#Ines Vera-Ortiz
Current Music Obsessions: October 17 - 31, 2017
It's that time again. Time to share my current music obssessions for the second half of the month. So let's see them honorable mentions.
Sinistro - Nothing Sacred (Paradise Lost cover) Kadavar - Tribulation Serenity - Lionheart Body Count - This is Why We Ride Collapsion - Dethroned The Great Discord - Cadence Type O Negative - Wolf Moon Persona - Invidia The Dark Element - Here's to You Metalite - Nightmare Sleeping Romance - Where the Light is Bleeding Lorde - Perfect Places Hanging Garden - Our Dark Design feat. Nika Kalliojarvi Tarja - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Goldenhall - King Under the Mountain AfterTime - Masquerade (Through the Facade) Sunterra - Shadow in the Dark Beyond God - Stronger Lamb - What Makes Us Human Suodeth - Siecle Des Lumieres Brighter Than a Thousand Suns - What's Inside Cher - Walls Conspiria - Prophecy of Doom Witchcraft - В объятиях темноты Qveen Herby - Wifey Inviolate - Broken Cycle Silentium - Frostnight Abonos - U Krosnjama Abonosa Voices of Destiny - The Great Hunt Crystal Gates - Shadowborn
And now for the real ones.
1) Pale Waves - Television Romance
This was a random YT discovery and am so into it. It's such an cute song and their front woman is so adorable. There's something about it that sounds so nostalgic to me and I think that's why I love it so much. Like it sounds like something out of the 2000's. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
2) IAMFIRE - Beamer
I came across this song through spaceuntravel's YT channel and was shocked to hear sludge/stoner metal on their channel. Most of the stuff they post is alternative metal, nu metal and hard rock bands, so hearing this was a pleasant surprise. I really dig this track and the overall vibe of it.
3) Butcher Babies - Headspin
This is such a fun song. I'm so hyped for Lilith and can't wait to give it a listen. So far it sounds like a bit more of a progressive direction, but still keeping true to their thrash roots. Even though this song is a bit softer, it's still a great jam. Also the video is wonderful and threw me off that it apparently stars two porn stars, but then again, Heidi and Carla worked with Play Boy in the past, so they probably got some connections.
4) Sharon Needles - Battle Axe
Sharon is back with a new single and this is a fun one. It's not my favorite, but it's catchy enough for it to become an obsession of mine. I don't think any of her music will ever compare to the works of PG-13, but it's still great to hear good tunes from her. And I LOVE Phi Phi's cameo in the video.
5) Ebony Ark - If Only
I finally decided to check out more from them and I instantly got obsessed with this song. It's such a great symphonic prog-power track. It's so catchy and the bridge is absolutely beautiful. Beatriz has such a beautiful and strong voice. It's a bummer they're no longer together, but hopefully Beatriz will pop back up sometime soon.
6) The Longing - How Do You Know
I discovered this band through Facebook a while back and have been digging a lot of their music so far. It's strange to me that I've found a symphonic-ish gothic metal band from the States that I actually enjoy (a lot of symphonic metal bands from the States don't really appeal to me). The singer's "acting" in the bridge is very odd, but the song itself is what's amazing.
7) Vvon Dogma I - Communion
Chaoth's new project has finally released its debut single and it's wonderful. It's far from being an obsurdly chaotic masterpiece that was Unexpect, but it's still amazing nonetheless. It's a bit avant-garde, but more structured. The blending of dubstep and an atmospheric voice with the djenty instrumentals gives the music such a cool and interesting vibe. By the way, Chaoth's voice is wonderful and his bass solos are still beautiful as always (as they should, since it has nine strings).
8) Akoma - Change of Propensity
I got around to listening to Revangels and this is definitely my favorite off the album. So powerful, dramatic and beautiful. I just wish someone would post the lyrics somewhere, because I REALLY want to do a vocal cover of it. The chorus is just so intense and full of so much raw power that it's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.
9) Vuur - Freedom ~ Rio
Of all the singles they've dropped, this one is the prettiest. Anekke really gets into her higher register with this track. It's such a beautiful and uplifting song. I can really see this one being not only a fan favorite, but also a great song to hear live.
10) Climatic Terra - Misery feat. Ines Vera-Ortiz (ex-Lumine Criptica)
I came across this song when checking to see what all projects Ines has been featured on over the years. This is such a great and beautiful power metal track. I really hope she joins a band again soon and releases a full length album with them. She has such a gorgeous voice and I'd love to hear some new material from her.
11) Empyrean Throne - Chaosborne
The title track of Empyrean Throne's debut album is absolutely epic. After listening to Chaosborne, it's easy to say that these guys are heavily influenced by Dimmu Borgir and I love it. This song is such a ballbuster and their front man shows off the more beautiful side of his cleans on this track. I highly recommend you guys to check this band out.
