#just Shakespeare quaking in his grave
sstarrysshit · 1 year
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
friends (3tan) (m) | myg
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title: friends (the week, pt. 1) pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: the week you get with yoongi has a few surprises. and one of them presents itself in the form of a phone call. warnings: cursing, tension, oc’s are introduced!!, oral (m rec), degradation, the amount of kiss scenes wow lol, power dynamics (cmnf), fingering, angst yeah i know, throat fucking, choking, rude yoongi :))), multiple orgasms, breast play, cum swallowing, the chains stay on😀😀😀, cunt slapping, sl*t/wh*re mentions, dirty talk, yoongi’s mouth in general, overthinking, doubt, head/hair pulling, body worship, praise, restraining via headboard a ha ha, this one is p angsty y’all😭 note: thank you to @sugakookitty​​ for being an angel beta !! i know this was super last minute i am so so sorry. i owe you some tangerines! note 2: and here we are again. i hope you all like this installment, and i wanted to thank everyone for being so patient and supportive. it truly means so much to me! if you haven’t gotten around to three tangerines yet, i highly encourage you to read the series first since this is from the same universe :D it would make more sense! word count: 15.6k drop date: april 26th, 2022, 7:17pm est
“Long weekend, huh?”
On instinct, you nudge Taehyung with your shoulder, hearing him laugh into his tea straw while the both of you amble down a dilapidated sidewalk. 
Despite its rugged form, the concrete path remains one of the cleaner ones in the city, hugging the longer side of an old shopping center filled with newer businesses. 
It’s one you remember walking down many, many times.
“I said shut up,” you emptily huff. “I’m not telling you shit.”
“You don’t have to, dude. The way you look tells me everything.” 
Afternoon traffic reaches your ears as you toss intrigue your friend’s way. “And what does that mean?” 
“You outshine the sun right now.” 
“Wow.” Taking a sip of your usual boba selection, you clear your throat to relieve yourself of the bits of embarrassment caught inside. “Shakespeare is quaking in his grave.”
Taehyung snorts. “Please. I’d run circles around that old man.” 
“Wouldn’t doubt that. You’re both lame.” 
“And you’re glowing but won’t spill. I dunno why you’re acting.” 
A fiendish smile slips between you before he replies, “I know you’re dying to talk about it.” 
Fuck Kim Taehyung for being so right all the time. 
Because screw it, you really are. So much happened between you and Yoongi that you’re almost bursting at the seams with giddiness. The only thing dampening your mood is the fact that you can’t possibly let this secret out, as much as you want to shout about it from the rooftops. 
If you release whatever you have out in the world—even if just to one person—it may have a way of traveling a lot further than you planned. And with that comes certain risks. 
Like the risk of your brother finding out.
However, the person wanting to know is Taehyung. And he already knows the juiciest part. 
“Okay, fine,” you blurt, hiding your smile with another sip. “But not out here.” 
Your annoying best friend slowly scans around the empty area with intention, his gaze landing on a patch of shrubbery next to his knees. “Right. I would hate for these bushes to know your dirty little secret.” 
“Ugh! Just not in public. Let’s go to your place.” 
“Ah… Let’s go to yours.” 
Quirking a brow, you watch his steady features before relenting. The excitement to tell anyone outweighs your curiosity—for the time being, at least. 
“Fine. But let’s get food first.” 
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“Oh my god, you’ve got it bad.” 
“Don’t rag on me for telling the truth!” 
You roll your eyes as you take another bite of your takeout. “You weren’t supposed to be so judgy.” 
“I’m not being judgy,” Taehyung laughs. “Just observant.” 
“Well, either way. It’s not true.”
Even though his mouth is full, you can clearly tell he calls “bullshit” through black bean noodles and meat. Watching the television in front of you, you decide not to offer any replies, simply observing the drama switch to another scene with telltale heart-filled filters. 
Admittedly, your vision seems to have that same effect. 
Because you can’t fucking stop thinking about Yoongi and the week you get him to yourself. 
You haven’t felt like this in ages, like your stomach can’t settle but your heart has it far worse—buzzing, tingling, fizzing all over. Thousands of butterflies occupy your chest, fluttering and beating so loud that they kept you up all of last night and carried you throughout your entire, otherwise shitty workday. 
Fuck, you wanna see him. 
“Like I said.”
Damn it.
“You got it bad.”
“Okay, okay,” you groan, setting your food down with a pout. “I may be into him a little bit.” 
Taehyung looks so affronted that you laugh, cheeks a little tighter than usual. 
At this, your friend regards you with scrunched brows and a grin, getting up from the floor to sit on the couch next to you. Cross legged and all. “Look at you! Okay, you’re hiding something. Spill.”
“I told you everything!”
“I swear.”
“Get real.”
You start to vacate your seat when a large hand shoots up and grabs your wrist.
“Ah ah. Tell me, miss guilty. Whatever you’re hiding from me is huge.”
Plopping back down, you think about exactly what you want to say, knowing that you’re not giving that secret up. You divulged pretty much everything else that happened over the weekend: the way Yoongi came over, the way he took you back to his place, and everything that went down while you were there. 
But there’s one thing you are not going to uncover. 
And it’s safely hidden away in a jewelry box in your room. 
“I know what it is.”
Cocking your head, you observe your friend with narrow eyes, horrified for a split second that he’ll be right yet again. “What then?”
“He asked you out.”
And Taehyung finally misses by a longshot.
“Hell no!” 
“He did, didn’t he! I knew it. He has it even worse than you do.” 
A laugh leaves your throat before you can stop it. Your friend can say whatever he wants but that is certainly not the case. There’s no way.
Besides, the dating stage is a pipe dream, so there’s no need to even entertain that. 
This week is just… a separate timeline. Broken off from the normal passing of things and sectioned off for the two of you to play pretend.
