#just really needed to know what everyone's little accessories were
t-u-i-t-c · 8 months
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the carrangers' accel changer accessories:
naoki - a blue pencil
youko - a teddy bear wearing a pink dress
kyosuke - the austin healey sprite emblem
natsumi - a heart charm
minoru - a talisman
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alastorss · 15 days
Hi, could you do an Alastor x Reader where Alastor is the intimidating, scarier half. Their group of friends see him wearing an adorable, soft, pastel pink sweater and start to laugh at him. Until Alastor jumps on Reader's back, grinning and kissing Alastor's cheek because Reader took forever to make that sweater?
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
"Hey, Smiles..." Angel strains out awkwardly. "What'cha got goin' on here?"
The spider gestures up and down Alastor's body, brows pulled together in utter confusion. (He really wishes he had his phone on him. He'd risk taking a thousand photos just to remember this moment.)
Alastor only stares back, smile ever present but eyes narrowed in irritation. "I'll have you know that pink is in this season!"
"In? This season?" Angel guffaws, glancing down at his own outfit before his eyes are all over the Radio Demon again. "I mean, I guess... But you don't seem the type."
"What ever do you mean?"
'It's written all over your face!' Angel screams in his head. He clears his throat and continues carefully, not wanting to step on the Overlord's toes and wind up on his dinner plate.
But before he can even get another word out—
"He means that stupid fucking pink sweater you're wearing," Husk deadpans from behind the bar, attention devoted to polishing a glass. Perhaps that was for the better, Angel thinks, when Alastor shoots daggers in his direction with a glare.
"Stupid?" Alastor repeats, voice crackling dangerously with static.
"It looks like Valentine's Day just threw up all over you," the bartender elaborates.
"Does it now?" The Radio Demon stands, seething in his spot.
Angel clambers over the sofa in worry. "Apologize now, I beg of you," he sputters in exasperation.
However, Husk doesn't back down. Instead, they stare at each other in intense silence, anger simmering between them. The pornstar is just about to yell for Charlie to break them up when his knight in shining armour waltzes into the room.
"You're wearing it!" You gasp, joy evident as your grin spreads ear-to-ear.
Angel watches in relief when Alastor relaxes, antlers shrinking back down. He takes his seat again, allowing you to attack him from behind. You dangle off his neck like a charm with your cheek pressed to his.
"Of course I'm wearing it," he chuckles. "You made it!"
Alastor's eyes dart to the side to leer at Husk who finally shrinks back, realizing his mistake.
A strange pairing.
It was what everyone murmured under their breath when they would see you and your companion. Wherever you went your relationship drew eyes. You were too good for him, or he was too good for you.
To hell with that.
You suited each other—despite the odds, despite the differences. He was harmless as a domestic cat in your arms, and he was teaching you all the wonders of smiling until your cheeks hurt.
And it was one thing to badmouth him. It was another to insult you, whether they realized it or not.
"Pink looks so nice on you," you sing, giving him a little squeeze. "Don't you think?"
You peer up at Angel, and for some reason, he feels a chill run down his spine. Maybe it was because you were currently an accessory to the most feared demon in the Pride Ring.
Or perhaps...
"Looks fantastic," he grits when your head tilts and he realizes you're smiling so wide that you're practically baring your fangs at him.
You were just as terrifying when you were mad!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
"They hated it, didn't they?"
Alastor can hear your pout.
"Oh, sweetheart," he muses as he watches you get ready for bed. "They absolutely did~"
You sigh, flopping down onto the mattress. When you finally look at him, you snicker.
"You really don't have to wear it to sleep, you know?" You poke his side. "I know it looks terrible. Take it off already!"
The Radio Demon catches your wrist and guides you into his lap, allowing you to straddle him. You melt into his body as his arms wrap around you.
"It's perfectly warm and comfortable. Acceptable attire for bed. Need I mention again that you made it for me?"
He kisses the top of your head and you giggle as he continues.
"And I believe pink really does suit me."
"Even if people laugh at you?" You ask quietly.
He is silent for a pause before he pulls you so close that he can feel your heartbeat.
"They can laugh all they want. At the end of the day, who's the one who gets to hold you like this?"
You breathe out a whispy laugh.
Before you fall asleep, you make a new reminder in your phone to pick up more supplies for another sweater.
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc @th3-st4r-gur1 @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it @dilemmaiscool @concentratedconcrete @squiword7 @clarakainda @princekeerys @cedarrthefluffylee @alastorthirsty (send an ask to be added!)
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amaranthineghost · 2 months
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oscar piastri x reader
when two friends visit the market and, upon seeing free flowers being given out to couples, they decide to pretend to date for the sake of free flowers. when they end up liking the idea of pretending to be together, they end up wondering why they need to pretend to begin with.
credit to @foreveralbon for the idea!!!! <333
authors note: this was so fun to make!!! i really wanted to make something for oscar and totally stole this idea from liyah (THANK YOU AGAIN!!!) so I finally have an imagine for oscar yay!!!
SOMETIMES IT’S NORMAL FOR FRIENDS TO PRETEND. pretend they’re fighting, pretend while playing games, pretend they’re racing against traffic, pretend they don’t really like each other more than friends.
they pretend they’re dating for the sake of free flowers from a random guy in a market that they visited as friends because they are friends. they are friends. it’s totally normal, totally completely normal for friends to do such things.
it was as simple as that.
at least it was before it all happened because now they didn’t know if they were just pretending anymore or if they had dropped the act hours ago. was it all really that simple now?
it was a clear day in oscar’s hometown and what better way to spend such a beautiful day off than in the company of his good, even best, friend at a market down the street from where he grew up. considering she hadn’t grown up in the area he had, he wanted to show her around all the classic spots that he used to frequent with his mum as a little kid.
well, now he felt like his mum when she used to drag him to all the corner stores or street markets in the blazing sun and smudge sunscreen on his face, except now it’s with her. his best friend, and only his friend and nothing more because his mother was convinced he was smitten. he always denied it.
but everyone could see the way he looked at her whenever he smiled, how she would be the first person he looked to when he laughed at a joke someone else made.
everyone knew except for them, it was painfully obvious that they both felt more for each other than they allowed, and they were painfully oblivious.
the walk on grass, through the bustling market, was relaxing with hands to their sides and their shoulders constantly touching. every so often, they'd look away with red faces and awkward smiles as their hands just barely grazed each other’s skin, but they never closed that gap. it had been happening for months and their friends were clawing at their eyes just waiting for it to happen.
but they weren't here to push them together, just the two friends walking past different stalls of clothes, antiques, accessories, and other various items.
a light breeze blew her hair into her face, causing the constant sputtering of lips as strands stuck to her lip gloss.
of course, in true friend fashion, he laughed every time at her struggles with taming her hair, telling her without fail, “you should really put your hair up, it'll only keep getting in your face.”
she scoffed at him as he pulled strands from her face and futilely attempted to tuck them behind her ears as they blew back into her face.
“i don't think i even have a hair tie,” she whined as she pulled her hair back but couldn't tie it up.
“oh, wait, i do,” he remembered the band on his wrist, years of being friends meant carrying hair ties around for the girl because she wouldn't.
she gasped softly, taking it from his hand that held it flat on his palm, muttering “oh my god, osc, i love you so much, thank you,” she rambled under her breath, “not going to question why you even have it.”
a smile graced his face, completely tuning out her last words at the nickname she had called him. it made his heart flutter every time.
the words ‘i love you’ had been said constantly throughout their friendship that it was second nature at this point. to them, it was just a simple sentence they threw around, though the saying became more and more frequent in the past few months.
maybe it was their way of getting to say their feelings in a disguised, double-meaning phrase that wouldn't confuse what they were.
oh, but it did.
at this point, the words ‘i like you’ held deeper values because it told them how they really felt, but they would never say it. they could've rehearsed it in their heads for days, weeks, or months on end just at the end of the day to say the thing that felt safest. i love you.
he simply muttered back in admiration, “you're welcome.” a smile played on his lips for the longest time, the more he looked at her, the warmer and fuzzier he felt his heart become.
maybe his mum was right.
he shook his head internally. no, she couldn't be. but as he looked at the girl, in such deep admiration like she was the only thing to have ever existed in his life before, he wasn't so sure.
he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as they continued on walking. the breeze had calmed, and her hair was safely tied up and out of her face. back to grazing hands ever so slightly and arms rubbing against each other caused goosebumps to line their skin.
it was cold, they said to play it off as they looked in opposite directions. the more time passed, the more they hung out, the more excuses they made, and the more awkward it became.
the awkward silence between the pair, birds chirping and other monotonous conversations were the only thing heard until a deep voice called from somewhere up ahead of the crowd.
she stood on the tips of her toes to see over the heads of other people while he made no effort to because he already could.
“guy’s handing out free flowers,” oscar started before pausing and looking at her, “for couples.” he scratched his neck again.
she exhaled sharply, “we could totally pull off being a couple,” she slowed down to the side and stood in front of him. he looked down at her with raised eyebrows and a racing heart.
“you think?” he tilted his head with thought, pursing his lips, “free flowers are free flowers.”
“exactly,” she said in a intellectual tone, holding her hand out for him to grab, “what do you say?”
he thought for a moment. at least he acted like he did because he would've grabbed her hand in a heartbeat, but he couldn't make it obvious.
“alright,” he agreed, hesitantly interlacing their fingers together, “but if you’re uncomfortable at any time, we can stop.”
she rolled her eyes, turning back walking into the crowd, now with his hand interlocked with hers at their sides, “yeah, yeah.”
but he pulled her back before she could slip into the crowd, bumping back against his arm, “promise me, you'd say something.”
she paused, and sighed, “i promise, okay, let's go,” she pulled him along, feeling his slight resistance while dragging him because he thought I'd be fun to see her struggle.
when she gave him a look when she turned her head, only then did he follow alongside her.
the guy handing out the free flowers wasn't too far from them, considering how loud he was when they first heard him.
when they first approached him, they could tell he was skeptical. for some odd reason, they didn't fit the image of a couple. it didn't mean they didn't suit each other, they did by all means look amazing side by side, but he knew. somehow he knew.
maybe it was the way they looked so naïve, how they stood with space still between them, or the nervous energy they put out. either way, he didn't believe them.
“kiss then,” the guy shrugged, causing the ‘couple’ to look at each other confused. she pursed her lips before opening her mouth to say something when he spoke first, “if you're really a couple, just kiss. not that big of a deal.” 
it wasn't like they were uncomfortable with what he was asking. oscar was just unsure how she felt about it, meanwhile she didn't care. deep inside, she was nervous because they're just friends, they've never held hands—until now—let alone kiss.
though once she noticed oscar's hesitancy to make a move, she knew she would have to be the one to do so. she didn't give him time to react, hand around the back on his neck to pull him down to her level and his chapped lips met her glossy ones. his hand ravelled its way into her tied hair, messing up the perfectness she had.
she tasted sweet, the gloss on her lips transferring to his before she pulled away less than a second later. his lips were pinker with the blood rushing to his face.
the guy was smug and satisfied, handing them the bouquet they just kissed—as friends—for.
by the time they had walked away, still no words had been exchanged between the pair. their faces still flushed red and their lips left pink and glossy. every glance in the others direction led to them looking the opposite way. they hadn't processed the fact their arms were interlinked now as Oscar held the flowers in his other hand.
he cleared his throat, prompting her looking at him as he held them out to her, “here.”
her lips parted as she stuttered over what words to say, “are you sure?”
he furrowed his brows, “yeah, why wouldn't i be?”
she nodded, “right, yeah.” she took them from his grasp. she looked at then how oscar looked at her, but maybe it was because oscar had given them to her.
she felt fuzzy, she felt a smile creep into her face as she smelled the flowers. her heart was pounding in her chest. she liked the idea of this fake dating thing, but she didnt imagine the length it would go to in such a short amount of time after she proposed the idea.
maybe she only liked the idea of pretending to be together because it was the closest thing she had to actually being with him.
they remained in silence for the whole walk back to his car, she still clutched the flowers with almost both hands. his hand still laced with hers as she held the bouquet against her body. they only separated as they went to their respective sides of the car, carefully getting in before buckling their seat belts.
the drive was silent, even the volume for the radio hadn't been turned up, only the air conditioning could be heard. it was like that for a while as he drove her back to his house because they'd made the plan to hang out afterwards. he thought it would be rude to change routes and drop her back at her house.
when they arrived, they sat in the car, unmoving in silence.
“do you want to talk about it?” his voice was uneven, and he wasn't looking at her when he spoke, not until the silence consumed them again did he turn his head.
“i mean—there's nothing to talk about really,” she shrugged, unsure of what to say as she bit on her lip, “we were just—pretending, right?”
she turned in her seat to look at him, and he nodded, “right, so just friends.”
“right,” she repeated in confirmation, nodding along as they both looked ahead again.
she hesitated. she realized things had already changed between them, their dynamic had shifted and it wasn't going to be the same. it wasn't going back so if she was going to do any more potential damage, she knew now would be the time.
“but—i guess i didn't mind it,” she muttered under her breath, causing him to gaze across at her, “the fake dating, I mean.”
“really?” he questioned, hand gripping the wheel despite the fact they were stationary.
“i mean, it was fun while it lasted,” she finally met eyes with him, fidgeting with her hands as she pursed her lips, “i enjoyed it.”
“the fake dating?”
“the kiss.”
he only nodded, thinking deeply in his head, but on her end, she thought she majorly fucked up whatever they could've salvaged from before. now they couldn't.
truthfully, he just had no words. the kiss had given him a different perspective because now he was longing to kiss her again, to feel and taste the lip gloss on his lips that came from hers.
it was like every feeling he had ever felt for her was pushed to the very forward part of his brain and refused to be put away again.
“i enjoyed it too.” he muttered so quietly, she nearly didn't hear him.
but when she had finally registered the words, a smile cracked her serious face and she looked at oscar, “really?” her voice was high and so unsure.
he only nodded in confirmation as she melted back into the car seat, smiling giddily as if she hadn't been waiting for this.
“hey,” he spoke softly, still gazing at her with eyes of admiration she only saw now, “i guess—it doesn't have to be pretend.” he shrugged.
“are you saying what i think you're saying, piastri?” she leaned back and watched him roll his eyes, only pulled in by oscar's hand on the back of her neck to make her meet him in the middle above the center console. he felt her lips smile against his which caused him to as well. it was infectious.
he cradled her face in his hand, this second kiss lasted much longer than the first, and it marked the end of their long-lived friendship and short-lived pretend dating, but marked the hopefully long-term relationship that had now sparked between the two.
taglist (found here): @slut4lrh @taylorslovesswifties13 @sbella13 @kaa212 @nhlfs @poppyflower-22 @thearchieves @beskardroids @lorenica @hiireadstuff @delululeclerc
proofread by @foreveralbon <333
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melobin · 7 months
behind the mask ✧ anton lee
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cw. mask kink, dom!anton x sub reader. no pronouns used but reader is female bodied, rough sex, hair pulling, recording, strength kink, manhandling, porn without plot. minors dni
wc. 2.5k
summary. in which the ghostface mask your boyfriend brought for an easy halloween costume becomes an accessory he wears to bed because he just feels so different in it.
an. thank you so much for 500 followers, i appreciate you all and i’m so glad you like my work🫶🏻
inspired by this tiktok
anton was shy, so sweet and so doting on you, always making sure you were okay and you had everything you needed for your day, but he was shy. no matter the situation he was in, he always found himself having the quietest voice in the room, always felt as if other people had more control over him because of how quiet and relaxed nature. whilst that may have not been the case for everyone, it was for you. you were the only person anton enjoyed giving that control to. he trusted you, enjoyed when you took care of him, in every sense. truthfully, he hadn’t had much experience taking control of you in a sexual manor, he tried but dominance didn’t seem to run in his veins. or so he thought.
with the situation anton found himself in, he was sure he had some form of imposter syndrome. had he really convinced himself that he couldn’t dominate you because he lacked experience with it? was he really doing it just because he was hiding behind a mask? well, it’s not as if you didn’t know it was him; in fact, you had encouraged the boy to wear the mask. so why did he feel so different? anton reminisced on the events of the night in hand as he looked down at your trembling body, he could get used to the sight of you laying on your stomach, hair a mess with his cum dripping out of you. yet, he wondered what flipped in him that caused him to treat you the way he did.
