#just like the 2000s terra nothing changes
watched judas contract the movie just like the 2003 show terra always be breaking my heart
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denble · 2 months
FFVIIR - A Love Triangle post on Reddit
So I just come across this post about the Love Triangle on Reddit
I decide to response to the post here, on my deserted blog, because (1) I have no intention to argue with anyone and (2) should that post not be deleted, it's gonna be a battle field for sure :))))
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The reason I want to response to this post is that OP is very civil. According to the post, he played the OG back in the 2000s so he must not be young by now, and had a clear understanding of OG narrative - that Cloud had to end up with Tifa because Aerith died.
Yet he still finds that Cloud x Aerith is happening after Remake and Rebirth. That their chemistry is great and Cloud x Tifa scenes all seem off, forced, awkward and platonic.
I find it very interesting, because apparently, he sees everything that I see (in Remake, as I haven't played Rebirth yet), but his perception of the events is completely different than mine.
Makes me wonder if I AM the one who interpret wrongly.
(and no, I don't think I'm wrong)
While I always have my own preference and personal feelings when experiencing a work of fiction, I'm always take thing face value. There's a difference between "bad writing, but it happens" and "because I don't feel it, so it doesn't happen". I certainly don't feel good about a lot of characters but they are loved in-game so it's just me. Heck, in Bleach, I never feel Ichigo x Orihime is a thing (and Rukia x Renji is even less so), but both couples happen. What can I do about it? Nothing.
And what is the face value that Remake (and Rebirth) is presenting?
They push Cloud and Tifa together, and push Aerith to Cloud (while still keeping her attachment to Zack). Regardless of how you and I feel about all those Cloud x Tifa and Cloud x Aerith scenes, that's what is happening.
They don't make a whole bunch of scenes of Tifa and Cloud being touchy-touchy just to prove that "yeah, they touch a lot, but it's platonic." What kind of story telling is that?
They don't make Cloud and Tifa kiss in the Gold Saucer Date just to say that "Nah, he's just being out of character." (and they almost kiss in Gongaga).
But yeah, if you want to disregard that, we can disregard all GSD scenes, because all of them are optional. Or to be precise, whom Cloud dates is optional. The scene itself ought to happen (because you know, Cait Sith's betrayal comes next).
Thing is, if you consider all Cloud and Aerith's interaction ALONE, you can easily write a love story. BUT Cloud x Aerith doesn't exist alone. There are Tifa (and Zack) in the picture. Cloud and Aerith holding hand in the GSD is all sweet, until you take into account that he and Tifa kiss during the date. Cloud looking longingly to Aerith when she sings is lovely, until you realize he holds Tifa's hand during that scene if you get Tifa as his date.
In order to Cloud x Aerith to happen, there's a lot to be taken out of the picture (and change the whole plot). And I mean A LOT.
Also, are we arguing:
Whom Cloud actually ends up with? (Answer: It's not Aerith, she's dead)
Whom Cloud SHOULD end up with? (Answer: Tifa, because he never stops loving her; and Aerith is dead)
Whom YOU WANT Cloud to end up with? (Answer: Whomever you'd like, but the game may or may not agree with you)
I very much shipped Locke and Terra in FFVI but eventually it's Locke and Celes. My preference has no power here. I could indulge myself in fanarts and fanfics (I don't though) but I cannot go fight about how Lock and Terra MUST be a thing despite the game presents otherwise.
And lastly, No Promise To Keep neither is about Cloud nor Jack. Nobuo Uematsu and the producers said so. Not a very good song anyway. And not that I care what is is about. I never understand any song's lyrics, let alone hidden layered meanings (if there's any). If the song is good, I vibe, and that's about it.
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skloomdumpster · 3 years
You didn’t watch the animated series right? I wonder what’s your thoughts on the outfits in Fate ?
Nope, I didn't watch the OG!
Tl;dr of my following rant: bad fashion. Horrid.
Alright, lets go.
When thinking of good costume design, I tend to look at three things: 1.What does it communicate about the character? 2. Is it effectively being said to the audience? 3. Is it nice to look at?
Fate fails miserably, in all three instances.
1. What does it communicate about the character?
Fate's lack of forethought regarding world building shines through their outfits. We have a princess who dresses like a white suburban mom, who wears plastic ties in her hair when she's saying "people expect me to care how I look". We have an empath who desperately wants to blend with a wall and vanish from the overcrowded mess that is teenage years, but who's always in loud colors. We have a water fairy, who says she swims every day, two times a day, but who dresses in many layers and bothersome outfits to undress. Mind you, she swims on the river that she shouldn’t have access to, so she should have to leave pretty quickly. We have a fire fairy who claims she's as far from a cheerleader as possible and dresses pretty much like every Pinterest board I've ever seen. A FIRE fairy who's constantly wearing jackets, but then uses her powers to refuse a jacket when her love interest offers her one. Why is she in fucking jackets all the time?
And this is not even bringing in class differences! Is everyone here middle-upper class? All of them shop from the same store. Nothing they wear ever looks thrifted, or like it was hand me downs, there's no variety. Stella, the CROWN heir of the seven helms buys clothes in the same store as Bloom, the Californian introvert who claims she's not like the other girls. This is never explained.
Let's add another element: backstory. What are Stella's outfits attempting to tell me? Are they saying that she dresses like her mom, since her character is under her thumb? Then how come Stella's fashion style doesn't change when she comes to Bloom's house or comes back to Alfea at the finale, when she's free from that influence? Why isn't Aisha in easy to remove dresses? What are Aisha's tracksuits telling me? That she was part of a team, as she Says and that she misses it? Then how come she's the one painted as the snitch? I don't wanna talk about whatever Musa is wearing, lets just say it doesn't fit the personality they tell us she has. She's sarcastic, introverted and used to be a dancer. Why does she dress like a soccer player on LSD? No idea.
And what about magic?! What about their own world building: where are these clothes getting washed, getting bought?? Is there a fabric considered better than others in the Otherworld? Is there fire proof fabric for Bloom's jackets since she's always on fire??
Some saving graces on this particular point: 
* Terra. Yes, controversial. But everything Terra wears speaks with the character we were told she IS. She's insecure about her body, she wears plain colors, oversized stuff and tries to hide herself. There are floral motifs in her clothes because she loves them! She's wears comfortable shoes because she's constantly walking around like the busy body that she is. It makes sense!
* Farah. She's an older woman, very elegant, very strict and closed off. Her clothes say this! They elevate her, take fucking hints Stella/Luna.
* The Specialists Uniforms. They could be better? Absolutely. But they do manage to be something creative and that makes sense in the world building. I love the chest harness that has their dagger and little vials of zanbac , the antidote to the monsters they fight. Makes sense! I like how it allows for changes, such as Riven carrying twin swords instead of one like Sky. It's interesting and diverse!
2. Is it effectively being said to the audience?
Simple answer? No. Everyone hates their clothes. The lack of creativity shines through. They misinterpreted early 2000s trends that they tried to incorporate. Nothing translated well. They ignore basic rules of design and make their characters huge blobs of red (Bloom), bottom heavy (Musa), shapeless (Bloom), cheap (Stella), bland (Aisha!). Their costume designer was removed from season two for a fucking reason.
3. Is it nice to look at?
This one is the hardest to answer, because obviously its very subjective. What I find pretty, you won't and vice versa. I think we should keep an eye open for "nice to look at" versus "pretty" in this case. I'm talking about creative designs. About consistency. Bold choices. I'm talking about deciding to put a bride in a black ripped dress instead of a white one. You and I could both have varying opinions about it being "pretty", but regardless of it, it would catch both our eyes for being different. Even if ugly, its striking! Fate has nothing of this. They have royal characters in their cast assemble, at LEAST two, because apparently in the OG they're all princesses? But in Fate only Stella/Luna confirmed so far. And yet.... Zero bold moves. Zero trend setters. Disappointing. Playing it safe.
Is everything that Bloom wears horrid? No! I'd wear some of it! But its BORING and well, see my previous two points.
So yeah, season 1 of Fate has horrid fashion and should be ashamed
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xxoperatexx · 3 years
So like this is me expressing all of my thoughts and opinions on the fate: the winx saga trailer and umm I have a lot of them. I kind of word vomited these thoughts on @ray-ofmoonlight so hopefully this is more like, understandable and coherent. The spacing is horrible though, sorry I copied and pasted this from the notes app.
I have a lot of problems with the trailer and the direction they seem to be taking so far, but the biggest issue to me is the poc erasure.
In the source material, 3/6 of the main characters ore people of colour. The show was well known for its diversity, and it was loved by a lot of poc kids because they could see themselves in different characters. All of the main characters appearances were based on different ‘it girls’ of the early 2000’s. There’s Musa who was modeled after Lucy Liu (Asian), Flora was based on Jennifer Lopez (Latina) and Aisha/Layla who was based off of Beyoncé (Black). Though there were issues with these characters being whitewashed later on in the franchise, the winx club that most of us grew up with told stories of very powerful girls who poc kids could look up to and see themselves in.
However, in the reboot, one (1) member of the main cast is a person of colour. This is Aisha. While I’m happy she wasn’t whitewashed, the treatment of the other two poc characters is frankly disgusting. A white actress was casted to play Musa and Flora’s character was erased entirely. Instead, she was replaced by a new character named Terra who literally has the same powers as Flora. What was the reason 🧍🏻‍♀️.
I also take issue with them completely scrapping two members of the main cast - Flora and Techna. I’ve briefly touched on Flora at this point and I’ll hold back on ranting about how she was one of the most lovable characters with beautiful character arcs and development, like when it’s implied that she literally d i e d to she save her sister in the episode where she got her enchanted powers. Techna’s character is meant to represent women in STEM. As the fairy of technology, she was constantly working on computer programs and technological advancements in general which a lot of young girls who were interested in STEM could relate to. I personally didn’t resonate with Techna too much as a kid but I know a lot of young women who idolized Techna are now studying to work in STEM.
Apart from them meaning a lot to the audience in terms of representation, they’re overall just interesting and lovable characters. The dynamics between them and the rest of the characters were well thought out and executed in the cartoon. For example, again, Flora’s enchantix episode in season 3 when she sacrificed herself for her sister or when Techna trapped herself in the omega dimension to save Andros and the rest of the magical universe from Valtor. Those episodes in particular show you how much they care for the others. Jdjdjdndndndn but please they don’t need to be self sacrificing to be relevant. For example, I was talking to moonie about this and she brought up the arc where Techna was really awkward and didn’t know what to do around Timmy, or when they had to clean the entirety of Alfea without magic before they could go to a party? Those episodes were genuinely so much fun.
One of the writers, Brian Young, opted to ditch the original look of the fairies because “Nobody looks like that. It was the most important thing to me that every kid can feel like they see themselves in it... Real girls, real people.” So where is this energy for POC kids????
There is absolutely nothing wrong with casting women of different body types because they deserve representation as well. As a die hard fan of the series, I can admit that their body proportions are ridiculously skinny and there should be diversity in the body types of the actresses. My issue is that they replaced the two poc characters (I’m counting Flora as being replaced by Terra) with chubby white actresses. Could we not have POC actresses with different body types instead?? Or have at least one of the canonically white characters have a different body type?? Like we asked for representation and they said you can have one or the other, not both djdndnnddnn
Moving on from the issues with representation, I also just really hate how they turned such a beautiful, colourful show into a typical dark academia scene. I personally love the dark academia aesthetic but winx club it well known and loved for its trendy y2k fashion. They even had real designers come in and help design some of the characters outfits in the cartoons. It honestly feels like every show aimed at young (mostly female) adults produced by Netflix looks the exact same. It’s so boring, ESPECIALLY because y2k fashion is trendy right now. It would’ve been so fun to see the characters experiment with bright colour palettes and serve as huge fashion inspo. It would also help to distinguish the show from others. Not to mention outfits shown in the trailer are absolutely horrific. It feels like a hate crime 😭🤚 Terra and Musa look RIDICULOUS and Stella wouldn’t be caught dead in that floor length black fit. The colour palettes are mixed up in terms of which colours represent each character and they look more like your local conservative prayer group with their token black friend than fairies.
In all honestly, they could’ve made this show and said it was loosely inspired by winx. It seems to be very different from the source material in the worst way possible.
Also irrelevant but I was really looking forward to see how they would cast the trix, especially stormy, but they were also removed from the storyline.
tdlr; the whitewashing and erasure is ridiculous and disappointing. the show had an opportunity to distinguish itself via the colour palettes and style from the source material but instead decided to change the aesthetic because apparently dark academia = maturity.
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redheadscribe · 3 years
Fate Winx Saga Review
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This is the Winx Club
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This isn't
Ah Winx Club, I remembering waking up early in the morning to watch it on Saturday, I thought that it was a cool show and my favorite character was Bloom during the first three seasons when it was under 4Kids. I thought that the characters were cool, the setting was pretty awesome as well and overall it was fun. Years later I was pretty shocked that it is still going on though from what I heard it has lost a lot of it’s quality with season eight being a mixed bag and an okay art style. Now Netflix has acquired the rights and there were two separate shows that they produce.
The first being World of Winx, an animated spin off show showing the girls hiding out on earth helping people and dealing with an evil version of Tinkerbell? In all honesty I was a little confused like how was this a spin off? Was it a spin off from season four as Roxy is a supporting character in this universe? That part confused me but overall it was a pretty good show but at this point I don’t think Winx Club fans wouldn’t mind a reboot that got the She-Ra treatment. Needless to say Winx Club is a popular show that was big in Italy and other countries but it is not what it used to be. Especially when we have this show to talk about Fate: A Winx Saga.
When I first saw the trailer I was pretty confused because none of the shots in the trailer reminded me of Winx Club. Also none of the characters were recognizable as they white washed and replaced Flora, and also white washed Musa. The only three characters that were recognizable were Bloom, Stella and Aisha. However there personalities have changed so much that I can’t even say that this is a faithful adaptation. I know in adaptations there has to be certain changes that you have to make because either to budget or they can’t fit it in and some stuff has to be cut. The least the show could do was get the fashion right, I mean the only one who should be wearing red is Musa while Bloom is the one that wears different shades of blue. Then again the fashion overall is a big joke and they really should fire the costume designer as I looked and she has had no experience dressing up teenagers. Rants out of the way lets see how they butchered the characters.
Let’s start with the leading Pyromaniac herself, Bloom. What the hell did they do to my girl? As a fellow redhead myself it is safe to say Bloom was the one I lean towards to the most even though I did see myself in Tecna, and Flora. Bloom is a stuck up bitch in this show and has to make it all about her, which was one of the problems in some of season four and later on. She is also unbelievably gullible and really stupid. She basically believes anything that Beatrix, a psychopath and a known liar about the whole Not Domino city, yeah I don’t care about the name of this said city in other world. She is a problematic Pyromaniac something that cartoon Bloom season 1-3 would be horrified about, and surprisingly bland.
Now, this Bloom could have worked if there were either more episodes or just better writers. Think about it, she is a girl who discovers that she has these unknown powers and when her emotions get the better of her and harm her family she could be a little distant and closed off. She is angry and confused because she doesn’t understand what is happening which can lead her to feeling a lot of emotions. Though I do hate the fact that they ruined Mike and Vanessa but I forgot that this is a teen drama and as a teen drama parents are assholes, it is the law of teen television. There could have been a nice arc of Bloom dealing with the fact that she has been lied to her entire life, feeling angry and betrayed but then going back to the Bloom we love from the first three seasons as she realized that she was the same person, she just now has a place where she can feel at home while also having awesome fire powers. However we got the worst of Bloom that is shown post season five.
Now lets get to Stella, and I will try my best to contain my rage when I am writing this. Did a person who worked on this show really thought that it would be a great idea to change Stella and make her Diaspro? You know we could’ve added Diaspro and Stella in the same show, she and Stella could’ve been friends due to the two girls being royalty, but then both Stella and Sky would realize that she is a toxic person and break away from her. This is not Stella and the cartoon Stella wouldn’t be caught dead in some of the outfits that she was wearing, maybe the last episode outfit but that’s about it. They could’ve done something with her wardrobe, they could have her dress up as a old woman when her mother was around trying to impress her, and then dress up in clothes that the original Stella is known to wear. Stella is a stereotypical mean girl and there is nothing nuanced about her portrayal. This is not Stella this is Diaspro with Stella’s name.
Now let’s get on to Aisha, she is a fine characters but this isn’t Aisha as she has none of Aisha’s personality she is not even a princess of Andros and well she has no story outside of helping her white friend. Aisha was a standout of season two and had one of the best character entrances in the series. She doesn’t get a story of her own and she is relegated to just being the best friend that get’s Bloom out of trouble. The actress Precious Mustapha deserves way better than what they are giving her.
Now it is time for everybody’s favorite white-washed duo Terra/Flora and Musa. There have been videos and posts that are going over how stupid Netflix and Rainbow for doing this. Just to give everybody context, Musa’s appearance is based off of Lucy Liu and Flora is based off of Jennifer Lopez. I think that speaks for itself in how Netflix and Rainbow screwed this up especially when there are plus size Latinix actresses they could have casted. Now let’s get into their character, weirdly enough they are the ones that have the most interesting friendship dynamic, Terra is a fine character but she is not Flora and Musa is a lot more cold hearted and instead of being a fairy of music she is a mind fairy who is an empath. Now music in a way can evoke emotions and connect people on a deep level but her empathic powers are so undefined. Terra is a fine enough character and her family is pretty interesting.
Now lets get into the boys, Sky, Riven, Dane, and Sam. If there is one thing that I could applaud the show is that anyone can be a fairy or a specialist, it’s just a pity that they excluded the witches. Then again the witches do get the short end of the stick even in the cartoon. Sky is bland, and the actor only ever had one expression throughout the whole show. Riven is, well Riven has always been a jerk but cartoon Riven had some more well likable features than TV show Riven. Dane, he’s fine I would have liked him more if he wasn’t taking so many stupid pills when it came to Riven and Beatrix, boy he needs to find a better man to crush on becuase, Riven is not worth it at all, even if I didn’t like his performance I could definitely see him crushing on Sky way more than Riven. Sam is a fun character and I was glad to see a male fairy added to the school but that’s all I can say about him the boys are okay. If there was one thing that I enjoyed about World of Winx is that they didn’t include the boys and there was nothing lost from it, it was just the girls kicking ass and taking names.
