#just being flat out ignored its mad and hurtful
redrobin-detective · 2 years
One thing that infuriates me about modern life is, for how terminally online everyone is, people are terrible at answering messages. I communicate primarily through texts, show love through ‘thinking of you’ messages, ask important time sensitive questions over the phone. I don’t need answers back right away but when days past without response it passes rude into disheartening. Nothing infuriates me more than following up in person on a text I sent a week before and getting ‘oh lol sorry forgot’
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dabislittlemouse · 11 months
Can I get dabi saying “I know you can’t lie to me, doll.”
istg its canon that he calls his s/o doll bc… yeah
Congrats on the milestone!!
THANK YOU KITTEN 🫦😩 this one kinda turned out longer than I expected.
I offer yall a very teasing asshole Dabi today :3
“𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞, 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥”
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You could not stand this man- his attitude and nonchalance, his arrogance, it made you boil in anger. Dabi was rude, vile and uncaring, always by himself and clearly showing the disinterest towards everyone in the League.
Well, towards everyone but you. And that was what made you not stand him at all. It was always the little teasing comments that he threw at you that drove you insane.
Today Shigaraki gathered the group for a meeting related to the League’s next move in Deika city. After listening to what the boss had to say, everyone had their turns to put in their thoughts and suggestions. And now it was your turn. You were paying close attention to the details in all seriousness.
“I think the plan is fine but.. I’d suggest we all stay together instead of splitting” you said.
“Is that so?”
You turned to the direction where that so-much hated voice came from. Dabi was leaning back on the chair, a smug grin gracing his face.
“Tell me more about it, doll” he said. His tone was teasing, acting as if he was oh, so interested in what you had to say. You let out a sharp breath, trying to keep your calm and not give him the satisfaction of knowing you were being bothered.
“They’ll have it easier to get us one by one and kill us if we split. They already outnumber us so it is best we all stay together” you cleared it out for him, a forced smile on your face that he so much loved.
“Not sure what you mean by ‘kill us’, cause there’s no way they are killing me” Dabi raised an eyebrow, testing you. “One blast of fire from my hand and I can turn hundreds of them to ashes. The same goes for the boss, who can disintegrate a considerable number of them. I think you underestimate your teammates, doll”
Underestimating wasn’t even what you were trying to say, because no matter how strong they all were, they can’t do much when being outnumbered by hundreds of citizens with unknown quirks! But he was just turning it his own way, making you feel like a fool!
“Well then if you’re so fucking confident in your powers then by all means, go by yourself! Not that you are ever around us anyway! We never needed you!” you scoffed.
“Ouch, that hurt!” Dabi chuckled, placing a hand on his chest to make the dramatic effect as if your words stabbed him.
Shigaraki rolled his eyes and suggested for you both to stop interacting if this was going to turn into a fight. After the meeting ended, everyone was heading out of the room, one by one. For some reason you were the last one that was about to get out.
Right behind Dabi.
As you waited for him to get out, he in fact stopped in his tracks. You stared at his back, confused.
“Um.. can you like.. move or something?” you said impatiently, wanting to get out and go to your room. The man ignored you, as he simply closed the door. You heard a click sound. He locked you both inside the meeting room.
“Huh- What are you doing?” you frowned. He turned at you, his azure eyes gleaming at you with something dark and twisted. Almost lustful. You swallowed, walking backwards as he got closer to you.
“You mad that I don’t like your stupid plan?” Dabi rasped out, hands on his pockets as he continued approaching you.
“As if!” you snapped. “I don’t need your approval for my ideas, you’re not the boss here. What I don’t like is your shitty attitude towards every fucking thing, you’re not the least cooperative”
“Because I simply don’t care” Dabi said, his tone flat. You walked back until you reached the table behind you. He got closer, too close, your bodies almost pressing together. Your breath hitched, has he ever heard of personal space?
“See? Why are you even here if you don’t care? Just leave the League already!”
Dabi laughed at your comment, both his hands resting on your sides. Now his broad chest pressed against yours.
“Leave the League? You’re funny, doll. And what will you do if I don’t, huh?” he whispered, as you felt his hot breath against your ear. “Will you kick my ass and constantly say how horrible I am?”
“Well if that’s what I’m left with..” you replied. You could feel your body heating up, and you weren’t sure if it was from him being close to you or from what you were feeling deep in your core.
Dabi clicked his tongue, a finger reaching to move some hair behind your ear. “But you like how horrible I am, don’t you?”
You gulped down nervously, eyes widening.
“N-No I don’t. Why would I!? You’re insufferable!”
“Am I? Tch, that’s a shame” he placed his warm hands on your hips, making you squirm. He chuckled at the effect he had on you.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me, Y/N” he said, his fingers tapping your sides, almost tickling you. “You like it when I tease you and mess with you, don’t you? That’s why you always fight me back…because you want more of my attention”
You squeezed your eyes shut, extremely embarrassed. Because as much as you hated his edgy mean ass, there indeed was a part of you that waited for him to throw teasing comments, that waited for the thrill of fighting him back whenever he messed with you. There was a part of you that deep down enjoyed that smug grin of his too much, those piercing blue eyes, that deep raspy voice of his. And you were trying your hardest to suffocate all those secret feelings and not let them come out.
“Y-You’re delusional” was all that you managed to say.
“Y’know that liars are what I hate most? Look at me” Dabi grabbed your chin to face him. His face was mere inches away as his lips brushed against yours. You froze, heart pounding against your chest. He placed a soft kiss on your lips, the kiss soon turned deeper, inserting his tongue and groaning as he explored your mouth. You moaned in response, your body already on fire and he didn’t even use his quirk.
But that was it. Dabi pulled away, not before giving your lower lip a teasing bite. He looked back at you and smiled at the already fucked out look in your face. All it took was a kiss.
“I know you can’t lie to me, doll”
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tartigglez · 1 year
I saw you were taking a break and I hope everything with you is okay I love your writing! <3 long time lurker here.
Whenever you are doing better or feel up to it I was wondering if I could make a request for Megumi x fem reader. She’s like way shorter than him and she’s also a sorcerer, it would take place in like the canon time period (idk if I’m saying that right haha). Could it be about them in a pre-established relationship and Megumi starts acting distant so reader thinks he’s mad at her but really he’s upset about something else? I hope that was detailed enough I read your rules lol.
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megumi x fem!reader
・❥・fluff, hurt/comfort, tiny smidge of smau cuz i couldn't help myself
・❥・gumi lowkey struggles with his emotions, physical touch, one instance of petnames, reader is hurt by megumis actions but it's okay they all live happily ever after don't worry, megumi picks at his nail briefly, i think that's it
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it started a couple of weeks ago, and you tried to ignore it at first, putting it up to high tensions over his grade promotion. still, this really couldn’t be an excuse to keep blowing you off, right? even a text to ask if you could go off campus together for lunch, replied with a simple “no, sorry”. a phone call asking if you could accompany him during his training session with panda left unanswered. and most recently, flat out walking away whilst you were trying to talk to him. 
why was he being so strange? what could have possibly inspired this? could he be getting tired of you? was it your fault? were you doing something wrong? 
he used to always text you goodnight, but he hasn’t been lately. in fact, his communication has been completely minimised as of late. you decided you weren’t going to try and reciprocate something that didn’t exist, frustration growing as you feared losing him. he would still answer if you really needed him, right? was he really not at all afraid of losing you?
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“hey” he said flatly, door clicking open as he peeked his head inside. he then closed the door behind him, “you know i’m not supposed to be in the girls wing this late at night, what is it?” 
he didn’t sound particularly angry, or upset. but he didn’t sound like he had any opposite feeling in the words either. it was just empty.
“i think we need to talk,” you preceded, moving to sit on the edge of your bed, legs dangling off the side. 
“seriously? this couldn’t wait until the morning?” he muttered, plopping down in the chair next to your desk. was he really being like this? couldn’t he tell you were upset? this isn’t the megumi you know, this isn’t the megumi you love. 
“don’t snap at me, megumi” you raised your eyebrows at him, then shifted so your back was against the wall at the other side of the bed, crossing your legs. 
“right, sorry,” he spoke, even quieter than his initial comment, “what’s wrong?” he questioned, black irises meeting with your face as he picked at the side of one of his nails. 
“did i do something?” you asked quietly, barely loud enough for him to hear. he was silent, almost like he was waiting for you to keep talking, or he was deep in thought, it was one of the two. “i just feel like i’ve done something and that's wh-” 
“no,” he replied, a guilty look washing over his face, “no, you haven’t”  
“are you sure? because you’ve been acting really weird and maybe i’m overthinking it, but something seems off with us…”
he got up out of your chair, quiet movements capturing your attention as he sat down on the bed perpendicular to you, also crossing his legs, mirroring your position.
“so you noticed,” he opened gently, almost sighing through his words, “i’m sorry” he said, avoiding eye contact, trying to do anything to make things less awkward. “In all honesty i’ve been acting that way with everyone, not just you”
you reached your hand out to him, which he took in his before pulling it on to his lap. you squeezed it gently a few times, allowing him a moment to compose himself. 
“what’s been up 'gumi?” you tilted your head to the side “stuff with your promotion?” you looked up at him once again.
“no, it’s not that. it’s just…” he trailed off. He seemed to be debating whether or not to tell you whatever he was going to say next. “i got assigned a mission a couple of weeks ago, and gojo said i couldn’t tell anyone about it, or they could be in danger. so i figured it'd be best to avoid everyone as much as i could. there’d been a grade one curse active in shibyua, and i was assigned to it.” 
“a grade one? but why would they assign a grade two sorcerer to a grade one curse, unless…” 
“i passed the assessment for promotion,” he said flatly, as if it wasn't an achievement.
“what? really?! gumi, that’s huge! congratulations!” you smiled at him, getting up on your knees to plant a kiss on his cheek, and give him a hug. 
“thank you,” he said quietly, before silence fell between the two of you for a moment.
“you’re still thinking about it, aren’t you?” you whispered to him. 
“yeah” he replied. megumi wasn’t one for talking much about how he felt, which was a trait you’d grown to respect, understanding that he knew if he needed to talk about something, you’d be there. instead of trying to push something out of him, you settled for a more gentle solution to your conflict.
“do you want to lay here with me for a while?” you questioned, and he nodded at you.
“what if we get caught though?” he asked as you laid down with your head on the pillow, pulling him towards you so he could place his head on your chest. 
“it’d only be gojo if we did, and he’d understand surely?” you whispered as you stared at the ceiling, moving your hands almost purely by muscle memory into his hair, slowly massaging his scalp as you played with his hair.  
“yeah, i guess you’re right”  he said against the cotton of your hoodie. Once again, silence filled the room. this time, however, it wasn’t tense, nor awkward, it was comfortable. 
“i’m sorry for how i acted, love” 
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taglist: @lioria @celestetalkstoomuch
sfw masterlist
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost
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tommyarashikage · 5 months
WIP Wednesday (+ Music Monday)
hello everyone, I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton, @direwombat and @cloudofbutterflies92 to post a wip + some tunes, also by @inafieldofdaisies for music monday, thank you all 🧡
sending no pressure tags to: @risingsh0t @bbrocklesnar @carlosoliveiraa @captmactavish @alexxmason @onehornedbeast @nightbloodbix @finding-comfort-in-rain @confidentandgood @josephslittledeputy @aceghosts @voidika @thedeadthree @shadowglens @corvosattano @jackiesarch @fourlittleseedlings @strangefable @kyber-infinitygems @leviiackrman @captastra @macs-babies @gwynbleidd @dickytwister
it's the first wip post of 2024 (AND on the first wednesday of 2024 too! wow!) and it has been going well so far! everything I'm sharing now was also written in 2024 I know yall keep saying I shouldn't apologize for sharing too much writing but I do feel bad when the snippets are really long. with that being said, apologies for these snippets.. they are really long :')
The first one is a song only. I'm writing for Zoiya again! After I reworked her playlist a little, inspiration came back. Now I want to finally write out all of the notes I have for her. And this song is just peak her:
The second one is for Bonnie, my new Coral Island girl. Just a silly little idea I had + the song that served as my biggest inspiration for her character in general:
Everything hurts. There are muscles hurting — aching — Bonnie didn’t even know could hurt like that. What an utmost wonderful time it was to live without pain. How she took it for granted. Now it’s just a memory. A blurry memory.
The heat of the sun burning on her skin was never a pleasant feeling to begin with but now with the extreme brightness on top? Torture. She was hoping her giant white summer hat could be of help. Turns out it’s a traitor. Just like her pink, heart-shaped, way too big for her face, sunglasses; the sunlight finds its way through them and stings in her eyes.
At this point she wonders why she left her house in the first place. If the farmer ever gets to have a free day, it should be today, when she’s on the brink of falling apart.