“He does not have it worse than I do,” you finally sigh, placing your chin in a palm and watching a love confession unfold in countless pixels. “And he did not ask me out. You said yourself he doesn’t do relationships.”
“Technically, no. But it’s not like he hasn’t been in one before.”
That’s true. You remember Yoongi had a couple more-than-flings, or regulars as all your brother’s friends referred to them as. But even then, it seemed he kept his options open. At least, from what you somewhat gathered by passing rumors on the sidewalk and in several cramped garages. 
But him? With you? 
Fairytales aren’t real. 
Opportunities are. 
And the both of you just happened to seize this particular one by the throat. 
“I know, Tae,” you sigh as you turn away from the screen. Love confessions aren’t exactly real, either. Not like the ones in shows that seem to be perfect and timely and precede a happily ever after. “But you know how he is.” 
“Apparently not really.”
“What do you mean?”
“He cooked with you.”
Taehyung shoots you a look that screams for you to get his point. “That’s some married life shit!”
“Stop!” you gasp, burying your head further into your hand. “It’s not a big deal!”
“When have you ever heard of him cooking with someone, let alone letting you stay after fucking?”
“I don’t keep tabs on him, Tae.”
“You should now. But ignoring that.” He flops his legs down on the ground and shifts himself forward, his turn to watch the aftermath of the confession. “I’ve never heard him do that with anyone ever since his last relationship.” 
“I dunno. I just…” Biting a nail, Taehyung keeps his eyes unblinking. “It’s interesting. Since he practically swore off them since then.”
You didn’t know that.
You also weren’t exactly privy to his last real relationship anyway, since it happened while you were still in university. 
But you do remember your brother getting irritated and slightly annoyed that he barely saw him once he was in one. 
You wonder what Yoongi’s like with someone he’s willing to commit to. And you wonder if it’s even better than what you experienced yesterday. 
Fuck. Your heart starts to hurt at the prospect of that being true. 
Because yesterday was one of the best days of your life. 
“You look happy,” Taehyung continues, snipping your thoughts in two. “I won’t deny that.”
And you turn back to face the television and admit, “I am.”
“But I’m also trying to stay realistic.” 
“So if you ever feel like the ride’s too rough, get off.”
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It’s nightfall when you finally decide to flip open the jewelry box in your room, taking out the top layer to reveal its hidden section underneath. 
And the key that you were given twenty-four hours ago.
Your stare is long before you finally decide to fish it out, feeling all the possibilities that come with it in your fingers. All the doors that have been opened with this one gesture alone.
The spare is heavier now than when you first took it.
Gnawing on your lip, you bring it all the way to your bed, halfway sitting on the edge and contemplating whether to even use it or not. 
Do you give in the first night? Is that being too eager? Too clingy? It’s possible that Yoongi would think so even if he never said anything. Even though you were able to get to know him a lot more than you expected, that man is still a walking enigma. You still don’t exactly know how he truly operates.
…But what if you don’t use it tonight and he takes it the wrong way? 
That’s also a probable case. Maybe he expects you to use it already and, if you prove him wrong, he’ll come home to an empty apartment. How would he feel then? Would he even care? 
Frankly, would Yoongi even care whether you used the key or not? 
A loud groan flies out of your throat and shoots through your ceiling, and you flop back onto your sheets, weighed down by the mountain of thoughts in your head.
There’s another reason why you haven’t reached a solid decision yet. 
Yoongi hasn’t texted or called since this morning. 
It was a quick conversation between the two of you, and the content wasn’t anything major. However, that was the last time you heard from him, even after you texted him to see how work was going, wondering if it was a hell of a lot better than your day.
And still, hours and hours later, nothing.
What Taehyung said earlier flashes in your mind with blinking red letters, but you shoo it away before you let it permeate further into your thoughts. Your week with Yoongi has only just started. No reason to get overworked with stress already.
In any case, maybe it’s best for you not to go over there until he texts back. Like he said before handing you his spare—though, you can only speculate because the entire night turned fuzzy after that—he didn’t know how the week was gonna go.
So it’s highly possible he’s just neck deep in work and can’t talk. And who are you to bother him?
You slowly get up to grab your phone before putting the key back in its hiding spot. Typing away, you create and delete and create and delete and finally decide on a message to send before getting ready for bed.
You [typing]: Next time!
You [typing]: You got this !!
You [10:33pm]: 😴
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Tuesday hands you yet another rough day at work. 
Nothing seems to move in a positive direction; the leadership decisions make no sense; people are getting snippy. Everything is puncturing your brain to find its breaking point and quite frankly it’s gonna be found soon enough. 
What’s worse: none of your texts to Yoongi have been read. Not the text from last night, nor the short ones you sent this morning. 
Essentially, everything sucks right now. 
The last few hours of your workday crawl by, and you’re practically bolting out the door when it’s finally over. Hoping that you hear back from any of the jobs you applied for over the weekend. 
Thank god Yoongi told you to—
Yoongi: Incoming Call
Staring at your phone, your heart leaps out to get to your car before you do. 
What the hell? How does he manage to catch you at the most ideal times? You feel incredibly relieved just to see his name. 
As you answer the call, you wonder if you could ever have that same effect on him. 
“Hey. Finally leaving the fucking studio.”
Oh, shit. He sounds downright pissed. 
Body alert, you open your car door and get inside. “Damn. You okay?” 
Hold on. “When you say finally…”
“We’ve been in there since yesterday. I would’ve called you but Kook snatched up all our phones.” 
Holy hell. That explains the complete radio silence, at least. Your shoulders feel much, much lighter, despite your concern for Yoongi and all the crap he’s going through himself. “Oh, shit. You let him do that?” 
“He’s just lucky you picked up.” 
You laugh while feeling a strange bubbling in your stomach. “He’s also lucky I’m a forgiving person.” 