There is not much to say about the school staff and Dowling is a fine character that is a lot like Faragonda, only really ever helps Bloom and reassuring her she is special. I wish there was more done with Terra’s father and all but nope any positive family interaction is bad in a teen show. Overall the school staff, I don’t think that we can even call them a school staff they were a joke.
Now let’s get into the villains, if there is one thing that fans of the first four season can agree on is that the villains were always a standout for each season one. That being said the only effective villain is Beatrix, even though they could have just done the Trix. Let me just say this, The Trix were a great villain for the first season and well they went downhill like the whole cartoon show. Also what is the deal with Rosalind and Sky’s father. To be fair Sky’s dad in the cartoon show has always been a jerk but a jerk that raised a psychopath like Beatrix is too much. I am a little nervous about how they will do if they actually introduce The Trix, Lord Darkar, and Valtor or even the Wizard’s of the Black Circle. Needless to say the villains were just bland.
That is if they actually even use the villains from the cartoon show because so far we have the rather bland Rosalind, I just don’t care for her and there is no need for her to be in the show, Daphne does not deserve this. Then there is Sky’s father and I don’t care and Luna and wow does every teen show have to have terrible parents. How is a cartoon show from the early 2000s is more diverse and interesting than this? I just don’t care at all about the villains except for Beatrix.
There is also the fact that the show is only six episodes and that really does hinder the show as the show could’ve used more episodes to flesh things out then maybe just maybe this show would’ve been interesting. I also see that there are some writers and producers from the Vampire Diaries that are attached to this project and well that explains why some aspects of the show seems dated. Overall Fate, is a bland show that definitely does have better writing than Riverdale but that is not saying much. The characters are bad, and the fashion is terrible something that was a main aspect of the show. The world is generic getting rid of the epic sci-fi fantasy world and Rainbow should’ve just rebooted the animated show.
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occasionalfics · 4 years
hi so i haven’t made any real posts in a while bc i haven’t really been writing that much but i wanted to just post SOMETHING for y’all to interact with
anyway, if you don’t know, i have a youtube channel and i’ve been watching (almost) every movie that chris evans is in because i love him and reviewing them for my channel and i thought i’d give a rundown of the movies i’ve seen so far (including ones i haven’t rewatched for the channel yet because i’m not gonna link to the videos - if you really want to watch, message me) so maybe you could decide which ones are worth your time and/or money 😂
for this, i’ll give a brief description, my general thoughts, and a score from 1-10 (1 being unwatchable and 10 being PEAK cinema)
i’m keeping things very light on spoilers, meaning there might be one or two overall but not for every movie.
so here we go:
The Newcomers (2000) - some indie movie with no theatrical release about a family that moves from boston to vermont because of money troubles. chris is in it for like 5 minutes and he’s honestly the second best part (second to a dog only). 3/10, mostly boring but not offensive.
Not Another Teen Movie (2001) - i feel like everyone has seen this. it’s a spoof of 80′s and 90′s teen movies (namely she’s all that and cruel intentions). chris plays the main love interest and he’s definitely funny enough to pull off the part but it’s not really my thing. 4/10.
The Perfect Score (2004) - this is the first time chris and sc*rj* worked together. 6 high school kids fail the SATs so instead of retaking them, they sneak into a government building and steal the answers. it’s an mtv movie and it’s...fine? not great, not special, but...very early aughts mtv for sure. 4/10
Cellular (2004) - an action flick where chris plays a regular dude who gets a call from a woman who’s been kidnapped, and then has to keep communications up with her in order to save her and take down some corrupt cops. surprisingly funny, i had a great time watching, would recommend! 7/10
Fierce People (2005) - i think this was another indie movie without a theatrical release. based on a book that, from the reviews of both, is identical, i think because the author of the book was also the screenplay writer. and that’s probably why this movie sucked. bby anton yelchin (rip) gets caught scoring drugs for his mom, and because she has connections to this super rich dude, they end up going to live in new jersey with his weirdass family instead of bby anton going to jail. chris’s character is not who you think he is. content warnings for drugs, rape, and murder. overall boring, not what it thinks it is, 4/10
Fantastic Four (2005) - okay everyone’s seen these. i actually hate both of these FF movies, but chris as johnny storm is the only shinning light in either. reed is the WORST and sue is treated like eye candy. 4/10 for johnny storm alone.
London (2005) - literally the worst movie i have ever seen. i hate london. also an indie movie, very misogynistic, very pretentious and self-important. lonely emo boy does drugs with random people in a bathroom at a party he was not invited to INTENTIONALLY, in the hopes that he will win over his ex girlfriend, who he repeatedly emotionally abused while they were together, even though the party is literally in honor of her moving across the country. and she didn’t want him there. please never, ever bother watching london and talking about it online - fuckbois will attempt to tell you that you know nothing repeatedly. 1/10, worst film ever made.
TMNT (2007) - does this need an introduction? chris plays casey, but the movie’s really about the turtles. honestly the writing kind of relies on you knowing a lot about the turtle lore and overall it’s a boring but ultimately harmless film. it’s just really not worth your time. 2/10
Sunshine (2007) - ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN, I HAVE NOT  STOPPED THINKING ABOUT SUNSHINE IN OVER A YEAR. 8 astronauts are on a mission to ignite a nuclear bomb into the dying heart of our sun. but it’s a space film so shit goes wrong and, one by one, they start dying. very tense, very sad. the biggest complaint all around is that the first 2/3s of the movie are one genre and the last 3rd is a completely different movie, and yet it’s STILL amazing. please watch (if you can handle a space thriller)! 8/10
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) - a very bad follow up to a very bad origin movie. not even andre braugher could save this one. reed is really mean to johnny for no reason and i hate his guts. 3/10
The Nanny Diaries (2007) - second time appearing alongside sc*rj*. she’s the main character. an anthropology student takes on a nannying job for an upperclass family in new york, but the job ends up being more than she bargained for. chris plays harvard hottie, her upstairs neighbor who is THE BEST BOY. i loved this movie. 8/10
Battle for Terra (2007) - a very weird but very good animated movie about humans attempting to colonize an alien planet because we were stupid enough to destroy earth, venus, and mars. lots of big names on the cast list for a movie that not many people saw, but it goes ham in the “fuck colonizers” theme. overall, a surprising joy. 6.5/10
Street Kings (2008) - well this was directed by david ayer so my friend and i went into this with very low expectations and it didn’t even meet that bar. keanu reeves plays a sad and angry corrupt cop who almost kind of gets framed for killing another cop, and then spends a good chunk of the runtime just hunting down other corrupt cops without doing anything about his own corruption. it’s copaganda, but very bad copaganda. also chris dies. fuck this movie, don’t waste your time. this is another one where the fanboys will come for you if you say a bad thing about it on the internet, 2/10
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (2008) - another indie that apparently caught the eye of kevin fiege? i don’t really know why because chris’s character is very bland and the movie overall is nothing special. tennessee williams wrote the screenplay before he died in the 80′s and then this was made and nothing about it was changed. it’s basically straight people in the 20′s in the south being weird and rude. a rich girl pays a hot poor boy to escort her to parties after a huge scandal was caused by her father. she loves the poor boy but he doesn’t return the feelings and everyone’s sad, dying, or mean. skip it, honestly. 4/10
Push (2009) - honestly, an underrated movie that so often gets shit on because of x-men. push is so good! a telekinetic man meets a young girl who can see the future, who tells him that if he helps her find her mom, they’ll also come into $6 million. they run into his ex and the government department trying to control people with powers, and shit ensues. chris’s chemistry with dakota fanning as big brother/little sister is adorable and i need more people to talk about it. 8/10, very worth your time.
The Losers (2010) - apparently went up against some other star-studded action flick with a similar plot at the time of release and suffered for it, but other than that, this is a fun romp with lots of character. a team of militiamen are framed for an international scandal and forced to go underground until a mysterious woman helps them exact revenge on the billionaire who framed them so they can go back to their families. chris plays one of the secondary characters and he’s PERFECT. best character in the whole movie! you’ve probably seen the “don’t stop believing”/”lethal killing machine” scene around tumblr before - that’s just how his character is the whole movie and it’s great. definitely recommend! 7/10
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) - we’ve all seen it. lucas lee is the best. there are lots of problems in the word choice and some of the moral quandaries but overall, an enjoyable ode to videogames and comic books. 6.5/10
Puncture (2011) - once again, an indie film with very little theatrical release. WHOOOH though. this movie. SO GOOD! two personal injury lawyers take on a case when a nurse is accidentally pricked on the job and contracts AIDS. they take on a huge pharmaceutical supply company in the hopes of manufacturing and creating a legal standard for using safety needles to protect frontline medical workers, all while chris’s character is dealing with being an addict. based on a true story, honestly   one of chris’s best performances (and that’s across the board). you can  rent it cheap from youtube and it’s totally worth it. 7.5/10
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - i mean. it’s cap. honestly this movie feels a little long even though it’s not. overall it’s a good, enjoyable movie and watching it all the way through reminded me of why bucky was so important. 7/10
What's Your Number? (2011) - okay honestly i love this movie? a woman is slutshamed by her sister’s friends and then embarks on a journey through her past relationships to find her soulmate, only to realize that it doesn’t matter how many men she’s slept with because the right one really won’t give a damn and neither should she. everyone’s seen naked collin around tumblr. he’s a good boy. mostly. 7/10
The Avengers (2012) - so i can appreciate that this was like THE event movie of the summer of 2012 but it is LONG and there’s still so much spy shit i don’t understand. my friends and i also think that j*ss wh*d*n oversimplifies most of the characters, and ultimately the writing isn’t super strong. the performances are, for sure, but it’s still not as great of a movie as i thought it was when i was a senior in high school. 7/10
The Iceman (2012) - also an indie? based on a true story. a man (played by michael shannon) is recruited by the mob to be a hitman, and then something happens where they don’t want to pay him or something, so he starts doing a shady job with another hitman (played by chris) to support his family. overall it’s a boring film but michael and chris were both really good! watch it if you like dark mob movies, michael shannon, or winona ryder. 3/10
Snowpiercer (2013) - this movie, no pun intended, is a RIDE. poor people at the back of a train containing the last living human beings revolt against the bourgeoise. everyone’s dirty and tired and hungry. weird shit happens, but ultimately, this was SO worth the watch (and the money i spent on the blu-ray)!  7/10
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - still my favorite cap movie. excellent characterization, maybe the only time i cared about natasha. the plot should be an avengers movie given that shield is a team concern, but i will stand by the winter soldier aspect of this movie til i die. 8/10
Before We Go (2014) - an indie movie that chris directed (his directorial debut)! it’s...cute, i guess. it’s not harmful in any way, but also not special in any way. flustered woman misses her train, cute musician in the station offers to help her navigate NYC. they talk about feelings and their pasts and what they’re running from and toward. it’s fine. 6/10
Playing It Cool (2014) - indie? i don’t know?? screenplay writer (chris) wants to write action films but keeps getting hired to write romcoms, then he finds himself IN a romcom. it’s okay. some people think it’s terribly misogynistic which i didn’t find it to be, but it’s also just...kinda bland. 4/10
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - my least favorite avengers movie. i genuinely hate how ultron was handled and this movie has never once made me sympathize with the maximoffs. except for when steve defends their choice to allow experimentation to be done so they could defend their country. uh the party at the beginning is the best part, full stop. 3/10
Captain America: Civil War (2016) - this isn’t a cap film. he has no character growth. this is an avengers film at best. i also take issue with how much of this movie is really just two movies forced into one. bucky gets the short end of the deal in the overall mcu and this is really where that starts. 5/10
Gifted (2017) - PLEASE. WATCH. GIFTED. a former philosophy professor gives up his career to raise his niece, but when his mother attempts to gain custody, he has to fight for the person he loves most in the world. one of the most heartfelt, genuine movies ever. chris and mckenna grace have SUCH good chemistry. bonus octavia spencer (also in snowpiercer). 10/10
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - probably my favorite avengers movie. great stakes. amazing acting. THE BEARD!!! 8/10
Knives Out (2019) - WHOOO BITCH. TOP TIER. ransom drysdale could do whatever he wants to me and normally, i don’t “date” villains. 9/10
Endgame (2019) - the lesser infinity war. i’m not a fan of time jumps and also hate fatphobia. thor was mistreated and i can’t forgive that.
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shock777archive · 5 years
Shock777′s Teen Titan universe (fan-prediction), had the animated show from 2003 had more seasons after season 5.
Honestly I wish I had time to draw/write out the Teen titans / bbrae ideas I have. I have the cutest ideas and no time to sit down and devote myself to a comic or even a fan fic anymore. :’(  I love the Teen titans/bbrae fandom so so much! There’s so much good content out there and i love sharing that content and absorbing what others have made! But again, everyone does Teen Titans/BBRAE DIFFERENT. everyone has their own headcanons on how things should go, fan characters, next gen ocs, and their own thoughts on the titans as a whole. 
I love seeing the personal ways others develop the two and their relationship. But at the end of the day, I have my own headcanons and ideas and I so badly want to share them with the world. But...no time, energy, and lack of motivation plagues me. 
But Anyway... Because I cannot devote my time to a comic or fanfic at this time, I’m going to just blabber about what I imagine in my own canon universe for the titans. 
*Note that not all of these ideas have been fleshed out. i constantly go back and re-imagine different scenarios. I have a general blueprint of how things would go, a skeleton with main events and a short timeline of sorts. but subplots, fillers, and some major details are lacking. I’ve had to invent characters/villains, but I haven’t given them much thought as of now.
 I have spent a LOT of time on this, and would love input and comments, reblogs and shares. :) I’ve been keeping this in my drafts as I progress my ideas further...so this is almost like a masterpost or something lol XD; 
Anyway, keep reading if you wanna know how i imagine the fate of the titans and bbrae’s canonization had the original 2000′s cartoon show had more seasons to work with. 
 After Season 5/ Trouble in Tokyo ends. 
There are some key things and headcanons that I have to mention before rolling any further. 
Raven is free from Trigon after the events of Season 4. She no longer has him inside of her, persuading her and influencing her. 
Star/Rob is canon. After the events of Trouble in Tokyo, the couple begin a healthy dating relationship that is full of sweetness and life. 
Kid Flash and Jinx are a thing, but their relationship is somewhat superficial at first. 
Terra is alive, but either chooses to forget her past life, or literally cannot remember her sacrifice or the titans. She has cut ties to the titans permanently.
There are remnants of Trigon remaining around the world, deep underground, and many cults that worship him exist. There is possibility of him being reformed/regenerated, however he needs a new host as Raven is no longer his host. 
The Titans have a huge following around the globe majorly in part due to Titans East and the ending of Season 5 episode “Titans Together”.
Slade is alive once more, waiting to rise up against the titans again. He has to rebuild his empire again from scratch and this will take him quite some time to do. He still may be looking for an apprentice. 
I know there are other questions/plots/things I haven’t thought about such as titans east, certain villains, and other things you all may be curious about. 
Literally just ask me what i think happened to someone/some event and re-jog my memory so I can spend time to think about said things. :) It’s been a loooooong time since 2006. XD 
The Time Skip. 
In my own headcanon/universe that takes place after the original animated 2000′s cartoon show,
there is a time skip of sorts
. a time skip of 2-3 years later where the Titans are slightly older, all over the age of 18. 
Robin- 19 Starfire-18 Cyborg-19 (the oldest of the group) Raven-18 and a half, nearly 19  Beastboy-18 (just barely turned 18). 
They all still live in the Titans Tower in Jump city, and evil still very much exists. After this timeskip, the titans would have different outfits and appearances. I’ll do my best to show them how i imagine them now: 
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About the same height as she was before the time skip. slightly bigger breasts but still on the smaller side. She wears shorts and her hair is longer and thicker. her bangs are parted to one side instead of down the middle. 
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Transitioning into Nightwing. His hair is based off of his disguise in “trouble in tokyo.” He is growing out his hair and becoming more fulfilled with his life now that Starfire is with him romantically. He is about as tall as Starfire now, and will probably grow taller than her soon. 
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(lol he basically looks the same because he is made of mechanical parts...oops! ) He is more cool-headed and loves to tease the other titans especially rob and star, about romantic things and about growing of age. 
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Her hair has started to grow out...she no longer trims it. It is a little past shoulder length now. Her breasts have grown bigger, she is about a C cup. she wears long gloves now, and matching boots. she mostly keeps her hood off unless she is going into battle. she is now officially the shortest teen titan. 
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He has the most radical change out of all the others. He matures nicely, losing the fat on his face and growing lean muscle. He grows taller, not quite as tall as robin, but taller than Raven at this point. He still has plenty of growing to do, however. His hair is now fashioned forward into a fohawk, and he is more emotionally stable. 
All of these drawings are just prototypes and can be subject to change, however I am pretty set on beastboy and Raven’s designs. ^^; they also were sketched relatively quickly so forgive the crappiness lol 
Starfire and Robin’s relationship
Starfire and Robin have been dating ever since their time in Tokyo. Starfire affirms Robin and helps him overcome his past demons. She calms him, and soothes him, and now he is less likely to freak out or obsess over villain happenings. The two are close to getting engaged at this point. They sometimes spend the night in each other’s rooms, though nothing too sexual happens. 
Cyborg likes to tease them whenever they go for dates, and he especially loves to poke fun of Robin. It is all in good fun, and mostly gives the others a good laugh. 
Sometimes their relationship can be obnoxious as starfire sometimes cannot control her urges to kiss robin at random or perform pda though robin has talked to her about it before. She is getting better though, having been dating him for about 2 years now. 
Beastboy sometimes is jealous/envious of Robin. Even though he is happy for his teammates, he wishes he could fall in love and start his own romantic ventures. Raven couldn’t care less about romance for the time being, and is rather on the outside when it comes to seeing others in relationships. 
Beastboy and his thoughts on Terra 
After the ending of Season 5, episode “Things Change”, he comes to accept that he has work to do with the Titans and he stops pursuing Terra altogether. It takes him a long time to get over her, and even after the timeskip sometimes he thinks of her and gets depressed. He really feels like he lost something...He feels like no one will ever come to accept him or like him the way Terra did. He is at war with his hormones, always trying to flirt with civilian girls and seek approval in places he shouldn’t. In the end though, he is painfully single and is bogged down with feelings of loneliness. Beastboy acts tough, confident in himself and silly around the team, but sometimes, he just needs to brood in his room. 
