#just a lil comic <:3c
monsterfloofs · 10 months
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cherrysnax · 1 year
Chevy n I are doing a lil homemade comics workshop the entire month of July ^_^
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llumimoon · 1 year
Btw just changed up the page navigation layout for The Talk comic !! I’ll make a master post of all the pages after the comic is finished bc LMAO all those links increasing every page killed me
#cal rambles#i cant believe I was like YEAHH I’ll just sketch the next four pages and then finish them later in the week to naturally space them out!#and then I proceeded to finish FOUR WHOLE PAGES in one day LMAO#i had to change the layout bc I had the realization that I was gonna need to put EIGHT LINKS on one post#and I would have to do it AFTER I posted bc otherwise the post would get voided from the tags#so I was like MAN. I CANT DO THIS BRO#so I changed it to a first page previous page next page system LMAO#also yes get ready for the next three comic pages in the next week <3#if ur actually this far into my ramblings I’m impressed LMAO#I’ll throw u a bone then: the next one will come out tomorrow and then on Monday and then on Thursday or Friday idk I haven’t decided#whatever I feel like by then in the week#but yaaaay exciting there’s only three more pages I gotta draw before this comic is done#and I’ll move on to the next story beat in the doodle dot au verse :3c#I’m gonna be honest this is gonna be a lil dramatic#like yes v cute au but also I LOVE oak family feels ok#i promise I’ll do something funner after this comic is done <33#i just very much needed to establish Dot’s complicated relationship w/ Lark and Sparrow first and foremost I think#OH and I don’t think I ever established this in the comic#but yeah Normal and Hero were immediately grounded LMAOOOO#that’s why they’re not at the table w/ Dot#they were banished to their rooms so the Adults™️ could ‘deal with the situation’#of course Normal hated this btw#but Dot convinced him to go
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beatcroc · 6 months
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you ever think about how gerome and fake pep are the only two guys who really only ever knew the tower as their home? i do
lots of fp text in this one so full un-ciphered script is going under cut below. [mostly just a bunch of headcanon nonsense about his whole Situation in the tower :p] [there is also a second bonus after because i am insufferable] anyway,
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hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette] [peppino] [gustavo] [gerome]<- u are here [noisette again]
gerome: i say there monstrosity! do you know the times? fp: …? gerome: haha! just an old joke, lad. gerome: but seriously, i never saw you around the tower much. what's your deal? fp: ... fp: 👈 ?? gerome: yes you! you never struck me as just some hired goon like the rest. fp: i… i don't really know. gerome: oh come now, you needn't be modest. fp: i'm not! i- [fp takes a seat] fp: they…. didn't tell me much. the…the lab. you know it? gerome: i'd pass though, now and again. fp: i was there for awhile, with lots of other copies gerome: oh, you knew the other clones? what were they like? fp: nutritious. gerome: ah. fp: they-the tall one- moved me to….「bruno's」 later. gerome: tall one… you mean pizzahead? fp: uh….right.「pizzahead」 …started changing it. kept changing it. i think i was waiting for something. waiting… to open? but he told me to keep-stay in there. to guard it. was there…longer than the labs but we never got to finish…. but i think we were close. But then「pep- pep: woah. never seen him this chatty gerome: just have to ask the right questions, i suppose pep: I mean, sure but-- wait, you can understand him??? gerome: it's only natural, after all, he is at least in part- part of the tower; made from its power and resources, and so connected with my brother...and to some extent, myself. his speech resonates with the old echoes through its chambers, and while i may not be as omniscient, it has no secrets that would fully elude me. pep: ...uh. ok, sure. what's he saying? fp: ..! fp: XXX! gerome: ah…. seems he's a bit embarrassed. pep: aw. er…look, it may not be my business, but whatever happened in the tower is behind us now, yeah? i know i sure try to forget it too fp: 😬 fp: ...😓👍 [fp turns back to gerome] fp: ............i wasn’t done gerome: he wasn't done. fp: yeah. then 「peppino」 came through. you probably know. hard to miss him. gerome: heh, I'll say. fp: We fought, I stayed…. didn't know anything else until 「pizzahead」grabbed me. fighting more on the roof... fp: You know the rest? you ran out with us... gerome: mhm fp: And… now we’re here. gerome: now we’re here… fp: ...that's all i had. so..... i still don't really know. sorry... gerome: ah, don't be. that's just how it goes, i guess. not much that can be done now... gerome: i suppose we both left some things behind in that tower. i certainly know it can be daunting to leave the fold of familiarity. gerome: but, for what it's worth...i think it’s for the better things worked out for us as they did. fp: yeah…
bonus! 2!!