“anton?” you called out from your bedroom after hearing your front door, you knew it was him who had entered. he hummed as he walked into your room, a white plastic bag swayed in his hand. “did you have fun?” he nodded and sat on the edge of your bed, removing the jacket he had on. you shifted to kneel behind him, arms wrapping around him as your head rested on his shoulder.
“of course” he placed the bag down on the bed next to him and leaned back a little into your arms, fingers opening the bag and removing the contents. a mask? more specifically, a ghostface mask.
“what kind of cliche are you planning on dressing up as for halloween?” he laughed at your comment, releasing the mask from his hand once you reached down to take it.
“it was the best i could given the places we had go to, i’d take dressing up as a serial killer over some smurf costume that sohee hyung found” dispute his subtle diss toward his friend, his voice was still as sweet as ever. it had always been music to your ears, never once had you wished for him to change it.
“hmmm i don’t know, i think you’d fit right into the village as papa smurf” he rolled his eyes and smiled, fingers moving to trace patterns over the skin of your arm. “i think it’s hot though” his eyebrow perked up at your words.
“mhm, always see those girls on tiktok fawning over the idea of their boyfriends fucking them whilst wearing the ghostface mask” he gulped at your words, noticing the way your fingers curled a little over the mask.
“do you think about that?”
“i mean, i didn’t until you came home with one in your bag” anton paused momentarily, unsure of how to go about the thoughts that were brewing in his head.
“want to try?” the boy himself didn’t know what confidence had come over him, he had never gone into an intimate moment with you were he had planned to take control before hand. he heard your breathing grow a little heavier at his question, he turned his head to look at you, your eyes glazed over as you looked at him.
“do you?” he gulped, unable to stop his eyes from falling to your lips.
“i mean, im not opposed to trying everything once” you giggled at his response, free hand going to his hair to pull his head back a little before leaning down to kiss him. the kiss was messier than usual, your tongue entering his mouth immediately. it wasn’t something anton was used to going straight into, the tongues, the spit, the bitting on his lip. he could already feel how hard he was getting, but he knew he had to turn the situation around to favour him.
you moved around, climbing on to his lap so you could straddle him, mask in the hand that was hanging over his shoulder. the kiss didn’t break, not for at least another 30 seconds. the boy found himself easing more into it, fingers inching down and digging into the skin of your ass as the kiss deepened. he felt a hand sneak under his shirt, his following so he could rid himself of it. once the kiss broke, the two of you didn’t reconnect.
you looked at him, eyes wide, lips swollen. there was a glimmer of playfulness in your eyes, he could tell you were enjoying yourself with this.
“are you ready?” you giggled as you lifted the mask above his head, he couldn’t help but smile at you. it was cute, he hoped and prayed that he could fulfil the fantasy you were dreaming of.
“mhm” he hummed, still in a slight daze from the kiss you two had shared. you smiled slightly, bringing the mask down to pull it over his head. you moved to lay on the bed, anton stood up.
the sight in front of you left you weak as he stood tall, eyes travelling from the mask down to his toned body and then to the bulge in his jeans. your mouth watered, you could feel the slick dripping from your core as you eyed him. he was delicious.
anton could sense the change in your demeanour, the aura you were radiating changed into something weaker. you seemed quiet, withdrawn. submissive. it ignited something inside of him, an unfamiliar feeling. you just looked so sweet and helpless watching him, he felt powerful. he believed it was time to play into the character you wanted.
“you okay, love?” his soft voice sent shivers down your spine as he moved closer to you, fingers trailing over the bare skin of your legs, you thanked yourself for only being in his shirts and a pair of thin panties. “you seem a little frazzled” he sat on the edge of the bed and brought his hand higher, fingers resting on the skin of your thigh beneath your panties. you were frazzled, sure you’d seen the mask things before on twitter and such but having it in front of you, having your own boyfriend in front of you with one on made you dizzy.
his fingers skipped over your cunt, moving to push the skirt you were wearing up and removing it from your body. dropping it to the floor before standing back up to remove his jeans. he didn’t say much, his silence left you feeling nervous, no part of you could guess what was going on inside his pretty head at that moment.
the answer was nothing. nothing was going through his head, it was blank. he had nothing in his brain, you looked so pretty already braless and in just your panties for him. he took note of them, pretty, thin, red. his favourite colour on you, sure you had no idea he was going to come in with the mask and that you’d end up in this position but he couldn’t help but think you wanted him anyway tonight. it made his cock throb in the cool air of the room.
as he climbed between your legs, he sat back on his knees. his gaze focused on your panties and the way they seems to stick to your slick cunt. he brought two fingers forward and pressed against it, breathing hitching when he felt just how soaked you were through them. you were really into this, so aroused, so ready to take him. it inspired him more to play into what you wanted.
his hands grabbed at your lower legs, pulling you down the bed slightly before flipping you onto your stomach, you couldn’t stop the gasp that fell from you as his sudden action. you knew he had strength, you could visibly see it on him everytime he moved his arm in a certain way. it was something that always left you foaming at the mouth, only having dreamed of being on the receiving end of it before now. you felt as if you were gushing wetness at this point, that feeling was confirmed when you felt anton grab your hips to pull them up before hooking a finger over the band of your panties that covered your slit, pulling it out then letting it go so it hit you. you shivered.
he didn’t say much, in fact he didn’t say anything and that just built up your anticipation more. something about the silence aroused you, how he grabbed at your hips and pressed the front of your body against the mattress, all of it left your mind dizzy.
anton opted against removing your panties, thinking the red lace looked perfect against your ass. instead he slid them aside, bringing the fingers of his other hand up to run through your slit. soaked was an understatement. you were drenched, anton swore he had never felt you so wet before, never seen you so compliant to let him do whatever he wanted. he believed it was something he could get used to, he just had to find the confidence within himself to get into this position again.
you whimpered at his actions, “please, just need you” your words seemed slurred “need you to fuck me” never in his life had anton felt how he did in that moment, if it wasn’t for the hour long edging sessions you had put him through in the past he definitely would came, instantly. you sounded so broken without him even doing anything, so needy for his cock. if he wasn’t buried inside of you in the next 5 seconds he felt as if he would’ve gone insane.
so he done just that, wrapping his hand around his cock as his other hand still had your panties pushed aside. guiding himself into you felt like a treacherous act, the initial push of his tip inside of you had you gripping the bed sheets beneath you, eyes squeezing shut as his thick cock invaded your walls.
“anton..” your voice trailed off, it was all he took to push the rest of his cock inside of you. the stretch made you feel weak, legs already skating from the intensity of his thrust. he leaned forward and wrapped an arm around your waist, testing the waters by thrusting into you again, you whined at the feeling and it spurred him on to continue.
everything felt surreal to anton, from the way your panties dragged along his cock with each thrust, how you were squeezing his cock so tightly to the way you cried into the bedsheets when his cock hit a particular spot. neither of you had ever experienced something so intense together, sex had never seemed to feel this good before now. maybe this was how it was meant to be, you played face down ass up for your sweet, loving, strong boyfriend who fucked you from behind.
his cock reached depths you were sure he never had before, when he moved to kneel up he pressed his hand on your back, pressing down causing you to arch it a little more before he thrusted into you again. thrusts now harder that before. you couldn’t control yourself, you were a wreck. tears falling from your eyes, his name the only thing you could seem to remember. anton anton anton. it was your anton behind the mask who was fucking you into oblivion.
nothing could’ve made the intimacy hotter, nothing could’ve made the pit in your stomach grow more. or so you thought. that was until you felt his hand grab at your hair, he yanked you up, you gasped at the feeling, eyes going wide at the sudden light that appeared in front of you. he was recording you, the selfie camera showed the scene to your eyes, you almost broke down at the sight. you were a mess, eyes red, mascara under your eyes from the slight makeup you’d worn earlier in the day, anton on the other hand had you clenching around his cock. the mask moved a little either each thrust, his body damp from the sweat that was falling down him. everything about the sight of the two of you turned you on even more. you weren’t sure what to was about anton being mute through all of this, but it made it hotter.
he dropped his phone, still recording, once he felt your shaking more. he let go of your hair, your body falling into the mattress as his hand moved under your body to your clit. in the past you’d given him direct lessons to where the clit was and how to find it and it seemed they had paid one as his fingers attached themselves to it instantly and he began rubbing it in circles. you needed to cum. anton needed you to cum. there was no way he was going to do all of this only to cum before you, he wasn’t going to let that happen.
his attack on your clit done justice as you felt yourself begin to fall apart, you wanted to tell him you were cumming, wanted him to know that he had fucked you right into an orgasm but you physically couldn’t speak. everytime your mouth open a moan fell out, words getting caught in your throat, stuck there as he fucked you.
it hit you, hard. your legs shook under his grip, you bit down on the pillow under, your orgasm triggered his. he had been holding off for a while, the moment he felt you release after him he let it go. fucking you through it, long spurts of his cum shooting deep into you. any other day he would’ve panicked cumming inside of you but today he decided he wanted to, no, he needed to see his cum dripping out of you once he pulled out.
when he did pull his cock out he heard you whine, his eyes falling to where his cum began leaking down your leg. he almost grew hard again, but then he looked at you laying there, limp, eyes closed, hair a mess. he had to lay with you. h picked up his phone and stopped recording, throwing inside before laying with you, arms wrapping around you. your own hands lifted up to remove the mask from him. his face was flushed, eyes wide as he looked down at you, lips swollen and a little bloody, you realised he’d been biting them the whole time. not much was said, you placed your hand under his chin to beckon him down to kiss you and he did. it was soft, sweet, nothing like the boy who’d just fucked you. when the kiss brine you looked at him and laughed.
“we’re keeping the mask”
tag list. @starrypen @austirecs @antinitonny @wonbons @nctxtrash @iridescentboba @annton-s @moons4yu @kpoprhia
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 13 - "Come with me, hurry."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
Duke didn't know what was happening anymore right now. All he knew was that it had started with simply wanting to help someone. Or rather even sooner, with having been forcefully paired up with the new transfer student that everyone for some reason avoided.
The new transfer student, Danny Nightingale, had joined his class around mid semester, he wore a lot of apparently customized -as he later learned- ghost themed accessories. Somehow he got away with it without constantly getting sent to the principal for violating school uniform guidelines. Partially Duke believes that the teachers just gave up after the first week.
Aside from that the first time Duke had even seen the guy, for a short moment he thought that he had looked directly into the sun but then a second later his vision was back to normal like nothing happened but the transfer was staring at him with an eyebrow raised. They had stared at each other for a long time and Duke was sure that right then and there they both had noticed each other's possible Meta status.
But nothing strange had happened after that for a little while, well major really. Minor things kept happing and Duke was convinced that the guy had to be a Meta. The strange little incidence of things going missing but reappearing the next day, utilize or tool appear in the others hand like out of nowhere, the guy suddenly leaving class without explanation, well sometimes at least asking to get excused but still leaving even if their teacher said no or the bouts of green light Duke occasionally caught around the guy.
This transfer student had to be a Meta. Duke had no problem with it, in fact he was kind of happy to find that one of his classmates was a Meta. He just didn't know how to bring it up to him. Considering that most Metas in Gotham lived in hiding and fear, he knew he couldn't just go, walk up to the guy and bluntly ask if he was a fellow Meta.
So after a little discussion with his siblings, Duke decided he would just keep an eye out for his classmate. Trying to complete the friendship route first before and hoping that this way Danny would open up to him. So for now he was making sure the other stayed safe and all that, Duke had even asked his siblings if he should tell Bruce about his Meta classmate just in case but they had told him that as long as nothing major happens to the kid it should be enough for them to keep an eye out.
The friendship route was going great in Duke opinion. Well that was until he got partnered up with him for a group project. Duke really wanted to say that working together with Danny on the project was making it so much easier to connect with the other aside from just joining him during lunch break or trying to strike up a conversation before classes. But the or their group was not making it easier, in fact, Duke got the feeling they tried to actively exclude Danny if it weren't from him.
The day when they all met in the library made it even more obvious. Danny hadn't even known they were meeting up to work on it until Duke texted him asking where he was. He gave the other the best Damian Glare impression he could muster up when he found out and then a Jason death glare impression when they found excuses to leave once he called Danny over when he saw him walking through the library doors.
"Duke, it's fine real. I always have been one of the odd ones out." Duke had definitely not been fine with it when Danny had played it off, especially when he offhandedly mentioned that he got bullied before. Well at least Danny was enjoying his time with Duke, plus Danny was a genius, especially in all the science and engineering subjects. If their idiot group mates wanted to pass up on an A+ with extra credits then it was solely their fault for being judgmental.
Duke had gotten to the point that Danny had even agreed to come with him to the Manor to hang out once, all he now needed to do was clear it with Bruce and make sure that his noisy siblings weren't going to freak Danny out.
He was just about to call Bruce up to see if it was fine when the doors of the library were kicked in by people dressed completely in white carrying deceives that looked like scanners. He was just about to comment to Danny what weird people they seemed to be when he noticed Danny had pulled up the hood of his jacket over his head and for the lack of better words looked frightened.
Duke had only locked once between Danny, and these weird guys before deciding what he needed to do. He shot a quick look towards Babs who was working the library counter and looked about ready to have them kicked out. Duke signaled her, while also shooting off a message into the group chat with the others.
"Danny." His newly made friend had his back turned to the door and looked like he was trying to find an escape route. Duke frowned at the way Danny flinched when he placed a hand on the other's shoulder. Whoever these guys were, Danny was afraid of them or had some sort of trauma and Duke would bet his entire comic collection on the fact that it has something to do with Danny being a Meta. "It's okay, trust me. They won't get you."
"What?" Glowing green eyes peeked at him from under Danny's hood, he clearly remembers them to be blue.
"They won't get you. I promise." Duke repeated, ignoring the color change for now. By now Barbara was trying to get these people out of her library but these people continued to yell something about ecto-entities and those some papers at her. They were advancing into the building and Duke could see that Danny's flight reflex was going to break out soon.
Duke made a brief eye contact with Barbara. She nodded.
"Come with me, hurry." Was the only warning he gave Danny before he grabbed the other's hand and dragged him to the back of the building, towards the hidden doors.
"What are you doing?!" Danny sounded so confused and Duke looked over his shoulder hoping he was giving the other a reassuring smile.
"Helping you!"
"But I am not-"
"These guys are after you right? Let's get away from them first and then talk!" Duke cut him off pushing Danny through a hidden way into an underground path.
"You don't even know me and-"
"I don't need to know you, to see when someone needs help."
He could see that Danny clearly wanted to say something, there was still fear in these still glowing green eyes and Duke wondered once more what these people must have done to Danny for the other Meta to be scared like this. Danny needed to know that they wouldn't get to him as long as Duke and his family were around. He was going to be protected and be able to live normally without fear of these people showing up to hunt him for his powers.
"Meta's gotta stick together. Don't worry I will make sure you're safe!" This wasn't how he had hoped to open up this topic with Danny. He had wanted Danny to bring it up naturally once they had gotten to be really good friends. So that Duke could let him know he wasn't alone.