12) From the Arc - I Swear
Another band I discovered through spaceuntravel, From the Arc are an alternative metal band. This track is such a great jam. Honeybee has such a lovely voice. It always makes me extremely happy to see black women in the metal scene. It reminds people that metal is for everyone and isn't just white people music. Definitely am gonna check out more from them.
13) Magion - Body's Betrayal
I watched an old interview that their front woman did and she mentioned that this was one of her favorites off their then new album to perform, so naturally I had to check it out. it's such a gorgeous and dramatic track. It's sad that they are no longer together, but at least Myrthe is still active in the metal scene with Scenario II.
14) St. Vincent - Los Ageless
I came across this song when I saw a gifset on tumblr made of clips from this song's video. The video is aesthetic goals af and the song itself is so much fun. It's rather catchy and wonderful to jam to. The video is so cool and pretty. Definitely am gonna check out more from them.
15) La-Ventura - Song for an Idiot
I rekindled my love for this track thanks to my Facebook memories. This band is so underrated and wonderful. Their front woman has such a great voice that's different to hear in the gothic metal scene. This song has such a great hook and the chorus is so powerful even though it's so simple.
16) Elliot Root - 10,000
I discovered this band when I went to Criminal Records (a record store in Atlanta) and saw their debut album, Conjure, for $2. The cover art got me intrigued, so I added this song to watch later so I could check them out when I got home. I instantly fell in love with it. I'm not the biggest fan of indie music, but this is gorgeous. So gorgeous that I went back less than a week later to pick up the album. Their front man has such a lovely voice and the instrumentals complement it very well. I highly recommend you guys to check this album out, it's amazing.
That's it for October! Now go enjoy these tunes!
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cocorocoq · 5 years
¡Gracias a ustedes podremos publicar Yo no era feminista!
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Ya podemos contar que nuestra campaña de #crowdfunding para publicar el libro de relatos ilustrado Yo no era feminista ¡fue todo un éxito! Logramos reunir la cantidad necesaria para que el libro sea lanzado el domingo 16 de diciembre en la #FuriadelLibro y el sábado 22 de diciembre en la #Filva Valparaíso.
Por eso queremos agradecer a todas las personas que colaboraron y confiaron en este proyecto de Cocorocoq Editoras, coordinado por Verónica del Pozo.
Agradecemos especialmente a:
Romina Palma Cruces
Sandra Vera
Natalia Matus
Daniela Dennisse Aceituno Silva
Cheska Patow Barrios
Miguel Ángel González Campos
Dominique Jannas Vela
Tato Fuentes
María Ignacia Banda Cárcamo
Bernal Bolaños Castillo
Moses Zúñiga Navarro
Natalia Barrientos
Gustavo Ruiz Ramos
Edith Brindis Álvarez
Johanna Guala
Rosario Carcuro Leone
María Cecilia Bottai Monreal
Romy Alejandra Alamo Pichara
Eduardo Grajeda Blandón
Leonardo Urrutia Alvarez
Bárbara Muñoz
Salvador Gerardo Calderon Tobar
Pamela Elizabeth Pérez Soto
Paulina Beatriz Altamirano Oñate
Carol Solórzano Canales
Alfredo Fernández Ureta
Katharina Masoud
Valeria Ruiz González
Beatriz Contreras Reyes
Carmen Gloria Saavedra torres
Metzeri Jiménez García
Mariana Vazquez del Mercado
Cecili Dosal
Mirel Ruiz Brindis
Fernanda Antonia Barriga
Matias Asun
Silvia Ines Rojas Castro
Constanza Verónica Biscarra Mc-naughton
Nicole Angelica Acuña Arce
Sergio Alejandro Sánchez Reyes
Paula Muñoz
Alejandra Bustos Sabal
Claudia Arce Ojeda
Manuel Costa
Vinka Travella
Karen Lagues Farias
Isabel Cabeza Galindo
Luis Fernando Vargas
Natalia Fernández
Paula Valenzuela Delpiano
Claudia Arce Ojeda
Rodrigo Nogues
Rebeca Picciani
Sofia Valenzuela
Milagros Gimenez
Tamara Vidaurrazaga
Florencia Amaro
Patricia Provoste Fernández
Lorena De Ferrari