“So am I.” 
“But damn, I’m sorry—” Words die on your tongue. You almost said baby at the end of that sentence. Oh, fuck.
Tae was right. You’ve got it stupid bad. 
Your eyes squeeze shut at the thought of actually saying that out loud, embarrassment from something that didn’t even happen coating your entire body. Recovering as best as you can, you look to humor by default. 
“I should’ve gone over and made food again,” you joke after clearing your throat. “Then you’d never win against me.” 
“Maybe I don’t want to.” 
“Giving up already?” 
“I do that a lot.” 
You blow air out of your mouth as you pull out of the parking lot, relishing the orange and purple hues of late afternoon skies. “Lazy!” 
“Less work. And more food.” 
“You know what, you can make your own damn dinner. I’m tired of you.” 
A light chuckle fills your car’s speakers before Yoongi responds, 
“Don’t lie.” 
“Mm. I was gonna come over but now I think I’ll just stay home.” 
“Is that right?” 
“Then I’m coming over.” 
Your fingers immediately grip your steering wheel. “Wait! People could see.” 
“It’s one or the other, doll. Better choose quick.” 
“Okay, okay,” you rush out through a growing grin. “I’ll come over for a bit.” 
“A bit?” 
“Yes, for a bit.” As you make your way through intersections, you shake your head at how easy it is for Yoongi to make your day. You feel like someone shouldn’t get to have this power, and yet you are nothing but grateful for him. 
On your way past a line of restaurants, an idea comes to mind. “Did you eat yet?”
“Nah. You?”
“No, I’m starving,” you sigh, starting to suggest that he meet you somewhere before realizing that you can’t quite do that. Damn. “I can get food then head over.” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah. You got it last time.”
“Suit yourself.”
Swallowing the slight sadness you feel, you tell yourself to stay in the moment. Take advantage of this time you have with him without muddying it with future worries. Your voice comes out quiet when you let him go, 
“See you soon then.” 
And his comes out just as soft. 
“See ya.” 
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It’s stupid. 
But you wanted to do it anyway.
Holding his spare key in your fingers, you rub its metallic surface, shaking your head at yourself for going all the way home just to get it before grabbing food. Doing so made the whole trip much longer, but at least it also gave you an excuse to change out of your work clothes and freshen up a bit before coming. 
Besides. When else will you get a chance to do this? When else are you ever going to get this opportunity again? 
Plastic bags rustling under your determined wrist, you slide the key in his lock, twisting it and hearing the mechanisms click.
Unlocking Yoongi’s door feels so significant, even though it’s such a mundane, everyday thing on its own accord. People do it all the time, and yet… Doing so gives you a feeling you can’t quite place. 
Swinging the entrance open, you expect to see it lit and have at least something happening. 
But you’re greeted with nothing. 
It’s enough to make you worry.
Were you gone for that long? Did he assume you weren’t coming anymore and already go to sleep?  
No response cuts through the dark of the living room. In fact, there isn’t even a hint of activity following your question. For a moment, you think he didn’t even make it back—until the faint light and sound slipping under his bedroom door pull you in. 
Your bags shift as you tiptoe across the front area and, with each ginger step, you’re hoping that whatever greets you behind that wooden barrier doesn’t make you flee. 
But when you finally near the blocked entryway, you freeze with your hand on the knob.
Because the muffled sound you hear is not just noise.
But a recording.
It’s him.
In all the times you wondered about Yoongi’s music equipment and from what he told you about his job, you rarely thought about him doing anything other than production. Sure, you entertained the idea of him on a mic, but nothing you imagined sounded like what you’re hearing now.
Do you even go in there? 
Honestly, it feels like you would intrude if you did. 
But, knowing Yoongi, he would probably tell you to do it anyway. Or at least try to. 
So you set your stuff down on his kitchen table before going back to the door, slowly opening it and peeking your head inside. 
Instead of seeing him tapping away in the dark on a keyboard or clicking buttons, all you see is his head buried in the crook of his sleeved elbow, his sleeping form faintly outlined blue by the light of his monitor. 
How long did you actually take?
Moving toward him, you try not to take in the looped recording too much to preserve that privacy he wanted. But damn it, the piece sounds incredible and you can’t help but feel proud of him for this one soundbite alone. 
When you approach Yoongi’s side, you swallow your selfishness and pause the music. 
And you already wanna hear him again.
Suddenly coated in silence, you lightly place a hand on his arm before whispering his name. After he doesn’t move the first time, you give him a gentle shake. “Yoongi?”
A deep inhale comes out of him before he lifts his head, and your brain practically resets when you notice he’s wearing the same glasses you saw months ago. 
He turns to regard you with sleepy eyes. “Hey, doll.”
“Hey,” you whisper, melting on the inside. “Come eat for a sec.” 
“Mmph.” Slowly, he turns his gaze to his monitor before squinting, bringing both hands up to rub his face afterwards. 
Giggling, your admiration for his groggy state comes through in your teasing, “Sleepyhead. Come on, it won’t take long. Then you can pass out.” 
Yoongi still doesn’t move, though he does offer you a nod. 
Looks like you gotta do this the hard way. 
Softly, you wrap your hand around his arm and pull upward, giving enough strength until he obliges and stands with you. 
And you don’t know why you do what you do next—the cute way he looks, the fact that it’s something you’ve been wanting to do for awhile now, whatever—but you do it without much thought. 
You slip your fingers down both his sleeves to take his hands in yours, telling yourself that you’re just doing it to get him across his room. 
From past experience, you know his palms are rough. But when you have them cradled in yours, you don’t expect them to also be warm. Maybe it’s all those hoodies and long sleeves he always wears. 
And it’s almost awkward to hold his hands, but a good kind of awkward. Just… different. New. 
