dokyeom doesn't need to know that you've spent your nights thinking about his fingers buried deep inside you, forcing you to cum again and again until you're sobbing and shaking. He doesn't need to know you've been fantasizing about his arms, wondering how they'd feel pushing you down, leaving you helpless, completely at his mercy.
He's a nice guy, after all. They don't usually like stuff like that. And even if they think they like stuff like that, they don't have the stomach for it.
One stray teardrop and Dokyeom will be on his knees, apologizing profusely, crying along with you as he chastises himself.
"I'm not convinced," he sighs, shoulders slouching against his leather seats. "if this is about protecting my feelings-"
"no! no- not at all baby,"
"so tell me- I know you, I know when you've got something hidden away in that pretty head of yours"
Caught between a rock and a hard place, you find yourself in a bit of a dilemma. Should you be honest with him and take your chances? Or should you pacify him and convince him that plain old vanilla lovin' is all you need?
"baby," he soothes, voice gentle, "I just wanna make sure I'm doing the best I can for you,"
A car passes you by, blaring loud pop music, and he breaks into a sheepish smile.
"there's a lot I didn't know before today- stuff that you knew about... so I just- I'm checking. If there's something you'd like me to do, someone you'd like me to be, I wanna try"
You stay silent for a bit, thinking over what to say. Sure, telling him that you're actually a submissive and you hate taking charge is simple, but the execution part leaves you tongue-tied. Someone as sweet and innocent as Dokyeom wouldn't be able to handle taking control.
Nothing against him, it's just that he's so cute and naive- there's no way he'd be able to restrain you and make you cry.
"there's one thing..." you mutter, voice so meek you're barely audible.
His ears perk up.
"y'know the dom-sub thing Hannie spoke about?"
"uhuh, one of us is in control and the other one listens,"
"yeah, I kinda, uh- I tend to lean towards being controlled rather than being in control"
"oh, we can do that if you like, baby" he chirps, twisting the steering wheel as he pulls into your apartment, "we can try whatever you want,"
There's a smile on his face- that same shining, star-studded gaze, eyes crinkling, teeth on full display- and you feel your heart sink.
You'll just have to make do with vanilla for the rest of your days.
The lift ride up is tense. You chew on your lower lip, tapping your heel impatiently against the ground as you move higher and higher, finally reaching your house.
Dokyeom keys in the passcode, unlocking the door, and you stumble inside, rushing to the bathroom for a bit of space.
Locking the door behind you, you stare at yourself in the mirror, worry etched in the crease of your forehead. Your face is beet red, pupils blown wide, and your throat feels dry.
All that talk about the bedroom has you feeling a little jumpier than usual and you can't help the way your brain automatically shifts to its usual Dokyeom fantasy- tied up helplessly in bed as he eats you out over and over, saying the filthiest things known to man.
God, the things you'd let him do to you...
His nose is built just right, bumping into your clit perfectly as he eats you out, tongue lapping up your arousal from your past orgasms. Those long, slim fingers would be splayed across your thighs, forcing your legs open, even when your body spasms, begging for an intermission.
'snap out of it- Christ' you tell yourself, shooing away any wandering thoughts as you unlock the door and head into your bedroom.
"everything okay, honey?"
You curse the universe when your eyes are greeted by his broad frame, standing by your dresser as he clicks his watch open, shaking it off his wrist in a few crisp motions.
"y-yeah I'm-" you cut yourself off when he begins to fold his shirtsleeves up, dragging the white fabric up around his elbow, putting his forearms on display. The way his veins frame the shape of his arms so perfectly, peeking out just enough, has you growing restless with desire, and you feel your face grow hot.
When you stay silent, he eyes you through the mirror, making sure you're still listening, and continues-
"I was thinking about what you said in the car, and I think we should give it a try"
Before you can stop it from happening, your lips part, letting a taunting laugh slip past them. Dokyeom halts his actions.
"why's that funny?"
"it's not! I just uh-" you nibble at your lower lip, trying desperately to conceal the smile perking up the corners of your lips, "I appreciate you saying that, but we really don't have to do things you won't be comfortable with,"
"how d'you know I won't be comfortable?"
You sigh, walking over to him.
"Kyeommie, you're a really great guy- you're sweet, you're kind, you're funny- and I love those things about you,"
"it's just that you're too sweet, y'know? You won't be able to handle the stuff I'm into, baby"
His brows furrow, and he opens his mouth to speak, but you cut in, sugarcoating your words as much as you can.
"being nice isn't a bad thing at all, okay- don't get me wrong. I love you exactly as you are, so there's no need to make yourself uncomforta-"
"you think I can't do it, don't you?"
His voice is low, dripping with a kind of venom you've never heard from him before. You reach out, moving your hand to soothe over his shoulder, but he catches your wrist, pulling you into him.
"I may be slow, I may not understand the things you do as easily" he sneers, his grip tightening, "but I know my way around your body-"
"I know I can make you feel good."
He inches closer, nose bumping against yours, and you let out a shaky sigh. Your heart thuds rapidly against your chest, banging against the confines of your ribs so noisily you're sure Dokyeom can hear it.