Alfonsina Margarita Peña Castro
Marlenne Velásquez Norambuena
Italo Jaque Ribera
Paloma Belén Olivares Del Real
Alda Hurtado Pinochet
Javiera Beatríz Rosende Hurtado
Makarena Kroger
Alexander Templeton
Pamela Ohlbaum
Diego Stuardo
Keren Quintanilla
Esperanza Johnson
Tarcila Piña riquelme
Florencia Bluthgen
Josefa Fierro Gijón
Karol Hidalgo
Daniela Herrera Correa
Mariela Infante Erazo
Laura Macias
Nathalia Quirós Sánchez
Daniela Herrera Correa
Sara McTarnaghan
Felipe Bogota
Ángela Hernández Ramírez
beatriz albertz
federica brauer
Natalia Morera
Rosalinda Solano Cabrera
Rosario Carcuro Leone
Juan Pablo Duhalde
Marcela Molina
Paloma Abett de la Torre Díaz
Paula Salvo Del Canto
Rodrigo Bustos Bottai
Carla Peñaloza
Daniela Pardo
Max Elbo
Daniela Fuenzalida Wellmann
Pia Cariqueo ortiz
Miguel Alejandro Martinez Morel
Alfonso Martinez Robá
Humberto Garcia
Marlene Gertosio
Isabel Ordóñez Garcés
Diego Navarrete
César Souza Cardoso
catalina bosch carcuro
Catalina Cortes Tupper
Ana Maria Mendez Espinoza
Arnoldo Cortés
Rodrigo del Pozo
Paulina Araya
Barbara Swinburn
Maria Teresa Aldunate Fernandez
Ana María Fernández Ureta
Francisca Fernández
Trinidad Swinburn Correa
Ezequiel Cruz
Marjorie Vanessa Cárcamo Enrich
Ximena Beatriz Baez Matus
James Black Duvanced
Marcelo Andres Gutiérrez Basualto
Jose Patricio Bustamante Guzman
Macarena Fernández Ureta                                                                                Federico Aguirre Madrid
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Matrimonios 1699-1707 by/por linda v.
NOTE: while this film can be found in  Sagrada mitra de Guadalajara Antiguo Obispado de la Nueva Galicia : Expedientes de la serie de matrimonios extractos siglos XVII-XVIII, That book is hard to access for some so here’s this index done by linda v.
1699-1707 Film #168358
 (this is a continuation of film #168357-years 1636-1699)
 001 168358
002 OAH 2644 pt. 2
006 Diego Izquierdo & Teodora Diaz Varela /Lagos *tree desc #06
013 Mateo ernal & Rosa de San Juan Jimenez /San Sebastian/Ostotipaque *tree desc #13
018 Antonio Cabazos & Luisa Fernandez de Castro /Monterrey *tree desc #18
024 Antonio de Araiza & Bernarda Cortez /Ahualulco *se mezco con Micaela Colmenares*
028 Juan Munoz & Nicolasa Mendoza /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #30
035 Juan de Dios Camacho & Ines de la Rosa y Cordero /Guadalajara/San Luis Potosi
047 Juan de Robles & Petronila Calderon /Guadalajara *tree desc #47 & #49
054 Juan Asencio Bovadilla & Manuela de la Vara /Zapotlan/Sayula *no parentesco
062 Antonio Pacheco & Antonia de la Concepcion /Uruapan/Guadalajara *no parentesco
072 Juan Antonio Ponce de Leon & Angela Gomez /Stgo de Saltillo
077 Juan Guajardo de Aguirre & Maria Garcia /Stgo de Saltillo *tree desc #78
082 Juan Cabazos & Jacinta Fernandez de Castro /Monterrey *tree desc #82
089 Juan de Trevino & Geronima Guajardo /Monterrey *tree desc #89
095 Matias Fernandez Salgado & Maria Ortiz de Vidaurre y Duran /Reinos de Castilla/Lagos
105 Santiago Cantu & Maria de Arellano /Monterrey *tree desc #105
108 Pedro Guajardo & Ana Maria de Trevino /Monterrey *tree desc #108
114 Pedro de la Duena & Maria Gonzalez Polanco /Atoyac *no parentesco
125 Alexo Gallardo & Ines de Lomeli /Jalostotitlan
144 Pedro Beltran de la Cueva *Sacro Orden de Presbitero /Guadalajara
148 Bachiller Juan Ruiz Galindo *Sacro Orden de Diacono /Guadalajara
151 Andres Fernandez de Palos *Orden de Tonsura /Aguascalientes
156 Lorenzo de Cervantes y Villasenor & Luisa GOnzalez /Lagos/Aguascalientes *tree desc #156
163 Tomas Flores de Valdez & Leonor Garcia /Saltillo/monclova *tree desc #164
170 Simon Rodriguez & Maria Redondo /Guadalajara *tree desc #171
178 Jose Javier Gallegos & Josefa de Medrano /Guadalajara *no parentesco
183 Jose de Agundis Zuniga & Antonia Gonzalez /Cuquio *ttree desc #185
190 Jose de Dios Renteria& Regina de Abalos /Guachinango/Tecolotlan *tree desc #192
197 Salvador de los Olivos & Josefa de Padilla /Zacatecas *tree desc #199
