#kendall/ heckyll
miss-morgans-lover · 6 months
For the ship bingo, could you do either Chiley, Kendall/Heckyl, or Matt/Ivan, please?
Thanks @spookyblazecoffee of course, I'll do all three
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Ivan/ Matt:
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Didn't ship the second two at first and @spookyblazecoffee introduced me to the second, but now I ship both
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spookyblazecoffee · 9 months
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PRDC memes
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Heckyl: I'll tell you what's wrong! Something's happening to me! Tyler is very sad about his father, and that makes me sad. Chase is very very upset about his love life, and that makes me upset. It's just occurring to me now, I'm actually curious, how your night went with Ivan! What the hell's happening to me?! Kendall: Aw, you're becoming an actual human being! Heckyl: Well I don't like it!
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Does anyone here remember when I decided to grab three randomass characters from two different seasons of Power Rangers, NONE OF WHICH HAD EVER APPEARED ONSCREEN TOGETHER, and went, hey, I wonder what the hell would happen if we shipped them together? Just for shits and giggles? And wrote a coherent 6k oneshot that actually made their character arcs deeper and make more sense than the show's? Now that was a proper crackship!
(Anyway, I was putting together the last of the playlists for this series and stumbled upon my Matt Griffin/Heckyl/Levi Watson fic. And remembered how batshit insane I could be back in the day. Because I don't remember how I thought of this concept, just that it worked out weirdly well. Also led to some of the funniest scenes in the series when Chase/Ivan found out that Heckyl was not only Riley's brother's Soulmate, but that Heckyl and Matt had another gold ranger as a Soulmate. I'm still tempted to write the world's funniest family dinner ft. Heckyl, Matt, Chase, Ivan, Brody, Levi, and Preston.)
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skyland2703 · 1 year
You know which ship I am going to say .....
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I got more than 3, but I’ll keep the list to three 😁
Love the way he calls her pretty lady. Like he’s OBVIOUSLY FLIRTING with her. He doesn’t call anybody else pretty lady??? Even in the episode he had with Shelby???? No other nicknames for anybody else either!? Its clearly the nickname ONLY reserved for Miss Morgan~
I love how their colors are somewhat similar?? They’re also the whole “superhero x villain” trope, and Heckyl literally was manipulating her and her team in the beginning, and it moved to him eventually turning good and AAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII HE LEGIT BREAKS INTO THE COMMAND CENTRE TO SAVE HER FROM HIS OWN EVIL HALF I AM GOING TO RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TWO megazord scenes. The FIRST time in season two that Kendall is in a megazord, its opposite Heckyl abdnskdjsjjsjd— (episode 15) AND AND AND in the last episode, when they have to get Heckyl in the megazord with them, HE SHARES THE STANDING SPOT WITH KENDALL. OF ALL THE 10 RANGERS. Kendall.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk abdjnakdnfje
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship
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the-mad-closet · 3 months
f, m, k: Heckyl, Kendall, James Navarro
You may not like this answer. I can't remember who it is that like James.
Fuck - Kendall
Marry - Heckyl
Kill - James
Mans abandoned his kid. Fuck him. Tyler's got Shelby and his team, he'll be fine lol
@takingback-thepenguin Thank you!
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skylandart · 1 year
Valentines Heckyl/Kendall or Chase/Shelby maybe??
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Also for @ineedsomesleeptoday ^^
—Heckyl finally asked his pretty lady ouuuuuut
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Matt knows it's a bad idea to go to Prince Phillip's New Year's Eve party in Amber Beach. Especially considering he doesn't really know the rest of the team that well, but Riley and Kaylee had practically begged him to go, and he physically cannot say no to his younger siblings, so here he is, standing in a corner watching everyone talk and drink.
He's watching Ivan talk with Riley and Shelby. Watching the way his hands move around rapidly while he talks about something that Matt assumes he is very passionate about. He's watching so intently that he doesn't even notice when Kendall and Phillip come up next to him until Kendall says: "Earth to Matt? Hello?" while waving her hand in front of his face.
"Huh? Oh, hey guys." Matt responds, taking a sip of his drink. "What's up?" he adds, and the other two exchange a look before turning back to the new Silver Ranger.
"What's up is that you've been staring at Ivan all evening, Matt." Phillip says, with a small smirk on his face.
"Have I now? I don't remember doing that. Are y'all sure you have the right person?" Matt responds, getting exasperated sighs from the other two.
"Just tell him that you like him, Matt!" Kendall exclaims loud enough for people to look towards her. Riley looks over at the three of them with a confused face before turning back to Ivan and Shelby.
"Who is Matt going to tell that he likes them?" Heckyl asks after walking over to the other three.