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wintersera · 5 months
countdown || winter x g!p reader
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notes: I KNOW MY ASS SHOULDVE PLANNED AHEAD, but anyways it’s out! i didn’t expect to write this much tbh but we move. reader is also an idol btw and an 02 liner
cw: g!p reader, switch!minjeong, switch!reader, exhibitionism, little bit of begging
wc: 3.9k
“have a very happy new years. everyone stay healthy and eat well. oh! and don’t forget to greet your friends and family a happy new years as well!”
that was it, the end of the new years event. all the cameras were turned off as you and your label mates wished the fans a happy new years. you, in the middle of the youngest and oldest of le sserafim, waved at the fans and blew them all a kiss before you were led by the hand of your leader, kim chaewon, to the bottom of the stage. but you couldn’t leave your fans without saying another goodbye. you let go of your leaders hand and ran back on to the stage throwing a heart sign to one of your favourite fansites before chaewon shouted at you to come back “okaayy okay, wait a second unnnie” laughing at your leader increasingly losing her patience.
“lee y/n, hurry up we need to go” her brows furrowed a little while eunchae pointed out the crease in chaewon’s brows. she cracked up way too much “hong eunchae, it really isn’t that funny” she didn’t say much after that, she just held onto yunjin’s shoulder in attempts to surpress the laughter “sorry unnie, you just looked a little silly”
once you had gotten changed out of your stage outfits and into your casual clothes, that being an oversized black hoodie and your pants that you wore almost everytime you went outside, the staff members called you towards them, making you sit down on their chair so they could get you out of the makeup. removing your stage makeup was a hassle, getting those coloured contacts weren’t for the weak, although you should be used to it by now. it took a long time to get everything off, including the extra accessories that were wrapped around you like crazy. but anyways, you finished up washing your face before sitting down to wait for the other members. since you were the first one to be done, and you tend to get bored easily, you wander around the halls looking for something to do, whether it be finding an idol friend of yours to record a silly video, or just to chat to one of the staff members, you needed to do something to cure your boredom.
by chance you saw kim minjeong, your girlfriend, aimlessly walking around the place much like you were doing. now was the perfect time to ask her to come see you after she had gotten out of her performance outfit.
you hadn’t seen minjeong in what felt like years, it was a few months and you saw eachother when she flew back to korea calm down. being so busy with her world tour and her two comebacks this year, you only managed to go on a few dates this year, and sometimes when she did have breaks, you were busy because of your tight schedule as well. since her groups comeback, ‘drama’, you didn't see her for a good two months. did it hurt? absolutely, you missed seeing her, missed her touch, her smile, her everything.
luckily she was here, approaching you actually… wait she walking here? snapping out of your little daydream, you realise that minjeong was right infront of you.
“what’s up with you? you look like a lost puppy”
“oh wait, hi jeongie” smiling wide at her, yeah you looked like a puppy in her eyes to be honest “i was about to ask you something you came at the right time because i was about to ask you a question” you say while playing with the hem of your hoodie “so… you know how we haven’t seen eachother in months right? i was just thinking about spending some time with you somewhere after you get changed”
“where exactly?” she asks with curiosity. not so much questioning you in a bad way, just curious of what you had planned. she tilts her head to the side, wanting to charm her way into you giving her an answer, it didn’t work, although she was very cute.
“you’re not tricking me with your little head tilt” chuckling as your face turns light pink “it’s a surprise you dummy. just text me when you’re done and i’ll come to your dressing room” she nodded her head and gave you a peck on the cheek before she walked away satisfied by seeing how bright your face got. you weren’t exactly discreet with your relationship anyways, people were shipping you before the two of you were dating, for some reason, which made it easier for you to carry out skinship whenever you’d meet up in public. meaning that small kisses on the cheek, hand holding and hugs meant that the fans thought you were queer baiting aggressively, oh they were so wrong.
“i’ll see you later loser”
a good twenty minutes go by and you were waiting outside of aespa’s changing room, phone in hand just in case minjeong called or texted. the stylists really took their sweet time trying to get minjeong out of the stage outfit she was wearing, i mean to be honest, it did look like her dress took time to put on, especially with those strings and stuff at the back, and the various other little things that were included in the fit. a couple more minutes and she comes outside, surprised that you were to her side when she opened the door “oh, hi. thought you we’re gonna wait outside the building”
“well, i thought it would be better to wait for you here. and also because it’s warm in here” you reply back to her.
minjeong wore this casual white skirt despite the weather being cold, it was a little too short as well, but it’s not like she cared about it anyways, she had a hoodie to wear as well so i guess she was fine, she also had these white leg warmers to keep her from shaking, although you didn’t understand how leg warmers could keep her toasty. she looked pretty, really really pretty that it made you think of a ton of inappropriate things, that could wait for later though “i’m gonna go ask your manager a question, i already got the green light from mine, and i’m hoping, HOPING, your manager agrees” you dramatically throw your hands in the air, looking up to the sky. minjeong just looks at you like you’re stupid, although she loves how playful and reactive you can get when it comes to her. she nods accordingly, allowing you to go into the changing rooms “stay here pleeaaseee”
“what for?” she throws another questioning look at you.
“a surprise, you’ll see” smiling at her cheekily. you knock at aespa’s door, they open and greet you with a ‘heyyy’ you close the door checking if minjeong was listening “minjeong step away from the door”
“aw mannnnn”
you spend a couple of minutes explaining the plan to minjeong’s manager, she agreed that it would be a good idea, and since aespa didn’t have anything scheduled for the next week, you could take minjeong out on a silly little birthday thing with the help of your manager. you came out successful, a smile on your face as you look at minjeong “come on, follow me babe” minjeong follows you eagerly, hand in hand as her manager bids you two a fun night, maybe she got the implications of to why you booked a night at a fancy hotel, well you hope she didn’t, that would be kinda…. strange, but besides the point, you walked to your waiting room for your manager.
“are you for real gonna take the managers car?”
“you know i can’t drive YET, and plus, if i get an uber that’s gonna cost me so much money, y’know they’re overpriced” your manager was sat there waiting for you and minjeong, crossed legged and everything “are you ready to go yet?” your manager asks “oh yeah, we’re ready” pushing herself off of the chair, your manager escorts the both of you two the company car.
after ten minutes of driving towards the hotel, it should’ve taken five but your manager got lost trying to navigate the car down a street. you don’t know how she ended up in that damn street, but google maps said otherwise, you finally end up at the reception desk waving goodbye to your manager that dropped you off “a hotel? and a really… pricey one?” again, questioning you.
“only the best for my favourite unnie~” you jokingly teased her, although you were younger by a year, she’d told you not to call her unnie after you had gotten closer, excluding the times you met on camera and during the times you met while you were still on the job and in public, of course.
“yes ma’am!” you chuckle.
“that’s not any better” hitting you lightly on the shoulder.
after speaking with the receptionist about your room, she gave you the keycard and gracefully pointed towards the elevators where the guy who carries peoples luggage smiled sweetly at you, even though you didn’t have big ass bags or anything, he offered to carry your handbags. you respectfully declined as you didn’t have much to carry anyways, but he kept insisting. besides the porter being too much of a nice guy, you ended up on the highest floor of the hotel, the fifth floor to be exact. not too high and not too low, just enough to see the sky clearly and just enough for people not being able to recognise you both when you step out into the balcony.
finally stepping into the room, minjeong was greeted with a small cake on top of the room's table that you bought from one of her favourite bakeries. written on it was ‘happy 23rd birthday minjeong’ accompanied by a small little smiley face next to the text that you personally drew on yourself. she noticed a few balloons in the corners and a few more decorations here and there.
“you did this? for me?” fighting back the urge to have this big loser grin on her face.
“like it?” worried that she wasn’t gonna enjoy something so sudden for her birthday. your hands reach the hem of your hoodie again, bunching the fabric up
“i-i do like it, i love it actually. why the expensive hotel though?
“i thought it would be nice to celebrate elsewhere and um…” your face heated up at the thought of explaining why you exactly booked a hotel, specifically at night, and on her birthday “well… i haven’t seen you in so long, i missed you a lot and so, y’know, hotel room.. you and me… alone. i mean we don’t need to do anything, i-i just wanted to spend some time wi-“ minjeong cut you off, pressing her hand against your lips.
she giggles “thank you y/n, i’ve missed you a lot too. the whole tour and the comeback… it’s been like a few months since we haven’t seen each other, i’ll make it up to you” she leans in closer and closer. you weren’t even inside the room properly yet, both you and minjeong were still standing at the entrance. you wasted no time and dragged minjeong towards the bed, you sitting down on the edge while minjeong straddles your lap. her lips grazed against yours gently. the kiss was slow, steady and loving. minjeong’s small giggles as she presses her lips continuously on yours made your heart skip a few beats, god she was so cute. tiny little whimpers fell from her mouth as you relax into her touches. the feeling of your own body made minjeong moan, she loved feeling your curves, quite frankly she loved touching everywhere. from your neck, down to your collarbone, your arms, waist, hips, thighs, your entire body really.
the kiss gradually turned passionate, with minjeong grinding on your lower half while she deepens the kiss. her eyes opened, half lidded as she took your face in her hands and stared at your dazed expression. her lips parted again, smashing her lips onto yours as she kept rocking against your bulge “mmmngh… minjeong” you whined into her mouth, your bulge growing extremely hard and becoming undoubtedly uncomfortable against the fabric of your pants.
without even saying a word, minjeong gets off your lap, complaining to her that you miss her touch already, she laughs a little, the dissatisfied look on your face made her crack up knowing that she would clearly tend to your needs regardless. she knelt down at your legs, parting them open and slotting herself in between your thighs, face way too close to your crotch “jeongie?” you weakly call out for her.
“hm? what is it” jerking her head up while her hand reaches around to tease your cock.
“please” you whisper loud enough for her to hear you, but also quiet enough so that you wouldn’t get so embarrassed “i’m… feeling shy” that came as a surprise to minjeong, usually because you were the one making her feel embarrassed.
“hahah, cute. y/n we’ve done this so many times before, you’re so full of surprises today, aren't you” she says as she unzips your pants slowly. the adrenaline made your head feel fuzzy, after all it’s been months since you were intimate with her. your breath became shaky as she finally took your pants off, your hand covering your face as she fiddled with the elastic band of your briefs “relax y/n, i’ll make you feel good” finally pulling them down. your hard cock sprung up making minjeong exhale. she licked her lips hungrily, paying attention to how you were twitching without her even touching you.
“hurrryyy, minjeong i need you” your desperation was as clear as daylight. the way minjeong stared at you like a dumb puppy made you want to take her head and shove your cock so deep into her throat, but it was her birthday so you let her have control… for now. she acted dumb, asking how you wanted her, as if it wasn’t obvious enough. you pleaded, begged for her to use her mouth which you missed so much “jeongie, mouth… please” you whined. it didn’t help as she was having too much fun with teasing you, a smug smirk on her face, and if you weren’t on cloud nine already, you would’ve noticed a mischievous glint in her eye.
“hmmm, beg for it again. you sound so cute when you say please” she noted your uncharacteristic shyness and took advantage on it, laughing while she looks you straight in the eye. again, you covered your face, turning your head to look at the wall instead of her.
“don’t make me beg, anything but that. i’m embarrassed, please don’t make me beg” gripping onto the bed sheets when she moved her hand around your shaft “s-stop, i don’t wanna beg” you were the one to always tease her, karma, you guess. all that teasing you did finally came back to you, and now you were lost.
“but you want it don’t you?” yes, you did want it.
“p…please, want your mouth around my-” you caught yourself stuttering and slurring your words. the more you spoke, the faster minjeong stroked your cock “mmh, want it around m-my cock please” no words were exchanged afterwards. minjeong went straight to your cock, taking it all with ease. her tiny mouth was always so skilled when it came to pleasuring you. every single time that she sucked your dick, you were always so surprised that she could take your girthy length. seeing her mouth so full of you made you practically rock solid, even though you were pretty much as hard as you could get. she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed herself further, taking your dick all the way back to her throat, tip hitting it whenever she bobbed her head up and down. this caused you to grab her head with both of your hands, you let your head fall back all while she was suddenly very focused with swirling her tongue around your tip.
fuck, you wanted to fuck her mouth, hold her mid length hair into a ponytail and push your cock all the way in, chasing your own high and disregarding your girlfriends comfort, but you remembered that you wanted to let her do whatever. her endless switch up between fast to slow, to then slow to fast, and then fast to slow, made your head spin.
savouring the taste of your dick in her mouth, minjeong hummed in satisfaction, the low hum causing you to moan back in response. minjeong felt your thighs tensing, your hands tugging her head urging her to come closer, and your cock twitching inside of her mouth. you were oh so sensitive to the point where you couldn’t take the abrupt pace minjeong was going at “close- so close” you moaned out, careful that your voice wasn’t too loud just in case the people next to you could hear.
your breathing became irregular, sharp inhales and exhales as your legs begin to tremble “m..minjeong, gonna cum- i’m gonna cum” you sharply inhaled again before you called out minjeong’s name once more, cumming all in her mouth and holding her head still so that she could swallow it all.
minjeong gave you a few minutes to come down from your high. your legs were still shaky, but you managed to put your clothes back on before suggesting that you should go to the balcony to watch the fireworks. you left minjeong to it, taking pics of the cake while you wash up in the bathroom, which didn’t really take long. with new years in mind, you bought these cheap ass sparklers that you could possibly light up on the balcony. you weren’t too sure if you were allowed to use them, but it’s not like you were going to light it up inside of the actual hotel room. minjeong guided you excitedly to the balcony, hands intertwined and laughing like you were kids again.
“waaahh, the view from here is insane. i’m glad i booked this room in advance” taking in the fresh winters air “and the balcony is big enough for us to light this” you took out the sparklers from your bag with a childish grin on your face.
“awww cute, you bought sparklers as well” her eyes lighting up as she looks at the package “can we light them up now?”
“YES, yes we can- sorry i got excited” opening the sliding door to find the lighter you also packed, you came towards minjeong and asked her to hold the end of the sparkler, you did the same and lighted hers up first. minjeong took out her phone and recorded you lighting it up, her excited squeals being caught on video while you were in the back laughing as well. it was a sweet moment for the both of you, cherishing the last minutes of 2023 with each other.
the last spark, and then it went out. you both looked at eachother and went towards the railings, your shoulders touching each other as you both gaze at the skyline.
“i’m so glad i met you y/n, i can’t wait to spend another year with you. this time i hope we get a vacation or something, a few weeks off with you would be good enough for me”
“me too, i hope our schedules this year aren’t too heavy. i know hybe is like chill with us, but i don’t know about sm… oh well, i just hope we get to see each other more often”
[12:00am, the first of january 2024]
all of a sudden the bells chime, cheers from the people on the streets could be heard throughout the city, fireworks were being set off from every direction, painting the sky a beautiful colour. to see this with your lover was truly a blessing.
“minjeong…” you whisper again “happy birthday and a happy happy new years” you say sweetly before kissing her on the lips.
in all honesty, you still felt kind of horny. coming from behind minjeong to pull down her panties, the cold air hitting her inner thighs which made her jolt “w-wait, people can see us from up here” she said, swatting away your hands that were about to reach under her hoodie.
“no one’s gonna pay attention to us, everyone is focusing on celebrating new years. it’s only us” pressing your cock against her bare pussy. you unzip your pants again, letting it fall to the ground “plus it’s dark and we’re very high up, so no ones gonna notice our face either” you move aside her hair, pressing a kiss on her nape before you let your hands roam underneath her hoodie, and then under her bra.
“y… your hands are cold” her hands grabbing on tightly to the bars, attempting to stifle her moaning as you pinch and pull at her hardened nipples. ever so gently pushing your cock inside minjeongs already soaked pussy, you tease her asking if she got wet by sucking your cock. she reluctantly agrees by nodding her head
“go on, say that you got wet” that was karma for asking you to beg.
