#just in case you didn't know. had to be said
I promised you some lions! Let's talk about manes, males, and management.
This is Tandie, the current male lion at the Woodland Park Zoo.
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Notice anything odd about him? He's got one of those hilarious awkward teenager manes. Except... this cat is nine years old.
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I was, of course, immediately curious.
Manes serve a lot of purposes for male lions, including being an indicator of health and fitness - it's actually a sexually selected trait and a social signal. Mane texture / hair quality / length is dependent on nutrition and the body having energy to grow (and carry around!) that much hair! The color is also a signal: males with darker manes have been found to have higher testosterone levels.
In one research report, wild males were much more likely to avoid a lion decoy when it had a longer or darker mane - but the girls really loved a dark mane. It's thought this is because a long, dark mane is an indicator of mate quality. Males with longer, darker manes have higher testosterone and were pretty healthy: meaning they had more energy for fighting, had a better chance of recovering if they got injured, and generally had a higher rate of offspring survival. Manes matter!
So, back to Tandie. He was actually born at the Woodland Park Zoo in 2014 alongside two brothers, to dad Xerxes and mother Adia.
This was Xerxes (rip).
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Obviously, a very large, dark, lush mane on Xerxes here. So where did these blond muttonchops come from on his son?
I asked the zoo docents and got an answer that didn't make a lot of sense. They told me that after the three cubs grew into adolescents, they were moved to the Oakland Zoo together. But living together suppressed his testosterone, and he never grew a mane.
Here's a photo from 2016, when the brothers debuted at Oakland. They're a year and a half old in this photo.
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(Photo Credit: Oakland Zoo)
And here's from an announcement for their third birthday.
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(Photo credit: Oakland Zoo)
Okay, so these dudes obviously all were growing manes as of 2017. I think Tandie is the one on the left in the first photo, and laying down in the middle on the second. What happened?
I was just in the Bay Area for a zoo road trip, of course I went to Oakland and tracked down a docent to ask some questions.
It turns out that shortly after the brothers turned three, they started acting like adult male lions: they started scuffling regularly. It's a normal social thing for male lions to live in groups, called coalitions, but according to my lion experts there's generally a baseline level of some social jostling within them. It wasn't quite clear from what the docent said if they couldn't manage the boys together, or if they just wanted to avoid the scratches and small wounds that result from normal lion behavior. Regardless, they put all three of the boys on testosterone blockers in order to be able to keep them together as a social group.
Now, I don't know a lot about the use of hormone alteration as a form of captive animal management, except in the case of birth control. I don't think it's something that's unethical - there was just a webinar on it that I saw go by - but I don't think it's commonly done with big cats. Lions have kind of complicated reproductive cycles, and for instance, we've been learning that female lions can take much longer to come into estrus again than expected after coming off hormonal birth control.
In males, testosterone blockers (or being neutered) means they lose their manes. This is why a lot of rescues will do a vasectomy on their males instead of a neuter - it allows them to keep their mane and the social signals that accompany it.
Tandie returned home to Woodland Park Zoo after Xerxes passed in early 2022, and the docent told me all of the lions had been off their blockers "for while." I'd guess those things happened around the same time, since bringing the trio down to a duo at Oakland would reduce some of the social tensions.
Hormones are such interesting things, though. One of Tandie's brothers has a full mane again, and the other is still totally mane-less.
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As for Tandie, his mane is growing back in, and it looks like he might rival his dad for length and coloration.
He started here, in February:
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What a difference four months (and maybe proximity to a girl) makes!
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ozzgin · 3 days
Its been 6 months😭😭 pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg😭
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too cliché of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone must’ve lifted the hologram blinds.
“My apologies, I hadn’t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.”
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose he’s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment. 
“A most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organ…”, he says as he quickly checks his wristwatch, “...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.”
“It’s just…most people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.”
He processes your words.
“Hmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.”
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans you’ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
“Listen, when is your next functional inspection?” you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. “Will they, uh…will they have access to all of your memories?”
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. It’s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldn’t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you don’t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers. 
“You may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.”
“Do you get to decide what is checked and what isn’t?”
“No, most data is sampled randomly.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Then how-”
“It is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.”
“What? I thought you’re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldn’t they open you up and take whatever they require?”
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
“Once an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).” He taps his temple, then continues: “I am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.”
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine. What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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mina-saiyat · 14 hours
Rumors Part 2 (Jihyo)
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Part 1 in case you forgot what happened.
After that ridiculous night, Jihyo and the man officially established a relationship. But the content of their dates was not the romantic plot that ordinary couples should have, but rather greedy demands for each other's bodies again and again.
Every weekend, Jihyo would sneak out and head to the man's apartment. It had long become her most familiar place - the quilt on the bed was always in a mess, and there were a few messy clothes scattered on the floor. She can't wait to take off her clothes, lie on the bed and wait for the man's arrival.
And the moment the man stepped into the room, what he always saw was Jihyo's naked body. Without saying a word, he would pounce on Jihyo, turning her over and over, leaving new kiss marks on all parts of her body. Jihyo would kiss him back without shyness, leaving only the most primitive desire between the two of them.
After a lot of love, the two of them would lie naked on the bed and rest for a while. At this time, Jihyo may talk sweetly to the man. But these confession are quickly forgotten, because the next sex will come as scheduled.
Occasionally, men would come to Jihyo's home to stay overnight. Jihyo is living alone after moving out from the dome, although there maybe some cameras for recording the variety show. But when men came to visit, Jihyo would makes things to avoid the camera and stay alone with him in her room. The man would hold her and sit on the windowsill, watching the scenery outside together. But more often than not, they will still choose to go back to bed and get entangled with each other over and over again until they are exhausted.
In this way, Jihyo and the man consumed each other's feelings through countless sexual encounters.
The news that Jihyo was dating with a man quickly spread in the circle. One night, Jihyo was rehearsing on the set when her phone suddenly rang. When she saw it, it turned out to be a message from her manager asking her to call back immediately.
A bad premonition arose in Jihyo 's heart. She hurriedly completed the shoot, found an excuse and ran to the stairwell to call her agent back. She heard a hint of anxiety in the other person's voice: "Jihyo, you go home right now! There are some things we need to talk about."
Jihyo had no choice but to ask the director for a half-day leave and hurried back home. Before she entered, she saw her manager already waiting outside.
"Jihyo, I know the rumors about you being with a man are true." The manager said bluntly, "But I need a reasonable explanation, otherwise this matter may affect your career."
Jihyo was stunned. She originally thought that she had concealed it well, but she didn't expect that the press would find out so quickly. She didn't know how to explain it. If she said that she and the man were just sex partner, fans would be extremely disappointed with her; but if she was asked to admit that this man she didn't love at all was her boyfriend, she couldn't do it.
"I...I don't know what to say..." Jihyo said with red eyes, "Me and him...we are just friends..." The manager was silent for a long time. He saw Jihyo's embarrassment and knew that this matter was very difficult. "Okay, I will discuss with the PR team how to handle it. But Jihyo, you'd better think carefully and don't make a decision that you will regret."
Jihyo nodded, knowing that she had to face reality. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for the coming storm.
Jihyo reached out and grabbed the manager's arm before he turns around to leave. She raised her head and showed a sweet smile: "Manager, even if you send out a press release in the middle of the night, no one will notice it. Why don't you wait until tomorrow morning to send it out? You can stay in my guest room and sleep tonight. "
The manager looked at Jihyo in surprise. He didn't expect her to make such a suggestion. But soon, his eyes were attracted by the rise and fall of her chest.
Jihyo could see what he was thinking. She slowly leaned over and massaged his arm gently: "Oppa has been too tired recently and needs a good rest. How about I massage your shoulders?"
The manager's breath caught. He should have refused, but Jihyo's fingers seemed to have magic power, making his sanity gradually blur. He swallowed and said reluctantly: "That's fine, just do what you like."
Jihyo stood up with a smile. She walked behind the manager and put her hands on his shoulders. Her technique was not professional, but every press could accurately hit his pain point. The manager sighed involuntarily, feeling that the heat in his lower body was also about to stir.
"Oppa, do you want me to take off your shirt for you? It will be more comfortable this way." Jihyo's voice was low and sexy. She bit her lip lightly and traced her fingers across the manager's strong muscles.
The manager nodded. He knew he was taking a risk, but at this moment he could no longer control himself. Jihyo quickly unbuttoned his clothes, exposing his skin to the air, which aroused her interest even more.
"Oppa has a really nice figure." Jihyo knelt down and licked his nipples with the tip of her tongue.
Jihyo knew that if she wanted to get through this difficulty, she had to do her best to please the man in front of her. He is her own manager and controls her own destiny. As long as he is willing to stand on her side, all difficulties can be easily solved.
On the other hand, Jihyo also has selfish motives. Although she had a physical relationship with her boyfriend, she did not really fall in love with him. If the company forces her to break up, she doesn't care. But once she loses her sex life, her body will feel lonely. Therefore, she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to seduce her manager and turn him into her regular sex partner.
Jihyo has been in the idol industry for many years and she knows very well what men need. She deliberately screamed "Oppa Oppa" and teased the manager's sensitive spots with the tip of her tongue. Her skills were so good that she soon had the manager in a state of lust.
"Jihyo, you're so good..." the manager gasped, grabbing Jihyo's hair and burying her deeper.
Jihyo smiled, knowing that she was half successful. She planned to add fuel to the fire and let this veteran driver try the charm of her idol. She opened her mouth and took his nipple in her entire mouth, scanning the surrounding area with her tongue.
"Oppa, do you want me to lick other places?" Jihyo raised her eyes and cast a wink at the manager.
The manager shook his head, his breathing becoming heavier. He pulled Jihyo and asked her to sit on his lap. His big hands reached under her skirt and kneaded her erect clitoris.
"Oppa, please don't..." Jihyo pretended to be frightened, but her body twisted honestly to meet the manager's touch.
She knew she would get what she wanted soon.
Jihyo felt her skirt being lifted up, revealing her white buttocks and black underwear. She knew that this was one of the most favorite sights for men, so she took the initiative to raise her buttocks to give the manager a better view.
"Oppa, I'm wet down there..." Jihyo grabbed the manager's wrist and led him into the restricted area of ​​her underwear. When his fingers touched her already overflowing pussy, she couldn't help but moan.
"Hmm...Oppa, you are so good at playing..." Jihyo let her moans get louder and louder, and she even took the initiative to spread her thighs to facilitate the manager's invasion. She felt that the little bean deep in her vagina was kneaded by him until it was numb, and waves of pleasure swept through her body like waves.
"Oppa, I want you..." Jihyo fell limply into the manager's arms. Her chest was pressed against his chest, and she could feel his strong heartbeat. She pulled his palms to cover her breasts, letting him knead them wantonly.
"Jihyo, I want you too..." The manager leaned forward and kissed her lips. The tip of his tongue slipped into her mouth and intertwined with her delicious tongue.
The two kissed passionately, until they reluctantly separated due to lack of oxygen. Jihyo's face was flushed and her eyes were blurry. She looked at the man in front of her who had been provoked into losing his mind by her, and the corner of her mouth raised a smile of victory.
"Oppa, do you want me?" Jihyo blinked and whispered into his ear.
Jihyo knew that now was the time for her to show her true strength. She took the manager's hand and placed it on her breast.
"Oppa, I want you..." She bit her lip and looked at him shyly. She held his harden shaft in her hand and moved it up and down. She could feel it swelling and burning in her hands.
The manager was panting heavily, he was also longing for Jihyo's body. He held her waist and asked her to sit astride him. He eagerly pulled off her underwear, revealing the already muddy grass.
"Oppa...I can't wait any longer..." Jihyo held his hard object and pointed it at her swan, and then slowly lowered his waist. She could feel it inserting into her inch by inch, breaking through layers of lines until it reached the deepest core of the flower.
"Ah!~" Jihyo couldn't help but moan. She felt that her lower body was completely filled, as if she had returned to the original wedding night.
The manager also moaned in comfort, Jihyo's vagina was tight and moist, tightly adsorbed on his shaft. He couldn't help but move his waist, wanting more comfort.
"Oppa...slow down..." Jihyo felt that her womb was being rubbed to the point of slight pain, but it was more of a tingling pleasure. She held his neck so he could fuck her deeper.
"Hmm...so good..." Jihyo followed his rhythm and swayed her waist up and down. She could feel the pleasure coming from the depths of her pussy, getting more and more intense.
"Actually, I've always liked you..." The manager gasped, grabbing Jihyo's buttocks and squeezing them hard.
"Really? Oppa, you never show it..." Jihyo said coquettishly. She felt the pleasure in her lower body getting stronger and stronger. Her pussy kept squirming, wanting more.
"I can't control myself when I see you...especially the way you look on stage...I know I shouldn't think like this, but I just can't control myself..." The manager blamed himself. The hard object swelled inside Jihyoand the pain was unbearable.
"Oppa is so bad..." Jihyo chuckled. She felt that her lower body was about to fall apart due to the impact. She hugged his neck and blew into his ear, "Actually, Jihyo has been looking forward to having sex with you...but Oppa never gave me a chance..."
"Enjoy it now..." Jihyo twisted her waist to match his rhythm. She could feel her core being pushed to the deepest point by him, and the tingling sensation almost made her scream.
"Oh... Jihyo..." the manager gasped, feeling as if he was in heaven. Jihyo's lower body was wet and hot, tightly wrapped around his cock. He could feel her cervix shrinking and squeezing, as if she was trying to suck all his essence out.
"Oppa, do you like Jihyo's body?" Jihyo asked in a deliberately lowered voice. She could feel his hard object growing bigger and bigger inside her. She twisted her waist, letting his hard object rub against every sensitive point in her body.
"Of course I like it... Jihyo's body is simply designed to please men..."
‘It turns out that Oppa also has this idea..." Jihyo teased him with a deliberate smile. She could feel his cock becoming more and more violent inside her body, as if he was going to tear her apart.
"My girlfriend isn't even half as good as Jihyo... Having sex with her is like completing a mission... There's no reaction at all..." The manager complained, holding Jihyo’s nipples, squeezed hardly.
"Oh, Oppa, don't be angry..." Jihyo pretended to comfort him. She knew that this would only make him crazier. "Then don't have sex with your girlfriend anymore...all the semen should be reserved for Jihyo..."
"Really?" The manager stopped in surprise. He looked at Jihyo with obsession in his eyes.
"Of course... From now on, Oppa, you just fuck Jihyo..." Jihyo blinked her big eyes and looked at him innocently.
The manager immediately nodded excitedly, and he started thrusting again, reaching the deepest part of Jihyo every time. He felt that his desire had reached an unprecedented height, as if only Jihyo's body could satisfy him.
"Jihyo, I want you, and I want you now..." The manager hugged Jihyo's slender waist tightly and hit her delicate body hard. He knew that the feeling of having sex with Jihyo was something he would never forget in his life.
"Oppa, Jihyo wants you too..." Jihyo swayed her waist in line with his movements, and her moans became louder and louder. The two seemed to merge into one, with only the most primitive desires spreading in each other's bodies.
‘From now on, I will arrange all schedule for you alone... I will also give priority to you with Twice’s resources... As long as you are happy..." The manager looked at Jihyo with a gleaming look in his eyes. The cock kept beating inside her body, and it seemed that she had reached the limit of endurance.
"Really? That's great!" Jihyo was ecstatic. She knew how important this condition was to her career development. She immediately increased her speed and swayed her waist in time with his thrust.
"Oppa, you are so kind... Jihyo will always remember it..." Jihyo looked at him with charming eyes. She knew that as long as she served him well, her status in the group would definitely be greatly improved in the future.
"Oh... Jihyo... you're so good..." The manager hugged Jihyo's butt and pushed her hard as if to integrate her into his body. He felt the warmth approaching his cock, and he knew he was about to cum.
"Oppa...I'm almost there..." Jihyo swung her waist in line with his speed. She felt that her sex was getting more and more spasmodic, and a large amount of juice continued to overflow, leaving a mess on the sheets.
"Jihyo... together..." the manager growled. His cock was inserted deeply into Jihyo's body, and then he shot out waves of white turbid liquid while beating violently. Jihyo also climaxed, and her vagina was convulsing, and a large amount of nectar hit his cock.
Jihyo knew that the deal between her and her manager had been reached. She has all night to use all her tricks to please the man before tomorrow's press release. She couldn't help but sneer. It was unexpected that the usually aloof and inviolable manager could be captured by her so easily.
Jihyo looked at her manager, who was still playing with her breasts. She reached out and took hold of his cock, moving it up and down. "Oppa, do you still want Jihyo?" She deliberately licked her lips and seduced him with her flirtatious eyes.
The manager nodded immediately, with a beastly desire in his eyes. Jihyo chuckled and turned over to sit astride him. She slowly sat down holding his hard member until it was completely buried inside her body.
"Ah~" Jihyo raised her head and let out a satisfied moan. She twisted her waist and moved it up and down, letting his hard object pump inside her body. "Oppa, do you like it?" She asked, while deliberately contracting her vagina and clamping his hard object tightly.