You've never heard him speak like this before, never seen his eyes flood with such darkness. The once glittering light in his pupils has now dimmed to a darker, lust-filled ocean, void of mercy.
The expanse of his broad shoulders shield you from the front, and a hand slides down your arm, resting at the curve of your back, trapping you in his hold.
"what is it that you want from me, hm?" he mumbles, angling your chin up towards his face, "want me to take control- be a little aggressive?"
Your breath catches, and you stare up at him, eyes wide. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you'd hear him talk this way, with his voice all low and mean. The way he holds you too, it's different from before. There's no gentle embrace, no tentative grip- no, he's sure right now. There's a certainty with which he holds you, a forcefulness he would've once been afraid of.
"tell me," he whispers as he walks you backward, heading for the bed, "tell me what you want and I'll make you feel good,"
With each step forward he takes in your direction, you take one back, staring up at him with wide, unbelieving eyes. Is this really the same guy from two hours ago?
His gaze pierces through you, challenging you as if to say- 'try me, I dare you.' It's simultaneously intimidating, yet somehow exciting, and you feel a familiar heat spread in your lower belly.
Like some sort of predator, dead set on catching its prey, Dokyeom stalks toward you, moving further and further, until your calves make contact with the bed.
He smirks.
You've been caught.
"what's wrong, honey?" a faux pout graces his lips, "you were saying so much a minute ago-"
You gasp as he closes in, leaving no room for anything but your body and his. The hand on your face leaves your chin, and he traces a finger down your throat, stopping just below the divot of your collarbones, lingering over the hem of your dress.
There's an evil glint in his eye and you watch, waiting patiently to see what he does next.
Certain you heard him wrong, you stay still, staring up at him dumbly.
"oh, we don't feel like listening today?" he quirks a brow at you, loosening his grip on your waist as he lets his hand travel up your back, "either you do it- or I'll do my fucking self."
On beat, he thumbs the zipper of your dress and tugs it down in one sharp motion, leaving you stunned. The fabric falls slack against your body, loosening at your neckline just enough to give Dokyeom a peek of what lies underneath.
He trails his finger down your clavicle, pushing your dress down to reveal the lacey surface of your bra- the fabric flimsy and transparent, letting your nipples poke through.
"someone's excited," he bites his lips, smirking down at your hardened nipples. "you wanna take this off for me, baby?"
His voice is raspy, taunting almost, and your body obeys, arms hastily undoing your bra as you shimmy out of your dress. You should feel embarrassed, getting naked so desperately like some sex-hungry nympho, but you don't.
The arousal pooling in between your legs is far too distracting to leave any room for humility or shame.
Dressed pooled at your ankles, bra tossed aside, you stand bare before him.
Teasingly, Dokyeom lets the pad of his extended finger trace down your chest as he leans in, lips ghosting over yours. Your eyes flutter closed and your lips part- ever so slightly- bracing for impact. You feel his breath fanning across your face as his presence nears, skin almost touching yours, before he sends a sharp tweak to your nipple, pulling away with a devilish grin.
Jolting at the sudden stimulation, you gasp, eyes opening wide. There's a current running down your body, stemming from the spot he abused seconds ago, and you feel it land in your clit.
You want to argue, to call him an idiot and tell him to kiss you proper- to quit teasing- but you know you like this. The way he's got you all figured out, the way he so effortlessly gets you to bend to his will, god this is what you've been waiting for.
"get on the bed."
The firmness of his voice tells you to bite your tongue and acquiesce, but there's something deep inside of you that wants to see how far you can push him.
"don't wanna"
He pauses for a second, looking into your eyes-
"do you actually want to stop or are you just being difficult?"
"the latter," you singsong, staring up at him with a challenge dancing behind your eyes.
There's a moment of silence as he prods his cheek with the tip of his tongue, taking in what you've just said. His blood boils at the mockery in your voice, eyes hardening to a cold brown.
"brat." he spits, clenching his jaw.
In one forceful motion, Dokyeom yanks you towards himself, lifting you up by the thighs before tossing you onto the mattress behind.
"baby-!" You can't help but squeal as he manhandles you effortlessly, showing you just how strong he really is. Your body lands with a dull thump on the bed, sinking deep into your duvet as he stares daggers into your sprawled out frame.
"sit still."
Dokyeom steps back, standing before you at the foot of the bed, and keeps his eyes on yours. A sly hand creeps up his neck, fingers weaving into the intricate knot of his tie, and he pulls it loose, tossing the silk fabric near your feet.
Undoing the top buttons of his shirt, his hand travels down to his belt, clicking the buckle open with ease. The metal comes apart in his hand, loosening with a single flick of his wrist, and you feel your mouth begin to water.
He looked sinful. With his sleeves rolled up- biceps straining through the fabric, the way his chest peeked out tauntingly through his shirt, how his eyes bore into yours, not breaking contact for an instant- it made you want to scream.
The sound of metal clanking pulls you from your thoughts, and you realise that he's shucked off his trousers, leaving himself in his CK black boxers and a partially unbuttoned shirt.
"Kyeommie," you pout, reaching an arm out towards him, "c'mere"
It takes every bit of his strength to keep himself from crumbling instantly, but he manages it with a firm shake of his head.