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#pizza tower#peppino spaghetti#fake peppino#gerome#pillar john#pizzaposting#man. there was a lot of really specific shit i wanted to say in this one that i dont think i communicated very clearly at all#its fine though i dont think the ambiguity is necessarily a bad thing. he sure is feeling something and its on you to figure out what#i was picking up on a couple different reads as i went and i don't think any of them are really 'wrong' per se#but also there Is technically a 'correct' one which i will certainly ramble abt if someone asks <:3c#anyway i kinda scrapped that longer angsty comic with the bros so this is my main pillar bros propaganda post now i guess#begging and crying people to care abt & include them etc#now to be clear i dont think gerome has like. never been anywhere else or anything#i think he and john could p much travel freely before the whole pizzahead takeover#but after that happened john was confined to the tower and gerome just wound up staying in there all the time to help take care of him#so it's been a bit since gerome truly Ventured:tm:#fake pep on the other hand i straight up do not think had ever set foot outside the tower until postgame#so. yeah the tower was a pretty big and fundamental deal for these guys' sense of security.#and now that it's gone i think they should be friends about it#and also more generally i think gerome is a great confidant for fp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [!!!]#besides the whole 'can actually understand him' thing gerome is just a cool & chill lil dude to talk to#no shade to peppino ofc he's a decent enough role model and tries his best to understand despite the barriers. but like. yknow.#he is also very reactive. and intimidating. and bad at handling emotions.#and you knooooowwww he is not going to want to talk about tower shit specifically for a variety of reasons#i think gerome enjoys fp's perspective on tower stuff though.#rem and i were bouncing off eachother wrt the tower and cloning and all the natural john duplicates/bodies#fp is not the natural 'subject' for the tower's processes but he a product of its nature just as much as any john#so i am thinking. maybe gerome also considers fp family. i think that would be nice.#aahhhhh...something about bridges. something about liminality.#you can take the beast out of the tower but you can't take the tower out of the beast
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beansprean · 4 months
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Lil comic from chapter 1 of Alethophobia by @jay-auris! Character designs by the incredible @pejntboks!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Distant shot from behind a white van parked on a patch of gravel and dirt with its rear doors wide open, pine trees in the distance against a darkening sky. Human Nandor is rummaging around in the equipment in the back of the van, muttering angrily to himself. He is wearing a green flannel with rolled sleeves over a white tee shirt tucked into cut off blue jean shorts, white knee socks, and hiking boots. The side of Guillermo's face appears in closeup in the foreground, looking at him. 1b. Shot from inside the van as Guillermo comes up behind Nandor, both now facing the viewer. Nandor has his graying hair down and hanging messily in his face as he scowls, sweat beading on his forehead. He wears a silver medallion around his neck, orange tasbih prayer beads around his right wrist, has two orbital piercings with silver hoops and a silver conch stud in his left ear, and silver vertical studs on his right eyebrow. He continues glaring at the equipment and shuffling it around with his left hand as he thrusts a camera bag out behind him with his right, snapping, "Leave Laszlo to pack everything like an overgrown child. Here, pull out the extra batteries so I can put them in the actual fucking battery cases we own." Guillermo looks down at the bag in surprise as it is thrust towards him, hands coming up automatically to take it. He is wearing a black tee shirt with a gray symbol on the chest under a sleeveless unzipped dark blue hoodie with red trim, black leggings, red sneakers, a black fidget ring on his right middle finger, and a silver cross around his neck, tucked into the shirt. 1c. Close up of Guillermo as takes the bag and removes the batteries, aiming a concerned look at Nandor as he does so. He asks, "Are you okay?" 1d. Waist up of Nandor from Guillermo's POV as he straightens up and wrestles his hair back into a messy bun with quick, angry motions. Still glaring down at the equipment, he snarls, "I dislike long car rides; I dislike being out of the city;" 1e. Reverse shot, close up of the back of Nandor's head with its painful looking bun in the foreground as he continues, "I dislike laszlo's laissez-faire attitude towards the security of our expensive equipment..." In the background, Guillermo frowns as he observes Nandor's hair.