208 Sebastian de Plazaola & Micaela de Aguilar Rodriguez /Autlan *tree desc #209
212 Sebastian Miguel & Micaela Maria /Guadalajara/Amacueca
216 Isidro de Morales & Magdalena de Leon /Cocula *tree desc #216
220 Jose Antonio de Abalza & no name listed /Madrid/Jalostotitlan
223 Felipe Alonso & Agueda de Estrada /Aguascalientes/Zacatecas *tree img #226
229 Pedro de Rojas & Maria Beltran /Ahualulco *tree desc #230
235 Geronimo de Lomeli & Antonia Enriquez del Castillo /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #235
241 Antonio Maldonado & Feliciana Menchaca /Monclova/Saltillo *tree desc #242
247 Juan Hernandez & Catalina de Baena /Ahualulco
251 Juan Ramirez & Andrea de Ortega y Huerta /Ixtlan/Cienega de Mata
258 Alferez Juan Botello de Morales & Maria Garcia /Monterrey *tree desc #261
265 Diego de Villareal & Bernarda de Renteria /Monterrey *tree desc #267
273 Miguel Hernandez & Luisa Becerra /Tepatitlan/Jalostotitlan *tree desc #273-274
285 Diego Sanchez & Juana de Vera /La Barca/Guadalajara
290 Diego Menchaca & Catalina Maldonado /Saltillo/Monclova
297 Mateo Rodriguez & Jacinta de Arrona /Lagos/Michoacan *tree desc #297
304 Cristobal Rodriguez & Antonia de Arrona /Lagos tree desc #304
311 Mateo Ponce & Juana de Hermosillo /Tepatitlan *tree desc #311
316 Bartolome Gomez de la Madris & Lorenza Sesati del Castellu /Reinos de Castilla/Tlaltenango
324 Miguel Jose de Ochoa & Nicolasa de Tremino /Monterrey *tree img #324
333 Nicolas de Ahumada & Mariana de Guzman /Guadalajara *no parentesco
337 Nicolas Jimenez & Juana Jaime /Monclova
342 Nicolas Flores de Valdez & Maria Rodriguez /Saltillo?San Pedro de las Sabinas
347 Juan Moreno & Tomasa de Jara /Fresnillo *tree desc #359
362 Francisco Delgado & Juana Delgado y Valenzuela /Obispado de Jaen/Pinos
367 Bachiller Miguel Ruiz Galindo *Sacro Orden de Diacono *also see img #404*
371 Cristobal de Padilla & Maria de la Cruz /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #371
377 Tomas de la Guerra *Primeras Ordenes /Guadalajara
381 Juan Gonzalez *Sacro Orden de Subdiacono /Lagos
385 Juan Antonio Hernandez & Angela Rodriguez /Mazapil
386 Jose Gomez & Angela Rodriguez /Mazapil/Saltillo/Jalostotitan
391 Bernabe Gonzalez Hidalgo & Josefa Cantu /Monterrey *tree desc #391
396 Alonso de Olivares & Cayetana de la Cadena /Monclova *tree desc #398
401 Juan Vasquez Sermeno *Orden 1ra Tonsura /Lagos
404 Bachiller Miguel Ruiz Galindo *Sacro Orden de Presbitero *also see img #367*
406 Andres Agustin Beltran del la Cueba & Magdalena de Villalobos /Reinos de Castilla/Zacatecas
413 Marcos Garcia de Bibriescas *Orden de 1ra Tonsura /Autlan *tree desc #415 *also see img #516
418 Jose Antonio Carbajal *Orden 1ra Tonsura /Zacatecas *tree desc #418
421 Bachiller Antonio de Esquivel *Sacro Orden de Subdiacono /Lagos *also see img #483*
423 Marcos de Ornelas & Maria Lopez /Lagos *tree desc #423
430 Domingo de Cuebas & Maria de los Santos /Aguascalientes *tree desc #431
436 Jose Gutierrez & Petronila de Ornelas /Tepatitlan *tree desc #438
440 Tomas de Bracamonte & Josefa de Esquivel /Compostela *tree desc #445
449 Esteban de Anda Altamirano & Ines de Pedroza Marmolejo /Lagos *tree desc #449
455 Nicolas de la Cueba y Villasenor & Maria de Robles /Ajijic
459 Jose Guerra Valadez & Ana Vasquez Sermeno /Lagos *tree desc #459
466 Antonio Gutierrez de Zarate & Maria de Cordero /Guadalajara
467 Juan Antonio Becerra & Antonia Lozano /Lagos *tree desc #467
476 Antonio Jimenez & Maria de Medina /Lagos *tree desc #476
483 Bachiller Antonio de Esquivel & Vargas /Lagos *Sacro Orden de Subdiacono *also see img #421
487 Juan Antonio Jimenez de Castro & Clara Flores /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #488
493 Bachiller Miguel Manzo de Zuniga *Sacro Orden de Diacono /Lagos
497 Juan Manzo de Zuniga & Ines Gutierrez de Hermosillo /Lagos *tree desc #498
503 Geronimo de Aguayo & Maria Partida /Compostela/Ameca *tree desc #503
516 Marcos Garcia de Bibriescas *Sacro Orden de Presbitero /Autlan *Also see img #413