With all these thoughts swirling around your head, you get thrown completely off guard when Yoongi takes your fingers in his and pulls you in and oh fuck his lips are on yours now what the—
Your surprise comes out muffled as you’re slowly backed up all the way to his open door, jumping a little in shock and something else when your shoulder blades hit.
But he’s undeterred. Yoongi’s deep, slow, determined kisses keep coming, even while he closes his fingers around yours and languidly pins a hand next to your ear. Breathing through your nose, you feel his beautiful weight on your chest and stomach, matching his lazy but full licks and sucks as best as you can muster. 
Why does this feel so good? Kissing had never felt this magical before. Every motion bends time itself and melts your legs into mush; heat and sparks erupt under your skin, your veins hot but never as molten as his. Smell, taste, touch. All of these are heightened and yet drowned in seconds. 
What is this feeling? What is this burning hearth in your chest? It’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced, and you know this is a moment you’ll remember for a very, very long time. 
But as all other good things do, this kiss comes to an end, surrendering to heavy breaths and a forehead pressing against yours.
“I’m so exhausted,” Yoongi murmurs. “But I can’t stop kissing you.” 
Don’t give in. 
You just know it’s something he would say to anyone in your position. You can’t think you’re special. You just can’t. Not when your emotions are at their absolute peak after that stunning, incredible… 
Screw it.
“Then don’t.”
You initiate this time, capturing Yoongi’s lips so suddenly that he jerks back before gripping you harder. 
Whatever he attempts to say comes out in a groan instead, but he recovers to lean forward and pin you right back against his door. 
And the intensity jumps tenfold. The swipes he drags against your tongue, the thrust against your hips, the growls he slips into your mouth—all of them juxtapose how tired he looks. And you are absolutely caught in an inherent magnetism that only he can possess even on the verge of exhaustion. 
It feels like an eternity can pass and you would still be fine staying exactly where you are: right here, in his embrace, lips locked as tight as your hands. 
But reality starts to win as you both come down from your high—lowering, and lowering, and lowering—and Yoongi dips right back into his sluggish demeanor. 
Feeling his head droop onto your shoulder, you offer him a smile he can’t see as you pat his arm. “Eat. Then you can sleep.” 
“Come on,” you encourage through a whisper, and you once again guide him out of his room and to his kitchen table. 
Silently apologizing, you go to flip on the stove light to illuminate the area enough to see. As warm yellow spills into the small dining area, you walk back over to see Yoongi inspecting what you brought.
“I hope what I got is okay,” you say with little confidence.
You decided on a popular local chain, but you had to guess at what Yoongi would order there. Judging from the way he nods before digging in, you made the right choices. 
That’s enough for you. Smiling to yourself, you take a seat in the middle chair before unboxing your meal. 
“This is actually what I get from here.”
“Really?” you chirp as you smell the aromas coming from both dishes. “Dope. It’s what I get, too.” 
“You got good taste then,” Yoongi responds with a lift of his mouth, and you both huff out tiny laughs. 
At least a few parts of your day are going well. The kiss was enough to last you a lifetime, but getting Yoongi’s preferences right? Which happen to also be yours? You’re floating. 
But after a few minutes of silence go by, you start to sink back down to earth. Not because of the lack of conversation—it’s quite comfortable. You just start to move your food around more than eat it, thinking about your job and how you really don’t want to go back tomorrow. 
Normally, you would rant about work woes with your friends, or Taehyung. But can you do the same with Yoongi? Would he care to really listen to boring stuff like that? 
“You good?”
Snapping your head up, you see a concerned stare resting behind thin specs, fiery hair a bit dulled in the low lighting. 
“I’m good now,” you admit. “Work was just stupid.” 
“I feel that.” 
Nodding, you sigh before adjusting yourself in your chair, ultimately deciding to spare him all the dumb details about your day. 
Besides, he’s clearly tired. You don’t wanna give him more things to deal with. So you settle on something he already knows about and let it end there. “I just hope I hear from one of those listings soon.”
“You will,” Yoongi assures. “Give’em time.”
Not expecting any response from him at all, you trudge on before holding back. “Okay. I just don’t wanna be stuck, you know?” 
A small snort leaps from his seat. “Out of everybody I know? You wouldn’t let that happen.”
You can only stare at him before looking away. 
How is Yoongi able to quell your worries so fast all the time? Is he like this with everyone? If he is, no wonder he’s gotten so many people in the palm of his hand. No wonder every person on the planet wants to steal a bit of his heart. 
It’s one thing to be attractive physically. But Yoongi’s mental? It makes you have to stop yourself from launching across the table to attack him again.
Guarding your heart from getting ahead of itself, you put your chin in one of your hands. “Everyone should pay you for making them feel better all the time.” 
“You always know what to say to people.” 
Without missing a beat, Yoongi responds. 
“I hate people.” 
“Liar!” you laugh out, inwardly sighing at the shit grin he beams you with. “You can’t be this nice and not like anyone.”
He simply shakes his head. When he starts to explain, his voice seems to drag across the ocean floor, 
“I don’t think you get it, doll.” 
“I’m not like this with just anyone.” 
Roaming your eyes over his sure features, shyness quickly takes over and you become quite interested in the scratch marks in his table. 
“But I mean it,” Yoongi says. “Someone will be gunning for you any day now. Don’t worry about it too much.” 
A rueful smile slowly carves itself into your face. For someone that tends to overthink and wonder about every little thing, hearing things like this mean the world. 
Before, the only person that could really talk sense into you was Taehyung. But it didn’t even take a handful of times for Yoongi to fill that same kind of role, whether it’s been hours or months between the times you’ve seen him.
Frankly, it’s scary how quickly you’re able to feel this connected despite your different walks of life, and the overall feeling lodged in your chest is hard to describe. 
It’s like seeing a long lost friend that you were meant to find again.