At least the morning was rather quiet. Only the soft back and forth of the ocean can be heard. Bonnie inhales the salty scent of the water. Maybe this can soothe the pain, as long as it stays quiet.
“Hungover all by yourself, gorgeous?”
Bonnie flinches slightly — as much as possible in her state — at the sudden noise.
The greeting is followed by a chaste kiss on her cheek, but she pays the man no attention and simply answers with a grumble.
“Did you sleep well?”, he asks. As if he doesn’t know.
She’s so unbelievably offended by the question, she clenches her jaw, ignores the pain and her view follows him as he sits down next to her.
The anger doesn’t last for long though. And it’s not just because he’s pretty — damn him, this would be a lot easier if he wasn’t — but because he’s actually present to check on her. One would think this is the bare minimum when you’re dating but she can’t help but appreciate it. He never leaves his home at such an early time.
And speaking of which, Bonnie has no clue how she got home safely last night. The memory of the last few hours before she found sleep are gone but she might have an idea. Another reason why she can’t be mad at him. She wants to be but can’t.
By now her glare has turned into a frown, accompanied by a barely-there pout.
It delights him.
This hurts just as much as the headache. The day is getting worse by the minute. Or maybe it’s just the hangover and Bonnie is overreacting. She hasn’t been drinking this much ever since her college days.
With a groan her head drops flat onto the coffee table. Either it didn’t hurt, or she simply can’t determine it from her already aching head.
“Do you want me to get you some coffee?”, he asks.
Bonnie answers him without lifting her head off the table. All he can hear are muffled noises.
He leans in closer to her, trying to somehow make out what she’s saying. Without much success.
“So, no coffee?”
A pause. Followed by a singular dragged out muffled noise. This one was an obvious ‘no’.
The last snippet is for my original story, Snowfall. I imagine everything written in italics plays as a little montage, accompanied by this song: (strangely enough, despite its setting and plot, this is the main song for the whole story)
When does one feel content? Does it come with comfort? It always did but they don't come as a package deal. Or so she heard.
Thinking about one’s feelings is strange. … But the mind travels to strange places when left unsupervised. Exploring new ones, revisiting old ones. Never does it ask, it just does at it pleases. Even when the heart begs for the trip to end as it can’t take the ache anymore. And sometimes, the mind gives in when the lamentation becomes too much to bear. Then, it tries to help — to soothe — to make up for the uncontrolled yearning and drags one’s attention elsewhere.
The only way Sól’s mind can ease the pain is to make sure she’s content. And that’s when it has to ask; when does she feel content?
When the emptiness is filled? When the loneliness vanished? To have someone with you who doesn’t just make you feel safe but who also gives you the feeling of being needed — that you make them feel safe, too. At the darkest of nights, when the room is being illuminated by the city’s neon lights. Those which, through the eyes of a child, seem fun and colourful, though as you grow, they become bleak and unbearable. But, when they’re the only source of light for you to see in that darkness, to see a face — one you have never witnessed before in a state like this; calm and relaxed — then you grow fond of them again. You thank them, silently — with a smile on your lips because it’s a rather silly thought — and hope they will stay for the countless nights to come. You would never want to miss it again. And to make sure it won’t fade you form it into a memory, by tracing your fingertips over every spot that is so dear to you. Soft skin to skin contact that fills you with warmth. You smile. You’re content.
A note written with blood.
When you’re reminded of that frightening past in the middle of the night? Though you soon realize that it’s not getting dug out to taunt you but to alleviate that sorrow. To discover that you’re not the only one, that you’re not so different and although listening almost feels like revisiting, you remain. As much as you expect it to hurt, in the end it mitigates the pain. Two halves became one and the memory doesn’t weigh as heavy when conjoint souls carry this burden together. The spark ignites into a flame. You’re content.
The glass cracked.
When you thought your whole world fell apart? You crashed and burned. But after horror faded and the screams died out, you realize your whole world is here, with you, in your arms. It all lead to this. And the bliss you thought had vanished; you’re in the middle of it. You’ll never let it go again. You’d rather tore this place asunder. This time you will make sure to keep what is dear to you safe, make sure it will always find sleep in your arms. You’re content.
The silence chokes you out.
When you’re at a place you once called home? A place you swore never to return to because it stole your joy, your peace, your childhood. But now you see that it prepared you. For the hell that never sleeps, a hell that never gave you the chance to breathe. Because it takes. It takes everything that you love and still hungers for more. Never satisfied. In here, though, you can’t hear the growling. You’re shielded, the noise gets drowned out. And only two remain beside you. A love of the past, of the present, and the future. And remnants of a love almost forgotten. Piece them together and it becomes all that you have, all that is dear to you, all that is you. You’re content.
And your mind forms these memories, engrains them into your soul, so you never lose them again. A double-edged sword. They bring bliss as much as they bring misery. But she endures it. She has to.
Her view lowers to the little boy in her arms. Sound asleep. The steady rhythm of his breathing lifting her arm ever so slightly. It’s good to see that at least one can find sleep in these times. Sól keeps watch and makes sure it stays this way. You’re content.
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bee-birb · 5 months
tails nine theory - sonic prime spoilers - this is a long one
so we established that the prisms have like, mega energy and are way too much power for one person right? like, dread knuckles got a taste of the power from the noplace shard and went mad over it, and thorn rose also went a bit crazy with the boscage maze shard. afterward, she even said that it was far too much power for one person. eggman went wacko trying to get the whole prism initially, though that could have just been eggman being eggman.
my theory is, nine probably never would have gone as far as he did in s3 if he wasn't exposed to the prism. and not just one shard like dread and thorn, mind you. all of them. he had full exposure to all five shards, and was regularly drawing on their power to shape reality with himself as a conduit. first the new yoke shard, then the grim shard, (both in s1), then as the council collected more shards during s2, he was presumably exposed to more prism energy. (though, i think the energy field holding them in the dome would have blocked most of the energy, but you get my point.) that much prism energy could not have been good for his mind, especially because he's still portrayed as rather young in the series. in fact, we only get the ultimate betrayal while nine is in the presence of four of the five shards. thats a lot of power.
because the prism's energy is so strong, and with evidence from thorn and dread that it makes you volatile, nine probably wouldn't have betrayed sonic over the miscommunication. in fact, sonic had mentioned repairing green hill multiple times before, and nine didn't speak up or ask about it. this could be because he was biding his time to get all the shards in order to transform the grim, but he probably would have made at least a sarcastic comment about it. he also leaves the resistance behind after having the new yoke shard in his possession, the same thing that dread does in s2.
over the course of season 3, we can also see the effect of longterm use of prism energy in nine. he gets tired, falling over atop his citadel, and is always mentioning needing more power. this screams that something else is at work in his subconscious. another example is when shadow remarks that it was always all about power. sonic goes to disagree because sonic, but nine agrees. except, i dont think it was all about power initially. it was about building himself a safe haven in the grim. he was originally going to include sonic in his safe haven, too, as evidenced by the hammock and the palm trees they reference in the citadel. it was about finding a place for him to belong- a blank slate for him to start over.
and after the prism is gone, nine gets far more sympathetic and seems to be more himself. this also could be sonic being, yaknow, on the verge of completely falling apart without prism energy, but that doesn't make as much sense. nine was more than ready to extract the energy from sonic in s3e1, and do so mercilessly- after he had used the prism to create the alpha grim bots. are you seeing the pattern? nine gets steadily more unstable, unsteady, and unfeeling as he is exposed to the prism and harnesses its energy through himself.
and i do understand that hurt people hurt people, and the kid is just doing what he can to make himself a home. it makes complete sense to do anything you can to make yourself the safe space that you've never had before. but the fact that he doesn't listen to reason and facts goes completely against nine as a character- he's the logical one. the thinker. he was the first to tell the council that using the prism would cause shatterverse wide decay. and he flat out ignores all that during s3. its not correlative to his character, hence my theory that something deeper is happening with nine.
now, for those of you saying that sonic never had such side effects- he already has prism power in his being. it wouldn't affect him as much as a completely outside source would.
anygays, thank you for reading my rambles and have a good night. remember, its just a theory- a gAME THEORY-
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seoafin · 11 months
i was rereading chapter 5 of dog days are over and fuck man i just love it so much ik we are all excited for the smut but these chapters before are what make the smut all the more worth it!!! if it was just straight sex without building up their relationship and their dynamic it would fall so flat for me but the way you freaking write geto and his flat smiles and his measured tone of voice anytime he’s slightly displaced or wants to manipulate ripmc to stay longer or eat more food🥺🥺🥺🥺 my heart flutters u can rlly see the cult leader coming in my pookie and my heart starts hurting so muchhhhh have u felt like that when you read a rlly good fic? like ur heart is weightier than before and u can just feel it in ur chest and you’re so nervous but fluttery and geniunly fucking shy as hell too…..or do i just have heart problems omg. when geto asked ripmc if the food wasn’t tasty in front of the waitress to get ripmc to eat while he was ordering drinks my pussy fluttered when gojo said put it all on my card too omg MY MAN RIGHT THERE how do u think of scenes like that scenes that are just so fuckinh them like scenes that until you write them i wouldn’t even think about but then i read them and i’m like fuck yeah geto would not even just geto gojo too and his indiscernible looks i can literally visualize him sitting there with his glasses looking at you and i can feel the weight of his stareeeeew gojo asking for more kisses when yours and getos lasts a second longer i love them so much omg. especially when she’s all like guys let’s keep this a secret and they’re all like ……….fine🤨 JSJWKWKKS so pls take all the time in the world you need to not get to the smut i’ll love the smut but i love these kinda scenes even more. also take some time for yourself to decompress and relax!!! i just love the way ripmc fits seamlessly between the two so bad omg she’s literally their missing piece i’m gonna fucking sob. can i ask? is she gonna tell geto and gojo about the mission that went rlly bad? do they know already🧍🏻‍♀️? omg imagine if they find out nanami knew before them?? also do you think there’s anything ripmc could do to get them genuinely mad and angry cause i was thinking of gojos “you cheatin on me” which btw i literally could imagine him saying those exact words and it was teasing so it made me think do they actually care about cheating? like have they had actual fights about it before geto n gojo? and what would they do if like ugh thsi is so angsty i’m sorry i’m on my period🧍🏻‍♀️but how would they react if like ripmc cheated on them? like a kiss or smt? would they be hurt because their trust was broken or would they be hurt because they think ripmc is theirs? BTW THIS SO MAKES IT SOUND LIKE I CHEATED AND IM JUST SELF INSERTING AS RIPMC I SWEAR I JUST THINK ITS INTERESTING TO THINK ABOUT THE SADDEST OF SCENARIOS IF UR UNCOMFY ANSWERING FEEL FREE TO IGNORE PLS!!!!!! anywaysssss i rllly fucking love ur writing so much and i hope you’re having a blast in japan you deserve it❤️‍🩹 i’m so excited and proud for not being like scared to go after what u want u too omg❤️❤️
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!! can I just say that I LOVE writing geto and his subtle cult leader tendencies in the poly au like YES gaslight gatekeep girlboss (but in moderation lmfao) It's really the small moments where you could think that yeah...this is a guy that totally went off the rails and started a cult lmfao...he keeps his manipulative tendencies but channels them into forcing ripmc to take care of herself and [redacted] he's so awful I love him truly!!!!!
niku also brought up stsg knowing spoiler alert......they know and they definitely aren't happy she talked about it with nanami instead of them. they wanted her to tell them of her own volition, so expect the mission to come back up again in a later chapter lol also for all of ripmc's many faults I genuinely think she can do no bad in their eyes. if she did something it's justified unless it's directly impacted her health as in she put herself in danger and got grievously injured. I can definitely see them getting actually upset and angry with her for that but if anything the repercussions are more like....ripmc being stuck in a room for a week and getting coddled to death until stsg deem it enough 😭
It's not that stsg care about cheating it's more the fact that they are very secure in their relationship with each other and aren't worried about it. gojo might occasionally be annoyed and even pissed when they're arguing about geto being popular but it's never that serious. on the other hand ripmc.... 😭😭 ripmc would never cheat on them and they know it but she's also the most likely to entertain flirtations without knowing someone is flirting with her. when stsg jokingly flirt with another person they're always in control of the situation. they know which lines shouldn't be crossed. they use it as a means to purposefully get the other jealous. sometimes they try to make ripmc jealous and it backfires! another thing is the fact that because the line between lover and friend is so blurred in regards to stsg she doesn't quite understand that there are certain things that only a "boyfriend" gets to do to her which further translates to her not having any sense of boundaries with other people just like she doesn't have any sense of boundaries with stsg. obviously stsg wouldn't be happy about that 💀 if ripmc kissed someone else they probably approached her and asked if they could and she just said yes bc she couldn't find a reason to say no dhjsnfjsndb anyway they'd be more peeved than anything and they'd make it a point to make sure nothing like that ever happens again [ominous]
ANYWAY yeahhhhhhhhh I just think about geto a disproportionate amount aka so much it's unhealthy I'm so obsessed with him
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sophierequests · 1 year
the start of something exciting // academic exposures part one
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Pairing: Jesper Fahey x gn!Reader
A/N: This is one of the most self-indulgent fics I have ever written and I am not sorry about it. I'm currently outlining my term paper for a linguistics seminar, and the idea came to me during that. I am so sorry if you don't care for linguistics, but I just had to include a titbit of my own topic or else I'll go mad.
