#kiara carrea
macadoodlewrites · 9 months
Dangerous Love - Part Twenty-Two (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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I do put trigger warnings at the beginning of each chapter, but please read them again as there will be some triggering content in this chapter.
Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 2.5k
I woke up and the side of my head was throbbing, as if I had walked into something hard forcefully. I rolled over, reaching for my phone before opening my eyes and realising that I didn't recognise where I was.
It was a bedroom, larger than my own at The Chateau, with cream walls and a matching carpet. All of the furniture was dark wood, including a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables, writing desk and chair. On the desk was a stack of books, including some of my personal favourites. There were no windows.
I sat up quickly, ignoring the pounding in the side of my head as I did so. Where was I?
And then it came rushing back. The airstrip, Peterkin's death, Rafe and Ward threatening to shoot John B, but thankfully he had gotten away. I hope that he was with JJ, Pope and Kiara.
But none of these thoughts answered my question.
But then my answer walked through the door.
I heard a sliding lock and then a key in a second lock before the door creaked open, and in walked Rafe. He closed the door behind him, then locked it, placing a silver key in his pocket.
"Rafe," I whispered. I shimmied back on the bed, pressing myself against the headboard, tucking my legs up to my body. He watched my movements, looking down at me through his long golden eyelashes.
"Don't be afraid, Avery. You're safe here."
"And where is here?"
He walked over to me and sat at the end of the bed, placing his hand on the bed. His signet ring glinted off the warm light hanging from the ceiling. "You're at my house. This is one of the bedrooms in the basement of the mansion."
I paled, suddenly feeling sick. "And why am I here?"
He shifted along towards me, an odd smile on his handsome face. "Because you love me. You admitted it and I knew you weren't lying. I don't care if you only said it in the moment to save your cousin's life. I knew that you weren't lying. I know you too well, sweetheart."
"It's not true," I whispered, my voice hoarse. The pounding in my head wasn't going away. No surprise there. Ward was a strong man and his anger against me letting John B get away was immense.
"See, the thing is, Avery, I know that it is. I might have acted a little hastily yesterday, but I know that you'll forgive me."
“And how do you know that, Rafe? After everything that you’ve done?”
He chucked a low laugh, one that used to bring a smile to my face. “You said so yourself. You said you could forgive me for it all if I let your cousin go, and I did. I knew that you were saying whatever you could to get me to spare him, but I also knew that you meant it. I know you too we’ll. You’re too open with your emotions, always wearing your heart on your sleeve. And you told me everything with how you were looking at me back on the air strip. I knew you were scared, but I could still see your love for me in there.”
He had read me like an open book. It was like every thought in my head was on show to him, no matter how much I wanted to try to hide it from him. I shook my head at him.
“No,” I sobbed. “Rafe, please let me go.”
He moved even closer to me, closing the distance between us on the mattress.
“And now I just how much you love me, it only makes me want to protect you more. My father is angry at you and me for letting John B go, but he can see how having you here will work to our advantage.”
I scoffed at him. “I’m your insurance again?”
A small nod. “That’s how my dad sees you. You know that I think of you as so much more than that.”
“And what happens when John B goes to the cops and tells them everything? That you murdered Sheriff Peterkin? I will be useless to you and your dad.”
I waited for him to lash out at me. To hit me again. But he only reached over and wrapped one slim-fingered hand around my ankle, tugging my leg away from its curled up position against my body.
“I think you hit your head a little too hard, sweetheart. I didn’t kill Peterkin. John B did.”
I stared at him, open mouthed and gaping. And then I slapped his hand away harshly and bolted from the bed.
“How dare you,” I breathed. “How dare you try to pin this on him. He is innocent. You are a murderer.” He stood up also, hands clenched at his sides and I remembered the words he had said before I had passed out. No, Dad. I have a plan, okay? We will be fine. “It was your idea, wasn’t it? You’re the reason that that your father will blame John B.”
He shrugged, taking slow steps towards me. “My father is a smart man. He would have come up with the idea eventually, without my help.”
“You said you would spare his life.”
“And I did-“
“No you didn’t!” I screamed, rushing at him and slamming my fists against his solid chest. “They will arrest him and he will be locked up for the rest of his life! Peterkin was the sheriff! The cops will give him the death penalty if they get the chance!”
Rafe let me continue hitting him for a moment longer before one hand came up and wrapped itself around my wrists and the other placed itself on my chest, just below my throat. “I didn’t kill him. I did as you asked. My hands are entirely clean.”
“You are a murderer and a monster! How could I have ever thought that I loved you?”
He snapped. I’d been expecting it but it somehow still took me by surprise. He spun us around and shoved me away from him, my body flying into the bed. He slid himself over me, holding me down.
“Let’s get this straight, sweetheart. My father wanted to dispose of you - similarly to what your own mother wanted to do. Ironic, right? The only reason that you are here and safe is because I wish it. So do not piss me off. Let’s stop with the name-calling, shall we?”
I spat up at him, watching as it landed on his cheek and ran down his skin. He wiped it away, the anger replaced with a terrifyingly blank expression.
“I told you that in confidence, Rafe. How dare you.”
“And I haven’t told anyone else. But you need to know what will happen to you if you don’t have my protection. Everything I am doing is for you. You owe me.”
It was all I could do to bite my tongue, not scream up at him, claw at his face. I would only lose. He was stronger than me, had all of the power over me.
“I don’t owe you shit,” I hissed.
“I think that you do. I think I spared your cousin’s life. I’ve kept your secrets. I’ve done everything for you. So now it’s time for my reward.”
He cut me off by gripping both sides of my flannel shirt and ripping it open. The buttons went flying as it flew apart, and my chest, only covered in a lacy blue bra, was bared to him.
“No, no, Rafe, no-“
“We were interrupted yesterday and I’ve been hard just thinking about how I could have taken you on that deck, in front of anyone who might have walked past.” He leaned down, his nose brushing mine. “You should at least appreciate the privacy that I am allowing you-"
So caught up in what Rafe was trying to do, I hadn't heard someone unlock the door and enter the room. But they subtly coughed from behind us - Rafe froze above me, and then turned to look over his shoulder. As he did so, I was allowed a view of who it was. Ward.
He stared at us with those piercing blue eyes with alarm.
"Rafe, what do you think you're doing?" he asked, surprisingly calmly, but I couldn't miss the cold fire in his stare aimed at his son. "Get off of her."
"Get out!" Rafe yelled, involuntarily squeezing the hand around my neck.
"I won't ask you twice, son."
They continued to stare at each other, before Rafe took a deep break and slid off of me. I quickly gathered the remains of my shirt and wrapped them around myself, covering my chest and bra from Ward. Thankfully, he still wasn't looking at me, he only had a hard glare for his son. I sat up, sliding back to the headboard, trying to move away from both of the Cameron men.
"What are you doing here?" Rafe spat. His cheeks were flushed and his hair dishevelled.
"I thought that you would care to know that Sheriff Peterkin is dead."
It was a blow straight through my chest. I'd known - I realised that now - no one bled as much as she did and survived, but I had try tried to hold a little hope. Hope for John B. Hope for myself. I finally noticed the dried blood on his hands. Sheriff Peterkin's blood.
Neither of them were smiling, but I could feel their relief thrumming through the room. If Sheriff Peterkin was dead, there would be no one to contradict their lies. Only my cousin. But who would believe him over Ward Cameron, king of the Kooks?
As if to hone the nail in the coffin, Ward added, "And there is a warrant out for John Booker Routledge. The police department has called in the FBI to assist in their search for him. By nightfall, he will be behind bars for the crime that he commited."
At this I sneered at him. "Who are you kidding, Ward? All three of us were on that airstrip. Don't lie for my benefit. I know what a monster you are. What you and your son did. Rafe killed the Sheriff, and you can lock me up, but the truth will come out. Sarah was there. She saw everything."
The truth was that I didn't know if Sarah Cameron could be trusted. I knew that she cared about John B, but did she care for him enough to turn against her family? I didn't know.
"My daughter will stand with her family, Avery."
I almost believed him, but I saw the way he swallowed heavily. He wasn't sure of Sarah's loyalty either.
"Now what am I going to do with you? I admit, keeping you here will keep your cousin away. For now. This little arrangement can only last for so long."
I couldn't help it - I looked at Rafe. He was glancing between myself and his father, panic taking over his handsome features.
"Dad, what are you talking about-"
"I'm not going to kill her, Rafe. But she can't stay here. Her friends will find a way to look for her."
"What are you suggesting?" Rafe asked, taking a step towards me. I curled further in on myself and watched as he noticed. Watched as he took in my movements.
Ward shook his head. "Nothing yet. But I will think of something. But for now -" he walked towards his son, pointing a finger at his chest - "you will not touch her, Rafe. We have enough problems at the moment without you assaulting her and god forbid, getting her pregnant."
It was like I didn't exist, for the amount of attention Ward was paying me. I couldn't even find it in myself to be grateful to him for his warning to Rafe. I hated him too much. He was dooming my cousin to a death sentence, and me to whatever fate he felt was most suitable.
They stared each other down, blue eyes locked on each other. Finally Rafe, nodded, barely a tilt of his chin. Ward looked him over, then looked at me. His eyes, thankfully, did not travel down to the remains of my shirt.
And then he left, leaving me alone with Rafe once again.
"He won't kill you, Avery."
"No, you're the only murderer here," I spat.
He clenched his fists at his sides, still standing as he was at the side of the bed. This was new. Rafe never tried to control his temper. I had witnessed that first hand on multiple occasions.
"I did what I had to do for my family-"
"And you doomed mine in the process!"
"I'm not going to argue with you, sweetheart. My father won't kill you, but we will figure out what we can do. You're not leaving me. Not again."
"I would never have left you if you hadn't tried to attack me."
"You slept with someone else."
"You attacked me before I ever told you that. Don't try to make excuses."
He had been looking down, taking deep breaths, but he finally looked at me. The flush was gone from his cheeks and his jaw was clenched tightly, but that wasn't what frightened me. No, it was the cold, dead look of his eyes.
"You love me still. And I love you. That will never change. You came to this island, with your fiery opinions and sweet smiles. You were so vulnerable. You needed me to take care of you," he breathed. "None of this would have happened if you had never come to the Outer Banks. All of this is on you."
He started walking towards the door as I sprung up from the bed.
"Are you fucking delusional, Rafe? Ward stole the gold! You shot the Sheriff! You and your father are holding me against my will! None of this is my fault, you psychopath."
He unlocked the door, the set of his shoulders tense. I lunged at him as he opened the door, but he was ready for me. He turned, his hands clasping my wrists before shoving me backwards. I fell to the floor, the remains of my flannel shirt loose and open as I breathed heavily, hatred coursing through me.
"Call me a psychopath or a monster if it makes you feel better. But you are also mine and you are not going anywhere. The rest of your life will be with me, so you better get used to it and stop fighting me. Or things could get very bad for you."
A choked laugh escaped my throat as I stared up at him. "What else could you possibly do to me?"
A cruel smile graced his full lips. "Let's hope you never have to find out.
And then he was gone, leaving me laughing to myself, feeling like I was starting to lose my mind. Rafe Cameron had taken so much from me. And now this. He was trying to blame me for this entire situation.
He was delusional. Crazy. Insane.
I couldn't let him make me that way too.
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
is that a hickey?
you make a great pillow.
- Kiara Carrera
you make a great pillow.
is that a hickey?
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
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There was something calming about the Carrera Residence. Maybe it was the sound of the water gently sloshing around nearby, or the soft rumble of boats in the water, or maybe it was simply the complete and utter silence. Back home, in Tannyhill, catching a wink of sleep was difficult once someone woke up. Ward would start making phone calls and his loud voice would boom throughout the house, Rose's shrill voice would shriek through the hallways, Wheezie's neverending complaints and whines would begin from the second she woke up, Sarah and Rafe would thump around with heavy footsteps. With the Carrea's, however, Mike and Anna were incredibly mindful of their daughter's beauty sleep. 
Sadly, Kiara hadn't inherited that caring trait. 
"Wake up." Her hushed voice hit your ear, sluggish and still tired but loud enough to draw you from your slumber. "You gotta go, babe. Dad will kill you if he catches you here."
"Mm, I doubt it. Mike loves me." You still remembered the way Mike and Anna's faces brightened when Kiara brought you around to their place. You were sure they'd been praying day and night that her secret partner wasn't one of the troublemakers she called friends. A charming, good kid from Figure Eight had been exactly what they wanted for a future in-law.
"It's conditional." Kiara giggled.
"Oh, fuck you." You laughed softly and she slapped her palm over your mouth, the sting forcing your eyes to crack open and glare in her direction. Kiara snorted and pressed her lips into your shoulder to muffle her giggles, mouthing a silent apology against your skin before slowly peeling her hand back. She moved carefully, nose crinkling when her bed creaked loudly into the quiet air. You could hear the muffled sound of speaking downstairs, signaling her parents were up and about. 
"You have to go now," Kiara whispered and tied up her mop of curls into an equally messy bun. She brushed a few curls out of her face and slipped out of bed, tiptoeing around her bedroom to collect the clothes scattered around the floor. Separating your things from hers, she wiggled on the pajamas she'd worn the previous day and motioned for you to hurry up. "You make a great pillow, by the way."
Climbing out of her bed, you began slipping your clothes back on. In the middle of tugging your pants up, you felt your phone slip out of the back pocket and clatter loudly onto the wooden floor. You and Kiara froze, staring at the phone wide-eyed as the sound downstairs briefly paused before resuming again. You scrambled to finish dressing and snatched the phone off the floor, the sounds of the stairs creaking and groaning prompting Kiara to shove you toward the window. 
"I'll see you later?" You asked quietly, planting your hands on the windowsill and sticking your legs out. Kiara answered with a kiss and rapid nodding so with one last smile, you hopped down onto the grass below and nearly fell over when your knees threatened to give out. You held in a grunt and braced yourself against the wall, giving your body a minute to catch up. 
"Hey, sweetheart," Anna's voice drifted through the open window and held your breath, hoping she hadn't caught on.
"Hey, Mom. What's up?" Kiara was horrible at pretending. You could hear the quivering and awkwardness in her voice.
"We're just finishing up breakfast downstairs. Go brush your teeth and join us." You exhaled a sigh of relief and pushed yourself off the wall, beginning to creep away toward the front gate when you heard Anna's next words and nearly laughed. "Kiara Carrera, is that a hickey?"
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sol-emers · 2 years
Might start writing smut- depending on how this goes, cause this is gonna be smut but this will determine whether or not I continue posting things like this <3
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Pogues don't lie.
This is set during Kie's kook year- obvi in the show this is set during her freshman year which would make her and Sarah fourteen. For the sake of this post I'm gonna age them up. If ur any younger than at least seventeen stay away.
WARNING: smut, mentions of alcohol, weed, other drug use, mommy kink
Sarah Cameron x Kiara Carrea
Pogues don't lie (to each other that is) but- there was never anything about secrets...
"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!" came the chant as Sarah threw down her drink.
The shot of vodka burned her throat and she coughed, remembering all too late why she hated the clear drink.
She usually tried to keep it 'classy' with a bottle of her stepmoms expensive wine, laughing at her friends' expressions as they downed their own burning liquor, but tonight she had been dragged into the drinking games by Topper, a mischievous smile on his face as he begged her; telling her it would be great.
"It'll be so much fun, Sarah. Besides, you can loosen up now you're finally single!"
He'd never actually spoken so loosely to her before- but tonight with the confidence the alcohol gave him and his growing crush on the girl he just couldn't help himself by trying his lame flirting attempts.
Sarah had made a show of groaning and moaning, her best friend Kie laughing and giggling along side her.
Though in reality she took Topper's point. It was her first party since ghosting her last boyfriend a month or two back, and while it wasn't a bad relationship, like all the other guys she eventually grew tired of him. So she was keen to forget him.
Sarah looked around Topper's crowded backyard It was filled with plenty of kooks and mainlanders alike with a few carefully snuck in pogues that she didn't care to learn the names of.
Most of her friends were here, though she was thankful for the absence of Rafe. Knowing that if he knew she was here he'd probably end up telling their dad in an attempt to undermine her once again.
Quinn and Serria were talking in a corner, solo cups in hand, and seemed to be complimenting each other's hair, giggling.
Kie was... god- was Topper trying to make Kie do a keg stand? Sarah pushed through the crowd, finding her legs only a little unsteady, despite the slight blurring settling into her brain- that came with the haze of the weed.
Kie had finally managed to push Topper away from her, stumbling down from the plastic table and into Sarahs arms. She was already very drunk, but to be fair so was Sarah.
She giggled for a second, her red eyes gazing back at her unable to stop laughing before she yelled/slurred out- "Spin the bottle! Les play spin the bottle!" Before laughing in Sarahs face one more time.
That had seemed to get everyone's attention all at once and collectively everyone within at least hearing distance all rounded around his porch with an empty tequila glass.
Sarah was a first hesitant, but with Kie's giggling and the prospect of maybe getting a hook-up tonight, she began leading her and Kie to the group of people.
Once they had gotten to them and had settled down opposite of each other on small light teal couches the game had begun,
A touron placed the bottle ceremonially in the centre, spinning it deftly despite a obvious wobble in his step.
The bottle fell on a kook guy, Aaron who she knew to be very prudish, blushed at the touron his friends elbowed him and whistled.
The touron waggled his eyebrows as he came towards Aaron on his knees, engaging in a messy kiss, quickly stopped when he tried to advance his tongue too far for Aarons comfort- as he was also known to be very straight, and he released him with a yell which turned to laughter.
The game continued, with pairs engaging in kisses that spanned from a decline or chaste pecks to a particularly intense make-out session when a blonde girl from the cut landed on Topper, who was to drunk to really care about who was watching or even who he was making out with.
Sarah drank steadily from her brightly coloured plastic cup, passed to her by a Kelce with a smile, her mind only half on the game, until shouts of her name drew her attention back with a jolt.
She realised that Kie had spun the bottle and landed directly on Sarah, drawing laughter and catcalls from the circle.
Kie was giggling, hard, but tilted her head and shot her eyes to Sarah, silently asking her if she was okay with this.
Sarah shrugged, thinking to herself 'oh, what the hell.' Her best friend was hot as hell, and knowing them- they'd probably kiss like once then laugh it off and never bring it up again.
Though while it wouldn't nessicarly be the hook-up she was hoping for she was down for a kiss with Kie.
Shuffling closer to the centre to meet the laughing girl, she could see the smudged lipstick, smell the weed on her breath, but didn't really care.
Kie angled her face, and they came together, somewhat awkwardly, lips jamming into each other, but then opening up clumsily to the other. Sarah's tongue timidly explored Kiara's mouth, who met her eagerly, grappling with her until she sumitted, only a moment later to swipe her tongue across her teeth.