Overcome with a swell of emotion, you stare at your finished food. Because there’s no way you can look anywhere else. The only thing you can get out of your slightly clogged throat is a tiny, 
“Thank you.” 
“It’s true,” Yoongi responds through a sudden yawn. Covering his mouth before rubbing the bottom half of his face, he exhales. “Honestly, I’m shocked you came back.” 
You regard him again. “Like this town?”
He nods, eyes already shutting.
And you hum in return, all the decisions you made in the past washing up in the forefront of your mind. 
You don’t think he’d want to hear any of that, either. So you simply sum it up with a much more succinct, 
“Me, too.”  
Closing your box, you put all the trash in one of the plastic bags, mind filled with your day and all the feelings you can’t come to terms with. So much is clouding your thoughts that you don’t realize that he’s dozing off in his seat until seconds later. 
Pausing in your movements, you whisper, “Yoongi?” 
Technically, it’s not late, but you know he still has to wake up pretty early. And it doesn’t help that he probably didn’t get much rest while camped in the studio. 
Concern laces your voice as you ask, “You sure you can wake up on time tomorrow?” 
He inhales before sighing. “I dunno. But I gotta.” 
Whatever they’re working on must be incredibly important if he’s this determined. The late nights, the lockdowns, the taken phones. All of it must be weighing on his shoulders and yet he is the one making you feel better?
Maybe you can help him out. You can be his strength just as he can be yours. 
“I can stay. I just need to go home and get my stuff.” 
Yoongi shakes his head, hair slightly parting in the motion. “You don’t have to, doll.” 
“I have to get up early for work anyway. I’ll just leave from here.” 
Silent, you plead him to let you help. You’ve done it before to make sure your secret wasn’t blown, but this time is purely out of selflessness. 
And Yoongi grants you your wish when he sighs out a faint, 
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The plan was to simply go home, get your stuff, then head back.
You did not plan to get a call from one of your friends on the way there.
Cursing at the caller ID, you compose yourself before accepting, eyes back on the road when not one, but three of them answer your greeting.
“Hey, babe!”
“Where are you? Come out!”
“We haven’t seen you in forever, bitch!”
Oh, shit. 
You tense, hoping they aren’t in a car and can see you driving back to your place. “I can’t tonight,” you finally remember to respond, mind whirling with possible escape routes because—
“Why not!”
“Where have you been!”
“You don’t have shit to do!”
Damn it, damn it, damn it. Gripping your wheel, you dart your eyes along the streets before swallowing your truths. 
If it were any other night, you would keep your secret under wraps and let Yoongi know the change of plans. You’d go out with them and make it up to him later. 
But not tonight.
Damn, why did they have to call now! 
Purposefully lowering your voice, you groan, “I’ve been sick. Stomachache… I’m sorry.”
“Awhhh, babe.”
“Wait, you sound like you’re in a car, though…”
“Yeah, just getting stuff from the store. Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
The line has a bunch of hums and groans, and you know that some of your friends don’t buy it. But thankfully, they don’t pry tonight. 
“Alright, well let us know next time so we can get you soup or something.”
“Yeah, you know we got you!”
“Feel better soon, kay?”
You love them.
You hate lying to them.
“I’ll make it up to y’all, okay? Promise.”
“Oh, you’re good!”
“Feel better!”
“I’ll hold you to that, shit, forget about them.”
The laughs on the line welcome yours as you join them, and you thank everything out there that they let you go this time. 
But as you say goodbye and the line cuts out, your heart drops with a thud. 
This is what it would be like if the two of you keep seeing each other on the regular. 
You somehow avoided it for a couple days, but now reality is coming back to play. And next time, your friends may start to suspect something’s up. 
Which is why you need to make the most of this week while you can. 
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Being in Yoongi’s bathroom a few times now, it’s a lot different when you’re in there to get ready for bed. 
After your friends gave you mini heart attacks, you were so frazzled that all you did when you went home was gather clothes and all your toiletries before hauling ass back out. 
Which lead you to having to get ready at the same counter that Yoongi uses everyday—minus the times he’s forced to stay in studios. 
But you go through your nightly routine, head filled with several thoughts and worries and feelings, the most recent being the way your chest constricted when you unlocked Yoongi’s door to find him sleeping in his bedroom. 
What would it be like to have that as your normal? 
How are you in this position at all?
Looking back at the very first time you trembled for minutes on his rude welcome mat, you cannot fathom how it went from that moment to this one. 
He gave you a key to the door that you were terrified to knock on. 
You still can’t believe it. 
Brimming with butterflies, you finish up and vacate Yoongi’s bathroom, rounding his bed to gently nestle into your side—moreso the least amount of space that you can muster. Setting your alarms, you rest your phone down before slipping your eyes shut.
You almost think about settling in closer, but you don’t want to cross any other boundaries that he could have. Accidentally hearing his recording was egregious enough.
But Yoongi’s croaky voice startles your bones.
“You didn’t have to do this.” 
“I didn’t. But this is much better than calling you.” 
He huffs out a low laugh. “True.” 
And you think that’s the end of your conversation.
Until he speaks again. 
“You gonna hang off the edge like that all night?”
“Come here.” 
You turn under the covers to see faint moonlight reflecting in his drooping eyes, and you wonder how someone like him should even be allowed to exist.
Shifting forward, your chest rattles when Yoongi lifts an arm to bring you close, and he plants the softest kiss on your forehead before whispering gratitude again.
“No problem,” you sigh into the warmth of his covered chest, inhaling the scent around you that is purely him. 
Quickly after, Yoongi is lost to slumber.
So you couldn’t tell him how you just lied to your friends.
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Goddamn, your alarm is annoying.
But it works like a charm.
Sleepily tapping it off your screen, you twist in place. “Hey,” you whisper with eyes half-closed, “You awake?”