"thought I told you to stay still, hm?"
You frown, your pout still evident, and turn away with a huff.
"I'm taking this off, y'know," he teases, plucking open the buttons of his shirt, and you feel your attitude fade to dust as you turn back to him in an instant.
Who wouldn't? After all, he does have the body of a God.
As he undoes his last button, you're greeted by his sculpted torso, tanned to perfection.
Dokyeom smirks, ego inflating at your star-struck reaction as if you haven't seen him like before.
"every single time," he mutters, shaking his head in amusement.
Before long, the shirt is discarded to some remote corner of the room, and he stands before you, nearly bare.
"where were we..."
Grabbing your ankles, he tugs you down till your hips reach the foot of the bed. A startled gasp escapes you at his actions and he can't help but smirk.
"if tossing you around was all it took, you should've just asked, sweetheart"
Your cheeks burn red. Never once has he spoken to you like this- so direct, without scaffolding.
"makes me wonder what else you might like,"
Dokyeom brushes his fingertips up your legs, kneeling down to face your clothed cunt.
"I learned a lot today," he bites his lip, eyes fixed on the damp spot growing under your panties. "will you tell me which of all those you like or should I find out for myself?"
His gaze shifts to you, eyeing the flush on your cheeks, the scandalized widening of your eyes.
"I- I want-" you trail off, voice so small it makes him melt.
"I'm listening, honey, tell me what you want,"
That soft, silverish quality of his voice resurfaces, and you feel your body relax. He rubs slow circles into your thighs, trying his best to coax the words out of you, but you remain hesitant.
Embarrassed, rather.
You've never told anyone what you want from them so plainly, with nowhere to hide. You feel exposed in front of him for the first time in a while and the feeling excites you.
"don't stop." you murmur, unable to meet his gaze. "don't stop after just one... y'know-"
His eyes darken.
"oh I'm going to like this"
Deft fingers slide up your inner thighs, hooking under the last of your lingerie and pulling it apart, tearing the lace off of your body to reveal what Dokyeom wants most.
The most intimate part of you lies spread out all for him, glistening with arousal, and he has to suck in a breath to calm himself.
"don't- don't do that,"
"do what?" he asks, backing away slightly just in case you've changed your mind.
"try to control yourself like that- just don't hold back"
You breathe shakily before continuing- "I want to see how far you go-"
Something snaps within him, that final band of restraint finally tears apart, and he yanks you down onto his tongue, licking fervently at your cunt like this is the last time he gets to taste you.
Your lips part, letting breathy, helpless cries slip past, and Dokyeom knows he's doing well.
Despite the gusto with which he devours you, his movements are precise, practiced. It's exactly as he said earlier- he knows how to make you feel good. He knows your body.
He works his tongue against you, lapping at your clit without any care of hypersensitivity or overstimulation, pressing harder and harder into you as your legs spasm around him.
"wai- oh my god-" you moan, back arching up, hips lifting off the bed for a second, before Dokyeom pushes you back down firmly with his hand splayed across your lower belly.
Squirming helplessly under the force of his arm, your body tries to move away, to get just a little respite, but all in vain. He doesn't let you. The weight of one hand holds you secure, while the other cups the underside of your thighs- pushing your leg up as far as it can go.
With your legs spread out further, his assault on your clit feels even more direct, with each firm motion of his tongue sending shockwaves across your body, and you feel your muscles tighten, building up for release.
Dokyeom seems to have noticed too, and his lips curl up at the corners into a deeply satisfied smirk. You feel it against your skin.
"already?" he abashes, eyeing your tensed frame, "after all you said?"
"m'sorry- please, please can I-"
"can you?" he echoes.
"can I cum ple-please"
You've done this before- asked for permission before- but not with him. Never with him. Dokyeom's smirk only widens when he realises the power he now holds over you. To be able to deny one their right to pleasure is... exciting, to say the least. He certainly seems to enjoy it, considering the bulge growing in his boxers.
"mm, I didn't quite hear that honey, come again?" His voice is patronizing, mocking.
"please Kyeommie please let me cum"
Dokyeom's never thought of himself as a man who likes to abuse his power, but right now with the way you're begging? He wants to see just how much you can take before the seams begin to rip.
Your eyes fly open, jaw agape as your clit throbs under his tongue.
"you asked, I said no."
Now he knows he isn't being fair, he knows. But the tears welling up in your eyes have him entranced. There's this urge he has deep inside to see them all spill out and stain those pretty cheeks of yours.
"are you gonna act up? 'cause that's not how you're getting what you want sweetheart"
Dokyeom's voice sends a chill down your spine. With the way his tongue abuses your clit, you're certain you won't be able to hold yourself back, not when your high is almost near.
You want to be good for him, you really do- but is this even fair? As he laps into you, nudging your sensitive nerves just right, your head tips back into the pillows and you moan out a string of profanities, getting completely lost in the pleasure he gives you.
He isn't happy.
"if you wanna cum that bad- I should give you more, hm? who am I to deny?"
You know very well from the tone of his voice what he's got planned.