"No one!" Matt answers, glaring at Kendall and Phillip, who both just laugh. "I'm walking away now, buh-bye." Matt says, waving at the other three, before he walks across the room.
Matt still just continues watching everyone. Not anyone in particular so as to not appear weird, but his eyes do seem to always trail off towards the knight that is currently talking to some random ladies who have gotten his attention. He rolls his eyes when he looks away from Ivan to see Kendall and Heckyl send him matching, knowing smiles.
After an hour of standing in the corner watching everyone, Matt decides to sit down on one of the many many couches around the room. And, once the ladies Ivan was talking to see Phillip's brother and talk to him instead, Ivan sits down next to him.
"Hey, Ivan." Matt says, awkwardly taking a sip of his drink.
"Hello." Ivan responds, making sure not to look over. After a few minutes, he asks: "How has your night been going," much to Matt's surprise.
"Yeah, uh, really good." Matt answers, "Yours?" he adds after a few seconds, trying to make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible.
"Not that great." Ivan admits, "I need another drink if there's going to be another who knows how long until midnight of this." he continues, making a point to gesture towards everyone talking and laughing when he says: 'of this' making Matt chuckle.
"It’s eleven thirty-five, so under an hour. But yeah, I get what you mean. The last time I went to a party, I was still in high school and was forced to go by my friends and my ex." Matt responds looking around the room and becoming annoyed when he sees the questioning look from Phillip who has taken it upon himself to save his brother, who was clearly uncomfortable, from the women Ivan was talking to earlier. He sends a glare the prince's way before turning back to the knight.
"Do you want to get out of here?" Ivan asks abruptly, catching Matt by surprise.
"And where would we go?" Matt wonders, raising an eyebrow at the question.
"Anywhere but this room, honestly. We could go to the kitchen, I'm sure it's empty." Ivan answers.
It’s not. Matt thinks, knowing that Chase had pulled Riley into there a few minutes ago. In fact, he was just about to go in there and make sure they weren't doing anything stupid when Ivan sat down.
"Chase and Riles are in there."
"Yes," Matt states, Ivan hums, "Why d'you ask?" he adds.
"No reason. None at all." Ivan responds, taking a sip of his drink and looking away from the questioning stare of the, not that much, taller man.
"Perhaps we could go into that room." Ivan says, pointing to the door on the other side of the room they were in. Matt saw Kendall and Heckyl go in there a while ago. He knew they were just talking, but he didn't want to be anywhere near Ivan when around Kendall and Heckyl. Especially not now, considering Kendall had obviously told Heckyl about how he likes Ivan.
"Heckyl and Kendall are in there." Matt answers, glancing at Ivan before turning back to watch everyone again.
Matt looks around the room again and notices no one looking at him or Ivan. He remembers that he saw a door near the end of the foyer. He stands up, extending a hand for Ivan to take.
"Where are we going?" The knight asks, taking Matt's hand.
"Somewhere away from all of this. Isn't that what you want?" Matt responds, dragging Ivan with him and making sure no one is watching them. Especially not Phillip, Kendall, and Heckyl.
They walk into the entryway, and Matt lets go of the other's hand.
"Thank you, Matt." Ivan says, after a little while of silence. Matt smiles softly before sitting down on the one loveseat in the room.
"No problem, darlin." Matt responds with a wink at the other, making Ivan blush slightly.
He looks pretty when he blushes.
Ivan blushes even more, and Matt panics because he doesn't know if he said that out loud or not.
"Did I say that out loud?"
He's fairly certain he didn't, but you never know. And, judging by the way Ivan hides his face, he most likely did. Ivan nods a little in confirmation, Matt sighs before saying: "It’s true, y’know," making Ivan jump a little bit at how direct he was.
Matt turns to Ivan, a small smile on his face, and he takes a sip of his drink.
"Can I kiss you?" Ivan asks abruptly, Matt almost spits out his drink. Instead, he nods in answer and downs the rest of it before he grabs Ivan by his coat and kisses him aggressively.
They break apart after a few seconds, both trying to see how they feel about the kiss. Ivan seems to have figured it out first because he kisses Matt again, slow but passionate, unexpected but welcome. Very, very, welcome.
"There are people coming this way." Matt explains after he sees the look Ivan gives him when he breaks the kiss again.
He takes Ivan's hand and pulls him through a nearby door, which just so happens to be a closet door.
He closes the door just before Kendall and Heckyl enter the room.
Matt and Ivan hear a little bit of whispering, but they can't make out what is being said. They hear the faint sound of the door close and let out sighs of relief.