The power of your obnoxious alarm. You’re actually embarrassed to wake another person up with it, but you chose to do this in the first place. 
Both of your voices are heavy with sleep as Yoongi rubs his eyes. “What time is it?”
“What time you gotta leave?”
“By six,” you yawn, unwittingly snuggling into his chest and hearing him softly laugh through his nose.
You feel a hand on your thigh before Yoongi lazily slings your leg over his, and your brain lights up at his admittance,
“I like you like this.”
“Mm,” is all you manage before your post-sleep brain rebels and says something else. “What else do you like…” 
“You’re always asking me…” You breathe through your nose. “What do you like?” 
You only get silence, and it goes on for so long that you figure everything just happened in your own head. As you start to doze off again, Yoongi’s raspy vocals rumble under your cheek,
“Kiss me.” 
Lifting your head, you blink slowly before pushing up far enough to press your lips down onto his, breathing in deep through your nose. 
The same hand resting on your leg slips down to the curve of your ass, and you quietly hum before Yoongi pulls away slightly. 
“Kiss my neck.” 
Staring down at his lidded eyes, you nod before lowering your lips, feeling his heartbeat beneath your chest. As you latch lips onto his column, you shut your eyes and preen at the deep groan Yoongi releases. Its vibrations scatter across your covered skin, forcing your hand to come up and lightly clutch the front of his shirt. 
He cocks his head to the side to give you more room, humming low, “Mm. Just like that.”
His praise makes you bold, and you sleepily swirl your tongue over a vein before pressing deeper into his smooth skin. When he tenses, you keep swiping over that same spot, becoming more and more awake with each hiss he lets out. 
Suddenly, your hand is clasped before he lowers your fingers, and you flinch when you feel his hard-on confined by sweats. Your breath whooshes onto the expanse of his neck, and before you can grab at him, Yoongi guides your hand somewhere else. 
Somewhere much higher, and a lot more surprising. 
Pulling away entirely, you watch him with intent from above. At your curiosity, he simply explains,
“Choke me.” 
Did you hear him right? Or are you still sleeping and all of this isn’t real?
With your fingers resting on the silky base of his neck, you blink. “You like that?” 
“Uh huh.” 
Well. You didn’t expect him to admit anything close to that, and his matter of factness is frankly attractive. 
Instead of obliging right away, you slide your hand down to rake your nails over his nipple first, offering a tiny, miniscule, sleepy smirk of your own as Yoongi does the same. 
Biting a corner of his lip, he warns, “Careful, baby girl.”
You chuckle as you bring your fingers to the base of his throat. “Or else what…”
“Or else—Fuck,” Yoongi groans with a sharp tilt of his head, feeling the sudden press of your fingers around his neck. 
You don’t choke him completely, having never done this before. But the pressure you give seems to be more than enough for him, and your eyes blow wide at the way his eyebrows knit in pleasure. 
Goddamn, he looks absolutely incredible like this.
Shrouded in sleep and lust, you swoop your head down to lap at his column again, letting instinct take over. 
Curses and hisses fly out of Yoongi’s lips, and you drink them in until you feel legitimately drunk on his reactions alone.
You didn’t expect to enjoy giving him pleasure this much. If you are truthful with yourself, you don’t want to stop. You almost want to keep him here and never let him go. 
“Fuck, hold on,��� he hisses, suddenly gripping your wrist in frustration. And you relent. Though you aren’t happy about it. “I gotta go soon, doll.” 
As much as you want him all to yourself, to explore this new territory he allowed you to have, there’s no way you can keep him from what he needs to do. 
So you pull away, reveling in the angry, flushed appearance of his upper chest. You sincerely wish you tore off his shirt before everything started. 
If you get the chance to continue…
Smirking again and wondering if he’s rubbing off on you, you airily joke, “That’s too bad.. Looks like you’ll have to wait for the rest.” 
“What a tease.” 
“Learned from the worst.” 
You smile and he curves his mouth up in return. A squeak leaves you when he turns the tables with a flick of his hand, grabbing the back of your head to kiss your entire soul out.
Your eyes are still swirling when he pulls away, and you rise into a sitting position as he gets up with a laugh. 
Grabbing a necklace from his nightstand, Yoongi looks at you taking up the middle of his mattress. But he doesn’t say anything before heading to his bathroom. 
As soon as he’s inside, you expel all the air that you had been holding. All the pent up adrenaline that built while you were caught up in whatever just happened. 
You want more of that. So, so much more of that. 
And you also wanna stay in his bed, but you know that would be a little too much. Too domestic. So you scoot to the edge of his sheets and start to get ready for your own day. 
As you reach for your phone, you gnaw on your bottom lip out of pure giddiness, thinking about when and how to continue what you both just started.
Until you see the onslaught of notifications on your lock screen.
jackson trash [12:30am]: open the door !!!
dpr doormat [12:30am]: biiiish r u home? u better b alive
bibi’s whore [12:34am]: we brought u stuff<33 
Taeee😪[12:57am]: You at home?
Taeee😪: Missed Calls (3) 
Taeee😪[1:30am]: Pick up!
Taeee😪[1:32am]: Where are you??? 
Taeee😪: Missed Calls (3) 
Taeee😪[1:51am]: Bro pick up ur phone
Taeee😪: Missed Calls (2) 
Taeee😪[2:50am]: You owe me :|
Stare burning into your screen, your jaw hits the floor as your shoulders push upward in fear. Immediately, you lock all the way up, your reaction whooshing out in a low, sharp,
“Oh, shit.” 
“You good?” 
Snapping your head up, you see Yoongi standing just outside his bathroom, scratching one of his elbows. 
And you almost say that it’s nothing, that there isn’t anything wrong.
But then you remember the countless times he’s told you that you can tell him anything. And in your panicked state, you decide to take the plunge and finally give into his wishes. 