Grabbing the tie- now dangling precariously off the bed- Dokyeom crawls over your spent frame, balancing his weight on his knees.
"gimme your hands."
Tentatively, you hold out your arms, pushing your wrists together.
"what are you do-"
"you know what I'm doing, sweetheart"
You do.
He pulls the fabric of his tie taut, looping it at your wrists before tying a firm knot to keep you from moving. The black silk, although soft to the touch, presses into your skin, and you hiss when he gives the fabric a sharp tug.
Dokyeom's eyes draw back to yours, and he grabs your wrists, pushing them up above your head.
"keep these here," he murmurs, gulping slightly when he notices how close your faces are.
Your eyes burn holes into each other's, and he sees something in your gaze that he hasn't before-
"Dokyeom," you breathe, chest rising shakily,
"kiss me"
Waiting no longer, he pushes his lips to yours, capturing the plush crimson in a slow, hard kiss. The way your lips mold so perfectly together, fitting into each other like pieces of a puzzle, makes this moment that much more meaningful.
When he touches you, when he kisses you, you know deep inside that this man is your forever. No one has or ever will make you feel so alive.
Dokyeom swallows your whimpers, your cries, as he slips his tongue into your mouth. It's sloppy and messy and desperate- but you love the way it feels, the way he feels.
Leaving your wrist, his hand comes down to cup your jaw, tilting your head back so he can kiss you harder, deeper.
"wa-wait-" you pant, feeling your lungs burn.
As you try to pull away, a deep growl emanates from within his throat, and he tugs you closer, unwilling to let go.
A surprised 'mm!' escapes your occupied lips, muffled by his own, and your body lights up- embers of red-hot desire scattering across your skin.
Dokyeom's own lungs beg him to move away, to breathe, but he holds still, stubborn as ever. You feel far too good. If this is how he dies, he'll go gladly.
The airy whimpers and gasps from you, however, finally get him to let go.
Your chest heaves as you gulp in precious breaths to soothe your lungs, as does his own. Staring up at him in shock, you manage to stutter out-
"where has that been all this time-"
He lets out an airy laugh, pressing a tender kiss to your jaw, trailing down your torso until he reaches your gushing sex.
"the hands stay up there- got that?"
You nod eagerly, holding your wrists up to show him, but you're quickly cut off by his tongue, pressing back into your clit.
Tracing slow figure eights into you, Dokyeom works his tongue deftly while his fingers prod at your entrance. With ease, he slips two long digits inside, pushing deep till your arousal trickles down his knuckles.
"Dok- oh fuck oh my god"
Each knuckle of his fingers adds further stimulation as he begins to pump in and out of you. Every time he draws back, you stretch to accommodate the balls of his joints and it feels divine.
You've always loved his hands. Those slender, long fingers were perfect for you, and the fact that his knuckles jut out at each joint only makes it all better.
The kinks in his fingers have your legs quivering, and his tongue- god his tongue- nudges your clit with the perfect amount of pressure.
Feeling your orgasm build at record speed, you moan, completely defenseless as Dokyeom slurps noisily at your sex while his fingers push up against that one particularly soft spot inside you.
"Kyeo-Kyeommie m'gonna-"
"that's it, sweetheart- just let go for Kyeommie"
With a sob, you feel your orgasm burn through you, twice as intense as the previous one, and your thighs quiver.
You're spent. You're spent and he's only made you cum twice.
Watching the way your muscles twitch from the weight of your orgasm, Dokyeom grins, feeling particularly proud.
Now usually, this is where it ends. His arms would slip out from under your thighs, and he'd kiss you sweetly, telling you how amazing you are. He'd check to see if you wanted him to make love to you, and if you agreed, he'd do exactly that.
Tonight, however, he stays firm in place, his mouth still connected to your cunt. Limbs still quivering, your eyes widen when he begins to move against you, barely giving you a second to catch your breath and recover.
Your body goes limp when he pokes his tongue against your over-sensitive clit, licking gentle yet firm stripes with precision. Each oscillation elicits the most delightful sound, just as a clock chimes with the motions of its gong.
All you can do is clutch the fabric of his tie, nails digging into your palms as your skin burns under his touch. Your nerves throb, pulsing in time with your heart, in time with his tongue.
"so good for me, honey," he mumbles into you, sliding his fingers back inside you in one fluid motion. Your back arches comically off the bed, mouth hanging open in a mix of shock and pleasure.
Once more, you find your belly rudely forced back down. Dokyeom narrows his eyes at you, irritation flashing behind his deep brown pupils, and keeps his hand there- splayed over your lower belly, pushing down with just enough pressure for his fingers to prod out from under your skin.
You gasp, feeling fuller somehow with the added force, feeling his fingers drag deeper against your walls. Within moments, your cunt clenches down around his digits, and he laughs in disbelief.
"again? baby c'mon you have a point to prove, don't you?"
Under any other circumstance, you would've bitten back, calling him some name, yelling some profanity- but now? Now you need him. You're so close, right on the edge of the water, ready to fall in, and only he can give you that last push. You know better than to open that smart mouth of yours right now.