525 Nicolas Flores de Valdez & Francisca Javiera Achiondo /Saltillo *tree desc #527
531 Nicolas Sanchez & Juana del Castillo /Zacoalco
533 Nicolas de Santiago & Maria Ramirez /Nochistlan
538 Nicolas de Espinoza y Sayagua & Ana Diaz /Sayula *tree desc #539
545 Nicolas de Rivera & Catalina de Medina /Sayula *no parentesco
548 Manuel Jose Ruiz & Rosa Rodriguez de Ayala /Monterrey *tree desc #549
556 Jose de Aguirre & Luisa Martinez /Stgo del Saltillo *tree desc #556
564 Jose Leal de Leon & Clara Guerra /Monterrey *tree img #564
570 Manuel Gonzalez & Juana de Villareal /Monterrey *tree desc #570
576 Manuel de Molledo & Maria de Leon /Reinos de Castilla/Guadalajara *also see img #580*
577 Juan de Sandoval & Maria Duran /Nochistlan *tree img #577
580 Manuel de Molledo & Maria de Leon *part of image #576*
581 Jose Felix de Almandos & Maria de la Garza /Monterrey *tree desc #583
590 Antonio Fletes & Maria de a Candelaria Hernandez /Cocula
593 Clemente de la Garza & Josefa de la Garza /Monterrey *tree desc #593
599 Antonio Palacios & Beatriz de Olivares /Monterrey *tree desc #599
607 Antonio de Ledesma & Isabel de Chavarria /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #608
612 Maria de Ocon /Autlan
0 notes
Current Music Obsessions: July 16 - 31, 2017
July was filled with great songs that I had intense obsessions with, but let’s start out with the honorable mentions first.
The Oblivion - Losing Gravity London Grammar - Truth is a Beautiful Thing Theatres des Vampires - Delusional Denial Freakangel - Insight Avelion - Never Wanted October Ends - Living in Shadows Kimberly Freeman - Amnesia The Autist - The Great Lioneess feat. Audrey Berset (Emma-O) and Sara Henriques (Aura's Seers) Adastia - Shadow Story Konqistador - Fiend Quadrus - Sense of Matter Quadrus - Entropia (The Final Chapter) Inertia - Face of Defeat Septicflesh - 3rd Testament The Rinn - Symphony of Light Tid - Dumhetens Gudinna Cyclocosmia - Immured Pt. IV Bare Infinity - Robin Eyes Velaverante - Jailed Draconian - With Love and Defiance Barque of Dante - The Reason feat. Ines Vera-Ortiz Face Off - Water Infected Rain - Orphan Soul The Hardkiss - Журавлi The Eternal - Down
Now it’s time for the songs I was OBSESSED with.
1) Shape of Despair - The Distant Dream of Life
After hearing In the Ocean of My Tears by Clouds, I had to find out if the singer featured in it was in an active band and found this band as a result. She's not in this song, but it's absolutely wonderful. I've been finding myself gravitating more and more to gothic doom metal and I'm not mad about it.
2) Kesha - Praying
SHE'S FUCKING BACK! Do I have to say much about this? No. She hit that note and sealed the deal that she's back and is gonna slay the game.
3) Silentium - Shame Forever Mine
I decided to check out more from them after falling in love with Hangman's Lullaby and I'm so glad I did. This song is so gorgeous and was way better than I expected it could be. Gothic doom metal at its finest. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
4) Phedora - The Way is Shut
I discovered this song through Spaceuntravel on YT. It's so different. If nu metal and progressive metal had a baby, this would be the result of it. The synths are absolutely wonderful and are low key my favorite part about this song. Definitely give this a listen.
5) Cradle of Filth - Heartbreak and Seance
Let me get this out of the way: it starts out kinda bland and boring, but it kicks into high gear and gets so much better halfway through. They definitely went in a different direction for this track and I'm digging it so far and wonder if the whole album will follow a similar direction. Also, the video is absolutely GORGEOUS.
6) Sarasvati - Entropy
I found out about these guys through their female singer after I heard her in a song she was featured in. She has such a great low and slightly monotone voice. The song has a bit of a doomy/post metal vibe to it and I really like it. Definitely plan on listening to more from them.