This is part one of an ongoing miniseries! Find the miniseries masterlist here!
Summary: After a rather uncomfortable encounter with the Dime Lions, Jesper finds himself in the middle of the University District, looking for somewhere to hide. Thankfully, a helping hand isn't too far out of sight.
Genre: Fluff, a tad bit of Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: Talk about Jesper's mother and parental death (you and me both Jesper), bittersweet bonding times, strangers to friends to ???, emotional intimacy (briefly)
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No detours. Kaz had been painfully clear about that. Clear enough for Jesper to walk right into one. 
Well, technically it wasn’t his fault - not everything at least. The open gambling table just looked too inviting and the prominent wads of kruge in his pocket basically serenaded him not to let this opportunity pass. How should he have known that all the other supposed gamblers were Dime Lions and that the whole scene had actually been one giant set-up?
What kind of misfortune led him to hightail it through the damned University District of all places passed through him completely. It was a complete instinct to run off as quickly as he could, causing him to be stuck in a maze of lecture halls, student flats and libraries.  So now, he not only had to attempt and navigate the narrow streets and crooked buildings he had barely gotten to know during his brief stay at Ketterdam University, but he also had to do his best to outrun the men following him. It didn’t help that the campus seemingly had been remodelled since then, making his escape route even more difficult than it had to be. And Pekka’s saintsforsaken goons simply didn’t want to let him go. 
Jesper ran and ran until he felt a distinct burn inside his ribcage, restricting his air supply and forcing him to slow down. By now he had thankfully put enough distance between himself and his pursuers to not have them biting at his ankles anymore. He was certain that if he had to keep up this brutal pace, he’d end up fainting and getting caught anyway. It was a foolish thing to do, but when he reached the stairs leading up to another ancient-looking institute, he hoped to be hidden enough to take a quick break. He pressed his back against the cold stone facade behind him, clutching his side to ignore the desperate need for air. He probably should have been a bit more vigilant in choosing his hiding spot, especially since the university had its own security personnel that were more than willing to apprehend any suspicious figures roaming around the premise. But from what he could see, the majority of buildings on campus were already vacated, fallen victim to the scattered attention span of overworked academics. 
That’s what he thought. 
He hadn’t even been able to take a full breath before the door next to him swung open. A pair of unexpectedly strong hands grabbed the lapels of his coat, yanking him inside the intricate institute. As much as he wanted to fight against whoever had the audacity to treat him like an abandoned sack of potatoes, he was too weak to do anything against it. Without as much as a word of introduction, his back was fiercely pushed against the hard wall right next to the door, a hand immediately being smacked over his mouth to keep him quiet. He wanted to say something, but every attempt at formulating a sentence was muffled beyond recognition by the palm forcing his lips shut.
“Shut up for a second, won’t you?” you hissed, cocking your head towards one of the windows to give you a better view of the street in front of the building.
The two of you stayed like this for a few more minutes - a terribly awkward scene for people that had never seen or spoken to each other before. When you reckoned that letting him speak wouldn’t result in another life-and-death situation for either one of you, you carefully removed your hand from his mouth, dismissively wiping it on the fabric of your pants. He almost appeared offended at that gesture. 
You took a brisk step back, granting him a bit of personal space from the previously pretty intimate position you were in. He must have looked like an absolute flustered mess for you to be this wary of him. In all honesty, he was. Your hand had been scorching hot on his skin, close to feeling like it would leave a burn scar. But for some reason, it hadn’t been all that unwelcome. Saints, in some sick and twisted way, he liked it. 
“There may be a whole lot of these bastards running around, but they aren’t ballsy enough to enter an institute building without explicit permission of the dean. Trust me, they tried it before,” you explained calmly, your voice sounding aeons gentler than it had only mere moments ago. Now that you weren’t pressing him up against a wall, you looked a lot softer in general. What he had expected to be his last mortal punishment turned out to be just another exhausted-looking university student that seemed to be equally on edge as he was. “However, I’d still suggest you stay here for a bit longer. They can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, so I wouldn’t risk it presenting yourself on a silver platter for the next hour or so.” You paused briefly, biting the inside of your cheek and casting a cautious glare around the opulent foyer. “Follow me.”
This time, you held out your hand, beckoning him to take it and let you pull him away once again. Against his better judgement, he extended his own arm, abiding your bidding with a foreign sense of excitement. Kaz would have probably whacked him with his cane, had he known what exactly his sharpshooter was stumbling into right now. However, Kaz wasn’t here and the rush of adrenaline surging through him was way more interesting to pursue. 
You towed him up the winded marble staircase and through a birch-paneled spacious corridor, passing an array of wooden doors and adjacent hallways. Jesper’s body went into autopilot, not even properly registering the number of turns or stairs taken. He prayed that you’d accompany him back downstairs again when all of this was over because he sure as hell wouldn’t be able to navigate this building on his own.
A bit out of breath, you reached a set of arched double doors which you promptly unlocked, letting go of his hands to do so. You pushed them open, leading him into a comfortable, high-ceilinged room, presumably a library of some sort. Jesper really wasn’t a person to be enchanted by the prestigious academic decorum, but even he had to admit that the dark oaken shelves and the massive collection of worn and well-read tomes instilled a certain overwhelming sense of respect inside him. 
He followed you to a wine-red couch that must have been at least three shades lighter when it was still unused. You pulled out a rattling box of matches, lighting the wick inside the oil lamp smoothly before blowing it out with one swift breath. Meanwhile, he watched you with a keenness bordering on religious, not even once taking his eyes off you, even though his whole body told him to do anything but stand still. He had been so fascinated by the way you weaved through the endless hallways as if it was second nature, and now, he felt the same sensation watching your features become more defined in the warm glow of the lamp you just lit. It should have been too mundane to catch his attention this way, but somehow, it still did. He didn’t even know your name, and yet you felt eerily familiar to him, like an old friend he hadn’t seen in ages.
“Alright,” you mumbled under your breath, dragging out the last syllable impossibly long. You let yourself fall back onto the padded couch behind you, gesturing to the empty space next to you. He was hesitant at first, but judging by the fact that you hadn’t strangled him yet, agreeing to your offer couldn’t cause much more harm.
“Uhm, I…” he started, unsure of how to proceed. It wasn’t every day that ended with him being shoved inside an abandoned university building by an admittedly quite attractive stranger, so his rehearsed phrases weren’t all that useful to him. “I suppose I should thank you for saving my ass earlier, I don’t think that I would have been able to outrun them on my own.” An awkward chuckle left his lips while one of his hands instinctively shot up to rub the nape of his neck. It frustrated him that you had somehow managed to reduce his usual flirty persona to a flustered mess that stumbled over his own words. “My name’s Jesper Fahey by the way,” he added quickly, scolding himself for sputtering out his full name as if he needed to rectify something in front of a court.
You laughed in response to his stiffness, allowing your eyes to carefully scan his tense expression for the first time since hauling him inside. He was undeniably handsome; his piercing gray eyes and silky brown skin made him look so out of place in a ragged city such as Ketterdam. 
“A pleasure,” you finally spoke up, shifting in your seat to tuck one leg underneath you. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N, but please just call me Y/N, formalities aren’t really my thing.” A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips when you said that. Simply judging from your outward appearance, he could have bet that you were another one of those stuck-up, spoiled trust-fund babies that only decided to go to university to please their parents. It was a horribly surface-level assumption, but that’s what he was used to from his own, albeit very short, experience here. It was refreshing to see that you seemed to go completely against his initial beliefs, acting more as if you’d belong to the Dregs than to a prestigious institute such as this. “If you don’t mind me asking, what did you do to piss them off this much? They’ve been on campus quite a few times; prying on the female students or trying to make profit by stealing from the vulnerable ones, but they never actively chased someone.”
Jesper swallowed thickly, contemplating whether he should just tell you the truth or whether he should opt for telling you a quickly thrown-together lie. He mindlessly let his hands move to the seams of his belt, unintentionally revealing the two revolvers hanging from his hips. This mishap went unnoticed by him until he saw your eyes fixating on his sides.
Shit. You sure as hell wouldn’t be this hospitable after learning who he really was.
Instead of looking shocked by this revelation though, you shook your head in amusement, leaning back into the couch and prying your eyes away from his guns. “Let me guess, the Dregs?”
“Wait, how do you know that?”
“As I said, I guessed. And you’re way too pretty to belong to any other gang. These idiots chasing after you are more or less living proof of that.” A sudden rush of warmth spread over his cheeks, almost feverishly travelling down to his neck. He was used to being flirted with or complimented, but your remark sounded so genuine, even though you almost said it casually.
Since Jesper was still haggling with the right words to give you an appropriate answer, you took matters into your own hand. You quickly pushed the conversation in a different direction, talking about yourself a bit more whilst also asking him about himself. And as time went on, he began to ease into the situation, marvelling at how simple it had been for you to make him feel comfortable. 
He learned that you were just as old as him and currently studying to get your master's degree. Well, you were in the first semester of your master's degree, but that was still a lot further than he had gotten. You told him that you were studying linguistics, a subject he hadn’t really had any idea what it was really about before you started talking about it. He still didn't quite understand what it was, but he knew that it had something to do with languages, grammar and a lot of reading. The reason for you being inside the department this late, and also the reason why you had a key, was that you worked for the research programme of your field, which granted you access to basically the entire building whenever you needed it. And since you preferred studying alone, it wasn’t too much of a surprise that you’d be here until the night. Jesper believed that it had to be pure divine intervention, but he didn’t say it out loud.
“So, what do you intend on doing after you finished your degree?” he asked sheepishly, hoping that his tone didn’t sound too condescending. He just wasn’t sure what one might do with a piece of paper that told others about their knowledge of transitive verbs or noun phrases - whatever these things were.
“If my thesis goes well and my professors like my research, I’ll probably work on getting my doctorate.” He raised his brows almost comically. You had spent the last few years of your life studying, not even taking one semester off to do Saints know what, and that wasn’t enough? You wanted to get another degree? On one hand, he admired your dedication to your field, but on the other hand, he was slightly frightened of you.
“I don’t quite understand,” he continued, his interest growing. “What does one…do with linguistics? Like, I get that it’s a lot of reading and writing, but what is it good for?”
Thankfully, you didn’t take his genuine confusion as an offence. “Linguistics isn’t just simply talking about grammar and words. It’s also figuring out what’s behind it. It’s about finding patterns and drawing conclusions.” Your gaze wandered over his form, lingering on his cheeks for a brief moment before you resumed your explanation. “Knowing why things are the way they are can help us in recognising these patterns in the future. Without you having to tell me, I can safely assume that you grew up in Novyi Zem.” The assessment shot out of your mouth so quickly that Jesper almost choked on his own spit. But you weren’t finished. “Don’t look at me like that. Your speech is very audibly influenced by Zemeni, so that’s an easy thing to figure out. What’s a bit more difficult to figure out is where exactly you grew up. But judging by the way you talk, you probably lived on a farm of some sort. At least during the formative years of your language development. And you were probably mainly raised by a masculine parental figure, your vocabulary tells me just as much.” 
He froze, suddenly thinking that listening to Kaz wouldn’t have been such a bad idea. There was no way that you just figured all of that out by just listening to him speak. Absolutely not. And if that was the case, he was even more intimidated.
“You…you only figured that out now? By hearing me talk? That’s impossible,” he retorted, dumbfounded.
“It’s not impossible at all. It’s simply forensic linguistics. I worked through it in my bachelor’s thesis, a hefty but terribly intriguing topic,” you laughed, watching his face contort into an even more confused expression. “We don’t shape the words, they shape us. You think that you have a firm grip on what you say and what you don’t say, while in all actuality, you have no power over the words you know or don’t know. Every sentence, every word, even every syllable belonged to someone else before it belonged to you. And there are certain things, ways and methods of expressing yourself, that belong to a group of people just as definite as their vocabulary.”
Even though his head felt as if it might burst at the seams of his hairline, he was beginning to understand. Slowly, but surely. Academics really have never been his strong suit, so he didn’t expect to ever grasp the concept fully.
A heavy period of silence followed, which he had half-heartedly anticipated being uncomfortable. The anticipated tension never came, instead, you simply sat there; thinking, observing, and somehow, speaking in your own way.