2a. Repeat. Guillermo interrupts Nandor's venting by pointing toward his hair and asking, "Can I fix that?" Nandor's head in the foreground turns toward him, asking, "Huh?" 2b. Wide shot facing the rear of the van as Guillermo says, "Your hair, just- c'mere." Guillermo takes Nandor by the shoulders, turns him around, and pushes him down to sit on the bumper with a small, unassuming smile. Nandor looks shocked and not a little flustered, shoulders tense under Guillermo's hands. 2c. Close up on Nandor as Guillermo pulls the rubber band from his hair and lets it loose around his shoulders, covering his eyes. Guillermo combs his fingers through the strands and Nandor stills, expression hidden but cheeks going red. 2d. Close up of Nandor's face from the nose down in profile as Guillermo's hands gather his hair behind his shoulders. 2e. Close up of the back of Nandor's head from Guillermo's POV as he pulls all of Nandor's hair together neatly at his crown.
3a. Close up on Nandor's side, elbow to hip, as Guillermo's right hand leaves his head to tap two fingers on Nandor's jeans pocket. Nandor pulls his elbow away in surprise. 3b. Repeat. Nandor's other hand obliges, pulling a second rubber band from his pocket and offering it to Guillermo, who hooks it onto his finger. 3c. Waist up of Guillermo as he steps back with a hesitant grin, hands clasped together at his sternum. He says, "There. Better?" 3d. Close up of Nandor's right hand as it lifts his phone and unlocks it with a thumb. His phone case is a Lisa-Frank-esque close up of a white horse with purple, blue, and pink spots on a backdrop of a blue sky with clouds and a rainbow.
4a. Bust of Nandor as he raises his phone up to take a look at himself in the camera, expression now softened from his earlier frustration. His hair is now twisted up into a neat, round bun at the crown of his head, one stubborn strand loose at his temple. He raises his eyebrows, liking what he sees, and says "Huh. That's very good. How did you do that?" 4b. Zoom out to knees up, Nandor still perched on the bumper of the van. Guillermo stuffs his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and leans back against one of the van doors, flushed and grinning as he aims his gaze elsewhere. With a humble shrug, he replies, "Sister taught me. She said that if I wanted to impress a girl one day, I should learn how to do basic styles." Nandor lowers his phone and drapes that arm over his raised knee, left hand palming the other to balance himself as he turns his torso towards Guillermo with a grin. He says, "Well, color this girl impressed." /end ID
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qiupachups · 8 months
miles.g / wiles
.。.+*☆ headcannons 👾💭
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contents: general hcs, mention of his father’s death, i call 42-miles ‘wiles’, me sorta bullying him
a/n: after a lot of procrastination and harassment gentle encouragement from @vhstown i’m finally posting my hcs. :3c (they’ve been sitting here since july)
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Despite his tough guy exterior and criminal career, he's actually a massive nerd geek. Like: gundham, comics, posters all over his room.
Until you bring up those interests, he won't mention them. But once you start a conversation about them, he can tell you all the lore front to back or tell you where and when each collectible is from. Just listening to Wiles and nodding along will make his day.
Accepting help from others is not an option. Ever. He's an overly D.I.Y guy since his father's death and it's staying that way.
... unless you're very close to him. Wiles will begrudgingly accept your help and then be adamant on repaying you. No matter how trivial it was, he'll show his gratitude through service.
Wiles has great memory and knows all the lyrics to his favourite songs. Go through his playlist and pick something at random- he'll recite them flawlessly!
A good memory also helps with remembering those flashes of songs playing on your lock screen. Just a split second glance? He's adding it to his playlist, maybe listening to it as he works on his latest gear.
Would be a straight A student if he were there half the time. The only thing keeping his total grades down is attendance, where he’s often absent.
However, if he’s in a group project with you, Wiles will put more effort into it. Getting a ‘C’ or GPA point lower is fine if it means keeping Brooklyn safer. What’s not fine is him being the reason for your lower marks.
Unlike his counterpart from 1610, Wiles’ art is more realistic. He tries to capture the subjects’ essence quickly and minimally, so colours are an afterthought.
Accuracy was his pride in art until it came to you. He’d be so nervous in getting your smile right, scribbling failed attempts over and over again. Wiles even resorted to a pencil sketch.