7) Eskimo Callboy - MC Thunder
This is one of those songs/videos you see the thumbnail of and have to check it out. The video is bizarre, but the song itself is so fun. I LOVE the bridge. The breakdown and the "dubstep" bit go so well together and suit the atmosphere of both the song and video. The sound reminds me a bit of We Butter the Bread with Butter, but less electronic. I think I'll check out more from them in the future.
8) Suodeth - Nothing
I think I discovered this band through Facebook one day a few months ago. They're a symphonic death metal band whose "orchestrations" resemble that of something from a power metal band and I really like it. This song's flow and the orchestrations are absolutely wonderful. I'm for sure gonna check out their upcoming album when it's finally released.
9) Dreamslave - Torments
I discovered this band a few years ago and they have FINALLY released a music video. They're a theatrical sounding symphonic metal band. This video definitely rekindled my love for this track. It's so good, dramatic and theatrical. The singer gets into the music in the video and looks absolutely amazing. Can't wait to hear and see more from them in the future.
10) Omnimar - I Wanna Know Now
I decided to listen to their new album, Poison, and this and Out of My Life have to be my favorites off it. This song just has this vibe and flow to it that is absolutely wonderful. I really want to discover more industrial/harsh ebm/darkwave bands like these guys, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to send me some.
11) Karkaos - Tyrants
Children of the Void is an epic album, but this song, Kolossus (feat. Morgan Lander of Kittie) and Bound by Stars are the standouts on it for me. The symphonic element complements the instrumentals and suits the vibe of the song (as well as the rest of the album), but my favorite part is the last minute or so of the song. It just changes form and goes absolutely ape shit. Love it.
12) Empyrean Throne - Haereticus Stellarum
I can't remember how I discovered this band (it was either through IG or FB), but they're symphonic black metal band that I'm getting hooked on. There's something about them that really stands out to me. I think it's their choir and the fact that it's mainly (if not only) tenors that I love it so much. I'm really looking forward to their upcoming album, because I'm loving everything I've heard so far.
13) Kobra and the Lotus - Light Me Up
I know it's bad to judge the direction of an album off singles, but I have a feeling their upcoming double album is going to be a bit more emotionally driven and have more of proggy element to it. I'm not mad about it at all, in fact, I love it. It's just different from their older stuff. But then again, these are just singles, so everything else can be like their usual stuff. ANYWAYS, love the song. It's so beautiful, probably their prettiest song I've heard from them.
14) Eilera - Angel Made Temptress
I rekindled my love for this song thanks to Facebook Memories. It's such a gorgeous track. The singer has this kinda raspy voice and blends in with her pretty cleans so beautifully. It is a bit catchy, but not in a bad way. Love this song so much. I really need to check out more from them.
15) Exit Eden - Impossible (Shontelle cover)
Another outstanding cover from them! They did so good with this cover. I remember when this song was released, everyone in my school was obsessed with it, so them doing a cover of it brought back some of those memories. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the album. I need the box set in my life!
That’s it for the month of July! I wonder what obsessions August will bring.
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Matrimonios 1823 parte 2-2/2(by/por linda v.)
1823, parte 2, 2 de 2
Film #168208
627 OAH 2512 pt.4 168208
0631 continues from img #613: Jacinto Barajas & Maria Guadalupe Vadial /Jalpa *tree img #636