"So… this is awkward." Matt says quietly, wishing that he was anywhere but here. Ivan nods a little in agreement. "But, we should probably stay in here in case anyone comes looking for us." he adds, Ivan nods again.
They stand there in silence until Ivan has his lips on Matt's again.
Thank fuck. Matt thinks before he starts to kiss Ivan back.
The kiss is harsh and passionate and Matt doesn't know how he ever lived without it.
He feels teeth nipping at his bottom lip before he breaks from the kiss, taking a moment to breathe. After he catches his breath, he starts trailing kisses down Ivan's neck.
"Matt~" Ivan whispers, Matt just smirks before continuing to trail kisses down to the knight's chest while unbuttoning his shirt. "Matt." Ivan says, making sure to keep his voice quiet so he doesn't alert anyone as to their whereabouts.
"Yes, darlin?" Matt asks, taking a second to just look at Ivan.
"Are you certain we should be doing this?" Ivan questions, taking in a shaky breath when he sees Matt smile.
"We don't have to do anything you don't want, sweetheart. It's all up to you." Matt says, Ivan thinks it over for a second. He wants this. He wants to have moments like these with Matt.
He nods, but Matt doesn't continue. Matt does however, whisper in his ear: "You gotta use your words. Do you want me to continue? Yes or no?" The words Matt says along with the usual effect his accent has on Ivan makes the Gold Ranger shiver.
"Yes, please." Ivan says, and Matt goes back to kissing his way down Ivan's body before going back up.
"Ahh~" Ivan whimpers when Matt nips slightly at his pulse point. Matt has to resist the urge to suck at the area so Ivan doesn't get bombarded with questions.
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” Matt whispers, making Ivan groan and throw his head back in pleasure while moving his hands up to Matt's hair.
Matt starts kissing Ivan's chest again.
"Fuck~" Ivan moans when Matt nips at a scar on his torso that was left there from his first fight with Fury, and Matt starts to leave a hickey there, making Ivan whine and moan.
Matt places his thigh in between Ivan's legs, and the knight starts to move against the taller man's thigh in small, desperate movements, whining and breathless.
"Shit, as much as I would love to continue this, darlin. We gotta go back out there. It's almost midnight. They're gonna be lookin for us." Matt says, in between kisses and breaths.
"Dammit." Ivan curses under his breath and starts to get his shirt buttoned again.
They both walk into the main room and join everyone again.
"You look good like this, sweetheart. With your hair all roughed up, and your lips red and bruised from kissing. Fuckin gorgeous." Matt whispers into Ivan's ear when he thinks no one is looking.
When midnight hits, Ivan decides to kiss Matt on the cheek, making the latter go a slight shade of red. After the kiss, Matt looks around the room to see Kendall, Heckyl, and Phillip smirking widely. He knows he's gonna have to explain to the three of them what happened.
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Character headcanons Kendall and Heckyl. Separate or together :3
1. Heckyl tries to visit Kendall every month but its a bit tough , he is the keeper of the dark energem after all.
2. He always brings a souvenir for Kendall.
3. Kendall tries to keep a record of everything that happens in the zoo. She has a small diary to write everything. That way she doesn't forget to tell Heckyl everything.
4. Kendall and Heckyl always visit an ice cream shop and argue about which flavour is the best.
5. Kendall takes a one week leave everytime Heckyl visits. They travel different places in the world.
6. Sometimes Heckyl takes her with him. They visit different planets and meet different species
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khruschevshoe · 1 year
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Walk me home in the dead of night
I can't be alone with all that's on my mind
So say you'll stay with me tonight
'Cause there is so much wrong going on outside
-P!nk, Walk Me Home
Everyone underestimates the little girl in the yellow cardigans with the princess blonde curls and bright smile. They think of her as the princess in the ivory tower, coddled by her father, needing to be saved from the horrors of the world, whether physical or emotional. They think of her as the least valuable member of the team, the one destined to be damsel.
Everyone forgets that Emily's element is Earth.
She is not the forest; she is not growth. She is not the sky; she is not enveloping. She is not water; she is not shifting. She is not fire; she doesn’t know how to burn.
She is what other people take root in, what other people find strength from. She is grounded, stable, strong, despite the way the world seems to be constantly shifting around her. She is the voice of reason, the one who cannot afford to fall. She is the one who others will stand on in order to keep their own balance.
She will be standing until the very world falls apart.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, the way you try to run with the wolf pack when your legs are tied
I waited years for an Emily fic and I finally got it, and boy was it worth the wait. I loved the characterization of Emily in this series and her association with earth and how steadfast she is, but it was so nice to see her supported by her Soulmates after Serena's death just as she supported her team throughout the nighlock invasion.
