#katie logan
sci-fi-gifs · 1 year
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Tia Carrere as Agent Katie Logan in ⤷ WAREHOUSE 13 | 2.09 “vendetta”
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vvalliu · 1 year
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batieforever · 2 years
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(via GIPHY)
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Bill&Katie (Bold and the Beautiful) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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alannacouture · 9 months
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Serious question: are you more likely to ship a couple if the actors are also good friends offscreen?
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fruitcoops · 29 days
Because I think you'd make this unbelievably adorable.
21. Logan and Katie
(21) "We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”. Character credit to @lumosinlove :)
"This way!"
"Hurry, hurry!"
Logan shook his hair out of his eyes; the wet slap of it against his ears and forehead and fucking soul made him shudder, fingertips squeaking against plastic. Unbelievable. "Katie!"
A happy squeal answered, followed by a splash. And another. Several more followed in quick succession with the ecstatic joy of a young triceratops--or, rather, a six-year-old let loose in a group of sidewalk puddles. She tromped around with the reckless abandon of someone who did not know how to work a washing machine and did not need to.
"We have to go home," Logan tried. They just had to make it one more block.
SPLORK. "We are! I see Papa in the window!"
"You're going to get..." He sighed, rubbing his thumb over his forehead. Thunder rumbled a distant warning. "Muddy."
A foregone conclusion, at this point. Katie launched herself feet-first into the puddle at the edge of the park and cackled with unbridled glee at the ker-plunk of her sneakers in four inches of water. Rain dribbled down the back of Logan's neck and into his eyes all at once. With her bike in one hand, sparkly helmet under his arm, and all hope of getting home without a vicious cold out the window, he probably looked like the world's worst single teenage father.
"Please," he attempted, though she showed no sign of hearing him as she reached down to pull a handful of sticks from the storm drain.
Please, Lord, be gentle on my spirit. "Ouais?"
"We should go in the backyard when we get home!"
He just had to look at her for a moment at that. "Why would we do that?"
"I like the rain on my skin!"
"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop and feel the rain?" Logan blinked a few gallons of water off his eyelashes. "Katie, my socks are so wet."
"Feel the rain!" Katie gasped. She grabbed the sides of her skirt in grimy, grass-covered hands and squelched her way out of the puddle, making a beeline straight for him once her feet were on flat land again. She didn't slow down; Logan winced more from the sudden rush of cold and wet than the impact. Tiny hands grasped his wrists and yanked, sending about a cup over water cascading from her helmet over his left shoe. Gryffindor in April was officially hell on earth. Goddamn spring storms.
"Please, can we--"
"It's like mama's song!"
"Katie, please--"
"I'm so cold--"
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Big Time Rush + Google Searches
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its-towarzysz · 15 days
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My artistic interpretation of Laios' party as stick figures
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ficsnships · 8 months
American Housewife premiered 7 years ago! I miss the Ottos so much! 😭
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 months
insane to me that on at least 3 separate occasions big time rush are kidnapped and/or held against their will and it’s simply never ever brought up again. are they world champion trauma repressors or does gustavo have the best therapists in los angeles constantly on speed dial?
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vvalliu · 2 years
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batieforever · 2 years
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(via GIPHY)
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
i kissed a girl // logan sargeant
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summary: logan should have known better than to kiss the college girl at that dive bar. especially when to the untrained eye, she looked like she had a boyfriend already
pairing: logan sargeant x female reader
warnings: bar fight, nicholas latifi gets punched in the face, miscommunication. alcohol based bad decisions. logan also gets punched once or twice. y/n isn't taking any of his shit.
making fun of him is so easy and also so much fun-
author's note: this is pure satire, this is a joke. please do not take it seriously. it’s not that deep.
please do not take this seriously.
austin, texas. october 2022.
"i'm sorry, again, about taking your seat next year."
across the booth, nicholas latifi grumbled, reaching for his beer bottle. "somebody was going to take it eventually. i just wish i'd had more time."
the drivers for the williams formula one team were sitting in the middle of a dive bar following the free practice sessions on friday morning. there was an air of unease among the group, an awkward bit of tension between logan sargeant and nicholas latifi, on edriver coming in to take the other's place.
"he doesn't even have his super license yet, mate." jack aitken shook his head. "there's still hope for you yet, i don't think jost has a backup plan."
alex albon chuckled. "good old jost. he's retiring, you know. he doens't want people knowing until the season is over."
nicky sighed softly, raising his bottle of corona. "to jost."
"to jost!" the other three drivers echoed, clinking the bottles together.
a country song roared in the background, a group of girls in tight jeans and cowboy hats gathered around a pool table, guys in tight white shirts and cowboy boots at the bar. it was the most texan joint in the whole of texas. there wasn't a single meal that didn't have red meat in it.
and that's when he saw her, out of the corner of his eye, walking into the bar in a tight denim jacket, the collar of a white buttoned shirt poking out over the top, a pair of suede booties on her feet as she shyly meandered over to the bar.
"dude," alex laughed. "she's so not your type."
"fuck off, alex." logan glowered. "i'm just lookin'."
"she looks like she'd punch him in the face if he tried to talk to her." nicky remarked.
logan rolled his eyes. "no she doesn't."
"she has that 'i hate everybody' look on her face."
"i'm settling this." logan shook his head, placing his bottle of corona back on the table. "i'm going to buy her a drink."