"is this all it takes? y'know if you're gonna start off by being a brat- you gotta keep up with the act at least-"
"m'so-m'sorry-" you gasp, tugging against your restraints as you feel your high mere seconds away, "m'sorry please can I cum please I've been so good for you-"
Dokyeom nods, scissoring his fingers in and out of you more rapidly than before, and you cum with a scream, straining against the cloth binding your wrists as your orgasm rips through you like a whirlwind.
"that's my girl-" he sighs, placing a kiss to your inner thigh, while his fingers continue their movement inside you.
"Kyeom- oh- t-too much,"
Your cries fall on deaf ears, and he shoots you a sly grin.
It has been over an hour now, you're certain. Dokyeom's held you still and pulled orgasm after orgasm from you with his tongue, his fingers, both.
"p-please-" you whimper, tears streaming down your face as those long fingers slide into you once more.
"just one more, honey,"
Dokyeom presses tender kisses to your inner thighs- now wet with your slick- and pushes further into you.
"just one more for me, hm? you can do that for me, can't you baby?"
You nod, small sobs wracking your body. Of course you'll do this for him. You'll do anything for him. Plus, you can't say you aren't enjoying this-
"that's my girl."
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cyphyree · 1 year
Ryuko's Anger
Been watching and reading different KLK analysis stuff, but haven't come across someone talking about Ryuko' anger yet.
It's volatile, it drives her recklessness, it makes her a delinquent. It's a trait that Satsuki and other characters frown on, and something that Ryuko struggles to control. When she fails to control it, it drives her berserk and makes her dangerous. Satsuki, Nui and Ragyo (even to some extent Mikisugi) all take advantage of her anger in order to make use of her in their plans. Anger by all means is one of Ryuko's worst traits and greatest weaknesses.
At the same time, though, I feel like the show makes a point in telling us that her anger is more nuanced than that. Her introduction shows us that she isn't angry about kids trying to mug her. She isn't angry at Mako for turning against her to protect her family's wealth. Her rage stems from being shunned by the only family she ever knew, and then being robbed of the chance of ever bonding with him. Underlying that anger is a lonely, grieving kid that nobody wanted, except as a tool.
Ryuko growing as a character didn't mean condemning her anger, but to put it towards something productive rather than destructive. And it was important that SHE was the one who controls it, otherwise others will use it to manipulate her.
For example, in The Wedding, Ryuko's anger was triggered at first because she wanted to defend the "happiness" Ragyo planted in her. But once she became conscious of
this was a lie
she had something better to protect (Mako, Senketsu, the people she have bonded with--her true family)
she was once again manipulated into becoming a tool for someone who didn't actually care for her
-- Ryuko was able to take back control of her life. And this manifested as RAGE great enough to override the lie's submissive bliss, and flay herself of her false skin. Because dammit she deserves better and how dare ANYONE force her to hurt the people she cares about!
Ryuko's anger was never a monster meant to be killed. It made her vulnerable when she couldn't control it -- but it's also the manifestation of her will, the drive to become better, the means to make her realize her own self-worth and to fight the forces that try to use and objectify her. She learns to OWN her rage, which goes hand-in-hand with learning to love and protect her true self, and those who love her back.
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izzysillyhandsy · 8 months
Ed-and-Izzy-related stuff that stood out for me in episodes 6 and 7:
Their quiet familiarity and mutual fondness
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The main thing I wanted from S2 regarding Ed and Izzy was at least a hint of a mutual, loving relationship between the two of them in the past. The way Izzy acted around Ed in S1 made no sense to me if there wasn't a strong, very old, tried and tested bond there. Equally, Ed's behaviour around Izzy, the familiar way he called him Iz, the exasperated way he reacted to Izzy's izzyness, showed (for me) a closeness of decades living together.
Izzy's "You know me better than anyone has ever known me, and I daresay the same is true for me about you" is the truth, in my opinion. It's about the little things, all the experiences they've had together, sharing a space, food, drink (how natural did it feel when Ed took Izzy's bottle?). Everyone who's had a close friend for decades knows how that feels.
Yes, there are aspects of Ed that Stede gets and Izzy doesn't. But I always had the feeling that Ed feels like home for Izzy and vice versa. This feeling was just very well hidden in S1 because of Izzy's confusion, jealousy and resentment.
(Of course, Izzy is also in love with Ed and Ed, as of S1, isn't. But the (platonic) love, friendship and fondness underlying everything is tangible.)
2. Together, they've got this "us against the world" vibe
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One of my favourite headcanons is young Ed and Iz mutinying together, or deciding to kill someone who made their lives hell (with Iz doing the actual killing, obviously). Both learning to fight and to survive in a cruel world together.
I'm not saying this was in any way confirmed or anything (flashback scene, I'm still waiting), but the scene above with Ed looking out at the sea, Izzy who can't take his eyes off him... they seem so attuned to each other. "Where you go, I'll follow."
I know this isn't the most coherent analysis, I'm struggling to describe the feeling I got when watching this scene.
It was like yes, they've fought their way up together. Even after everything that happened, put them next to each other on a ship and they just fit. If they wanted to, they could do anything.
(In a way, it's such a pity Ed doesn't want to be a pirate anymore, at least not a scary Blackbeardy one. Those two have a look going.)