“You were right,” he said suddenly, catching both of you off-guard. You raised your brows, cocking your head so little that it was barely noticeable. But he noticed. He couldn’t stop noticing.
“About what?” you asked tentatively, coaxing him to continue.
He swallowed again; once, twice. Hoping to clear the obstruction that had formed in his throat. He had the strong urge to tell you about himself, more than he already had. He wanted to tell you about his mother, the farm, himself. He wanted, but he also feared. You were basically a stranger to him; a stranger with a name. It would be weird to dump his whole dramatic backstory on you within a few hours of knowing you, wouldn’t it?
“You were right about me.” The answer spilt out of his mouth before he could form a proper game plan. “My da planted jurda for a living. I mean, he still does, so I suppose speaking of him in past tense would give someone as vigilante as you the wrong idea.” You chuckled at his newfound humour regarding your occupation, folding your hands in your lap as you waited for him to continue. “I used to help him out a lot; planting, digging, occasionally stealing the liquor from his cabinet because he didn’t drink it anyway. It wasn’t fun work, but it taught me a few things, and apparently, it also taught me how to speak ranchy enough for you to read me like an open book. I bet you’d be able to do the same to my father if you’d know him, once he opens his mouth he won’t close it until you force him to.”
“I see, that’s where you get it from,” you remarked with a grin, earning a playful jab from his knee in response.
“He’s a good man; difficult, but good. I put him through more trouble than I should, but I don’t think that ever made him think differently of me.” The thought of his father spending his days and nights alone on his farm, alone and worried about the fate of his son who he believed to be safe and sound at university, made his heart feel heavy. He began fiddling with his rings, shooing away the memories of his father’s disappointed face when he told him that he lost all of his money. “ A prim and proper Kaelish gentleman to the very marrow of his bones.”
Your eyes shot up to meet his, staring him down with such intensity that you might as well could just stare through him. “You’re Kaelish.” The statement sounded more like a question, underlined by the quizzical expression present on your face. “That, I wouldn’t have been able to guess.” He smiled, almost as if he had evened out the score in the unspoken quarrel you had going on. You looked at him for a while longer, mustering every scar and feature thoroughly. If you had been someone more serious like Kaz or Matthias, he would have probably found some sort of malice in the way your eyes fixated on him. But there was no ill will in your gaze, rather a sincere curiosity he couldn’t quite comprehend. Another point added to the exhaustive list of things he didn’t understand about you.
“I love him, but we haven’t talked in quite some time now. Ever since I moved to Ketterdam, we have sort of grown apart.”
“What brings someone like you to a place like Ketterdam in the first place? Becoming a gang member surely wasn’t your dream job, was it?”
“The work on the farm wasn’t for me. Da knew it and I knew it too, so he sent me off to study here. Let’s just say he wasn’t too happy to find out that I didn’t continue my studies.”
“So you chose to become a sharpshooter instead?” You nodded towards the shimmering pearl-handled revolvers that he presented openly by now. 
A fleeting memory of his mother passed through his mind; it always did whenever he thought about his guns, cherries, or his Fabrikator abilities. Bittersweet feelings washed over him, and he knew that it would be foolish to tell you about what happened to her. However, what was one more foolish choice at the end of a day during which he had constantly staggered and stumbled?
“Actually, my ma taught me how to shoot when I was a child. She could have shot flies had she wanted to. But she was too kind to even think about harming them.” Jesper plucked at the cuff of his dressing shirt, straightening it out like his mother did when he was still a child. It soothed him; helped him to keep the tears at bay whenever he remembered her. “You should probably thank her for making your assessment of me so much easier. She taught me everything I needed to know about living on the Zemeni frontier and what it means to be…me.”
“She sounds like a lovely lady then,” you gave him a comforting smile, having caught the sadness that laced his voice. 
“She truly was…,” Jesper sighed. “She died when I was seven. She had been…sick, so I guess it was for the better. Even though it doesn’t feel like it at all. My father and I rarely ever speak about her now, but I know that he thinks about her every day. And so do I.”
The unexpected feeling of a warm hand on his leg almost caused him to jump. One of your hands had moved from idly resting in your lap, to laying on his thigh, gently squeezing it as a silent way to assure him that you understood. Every muscle ending jumped into action underneath your fingers, willing to do your bidding and relax from their previous tension. 
“Death never feels like a blessing to the loved ones that are left behind. I’m sure she would have wanted to see you grow up and it’s sad that she couldn’t. I’m just as sure that she would be so proud to see who you have become now.” You slowly retreated your hand from its spot on his thigh, thinking that it might have overstayed its welcome. 
This couldn’t have been further away from the truth. He hated that he relished your affection this much; he didn’t even really know you after all. The Barrel wasn’t soft or gentle, it didn’t come to soothe him when he was upset. It didn’t give, it just took. The touch he had gotten used to was either used for pain or for pleasure, not genuine comfort. It frightened him how much this small gesture meant to him.
“I, uhm, thank you. That does mean a lot.” More than you can probably imagine.
You didn’t say anything, simply giving him a sympathetic look in order to not disturb the quiet understanding between the two of you.
Even though you really wanted him to stay, the ringing of eleven bells told you that it was time for him to leave. You had been talking for close to three hours now, and still, it didn’t feel like it was enough. There were still so many stories to tell and secrets to uncover. However, you couldn’t justify keeping him with you any longer.
When he noticed the way your gaze shot to the wooden grandfather clock in the corner of the room, he straightened his back, realising that this was the end. “I should probably get going,” he rasped, the unwillingness to leave also manifesting through his voice. “I have taken up enough of your time, and I’m sure my boss is already fuming because I didn’t come back on time.”
“Do you want me to show you the way downstairs? It can be a bit of a maze sometimes, so I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t remember all of the twists and turns we took.” 
“Please.” A toothy grin spread across his face as he stood up, offering his hand to pull you to your feet. 
The walk to the door was mainly held in silence, only broken by the occasional creaking of the wooden floor beneath you. It was comfortable, way more comfortable than any second spent alone at the Slat could be. He didn’t want to leave, but Kaz would rip off his head if he delayed his goodbye even longer.
A violent gust of air hit you after opening the door, making both of you shiver. The night was way colder than you had expected, and your flimsy sweater didn’t provide enough warmth to keep your teeth from chattering. Suddenly, you regretted leaving your coat in your flat this morning.
“Are you cold?” Jesper asked, having recovered from his initial reaction to the wind quite well by now. You gave him an overdramatic eye-roll, resisting the urge to slap him - only lightly, of course.
“I didn’t expect the weather to turn this quickly. And I certainly didn’t expect that I would be staying this late,” you retorted, sticking out your tongue at the lanky man next to you.
He laughed at your childish reply to his question, shaking his head and provoking a few of his short defined curls to fall onto his forehead. Before you could say anything else, he shrugged off his jacket, moving towards you to drape it over your shoulder.
“You don’t have to-”
“It’s fine. I’m not cold. These are quite cosy,” he said, patting the thick fabric of his vest. 
“Jesper, I have a ten-minute walk back to my flat, a little cold won’t kill me. Your walk is distinctively longer.”
“I’ll be fine,” Jesper assured, tugging the jacket closer around you to keep you from giving it back to him. “I still owe you after all. You genuinely saved my ass today, and this is the least I can do.”
“Shush.” He held up his index finger, letting it hover only a few centimetres away from your face. “Also, this gives me a reason to come and see you again. Only if you want to see me again, of course. If not, you can just pin the jacket to the front door of the Crow Club, I’m sure that after this, I’ll have to watch the door often enough to see it.”
“I’d love to see you again. Albeit, preferably be in less drastic circumstances,” you beamed, tentatively letting your arms slip through the sleeves of his jacket. You weren’t all that cold anymore, but whether that was because of the jacket or the burning heat in your cheeks wasn’t relevant. “I’m here basically every day, so the chances of missing me are very low. Just ask for me at the reception and I’ll come down. There are quite a few places to hide away and talk. And who knows, maybe I’ll even invite you back to my place if I like you enough.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
He gave you one last wink before casually strolling off towards the Slat. He turned around once more just to check whether you were still standing there. Sadly, you were already gone, probably scrambling to get home before midnight. 
His heart pounded inside his chest at the mere prospect of seeing you again. You had done something to him that he couldn’t quite explain, and it made him even more restless than he already was. He was really done for, and there was nothing that he could do to slow his descent into the void that was you.
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It was well past one bell in the morning when Jesper stumbled into the Slat. He had been so lost in thought that he completely lost his way, ending up somewhere in the Zelver District. He had hoped that the rest of the Crows would be busy doing Saints know what, and that he could just swiftly stalk upstairs unnoticed. But it seemed like he had already exhausted his luck for the day.
“Jesper!” Inej’s voice rang from the living room just as he had tried to sneak past it. Pretending that he didn’t hear her would be futile, so he opted to just face whatever might await him inside.
Nina and Inej were sitting around the small table in the middle of the room, a long-forgotten plate of waffles stood abandoned on top of it. Their previously anxiety-filled faces changed into ones of relief when they saw the sharpshooter enter.
“Thank the Saints,” Nina exclaimed, putting a hand over her heart as if she just lived down a heart attack. “We thought you were kidnapped! Kaz was close to going out there himself to look for you.”
“Be glad we talked him out of that idea,” Inej grumbled. “He was fuming.”
“What took you so long?”
“Dime Lions.” He thought about telling them the truth, they were his friends after all. But if Kaz caught wind of the fact that he somehow managed to not only walk right into a trap but also waste the majority of his time pouring his heart out to a complete stranger, he wouldn’t react amicably to it. “They chased me, so I had to hide and wait it out until they gave up. But hey, I managed to finish the job, just with a little bit of delay.”
“And you also managed to lose your jacket?” 
“The word ‘losing’ is a bit relative, isn’t it?” he replied, a knowing smirk on his lips which left the girls too confused to question his antics any further.
He knew what he was talking about and that was enough.
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Grishaverse fics in general: @yesshewrites1 @dal-light @pomagranteseeds @treasureofmy-heart
Jesper Fahey: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @writingmysanity @fall-writes
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mxsonxmountx · 10 months
KA x leaving on loan
Word count: 739                                       
Requested: Yes/No
Bold: Kepa
Italics: you
Being best friends with Kepa had its pros and cons, and today you was about to get the biggest cons on them all. He was going on loan to Real Madrid until June. You and Kepa did everything together, where you was he wasn’t far behind you, vice versa. You was over the moon for him since you was hoping he’d improve on his skills, but it felt like you was missing something. You found over like everyone else from social media, you was supposed to be seeing him later that night but you didn’t want to face him, not because you didn’t want to face him, more of the fact if you saw him now then it would hurt even more.
The worst that you could think of was him leaving for good, you told yourself over and over that it was just a loan and nothing else. You decided to lay on the sofa with a blanket with the TV on in the background to cut out the silence. Your phone went off constantly and you wanted to talk to him but you fighter against it and ignored it, praying that he’d get the hint. All you wanted to do was sleep and block everything out.
Kepa’s POV:
“Ben man she isn’t answering, I need to talk to her” “have you told her how you feel about her yet?” “No but-” “why Kepa why? You’re now going on loan, you’re not just leaving us behind but you’ll end up leaving her behind too. You need to tell her. You have access to her place still right?” “I know ben, I know. I’m scared to tell her if anything. You know how long we’ve been friends, I can’t ruin it for her, for us. I do why?” “Go round there, talk to her, cook her dinner and explain everything to her”. I had to tell her how I really feel about her before I lose her for good. I know for a fact when I do come back to Chelsea that I’ll have her still there supporting me but I need to do something about it. I got in my car after trying to call her again and there still wasn’t any answer, I went straight to the supermarket to get some ingredients to cook for her tonight and give her some flowers. I knew flowers wasn’t going to make up for it but it’s the thought that counts.
I wake up to the sound of someone’s keys turning in my door, the only person that’s got access to my flat is Kepa, and surely he wouldn’t be here? Wrong. He came through the door with bags of food and the biggest bouquet of flowers that you’ve ever seen. “Kep, what are you doing here?” “I’m here because I needed to talk to you, you’ve ignored all my calls. We need to talk” “what is there to talk about? You couldn’t even tell me that you was going on loan to a whole new country?! I had to find out like everyone else on social media? I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other?” “We don’t, that’s why I’m here for. You don’t realise how hard it was to not tell you, let me explain over dinner? Please?” “Fine whatever Kepa” “please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry, I love you and I want you to come with me” you couldn’t believe what he’s just said to you, yes you had feelings for him, but you did everything you could to try to hide it. “Mad at you? I’m not mad at you, I’m more annoyed at you. Were supposed to be best friends Kepa?” “We are friends, you know that we are. Please just come with me. Please I need you. I leave in a months’ time, please I’m begging”  “just go Kepa please, just leave me” and with that, he went. No trying to argue with you, nothing.