Sarah gasped slightly against her mouth. Someone - probably Kelce - cheered.
They continued, until Sarah was vaguely aware they probably should have stopped by now- and the pricing stare of Topper began to be a little to much.
When they broke apart, she wasn't sure how long they had been making out for. The circle had quieted, staring at the couple in surprise.
They both flushed a bright burning red, sliding back to their places.
Marcus (another kook she'd been going to school with since she was practically a baby), looked between the two with wide eyes and let out a low whistle, interrupted by a hiccup.
It belatedly occurred to Sarah in her foggy brain that most people here had assumed she was straight. She found she didn't particularly care. She spun the bottle and it landed on Topper who looked very excited though she quickly declined the kiss, embarrassingly wanting to keep the taste of Kie on her lips.
The game moved on, but Sarah kept on finding herself staring at Kie. Her lips were swollen, the last remnants of the lipstick had rubbed off - probably onto her - her cheeks were still red, while her hair was a mess of curls unravelling from careful braids.
Sarah told herself it was probably the weed in her system that kept directing her focus.
But then- Sarah realised she had pressed her fingers to her own mouth unconsciously, wanting to feel where the other girl's lips had been.
The drinks had given her liquid courage, so she stood up, unnoticed by the rowdy group, and made her way unsteadily around the edge of the circle to where Kiara was sitting. Which also had conveniently been next to Topper- so if anything she could play it off as she wanted to be next to the guy who had been flirting with her all night.
She slid down next to them, fitting between the two. who happily made room for Sarah's long, tanned legs, honed from a school year of sports and saving turtles on the beach.
Kie turned towards her, mouth slightly open in surprise, but then smiled widely, still slightly embarrassed at what had occurred between them.
They talked softly, and Kiara soon found herself leaning against Sara's lap smiling lazily as she watched the game continue.
The game soon ended; people having found themselves wanting to go back to swimming and drinking more alcohol.
Sarah and Kie stayed there though, denying requests of swimming or alone time with any of the other people at the party who had wanted to try there shot at the queen and her best friend.
Soon they began talking some more- both slightly sobered up to be able to keep along with a conversation but still- of course very buzzed.
And as most of their conversations had gone recently Kie had brought up once more her confusion on the reason Sarah had broken up with her last boy toy.
"I- I dunno Kie, it's just I've always kinda felt like when I found the one i'd know it. So whenever I'm in a relationship and it just isn't clicking for me, I just don't wanna get attached to someone who inevitably won't stick around in the long run."
"Was it the sex then?"
Sarah was a boy virgin, she just wasn't ready to do that with a guy yet.
She felt much more comfortable and safe with girls- so she had lost her virginity with a touron girl who she'd felt safe with even if they were both high and had just met.
"No- I uh- no we never actually got that far."
"Did you guys ever make out- like was there ever any chemistry?"
Sarah had no clue why Kie was pushing this conversation so much- but she shrugged and mumbled an answer.
"Well, yeah I guess and- you and I both know I had to use make up more than once to cover up some splochy purple marks, it just- it wansnt for me ya know"
That wasn't the real reason at all. Sarah knew her last boyfriend really liked her; he had been whipped from the start.
But that had been just the problem.
"Was it where he was kissing that was the problem? Like what felt good and what didn't?"
I - uh, well, I guess - I guess here feels good" touching her sweet spots. Right above her collar bone then again right under her ear. she spoke quietly, her voice more breathy than usual.
"And I don't think it was where he was kissing that was the problem-" she broke off, shook her head quietly then brought her hand across to Kie's, and drew her thumb softly across her cheekbone.
Sarah's air left her lungs in one breath. Their eyes met and the same unspoken question from the kiss passed between them - do you - want to? And at the same time, the answer came hurtling into them both. Yes.
Their mouths collided once more, and Sarah almost lost herself in the pleasure of it, the feeling of Kiara's soft lips on hers, but managed to find one coherent thought in the mess of her befuddled mind.
She pulled back a bit, trying not to concentrate on the sharp feeling of loss as her mouth left Kie's. "Should we - go - your car?" She gasped out against her cheek. She felt filled with a mad urge to throw cautions and inhibitions to the wind and crash her body into Kie's right here, right now, but some voice at the back of her mind was telling her they should probably find some privacy so she wouldn't get caught making out with her best friend- without the excuse of a game backing them this time.
They rose on shaky legs and ran as best as they could out of Toppers house, doing at least four more shots before racing across the grass, and back all five minutes to where Kie had parked. Breathless laughter escaping from the two. Frantic the whole way there.
They came together in a tangle of limbs and mouths, once they'd gotten inside the light green car.
Kie pushing Sarah's back into the empty backseat as their arms wrapped around each other, legs ensnared - and then she was kissing her, her lips burning with fiery want, travelling down, stopping briefly on her neck before sucking on a spot just above her left collarbone, biting the soft flesh gently.
Just as Sarah had mentioned just minutes before as a place that felt good to be kissed at.
Sarah gasped again. Then Kie came up for air, brushed a feather-light kiss against her jaw, her forehead, her nose, back to her mouth for another need-filled kiss, then back down to her chest, sucking on a different spot, and then continuing, as Sarah freed a hand to run it through Kie's loose braids of hair.
They rolled, their limbs wrapping around each other more as Sarah fought for dominance, kissing Kie fiercely, then firmly biting and sucking on her chest, until it was covered with pinkish-red marks and they both were gasping for air.
Desperate hands were undoing bathing suit tops through clothing, skirts riding up to their hips as they started moving, grinding against each other, legs scissored between them, muffled moans beginning in their throats quickly silenced by deft tongues.
Sarah worked her way down Kie's body, licking and sucking on her stomach with her mouth as her hands worked to pull off Kie's bathing suit top, and then, with a desire-filled look between the two girls, she worked lower still, kissing her belly button as her hands started running up her thighs, then back down to her knees with feather-light touches, up and down, exploring higher each time until she swiftly brought a finger over Kie's bottoms Kie moaned her name, arching her back as Sarah stroked her through her swim suit again.
Sarah looked up once more, question in her eyes. How far should they take this? "Yes, do it, please, please, please Sarah! Oh my god!" moaned Kie, bucking her hips very desperate.
Sarah drunkenly smiled and lowered her head down. Almost like a cat getting ready to pounce.
She paused when she came face to face with Kiara's pussy her mouth watered, her breaths getting even louder.
Her warm breaths hit Kie's pussy and she buckled up once more before Sarah slowly leaned in and placed her tongue at the bottom of her best friends vagina before she slid her tongue up until it hit Kie's clit, in which she paused at, swirling her tongue around it, basking in the loud moans and whines leaving Kie's lips.
With a smile she stuck her tongue out as far as it would go and slid her tongue down Kiara's pussy before licking up, she stopped at the middle of her pussy lips and swirled her tongue all around her vulva before going back to sliding her tongue up and down,
Kie getting wetter and wetter, louder and more needier each time she licked her, her sweet liquids hitting her tongue, making Sarah moan in pleasure.
As she reached her own hand to her own pussy and played with it a bit as well.
She latched her mouth onto her clit and began sucking on it softly, swirling her tongue around as well, but mainly focused on sucking it and nibbling it, after several moments of this Sarah pulled away from Kie much to her displeasure
Then placed her finger at the entrance of her pussy and slowly pushed her finger inside until it was knuckle deep, the teen then pulled her finger out until only the tip was inside then she pushed her finger back inside, pulled it out and pushed it back in, she slowly sped up her actions and leaned her head down and latched her mouth around her clit, sucking and pulling on it with her teeth as she sped up her actions and added a second finger, quickly pushing her fingers in and out of Kie's pussy as she swirled her tongue around the girl's clit,
Kie's moans were rough and breathy "oh my god- oh my- ah! Sarah! oh my God!"
Sarah smirked and sped up her actions,
"Don't stop- please please- " she let out a high pitched whine seemingly very overwhelmed with pleasure.
Kie whined as Sarah seductively crawled up the seat and stopped when she was face to face with the girl cupping her cheeks with both of her hands.
Leaning in she captured Kie's lips with her own which out of instinct the brunette instantly kissed back before separating,
"Please- Sarah oh my god I need i-"
"Need what, love? Need me to this?"
Kie then let out a soft moan as Sarah latched her mouth around one of her nipples and began sucking on it.
"Oh my god." Kie said as she placed her fingers on her car windows; steam fogging them up- a handprint dragging down.
"You gotta tell me what you want baby- I mean I guess I could keep guessing but I dunno if we'll even get anywhere with that"
Sarah grabbed onto her breast and began squeezing it and playing with it. Making a confused puppy dog face- shaking her head as she denied Kie what of she wanted oh so badly.
"Your- ah! Your hands please Sar- oh my god" Kie threw her head back and it hit the door violently, "oh you want my hands"
Sarah took her hand to Kies mouth and opened it softly, "Here?" She force fucked her mouth with her hand.
And as Kie gagged and shook her head Sarah leaned back, "oh baby not there? Well you gotta be more specific on what you want or mommy's never gonna know?"
That only seemed to turn Kie on even more- "in me- in my pussy, please ill do anything!"
"With pleasure baby." Sarah smirked as she placed her thumb onto Kiara's clit and began rubbing as fast as she could and began slamming in and out of her pussy, making her moan and groan almost pornographically
The teen kept her rhythm as she stared into Kie's brown eyes, that smirk remaining on her face as she forced moan after moan as she found the her G-Spot.
"Fuck me, fuck me please, mommy! Oh my god!"
Sarah slammed a third finger finger into Kie's vagina, making her cry out. "Good girl, your doing so well" she whispered seductively.
Kie breathed heavily as the teen sped up her actions, she leaned down and flicked her tongue across her clit, making her gasp. "Oh Sarah!"
Sarah kissed her thigh before latching her mouth onto Kie's clit, she sucked on it, pulled it with her teeth, swirled her tongue around it, all the while she kept her fast motions, fingerfucking the brunette slamming her fingers in and out of her pussy, making Kiara arch her back, moaning loudly. "Are you going to cum baby?"
Sarah asked "Oh yeah, cum for me Kie! You know you want to!" Sarah smiled. She laughed as she sped up her actions,
Kie's cries and moans grew louder and louder as Sarah wrapped her mouth around her clit again, nibbling and pulling on it, as she did this Kie screamed in pleasure as a geyser of cum flew out of her vagina, hitting sarah point-blank in the chest, soaking her hair and face.
She pulled away from her clit as Kie was still squirting, Sarah's chest and stomach was being hit by the liquid, soaking her in it,
By this point in time the two girls were perfectly sober- yet still continued in a fit of passion.
Sarah pulled away, and placed her hand on Kie's clit, she rubbed her hand across it as fast as she could, driving her to squirt again with a scream, this time hitting Sarah on her chest with a small laugh Sarah looked down, allowing the wetness to hit her hair, soaking it.
Kie shuddered, her mouth slightly opening as she leaned her head down, she was in pure bliss as she fell motionless, allowing Sarah to continue to drive her through orgasm after orgasm, unfortunately for both of them she stopped squirting.
By the end of it both girls were exhausted and tired out. But seconds after finally hitting the leather seats did it finally hit Sarah- exactly what had just happened.
She'd just had sex with her best friend- extreme sex where all of her kinks that's she'd probably get shamed for came out.
Her eyes widened in horror as she looked to her fucked out best friend- only to find her already looking at her.
"Let's never speak of this again?" Sarah offered.
Kie agreed immediately though admittedly disheartened considering that was the best pleasure she'd ever had.
The two cleaned up Kies car, and got dressed again in wet clothes with sarahs hair still very moist.
Kie drove Sarah home, and once she opened her house door she sprinted up to her bedroom shower. Not willing to face anyone the rest of the night. Definitely not as as soon as she got in, she took her shower head and got off on that.
A year and a half later, their friendship fizzled out not long after Toppers party.
Sarah having not invited Kie to her birthday party in fear of another fit of passion for a girl that she really only saw as a incredibly sexy friend.
Sarah started dating topper, then fell in live with John B while searching for the gold.
Her and Kie still stuck by their agreement even if they were friends again, and never talked about it.
Sarah was officially a Pogue now and while pogues don't lie to each other, no one in the group really had ever asked what exactly had ruined their friendship in the first place- aside from the petty birthday party reason.
So who never said Pogues didn't keep secrets?
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cherienymphe · 4 months
Are you into women and men or only into men ?
If your into women too would you ever write for kiara carrea ?
Yes but I don't foresee myself writing for Kie
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theyluvsierra · 7 months
THE STORY OF Y/N X JJ MAYBANK (Y/N JORDAN CARREA SISTER Of kiara carrea) (JJ MAYBANK A POGUE AND SON OF LUKE MAYBANK) PART 3:JJ:OH MY GOD YOUR AWAKE *STARTS CRYING AND HUGGING YOU* I LOVE U JB:HEY UR UP *HUGS YOU* KIE:*HUGS YOU* I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING POPE:HEY Y/N *YOU GUYS START DOING UR HANDSHAKE* IM GOING TO YOU SOME FOOD CLEO COME WITH ME CLEO:SURE Y/N WHATCA WANT TO EAT Y/N:WENDY'S POPE:THEY HAVE THAT IN THR FOOD COURT OK I GOT IT CLEO:SEE YOU LATER JB:OK SO JJ AND KIE KNOW BUT YOUR MY SISTER Y/N:UR LYING JB:I'M NOT *HANDS DNA RESULTS* Y/N:WAIT SO *LOOKS AT STOMACH* UR GOING TO BE AN UNCLE KIE:WE ALL HAVE THE SAME DAD WAIT JB HOLD ON I NEED TO GET MY MOM'S DNA FOR A DNA TEST POPE AND CLEO:WENDY'S HAS BEEN SECURED Y/N:*EATS* *A FEW MONTHS LATER*:Y/N IS HOME WITH EVERYONE ELSE AND PACKING TO MOVE INTO SARAH'S DAD'S HOUSE JB:SHOULD TELL THEM OUR PLAN FOR HER BABY SHOWER KIE:Nah *on Saturday* Y/n: omg is this everyone:surprise it's your gender reveal/baby shower the pogues:1.....2.......3..4..5 y/N and jj:*pop the ballon* it's a girl jj:*grabs y/n and kisses her* y/n: wait what's today kie:the 1st of june y/n:jj I'm 39 weeks today you what that means jj:what does it mean y/n:one week till we are parents *later that night* y/n:dolphin or flower oufit for her jj:flower we need a name for her I'll make a list y/n:*packing* *next week* y/n:*unpacking the boxes in the house* everyone: *unpacking* pope:y/n cleo:I will go get a towel sarah:I'm leaving for the hospital y/n:JJ *grabs stomach* JJ:oh sh!t it's time *gets bags* kie:I will take the bags to the car *loads up car* JB:I'M TIMING Y/N THERE 1 MINUTE APART ALREADY Y/N:*SCREAMS* AHHH IN THE CAR:jj:*starts speeding* ok we are here let's go pope and Cleo,jb,kie inside Sarah waiting sarah:come on guys cleo:I have to go change *comes back out in nurse uniform* in the room sarah:since ur pregnancy had some complications we have to an ultrasound every few hours two kinds of ultrasounds and different tests to make sure your healthy for delivery cleo:I'll get the machine *comes back with the machine* sarah:*squeezes gel* *grabs probe* *starts the ultrasound* *moves probe around y/n's stomach* jj:*stares at the screen* it is me or do I see another hand sarah:hold on *zooms in* wait there's A second baby pope:hey it's okay I can order extra diapers and bottles and blankets and I have an idea for the crib
A few hours later sarah:y/N it's time yn:*looks at jj* ok jj:*grabs hand pope and jb step out Sarah and cleo:1....2..3.. Push y/n:*pushes* *screams and grunts* *15 minutes pass* sarah:one last push 1.... Cleo:2..... Sarah:3..... Y/n:*pushes* ahhhhhh jj:*crying* you did it y/n:*crying* I did it
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claireunoia · 3 years
*ೃ༄ ʾʾ֢𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔣𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔰 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯ʾʾ֢ *ೃ༄
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❥* keep in mind, some of these titles may change if my mind ever comes up with any new ideas. these will be anything from drabbles & blurbs to full fics* ❥
𝗺𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝗺𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧 | 𝐣𝗼𝐢𝐧 𝗺𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝗼𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
➪ author’s notes : ❝ wtd sexc baes, welcome to my first ever 2021 kinktober event. i’ve never participated in these before but i always enjoyed them so here’s me with my own mediocre list. soooo without further ado, read away n lets get horny & spooked together this year <333 ❞
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𝗼𝐜𝐭. 3: 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝗼𝐰 𝐡𝐮𝗺𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 ✓
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 4: 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝗼𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝗺𝐞𝐫𝗼𝐧 ✓
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 10: 𝐬𝗼𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐩𝗼𝐩𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ✓
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 14: 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐤𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝗺𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐬𝗼𝐧 ✓
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 16: 𝐬𝐡𝗼𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 21: 𝗼𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝗺𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧 | 𝗺𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝗺𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐧𝗼𝐧
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 22: 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭 | 𝐬𝗼𝐟𝐭!𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 28: 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐬𝗺!𝐠𝐞𝗼𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚 𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 30: 34+35 | 𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝗺𝐞𝐫𝗼𝐧
𝗼𝐜𝐭. 31: 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝗼𝐛 | 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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🏷/ permanent taglist: @dummiesshort @itstaskeen @itscaminow @bi-lmg07 @hallecarey1 @fairyprettygirly @dreamy-clousds @tokyocupid @teenwolfbitches28 @squirreljoe @lilostif16 @just-a-gorl @lovely-starlings @leah-johnsonn @cyb3rjynx @tomiwastilinskii @keyanasstuff
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shittyobx · 3 years
Judge: I sentence you to 68 years in prison
JJ: *whispers in his lawyer’s ear*
Lawyer: *sighs* Your honor, my client respectfully requests one more year to be added to his sentence
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cognacdelights · 3 years
kie was definitely bratty and i had some problems with her this season but honestly her parents kinda suck. why did her dad call john b trash in season 1 if he’s a pogue himself?
plus kies best friend who is 17 is facing death sentence and her parents really couldn’t care less. i’m sorry but they could at least react to that😩 i just disliked the whole carrea family this season. like at least popes dad reacted normally when pope explaining what happened to the care and that he did it for john b
okay so i see your points about how her parents, her dad specifically, spoke about the pogues and it was definitely shitty, but i still don't think that gives kiara the right to act the way that she did...
yeah, i like the way that heyward seemed to be a little more understanding of pope and why he needed to do this. i think it was a nice bonding moment for the two f them and was a nice contrast to their relationship in season one!
come chat to me!
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damnndeanndamnn · 4 years
Fic Recs
Here are all of my favorite fics separated by fandom and characters! I hope y’all like them as much as I did!