“i-i can’t, they’re gonna hear us” whispering under her breath while also attempting to keep her moans low. you reassure her that no one’s going to hear the two of you, it was just you and her alone in the moment and no one else “…fuck, fine… sucking your dick made me wet, you happy?” you moaned in response to that, smiling and saying “yes” while you slowly pumped in and out of her pussy.
you were clearly pussy drunk, your hips moved on their own, grinding your cock hard into her. minjeong felt warm and her pussy was tight, almost making you drool as you kept pushing in further and further. the sensation of minjeong clamping down on you made you almost moan too loud, catching yourself off guard you covered your hands just in case anyone heard you, ironic right.
i guess you could say the cold made minjeong even more needy, she wanted to keep you as close as possible, asking you to wrap your arms around her waist as you kept pounding into her tight pussy “y/n, y/n- keep going, feels amazing~” you assumed that you hit the spot that she loved oh so much, her moans becoming higher as you rammed harder.
“like this jeongie? mmgh.. you want me to fuck you like this, huh?” taking one hand out of her shirt to place it on top of one of her hands that were still gripping onto the steel metal bars.
“y/n- i’m close, so close… fuck me faster.. go faster” obeying her, you move as fast as you thought was needed, slightly bending her over. at this point you were getting too dizzy, knowing that you were also close to orgasming, you hold her waist, practically slamming her into your cock “oh god… about to— hnngh, cum” minjeong’s pussy throbbed and clenched around you so tightly that it made your eyes roll back, her legs spasming as she came around your cock, breathless as she called your name out weakly. you followed, grabbing her waist and pulling her in, not letting go so you can spill every last drop of semen inside of her.
“god… i’m… exhausted” you say between breaths. with new years over, and another plan to take minjeong out on a date when you wake up, you carry her back inside kissing her forehead “happy birthday again jeongie” smiling sweetly at her
“mmmm, thank you y/n”
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a/n: they at the cake as well don’t worryyy
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theodorecanaryhood · 6 months
Protective, possessive and Passionate
Jason Todd x Male! Reader
Warning: swearing, drinking and sex
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It was no secret that your boyfriend, Jason, is extremely protective of you. He likes to make sure you’re safe, even if he is in the line of fire, he also wants you to always remember that you’re his.
‘See how that looks’ Jason turned your face a little so you could see clearly the red mark on your neck.
Jason always marked his territory for other men to see, for them to know you’re off limits.
Jason drove you to work, holding your hand in his, you never complained and always thought it cute. A guy as big as Jason, to be so needy and like a puppy at times.
‘Have a great day, love you’ Jason spoke softly as he kissed you.
‘Bye, love you too’ you replied as you got out of the car.
Your work day was filled with the usual nonsense that entails. Making you spend all of your working hours wishing for some sleep.
Everyone has that part of the day that they dread, yours happened to be a coworker. Adam. He never left the fact he likes you hidden.
‘Hey, how was your weekend?’ He asked, smiling at you.
‘Hey, it was fine. Had dinner with my boyfriend’s family. Yours?’ You asked to be polite, not really caring about the answer.
Adam knew that you have a boyfriend, but he never seemed to care. He still tried to get it on with you.
He’d worked there for about a year now and still took every chance he could, as it was coming up to the office work party, you prayed that Jason could make it.
Perhaps the size of Jason would make Adam back off, Jason is big dude and can be pretty scary at times.
Jason held onto your thigh as you both watched Netflix, the newest show you both thought to watch sucked you right in.
‘Shall we go to bed?’ Jason asked as the credits began to roll, you sleepily nodded.
Getting into bed with Jason was always something amazing, he would hold onto you so tight.
The huge puppy that is Jason liked to hold onto you all night. Never letting you out of his sight, or his grip.
You hadn’t let it bother you too much, you were just thankful that Jason was able to come with you. Protect from the lustful eyes of Adam.
Jason knelt onto the floor as he found your shoe laces were coming undone.
‘Hey lovebirds’ your work-bestie, Naomi, smiled as she greeted you both.
Giving you both a hug and a kiss in the cheek, you placed your hand on Naomi’s small baby bump.
‘Not long to go now’ you chuckled as she smiled, lifting her top to show off her new accessory.
The three of you walked into the building together as you found it dimly lit, music playing and a bartender on site already.
‘Thank God, I need a drink’ Jason stated as he made a beeline for the bar.
‘Can I get two whiskeys please? And a lemonade?’ Jason winked as Naomi rolled her eyes with a small smile.
‘Oh fuck’ the words fell out of your mouth like vinegar.
Naomi stroked your arm gently as she blocked you from Adam’s sight.
Jason was aware of what this coworker was doing, but he didn’t know what he looked like. Or if he was coming.
‘Oh hey you, how’s it going?’ Adam cheered as he saw you standing with Naomi.
You smiled as Adam leant towards you, seemingly unaware of the 6ft plus giant next to you both.
‘Another coworker?’ Jason asked curiously, you nodded. Hesitating the next few words.
‘This is Adam’ you took Jason’s hand in yours as you saw his face switch.
The three of you tried your best to stay away from him, but Adam always ended up near you somehow.
‘Hey babe, gotta get going home or I won’t want to get up ever again’ Naomi smiled softly as she gave you a hug.
‘You two rest up’ you winked as Naomi left, all the while with Jason in the bathroom.
This left you alone for a few minutes which you would find scary. You had mental words with yourself, Adam is only a man, nothing more. But he still bothered you.
‘Where’s your boyfriend?’ Adam asked as he came and sat next to you.
You pointed to the bathroom door, Adam only edged closer to you.
You shifted a little in your seat as you felt Adam get closer to you, his body heat felt like it was setting you on fire.
‘You know, four years is a long time to be with one person. Maybe you should have a little break from him. I could show you a good time’ Adam spoke as you felt disgusted.
His words were like venom and you could feel yourself getting close to doing something you’d get into trouble for later.
‘Come on y/n, let’s have some fun while your man isn’t here. He’s a wimp who doesn’t deserve you’ Adam continued.
The smell of Whiskey was strong from Adam’s breath, he’d been drinking tons and not seeming to stop. Though, him drinking didn’t make a difference as he was like this sober.
Before you could say anything in response there was a giant hand that had taken hold of Adam’s shirt collar.
‘Don’t touch my boyfriend again, don’t even look at him. You disrespect him like that, you get me to deal with and I can assure you, you don’t want that’ Jason growled lowly in Adam’s ear.
You could tell from Adam’s face that he was regretting his words, the tower that is Jason was now in his face. Eyes looking deep into his soul.
It was a success as Adam had finally got the message, but Jason was still angry.
Needing to blow off some steam, Jason drove you both home. Jason threw you on the bed when you both got in. Practically lifting you off your feet and carrying you there.
‘Get in all fours for me baby’ Jason said, anger still present but he spoke with love towards you.
Jason wasn’t angry with you, he never could bring himself to be. He was angry that another guy had the audacity to try it with you.
‘Uh’ you called out as Jason slid his length into you, your eyes rolled back.
‘Who does this belong to?’ Jason asked, as he began to find a rhythm.
‘You, Jason. I’m all yours’ you called out, Jason smiled as he gave your asscheek a good slap.
Your phone lit up as it rested next to you in the bed. Jason checked to see it was Snapchat.
Snap from Adam.25 was all it said, Jason smiled to himself as he punched in your code to unlock the phone.
Still with his huge dick deep inside your ass, you were too busy moaning in pleasure to notice what was going on.
Jason snapped you on all fours as Jason hit it from behind, your fingers gripping onto the pillows, you biting your lip to stop yourself from letting out moans.
‘He busy, text back later’ Jason typed into the phone with one hand, clicking send.
Then tossing your phone back where it was as he slammed deeper into you.
‘Fuck, Jason’ you called out as Jason got even deeper.
Safe to say Adam got the message and never tried anything in with you again, he also got a word from HR after a sexual harassment complaint was logged.
You were thankful that Jason could be so Protective, Possessive and also how passionate he is. You would’ve preferred for Jason to not make a statement with you on all fours. But it worked.
You smiled as you fell asleep on Jason’s chest that night, him holding you as he buried himself into a new book.
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wonijinjin · 3 months
seventeen members and their specific actions in a relationship
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synopsis: what the title says.
word count: 1.0k | genre: fluff | pairings: seventeen x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food, nightmares, PDA
cheol: a hand on your waist/hips all the time
seungcheol is a person who really values those dearest to his heart and would do anything to keep them safe and sound; he loves resting his hands on your waist and hips whenever he is with you, this is his way of saying that he is there, he is gonna make sure that nothing bad would happen, aswell as him being clingy and a bit possessive over you and wanting to guide you when you are in a crowd.
hannie: helping you dry your hair
jeonghan would not want his lover to go to bed with wet hair, because he thinks it can cause sickness; even if you are tired to dry it he would gladly do it for you while gently brishing it, maybe after a few tries and getting the hang of it he would occasionally even offer to style it if you are getting ready to head out, since he loves to see your happy, satisfied face.
shua: forehead kisses when you are asleep
joshua is so soft for his lover, and he is someone who loves with all his heart; this would include those special and hushed moments when he would come home late from work and would place a tender kiss on your forehead to let you know that he is home without words, or without disturbing your sleep, even watching you for a few minutes at times before draping a blanket over you.
jun: placing food in your bag secretly when you are busy
jun loves to take care of people around him silently, he may not come off as a strong lover character, but he is; he would always make sure to slip a snack or some fruit into your bag when you leave for whatever you have to do that day, whether it is working out or just going out to meet some friends, he is always prepared with a little treat so he knows you have something to eat and snack on during the day.
hoshi: holding your bags when you go out
hoshi is such an energy bomb, he never gets tired; this would result in him always offering his free hands to hold whatever you need him to; your coat, shopping bags, your own bag or purse, anything really; he is your big strong partner who won’t let some bags defeat him as he puts it.
wonwoo: taking off your makeup/jewelry/glasses when you fall asleep accidentally
as someone who has glasses wonwoo absolutely knows how annoying it can be if something is left on your face when you would be ready for bed; he would always take care of it even when you are too exhausted to do so, because he doesn’t want you to be in pain the next day or to break your accessories.
woozi: playing the guitar and singing for you whenever you want him to
he is such a multi talented king, and everyone sure does love that he is so skilled, so it is no surprise that his lover would want to hear him sing and play the guitar all the time; it is a privilege only you would get since he is a bit shy and way too humble for flexing with his skills, but who is he to deny his lover’s request? especially since he knows it helps you relax.
dk: feeding you the first bite of his food
dk loves to take care of people around him, he knows life can get busy for you in the middle of work or school, so he would make sure that you eat well, including the tradition of always giving you the honour of the first bite of his food when you meet up for lunch in your breaks since he knows you would be too shy to ask to try it, and this way since he sees you eating he knows you are taken care of well.
mingyu: hyping you up every time the two of you go shopping together
he is a lovesick puppy and would do anything to see his lover happy and confident, which is why even if you have the confidence he would definitely hype up every single piece of clothing you try on at different stores, wanting you to feel good about them; he would pay for anything you wanted in an instant, glad that you were treating yourself to some new pieces which he gets to enjoy aswell.
minghao: comforting you after a nightmare
minghao is so soft and gentle with his lover; he is very good at comforting people with the right words and knowing how to calm them down when needed, so whenever you had a nightmare and woke up scared you could count on him to be by your side and make you some tea while resting together in bed for however long you need before falling back asleep.
seungkwan: defending you from anyone and taking your side in an argument
he is a hot headed person who has arguments with people quite often, so he has learned how to deal with them and how to defend his point; he would always defend you no matter if you are right or not, he doesn’t since to him you will always be right (except when the two of you argue).
vernon: providing the aux for you on every ride and making the effort to know your music taste
vernon loves music like noone else does, so it is only natural for him to be curious about your preferences; he would always ask you to send him recs and he would gladly make playlists for you (let it be only yours, or his favourites included aswell, it doesn’t matter) to listen to when at home, or on a trip, loving your face when you vibe to the beat.
dino: shielding you from cars splashing water on you when it is raining
this is a very specific thing that he does, since he doesn’t want you to get sick by getting soaked, even though he always tells you to bring an umbrella with you when you go out it cannot shield you from getting mud and water on your clothes like your jeans or coat; he would always step in front of you or make sure to drag you away before it could happen.
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wayward-dreamer · 7 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could write a story where soilder boy is dating Y/n, and they start talking, and he asks her if she thinks he would be a good dad. Which leads to them talking about starting a family together. And then one of them says something along the lines of "Why don't we try now?" Then it turns into smut. If not it's okay, thanks!
Father Material
Pairing: Soldier Boy x F!Reader
Word count: 1,468
Summary: Curiosity from the public and media has Ben expressing his dream to be a father. Y/N wants to make his dream a reality.
Warnings: Swearing, some angst, mentions of SB's nefarious actions, smut: dirty talk, rough sex, breeding kink.
A/N: This request has been in my inbox forever, so I apologise for long it took! I hope you like it Layla! Happy reading! :) Thanks to my besties/betas @hintsofhoney and @makeadealwithdean for looking over this. Sorry not sorry for killing you hehe
also there's plenty more Soldier Boy content on the way because apparently I've become an SB smut dealer lmaooo
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“Do you think I’d make a good father?”
That was the question that sparked the sex marathon they had been in for hours now. Given that he was a supe, Soldier Boy had the stamina for withstanding just about anything, and if he had it his way he could probably last well into the night. She on the other hand was flagging quickly, the downside of being 100% human, but she really couldn’t bring herself to tell him to stop. Not when he always knew just how to make her toes curl and her body quake with euphoric bliss. He may have known what buttons to push to get her going, but that didn’t mean their encounters were predictable. They were far from it, and that day was no exception.
The day started out like any other. He had meetings with hero management, followed by filming a commercial for Cracker Jack, which then led to interviews with different channels. She finally stepped out of their penthouse that night to join him on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, draped in an emerald green dress to match his suit, complete with gold accessories. Usually interviews weren’t really her favorite thing to do, but being America’s golden couple meant that they needed to be seen in public in order to keep that status. So they did what they always did. They laughed and joked with quick-witted Carson, charmed the audience and made the nation fall deeper for them with each caress of a hand or sweet kiss. Some may have thought it was just for the cameras, those cynical spectators that didn’t have any business commenting on what goes on behind closed doors, but they both knew the truth about their relationship.
They were in love. They had been since the moment he propositioned her in the elevator of the Vought American building, leading to one of the wildest nights she had ever had. Most would call it lust, but when you understood someone on a deeper level like they both did, it was most definitely love. A warped, messed up kind of love, but nonetheless, that’s what it was. She wasn’t stupid; she knew the kind of man he was, what he had to do during the war, and in Vought’s name since he joined their roster. She knew there were some off the books black ops missions he had gone on, even if she didn’t know the details. She heard the rumors about Dealey Plaza, too. She knew that he was fucked up despite his God fearing, all-American persona for the public, but she didn’t care.
In order to love someone like that, she had to be a little fucked up too. Well, more than a little.
Despite distracting everyone with their incredible charisma, questions of settling down and starting a family came up, and she knew she had to think of an answer fast when she saw Ben’s face go blank. With her biggest grin, she turned to Carson and said “Well, if anything happens Johnny, you’ll be the first to know!” They covered it up with hearty laughs as the audience joined in, along with the host, before he thanked them for their time to raucous applause.
The drive back to the Vought building was quiet, her concern growing for him until his words: “Do you think I’d make a good father?” broke the silence.
“Why do you ask?” she questioned in return, softly as to not scare him from broaching the subject.
“That fucking Carson,” he muttered, staring out the window at the bright lights. “I just… I guess he got me thinkin’, that’s all. Forget it.”
She wasn’t going to. She knew there was something he wanted to tell her, something he wanted of her, and she needed to know what it was.
“Thinking about what?”
“Thinkin’ about… about how I’d do it better than my father ever did,” he confessed. “We’d make some perfect fucking kids, that’s for damn sure.”
She smiled softly, her hand curling over his as she slid across the backseat and pressed herself against his side. She nuzzled her nose along his jaw, leaving small kisses along his stubble as she reached his ear, her breath fanning against the shell as she whispered her own desire to do the same.
“Then let’s start right now.”