Following the passing of Jefferson, Wiles has gotten much closer to Rio. That’s a no brainer; he was fourteen— a kid. And Jefferson never got to see his son in that overpriced Visions uniform.
Wiles makes an effort to speak more Spanish. He lets his mamí braid his hair even if it hurts like hell. Those stupid telenovelas aren’t that bad on the second watch.
Once upon a time, Wiles used to be a choir boy (keyword: used). He’d love singing hymns and doing nativities before he could read; all for his mamí and dad to see.
However, the christmas after Jefferson’s passing felt… empty. Wiles quickly lost his passion for choir and now just attends mass with Rio at most.
After years of experience being a choir boy, Wiles has the voice of an angel. Not that you’d know, of course— he intends to take that to the grave. But there’s also a deeper, darker secret… he can’t rap to save his life.
An extremely personal and harrowing Musically comment told him so. Following that attack, twelve year old Wiles abandoned his account with only a black profile picture left behind.
Like any other middle schooler, Wiles had a hype beast phase (he denies it). When Aaron got a Hype shirt for Wiles’ 12th birthday, words couldn’t describe how he almost knocked Aaron down with a hug.
The shirt’s first stain had Wiles distraught and furiously searching ‘remove paint on shirt hacks’ on Youtube. His heart would probably stop if he misplaced a gift from you.
Wiles isn’t the best cook, but he can definitely make himself a good meal. With Rio working night shifts and Uncle Aaron doing… jobs, he has to be self-sufficient.
A secret lil’ side project: he’s trying and failing to replicate Jefferson’s mac ‘n cheese. It wasn’t the best, but it was his. Something’s always off when Wiles makes it and he’s not quite sure what.
Sure, cooking isn’t that hard, but baking is like wizardry to Wiles. AP Chemistry and it’s endless calculations felt way easier than making pan de agua with his mamí.
But, mamí didn’t raise no quitter! On a particularly busy birthday, Wiles pulled together a modest little cake for Rio. She burst into tears seeing the shaky ‘!Feliz Cumple!’ written in too-sweet icing.
Calling Earth-42 a wreck is a massive understatement. Shit’s like Gotham, only very real and very deadly. Just breathing in that damn city air makes Wiles’ skin crawl.
Luckily, he’s got an outlet: boxing. A fun hobby he picked up from Uncle Aaron became his release. Wiles might never be in the ring, but Brooklyn’s more than enough.
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a/n #2: what the fuck. this was supposed to be short and silly and fun. exsqueeze me how did this… erm. disjointed mess.
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nights-at-crystarium · 9 months
You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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cartoonfanatic · 5 months
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Take pity (2/10)
I adore Creek, he's awful, but i love it. But this is just a lil snippet idea that i actually got like 10 pages of a simple lil comic >:3c i'll post them in twos here~
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mirrow-hamato · 4 months
And yes! EK!Clay did get his scars from the Bergens! During the escape he got snagged on a claw and it ended up tearing him up pretty bad. The end result was being half blind and with exposed scarred skin that can’t grow fur anymore
As for how he’d react to that news imma gently stash that for my doodles later ;3c I got thoughts >;3c don’t u even fret bestie
(Very long post warning A.)
Haha well maybe it was a little but too obvious, was it?
Yea, when F!Clay was little (8 years old) He sneak out in John's room while he was sleeping. Just to make a small prank on him. When Clay head that John got up from the bed, he turned around right when John hitted him with his mechanical arm-claws. (The Bergens bite off his hand and he went very traumatised crazy after that day).
Likely for Clay - Bruce came on sounds and stopped John. Clay was unconscious for about three days and everyone was already sure that he would die, until one day Bruce heard lil' Floyd crying and he rushes in his room and sees that Clay was already there to calm down his little brother. Also John completely don't remember anything about that day except that he had a bad headache and nightmare. He never touched any of his brothers with his mechanical arm-claws after that day. (I even have a first design sketches for John Dory tho...)
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Ah! Yes i knew that he got it from Bergens >w<. I actually had other idea for comics with EK!Clay and F!Clay that was about scars but then i decided made a funny comics about Bergens instead.
Oh wow you going to treat me with one more doodle, mate? How kind of you being so nice for such doom creature like me haha.