“Well, uhh. No, actually. It’s my friends.” You look back down at your phone, gnawing your lip. “I’m a little worried.”  
Yoongi crosses the room, rounding his bed while swiping a hoodie from his desk chair. “About?”  
When he walks right up to you, all you can do is stare. Just for a bit. Because even minutes after waking up, he looks so handsome. 
And looking at him is enough to calm you down.
But suddenly, he tosses his jacket onto the bed before bringing both hands forward, holding your hips and bringing you closer. “About what, doll?” 
Fuck. Get yourself together, get your thoughts back in order. Clearing your throat, you let out the rest of your problems, hyper aware of the way his fingers rest on your sides, “They might think I’m dodging them. I said I couldn’t go out last night.” 
Instead of pulling away, Yoongi simply leans in, latching velvety lips onto your neck and kissing your tension away. Small breaths leave your mouth before he mutters, “What did you say?”
“That I felt sick.” 
Huffs of small laughter tickle your column. “Guess they didn’t buy that.”
You sigh as he keeps lapping at your throat, tilting your head to prolong not feeling so shitty. If it wasn’t for the hands gripping your sides—or the arms you clasp around his neck—you definitely would have collapsed to the ground by now. “Guess not... I wonder… if they tried the house.”
The moan you release spurns Yoongi to press your body back, and you feel the cool spackle of his wall instead of his door this time. As your back makes harder contact with the rough surface, you grunt into the kiss he plants on your lips. 
You don’t know exactly why he’s all over you like this. Is it to distract you from worrying like you assumed? Is it because you’re finally doing what he’s been asking this whole time? Or is it because he wants to continue where you just left off because you sure as hell want that same exact thing. Anything else be damned right now.
If only it were that easy.
Yoongi’s voice still has a hint of sleep as he continues to question you, and you appreciate his willingness to help in any way. Especially since his way involves wrapping his arms further around you and resting them on your lower back. “You park inside, right?” 
“How would they know you weren’t home then?” 
“Maybe they knocked? I dunno...” 
Yoongi pulls away. When his eyes roam your face, you wish you had some semblance of normalcy in your features instead of the sleepiness and stress you feel creasing your forehead. “You okay?” 
“I… No. But. We can talk about it later. You gotta go.” 
“Fuck, I do. But hey.” He gives you another kiss, as if he has all the time in the world. “Just tell me what you want. Okay?” 
Your vision remains cloudy from the pillowy soft touch of his lips, and your words float off your tongue, 
“What do you mean?” 
You can tell that Yoongi doesn’t respond how he wants to, but he’s already backing up and heading out. 
“I meant what I said.” 
“Okay,” you call out to his back, and you watch him make his way through his apartment, looking at you one more time before clicking the entryway shut.
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The rest of your day is slathered in anxiety and worry. 
You manage to make it home without falling apart, though choosing to leave your stuff at Yoongi’s for just a bit longer.
To combat the impending calls you have to make, you breathe. Focus on quelling the storm in your stomach. Latch onto anything that grounds you. 
The first thing you think about is being a kid again. How things were so simple, the only drama you encountered being playground fights. Then you think about other things, like memories and accomplishments and book quotes you’ve stored for safekeeping.
But slowly, the only thing that appears in your mind is a tidy apartment, with a kitchen filled with laughs and cold water all over the floors.
You can’t deny how at ease you feel when you’re in his place. Even when you were there alone, it was peaceful. It felt… 
Clearly, you don’t want to let go of whatever feelings you have harbored in your chest. You want to make the most of them.
Before things have to reset.
Of course, the dark side of this week presented itself like a bright red spot on a blank canvas. Taehyung’s texts and calls could mean a thousand things, and the only thing that kept you from outright panic was him saying that you owed him. 
Whatever happened was resolved. For now.
But nothing can stop you from feeling the guilt. The icky jitters in your stomach. The slight bit of shame from needing to tuck secrets away and wondering how to go about things. 
What’s worse: knowing that it can’t ever be real with Yoongi unless something drastic changes. Which is why you can’t let yourself feel this way for much longer.
But the fact of the matter is that the two of you have barely started whatever this is. It’s not like you have a hold on him at all, even if he confirmed that he wasn’t seeing anyone else. 
Maybe he operates differently now than he used to? You don’t know. 
Whatever. Right now, you have to figure out how to get your friends off your back because things can get sticky real quick if they decide to snoop.
But first: call Taehyung.
It has to happen eventually. Even if you text him, you’d get an incoming call before your message even gets through. 
So on the way to work, you brace yourself and do it, which turns out to be a loud mistake.
“You owe me big!”
“I know, Tae, I’m so sorry—”
“You know how hard I had to cover for you?”
“No… What happened?”
You hear him sigh before he questions, 
“You told them you were sick, right?”
“And you were just gonna stay home?”
“But you weren’t actually there, were you?”
You wince as you roll up to a red light. 
“Mm. Guess who had to lie and say you were at their place.”
Shutting your eyes in shame, you exhale. “I’m sorry.”
“Lemme finish. Guess who also had to weasel their way out of a videocall since people didn’t believe them.”
“Shit.” You feel so bad. He didn’t have to do all of that for you. “How the hell did you do that?”
“I’m not giving up my secrets to a sneak!”
“Like I said: you owe me.”
Your building comes into view as you agree, “I do. I’m really sorry.”
“Just let me know next time so I’m more prepared, yeah?”
“And you’re buying me lunch and dinner.” 
“I will. Promise.”
There’s a big sigh on the line, and you bite your lip in anticipation. You know he’s not done with you yet. 
But all Taehyung says is a soft handful of words, and your heart caves inward just a tad.
“We can handle your friends.” 
“I know.”
“But it won’t be the same with him.”
You are fully aware of who he’s referring to. Because you already thought about the same exact thing. 