A few weeks have passed and the contact with Kepa has been limited but you’ve been on a few dates together which leaded up to becoming his girlfriend. You agreed to make your own way to the airport with your family, you said your farewell to the Chelsea boys who came with Kepa. “Are you ready my love” “I’m ready” you both got on the plane ready to leave London until next season.
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shadowwolfmemes · 5 months
The lore of Liana Longtail
This is the same text from my Wattpad book. Anyways, here is the official lore of how Liana came to be!
I already mentioned that Liana wasn't born a wolf lycanthrope, but I didn't really clarify in detail, so might as well give you guys the full lore on how she became the way she is. When Liana was 10 years old, she was so obsessed with wolves, she wanted to become one herself. She would growl like one and even walk like one sometimes.
Liana's parents didn't think much of it at the time because she was just being a little kid. However, Liana didn't really grow out of it. She became more and more obsessed as she grew older, she even became a furry. Her family thought it was just flat out weird, but didn't really think much of it.
Well, her parents didn't, but her brother would sometimes tease her about it by calling furries cringy. When Liana became 15, that's when things got crazy. It all started with a strange dream that felt real. When she awoken, Liana suddenly realized she had fluffy ears, a big tail, and sharp teeth. She started freaking out because it wasn't normal.
Liana's family thought she was just playing around, but she wasn't joking. They didn't take her very seriously and told Liana to stop messing about by telling Liana she's not a real wolf. But she showed them otherwise and that's when they realized she was actually part wolf. They didn't know what to do.
They took her to the doctor, but he said he couldn't do anything about it. All he did was take her DNA and showed the results to the family. As a result, the family tried to hide the features to prevent Liana from being tested on by cruel scientists. At the time, they didn't know lycanthropes exist because they were extremely rare.
But when lycanthropes were proven they existed, the family slowly but surely became confident that Liana would be fine. And for the time being, Liana began learning how to use her wolf features such as transforming. That's when she learned she could talk to animals. 
When Liana turned 17, that's when she discovered a strange book that allows her to use something called astral powers. And at the same time breathe fire. Where she found the book is a story for another time.
At the age 18, Liana came across a new military base that was about to have its first grand opening. She signed up because it seemed interesting to her. The way she dedicated herself impressed others that they voted her. It was not just her skills that got Liana as the commander, it was her witty humor and playful behavior that would surely put a smile on anyone's face. 
Although she was loved in her workplace, Liana can't say the same with people outside of her workplace. Occasionally, she would hear some people say some snarky comments about her while walking by her in public. At first, it kind of hurt Liana's feelings that some people have little faith in her.
But then, she got used to it and simply ignored the naysayers because she doesn't see them protecting the country. They're just mad that they can't do what she can.  
And that is the story of how Liana Longtail came to be!
If you want, you can follow me on Wattpad (I go by the name Your Local Weirdo/ShadowWolfMemes14).
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autistichwsamerica · 2 years
S. Italy is literally such an interesting character and he gets treated so poorly by people outside of the few that view him as a favorite and its so...I hate to say ironic but...
Like 90% of the time when the people hes "mean" to are people who are either actively mean to him or have hurt him in the past. Hes also like...not even that mean in canon? Hes just blunt with a swearing habit lol. Like the only reason why he "dislikes" Germany is because hes being protective of his brother. When its just the two of them interacting without N. Italy being implied in any context they actually seem to get a long well, I mean he trusts Germany enough to give(*cough* demand *cough*) him a ride and Germany tolerates/is friends enough with him to do so without putting up a fight.
I think he also embodies/deals a lot with that side of mental illness that people like to avoid or pretend is not there when they romanticize it, which unfortunately tends to happen a lot IRL and in fandom/content spaces(as your aware lol). Like he obviously has Issues(tm) but seems to be the only one that really gets put down on by the fandom for having, despite other characters also dealing with some Issues(tm).
And like yeah its super sus the way he gets treated when compared to N. Italy and England. Like all three usually get treated with that stereotypical infintalization especially in shipping spaces. But unlike the two S. Italy is hardly ever given a break by the fans. Like he hardly exists out of shipping zones and when he does its usually that Flat "Im an asshole! grr, Im gonna be mean to my brother who has done nothing wrong ever!" type of vibe lol or its still shipping in SOME context. Like N. Italy stans get REAL mad about any /pos S. Italy content especially when you do it by pointing out N. Italy being a bit of a shit head (which is canon).
Unfortunately I think the fact that he is canonically mixed has a little bit to do with it :(.
Im not in the fandom anymore but the way he gets treated still bugs me lol.
Yeah, like...Romano's always been a base breaking character. It's a shame because he's so interesting, but it is what it is. It's not as bad as it was back in the old fandom, but he's still pretty polarizing.
Exactly. Like...Spain tried to trade him for Veneziano that one time, and Veneziano isn't all that nice to Romano. Both Romano and Veneziano are at fault for their relationship being bad. And yeah, blunt and swearing a lot =/= mean. And he has reasons for disliking Germany. It's not like Romano hates Germany for no reason lmao. And people ignore that there have been instances of them getting along.
And god YES. Romano definitely has some of the "uglier" traits of mental illness, so people aren't as willing to give him a pass, since they can't/won't romanticize it (of course, they shouldn't be romanticizing mental illness at all). Hetalia fandom being ableist? It's more likely than you think.
Yeah, when he's not being shipped with America/Spain/Belgium/whoever, it's almost like people just...ignore him, or turn him into a caricature of himself. And yeah, I've noticed that people act like he's the only one in the wrong with his relationship with Veneziano...like no??? Like I said before, Veneziano really isn't all that nice to Romano (remember that one time he couldn't bring himself to say one nice thing about Romano), and both of them are at fault for the lousy state of their relationship.
And in regards to England...the reasons the person who made the post on r/hetalia for disliking Romano were traits that Romano had in common with England, with the sole exception of hating Germany specifically. It really didn't leave a good taste in my mouth that they singled out Romano in particular.
I...figured it had something to do with the fact that Romano is canonically mixed. Though if you point that out, these people will act like you just threatened them.
This fandom is honestly such a hypocritical mess a makes me want to scream.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 year
I'm being mean to Duzts in my brain oops, brain says he had a kind of traumatic experience at daycare nursery small baby school idk at some point because some other kid decided to take it really personally that his tone was flat and didn't show enthusiasm for something they did/had done so kicked up a stink about it complaining to the teacher that Duzts was bullying them as Duzts sat happily putting different colored building blocks in lines sorting them by color then into shape subsections because that is fun this is what fun is about lmao, so Teacher over like hey I heard you're bullying x. While Duzts is confused and they demand Duzts to say they're glad for this other student like he means it and Duzts is just??? Cause he DID mean it before what you mean but he tries but his voice like he can't manage the right tone for it and the teacher just goes on an absolute power rush because some teachers fucking suck like RIGHT. Go to the time out corner. Now.
And Duzt again is??? He doesn't understand why he's in trouble he hasn't been even told why the teacher is mad at him he just got told to repeat something then right into corner, genuinely doesn't get why he's in trouble and tries to be like "but??" unfortunately teacher is on a mad one and is just like oh! Oh but? BUT? Right that's it you're going to the Principal for this disobedient behaviour. Like ffs he's like 6?? Get the fuck outta here.
So he's hella distressed because what is going on he's being shouted at teacher is raising their voice it's really scary he's never been in trouble cause he's a good kid and he doesn't know why he's being yelled at its it's very very overstimulating and distressing and they're trying to get him to move to go to principal office and he's getting stressed at the threat of being touched and they're just riding this horrid power rush and telling his off for crying because no you're in trouble don't you try to manipulate me with tears I know they're fake. (He's LIKE 6 JESUS CHRIST)
It ultimately results in Duzts accidentally creating a psychic emp blast and knocking out the power while also cry screaming in his head a call for his mom as he just has a breakdown meltdown and May is just elsewhere when she hears her baby screaming for her and lmao she is Gone. Mega evolved and fucking ZOOMING. Has to stop herself bursting through the building slamming the front doors open to fly inside absolutely fuming because her kitten is crying for her. Some other teacher tries to be like oh ur needed in the principals office this is really bad and serious but she ignores going right past them to find her baby carefully checking him over that he's not hurt and holding him in her arms as he whimpers and hics and struggles to breathe for crying so much and she is absolutely fuming like what did you do to upset my child this bad. And she absolutely does not take the bullshit of oh he was bullying and arguing like nah I will forcefully extract the memories and truth from your mind and vaporise your brain. Just very fucking angry not letting them keep her back she doesn't give a shit he knocked the power off he's literally having a meltdown cause he's so upset they deserved it probably, she just gets Racopa and leave telling them coldly that if the powers off you should call the other parents to get their kids.
Later when Duzts is calm she's able to see his memories and she gets mad all over again because this some BULL sHIT but is calm for him and just tells the kids they're not going back to school tomorrow because she's not sending her kids somewhere where they're treated like that and she is absolutely filing a report against the teacher and school in general she's fuming. Monochrome probably watches her angrily do paperwork writing up her complaint and lmao is glad she's handling it (and probably stopping him marching up their angrily)
Unfortunately because it was so bad for Duzts he probably goes though a non verbal stage because he's internalised "talking bad" because he doesn't understand what he did wrong it just snowballed and the only thing he recalls doing was talking. Even if May tried to talk to him about it I don't think it's help, he'd just be unable to talk because he just gets so scared and stressed at the idea of talking that he loses his ability to. They probably end up learning sign and such to get around this
Which leads nicely into the thought I had of Racopas drummer being only semi verbal and communicating through sign most of the time and so Racopa likely already knows it and they feel significantly less isolated when she starts signing back to them
Y'know what would be funny? If i were to give Duzt a part of me i know and want to improve on.
Let's begin...
Duzt wasn't ever a bad kid, in fact he couldn't, he's too obedient, listening, chill, quiet, too good of a kid to do bad things... Well, he was bad a bit... Maybe more than usual.
One day, in school, when he was 15, someone decided it'd be funny if he went through a near identical situation to that of the childhood one, when he went nonverbal.
What they thought was going to happen was the usual bullshit: school is happy, everyone laughs, dickhead gets three hoes and various friends and becomes rich, yadda yadda yadda yadda...
What happened was this...
He tried the thing, framed Duzt for something he didn't do, and because the teacher is a fucking idiot, the plan worked.
He didn't get everything he wanted in life, instead...
...he lost something called bones, they were broken AND dislocated, along with the teacher sent against the wall REALLY HARD causing the spine to break, paralyzing him.
Duzt had, for a lack of a better word, gone insane.
He developed an angry personality, he became more violent towards everyone except those he trusts (family, friends, his best friend Alphenia, and that's IT) and started to get loose with his actions, doing horrible things and then saying "if i have to be hurt constantly to live on this planet, SOMEONE'S GOTTA PAY TOO"
I'm giving him both my anger and a little bit of canon REDACTED's malice, where he'll do anything to make you specifically pay the right price, so you better use up as little of your money as possible...
Because when he's nearby, you'll be judged and treated accordingly.
He's fucking pissed, he had enough.
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outivv · 2 years
hello, good day to you. if its fine i got a req, you're really good at making comfort fics and i love that, you're that talented :))
can you do kaeya and zhongli reacting to reader who said "im so tired of being nice". they're genuinely nice, but the thing is people take advantage of it and no one would return the same kindness reader gave to them. its to the point when reader bite back when being mistreated, they ended up getting hit.
i hope this is fine. oh and i noticed that these days you've got lots of requests to do – either genshin or twst you really have a lot now. please take your time making this one, don't feel pressured,do take your time.
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Synopsis: s/o who’s tired of being nice, so they bite back when mistreated, and ends up getting hurt.
Warnings: kind of reader taken advantage of…? Also jokes of kaeya being drunk, and as always its not proofread :’)
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: kaeya, and zhongli
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello! You’re genuinely so nice ahhh. Thank you for all your warm words, I’m glad you enjoy my stuff! Genuinely it means a lot!! I really hope you enjoy, and take care of yourself! Drink plenty of water >:o
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— kaeya —
In the beginning kaeya is willing to help you, offering assistance in almost any way he can. He has some… associates who may be able to help you out :)
Now kaeya notices that people are taking a much… harsher tone with you, for whatever reason. And instantly if he sees that happening he’ll jump it, and either be like “yo back off” and… mildly curse them out, or will make them feel stupid, and embarrassed for getting mad at someone who didn’t even do anything wrong.
One day kaeya sees this, and is ready to step it, but before he can you suddenly start yelling at the person. As you should. Kaeya feels happy that you can stand up for yourself, but also… you shouldn’t have to you know?