I always believed that had a season 6 ever was produced, beastboy and raven would have gotten together. Why did season 5 end on beastboy cutting ties with Terra, unless he was going to be set up with someone else? I always believed that last episode foreshadowed him moving on. Now that he has cut himself off from Terra and accepted her choice, i felt that it would have been an easy transition into bbrae becoming canon. 
BBRAE. a general timeline...lots of parts are missing. 
Firstly, Raven has always had a soft spot for Beastboy. It’s been shown time and time again in the 5 seasons of the original show. I want to state that i believe since Trigon is away from Raven now, she has become free in some sense, with her emotions. She still has to control herself from emoting too too much, but she is less vulnerable to exploding things with her powers come any sort of emotional distress. 
My bbrae fan-theory has a general format i usually stick to but the details of it are somewhat blurry. 
Things I MUST have in my bbrae timeline: 
There must be an obligatory moment where Raven figures out she is in love with beastboy. There is a pivotal moment after the time skip, in which it clicks for her that her friendship with him is more than just friendship. It starts off slowly..them growing together. Raven is definitely the one who falls for beastboy FIRST. I like to think of a few of these scenarios to happen in a 6th season that brings raven and beastboy closer (kind of in chronological order) : 
An episode dedicated to Raven figuring out Beastboy’s dark past with his parents and his fight with Sakutia disease. Whether it’s because he fights a bad guy from his past, becomes ill, or Raven steps into his mind. There are many ways for this kind of an episode to happen. I feel like once Raven learns that beastboy has his own skeletons in his closet, she becomes more sympathetic and nice towards him. It’s after an episode like this where she starts to call him Gar for the first time on special occasions. 
An episode surrounding beastboy and Raven on a mission together, similar to when Raven had to go on her own to take care of Melvin, Timmy and Teether (episode “Hide and Seek”). A mission in which they are placed together and alone while the others are on other missions. I haven’t thought of what kind of mission it could be and how long it would last. I play around with the idea that raven and beastboy are chosen to be together based on their abilities so the mission would incorporate that. During this mission they are together alone and things could happen to bring Raven closer to him. Things like :
-Raven and Beastboy getting caught in a storm together and are forced to take shelter  -Raven witnessing Beastboy being good with people/children/the elderly and it makes her smile  -Raven and Beastboy forced to share a room/bed for the night (I realllyyyyy like this trope tbh ;A;) Beastboy could be accidentally cuddling Raven in his sleep and Raven could wake up to it. That, or Raven wakes up earlier than beastboy and notices him sleeping and she stares at his handsome, serene face and remarks, “...you know...I’ve never seen him look this...peaceful.” THERE ARE MANY THINGS THAT COULD HAPPEN WITH THIS KIND OF TROPE AND I CAN’T SETTLE ON JUST ONE IDEA asdjkfhalkjsdfhaf -Good teamwork and sense of flow with each other when fighting bad guys. I need at least one good fight sequence of the two of them kicking ass and beastboy asking for a high-five afterwards from Raven xD  -Raven and Beastboy getting ready to leave their mission having completed it, and Beastboy says something along the lines of, “I’m actually glad I was paired with you of all people Raven. Had it been anyone else, I might have ended up failing my mission.” 
An episode where Raven is in danger, and Beastboy Transforms into the Beast to save her, getting nearly mortally wounded in the process. This would be the definitive episode, where Raven comes to realize her feelings for beastboy. I imagine that Beastboy and Raven have an argument earlier in the episode, where Raven walks away from it feeling like he doesn’t like her and still thinks she’s creepy. But the argument ends up being a misunderstanding on Raven’s part, and Beastboy was actually meaning something as a nice gesture. After she realizes Beastboy’s sacrifice, she visits him in the infirmary as he recovers. He is out of it for several hours and she feels awful about their argument, having nearly lost him. When he comes to, Raven asks him “why?...why did u go so far..for me? I thought you didn’t like me...” Beastboy would then reply with a heartfelt compliment to raven, and it would be revealed that the argument was a misunderstanding. Beastboy would smile and shrug off his wounds. He would say a heartfelt/emotional one liner, (don’t know what it is yet) but the moment he says it raven’s heart lights up and she feels love for the first time. she would inner monologue, “what...what is this? what’s...happening to me?” it would zoom in on beastboy’s smile and she would have a surge of all the memories of them up to that point, overflowing her until she nearly falls backward. Beastboy would ask her if she was ok, as she stumbles a little... and raven would say that she was fine and glad hes doing better...she would leave the room calm and cool , leaving beastboy none the wiser. The episode would end on that, but it would be the start to their relationship. 
There would be other episodes and sillier lighthearted stuff surrounding the other characters. but in every other episode there would be cute bbrae moments every now and then sprinkled in. moments like: 
-Beastboy shirtless in the training room, Raven oogling him on accident when trying to locate another team member.  -An ending scene on an episode where the titans all look at the sunset, and raven looks over at beastboy, shining in the light. his handsome features would shine through, and she would blush and avert her eyes. he wouldn’t notice her gaze, of course.  -A moment where beastboy flirts with raven jokingly, but Raven just stays silent, confusing beastboy who was accepting a snide remark in return  -Raven having a nightmare about beastboy dying or getting hurt, and she goes to check on him in the middle of the night. He would be sleeping in his new queen size bed (i have a headcanon that he gets rid of his bunk beds sometime during the timeskip) and Raven would smile at his peaceful face.  -Beastboy catching raven as she falls during a fight, Raven blushing and pushing away from him immediately  -A moment in which Beastboy flirts with some civilian girls who laugh at him and reject him, and he moves on, without noticing raven was watching the whole time. She then explodes the girls’ drinks they were carrying in a form of rage and jealousy XD 
I have many other ideas too for random moments. But now back to the main skeleton: 
An episode in which Beastboy is upset because he sees Terra passing by on the street. He is reminded of his status as a single man, and sees love and romance everywhere he goes. he cannot escape it, coming home to star and rob shenanigans and cyborg is too busy teasing them that beastboy seeks solace with Raven. He admits how he felt about terra and how he feels lonely. Raven tries to keep her sadness and jealousy under wraps, and confides in beastboy that she feels alone too. beastboy assumed she was like not into romance or anything like that, to which raven replies with a blush and a comment like, “I’m a human too you know.” Beastboy would feel better after talking with her, and would end the episode by telling Raven that if she ever felt lonely, they could hang out sometime. raven would smile and say, “i said i was lonely, not desperate.” BB would roll his eyes and leave her room, smiling and saying that the offer was on the table still. 
This episode would be the one that makes beastboy fall for Raven. I have no idea how it would start, but beastboy would invite Raven to go hang out with him. Raven would begrudgingly agree, and would be dragged into a friendly outing with her crush. Beastboy would ask raven to hold onto him as they rode his moped (sometime acquired between the timeskip), and raven would blush. they would wear civilian clothes during this outing. They would see a movie, and go to the bookstore. As Raven became comfortable being around beastboy, they even go to an arcade and raven starts getting into the videogames and kicking beastboys butt at his favorite games. Raven becomes so relaxed that she lets her guard down, and at one moment beastboy would make a joke about something silly, and raven would giggle and laugh out loud. Immediately, raven would realize what she had done and cover her mouth with her hands and blush. Beastboy meanwhile, just gasps and stares at her with big eyes. “did...did you just....laugh at one of my jokes?!” Raven would turn around and blush madly, saying nothing. Beastboy would then cock an eyebrow and smile the biggest smile he ever had. “After all tHESE YEARS! you think I’m funny!” Raven would blush and reply, “....one funny joke out of millions doesn’t make you funny beastboy.” Beastboy then steps back and notices something..he notices how she isn’t meeting his eyes with the regular cold, jeering glare but how she is really flustered and her eyes look soft..he sees the pink blush on her cheeks and realizes that he is correct... that she really DID think he was funny all those years...He also begins to suspect that in that moment, raven was actually...into him. Beastboy blushes deeply and starts stuttering, but then a few teenage civilians would walk by and interrupt the moment. “Hey it’s beastboy and Raven! cool! C-can we have a picture with you guys?! wow i can’t believe the teen titans are here!” The teens would snap a photo with the two blushing titans, and then start walking away. As they walk away, raven and beastboy overhear one of the girls state, “Wow they’re so cute! I never knew those two were a thing!” Raven and beastboy would blush furiously and beastboy would yell, “W-We’re JUST FRIENDS!” back at the civilians who are out of earshot. When he turns to raven, she looks beyond mortified. Beastboy’s ears droop as he feels like she is embarrassed to be with him. meanwhile raven is feeling the same, thinking that beastboy would never date a creep like her. They ride home on the moped in silence. As they return, raven thanks beastboy for the outing. he stutters and thanks her too. there is an awkward silence. “So, uh....” Beastboy would start, but raven would turn, say “goodnight.” and then leave the room. 
An episode in which Beastboy fights Adonis again. Adonis threatens to hurt Raven and the other titans, but Raven doesn’t know that when beastboy and Adonis stand off, its about her. the team is separated from the fight. Beastboy ends up kicking adonis’s ass, but is beaten up pretty badly. by the time raven and the other titans get to beastboy, he collapses into starfire’s arms who catches him from falling. before he loses consciousness, he sees raven and smiles at her with a swollen black eye and beat up face. “Raven...good...y-you’re safe...now...” he passes out at that point, leaving the team to stare at raven and raven just as confused as everyone else. 
An episode in which Raven finally admits her feelings for beastboy to herself.  this episode would delve into her psyche again and feature her emotions again. she would be losing control of her powers, similar to the episode “Fear itself.” because she is denying her love for beastboy. she doesn’t want to pursue it in fear that he wont like her and fear of hurting him. When danger raises its head, beastboy is in trouble and is unable to be rescued by the rest of the team. They try, but no one is strong enough to overcome the villain without raven’s help. But raven is not able to use her powers because she is denying passion within her. Seeing Beastboy being held by a shocking device, each time the titans get close, the villain shocks beastboy and makes him scream in pain and agony. Raven finally cannot stand it, and her powers activate again. However, she isnt channeling all of her emotions together like in the episode “nevermore.” She is leaving passion out. Raven finds that she isn’t strong enough to defeat the foe, and finally gives in and accepts her passion for beastboy. As soon as passion enters the equation, raven becomes at least 10% more powerful than before. her love for beastboy fuels her, and gives her the extra edge to defeat the villain.  beastboy is rescued by Raven who frantically takes the shocks off of his ankles and wrists. He starts to thank her, but is interrupted by her hugging him tightly, still fueled by her love for him. beastboy blushes and is shocked. raven holds him for a second, tenderly and closely. the episode ends there. 
And I still have many more episode ideas that I’m currently working on. The skeleton would continue with one more final episode where beastboy and raven would finally confess to one another. I dont know what would force the confession, and i have no clue if either beastboy would confess first or raven would. Maybe people can give me ideas? :) I just have so many ideas of how it would all go. i lean more towards raven confessing first. because beastboy is so patient with her. 
So the very very basic outline for bbrae canonization would be: 
- Raven falls for beastboy first, Raven gets closer to beastboy, beastboy falls for raven, raven admits to herself that she loves him, either beastboy or raven confess their love to the other, they begin dating. 
Once Beastboy and Raven are a couple 
I have a headcanon that Raven would want their relationship to be a secret for a while. although they have confessed their attraction to one another, their romance is slow at first and is kept secret from the rest of the team. Beastboy is patient with raven, and accepts the fact that she isnt ready to go public with their love. The couple would give knowing glances to one another throughout the day, sometimes spend the night in each others rooms, send late night text messages, and secretly pine for one another while the other teammates are none the wiser. 
I also have a headcanon that they dont share a first kiss for a while yet. beastboy is very hormonal and wants raven badly, but he is very patient and wants her to initiate it because he doesnt want to make her uncomfortable. Eventually it would happen, raven initiating it of course. she would probably kiss him quickly on the cheek, but beastboy would be so shocked and overcome by love that he would turn her face back to him, look her in the eyes, and they gently would both come closer and lock lips for the first time. 
Starfire would eventually become the first one to know of the pair’s relationship shortly after robin proposed to her. i havent settled on how she would find out, but it would happen and their secret relationship would finally be announced to the rest of the team. at star and robs wedding, raven accidentally catches the bouquet, to star’s delight. 
After beastboy and raven become a thing, raven almost exclusively calls beastboy “gar” or “garfield.” 
As beastboy and raven grow older, beastboy changes his name to Changeling around the same time Robin becomes nightwing. 
Another Time Skip
There would be another time skip near the end of the Teen Titans series, foreshadowing a spin off series about the teen titans next gen (lol i steal too many ideas from kishimoto-sensei lolololol) There are a few things that would happen. 
Starfire and Robin become parents in their early 20′s. It’s after Starfire announces her pregnancy that bb and rae get married. 
(*the rest of the series is based off of my original comic about beastboy and raven’s married life and the birth of their first child. If you want to read that comic, please go here.  ) 
Beastboy and Raven would have a child two years after starfire and robin have their daughter. 
Kid flash and Jinx would have a child too around the same time. Cyborg would adopt a child. 
About a year and a half after their first child is born, beastboy and raven would have a second child. 
The series would end, showing yet another time skip where their kids are now living in the tower, grown up into their teens themselves. the next generation would begin. 
So...yeah. lol obviously i have to work out this narrative, but that’s generally how I see bbrae becoming a thing. I know there are other things i glossed over. such as slade and other characters. but i mainly only hypothesize about my ship becoming canon tbh lolololol. 
I have designs for the next gen kids, 
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And i’m currently working on more designs and a plot for the next gen series. lol 
but you get NO SPOILERS for the next gen ! >:C 
Let’s just say that old enemies return, family bonds are tested, and the old titans and the next gen titans have to work together to defeat the ultimate evil. 
Anyway, thanks sooooooo much for reading all of this! ;A; 
If you read all of this, congratulations you are now one of my favorite people ;W; 
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Please send me questions, suggestions, critiques, and please like and reblog...I would love your input! :3 This is just my version of how bbrae should be done. i love reading fanfics and other’s stories. let’s all share in the glory of bbrae shipping and hope for a season six one day xDDDDD 
But yeah. Thank you. :) And I am out! xoxoxo 
-Alex, Dec 2018- 
(may edit later with updated thoughts, ideas and timelines.) 
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ambris · 5 years
Now that I beat the game I wanna give my biggest thoughts on it. But fair warning, it’s a rather negative review.
Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honest to god I’m a bit disappointed. What I’m not sure of is, was this how KH always was, and I’m just more cynical? Maybe. I’d have to replay at least KH2 to be sure--but I really don’t think that’s the case.
My experience with KH3 went from excitement and optimism, to general acceptance, to sheer disappointment over the course of the game.
KH3 had the veneer of the epic sprawling non-sense that I love about the series, but none of the sincerity behind it. The finale involved a rapid-fire series of resolutions for every hanging plot point, and a generally instant reversal of events that were heartbreaking and tragic in previous games--without the hardship and narrative buildup to EARN that payoff.
In a word, it was cheap.
Xion’s tragic sacrifice? Eh, she’s back now--that was easy. Terra’s loss to corruption, nah he got better. Oh yeah, whatever happened to Namine? She doesn’t even get the 3 minute COMPLETE RESOLUTION that the others get--just a short clip in credits sequence.
Aqua’s rescue arguably had the best build up, but for the sheer amount of drama the trailer created about her being corrupted, in the actual game saving her was just a simple bossfight.
I expected KH3 to be at least as epic as KH2--that’s all I really wanted. But ironically, KH2, with relatively smaller scope and stakes still felt like a bigger richer experience and a climax that moved me.
KH3 feels like Tetsuya Nomura decided that he was done with the series, and just wanted to wrap everything up in one go, dramatic pacing be damned. Considering the teasers at the end of KH3, that may not be true, but it sure felt like it.
The visual direction and the voice acting are flawless in convey the high emotion I expect from this series, but in the writing there’s nothing to build it up. I know what you might be thinking: “Lol, criticizing Kingdom’s writing”, but KH3 isn’t even following it’s own pattern. Yes, I know the series has non-sense logic and wild mystic babble--but I don’t care. It’s lack of consistency is internally consistent. But what really drives KH’s story is the melodrama. None of the characters are deep or complex, but man they sure do feel big feels. And that’s always been the case. Seeing these characters act out their big feelings and literally changing the world around them by FEELING SO MUCH was always the most emotionally moving part of KH.
But KH3 seems to have forgotten that, and merely goes through the same paces without understanding it’s own method that’s worked in the past. You can’t have ultimate tragic finale wherein characters sacrifice themselves to set right the world (like Xion and Roxas) only for them to conveniently be okay, with pretty much zero effort on the characters.
All the drama associated with these characters in previous games, whole climaxes dedicated to them--just to have all the adverse affects resolved in about 30 minutes of KH3 (and they have to share). It’s narrative equivalent of slow-cooking a quality roast for a day, only to put it on white bread with mayo and ketchup.
And it’s damn disappointing.
A major separate but related criticism is just the sheer neglect Kairi’s character gets. She spends all of KH1 in the fridge, and the rest of the franchise sitting on a beach doing nothing but soulfully thinking of Sora (meanwhile he’s off having adventure and only sometimes thinking about her). Kinda typical sexist dynamic, but whatever, the early 2000s was a different time.
KH2 ends with us knowing that Kairi can summon keyblade now and COOL. SHE’S GONNA BE RELEVANT NOW. Then she spends the entirety of KH3 training, none of which we actually get to see, so she’s effectively fridged again; all we see her do is sit on a rock and soulfully think of Sora--or be emotional support to another male character, Lea.
The whole hyperbolic time-chamber training for her is silly, but I’m willing to accept it if it allows her to get in the conflicts and be relevant. But when the time comes SHE DOES NOTHING but get captured and once again be someone Sora has to rescue.
The process of teasing her to be relevant, only to go right back to the same dynamic is worse than if they had just committed to keeping her a goal post.
I have so much more to say, but this has gone on long enough and I figure this review will negatively received by most anyway, so I’ll just leave it at that.
However, I feel utterly dissatisfied by KH3. It had so much potential, and it flubbed it all.
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startrekvigilant · 5 years
So what was the 21st century in Star Trek.
 We spent the early 2000s recovering from The Augments and their very near-totalitarian rule over humans. We develop technology, like the Millennium Gate in 2012 (Star Trek: Voyager), a superstructure that would serve as a prototype for space colonization.