Steve Rogers
One Shots
Wanderlust : @brooklyn-boy
Occupation: brat : @venusbarnes
Take Care : @cherrypickertheory
Heavy Is The Head : @venusbarnes
Peter Parker
One Shots
Spontaneous Love : @spxderbarnes
Dean Winchester
One Shots
Southern Man : @luci-in-trenchcoats
Buried Sorrows : @fairlyspnfanfic
Erôs : @our-jensen-ackles-love
Ride With Me : @katehuntington
Sam Winchester
One Shots
Oreos : @crispychrissy
Escape : @impala-dreamer
Where We Start Again : @waitimcomingtoo
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron
One Shots
Blueberry Pancakes : @butgilinsky
JJ Maybank
One Shots
Kiara Carrea
One Shots
Girl’s Night In : @o-b-x
Chris Evans
One Shots
Tom Holland
One Shots 
The five times Peter almost kissed you and the one time he did : @barnes-heaven (Its not letting me add the link to this one shot but its on the masterlist on the tagged page!)
Untitled : @marvelbws
Jensen Ackles 
One Shots 
More Than You Bargained For : @luci-in-trenchcoats
Spotlight : @imagining-supernatural
Jared Padalecki
One Shots 
Love Triumphs : @katymacsupernatural
Other Characters
Ransom Drysdale
One shots
The Highest Bidder : @pagesoflauren
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macadoodlewrites · 1 year
Dangerous Love - Part Twenty-One (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 2.2k
Ward slowed down at precisely the right minute, and the plane stopped before it could hit John B. I completed the distance between us, running to my cousin as he hopped out of the van. Ward did the same, jumping down from the plane, fury evident on his face.
"Sarah!" John B screamed. She was slowly coming down the steps of the plane behind her father.
"What are you trying to do? Kill her?" Ward yelled.
John B had an arm out behind him, telling me to stay back as Ward got in his face. I took his hand in mine.
The two men were yelling at each other, screaming about the gold, and I was sure that Ward was going to attack him when Sarah got in the way. Her dad tried to pull her back.
"Don't touch me!"
John B backed away, his hand still clutching mine and his other arm wrapped around Sarah, taking us away from Ward. Faintly, I could hear sirens approaching, and wanted to scream at my cousin to run, that we could get the gold another day, but one look at his face told me to stay quiet. He wasn't just fighting for the gold now. This was personal with Ward. This was for his father.
And then a cop car was on the tarmac, racing towards us. I flinched at the relief on Ward's face, at how happy he seemed to see the police officer. I wanted to pull him and Sarah away - John B couldn't get arrested!
A women was walking towards us in the Kildare County police uniform and I could just see her name badge read 'Peterkin.' So this was the women that John B had spoken so highly of to me over the years. She walked over slowly, hand resting on her gun.
"Oh thank God you're here," Ward called to her.
I was expecting for Sheriff Peterkin to be staring at John B, Sarah and I, but she wasn't. She was only focused on Ward.
"Put your hands on your head," she said, her voice carrying in the wind. Ward stared at us all.
"I'd do as she said."
John B was calmer than I expected him to be; far too calm for someone who was about to go to jail. Was I missing something...?
"She's talking to you, Ward."
I looked up at John B, but his eyes were only focused on Ward. Sarah and I exchanged a glance but it was clear that she was just as confused as I was. We turned, watching as Ward slowly twisted to look at Sheriff Peterkin, who now had a gun pointed at him.
"You're under arrest for the murder of "Big John" Routledge."
My breath caught in my throat. She believed us? Believed John B? Was this really happening? Ward was going to be arrested and we could get the gold? Sarah sagged against John B, tears pouring down her pretty cheeks. I stepped forwards, John B's grip still on me.
"Are you kidding me?!" Ward screamed, but it was obvious that Peterkin was deadly serious. Her gun was steady, her aim straight at Ward's chest.
I listened as the Sheriff started to read Ward his rights, watched as Ward got to his knees with his hands behind his head.
"I don't like being used," I heard her hiss as she clipped the handcuffs tightly onto one of his wrists. When had Ward used her?
I wanted to gloat at him, scream that he clearly did not have the police as far into his pocket as he believed, just as he turned, clearly intending to fight her off.
And then the gun shot went off.
I looked at Ward, but he was standing still, staring.
And then Peterkin fell to the ground, her eyes wide and hands shaking. The gun slid from her grip.
Rafe was there. Within one moment and the next, he had ducked under the tail of the plane, gun in hand, pointing it at the Sheriff.
I sobbed at the sight of him, of the gun in his hand. And then he looked up, eyes locking onto mine and I flinched away. He noticed, his eyes narrowing. John B now had one of his arms around Sarah and the other around me, as if trying to shield us both from the image in front of us.
Even Ward was panicking. "What did you do?" he spat at Rafe.
Rafe smiled at his father, one full of adoration for him. "I saved you, Dad."
Sheriff Peterkin was now on the floor coughing, blood dripping from her lips. John B broke from both of us, rushing over to the fallen Sheriff and trying anything to stop the bleeding. I heard him muttering apologies over and over again. Sarah was right behind him on her knees, sobbing.
I was frozen, watching as my cousin pulled his precious bandana over his head, trying to staunch Peterkin's bleeding. He achieved nothing. I rushed forwards, trying to join Sarah and John B, but someone stopped me.
Rafe. He moved to stand in front of me, gun still in hand.
"Hey, sweetheart," he whispered. Everything about him was as perfect as it had been the first time I had seen him. Cornflower blue eyes that were bright and gleaming down at me as the sun caught the lighter strands of his dirty blonde hair. He was smiling but I could find no warmth in it. Nothing from the Rafe I had known only a few nights ago.
I watched as he took in my face, bringing his hand up - the one that was not holding the gun - to run his fingers over the cheek that he had hit yesterday. He stared, and I had no idea what he was thinking. Was he disgusted with himself? Or happy to see a mark on my skin thanks to him?
"I missed you. Why did you run off?"
"You hurt me," I snapped. His eyes narrowed and he brought the gun up and ran it down my jaw. I couldn't see the others behind him, too focused on the metal that was trailing my skin. He could pull the trigger at any second, end my life at any second. Did he want to? Was he that mad at me? Yesterday, he had told me repeatedly that he loved me and wanted to protect me, even if that protection meant pain for me. But that was before I had ran off.
I gulped heavily as he brought the gun down my neck. The hand on my cheek went with it and popped the top button of my flannel top open. I wanted to run, wanted to scream out, but fear had taken my voice away.
But then someone was behind Rafe, pulling him away heavily. Rafe spun but hardly moved, his stance too steady. He was far more in control than he had been yesterday when he had been on drugs. I stepped backwards, wanting to get away from him.
"Do not touch her," John B spat. Sarah was next to him, staring at her brother incredulously.
"Rafe, put the gun down!"
Behind them, Ward was leant over Peterkin, yelling into a walkie talkie, asking for help. I absently noted that the handcuff that had been on his wrist was now on the floor. I moved to stand next to Sarah and John B, seeing the blood on both of their hands. Sheriff Peterkin's blood.
Rafe watched me move, before looking at my cousin and raising the gun to him.
"Rafe, no!" Sarah screamed. "Let him go! Let us all go!"
He didn't seem to hear his words as he cocked the trigger, aiming it straight into John B's face.
Ward was now standing, having disregarded the walkie talkie and was yanking Sarah away. Ward may not have cared for much, but it was clear that he loved his daughter and wanted to keep her from harm’s way. She fought him but he only dragged her back, leaving Rafe, John B and I.
"Do it," John B taunted, and I sobbed, staring at him. He was expressionless, staring down at the gun.
"I should," Rafe spat. "You keep getting in the way of things. You want to break my family apart, want to have my Dad arrested." He pointed a long finger at me. "You want to take her away from me!"
"She is my cousin, Rafe, and she is free to make whatever decisions she wants!" John B's voice was calm but I still hear the tremor in it.
"No, you little Pogue. She is mine, she belongs to me! She loves me. And when you go to prison, she will be with me."
I ducked in between the two of them, the fun now aimed at my forehead. "Don't do this, Rafe, please. I told you everything. He is the only family that I have left."
"You have me now, Avery."
"But you don't have me."
"If I kill him, then I will."
Rafe made no move, but if he only lifted the gun slightly and fired, it would kill my cousin. John B, the only living member of my family that loved me and would never hurt me. The one who had taken me in each summer when my mother had chased me away. I needed to protect him. I would do anything for him to live.
"I will never forgive you if you kill him," I whispered, and this got his attention. His blue eyes focused on me, roaming my face.
Somewhere in the distance, Ward and Sarah were still struggling but all I could see and hear was Rafe. I knew that deep down I still loved him, despite all that he had done in the past day. But somehow I needed to tell him this.
"You're already mad at me," Rafe stated. From behind, John B had wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me tightly against him. I knew he wanted me gone, away from Rafe, but I wanted him safe and alive far more.
"I am mad. But I can forgive you for everything. I will forgive you for hitting me, for tricking me, for it all. But if you kill John B, I will never forgive you. I will hate you."
Something shifted in his eyes, and he lowered the gun ever-so-slightly. His gaze drifted down to John B's arm, and then back up to my face. "You'll forgive me?"
I nodded.
"Do you still love me?"
Despite everything; the threats against my friends, his possessive behaviour and the marks he had left on my skin; despite John B standing behind me, I nodded. "I do."
He focused on me, taking in everything. And I knew what I was showing him. Although there were tears on my cheeks and I was trembling, I could still see past the fear and see Rafe from before yesterday, the Rafe that I had spent the night with and run to when I had felt alone.
"You do," he confirmed and finally he smiled.
"Now let John B go," I whispered.
"I'm not going anywhere without you and Sarah."
I turned, letting my cousins arm drop from me and looked at him. "Ward would never hurt Sarah." And to seal the deal, I glanced over my shoulder at Rafe. "And Rafe wouldn't hurt me. But he will kill you."
"Avery, he will hurt you! Look at your face."
This set Rafe off again, and he pointed the gun at John B again.
"I'm giving you one chance to leave, Pogue," he spat.
John B didn't move, but behind him I could see Ward. He had shoved Sarah into his car and was coming back towards us, Peterkin's gun in his hand. I screamed. "John B, go!"
He looked behind him, and seeing what was about to happen, that two men might shoot him, he looked at me and I saw tears on his cheeks. "I love you."
Before I could say it back, he was running, and I was throwing myself at Ward, trying to tug the gun from his grip. He fought me, but it was too late.
John B was gone. Rafe was then behind me, wrapping an arm around me as I cried, thanking whoever was listening that John B had gotten away.
Ward only looked on at me murderously before he lashed out, smacking his gun into the side of my head. I sagged against Rafe, letting him hold me up.
"Dad!" Rafe screamed.
Everything was going dark, as I felt Rafe lean down to slide his arms under me, picking me up. I let him, all of the fight in me gone.
"He will tell them what happened, Rafe. You let him go because of her."
"No, Dad. I have a plan, okay? We will be fine."
The world spun one more time as my head fell back, and I finally blacked out with only the thought that John B was safe running through my mind. His life was worth whatever the Cameron's were going to do.
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@miniaturenightmagazine @zombicupcake3 @flossiewrites  @harringtonstudios  @annellie  @steveharringtonswifey09  @hockeybabe87 @shikamaruscumrag  @urmomssidehoesposts @namelesssav  @www-interludeshadow-com @gh0stgirl33 @belcalis9503 @thebuttofcaptainamerica  @im-julessssss @screechingeggslovershepherd @okayyiamjade @dforever15 @belcalis9503  @iridescentimagines @sarahlizzie @magnificantmermaid @inspiredleonie @angrypeachtyrant @wishfulwithwine @lavenderhue @magnificantmermaid
105 notes · View notes
macadoodlewrites · 1 year
Dangerous Love - Part Nineteen (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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We left off last time with Rafe and Avery in a bad place, and Rafe having just received a call from Ward that John B was injured. I've tried to match up as much of the timeline with the show as I can, but things may be slightly different then they were in Episode 8. Anyway, enjoy...
I just want to add a TW for you all: there are mentions of domestic violence. If you are not comfortable reading about it then please do not proceed with this chapter. All of my other warnings still stand.
Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 4.1k
Rafe rode like the wind was carrying him. Carrying us. We drove in silence from the large beach house to the Cameron Mansion, only the whirring of his bike keeping us company. His house was in sight before we knew it, and I hopped off of Rafe's bike the second he skidded to a stop.
John B was hurt. He had been hurt on a fishing trip with Ward Cameron. Hadn't Uncle John gone missing at sea on a fishing trip? I thanked whatever god that was listening that even if John B was hurt, at least he was back on land.
I ran to the front door, but before I could open the door, Ward Cameron was there opening it for me. His sleeve was rolled up and wrapped around it was a large bandage.
"Avery Routledge. You came," he said, looking down at me with satisfaction in his eyes.
"Of course I did. Where's John B?"
"Have you not heard from him at all?"
I crinkled my brows in confusion - if my cousin had been hurt on the fishing trip with Ward, surely he would know that John B hadn't contacted me?
"No of course not-"
"She's been with me most of the morning," Rafe interjected, and I felt his hand on my lower back. I chanced a glance at him but he wasn't looking at me. Only at his father. They shared a wordless exchange, and something flipped in my stomach. I stepped away from both of them, removing Rafe's touch from me.
"What's going on here? Where is John B?"
"Sweetheart-" Rafe started but I snapped my gaze up to him.
"Don't call me that, Rafe," I snapped. "Mr Cameron, where is my cousin? Rafe said that he was hurt. What happened?"
"He's not here currently. Come inside and I will explain," Ward said and turned, entering his house. I stared after him, at his calm demeanour and instantly knew that something was wrong.
"Rafe, you said he was here," I hissed, staring at the ground. I heard Rafe approach me, rather than saw him, and was not surprised as his hand came up to tilt my head to meet his gaze.
"I didn't. I told you that my Dad said you should come over. Not that John B was here."
His tone was cold and honestly frightening. I glanced around him and saw that Ward was still just inside the entryway, watching us.
"You knew what your words sounded like. You implied that he was here," I said, tugging away from him. "Where is John B?"
"Come inside and my Dad will explain everything to you."
"I'd rather stay out here, if you don't mind."
"And I'd rather that you weren't still sleeping with JJ, but it looks like we're both not going to get what we want."
I paled. The venom in his words was clear, especially as he said JJ's name. I took another step back, but Rafe was already there, grabbing my wrist in his tight grip, and tugging me towards him.
"I told you to come inside. Let's go, Avery."
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled. "Let me go and tell me where my cousin is."
"Fine. He might be with your friends, and as usual, causing trouble. News flash, Avery, but John B is not a good guy. He attacked my Dad and then ran off. The police are after him and he is now a criminal. Now," he lowered his tone, as he reached up to wrap a loose curl of mine around his finger. "You are going to do as you are told and get inside the house."
"No I am not. I am going to find my cousin and get the hell away from you, you bastard!"
It all happened so quickly. One second, my hair was wrapped around his fingers, and the next, his hand had struck my cheek. I was momentarily blinded by the sudden pain and cried out as I stumbled away from him. He didn't let me fall, instead leaning down to throw me over his shoulder. My head smacked his back, but recovering myself, I screamed and pounded my fists against him.
Rafe had hit me, and now he was forcing me into his house against my will. Screaming his name, he only placed me back on my feet once we were inside the house and Ward had locked the door behind us. Rafe leaned in close, his breath hitting my ear.
"That was for fucking JJ Maybank."
I moved away towards the staircase, my cheek hot and sore from the force of Rafe's hand. He had hit me. And Ward was standing idly by, doing nothing about it. Fear coursed through my veins as I touched my cheek tenderly, staring down the two Cameron men.
"Where is John B?" I whispered into the silence.
Ward leaned against the front door, now locked, and placed his hands into his pockets. "You cousin currently has the police after him. He attacked me on our fishing trip and seems to think that I had a hand in the death of his father."
"Uncle John." My whisper went unnoticed.
Rafe was still staring at me, fists clenched at his sides.
"I am worried that he will hurt those around him so I asked for Rafe to bring you here. To protect you."
"No - no, that's not it at all. John B would never have attacked you without good reason."
Ward gestured at his arm. "Well he did, Miss Routledge. He attacked me and he was out of his mind as he did so.
I thought of John B. He was many things: stubborn, infuriatingly so sometimes, and could be harsh with his words when he was upset or worried, but he was not unstable or violent. He wouldn't hurt anyone without a reason. He just wouldn't. Which meant...
"You killed my Uncle John," I spat.
Ward barely flinched at my words, and only shrugged. "It's what John B believes. But like I said, he was unstable as he did so-"
I interrupted him, storming up to Ward Cameron with a look of hatred on my face. "John B has never suspected any foul play in the death of his father - if he believes that you had anything to do with it then it is for good reason. You killed my Uncle, Ward. Admit it."
"Fine, Avery. I was there when your Uncle died but I would love to see either of you Routledge's try to prove it. I have the police on my side, and they are out looking for your cousin. John B doesn't stand a chance."
I saw red, my hand reaching up and smacking Ward around the face just as Rafe had done to me. Before I knew what was happening, there was an arm around my waist pulling me away. I was tugged backwards, the grip constricting my breath. "You bastard! You are setting him up!" I screamed.
"Be that as it may, I think you'll find I could get away with murder if I wanted to." Ward's calm appearance was infuriating. On the other hand, I could feel Rafe's heavy breaths against my back. He was far from calm.
"The lot of you are monsters!" I cried, tears falling down my cheeks. Where was John B? Where were any of my friends? I prayed that he was safe. "Let me go, Rafe!"
"We're not letting you go, Avery," Rafe said loudly from behind me. "John B will try to kill my Dad if he gets the chance."
"But with you here?" Ward continued, and everything clicked into place for me.
"He won't try anything," I muttered weakly. "That's why I'm here, isn't it? Insurance so that John B leaves you alone."
Ward nodded, and I lost it. I clawed at Rafe's arm, screamed profanities at him as he dragged me backwards away from his father. We were heading towards the stairs and Rafe started to pull me up them. I fought him with everything in me, tried to make it impossible for him to take me anywhere, but he was too strong for me. He pulled me away from his father, away from the smug expression on his face.
And then we were in a familiar hallway and I knew where Rafe was taking me. To his bedroom.
He shoved me inside harshly to the middle of the room, so forcefully that I fell to my knees. Everything in me felt exhausted and tired, the tears on my cheeks were still coursing a steady stream.
Rafe turned and locked the door, and I looked around the room. There was one window, and I heaved myself to my feet and ran to it. It didn't budge as I tried to yank it up, and there was no key to open it. Through it, I could see a tiled flat roof that presumably shadowed the decking that surrounded the side of the house.