And that was how they found themselves in their bedroom twenty minutes later, with her holding herself up on her quivering hands and knees as he pounded into her from behind, his fingers digging into her skin with a bruising hold as his pelvis smacked against the curve of her ass. He had contorted her into every position possible since then for the last couple of hours, with barely a few minutes to breathe between each romp in the sheets. She had lost track of how many positions, and she was about to lose count of how many times he had spilled inside her, both of them getting closer to that release once more.
“Oh god, oh god!” she moaned wantonly, her forehead pressed against the mattress as her hands fisted the sheets. She was completely unbothered about how loud she was and the fact that people had probably heard them by now.
“No need to bring him into this, doll,” he chuckled, the sound broken up by his groans of pleasure. “Just me and you here…”
“You’re so fucking cheesy,” she mumbled, a guttural whimper escaping her at a particularly angled thrust against her g-spot.
“You fucking love it,” he countered, smirking as he suddenly pulled out of her.
Ignoring her whine of protest, Soldier Boy flipped her over onto her back and grabbed her legs, bending her in half as her calves rested on his shoulders, sliding back into her tight heat with a quick, hard thrust. The sounds that left them were nothing short of pornographic, as he began to pick up the pace with each push of his hips against her. He squeezed his eyes shut as her walls clenched around his throbbing cock, both of them balancing on the edge of their blissful climax, ready to go over at any minute.
“So fucking good, so fucking perfect, Y/N,” he growled, their faces close as he leaned over her. “You love the way I fuck you, don’t ya?”
“Yes!” she cried out, nodding frantically as she stared up into his green orbs. “Love the way you fuck me… you fuck me so good, Ben. So deep, and hard, wanna feel it for days.”
“Oh you will, sugar,” he groaned, between rough kisses against her lips. “Gonna fill you up, make you feel so full, make you full and round with my babies. You want that?”
“Yeah,” she breathed.
“Fuck, yeah you do,” he husked. “Tell me, tell me you want it.”
“I want it, I want it so bad, Ben,” she whimpered, the sound practically a sob with how desperate she was to finally let go. “I want you to fill me up, give it to me.”
“Cum for me, doll, soak my cock,” he said, looking deep into her eyes.
Y/N finally felt the dam breaking as a loud, shrieking moan escaped her, her walls contracting around his shaft as her arousal spread over him. He grunted loudly, his hips snapping harder against her, as he tried to hold himself back. His eyes fluttered, about to close, but her hands on his face stopped him, making him pay attention to her as their gazes locked. As she had with each time he had reached his peak that night, she stroked her thumbs along his jaw, slowly nodding her encouragement and desire to feel his seed deep inside her.
“S-Say it,” he stuttered, his neck straining as he held on just a little longer. “Fuckkk, s-say it-”
She bit her lip, knowing how it drove him crazy, before she parted them and uttered the words that sent him over the edge at the end of round that night.
“You’re gonna be a great dad… better than your own.”
Soldier Boy threw his head back, the veins in his neck pressing against his skin as he let out a guttural moan, his cock pulsing deep inside her tight canal. She moaned softly as she felt the warm spurts of his cum coat her walls, filling her up as he had done several times that night already. They both breathed heavily, trying to calm their racing hearts, neither of them wanting to move away from the other. He buried his face in her neck, planting soft pecks along her pulse point, bringing a smile to her face as they basked in the afterglow.
Both of them hoped that it wouldn’t be too much longer before their dream became a reality.
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madddays · 1 year
camera shy
pairing: yoongi x reader (f) summary: after his last Oakland show, you carve out a little alone time with your husband, away from the stage lights and the cameras and the million people who always seem to be around rating/genre: explicit // fluff + smut + slice of life-ish (it’s a tour fic!) + an attempt at humour warnings: smut -- oral + fingering (f receiving), missionary, unprotected sex (they’re married it’s fine), terribly thought-out plot note: hello!!! i haven’t written anything in this format in a long time (poetry is my medium of choice) so pls be gentle!! also this is set in what is the “current timeline” but is of course fictional and i took every creative liberty i could :) also there was supposed to be a little bit at the end that i cut out bc reader was getting a little too cuckoo but that’s where the title came from and i couldn’t think of another. okay. anyway. 
Being on tour is exhausting.
You’re not sure you have the right to complain – you’re not the one performing high-energy shows in sold out arenas every night. But you are lifting your share of your husband’s emotional weight as he does his solo tour. His first solo tour, as is stressed to you. 
And you’re dodging cameras left and right. While it was impossible for you to stay out of the picture completely — the team at HYBE had convinced you that there was no need to hide your presence — being an idol’s wife didn’t really make you the most… sympathetic character. 
So you try to keep the complaining to a minimum. 
“If I have to duck out of one more cameraman’s way today…” you grumble under your breath. Sejin laughs. 
“There’s only so long they can spend in your room,” he placates. “And tomorrow you’ll have use of the business centre again.”
You harrumph. Fucking businesspeople using the business centre for their business shit. Hunkering down over your laptop again, you attempt once more to read over the article you needed to finish editing tonight. You’re finally making a little headway, getting into the groove, and then —
“That’s it!” you snap in English, frantically trying to catch the open water bottle that almost spilled all over your computer. The culprit, a man looking through the lens of his giant stupid camera on his giant stupid tripod, glances at you with a bored expression. 
“Whoops,” he says lightly, wheeling the contraption slightly to the left of where he’d bumped the desk. “Should probably keep that closed.”
You see red. Just as you’re about to toss this man and his equipment out the 50th story window, your husband appears. 
“Jagiya,” Yoongi murmurs to you, placing a grounding hand at the side of your face. You instantly relax about fifty percent. “I’m sorry, just the rest of the afternoon.”
You look up at him, at his soft pleading face. He’s turned away from the filming crew, hiding both his expression and yours. You relax the rest of the way, resting in his palm, a little guilt creeping in. 
It’s not his fault. Obviously, everything was going to be filmed — a BTS member’s first solo tour. There was going to be a documentary, and like it or not, you were going to be in it. As marginally as possible, everyone had insisted, but you couldn’t afford to look bad. Unfortunate that the filming crew was full of a bunch of dicks who didn’t give a shit about anyone who wasn’t the star. “No,” you shake your head, “I’m sorry. I know you hate this as much as I do, probably more. I’ll try to be good.”
At this, Yoongi smiles, shoulders jerking with a laugh. “I’m not asking for a miracle,” he teases. “Just a little patience.” You roll your eyes. You can behave. 
Just then, the same nimrod shoots a look at you, almost goading, as Sejin picks up your laptop and its accessories so the Christopher Nolan wannabe can put some more douchebag equipment where it just was. You look Yoongi straight in the eyes, dead serious. “If that man crosses me one more time, I’m going to kill him. And I’m going to film it with his stupid fucking camera.”
--------------- xxx ---------------
Most people expect you to be ecstatic about the proximity to free tickets that being married to Yoongi brings. And you love watching him perform. Up on the stage, in his element. He’s never more radiant than when he’s singing and rapping, leaning in close to the edge of the stage so he can look into the fans’ eyes — gloss, a fitting name for the shining star you see giving his all. 
And the confidence is incredibly sexy. So you have a competency kink, sue you. 
But god is it tiring being there. Even in the nosebleeds, or in the VIP box. You can’t exactly abandon Yoongi afterwards, so you have to make your way discreetly backstage with the security team, and then you wait through the undressing and the debriefing and the security checks and the filming. Sometimes the media circus. Only then can you sneak into a car with him and head back to the hotel. 
So you stay behind tonight. It’s the last day of the American leg, and you’ve already seen a few spectacular shows. You have your own life, your own responsibilities. Which includes deadlines. 
You were able to come with Yoongi for this leg of the tour because you’d promised your boss an exclusive — first dibs on Agust D’s experience touring in the U.S. While you wouldn’t be allowed to take part in the spread (a very clear conflict of interest, no bueno) you’re excited for it. The potential of the photoshoot alone is making your head spin. 
But part of the deal was also to keep working. The list of articles your Senior Editor ass has to go over is slowly dwindling, this feature on Korea’s impact on global fashion getting to the finish line. 
“Yes!” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in the now blessedly empty hotel room. Email with the finished article sent, you roll your chair to look straight into the little camera that’s trained on the desk Yoongi’s claimed and flip it the bird. 
Job done and borderline invasive filming (it’s only on when Yoongi decides to get some working shots for them, but still) disrespected, there’s not much left to do but wait. 
When the third time cycling through all your social media apps doesn’t provide any groundbreaking entertainment, you decide to call down to reception for some reading material. It’s not technically work if you’re just reading a dozen trashy ‘Who Wore It Best?’ segments. “Anne Hathaway, hwaiting!” you mutter to yourself.
--------------- xxx ---------------
A couple hours later, you’re still thoroughly immersed in your magazines and your music, completely missing the cacophony in the hallway. The knock on your door startles you so thoroughly you hit your head against the headboard. 
“Unnie, are you okay?” asks Ari, one of the stylists. “I was coming to call you to eat!”
“Oh, you’re all back! One sec!” You scramble off the bed, excited to see the aftermath of the show. You barely remember to put on a pair of pants before rushing out the door, Ari’s surprised face greeting you. “Thanks, Ari-yah,” you grin, locking arms with her. “How was the show?”
“It was great! Oppa is always good, but tonight he was especially energetic.” Her face screws up a little. “He ripped another one of the jackets, though.”
An inconvenience to her, but you don’t share the irritation. Yoongi’s broad shoulders busting his clothes, yum. “Oh,” you say anyway, your sympathy unconvincing, “that’s annoying.” Ari snorts.
“Sure. At least it’s new costumes for the next leg. We’ll refit them.”
You practically vibrate with excitement at that. “I haven’t seen them yet! I’m sure you all did an awesome job!” 
She blushes. “I think it’ll be good! They’re not totally finalized yet, but I’ll send you a ton of pictures.” Her eye drops in a wink, making you giggle delightedly. 
Dinner is a buffet in one of the conference rooms of your beloved business centre. One of the security team members escorts you down with a group of the staff, but most people had gone down earlier, apparently very hungry. Yoongi among them. As you approach the doors, you hear someone complaining to him that they should’ve done this at a restaurant and where is his sense of celebration.
“Come on,” you hear him grumble. “It’s not like the entire tour is over. We can all go out tomorrow.”
You snort. “And then tomorrow you’ll say ‘tomorrow never comes’.” If it were happening to someone else, you’d never let them live down how quickly their husband’s head snapped towards them, but you make an exception because yours is so cute. 
Despite his enthusiastic surprise, he doesn’t miss a beat. “Great, now I have to come up with a new excuse. Thanks for that,” he rolls his eyes, but immediately swaps the empty plate you grab with the one he was filling up for himself, no room to argue. Your giddy mood sours a little when you catch sight of the filming crew again. 
Yoongi holds your hand over his bouncing knee and the two of you sneak food off and onto each other’s plates. The mood is bright and light, despite everyone’s obvious exhaustion (at least three people by your count are in danger of falling asleep into their food). You expect to see an extended shot of the staff and crew laughing and eating, a flushed Yoongi being plied with praise and encouragement, under some sort of pensive voiceover. 
And you’re right, because right after he’s done eating they whisk Yoongi away to do what is sure to be a thorough recount of his adventure in the States. You’re a little jealous that they get to hear all about it before you do. Fuckers. 
As the room starts to clear out, you bid everyone a good night and trudge back up to your room, planning to crawl into bed and wait for your husband. 
But when you open the door, he’s already there. Your immediate thought is that the air conditioning is up too high for him to leave his hair damp like that. Your second thought is how pretty he looks — sharp eyes focused on his legal pad, sinful hand flying across the page trying to get down whatever lyrics are thundering through his brain, cheeks flushed and pouty mouth puckered. He must’ve gone straight from the shower to his desk.
After a few moments he must sense your eyes on him, because his writing falters and he turns to you, a soft smile breaking out across his face. Your heart flutters. 
“Hey!” he says happily, pulling out his earbuds. “I was waiting for you.”
“Clearly,” you laugh, moving to perch on the table in front of him. He pulls your feet into his lap, putting his papers aside. You resist the urge to sneak a peek, instead asking “did I interrupt something?”
“No,” he assures you. “I got everything important down. You were right on time.” His fingers are drumming on your thigh like there’s still something on his mind, but you’re feeling greedy tonight, so you let it slide.
“Apparently, I was late.” His hair is cold when you ruffle it. “Let me dry your hair. You still have schedules to make it to, can’t get sick.”
Under the gentle whirr of the expensive hair dryer and your hands in his soft locks, you coax out some of the details of the night from him. Stuff those production company jerks would never get to hear, wouldn’t think to ask about. How he was so glad to never have to wear one of his costumes ever again. The way he didn’t even feel the heat of the stage lights, the thing that drenched him in sweat (aside from the jumping and running around) was nerves. You laugh when he tells you about the girl in the pit who danced so hard the veil of her wedding dress outfit ended up on one of the lights. Your heart swells, swells, swells.
There’s still a restlessness about him when you’re done. You suggest he goes back to his desk but he shakes his head. “Let’s go to bed.” The first time in ages you can do so without the weight of anticipation and stress over him – hopefully it will settle whatever is making him twitchy.
There’s a spark of arousal in your belly when you feel his eyes on your backside as you change into your pyjamas. A breath stutters out of your mouth when you meet his sleepy gaze, getting a soft smirk in response. “Come here,” he says softly. “I missed you.”
In your eagerness to get to him, you collide with the bed a little too fast. “Oof,” you huff, making him laugh. He sits up to haul you into his side, another surprised noise leaving your mouth.
“Dummy,” he teases. “Not even safe in a cushy hotel room.” You kick at his shin.
“Quit giving me bedroom eyes then.” You see his eyes sparkle and mouth start to open and smack a hand over it. “Yes, we are in a bedroom, ha ha, you are very funny.”
He moves your hand away, unimpressed. “It is a funny joke,” he grumbles. Truly funny thing is, if he’d said it, you would’ve laughed. You’re down horrendously and he knows it, although you do your best to keep his ego in check at least some of the time.
Giggling anyway, you let him press you closer to his chest. You especially love him like this, warm and soft and silly and all to yourself. 
Yoongi turns over onto his good shoulder to face you, tipping your chin up. His gaze flits across your face, tender and deep, like he can see everything you’re thinking. You hope he can. You think he does. “I love you,” he murmurs, and he kisses you.
Your eyes flutter closed, relishing in this closeness. The way his mouth moves over yours, slow and deliberate. 
This isn’t a kiss just because, or goodnight or I’ll be right back, this is a kiss because I want to be touching you. I want to breathe you in. I want to forget everything but you.
You let out a sigh. Yoongi hums against you, a rumble you feel in his chest, and slides his tongue to meet yours. He shifts some more so he’s over you, braced on his forearm. It’s urgent now, but the way he licks into your mouth is languid, a creeping heat. 
He knows just how you like it, just how to drive you wild. Where you push and pull and grasp at him, he slows you, pins you down, makes you feel every second like it’s an hour.
When he pulls away, panting slightly, you realize – it’s been a long time. The last time the two of you had had a chance to get horizontal (or otherwise) had been the week you left Korea. More than a month ago. No wonder you’re so desperate for him, threading your fingers through his hair and pulling him back in, feeling his smug little grin against your mouth. 
He grabs at your hip with his other hand, and just that contact, his hand deliberate against the bare skin between your shirt and pyjama shorts, is enough to have you gasping.
He pulls away again with a low chuckle. “I’ve been neglecting you, my love,” he noses against your jaw. The warmth of his breath makes you shiver.
“You’ve been such a good wife,” he continues, sitting back on his heels, raking his gaze over you. His tone is soft but his eyes are so, so hungry. You reach for him, desperate to be back under his body, but he just smiles, closed mouth and innocent. “Shh, let your husband take care of you.”