But, when the person raises their hand, and slaps you. Kaeya immediately runs over. Tears welling in your eyes, and anger and fear on your face, kaeya will absolutely detain the other person, and have the other knights deal with them for assault <3
Kaeya will also immediately bring you home, and comfort you. Making sure they didn’t hit you too hard, and that if you overworked yourself in anyway that you get some much needed rest, and food. Either way kaeya will probably make sure to have you take a few days off. You shouldn’t jump head first into work again when something like that happens.
— zhongli —
Zhongli feels… guilty. He was one of the people who took advantage of you, or rather lied to you twice, and then said “nah I cant tell you anything about your sibling, you know… contract and stuff.” So he is unsure of what to say at first.
Eventually, he resorts to letting you rant all you want about people who give you commissions. He understands the need to just… talk things through, or get something off your chest, so he lets you rant as much as you like.
But, he starts noticing that your rants become… worse. Saying that someone yelled at you, to saying you got in an argument with someone. Zhongli notices this change (because he listens to every word you say <3), and will… take a mental note of it.
While strolling around liyue harbor (in typical old man fashion) he sees you… arguing with someone?! He walks over to resolve the conflict, but suddenly stops when you’re slapped. You… we’re slapped. Oh ok this person is either ignorant, or just flat out wants a death wish. Ok. Zhongli can work with that.
There are few times people will see the humble zhongli lose his temper, and raise his voice. But. When it comes to you, and ignorant people… zhongli doesn’t care. He will start yelling at the person and just absolutely tearing into them, so badly that two millelith arrive because of how loud he was. Zhongli apologizes, and you’re on your way.
Will make you tea, make sure you’re calm, and like kaeya make sure you take a few days off. He will spend the rest of the day with you, just making sure you’re ok, and well taken care of. (Also there may be one of zhongli’s pillars in the middle of that persons house… but we don’t talk about that.)
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spectrenightfell · 2 years
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First uploaded 08/06/2022
Updated 19/07/2022
Steven Grant x fem!reader / Marc Spector x fem!reader / Jake Lockley x fem!reader
title w/link | [rating] | word count
Ratings are bracketed: e.g. [G], [T], [M], [E]
[G] - appropriate for general audiences
[T] - appropriate for audiences 13+
[M] - contains non-graphic adult themes
[E] - explicit, 18+ readers only
Tags to follow series: liamwl | lonely is a man without love
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🌗 Part One | [G] | 4k |
After Harrow and everything that had happened in Cairo, Steven’s finally back home in London. He and Marc are getting along for once and peacefully sharing the body, both of them eager to get back to a normal and crazy God free life. The only problem is a normal life is boring and after the last few weeks of adventure Steven is now a little dissatisfied with his lonely and unfulfilling life.
One day bleeds into another, boring and grey and so very lonely. It’s enough to drive a normal person mad so he can only imagine how crazy it’s driving Marc. He’s just on the verge of getting a cat for some form of companionship when suddenly you enter his life like a ray f sunlight cutting through rain clouds.
Steven’s never fallen so hard so quickly but there’s something about you, something a little off that has both Steven and Marc on edge despite how perfect you seem to be. Maybe to perfect.
🌗 Part Two | [M] | 6k
Steven’s handling the blackouts as well as could be expected, meaning he wasn’t handling them at all. When he wakes up in some fancy hotel room with someone hidden away in the bathroom and clear signs that the mysterious third alter had had a rather good night Steven panics, running from the room before he can find out who his companion is.
He’s on edge, worried about what the other alter is up to and Marc isn’t being any help at all and to make matters worse he snaps at you yet again when really he had been directing it at the other man. It’s not all bad though because somehow he manages not to scare you off and over the weeks a friendship develops between the two of you.
Now if only he could get Marc to shut up about asking you out and figure out how he can miss your touch before even having laid a finger on you.
🌗 Part Three | [M] | 4k
Steven spends weeks getting to know you, stubbornly ignoring Marc's insistence that you were flirting with him and that he should ask you out before he misses his chance. He wants to believe the other man, he does but Steven knows that someone like you would never go for an odd ball like him. Never had and never would. He's ok with that, mostly. After all friendship is better than no relationship at all.
Well he was fine with that until he wakes up smelling like sex and alcohol, with no memories of the night before and the sweet smell of your perfume clinging to his sheets.
It's all downhill from there until suddenly it's not.
🌗 Part Four | [G] | 4k
Steven’s excited for your date. Really excited. He’s so exited that he mages to work himself up into a right state, worrying about how he looks and being late, not to mention that he’s convinced this is all some big misunderstanding because you can do so much better then the weirdo from the museum gift shop that’s always talking to himself and got fired for smashing up a public toilet. If it wasn’t for Marc stepping in and taking control of the disaster of a situation Steven was sure he wouldn’t have made it out the flat let alone to your date. Thankfully he does make it there in time, a bouquet of Sunflowers clasped in his hands and a smile so wide it hurts. Now all he had to do is make it through the date without driving you alway. Easy. Right?
🌗 Part Five | [M] | 11k
One date turns into another and then another until Steven's spending most of his time with you. His life is on the up, Steven the happiest he's been in a while. Sure he's still arguing with Marc about telling you about the other man and what Steven actually is but its not enough to dampen his almost constant state of happiness and excitement. The other man will come around eventually and when he does Steven can only hope you will hear him out before deciding if he's worth the hassle or not. Stevens happy and in love so naturally this is when the other alter makes himself known in the worst way possible.
Steven's never been so terrified in his life.
🌗 Part 6 | [T] | 4K
Steven’s making a mess of things, the threat of Jake looming over his head and leading him to make one bad decision after another. He thinks he has time thought, time to fix things whilst keeping you safe and away from the other alter but time is not on his side and when you turn up at the flat unexpectedly Steven has to face the horrifying truth that he might have messed up in a way that would have you walking out of his life for good.
🌗 Part 7 | [M] | 9K
Steven’s never been this scared before. He knows Jake had been to see you, had the flashes of memories to prove it but now you’re gone, disappearing without a word. He can’t help it, how terrified and desperate he feels. What if Jake has done something to you, hurt you? It would all be Steven’s fault because he hadn’t been strong enough to protect you from the psychotic murderer sharing the body.
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doodlebloo · 2 years
u r so right about cBeeduo both being kinda fucked up! Ur so right! Like,,, if we look at the bigger picture,, ppl calling cTubbo a bad husband for the anvil (who was in a way trying to help Ranboo and the moment he said he was uncomfortable, they stopped and tubbo never did any experiments again) don't judge Ranboo as much cuz he is more attentive and shows his affection more. However, he did so much shit that affected tubbo and is still does, and Tubbo never confronts him about it.
Like Ranboo siding with Wilbur. Tubbo doesn't like wilbur, doesnt trust him at all, he is the reason why Tubbo died both times in a way, both fighting for Wilbur. But he never got mad at Ranboo for his decision. But when he joined Quackity, Ranboo immediately acts like tubbo is in the wrong for doing so.
sorry for ranting,, its just,, you were so right. cBeeduo are such an interesting relationship. Cuz you can see how much they love eachother and care for the other, but at the same time they are so fucked up and they end up hurting the other cuz they dont know how to express themselves or talk to eachother
Part of the reason that their marriage is so interesting is that they really did rush into it... And that doesn't mean they don't care about each other because it's plain to see that they do, very much so.
But neither of them had the time to really think about the implications of allying themselves together, not to mention the fact that they both have different opinions on what that means in the first place... Like obviously cTubbo is pretty ride or die for his people, but cRanboo still thinks he can be allies with everyone, it hasn't clicked for him yet that "people not sides" will never work.
And also their ways of handling conflict aren't compatible, because cTubbo won't ever speak up if he feels like something is wrong and cRanboo will acknowledge their problems but put off fixing it/sometimes flat out ignore it until it festers and grows and becomes too big to ignore, y'know? Like for all they care about each other, they cannot for the life of them communicate in an open and healthy way, if at all.
It's like, if we just knew more about Enderwalk, about cRanboo's motivations for betraying his friends the way he did, I would NEVER shut up about them and their dynamic. But I just feel like there's this one last piece of the puzzle that were missing to tie it all together, and once we get that it'll be so much more interesting, y'know?
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
You know what would be interesting?
JC never lost his golden Core.
And Wei Wuxian did not lose his.
But he still gets dropped into the Burial Mounds. And like I dunno how, but he comes out of there having mastered the new form of cultivation.
Jiang Cheng acts like a dick that's par for cannon. And this Wei Wuxian who has survived the burial Mounds with his golden core intact has no time for his drama.
He definitely confesses to Lan Wangji o ce he is out of the burial mounds.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the Sunshot campain would be brilliant. Cultivating and * *wink wink nudge nudge* * dual cultivating.
JC is seething with jelousy. He has everything. The gentry name, the money and sect leadership but the whole world is only speaking about Wei Wuxian and his like awesome cultivation. Both the sword style and with his flute.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning- Wen Ning convinces his sister to join the war. Wen Ning wants to be on Wei Wuxian's side.
What would JC throw a tantrum over if he doesn't have anything to throw a tantrum over??
Like for example he blames Wei Wuxian for Lotus Pier burning. Obviously it's not his mistake. But one day he is yelling at Wei Wuxian about it and sect leader someone maybe XiChen, maybe Sect leader Nie. Whoever. Comes and like defends Wei Wuxian.
What would he do then faced with the facts? Cling all the more to his warped world view? Or apologize?
It will be interesting to see.
You don't have to take this prompt if it's too messy or whatever. I love you and your writing.
Also, thank you for choosing to write my previous prompt.
(this is a little similar to trapped and patient but also quite different. Hope you like it! The format is a bit different because this is a lot of time to cover in a short prompt)
When he stumbles out of the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian is stunned. He can't believe he made it, that he was able to survive it, without his sword.
Wei Wuxian walks forward shakily, one unsteady step at a time, putting distance between him and that wretched place.
He feels weak, drained, devastated in small ways.
But he is free.
Yiling offers shelter in unexpected ways. He's able to hide in a temple to recover. His condition is wretched enough that he's mistaken for a beggar. A few people take pity on him and offer fruits and buns.
It takes him a week.
That's all it takes for him to recover.
Wei Wuxian washes all traces of Burial Mounds off him, soaks in icy river water for hours on end until he feels purified and reforged.
Now, he's ready for revenge.
Wei Wuxian has only tried his cultivation method on the dead. He has used it to repel the fierce corpses, fierce ghosts, and spirits soaked in resentment.
When he tests the method on the Wens, it proves to be even more effective. They scramble like mindless beasts, driven by fear and confusion. The sounds of his Dizi pierce the air and induce madness.
He watches from a distance, indifferent as the Wens turn on each other, swinging their swords, shouting at phantoms, all sense and intellect gone.
He turns away.
Jiang Cheng's arms wrap around him and the fog around his mind starts to slowly recede. He stands stiffly, blinking a little before looking beyond his martial brother.
Lan Zhan is there, staring at him with wide eyes. There's so much open concern on his usually stoic face that Wei Wuxian wants to turn away.
"Wei Ying,"
It is only then, under the power of that golden gaze, that his fugue state dissipates. He sees Lan Zhan step forward, almost reaching out only to pull back at the last moment.
Jiang Cheng pushes him away and punches his shoulder, "Where have you been? How dare you abandon us and just frolic off somewhere?"
Wei Wuxian swalllows with difficulty and answers their questions with his habitual dismissive charm.
But that honest expression of open concern on Lan Zhan's beautiful face doesn't leave.
He meets those golden eyes and feels something shift within him.
Shaking his head, he dismisses the feeling. There's no time for sentimental reunions. He turns his attention towards Wen Chao, unsheathes his sword, and kills him in one clean strike.
There. Done.
The war is already in full swing by the time he joins it. His martial brother and Lan Zhan are quick to take him to Qinghe, not even letting him ride his own sword.
"Wei-gongzi, I'm happy to see you safe," Lan Xichen greets, running a discreet eye over him. The older Lan brother's concern is well hidden but Wei Wuxian senses it nevertheless.
The man looks like he's just about ready to banish him to the healing halls.
He opens his mouth to reassure Lan Xichen but Nie Mingjue intervenes, slapping his back solidly, "I hear you're responsible for the devastation at Yiling. Good work!"
Wei Wuxian smiles brightly, hoping to banish that increasingly familiar look from Lan Zhan's face. "Thank you, Nie-zongzhu." He smiles up at the man, "I can give you a full report of what happened if you wish it."
The Chifeng-zun's expression shifts into one of approval and he nods, "I do wish it."
"I would like to know as well, if you don't mind," Lan Xichen says and Nie Mingjue nods before he glances at Lan Zhan.