Rafe chuckled from the other side of the room and I spun to stare at him.
"Despite my father's words, I am looking to protect you here, Avery. I want you to be safe."
"I won't be safe whilst I'm with you and your delusional father."
He moved quickly, shoving my shoulders so that my head smacked the glass window. "Don't you dare insult my father. He is a good man and will keep you safe here, from your crazy cousin."
"John B would never hurt me," I hurled at him, conviction behind my words. "He is my family."
"And your family have never hurt you before?"
I trembled at his words, my arms hugging each other as he glared at me with a satisfied quirk to his lips. "You don't know what you're talking about."
Rafe's hands pried mine down, away from my body, lacing his fingers through mine. I needed to save my fight for a chance to escape, so I let him. His touch was meant to be soothing, and I cursed the part of me deep down that still found it to be so. Despite everything today, Rafe had still been the one to be there for me every minute of my time at the OBX. He had been the one to kiss my bruises.
"I do know what I'm talking about. I told you that my father investigates everyone new to this island. He makes everyone's business, his business. But I personally asked him to enquire about you, Avery. I wanted to know more, wanted to know who you were running from and who had you so scared. I wanted to know why you moved here so suddenly. So I let our private investigator do some digging."
"Yes," he retaliated. "I did it because I love you."
I knew the answer, but I still had to ask the question. "And what did you find out?"
"Police records. Everything you reported to them each time you tried to run away. Those corrupt cops may not have done anything for you, but they still wrote everything down. All of the times you reported that your mother had hit you, that her boyfriend had tried to make advances on you. I've seen everything that you told them. And then I dug into the hospital records. Every time that you were admitted due to 'a fall down the stairs' or 'accidently walking into things.' I knew it was bullshit, but it did make me wonder why no one had ever looked into it further. And you know what I found?"
I did know what he had found. Of course I knew. I had lived in the hell for years. "My mum's boyfriend is the chief of police."
"He told everyone that you were lying, that you were mentally unstable, that you injured yourself. And even after all our time together, I waited for something to change in you, to see if perhaps mental health did play a part in those reports. But it never did. You weren't lying."
I pulled a hand away from his and placed it over my mouth as I released a sob. He went on ruthlessly.
"And then I saw your stomach."
It took everything within me not to break down, even if it was in Rafe's arms. Everything that he was saying was true. And finally, someone knew it. John B knew that my mother could be cruel. JJ knew that she hit me. But no one knew everything. Until now. I crumbled.
Rafe looked down at me and finally he seemed to soften up. His love for me could apparently temper his anger, no matter how potent. The sympathy in his eyes was bursting to the brim, and his mouth was softly frowning. He released my other hand and bought it up to the back of my neck, pulling me in for a hug. I buried my face against his chest, tears instantly soaking the fabric of his shirt.
"I fought them off - both of them, but they never stopped. My mother doesn't like disobedience, but Tony seemed to think that I was playing some sort of game with him. If I didn't do as he said, or dressed in something that let any of my skin show, he thought that I was trying to lead him on. But I never was!"
His stroked my hair as I cried, finally letting years of pain poor out of me. It was a stupid decision to unload all of this to Rafe, but he already knew most of it.
"I know you weren't, sweetheart. I know."
I felt him lean down and pick me up, his hands under my knees as he then walked us to his bed. Sitting down, he let me continue to cry as I sat on his lap.
"What was the last straw? Why did you leave?" Rafe asked slowly. I gulped. I had never mentioned this to anyone, had tried to forget it had ever even happened. But now that Rafe was asking, I found that I wanted to say it, to let the small animal of pain and memory inside of me out.
"Tony snuck into my bedroom. It had been a hot day and I'd been sitting around our pool in my swimsuit thinking he wouldn't be home. But he showed up earlier than I thought. He kept telling me that I was dressing that way for him, that I wanted him to notice. So he was going to do something about. He groped me, touching me where he shouldn't have touched me. I fought him and my mum came in but when I told her what he had been doing, she didn't believe me. She called me a liar, and said I was asking for it. I told them that I was going to the police and I was going to make them believe me-"
Rafe's grip around me tightened at my words and I could feel his heart picking up in his chest.
"And they didn't believe you?"
"I never made it there. Tony and my mother beat me, kicking my stomach and throwing glasses at me. They left me in my bedroom for days, until finally Tony came back and told me that he was going to have to do something about me and my nasty lies. He implied that he was going to get rid of me. So I ran. That night I gathered all of my things together and left."
He said nothing as I finally calmed down my sobbing, finally stopped the tears from coming and finally looked up at him. His eyes were empty of everything but his grip was still tight. I did not know how to interpret it.
The sun was setting outside of his window, taking the last of the sun with it. I was conscious of everything, that I needed to find my cousin, that I needed to contact my friends. But I let him hold me anyway.
"I'm so sorry, Avery. I really am. But this only proves to me how badly you need my protection."
I was startled and the fear was back again. Rafe wasn't letting me go. He was only holding on tighter.
"Rafe, please-"
"If your own mother could do that to you, then who knows what John B could do."
A fresh burst of adrenaline pumped through me again, and I started to struggle against him. "You can't do this, Rafe! I trust you, I let you take care of me but this is too much! Let me go and find John B. I'll talk to him, find out why he is saying these things about your Dad."
It was a lie. I would find John B and take him far away from Ward. And Rafe knew it too.
"I can't do that, sweetheart. I can't let you go. Ever."
And he twisted us so that I fell off of him onto the fresh silk of his sheets. He stared down at me, at my broken form and tear-stained cheeks, and I stared back. "You can't," I whispered.
"You'll find that I can. I have my father backing me. He knows about the police reports and hospital visits. He will call your mother if you try to run."
"And you would let him?"
"I wouldn't want him to. But I can't lose you. Not to the Pogues."
"I won't run."
"I know that you're lying."
"I'm not-"
"You are and I don't appreciate it, Avery. You are going to stay here, the police are going to find John B, and everything will be fine."
I sat up, my legs hanging over the end of the bed. My skirt had ridden up and I noticed Rafe noticing. "Nothing will be fine! You can't hold me captive here! You're as bad as my mother! You're as bad as her boyfriend!"
If storm clouds could cover someone's expression, that was exactly what happened with Rafe. He leaned down, his nose nearly touching mine.
"Don't you dare say that - I am nothing like either of them! They only wanted to hurt you and use you! I love you and want to protect you from everything!"
"You hurt me!" I screamed.
"I did it for your own good! JJ doesn't want you like I do, he never will. Sleeping with him was a mistake and you won't do it again. You won't go near him again!"
"I will do what I want! You don't own me, Rafe!"
His voice became deadly quiet. "You love me, Avery. I don't need to own all of you, but I own your heart. And that is more than enough for me." He paused, pushing himself away from me. "You will stay here, you will do as you're told, and you will be safe. There is no room for disagreement here. You clearly don't know what is best for you."
"My friends are best for me," I screeched, standing up. He towered over me, but he was too calm for my liking.
"Think what you want. You'll learn, Avery. That I promise you."
Before I could stop him, he shoved me so that I flew backwards onto the bed. Before I could stand up again, he was at the door, looking back at me with a terrifying satisfaction. "You'll learn."
And then he was gone, the sound of the lock clicking into place behind him.
I pounded at the door after he had gone but I knew what to expect. The door was locked hard, as was his window. I tried punching the window but all that I succeeded in was bruising my knuckles. Whatever the window was made of, it was too thick for me.
Hours later, I was stood dejectedly staring into the mirror hanging on the indigo wall. My cheek was red and still swollen, and there was a small cut on my cheekbone, presumably from where Rafe's ring had clipped my skin. I hadn't even felt it before, but now everything was sinking in. Along my jaw was finger sized bruises.
So much had happened in the past six hours that I felt exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to wake up in my bed, all of this being a terrible nightmare, but that was not what was going to happen.
I needed to escape but nothing I tried could work. I had even thrown items at the window, but to no avail. I had screamed myself hoarse, praying that Rafe would come back but he didn't. I was alone. Moving to sit on the bed, I felt the day's events catching up on me. I wanted to lay on Rafe's pillow, to give in to sleep, eager for even a brief moment of forgetting.
But just as I did so, I heard a small tapping. I ignored it, not used to the sounds of the unfamiliar house, but the tapping continued, now louder. Sitting up, I looked over to the window.
Muffling a scream, I stared. There on the flat roof was Kiara. Her face was alert and paler than usual, and she was looking at me with worry.
"Avery," she breathed but I could barely hear her voice through the glass.
"I can't get out, Kie" I said, trying to keep my voice low to not alert Rafe or Ward. "The door and window are locked."
And then I saw it in her hand. A small hammer. But would she be able to break the glass?
My question was answered as a fierce rage took over her face and she swung. It cracked the glass but it didn't shatter. I paused, listening for noise downstairs, but heard nothing. Kiara swung again, and the cracks spawned a spider web on the glass.
A final swing had the glass breaking inwards. I punched at the shattered glass pieces, expanding them to make the gap big enough for my body to squeeze through. Ignoring the blood that was now on my hands as I shoved the glass away, I crawled through. The glass cut my bare arms but I ignored it. I could swear that I could hear footsteps approaching.
Kiara tugged me the rest of the way through and I barely had time to hug her before we were off. We scaled the roof, and I winced every time my cut hands rubbed against the tiles. Kiara led me down the roof to where it was low enough for us to jump.
We did. And then we ran. My feet stung from the impact of the jump, but I didn't care. We ran to the walls surrounding the house, and I gave Kiara a leg up. She heaved herself up and over, and I heard male voices on the other side. Then there were hands reaching back and I clung to them. My bare knees scraped the walls but once again, I ignored the pain. Then there was a voice.
I looked over my shoulder to see Rafe staring at me through the broken window. He looked furious and he was screaming my name. Then he was gone. Assuming he was coming downstairs to get me, I sped up my movements. I was moving so quickly, suddenly dizzy from fear, that it took two pairs of hands to get me over and to the ground safely. Looking up, I could have cried. Kiara was with JJ and Pope.
But there was no time for pleasantries. JJ hauled me to my feet and into his arms, before tugging me along after the others. We didn't have to go far. We were soon in their boat, racing away from the Cameron House and from Figure Eight. The others were moving about frantically, watching out for both Rafe and Ward, or the police, but I sat on the small seat, numb to it all.
Rafe had tried to force me to sleep with him. He had hit me and then held me captive. But I had revealed to him my deepest darkest shame. There were no words to say.
I knew that my friends were whispering about me, casting me worried glances, but I couldn't hear it. There was only the rushing of the waves in my ears. It was dark so they couldn't see the injuries on my face.
And then someone placed a jacket around my shoulders. I looked up. JJ. Of course it was JJ.
"Avi," he whispered. He knelt down in front of me, his hands taking mine and turning them over, the cuts still bleeding. He pulled out the emergency first aid kit and started to clean me up and I watched him, but felt nothing as he did so. When he was done, he reached up to my face. "Avery, my lovely girl." He was whispering still and I could see the pity in his eyes. He hadn't called me his lovely girl in years. "I'm so sorry that this happened."
I said nothing, ignoring all of their soft words as we raced back to The Cut, as the others continued to whisper.
I felt nothing.
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@miniaturenightmagazine @zombicupcake3 @flossiewrites  @harringtonstudios  @annellie  @steveharringtonswifey09  @hockeybabe87 @shikamaruscumrag  @urmomssidehoesposts @namelesssav  @www-interludeshadow-com @gh0stgirl33 @belcalis9503 @thebuttofcaptainamerica  @im-julessssss @screechingeggslovershepherd @okayyiamjade @dforever15 @belcalis9503  @iridescentimagines @sarahlizzie @magnificantmermaid @inspiredleonie @angrypeachtyrant
143 notes · View notes
macadoodlewrites · 1 year
Dangerous Love - Part Twenty (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 3.5k
We arrived back in The Cut in record time, pulling up to the pier at the end of the front yard of The Chateau. I faintly recalled John B had phoned Pope on the journey over, and after the phone call, the mood in the boat had taken an even graver turn.
The other's got off the boat and started tying it to the dock, whilst JJ held a hand out for me. I took it gratefully. Even though we may have both agreed that we were both only friends and we had said our goodbyes to our old relationship, he was still someone that I trusted implicitly and felt comfortable and safe around.
We started the slow march up to The Chateau, passing by the unlit hot tub that I hadn't a chance to ask anyone about. The lights were dim in my home, but I welcomed the sight of it. I still hadn't said a word. The day had taken its toll on me; reliving everything that had happened with my mother, and subsequently going through the violence at Rafe's hands, I had nothing more to say. The others hadn't asked me any questions, but I knew it would come.
And then there he was. Opening the front door to the small house, was John B. He stood on the top step, staring down at us all. There was his dark cast and his black eye, both courtesy of Topper, but now I knew better. His real injury was inside, thanks to Ward.
Ward Cameron had killed John B's dad. My uncle.
John B came down the steps slowly, and then wrapped his arms around me. The night was dark around us, and my hair covered my cheek. John B had been through enough today. I didn't need him to see what had happened to me. Besides, it was all my own fault. I had trusted Rafe. I had fallen in love with him and given myself to him, only for it all to be cast away like a line into the water.
John B smelled like home and sweat and fear, but I hugged him, nonetheless. He was my family and would never have hurt Ward without good reason.
"Come on, let's go in," he whispered, but the others heard him.
"I have to get home, John B. My pops will kill me if I'm gone any longer," Pope said.
"My parents too," Kie muttered. I wanted to envy them both for having parents who cared about them enough to worry, but right now I couldn't even find it in myself to do that. JJ and John B muttered their goodbyes, promising to meet the next day.
And then we were in The Chateau, and someone had flicked on the lights. My face was in full view. JJ stared at me, and John B let me go, stepping back to take me in. I had never felt so scrutinised but I knew what they were seeing - a bruised and swollen cheek, a cut on my cheekbone, cuts on my hands and arms from the shattered window, bruises on my jaw. The bite mark on my shoulder. I stared at the ground, ashamed.
The silence was deafening. Finally, the boys broke it.
"What the fuck happened to you, Avery?" John B breathed. "Who did this?"
I looked up at both of them. John B was furious, his cheeks red and his jaw tight but JJ looked disgusted. He was swallowing hard. I remembered his words about Rafe.
"I trust you, Avery. And I don't trust him. But I believe you."
"I appreciate that. You don't know how much I appreciate that, JJ. I mean it. And please can you keep this to yourself for now. I don't need John B losing his shit with me - you know how overprotective he can be."
"Only as long as he seems like he is treating you well. The second something is wrong; I tell the others."
I said nothing. So JJ said it for me. "Rafe Cameron did this to her."
"Excuse me? Rafe?" John B's words were so quiet I could scarcely hear him, the anger lowering his tone. But despite JJ's protective gaze, he didn't hold back.
"Avery has been seeing Rafe since she came to the island."
"You have?" John B spat, but he wasn't looking at me. Suddenly he rushed at JJ, shoving his shoulders. "You knew? Look at what he did to my fucking cousin!"
I finally snapped to my senses and rushed between them. JJ was taking John B's anger, accepting it. "He only found out yesterday, I swear, John B!"
John B was gripping the front of JJ's shirt but he looked at me. "Rafe Cameron? Avery, how could you be so stupid?"
"Don't call me stupid!" I screeched. "You've been dating Sarah Cameron."
He laughed humourlessly. "Sarah would never hurt me, Avery! Do not compare the two."
I deflated. "I know, I'm not saying that at all. And I know that I've been stupid. I never thought that he would hurt me." Even now, the part of me that loved Rafe wanted to stop and defend him.
"Well he did! Look at your face!"
"I know, John B-"
"Leave her alone, man. If I thought he was hurting her, I would have put a stop to it. Do you think I want to see her like this?"
John B let him go with a small shove and continued to look at me. "What happened?"
What could I say? Tell him everything from the beginning or only from today? It was easily decided. John B would not want to hear the ins and outs of my relationship.
"I was with Rafe this morning, wanting to apologise for a fight that we'd had, but when I got there, there were drugs and cans of beer on his table." I moved to sit down on the threadworn sofa, not wanting to look at either of them. I needed space to breathe. "I ignored it, and we made up, but then he started doing drugs in front of me, and he changed. He suddenly became more violent, and he tried to-"
I stopped talking, taking a deep breath. JJ sat next to me, placing his hand over my cut-up one. John B took the wicker chair next to the sofa, his fists clenched in barely suppressed rage.
"What did he do?" he asked through clenched teeth.
I shook my head, tears coursing down my cheeks. Had I not cried enough today? "He tried to make me have sex with him, saying he had some sort of ownership over me. Then his Dad phoned, stopping him." I looked up at John B, but his eyes had fallen to my shoulder, to the bite mark that Rafe had left on my skin.
"That must have been after the boat trip, once Ward was home."
I nodded. "Rafe told me that you were at the Cameron House and that you were injured. He told me that I should go with him. Despite everything I did. I tried to convince him to let me go alone, and taunted him but he didn't give in. It only made him angrier."
"What did you say?"
John B and I were close enough that I told him. "I told him that I was intimate with someone else in the last week."
JJ's grip on my hand tightened. He knew it was him.
"He hit me because he was so angry, and Ward did nothing to stop them. Then they brought me inside, and Ward told me that you were unstable and had attacked him because you thought he had killed Uncle John." John B opened his mouth, but I continued. "I told him that I didn't believe him and accused him of doing it. He basically admitted it to me, and told me that no one would believe us over him, that he has the police on his side. Then Rafe took me upstairs and locked me in his room."
They didn't need to know the conversation that Rafe and I had afterwards about my mother and her boyfriend.
"Kie showed up and broke the window to get me out."
JJ ran his thumb over the cuts on my hands. John B was silent, looking between us. "You two aren't together?"
I stared at him, shocked. "No, bro," JJ said quickly.
"I always thought that you were sneaking around behind my back," said John B, but he didn't seem angry at the thought. But then again, comparing JJ to Rafe who had clearly hurt me, was like comparing a small innocent fish to a shark.
"JJ and I have been together in the past. But not anymore." I sighed. "I love Rafe."
John B stood up, the chair flying backwards behind him. "No, you don't."
"I fell in love with him, John B. I couldn't help it."
"But you can't love him now, Avery. Look at what he did to you!"
"It's not that simple and you know it. You've fallen in love with Sarah Cameron."
He said nothing, but I had observed how he had talked about her over the past week. He had fallen for her hard and clearly was not going to deny it.
"She is nothing to me now. She's with her family."
"She wasn't there when Ward and Rafe trapped me, John B. I don't even know if she knows."