3. Izzy and Ed both connect Izzy's love declaration to Ed shooting him
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"You know what he did when I told him I loved him?" "He shot me." "He shot you, yeah." "I know."
This is not 100% clear cut, but to me Izzy's delivery very strongly infers that Izzy didn't know Stede knew (and didn't tell him).
Which means that ED TOLD STEDE.
If that's the case, then
Izzy, at some point, realized that Ed shooting him wasn't (all) about him reminding Ed of Stede
Izzy has a better grasp on Ed's inner struggles than previously assumed
Izzy and Ed both see this declaration as important enough that Ed would permanently injure and eventually kill Izzy for it and Izzy and Stede are both like "yeah, figures"
Ed himself knows and admits that him shooting Izzy was about Izzy (still) loving him in that moment
I mean, I'm still shocked about that.
There were a lot of great metas about Ed's motivations after Ep2 came out, and some of them suggested exactly this: that Ed wanted to be an unloveable monster, that this was the only way he could deal with what he'd done, and Izzy's love was standing in the way of his grand self-destruction.
I wasn't prepared for Izzy, Stede and probably Ed being concious of that and kinda offhandedly acknowledging it in the show?
And even if it wasn't Ed but Izzy who told Stede (which I don't believe, but it's possible) - it's still crazy.
Izzy matter-of-factly telling Stede "Yeah, Ed shot me because I told him I loved him" and Stede being like "Yeah, of course, that's our Ed <3" is mind-blowing to me.
4. Izzy's love song
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The lyrics at this exact moment:
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie. - He told me, he swore to me, for life.
He really means it. They're married. I rest my case.
5. The first kill's always a mindfuck
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So, I have this persistent obsession about Izzy being Ed's personal henchman, and Ed "outsourcing the big job" Teach resenting him for it.
In that respect, Ed's reaction to Stede's first kill was very interesting.
It probably wasn't like that in the beginning, but Ed seems to be a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to violence. Izzy is irrevocably tainted, but I think he wants to keep Stede "pure" (he didn't mind when Stede torched the ship, but that's the hypocrisy in action).
This is of course totally my headcanon, but I think Izzy's first kill was significant. I think Iz did it for Ed. And I think it was very difficult for him (either because Izzy-the-artsy-outsider was actually quite sensitive and nowhere near a bloodthirsty killer and/or because he cared about the person he killed). But Ed was so impressed, and so thankful, so he just carried on doing Ed's dirty work and it changed him forever :(
6. Ed's apology
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This whole scene.
Scowly face. Mopey twat. Oh, look, you're talking to me again.
The way they're saying it, Izzy's expressions, their body language - it feels so incredibly intimate. From this exchange alone I would bet they were lovers at some point.
Iz bringing the bottle as a cover and excuse and Ed understanding and playing along.
Ed's "Sorryboutyourleg" being the exact opposite of his public "apology".
I almost cried (like Iz) 😢
CONCLUSION: Why is there only one episode left I need more of this!!!
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jinitak · 9 months
Rant about the book Jom is reading
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The book Jom is reading from is Khan Chang Khan Phaen, a Thai literary classic. It is folklore from Siphon Buri and was only written down long after it was conceived.
The story by modern standards is quite problematic, I have summarised the story below but there is a TL;DR below this paragraph;
Khun Phaen (previous name, Phlai Kaeo), Wan Thong (previous name, Pham Phi La Lai) and Khun Chang were childhood friends, Shun Chang is handsome whilst Shun Phaen is balding. Wan Thong would fall in love with Khun Phaen and Khun Chang would fall in love with Wan Thong and they marry but he was sent to command an army to Ching Mai. During his absence, Khan Chang came up with a scheme to get Wan Thong to marry him, by lying that Khun Phaen was killed in action, it worked and Wan Thong was unwillingly married to him. When Khun Phaen came back, he found what happened and tried to get Wan Thong back, despite him finding a wife in Chiang Mai already. He kidnap Wan Thong from Khan Chang, getting a 3rd wife in process. Each side would kidnap Wan Thong back and fourth a couple times which led to a trial by Phra Phanwasa (meaning the Queen mother), the matriarch of the Kingdom, which ended in Wan Thong being executed for not wanting to commit to either men.
TL;DR a woman gets stuck in a love triangle between a man she loved which betrayed her trust and a man she didn't love who treated her well but their relationship was based on lies. In the end she was executed for not committing to a relationship. (Who could blame her to be honest)
Parts of this epic is actually mandated in Thai schools (I had this for one of my Thai midterms, lol) and in the education system, they focus on the literary rather than the historical context behind the epic.
Many scholars such as Sujit Wongthes believe that this epic is actually a story about a fictional hero of the Suphannaphum Kingdom, one of the kingdoms that would become Ayutthaya in the 14th century. The Suphannaphum dynasty would rule Ayutthaya for much of its early history, which might explain how the story is so widespread.
Sujit believes that many aspects of the epic is representative of the early history of the Suvarnabhumi (not the airport) region, such as
Khun Phaen being a name for the Hindu god of creation, Brahma
Khun Phaen's magical sword, the "Fa Fuen" is named after an ancestral god of the Nan and Luang Prabang region.
