#ok but junketsu!ryuko in the next episode deserves a whole new rant/analysis
nonsensical-stars · 2 years
The Brainwashing of Ryuko - A Bloodied Wedding Dress (EP 20)
Trigger Warning // R*pe, sexual assault Nui stitches Junketsu's life fibers together with the life fibers inside of Ryuko's body. From a metaphorical standpoint, we could argue that this is some acute foreshadowing to Ragyo's control (Junketsu's life fibers) mixing up with Ryuko's memories (her own life fibers), with her past, and with everything she stands for... and eventually overwriting them. Ryuko loses grip, and Ragyo, very deliberately, hits her weakest point during her most psychologically vulnerable state. Through Junketsu, Ragyo is now able to pry into Ryuko's deepest subconscious. To reach her biggest wishes and desires, her best and worst memories, the core of what makes Ryuko, Ryuko. Now, Ragyo knows all about the deep loneliness of little Ryuko. About the neglect, the bullying - the desire for a damn parent. And so, Ragyo uses this knowledge to her advantage. Just at a horrifying moment when Ryuko has no idea who she is, what her past truly meant, and what she's really fighting for... Ragyo eagerly barges in to fill those gaps for Ryuko. She creates an illusion of Ryuko's most desired reality, and plants fake memories in her head - overwriting her real, painful ones. We see images of little Ryuko during important events of her life, such as her birthday, or her first day of school. Images of Ryuko playing outside, and going to her first ever prom. Now, what's common about these fake memories? About the memories she wished she could have had? Her mom was with her. In Ryuko's real life, she was abandoned at an orphanage by her father, and never knew her mother. So Ragyo gave her a feigned illusion of what she wanted most of all things; a loving parent to celebrate her birthday with. A parent to cheer her on during her football matches, a parent in the audience to watch her school plays. A parent to hug. I believe that all of that pain was pictured through a bloodied wedding dress. Deep down, it truly hurt Ryuko that whenever she'd get married, nobody would be there to walk her down the aisle. She's so damn strong, but deep down, Ryuko is still an abandoned, scared, lonely child who needed love. So Ragyo corrupts her head with memories of Ragyo giving her exactly that. And poor Ryuko... poor Ryuko caves. She is going to fight for her parent who gave her that love, and all those who dare to stand against her...she's going to fight for the life she's always wanted. All according to plan. As this is established, Ragyo (and Nui joins in too, YIKES) then proceeds to r*pe Ryuko, in the midst of brainwashing her into servitude and dependence using all of these good memories. Why? Why was that necessary, Ragyo? Was the whole overwriting of her memory not enough, did you have to pepper in some lifelong trauma to seal the brainwashing? Well.. unfortunately, other than just being a disgusting individual who gets a kick out of controlling others, there is one more reason. She is r***ing Ryuko while simultaneously corrupting her mind with all of these joyful memories. And so, she is conditioning Ryuko into associating the r*** with good memories. Ragyo wants Ryuko to believe that all these icky things are part of the happiness Ryuko wants so badly. This also very much explains why a brainwashed Ryuko kissed Nui. 
..... (this was written by my cat who walked over my keyboard, so imma just leave it here) It is implied that this aforementioned event too, is a false memory planted into Ryuko’s head. Still, whether it really happened or not, it was the last straw that truly pushed Ryuko over the edge. Because shortly after this, episode 20 ends and Ryuko fully surrenders to Junketsu’s influence. To evil. All according to plan.
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