"It's true, bro," said JJ, and I glanced at him. He met my stare. "We were watching the house when Rafe brought you home. John B had already found us and told us everything, so we wanted to see what Ward was up to. When Rafe drove in with you, we saw everything. I wanted to rush in there and kill him but Pope stopped me. Warned me to be smart."
They saw Rafe hit me. They saw him pick me up and take me into his house screaming.
"We saw him with you through his bedroom window. He didn't look like he was hurting you at the time, but after what we'd seen downstairs, we knew we had to get you out. We had to wait until dark, and Kie went home to grab the hammer to break the window." As an afterthought, JJ added, "nothing else happened in his room, did it?"
"No. Nothing else." Nothing that they needed to know.
"I'm so sorry that this happened to you, Avi."
Finally, he was calling me Avi. The name settled me, a name JJ had started calling me years ago and everyone else had started to use. Suddenly shattered, I leant back against JJ. His arms wrapped around me tenderly. I just wanted to sleep, to forget everything.
"Get some rest, Avi. One of us will take watch in case the cops show up. We'll figure everything else out tomorrow."
I let John B pull a blanket over me, not wanting to relinquish the warmth that JJ was providing and go to my empty bedroom. My eyes fluttered shut, and I nuzzled against his chest. Minutes and minutes passed in silence, neither boy moving and I wanted to apologise to them for being the barer of all of this bad news and upsetting them. But my mind was finally quieting down, knowing I was safe with the two boys next to me. JJ lifted his shoulder slightly, and I could tell that he was testing if I was asleep or not. I didn't move, not wanting to leave him.
"Bro," JJ whispered. "I am going to kill him."
"Not if I get to him first. How dare he do this to her," John B muttered. "I should have been there."
"You couldn't have done anything. He hit her because of me anyway. All because he knew about the two of us."
"Don't blame yourself, JJ. Rafe is unhinged."
I felt, rather than saw JJ nodding. "You didn't see how he was looking at her, like she was an object. Like he wanted to hurt her. He isn't stable, man."
"No he's not. And he will never go near her again. Not if I can help it," John B spat lowly.
JJ's chest was warm, but his heart was beating erratically. "What if she wants to go back to him. She loves him. She said it herself today, and to me yesterday."
"Not happening. I'll tie her up and have one of us watch her day and night if that's what it takes. You told me that he was holding her throat at the OBX night. And now this? What if next time it's even worse. He'll kill her."
"I know, bro, I know." JJ's hand was on my hair, stroking lightly. "We'll keep her safe. We all will. And you too. Ward and Rafe won't get away with this. What about Sarah?"
A sigh left my cousin's mouth. "I don't know about her. She is loyal to her family, but I don't think that she knows what her dad did to mine. I trust her, but I need to know."
"Why don't you go and try to speak to her?"
"And leave Avi?"
"I'll keep her safe. You know that I'd give my life for her."
"I wish she'd fallen in love with you. Then we wouldn't be here."
"I do love her, you know? And she does love me."
There was a pause as John B's mind mulled over JJ's words. "You might," he whispered. "But not in the way that matters now."
And then I finally drifted away, falling asleep to the sounds of their familiar voices, their concern for me palpable. I was only full of regret for the pain that I was causing them, how badly my words had affected them. I had never wanted to bring pain to my friend's but I had done it now, and I couldn't take it back.
Now we only needed to prove Ward's guilt in the death of my Uncle, and after that, I could worry about Rafe.
The next morning was the worst I had ever woken up feeling. I was still on the sofa, and JJ had positioned us so that I was lying tucked into his side. John B was asleep on the same wicker chair.
So much for someone staying on guard for the cops. I sat up quickly, ignoring the pain in my cheek as I did so. The room was the same as we had left it last night. The only thing different was that John B now had a jacket and shoes on. Had he gone out? As I moved, he slowly opened his eyes.
"Good morning, sunshine," he muttered, and stretched his long limbs out. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," I mumbled. JJ started to stir under me.
"What time is it?" he asked without opening his eyes.
"Early," John B replied. Then there was a knock at the door. We all sat up abruptly, JJ positioning himself in front of me. I didn't know what I was more frightened of; the police coming to take John B away, or Rafe coming for me.
It was Kiara. She then let herself in and I watched as her eyes zeroed in on all of us, before landing on my face. I imagined that my cheek was still swollen and looked worse in the morning light.
"So far there is no news about John B. I'm surprised that the police haven't tried here already."
"They did yesterday, but I guess they thought I wasn't dumb enough to come back."
"Never underestimate just how dumb us Pogues can be," JJ chimed in. Kiara sat on one of the dining chairs, pulling it towards us.
"What's the plan?" she asked.
"I honestly have no idea," John B breathed. "How can I prove my innocence? And what are we going to do about the gold?"
I snapped up. "The gold? What happened to the gold?"
They all exchanged glances. "Avery, you went through so much yesterday, we didn't want to add to it. But the Cameron's got the gold. Ward beat us too it. Which was why I was so mad at Sarah yesterday. I assume she told him."
"I can't believe it," I mumbled.
"I spoke to her last night after you both fell asleep. She said that she didn't tell him anything, that she had no idea how her dad knew."
"Do you believe her?"
John B pondered this and I watched as he did so. He finally nodded. "I don't think that she told her dad about the gold. But I still don't know just how loyal she is to her family. She loves her father, and I think she cares for Rafe." He glanced over at me and I looked away. "But she wouldn't betray us."
With that, there was nothing more to say. No one knew what we could do to retrieve the gold now that Ward owned the Crain House, and had his guys collecting what should have been our treasure.
It was only a couple of hours later, after pitching idea after idea, all that would fail and we knew it, that we found ourselves on the dock at the end of The Chateau's front yard. I had showered off yesterday's events, and was now comfortable in a simple green plaid button up shirt over loose blue denim shorts, covering my cut arms and most importantly, the mark on my shoulder. John B was led on the wooden slates, Kiara sat on the step and JJ on the wooden railing that looked over the bay. I was next to him, staring down at the waves, taking in the relaxing sounds and doing everything to forget just how badly things had gone in the past twenty-four hours. Not just for me, but for us all.
"Guys! Guys!"
We all turned and saw Pope sprinting down the pier towards us. He was in a fitted suit, one that I assumed he had warn to his college interview. He was sweating and took a second to catch his breath as he finally stopped in front of us.
"You all right?" I said, turning to face him.
"How was the interview?"
"Don't ask," Pope grumbled. "But I need to talk to you. All of you."
We all moved to gather around him, John B almost reluctantly. I knew that he was taking the loss of the gold the hardest. It was almost like he had been trying to reclaim a piece of his father back, and it had been snatched away from him.
"What is it?" JJ said, placing a hand on Pope's shoulder.
I looked at my friends. Everyone was lost at our loss of the gold, but both JJ and Kiara still held out hope. They were far more optimistic than me and my cousin.
"So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I'm there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, hm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?"
"Exactly. Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go."
The shift of energy was immediate. Even John B sat up, and looked at us, taking us in like the leader he was.
"Let's steal that shit back."
So we ran. We all bundled into The Twinkie and John B expertly drove straight to the aforementioned airstrip. I had no idea where it was, but guessed that it was on Figure Eight, and I was right. We pulled up behind a grove of trees and John B jumped straight out, the rest of us behind him. Stopping us from entering the airstrip was a thin chain-link fence. My cousin pulled a pair of binoculars from his bag and looked on.
Even without them, we could see everything. I watched a men that Ward must have hired loaded the plane with boxes of our gold.
And then a car pulled up, and out stepped Ward and Sarah.
"It's Sarah," John B whispered. We all watched on; although I couldn't hear what Sarah was saying, it was clear that she was confused. She kept stopping the workers and pointing at the boxes, ignoring her father who was tugging at her arm.
And then he grabbed her. He lifted her clear off the ground and started dragging her onto the plane. As Ward pulled his daughter onto the plane, John B turned and sprinted back to The Twinkie. Before any of us could stop him, he started the engine and started driving straight towards the fence. We all dived out of the way as he cleared it, the van bursting through it effortlessly.
The plane had started as John B drove towards it, and I watched, waiting for him to slow down, to avoid being hit by the plane that could easily kill him. But he didn't.
"Ward will kill him," I whispered. "JOHN B!"
I couldn't stand and wait for the impact, and watch as my cousin died. I had already experienced this, after he fell from the Hawks Nest. For the seconds before I could see that his chest had been moving, I thought that he was dead. I wasn't going to do it again.
I ran after him, through the gap in the fence, ignoring the calls from my friends.
Kiara and Pope couldn't get themselves in trouble, their parents cared too much and would send them away. JJ was already on bail, and couldn't be caught doing anything wrong again.
But I had nothing to lose. So I ignored them, sprinting after the Twinkie and towards whatever would happen next.
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macadoodlewrites · 1 year
Dangerous Love - Part Eighteen (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 4.3k
The next morning, I awoke with the bright summer sun in my eyes, shining through the window of my bedroom. Damn, I had forgotten to close my curtains last night. Back home - no, on the mainland, the summers were nothing like this. Nothing back on the mainland was like the OBX. And I was glad for it.
Taking in the sounds of the waves lapping at the end of the long 'front garden' of The Chateau and the sounds of birds singing in the trees outside of my window, I tried to let myself savour it before letting the memories of the day before flood in.
It couldn't last forever though. I rolled over in my double bed, reaching for my phone which was perched on my bedside table - on charge and it had been for the whole night. Tapping the screen, it lit up, telling me that it was late morning and revealing a message from JJ. But nothing from Rafe.
I trust you, Avi. And I trust that you will make the right choices. I'll make things right with the others and we will get the gold. Then we can all be free.
It was so serious for JJ, and so unexpected that I reread it three times before putting my phone down.
Was JJ okay? Had something else happened since he had dropped me off home last night? I prayed not. JJ deserved everything, certainly better than what the world had given him for a father. I had no doubt that Luke Maybank would make JJ's life even worse until the restitution was paid back. But JJ was strong. And we would have the gold soon. Enough money to take us far from anyone that would try to hurt us. His father and my mother.
It surprised me that there was no message from Rafe. Was he really that mad? I guess I couldn't blame him. We had spent the night together, and then I had ridden off with JJ, after jumping to conclusions about Rafe's behaviour with Barry and throwing it in his face.
Rafe, I'm sorry about yesterday. I really am. Please can I see you and we can talk?
I sent it before my nerves could talk me out of it. Within seconds, I could see that he had read it and before I knew it a message came through. It was an address, but one I did not recognise. Googling it, I found that it was another house on Figure Eight, not too far from Rafe's house. But why would he send it to me? Was he there and not home?
Not dwelling on it, I pulled myself out of bed and quickly showered and got myself ready for the day. John B would be out on his fishing trip with Ward by now, and hopefully he would be home soon. And tonight we would all go and retrieve the rest of the gold. I just needed to make up with Rafe and my day would be complete.
Within thirty minutes, I looked presentable enough in a yellow shirt with puffed sleeves, and a light blue denim skirt. Rafe had said his favourite colour was yellow, so I hoped this would work in my favour.
The living room was empty and quiet as I walked through it, so unlike most mornings I had woken up here since my arrival. I was accustomed to the sight of either John B or JJ sitting on the sofa, or out in the front yard chatting away or swinging on the hammocks. Soon though, things would be as they should be. We would all be a family and have no one to answer too.
Outside of The Chateau was a hot tub with multicoloured lights hanging from it, large enough to fit all of us Pogues in it. Forgotten plastic champagne flutes floated on the still water. alongside a blowup flamingo. When had this gotten here? Who had bought it? One person came to mind. JJ. But I had seen him in the late afternoon and when he had dropped me home, the hot tub certainly hadn't been there. How strange. I would have to ask him about it later.
The walk from The Chateau to Figure Eight had become a family one, although the last part of my journey was new. I walked up the address that Rafe had text me and gazed up at it. It was slightly smaller than the Cameron mansion, and far less imposing. It was an oversized beach house, three stories tall with azure-grey walls and a shining white roof. Was Rafe here? Did the Cameron's also own this house?
I walked the path to the front door and knocked, but there was no answer. I knocked again, and then twisted the door handle. It opened under my touch. Entering the house, it was not surprising to see the expensive furniture, the oversized kitchen and dining room. Stairs wound upwards, but that was not what interested me. Through the double glass doors on the other side of the room, I could see a long deck that lead towards the beach. And at the end of the deck, was Rafe.
Taking a breath, I walked towards him. His head snapped up quickly as I opened the door, but he did not smile at me. Instead he watched me as I approached him, the deck-pier going on forever. My footsteps were shaky, as were my hands but I clenched them into fists at my sides to calm them.
Finally, I was in front of him. And I was shocked. And reminded of JJ's words from yesterday.
"He beat up, Pope. He attacked us at the OBX movie night. He is friends with the local drug dealer."
He was sat leisurely on the sleek blue outdoor sofa, his arms spread along the wooden back. And in front of him, was a mess. A bong, still smoking, empty and full cans of beer, and most importantly, small, thin lines next to a rolled up dollar note.
"Rafe," I whispered. "What is this?"
His cornflower blue eyes stared up at me, a harsh ice in them, taking in my reaction. Despite the obvious malice in his stare, my stomach clenched at the sight of him. He was so attractive, more handsome than anyone I had ever met. "What does it look like?"
"Well it looks like the remnants of a party, but you're the only one here."
"Then it must be mine." His words were short and sharp, accusing me of something. "You wanted to talk?"
"I did," I conceded. "Don't you?"
"I don't think that there is much to say, Avery. We were having a lovely breakfast, and as usual, you thought the worst of me, and then ran off before I could explain to you what was really happening." He pulled one of his hands away from the back of the sofa and leant it on his knee. The cuts on his knuckles had scabbed over. "And then you left me for JJ. So, like I said. I do not think that there is much to say."
The wind was warm as it blew in from the sea; the salt and tang of the ocean filled my nose. "It wasn't like that Rafe."
He stood up, towering over me, only the wooden coffee table in between us. "Then tell me what it was like."
There was something off about him. His eyes were sharp, his movements fast. Was he high now? It wasn't even lunchtime.
"There is too much to explain, Rafe, and besides, it isn't my business to tell you. It's my friends'."
"Your friends have too many secrets. Even from you, I imagine."
Ignoring the jibe at my friends, and accepting that Rafe would never like them, I continued. "I can only say that I'm sorry that things turned out the way that they did. I mean it."
You're sorry?"
"I am."
"Sorry for what part exactly? Always choosing to think the worst about me? Choosing your friends over me time and time again? Leaving me alone yesterday-"
"You made the decision for me," I cut in.
He made slow steps around the coffee table towards me. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or high, or both. Or neither. He was right - I did need to stop always assuming the worst of him.
"Don't you dare say that. I could see where your mind was going - I know you, remember? And you were going to pick JJ. I only helped out. For you."
"I didn't pick JJ, not in the way that you're implying, at least. I swear."
"Why should I believe you. He's fucked you before, so why wouldn't he again? If he loves you like I do, then he wouldn't pass up the opportunity."
If he loves you like I do. Thank God he was still saying that he loved me. My heart swelled at the thought, and I met Rafe's eyes, trying to convey all of my feelings to him.
"We didn't sleep together."
"Well, isn't that a relief." The sarcasm in his voice stung. "Do you still love him."
"I never said that I did-"
"But you used to, that much is clear, Avery. You talk about him differently than you do the others. It's like an old wound that you can't help but pick at with him. You keep going back, and away from me-"
"No, Rafe, it's not like that!" I rushed forwards, taking his warm hands in mine. "I love you! I don't love JJ, not anymore. He was my past, something that is gone now. He cares for someone else."
"And if he didn't care for someone else?"
"Then I would still love you. I would still choose you."
Finally, the ice in his eyes softened fractionally. An iceberg becoming smaller, melting in the sun. "You would choose me?"
"Every time."
He leaned down, his lips capturing mine in a searing kiss. Had he never been chosen before? Never been picked first? His kiss told me so, told me that he was grateful for my words, for my choice.
He moved his lips skilfully against mine, his tongue running over my bottom lip until I granted him access. Our tongues met in a battle for dominance, but as Rafe's hand came to my hip, pushing me backwards until my back hit the deck-rail, he won. He took over the kiss entirely, squeezing my hip tightly in his grip as his other hand came up the back of my head, tangling his long fingers in my loose hair.
And then I noticed it. The taste of beer in his mouth. Surely he wasn't high as well. Maybe the drugs weren't his? Maybe they were someone else's, the person who lived here?
Either way, we had just made up and I was not going to ruin it. I cared for Rafe too much. Besides, I had my own secrets. He could have his. As long as they didn't ruin us.
It was only as his hand on my hip started to crawl to the hem of my skirt that I pulled away. My skin was hot and I could feel the flush on my cheeks as I looked up at him.
"Rafe, no - we're out in the open. Anyone can see us."
"Who cares?" he whispered. "Let them see."
His hand continued to move up leg, fingers now under my skirt. "Rafe, stop-"
"You said that you love me."
"I do!"
"Then who cares who sees? I certainly don't."
Was I overthinking things? I looked over to the beach and could see no one occupying the sandy shore. No one to see us. But still, it felt wrong.
But I didn't want to take a step backwards, now that Rafe and I were no longer arguing.
His hand continued up my skirt, his warm fingers tracing my skin softly. His eyes were intense, the blue in them almost gone around his blown-wide pupils. Lust or drugs? I wanted to know, but couldn't bring myself to ask.
I only nodded and let Rafe continue his movements. The hand in my hair tightened as his hand found home. He moved my thong aside, his fingers instantly sliding into me without any preamble. I gasped at the sudden intrusion with no warning, but before I could anything, he was moving his hand at a fast pace, curling his fingers inside of me. My hand fell to his shoulder to hold myself up as my knees went weak. His lips were on my neck, sliding down my skin to my shoulder. As he curled his fingers again perfectly, he bit into my shoulder, sharp teeth breaking the skin. Rafe continued to move his hand as he kissed at the fresh bite mark on my skin. My hips were rocking back and forth against him, trying to catch the feeling that was building in my core, chasing the pleasure that Rafe's touch was elliciting. As it finally built up to its peak, Rafe's thumb came up to play with my clit, just as his other hand detangled from my hair and cupped my breast. His fingers traced my nipple under my shirt, the buds hard and sensitive to his touch.
And then it hit me, washing over me like the shores that were ever so close to us. I leant my hand back, my hips stuttering and legs clamping around his hand as my orgasm took over everything. I was dimly aware of Rafe's lips leaving my shoulder, or that his hand was still rocking against me. I was on my tiptoes, eyes scrunched in pleasure, and as the wave finally subsided, I opened my eyes. Rafe was there right in front of me, his eyes taking in the sight of me climaxing from his fingers, and he was smirking.
"Rafe," I whispered.