The manager raised his head in pleasure. He held Jihyo's slender waist with both hands and moved his lower body in accordance with her rhythm. "I like it...it's so comfortable..." He murmured, feeling that his reason had left him, and now he just wanted to immerse himself in this wonderful pleasure.
Jihyo smiled softly, knowing that she had completely conquered this man. Now, as long as ahe wants something, he will give it to her without hesitation. Thinking of this, she felt a sense of pride, and at the same time she moved her waist up and down harder, trying to give this man an orgasm he would never forget.
The night was dark, and the sound of men and women having sex echoed in the room. Jihyo lay on the manager's chest and allowed him to do whatever he wanted on her. She knew that every night from now on would be like this.
"Jihyo...I want you..." the manager gasped, his harden shaft inserted deeply into Jihyo's body, hitting her sensitive spots every time. Jihyo's moans and gasps came and went, especially clear in the silent night.
Jihyo raised her body and kissed the manager's lips. She knew that this kiss represented her surrender to this man. "Oppa... Jihyo wants you too..." She murmured, holding his face in her hands and deepening the moist kiss.
"Jihyo...you are so perfect..." the manager gasped in response to her kiss, feeling that he was losing himself in this woman's tenderness. He couldn't help but think how great it would be if only he and Jihyo existed in the world.
When Jihyo heard his words, she felt a little proud in his heart. She knew that she had a firm control over this man. As long as he thinks about it, he can't leave her. This realization gave her a rush of pleasure, and she decided to celebrate tonight's victory with more intense sex.
She turned over and sat up, grabbed his hard object and sat down. She swung her waist vigorously, letting his hard object keep rubbing inside her body. "Brother... do you like Jihyo’s pussy...?" She bit her lip deliberately, letting out a sweet moan while looking at him, waiting for his answer.
‘I, I like it..." The manager was caught off guard by her sudden movements, but he quickly regained the feeling under her rhythm. He pressed Jihyo's buttocks tightly and pushed upwards in conjunction with her movements.
"Oppa... you're so big... you fill me up so much..." Jihyo deliberately slowed down, swallowing his hard object into his body inch by inch, and then spitting it out gradually. She knew that such slow thrusts could rub against his sensitive points and arouse his desires.
"Jihyo...you tortured me to death..." The manager was tortured by her until he gritted his teeth, but he didn't want to stop. Because this feeling of being dominated by her was so exciting, he was willing to be played with at will by her.
"Oppa... I will make you feel comfortable..." Jihyo smiled and sped up. She swung her waist vigorously, allowing his cock to be pumped quickly inside her body. She could feel his growing desire and knew he was almost there too.
"Oh... Jihyo..." the manager growled, his cock suddenly becoming extremely sensitive. Jihyo felt a stream of warm liquid flowing out of his cock and hitting her womb. She knew that he was about to climax just like her.
She swung her waist harder, and his cock moved in and out of her faster. She climaxed in time with his speed, and a large amount of nectar poured out of her pussy and poured onto his cock.
The two hugged each other and panted, sweat dripping from their foreheads. Jihyo leaned on his shoulder and smiled evilly, knowing she has another cock that can be used.
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bcacstuff · 2 days
As you can imagine after last night's post, my inbox is flooded with message. It was already flooded on Wednesday after the article on JJ appeared, I showed you in a video. After I recorded that video the messages kept on coming in and after last night a 100-150+ more.
You got it, even if I wanted to, I simply can't answer you all. Many are similar to what I wrote, to the comments on that post, diverse opinions, expressions and more of that.
I do not wish to go on and on and on about this subject. I showed you what I had to show and tried to do so in the most appropriate but honest way. I left a warning in the middle that from there things were not going to be pretty. I can not make them prettier than they are. I showed you the facts like they are out there, you can try to ignore them, or stick your head in the sand. You can try to explain it away to fit your narrative, but the facts are going to stay there. They wont go away. It simply is what it is.
I do want to address some messages I received though, mostly echoing very naive things clearly coming from another blog. I have issues with that, as it obviously tries to twist facts out there for everyone to see and some in a very nasty way dragging Cait into this.
Saying Cait's picture is also on x rated websites is a lame, poor, ridiculous excuse to try and make it look like this girl isn't an escort, or that her pictures are stolen and put on these sites. Sorry, not sorry... if you can not tell the difference between Cait's web presence and that of an escort girl, you're a lost case sticking your head deep in the sand and ignoring the facts. Cait has nothing - I repeat nothing whatsoever to do with this whole mess.
She's not a model, a model shows her work on her IG, has an agency in her profile, and shows what brands she promotes. none of that can be found on her IG. You need to be blindfolded not to see how her IG already reeks towards the profession she earns her shown designer stuff and travels with. And a simple look at the persons she follows, the comments on her posts, her interactions tells you the rest. I mean, just one; a name like dubaichampagnepapi with a shady agency and a private club in Dubai tells you enough. I can go on and on, but as said (and as said in my initial post) I don't want to blow things up unnecessary. I don't need to show you ten more escort sites where she is listed all with different pics. It doesn't add more to the proof. Nuf said
I do not have any need to convince you, please keep your head in the sand and stay on the blog of your liking. Don't bother to sent me all these blind excuses, or ignorant echoing a certain blogger. Learn to use your own brain.
That also goes for the ones trying to excuse Sam on all kind of possible ways. Sorry, he created this mess himself. He didn't meet that woman by chance in a bar and then walked out of the bar holding her hand. Sorry, that is just plain naive, you got to admit that to yourself. These women do not hang out in a bar in Soho London. They go to Mayfair, shisha lounges, smoking water pipes, like the one LM posted last night. Just take a look at those sort of bars, you wont find Sam in there, that much I know.
It's not a crime what he did, it's just not looking that good and he surely knows it, hence he turned of the tags on his IG for the ones he doesn't follow. He isn't the first and he wont be the last. It was just not a very smart move. No need to blow it up though. We wont see anymore of that woman of that I'm sure.
I'm not sure yet, I might find some Anon messages perhaps tonight or over the weekend that I would like to answer, address or post. But please let's keep it all within normal perks and don't get overboard with things.
Thank you!
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poppyflower-22 · 2 days
His Girl
Part 2
Summary: Lando loves his rich, girl boss, girl. Though he doesn't really know what she really does underneath. Until he does.
In which Lando finds out his girlfriend is not who she said she was.
Side note: I'm using names for reader, and spelling and grammar errors. This is fake, nothing is real. So don't send shit massages to me.
Warnings: Blood. Dead body. Guns.
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It had been two years since Bonnie and Lando met and started dating. In those two years, they had been so in love. Never felling like this with anyone else. Lando's family was so happy for them both seeing their love.
Lando had never questioned where she got her money as Bonnie had told him that her father was wealthy and left her with everything and the company.
He did question her about the bodyguards following her all the time, But Bonnie had just said that it had been like that since she was born as he father was a wealthy man.
He was in aww when he had first saw her two-story London home. It was set on an acreage and was huge. He had jockeying asked if she was in the mafia, what he didn't see was the color to drain from her face and her guards throw each other looks.
The first time Lando had ever been almost close to figuring it out was by accident. Something Bonnie had made saw never happened again. Because if she was ever going to protect anything in the world it would be Lando and their relationship.
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It was an early morning in London. The sun not even rising yet. Lando had been staying with Bonnie for a bit in her home as they talked about buying an apartment or house together last night.
Bonnie was relucent, but she agreed it was the next step in their relationship. But she would be keeping her estate in London for business and travel.
Lando was so ecstatic for their move together. And they had celebrating, by having sex. Never a dull moment with Lando.
Bonnie woke as someone entermeted her room and shook her lightly. Lando's arm was around her waist and the other was under her head.
"Miss. Salvatore." A light voice whispered to her. Bonnie new that voice and the only person to ever wake her up would be her maid.
"Mary?" Bonnie asked confused as she sat up quickly, not to disturb Lando.
Her maid's face greeted her. "Someone's here to see you." She spoke her voice shaking lightly.
"Who? At this time?" She whispered to her maid as she carefully got out of bed and grabbed her robe from the floor. Lando rolled over to the other side quickly falling asleep.
"Mr. Lopez is here." Mary whispered terrified.
Bonnie froze from getting her slippers on and looked at Mary wide eye. Mr. Lopez was a rival mafia gang that had always had it out for her father and his operation. While her father dealed guns and money, Mr. Lopez dealed drugs. Something her father stayed away from.
"Get the men and stay here in case Lando wakes up." Bonnie order her maid as she bent down and lifted the rug from under bed and pulled her daggers from out of the floorboards.
Bonnie walked down the hall with her guards all around her. When she got to the grand staircase, she saw her other maids and she guested he was in the parlor room.
"Making yourself at home." Bonnie called as she walked in the room and saw him sitting on one of the black couches.
Mr. Lopez chuckled. "Why how are this fine morning, Bonnie." He smiled at her. But in a cruel way.
"It's Miss Salvatore to you." She snaped and crossed her arms and took a seat in front of him. Mr.' Lopez's back was facing the back where Bonnie's guards were. Ready to kill if needed. "What do you want that couldn't wait till the sunrise was up?" She asked annoyed.
A maid walked in the room with tea for Bonnie. She thanked her and faced the man. He raised his eyebrows. "No offerings for your guest?" He asked leaning back in the leather couch.
Bonnie shot him an annoyed look. "No." She bluntly told him as she added her sugar cubes to her tea. "Now get to it." She ordered.
"Your father dealed in guns and money but now that he's gone, don't think it's time you expanded." Mr. Lopex started as Bonnie listened closely.
"What are you proposing?"
"Drugs." He simply said. "You would be making more money than you do now." He smiled thinking money would get her to agree.
"No." She simply spoke as she crossed her legs.
Mr. Lopez frowned. "You didn't even think about it."
Bonnie shook her head. "I have. My father didn't like drugs and I don't like drugs." She told him. "If that's all you wanted to talk about, you can go now." She told him and leaned back in her seat with her cup of tea.
Mr. Lopez frowned at her and then smirked, "You don't want me to hurt Mr. Norris up in your bedroom, do you?" He taunted her.
Bonnie tensed. The maids and guards that were in the room tensed as well. They had seen firsthand how much Bonnie loved Lando. They knew what she would do to keep him safe.
"Are you threating me?" Bonnie asked as she put her tea down and narrowed her eyes at him.
"No, I'm threating your boyfriend." He smirked. "I want you to do drugs and split all your proferts with me."
"Or what?"
"Mr. Norris gets a rude awaking." Mr. Lopez smirked thinking he won. He leaned back in his seat as he watches Bonnie's face go from fear to blank.
"Do you know what my father always taught me, Mr. Lopez?" She asked as she stood up from her seat and out of the way. She moved to the fireplace martlet where photos of her and her father were sat.
"What?" He asked confused.
Bonnie smiled at a photo of her and her father. It was her sixth birthday. She turned to Mr. Lopez and smirked as her loyal guard got his silencer gun out of his jacked.
"He told me that you never enter a house without protection or backup. And you especially never threaten their family. And you Josphe Hunt Lopez have just made that mistake." She smirked and watched as he quickly shot up and turn around and a bullet was lodge in his head.
He fell back and dropped on her marble floors. Blood quickly falling out near his head. Bonnie looked at his dead body. "Never threaten someone's loved ones."
The maids quickly got to cleaning just as Marry come around the corner with a look in her eyes.
"Love?" Lando called. bonnie eyes widened and she skipped out of the parlor door and closed them behind her as Lando came down the staircase. His eyes lit up when he saw her. "There you are." He smiled.
Bonnie hugged him back when he hugged her. His head rested in her neck as he hummed. "What are you doing up?" She asked him and ran her hand through his hair.
"What are you doing up." He shot back teasingly. She shot him a grin and shook her head with a laugh.
"Business call." She answered with a smile. Trying to not sound nervous. Lando just hummed and Bonnie took him by the hand and started walking up the stairs. "Why don't we get back bed and try to get more sleep?" She suggested.
Lando hummed with a smile. "Yeah. I just saw you weren't up and wondered where you were." He spoke and shot her a small smile one she sent back.
"Sorry. Duty calls." She laughed lightly. When Lando's back was turned she shot a look at a maid, and she nodded before walking back into the parlor, to help clean the mess up.
Bonnie and Lando both walked back to their room as the maids and bodyguards cleaned up Mr. Lopez. It was something Bonnie didn't want to ever happen again in her home.
Maybe moving was good. Many people from her world didn't know where she lived but the rest that new where people that she trusted now. Her and her people getting rid of the people she didn't trust.
She wouldn't let anything happen to Lando. She wouldn't forgive herself.
Bonnie smiled at Lando as they both got back under the covers. Lando resting his head on her chest. "I love you." Lando told Bonnie as he was falling asleep by Bonnie's fingers running threw his hair.
Bonnie smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I love you, Lan." She whispered back. She felt Lando place a soft kiss on her chest and Bonnie listened to his breathing as he put back to sleep.
Bonnie would do anything for him. he was the best thing that ever happen to her. She hadn't loved much in her short life. But now that she had felt it, looked at it. She was never letting it go or letting anyone destroy what she had found.
Her parents were the only love she had ever seen growing up. Her father had loved her mother so much and it killed him when she died but he didn't turn out horrible like most dads, no he loved her so much. Did everything he could for her.
Her father always said that he didn't regret loving her mother, because he got to know what love was. And he wouldn't change that for that world. She wanted that. A love that will hurt you when it's over. Because then you know it was real.
"I would do anything for you." She whispered down to Lando who was asleep. She placed a light kiss to his cheek. "Nothing is ever going to happen to you on my watch. I'll make sure of it." She promises herself and asleep Lando.
Making promise you can't keep was always going to end badly. There was no dyeing that.
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Part 1
Hope you liked it. Hopefully the next part won't be long.
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cherrylovelycherry · 23 hours
𓂅new order. "pain aux raisins, pain au chocolat and uh... a soufflé."
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"Surprise, muddle fudger!"
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pairing. Boothill x gn!reader cw/genre. action, some nsfw(desperate kisses with tongue), violence, implied deaths, weapons (guns and knives), no gore, anyway mdni full menu
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You and Boothill were… Rivals at best. With both of you being mercenaries, it was easy to get competitive. Ironically, you knew each other the best. So, of course, after you pissed off a bunch of higher-ups and gained a large bounty on your head, Boothill was the first one on the case. He was confident he'd be the one to bring you in, dead or alive. It was only normal to chase after your rival, right?
Boothill had your face memorized for this job. But then again, he's had your face memorized for a while. He was confident he would catch you, and you were confident you wouldn't get caught. Though, you had a strong feeling that Boothill was on your trail. This feeling was proven correct when the familiar click of a gun echoed into the room. Here you were hoping to finish this mission without a hassle.
"There's a huge bounty on your head, sweetheart. How 'bout you make this easy f'me and come along without a fight?"
Boothill smirked as he stood in the doorway to the dimly lit room. He had his weapon leveled and aimed at your head. Of course, you knew he wouldn't kill you, but he might mess up your appearance a bit. His expression seemed to be a mix of excitement and annoyance. Maybe he was eager to turn in his former rival and gain the bounty for himself. On the other hand, his annoyance might have something to do with the fact that he'd prefer not to fight you. This job had already made him frustrated, but knowing you, you'd make it harder for him.
"I really am hopin' it doesn't have to come to shooting you darlin'." he said, his voice low.
"But if it comes down to it, so be it." There was an air of teasing around Boothill's tone, as if he was enjoying the situation. He had always relished challenging you. But now, there was something else in his eyes as he stood in front of you. Was that a flicker of affection?
You rolled your eyes at the slight thought of that.
"Ya know I'm not just gonna turn myself in, pretty boy." You responded, turning to him with a smirk. Your hand slowly hovered over your own weapon, ready for a fight if you needed to.
The both of you were quite skilled, which made the rivalry all the more exciting. You knew you'd be in for one hell of a fight.
"Now, I don't know what you did to get every mercenary on your trail, but I'd say your best bet is coming with me."
Boothill slowly lowered his weapon as he approached with caution. This was the first time he'd seen you in a bit, and he clearly hadn't expected for you to look so exhausted. Your condition didn't look too good, and he could see how you'd probably have difficulty fighting right now. He also seemed to notice the injuries you had from previous fights with the other mercenaries. He could see a few bullet wounds and a couple scratches.
Despite that, you seemed very willing to face it. Everything to fight for your freedom and life, nothing new.
He took a few more steps forward, his weapon still in his hand. His eyes were studying your features, taking in your tired expression. He hadn't expected to see you this way – beaten and weak. He was a bit concerned, but it also made him more confident, knowing you weren't at your full strength at the moment. He knew you'd still put up a fight despite your condition, though. You'd never give up without a struggle.
"I can see ya ain't looking too good."
Boothill raised his eyebrow as he got closer. He kept his weapon lowered, a signal that he wasn't going to shoot you for now.
He spoke slowly, as if trying his best to not upset you.
"Listen, you're a very skilled merc. I know you're strong as hell, but you're in no condition to fight right now."
He took another step closer before pausing, his eyes scanning the room. From what he could tell, the whole building was silent. No other mercenaries or enemies around to interfere. Just the two of you - alone.