I'll keep looking forward for it! And thanks a lot, this day was actually feeling very special 💟💐 mwah 😘
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phlurrii · 4 months
Fun lil' thing I've thought of for ya
What is each mew's/two's Words of Wisdom that they live by/they'd offer to others? And I'm not talking about just them right now in the current time, I'm talking about when they're in the prime of their wisdom (if that makes sense)
For example, here's 2 that I've got
The axe forgets. The tree remembers. And The blood of the convent is thicker than the water of the womb
It wasn’t me you should’ve been feared.
I may be hasty, but I will never hesitate.
History will always repeat itself… most just won’t notice till it’s too late.
The world never discriminates… and I think that’s what scares me most.
I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible… and when I leave, you will finally understand why storms… are named after [people] beings.
(Caitlyn Siehl)
Your eyes are as reliable as I.
Act as if what you do will make a difference.
(William James)
The bad news is that time flies, but the good news is you’re the pilot!
(Micheal altshuler)
This was hella fun, some are lined that are already written in comic wips for down the line, some I looked up just today, and some I came up with while mulling over the ask X3
But each one will appear in the comic at some point ;3c
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artofapeach · 1 month
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First | Previous | Next
We got two paired up! Six more to go!! 🥹👍🏽
That said uhhhhh I didn’t think I’d get this far into this comic, so quick update moving forward.
I DO want to keep this nightly update I’ve got going on (I think it’s a big reason why I’ve kept up with it), but I know it’ll eventually bite me in the ass, so in the future, I mayyyy move to a more task-based schedule, where I share one piece of fun art, then share one page of this, one fun art, one page, so on and so forth, however much time it may take in between. Task based schedules just work really well for me, so don’t be shocked if I switch to that!
Right now though, the hyperfixation is STRONG, so Imma keep going nightly for now until I pass out 👍🏽
Secondly, I do have a very loose outline of how I want the whole story to go, but most of it is likely gonna change moving forward. This fancomic is more me playing dolls with the characters than me actually trying to write a coherent story, so I imagine there’s going to be plot holes, weird pacing, and a LOT of inaccuracies (the wiki is a godsend, but it does not have everything 😔). I hope it’s still a fun read in any case! I also want to try to focus on what’s NEW with this comic (like, what I as a fan have changed) rather than actually retelling Termina. A lot of key moments in the game are going to be majorly skipped over UNLESS they have an impact on character and/or relationships (this is why I started with Abella in the tunnels instead of the dream). This also may make the pacing a touch janky, but ya know, it’s all for fun, we’re just havin fun here~
Thirdly, as you have probably noticed, we don’t have an 8 person party yet. They’re probably not going to all come together until day 2. Right now, they’re making separate alliances, but the main 8 WILL get together eventually! Not just that, we’ll also be touching heavily on the NPCs! It’s an everyone lives AU genuinely because I want to play with *everyone*. So while the main 8 will be the focus, each of the 14 will have their chance to shine :3c
Sorry for the ramble! I’m just really excited that I got this far; I legit thought I’d drop this after 3 pages 😭 and I’m also so happy so many others have been reading and liking this, scribbles and all! Hope we can keep playing in this lil hostile dollhouse until it’s completion <3
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dibbledoodle · 1 month
Just lemme know if wanna you wanna see a specific ship lemme know :3c
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tangledinink · 1 year
(Spoilers for Gemini AU)
So in Gemini AU, Donnie says “plan B”. Apparently from what we’ve found out, Donatello gained a Spinal cord injury in a recent battle and Leo won’t let him fight.
Big mama says that Donatello needs to reason with his brother rather than her, so he does attempt so.
Leo denies and leaves, causing Donatello to get irritated. Typically, in such a stage of annoyance, people make irrational thoughts, right?
So, what I am thinking is that Donatello is going to attempt to go into the arena against Leo to prove himself. But, Donatello is injured already, so there is no way that would go smoothly!
I mean- was I close? Spot on? WAYYYYYYYYY OFF?
~Hot Soup 🤌 Anon.
A theory? For MY silly lil comic? ; w ; you’ve dedicated your brain waves to my lil comic and thought about what happens next?!?! Ah
I am unspeakably flattered this makes me happy thank you ; w ;
BUT I COULDNT POSSIBLY JUST TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENS NEXT :3c I’m sure you’re aware I can’t confirm or deny~
But I will say that Plan B is indeed at least a LITTLE bit irrational. 😌
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lunasilverpelt · 6 months
Misc. stuff first.