When presenting the "Fa Fuen" to Phra Phanwasa, she placed it next to the Chai Si sword, which is representative of the Lao-Khmer origins of Ayutthaya.
All in all, Sujit argues that this folklore is more rooted in the ruling classes than the popular folk. This analysis of Khun Chang Khun Phaen is not present in the episode though, as this would ruin the mood of it so much.
But its inclusion even though it seems out of place (Suphan Buri is in the central parts of Thailand whilst the story is set in the north), is actually not that weird. In the period of the series, Bangkok has just had a major reforms to local administration, ditching the Mandala system in favour of western style centralisation based on colonial administration in the Dutch East Indies. This had the effect of Bangkok suppressing Lanna culture and a "Siamisation" of Lanna. Yai's family who I presume is local administrators sent from Bangkok shows this very cleary, he doesn't try to blend in with locals, he speak the central (Siamese) tongue and reads Siamese literature.
The inclusion of this epic rather than using something most Thai people already know to create the scene, it also creates the historical backdrop in which the series is set.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. I might talk about Sunthon Phu, which Yai recited whilst drunk and also talk about the historical context behind the series too. Please tell me if you are interested.
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“Confidential experiments” written interviews, results, egg statuses, and finally thoughts and theories   
First, the interviews.
Q: Questions 
N: Cucurucho’s notes 
R: egg responses
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Philza and Missa. 
N: Correct. 
Q: which parent do you spend the most time with?
R: Philza 
N: correct 
Q: what have you learned from your parents? (Asked x2) 
R: to trust yourself and the closest people around 
N: trust 
Q: do you feel weak? x2
R: not much different. I’m okay. I don’t feel weak 
N: said not much 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Badboyhalo and baghera 
N: correct 
Q: how are you currently feeling? 
R: like killing certain bear in front me but also than that nothing 
N: threatening behaviour 
Q: have the cookies made you happy 
R: cookies is cookies so I guess yes 
N: yes. 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Foolish y vegetta 
N: correct 
Q: do you hate anybody? 
R: hay que ser sinceros? (Do we have to be honest?) la sunny (the sunny) 
N: sunny
Q: do you feel weak? 
R: debil??? no, yo soy fuerte y mamadisima (weak??? no, I am strong and very [slang for] ripped/strong) 
N: no 
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Q: Who are your parents? 
R: mamae Bagi Mami mouse mama Niki and eomma tina
N: correct 
Q: have the cookies made you happy? 
R: I trusted you it would be safe and that trust killed me. Change the baker of the cookies. 
N: no 
(Em says “also passa tudo bubble blower) 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
R: you could give me my life back, but I’m not perfect enough am I
(Cucurucho says “good”) 
N: odd behaviour. Needs observation? 
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Q: who are your parents? 
N: correct 
Q: what have you learned from your parents? 
N: useless. 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
N: threatening behaviour
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: apa Quackity apa Marianna y apa roier :-D 
N: correct 
Q: what do you value the most? 
R: que mis apas sean felices asi muy muy felices :] (May my parents be happy, very very happy.) 
N: very parent-oriented 
Q: who do you get along with best on this island? 
R: con mi bestie Leo, mi awelo foolish y soulmate empi! :D (with my bestie Leo, my awelo foolish and soulmate empi!) 
N: trusting behaviour 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Fit and Pac. U should know. 
N: correct? (Pac?) 
Q: do you hate somebody? 
R: maybe. But that’s personal right? 
C: maybe. 
N: hides 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
R: only what the federation wants me to know. That’s what u do right? 
(Cucurucho says: “yes”) 
N: needs observation. 
(Ramon says: “can I ask you to make the island less homophobic? Would be great”) 
(Cucurucho says: “good”) 
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(Tallulah is defended by Ramon and chayanne, who are pushed back by workers. Cucurucho says “no” and watches Dapper steal paint. Adds note that says “steals” on dappers profile.) 
Q: who are your parents? 
R: papa Phil, papi Wilbur, pa missa 
N: correct 
Q: do you hate somebody?
R: no mames Cucurucho. Maybe. 
N: maybe 
Q: what do you value the most? 
R: I value quality time, something papa Phil and chay gives me :D 
N: family-oriented behaviour 
(Cucurucho says “good”) 
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Second activity: Egg fights/Combat analysis 
Eggs are then given a totem of undying and a stick, put in a room and told to fight. 
Chayanne vs Empanada. Chayanne won 
Dapper vs pepito. Dapper won. 
Tallulah vs Ramon. Tallulah won. 
Sunny vs Leonarda. Leonarda won. Ramon rushed in to stand protectively in front of Sunny, placing himself between them when sunny was killed. Tallulah* called sunny/Ramon a cheater.  (*edited because I originally wrote pepito on accident)
Cucurucho then leaves, and talks to three workers. 
Cucurucho: I need the wearabouts of the two missing eggs. No excuses. 
(Worker nods) 
Cucurucho: they have improved well. The federation will be happy. But they are not perfect. 