"So…turn yourself in and it's over."
"Haha, you're so funny!" You spoke, unsheathing your gun, aiming it straight at his head.
Your finger was on the trigger of the gun in your hand.
"Don't you dare take another fucking step because I'll blow your little brain away."
You held your ground, aiming your own weapon at him in warning. Boothill froze in place, clearly knowing the risks of making a wrong move. He had seen this stubborn side of you many times before, and he wasn't surprised by you threatening him.
Seeing you like this wasn't unfamiliar to him. In fact, he'd seen you at your worse moments before. He'd seen the rage and the pain, and he'd witnessed the moments when you'd been too exhausted to fight.
But now, it really didn't look like you were slightly injured.
He didn't seem shocked you weren't giving up. No - he seemed excited. This was exactly how he'd expected you to respond. His gaze was locked on yours, his expression one of cocky overconfidence.
"I ain't gonna lie, you're lookin' pretty damn sexy right now"
He responded, his voice low and teasing. You heard a chuckle escape his lips as his eyes flickered over you. He clearly enjoyed the danger this situation posed – the thrill that only you ever got him.
"You're insufferable"
You rolled your eyes once more, though there was a smirk on your lips. It was no secret that you and Boothil had a bit of a history together. After all, your relationship was mostly based around competition and flirting.
Despite your injuries, you stood there defiantly, unbothered by his flirtatious remark. Of course, he would take the time to give you compliments, even when you could shoot him right here, right now. However, the compliment didn't seem like an empty one either.
He was staring at you with the same cocky expression on his face, but there was more in his eyes than the teasing. There was a clear admiration and affection there.
"It's not good for you to make assumptions too soon, precious." You said.
Maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't. You were a little hurt from the recent fights against other nosy guys, but the adrenaline in your body put you back together in one way or another.
Boothill let out a soft chuckle at your response, his eyes gleaming with amusement. It was difficult to not get caught up in this sort of flirting exchange. His gaze remained locked on you, taking in the sight of your injuries despite your determination.
As he studied you, his gaze slowly travelled down your body, admiring your injured but still impressive form. His smirk widened, clearly impressed by how you were holding yourself together despite everything.
"Oh, I wasn't assuming, sweetcheeks." He replied, taking a step closer. "I was stating a damn fact— "
His words were somewhat cut off by the gunshot next to his face. The thing you loved most about yourself was your very good aim.
"My eyes are up here." You spoke mockingly.
"And I said don't come any closer." You were ready to shoot him, you weren't kidding.
"Damn, you're not afraid to play dirty, huh?" He grinned.
A chuckle escaped his lips again as he stopped himself from moving any closer. His cocky demeanor was still present, but he had to admit that he found it amusing when you shot near his face. He really liked your feisty attitude.
"Fine, fine. I won't come any closer." He said with a smirk, raising his hands slightly as if surrendering to your demand.
He stepped back, putting some distance between the two of you. He still kept his eyes on you, but he tried to contain his previous overconfidence.
You kept your eyes locked on him, a sense of pride swelling within you. Despite the danger you were still in, you smirked back at him, relishing the moment of victory.
"Wise call, pretty boy." You taunted.
He had no choice but to keep his distance, and you enjoyed knowing that you had a bit of an advantage here. Though Boothill had no intentions of actually killing you, he was confident that he would win this fight. He just had to outsmart you somehow.
Your steps stopped abruptly when a bullet passed in front of your eyes.
"Shit." They shot out of the window. They almost blew your brain.
You quickly moved to cover yourself so that this time they would have the opportunity to shoot you. However, you still had to be careful with Boothill.
Your expression hardened as you slowly took a look behind you to see who was shooting you. You saw several men in military uniforms, carrying various types of guns. There were at least two snipers on the roof. They must have been the ones who shot through the window.
Although you felt flattered that so many people came after you, it seemed somewhat unfair to you. You were in a matchup more on par with Boothill, while the others were too far down for you.
You returned your attention to Boothill. He seemed a little surprised by the sudden interruption.
"Seems someone else is trying to claim that bounty on your head." He said, leaning against the wall.
He was still keeping his distance, knowing that they could shoot you both at any moment. You could tell from his body language that he didn't really want to fight them. Although well, he wanted you just for himself. He claimed you first.
The effects of the adrenaline that were diminishing and the injuries were affecting you, so you were not really at your 100%, an advantage for the other people who were also chasing you.
Boothill, seeing one of these uniformed men at the door of the room, did not hesitate to shoot.
"You're welcome, doll."
Boothill's bullet hit the man's shoulder, causing him to fall and yell aloud. His cry immediately attracted the attention of his accomplices, who were now rushing towards the building.
You had to be quick.
"Damn it, Boothill."
You didn't want to keep fighting; you were tired and wanted this whole thing to end. However, you really didn't have a choice. You were outnumbered, and they were determined to take you in one way or another.
"I was going to shoot them myself, you know." You replied sarcastically, taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
As you spoke, another bullet flew past you, barely missing your head. You had to take cover again, though you still managed to look at Boothill with a slight smirk. He just rolled his eyes in response.
"Yeah, sure you were." He said, a tinge of teasing in his voice.
The situation was still dangerous, but you couldn't help but enjoy the banter between the two of you.
"We can't stay here like sitting ducks." You replied, keeping your eyes focused on the door.
You were determined to fight back, and you knew that you had the skills to do it. However, you couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed that Boothill was doing your job, which was killing the other hunters.
"You think I can't handle myself?" You asked, a touch of irritation in your voice.
"Your eyes, darlin'. They look really tired." Boothill noted. He had never seen you look so exhausted before. He couldn't imagine how annoying and tiring it must have been to have a bunch of mercenary idiots after him.
You let out a small scoff at Boothill's remark. You really weren't in the mood to fight anymore, and he knew it. Even so, his teasing made you feel better about this whole situation—or so you thought.
"You know what? Just shut up."
You stayed hidden behind the table with Boothill by your side when another bullet hit the door. You cursed under your breath as you felt your clothes rubbing against the cuts. Your injuries were affecting you, and you were barely holding on.
You held back a small cry as a bullet grazed your hip.
Boothill turned to look at you. However, he kept his worries to himself.
"You're hit." He said, his tone firm but gentle. He reached out to check the wound, but you swatted his hand away.
"I'm fine." You grumbled, not wanting to admit how much pain you were in. You really weren't in the mood to fight anymore. However, no matter how tired you were, you were certain that you could win this fight, especially with Boothill by your side.
"Damn sons of bitches." You muttered, pulling a shot of adrenaline out of your jacket. At least that would help you compose yourself a little.
You could hear footsteps coming closer to where they were, so you quickly inserted the injection into your left leg.
A feeling of sudden power and energy ran through your veins as the drug took effect. You took a moment to take a deep breath, then stood up, ready to fight again.
Following that, you shot the two men inside directly in the head.
Boothill glanced at you with a mixture of surprise.
He wasn't exactly happy about you doing something dangerous like that, but he knew it was probably your only way to keep pushing through this fight. His gaze shifted back to the door, his hand still gripped tightly on his gun.
Since he wasn't going to kill you after all, he was going only to hurt you so he could hand you over and get the reward.
"You sure you won't pass out after that?" He asked, his tone serious.
You rolled your eyes, knowing that he was right. Just maybe. He really was annoying sometimes.
"Shut it and give me some cover." You demanded.
You were grateful that he understood that they were only on the same side for now, since the men were looking for both of you. And besides, the fight between you two was only about you two.
Without any other unwanted guests.
Boothill chuckled at your sharp tone. He really loved the way you spoke.
"Yes, love."
He was sure that you would be okay, even after the adrenaline shot.
"Just give me a sign if you're gonna pass out." He said, his voice low and serious, before firing his weapon again, hitting another man in the head. You both made a pretty good team.
You smirked, knowing that he was trying to help you in his own way. It had been a long time since you had fought together like this.
Bullets and bullets continued to fly through the room. However, Boothill managed to keep his aim on the enemies.
As usual, It was almost admirable how he managed to keep his focus, despite the chaotic situation.
You could feel Boothill's gaze on you, watching your every move, but you didn't mention anything. You wanted to keep going, especially when the only thing in your mind was to get rid of these intruders. You took out a long dagger from your belt and quickly stabbed a guy in the stomach, then knocked him down with your weapon. You really were a skilled fighter when you want to and need to.
By your side, Boothill was doing a great job too, taking down man after man.
It was a constant back and forth, the sound of gunfire and loud cursing echoing in the room.
As more people entered the building, it became increasingly clear that you had to get out of there. Or also go up to the upper floors, since it was emptier there and there was more freedom to move.
Boothill's gaze was still fixated on your back, his eyes never leaving you. He wasn't going to let anything happen to you, even if that meant putting himself in the line of fire.
Of course, it was only because I wanted you alive to turn you in and get the reward, nothing more.
You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your body. Your movements were swift and precise, your years of training kicking in.
You had to admit that you had missed this. The adrenaline, the excitement, the teamwork.
You kept going, cutting and shooting anyone who got in your way. You were both moving almost as if your actions were perfectly synchronized. You both knew where the other would be, and you were always there to back each other up, even if the fighting was chaotic and brutal.
Despite the exhaustion you were facing, both mentally and physically, you found yourself enjoying the adrenaline. The thrill was almost addictive, and you loved it.
Boothill kept fighting back to back with you. Despite his cockiness, the two of you worked impressively well together. He was always right on your tail, shooting down anyone who dared get too close. Your fighting style was completely different from his, yet it complemented his perfectly.
As the adrenaline continued to race through the room, Boothill couldn't help but notice how skilled you were. Even with the injuries you had, you were still a force to be reckoned with. He grinned, relishing the thrill of the fight and the way you worked together.
"Not bad, sweetheart."
You were grateful that Boothill's ego wasn't affecting his performance. For a moment, you stopped fighting to reload your gun. However, that little break was enough for you to pay attention to Boothill.
His smirk was a sign that not only was he enjoying this fight, but he was enjoying fighting with you. At least you two made a great team.
"What? You're saying that to everyone or is it an exception?" You replied, a small smug smile crossing your lips. You knew that he could sense your own excitement, even amidst this chaos.
Boothill chuckled at your words, a smirk spreading on his lips.
"You're the exception, doll."
His response was casual, but his eyes betrayed his words. You could see the admiration in them, the appreciation for your skills and the way you fought. He had see and fought beside many people before, but there was something about battling with you that felt different.
As more enemies started pouring in, Boothill stepped closer to you, his metalic arm brushing against your shoulder. His body language was casual, as if he were simply standing next to you at a party rather than in the middle of a life-threatening fight.
"You enjoying yourself so far?" He asked, his voice low and taunting.
"As much as you, pretty boy." You said, smiling as you wiped your sweat with the blood of the dead men with the back of your hand.
Boothill grinned, feeling a familiar flare of attraction burning in his chest. Fighting with you like this—side by side, watching each other's backs—was something he thoroughly enjoyed. And he couldn't deny that it made him feel good, not just because you two worked well together, but because it gave him a glimpse of what could have been if things had been different between the two of you.
However, he shrugged off the thought, reminding himself that you weren’t going to be with him. It was just wishful thinking.
"You're right, I'm enjoying myself."
Soon, the room was full of the bodies of the other hunters.
You and Boothill had ascended from the 5th floor to the 9th floor of the building while fighting.
You felt a sense of relief flood over you as the adrenaline high wore off. Your whole body seemed to relax, but your heart was still racing from the fight. You had never been more exhausted in your life.
However, in the midst of your slight distraction, one of the intruders had moved closer, and he grabbed you by the side. You gritted your teeth in pain and slammed your elbow backwards, hearing him groan as you struck him in the nose.
As you quickly pushed him to the ground, Boothill took the opportunity to land a shot on his chest.
Once the room fell silent, you let out a deep breath, realizing that the danger was finally coming to an end. Just for a few seconds.
All those fools were on the ground, all dead.
As you took cover behind the table again, you held back a small moan. The effects of those injections were beginning to wear off, causing a sudden pain in your hip.
Boothill couldn't help but glance over at you, noticing your discomfort. He approached you slowly, his gaze fixed on your wound.
You couldn't help but chuckle softly as Boothill approached you.
"Now, about our little problem?" You said, your eyes narrowing towards him.
Boothill leaned down to inspect the wound, trying to assess the severity. However, he saw that the shot had only grazed her hip. It was a small wound, but it still had to be painful for you.
He looked up at you with a small smirk, which only angered you.
"It's nothing I cannot handle." You huffed, your face twisted in annoyance. You didn't like it when Boothill looked at you like that, as if you were incapable of handling pain.
"I'm fine." You muttered, pushing his hand away from you.
You tried to ignore the throbbing pain, but you knew it needed attention. You nodded reluctantly, allowing him to look at your injury.
"You're wounded," he stated, his tone neutral. "Again."
From his pocket he took out a lighter, with which he heated his metal fingers for a while until they reached a high temperature so that the wound would heal.
Since he did not consider it fair that they continued the fight if you were not at your 100% or at least 70%.
"Hold still, darlin'. This might sting a bit."
Boothill held his heated finger over the wound, the heat causing you to gasp from the pain. You inhaled deeply through your clenched teeth, clenching your fists to avoid crying out in pain.
Despite the pain, you could feel the heat slowly knitting together your skin, closing the wound.
You closed your eyes as you felt Boothill's grip to steady you so that he could do his work.
The pain was intense, but somehow you found yourself calming down.
After the heat had done its job, Boothill let go of your wounded hip. You exhaled deeply, relieved that the pain was finally gone. Not completely, but most of it.
He looked down at you, his gaze taking in the expression on your face. You were still slightly irritated from the look he had given you earlier.
"You’re a terrible patient," Boothill commented, his tone laced with a hint of teasing.
"Hah. Shut up."
After a few seconds in which you calmed down, you got up slowly, still with caution.
Their previous "truce" had already ended.
You knew it was dangerous to be around him now. So you put your hand on your gun, ready to pull it out at any moment.
You walked away slowly, not cornering yourself.
"Now…stay away."
Boothill chuckled as your words faded into the silence. It was almost amusing how you still couldn't see eye to eye. Yet, there was an undercurrent of respect in his eyes.
"As you wish," he muttered, his tone neutral. He lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender, though there was a gleam of mischief in his eyes.
You took a deep breath and moved closer to the exit, your hand wrapped tightly around the handle of your gun.
"We'd save the fight if you give up and let me take you with me." He grinned, his voice low and menacing as he leaned closer to you.
You were about to leave when Boothill's words stopped you in your tracks. You looked at him with a frown, refusing to take the bait.
"We both know I won't do that," you said firmly and in a amusing way, keeping your distance.
There was no way you were going to give up and let him turn you in just like that. You were both trained mercenaries, after all, and there was something in you that didn't want to lose to him, even if it meant risking your life.
Despite your attempts to hide it, you couldn't help but feel excited.
You knew that Boothill was a smart man, a cunning mercenary who never underestimated his prey. And he knew you were just as determined as he was.
His lips curved into a smirk, displaying his sharp teeth. He was clearly enjoying this game of cat and mouse, the thrill of the chase and the anticipation of the fight.
He was slowly approaching, you pulled out your gun, pointing it at him.
“I said not to—” You felt dizzy, unable to finish your sentence.
You fell directly to the ground, with no strength to move. It was the result of tiredness and the lack of adrenaline in your body.
'Shit,' you thought as you looked at your gun now on the ground, as well as listening to Boothill's footsteps.
It didn't take long for you to end up closing your eyes, passing out.
He crouched down next to you to check that you weren't dead.
But thankfully, he could see the slight rise of your chest, your breathing was slow and somewhat light. For a moment, he was terrified that you didn’t have one.
He felt a mixture of concern and victory, as he realized this was his chance to turn you in. He bent down, picking up your gun and then picking you up too.
He couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment, knowing that the fight had ended too soon.
He started to go down the stairs, with you in his arms, although he had you carrying you more like a sack of potatoes. A nice gesture from him.
Despite your body being limp and unresponsive, you could sense the movement and the sound of Boothill's footsteps. You couldn't open your eyes, so all you could do was think.
Your thoughts were a mess of anger and frustration. You hadn't anticipated that you would lose the fight this time. It was humiliating, and you couldn't believe that you had allowed yourself to get into this position.
You also cursed Boothill for being so quick and taking this chance. You were furious at yourself for not seeing it coming.
You wished that you could wake up right then and there. And that's what you did, you were forcing yourself to wake up.
You should have stayed in that building as long as you could.
Approximately 10 minutes passed, Boothill calmly descended the stairs.
In one of your attempts to wake up, you finally succeeded, although not completely since you were somewhat sleepy.
You remained still, as if you were still passed out.
Until, in one of those, with a metal bar that you managed to pick up days ago, you pushed it directly into the back of Boothill's metal legs.
In a way that he stumbles and in that way, letting go.
You fell to the ground again, your vision was still somewhat blurry but your instincts to escape were a little stronger.
You got up and started running down the stairs, going up again. Taking advantage of Boothill to remove the metal bar from his leg.
Boothill groaned as he felt the metal bar hit his legs and make him stumble. He wasn't expecting that sneaky move from you, even in your dazed state.