 By the mid-to-late 2020s we had continued our development of ships that would eventually surpass the model we banished Khan and his like in. But it was becoming increasingly clear that another world war was happening.
 In fact, World War III broke out in 2026, apparently due to an “Eastern Coalition” making a direct attack on the United States of America (Star Trek: First Contact). The ensuing years the war went on with differing levels of intensity and size, and the world became steadily more violent, as many famous riots and upheavals spread through Europe (Unified Ireland, The Next Generation, The Bell Riots, Deep Space Nine). 
In the 2030s earth made a few select manned missions to mars. (Apparently around this time the United States added two new states to their union, and why the hell not they were probably on the moon and on mars. I doubt this made other countries happy, it probably escalated the fighting and enveloped other nations, adding to the tensions the world had been experiencing since 1996, the end of the Eugenics War). 
The United Nations reshapes itself due to the changes on earth since its initial creation, and the New United Nations feebly tries to sort out our problems. It did not do very well for itself, obviously. World War III was a fact now and earth was in trouble. Space-faring technology is pursued with renewed fervor, with ships of people attempting to explore further and further out of our solar system. Perhaps these many attempts to further star ship tech was due to a spreading fear that things might be coming to a violent end on earth? Most likely.
 In the 2040s we see more colonies popping up on the moon, safe from the horrifying destruction that was breaking out on the planets surface. But it only continued to escalate. Now, whatever happened to the people on these off world colonies is not specified, but if the fighting is as bad as we think it is, and if it was fought primarily with nuclear weapons, maybe we stopped caring about these off-world colonies. Maybe sending them food and supplies was getting too bothersome. These colonies were most likely abandoned, or they scraped by on meager rations, waiting for the fighting to end. 
The years 2039 to 2050 don’t really have any significant events in official trek canon, but I’m going to go on record and say it was eleven years of complete global warfare. By 2050 things calmed down, and many thought the worst was over, but then the nuclear strikes began in earnest, destroying thousands of cities and millions of lives.  
Then in 2053 it suddenly stops. 
The war ended because there was nothing left, and all who perpetuated the violence were dead. There are attempts to pick ourselves back up again, but any form of government that existed before the outbreak of war was gone. Civilization actually crumbled, it was the end of the world. Just like in the movies! The death toll is set somewhere around 600 million officially…but I think it’s low. This was the first real nuclear war right? All the stockpiles of warheads collected over the cold war and beyond…this was the war where those missiles destroyed cities, wiped nations right off the map. How many nations have warheads? How many warheads do they have? The imagined damage is catastrophic.
The years following are every dystopian fiction writers dream! Scattered bands of irradiated wary humans, scraping by in tents on the fringes of giant holes in the ground that were once major cities. A lot of information about who we were before all the mindless fighting was lost. So that’s a good cop out reason to explain was the canon is so spotty? But pretty much by 2060 human civilization had taken a major turn. People lived nomadically, independently, in a strange sort of dazed anarchy. Like I dunno, I think a lot of people might have died, a lot of important people, so we really were at an all time low. 
But there were still scientists and scholars, entertainers and trades people. Humanity was still alive, but there wasn’t much left. Amongst them was Zefram Cochrane, the eventual inventor of warp drive on earth. Canon is once again spotty, he most likely started his physical experiments in 2060, but who knows how long he had been working on his calculations for.
2063 is when everything changed for the human race.
Zefram caught the attention of the vulcans! What a one in a million shot! It was mind blowing! It was astounding! It freaking changed the rotation of the planet, it boiled the oceans, it drove us all to madness, man it was BIG. Aliens! On earth! In front of humans! Talking to us! With language! That we were able to understand! And they us! My! God! 
Like, it doesn’t take much thinking to realize how much this changes everything. But it’s also hard, yanno? These aliens seem so like us, but everything we do confuses them and everything they do bewilders us. They see our smouldering planet, nearly destroyed, still fraying along the edges and think “my god, emotions will destroy everything.” we’re just confused. No emotions? How. We talk to them and are upset by their unchanging face, they give us no visual cues, and they hardly move their eyebrows. This is difficult!  
And on top of this we feel like small children around them. But by comparison our species is! They’ve been out in space doing the space thing for eons. Eons! They’ve actually traveled through space for so long that a very large fraction of their population split off and settled themselves in a different star system and stayed there so long they evolved into an entirely new species. Romulans! Those cunning cousins to the Vulcan race that will one day become one of our most notorious enemies. 
But we don’t meet them until the 23rd century. And you wanna know why? It’s cuz the vulcans don’t trust us and the vulcans hide a lot of their information from us because it’s unsafe to let a species as primitive as us in on their technologies and knowledge. It’s kind of dark, isn’t it? 
Some might feel like the vulcans are disgusted by us, but feel obligated to us. They might find us clingy and I really don’t think they’ve interacted with other species like they find themselves doing with us. Seriously, we’re dating. Or they’ve become our parents? Or like, our mentors? I don’t know but one year after first contact humanity finally sees itself getting back on its feet. We go from living on the fringes of nuclear waste sites to building universities and sending ships of people to explore the stars.
Large groups of people leave earth entirely, going off to discover new lands, and new peoples in the name of earth. Sometimes these encounters don’t end so well for us. We’re new to the space game. 
We meet a race of wolf-like creatures, the Kzinti, and they bully us until we fight back. These battles amount to no more than schoolyard antics, really. In 2065 the SS Valiant is launched on an interstellar mission to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Almost as an omen for the years to come, the Valiant is lost and never heard from again (or at least not until 2265). 
So we don’t know how exactly it came to be formed, but by 2067 United Earth was sending probes out into space in order to learn more of the life out there. Vulcans would not share their technology or their information of space life, so it was up to us to get the ball rolling. 
The Friendship 1 was a probe like the ancient Voyager I, meant to inform extra-terrestrials of life on Earth, our language and customs. Basically we were already getting bored with the vulcans and their rules, and wanted to meet more fun aliens, aliens who were down to party.
By 2069, far away from Earth the Kzinti pick on us for the last time. Humans finally defeat the Kzinti and they finally agree to stop attacking us. It’s an important moment for humans in space. We’ve been out here for such a short time but we were finally able to stand up for ourselves. We governed and were listened to. It changed us, I guess. 
So now we’ve stretched our legs, we’ve been picked on by aliens and fought back; we’re ready to colonize. Well, the vulcans don’t think so, they’re still weirded out by us, think us too dramatic. And our home planet is still a mess. There’s still a weird sense of dystopian cruelty hanging in the air, and I guess a lot of people are looking to move out. 
We want to meet more aliens, but we can’t take them back to our place, it’s too embarrassing. So expeditions to find a kind of replacement earth begin. Our starships were still in their infancy, only capable of warp factor one. But we wanted people to get excited about this technology, so we began high-profile searches for New Earths. 
The SS Conestoga is launched to bring 200 colonizers on a nine-year mission to Terra Nova, where they would immediately dismantle the ship and use it to build their new colony. So you see, technology is still very limited. It’s faster than our previous technology, but it still takes a good while to reach our destination. 
Humanity is becoming spread thin is what I’m saying. 
Some humans go out to explore far reaches of space and are lost. Others venture out to meet new civilizations and are greeted with years of warfare with an alien race. Others still board starships to find home on new planets only to end up stranded. It’s a tumultuous time.  But still, we explore. We don’t let the hardships stop us because they never have before. 
The SS Conestoga reaches its destination in 2078, and the Terra Nova colonies of humans begin. Now we can clearly see a divide forming between space-exploring humans, off-world colonists and Earth-bound humans. And the rift will only widen from here on out. 
The mindset is that now we’re able to explore strange new worlds then why waste time cleaning up earth? Because everyone is busy dealing with official space business, earth is once again left to rot.
By 2079 in some parts of the globe, things are pretty much back to being dystopic shambles, and all “United Earth nonsense” is brushed off the table. Humanity forgot about earth! It’s supposed to be a new, bright era for humanity, but our home is still on fire. And the distain for earth is palpable.
By 2083 the United Earth space agency planned to send 200 more colonists off of wasteland earth to the new Terra Nova colony, but the original colonists had grown so fiercely independent they were now actively aggressive towards Earth. 
I bet vulcans watching from the sidelines were just amazed at the boundlessness of humans distrust of one another. Honestly. We’re our own worst enemy. We’re still shell shocked, we’re still not over the last centuries of violence and war with each other. And now we’re forced to deal with aliens? It’s a bad scene man; we’re not dealing well. 
Things are pretty quiet during most of the 2080s, but by 2090 we’ve started to industrialize more planets and moons in our solar system. 
The last decade of the 21st century is mostly filled with confusion and exploration, much of earth is still ungoverned, we’ve lost contact with our largest off-world colony and we’re realizing we know next to nothing about space and the aliens that populate it.
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himnit · 6 years
the Shift
Over the last few months, you’ve seen me mention & talk about a cosmic energetic shift. This is a quick post to shed some light on what is this Shift really about. I’ll try to address it from both scientific as well as spiritual perspectives, coz it’s the beginning of these two moving towards each other (finally!).
Everything has a frequency, from your eyelashes to that blackhole. And so, does our home planet (mother) Earth, too. Science has been measuring her electromagnetic frequency & it goes by the name Schumann’s frequency. Since the time we started monitoring, it has been a sober, stable number. But in the last few years (7-8, i feel), this frequency has been changing. It has been increasing, sometimes peaking massively (from a good ol’ 7.83 Hz to a whopping 40 Hz). That means that the vibrational rate of mother Earth is rising.
Now let’s take a moment to pause and think in our own capacities, what this could mean for the inhabitants of this planet then. If your host, your sustainer, your very terra firma is now vibrating at a different frequency, how would it affect your vibration?
What this means is that now anything which is of a lower vibration has got to go. That includes our low frequency emotions, thoughts, memories; like shame, guilt, anger, arrogance, separation, suppression, etc. So all of this stuff that we has been undealt with (in this lifetime and previous ones, karmic cycles) with, is now coming up for release. It doesn’t vibrationally match our Mother’s energy anymore and cannot stay on this planet anymore. Just cannot. You change, or you gotta go.
You might have heard things around “moving to 4D”, or even 5D. These are not some separate physical realm, these are altered densities of consciousness. 4D transcends space and time, and duality. The mind which operates through separation & analysis, cannot thrive here. 5D is unconditional love, in the realest, most tangible sense. It’s not just your pet, you too are capable of unconditional love. And towards every single particle of this universe. Let nothing make you believe in its impossibility. This is where we came from, it’s only a homecoming to our original template. Astrologically, the Age of Aquarius is upon us. This is what the ancients have referred to as the “Golden Age” (around 2000 years long). A 12,000 year cosmic cycle of masculine energy is now making way for a feminine energy to emerge. Please don’t interpret it as women now ruling over men. Please. These stories of us vs them, of being on top, are better left behind. Coz the new paradigm only knows sovereign, integrated, conscious beings.This is what they keep referring to by “ascension”.
You see, mother Earth isn’t dying. She’s only purging and releasing old, dense energies to renew herself. All these floods, earthquakes, crazy weather patterns are her gurging out her pain and trauma. Letting go to begin afresh. Our egos can make us believe that we can cause her to die; all this global warming and all. It’s not her, it’s we who can die to our own misled actions. She’s been around for far, far longer than us. Species have come and gone, empires rose and crumbled. But Mother has always been here. Morphing, dying, emerging like a Phoenix from the ashes of her destruction. We need to be worried about ourSelves, mommy Earth is doing just fine, thank you.
And it’s not just her, other cosmic forces have been stepping in to assist us all with this shift. It’s an assisted process. You may call them aliens, i call them galactic beings. And many of them are coming together to send in energies to help us rise from the old paradigm. Waves of photonic energy that are evolving our physical bodies to new crystalline, light bodies. Geomagnetic storms which are stoking our kundalini fires and hence forcing a spiritual awakening in many, many of us. Those unexplained physical symptoms and dis-eases are not just random. Your body is cleansing and changing.
There’s nothing much you got to do except allow these repressed energies to emerge and leave your system forever. Victimhood is no longer an option. Consciously choose to let go. Choose to think positive. Choose to see from the eyes of love. Choose the new. Choose to leave behind the old. Choose to change. Choose to evolve. Choose to be who you truly are.
I’ve tried to explain as simply as possible, an amazingly multilayered phenomena. If you have any questions, or suggestions on what else to explain or cover in another post, kindly mention it in the comments below.
Don't believe me? Google this stuff. Maybe then, you will. And believe it or not, this Shift is happening. Like the sun will rise from the East, whether you believe so, or not.
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Current Music Obsessions: October 17 - 31, 2017
It's that time again. Time to share my current music obssessions for the second half of the month. So let's see them honorable mentions.
Sinistro - Nothing Sacred (Paradise Lost cover) Kadavar - Tribulation Serenity - Lionheart Body Count - This is Why We Ride Collapsion - Dethroned The Great Discord - Cadence Type O Negative - Wolf Moon Persona - Invidia The Dark Element - Here's to You Metalite - Nightmare Sleeping Romance - Where the Light is Bleeding Lorde - Perfect Places Hanging Garden - Our Dark Design feat. Nika Kalliojarvi Tarja - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Goldenhall - King Under the Mountain AfterTime - Masquerade (Through the Facade) Sunterra - Shadow in the Dark Beyond God - Stronger Lamb - What Makes Us Human Suodeth - Siecle Des Lumieres Brighter Than a Thousand Suns - What's Inside Cher - Walls Conspiria - Prophecy of Doom Witchcraft - В объятиях темноты Qveen Herby - Wifey Inviolate - Broken Cycle Silentium - Frostnight Abonos - U Krosnjama Abonosa Voices of Destiny - The Great Hunt Crystal Gates - Shadowborn
And now for the real ones.
1) Pale Waves - Television Romance
This was a random YT discovery and am so into it. It's such an cute song and their front woman is so adorable. There's something about it that sounds so nostalgic to me and I think that's why I love it so much. Like it sounds like something out of the 2000's. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
2) IAMFIRE - Beamer
I came across this song through spaceuntravel's YT channel and was shocked to hear sludge/stoner metal on their channel. Most of the stuff they post is alternative metal, nu metal and hard rock bands, so hearing this was a pleasant surprise. I really dig this track and the overall vibe of it.
3) Butcher Babies - Headspin
This is such a fun song. I'm so hyped for Lilith and can't wait to give it a listen. So far it sounds like a bit more of a progressive direction, but still keeping true to their thrash roots. Even though this song is a bit softer, it's still a great jam. Also the video is wonderful and threw me off that it apparently stars two porn stars, but then again, Heidi and Carla worked with Play Boy in the past, so they probably got some connections.
4) Sharon Needles - Battle Axe
Sharon is back with a new single and this is a fun one. It's not my favorite, but it's catchy enough for it to become an obsession of mine. I don't think any of her music will ever compare to the works of PG-13, but it's still great to hear good tunes from her. And I LOVE Phi Phi's cameo in the video.
5) Ebony Ark - If Only
I finally decided to check out more from them and I instantly got obsessed with this song. It's such a great symphonic prog-power track. It's so catchy and the bridge is absolutely beautiful. Beatriz has such a beautiful and strong voice. It's a bummer they're no longer together, but hopefully Beatriz will pop back up sometime soon.
6) The Longing - How Do You Know
I discovered this band through Facebook a while back and have been digging a lot of their music so far. It's strange to me that I've found a symphonic-ish gothic metal band from the States that I actually enjoy (a lot of symphonic metal bands from the States don't really appeal to me). The singer's "acting" in the bridge is very odd, but the song itself is what's amazing.
7) Vvon Dogma I - Communion
Chaoth's new project has finally released its debut single and it's wonderful. It's far from being an obsurdly chaotic masterpiece that was Unexpect, but it's still amazing nonetheless. It's a bit avant-garde, but more structured. The blending of dubstep and an atmospheric voice with the djenty instrumentals gives the music such a cool and interesting vibe. By the way, Chaoth's voice is wonderful and his bass solos are still beautiful as always (as they should, since it has nine strings).
8) Akoma - Change of Propensity
I got around to listening to Revangels and this is definitely my favorite off the album. So powerful, dramatic and beautiful. I just wish someone would post the lyrics somewhere, because I REALLY want to do a vocal cover of it. The chorus is just so intense and full of so much raw power that it's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.
9) Vuur - Freedom ~ Rio
Of all the singles they've dropped, this one is the prettiest. Anekke really gets into her higher register with this track. It's such a beautiful and uplifting song. I can really see this one being not only a fan favorite, but also a great song to hear live.
10) Climatic Terra - Misery feat. Ines Vera-Ortiz (ex-Lumine Criptica)
I came across this song when checking to see what all projects Ines has been featured on over the years. This is such a great and beautiful power metal track. I really hope she joins a band again soon and releases a full length album with them. She has such a gorgeous voice and I'd love to hear some new material from her.
11) Empyrean Throne - Chaosborne
The title track of Empyrean Throne's debut album is absolutely epic. After listening to Chaosborne, it's easy to say that these guys are heavily influenced by Dimmu Borgir and I love it. This song is such a ballbuster and their front man shows off the more beautiful side of his cleans on this track. I highly recommend you guys to check this band out.
12) From the Arc - I Swear
Another band I discovered through spaceuntravel, From the Arc are an alternative metal band. This track is such a great jam. Honeybee has such a lovely voice. It always makes me extremely happy to see black women in the metal scene. It reminds people that metal is for everyone and isn't just white people music. Definitely am gonna check out more from them.
13) Magion - Body's Betrayal
I watched an old interview that their front woman did and she mentioned that this was one of her favorites off their then new album to perform, so naturally I had to check it out. it's such a gorgeous and dramatic track. It's sad that they are no longer together, but at least Myrthe is still active in the metal scene with Scenario II.
14) St. Vincent - Los Ageless
I came across this song when I saw a gifset on tumblr made of clips from this song's video. The video is aesthetic goals af and the song itself is so much fun. It's rather catchy and wonderful to jam to. The video is so cool and pretty. Definitely am gonna check out more from them.
15) La-Ventura - Song for an Idiot
I rekindled my love for this track thanks to my Facebook memories. This band is so underrated and wonderful. Their front woman has such a great voice that's different to hear in the gothic metal scene. This song has such a great hook and the chorus is so powerful even though it's so simple.