0638 continues from img #619: Nicanor Romero & Maria Gertrudes de la Trinidad Escobar /Durango/Huejuquilla/Monte Escobedo
0647 Diego Medina & Ignacia de Luna /Valle de Huejucar *tree img #648
0651 Pablo Arenas & Maria Cipriana Barrientos -habilitacion- /Aguascalientes
0653 Jose Secundino Garcia & Maria Decideria Torres (hermana de la esposa)-habilitacion- /Mexticacan
0658 Francisco Vasquez & Maria Juliana de Luna /Jalostotitlan/Tepechitlan
0665 Vicente Ponce & Ana Gertrudes Rosales / Autlan
0670 Jose Rafael Macias & Maria Guadalupe Pantoja /Tizapan el Alto
0677 Pedro Navarro & Maria Josefa de la Torre /Tepatitlan *tree img #681
0682 Jose Maria Henriquez & Maria Petra Sarmiento /Zacatecas
0686 Jose Bernardo Lopez & Maria Victoriana Huerta /Compostela
0689 Jose Maria de Alva & Maria Petra Sermeno /San Juan de los lagos *tree img #694
0697 Ramon de la Joya & Eusebia Gallegos /Tomatlan/El Tuito *tree img #699
0701 Jose Manuel Casillas & Maria Josefa Orosco /Tototlan *tree img #705
0708 Jose Nicomedes Garcia & Maria Martina Villalobos /San Juan de los lagos *tree img #711
0714 Pedro Jose Lopez & Maria Teresa Carrillo /Ocotlan/La Barca  *tree desc img #716
0720 Trinidad Asencio & Merced Gonzalez /Arandas/Tepatitlan *tree img #723
0725 Juan Nepomuceno Aguilera & Maria Antonia Lopez /Teocaltiche *tree img #727
0731 Jose de los Santos Sandoval & Maria Luisa de la Torre /Jerez *tree img #731
0737 Benito Diaz del Castillo & Maria Petra Mendivil /Villa de Lagos/Real de Salinas
0745 Nepomuseno Perez & Carmen Mora /Cuquio *trees img #748
0750 Jose Guadalupe Hernandez & Maria Josefa Gonzalez /Arandas *tree img #754
0757 Ramon Cardenas & Maria Gertrudes Rodriguez /Teocuitatlan/Atoyac *tree img #762
0764 Jose Sixto Nava & Maria Petra Temblador /Tala *tree desc img #766
0772 Pablo Casillas & Juana Gonzalez /Tepatitlan/Jalostotitlan *tree img #776
0778 Jose Antonio Castillo & Maria  Romana Hernandez /Valle de Matehuala/Guadalajara
0785 Jose Antonio Huerta & Maria Guadalupe Mercado /Cuquio *tree img #789
0791 Jose Maria Santa Cruz & Calixtra Santa Cruz /Jalostotitlan *tree img #794
0796 Quirino Gomez & Rita de Palos /Tepatitlan/Jalostotitlan *tree img #800
0802 Francisco Gonzalez & Luisa Navarro /Tepatitlan *tree img #805
0807 Clemente Ramirez & Maria Encarnacion de Escoto /San Juan de los Lagos *tree img #809
0812 Jose Gregorio Alcaraz & Maria Martina Salcedo /Colima *tree img #814
0816 Alexandro del Rio & Gabriela Calleja /Guadalajara *tree img #823
0824 Jose Hilario Salas & Maria Vicenta Carlin /Salinas
0828 Jose Maria Serrano & Maria de Jesus de Luna /Tepechitlan/Tlaltenango *tree img #832
0833 Pascual Garcia & Mariana Delgado /Colima *tree img #839
0841 Jose Demetrio Lopez & Maria Ignacia Garcia /Jalpa *tree img #847
0848 Andres Aguilera & Maria Ines Rodriguez /Zacatecas
0856 Eleuterio Carrera & Maria Benita Mendoza /Real de Catorce
0861 Jacinto Correa & Maria Ildefonsa Riva de Neira /Aguascalientes/Zacatecas
0868 Jose Gonzalez & Lugarda Arechiga /Mascota *tree img #870
0873 Joaquin Flores & Maria Salome de Santiago -habilitacion- /Colotlan
0876 Matias Vasquez & Maria Victoriana Ruiz -habilitacion- /Colotlan
0879 Luis Antonio Ladron de Guevara & Maria Estefana Vidaurre /Aguascalientes/Etzatlan
0886 Simon Rodriguez & Maria Lucrecia Lopez -habilitacion- /Tepatitlan
0889 Juan Cruz Carbajal y Soltero & Maria Encarnacion Ledesma / Yahualica *tree img #889
0895 Jose Maria Ortiz & Juana Mendoza -habilitacion- /Huejucar/Colotlan
0897 Narciso Salinas & Maria Antonia Gutierrez /Jerez/Villa de Lagos   
0904 Jose Maria Romo & Sebastiana Esparza -habilitacion- /Trinidad de Sotos
0906 Cristobal Martin & Maria Ignacia Perez /Tepatitlan *tree img #909
0910 Victor Castorena & Mauricia Rodriguez -habilitacion- /San Jose de Gracia
0914 Santos Delgado & Maria Dolores Godoy /Tlaltenango/Colotlan
0922 Tomas Tello & Jesus Ruiz -habilitacion- /Trinidad de Sotos
0926 Antonio Rivas & Toribia Flores /Guadalajara
0934 Roman Rivera & Rita Villalbazo /Colotan