As he tried to regain his balance, he couldn't help but curse under his breath. Being immediately censored by his internal system.
How had he underestimated you that much? He had been careless and careless enough to let you slip away. He should have known better than to assume you were still unconscious.
His anger mixed with a sense of respect and admiration for your determination. He was both annoyed and impressed, both at you for escaping and at himself for letting you go.
You could hear him cursing behind you, which made the situation quite amusing. It was a bit of revenge for Boothill's actions.
With your blurred vision and half your body still not functioning properly, it was a challenge to run. Not to mention that your legs and arms felt like jelly.
You felt like you could faint at any moment, but anger kept you going. You pushed yourself to keep moving, though your movements were still somewhat slow.
You found solace in a room that led to a broken balcony.
You took a breath and took out your gun, which you picked up from one of the dead men on the ground, leaning against the wall and waiting for Boothill to arrive.
You were determined to end this once and for all, no more playing with each other.
You were going to kill him right then and there, but deep down, you hoped it wouldn't be necessary to do that.
Boothill gritted his teeth as he made his way up the stairs, his senses heightened as he anticipated your next move. He knew he had underestimated you and that you were clever enough to not make the same mistake twice. However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of engaging in another fight.
As he reached the top of the stairs, he surveyed the room, his eyes quickly settling on you in the corner. He took a few moments to observe your stance, noticing the determination in your features and the gun pointed directly at him.
“Now this is an interesting change of pace,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
He knew he had to be careful with his movements, as any sudden action could result in a bullet in his brain. He took a slow step towards you.
"Are you sure you wanna do this, darlin'?" he asked, a hint of humor in his tone, "You seem a little out of it."
You responded, but not speaking, you shot trying to hit his forehead. However, he narrowly dodged the bullets.
By the time I wanted to shoot again, no bullet came out.
"Damn." You muttered, throwing the gun to the ground.
As he dodged your shots, Boothill chuckled, finding your determination admirable despite the fact that you ran out of bullets.
"Now, now, darlin'," he said, taking a step closer to you. "Just because you're out of bullets doesn't mean this is over."
His voice was laced with a mix of taunting and admiration as he continued to approach you, fully aware that you had no other means of defense.
"C'mere." He said, taking out his gun and pointing it at you, just in case you did something.
You rolled your eyes at his comment, annoyed at how he seemed to be enjoying this situation.
You took a deep breath, mentally steeling yourself for whatever might happen.
You weren't sure what you'd do next, but you knew you couldn't let him get away with this.
You took a step closer to him, your fists clenching and unclenching as you prepared yourself.
You raised your hands in surrender, as you approached him.
You knew you wouldn't last long in a physical fight against Boothill. He had experience, training, and an inhuman advantage given his abilities.
As you raised your hands in surrender, Boothill's eyes flickered with a hint of surprise, not expecting you to give in so easily.
He approached you with calculated steps, his gun still pointed at you. His gaze studied your movements and your expression, searching for any signs of deception.
"Smart choice," he said.
However, as he got closer, he noticed the fatigue and exhaustion in your eyes. He could see that despite your determination, you were not in the best shape to continue the fight.
He knew he had the upper hand, but he also saw a flicker of vulnerability in your eyes.
For your part, you were sure that you would regret this some time later. If everything went well, of course.
Being in front of him, just two steps away, you relaxed your face. Your pretty face and the old bond that both of you had before would have to be of some use.
Boothill noticed as you relaxed your face and softened your expression. He recognized the tactic immediately, as the tension in his jaw softened slightly.
He lowered his gun slightly, taking in the sight of you. The light that entered the room through the window illuminated your face, and for a moment, Boothill forgot about the current situation.
Bad decision he made.
"Can I…have a little time before you take me?" You asked, your face was one of resignation and some pity.
Boothill lowered his guard a little as he heard your request.
He could see the exhaustion in your eyes and the pleading look on your face.
He knew that he would easily fall into those sweet puppy eyes and that angelic voice.
He remained silent for a few seconds, still holding his gun, but more relaxed as he nodded.
"Just this time, but no funny business," he replied, a mix of caution and understanding in his voice.
You smiled internally, if that was possible.
Quickly and without him being able to react, you placed your hands on his face.
The only human part of his body he had left. You lightly caressed his cheeks, analyzing his eyes.
"It's been a long time since I looked into those pretty eyes again…" You spoke calmly.
Boothill froze when he felt your hands on his cheeks.
The feeling of your touch sent a series of electrical impulses and sensations through his artificial nerves, causing an involuntary shiver to run down his spine.
He was surprised at your bold move and the sudden display of affection. He couldn't hide the mix of confusion and a touch of discomfort in his expression, but he couldn't turn away from the warmth of your touch.
The sudden intimacy caught him off guard, and before he could react, he saw the vulnerability in your eyes and the hint of longing in your gaze.
"What are you…" he sputtered, taken aback by the unexpected gesture. He still kept his guard down, unsure of your intentions, but he didn't pull back.
Instead, he remained there, allowing you to touch his face.
You smiled softly, feeling like you had taken control of the situation.
"Oh, don't be like that…" You whispered, your thumb gently tracing the contours of his human skin.
"I just…" You paused, trying to find the right words. "I just missed seeing your pretty face."
You continued to explore his face with an almost careful touch, tracing the contours of his features with your fingertips. He noticed how your touch was gentle, almost reverential.
As if you were handling a work of art that could easily break.
"Tell me, Boothill," you spoke with an even tone. Your fingers moved slowly along his jaw and chin. He could feel the warmth of your touch and the way your touch tingled his skin. He noticed how your thumb brushed over his lips, tracing his lower lip.
He couldn't deny the fact that he had missed the feeling of your hands on his skin, even though he would never admit it out loud.
He could sense the nostalgia in your touch, and it was as if your touch awakened old memories buried deep within his circuits.
A feeling he had long forgotten.
"What are you planning, darlin'?" he managed to mutter, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and fascination.
You sighed lightly, before getting closer to his face.
"Can i…?" Your face was very close to his, a few centimeters away from touching his lips with yours.
He wanted to turn away, but he found himself powerless against the pull between you.
"Sweetheart…" he began, but his voice trailed off. He couldn't find the strength to push you away.
Or didn't want to, really.
But before he could say more, you had already pressed your lips against his.
Not exactly with much force, they barely brushed against each other.
And that was enough for you to quickly take away the weapon he had in his hand with a light blow.
You walked away from him quickly as a smile appeared on your lips, you must have been quick since he had a gun integrated into his hand.
As the realization dawned on him, Boothill's expression shifted from surprise to annoyance. He couldn't believe he had fallen for your little trick.
"Sneaky, aren't ya?" he said, his tone a mix of irritation.
Despite the temporary triumph, Boothill couldn't suppress a flicker of respect for your cunning and resourcefulness. He couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and frustration at your ability to catch him off guard.
He knew you would try something, he thought you were just going to try to convince him not to hand you over, making those pretty eyes of yours. He really hadn't expected there to be that kind of intimacy involved.
You couldn't help but laugh when you saw his annoyed expression, you knew he wouldn't take it well.
You couldn't believe it had worked, you assumed he would have pushed you away, but not this time.
"You should be flattered, you're the only 'guy' I can do that to without being disgusted." You said in a sarcastic tone, your smile widening.
Boothill scoffed, his irritation growing even more. He felt a mixture of amusement and indignation at your words and your teasing smile.
"Flattered? Oh, how lucky I am," he retorted sarcastically. "I'm honored to be your exception. I feel privileged."
He tried to maintain a calm facade, but the hint of a grin betrayed his true feelings.
You were just as annoying as always.
And after the small conversation. You tried to be quick and back away enough to go to the floors below, through the balcony.
Because if you stayed there any longer, one of his bullets was going to hit you.
As you made your escape, Boothill cursed under his breath, realizing how effortlessly you had outsmarted him again.
"Smart little thing." he muttered, a begrudging respect in his tone. He couldn't help but acknowledge your quick thinking and resourcefulness.
Despite a hint of admiration, he couldn't shake the feeling that your actions only fueled the fire between you both.
From there, you couldn't estimate how long you were dodging and hiding from Boothill, occasionally shooting.
You knew it was night, because of the windows and balconies you passed, you still had to stay in the building.
The smell of gunpowder was strong. You were taking care of the few bullets you had, using the gun as limited as you could, just to protect yourself.
You didn't risk fighting him physically since you knew you would lose easily.
The tension was palpable in the air as your chase continued. You constantly managed to evade his shots, thanks to your resourcefulness and quick thinking.
You made full use of the environment, ducking and hiding behind cover whenever possible, and your marksmanship kept Boothill at bay. Despite your limited ammunition, you remained cautious and calculated with each shot, making every bullet count.
However, despite his physical advantage, he couldn't shake the lingering memory of your touch and the bittersweet taste lingering on his lips.
As he sprinted behind you, he muttered under his breath.
"You're playing a dangerous game, darlin'…"
As the night deepened, a sense of urgency fueled your every move, and Boothill's determination never wavered.
Every step you took, every corner you turned, brought you closer to exhaustion.
Boothill followed your path, his mind focused on his target. He navigated the building with purpose and determination.
With each step, he grew increasingly frustrated by your continued evasion. You were making him work harder than he anticipated.
"You can't run forever, sweetheart," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with equal parts amusement and annoyance.
He was determined to catch you before sunrise, not knowing what would happen afterwards.
You took out your phone for a moment. You were behind a closet, so for a moment Boothill wouldn't be able to find you easily, or at least you hoped.
"Why the hell don't they respond?" You mumbled in annoyance, while looking at your phone.
No calls or messages were reaching your phone. The connection seemed unreliable, perhaps due to the location of the building or other interference. Whatever the reason, it added to your growing frustration.
As you stood there behind the closet, hidden from sight you took the moment of calmness to gather your thoughts.
You couldn't help but feel disgusted and a little humiliated at having to hide. It wasn't like you.
But you had no choice if you wanted to live or remain 'free'.
If it weren't for the fact that you had to stay in this building, you would already be far from this place. Maybe having a few drinks.
At that very moment, Boothill closed in on your location. His keen senses and intimate knowledge of your tactics allowed him to narrow down your position.
He approached the closet cautiously, his footsteps deliberately soft to avoid tipping you off. He stood on the other side of the door, mentally preparing for the moment of confrontation.
You made the big mistake of distracting yourself, getting internally upset by the situation and the lack of response on your phone.
As you stood behind the closet, your mind racing with frustration, you failed to notice the faint creak of a floorboard behind you.
Before you could react, Boothill appeared behind you, his presence like a shadow materializing out of thin air.
He pulled your leg back, thus preventing you from grabbing the weapon you had taken from him.
"Fuck!" You whirled around, your heart skipping a beat, only to find yourself facing him, a mischievous grin on his face.
"Hey darlin'," he teased, his voice laced with a hint of triumph, "I won."
He had you pinned to the ground. You were on your back and he had his hands on your wrists, along with his knees on your legs.
A mix of shock and anger filled you as you found yourself pinned to the ground by Boothill.
You struggled to break free from his grip, but his strength and body weight pinned you down, leaving you feeling helpless and exposed.
"Let go of me, prick!" You growled through clenched teeth, squirming and trying to wriggle out of his grip.
But your efforts were met with a chuckle from Boothill as he tightened his hold on your wrists,
"Now, now, easy there, sweetheart. You lost. That means you're in my hands now."
You glared up at him, your body tensed with defiance. Despite your best efforts to break free, his grip remained firm and unyielding. The power imbalance was evident, leaving you in a vulnerable position.
"You won, big deal," you muttered through gritted teeth, trying to hide the mix of frustration and fear that threatened to surface. Boothill smirked, enjoying the sight of your helplessness.
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a softer yet slightly mocking tone, "Ah, but you do look rather cute like this, darlin'."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his words.
"You're playing dirty." You spoke, your brow furrowing a little. You had already stopped trying to get away because you knew it was useless at that moment.
"Oh, me? Playing dirty?" He shifted his weight slightly, pressing his knee more firmly against your thigh.
He continued, his tone laced with a hint of teasing, "if I recall, there was a rather intimate moment not long ago that involved your pretty face and my lips.”
"That was different," you muttered defiantly. "You were stunned. I merely took advantage."
Boothill laughed softly, clearly amused by your attempt to justify your actions.
"Ah, so you admit to playing dirty, eh?" His grip relaxed slightly.
"Mhm, maybe." You said as you let out a sigh.
Boothill leaned in even closer, his voice dropping to a low, suggestive whisper.
"Let's say I am feeling a bit generous tonight." He paused, taking a moment to admire your features. "And the sight of you under me isn't half bad too."
He shifted his position slightly, his body pressing against yours with a bit more weight. The intensity of the moment seemed to thicken the air around you.
"Woah, relax." You spoke, raising an eyebrow with some amusement.
"Oh and, could you let me go?" You made reference to your wrists. "It's not like I could run away or anything." You continued, laughing somewhat bitterly.
Boothill maintained his grip on your wrists for a few seconds before finally releasing his hold, allowing you some freedom of movement. However, he kept you pinned to the ground with the weight of his body.
He remained silent for a moment, his mind working quickly as a slightly cocky, playful smile crept across his face, just like the cat who caught the mouse.
"There you go, darlin'," he said, his tone holding a subtle edge of mocking.
You moved a little on the ground, rubbing your wrists where his grip had left marks.
You internally lamented your immersive defeat.
Things didn't go as well as you planned.
"Okay, you can hand me over." You spoke, rolling your eyes. You weren't even going to try to escape, there was no chance of that.
A flicker of something you couldn't quite identify flashed across Boothill's eyes.
He stayed put, still holding you in place, his mind processing your words. He shifted his weight slightly, his gaze studying your facial expressions and demeanor, reading the subtle body language.
He thought, pondering your words and trying to gauge your sincerity.
"Just like that?" he asked, skepticism creeping into his voice. "No more fight, darlin'?
Boothill raised an eyebrow, amused by your surrender.
"Now, that's the first time I've heard you agree to surrender." He chuckled, taking a moment to appreciate the spectacle of you being the one to submit.
He leaned in closer.
"You're quite the sight to behold when you're not fighting back, you know that?"
With a swift motion, he gently grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger, gently lifting your face to meet his gaze once again.
"Take a picture, those last longer." You spoke, smirking at the way he was looking at you and talking.
Boothill paused momentarily, his smile growing wider at your challenging comment.
"Oh, don't tempt me, darlin'," he replied, his tone dripping with amusement. "But now that you mention it…"
He pulled out his phone, swiftly unlocking it. He hovered over the camera mode, teasing you with the possibility of capturing the moment.
"Maybe I should take a picture of you, just like this." He teased, the camera open and pointed at you.
His thumb lightly caressed your lower lip, a tender touch that contrasted with his cocky attitude.
As he stood there, phone in hand, Boothill's expression turned from playful to focused. He carefully analyzed your demeanour.
His gaze then softened slightly as he leaned in, his eyes never leaving yours. His touch sending a shiver down your spine.
You couldn't help but feel a hint of vulnerability as he looked at you.
You rolled your eyes, trying to disguise the shiver that ran down your spine as his thumb gently traced your lower lip, though you failed miserably.
You tried not to react, but his touch was strangely and unusually arousing, given the current situation.
As the moment lingered, his thumb still gently brushed over your lower lip, you felt a strange mix of sensations - a combination of a warm feeling and annoyance.
"Go ahead and take it," you replied finally, your tone slightly sarcastic. "It's not like I can stop you."
You leaned in slightly. The atmosphere grew thick with unspoken desires.
Boothill paused for a moment, his gaze flickering to your lips before returning to your eyes.
With your sarcastic reply granting permission to take the picture, Boothill wasted no time in capturing the moment with his phone.
He snapped a shot of your defiant yet slightly flustered expression, the phone's camera preserving the unexpected and somewhat amusing moment.
He glanced down at the screen to view the picture, a cocky smile stretching across his lips.
"Oh my, aren't ya a sight for sore eyes," he teased, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.
As he spoke, his thumb continued to gently trace over your lip, almost affectionately.
Boothill's eyes met your gaze, their gazes locked while he slowly leaned closer.
He hovered for a few seconds.
"You look beautiful, darlin' you really do."
His other hand moved to cup your cheek, he wished he could have felt the warmth of your skin on his fingers.
He closed his eyes and brought his head closer to yours. The tension in the room thickened as the distance between your lips grew shorter.
Without a second thought, Boothill leaned down, his lips meeting yours in a heated kiss that expressed all the passion and tension that had been building between you.
You felt a rush of warmth and desire flood your senses. The last time they were this intimate was how long ago… maybe 8 years ago? You don't keep track of that much.
The kiss intensified. His tongue gently licked the edge of your lower lip, seeking permission to deepen it further.
Your body responded instinctively, parting your lips and granting him access. The taste of him was like nectar to your senses.
The world around you seemed to disappear as the kiss deepened, filled with a rush of emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long.
Your focus entirely on the sensation of his tongue exploring your mouth. Your body responded shamelessly, your hands moving up to caress his head, fingers gently tangling in his hair.