16) Elliot Root - 10,000
I discovered this band when I went to Criminal Records (a record store in Atlanta) and saw their debut album, Conjure, for $2. The cover art got me intrigued, so I added this song to watch later so I could check them out when I got home. I instantly fell in love with it. I'm not the biggest fan of indie music, but this is gorgeous. So gorgeous that I went back less than a week later to pick up the album. Their front man has such a lovely voice and the instrumentals complement it very well. I highly recommend you guys to check this album out, it's amazing.
That's it for October! Now go enjoy these tunes!
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groundramon · 7 years
Do you have a list of like top 5 tv shows? (Cartoons and anime included)
!!! Yes I do, actually!
I’ve actually thought about doing a YouTube video about this in the past, and while I do want to do list-like videos (and I already have at least one in mind) in the future, I put off doing this one because it actually…depends greatly on where certain shows I currently like are headed because some currently-airing shows would be on this list if they hit their full potential, but who knows if they’ll hit their full potential. Also I always split anime and cartoons into two categories because I always had a hard time picking otherwise xD But I do have some semblance of a list, and I adore talking about this kind of stuff, sooo:
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This spot is kind of a three-way tie between Voltron, Bojack Horseman, and FMAB, all for extremely different reasons. So consider Voltron and Bojack my honorable mentions. But while I believe Bojack’s best is honestly some of the (if not the) best out there, and if Voltron promises through on what they’ve promised it will easily skyrocket up this list, Bojack’s worst is everything I hate about Hollywood and Voltron just has too many holes at the moment.  FMAB has the best of both worlds because it has great animation like Voltron, doesn’t have any of Bojack’s bad kind of moments, and doesn’t have many holes in it.  (Another honorable mention goes to BNHA, but like Voltron, I just don’t think it has had enough time to develop all the way. Unlike Voltron, it doesn’t really have any holes, but I do have a problem with how strictly it adheres to cheesy super heroes of the past.)
BUT onto FMAB itself. God cmon, its FMAB, do I really need to elaborate why its so great? The characters are compelling, their motivations are powerful and interesting. I could write an essay examining Ed’s character alone, because he has so many interesting motivations and morals that seemingly conflict with his angry disposition, and I don’t even like Ed that much. The story is exciting - there’s basically no filler, and it almost moves too fast at points. I do have problems with the show - as I said, it goes too fast. The only two deaths in the season happen in the first 12-15 episodes of the series, and although I think that’s because the original FMA animated those scenes already, it still fucks with the pacing of this show. Additionally, despite Lust, Gluttony, and Envy all being revealed before, the show introduces a completely new villain - Greed - to introduce the homunculi. And then they kill Lust - the presumed leader of the first three introduced homunculi?? Idk man, the show barrels in a completely different direction way too quickly. But other than that, its a great show. The only reason it isn’t higher is because I’m a biased shit towards other good shows.
4. Teen Titans
Speaking of being a biased shit, idk if it shows or not, but I have a HUGE soft spot for corny kids shows that try to give kids bad laughs and dark/relatable storylines, or rather, have a heart while doing so. Its not so much that I like a balance of comedy and darkness in my shows - although that’s a good thing, I eat pure angst up and I’m all-for pure comedy shows that have the aforementioned heart (ie we bare bears, another good show not on this list) - its just specifically corny pun-ridden teen/tweeny-feeling shows/games that actually have a decent story underneath that get me. (Also my sense of humor aligns much more with shitty teen lingo and puns than modern cartoon humor that’s considered “good”. Like I find Teen Titans 10x funnier than I’ve ever found Steven Universe. I’m a 90s kid at heart even tho I wasn’t alive in the 90s)
But the biggest impact of this show for me was the heart and the plot. The silly moments made me laugh, sometimes iromically and sometimes unironically and sometimes I wasn’t sure how, but it was the story that really gripped me. The first season’s overarching plot for Robin is honestly one of the most compelling things I’ve seen in kids cartoons…period. Its dark, its unique, its a subversion of such a simble and broad trope. Sure it had a nice cheesy ending but Robin actually saves the day through INTELLIGENCE, something he always had. No other Teen Titans ending did that, but I digress.
And god, do not even get me started on Terra’s arc. Just because Robin’s was the most well-structured arc doesn’t mean his was the most emotional. I was fucking distraught after Terra’s season. Those memes weren’t a joke, I legitimately cried right in front of my mom. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS, BUT IN MY BLIND LOVE, I MISSED ALL THE SIGNS… and god, even when she comes back, even when she’s given a happy ending, she manages to make me cry AGAIN. I never, ever thought I could cry over a character like Beast Boy, but she made me do it. I didn’t even cry when Sokka’s girlfriend died, but this really, really got to me. Once for personal attachment, and the second time because…the finale is so good. Literally its Bojack levels of deep, emotional, and realistic, and this was the ending of a fucking kids show. What the fuck. To this day I still get emotional whenever something reminds me of her arc. Which brings me to my next series…
3. Cybersix
Hi so did I mention Cybersix is really good? Because Cybersix is really good.  I’m not even done with it but yeah, I love this show.  It’s got an amazing art style, great animation, an intriguing story…I have a feeling I’m gonna be really disappointed when it ends because I’ll want to know what happens next so badly.  I like the characters, I like the aesthetic, I like the old-timey music that dates this cartoon so wonderfully, I even like the romance between Lucas and Cybersix/Adrian!  How’d you make me do that.  Oh yeah, because it’s not hard to get me to care about a mutually rewarding relationship that’s gradually built up through a friendship, then an aesthetic attraction, then presumably a relationship but idk yet, where both parties care about one another and their boundaries and have gotten along well since the start.  I forgot.  (I could nitpick that Lucas doesnt have the same buildup for the relationship as Cybersix [its complicated, basically he’s friends with Cybersix’s alternate persona Adrian but he’s in a relationship with Cybersix, and he doesnt know theyre the same person] but I’m not gonna.)  It’s just…a good show man.  @ hollywood, reboot THIS you cowards.  Stop rebooting shit nobody wanted a new version of and reboot shows that were ended to quickly.  Actually dont reboot Cybersix because the only animation studios that would be able to do it any justice are Studio Mir and anime studios, and whoever owns the current copyright to Cybersix would probably be okay using flash for it
2. Digimon Adventure (with a honorable mention to Digimon Tamers)
You can rip my love for the entire Digimon franchise from my cold, dead hands.  I’m sincerely surprised any show passed up my love for this show.  If/when the currently airing series in Japan gets brought over here, I’ll watch it, even though Digimon has kind of abandoned what made it so great in the first place.  But hell, even Fusion was enjoyable - the second arc, from what I remember, was pretty dark and interesting (im still mad they got rid of the two best characters tho) - and the only reason I disliked Data Squad so much is because of Marcus (that and it doesnt have anything else that’s absolutely stunning, in fact from a technical standpoint Marcus is the best thing about the show).
But there’s a reason I put Digimon Adventure here and not the entirety of the Digimon franchise.  Digimon Adventure is what started it all.  No Digimon season has as much heart in it as the original.  Sure the animation improves each season, sure Tamers is probably better story-wise on a technical level, but I dont think any season matches the raw charm of the original.  It was so charming, in fact, that what was supposed to be a 13-episode miniseries evolved into a massive franchise that’s still beloved to this day.  Hell, there’s still content being released for the 8 Digidestined of this season!  It’s right alongside Pokemon, Invader Zim, Hey Arnold, and all these other beloved 90s/early 2000s cartoons that are being revived in recent years, and I think that says a lot.
I wasn’t even alive when Digimon Adventure was airing, but I loved the Digimon games I had played so much that I went out of my way to watch it.  And I…loved it.  Sad as it may be, it was the greatest TV show I had seen at the time.  Growing up in the late 2000s watching only Nickelodeon and CN was not a good period to grow up in, and I never saw Avatar as a kid.  By the time the 2010s had rolled around, I had mostly given up on cartoons, and besides, they were all fugly.  I still tried to watch some, but just…the humor didn’t grip me, they seemed dumb, and they weren’t pleasant to look at.  (Okay the main shows I’m vaguing about are Adventure Time and Regular Show, as well as whatever Nickelodeon was doing but I begrudgingly put up with Nickelodeon for the most part because I preferred Nick and I never knew what else to watch)  Then Digimon came around, and hol-y-shit.  The characters were like nothing I had ever seen before, the storylines engaging and interesting.  Sure it was cheesy, but there was 95% less fart jokes than the average cartoon, a good story, and actually relatable characters that actually go through hardships and actually change for the better!
Digimon Adventure has been and always will be proof to me that no matter what you are, no matter what your show is, you can make a good show out of it.  If you get people who care, who can make relatable characters, who can come up with an interesting story, you can make a good show.  Digimon Adventure is basically a big long toy commercial, and yet its better than lots of shows that dont even have merchandise - and its also better than a lot of shows that have merchandise now, but weren’t created to sell toys in the first place.  I just.  Love it a lot.
Also, the reason I specifically chose Digimon Adventure, outside of having a personal attachment to it since it was always my favorite, is because Tamers hecking scared me as a kid and I’ve never gotten over how creepy the last arc is.  Like it’s good, but it still scared me.
Honorable mentions: Bojack Horseman, Voltron: Legendary Defender, We Bare Bears, Gravity Falls (thats a big one, it would definitely be on this list if I had 10 spots, and will gladly take the 6th spot if Voltron doesnt follow through or Bojack goes south), Over the Garden Wall,  the aforementioned Digimon Tamers ,and Infinity Train might be #2 or at least #3 if it wasnt just a single episode l m a o
1. A tie between Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
HI SO YEAH if you didnt expect this then you dont know me //BRICKED
Before I explain both, I want to be very clear that I’m not counting them as a single entity.  No, I just cant pick between them.  They’re two extremely different shows, and I actually agree with people who say ATLA is overall a more-rounded show.  Problem is, I watched both during a period of my life where politics and darkness make an extremely interesting show for me (aka the current period of my life) and thus its a very biased and “nostalgic” pick, just like Digimon Adventure.  Had I watched these shows when they were airing, I dont know if LOK would even be on this list.  Heck Digimon adventure probably wouldnt be on this list since ATLA would’ve held the crown for my favorite show for all those years.
They both have amazing animation and solid writing, but that’s about all they have in common in my eyes - even though they share the same world.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a kids show.  Through and through, its a kids show.  That’s not an insult in the slightest though; no, the fact that they can make something so sophisticated and enjoyable that still clearly appeals to children is really a testament to their skills.  Many kids shows that try to take on heavier/darker stories feel like completely different shows when they try to do that - shows that arent intended for kids.  Voltron and SU are the most notable examples of that, but even LOK has a little bit of that (but in LOK’s case, its the entire show, so I kinda give them a pass lol)  Other shows do it okay (Gravity Falls) but really the only show I’ve ever seen match Avatar’s perfect balance of comedy and seriousness is Bojack, which isn’t a kids show so it has an advantage over Avatar.
Avatar’s world is fanciful and larger than life.  I’m so sad that I watched Avatar and LOK after my fanfiction days; I would’ve loved to spend nights thinking about a potential Avatar story, complete with my own Avatar and original cast.  I could put it before Avatar, after LOK, who knows? but it would’ve been so much fun.  Hell I HAVE thought about Avatar stories, but I obviously dont have much thought up on any of my potential ideas.
The pacing of Avatar is golden.  How a show wish such good pacing got through Nickelodeon, I dont know, but whatever deal allowed Avatar to go on for three seasons and then end was a once-in-a-life-time deal (as evident by what happened to Korra).  Somehow this show came out almost completely perfect, with few or no flaws.
This is the pinnacle of children’s entertainment, in my opinion.  This is proof that there’s no excuse for the garbage that makes up 90% of children’s entertainment.  The standard doesn’t have to be this, since this is the best, but this show is proof that we need to raise the standard.  I wish executives actually gave a shit about quality; if they did, maybe we could get mostly good shows instead of mostly bad shows.
If most shows were half as good as Avatar, the average show would be gorgeously-animated, smartly-written, and really good, even if it had a flaw here and there.  If most shows were half as good as Avatar, Steven Universe would be the average instead of a godsend.
If I someday, somehow make a show that’s 2/3rds as good as Avatar, I’ll officially be a good writer.  I’d love to make tons of shows just as good as Avatar, but hey, I cant get TOO cocky now lol
Now for The Legend of Korra.  Korra has slightly better animation (god i love studio mir) and different but still intriguing worldbuilding.  I know a lot of people found the political bs to be annoying, but I actually found it quite intriguing.  Avatar did a little bit of exploring moral gray areas and playing with politics, but Korra just goes all-out.  I wish the first season’s morality could’ve been a little grayer, but even then, the politics were still interesting.  And god, that one scene in the first season finale, the murder-suicide…that’s still a really powerful scene.  The entire finale would’ve been super powerful were it not for everything resetting by the end of it, but hey, they basically did the same thing in season 3!
Holy shit though, season 3.  An on-screen strangling.  Someone exploding themselves to death.  And then the finale’s fight.  The finale’s fight. The finale of season 3 is one of the most intense things I’ve seen…ever.  The atmosphere in that fight is just…so good - combined with the animation and choreography, its just amazing.  You can almost feel every hit, you actually feel concern for Korra, you’re legitimately concerned for her life.  And you know what?  You should’ve been!  Because she almost dies, and she has to suffer the consequences of that.  The fourth season has a time gap in-between, but even then, she spends episodes trying to fully recover.
In my opinion, the only thing making Korra a kids show is Milo.  I’m certain they put him in there because otherwise, it wouldn’t have been allowed to be called a kids show.  It’s dark, its intelligent, its beautiful, and it’s going to go right over most kid’s heads.  As a kids show it does kind of fail; it just doesn’t really appeal enough to them.  Once you’re old enough to understand, say, Naruto or Dragon Ball you should be okay, but ATLA appeals to all ages while Korra really needs a certain maturity in its audience to be understood and to not scare its audience.
They’re just both. so good
(thanks for the ask!!!)
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wristwatchjournal · 4 years
Planet Ocean: The Full Story Of Omega’s Iconic Modern Dive Watch
This article was originally published in 2018 and has been updated as of June 2020. To skip to the new sections, go to page three and begin with “More Orange, Tokyo Olympics 2020, & the 36th America’s Cup,” followed by “Ultra Deep & A World Record”
“We all had a front row seat to watch the birth of an icon.”
When texting with friend and fellow aBlogtoWatcher Zach Piña about the Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean, he messaged me the above quote that I think perfectly encapsulates why I find this collection so special. Introduced in 2005, it seems like the Planet Ocean has been around for as long as many of us have been watch lovers and enthusiasts, as a staple in the brand catalog that fits in as comfortably as the Speedmaster. In this article, I am going to go through the evolution of this luxury dive watch and track the various models, major milestones, and the short but robust history of this luxury dive watch.
Of course, in modern Omega history, the Planet Ocean came fairly late. The Seamaster Professional arrived in 1993 and was the watch first used in their second-greatest marketing feat (after the Speedmaster being the “Moon Watch,” of course). Indeed, the Seamaster Professional (SMP) adorned the wrist of Pierce Brosnan’s take on James Bond 007 in 1995’s Goldeneye (the Planet Ocean got this honor over a decade later in 2006’s Casino Royale). After the SMP 300 came the dressier Seamaster Aqua Terra in 2002, with the PO arriving in 2005 as the line’s higher-end sibling and rounding out the collection.
Too often, I find myself frustrated with the historical baggage so many watches I love are saddled with. What I mean by “baggage” can mean a lot of things: unwillingness to innovate because of a romanticized view of a piece’s history; watches focused on anniversaries or years commemorating landmarks; ad nauseam mention of iconic “effortlessly cool” celebrities who wore a watch 50 years ago (seriously, imagine it’s 1970 and watch enthusiasts are losing their minds over what Charlie Chaplin or Cecil B. Demille wore just before the Roaring Twenties). I love that the Planet Ocean line has to deal with none of this and can proudly present itself as a genuinely modern dive watch offering. It’s obviously important to note that that my points above are restricted to the Planet Ocean, not the brand as a whole because that’s an entirely different conversation altogether.
Omega created the Planet Ocean to be a modern luxury dive watch that would compete with the “tried and true” comparable offerings like the Rolex Submariner. It’s also worth noting that the Seamaster line overall has always been intended as more of a luxury piece in the body of a solid tool watch rather than a tool watch that eventually found its way on the wrists of well-heeled watch lovers.
One point of note, I am going to keep this list to non-precious metal models and will also not go through the history of the Planet Ocean chronograph because that discussion, or any discussion of a non-Speedmaster chronograph from Omega would require a thorough side by side look with the various Speedmaster references being made at any given point, and that is a very long conversation for another day. That being said, all the core references, along with the GMT models, and ultra-modern innovations like the Deep Black, will all be accounted for.
Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean First Generation (2005)
The Planet Ocean was the first diver the brand outfitted with their calibre 2500 movement that featured a co-axial escapement, and it came in three variations when it was launched, which is hilarious compared to the 27 models and 109 variations I see in the catalog now, some thirteen years later in 2018. The first Planet Oceans came in either 42mm or 45.5mm, with a black or orange bezel. The color orange is the unofficial color of the Planet Ocean line, claimed to be one of the most visible colors underwater (a claim I have heard refuted a few times, actually), but I have a feeling the aesthetic stamp was alluring to Omega as well.
First Generation Design
The model that initially inspired the first collection back in 2005 was the Seamaster 300 ref. 165.024, which dated back to the 1960s. This can be a little counterintuitive when understanding the history of the Planet Ocean since they released a true to the original modern watch in the Seamaster 300 Master Co-Axial back in 2014. While nothing close to a vintage reissue, the first generation of Planet Ocean watches clearly wears this design influence on its sleeve. Or rather, on the design of its bezel, hands, and dial. The Planet Ocean asserted its own style, however, with an aggressively sporty look and touches like a helium escape valve. Later Planet Ocean generations would move on with the times in terms of material and style, securing the collection’s place as a luxury dive watch that is very much “of the moment” and isn’t afraid to evolve.
The first generation of Planet Ocean watches featured the aluminum bezel, about 1/3 of which was the untreated inner ring with the outer 2/3 being done in either black or orange. The 120-click coin-edged unidirectional bezel is one of the aesthetic markers and tactile standouts of the Planet Ocean line, joined with the signature helium escape valve at 10 o’clock which has carried through into every Planet Ocean watch. It’s a somewhat vestigial addition that can be about as divisive a feature as date windows, and personally I would probably like the option to not have a helium escape valve.