He climbs back over you, settles his weight on you like he knows you like and hovers an inch from your face. His hair, longer again, hangs in his eyes, but you can see the mischievous shine in them. “Hi,” he whispers.
“Yoongi,” you whine. His smile grows even bigger, but before you can crush your lips to his he leans down and kisses you, slow and searing again. 
“I’ll make you feel good,” he promises, mouthing down your neck. You know he’s going to leave marks, but you can’t bring yourself to care. It’s been so long since you’ve felt properly like his. “Smell so sweet,” he sighs, opening the top button of your sleep shirt and burying his face between your tits. “Sweet, sweet girl.”
You moan, sensitive from his touch. “You’re –” he nips at you, drawing more breathy noises from your mouth. “You’re unusually talkative tonight.”
He smiles up at you. “You like it,” he says simply. And you do. You want him to keep telling you how you look and feel to him, what he’s going to do to you.
You start to fall apart under his mouth, his hands, his words. Soon your shirt is gone, tits shiny with his saliva. “Your fucking tongue,” you grab his hair, hold him in place, and his groan against your skin makes your sensitive nipples shoot fireworks into your brain. He presses your tits together tighter, sucking them noisily in turn as you grind up against his hardening cock.
“Taste fucking perfect,” his voice is so deep. Your pussy is already clenching, desperate for him. 
Yoongi helps you out of your pyjama shorts, wanting you completely bare to him. “Need to see you, jagi.” He settles between your legs, settled over his shoulders. His warm mouth over your cunt has you spreading them wider, eager.
“That’s my girl,” he rumbles approvingly, expecting the ensuing flood from your pussy. He uses two of his long, callused fingers to spread it all over, sliding almost coincidentally over your clit. Your hips cant towards his hand, wanting more than anything to have them inside you – fuck. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Yoongi, please,” you choke. It’s getting nearly unbearable, this desperation. You’re so wet, so sensitive, your entrance clenching around nothing.
“Pretty, pretty,” he says in a soft rasp, talking to himself. He gets comfortable between your legs and you can see his sharp, dark eyes zero in on your cunt, tongue wetting his lips like someone’s set a meal in front of him. You suppose you have.
“Ahhh-hhhh,” you moan, the first broad sweep of his tongue over your folds like electricity. Like he’d just set a firecracker off inside of you – buzzing and sparking from the tips of your toes to your scalp. Eyes squeezed shut, a broken noise comes out of your mouth. 
He keeps going, lapping at your pussy in an even rhythm and making low sounds of appreciation. It’s so, so wet you’re sure he must be drooling, and the thought is enough to have you clenching your legs together. “Careful, baby,” he says against your skin, but the vibrations of his voice are just fuel to the fire. “Watch me.”
You lean up shakily on your elbows, and the sight of him is nearly enough to knock you back down again. The mop of dark hair between your legs, working away as though you’re barely there, like he’s just using this to get himself off – except his eyes, watching you under the harsh slant of his eyebrows – shit shit it’s almost too much already.
“Fuck, baby, please,” you plead breathily, not even sure what you’re asking for. He’s already giving you everything you want. The close of his pouted lips around your clit has you jerking, the fiery crackle in your nerves making everything hazy except the places he’s touching you – big hands clamped around your thighs, face buried in your cunt, fingers pressed into the meat of your ass. He’d taken off the rest of his rings, but you can feel his wedding band pinching your skin slightly. Your matching one catches the light as you twist your hand into the sheets. “I need – I nee –” you break off, keening when he rubs a finger over your hole.
“Don’t worry, love,” he slides a digit in, feeling the way you clench around it desperately. “I know what my girl needs.” On the next stroke, he slides in a second finger, groaning when you clamp down on him. You collapse back onto the pillows, hips kicking up despite the way he’s pressing you into the mattress
You’d teased him mercilessly, way back when the two of you had started dating. “Tongue technology, huh? Do you have any songs where you’re not bragging about how good you eat pussy?” He’d only smiled, smug and amused, like he knew something you didn’t. 
Boy, did you find out. Again, and again, and again. The way he flicks his tongue over your clit, a fast, even tempo that has you curling your toes. Combined with how fast he’s pumping those long fingers in you, the squelching sounds absolutely obscene. 
“Another?” he asks, voice almost disinterested, betrayed only by how hoarse and low it’s become. You nod frantically, knowing you’re close. 
When he adds his ring finger, you know you’re done for. There’s a searing heat all down your body — your belly’s tight, your feet digging into Yoongi’s back with how tightly you have them tensed. Your face is flushed and sweaty and you can barely hear your own breathy whining through the rushing in your ears. It’s building, the wet slick of his tongue joining his fingers as your legs start to tremble around him, threatening to squeeze his neck, your hands finding their way into his hair to bring him with you when your back arches off the bed, and when he sucks your clit back between his lips —
“That’s it, fuck, baby,” he growls against you. He pumps you through your orgasm, almost struggling to get deep because of the way you’re gripped tight around them. Lets the gush of come slick his tongue further, shaking his head side to side as you ride out your aftershocks. You grind against his face, stuttering as the oversensitivity kicks in, whining when it becomes too much.
“N’more,” you slur, gasping when Yoongi eases out of you. He sits back on his heels again, his mouth, nose, and chin shiny from the way you’ve drenched him. 
He seems content to let it sit as he meets your eyes, popping his used fingers into his mouth, eyes rolling back and groaning at the taste. “Pussy monster,” you sigh deliriously.
He laughs, having sucked his fingers clean. Pushing yourself up to lean back against the headboard, you try to get your bearings. Your legs are shaking a little and between them is still sensitive, but away from Yoongi the cold air of the hotel room makes your nipples tighten and you want more. 
Your husband focuses his attention back on you. Your legs, open just enough so he can see the mess he’s made of you, and the way your skin is flushed, from your face all the way down to your chest. You shiver. 
“Cold, sweetheart?” he asks in a low growl. He pulls his shirt off and wipes his face with it, giving you an uninterrupted moment to ogle him. His broad shoulders, defined chest and arms, and toned stomach. The tattoo on his pec. The dusting of hair leading from his belly button down, down, down…
“Warm me up,” you say coquettishly, spreading your legs further. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, reverent. Even after all these years, you have the exact same effect on him as the first time. It’s evident in the bulge in his pyjama pants that you eye hungrily. He wraps a hand around each of your ankles, pushing them up to bend your knees, crawling up so he can settle against you and lock your legs around his waist. 
You let out a pathetic little sound at the feeling of him against your cunt. You’re still leaking, juices sticking to the insides of your thighs and probably leaving a patch on his pants. “Baby,” you whine. He leans down to kiss you and the grind of his cock against you has you gasping. “Need it,” you whisper into his mouth. “How do you want me?”
Yoongi kisses you one more time, chaste, and shakes his head. “How does my sweet girl want it?”
You flush even warmer. “Like this,” you say shyly. Yoongi smiles at you, fucked out and endeared.
Your hands find their way to his sweaty skin like magnets. Shaky fingertips tracing from his hips up over the flat of his stomach, hard muscles twitching as he sighs under your touch. When you reach his chest, you look up at him from under your lashes – he’s already looking back at you, pretty mouth agape. “The abs are new. I like them.” Then you scratch your blunt nails down them, feeling the muscles jump under your hands. 
“Fuck,” he groans, leaning into you. You gasp at the twitch of his cock, the head rubbing your clit. “You’re in for it now.”
“Then fucking give it to me.”
He kisses you again, and he’s just so predictable. Despite his big talk and the way he’s pinning your hips down hard, he takes his time, opening you up to him. Your husband kisses like he drinks – slow and savoury, loves the taste of you, the way you make him feel dazed and light. Letting out little satisfied noises in response to the way you kiss him back, the way you let him have his way with you. If it were up to him, he’d work you up like this for hours. Drinking you in. 
Unfortunately for him, you’re worked up enough. He’s grinding into you in tiny movements but the sensitivity from your prior orgasm, the insistent press of his cock between your lips, and the knowledge that you haven’t had him inside you in probably the longest stretch of time since you’d met is driving you insane.
“Take off your fucking pants, Yoongi,” you snap against his mouth, pulling at his waistband. He just laughs. “If you don’t fuck me right now –”
He keeps laughing, breathless and fond, but tips away from you enough to get his pyjama bottoms off and kicked away and hell yeah.
He runs his fingers through your folds and you gasp. Your hips cant up towards his hand but it’s gone immediately, and the sight of him jacking his cock with your wetness makes you whimper.
“So wet,” he murmurs, guiding the head to your pussy. The previous teasing mirth has vanished and there’s only the dark, focused look as he presses forward and – “Fuck.”
“Yoongi!” you cry out. His fingers hadn’t done nearly a good enough job of stretching you. The burn of him as he pushes into you makes your eyes roll back as you feel him pepper kisses over your cheek, down your neck to your collarbone. “Oh –”
“I must be out of my fucking mind,” he grunts, bottoming out. You choke on a sob. His big hand kneads your tit and it feels so fucking good you think you’re going to lose your mind. “How did I go without this for so long?”
He pulls out almost all the way then thrusts back in hard. “Y-Yoon – “ you whine breathily, barely able to make a sound at this point. 
“My gorgeous wife, in this bed every night, so needy. This perfect pussy — shit.” He sucks the other nipple into his mouth, buried in you so deep you can’t think of anything but the way he’s filling you so good. The way you hadn’t realized you’d needed. 
You’re blubbering at this point, beyond words, as Yoongi chases his orgasm inside you. Kissing every part of you he can reach as the sound of his skin against yours fills the room, playing with your tits the way that drives you wild. You come again with a shout, tears streaming down your face. 
“So pretty,” he murmurs, kissing the tears away. He’s still going, deeper now instead of fast. “Can you give me one more, love?”
You’re dizzy with pleasure and overstimulation, but he loves to come with your pussy squeezing him. “Yeah,” you pant. A kiss, slow and deep, as he pushes back in. 
Your legs are wrapped so tightly around his waist he can barely pull all the way back out. All you can do is hold on as he takes what he wants from you. 
“Shit, shit,” Yoongi groans, hips stuttering. He’s close. “Love you, pretty girl, so fucking good to me,” his voice low and raspy and warm right next to your ear. “Do I make you feel good?”
“Y-yes,” you manage to get out and you can feel his cock throb inside you, rubbing your g-spot and it’s enough. Your vision goes white and you see stars as your entire body tenses up and you tremble all over when it suddenly releases. “Yoongi!”
“Fuuuck,” he grunts. “Squeeze me just like that,” and he’s coming too. 
You lay there, panting under Yoongi as he softens inside you. The sweat makes you stick together where you’re touching, and anywhere outside your bed it would make you push him away. But you’re content to lie under him, soft, laboured breaths puffing next to your ear. 
“Should’ve used a condom,” you say hoarsely. There’s going to be a mess when he pulls out, you can already feel it. 
“Fucking raw used to be so hot,” he sighs, kissing your cheek. “Now it’s a chore.”
Your snort turns into a gasp as he pulls out. Reaching for his discarded shirt, he cleans up as much of his come as he can. You watch him, eyes zeroed in on the mess, licking his lips. 
“Reel it in.” You boop his nose and he scrunches it. “I really cannot go another round. You’re gonna have to drag me to the bathroom.” 
--------------- xxx ---------------
And he kind of does. On a good day, he could definitely carry you. But after three weeks of touring and a semi-vigorous round of sex, he hitches you onto his back in some semblance of a piggyback. You actually could probably walk, but you know the mood Yoongi’s in. 
He lets you pee, then comes to clean you up the rest of the way. Both of you wrapped in fluffy robes, he washes the sweat and tears off your face gently, brushes through your hair with his fingers. Puts up with your halfhearted whining about expensive skincare as he pats it carefully back onto your face. 
By the time you’ve dragged yourselves back to bed, the California King large enough that you don’t worry about the mess you’ve made on the other side, all the tension has drained from his body. The frantic energy of performing in a foreign country alone for the first time, melted away. 
He’s soft and sleepy when he hitches your leg over his hip, pulls your head onto his chest. “Thank you,” he mumbles. You don’t have to ask him what he means. 
You laugh softly. “Silly,” you say, drifting off.
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lamprophonia · 9 months
》 [ yandere!Jock. ] 《
yan!jock x gn!reader: introduction. 1273 words. reader referred to as 'you'. cw for general yandere behavior.
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elijah steele is the best goddamn actor in your school.
the theatre kids could learn from him, honestly, because there is no way in hell anyone else could have convincingly pulled off what he did: pose as the nicest, most helpful and kind student in the entirety of the sorry shithole that is eastview high for four years straight.
to literally everyone, elijah is so sweet it's almost vomit inducing. the school's golden boy — smart, nice, strong. best player on the football team, co-captain of the swim team, and part of the basketball team for good measure, helpful, always cheery, and he got good grades.
even amongst his peers, he was always considered the most straight-edge one; still, he was pretty much universally liked. he was genuinely friends with everyone, never judging or turning anyone away.
what's not to love?
well, probably the fact that all of that is a lie, an ever on-going act. a carefully crafted persona, custom made to hide the fact elijah steele is a colossal prick.
it's honestly almost too easy for him. help teachers out here and there, talk to the right people, go to the right parties, and play on some teams, and boom, the entirety of eastview wrapped around your finger. he's made high school a game for himself, and he has been winning for four years straight.
elijah's obsession with you didn't kick in right away. he saw you and was... eh, rather neutral. he decided you were pretty enough, and homecoming or some other stupid dance he didn't actually care about was coming up, so he needed a date to look good. you were just a pawn, after all, no different from anyone else. an accessory — good-looking and non-threatening enough.
no, the obsession started when you rejected him.
worse than reject him: you saw through the finely crafted veil he's always putting on — through the smile that's as fake as it is charming, the tone of voice that's almost a bit too nice — you saw through it all, and didn't hesitate to let him know.
and oh.
it hurt.
with a few words and an unimpressed look, without even realizing it, you broke elijah's game. you weren't playing along. and hey, he might be a prick, but he's a prick with feelings. a lot of very conflicting feelings, as it turns out; he's dealt with rejection before, but never when it came to relationships.
he probably should have seen the hurt he felt when you rejected him as a sign of what was coming, that being the growing obsession he can practically feel developing. you made him feel something other than smug superiority and mild annoyance. it wasn't anything pleasant, sure, but it was new. the week after that little encounter of yours, you were literally the only thing he could think about.
at first, it was a mixed bag. elijah was confused, weirdly hurt — he discovered he didn't like feeling either of those much — and angry. mostly angry. that was the only emotion he was really familiar with of those three, so he thought he would be able to use it pretty easily. he does football after all, he'd just tackle whatever poor sods that were unfortunate enough to be going up against him in practice and get it all out of his system. easy, right?
it wasn't easy.
he nearly dislocated a guy's shoulder before realizing that his usual method for dealing with his feelings — channeling them into brute force — wasn't working, which only made him more confused, which in turn only made him angrier. so used to being in control, elijah didn't know what to do with himself for the first few days.
fortunately for him and the rest of the eastview football players, his anger, hurt, and confusion subsided after maybe a week and a half, giving way to another unfamiliar, but much more welcome emotion: fascination.
you still occupied his thoughts constantly, but he finally got a break from the all-consuming contempt he felt. instead, he regarded you with intrigue, a curiosity. it was then he decided he had to learn more; you were an obstacle, a challenge. another part of the game.
he just had to figure out how to beat you.
in some strange way, elijah was excited. this was going to be hard, sure, but his mind was already hard at work, and he was sure it would eventually be rewarding.
and hey, most importantly, this was new! his rage turned to pure goddamn delight at the idea of someone who finally isn't drooling all over him. it's so fun! like a specimen for him to study, aren't you, darling? finally, he has to work for someone's favour.
once elijah comes to this... decision? realization? he gets started pretty much immediately. he knows now that the overly sugarcoated golden boy persona isn't going to work for you. he's going to need a new strategy, and he's giddy to get to work on it.
with negative hesitation, he starts stalking you. honestly, he probably starts stalking you before he actually buckles down and starts trying to win you over; at some point in the bafflement that comes with you not immediately falling for him, he just starts to follow you around from a distance, almost absent-mindedly making notes on your schedule, your friends, class mates, teachers... he decides to double down after that, though, deciding that if he's serious about beating you, he's going to have to up his game.
that's when he starts actually following you home, taking note of your family and your behavior outside of school.
the second thing he starts doing is shadowing you outside of stalking. that meaning, he starts sitting with you at lunch, making friends with your friends, switches classes to have them with you, and joins your extracurriculars; and he does so with the most smug, shit-eating grin on his face.
he starts talking to you as if you were one of his friends, and even though you knew that elijah was probably less nice than he seemed at first glance, you didn't realize just how starkly different his real personality is from the persona he puts on.
elijah starts to treat you more genuinely, in a way. he talks shit about his friends to you, bitches freely about all his classes and coaches. it's a distinction that would feel sweet, if not for the cognitive dissonance that comes with watching him be all smiles with someone right after he told you he hates them.
because here's the thing — now that elijah knows you're not fooled by the overly sweet and helpful guy he pretends to be, that his polite golden boy act won't work on you like it does with everyone else; now, he can stop pretending.
it's freeing. hell, it's almost more fun that way.
he wants to win with all of his cards out on the table. every nice, kind he does to make you like him will be colored by that tension, that dissonance, that confusion.
of course, elijah would never admit it, but slowly, as he makes friends with you, his obsession with you turns romantic. his intrigue turns to sincere care and affection. he doesn't realize it until he sees someone flirting with you — or worse, you flirting with someone — and jealousy hits him like a fucking brick.
he's left to collect himself, once again feeling hurt, angry, and confused at his own thoughts. he didn't even like you. you were supposed to be just a game, a challenge, an obstacle.
what the fuck was happening?