Boothill's hand shifted from your cheek to cup the back of your head, his grip firm yet gentle.
He pulled you closer, the heat between you growing more intensely.
You knew in the back of your mind that it was wrong.
And yet, it felt so right. You couldn't help but submit yourself to the overwhelming desire that consumed you both.
The world beyond the walls of this room faded into insignificance. Your whole world condensed into the warmth and sensation of his body pressed against yours.
Finally, the need for air forced you to pull away, breaking the kiss as you gasped for breath.
You both remained in that position for a few lingering moments, your foreheads resting against each other. The cold air hit your wet lips, causing a small shiver of sensation. The kiss had left your mind and senses in a hazy, pleasant fog.
The sound of your heartbeats echoed loudly in your ears, as if they were trying to convey the depth of your feelings in that moment.
The realisation of what had just happened sank into your brain. The complexity of emotions flooding your mind was overwhelming. Mixed feelings of contentment, excitement, and… love overwhelmed your body.
It took all your self-control to not immediately kiss him again.
The silence in the room was deafening. Boothill spoke first in a low voice, trying to lighten the mood with a teasing tone.
"You taste sweeter than I remember."
His voice brought you back to reality, his usual teasing and cocky demeanour returning. You tried to respond to his teasing comment, but your mind was still reeling from the intensity and the overwhelming mix of emotions.
Without thinking, you replied, "Shut your mouth, Boothill."
A small smirk formed on your lips as you realised how natural the banter between the two of you was.
You pulled away from his grip, rolling your body away from his. You were still on the ground, but you kept a bit of distance between each other. You brought a hand to your lips, tracing over them softly as you looked away.
You were stuck in your thoughts, you were scolding yourself for letting your emotions control your body.
Until, a click echoed in your brain. Despite the sweet and intimate moment you knew Boothill wouldn't change his mind. Yes or yes he would turn you in and claim the reward. At least without killing you, but he would still turn you in.
Instantly, you looked over, just in time to see Boothill looking at you. But what took your breath away was the sight of something you hadn't noticed before. His hand hovered over the shiny metal of his holstered gun, his fingers casually toying with the smooth surface.
You didn't really notice when he picked up the gun you took from him.
"You forgot something, darlin', didn't ya?"
He slowly placed his hand over the grip, drawing the gun from his holster with a casual grace that masked a sense of danger. His gaze remained fixed on you, his eyes gleaming with a mix of cockiness and a hint of something more complex you would never admit to yourself.
You knew I wouldn't kill you, I was just going to knock you out. You wouldn't allow that anyway.
But you couldn't escape at that moment.
He managed to mumble something you barely managed to hear. ‘Sorry, sweetcheeks.’
A rush of adrenaline shot through your veins as you realised his intent. Your heartbeat intensified, pounding in your ears as you braced yourself for what was about to happen.
Your body acted of its own accord, quickly pulling out a small knife you had stored in your leg.
You couldn't even make a plan. You panicked at the thought of killing him, but there was nothing you could do. It was your life or his.
You instinctively raised your hand to defend yourself as the fear took over. You were going straight for his throat. His gaze met yours, and his expression shifted.
He narrowly managed to move aside, only cutting a little of the skin on his neck, superficially.
What you did manage to cut, however, was his nice long hair.
He also acted on instinct, as he saw you moving in the direction of cutting his neck, he ended up using the gun he had attached to his arm, as he had the other gun in his other arm. Shooting you directly in the right leg. It went through it instantly.
Your eyes widened, and a sharp scream escaped your lips as the pain coursed through your body. The shock of the injury made the room spin, and you felt a sense of dread as you realised the severity of the wound.
The adrenaline and the pain temporarily numbed your ability to think clearly.
Instinctively, you dropped your knife and reached down to your wounded leg, clutching at the wound in an attempt to stem the blood flow. The fear and pain overwhelmed your senses, your breath quickening and your heart pounded loudly.
You gritted your teeth against the pain, struggling to gather your senses.
Meanwhile, Boothill stood there, his eyes widened in shock as he heard the sound of the ringing gunshot. The teasing smirk replaced by a mix of surprise and a touch of guilt. He glanced at the gun in his hand, as if it had betrayed him.
The realization of what he had done hit him like a ton of bricks, and the expression on his face reflected his inner turmoil as he watched your pain.
The silence in the room was deafening, both of you frozen in disbelief. The atmosphere was heavy with the lingering smoke and the weight of the situation.
"I'm sorry, darlin' I was just reacting" he mumbled in a low voice, his tone tinged with disbelief and self-reproach.
He stood up, as he ran his metal hand over his face.
He tried to pull himself together, thinking about what he was initially supposed to do, to hand you over to those who were looking for you.
He turned his gaze back to you, you were with your head fixed on the ground, or rather on the wound you were holding with both hands.
You definitely wouldn't die for that, but it felt strange to see you like that. In passing he also saw much of his hair on the ground, which was cut by you.
He frowned a little at that sight as he turned away for a while, taking out his phone for a while.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse. "It was just-"
As he turned back to you, his expression was a mixture of guilt, and something else you couldn't quite identify, changed completely.
He could not believe his eyes.
You were no longer clutching your wound. Now you were standing near the broken balcony. Leaning on your left leg.
While your right leg that was wounded, now showed, thanks to you cutting off that part of your trousers, that your leg was no longer flesh and blood. It was also made of metal.
And the blood that was supposedly coming out of the wound, was from your hands, which in an oversight of his, you managed to cut off a little bit to make it look totally real.
Boothill's eyes widened in disbelief and a mix of shock and confusion, the phone in his hand almost slipping out.
His mind struggled to process the sudden turn of events, the revelation leaving him frozen in place.
He stood there, his eyes fixed on your leg, the same one that had wounded moments ago, now revealed to be metallic.
You're not going to lie, it really hurt when he shot your leg. The nerves you had connected there hurt like never before, that's why your pain looked so real.
It was funny to see his face, full of surprise and confusion.
"Surprise, muddle fudger!" You said, while smiling.
Without giving him a chance to answer you, you stepped backwards over the balcony, falling to catch hold of some kind of rope. You mentally thanked a certain blonde boy and a certain white-haired girl for arriving at the best time.
As you flew away in a sort of helicopter, you couldn't help but notice Boothill, who was more than a little shocked and static in his place.
With your free hand, you blew a kiss into the air in his direction.
Oh, you really loved that man, along with his cute and funny reactions.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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educatedsimps · 2 days
Hi! Saw your requests were open and I just had to stop by! Could I request a (not exactly angst bc the idea is funny but definitely in character for him) Bokuto x reader where he's ranting to a friend about how he loves to hug the reader and his friend just makes an offhand comment about how he'll probably crush her since he's a pretty big guy and he goes all emo mode about it. He doesn't want to hurt anyone :( Obviously we gotta add some comfort at the end for the silly guy
≪ back to fics masterlist
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bokuto kōtarō  x f!reader
a/n: omg of course!! i haven't had the chance to write for bokuto and yes i agree this is literally perfect for him 🥰
cw: timeskip spoilers, atsumu being stupid, some hurt/comfort, msby crack
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"I can’t wait to go home after this. I’m exhausted," Sakusa sighed.
"It’s not useful practice if it’s not exhausting, Omi-Omi. Be glad you’ve got teammates like us," Atsumu drawled, winking at his teammate and earning a disgusted glare from across the table.
"I thought today’s practice was fun! We got to try the new unorthodox version of our quick attack, and we've almost got it!" Hinata chirped next to Atsumu, with bits of his food flying from his mouth.
"I'm fine with it as long as you guys don't overexert yourselves during training," Lisa, Atsumu's girlfriend and the team's physiotherapist, chimed in from Atsumu's other side.
"What are you guys planning to do when you get home?" Meian asked, stuffing a rice ball in his mouth.
"Shower," was Sakusa's immediate answer.
"Probably do a little bit of meditation," Hinata mused.
"Call my brother to ask for more meal prep bentos," Atsumu said. An amused scoff came from his girlfriend.
"What about you, Bokuto?"
Having been focused on his food the whole time, Bokuto nearly choked on his rice when called upon by his captain. With tempura crumbs coating his lips, he smiled widely and announced, "I'm going home to give y/n a big hug!"
"You sure love hugging y/n, Bokuto-san!" Hinata chuckled, popping a salmon nigiri in his mouth.
"Of course I do! I love hugging her! She's so huggable and I just wanna squeeze her so tight all the time and transfer all of my love for her," Bokuto said, with with his fists in the air. "You guys should all hug your girlfriends tight! The tighter you hug her the more she'll know you love her!"
Shooting Lisa a lovesick smile, Atsumu stated, "We all love hugging our girlfriends, but I won't accidentally crush 'er to bits like someone." He nodded towards Bokuto.
Bokuto stilled, staring at Atsumu with confusion.
"Miya..." Meian warned under his breath.
"What? I mean, have ya seen the guy? He's huge! Could prob'ly flatten 'er if he wanted to," Atsumu continued, chortling at the thought. He stopped short as he noticed the glares from Meian and Sakusa. "What? What'd I say?"
By then, Bokuto was already in a completely different headspace. He had a blank expression on his face and a faraway look in his eyes. His shoulders were slightly hunched and his usually spiky hair seemed to droop at the edges.
Sakusa sighed what was probably the heaviest sigh in the history of mankind as Hinata stage-whispered to his teammate, "Atsumu-san, I think you hurt Bokuto's feelings."
Wide eyed, the blonde setter started to defend himself. "WHA-?! no, i- I DIDN'T EVEN-"
Sensing Bokuto's incoming emotinal shut down (or emotional episode, in this case), Lisa quickly tried to divert their attention. "Please, 'Tsumu. You wish you were as strong as Bokuto-san. Your spikes are weak as shit-"
" 'Cause I'm literally a setter!"
"-and not an all-rounder, which is why Kageyama-kun is ranked first in the country and you're second."
"Maybe I shouldn't hug her anymore. I don't wanna hurt her. What if I really crush her one day? Then she'll really be flattened like a piece of bread. I don't wanna hurt her. So this means I can't hug her anymore. But I like hugging her. But does she even like my hugs?" Came Bokuto's voice. His brows were now furrowed and his face was etched with worry.
"Of course she does, Bokuto-san! I'm sure she loves your hugs, and you love her too much to ever hurt her, right?" Hinata and Lisa attempted to cheer up the saddened spiker.
Finishing the last of his food, Sakusa stood up, muttering, "I'm exhausted, I can't deal with this right now. My partner's here to pick me up anyway," As he walked past the other side of the table, he spoke to Atsumu in a low voice. "Only a jerk like you would say something like that to Bokuto, of all people."
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"I’m home…"
Your ears perked up at the sound of Bokuto’s voice and you immediately noticed his dejected tone. Closing your laptop, you got up from your desk and bounced over to the front door to greet him.
Sticking your head round the corner, you saw him place his stuff down by the counter before staring into space. His face was blank and devoid of emotion but his eyes were filled with inexplicable sadness. Seeing him like this tugged on your heartstrings and you knew he was going through one of his emotional episodes. You just didn’t know why.
"Hey, Kō! How was your day?" Slowly walking towards him, you reached out your arms to give him a hug but stopped short when he cried out.
You froze with your arms mid-air before you dropped them back to your side. He had one hand held out to stop you from coming closer and his face was tucked into his other arm. You could hear quiet sniffles coming from him and your heart broke seeing how upset he was.
"But you already have a crush on me, baby. And I have a crush on you too! I thought we’ve already established that?" You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work. It was like he didn’t even hear you, so you decided to give him some space (like Akaashi had advised). You guided him to sit on the couch while you went about the house finishing up your chores. After several minutes, he seemed to feel a little better and you decided to talk to him (also like Akaashi had advised).
Sitting by his side on the couch, you reached out and held his hands in your own. His eyes were downcast and he was avoiding your gaze as if his life depended on it.
"Kō? What's wrong?"
"Look at me, baby. Please? I wanna see your cute face," you cooed. He pouted for a while more (which was adorable, by the way) before he finally caved.
"Tsum-Tsum said I'll crush you if I hug you too tight 'cause I'm so much bigger and stronger than you. And I don't wanna crush you, I promise! It just made me sacred to think I might not know my own strength and end up hurting you in the process. That's why I'm scared of accidentally hurting you when I’m excited and I know that if I did, you wouldn't say anything which is why I don't wanna accidentally hurt you with my hugs in the first place-" He swallowed the rest of his words as you pressed your lips to his.
"Kō, I love your hugs. They're the warmest hugs anyone has ever given me. Don't tell my mom, but sometimes your hugs are even better than hers," You giggled softly. A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at you. "And it's not a bad thing that you're so strong. It makes your arms really nice to hug! I promise you'll never be able to crush me. I'm stronger than you think, you know?"
"Really? You really like my hugs?" He asked, hope in his eyes.
"Really. A hundred per cent. A thousand per cent. I wouldn't like it any other way, Kō," You reassured him, kissing him sweetly once more. Within seconds, his entire mood had shifted and he was now beaming.
"Okay! I can hug you now!" He cheered. Before you could process anything, you were held in your favourite set of arms and wrapped up in the warmest hug on earth. You hugged him back tightly and felt his soft lips press against the crown of your head. Snuggling into his warmth, you felt so lucky to have him.
"Oh my god, anyone who says your hugs aren't perfect are clearly stupid," You sighed happily.
"Tsum-Tsum is pretty stupid sometimes," Kotaro hummed.
You pulled away, gasping in faux shock. "Really?"
"Pfft, yeah. Even Lisa says so!" He guffawed.
Before you could reply, your phone buzzed with an incoming message.
Lisa: “hey girl! hope everything’s ok with bokuto. my boyfriend’s kinda stupid sometimes so he doesn’t think before he says stuff. hope bokuto’s not feeling too down!”
Y/n: “it’s all good! managed to cheer him up pretty quickly today, haha”
Lisa: “that’s good to hear. you’re the only one who can cheer him up like that, y/n! anyway, rest well, you two. see ya next week!”
Reacting to her message with a heart, you put your phone down and turned back to your boyfriend.
"So, you gonna hug me or not?"
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a/n: UM I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY??? pls lmk what u think 😭
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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kokomyass · 1 day
JJK Characters ☆ That time of the month...
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JJK x Fem!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Trigger warnings ⚠️: swearing, crack
featuring: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna
synopsis: in which, the jjk men are out buying you supplies for your period, some with more experience that others....
notes!: in sukuna's part, he is true form and has like a kinda palace thing going on yk....
a/n: thought of this idea, liked it and wrote it!!! I hope you enjoy 💜🍇💜🍇
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"Heyyy babe....so about those pads you wanted me to buy....you kinda failed to tell me that there are pads for every colour of the fucking rainbow!"
You had to use all your will power in you to not start laughing at Satoru through the phone, which would consequently lead him to hold a grudge.
"Satoru, I told you to get the ultra maxi pads with wings, remember? How difficult is that?" you nagged as you heard a frustrated groan through the phone.
"Well which colour is that? Cause there's no way I'm reading allat-"
"Gojo!!" you didn't usually call him by his first name it was an easy way to show your annoyance.
"Okay sorry!! Well, Y/N, there are like 5 different ultra maxi pads! How the hell am I meant to know which-"
"Satoru, with wings."
You heard the line go silent as you heard rustling assuming he had picked the pad up.
"So...um I found it....I'm gonna get myself out of this aisle because thanks to you I embarrassed myself in front of all these experienced women."
All you can do is giggle at Gojo's dramatic ass.
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You hear the door to your house open as you lay in bed curled over from the pain your cramps are giving you.
You hear your husbands soft footstep approach your bed as you open your eyes slightly to see him bent over cupping your face careful not to wake you up to violently.
"Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling?" you hear his deep, smooth voice whisper out.
"Well...I feel like shit, but now that your here I wanna cuddle with you. It'll make me feel better."
Nanami chuckles as he sat on the bed, extending his arm out to let you cuddle with him.
"Just to let you know, I went out to buy some night and day pads, tampons just in case your in the mood to use them and your favourite snacks to keep you going. They are all here if you need." Nanami said, as he gently brushed your hair as he felt you squeeze tighter.
Nanami looked down as he heard sniffling later realising you were crying after looking down at your face.
"Honey what's wrong? Did I miss something?" Nanami's heart dropped.
"No, the absolute opposite. You always get everything right. Nanami, have I ever told you how madly I am in love with you?"
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You had sent Geto out to do some period shopping and by that you meant shopping for pads/tampons and snacks.
When you were on your period, you were EXTREMELY snappy and emotional. This time of the month was one Geto feared all the time. One small thing could make you flip out.
"Hey babe! I'm home!"
You were sat on the couch wrapped in blankets as you watched TV.
"I got your stuff babe, snacks, pads and all..." Geto placed a kiss on your head before sitting next you. You took the bag from him searching for your favourite sweets.
"Thank yo-...Where are my skittles, Geto?"
Geto's heart dropped. He had completely forgotten to buy that and he regretted his life choices, but it was too late because you had already started crying.
"Ughh, I really wanted those skittles...why do you always forget Geto!" you sobbed angrily as Geto pulled you apologising profusely.
"I'll go out and buy more baby....I'm sorry...."