The matte black lacquered dial along with the faceted arrowhead hour and minute hands (with Super-LumiNova) make for a highly legible and attractive dial across the range. I love the Arabic numerals at 6, 9, and 12 o’clock and the date window is about as least intrusive as it can be since the background of the window matches the dial and there’s no magnifying lens over it. The simple, attractive design coupled with luxury finishes (that have been updated and upgraded with time, as this article will lay out) has been a cornerstone of the success of the Planet Ocean.
First Generation Case
Being the top-tier dive watch line from the brand, the Planet Ocean watches are all water-resistant to 600m (2,000 feet) – double the resistance of the Seamaster Professional of the time. Earlier models like these first-generation watches have a steel caseback with the engraved Seamaster logo featuring the recognizable seahorse, aka Hippocampus. Interestingly and of note, Omega claims that with the Helium escape valve unscrewed the watch is still decently water-resistant to 50m. I assume this is relevant if only to ease the minds of forgetful owners who like to play with their watches.
One final thing to mention about all Planet Ocean watches, old and new. These have always been thick watches, with some recent chronograph versions reaching a downright fat measurement of 18.87mm-thick. The 42mm version of the first generation Planet Ocean doesn’t approach this level of thickness at 14.5mm-thick, but the 45.5mm model is a hefty 17mm-thick. To compare, a 41mm-wide Seamaster Professional at the time would have been about 12mm-thick.
What’s always been impressive about the Planet Ocean is the fact that though it features a domed sapphire crystal, it has always remained highly legible due to the smart decision to use ample anti-reflective coating. More than one Planet Ocean owner I’ve talked to has pointed out how great the AR is, and I’d absolutely agree with them as I’ve always been impressed with the clarity on the dial of my own PO.
Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean + Calibre 2500 Co-Axial Movement
There was nothing completely new about the calibre 2500 movement when the Planet Ocean launched in 2005, though the movement had slowly been refined since 1999 when Omega purchased the co-axial technology from the legendary George Daniels.
The 48-hour power reserve calibre 2500 has been updated several times since it was released in 1999 (Rob Caplan of Topper got into the history here), and the first generation Planet Ocean was outfitted with the third iteration of the movement or the “C version.” The A version from 1999 was based on the earlier calibre 1200, which was based on an ETA 2892-A2 movement. The B version came soon after in 2000 and included an updated and more resilient palette bridge. Rob explains “The primary difference between B and C is that the C slowed down the movement from 28,800 vph to 25,200 vph. With the modern version of the 2500 calibre, the main feature benefit over a 1200 calibre is that it boasts a service interval around double that of its Swiss lever escapement predecessor.”
Planet Ocean First Generation Value
The larger 45.5mm versions (black bezel ref. 2200.50.00 and orange bezel ref. 2208.50.00) differed from the 42mm models in that they were significantly thicker at about 17mm-thick and had wider 22mm lugs a watch that size would suitably need. In terms of value there was never really a market preference that made one model into a “collector’s item” more than the other, as examples of either trade for between $3,100-$4,500 depending on condition and whether the watch in question comes with the box or papers. When new, a ref. 2900.50.91 (black bezel on rubber strap) retailed for $4,400.
While I can’t find reliable information to confirm an at-the-time MSRP for the 45.5mm PO, I do know that a ref. 2201.50 (black bezel on bracelet) retailed for $3,400 USD in 2006. Seamasters have a bit of a reputation for taking big knocks on resale value, but I’m seeing a few of these references for sale (with box and papers) between $3,100-$3,500. Of course, adjusting for inflation, the price of $3,400 in 2005/2006 would be closer to $4,300 in 2018.
Long story short, any generation of the watch shouldn’t be seen as an investment. It’s a mass-produced luxury product that Omega has no problem constantly updating and changing. Buy it because you love it.
Enter James Bond 007
The Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean connection with James Bond is indelible at this point, and naturally, the Planet Ocean found its way onto Daniel Craig’s wrist in 2006. As I mentioned in the introduction to this article, Bond had been wearing a Seamaster since 1995’s Goldeneye but had opted for a Seamaster Professional 300M for nearly a decade.
Casino Royale (2006)
In Daniel Craig’s debut foray as James Bond in 2006’s Casino Royale, he actually wears two Seamasters. During the more action-packed scenes earlier in the movie (I’ve seen the movie a handful of times, though admittedly I did not do any re-watches for this article) you see Bond wearing an Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean ref. 2900.50.91, which is the black bezel 45.5mm model on a rubber strap. Later, during the more “civilized” scenes in a Montenegro Casino, he wears a Seamaster Diver 300M which he likely had an easier time keeping under the cuff of his shirt since the PO is 17mm-thick and the Seamaster 300M is closer to 12mm- thick.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a complete exercise in co-branding without a limited edition watch. Though the Planet Ocean that Craig himself wore in Casino Royale would go on to fetch around $200,000 at auction, Omega released 5,007 pieces of the Planet Ocean ‘Casino Royale’ ref. 2907.50.91 back in 2006. It’s the same watch as the non-limited edition model and kept the Bond touches on the dial to a minimum with an orange “007” gun logo counterweight on the seconds hand. Turning the watch around you see the “Casino Royale” engraving on the caseback as well as what number out of 5,007 that particular watch is. These aren’t too hard to find, and you can routinely find a number of examples for sale between $4,500-$5,000.
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Moving to 2008, Craig reprised his role as 007 in Quantum of Solace, though the Planet Ocean he wears in the film didn’t have to share screen time with any other timepiece. This time Bond wore the smaller 42mm ref. 2201.50.00 with the black bezel on a steel bracelet. Naturally, there was a corresponding limited edition watch as well, though it came in the form of the bigger 45.5mm Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600m Quantum of Solace ref. which also came in 5,007 pieces.
Omega went overboard with the James Bond branding here, with “Quantum of Solace” and the 007 pistol being laser engraved on the crystal. It’s the in-your-face branding but also the fact that with the “Omega Seamaster Professional” text at 12 o’clock and the movie branding right above the “Co-Axial Chronometer 600m/2000 ft” you have nonstop vertical text between 12 and 6 o’clock. I do like what Omega calls the “Walther PPK grip texture” on the dial (presumably designed after the grip on Bond’s pistol of choice) as it adds a unique texture. On the caseback you’ve got the 007 logo. It’s cool if you’re a fan, though Quantum of Solace doesn’t really even rank anywhere near the top of Craig’s Bond films. These pieces hit the market relatively frequently, and fetch something between $4,500-$5,500.
Skyfall, or Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks (2012)
After a four-year break came 2012’s Skyfall which, along with Casino Royale, is one of my favorite modern Bond films. A story about human intelligence facing fading relevancy in a rapidly digitizing world, the film presents a perfect metaphor for the role of mechanical wristwatches in that same changing world. Subtly turning the cliche on its head, someone says “old dog, new tricks” in the affirmative sense, so an old dog can learn new tricks. Another good horological metaphor, since this Bond wears the second generation of Seamaster Planet Ocean watches (released in 2011) with “new tricks” like an upgraded movement in the in-house caliber 8500 and a ceramic bezel.
The limited-edition watch released for Skyfall was the Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean Skyfall ref. which came in the smaller 42mm case. Fortunately, Omega pulled back from the over-branded Quantum of Solace Planet Ocean by having a fixed 007 logo at the 7 o’clock position and a checkered black matte dial. Turning the watch over, the engraved steel casebacks of previous models are gone, switched out for an exhibition caseback with a relatively subtle “Skyfall 007” printed on the rotor of the new Caliber 8507 movement. Naturally due to the updated model, these trade for more than prior Bond Planet Oceans with current examples asking between $6,500-$7,200.
An interesting tidbit is the fact that the blue-dialed Aqua Terra that Bond wears in Skyfall (non-branded) tends to fetch a real premium with collectors. It’s not a Planet Ocean, but the reference should at least be noted in any discussion of modern Bond and Omega. Let’s now exit the world of James Bond and get back to reality. To begin, we need to look at the 2009 limited edition Planet Ocean watch that’s both the gateway to the line’s second generation as well as one of the most desired examples of any Planet Ocean produced.
The post Planet Ocean: The Full Story Of Omega’s Iconic Modern Dive Watch appeared first on Wristwatch Journal.
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lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
"Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
I've been with Zurich car insurance for 1 year and 10months, insured on my mums car as named driver. The time has come to get myself a car on my own insurance. We pay the current insurance monthly. There are two months left on the current policy, is there normally any cancellation fee's? If so, ruffly how much should I be looking at? Also.. Would I have any NCB as I was named driver on the policy? Thanks.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
SO confused about this car insurance issue?
ok, due to being in the hospital giving birth, i missed a second payment on my car insurance in one term. i was told by my broker that was it, there was nothing i could do, they would cancel. my insurance company is ING. i said ok so what next? she told me on july 10th that they were sending out a registewred letter that day stating it was cancelled (my payment was late on june 25th). 2 wks later i had not received anything so i called my broker again. this was at 1 pm (they close at 4) and no one called me back. finally, i called back again, she called ING and called me back saying ok they said if you can pay it today it wont be cancelled (i had asked MULTIPLE times if this was an option, i was told no) by the time she told me that, it was 330 pm. I live a 1/2 drive away and by the time i got the baby together, went to the bank etc, it would be after their closing time so i couldnt do that. i contacted another broker who my mother deals with and he told me that they would send me my""
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recently purchased a used car that DOES require emissions testing. In my state (CT) the DMV offers 10-day temp. registration for vehicles that need testing Do I need to insure this car before I'll be eligible for the 10-day registration? I'd prefer not to insure a car that won't pass emissions because I won't be able to drive it, and I refuse to wait in line at the DMV for hours just for answers on this questions (their website gave very few specifics)""
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How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 25 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 7 years ago""
Insurance to volunteer at a clinic?
I was just offered an unpaid internship -type program through a veterinary clinic next to my university. I won't be getting paid and it will not help me with any credits, but it will provide me invaluable experience to get into vet school. However, they're requiring I get volunteer insurance (because it involves work with live animals) since I am an unpaid employee and will not be covered under them. How do I go about getting this? Thanks!""
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""19, need affordable health insurance?""
I need to be more independent and get my own health insurance. I'm a full time student and my university offers a health insurance plan that costs a little under $2,000 per year but someone told me I should first look into plans available through the Affordable Care Act. How do I find an affordable plan right for me? I'm not even sure which professionals to ask about it..""
Any estimations on how much my car insurance will be? Uk.?
Im 17 in november, in gonna start to drive but i was wondering if anyone iceby ideas on how much my car insurance would be based on what i tell you. I live in the uk. I cant go on my parents insurance because they dont drive. In gonna get a 1.4 or 1.6 engine car. An thats all i can tell you, can anyone please have a rough estimation on prices?""
Car Insurance with Motorcycle NCB?
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NY registration insurance lapse 2 years ago?
I know I sound ridiculous. Over 2 years ago I moved, and left my car at a relatives with plates etc. Never turned them in. I don't believe I cancelled insurance either . I just moved back and would like to register and insure the car again. I checked my drivers license and it is valid with no suspensions or restrictions etc.. I went online to get a quote from the same insurance company and it seems like I could have signed up right now with a very reasonable quote. lucky or can I expect something else when I go to the DMV?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'd like to know the insurance price for a 1.8 litre car, about 5 years old, driver being older than 26 years old, and no claims bonus not included, in different countries. In Ireland I get a quote about 1,200 Thanking you all in advance !!""
Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?
Hi am about to start lessons on learning to drive, and was wondering if anyone knows the cost it would be for car insurance for a new driver annually, car will probably be 1.4, I am female, 29/30 years old. Thanks""
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I just received my auto insurance policy in the mail and the premium is almost $200/year more than what the agent quoted me! My husband's premium for his vehicle was exactly the same as what was quoted. Is this normal and what should I do? I've already emailed the agent asking why the huge difference but am still waiting on a response.
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I know their isn't an exact number, but what the typical range. Lets say in my case that i'm 16 almost 17 and driving a 7 year X-Terra. How much would the typical range be in Texas?""
Insurance companies?
I was 18 when i had my first years insurance. The price for myself driving was in excess of 1500 and with 3 additional drivers it went down to 950. Now that i am looking for quotes for my second year insurane policy its the other way around. For myself its 700 and with 3 additional drivers its 1100 (approx). I really cant understand the insurance companies logic. Has this happend to you, or is it just me. I find that it is strange.....""
Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
I've been with Zurich car insurance for 1 year and 10months, insured on my mums car as named driver. The time has come to get myself a car on my own insurance. We pay the current insurance monthly. There are two months left on the current policy, is there normally any cancellation fee's? If so, ruffly how much should I be looking at? Also.. Would I have any NCB as I was named driver on the policy? Thanks.
Insurance payments on a car?
Okay so to start off i am 16 as of today. I will get my permit today and in one year I will turn 17. I will then have my license. So when I turn 17 i will be able to buy my own car with a $5000 down payment with the choice of a car. But here is where I am stuck. I do not know too much on information on car insurance. I know that I will be under my parents policy from here until I am 17. Lets say that there is 5 of us under this car insurance, no one has a separate policy, all under one umbrella. What happens when I buy a car, I get insured with a new car, my own car, and still under the policy things with my family. How much is it going to be per month? Can you average it? Here is a list of cars I will choose from, and if you can, provide estimated prices per month I will have to pay. - (2008-2010) BMW 3 Series Sedan (No mods or extra horsepower, plain performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda RX-8 Coupe (same, no mods or any fancy performance stuff) - (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or MazdaSpeed3 (sedan) - (2008-2011) Volkswagen Jetta (sedan) - (2008-2011) Subaru Impreza (hatchback) Also I am an A-B student with an above 3.5 GPA Also I will take a drivers ed course at school""
How much will my insurance go up? D=?
There was a misunderstanding and my car skidded against a 2009 Cadillac i unno what and left a mark. It wasnt even my fault but i kinda afraid of the man so... D=
Do I need to be on the insurance to go to and from school in my friends car?
I am 16 years old and I have my drivers permit, is it legal to drive myself and my sister to and from school in my friends car without being on the insurance policy? its my friends dad car and I want to use it for school..""
Why is car insurance so expensive for me?
just passed my driving test this month and i checked how much car insurance would be for me and its 3000+ :'O when my younger female cousin passed she got her insurance for 900 on the same car!!! how can i get it cheaper? =[ im 17 male
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
Group health insurance?
how can i convince a company to avail a group health insurance? some people in the company that has a position don't believe in such thing. how can i get their thumbs up? specific reasons please... thanks!
How does insurance on a leased car work?
im getting my license soon and was wondering what the best and cheapest option in terms of buying, leasing or buying used is for me. im 16 so insurance is going to be high. i only need a car for 2 years, after that ill be in college and dont see a point in having a car. so i thought why not just lease a car, but i heard when you lease a car the insurance is high for it. my question is how does a lease work? is the insurance for it high already without me being 16 a factor? do you sign up with a dealership insurance or use your own plan? Thanks for the help""
Will i still be insured to drive a car that i took off my insurance policy yesterday?
I have bought a new car and changed my insurance over to that car, just yesterday. However i still have my other car for a day or so and was wondering is there any leeway when insurance is swapped over from car to car to still use my original car?""
Should we have socialist car insurance?
Is it unfair that people pay different amounts for their car insurance? Doesthis constitute discrimination against people who have to pay more? Should we socialise it so that we all pay the same rate? Why or why not? :-)
Is term life insurance better than whole life insurance ?
Someone on the radio said he didn't recommend whole life . Why is that ? I am 44 years old and am looking for around $50,000 coverage . What companies would be good for me ? Thanks for your help .""
Medicare or other affordable health insurance?
I live in NYC, just moved here and need to find relatively affordable health insurance. Up till now was covered by plans through employers. Is Medicare decent coverage? Is it very different from others?""
Buying a car need insurance help..?
ok. so heres the deal. im buying a used car with about 150K miles on it and its a '93 yr model. im 18 years old, and i only had my license for about a month. i need to know how much insurance is for someone my age and does the car being old and having a lot of milage on it effect the price of insurance? i want to get off my dad's insurance and have it on my own, cuz he wont tell me anything, he told me that i have to put like $2000 down just to get insurance....help please!!""
Please explain how universal life insurance works in details?
is it the same as variable insurance wherein you can increase or decrease your insurance coverage for the same premium or universal life have a fix premium for a given age and amount and if you want to increase your coverage, you just add a yearly term insurance?How do you increase its coverage? Will it affects the premium if you want additional coverage? I understand variable life insurance has a range of minimum to maximum coverages for a given premium, is it the same with universal life?please explain in details how the entire process works.""
What is the cheapest full coverage auto insurance?
anybody knows a company that offers cheap full coverage auto insurance, maybe about $80 or $90 for 2 vehicles?""
""Would insurance be more expensive for a Nissan Sentra, or a Ford Fiesta?""
I live in Pa, either car I get will be financed. I got an offer for the Sentra for 72 Months for $275 a month, and the lowest car insurance for that would be $180 so far for that. I did not yet go out to look for a Ford Fiesta, but from what I hear they are less expensive on car insurance. I aparently have til Monday to give the Dealers my decision before the deal drops which I highly doubt , I think they were just telling me that to pressure me into making a quicker decision/mistake. Please give me your advise. Can they really only give me a certain amout of time for the offer? They claimed it had to do with other customers possibly taking any of the money toward loans from the banks... I am new at this stuff and what is more expensive to have insurance on?""
Do I have to tell insurance about my ticket?
I got a speeding ticket about a year ago. My question is I'm trying to get an insurance quote, do I have to tell them about my ticket even though I went to traffic school and did not effect my current insurance rates? Thanks!""
What kind of insurance would i get for a honda cbr 600 (im 16)?
im moving out to california after highschool to pursue the music industry so i figured it might pay for itself in gas money, but then i started to think about insurance...""
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Wife is pregnant and we have no insurance?
Hi everyone. Just found out last night that the wife's 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) but we don't have health insurance (boo!). I live in California and was told there is something called Medi-Cal (?) that helps people who are low-income and don't have health insurance in their pregnancy needs but I don't know if I qualify. My gross monthly income is $3000. Also, if I don't qualify I heard there is a low cost insurance called AIM? Anybody who's ever had dealings with Medi-cal or AIM your pointers and experience will be muchly appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but scared of becoming a daddy!! AHHHH!!!""