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f-a-u-x · 6 months
Things I need in the Dino Charge universe:
-Everyones backstory
-More of Chase and his sister's cute af relationship
-They could've made heckyls character arc in the middle of the season so we weren't slapped in the face so suddenly but whatever. They could've just moved it a couple episodes back instead of being in the episodes of the finale.
-Tyler and Shelby's kiss, we were robbed of that.
-Another canonical ship, I am begging them
-The other rangers family. Tyler's mom, Shelby's mom, Kendall's parents cuz where are they. Aww their mom's aren't there, they're Disney princesses.
-An explanation for... Well for everything.
-A good finale👍
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miss-morgans-lover · 3 months
Some PRDC Textposts I've Made (Part 1):
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@spookyblazecoffee @themundanemudperson @the-gays-ever @grimfoxy-and-friends @rawrloooool @gayferret420
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Ship Dynamics I LOVE (Platonic or Romantic)
1.Tall x short
2.Sweaters/jackets and hoodies x jackets/sweaters and flannels
3.Always hot x always cold
4.Photography x painting and/or music
5.Outwardly smart x smart but acts dumb
6.Looks scary is scary x looks sweet is scary
7.Brings stuff to s/o x keeps everything they bring them
8.Likes MCR x likes Taylor Swift
9.“You should listen to *80’s rock band*” x “Who?”
10.Likes guitar x likes drums
11.Likes Disney/kids movies x likes horror movies
12.Looks calm when angry x looks angry when angry
13.Loves Halloween x loves Christmas (Bonus if the one that likes Christmas looks like they would like Halloween and vise versa.)
14.Thinks that The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Halloween movie x “The word Christmas is in the name!”
15.Likes dogs x likes cats
16.Clingy x hates physical contact except for the other one
17.”I’ve never seen *movie that the other has seen a hundred times*” x “I’ll show it to you”
18.Villain x Superhero
19.Villain’s henchman x Superhero’s sidekick
20.Flirts a lot x gets flustered easily
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beezonia · 1 year
So I’ve recently started to watch power rangers again! (Dino charge specifically but I’m hoping to watch the others again soon)
And I forgot when I was younger how much I loved Tyler and Shelby as a couple, I remember rooting for them so hard because i think my younger self wanted something like that.
They were extremely cute though and my favourite scene was when the two of them do that duet in the Dino bite and I just had a big goofy grin on my face watching it again.
I also now remember shipping Kendal/Ivan and Kendall/Philip or all three of them in a polycule because I thought they’d be awesome together (i also kinda shipped heckyl/Kendall) and my love for them has been rekindled.
Riley and Chase were also very cute together now I’m watching it again and I wanted them to be together!
Koda is honestly my favourite blue ranger tbh, he’s so precious and I’m glad he got a chance at having a family again with the other rangers.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT POISANDRA’S DESIGN FUCKING HELL IT SLAPS SO HARD!!! She was honestly my favourite villain in Dino charge I loved her sm.
Okay let’s be honest Tyler’s dad was not really a good one.
But overall I love Dino charge tbh one of the first power ranger series I watched (the others were ninja steel and the samurai one I forget what it’s called)
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my fellow rare-pair-shippers plowing ahead with a rare-poly-set-up knowing you'll get maybe twenty hits and if you're blessed one comment...stronger than any u.s. marine, lemme tell you
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skyland2703 · 2 months
Ship bingo again!! (I'm the one that asked ab Matt/Ivan)
And then a crack ship @miss-morgans-lover and I came up with in our Discord server
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Double bingo for Tarrick and Santaura Holy shit—
Actually love their love, they’re that obsessed couple who wpuld go to the ends of time and space to fix everything. Tarrick was surprisingly chill in cosmic fury and I believe that was because Santaura was safe <3
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BINGOO for heckyl and Tarrick. I really saw THAT chemistry between them. It WOULD’ve been a triple bingo if they were fluffy. They’re not fluffy, they’re angsty ass bitches. I love them.
(They could be fluffy but they got a lot of angst to go through FIRST in my head they’ll be fluffy when they’re domestic afterwards XD)
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That’s… an INTERESTING pair. I ship both couples individually, and TOSSING THEM INTO A BUCKET TOGETHER???? Damn chaos.
They’d ACTUALLY be chaos gremlins lmao abdjnsnsndjwkjejd also I think they’d be similar in ages??? (Wait. No. Kendall must be 30smth; Tarrick and Santaura Are 40smth. Heckyl is what. A few million years old??) Yep that’s gonna be REAL FUN dynamics to figure out XD
Especially WITH Heckyl and Tarrick, AND Tarrick and Santaura <3. Its al win win!
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