I'm uh nonbinary and use all pronouns. Also panromantic asexual. Yea.
Might be reblogging some Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss posts. I overall enjoy the series..es but completely understand the criticisms, I will be tagging every post with the series names so yall can block the tag. I'm open to discussion of criticism as long as you ain't straight up like attacking me lol.
SIDE BLOGS (that I actually sometimes use)
@the-rayman-show Fake Rayman CLH roleplay blog*
@rayman2beachball Rayman roleplay blog based on my playthroughs of the games*
@putting-vox-in-places Putting in places blog for Vox from Hazbin Hotel
@cherry-grave In character blog for a reverse version of Lydia from Beetlejuice The Musical
This list will constantly update
NAMES!!! (* for common ones)
Luna* (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Aiden (What my real name would've been if I was born AMAB)
Jester (Haha yea)
Rat (My lil bro told me to put this on the list I'm gonna stab him :3c)
Fruity (Nickname from a friend)
Pam (A friend's nickname for me, also an oc or two)
Charles (I just like the name)
Prince (Also just like the name)
Kaufmo* (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Monster (Friday Night Funkin)
Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Theodore (A few things but mostly Pizza Tower)
Noise (Pizza Tower)
Pizzano (Sugary Spire)
Oswald (A few things. Primarily my Pizzahead interp. and Oswald The Lucky Rabbit)
Bon (The Walten Files)
Mortality (The Walten Files)
Pumpkin Rabbit (The Walten Files)
Funtime Freddy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Clemens (Headcanon name for the Crying Child from Five Nights At Freddy's)
BonBon (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Spring Bonnie (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Pitbon (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Anti Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog/Archie Comics)
Super "Fleetway" Sonic (Sonic The Comic/Fleetway Comics)
Garfield (Garfield)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Odie (Garfield)
Kevin McCallister (Home Alone)
Marx (Kirby)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Spamton (Deltarune)
Berdly (Deltarune)
Kris (Deltarune)
Petaly (Fan-made Deltarune secret boss)
Flowey (Undertale)
Adam* (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Mammon (Helluva Boss)
Dexter (Spooky Month)
Skid (Spooky Month)
Rayman* (Rayman)
Raymesis (Rayman)
Fake Rayman (Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix)
Ramon (Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix)
Shotgun Man/Sam [Headcanon name] (Sr Pelo)
Dewey Finn/"Mr. Schneebly" [false name]* (School Of Rock)
Lawrence Betelgeuse "Beetlejuice" Shogoth (Beetlejuice/Betelgeuse)
Pom (Pikmin)
Roger Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
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sploos-agent-comics · 10 months
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trauma [pg 1, 2]
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tip jar 💌 notes below:
yEAAAHAHAAA BABEYYY LET'S GOOOO!!!! whew this comic was super fun n i stayed up late to finish it before i had to go for a thing on the weekend shkjdfg
no title page or anything bc yeah naw this is just a lil trial run thing for this blog. "trauma" was just the placeholder title for the comic but when i finished it i couldn't really think of anything better so that's the title now! :/
the lines were actually just the sketch, n i was supposed to add clean lines on top but 1.) i liked the scratchy sketchy feel of it and 2.) any time i can shave off workin on pages will def help me in the long run when i start the main comic :3c
anyway yeah!! thank you for bein here! n i hope you enjoy the rest of the comic!! ><
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7roaches · 7 months
Hiii i just followed rrecently so im not really familiar wit ur ocs yet so 2A for your pick of oc to show off wearin a fancy fit ^_^
Also i fcukign love original characters SOOO if u want 2 tell me abt them i would be GLAD 2 hear a lil abt em as well :]
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heres sunbeam in 2A :3c
ALDO YEAH I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY CHARACTERS even though i know absolutely nothing about them (lying(
i have 3 main ones & a possible 4th one due for a revamp: trigger (he/him), gabriel (he/him), & sabrina (she/her) (left 2 right)
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theyre 3 losers who r horrible to themselves and eachother but theyre also besties (kinda) & maybe some kind of fucked up love triangle (or love arrow ^ more like) in a way,
i have a ton of their character stuff and arcs and turning points planned out (& even the ending of their story) but i havent figured out how to squeeze in a Crucial part of the plot which is why i rarely talk about their stories, that plus idk how 2 draw comics i need to learn sigh. ill make some character info stuff about them soon :3
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