"I think that even if anyone was watching you, Avery, they would only be entranced by how amazing you look when you cum."
My already flushed cheeks reddened further at his words, and I looked down, but the hand that had been on my breast came up to my chin and pulled my head up. He leaned in to kiss me again, and I reciprocated the gesture.
"I love you," he mumbled against my lips, and I smiled. I kissed him hungrily, ignoring the taste of alcohol and savouring the rest of him. He was all summer, his bright blue eyes, tanned skin and hair with blonder strips from the sun making him look like a fresh ray of sun to me. Maybe that was only because I loved him.
"Let's take this to the couch," he said and I let him lead me along, not knowing what he was expecting. All of his anger was gone, apparently, leaving behind only the love that I was used to - but there was something else. I couldn't put my finger on it. His movements were quick, faster than usual and more eager than I had expected, something different about them. I wanted to push past it, I really did.
But then Rafe ruined it. He lightly tapped my shoulders once I was stood in front of the couch, and I sat down, looking up at him. He sat next to me, but instead of kissing me or talking to me, he leaned towards the coffee table. Before I could say anything or try to intervene, he had picked up the dollar note and inhaled one of the small lines of white.
I gaped at him. Was he serious? He wiped his nose and then turned to me, clearly ignoring the incredulous look that I was giving him. He leaned over me, body covering mine as he kissed me again. It took me a couple of seconds for my mind to catch up, but as it did, I found my hands pushing at his shoulders.
"Rafe, stop it! Get off of me."
He did stop kissing me but did not move. Instead he reached down to my legs, pulling them over the couch so that was led completely flat on its surface and he hovered over me. I did not miss the way that his eyes roamed my face and down to my chest which was heaving with alarm.
"What's wrong?" His eyes were blank, a blank sky with nothing in it.
"What did you just do?"
He looked from me to the table and back again. "What? That? Who cares?"
"I care," I protested. "I am not going to sleep with you when you are high."
"Why not? It makes no difference."
"It does to me!" I exclaimed, my hands coming up once again to shove at his shoulders. But instead, he grabbed them, his long fingers wrapping themselves around my wrists and pushing them down on either side of my head.
"Why should it make any difference, Avery? It's still me, and I still love you. I've been doing it all morning. I was high when you just let me finger you for all the world to see. You came all the same.
At the vulgarity of his words, I felt tears fill my eyes. I tried to lift my wrists, to push at him but he was too strong. No surprise there. Rafe was slim but his shoulders were broad and his arms extremely muscular.
"Get off of me."
Everything within my chest sunk at his one word.
His mouth took on a cold smirk at my struggles, at the power he had over me. "You honestly expect me to believe that none of your Pogue friends have ever done drugs in front of you. That you haven't?"
"I haven't," I retaliated. "And none of them do cocaine. And especially not when they're trying to have sex with me!"
It was the wrong thing to say. Something darkened in his glare and he released one of my hands to grip my chin harshly. "When they are trying to have sex with you? I thought it was just JJ, and certainly not recently. Is it Pope as well? Or do you have something going on with Kiara? Have you slept with them all?" He grimaced. "As a matter of fact, when was the last time that you slept with JJ?"
I didn't want to lie to him. I hadn't slept with either Kie or Pope, but only last week I had slept with JJ. Keeping quiet, I watched as he seemed to acknowledge my lack of words. Would he question me further if I didn't answer?
He was drunk and high, and all I was feeling was fear. I had never seen such an anger on his handsome face, and I started struggling again, twisting my body to try and wriggle free from him.
I stopped as soon as he pressed his lower half against me, his prominent erection tight within his shorts.
"Go on, keep moving like that, Avery. You're not going anywhere and it's only making me want you more."
I swallowed hard. "Rafe, please let me go. I won't tell anyone."
"Tell anyone what? Avery, I am Rafe Cameron. Everyone knows I do drugs, and better yet, everyone knows who my father is. I am untouchable on this island. And besides, I haven't done anything. Everything that we have ever done has been mutual, and even if I was to fuck you right now, it would be consensual. You want me. If you didn't, I wouldn't have been able to finger you as easily as I did - my god, I had barely even touched you and you were soaked for me. Go on, tell me you don't want me and I will get off of you."
I stared up at him, trying to ignore the bruisingly tight grip on my chin as he clenched my bones in his grip. He lowered himself even further, brushing up against me and I clenched my legs. I couldn't say that I didn't want him. But it didn't mean that I had to give in to him.
"I don't want to sleep with you."
His eyes gleamed. "Liar."
"Please, Rafe, we only just made up. I don't want to sleep with you when you're high and I don't like how you're acting."
"Your opinion does mean something to me, but right now I am far too hard to care. The image of you in your bed only two nights ago has been keeping me going for the past twenty four hours, and sweetheart, I want another taste. You've given yourself to me, and now there's no going back for me."
"What are you talking about?"
He stared down at me as if I had just asked him something utterly ridiculous. "I love you, Avery. You are mine now, and if I want to fuck you right now on this sofa then I will. And you will enjoy it, I promise you."
"I won't."
"Shall we put your little challenge to the test? I do love to win after all-"
And he leaned down, his nose grazing my cheek, his lips then moving to my ear, but just as I thought he was going to say something, a phone cut through the tense air. It wasn't my ringtone, it was Rafe's.
Reluctantly, he pulled away, finally releasing my chin. It felt like blood could finally rush back to my jaw, and I stared up at him, confused. He still held one of my wrists down against the cushion but reached over to grab his phone and answered.
Rafe was silent as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone. Then he nodded.
"Yes, she's with me now."
I paled. Who was enquiring about me? "Rafe!" I yelled. "Let me-"
He released my wrist and placed his hand over my mouth, smothering my yells. My hands clawed at his wrist, trying to get him to release me, but he only stared down at me, amused.
"Sure, I'll tell her. Thanks."
He hung up the phone and let me go. I sat up and finally pulled myself away, scrambling to the other end of the sofa and away from him. Would he really have done all of those things that he had said, without my consent?
"Who was that?" I said hoarsely.
"My Dad," he said casually, turning to me so that his attention was entirely focused on me. "He and John B had arrived back from their boat trip, but there was an accident. Your cousin is hurt and my Dad said you should come over."
Momentarily I tried to push the events of the last half an hour away. "What happened? Is he okay?"
"He should be fine, but my Dad said that you should come to the house."
"I'll go."
"I'll take you."
I stood up, moving away from Rafe. "No, I'll get there myself."
He stood up, his breathing heavy as he adjusted himself. I tried to forget what he had nearly just done to me. John B was what mattered.
"Fine, Avery. I didn't want to worry you, but he is quite badly hurt and my Dad said that we need to hurry. So would you rather walk, or I can drive you over?"
He knew he had me, knew that I cared about John B more than anything and if he was hurt, I would do anything for him.
"Fine," I whispered, defeat in my voice. "Let's go. And please hurry."
Rafe walked over to me slowly, his every footstep putting fear into me. He knew what he was doing, I was sure of it. Slowly, he leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"We'll continue where we left off later," he whispered, and then his hand moved to the top of my arm before I could stop him. "And don't think I don't want an answer to my question. Because believe me, I do. And I'm sure I'm not going to like the answer."
"What question?"
"How recently you slept with JJ."
Perhaps this was going to be my only way away from him. If he felt betrayed enough, perhaps he would let me go and not do this to me again. I didn't want to lose Rafe, I really didn't, but he couldn't behave like this.
Even if he left me now, I could run over to the Cameron House without him and get to John B.
A smug, grim smile filled my face.
"I slept with JJ last week."
Everything was wiped from his face, every emotion both happy and sad. A muscle jumped in his cheek, his jaw was clenched and the grip on my arm tightened so that all the blood was cut off.
"You wanted the truth. There it is," I spat. "Now let me go."
I didn't know what to expect. Would he yell at me, call me names, shove me away?
He did none of those things. He only pulled at my arm, turning to the glass doors.
"Let's go and see your cousin."
Somehow, his reaction was worse than anything I could have thought of.
Perhaps he was done with me now. This would only be a betrayal to him, wouldn't it?
He pulled me after him, not turning to look at me, not even as we reached his bike and he shoved his helmet over my head.
I was terrified. But if John B was hurt, I would have to put that fear aside for him.
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@miniaturenightmagazine @zombicupcake3 @flossiewrites  @harringtonstudios  @annellie  @steveharringtonswifey09  @hockeybabe87 @shikamaruscumrag  @urmomssidehoesposts @namelesssav  @www-interludeshadow-com @gh0stgirl33 @belcalis9503 @thebuttofcaptainamerica  @im-julessssss @screechingeggslovershepherd @okayyiamjade @dforever15 @belcalis9503  @iridescentimagines @sarahlizzie @inspiredleonie @angrypeachtyrant
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macadoodlewrites · 2 years
Dangerous Love - Part Thirteen (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
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Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 4.8k
Ward had told John B the news, and other than the slightest ounce of confusion and a glance at me, he had been happy with the arrangement. 
I imagined that his happiness had something to do with Sarah. 
Now he was at The Cameron house, resting up and settling in, and I was working a shift at The Wreck with Kiara. I had a bag of clothes that I was going to drop over to John B after my shift - and I was extremely nervous. I didn’t want to see Ward again; he had scared me too much. I was a nobody, a newcomer to the island that would never bother him, yet he had looked into my past and found out my deepest secrets. It was honestly terrifying, and I still had no idea why he had done it.
Rafe couldn’t give me an answer either. 
It had been two days since John B had gotten out of the hospital, but he’d been on strong painkillers for the first day, and Rafe had text me to tell me that he was asleep, so I didn’t need to come over. I had offered to work my first shift yesterday instead, unfortunately without Kiara, and had been extremely busy, hardly having time to check my phone. By the end of my shift, I had messages from JJ and Pope, letting me know that they were going to be meeting and I should join. By the time I had gotten the chance to reply, they were no longer together.
I checked my phone again discreetly behind the counter I was serving at, but still no reply from Rafe. I couldn’t go to the Cameron house without an address, and it was unlike Rafe to not reply to me.
I glanced at the time. Only ten minutes left of my eight-hour shift, and I was ready to leave. It was the hottest day since I had moved to the island, and my hair was pulled up in a high ponytail on the top of my head, yet there were still trickles of sweat on the back of my neck. At least I’d been smart enough to wear a dress - navy blue with small pink flowers - and white flip-flops. My legs and arms were bare and every time I walked outside to serve food, it felt like my skin was being baked under the sun. My black apron offered no protection.
“Good second day?” Kiara asked, walking over to the counter with a tray in both hands. It had been busy again today and we had hardly been able to catch up. 
“Really good, Kie, I think I’m getting the hang of it,” I replied. “I really can’t thank your parents enough for giving me this job.”
“They love you, Avery.”
“Are they still mad that we left MidSummer’s like that with the guys?”
Kiara shrugged. Her hair was up and frizzy around her face, and like me, her arms and legs were bare, but woven bracelets coated her wrists, and she wore similar necklaces to mine. “They’re always mad at me for something,” she replied. “Might as well make what I do worth it. And as much as I loathe Sarah Cameron, getting the plat map from her was worth it.”
“I can’t believe that you, JJ and Pope figured out the gold is in a well at the Crain House,” I replied. She’d filled me in on what they had been doing yesterday whilst I had been working, and I was annoyed that I had missed so much. 
“And John B,” she spat his name out like it was a bad taste on her tongue. I froze to look at her, my eyebrows creased. 
“And John B?”
“And you will never guess what?” There was a dull, unplaceable ache in my chest. Rafe had told me that my cousin was asleep yesterday, certainly not out with our friends.
“What?” I asked quietly. Kiara hadn’t noticed my sudden change in demeanour, her face suffused with blood and anger.
“He brought Sarah to meet us afterwards! He wants her involved in retrieving the gold, like she’s one of us!”
I wasn’t mad at Kie, JJ, Pope, or even John B. Both JJ and Pope had invited me to join them yesterday, but I’d missed their messages - my fault, not theirs. But Rafe had lied and told me that John B was at his house asleep. So why lie?
“I’m surprised that John B was there,” I said. “I thought that he was resting at the Cameron house.”
“He was wearing a cast and was more tired than usual, but I think you’re missing the point here, Avi. He brought Sarah with him!”
“Will she be helping with the mission to get the gold?”
“Over my dead body,” Kiara snapped, as I looked down at my phone again. Still no message from Rafe. At this rate, I was going to have to bring John B’s clothes and possessions to him another day. Unless-
“Do you know the Cameron’s address?” I asked Kiara, and she grimaced at me - no, not at me, but behind me. 
“Why don’t you ask him?” she hissed and slammed her trays on the counter and walked away. I turned around and was met with cornflower blue eyes, and a matching shirt. Dirty blonde hair was loose, hanging over his forehead. He was smiling and there was a set of keys in his hands.
“What are you doing here?” I barked and the smile fell from his face. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You lied to me. You have not responded to my message that asked a simple question. Your Father threatened me.
“Nothing,” I murmured instead, and checked the clock on the wall. 5pm. I had officially finished my second shift. Rafe leant on the opposite side of the counter, and watched as I shrugged my apron off over my head, reached beneath the counter and grabbed my two bags - one was my own shoulder bag with my personal belongings, and the other was one of John B’s rucksacks that I had shoved some of his clothes into to bring to him. I called my goodbyes to Kiara and walked around the counter and towards the door without another word to Rafe.
Admittedly, I knew that he would follow so I made my footsteps fast. 
“Avery, come on!” he yelled just before I reached the doors of The Wreck, and I saw several customers turn to look at him, and then me. Then the murmuring started, but I wouldn’t expect anything else. Everyone on this island knew Rafe Cameron. “Wait!”
Once I was outside, I continued to storm away. Fine, he didn’t have to give me the address; I’d rather he left me alone.
I knew that was a lie but right now I was too angry at him to care. 
Thanks to him, I had been left out of my friends plans just as they’d started to include me.
“What is your problem?” he yelled, hurt lacing his tone. I spun around, hands on my hips. What right did he have to be hurt?
“Nothing is my problem,” I snapped. 
Now that I had stopped walking, he closed the distance between us. Rafe’s arms crossed over his chest and an amused grin took over his features.
“Fine, you want to play this game? Keep pretending you’re not mad, and I’ll pretend not to notice,” he sneered, leaning down. He genuinely looked amused, as if I were a child that he was letting entertain him. “But I came to pick you up.”
“You asked for my address, didn’t you? Easier if I just take you instead.” He lifted his hand and spun his keys around his finger, “Don’t you think?”
“How did you know what time I finished work?”
His response was quick, as was the hand that shot out to grab one of mine. “You told me.”
Had I? I’d told him I wanted to drop John B’s things over, and that I was working, but I was certain that I hadn’t given a time. 
Or maybe I had? How else would he have known otherwise?
“Well, I am fine with walking. Give me the address.”
He studied me for a moment, blue eyes roaming my face, running down my arm that was still poised on my hip. “Get on my bike.”
“Rafe, I said no-”
“And I said let’s go,” he replied, and holding my hand tightly in his, he started to pull me towards his bike, which I saw further down the road. I tugged on his grip, trying to dig my shoes into the ground to pull myself back. He let me go abruptly, and I righted myself just in time to stop from falling on my back. Rafe’s hand found my jaw and his fingers gripped my chin, as he leaned down. “How about this? You either tell me what’s wrong now, or you get on my bike and let me take you back to my house. The choice is yours.”
I stared back at him, not going to be the first one to break. What right did he have to tell me what to do? 
But I didn’t want to tell him why I was angry, and it was really hot - walking would surely leave me burned and sweaty. 
“Fine,” I conceded. “Let’s go.”
He released my chin and held the same hand out expectantly. 
I shoved right past him and walked towards his bike, but he kept pace with me. He offered me the helmet, which I snatched out of his grip and put on as he climbed onto the bike. I made sure my bag was tightly secured over my shoulder, and John B’s bag was tight on my back as I climbed on behind him. Then we were off.
The Cameron house was ridiculously large. The Chateau could have fit inside of it at least ten times. No wonder Rafe and his family felt like they owned the island - their house screamed wealth and power. 
Two stories high, the top of the house was comprised of a wraparound balcony with tall white stone posts supporting the roof. The bottom floor had tall arched windows dug into all of its white walls. Perfectly trimmed hedges surrounded the property. Towering trees were planted on either side of the house, and despite the summer heat, the acres of grass were a wonderful, lush green - I imagined the Cameron’s employed multiple gardeners. And maids. Maybe butlers?
Rafe drove us down the long driveway and pulled up outside of the front door. He climbed off and kicked his stand down, then turned to me as I got off the bike. I started to walk towards the front door, expecting him to follow, to let me in, but he only leaned against his bike and stared at me. 
I turned around; arms crossed. “Will you let me in, please?”
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he replied. 
“No,” I replied. “I got on your bike and came with you. I made a choice.”
“Wrong choice,” he said, and started to walk up towards me. “Now tell me why you’re upset.” I remained silent, staring up at him petulantly, with my crossed arms. The sun was shining down on us, and my skin was already coated in a thin sheen of sweat, and I wanted nothing more than to go inside, to the shade.
“Can we go inside,” I muttered. He looked entirely unaffected by the heat, although his eyes had certainly taken in some of the fire. “Please, Rafe, it’s too hot.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
As he glared down at me, I was reminded of whose son Rafe was. He had learned patience, deal-making, and how to get exactly what he wanted from the master.
“Fine. You lied to me,” I spat. “You told me that John B was asleep at home all day yesterday, but he wasn’t. He was out with our friends, and I missed out on-”
“Missed out on what?”
I trailed off. “Missed out on something important. That’s all.”
The light chuckle he gave me, the amused, condescending smirk, the shrug of his shoulders, all made me want to smack him. “Let me just make sure I’m hearing you correctly, sweetheart. You’re mad at me because I told you that your cousin was asleep, and you missed out on a day out with your little boyfriends.”
“Who I missed out on seeing is not the point,” I replied. I could feel sweat trickling down the back of my neck. “But you lied.”
“You are unbelievable,” he murmured. “When I left my house yesterday morning, your cousin was asleep and my Dad told me that John B was going to be knocked out for the day. I apologise for giving you the wrong information, but it is not my fault that you didn’t see your friends. Is it?”
No, I guess it wasn’t his fault exactly, but...
Was I overreacting? Rafe’s response certainly told me so. 
Maybe I shouldn’t have been so angry. I guess, if Rafe had left the house yesterday, he wouldn’t have known any better. And Ward was going to be John B’s guardian, so he would know the type of medication that he was on. Perhaps Ward had gotten confused - despite how unlike him that sounded. Maybe, I had been too hasty in my anger. I uncrossed my arms, and Rafe must have seen the shift in my stance, the loosening of my shoulders, because he stepped forwards.