0942 Apolonio Esparza & Matilde Merlo /Aguascalientes/Villa de Leon
0949 Florencio Martinez & Claudia Salgado /Tomatlan *tree img #954-955
0956 Marcelino Espinoza & Maria Dominga de la Torre -habilitacion- /San Gabriel/Tapalpa
0961 Roque Pulido & Salvadora Nuno /Tototlan *tree img #967
0970 Buenaventura Rodriguez & Anastacia Nunez -habilitacion- /Mezquital
0974 Monico Velasquez & Josefa Munoz -habilitacion- /San Antonio de Adobes
0977 Juan Pascual Gonzalez & Maria Nicolasa Sandoval /Nochistlan *tree img #977
0981 Gervacio Salgado & Rita Cuevas /Tomatlan *tree img #986
0988 Bernardino Vasquez & Macaria Cabrera /Valladolid
0993 Andres Romero & Felipa Navarro /Tepatitlan *tree img #996
0997 Camilo Alvarado & Maria Micaela Texeda /Cuquio
1000 Jose Gervacio Chavez & Maria Margarita Zepeda /Mazamitla *tree desc img #1005
1007 Jose Antonio Ramos & Maria Antonia Ruelas /Ameca *tree img #1010
1013 Salvador Castellano & Maria Dolores Temores /La Barca
1017 Pedro Barba & Maria Agustina Gonzalez /San Juan de los Lagos *tree img #1021
1024 Jose Apolonio Torres & Apolonia Valadez -habilitacion- /Tepatitlan
1026 Jose Susano Vasquez & Maria Isabel Rodriguez /Jalototitlan/Teuchitlan
1030 Crisostomo de la Cruz & Juana Maria Joya /Tomatlan *tree img #1036
1038 Silverio Pena & Petra Pena /Mascota *tree img #1038
1042 Jose Apolinario de Luna & Maria de los Angeles Gutierrez -habilitacion- /Tepatitlan
1045 Antonio Sanchez Castellanos & Maria Francisca Sostenes de Leon /Colotlan *tree img #1048
1051 Gregorio Fuentes & Maria Trinidad Virgen /Comala *tree img #1058
1059 Gregorio Ramirez & Maria Hilaria Orosco /Huejuquilla el Alto *tree img #1063
1066 Vicente Garcia & Francisca Valenzuela /Tototlan *tree img #1070
1073 Jose Exiquio Arresola & Maria Petra Mesa /Amacueca *tree img #1074
1079 Vicente Felix & Maria Gertrudes Gonzalez /Jerez *tree img #1080
1084 Antonio Sotomayor & Maria Antonia Rodriguez /Tapalpa *tree img #1087
1091 Ignacio Vasquez & Ana Medina /Jalostotitlan *tree img #1094
1095 Jose Encarnacion Guerrero & Maria Timotea Dena -habilitacion- /Teocaltiche/Tlaltenango
1099 Ignacio Padilla & Tomasa Padilla /San Juan de los Lagos *tree img #1101
1104 Pedro Sanchez & Juana Maria Rodriguez /San Gabriel/Tapalpa *tree img #1105
1112 Seferino Robles & Ermenegilda Montes /Valparaiso
1117 Jose Joaquin Gonzalez Rico & Pomposa Rendon y Henriquez /Villa de Lagos
1124 Jose Maria Gonzalez & Maria de la Luz Gordillo /Jalostotitlan/Teocuitatlan/Adobes *tree img #1125
1128 Laureano Toribio & Maria Antonia Carrillo -habilitacion- /Tlaltenango
1135 Juan Nepomuseno Torres & Margarita Martinez /Villanueva/Real de Pinos/Aguascalientes
1139 Rafael Hernandez & Maria Feliciana Hernandez /Tepatitlan/Zapotlanejo *tree img #1142
1144 Nicanor Parga & Maria Isidora Quintero /Salinas
1148 Jose Maria Gutierrez & Maria Margarita Padilla /Jalostotitlan *tree img #1152
1154 Aniceto Preciado & Maria Ventura Vasquez /Tapalpa *tree img #1156
1159 Bonifacio Gutierrez de Hermosillo & Maria Josefa Cresencia Escobedo /Real de Mezquital *tree img #1162 & 1164
1165 Patricio Harrison & Maria Josefa Matal /Guachinango *tree img #1169
1170 Agapito Velasco & Maria Casilda Jordan /Guadalajara/Tepic
1179 Rosalio Garcia & Juana Maria /Sayula
1183 Apolonio (Polonio) Llamas & Maria Marcelina Barroso /Zapotlanejo *tree img #1186
1187 Antonio Ayala & Paula Garnica /Arandas/Zapotlan *tree img #1188
1194 Jose Vicente Tortolero & Maria Arismendez /Cocula
1199 Bernardino Marquez & Maria Luisa de santiago /Colotlan *tree img #1204
1207 Francisco Valdez & Gorgonia Ruiz /Talpa/Mascota *tree img #1208
1212 Juan Ramirez & Maria Manuela Gonzalez /Jalostotitlan/Tepatitlan *tree img #1215
1217 Nicolas Bermudes & Gertrudes Flores /Mascota *tree img #1218
1222 Alonso Garcia & Concepcion Alzaga y Vera /Guadalajara
1230 Lazaro Vasquez & Maria Anastacia Vasquez /Lagos
1235 Juan Eusebio Vasquez: Patricio Mercado & Maria Margarita Cosme /Cedral
0 notes