Do any states not require car insurance by law?
Looking for a state that does not require me to have car insurance.
What are some some affordable car insurances?
I am currently with State Farm and pay about $90/mo. I would like to switch to another ins. compay with prices around the same. I'm 24 with a clean driving record. So without giving out all my info, what car insurance do you have or know of?""
""Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old, impossible?""
I need insurance for a job & i can't afford insurance.. So expensive atm, last year was about 1700 now its 4000 for 1L? What they playing at, anyone insured anyone recently with cheap car insurance at 17, i don't want to know why it is expensive thanks!""
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
How much would i pay for insurance?
I want to buy an 2010 Nissan Cube, around 14,000 new and im 17, living in Ct. I was wondering how much i would pay for insurance, if its too much what other car should i get, i want to get a new car so can any one help me, my grades aren't too good, i would pay for it my self and i can afford about 150 a month since ill be paying 184 a month for the car with 60 months and 3000 down.""
Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
I've been with Zurich car insurance for 1 year and 10months, insured on my mums car as named driver. The time has come to get myself a car on my own insurance. We pay the current insurance monthly. There are two months left on the current policy, is there normally any cancellation fee's? If so, ruffly how much should I be looking at? Also.. Would I have any NCB as I was named driver on the policy? Thanks.
Car insurance and international driver's license?
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to get car insurance and buy a car in the USA if you don't have an American driver's license... I only have a French driver's license and an international driver's license. Could you please also tell me how much does car insurance approximately cost for 1 year? Thank you very much in advance.""
How much would my auto insurance be? read details?
I'm a 16 year old male. i live in a small town (25000). I would use the car to drive to school and sports activities. It would be a red 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 5.7L LT1. Its a coupe and a v8. i would be on my family's auto plan with my mom, dad, and brother. so how much do you think it would cost to add me to it?""
Do I need my car to put insurance on it?
My car got impounded last night and I need to register the car in my name in order to put insurance on it, Im going to the DMV Monday morning to register it then head over to put insurance on it but need help on knowing whether I do need my car with me. Do i need My Car to register it and put basic cheap insurance on it too? Please let me know. My state is California. & i do have a valid driver license too. Thank you :)""
I knocked someones car but he claimed for a lot more and now my insurance has gone from 400 to 900 - help!!?
Back in June I knocked into a stationary vehicle in a car park. I waited for the guy to come back and apologised straight away. (when its your fault in life own up) He was initially annoyed (fair enough) but went on to tell me that someone else had knocked into his car recently and caused 600 worth of damage (the other driver had sped off and hed already had a quote for the work). I cant remember the exact wording of the next bit - but it was understood that I would pay whatever it cost on top of that to fix the area (bumper / side corner area) We exchanged details. I told my insurance company what had happened and the previous damage. There were also photos taken at the time that I forwarded on (not sure if they were actually any help) Next I hear his insurance company has approached mine with a bill for 700. The total amount for fixing his car. I brought up the matter of the previous damage - couple of conversations between insurance companies - his asking him directly if there was any previous damage and him saying no. I told my insurance company that there was a friend with me (we were walking our dogs in the park) who had heard the whole conversation - in fact she was the one that took the pictures. She is a responsible, respectable person who was happy to make a statement. I was told by the insurance company that as it was someone who knew me - they couldnt be seen as an impartial person and they ended up paying the whole amount to his insurance company. I have just received my new insurance quote. Last year it was 437 and now that I have lost my 3 years no claims bonus (I have been driving for much longer but have only owned a small van for 3 years (practicality for my dogs muddy feet) and insurance starts again for vans) but I also have this 700 fault against my name this year. My insurance quote is now 960. Is there anything I can do. Does anyone have advice for any further action I can take? I believe in taking responsibility for your actions - but I am being cheated here out of a lot of money and I dont know what to do. If 100 was down to me then I could have just paid that amount directly and not lost my no claims bonus. But as it stands it will cost me around 500 this year and more again on the consequent years of insurance. Sorry for this being a long one but I really am lost. My insurance is due on 7th Jan.""
Life Insurance question?
I have a non-prefer smoking policy life insurance but on the present I smoke .what could happen if in case I die? will my insurance still cover my family?
Cheap dental insurance?
hello, im looking for cheap dental insurance and i live in florida, anyone know.............???""
Car Insurance for teens?
How much would it cost monthly for a teenage girl? You don't have to be exact but make an estimate.
What does 'replacement cost' mean in hazard insurance?
I want to get a mortgage to buy a house. The lender requires hazard insurance at 'replacement cost' basis. I understand the lenders interest in recovering the mortgage, in ...mostrar ms""
Car insurance black box (auto saints)?
I am going to have my car insured with a black box soon from auto saints, because it's much cheaper than any other insurance that I have looked at. My question is, after the second year does the insurance go down a lot with a years of no claims bonus (my friends say it doesn't) . So is it worth it? and do I have to keep the black box for the second year as well or is worth it changing insurance company after the second year?""
Can I cancel my fathers car insurance?
He went on a business trip and it was supposed to be for 2 months but it turned out they wanted him to stay a couple months longer. He told me to cancel his insurance so If I return the plates to the DMV in NY with the receipt can I cancel his insurance?
Basic Life Insurance?
Maybe someone can give explanation what the meaning for Basic Life Insurance? He gets Basic life insurance and Basic life insurance * as Employer Paid Benefits.what's really Basic life insurance and when one employee terminated because get sick is an employee still get Basic life insurance although He didn't work anymore. Thank you for give the information.
How much does health insurance in the UK cost on average?
Btw, I live in the UK, I know we have the NHS, but my Aunty has health insurance as part of her benefits package at work and she says private healthcare is way better than the NHS. So I'm just wondering how much health insurance costs on average in the UK?""
How much would Safe Auto basic liability insurance be for my 2000 ford focus?
I need a basic/ cheap insurance.. i'm a college student that's all i can afford so please no LECTURES... I just need an answer THANKS :)
Car insurance confusion?
Ok, I'm 17 and I just moved to Florida with my 18-year-old boyfriend. He just got his license suspended so in a few days I'm going to get my first license here in Florida because I have a job to get to. (I've had my NC learner's permit for over a year) My question is basically, what are my options for car insurance? Can I have my own policy or is my only option to be put on his insurance? Please help!""
How much would insurance cost for a 1990 Toyota Corolla?
I'm 17, it's my first car.""
""I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
Do you like or dislike 21st Century auto insurance?
A long time ago, when they were named 20th Century, their rates seemed competitive. Does anyone reading this have their insurance now? What advantages do they have, that would make you choose them over other insurance companies?""
How much will it cost to insure my house cleaning business?
How much will it cost to insure and bond my house cleaning business? I have been running it solo for the last 6 months so I didn't to get bonded or anything, but I will be hiring 2-3 employees within the next month. How much can I expect the insurance and the bond to cost? And, for extra credit, what is the best type of insurance to get? I run it out of my home, if that makes a difference.""
What health insurance will cover people with diabetes?
I have type 1 diabetes and i need affordable health insurance so if you have any inforomation I highly appericate it
Primary and Secondary Health Insurance?
This has been a big complication for a few months, but back in October of 2008, I had a physical exam and my provider billed, what I assumed at the time, my primary insurance company (Horizon NJ Health). However, two years later, Horizon took back that money and my provider has been billing me for that physical back in 2008. I called Horizon and apparently they took back the money because I had another health insurance, and Horizon was no longer my primary. I had not known about my other health insurance company, Aetna student health care, since they never gave me any information or membership details, and I was automatically enrolled for it when I entered my university. When I contacted Aetna, they told me that they weren't the primary insurance company because they were just student health care. After several phone calls back and forth between Aetna and Horizon... I STILL haven't figured out who my primary insurance company is since they both claim to be the secondary insurance (and they seem to have endless reasons why the other is primary). I contacted my provider and asked them who they have listed as my primary, and they seem to be clueless about it too (when I spoke to the receptionist and asked, they kinda changed the topic). Is it possible to have two secondary insurance? If not, who should be my primary insurance? If Horizon is my primary, doesn't that mean they shouldn't have taken the money back for the physical exam?""
Can I have Illinois Insurance if I live in Florida AND Illinois?
So my parents are divorced but have dual custody. I live with my mother in Florida but I frequently visit Illinois to see my father and I can whenever I want. I've been driving for 8 months now, registered and insured in Illinois because my mother also used to live in Illinois (they moved about a month ago). But I sold my car to move to Florida and buy one there. Now, I bought a car down here but I would like to register and insure the car with my father in Chicago. My license has my father's current address, so it would be a lot simpler and cheaper to have my car registered and insured in Chicago because I already have my plates, license and insurance policy set up. My question is, could I keep my car down here with Illinois plates and insurance legally? I will go back home to visit my father with it maybe twice a year""
""Auto insurance cancelled today, can I go to new company?""
I just got a new car a few months ago and was paying $325 a MONTH for my insurance. Way too expensive. I want to cancel and go to another company (nationwide or all-state) where I was quoted $195 a month. I dont have the money to pay the current insurance $325 for the month, then cancel it (which adds another $90 or so for cancellation fee), and THEN open a new policy with another company for $195. Thats $615 just to switch insurance companies! So, I let my current insurance lapse and it was cancelled as of last night for non-payment. Now, can I open up the new insurance with another company today, then pay off the old insurance in a couple weeks?""
Taking new car home with no insurance?
So the car is in my Moms name and she has insurance, but she has to drive her car home, meaning I have to drive the other one. I don't have insurance, but we are getting GAP insurance. Is this safe? If I damage the car are we covered?""
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Democrats: So will there be fine for not having health insurance or not?
When I asked this question just yesterday, Democrats assured me there wouldn't be ANY fine for not having health insurance - it was an OPTION.""
Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
I've been with Zurich car insurance for 1 year and 10months, insured on my mums car as named driver. The time has come to get myself a car on my own insurance. We pay the current insurance monthly. There are two months left on the current policy, is there normally any cancellation fee's? If so, ruffly how much should I be looking at? Also.. Would I have any NCB as I was named driver on the policy? Thanks.
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in the uk?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in the uk?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
What is the best cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
need cheap good car insurance
Car insurance young driver need help???
need my insurance to be 1500 or less ....any insurers would be a great help a few months ago a had a 1000 quote fully comp now i cant get lower than 2000. need help.
""What is the lowest, best Liability auto Insurance in California ?
I just got a Pt Cruiser that car dealership if offering 70.00 to insure the car however I do need liability insurance any one know of a good web site were I can compare some quotes instead of calling around or talking to a pushy insurance agent ?
Whole life insurance and medicaid eligibility?
My father in Dallas Texas has a life insurnace face value of 10,000 and cash value, about 3500. Per medicaid rule he can't have the life insurance with those cash value. He is not on medicaid yet but with his condition of alzheimer, he soon needs to apply for medicaid. Any idea what needs to be done for the life insurance?...I am not sure if he can simply cancel the insurance to meet the medicaid requirement. He has no other asset and has less than 2000 in his bank account. Of course he does not work. ( he can't with his condition and he's over 70).""
What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?
I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!""
Individual Health Insurance w/ Maternity Coverage?
Hi I am in need of Individual Health Insurance with Maternity Coverage, but not with Anthem BCBS. Do you know of a company that provides what I am looking for? I know there is a ...show more""
Insurance for Mustang v6 2014 for 18 year old?
Hi , I'm planning to get a Mustang v6 premium 2014, I'm an international student with 3.7 GPA in High-school I have a clean record even in my country ( no accidents or tickets ) I know it's not possible to get a real accurate estimate but what I want to know if it would exceed 200$ a month ?""
Car insurance please answer urgent?!?
my dad recently gave me a car and it is insured but my name is not on the policy. he said the insurance guy told him anyone who drove the car was insured. if this is true am i insured even though i'm a minor? thanks in advance to anyone who answers
How much does credit affect the amount paid for car insurance?
How much does credit affect the amount paid for car insurance?
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old male in NY.?
If i am a 19 year old male and have insurance on my car and i have no tickets and one small accident that was my fault over a year ago how much would it be to add a motorcycle to this insurance, but im only getting as much insurance coverage that is required. I will not be getting collision or anything as bike as fairly old and if it gets recked i wont fix it. If you arent completely sure speculate as to how much you think it would be, any info helps.""
Can a 17 year old get their own medical coverage in California?
I'm 17 and live in California. I was wondering if I am legally allowed to sign up for my own medical insurance, like through MediCal or something, and not through my parents. It's a long story, but neither of my parents are able to provide medical coverage for me. And I'm not emancipated or anything. 10 points best answer. thank you ( :""
Life insurance question?
Y do insurance companies call it life insurance? aint like we can insure our life and decide when we wanna die. it should be called death insurance since we cant use it until after we die. even then we dont get to enjoy the money that we paid into it.
Do I need rental car insurance?
I'm going to be renting/leasing a car from Avis for around 6 months while traveling for work. Will my current auto insurance be enough or should I take out a separate policy on the rental car itself? I really can't afford to take the insurance from Avis so I'm trying to find the next best option that will keep me well protected on the road.
""I live in St. Louis, MO and am a 20 year old male. I was looking for the cheapest auto insurance possible?
I will be getting either a 04' Grand Prix or a 03/04 Monte Carlo and I might have to get full coverage insurance. What company has the cheapest auto insurance. Like around $100 bucks or a little more?
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
""Moving to CO from another state in a month, how do I go about switching my car insurance? ?""
I'm under my dad's insurance now (AAA).. it's his and my car on his policy. I was told by them that once I cancel it, it'll take effect immediately and be taken off the policy. I'm moving to CO on the 18th of next month and want my new insurance (USAA) to take effect on that day. If I start my policy for that day and cancel the AAA the same day, will AAA pro-rate June's insurance so I don't have to pay for the full month since my car won't be insured by them for that whole month? I just don't want to get stuck paying the bill twice in one month for both companies.""
Laddies. Is there any good Health Insurance that is not that expensive?
I know this is a dump question to ask but is there a Health Insurance that is not that expensive out there? I live in Missouri and she is 29 years old. We have 2 kids and live pay ...show more
""17 year old learner, got my own car - Do I just need learner insurance for now?
I'm a learner driver with my test next month and I now have my own car. I want to practice in my own car up until my test and I'm not sure whether I just need learner insurance or if the car itself needs to be insured as well? Learner insurance is around 80 for the month and for 'proper' insurance then it's around 2000. Any help?
Where can I find the cheapest auto Insurance in NJ?
I trying to find insurance that is not expensive does anyone know where I can go to get this?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female?
im 17 and would love to buy myself a car but i worry about the insurance. i am thinking of buying a used 1998 jeep grand cherokee, its a really good price but i dont want to go and buy the car if insurance is way to expensive. any ideas on how much insurance would cost. if it counts i do get good grades in school.""
How to get a job as a finance & insurance manager?
I am currently a Finance Student, and new car salesman... It seems you never see F&I jobs advertized and when you do they always want people with experience in F&I... How does one get a start in F&I other than being promoted from sales, which wouldn't happen until a vacancy arises?""
Whats a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
Whats a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
Can I cancel my car insurance at any time?
I've been with Zurich car insurance for 1 year and 10months, insured on my mums car as named driver. The time has come to get myself a car on my own insurance. We pay the current insurance monthly. There are two months left on the current policy, is there normally any cancellation fee's? If so, ruffly how much should I be looking at? Also.. Would I have any NCB as I was named driver on the policy? Thanks.
0 notes
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Manufacturing facilities end up being apartment or condos and artists' lofts become service companies headquaters, yet our team examine this garage, as well as this has actually long been a tested2018-healthtime.info garage, for many years, extending various ages in Nyc, as our team stay in a changing New york city, both old as well as brand-new" (Woods).|When our company to begin with laid out to map the industry from feminist political economic situation, in late 2007, the United States and Europe were actually being actually shaken through recession. Cowen continuouslies have Outperform ratings on Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV ), which includes "a ton of runway for long term development in international markets"; Delta Sky Lines (NYSE: DAL ), citing a sturdy annual report and also lesser overlap along with ultra inexpensive airline companies than the peer group; as well as American Airlines (NASDAQ: AAL ), where capacity development from ultra inexpensive carriers in its markets slowed down vs. the 2015-16 period.|, if you subscribe online to The New York Times you get breakthrough copies of functions that will definitely seem in the Sunday edition of the imprinted newspaper. Key Street Financing's allotments have now slipped ~ 6.6 per-cent off their most current 52-week higher @$ 41.51. Operating and also maintenance prices for 2018 are actually anticipated to be about 3% lower than our total year 2017 & M desires, constant with year-on-year percent decline in operating times. As of budgetary 2017, Wal-Mart is actually working out a $TWENTY billion, no expiry day, share buyback course that has actually redeemed ~ 195 million portions of ordinary shares for ~$ 13.5 billion at ordinary prices varying between $65.90 as well as $75.82. As of April 30, 2017, $7.0 billion remained under the reveal bought system. Our experts possess common reveals for the lasting perk from partnering with a provider that assists its own clients with sought-after, practical services or products, rewards its own staff members with sustainable occupation options, and also recompenses its shareholders along with intensifying profits defended through outstanding internal monetary commands. Sure, it was sufficient food for the terminally sidetracked, and his supporters as well as critics hopped to necks to settle getting rid of inquiries like the existing condition from his integrity as a genuine Street Artist and to study the innerworkings of his marriage. If it is actually indeed real that United States urban areas seem made, not for past history, for the future" (Ferguson 393), then Morton Road surely helps to show this aspect; there are actually no apparent signs of the past, with the exception of the field from Morton between Washington Road and also West Road, which has actually been offered a 2nd label, Detective Claude Danny" Richardson Way, honoring the NYPD policeman and military pro who passed away while trying to save individuals during the September 11 strikes (Cook). And so certainly, the blend of people investing more over time as well as adding more individuals that are actually right now in fact investing in the outlets helps in this 40% growth that Tim discussed for the Application Shop on a year-over-year manner. In the article, the street department team was contacted anti-pope"  and complainer of the Pope's browse through."   Although, as you can easily observe coming from the indicators, the group possessed absolutely nothing about the Pope on some of their signs. The street evangelizing group was actually just trying to challenge individuals to apologize and possess a real relationship with The lord through Jesus Christ. The updates of the apprehension was actually even relayed on the nationwide news throughout the Philippines. Our fourth quarter Primary building operating profits and expense development beliefs do not feature presumptions associated with any type of added impact as our experts continue our analysis from damages triggered by storm celebrations, featuring Hurricane Irma. And our team additionally presume that our complimentary capital sale rate ought to right now be above the 80%, as particular of the operational products that I merely referred to should in reality turn in the fourth quarter - behind time in the 4th quarter or even in to financial 2018. The appearance from your home is hardly 18-feet large, but given that Morton Street is off the framework and 46 Morton is put exactly on the arm joint of Morton Road in between Seventh Opportunity South and also Hudson Road, your house is in fact 35-feet vast at its back, where this leads to an extensive 2000-square foot landscape that achieves as large as 48-feet at its back.difficulty glitch"/> On the other hand, the stock exchange as evaluated by S&P FIVE HUNDRED hovers at an everlasting high. Exchange has actually had a pass on the regular valuation methods along with Amazon.com (AMZN) as well as rather, they like to value the business based on future revenue. And also for a restricted time, visitors can sneak peek the MSVI Model Profile using a free of cost difficulty to the Main Road Worth Investor on the SA Industry. Anyone bear in mind a video outlet Prime-time show Video recording which became Online video Updates? An approaching purchase from the supervisor, Fifth Road Possession Control, can renew their reveal cost multiples against NAV. Company system spin-offs, gains-on-sale, problems, purchase income tax remittances, rebuilding, and accomplishment integration costs high operating incomes as well as cash flow modifications.