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psuedosugu · 5 months
I definitely would love some more Vox x Singer!reader headcannons the concept is hella cool!!
omg yess ty i have so many thoughts about this
cw: themes of stalking, manipulation, harassment
gender neutral
pt 1 here
⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅
˚୨୧₊♱ || yk how i mention how he takes you on “dates”?
˚୨୧₊♱ || he usually takes you to fancy restaurants for lunch so that you 2 can discuss potential brand deals. (definitely not so he has an extra hour and a half to stare at you and take in every feature you have)
˚୨୧₊♱ || you’re practically a walking billboard for voxtech with all of the sponsorships you get from him.
˚୨୧₊♱ || its not like you’re complaining, though, because he does pay well.
˚୨୧₊♱ || while he was looking after (stalking) you through your tv screen, he found out that you have sleeping problems!
˚୨୧₊♱ || he immediately started working on a tempur-pedic type mattress (these), and all because of you!
˚୨୧₊♱ || it was a win-win really, you get better sleep and he gets more sales (and more ways to stalk and get info about you)
˚୨୧₊♱ || if you were to get a significant other who’s also a celebrity, vox would plant false claims and rumors about them, forcing you to have to break up with them to save face.
˚୨୧₊♱ || if you were to enter an official relationship with him, wether it be on your own accord or due to his hypnosis, vox would definitely show you off and tell everyone that you were his.
˚୨୧₊♱ || you two were a power couple, star crossed lovers, he was the king and you were the queen, he was the president and you were the first lady.
˚୨୧₊♱ || or perhaps thats just what he thought, what he wanted others to think, what he really wanted you to think.
˚୨୧₊♱ || vox loved the feeling of calling you his, the thrill.
˚୨୧₊♱ || you were beautiful, an absolute doll, and just the right accessory for him.
˚୨୧₊♱ || vox really did care for you, albeit more like a trophy prize than a lover.
˚୨୧₊♱ || if you were to somehow escape from his grasp, he would be up in arms.
˚୨୧₊♱ || hed try to convince himself that its because you need him! what if someone came after you, knowing your value? what if you were hurt by someone?
˚୨୧₊♱ || but deep down he knew that its because he needs you.
˚୨୧₊♱ || you? you were independent, you were fine. but him? he wouldn’t know what to do without his favorite little thing, without your voice to calm him down, without your smile to brighten the whole room.
˚୨୧₊♱ || he started to be vulnerable with you, something he wasn’t with many people, and something he would grow to regret.
˚୨୧₊♱ || hed become desperate, projecting himself onto all of your electronics, begging you to just please, give him one more chance. hed learn, he’d grow, just please come back to him! dont you see how badly you’re hurting him?
˚୨୧₊♱ || after a while he would grow spiteful, kind of how he did with alastor (“he asked me to join his team, i said no and now he’s pissy….)
˚୨୧₊♱ || he might spread some secrets around about you, and maybe a few nasty lies too.
˚୨୧₊♱ || this was what you deserved, he thought. you had everything, everything he had to offer to you on a silver embellished spoon and you still threw it away!
˚୨୧₊♱ || so just stay with him okay? you’ll be happier that way, he promises.
̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅
i do requests!
check out my masterlist!
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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parrythisucasual · 7 months
*flies into your inbox*
Hiya! I recently discovered your account and I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR WRITING
Is it alright if I request Jax x GenderNeutral!Reader, but Reader is a Magician and has ✨ magician rizz ✨ (they flirt a lot)
Like, Magician!Reader would constantly preform tricks (card guessing, making things disappear and reappear, pulling a rabbit jax out of a hat, etc) and brightens up the mood a lot
It’ll be really funny if they prank everyone too! Nothing harmless, just giving a small fright, and stealing nearby character accessories (Pompi’s hat, Ragatha’s bow, Jax’s keys) and using them in their magic tricks
(I just want to squeeze Jax to oblivion so bad it doesn’t feel healthy at all 🫠)
Thank you!
Jax x Magician! Reader
You were the life of the circus! Everyone loved your jokes and tricks. Except for Jax, of course, but that was most likely because you’d used him as a prop once too many times. It wasn’t your fault he was so funny! And besides, yanking a rabbit out of a hat was a classic, right?
Speaking of tricks, you were “on stage” once more, performing your little heart out. With a wave of your hand, Ragatha’s bow was no longer in her hair, now pinched between your finger and thumb, “Dear me! Are you missing something~?” you taunt playfully. Ragatha chuckles, clapping a bit, “How’d you even do that?”
“Ah-ah! Haven’t you heard?” you toss her bow back to her, “a magician never reveals their secrets!” You wiggled your fingers, snapping and a coin appeared. The coin danced between each finger, somersaulting over each knuckle effortlessly. 
“Although,” you muse, walking past her, “Some tricks I might teach. When they're not so…” you lift your hand, the coin missing, “...amazing anymore.” You step past her, heading for the kitchen. You weren't hungry, no, you couldn't be, but you were in the mood for a snack anyway.
Rounding the corner, you smack straight into Jax. Your stack of cards flies out of your breast pocket, scattering across the floor. You grin, chuckling a little at him, “...and that’s how you do a 52 pickup?” you joke.
Jax rolls his eyes, but bends down to help you pick up the cards, “Maybe you wouldn’t have to perform a pickup if you’d watch where you’re going, sparkles.” You raise a brow, shifting the cards into a neat stack, “Sparkles?”
“You know. Sparkles, glitter, magic!” he wiggles his fingers on one hand as he hands you the cards with the other. You grin, “That wasn’t clear at all, Bunny.” He stands, helping you up, “It was totally clear! You’re just too dumb to get it.”
You wink at him, “Careful how you talk to me! I just might need a rabbit for my next performance~” He glares at you, “Don’t even think about it!” he snaps. You chuckle again, “You’re a riot, Jax! I love hanging out with you.”
He pauses, the anger melting from his face to be replaced by curious confusion, “You… do? I thought you hated me, like everyone else.” Your smile disappears, “Jax, nobody hates you. Especially not me. How can I?”
He shrugs, “I dunno. Just seems like you would.” You fall silent, unsure of what to do next, when an idea creeps into your brain and takes hold. You slowly smile again, a mischievous little smirk, “Say… you wanna see a magic trick?” He stares at you a moment, suspicious, “Sure…” his tone is nervous, yet curious. You lean up, giving him a quick kiss, before giving jazz hands, “And that’s how you steal someone’s breath away!” You bounce around the corner, leaving the stunned blushing bunny behind, “See you later, Jax~!”
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starysky1289 · 6 months
I need more Toxic!Dark!Sorority Vanessa!!
That fic was just.. Chefs kiss. You write so well. 🥹
Thank you for the compliment it means so much. 😭😭🥺I took dark off it because to me toxic is just way more extreme dark.
Toxic!Soroity!Vanessa X Reader. The argument.
TW: DubCon, toxic relationship, drug mention, Pet play if you REALLY squint, slight abuse.
“ Vanessa please. Just sit down and study, you need to pass this test. “
“ I’ll be fine. My father will just throw some more cash at the teacher if I fail. I can’t belive I’m dating a fucking nerd…”
You sat on Vanessa bed, holding your rather expensive book on your lap, watching as Vanessa did her makeup in the mirror.
“ listen. Just do a little with me. If you do, I’ll go down to the frats party with you “
You got up and put your chin on Vanessa’s, as she pushed you off, mumbling to herself.
“ I’m not taking you out anywhere until you cut that hair. You know I hate it long. But fine, give me the fucking book…”
You sighed, and gently placed the book on her vanity, she flipped it open and read some random page, before closing it, going back to her makeup.
“ there, I’m done. Now leave me alone, I gotta finish getting ready for this party. “
You shrank into your skin, you looked at her through the mirror, your eyes starting to water.
“ your..your still going to the party without me? “
“ yeah? Who else is bringing the drugs. “
“ but..I can’t come? “
Vanessa groaned, standing up and heading towards her closest, looking through her multiple revealing outfits.
“ I said you’re not going out till your hair gets cut. And maybe if you loose a few pounds too. “
Your legs trembled, you hated when she brought up your weight, you had been working hard to try and loose some for her, but it was never enough.
“ b..but I’ll be alone in my dorm nessa…”
“ listen. You’re lucky we’re dateing, stop crying and get your shit together, I’ll drive you to your place. “
You grabbed your bag, shoving the papers and books you’d brought try and get her to study with you, it never worked. You froze, your hands trembling as you stared at the bright pink scrunchie around your wrist.
She froze, staring at you in disbelief. You pulled the scrunchie off you wrist, holding it tightly in you hand.
“ I can’t take this abuse! I can’t take how you treat me like an accessory, I’m more than that! I’m sorry your father never loved you enough to give you a good life, but that doesn’t mean you can ruin mine. IM DONE. “
You throw the scrunchie in her small trash, grabbing your bag and storming towards the door. As you reached for the door handle, your wrists were quickly grabbed, and Vanessa shoved you against the wall, her eyes blazing with rage.
“ how dare you. You’d be nothing without me. NOTHING. “
She snarled in your face, her grip around your wrist tightened, you could feel her acrylics digging into your skin. She smirked, her eyes still starring into yours.
“ you wanna go to that party so bad? Fine. We’ll go, and we’ll make sure everyone knows your mine. “
She let go of you, and turned to her closet, throwing you an outfit. You watched as she changed her shirt skirt, tossing it back into the closet and going over to her vanity draws, before glaring at you.
“ don’t just stand there. Change. And if I fucking hear your complaining your dead. “
You quickly began to change, you had faced away from Vanessa, trying not to make much more eye contact with her. She had given you a pink tank top and a white short skirt, that barely covered your ass.
“ take the panties off. “
“ b-but nessa- “
“ do it. “
She growled at you from across the room, you reluctantly stripped them off, tossing them into the corner. You finally faced Vanessa. She wore a white crop top with a pink faux fir jacket, and a pair of tight black joggers shorts. You couldn’t help but notice the bulge in them, your lips quivering, you knew exactly what she was going to do with you.
“ now, let’s give you the last few changes~ “
She pulled your hair up with the pink scrunchie you threw out, putting it in a low ponytail. She fished around another cabinet and strapped a cold peice of leather around your neck. Looking in the mirror, you could see it was a pastel pink collar, you touched it gently, before Vanessa grabbed your wrists again, dragging you downstairs, and eventually out of the Soroity house.
“ your gonna listen to me. And if anyone comes up to you you’re gonna come find me, I don’t need another repeat of last time, do we? “
“ n..no nessa…”
She got into her car, you sitting in the passenger side, as she began to drive out.
“ one more thing. Im Mistress tonight, so if you need me, you’ll ask your Mistress, you got that? “
“ y-yes v-van-….yes mistress…”
Tears swelled in your eyes, as embarrassment flooded through your body. Vanessa glanced at you and scoffed.
“ again with the tears. Stop being such a crybaby, people don’t like it, I don’t like it. “
You wipped your face, and stayed quiet. Your heart raced at the thought of what she’d do to you. Eventually, you pulled up to a large red house, you could hear the music blaring from inside already. Vanessa stepped out and you followed her, she knocked on the door, and a tall, blonde guy welcomed her in, eyeing you down like meat as you followed her in.
People seemed to cheer as Vanessa came in and quickly sat herself down, emptying her purse, she had filled it to the brim with multiple baggies with white powder in them.
“ Y/N. You get the special job of counting my money. And if you do good I’ll reward you~ “
You only nodded, sitting next to Vanessa. You felt her fiddle with the collar, but you didn’t look.
“ alright fuckers, line up. Give the pretty girl your money. “
Dozens of people immediately lined up, digging through the pockets for wads of cash. You’d take it, count how much, and tell Vanessa, who’d hand them a bag worth the money. You couldn’t help but notice the glares you were getting, people eyeing you up and down. Even when they came up to get there shit they’d talk to Vanessa about.
“ pretty thing you’ve got there Nessa, what made ya bring her. “
“ she wanted you to throw a fit before i was gonna go, so i brought her along to help. Don’t worry, she’s got something coming. “
You stayed quiet when the line slowed down, and eventually everyone had gotten something. Vanessa pulled you into her, playing with something in her hand.
“ god…keeping you in a leash has been the best idea I’ve had. It really makes sure you know who you belong to~ “
You had finally noticed it, the black braided leash Vanessa had attached to your collar. You blushed and turned away, Vanessa only chuckled and pulled you in by it, holding you chin.
“ don’t be embarrassed. I think you got me a lot more money than I would off. I think that deserves a reward baby~ “
“ n-Nessa- “
“ mistress. “
“ mistress. Y-yess. I-I don’t wanna do anything in public like this..”
She chuckled again, spreading her legs, messing with her shorts and letting the pink strap pop out.
“ well, keep your mouth on it and no one sees. Easy as that. “
You stared at you, hesitantly moving down to sit between her legs. She held onto your ponytail, pushing your face against the strap.
“ pretty little thing…cmon. Get to work. “
You looked up at her once again, before slowly taking it in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head on it. She kept a good grip on your hair, you watched her look around the room, like she was making sure no one saw, but everyone could.
“ hey, Sarah, Bailey! No im not busy, get me a seltzer and join me. “
You flushed, those were the names of her closest friends. You tried to pull back, but she kept your head down, you reluctantly continued to suck on the pink silicone dick.
The girls sat on each side of her, you could see them looking at you, snickering behind their hands.
“ how’d she get in this predicament~? “
“ she wanted to run her mouth. And I couldn’t just let her get away with that. She threatened to leave me, Bailey, could you believe that. “
Vanessa finally let go of your head, you slowly pulled off, laying your head on her thighs. Sarah petted your head like you were a dog, snickering to herself.
“ can she do any tricks Vanessa~? “
“ mm..not tricks, but she’s a fantastic listener, arnt you baby~? “
“ yes..yes mistress…”
The girls all laughed, you burried your head in Vanessa thighs, you longed to go to your dorm and just sleep, but you had to run your mouth.
“ hey, baby. “
You lifted your head,Vanessa pulled the leash slightly, signaling you to sit on her lap. You felt so out of place there, the strap pressed against your pelvis, Vanessa’s arms around your waist.