"NO. I WON'T WANT THEM ANYMORE!" you shouted at Geto as you stood up angrily walking to you bedroom as Geto sighed letting his head fall back on the couch, choosing to let you come to him in your own time.
Time Skip
You had guiltily shuffled out of the bedroom and sat next to Geto leaning into him as he let out a sigh of relief.
"So, you feeling better??"
"Yeah, sorry babe....I overreacted. My favourite sweet isn't even skittles..."
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"So babe, what size is your pussy again?"
Toji was a man with no shame and clearly no brain. He went out to get pads for you forgetting to ask what type you needed.
"Wh- Toji!! How many people are in that aisle!?" You heard Toji chuckle at your very valid question, given what he had just said.
"Princess, listen, that doesn't matter right now. Just tell me your fucking pussy size."
Before you could scold Toji and maybe educate him you heard another woman's voice through the phone.
"Um sir, just to let you know you are rather loud...and pad sizes are based on the amount of flow not-"
"Did I ask?" Toji spat.
The woman's mouth shut as she spluttered trying to say something back before Toji diverted his attention back to you.
"There is like ultra large....do you want that cause I know how big-"
"Toji don't you dare finish that sentence. Just get me large ones please...and for the record it is based on your flow, so you had no right shut that poor woman down like that."
"I call it what I want to call it, and that's pussy size."
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You currently had a stuttering Choso on the phone who was clearly pretending he wasn't embarrassed.
You had sent him out to get some snacks, hinting that it was your time of the month but you didn't ask him to get pads or tampons fearing it would be too much for him to handle.
"So....um...Y/N, do you....erm do you want me-"
"Choso, baby, please spit it out." you giggled at how flustered he was as it wasn't a common occurrence.
"Do you need...pads...?" he whispered the last bit so you could barely hear.
"What was that?"
"...pads...." you had made out that he said pads.
You let out a loud laughter that could be heard through the phone, shown by the fact Choso was hushing you.
"Y/N, stop laughing! Yes or no? If yes, what type?" you could tell he was trying to be vague.
"Choso you are so cute, yes I would like some please can I have some night pads? I have enough days ones."
"Okay! I got this....okay see you and love you!!" he cut the phone after chanting to himself that he had the power to pick one product off an aisle.
All you could do was chuckle and feel warm at how much he cared for you...even if it was embarrassing for him....
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You were giving Sukuna his daily massage in his throne room despite your cramps from your period. You didn't want to tell Sukuna that you were on your period because whenever you did he became a bit too overprotective in a murderous way....
However the cramps were unbearable.
"My Lord...May I be seated?" Sukuna's head whipped around and looked up and down your body before nodding slightly, tapping his leg indicating for you to sit there.
You sat down on Sukuna's crossed legs resting your head on his broad chest as you sighed squinting your eyes at the pain.
Two of Sukuna's arms were wrapped around your waist whilst the other two were on the floor. He tighten his grip on your waist as if he knew you were experiencing pain.
Suddenly a sharp knock was heard at the door.
"You may enter." Sukuna's gruff voice sounded out.
"I have the pads and tampons and foods you requested, Lord Sukuna." Uraume entered with a box placing them at your feet. Leaving promptly.
"It is your time of the month, is it not?"
You eyes widened as you looked back at him to see him looking down at you.
"Y-Yes my lord...how did you know?"
"I keep track in my own manner." you didn't even bother to ask how that was.
You knew Sukuna wasn't exactly the loving type, but you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his neck.
"Thank you, my Lord!" he places one of his hands on your back not saying a word just letting out a huff. After a while he mumbles out.
"It's alright woman...."
a/n: I hope that was good and all those true form sukuna fans out there hmu 😜
love you!! 🍇💜🍇💜
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aphroditelovesu · 2 days
❝commission: following that ask from '👀 anon', I'd love to see a sculpture related drabble. I'd want it to take place around the wedding and after the birth of the twins. Bonus points if it can introduce the twins in some way. — requested by 💻 anon.
❝ 📜 — lady l: I didn't mention the twins because I confess I didn't know how to put them on the story lol, but that takes place after the wedding. I'm not good at detailing things like that, but I tried my best! I hope you like it. :)
❝tw: none, just fluff.
❝📜pairing: soft!yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,346.
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"Is this really necessary?" You muttered, as you stared at Alexander with uncertainty shining in your eyes.
Your new husband, in turn, just smiled warmly and straightened her dress.
"Yes, it's necessary." Alexander replied, looking at you fondly. You smiled at his affection.
''I know it’s a wedding gift but...'' You shifted uncomfortably.
"But?" Alexander encouraged you, placing a hand over your shoulders. You bit your bottom lip and sighed.
"I feel weird about the idea of ​​being 'sculpted'." You shrugged, looking into his eyes. You couldn't help but feel that way, however, being sculpted was an art that few women of your time had the pleasure of witnessing, let alone being the inspiration or, in your current case, being the model for the statue itself.
Alexander kissed your forehead affectionately, "Don't worry. And yes, this is necessary. I want the whole world to know the beauty of my beautiful wife."
You smiled at his words and kissed Alexander's lips tenderly. Alexander returned the kiss with equal passion, his arms wrapping around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
As you pulled away from the kiss, Alexander still held you close, his expression now more serious but still full of tenderness. You smiled lightly and caressed his face with your fingers.
"Then to be carved I go." You said and Alexander smiled at his words. He kissed your cheek affectionately.
"Come, you're going to love my personal sculptor. He's very good at the details he does." Alexander held your hand as you walked to the place where the sculpture would be made. Lysippos was his favorite sculptor and you couldn't deny that the statues he made were very precise and very beautiful.
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The place where Lysippos would carve you is located on the outskirts of the palace, surrounded by a lush garden that exhales the scent of spring flowers. As you approached, you noticed the sculptures scattered along the path, each one more impressive than the last. Every detail seemed to come to life in the stone, and you couldn't help but admire the sculptor's mastery.
Alexander held your hand firmly, conveying confidence and comfort. When you arrived at the door of the place, a well-decorated room, you noticed, an assistant from Lysippos received you with a respectful bow.
"The master awaits you." The young man said, leading them inside.
The interior of the room was spacious and bright, with large windows that let sunlight enter and illuminate the room. Tools of all types were meticulously organized on benches, and marble blocks of different sizes were scattered around the place. In the center of the room, Lysippos was focused on a new work, but upon noticing your presence, he raised his head and smiled.
"Alexander! It's always a pleasure to welcome you." Lysippos said, drying his hands on a red cloth. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he turned to you, "And this must be your wife. A true beauty, as you described."
You blushed slightly at the compliment, but smiled politely. Alexander squeezed your hand lightly, a sign of silent support.
"Lysippos, this is my wife. I would like you to carve a statue of her, capturing her essence and beauty." Alexander said with pride in his voice.
Lysippos nodded, walking towards him with an appraising but gentle look, "Of course, it will be an honor. Let's start with some measurements and preliminary sketches. This will help us capture all the important details."
You sat down in a chair, feeling a mix of nervousness and curiosity. Lysippos got to work, his hands moving with precision as he took measurements and made notes. Alexander stayed by your side the entire time, offering words of encouragement and affection.
"It's okay, my dear." He murmured, stroking your hand, "Trust Lysippos. He's the best."
Lysippos worked quickly but carefully and soon had a preliminary sketch. He showed it to Alexander, who smiled in satisfaction.
"Perfect, Lysippos. That's exactly it." Alexander said smiling widely.
You looked at the sketch and were surprised to see how he had captured your image so accurately. The expression on the papyrus seemed almost alive, reflecting your emotions impressively. You noticed your eyes were looking up and your lips were slightly parted. This was a very common feature in the sculptures that Lysippos had made of Alexander.
"Now, let's get to work on the marble." Lysippos spoke, turning his attention to the large piece of stone in the center of the room, "It will take some time, but I promise the result will be magnificent."
You nodded, feeling a little more confident. The idea of ​​being sculpted was still strange, but Alexander's presence and Lysippos's skill made you feel safe.
As Lysippos began to carve, Alexander whispered in your ear, "Thank you for doing this, my love. It means a lot to me."
You smiled and kissed his hand, "Anything for you, Alexander."
And so, under the watchful eye of the master sculptor and the affection of your husband, you began to see the magic happen, transforming a simple block of marble into a work of art that would forever capture your essence.
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Months passed since the work began, and each day you saw small advances in the sculpture that captured your essence in an increasingly impressive way. Lysippos worked with dedication and precision, and Alexander followed the progress with increasing enthusiasm. Finally, the big day arrived: the unveiling of the finished statue.
The statue was positioned on a pedestal in the center of the room, covered in a large silk fabric. Lysippos, with a satisfied smile, held a corner of the fabric, ready to reveal his masterpiece. Alexander stood beside you, his eyes shining with expectation.
"My King and Queen, I present to you the work I captured with all my heart and skill." Lysippos said proudly, pulling the fabric with a dramatic gesture.
The sight of the statue made you hold your breath. In white marble, the figure appeared almost ethereal, a sublime representation of your form. Lysippos had captured every detail with stunning precision, but more than that, he had captured your essence, your soul.
The statue showed you in a graceful pose, leaning slightly forward, as if you were about to take a step. Your dress flowed around her legs, sculpted with such mastery that it seemed to move in the breeze. Every fold and ripple of the fabric was carved with a realism that almost defied the nature of stone.
Your face, the most impressive part of all, radiated serenity and strength, one of the qualities of a Queen. Lysippos had captured the expression of tenderness and determination that Alexander loved so much about you. Your eyes, sculpted with remarkable depth, seemed to look into the future with confidence. Your lips, slightly parted and curved in a smile, conveyed an inner calm.
"It's just magnificent." Alexander murmured, not taking his eyes off the statue, "It captured everything I love about you."
You approached the statue, reaching out to touch the cold marble surface. The smooth texture and detailed work were almost mesmerizing. Emotions mingled inside you — gratitude, pride, a touch of shyness —but most of all, a deep sense of pride. Who knew you would look as beautiful as a statue?
"It's incredible, Lysippos." You said, your voice cracking, "You really captured everything."
Lysippos smiled humbly, "It was a pleasure to carve something so beautiful. I hope this statue brings joy and inspiration to all who see it."
Alexander wrapped you in his arms, kissing your forehead tenderly, "Now, the whole world will be able to see the beauty and strength of my wife."
And so, the statue stood as an eternal testament to Alexander's love for you, a work of art that captured not just your appearance, but your essence, for future generations to admire.
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oneluckydumbass · 3 days
You couldn't hold back the tears anymore. The stress of the last hours, the uncertainty, the panic that was clearly visible on the others’ faces were more than enough to push you over the edge. As you sat on the floor with your back against the wall, you rested your forehead on your pulled up knees and struggled to stop crying. You should pull yourself together, you shouldn't show such weakness.
But then you felt a gloved hand on your bare shoulder, reminding you that you weren't alone in this. Ghost was there when those canisters released an unknown substance in the room, which is why the two of you were now quarantined together.
“They'll figure it out,” he said in his deep voice, although you could tell his tone was laced with hopelessness.
You couldn't blame him, you were also feeling hopeless. How could you not? They didn't know what that was, and the symptoms would surely get worse with time. The headache and the nausea was already on the threshold of being unbearable, you couldn't even begin to imagine what else was about to come.
Apparently there was something wrong with the blood sample you both gave. You weren't a doctor, you had no idea what the issue was, but they sounded serious. You didn't want to die. Your job was risky, sure, but dying from a bullet still seemed like the better option.
Before you knew it, Simon sat next to you then put an arm around your shoulder so he could force you to rest with your head on his shoulder. Through the mask, he pressed a soft kiss on your head, causing you to look at him with wide eyes.
“What? There's a chance we'll die here, I'm not gonna spend it as if we were just simple teammates,” he informed you.
The thought of him being so openly affectionate warmed your heart. Simon Riley, the man who always made sure to keep his softer side behind closed doors when he was alone with you, was now ready to let the entire team know you were together as a couple. Happy and in love, although you didn't think you would go into details about how you were already talking about starting a little family of your own.
The only sound came from the buzzing neon lights on the ceiling, filling the heavy silence that was making you more and more depressed as the minutes passed. A doctor came in to check your vitals, noted that Simon had fever, then left without saying anything about what they knew so far.
“I love you, Simon,” you quietly noted as you reached out to take his hand that was resting on his thigh.
With a short laugh he pulled up the mask a little and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss, savoring the moment, turning it into a core memory. Because this was an important moment for the both of you, a slow and emotional goodbye in case you didn't make it.
“If we get out of here,” he began cautiously as you lay down with your head resting on his legs, “would you marry me? And I mean it, I don't want a long engagement or a big wedding, I just want to make it official as soon as possible.”
“Just the two of us?”
“Just the two of us.”
You pulled off the glove from his hand and placed a soft kiss on it. His big, calloused hand gave you the comfort you needed now, long fingers lacing with yours in an attempt to calm you down. It would have been a nice moment under different circumstances.
Suddenly Soap walked in, wearing a hazmat suit, but even that wasn't enough to hide the wide grin on his face. “Okay, so we left cameras here to know if you're okay, which is how we heard everything. We agreed that you're idiots because one, we knew about the two of you all along, and two, there's no way you can run away like that to get married.”
Shaking his head, Simon leaned back against the wall as he looked up at the sergeant. “What's the point if we die here anyway?” he asked with a sigh.
To your surprise, Soap took off the helmet with a laugh. “I forgot to mention; the doc gave you the green light. You won't die. It's… I don't know, I was too busy celebrating that you'll live to listen to what he said. Come on, Lt., time to go home.”
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steventhusiast · 10 hours
STWG prompt 2/6/24
prompt: coming out
pairing/character(s): steddie, Dustin, Lucas, Mike
. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Eddie fucked up. Big time.
See, he's truly embraced his freak status at Hawkins High. Meaning he doesn't exactly shy away from his queerness. He doesn't confirm it, not for people he's not friends with. It's just useful. Being gay is the kind of 'freak' that makes the popular kids steer clear from him, just in case they, you know, catch the queer from him.
But with his fellow freaks? They know he's gay.
In fact, they know he has a boyfriend.
He never shares who said boyfriend is, or the fact that he used to be nicknamed The Hair, because Steve doesn't want anyone to know. He's.. private about his sexuality, to say the least. And Eddie gets it. Hawkins is in the middle of nowhere, it's not exactly gay-friendly like some parts of bigger cities. So his friends don't know who his boyfriend is.
They won't until well after Steve's come out to his own friends, which he hasn't said he's ready for yet. Eddie's letting him go at his own pace, he doesn't even bring it up to him. He doesn't want Steve to feel pressured. Steve doesn't have a Wayne there to support him through everything, after all.
Anyway, despite him being anonymous, Eddie always gives everyone an update on his boyfriend before they start the session of DnD each week. It's kind of a bit for everyone involved at this point.
And in the first session that Eddie's newest fresh sheep attend, he refuses to shy away from it. Either they'll be bigots (unlikely) or they'll be fine with it! It's a risk he's willing to take for his pride.
So he gives the update.
"How's your boyfriend, Ed?" Gareth asks with a teasing grin, and Eddie's closest friends lean toward him with giggles.
"Well, my sweetheart has had a great week. Remember that job I told you he'd applied for?"
"Assistant basketball coach for a kids team?" Jeff checks, and Eddie points at him like he's just scored a point.
"That's the one! He got the job! It's a bit of a drive but it sure as shit beats the minimum wage bullshit he was doing before. I swear, his manager actually hates his guts for no reason."
The existing Hellfire members all cheer at the news, whilst one of the new recruits, Henderson, makes an inquisitive noise and chuckles.
"That's crazy, because my friend Steve called me yesterday with super similar news! Small world, huh?" He says it so casually, looking down straight after to fiddle with his dice.
But Eddie feels like the world stops, his hands freezing in the middle of unfolding his dungeon master screen. Fuck. Henderson is one of Steve's kids.
Maybe no one has actually caught on yet. A sneaky glance to his friends reveals nothing but confused frowns on their faces.
"You guys might have known Steve, actually. Steve Harrington? Used to be a mega asshole through most of high school." Wheeler says in a way that somehow sounds simultaneously fond and like he despises Steve.
"He's great now, though! Like, totally reformed. Such a mom." Sinclair adds on.
Eddie nods passively at their words, and feels Gareth, Jeff and Paul's eyes on him. Right, he's still frozen in shock. He forces himself to relax, and finally finishes setting up the DM screen.
"Haha, what a coincidence." He manages, clearing his throat in the middle to clear up an unfortunate voice crack.
That voice crack gets all three of the kids to tilt their heads at him, and then their eyes light up like they've just won the lottery.
Shit shit shit. Hopefully they haven't put two and two together.
Somehow, he manages to make it through the session without revealing anything else, but as he draws it to a close his heart starts beating faster. He doesn't know how he didn't put it together before that these kids are Steve's kids. Steve is literally going to be late to their date night because he has to pick them up from an afterschool activitiy.
What other club meets up on a Friday but Hellfire?