He chuckles, "Lan er-gonzi can join us as well."
Wei Wuxian doesn't realize he's been spending more time with the Lan brothers and Nie Mingjue until Jiang Cheng angrily points it out.
"You're too good for us, are you?" He demands, "Abandoning us in favor of your new friends! Even in the battlefield, you and Lan Wangji are inseparable! Have some shame! How dare you abandon your responsibilities and mess around with that man?"
"a-Cheng," Shijie reprimands gently but her voice is weak.
"Aiya, Jiang Cheng, who keeps track of such things amidst a war? They're all our allies. It's not like I have abandoned everyone." He still trains with the Jiang disciples and leads them in battle after all.
"Wei Wuxian!"
"Jiang Cheng," His voice makes his irritation clear, "Is this really the right time to worry about such trivial matters? Who cares about appearances during war? Are were not all one when on the battlefield?" He asks, narrowing his eyes on the furious Jiang, "We don't know whether we'll live or die when we ride out and you're concerned about who fights alongside me? Just who are you speaking of?"
"Who I am speaking of?" Jiang Cheng snaps in return, "Your obsession with that man is unseemly and reflects poorly on the sect! You know it and yet you carry on shamelessly-"
"My obsession?" He demands, "Just what are you trying to imply, Jiang Cheng? You're going to be a brat just because Lan Zhan happens to be the only one able to keep up with me?" It is no secret that his three month stint sharpened his cultivation in ways people find hard to fathom. He didn’t just develop a new cultivation method, he grew. Surviving the Burial Mounds is a feet beyond the skill and endurance of most cultivators. 
Wei Wuxian has earned his already formidable reputation.
Jiang Cheng reels back at the reminder, his face twisting with rage.
Never let it be said that Wei Wuxian takes things lying down. He has spent a lifetime appeasing Jiang Cheng and dealing with his insecurities.
He no longer has the patience.
He reaches out instinctively, pulling Lan Zhan out of a blade's path, spinning around to block the strike with his bare arm.
His thick leather brace manages to minimize the damage and he doesn't lose his arm but it is a near thing.
With a hiss, he crowds against Lan Zhan and brings Suibian down in a sharp slash, cutting the Wen before him from left shoulder to right hip.
"Reckless." Lan Zhan says later as he carefully stitches the cut.
"I couldn't let you get hurt." Wei Wuxian says softly, peering down at the kneeling figure before him. He has seen Lan Zhan in various states of indignity, covered in blood, robes soaked in the disgusting sludge of a war-torn field.
Nothing diminishes his beauty.
Wei Wuxian's heart races, his head spinning as he smells the scent of sandalwood. He swallows as Lan Zhan shifts closer, carefully snipping the excess thread and studying his neat stitches.
This close, he feels overwhelmed and realization dawns.
"I love you," He breathes, stunned.
He loves Lan Zhan. The knowledge strikes him now, suddenly, without warning. "How did I not know?" Wei Wuxian feels strangely dazed. How could he not know? It is so obvious to him, his constant need for Lan Zhan's attention, "I hate it when you ignore me." The feeling of those snapping golden eyes on him when he finally manages to gain Lan Zhan's attention, "It's thrilling when you don't."
He has never met anyone more beautiful, "I find you better looking than any maiden." Lan Zhan's proximity now makes him feel-, "Breathless," He says, "When I'm close to you I feel- how did I miss-"
Lan Zhan grip is like vice around his wrist.
Wei Wuxian stops, going pale as he realizes how brazenly he had just confessed love to a man. If Jiang Cheng were here, he'd definitely gut him with Sandu, "Lan Zhan, I-"
Lan Zhan surges forward, eyes blazing and expression dark.
Warm lips slide over his and his mind goes silent.
He doesn't think a single thought that night.
War doesn't wait for anyone and Wei Wuxian doesn't say anything in protest when Lan Zhan pulls away from him. He watches with heavy eyes as Lan Zhan shrugs on his discarded outer robes and glances at him.
"Is your body alright?" He asks and Wei Wuxian feels a blush crawl up his neck.
“No! Of course it isn’t,“ He complains even though his body is buzzing with lingering pleasure. He pouts up at Lan Zhan, who studies him with careful golden eyes, “Really, going on and on, taking your pleasure without any care for my virgin body.“ Lan Zhan’s ears are delightfully red, “Who knew er-gege could be so bold?“
“Wei Ying,“ Lan Zhan’s expression is flat but his voice carries a hint of a waver. Wei Wuxian just grins in response, “Be serious.“
In all honesty, his body is already back to its regular state of being. His Golden Core is still spinning furiously and the lingering energy from Dual Cultivation has healed any aches and pains he might have. 
“Fine,“ He says in a petulant tune, inwardly delighted that Lan Zhan is now his, “But er-gege must kiss me to make me feel better.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t hesitate, leaning over him and gently tipping his chin up for the demanded kiss. 
Wei Wuxian sighs, sinking into it as a curtain of silken black hair forms a private cocoon around him. 
The war ends but Wei Wuxian’s problems don’t end with it. Three issues stand before him; helping the Wen remnants, helping rebuild YunmengJiang, and figuring out how to marry Lan Zhan. 
One obstacle stands in the way of two of these three goals. Jiang Cheng absolutely refuses to lift a finger to help the Wen remnants, even though Wen Qing’s assistance helped them win the war. Jin Guangyao may have killed Wen Ruohan but Wen Qing prevented thousands of casualties.
Wen Ning was also responsible for rescuing Jiang Cheng from the Wen capture before he lost his Golden Core. It was fortunate that Wen Zhuliu had been called to visit Wen Ruohan and Wen Chao had to wait to enact that punishment. 
Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian managed to steal Jiang Cheng away just hours before Wen Zhuliu returned.
And yet, Jiang Cheng chooses to side with the Jins on the matter instead of listening to Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue. Wei Wuxian knows it is partly because their sister is marrying into the Jin clan and they can’t afford to make things difficult for her, but still.
Jin Zixuan will obviously protect shijie. There’s no need to be so cautious, especially if three out of four sects oppose imposing any sort of punishment on innocent people. 
On a personal front, Jiang Cheng’s disapproval of his relationship with Lan Zhan is blatant.
Jiang Cheng can’t really stop Wei Wuxian from marrying whoever he wishes. He doens’t need the sect leader’s permission as he’s not really the member of the family. But his shidi is making things difficult with his sneering disapproval and contemptuous comments in public.  
He has already alienated Lan Xichen completely by calling Lan Zhan’s honor in question (boy did he earn the punch Wei Wuxian had leveled at him - sect leader or no). Nie Mingjue will never side with some upstart over Lan Xichen. 
Lan Zhan himself doesn’t care. He has never liked Jiang Cheng and he never will. He only retaliates when Jiang Cheng tries to attack Wei Wuxian. 
His protective er-gege as no tolerance for anyone trying to harm him.
Which is what, ultimately, breaks Wei Wuxian’s ties with YunmengJiang. 
The confrontation is embarrassingly public. He doesn’t mind Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue being present but feels upset about Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao being there as well. 
“Twin Prides of Yungmeng, isn’t that what you promised me?“ Jiang Cheng demands, “Where will your pride be if you break all of your promises and get into...” He waves his hand at Lan Zhan in disgust, “Is this how you intend to repay us? My father raised you to be the Head Disciple of the Jiang Sect and you would rather be some sort of deviant?“
“Jiang Cheng-“
“And you would side with the Wen dogs too! Was this always your intention? Did you always want to bring down my sect and support its enemies?” 
“The Wen remnants have helped us. They’re not our enemies.“
“They’re not our enemies now,“ Jin Guanyao interjects calmly, his voice soothing and patient, “But surely you see that it may not remain so? We cannot risk another war.”
“They’re barely a few hundred people and we have already taken most of their resources. They’ll live as poor peasants. How can they be a threat to us?“ Wei Wuxian asks. 
“You’re indeed naïve, Wei-gongzi,“ Jin Guangshan says in a gentle, placating tone, “Perhaps your fondness for Wen-guniang is making you turn a blind eye. Beautiful women have a tendency to do that.“ He chuckles indulgently.
The sly implication in his tone isn’t lost on anyone. Lan Zhan’s expression turns frosty and Wei Wuxian feels a surge of fury strong enough to make his blood boil. There are so many things wrong with that statement that Wei Wuxian, for once, is rendered speechless.
“You question the honor of Wei Wuxian of all people?“ Nie Mingjue demands, taking a step forward, “I have stayed silent because Jiang Sect business isn’t my business but I will not have you slander and belittle a proven warrior in my presence!“
“Indeed,“ Lan Xichen says calmly but there’s no mistaking the sharp look in his eyes. Lan Xichen rarely reacts to provocations or interferes in sect matters that don’t concern him. But he’s not going to let anyone upset his younger brother carelessly, “The matter of the Wens is easy to resolve. Let us give them a small piece of land, let them set up a village, and forbid cultivation among them.“
“Er-ge,“ Jin Guangyao begins but Lan Zhan is out of patience. 
He steps back and bows to all assembled before placing a hand on Wei Wuxian’s back, “Wei Ying will choose his own path. Wens will remain free. Wei Ying and I will marry.“ He meets Jiang Cheng’s furious gaze, “Jiang-zongzhu must decide whether his brother’s happiness matters to him.“
Wei Wuxian winces. 
“My brother’s happiness?“ Jiang Cheng demands, “All everyone has ever cared about is his happiness! What about me? What about our Sect? A sect he nearly destroyed because of his loyalty towards you.“ Jiang Cheng looks at him, “Did you forget my mother? My father? How do you intend to repay the enormous debt you carry, Wei Wuxian?“
Wei Wuxian stares back at him, “What is my repayment, Jiang Cheng?” He asks softly, “What will it take for you to consider that debt repaid?” It has been over five years since the fall of Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian has bled and slogged through war to restore that place to its former glory. He has kept Jiang Cheng safe, helped renegotiate shijie’s marriage, and used his name to draw skilled cultivators to YungmengJiang. 
What more can he give? 
“Loyalty.“ He stills, “You devote your life to YungmengJiang and nothing else.“
Lan Xichen makes a faint, alarmed noise while Nie Mingjue huffs in disapproval. 
Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath, feeling Lan Zhan’s fingers flex on his back. He levels a flat look at Jiang Cheng and thinks on the matter of debts. He thinks about Madam Yu’s refusal to bend, of Jiang-zongzhu’s passivity and lack of planning. He thinks about the Wen’s unprovoked attack on Cloud Recesses and the inevitability of war. 
He thinks of his Lan Zhan and shijie’s Jin Zixuan, without swords and facing an armed group of Wens under Wen Chao’s orders. 
He thinks of love. Of what it means to be truly, unconditionally loved. 
No sorrys and no thank yous. No debt owed for simply being a part of someone’s life. 
He thinks of acceptance that comes with an older brother’s amused smile. He thinks of an uncle’s gruff admonishment to behave followed by a stiff reminder to eat, you’re skin and bones already. 
He takes a deep breath and decides. 
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Bully!Dabi pt. 3
Tags: @shikamaruscumrag @pinkiy13l @an-ambivalent @luno614 @sukunasleftkneecap
Tw:dubcon, noncon, bullying, manipulation, Russian roulette
“Doll? Come on out and I won’t hurt you too bad.”
You wait with bated breath as he walks right past your hiding place behind some crates, blue fire licking up the sides of his body and held in the palms of his scarred hands.
He’s mad, you know he is. He’s teasing you, of course he is, why else wouldn’t he just turn on the lights and pounce?
No, this is another punishment of sorts. A punishment for escaping your previous punishment from being locked in your room.
Another lash of burning cobalt strikes against a wall about 10 feet away from you, and you curse yourself internally. If only you had just stayed in bed a couple days more, if only you hadn’t snuck out when he left, if only, if only…
It sounds so wrong and uncharacteristic coming out from his gravely voice.
You huddle your limbs even closer to yourself, paying no mind to the cramping in your knees from being squished for so long.
It’s been about 25 minutes or so from what you can remember. It’s hard to remember anything that happened this bland morning anyways when the climax of your life was seemingly taking place here, after you entered the wrong room.
You had honestly just wanted a peek outside of Dabi’s room and maybe a drink of water, nothing more.
Or so you tell yourself.
But can you really be blamed? Who else wouldn’t have run out the moment they got a chance after spending almost two weeks in the same shitty room, being used as fuckmeat and only given bread scraps and salty cum as meals.
It didn’t matter how close he held you at night, how his strokes seemed to brush up against all the right places, how he tried catching your eye every time he wanted to talk about anything (which you would never really indulge in, only giving him a soft grunt or a nod). He was a monster, a demon in disguise that was keeping you against your will in his clutches.
A loud crash closer than before hits your ears, and you stifle an impending whimper. You can tell he’s roamed closer than before, finding nothing from his earlier place in the front of the storage room.