Twice in the past three days I had gotten angry at Rafe for something that was not his fault. 
“I forgive you,” he said, generously.
“I’m sorry, Rafe. I jumped to conclusions again,” I sighed.
“And like I said, I forgive you. Now what did you miss that was so important, you felt the need to be so sulky?” 
I ignored the jab. The Pogues had figured out where the gold was, but there was no way I could tell Rafe that.
“It was nothing, just a gathering at The Chateau. JJ bought beers and wine coolers,” I replied quickly, and tightened my ponytail on my head. He tracked my movements.
“Right,” said Rafe, in disbelief. “That’s what has you so annoyed?” And as if he could see into my mind, he stepped closer and said, “are you sure it’s nothing more?”
“Fine, you don’t have to tell me. Next time, meet your friends, and don’t blame me. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on time with JJ.”
“No, Rafe, it isn’t like that-”
“Then tell me what it is. Because you’re not the kind of girl to get this annoyed over missing out on wine coolers.”
He knew me better than I thought - he’d told me as much - but there was no way that I could tell him about the gold, although something told me that he knew more than he was letting on. Rafe always seemed to know more than I wanted him too. There was only one way to deter him.
“Fine,” I said and let my frown twist into an unpleasant smirk up at him. “I was upset that I missed spending time with JJ.”
The smirk on his own face fell faster than I could register, leaving behind a blank expression, blue eyes darkened with anger - and jealousy.
“You’re a bit too mature to be fooling yourself with an unrequited love, aren’t you, Avery?” he hissed. “I thought you were smarter then to go after a guy who will never see you as anything more than a fuck-doll. I guess I was wrong.”
And with that, he reached around me to unlock the door to his house, stormed past me and was gone before I could voice my regrets for what I had said.
His words were surprisingly similar to what JJ had said to me only a few days ago - before we had sex in my bedroom.
I know that his words were said out of jealousy and there was a pang in my heart at having hurt him, but I needed to get him off of our trail and stop him asking questions. I only hoped I could apologise later. 
I’d never been to the Cameron house before, so I stepped inside and looked around in awe. Stainless white walls, white marble floors, a long spiral staircase, all flashing the Cameron’s wealth.
I assumed that John B’s new room was upstairs, so I started to head up, cringing at the slapping sound of my flip-flops on the floor.
The top of the stairs led to a hallway heading both left and right - I chose left. I passed by what could only be Ward’s study, and then a girl’s bedrooms - Sarah or Wheezie’s. Further down, there was another hallway leading both left and right again. This time I chose right. I passed a closed door, before reached an open one - and inside was John B sitting on a king-sized bed. 
“Avi!” he yelled as he saw me, and I dropped both of my bags and barrelled towards him, careful of his arm in its black cast.
“I’ve missed you,” I whispered into his shoulder. He moved over on the bed, and I sat next to him, both of us leaning against the headboard. His brown hair, so similar to mine, was messy and his clothes were rumpled as if he’d been in bed all day.
“Thanks for bringing my things over. I should have grabbed it all yesterday when I was home, but with everything that happened...”
Well at least that confirmed he was definitely there. “Yeah, Kie told me. What were you thinking with bringing Sarah?”
“Not so loud, Avi.” I got off the bed and closed the bedroom door then re-joined him. “Don’t you yell at me as well. I thought you liked Sarah?” 
I sighed at him and looked down at our legs. Sat waist to waist as we were, my feet came to just below his knee. “I won’t yell at you, and I do like Sarah. But Kiara has been your best friend for years. And this mission is kind of top secret.”
“And Sarah is my girlfriend.”
I raised my eyebrows. Thank god the Cameron’s had air conditioning, I finally felt cool for the first time today. There was a ceiling fan above us, and I could see a small metallic grate in the corner of the room. “That was fast.”
He shrugged. “It just happened. And I understand how important retrieving the gold is, but I want both Kie and Sarah involved. Besides, I have a plan to get them to air out their differences...”
We talked for hours, until the sun had started to set, painting the sky a mix of peach and orange. John B had taken some of his painkillers, and as they’d started to take effect, I said my goodbyes. 
“I’ll be home soon, Avi, I promise,” he mumbled as his eyes drifted closed. 
“I look forward to it,” I replied, and retrieved my bag from where I had dropped it on the floor. Soft snores started to fill the room. 
I slowly opened John B’s bedroom door and stepped outside into the hallway, then closed it softly behind me. My flip flops were in my hand as I walked back down the hall, vaguely remembering the way that I had originally walked through this oversized house -
A door to my right opened and out shot a hand. It seized my wrist and tugged me roughly into the room, and the door slammed loudly behind us. My heart started to pick up, but it was only Rafe.
Before I could utter a single word, his lips were on mine, his hands tugging my hair out of my ponytail. My shoes and bag fell to the floor as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, fingers finding the hair at the back of his neck.
Then my brain caught up with me, and I pulled backwards, to look at him. “What are you doing? I thought you were mad-”
He leaned forwards, our noses brushing. “Stop talking,” he snarled, and connected our lips again. His body moved mine backwards and suddenly the back of my knees met with something, but Rafe still didn’t stop pushing me backwards and I fell onto something soft. 
His bed.
Perhaps he was still mad at me, but it was hard to remember any anger for him as he forcefully pulled my hair, yanking my head back.
“R-Rafe,” I stammered as his mouth moved away from mine and down my neck, slowly, lavishly suckling at my skin. He moved his face back to mine momentarily, and his fingers gipped my chin. 
“I said, stop talking, Avery,” he whispered. “Are you going to do as you’re told?” The roughness of his tone lit something in my stomach. I could feel his free hand playing with the hem of my dress, his fingers tickling at the skin of my upper thigh. I nodded. 
“Good girl,” he murmured. 
I felt myself clench around nothing at his words and shifted my legs to try and create some friction as Rafe’s lips met my neck again.  He must have noticed as his hand snaked under my skirt, and he stroked a line down the fabric of my panties. “You like when I call you a good girl?”
Keeping his command in my mind, I nodded. His lips continued their journey down my neck, and my hand found the back of his head, threading my fingers through his hair. I felt his smile on my skin, just as he bit down at the juncture of my neck and shoulder, and simultaneously pushed his fingers under my panties. There was no preamble, nothing as he pushed two inside of me, curling them perfectly. 
I moaned, my eyes shut at the sensations his mouth and fingers were eliciting and squirmed under his ministrations. He stared to move them, setting a rhythm as his tongue lapped at the fresh bite mark on my skin, soothing it. 
And then he was kissing me again, and I was moaning into his mouth as he continued to move his fingers, his thumb coming up to rub my clit. I started to rock my hips against his hand, trying to match his movements, letting the ache in my stomach start to flourish into something blissful. His other hand was back in my hair, tangling it around his fingers. My lips were open in a silent O as he continued to kiss the corner of my mouth.
The pressure in my core was building, growing, and I chased it, focusing on Rafe’s hand and fingers and nothing else. All at once I felt it coming, and he must have felt it to as he pulled my hair harshly and bit the same place on my neck as before. It was all too much, and suddenly my orgasm hit, and my hips started to buck against his hand. 
“R-Rafe,” I cried as I came around his fingers, clenching around them. “Rafe!”
He clearly didn’t mind me speaking now, and I finally started to settle down, my hips stilling as he pulled his hand away, and within a second he had yanked my panties down my legs and his mouth attached itself to me. He started lapping at my slit, and I squirmed. His hand reached up and held my stomach down. Still sore from my previous orgasm, my second one rushed up on me far quicker than the first. I stared at the ceiling, mouth wide as I felt his tongue poke at my entrance and enter me.
It didn’t take much more. As soon as his other hand started to play with my clit, I felt myself falling over the edge, coming as I jerked my hips against his face. His hand held me down forcefully as I tried to move away from him, but he continued to tongue-fuck me through my second orgasm.
The mewls I was letting out were almost embarrassingly loud, and I prayed that my cousin was still asleep next door, and none of Rafe’s family were home.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he murmured, finally stopping and looking up at me. His jaw was wet as he grinned at me coming down from my high, and my stomach twisted at the sight. “There’s a good girl.”
“Rafe, I-” he leaned up again to kiss me and I could taste myself on his lips. Then slid his arm around my waist and flipped us. Rafe sat up and I was straddling his lip, no panties to stop my dampness coating his shorts. He looked down between our bodies and grinned.
Then he started to grind his body up against mine, the rough fabric of his shorts rubbing against my tender pussy, and I tried to jerk away. I could feel how tired my body was after my two orgasms, one after the other and just wanted to close my eyes. Rafe’s arm around my waist was tight and held my lower body down against his, and I felt his erection graze against my opening under his shorts.
“I can’t, Rafe,” I gasped out as he thrust upwards again, and met his eyes. They were burning with lust, and I moaned at the sight and feel of him. 
“You can, sweetheart. Get yourself off on my leg,” he whispered, pulling me even closer. He started to suckle my ear lobe, then grasped and pulled my skin in his teeth. “I know that you can do it; then I'll let you go to sleep.”
I wanted to do as he said, to please him, so I started to rock my hips backwards and forwards, my pussy grazing over his shorts. Tender pain shortly turned to a building pleasure, and I held in a moan every time my entrance grazed over Rafe’s erection. Then his hand was at my throat, applying a light pressure to my skin. “Let me hear you, Avery,” he whispered into my ear as he drove upwards once again.
That was all I needed to roll my hips one last time against his shorts and felt my body falling over the edge. This time it hit me almost painfully so, my body extremely overstimulated, and I cried out, yelling his name into the night. Rafe’s hand on my neck moved to the back of my head and he pulled me down so that my face was buried in his shoulder as I rode out my third orgasm of the night. My hips were stuttering, the only thing keeping me tethered down was Rafe’s arm still holding my waist.
As every part of my body settled, I kissed the side of his neck and then rested my cheek on his shoulder, exhausted. 
“How do you feel, sweetheart?”
My eyes were slowly drifting closed, my breathing slowing as I felt my entire body relax into his. 
“Mh-hm,” I murmured gently. “So good, Rafe.”
Then his hand was at my neck again, pulling my head back up, although his grip was not tight. “Now the next time you want to hang out with JJ, think about me. Think about what I just did to you, how I made you cum three times without even putting my dick inside of you. Can you do that for me, Avery?” he challenged, and his hand moved between our bodies, grazing my clit. I jerked away, my body far too overstimulated, and nodded at him.  
“I will,” I whispered, and as his hand started to move further down, and I leaned forward to brush his lips with mine. “I promise, Rafe.”
Satisfied, he kissed me, but now there was no ferocity to it. I could still taste myself on his tongue. And then he flipped us again, but I landed on his soft, satin black pillows and my eyes started to drift again.
My body had no fight in it to push away sleep, and I knew I should have been heading home, but I didn’t care. I let Rafe turn me on my side, his hands snaking around me and tugging my back against his chest.
“I do not want you to think of JJ, sweetheart. He doesn’t get to touch you again. Understood?”
There was no room for arguing in his tone, and I nodded as he tangled our legs, and rested his chin of the top of my head.
He muttered something else, but I was too far gone - the heat of his body, the three orgasms I had just received both coupled together to make the exhaustion that took me into sleep.
The roller coaster that was this relationship with Rafe Cameron was going to be the end of me, I just knew it. 
Let me know if you want to be tagged for updates!
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@miniaturenightmagazine @zombicupcake3 @flossiewrites  @harringtonstudios  @annellie  @steveharringtonswifey09  @hockeybabe87 @shikamaruscumrag  @urmomssidehoesposts @namelesssav @www-interludeshadow-com @gh0stgirl33 @belcalis9503 @thebuttofcaptainamerica @im-julessssss @screechingeggslovershepherd @okayyiamjade @dforever15 
169 notes · View notes
macadoodlewrites · 2 years
Dangerous Love - Part Sixteen (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
Tumblr media
Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 2.6k
I ran down the long dirt road, away from the Island Club and in the general direction of The Cut. As I ran, I yanked my phone out of my bag and dialled John B. Nothing. It went straight to his voicemail. So instead, I dialled JJ. He answered after two rings.
"Avi? Where the hell have you been?" He sounded angry.
"Long story, but it doesn't matter. Where are you all?"
"Another long story," JJ replied. "Have you spoken to John B? Where are you now?"
I finally stopped running, paused, and then spoke hesitantly. "No, only you, and I'm on Figure Eight. But heading towards home."
"I'll meet you. Send me your location."
As my phone was about to die - thanks to not being charged overnight - I pinged him my location before hanging up. JJ sounded so angry, and I wanted to know what could have possibly happened. Why had my friends broken into someone's house? They were only supposed to be melting down the gold and taking it to the pawn shop. How could have I missed so much in one morning?
JJ would find me and explain everything. And I would have to make up an excuse for not showing up this morning.
Starting to run again, I realised just how long it would take me to get from Figure Eight to The Cut, but what choice did I have?
As I moved, I was dimly aware of the town disappearing around me until I was entering the quieter part of the rich side of the island. And then I heard it. A motorbike approaching behind me, the sound I instantly associated with Rafe.
A bike swung around in front of me, cutting off my journey, so close that I nearly ran straight into the driver. I skidded to a halt, shoes digging into the sandy dirt.
Rafe flicked the visor of his helmet up, revealing harsh, cold, blue eyes. As he did so, I saw that the knuckles on his right hand were busted up, red marring the usual flawless skin. "Hey, sweetheart. Where are you going?" I swallowed and took a step backwards as he slid off of his bike. "It's a shame that you ran off. You didn't get to finish your mimosa."
His fists were clenched at his sides, but his posture was relaxed, at ease - yet every part of my body told me that if I tried to dart around him, he would be ready to spring at me. Not that I needed to be scared.
This was Rafe. He wouldn't hurt me.
"I'm sorry. John B phoned and there's an emergency at home."
"And you didn't want to say goodbye?" He pulled his helmet off and placed it on his bike. "Or are you lying to me?"
"Rafe, I'm sorry but I really have to go."
The reminder of Rafe's conversation with Barry was still at the front of my mind - how he didn't defend his sister, how shifty the entire talk had sounded. Why did he owe Barry money? He was a Cameron, and as far as I knew, the Cameron's had more than enough money.
"Where do you have to go to so badly that you couldn't finish breakfast, Avery?"
"I told you, it's a family emergency," I retorted. Rafe closed the distance between us, and before I could stop him, his arm reached out and snatched itself around my waist.
"That's really interesting. Because we both know that the only family you have on this island is John B, and he happens to be causing trouble with my sister. So, I will ask again. Why are you lying?"
I tried to step backwards, but Rafe's grip was strong, encircling me like an iron chain. "Rafe, I'm not lying-"
"I know that you were listening to my conversation with Barry, even though I told you to sit down and eat your breakfast. You didn't need to eavesdrop, did you sweetheart?"
"I don't take orders from you, Rafe," I retaliated. "And fine, I was eavesdropping. But I heard him threaten your sister. And you didn't defend her."
Rafe sighed loudly, running a hand through his dirty blond hair. "Are you kidding me? That's why you ran off?" Irritation was prominent in his voice, and I wanted to run away from the tone.
"I would defend John B to the ends of the earth. Or any of my friends. And that includes Sarah."
His grip tightened so that I was pulled against his body, no room left between us. "Yeah, I know just how loyal you are to your friends. Infuriatingly so," he whispered. "You don't know enough about this island and how things work. Barry wouldn't touch Sarah. My dad would have his head, the police would be on him, and Barry would be behind bars. And he knows it. They were just words, and I wasn't going to rise to his level."
I stared up at him, eyes searching his face for any signs of dishonesty. I found none. I then looked down at his hand, taking it in my own and stared at the bruised skin. "Then what happened to your hand?"
"Barry threatened you," he replied bluntly. I looked back up at him as his eyes flashed malevolently.
"And I don't have a rich daddy to save me?"
"No one insults you, Avery. Not in front of me. Especially not some low-life like Barry. But he knew exactly what to say to get to me, so I had to show him just how far I would go to protect you," Rafe mumbled, his blue eyes focusing on my lips as he spoke.
"What did you do?"
"That's not important, sweetheart." Despite his words, there was no warmth in his voice. "What is important is what your little friends have been up to today."
Once again, I tried to move backwards, away from the cold fire in his eyes, the angry clench of his jaw, his intoxicating scent. "I don't know what they were doing."
He tutted, and I knew that I needed to leave. It was clear that somehow, Rafe knew more than I could have imagined.
"Do I look like an idiot to you, Avery?" I froze, staring up at him. "I can put two and two together. You had an alarm set this morning to meet your friends. You missed that, and since then, your friends have been getting themselves into trouble. So, tell me, what were the plans that were so important to you? So important that you accused me of sabotaging them?"
I pulled my body back again, and finally, he relented. His arm gave way, and I finally stepped back, putting some well needed distance between us. How could I have woken up next to him this morning feeling so happy, but now feel so wary around him? Rafe really was the master at eliciting all emotions from me.
"I don't know," I whispered. "I've only been with you this morning."
"And I want it to stay that way. I have Topper and Kelce out looking for my sister, and once they find her, I'm going to be having a chat with her about who she chooses to hang around with."
How intolerant could he be? I knew that he didn't like JJ, John B and the others, but how dare he act like all they were was trouble.
"You can't control other people, Rafe. Not even your sister."
"I'm not looking to control anyone, Avery. But I do know that those Pogues are no good. All they are going to do is drag you down with them and get you into trouble."
I'd had enough of his prejudice behaviour. Sending him one final glare and crossing my arms over my chest, I stepped around him and his bike, and started walking the way that I had originally been heading.
Screw Rafe Cameron.
"Avery!" he yelled. "Avery, do not walk away from me!"
I sped-walked away, not bothering to spare him a second glance. But I should have known better. Rafe was not someone that you walked away from - he was a spoilt, rich kid who was used to getting his own way. And he had gotten me, despite every instinct of mine to stay away. And now that we had slept together and admitted that we loved each other, I was beginning to realise just what that meant.
For one, it meant not to walk away from him when we were arguing. But I couldn't let him talk poorly about my friends. And I didn't need him investigating further into my friends' activities. He was getting too close to the truth and the gold had to remain a secret.
Rafe's hand closed around my wrist and tugged me back, far harsher than he ever had before.
"Do not walk away from me, sweetheart. We are having a conversation."
"No, Rafe. You are acting like an asshole and insulting my friends. You do not get a say in who I spend my time with, and what I do with that time."
"I should think after last night that I get a say, Avery. Or did that mean nothing to you."
His grip was tight, painfully so and I tried to tug my wrist away. I grabbed his arm with my free hand and tried to pull him away from me, but instead his bruised hand came up and encircled my other wrist. Both of my hands were now useless, shackled by Rafe’s strong grip.