He shakes his head and starts speeding through packing up his stuff. He's going through in his head ways to apologise to Steve in case the kids have figured it out, heart beating out of his chest as he zips his backpack up and leaves the room. The group of newbies run out after him, though.
"Eddie, wait up!" Henderson shouts after him, and he winces but stops.
"What's up?" He says with what he hopes is a smile but is probably a grimace.
"It's so funny how you're Steve's secret boyfriend." Henderson says with a giggle after he's checked no one else has left the drama room yet.
Wait, what? Eddie frowns at him, mouth open. Before he can question anything Sinclair nods along in agreement.
"We've been guessing for weeks now. You can't tell him we found out through you, I want to win our bet."
"If we figure out who his boyfriend is by the end of the month he's taking us to that tabletop RPG store in Indy." Wheeler adds on.
Eddie gapes at them for another second.
"Wait, Steve- he came out to you? When?" He manages, and the three boys tilt their heads at him.
"Like, since a month ago?" Sinclair guesses after a moment of thought, and Eddie lets out a quiet 'huh'.
"What, do you guys not talk about that shit?" Henderson asks, and Eddie shakes his head slowly, thinking back on if he had been told and had just forgotten.
Then it clicks. Just under a month ago, Steve had started to bring up the topic of coming out, and Eddie had gently insisted he didn't mind if Steve never came out and that he loves him anyway and he doesn't want him to feel pressured. And Steve had smiled fondly and let it go.
Had Steve been trying to tell him he came out to his kids?
He lets his head drop and takes a few deep breaths, trying to slow his heart rate. Thank fuck. He hasn't just accidentally outed his boyfriend.
"He's actually waiting for us in his car. I would say come with, but..."
"We're serious about this bet."
Eddie nods, and waves his hand in their general direction.
"Yeah, of course. Sure. You- you go win that bet. Jesus christ."
He hears them walk away and lets out an incredulous laugh to himself before he hears the drama room door swing open again, the chatter of Jeff, Gareth and Paul cutting off when they see the state he's in.
"You good, man?" Paul asks, and Eddie just lets out a sigh.
"Totally fine. Just thinking about wooing my sweetheart." He says, like they've walked into a joke he's set up.
They all groan, but continue walking toward the school's exit, and Eddie stays there, recovering from that shitshow.
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modanisgf · 2 days
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‘this was a mistake.’ was all that ran through hanni’s mind as she continued to sit in some random persons house, her friends next to her laughing their asses off.
she wasn’t sure how they had managed to convince her to tag along to this, hanni hated parties the thought of them making her gag. who wanted to sit around and get drunk with a bunch of people you don’t know?
the only people in their group sober were haerin and hanni, haerin occupying herself with danielle leaving hanni alone. with her thoughts of course, the worst time in her life for her to be overthinking.
to give more context one of matthew’s members decided to throw a party for his birthday, not notifying the friend group until a bit after their personal party had ended. hanni remembered it well, too well even as if it wasn’t hours ago now.
the group was sitting on minji’s couch, watching various movies when matthew got a call.
“hey ricky what’s up?” he said, his expression noticeably changing once ricky spoke.
“and you didn’t tell me until now? i’m already busy—“
“matthew half of the industry is going to be there, can’t you just continue your little hangout tomorrow?” ricky said loudly, allowing the whole group to hear.
matthew sighed in irritation, “fine but next time don’t tell me twenty minutes before.”
matthew hang up the phone after that, before turning to everyone.
“so basically ricky decided to throw me a party and not tell me about it, so now he wants me to be there in like twenty minutes.” matthew explains, confusion being left on everyone but gunwook’s face.
“we’re actually going? i mean, how far away is the venue?” minji asks.
“fifteen minutes..” matthew mumbles.
“bro we don’t have time for this, speak up.” gunwook chimes in.
“fifteen minutes?”
“are you serious?!”
yet they still ended up at the venue on time (ricky’s rich cousin’s house ?), much to hanni’s dismay. she never really explicitly stated she wanted to go, but she knew her friends needed a supervisor just in case haerin got distracted.
the main thing hanni was concerned about though was you, she knew if danielle was here there was no way you weren’t and after your argument a couple days before— hanni wasn’t sure if she was ready to see your face again. you had being nothing less of a bitch to her that day, making sure she knew you didn’t care about her which hadn’t left her mind since.
hanni wanted nothing more than to get over her feelings for you, but even after all that happened she couldn’t truly say she hated you. sure what all you did was unnecessary, but behind everything you said you seemed hurt.
if you truly wanted to hurt her, why would you feel bad? hanni didn’t miss the build up of tears on your waterline as you argued, making her feel the slightest bit of sympathy for you.
but overall and to the public eye, she wanted nothing to do with you. so hanni made it her mission to keep away from you at this party. and her mission ended now, your kuromi bag entering her sight causing her heart to drop. at this point the only person by hanni's side was haerin but she was too busy in conversation with danielle to save her.
you were presumably walking over there to collect danielle, sunoo trailing behind you. sunoo looked hanni in the eyes, the eye contact becoming uncomfortable as he glared at her. obviously sunoo didn't know the full story, of course you wouldn't let your friends in on how horrible you were to hanni.
you and sunoo seemed to be in slow motion in hanni's eyes, every step closer making her more anxious. she fought the urge to nudge haerin, realizing it would only make her closer to you the exact opposite of her goal at the moment.
the two of you made eye contact, the sharp look on hanni’s face making you sad. she seemed like she was doing well without you, unfortunately.
“danielle, our ride is here.” you say, noticing her perk up.
“oh okay, bye haerin!” dani waved to the girl, haerin waving back.
sunoo and danielle quickly walked away, but hanni noticed you linger a bit longer before picking up your feet and trying to catch up with your friends.
haerin raised a eyebrow at the way hanni eyes stayed fixed on where you once were. hanni wasn’t getting over you anytime soon, it was obvious to anyone at this point.
“hanni.” haerin called out to her.
“you need to get over her.”
a silent pause between the two proved haerin’s point, the latter sighing.
“i’m being serious, she’s destroying you.” haerin says.
“what are you gonna do once your off hiatus? aren’t you set for a tour later this year once your albums out?” haerin asks.
“i don’t know haerin, all my shits pushed back now.” hanni says, relaxing against the counter behind her.
“might not even get off of hiatus.” hanni says quietly, but loud enough for haerin to hear.
“don’t say that.” haerin warns, “hybe wouldn’t give you up.”
“are you sure? it seems like they already have.” hanni starts.
“it’s been forever now haerin.”
“no don’t even say anything else, i’m just gonna get out of here i can’t do it anymore.” hanni says, grabbing her stuff.
“watch the others and tell matthew i said happy birthday and something came up.” hanni says, to which haerin nods.
haerin wasn’t going to fight with her anymore, they both knew well what was probably going to happen to hanni’s career.
haerin just wanted to keep postive.
hanni had no clue what she was thinking when she left that party. she had no ride, no hoodie to at least somewhat hide her appearance, and it was pouring rain outside.
hanni couldn’t break down out here, there was no telling if any paparazzi were around and she was already in trouble. she didn’t know what she would do if a headline got out, would it even matter anymore?
so she just sat there, staring at the ground before hearing footsteps. a voice perked up, presumably speaking to her.
“hanni what the hell are you doing—“ a familiar voice said, concerned.
“yn?” hanni said looking up.
“shit, i was hoping you wouldn’t recognize my voice.” you say.
“i don’t get drunk ever y’know that, wait nono— get away from me what did i tell you?!” hanni says in a panic.
“hanni, it’s late at night and it’s raining like crazy. can you at least let me take you home?” you say, to which she shakes her head no.
“i’ll wait for my friends.” hanni says, stubbornly.
“you can’t be serious.” you mumble, hanni not missing it.
“okay fine..” hanni says, she knew you didn’t have bad intentions.
“just don’t tell anyone, okay?” hanni warns.
“i won’t don’t worry, my friends are gone already anyways.” you say.
“then why are you still here?”
“i had a feeling.”
“i had a feeling you would want to leave early.” you mumble.
“how did you have a feeling—“ hanni starts, getting cut off by you.
“okay maybe, i didn’t have a feeling.. i just knew, you don’t seem like the type to party.” you say, shaking your head.
you see hanni fight back her smile, making you laugh a bit.
“but anyways, here’s my car." you say, opening the passengers door for her.
"i have to sit next to you..?" she asks.
"okay." you sigh, you had done this to yourself obviously but it still hurt.
"get in the back then." you say closing the door, making your way over to the drivers.
“are you not gonna open it for me?”
“okay sorry i’m getting in.”
the ride to hanni’s apartment building was silent, hanni on her phone the entire time ensuring haerin she found a ride home.
soon they reached hanni’s building and she got out.
“thank you.” hanni says, making you smile.
“anything for you.” you say quietly.
hanni walked off after, yn waiting to make sure she got inside safely before driving off. she knew hanni hated her bad, so the least she could do was keep her safe.
yn finally understood her feelings, she was in love with hanni pham.
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TAGS 🏷️ (CLOSED): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @aribunnu @masuowo @multiliker @winieter @sewiouslyz @edenzeepy @popasi @home2venus @ghstvr @technicallyimportantsweets @he------len @yukianism @yeetaberry127 @haechansbbg @linnnsworld @sixflame438 @emotionallyrin @gtfoiydlyj @inosfavgf @rvoulte @hotluvlet
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daintylovers · 2 days
hi love! maybe a Spencer Reid request where reader is obsessed with collecting trinkets, calico critters, and/or sonny angels. He doesn’t understand it until he opens one himself and then gets obsessed too. Maybe it becomes their thing after a bad case/tiring day?
don’t know if you’ll see this but ty if you do <3
aaahhhhh i love sonny angels!!! i used to have a cherry one on my phone case named soda pop- but he got decapitated when i dropped him too many times :(
so, because i am self-indulgent- sonny angels win!
he notices one day, the little baby figurine on your desk. it's new, with bunny ears on its head. his first instinct is that it's a toy for jack. but jack comes and goes that day, and the trinket is still in the same spot.
he wants to ask, maybe it slipped your mind, but holds himself back. it's none of his business. except- a few days later- he spots that penelope has one of the things in her lair. and luckily for him, penelope is always eager to share her findings. so he asks.
apparently, they were called "sonny angels"?? she tells him how they are adorable little collectibles that come in hundreds of different variations. and it's a mystery each time.
a few more days pass after that, filled with the angst of a case gone awry. spence had been tense the whole time, the case hitting too close to home. but with you by his side- he felt like he could manage just a little better.
the next day he comes into the office, two coffees in hand. one for him, and one for you. it was his little way of saying thank you for being there for him. he wasn't too great at voicing his feelings, especially the sappy ones. so he liked to stick to acts of service and gift-giving. he placed the coffee on your desk, then made his way over to his corner.
except, this time he had a little gift wrapped package square in the center of his desk. it was shoddily wrapped, and he wondered who it was from. for a brief second, his overactive imagination tried to convince him it was going to be something gruesome. some crazed lunatic dropping off a finger or a miniature bomb. maybe he should lay off the caffeine after all?
but when he saw you trying to subtly watch him from your desk- he knew he was safe. written on the wrapping was a little note saying, "this is for you, stalker. thanks for being an angel."
he unwrapped it as delicately as possible, wanting to save the note for his box of sentiments at home. just because he couldn't voice the feeling well, didn't mean it wasn't there for him. once he finished, one of the little angel babies was looking back at him.
his heart did a stupid little flutter. he had been asking around, partly because he was looking for himself, but also because he was looking for you. he had wanted to get matching ones or something, not really sure how the whole concept worked.
he opened up the box and saw a head of hydrangeas peeking out.
you watched as he pulled the exact one you were hoping he would pull, and couldn't contain yourself any longer.
bounding over to his desk, bouncing on the tips of your toes you said, "hey- where did you get that?"
he matched your cheeky smile, "not sure, maybe pen? she has one of these on her desk too."
"oh, whatever. she told me you were asking around about my little white rabbit over there. so i decided to save you the hassle."
he just laughed with you, "thank you. but seriously, where do you get these?"
"no way, i can't reveal my secrets."
morgan and emily, interested in the commotion from the other side of the room wandered over to the pair of you.
"wait, how come i don't have one of these little guys?"
safe to say, that in the coming weeks, everyone was sporting little sonny angels on their desks.
but spencer and you continued the little tradition. after a tough case, or even just a bad day, whoever was hurting more would receive a little gift.
you- being a tad dramatic, had more bad days than spencer. so he stuck to his coffee-giving habit for you.
while spence tended to rarely show his bad days. but when he did, he knew that the next day, a new angel would appear on his desk.
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paisleypens · 4 hours
Hello! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, i just have a request if that’s okay.
Could you maybe do Spencer Reid x fem!reader who is smart but doesn’t really get the chance to show the areas she’s smart in? I don’t know if that makes sense, but like in other words she’s insecure because everyone else is so smart and can figure out things so quickly, yet her brain works slower and it takes her a while to figure things out? So she just feels dumb around them? And one day she overhears (I know none of them would do this but it's for the purpose of the story) someone talking bad abour her and uses the word dumb?
And then sweet little Spence finds her crying? You can have fun with the ending, I want you to have some freedom with it!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you have a wonderful day. And you don’t have to write this just a suggestion. (AND I LOVE YOUR SPENCER STORIES THEY’RE SO AMAZINGLY WRITTEN LOVE) 💗💗💗
I LOVE YOU STOP IT. this request is gorgeous and so real. i get really bad imposter syndrome so i hope yall find this as comforting as i did 🫶 i also haven’t been giving reid any love lately send some reid stuff my way!!
different strengths | spencer reid x f!reader
You sat at your desk, methodically typing out a report, trying to ignore the soft chatter of your colleagues in the bullpen. The rest of the BAU team always seemed to crack cases so effortlessly, piecing together intricate puzzles with the speed and precision of master craftsmen. You admired them, but the admiration often turned into a gnawing insecurity. Despite your intelligence, you struggled to keep up, your brain needing more time to process and connect the dots.
Your fingers paused over the keyboard as a murmur from the break room caught your attention. You couldn't help but eavesdrop when you heard your name.
"...she's nice, but she just doesn't get things like we do. It's like, I don't know, her brain works slower or something. Maybe she’s just dumb."
Your heart sank. The word "dumb" hit you like a punch to the gut. Fighting back tears, you slipped away from your desk and found refuge in one of the empty offices. The door clicked shut behind you, and the dam broke. You sank into a chair, sobbing quietly into your hands.
Spencer Reid, with his keen observational skills, had noticed you slipping away. He had always been drawn to you, your kindness, and your unique perspective, even if you didn't see it yourself. Worried, he followed you and after a moment gently knocked on the door.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You quickly wiped your tears and tried to compose yourself, but your voice wavered as you responded. "Yeah, I'm fine, Spencer. Just needed a moment."
He wasn't convinced. He opened the door and stepped inside, his face etched with concern. "I heard what they said. I'm so sorry, Y/N."
Fresh tears welled up in your eyes. "It's true, Spencer. I just... I can't keep up with everyone. I feel so stupid."
Spencer's heart ached at your words. He moved closer, his eyes soft with empathy. "Y/N, you are not stupid. Your intelligence is just as valuable as anyone else's here. You see things differently, and that's a strength, not a weakness."
You looked up at him, sniffling. "But I never get to show what I'm good at. Everyone's always ten steps ahead."
Spencer knelt down beside your chair, his gaze earnest. "That's not true. You contribute in ways you might not even realize. The way you connect with victims' families, your attention to detail, your intuition... those are things none of us can do as well as you can."
His words were a balm to your wounded heart, and you managed a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Spencer."
He smiled back, a warmth spreading through him at your expression. "How about we get out of here? It's the end of the day, and I know a great place for ice cream. My treat."
You chuckled softly, feeling lighter already. "I'd like that."
As you both walked out of the office together, the tension began to fade. You exchanged stories, laughed about cases, and for the first time in a while, you felt seen and valued.
Sitting in the ice cream parlor, the two of you shared a banana split, your shoulders brushing occasionally, sending sparks of electricity through both of you. Despite your insecurities, Spencer's presence made you feel safe and appreciated.
As you finished the last bite, Spencer looked at you, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "You know, Y/N, I've always admired you. You're smart, kind, and incredibly strong. Anyone who can't see that doesn't know what they're talking about."
Your heart fluttered at his words, a blush creeping up your cheeks. "Thank you, Spencer. That means a lot to me."
He reached out, gently squeezing your hand. "Anytime. And remember, you're not alone. We all have different strengths, and together, we make a great team."
You squeezed his hand back, feeling a surge of affection for the man sitting across from you. "I think so too."
As you left the parlor, the evening sun casting a warm glow over everything, you couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, things would be alright. And perhaps, you weren't the only one with feelings that had been hidden for far too long.
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ltash · 1 day
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Carrying his child.
Finding out you're pregnant with Simon's child.
"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." – Angelita Lim
After finishing breakfast, I followed Ghost to his room. He was packing.
"So you're leaving me finally!" I said.
"It isn't like that. I am getting deployed. Will catch up with ya later." He said while folding his clothes and putting them neatly in his suitcase.
I started helping him.
"Soap will teach you how to shoot a sniper while he is here," he said.