"and you think that's really going to work, mr. questionable family ties and cocky american charm?" jack snickered.
tuning out his teammates, logan slid out of the booth as a kid rock song began to play. the girl was alone at the bar, her muscular escort in the back playing a round of pool with some college students that he appeared to know.
clearing his throat, logan took a seat at the barstool next to her.
"that seat is taken." her voice was deeper than he expected, her texan drawl faint. "i don't appreciate it when strange men in bars, where the entire counter seating section is empty, decide to sit right next to me without asking first.
"my apologies." logan dialed up the charm, extending his arm for a handshake. "logan sargeant, future williams f1 driver."
this got her attention.
she swiveled in her seat, raising her eyebrows. her skin was washed purple under the bar lights. up close, logan was wondering if maybe she really was his type.
"i've heard about you, sargeant. you're a pay driver. williams' last hope. i know my shit, and i know that guys like you don't date girls like me."
logan leaned against the bar, trying to pretend that he couldn't hear nicholas, alex and jack laughing at him from the booth. "what do you mean 'guys like me'?"
"cocky florida frat boys who think they're entitled to everything because they have money. and i'm the quiet, independent type who was raised better than to think that dating a man with money would solve all of my problems." she smiled sweetly, playing with the straw in her soft drink. cherry coke, if logan was pressed to make a guess.
she didn't even fucking drink. and he didn't know what to say.
maybe he liked being put in his place.
or maybe he was just looking for a fight.
she laughed. "cat got your tongue, sargeant? god, you're just as shallow as i thought. the kind of television character i'd enjoy making fun of."
"who said i was looking for a relationship? even just a first date?"
"i don't do one night stands. nice try, though."
back at the booth, the other three williams drivers could hardly contain their laughter.
"look at how red he is!" nicholas latifi panted. "she really put him in his place."
alex raised an eyebrow "i think he's enjoying it a little too much, if you know what i mean."
"this has been fun, logan. you're a real charmer, even though i've done all the talking." the mystery girl said, gathering her jacket in her arms and moving to get off the barstool. "but i came here with someone, and we were actually waiting for a table to open up next door."
"is he your boyfriend? you're too good for him."
it was just supposed to be a line. but as he said it, logan was realizing that it was the truth.
"maybe he is, maybe he isn't. what's it to you?"
logan grinned. "i just think you're really pretty."
he shouldn't have done it. every synapse in his body was telling him not to do it. but impulse control and good-decision-making, especially while drunk has never been logan's forte.
so when he kissed her, he should have known there would be consequences.
for a moment, it felt like she was kissing him back. but it's not like he could explore that feeling before his body was yanked away from hers.
"who the fuck do you think you are?" the man in the muscle tank and sweats barked at the driver, who was likely only half the body weight of the tattooed muscle man standing across from him.
"look, i don't want any trouble, dude. she kissed me back!"
she rolled her eyes. "manolo, knock it off."
the bar quieted, the last bars of 'all summer long' fading out. y/n didn;t trust people who knew all the words to more than one kid rock song, and logan looked like the type who had memorized 'all summer long'. that's not to say that she didn't think it might be fun to mess around with him for a little, never going too far or getting too serious.
but the line to 'serious' had been crossed when manolo forgot that he was a family friend, not her older brother.
"no, i won't knock it off, y/n! he kissed you even after you said you were already here with someone."
"don't make a scene!"
nobody was sure who acted first.
it could have been logan, who was just trying to get his polo shirt free from manolo's fingers and accidentally headbutted the man in the arm. it could have been manolo, who'd hold on logan's shirt quickly became a punch in the jaw.
but that's when all hell broke loose.
nicky and jack jumped up from the table to try and separate the two men, just as logan threw his first punch.
nicholas latifi just happened to be the unfortunate fucker who pushed logan back when manolo retaliated, with the canadian catching a fist to the nose.
"that wasn't very nice!" he shouted, holding his now-bleeding face as alex joined the fray, pulling logan back from the italian.
"manolo, stop!" y/n shouted, standing in the middle of the fray. "let's just go."
she watched manolo leave, mumbling and huffing to himself about how men should know better than to make moves on girls who so clearly aren't interested.
not to say that y/n wasn't mildly intrigued by the florida man, but she wouldn't go as far as to say she was interested.
"sorry about manolo. he forgets his place sometimes. and you should learn yours, sargeant." she grinned. "it's at the back of a twenty car grid, bottom of the wdc. i'll see you on the big screen, pay driver."
"thanks for making my night more interesting."
"dude," alex chuckled. "you were in way over your head."
"shut up!"
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britneyarmee · 5 months
james diamond and logan mitchell is just drake and josh in another universe
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paralyzedbyyou-btr · 1 month
Big Time Rush remake idea:
I would like to share with you my idea for a Big Time Rush remake:
10 years after the series ended, the guys get back together and want to make music. Gustavo and Kelly are excited about the Big Time reunion and are planning a tour and the guys are releasing a new album.
But the boys have moved on with their lives:
Kendall and Jo are now married. Jo is a successful actress and Kendall has become a songwriter and producer. He had the idea for the reunion
James has started a solo career and continues to make music. He also became known as an actor and model. He is no longer with Lucy (sorry to all Jucy fans, but I don't like Jucy)
His manager of course is Katie
Logan fulfilled his dream and became a doctor. He and Camille are engaged to be married. Logan has never lost his love of music. Camille is a successful actress and has even won an Oscar for best actress
Carlos and Alexa are married and he has joined her and together they save the world as a spy couple. But Carlos has never lost his love of music either
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heartlandians · 4 months
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Heartland - 17x02 - Taking the Reins
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