Cucurucho is then handed this book by a fourth worker: 
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Then, we have the egg statuses:
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Conclusions, thoughts, and theories
New info: 
- Two unnamed eggs (Definitely A1 and Hope)
- Richas is in group four. Why? He’s meant to be in tallulahs group, but this implies he’s from another batch. Would explain why he’s smaller. Also, maybe why he knows so much about egg island? 
- earlier in the stream, there were files for the eggs. Basically barrels containing their assessments and reports on development. There were two barrels labelled ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️(presumably “memories” which is another name for hope) and ▪️▪️▪️  ▪️▪️(egg a1).
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My Thoughts/theories
One of either hope or a1 is dead. My bet is on a1 being dead, considering we saw her fall into lava on screen in one of Quackities streams. Hope, or memories, however, has no proof on her status. Aside from that image. My bet is hope is alive. If so, where is she? Are the batches labeled in order, or are they judged by success in development? Which would explain why Richas is group four: he’s considered the worst egg to the federation. He doesn’t back down, he’s reckless, he’s impulsive, he’s against the feds.He threatened Cucurucho. He doesn’t listen to orders. Hes untrustworthy. This is how the federation views him. A1 couldn’t do basic parkour, and struggled to write. Hope? The federation deemed her unworthy.Tallulah was likely meant to be batch 4, considering she was abandoned in the adoption centre just like hope was. But then with Phil’s care, she “leveled up” so to speak. 
(it has been pointed out to me that Memories/Hope is actually listed as group 2, which is listed as deceased. Meaning Egg A1 is likely the one who is alive, which will certainly be… interesting, when they meet Quackity again. Poor kid. I’m still holding out, well, hope, that hope is alive somewhere.)
I believe sunny is on thin ice, because of the notes that Cucurucho made in her developmental report. 
And where did pomme and Richas go? They were seen in the library where Cucurucho found the eggs, but must have snuck away at some point. I think the fact that they were left behind will have something to do with the rescue mission they’ve been planning for Cellbit and Baghera. 
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thank you for reading! If you’re interested, I finally got around to making my hope design based on the egg models:
(Also the lovely egg divider is by @thegoldendaystrikesback)
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sculkcensor · 7 months
Quiiiiick (lying) analysis on a little theory I have about the 'species' (ig?) seen in QSMP
so on Quesadilla Island, we see two major sentient peoples. We have the census bureaus (CBs), of which we know Cucurucho, Osito, and the pink ears one, tho there may be more. There's also the faceless people, who I'll call Workers for simplicity tho they seem to encompass all residents of the island who aren't the players, not just fed staff.
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The CBs may potentially have once been Workers, since they appear very similar, or indeed may have just been crafted to look like them. It's hard to say exactly what they are biologically, they may be robotic or not, too much to bother breaking down here but in summary it's not clear.
Conversely, Workers seem to be biological. They don't have the powers (flight, invis, etc). They eat and drink regularly, chat amongst themselves, get paid for their work, and importantly as we see from Walter Bob, can have families and children. They also seem to generally be free-thinking. They are as diverse as players personality-wise, but visually all look the same with a blank face, and communicating through books.
Fit's contractor also resembles a Worker.
Now onto the INTERESTING part, on Egg Island, we see three new 'creatures'.
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We have the Watcher, who is a plain black entity with a single eye, twice the height of normal players. (I could go into the mythology significance here but I'm trying to keep this short lol). We have the Eye Worker, and we have the Little Buddies (LBs).
The eye worker is most likely to be a regular worker who defected to the Watcher's side. We know that Egg Island was once owned by the feds, and whilst we don't know the details, it's likely there were Workers on the island that remained when the Fed left. (alternatively, this could be the Worker that boated to the island, but that's less likely, we do see them dead and this eye worker has no black corruption.)
The ONLY visual differences we see between Workers beyond their clothes are player-created ones (Walter Bob's haircut), yet this Worker has a clear biological difference in that it has an eye. There's two potential routes from this: we can make a slightly jumping assumption that somehow, working with the Watcher gave it this eye - either a surgical change (it does have advanced equipment, tho there's no surgical implications) or a natural change a la the black corruption, something that just Happened to this guy because it works with the Watcher.
Alternatively, ALL the workers who lived on Egg Island could look like that, and they just have a general biological difference to Quesadilla Workers.
Where am I going with this - well. The LBs GREATLY resemble Workers, just small with eyes. We know Walter Bob at least had/has a child, and likely other Workers had children too.
People theorised that the LBs were the equivalent of Eggs, but I want to suggest - what if they are the children of Workers? Either the children of workers on Egg Island, or ones from Quesadilla that ended up there somehow? We know the rebels were trying to boat ppl off the island, and Egg Island is clearly not that far from Quesadilla. If the Watcher can make ppl have eyes, it would track that they could also have gained eyes. And they're not working for the Watcher as far as we see, and do act like little kids.
I'm not even going to start on Cucurojo or whatever we're calling it now, I don't even know what's going on there lmao but it does seem to be a similar entity.
En fin, this is just rambling speculation. But please guys, can we make it cool to like MCYT, so I can make a QSMP theory video on PT without my audience trying to kill me for it---
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