"But he cannot fulfill the void, your void, Simon!" I said, my voice tinged with a mix of frustration and sadness.
He paused, looking up at me, his eyes softening for a moment before he resumed packing. "I know, love. But duty calls. You understand that, don't you?"
I nodded, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. "I do. But it doesn't make it any easier."
He straightened up, closing the suitcase and pulling me into his arms. "I'll be back before you know it," he murmured against my hair. "And until then, remember that you're never truly alone. I'm always with you, in some way."
I buried my face in his chest, inhaling his familiar scent, trying to commit it to memory. "Just come back to me," I whispered.
He kissed the top of my head, holding me tightly. "I promise," he said, his voice firm yet gentle. "I'll always come back to you."
Tears started to well up in my eyes. I broke out in sobs. "You know these walls, this huge space I call home, they gnaw at me when I am alone. One day Johnny will have to leave. What would I do without you, my love?" I sobbed.
He cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumb. "You are my girl and I need my girl to be brave. Do you understand?" he said, his voice steady but full of emotion.
I nodded, trying to pull myself together, feeling the warmth of his touch anchoring me. "I'll try, Simon. For you."
"That's all I ask," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Just hold on. I'll be back before you know it."
He took his sniper case and opened it on the bed, removing the sniper and presenting it to me. "Here, Nora. Take care of it. It's yours now."
I took it from his hands, my fingers trembling as I felt the weight of it. "I have fought wars with it, and it's very close to my heart. That's why I'm giving it to you. Use it on your enemies, just in case. Johnny will teach you," he said, his voice steady yet filled with emotion.
I looked at him, tears blurring my vision. His presence, his strength, everything about him was etched into this weapon. My trembling hands gripped the rifle, feeling its cold metal against my skin.
He rolled his balaclava up to his forehead, revealing his face. His lips touched mine in a gentle kiss, filled with love and longing. I didn't want him to pull away, wishing time would stay still, keeping us in this moment forever. But reality was relentless, and he eventually drew back, leaving me with the rifle and the memory of his touch.
"Come, take my hand. The helicopter's waitin'," he said, taking my hand into his.
We climbed the stairs to my roof where Captain Price, Soap, and Gaz were already standing.
"We're leaving now, kid. We had a very good time here," Captain Price said.
"Captain Price! After my father's death, you've been like a father to me. I'm grateful you came here and spent time with me." I hugged him tightly.
Gaz came over and hugged me too. "Thanks, Nora, for all of that," he said.
"Mention not, Gaz," I replied.
Simon still held my hand, a comforting presence by my side.
"See ya again, LT!" Soap said, punching Simon's chest playfully.
Simon stood with me as they all boarded the helicopter. The blades started to move, creating a deafening roar.
"See you again, sweetheart," Simon said, turning to go, but I grabbed his hand and hugged him fiercely.
"I love you, Simon," I whispered.
"I love you too, Nora," he whispered back.
Captain Price couldn't hear our conversation, but I could see the suspicion in his eyes, his doubts about us beginning to take form.
I touched my lips with my fingers and then pressed my fingers against his masked lips, not caring about what Captain Price might think. Simon pointed his fingers towards his eyes and then to mine, gesturing that he would be coming back for me.
With that, he stepped inside the helicopter. Johnny and I stood there, watching as the helicopter ascended and flew away. I stood there long after it had disappeared into the sky, feeling the emptiness settle in.
Tears were flowing from my eyes, and Johnny noticed.
"It's awright, Nora. He'll be back when he's free. Until then, I'm here. Ye won't be bored, I promise." He chuckled.
"Thanks, Johnny," I said, climbing down the stairs with him following after me.
"Make yourself at home, Johnny," I said as I entered Simon's room and closed the door. His room felt empty without him.
I sat on the bed holding the sniper he gave me, touching it and thinking about how he had used it. It was a piece of him which he gave me. I noticed his grey hoodie lying on the bed. He left it there.
I held it close, taking in his scent, the musky cologne. It smelled of him. I laid on the bed holding it close, my face toward the balcony door where rays of sunlight entered the room. The bed, the sheets, everything smelled of him, and I wanted to envelop myself in his vibes.
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep again with him on my mind.
It was almost lunchtime when I woke up.
I stood and opened the door. The faint voice of laughing grew nearer as I descended the stairs. There I saw Soap standing in the living room, talking to the chef and laughing at his own silly jokes.
"What's going on here?" I asked.
"Ach, nothin'. I was just tellin' her some jokes that I tell LT," Soap replied.
"Aye, Nora! Ye play games? Uno, Ludo, Monopoly?" he asked.
"Only Ludo, but nobody is here to play with me."
"Ye go tae the gym?" he asked.
"Yes, I have my own gym here. I haven't worked out in a while as Simon was here."
"Sure LT would have used it. He loves tae work out," he said.
"No, he didn't either," I replied.
"I'll show you the gym after lunch but let's eat something first," I said and went inside the kitchen to help the chef.
"Hey Johnny! Tell me anything about Ghost," I asked.
"Aye, lass! Ghost? Ah, he's a fine listener, ye ken? No one for idle chatter, but when he does speak, it's worth listenin' to. And when it comes to crackin' jokes, he's a right laugh, especially among us," Johnny replied in his Scottish brogue.
"Well! Simon said you'll show me how to shoot a sniper," I said.
"Aye! I'll teach ye," Johnny confirmed.
As the day progressed, I found myself immersed in conversation with Johnny. He was quite the charmer, with an infectious smile that lit up the room. He had a great sense of humor and was incredibly friendly.
"Aye lass! Let's play a game. Whit were ye sayin' before, which game ye play?" Johnny asked.
"Ludo," I said.
"Let's play Ludo then," he said.
"Sorry Johnny! I have to attend an online meeting. You can watch TV if you are getting bored." I said.
"Aye, lass, which meeting are ye off to?" Johnny inquired.
"It's my father's company, a pharma business. I'm running it now. I'll be joining the office from tomorrow, so you'll be on your own," I explained.
"I'll come wi' ye. Would love to see yer company," he offered.
"You sure? You won't get bored?" I asked.
"Nah, it's fine. I'm here tae keep ye safe," he replied confidently.
A month later,
I was sitting in the meeting room of my company. It was almost time to leave. Johnny did not accompany me today.
As I stood up, my head spinning, I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. The room seemed to blur, and I struggled to maintain my balance. I reached out to steady myself, grasping the edge of the table as I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.
"Are you okay, Nora?" my colleague asked, concern evident in their voice.
I nodded weakly, forcing a smile. "I'm fine, just feeling a bit lightheaded. I think I need some fresh air."
With shaky steps, I made my way out of the meeting room and into the corridor. Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. The world spun around me, and I felt a sense of unease settle in the pit of my stomach.
I sat in my car, the wave of dizziness and nausea was overwhelming.
As I arrived at my mansion, exhaustion weighed heavily upon me. Johnny was there, waiting for me. But as I entered, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me, and before I could react, darkness enveloped my vision, and I fell unconscious.
When I woke, Johnny was kneeling beside me, concern etched on his face. He had caught me before I hit the ground, his strong arms supporting me.
"Are you alright, lass?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.
I groaned softly, my head throbbing with pain. "I... I don't know. I felt dizzy and then... everything went black."
Johnny helped me sit up, his steady presence a reassuring anchor in the midst of my confusion. "We need to get you checked out, Nora. This ain't normal."
I nodded weakly, grateful for his concern. With Johnny's support, I managed to stand, albeit unsteadily. Together, we made our way to the nearest couch, where I sank down, feeling utterly drained.
As Johnny fetched a glass of water, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me. Something was wrong, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. All I knew was that I needed answers, and fast.
"I think I should call my doctor," I muttered, dialing his number.
Dr. William arrived within half an hour. "How are you, young woman? Aren't you taking care of yourself?" he asked.
"I don't know what's happening. I think it might be iron deficiency," I replied.
"Where's your friend, Nora?" he asked.
"You mean Simon?" I asked back.
"Yes," he replied.
"He's in the army, so he had to go back," I explained.
"And who is this gentleman?" Dr. William pointed towards Soap.
"He's my friend. Like a little brother," I said.
"Hmm. Low blood pressure, low sugar... What are you doing, kid?" he huffed.
"I'm taking a blood sample. We'll run some tests and I'll send you the reports ASAP," Dr. William said.
Dr. William took my sample and left.
"You should tell LT about this," Soap said, concerned.
"Tell what? It's just normal, nothing unexpected," I replied. "I should go rest." I headed to my room.
Sitting on the bed, another wave of nausea hit me. I rushed to the bathroom to vomit.
"I think I caught a stomach bug," I messaged Simon.
After messaging Simon, I rinsed my mouth and returned to my room, feeling utterly exhausted. I laid down on the bed, trying to ignore the lingering nausea. My phone buzzed with a reply from Simon.
"Are ya alright, love? Do ya need me to come back?" Simon's concern was evident even through the text.
"No, I'll be fine. Just need some rest," I typed back, though I wished he could be here with me.
Johnny knocked gently on my door. "Nora, you okay in there?"
"Yeah, Johnny. Just feeling a bit off," I said, my voice weak.
"Need anythin'? Some water, tea, maybe?" he offered.
"Water would be nice, thanks," I replied, managing a small smile.
Johnny returned quickly with a glass of water. "Here ya go. Rest up, alright?"
"Thanks, Johnny," I said, taking a sip.
As I settled back into bed, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. The nausea, the dizziness, the fatigue—it all felt too much to be just a stomach bug. But for now, all I could do was wait for Dr. William's call with the test results.
Hours passed, and I drifted in and out of a restless sleep. Finally, my phone rang. It was Dr. William.
"Nora, I got your results. Can you talk?"
"Yes, Dr. William, please tell me," I said, my heart pounding.
"Your iron levels are indeed low, and you have low blood pressure and low blood sugar, which explains your dizziness and nausea. However, there's something else. Have you missed your period recently?"
My breath caught in my throat. "Yes, I have. What does that mean?"
"Nora, I think you might be pregnant. We'll need to do a confirmation test, but the symptoms and your blood work suggest it."
Pregnant? The word echoed in my mind. I thanked Dr. William and ended the call, feeling a mix of shock, joy, and fear. How would I tell Simon? What would this mean for us?
I decided not to share this with Johnny yet. It felt too personal, too raw to discuss with anyone before Simon knew. I needed time to process this on my own.
Lost in thought, I barely noticed when Johnny knocked on my door again. "Nora? Ya look like you've seen a ghost. Everythin' alright?"
"Just tired, Johnny. Thanks for the water," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Johnny, I've got to go see Simon," I told him as I hurriedly threw some clothes into my suitcase.
"Everythin' alright, Nora?" Johnny asked, concern etched on his face.
"Yeah, just...something important came up. I need to talk to him face-to-face," I said, avoiding eye contact.
"Alright, if ye need anythin', let me know," Johnny replied, his worry evident but respectful of my need for privacy.
I had told Johnny not to inform Simon that we were coming to see him. Dr. William had emailed me the test report, and I had it ready to show Simon. When the helicopter landed on the base, Johnny stepped out first, offering me a hand to help me down.
I wore simple white joggers, a long figure-hugging jersey dress, and a denim jacket. As I stepped onto the base, I could feel all eyes on me. Johnny grabbed my suitcase and led the way inside the building. The stares followed me as I walked, my heart pounding with anticipation.
Johnny carried my suitcase inside while I continued my search for Simon. I found him in the briefing room with Captain Price and Gaz, all of them engrossed in a discussion over a map. Simon was leaning on the desk, his focus on the map. I stood in the doorway, crossing my arms over my chest, waiting for him to notice me.
Suddenly, his eyes lifted and met mine. A look of surprise and concern flashed across his face.
"Lieutenant Simon Riley," I said, my voice steady but carrying the weight of the news I was about to share. "We need to talk."
He straightened up, his expression shifting to one of immediate seriousness. "Nora? What are ya doin' here?"
Captain Price and Gaz exchanged curious glances but remained silent. Simon quickly walked over to me, concern evident in his eyes. "Let's go somewhere private," he said softly.
We walked out of the room and found a quiet spot outside. Simon turned to me, his eyes searching mine. "What's goin' on, love?"
I took a deep breath and handed him the printed email from Dr. William. "Simon, I'm pregnant," I said, my voice trembling slightly.
He looked down at the paper, then back up at me, his eyes wide with shock. "Pregnant?" he repeated, as if needing to hear it again to believe it.
I nodded. "I wanted to tell you in person. This is big, Simon. It changes everything."
He stood there for a moment, processing the news. Then, he pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. "We'll get through this, Nora. Together. I'm here for ya, no matter what."
Tears of relief and joy welled up in my eyes as I held onto him. "I was so scared, Simon. But hearing you say that...it makes everything better."
He kissed the top of my head, his voice full of love and determination. "We'll figure it out, love. One step at a time. Now, let's get you settled and take care of ya and our little one."
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wlwprker · 2 days
coming out- s.r. x gn!reader
a/n: this is my first time writing for gn! reader so i apologize if it's not great! In honor of pride month coming up, I wanted to write a little blurb of reader coming out as bi to spencer, ik some people don't have the best experiences w/ coming out so i hope this provides you with comfort! I want every single one of you reading this to know that no matter how you identify, you are VALID and loved :) bi!reid is real to me !!
warnings: insecurities, self-doubt, i didn't proofread too much sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes!! bold and italics! lowercase intended
wc: 913
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you always knew you were different than most people your age in almost every single way. you didn't like parties, you found peace within the pages of a book rather than at a bass boosting party with alcohol and strangers compacted into one area. you liked the rain especially the petrichor that the rain provided, it was peaceful.
however, you could get lost in your own head just thinking about anything and everything. today's topic that was plaguing your mind was your sexuality, a very touchy subject. you knew so many people who knew who they were at the start but that was just not you, you found people attractive which is normal, but it wasn't until high school that something had changed, and you weren't prepared for it, so you pushed it down so far that you thought it wasn't real.
it was very real. you thought the way you felt for your friend was a platonic feeling but it wasn't. you daydreamed about them, being with them, wanting to cross the line of friendship. you yearned for them and every single conversation, meaningless touch, every look...it drove you crazy.
so now all that repressing has come back to the surface all these years later and you're forced to address these feelings, emotions and thoughts all at once. what scared you more than anything was having to come out, that was something that you never have had to do before.
naturally, your mind shifted to spencer. you haven't been together long, but you hoped he wouldn't look at you differently or treat you differently, it terrified you. it was way too early in the morning for this, you had to get ready for work, spencer always was up earlier than you, so he wasn't home. you sighed and shook off your thoughts as you got ready and grabbed breakfast and coffee and headed to work.
you both worked at the BAU, and you both knew it was risky to be together because of what the job entailed but spencer and you wanted to take that risk. work was a good distraction from being stuck inside your head, you could use something to push those thoughts far away.
however, spencer knew you like the back of his hand, he knew something was wrong, but you had to be in the briefing room for a case, he would find time to talk to you. the case was a rough one to put it lightly, everyone felt drained mentally and emotionally which just added more thoughts to your head.
"you're not sleeping?", spencer said quietly so he wouldn't startle you. you shrugged and avoided his eyes because you knew if you looked in his eyes, his eyes would be asking you to talk to him, you can't, not yet.
spencer noticed the way you didn't look at him and his eyebrows furrowed in worry, he knew you didn't want to talk but there was clearly something circling in your mind.
the jet ride back to the office was quiet, very quiet. as soon as the jet landed, you grabbed your stuff and waited for spencer. spencer packed his stuff and put an arm around your waist, and you started to walk towards the parking lot, but spencer softly guided you to the empty briefing room.
"spencer, what are we doing in here?", you asked curiously. he didn't answer he just looked at you, waiting for you to meet his eyes.
"what is running through that mind of yours?"
you didn't answer and spencer lifted your chin up with his finger, so you were now looking at him. "there's that pretty face!"
you couldn't fight the smile that appeared on your face. spencer always knew how to lift your spirits no matter what. it was one of the endless reasons why you adore him so much, you are so grateful to have someone who cares for you as much as he does.
"it's nothing, it's stupid"
"if it's bothering you, it's not stupid", spencer whispered, and you knew that you couldn't keep it in anymore, it was spencer, he has never judged you.
"i just don't want you to think about me differently"
spencer's heart twisted in pain at the mere thought that you were worried he would think of you in a different way. "sweetheart, there is nothing that you could do or say that will change the way i feel about you"
you took a deep breath and played with your necklace as you worked up the courage to finally speak. "i'm bisexual and i've been driving myself absolutely crazy because I didn't want you to like think of me or treat me differently. not that you would but i get so lost in my own head and i was just so scared that i-" spencer cut off your rambling by grabbing your face in his hands and kissed you with so much adoration, you felt dizzy.
"thank you for trusting me with this, angel but i love you, you know that right? it doesn't matter to me who you love because you're still all i want every day of my life"
spencer reid will be the death of you.
"i love you too, spence", you said as he feigned a sigh of relief, and you rolled your eyes playfully at his antics.
"at least we have another thing in common"
you raised your eyebrows at him, and he smiled brightly back at you.
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