“ you do one more thing for me and I’ll take you to ya dorm. “
“ w-what do you want…”
“ ride me. “
You burried your head into her shoulder, the girls giggled as Vanessa kissed your neck.
“ cmon baby, it’s just like at home. Only difference is we’re out. “
“ b-but I don’t like people watching..”
“ this isn’t a option, Y/N. You’ll do this, I take you home, I come back and get wasted. Maybe I should have let you walk out, you could have gotten kidnapped and raped on the way to your dorm. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with you. “
You quickly hugged her, tears forming in your eyes, before you pulled your face out of her shoulder and stared at her.
“ n-no please..d-don’t let me get hurt..”
“ then you gonna do it? “
You held her shoulders, taking a deep breath, before lowering yourself onto the toy, moaning softly. The tears slowly began to roll down your face as Vanessa gripped your waist, helping your ride the strap at a steady pace.
“ that’s it…my girl always comes back around to me, don’t you~? “
“ y-yes mistress, i do. I-I’m your girl..”
All threes of the girls laughed again. Vanessa would slam you down onto the strap, making your moans grow louder every moment.
“ m-mistress please- I-I’m gonna cum please~!! “
You felt the toy spread you, like it could rip you if it was any bigger. You slammed yourself down faster, trying to please her, trying to please yourself.
“ aww..dirty girl. Go ahead, cum…but your walking out of here by yourself, I’m not holding your hand~ “
You where to intoxicated by the pleasure to care, letting Vanessa thrust into your, before you let out one last defeated moan. Your walls clenched around the toy, as you let out heavy breaths. The music was still blaring around you, no one seemed to notice what had just happened besides the two girls and maybe one or two bystanders.
“ such a good girl..what do you say~? “
“..thank you…thank you mistress…I love you..”
Vanessa, for the first time, gently held his ur waist and helped pull you off, as she stuffed the soaked strap back into her shorts, letting you walk out toward the door.
“ I’ll be back in like fifteen, save my seat. “
Vanessa called to her friends, before you walked into the passenger seat, Vanessa pulled you into her, kissing you deeply.
“ oh i love you too…oh how lucky you are that your mine~ “
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yanderederee · 1 year
Tumblr media
May15th, 2004
tw;mentions of child abuse
before! › here! › after!
-just after the events of DoubleDate…-
Baji has drove down practically every road he knew existed. He loved his bike deeply, and made sure to take good care of it to keep it spotless and loud.
Driving down the road, he almost forgot he should be keeping a slower pace. It wasn’t like he was going fast, contrary to unanimous belief, Baji Mostly followed the law of the road. The only times he really said fuck the speed limit was during the night hours, when his bike roared its loudest, and the streets were at their clearest.
After being caught at a red light, Baji was careful pulling the breaks. “So, how is it? Need me to slow down?” He yelled over his shoulder.
“It’s fine! Just gatta get used to how loud it is!” You yelled back, giggling a little. He smirked. “Anywhere you’re lookin’ to go?” He asked.
A few seconds of deliberation, and you shook your head, smiling. “Surprise me.”
You could barely make out the road over his shoulder, your chin resting against his right back muscle. The street was going by in a way you’d never experienced. Neither of you did much talking. He was too focused on both driving, and how your arms would loosley remain looped around him even when you were leaning back a tad, the air whipping whatever hair peeking out from your helmet.
Being on a bike felt so exhilarating. It felt good. Emotional, you smiled, and rested your forehead against Baji’s back.
“You good?” He yelled out, slowing the motor just a bit so lesson the sound to hear you back.
But your reply wasn’t verbal. Instead, you hugged him from behind, and nodded your head, and he could tell what with your face rubbing against the back of his shirt.
Baji smiled.
“Hang tight, got ‘bout a half hour drive. You ready?” He asked, another red right, and a turn signal indicating he would be traveling Highway.
You grinned, doing your best to look at him, as he was looking back for you.
Through the helmet’s visor, you both caught each others stare, and each others heart skipped a beat. “Ready for anything.”
28 Minutes later, and you noticed the ocean coming into view.
Guess he took your statement to surprise you pretty seriously. Because surprised you were, as you gasped with glee.
How cute.
Once he parked, you could see the sign for Rainbow Bridge. “Figure you haven’t been around this way.”
“I thought you said you were driving me around Shibuya.” you said back, the helmet popping off your head like a doll accessory.
“Eh, plans change.” He chuckled, and helped ease you off the bike. Walking down, you saw a few people line the sand, but no crowding.
“You like taiyaki?” Baji asked you. You rose an eyebrow. “Don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t, why?” You asked back.
“There’s a place on the way back Mikey likes. Thought I’d stop by to grab him some before the meet up tonight.”
You nodded. “I’d like that…” you said, looking out to the waves. He was right, somehow. You hadn’t seen the ocean in a really long time. You tried not to wander the thought, but somehow a churning in your chest wrinkled your eyebrows forward.
Baji noticed this. He stayed quiet for a while, but the feeling Chifuyu left him with made him think he should say something.
Chifuyu was making strides in learning things about you. Your interests and insecurities. Baji didn’t have the nerve to bring it up. He knew there was something there. Your parents, the way you divert attention and remove everyone from your life to avoid… something.
He wanted to know more about you.
“Did you used to come to the beach?” He asked.
You blinked. “Uh, not really.” you said softly, looking out deeper. “Maybe once or twice. Not often.”
You weren’t lying. He could tell. But there was still something there, circling around that head of yours.
Baji Keisuke wasn’t smart. He didn’t know what was the right thing to do sometimes, but he always stood by what he believed in. He had to reach.
“What’re you thinking about?”
he asked, plainly. You snapped your head over to him, eye brows still wrinkled in frustration.
His own gaze stayed out at sea, the quiet leaving room for the waves to help you think.
Slowly, you looked back to the sea too.
“Nothing particular.”
It was quiet once again. Baji couldn’t think of what to say.
He wasn’t sure how asking you up front about your issues would help, or backing you into a corner. You could very well shut him out then and there.
He had an idea of what you had going on. He glanced at you. You did not reciprocate.
Baji looked back out to sea.
“I have this friend,” he started. “Kazutora.”
“He was a insecure little brat who didn’t realize his friends were using him for his money. He only had money cause of his shitty dad. But Kazutora was a good kid. He stood up for his friends, shitty as they were to him.”
Baji looked down, a pinch of hurt making through the cracks. “We both… made a mistake.” He confessed. You looked over at Baji, whose hurt expression only stayed stagnant.
“We both fucked up. We bare the same sin. But he’s the one who swung the damn wrench.”
Baji clenched his fists tight.
“He couldn’t handle what he’d done. The shock of it all scared him shitless.” He looked down at your thoughtful expression. Probably trying to figure out why he was telling you this in the first place.
“His dad was… well, he was a shitty and harsh guy, t’say the least. Kazutora never told me much about him, I just saw some of the aftermath, at first.”
“But that night, I think I saw how bad his dad had fucked him up. The way he was talking, devoid of blame… to protect himself. Inside, he’s a fragile guy. Accepting the reality of what he did would have shattered him, yaknow..” he swallowed hard.
“So he… made up all kinds of shit in his head. Things that didn’t even make sense. And yaknow what?” Baji chuckled humorlessly. “I blame that son of a bitch sometimes. His dad.”
“I had a lot of time to think about it. I didn’t get the shit he was saying back then. But I get it a little better now.” He looked down at his feet. “Kazutora‘s family messed him up. And after he killed Shin… I think that’s why he’s became how he is.”
You looked up at Baji’s angry face, a little confused. “And… how is he now?” You asked.
Baji sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. “Completely batshit delusional.”
“You don’t want the specifics,” you did. “But he isn’t in a good state of mind. Literally can’t accept responsibility. I think if he did, he’d… he’d probably hurt himself, like how he hurt Shin.”
Baji looked back at you, the story bringing each other’s vulnerability to the surface.
“But you remind me of him sometimes.”
You gapped at him in surprise, but didn’t say anything. He chuckled.
“Like I said, not a Bad way. “ he ruffled your hair.
“Can’t think of anything specific right now, but… you act like him sometimes, about your parents. The way you avoid talking about them..” turning his body so that he was facing toward you, looking serious and sentimental.
“I couldn’t protect Kazutora. Can’t go back in time, but I can at least do the shit I think is right now. Right?” He shook his head.
“You’re worried that eventually, something will happen, and change me into someone... else.” You said softly, straightening your posture and avoiding his set stare at you.
“You worry so much. It’s cute.” You chuckled, “but you don’t have worry about me. I’m very self-sufficient. And I’m smart, right? Nothing’s wrong-“ you tried to once again, deflect his topic. “I don’t think so.” He admitted, eyes still on yours.
“I just want you to be honest. I want to know more about you… and I can’t when you shut me out.”
You clinched unto yourself a little. As uncomfortable as the idea of opening up to someone felt… It was Baji. No one to feel scared around.
You let out a shaky smile. “It’s not important.” You said, almost sadly.
“Guess you wouldn’t mind if I asked, then hm?”
“Asked what?”
“What’s got you so shift eyed? I get that your dad’s strict, but there’s more to it. ‘Sup with your weird ass curfew? Your mom too?” He asked carefully.
“Dad…” you sighed, as though thinking about where to begin. “He…”
“He’s harsh. He works too hard at everything, and can’t handle anymore stress. He has a very strict routine, and expects nothing less of me. He proudly raised me, he reminds me often.”
“Mom’s always just been quiet and judgmental.” You rolled your eyes. “She doesn’t talk. I know what she expects of me. She doesn’t need to waste the effort.”
“They work off schedules, and I only see them both one night of the week. Dad refuses that I leave the house. And mom could literally not care less, long as I mind my respects.”
“It’s not bad.” You tried to divert, but the single tear that ran down your face gave you away.
“… you sure about that?” Baji asked softly. You knew he wasn’t trying to be pushy, but he knew more than you suspected.
The bruises from all the inconsiderate shoving or grab for attention. A back handed slap for a backhanded comment.
You couldn’t answer him. Not verbally.
Your face tore into a guilty expression. Yet you remained composed. Biting your bottom lip and trying to blink back the tears that the memories surfaced.
“This,” Baji said softly, and gently reached out, tapping his index and middle finger onto your covered wrist.
“Did he do that?”
You sighed, wrapping your other arm around to avoid his almost touch.
“It’s not important. I handle myself just fine. Once I’m old enough I’ll move out and it’ll be in the past.”
“Just cause you pretend it isn’t happening doesn’t mean that shit doesn’t affect you.”
“I’m not affected,” you tried diverting, but he was right, and it was becoming overwhelming.
“That why you’re crying?” He asked, making you hiss in betrayal.
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to do here Keisuke.” You roughed out.
“I want you to get angry,” he started, in an argumentative tone.
“Why? I’ve accepted that it’s just the way things are. How he will be until I get out.”
“Shouldn’t accept that shit.”
“Well too bad!” You yelled, heat eating up your neck. “I’m tired of crying about it! Getting upset about it only hurts, it’s easier to just ignore it.
“Nothing I do is ever good enough; There’s always something I did wrong, or somehow I should have known better!
“I’m tired of trying to get his approval, it doesn’t mean anything! He only cares about how I represent the family. All I’m good for is— I.. I’m just a waste of fucking space. I don’t care anymore.” You got out, frustrated. You went into hiding then, crouching into the fetal position, hiding your face in your knees.
“I don’t care anymore.” You said softly, small sobs racking you unwillingly.
Baji sat there quietly. He did it, he guessed. Made you mad. Made you cry. Shit. Maybe he didn’t know what he was doing.
“… it’s normal to care about these things, yaknow.” He comforted. “Holding that shit in all the time is going to back you into a corner. I feel like you’ve pushed past a few breaking points already, haven’t you?”
You sniffled, rubbing the unnecessary emotion from your face. “It doesn’t matte-” you tried biting back, really not in the mood for this conversation. But Baji was a persistent mother fucker.
“‘Does fucking matter,” Baji was losing his patience. Baji Keisuke was hot headed and brash, thoughtful, and stupid. “I don’t care how strong you think you are, I’m serious. This feeling’s gonna eat you alive. You’re the most capable person I know. You’re responsible and resourceful, always handling yourself even when nothing is going right. You are not a waste of space. I-“
Baji paused, chocked up.
“Don’t take that shit,”
He was getting tired of your avoiding gaze, latching his left hand out to pull your cheek to look his way.
Your eyes were wide and red, glassy with tears built up from his harsh words. “You don’t take shit from anyone anymore, got that?” Eyes glued to yours, he practically ordered this. “He ever hits you again, don’t take it. You might not be able to hit back, but I sure as hell can,”
You laughed, genuine amusement whipping your face clean for a few moments, before coming back to scene. Baji smiled at you. “You can always crash at my place if you don’t feel safe, got it?” He regained your attention when you tried to release his hold on your cheek and avoid his hot gaze.
Your cheeks burned with how bold he suddenly became.
“I-I can’t just run away from my problems, yaknow..” you huffed, but tried relaxing in his presence. He did make you feel safe, even if you didn’t know how to talk about this.
“Then fight back.” He smirked. “I’ll tell him off right now if y’want.”
“Tell him off?” You chuckled. “What would you even say?”
“Y/n ain’t you’re fucking stress relief, damn prick! Show some respect, ‘f you don’t want me to knock you a tooth loose! Scum! Asshole!!”
You laughed pretty hard at that. Baji’s exaggerated display of delinquent rebellion speech was just too cute. “I love when you talk like that, seriously!” You couldn’t stop laughing, his cute smile pairing at the angelic sound of your joy.
“There you are,” Baji felt himself lightening up from the harsh mood before, happy to see you smiling again. “There’s my girl.”
You stopped at this, eyes widening at his bold name. This surprised him even more. Immediately catching himself, he slaps his hand over his mouth, face drenched in Red. “Not what I meant! I meant! Wait! D-don’t get any weird ideas!” He lied, spinning and spinning in words and excuses.
“I meant! I-I meant, you look more like yourself, now…” he tried calming his palpitating heart. “You’ve been really gloomy this last week… it’s just nice seeing you smile again.”
Your heart caught in your throat, holding back fresh tears.
What do you mean gloomy? He wasn’t wrong, you were having difficulties managing everything coming up, and the added stress of school and family was only dragging you further. “Guess I’m not that good at hiding things, huh?” You chucked without humor.
“Don’t hide it anymore,” he said. As though that was the moment he was waiting for. “Come to me about it. About everything,” he paused. “Anything,” he looked back into your eyes. “I like the real you. I want to be there for you when you struggle. When you feel like crying, or screaming. Tell me about anything that ticks you off, the things you can’t stand.” He rambled on, pouring his heart out.
He couldn’t help how vulnerable he was, letting you see all the shameless feelings. “I’ll treat you to cake at the cafe when you get a high test score, ‘n tell that bitch Futaba to fuck off next time she tries pawning her cleaning duties to you again.”
“T-that’s enough,” you whined and Baji’s heartfeltness. “I get it, I’ll… try not to worry you so much.”
“Ah-!” He hacked, how gross. “Got it mixed up again, honestly. For someone so smart, you just don’t get it!” He ruffled your hair dramatically, thumping his forehead against yours gently. “I worry bout you cause I want to, you just gatta let me, first. Let me be someone who can help you, even if you don’t need it. Not everything’s gatta be on only your shoulders.”
The tension was heavy; the slip of a confession so close on his tongue. Yet even with his passion reaching new heights, he still found himself tongue tied in what he should say next.
“…Gee, you sure know how to cheer a girl up….” You chuckled to yourself, a genuine smile finally breaking through.
And even though there was still so much to say, Baji felt himself cave back inwards, that smile of yours being enough to satiate his yearning heart.
“Thank you…”
“Don’t thank me … “
“Still. Thank you.”
“… Anytime.”
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