"Rafe, please stop-"
"What have your friends been up to today? Why so secretive?"
I glared up at him, refusing to speak.
"I live with Sarah and John B and see how they sneak around. And I spend time with you. You are a bad liar. Now, I would really appreciate a little honesty from you. What are you all up to?"
It sounded like a test, as if he already knew the answer but needed for me to say it. The last time he had asked, I had thrown JJ in his face. But things were different now. Rafe and I had grown infinitely closer since that day.
But I still couldn't tell him the truth. The gold was not just my secret.
"There's nothing to say, Rafe. You don't need to know what my friends and I get up to."
He tugged me forwards, leaning his face dangerously close to mine. "If it involves you, then it concerns me."
"You don't own me, Rafe. You sound crazy."
He scoffed, his fingers digging into the bones of my wrists. "Ownership is going a little far, Avery. But I do love you. And I will do anything for you. Even protecting you from your chaotic friends."
"Let me go, Rafe. I don't want to talk about this-"
"I'm not letting you go."
The amount of meaning that he was placing behind those words was ridiculous.
"Rafe, I think that we're done here-"
"We're not done until I say that we are done."
Focusing only on Rafe, I hadn't heard the sound of a dirt bike approaching, but as it pulled up next to us, I finally snapped out of my Rafe-trance.
"What the hell is going on here?"
It was JJ. I stared at him, and then back to Rafe.
Both boys' faces were full of hatred - but Rafe's scared me. I stepped back away from him, but he didn't let me go. I watched as JJ looked between both of us before focusing on Rafe's hold on me.
"Let her go, Rafe," he all but growled, stepping off his dirt bike. He wasn't wearing a helmet.
Rafe sighed, continuing to glare at him. "Do you mind, Maybank? Avery and I are having a private conversation."
Looking at me, JJ's lips tightened. "Avery doesn't look like a very willing participant. Let her go."
"She is more than willing to spend time with me. Don't be jealous. The ladies hate jealousy."
I could have laughed at Rafe's comment. Rafe was more jealous than most men, especially when it came to JJ. But I said nothing. I didn't want this situation to worsen - as it was, things were bad.
"I won't say it again, Rafe. Let her go. She wants to go home, don't you, Avery?"
Both boys looked at me, and I stared back, looking at one than the other. The only two boys that I had ever had feelings for were stood in front of me, animosity radiating off of both of them.
I exhaled shakily, before looking at Rafe. "I do need to get home, Rafe."
He stared back at me, eyes roaming my face. Finally, he released my wrists, his fingers sliding over my skin as the blood started flowing back to my hands again.
"I'll take you home."
"Not necessary," JJ interrupted. Now that Rafe was no longer holding me, JJ stepped towards us, clearly trying to wedge himself between me and Rafe. "You don't belong on The Cut."
"Rich coming from you," Rafe spat. "Considering how much time you and your friends spend on Figure Eight. Now, come on Avery. Let's go."
I stepped backwards, away from both of them. Rafe wanted me away from JJ, and wanted to take me home so that he could find out what plans I was hiding from him. And I wanted to tell him. I didn't want secrets between us. But there were some things that I couldn't say, no matter how much I wanted to.
And JJ. Sweet, kind, always-there-for-me JJ. I needed to know what had happened with the other Pogues this morning. And he couldn't tell me in front of Rafe.
Eyes flickering between them both, I watched as Rafe took in my uncertainty.
His face blanked. Emotionless. Terrifying.
"You know what, Avery? I will make this easy for you. Go with JJ."
I stared at him in disbelief, mouth open. "Rafe-"
"Go. With. Him."
JJ, blissfully unaware of everything that had happened between Rafe and I, stepped forwards and took my hand. "Let's go, Avi."
I looked down at where our hands were together, and then up to Rafe. He was already looking at us, at our hands. Despite how expressionless he was, I saw how he swallowed harshly, how something in his eyes dimmed.
"Rafe," I whispered, so quietly that no one should have heard it. But both boys snapped up to look at me. I only focused on Rafe, the boy that I was in love with. The boy who looked like I was betraying him.
And I knew Rafe well enough to know that he would not take a betrayal lying down.
"Come on, Avi," JJ tugged me, and I finally turned, stepping towards JJ's bike.
"Don't worry, Avery. Your secrets are safe with me."
"What are you on about, Rafe?" JJ spat, as all the blood drained from my face.
Rafe smiled nastily at him. "Nothing, Maybank." And then he glanced behind JJ, straight to me. "Words are just words, Avery.” My heart gave a pitiful thud. “And we'll always have last night."
Without another word, he turned, put his helmet on and rode away without glancing back at us. At me.
Twelve hours ago, I was led in bed with Rafe, telling him I loved him. And now, it sounded like he was taking it back. Words are just words. Did he really mean that, or was he only saying it to hurt me in retaliation for not choosing him? It was something that Rafe would do.
But no matter what, my feelings for him couldn't be destroyed just because he was being petty and malicious.
As Rafe drove away, he took a little piece of my heart with him.
And now I had to deal with JJ. JJ knew that I had slept with Rafe.
Things could only get better from here. Right?
Let me know if you want to be tagged for updates!
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@miniaturenightmagazine @zombicupcake3 @flossiewrites  @harringtonstudios  @annellie  @steveharringtonswifey09  @hockeybabe87 @shikamaruscumrag  @urmomssidehoesposts @namelesssav  @www-interludeshadow-com @gh0stgirl33 @belcalis9503 @thebuttofcaptainamerica  @im-julessssss @screechingeggslovershepherd @okayyiamjade @dforever15 @belcalis9503  @iridescentimagines @sarahlizzie
107 notes · View notes
macadoodlewrites · 2 years
Dangerous Love - Part Seventeen (Rafe Cameron x Routledge!Reader)
Summary: Avery Routledge is John B's cousin, and she has just moved to the OBX - just in time for a treasure hunt. But with John B keeping secrets in order to protect her, he pushes her into the arms of the Kook King. She becomes tangled with none other than Rafe Cameron, but will she realise how damaged he is before it is too late, or will he ruin her before she can get away?
Warnings: death, smut, dub-con, non-con, toxic behaviour, abuse, kidnapping
Ships: Rafe Cameron x OC, minor!JJ x OC
Tumblr media
Main Masterlist
Dangerous Love Masterlist
Word Count: 2.7k
I hopped onto the back of JJ's bike in silence. I could see the tension in the tight set of his shoulders, but he also said nothing as he kicked down his stand and we drove. I clung tightly to his body - a body that I now knew from touching both was slimmer than Rafe's, though no less toned. We drove at a fast pace, and I wanted nothing more than to speak to JJ, to explain that what Rafe had said was not true. But that would be a lie.
"JJ," I yelled, over the sound of the rushing wind and the dirt bikes engine. "We have to talk about this."
We had ridden the majority of the way from Figure Eight to The Cut, but at the sound of my voice, he abruptly pulled over. If I hadn't been holding on to him as tightly as I was, I would have gone flying. Before I had even let him go, he was swinging his leg off the bike and staring at me. The protectiveness that had riddled his face was gone, now replaced with a rage.
"Talk about what, Avery?" He made no move towards me, sky blue eyes stormy instead of clear. Yet, his anger was so different than Rafe's. "You slept with Rafe Cameron! You've been seeing him behind our backs."
"It's not like that, JJ, I promise!"
"Not like what?" he said, running a hand through his buttery hair. "Tell me that you didn't sleep with him. Tell me that you have not been macking around with the King of the Kooks, behind all of our backs!" His voice took on a quieter tone. "Behind my back?"
What else could I say? I only nodded.
I expected his anger, his wrath, perhaps some name calling. I did not expect the hurt that flashed across his face - a face that I had once been in love with, and always would still hold a type of love for.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered. "JJ, please."
I remained as I was, in front of his dirt bike, hands loose at my sides. I cared about him so much, he was the first boy I had ever loved-
And then he was kissing me. His strong arms wrapped around me, one hand against the small of my back, resting lightly enough to let me know that I could push him away if I wanted to. I let him kiss me, and I kissed back. There was none of the passion that I had experienced with Rafe the night before. There was only JJ, and the adolescent love that we had shared. This kiss was something unexpected, and almost felt like a goodbye. A goodbye to my youth with him.
I gently placed my hands against his chest and gave him the lightest of shoves. Instantly he pulled his face away from mine, but his hand remained at my waist. It was warm against my thin sundress.
"Do you love him?"
"Avery," he whispered. "Do you love him, like you once loved me?"
I felt cold, every inch of my skin frozen. My heart was shattering for him, at the dim light in his beautiful eyes, the way his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly.
"I do love him. But differently to how I loved you."
"Right," JJ whispered. "You love Rafe Cameron. You."
I took a small step back, crossing my arms over my chest. The air suddenly felt too thin, and it was hard to breathe. "Do you hate me?" I stuttered out.
He didn't smile, not quite, but one corner of his mouth quirked up ever so slightly. "I could never hate you, Avery Routledge. And you know that you will always be the first girl that I ever loved. The first girl to tame JJ Maybank."
"And you will always be my first love, JJ. I will never lose my feelings for you, entirely."
He stepped away from me suddenly, a look flashing across his face, and I watched him swallow hard.
"I guess now is as good a time as any,” he said, hands clenching at his sides. “I have feelings for someone else."
The words hurt nowhere near as much as I had always imagined them too. In fact, I was happy for him. The tops of his carved cheeks were slightly flushed, and he now couldn't repress the smallest of smiles.
“Yet you kissed me.”
“You know why I kissed you,” he said softly, and I understood. It was the last time. Which was why it had felt like goodbye.
“Who is it?” I asked.
"It's Kie."
"You know, I would have guessed as much. But..."
"I know. Pope likes her too. And besides, no Pogue on Pogue mackin'."
I laughed at him, and stepped forward, wrapping my arms around his slim waist. My hands interlocked against his back, and I took in the familiar sea salt smell of him. His own arms were around me instantly. "Grow up, JJ."
"At least I have taste," he retorted. "You cannot be serious about Rafe, Avi. He's an ass, and he does not care for you in the way that you think you love him."
"I appreciate your understanding, JJ, but-"
He cut me off. "I don't think I once said that I understand."
Ignoring him, I continued. "But I am not going to talk about my love life with you. As long as Rafe stays out of our business, he is nothing to do with any of you."
"He beat up, Pope. He attacked us at the OBX movie night. He is friends with the local drug dealer."
"I've never seen him do drugs. His friends are the Kooks, not drug dealers" I whispered, and swallowed tightly as JJ scoffed. I already knew the other things about Rafe, and I had fallen in love with him regardless. But there was a small part of me that hoped he would change. If he was with me then perhaps he would start to replace his attitude, respect Pogues better. "He won't hurt any of you again, JJ. I promise."
Was I fooling myself? I had to believe that I wasn't. I was a Pogue with a more troubled history than John B, Kiara, Pope, and as troubled as JJ’s, yet Rafe had fallen for me. His prejudice couldn't be that deep. Could it?
"I'm not going to hold you to that, Avi, because I do not trust the guy. He is violent. Wait-" JJ paused. "Has he ever hurt you?"
I backed up, practically stumbling in my shock. "No. Never."
And he hadn't. He had been angry, yelled at me, forcibly held me back when he had been fighting my friends. But he had not physically hurt me on purpose.
JJ's blue eyes roamed my face, obviously searching for any sign of dishonesty. The slightest wave of anger rose inside of my chest, and I stepped towards JJ.
"JJ, you know what my mother- what she did to me. How she treated me. I would not have fallen in love with Rafe if he had ever physically hurt me. He-"
I wanted to say that he protects me and looks out for me in a way that no one else had, but I did not think that JJ would have appreciated the sentiment. He knew of my history with my mother, but not the extent of it with Tony, her boyfriend. No one knew that. That was between Tony and me.
"He what, Avery?"
"He has never hurt me."
"And you wouldn't lie to me?"
I shook my head. "I wouldn't."
"I trust you, Avery. And I don't trust him. But I believe you."
"I appreciate that. You don't know how much I appreciate that, JJ. I mean it. And please can you keep this to yourself for now. I don't need John B losing his shit with me - you know how overprotective he can be."
"Only as long as he seems like he is treating you well. The second something is wrong; I tell the others."
I did not believe that Rafe was going to hurt me, so I nodded. "Now you have to tell me what the hell you've all been up to today. Some guy came to the country club today and started yelling that Sarah and her friends had robbed him."
A smile full of ill-intentions graced his face. "That would be Barry, the local drug dealer. The one Rafe is friends with." As I glared at him, his smile faltered. "Fine, I'm sorry, Avi. But the guy we - well, I - robbed is called Barry. We went to sell the gold at the local Outer Banks pawn shop, and some shit went down. We were attacked but we fought him off. I took the others to Barry's house, and I wanted to get my own back."
"For what?"
"For always being shit on. For never getting the right end of the stick. I am sick of it, so I wanted to get some revenge against this asshole who thought that waving a gun in my face was a good idea."
"And you stole from him? Really, JJ? Is he dangerous?"
"Nothing I can't handle. And 25k isn't exactly shabby."
"Stealing 25k from a drug dealer isn't shabby, JJ, it's stupid."
"Let's not start talking about stupid decisions, Avery, alright? Not with after who you have been shacking up with."
"Don't you dare - you just told me that you trust me!"
His finger pointed at me bitterly. "I trust you! Not your decisions when it comes to him!" He sighed loudly. "Look, I didn't come to find you to argue, and I promise I won't say anything to the others, but I will never approve of you two together. But let me take you back to The Chateau."
"Are you not coming?"
"Still cooling off from the rest of them. John B said something about my father, and I'm not ready to see him yet. But I'll take you back."
"Thanks, JJ." I took his hand in mine, his calloused skin grazing mine. "For everything."
"Anything for you, Avery Routledge. You know that."
We pulled up to The Chateau, and I once again tried to convince JJ to stay but he refused. With one last, loud rev of his engine, he rode away with the rucksack full of money hanging on his handlebar.
I walked towards my home, receiving stares from my friends. John B, Pope, Kiara and Sarah were all sat on the open porch, and as I walked up the steps towards them, I caught a glimpse of a ridiculously large piece of gold on the wicker chair.
"Where have you been, sunshine?" John B asked playfully, although I saw the slight tight set of his eyebrows. There was worry in his gaze.
"I'm sorry, guys," I muttered, my brain whirring into action. "I set an alarm, but then my phone died. I went to look for you-"
"And you found JJ," Pope finished.
"He found me."
"Alright," he shrugged. "And he's filled you in."
"Mostly. And this is the gold bars? Who melted them down?"
Kiara raised a meek hand. "I would never say that wielding will ever be a skill to go on my resume."
"Now, back to business," John B said, bringing our attention back to him. His cast was still on his arm, and he looked tired, but the resolved. Sarah, at his side, had her hand on top of his free one.
"Right," continued Pope. "It's too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. So, our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it, then store it somewhere until we can find someone who won't rip us off. I'll have a look tonight and get it done."
I nodded along with Kiara, as John B stood up eagerly, loving how easy Pope was making the end of our adventure sound. Soon we would be knee deep in gold, fulfilling all of our dreams and goals, meaning we would never have to work or scrape again-
"What about that thing with my dad?" Sarah asked, looking at John B.
"What thing?" Pope questioned.
"I have to go fishing with Ward," my cousin mumbled. I snorted, but I was the only one.
"You can't get four hundred mil because you're gonna go kill fish?" spat Kiara. "Really?"
"Blow it off," Pope said loudly, and Sarah stared up at him. Her father scared me, but it was clear that she looked up to him and the very idea of blowing him off was one that she did not approve of. John B glanced around at all of us before shaking his head, tousled brown hair falling in front of his eyes.
"Look, I have to, okay?" His eyes met mine, and it was a sad expression. "He saved me. If it weren't for Ward, I would be in foster care. I have to go. Plus, it'll be better to do it at night."
I conceded. I could not stand Ward, but without him, I would not have my cousin by my side. Fooling myself into believing that I could have ever been his legal guardian was silly at this point - especially as Ward, and Rafe, knew my history.
Rafe had seen evidence of that history last night.
"Fine, John B," I mumbled. "Go fishing. We'll get JJ back on track by then, and then tomorrow night, we move."
Kiara smiled prettily and nodded at me, and Pope grinned. "Let's get us some gold," he said.
This was really going to happen.
Hours later, after everyone had gone home, John B with Sarah back to the Cameron House, I lay in bed, staring at my phone. The screen was black. I lay in my silent, dark bedroom, thinking about my entire day as a whole.
My pillow still smelled like Rafe, the fresh night air smell along with underlying tones of musk. He had led here only twelve hours ago, hugging me, touching my skin, and now I was unsure if he wanted to see me again.
Could he be that angry at me? He had sent me no messages, not attempted to phone me, but then again, neither had I attempted to contact him. But I wanted to.
Rafe could be angry, and jealous, and stubborn, but I wanted to talk to him. I wanted him next to me, and I wanted JJ's warnings to leave my mind.
But I was the reason we were fighting. I had left with JJ. Even if Rafe had told me to go with him, it was only because he was threatened at my inability to choose between the two boys.
But after my talk with JJ today, I had finally managed to differentiate between my feelings for them both. JJ was my childhood love, my first for everything and he would always have a place deep in my heart. But Rafe was something different. He was surprising, and new and unfamiliar, and overall exciting and passionate and thrilling.
I couldn't be mad at him. I know that he had not defended his sister to Barry today, as I would have defended John B if the roles had been reversed, but Rafe had given me a reasonable explanation as to why he hadn't done so.
But he had defended me. The sight of his bloody, cracked knuckles were still prominent in my mind. Pain, he had caused because of me. Was it wrong that I was grateful? Someone was fighting back for me, not letting anyone treat me poorly. My life had been a series of abuse since my father had left, and no one had ever fought for me.
But Rafe chose to. Time and time again, he chose to protect me. To look after me. As he had said he would. And I had thrown it in his face by choosing JJ, the one person I knew that he felt even slightly threatened by.
I was in the wrong. Rafe was a good guy, and JJ's warning, and even Kiara's from so long ago had to be ignored.
My phone slipped from my grasp just as my eyes did the same. I fell asleep to the scent of the boy that I had fallen in love with, despite all of the odds.
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@miniaturenightmagazine @zombicupcake3 @flossiewrites  @harringtonstudios  @annellie  @steveharringtonswifey09  @hockeybabe87 @shikamaruscumrag  @urmomssidehoesposts @namelesssav  @www-interludeshadow-com @gh0stgirl33 @belcalis9503 @thebuttofcaptainamerica  @im-julessssss @screechingeggslovershepherd @okayyiamjade @dforever15 @belcalis9503  @iridescentimagines @sarahlizzie
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