#just wanna smooch his face
neverchecking · 1 year
More random thoughts .3.
So, our three good bois… they have all been through a lot in their respective lives.
Cal moved away from his family to serve as a knight to a princess who doesn’t even know how to achieve her full potential yet… and he’s supposed to care, then it all gets ruined in the end anyways… and DIES!
Wild, gone through all of that… awaken 100 YEARS LATER! All of his friends and family are long gone and he’s told to protect and save the princess AGAIN! Mind you the SAME ONE who couldn’t even save him in the end, but somehow saved herself. Yes technically Zelda was able to have others take Wild to the shrine but that doesn’t make it any better. But he tries to get everything back to the way it was and have some peace.. but then…. Of course… she had to explore underneath the castle… SHE JUST HAD TOO!
Sage, with everything that happened. Everything thing that had happened…. Including damn near losing an arm and being corrupted…. It all make sense now. Sage has EVERY RIGHT to be as feral as he is. The rage… the RAGE!! Lost his family, friends, position, his status, his sanity…. And it was all for a princess… WHOES KINGDOM BARELY EXISTS!!! AND SHE TOOK HIS HOUSE! But you want to know what I think? As much as I can see the rage, the anger, and the hate that Sage has kept inside for so long… he honestly just wants to break… he wants to just cry all of the tears that he had kept looked up for so long, hell if you think about it… who’s not to say that Sage hasn’t thought about canceling his subscription from his existence??
I finally understand why he’s so attached to the Reader, not only do they see him as an actual person with feelings, they don’t judge him for it. They understand just how much this poor cupcake has went through… and all Sage wants is to hold them and cry, cry until his voice is long gone from existence, but he still has too many tears to spare, he’ll just hold on to Reader and cry for days, weeks if he could… and Reader knows that Sage needed this, he needed to know that he is loved and it’s ok to be sad… and they’ll hold him for eternity if they have to.
The triplets are so fun to spitball with.
Cal feels so trapped by his duty, especially with Fauna treating him the way she does. So when he's given the opportunity to have someone who isn't oppressing him, but instead steps back and lets him flourish? It absolutely strings something between the two of them. Something heavy and unbreaking because he can't go back to the way he was before. He'd go insane.
Wild is almost the exact opposite. He's so sporadic and unpredictable that he's so thankful to have someone to ground him at long last. Even with Flora breathing down his back, all about rebuilding this and redoing that (Even redoing the very things that killed him and the champions in the first place), he can get through it all with you beside him, acting as an anchor.
Now, Sage. I love the ideas you brought because we have to look at his character as a whole. He went through the militant training that Cal did, lost his life and his friends, woke up over a century late like Wild, was just as lost and manic as he was. But he had managed to pick himself up. Had managed to settle himself long enough to deal with the initial threat before attempting to give himself for room to fully quell himself. But then he wasn't given that time. Instead forced back on the front line, now tainted by this Gloom, and dragged back to the bottom of the barrel, sans a whole arm (While he had Rauru's, it wasn't the same). That and the bitch took his house. That would absolutely destroy any sane person, let alone someone like Sage who is so broken.
Small TW: Talk of unalive-ing!
The idea that Sage has in fact thought of that route is something I've been toying with back and forth. He is such a broken man. He's tired and destroyed in every way. Mentally, emotionally, now physically? He had nothing. People don't care for him, they forget he exists without Natura parading him about. He can't even go to Hateno, they all plainly favor her over him; after all they just let her take his house. And worse of all? He's sick. He's infected with this Gloom, which tears him to shreds and hurts. It clenches his heart and constricts his lungs to the point where he's too delirious with pain to tell up from down sometimes.
There were probably times he debated just...giving up? Why be a pawn for Hylia to use? Why go through this torture and this pain over and over and over again? There was so much more to do since his first (Second?) adventure and just thinking about it is exhausting.
But when he meets Reader?
When someone cradles his shattered parts with any form of genuine care? Who lets him cry without holding it over him? Who doesn't think twice about shielding his vulnerable parts from the outside world?
He has a reason to live now. To fight and survive. Not just survive, but thrive. Because he's not living for himself anymore. He's living for his Goddess. He's buying a house on the outskirts of Tarrey Town, he's hunting those shrines down for the light inside. He's learning how to use this new arm to his advantage. He's honing his senses and perfecting the techniques that helped him survive the first time. Foraging, hunting, fishing? All of it? He excels to impress you. He is clawing out of the hole he was dropped in and fucking prospering.
And he'd make damn sure he'd continue to do so. Just to keep his Goddess in his grasp.
I just wanna hold Sage while he cries ;-;, like lemme brush your hair and cradle your cheeks, with a little smooch to your perfect cheeks.
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Stede: I beat you in a duel Izzy: On a fucking technicality Stede: Uh, might've been. I have no memory of it 💀👑 (S02E05 - The Curse of the Seafaring Life)
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alvojake · 14 days
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*cough* @jaeyunluvr *cough*
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jhoudiey · 7 months
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stupid sexy waka
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blamemma · 11 months
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via ANP images
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gilgil-machine · 1 year
cute and precious dork🥺💖
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drowsyscatterbrain · 5 months
*it's freezing cold anywhere outside of the bed.
*you want to sleep in, too.
*but you need to get up. (for whatever reason)
*but you can't. why is that?
*your skelebabe is clinging on you, and seemingly not planning to get up anytime soon.
*but you REALLY need to get up.
*so you gently put your hands on his face, then started to plant kisses everywhere on his handsome ass skull until his face is entirely flushed with color.
*you planted one last kiss onto his forehead before dragging yourself away from him, and the comfy sheets to start your day.
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bunnni-gutz · 1 year
per playing with a puppy (i believe the dog’s name is snoop i don’t know) BUT ALSO AAAARRRRRMMMMMMSSSSSSSS
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pinkmirth · 7 months
(slight AoT final episode spoilers below) — i know that everyone’s fighting for their lives and stuff, but reiner looked so yummy during the battle of heaven and earth . . .
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buck2eddie · 1 year
both chim (4x02) and buck (6x18) help deliver a baby and end up saying about the babies that they're perfect once they're out, but while chim will choose to come back to his home (maddie), buck runs away from his (eddie)
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