“I’m getting pretty fucking tired of repeating myself doll. You must be even more of a masochist than I thought since it’s like you want me to fuck you up even worse than I did before.”
His words are quiet but they do enough to cause a loud beating in your already-pacing heart, so loud in fact that you fear he can hear it racing a mile a minute.
You wonder if anyone is nearby, if they even remember you’ve been missing for a while now.
“Come out, pretty girl. You know I miss you”
But you don’t miss him.
What you do miss, however, is not being chased into an empty storage room and hounded like a fucking dog. You miss joking with Twice, painting your nails with Toga, making Shigaraki chuckle.
All of a sudden, the crate next to you is covered with hellfire. The flames that are thrust from Dabi’s hands are so wild that they seat through your shirt and prick your skin.
You scream and scrabble backwards, the light of his fire illuminating his face leering up above you in the dark like a ghoul from a children’s book.
You clap your hands over your mouth, ignoring your bubbling skin as fear overrides premonition, but the damage has already been done.
It’s eerily quiet for a minute. Then, he whispers,
“Found you”
Even in the pitch black room you can practically see him lunging towards you, and you scuttle backwards on your hands and feet in terror. His hands miss your bare feet by a few inches, and he snarls before making another swipe.
“Fucking bitch, this is the thanks I get for taking care of you, bathing you, feeding and fucking you?”
You yelp as he lights up the floor on both sides of your trembling body, and you see his figure once more as the blue fire shows the sick grin twisted up on his face.
“Leave me alone,” you sob, clambering up on your feet and running backwards as he advances on you. The smoke from his quirk is filling the room, and you erupt in hoarse coughs as it’s filtered through your aching lungs.
Everything about him is toxic.
“Nah. That’s not how this works sweetheart. You see, I take care of you, and in return, you do whatever the fuck I say when I say it.”
He raises his palms to you and you flinch, covering your head and colliding with the wall behind you. You’re too scared and tired to evade him again as you feel his body cover you and brush against yours as you shake in place, your arms still above your face.
He cooes at you. “There there, my stupid little bitch. You were scared daddy was gonna hurt you, right?”
His stitched palm caresses your bitten bottom lip and trails up to your tear-stained cheek.
After a moment of you saying nothing, he slaps the side of your face, hard, and you gasp in pain. Now it wasn’t just your stomach that felt on fire.
“I asked you a question, you brain dead whore. Are you scared daddy’s gonna burn you? ‘You scared he’s gonna beat you black you blue? ‘Scared he’s gonna cut a gaping hole in your burnt tummy and fuck the gash?” He leans in and lets his raspy words settle over your ears as he tenderly brushes your hair away from it. He softly kisses the shell of you ear, and when you sob quietly he wraps his arms around your middle and hugs you close, paying no heed to how you uncomfortably squirm when your raw torso burns from the contact.
You squeeze your eyes shut and try not to inhale too much, lest the smoke embedded all over his body gets too close for comfort in your system.
“Y-yes daddy. Please don’t hurt me, I was…a bad girl.” You cringe when the words are wobbled out, but you know it’s what he wants.
To humiliate you, to hurt you. Who was he kidding when he said he loved you?
Dabi, however, feels butterflies in his own stomach.
See, this is what you need. To answer to Daddy, to submit to him so that he can take care of you. That’s why you stayed so long in his room, right? It’s cause you knew it would make him happy if you listened to him. You let him make love to you, and treat you like his little girl because deep down, you know this is where you belong.
So why are you fighting him? You never raised a complaint for a week and a half, you only stayed quiet and kept your eyes shut when he asked if you were okay. That means you liked it, right? No real opposition, after all.
Except for now.
Dani is honestly disappointed in you right now, you were doing so well…so why’d you have to go and ruin it?
He might’ve softened from the way your body shakes and your sobs are muffled by his smoke-scorched jacket as you press against him for comfort, but the image of you turning around and running away when you saw him earlier hurts him too much.
It angers him.
Why the fuck were you so scared? Hasnt he shown you enough that he loved you? What, does he need to fucking spell it out for you?
Why were your eyes filled with such terror when he caught you? Did you turn away from him and run because you thought he was going to make you look like him, all burnt up and hideous?
Honestly, he would never, but if you’re so hellbent on making him the bad guy, then fine, he’ll play the bad guy.
Anything for his precious little girl.
And so he tightens his arms around you and chuckles cruelly when you whine at the lack of air.
“Well, you were right. I am pretty pissed, I mean I told you to come out and you didn’t listen right?”
“S-sorry,” you weakly choke out.
He laughs even more crazed now, crushing your ribs so tight he could actually hear your breath wheezing out of you, could feel your weak little punches against his back.
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it. No no, I want you to beg for your fucking life now.”
Your eyes widen as his arms begin to warm up and become unbearably hot.
“Dabi, no, no please!”
You writhe in pain as he cackles above you, savoring the choked breaths that emit from your wetted lips.
As soon as you begin to see spots, he releases you, and flings you against the corner of the room.
You go flying and bang your head against the concrete wall, his voice muted and swimming around in your ears as you fight for consciousness.
He saunters towards you in all his flaming glory, hands in his pockets as if he were walking out for some fresh air. He crouches in front of you and lifts your head with the pads of his fingers.
“Awww, my poor little girl. That had to have hurt, huh? You’re bleeding,” he cooes and blows a strand of hair away from your eyes.
He’s not lying, you can feel hot blood trickle down the side of your head as your vision sways.
“Stop this,” you pant. “I get it, I’m sorry- you were right and I was wrong, I shouldn’t have ran. I’ll listen to you from now on-“
“-But you said that last time, didn’t you?” He cocks his head and with the light of his turquoise fire against the shadows of the room, he looks like a being from hell itself.
“Remember? When you sucked me off like the dirty whore you are? Remember that you stupid cunt?” His grin becomes more reminiscent of a wolf baring its fangs, and you’re rendered silent in complete terror.
He takes your silence as an encouraging factor to continue his fun.
“You ever played Russian Roulette, Y/N?”
You have enough sense to quickly shake your head, a sinking feeling in your stomach forming at his implication.
“Me neither. But I kinda wanna try it right now. So, back against the wall. Stand up straight and spread your legs.”
You look at him incredulously. “You can’t be serious Dabi.”
He raises an eyebrow and a fire grows in the palm of his hand. “Wanna find out? Oh wait, you already are- now do what I said otherwise you’ll have one less leg.”
You don’t need more motivation to act on his orders.
Taking a deep breath, you hesitantly spread your legs and place your palms flat against the wall.
“Spread ‘em more. That shouldn’t be anything new to you.”
You wince at his dig but continue to widen the stance between your legs.
He smiles at your compliance.
“Good. This should be fairly easy, I mean the room is already dark enough to count as having a blindfold. Whatever you do, just don’t move.”
You wouldn’t know it, but he’s sincerely saying it for your sake. He’s glad for the safety of the dark, because he doesn’t want you to see the way he hastily wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans as he prepares himself for his next move.
The room goes dark, his fire has been put out.
You inhale softly, blood pounding in your heart as your hands shake in anticipation.
Then all of a sudden, a fireball comes barreling right towards you, in between your parted legs.
You shriek and jerk, but luckily you’re saved from being singed.
“I told you not to move, babe.” He clicks his tongue and rubs his erection absentmindedly.
A second, then third bolt of fire comes at the side of your head, singing your hair and then dangerously close to your already burnt stomach.
At each one you sob and do your best not to move, not to take in Dabi’s utterly emotionless face as you wail for mercy.
The last one comes so powerful that as it strikes the wall next to you, flecks of ash sting your cheeks and lips.
Your knees are jelly, your mouth is aching from begging for your life as he wanted.
But you know he’s done when he lets out a loud yawn and groan as he stretches his arm and flexes his fingers.
“A-are we done?” You sniffle.
He says nothing at first. You just hear him ask a couple steps towards you, his boots echoing in the room. You assume he stops in front of you because you can feel his body in front of your kneeling figure.
His hand descends and feels around until he reaches the top of your head. Stroking softly, he twirls locks through his fingers and gently shushes you until your hiccups subside, and you lean your forehead against his thigh.
“‘You happy it’s done? You did so well for me, sweetheart.”
“Yes Dabi. Thank you,” you utter softly, knowing it’s what he wants to hear.
“Yeah? How thankful are you?”
You still at that.
He starts to unbuckle his belt.
You pull your head back, and he pulls his pants down.
“Shhh, don’t ruin this. Just keep your mouth shut and let your body do the talking. Show me how grateful you are that I spared your fucking life.”
The gentle way he handled you clashed with his harsh words, and you have a moment of whiplash.
He kneels down in front of you and lets his hands wander in the dark until he meets your torso.
You hiss at the sensitive flesh, but he doesn’t stop. He just moves his hand under your shirt and higher, pushing your bra up until your tits spill from the bottom of it.
He bites his lip as you whimper from his touch, his thumbs swirling around your nipples and prodding the squishy flesh.
Dabi gets more eager when you throw your head back at one particularly rough squeeze and shuffles even closer, his pants and underwear at his knees, member bouncing out in the open air.
“Take your panties off,” he rasps, furiously stroking his cock.
You surrender and slowly pull your sweats off, and then your panties as you hear him lightly panting in eagerness.
The second he hears them drop to the floor he lunges for your feet and yanks your forward, catching you in his lap as you yelp.
It’s pitch black, but he can feel you clear as day.
The tickle of your hair hanging in his face, your sweet smell clouding his rationale, the melodious sounds of fear and pleasure mixed with pain make his prick stand painfully at attention, weeping at the slit for your pussy.
He doesn’t even bother taking your shirt off in impatience, he simply barks at you to hold the hem up so he can feel your breasts bouncing against his face when he motorboats them.
You, however, shakily hold his hand at your waist when he pulls you forward until your bare hole presses against his length, coating it with light juices.
“Oh fuck, doll, your pussy’s practically begging me to fuck it. ‘You like having your life in danger? No wonder you keep fucking up,” he groans as he moved beneath you, letting his hips rock back and forth to gain friction from under you.
“Wait, go slowly-“
“No the fuck I won’t,” he interrupts. You have enough sense to bite back any retorts from the subtle growl in his words.
He lifts you up from underneath your ass, and you raise your hips in compliance as he grabs his dick, circling it around your swollen nub and then pressing it against your entrance.
You breath shakily and run your hands through his hair, not so much in a loving gesture but tightly in futile hopes to deter him in any possible way.
He takes it either way as you wanting him equally, and without further ado he slams your hips down on his whole length.
You howl in pain as he begins bouncing you, pressing down on your shoulders and forcing your poor cunt to envelope him fully at each stroke.
The room is filled with the lewd sounds of your ass clapping on his dick, the mixed fluids from both of your bodies and the harmonies of his low grunts and your high pitched whines.
You can feel his dick twitch violently inside of you as he nears his climax. He flips you over on your back and starts pounding into you, laughing cruelly in your face as you cry out from the intensity of his strokes.
“D-Dabi! Pull out, I’m not on birth control!”
You open your eyes to stare at him in horror, barely making out the marred features of his face.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my babies. You’re gonna be plugged with my cum from now on, ‘s the only way you’ll stop running.”
“Get the fuck off me, this isn’t funny-!”
He grabs your rising fists and pins them back against the floor, crushing your wrists in the process.
“Who said I’m laughing?” And he isn’t laughing anymore, no, on the contrary he looks the most serious that he’s ever been, and that terrifies you the most.
The upper half of his body is suspended in midair above you as his pelvis smashes against your clit in a steady rhythm.
“‘Bet you’d like that, bet you’d like having all your holes stuffed with my kids. They’re gonna grow up and know how slutty their mommy was, they’re gonna watch and learn how Daddy earned his name. You think they’ll cry when they hear you scream for me?”
You want to rip out your ears from the filth pouring from his mouth, but unfortunately your hands are trapped under his grasp.
All you can do is chant “no, no, no,” under your breath as he’s pushed over the edge.
“Or maybe I’ll tie your legs against the barstools outside and let every man out there have his way with you. You missed them, right? I’m sure they missed you too, I’m sure they missed the way you’d fuck them the second they made you laugh,” bitterness seeps into his voice as ropes of cum shoot out.
He moans loudly in your ear and collapses against your body, sweat intermingling in the cervices of your entangled limbs.
It takes around three minutes for you both to catch your breaths, and for him to shakily raise himself on his elbows to peer down into your ruddy face.
“Clean yourself up. You’re going back to my room. And this time, if you try to run we’ll repeat this entire process again, but I’ll actually let everyone have their way with you. It’ll be like an orgy version of Russian Roulette, well all place bets on whose kid it is.”
You don’t miss the rest of the League, anymore
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