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China Travel Companies
Taiwan is the primary and the one democracy in China. One more seemingly smart move on my part was booking a hotel barely off the vacationer paths to benefit from the lower rates. What a horrible mistake this was. After I received out of the foyer of my lodge I was in the course of slaughterhouses and rundown warehouses, removed from the trains and I had hassle discovering any taxi stands; I discovered I needed to travel a bit to get to the spots I wished to go to. Evidently, I needed to rebook myself to a better location. In Hong Kong I recommend that you just keep in the Kowloon facet and within walking distance of Nathan Highway. The most important benefit to doing that is you can stay out late into the night time and nonetheless be strolling distance to your resort. Additionally, Kowloon is a good hotel spot because you'll be able to stroll near the bay and see the incredible Hong Kong skyline - probably the most well-known skylines on the planet. It is one thing to see, specially at night time. Downstream 83km alongside the Li River from Guilin by a boat, you'll reach another improbable vacation spot, Yangshuo. Yangshuo is a real place for relaxing life, good meals (cluding some western delicacies), pleasant people, scenic beauty, totally different but engaging rice fields, rafting, biking for individuals who wish to do away with the hustle and bustle metropolis life. Actually, cruising downstream from Guilin to Yangshuo, passing through the long picturesque Li River's karst scenery, has become probably the most famous a part of Guilin journey. Individuals at all times want to stay one evening in Guilin after which two nights in Yangshuo to enjoy this place to the fullest extent. After all, the West Street is a should place to get pleasure from leisure time for wandering, drinking, buying and nightlife. The Taihu rocks used in the creation of this backyard are from the nearby Lake Tai and are made of sandstone that erodes over time. Originally the stone formations have been built to resemble lions but many lost their shape from continuous erosion over time. Travel agents in China that 'lose' members of their groups while in Europe are shortly blacklisted with the visa issuing operations of the Embassies and Consulates in China. The variety of permanently or quickly blacklisted ADVERTS-permitted tour operators is steadily increasing. Lingering Garden is characterised by the exquisite beauty of its halls and buildings. The garden is divided into northern, southern, western & eastern sections with each part having it's personal building type. Interestingly the northern part was once a vegetable garden and is now used to exhibit pot crops. Travel is more than just seeing of sights. It induces deep and everlasting change in your ideas of living. Because journey is such a precious commodity, part training, part relaxation, half life-enriching expertise, part journey, it is best to take utmost care in your journey preparations. With china escorted tours you possibly can combine a visit to the Great Wall of China and the Terracotta Warriors as well as the historic city of Shanghai. There are various excursions that soak up many more of China's visitor attraction spots and vary from 9 to 15 nights, every tour has the providers of knowledgeable tour manager that's fluent in talking English as well as native guides at each vacation spot you visit. There are two methods you possibly can journey to Yangshuo from Guilin. One goes over land, the other by way of the Li Jiang river. Personally I like the river cruise, as a result of that is what it is, as an entrance to Yangshuo. The start of the cruise is nothing a lot. However after a while the panorama will get more and more spectacular till it reaches its summit in Xingping where boats have a cease and you'll enjoy a drink in one of the eating places. Xi'an city is dwelling of the world-well-known Terra Cotta Army. Xian is a must-see and world famous tourist metropolis. Qin Terra Cotta Army Museum is a web site museum housing the persevering with excavation of an army of 6,000 terra-cotta troopers and horses. Museum of the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses , Shaanxi Historical past Museum, The Xi'an Metropolis Wall, Huaqing Sizzling Springs are some of the sights of Xi'an. While these are just a few to get you going, a visit to China remains incomplete till you have been to the 'Nice Wall of China'. China includes of many waterfalls all around. Tourists regard the Magu waterfall as a should go to website for anyone who visits the country. With the intention to facilitate the tourists, there are a number of means that may be used to commute from one place to another. These embrace practice travels, cruise and bus or chances are you'll look to rent a non-public automotive. In addition to this, there are totally different tourist packages obtainable that can suit your budget and to make the tour a memorable one you may be accompanied by a guide. Badaling section is famous for its imposing constructions, completeness, and the famous Juyonguan Cross. A lot of the footage of the good wall printed in guidebooks were taken at the Badaling section of the Nice Wall. The Mutianyu part additionally provides nice viewing pleasure for vacationers. The rapidly-developing Pudong area is a should-go to should you admire the most recent in modern architecture. Right here, you can marvel at two of the modern structures which have cemented their place in the metropolis's urban panorama - the Jinmao Tower and the Oriental TELEVISION Tower. So outdoors of the key cities conditions may be powerful. However more often than not all the pieces will probably be tremendous, especially if you book a tour; everything can have been checked out before hand. Nonetheless even the perfect laid plans can go improper, so be prepared, the toilets in the smaller cities, towns and villages can be scary. China Travel Tips - Purchasing - China is a client's paradise, Markets, Bargains; Prime labels... something and all the things if in case you have the time. With clothes, the bigger (Western) sizes will be fairly laborious to seek out, however within the major cities where you get a lot of tourist site visitors, you'll find them. One issue that is helping to drive down costs is competition from creative Chinese operators primarily based in Europe. These agents are keen to make use of informal networks of business contacts that bypass most of the regular requirements of group tourism. It is difficult for an established tour operator to compete on value with a China City agency supplying a mini-bus driven by a neighborhood waiter and until the Chinese language vacationers themselves demand extra, this example may not change. The good news is that we expect Chinese vacationers can be demanding much more very quickly. The one completely should do activity in Suzhou is to take a boat ride by means of the cities canals. There are touts promoting boat rides everywhere in the city with boat corporations commonly opening and closing so ask your lodge to suggest a close-by boat experience firm to you or simply choose one as you are visiting the varied websites. Using the phone is as straightforward as at house. Nevertheless the person picking it up is not going to speak English or have very broken English... the Main 4- or 5-Star Lodges will all be OK. In Hong Kong however, suggestions are expected. Eating places there will usually add a 10% service charge, resort bellboys should be tipped $5-$10 per piece of luggage, and taxi drivers will round the fare up to the closest dollar as their tip. Those days are over. China nowadays is just as tough, or as straightforward to journey as some other Asian country. That is, after all, should you do your homework. One thing many travelers underestimate are the distances. Flying from west to east China take three hours, north to south, around 1.5 to 2 hours. So planning is crucial. The particular administrative region of Hong Kong can be one of the major tourist hubs in China the place many international vacationers love to visit. Hong Kong is the metropolitan metropolis of China which may be very quick paced and nonetheless retains much of its oriental tradition. Leisure and travel in this part of China is usually thought of as luxury and upscale with top quality hotels and restaurants. The famous Repulse Bay and Victoria Peak is a major site of interest when visiting Hong Kong. Taiwan is a small island nation off the southeast coast of mainland China. Not often regarded as a prime tourist vacation spot in Asia, Taiwan is nonetheless an enchanting blend of cultures from the area. Taiwan is amongst few growing nations that introduced particular targets to cut back its greenhouse gases emissions. The nation made a dedication to stabilize its CO2 emissions at yr 2000 ranges by the 12 months paper intends to explore what elements lead Taiwan to pursue or eschew the adoption of renewable energy insurance policies in the transitions towards a sustainable energy system. Taiwan is dominated by the Central Vary of mountains which runs north to south, with the tallest peak being nearly 4 thousand metres high. Within the east the mountains reach close to the sea, and within the west there is a fertile coastal plain which extends far and vast. Though you can travel numerous places by yourself however, when you really need to find out about every place, getting alongside an area journey guide is the best way to discover the wonders of the 'Forbidden metropolis.' And, that is true as a result of most tours led by journey guides typically guarantee good lodging at inexpensive charges and high quality providers. Not only do they guide the tourists with historical info and values of tourist-attraction locations, they also make arrangements for commutation and all. In fact, a travel guide delivers you with ample of information about Chinese language tradition and traditions and makes you fully accustomed to the place. There are occasions when it isn't a terrific idea to go to Beijing. During nationwide holidays, town is often packed. To avoid the jam, do not go to the town during the Chinese Spring Competition, which happens in early February. International Labor Day, which occurs the first week in May, is one other crowd-heavy occasion in Beijing. One last time to keep away from is the first week in October, which is the week of National Day, another very populated time for Beijing. Unless you're keen on the crowds or are going for these specific occasions, it is probably greatest to stay away. While travel around the nation itself is seldom problematic, it might be unsuitable to fake that it is a wholly easy matter to penetrate modern China. Nevertheless, a journey by this colossus of a country guarantees mesmerising encounters with probably the most populous people on earth. Pickpockets are rampant in lots of parts of China. Often they are going to be kids working for an adult. Attempt to keep away from carry purses, briefcases or other types of baggage when out procuring, particularly at night time. Do not get distracted and lay your luggage down at any time. That is simply asking for bother. Keep all vital gadgets, resembling your passport and cash, close to your physique. Hong Kong drivers are friendly, competent and very professional. Cabs are typically Toyota Crowns or Comforts - huge vehicles with 5 passenger limits, luggage are positioned at the boot or trunk which could be left partially open if there is an excessive amount of baggage- with an elastic band to maintain things tied down. One thing the drivers might not be is handy with English. In my experience, even saying an deal with whereas utilizing sluggish intonations does not work. One thing that did is bringing a map of Hong Kong and pointing at your destination. I obtained one earlier than leaving my dwelling airport but there needs to be one in the Hong Kong airport - simply mark your destination and show it to the driving force. While you travel to China there are no obligatory vaccinations, but it is best to take into account vaccinations in opposition to typhoid, Hepatitis A, tetanus and polio, and seek the advice of your GP for further advice. Take any vaccination certificate with you. Are you visiting China soon? Let's have an orientation on the Chinese language language - Mandarin. In the intervening time, ninety p.c of Chinese going overseas do so on group excursions and the journey companies usually get a fee of around 5-20 percent on the retail price of the tour. As a tourist spot, China offers a limitless variety of spectacular surroundings and historical wonders. Generally Could, September and October are ideal for touring anywhere within the nation. During June to August, vacationers often go to central and northern China, as rainfall is more likely to occur in southern China during this time. Moreover October is right to journey anywhere and any region in the country. Because of the popularity of this vacationer destination, massive numbers of flights between China and nations just like the United States, France, Britain and Hong Kong have been added, making it easier to make travel plans. Purchasing constitutes another manner for European businesses to achieve from the growing wealth of China and the newly granted freedoms in journey. While the numbers of vacationers may not be excessive, the level of spending amongst Chinese tourists that do get to Europe, is. Ask about discounts. Many shops, sights and transport choices will have seniors journey discounts out there, but you will have to ask about them. In and around Beijing, many points of interest such because the zoo, Great Wall and Summer Palace now supply half-worth admission to seniors over 60. They settle for passports or driver's licenses showing date of birth on them as proof of age. If you want to expertise city life while having easy accessibility to cultural and historical sites, Shanghai is the place for you. You will be impressed with the city's eclectic mix of history and modernity, particularly should you visit the next popular sights beneath. The most important festivals of the Bai People are the Raosanlin, the Torch Competition, the Patron God Competition and the Shibaoshan Mountain Track Competition. An important of all is the Third Month Truthful in Dali which falls on March 15th on the lunar calendar and lasts 7 days. Yangtze River Cruises and few different journey companies offer a downstream Yangtze River Cruise. The tour consists of spherical-journey air transportation from San Francisco; intra-China air and land transportation transfers, sightseeing; 5 nights in superior first-class inns; three nights aboard Victoria Cruises' ship; resort taxes and service costs; cultural entertainment; and $100,000 Automated Flight Insurance for transpacific air ticketed by PDT. Another recommendation is to hike between the Simitai and Jinshanling sections, which may also provide you with spectacular views. However the terrain is slightly uneven and steep so you must be in good physical shape to take action. A go to to Shanghai would not be full with out visiting The Bund, which alludes to the city's wonderful past with its line-up of historic buildings along the city's waterfront. To see a few of the most majestic pure landscapes in China, you should take a cruise down the Yangtze River. cheap flights anywhere You have got a choice of cruising from Chongqing to Yichang, Chongqing to Wuhan or Chongqing to Shanghai. You will be handled to a plethora of great surroundings that you will not quickly neglect after your cruise. In case you are a British passport holder you will want a visa to journey to China. You'll be able to get hold of one from the Chinese Embassy in London, and will enclose one passport-sized photograph and the relevant price of round 30. Please guarantee you might have a full empty page in your passport and that it's legitimate for a minimum of six months after the date you are because of exit China. British passport holders visiting Hong Kong for lower than six months do not require a Hong Kong visa. On arrival in China you can be given three types to complete, a Well being Declaration Type, an Entry Card and a Customs Declaration Form. • Medical Care: Lodges usually provide a health care provider within the case of minor sicknesses. Carrying a primary-assist package for headaches and a chilly is at all times advisable. Pharmacies, that are usually indicated by a Green Cross, are discovered in many shops. There are several Green Cross pharmacies open 24 hours. Nonetheless, if the condition is critical, it is suggested that you just go to a hospital. To call for an ambulance, it's essential to dial one hundred twenty. Telephone calls: Phoning dwelling throughout your China journey utilizing your cell normally is not a problem, however it can be a really pricey affair. Web Cellphone (IP) cards are the most affordable method to cellphone residence. You should buy these playing cards at kiosks and accommodations in bigger cities. If you wish to use your individual cell phone throughout your trip, it is best to buy a prepaid sim card at a Chinese cellphone shop. Here are some etiquette tips to make your journey experience more pleasant. To revisit town's colourful previous, what better place to tour than The Bund? Located along the city's waterfront, you may be fascinated by the well-known row of colonial buildings which are ample reminders of a bygone period. As of late come and go and are part of the experience of on a regular basis journey in China. One needs to have an open mind when travelling China. It is a place with hundreds of years of historical past and tradition that's attempting overnight to adapt to Western methods of residing. If you don't want to take a flight, then you may additionally board a train from Hong Kong. There is also frequent bus providers from Shenzhen. Everytime you take a tour in China ensure you go to every place in China- attempt to find out about its civilization, people and tradition. Once you try this, you will absolutely be in love with China and need to go to it repeatedly. By doing this, people can reach you within and out of China if there's an emergency. In case you have a few telephones, you can quick (txt) message each other (SMS). Additionally you are able to name your vacationer guide, hotel and so forth when you've got any major problems. It's a cheap approach to be in contact. -Because Chinese adoption is a really intensive process, persistence is required. Not solely within the adoption course of however in different aspects of Chinese residing. Typically choices that might simply be made anyplace else, can take a long time in China. Everybody is concerned about ensuring that everyone concerned is totally glad with the decision, and never simply making an attempt to make them glad. Chinese language worldwide adoption is a protracted course of anyway, and by this level you might be most likely used to ready. Stick it out, and just remember that it is worth the wait. Summer season is taken into account peak season in Beijing; the most effective climate may be discovered in the summer, but so can the largest crowds. Summer lasts from June to August and is characterised by temperatures within the seventies and eighties (levels Fahrenheit). Summer is a wet time in China; more than two-thirds of town's expected rainfall annually falls in the summertime months. Enjoyable summer actions include visiting Ling Mountain, which is the best peak within the Beijing space. It's known for a variety of flora. In July and August, be sure to attend the Tibet Festival. For spectacular pure splendor, including a number of waterfalls, visit Refreshing Valley. To be able to ring dwelling from China, don't use the cellphone in your lodge room but buy a cellphone card for worldwide calls from the reception desk or the airport or station - however remember that the card might solely be usable in the area you have got bought it in, for example, cards purchased in Beijing might not be usable in Shanghai. Chinese gastronomy is another fascinating exercise you could want to experience throughout your journey in China. These include Chinese language cooking styles and traditions of the varied ethnic tribes in China. If you want to take on this cultural experience, Chinese language gastronomy tours is your excellent answer to discovering the unique wonders of positive dining and a singular tradition on your China tour. The grounds of the backyard are divided into the jap, central and western sections with each part having its own style and character. The main target level of the backyard is the pond which makes up 60% of the particular garden and is the reason for the gardens allure and serene nature. Taiwan is a cross point of east and west tradition, of continental and oceanic culture. The form of Taiwan is sort of a long and narrow sweet potato from north to south. Taiwan is a vital international power in its personal proper. It is now the world's 16th largest financial system,4 the 10th largest buying and selling energy, and the third largest holder of overseas change reserves after China and Japan.5 It has a larger population than Australia and a larger gross domestic product than any member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Taiwan is understood for its eminent mountain options that span from the north to the south of the island. These exhausting rock mountains had developed from series of volcanic activities during the previous centuries. Suzhou is a major metropolis the south east of Jiangsu province and only100 kilometers west of Shanghai. Suzhou's strategic location within the Yangtze River delta and proximity to key cities reminiscent of Shanghai and Hangzhou was instrumental in its cultural and economic growth over the millennia and its properly deserved status as a should see journey destination in China.
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