As you park, you stare at your steering wheel but don’t quite look at it. 
“I know.” 
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The only good thing about the mountain of worries you have to deal with? 
They’re enough to dull your senses at work, and that’s saying something. 
Somehow, you also request to take tomorrow off. And somehow, your request is accepted. Whether it’s the fact that you almost never ask off, or the wound-up way you look, you’ll take it. 
After you make it back home, you carry your tired bones to your bed, flopping down and forcing yourself to clear your head as best as you can. 
Fuck, you hate feeling this way. 
You gotta fess up to your friends. 
Of course, not everything. But you have got to tell them some of the truth so that their concern doesn’t dissolve into suspicion. 
So you’ll confess a thing or two. You’ll just leave Yoongi’s name out of it.
After you take a nice, needed, absurdly long nap. 
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Taeee😪: Outgoing Call
“Come to grovel at my feet again? Or are you paying up?”
“Oh. Bye then.”
“Wait!” You shift under your blankets, sitting up and hunching over. “I’m gonna tell them.”
“I’m gonna tell them.”
“About him?”
“No, no. Not everything. Just… that I’m seeing someone.”
There’s a quick pause before Taehyung slowly questions,
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I feel queasy.”
“Ah. And that’s what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy, miss stomachache.”
“Shut up,” you groan. “But I just wanted to tell you first, since you worked so hard to cover for me.” 
“Be my guest, babe. I just look like a ride or die. And you already agreed to get me food.”
“Good luck.”
You hang up before looking at the threads you hastily apologized in earlier, wondering which one of them to call. Anyone would be a good choice. But anyone could also be a terrible one. 
Your fingers flex and curl, and you start to play with your nails while lost in thought.
But you finally decide and click on the top message to fake fairness, turning to bury your head in your pillow and hide from possible horrible outcomes. 
bibi’s whore: Outgoing Call 
Your name immediately crunches through your receiver. 
“Oh my god, are you okay? We were so worried!”
Lifting your head, you groan, “I know. I’m so sorry.” 
“As long as you’re all good.” 
“I am.” 
“Okay, good. Tae told us—”
“He lied.”
A swallow lodges in your throat. This is harder than you expected, but you keep pushing through. “He covered for me.” 
“...The hell does that mean?”
Well. It’s now or never. Hopefully she will understand. Or yell at you. Ugh. 
Sitting up, you confess to your phone screen, “I… I may or may not be seeing someone.”
A screech on the other line makes you jump, and you fight a wide grin of surprise. 
“Bitch! I believed you and everything!” 
Why were you so worried? Of course they would be elated. Your friends have been encouraging you to get around more anyway, so this reaction is one you should’ve expected. 
The taboo of it being Yoongi just kept you from thinking anything positive would come out of this. If you weren’t so giddy you would be gritting your teeth in pure frustration.
Pleasant shock pumping through your veins, you cover your forehead. “I know, I’m sorry. I just froze!” 
“I get it, I get it. Did you tell the others yet?”
“No, but don’t tell just anyone. Only you three can know. I’m just too tired to do this two more times.”
“Who is it? Do we know them? Is it J—”
“It is not him, but. This is all you get for now,” you lie while doused in a strange cocktail of relief and embarrassment, sticking with your earlier decision. You feel a lot better about this fib, since they’ll know part of the truth. “Just in case it falls through.”
“Mmm, that means the sex is fucking fire.”
“What! I can hear it in your voice, babe. Shit, you might be in love.”
You scoff at your window, noticing that it’s way past sunset already. “As if.” 
“But I get it. Sorry if we pressured you into spilling.”
“Are you kidding? I felt guilty the entire day. I love y’all too much.”
“Awhh… Don’t even worry about that. We’ve all been there. Yuri’s still sneaking around with that one guy even though she won’t admit it.”
“Yeah. And you know Dom and I are leaving our options open. Everyone’s got their own shit to deal with. So you do you.” 
Sighing, you play with your comforter, noticing how it’ll never be as soft and comforting as Reia. You can’t believe you worried all damn day for virtually nothing.
This whole overthinking thing is starting to get terribly old.
Huffing, you don’t know how else to express your gratitude other than a sincere, “Thank you.” 
“Of course! Are you seeing them again tonight?”
A giggle punctures your phone. 
“Just say yes, you sneaky bitch.”
“Yes.” You pause with a smile. “And yeah, it’s fucking fire.” 
“I knew it! Is it the same guy from last year? Fuck you!” 
“I’m not saying anything!”
“Gotta be. You didn’t say who that was, either.”
It’s true. While you told them about your mind-blowing encounter with Yoongi, you never disclosed a name. All they know is that you practically got your back blown out, and you won’t forget their shouts and praise and scoffs at your implied decision to keep it a one night stand. 
If only they knew that decision wasn’t exactly yours.
“About time you got another proper dick down. Wait, it is a guy, right?” 
“Ha! That narrows it down.”
“Damn it.”
“I’ll find out eventually love you bye!”
“Bye,” you say through a grin, feeling multitudes lighter than you had in awhile. 
Thank god. Or whoever or whatever’s out there. You owe them a drink. 
Exhausted, you flop back onto your pillow with a whoosh.
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Two calls is more than enough to drain your social battery, but you wanna make one more. 
After all, you feel a hell of a lot better about seeing Yoongi again. The urge is so strong that you feel like calling him just because.
But when his phone rings a few times without an answer, you hang up and watch your ceiling, awake and cocooned in your blanket. 
You can wait however long. Your mind is so much clearer now.
To your immediate surprise, Yoongi calls you back within minutes, voice wary after you greet him.
“You okay?” 
You smile. Of course that’s his first concern. If you hadn’t confessed just a few moments ago, your answer would have been completely different. “Much better. But you’re busy so I can wait.” 
“You sure?” 
“Ah, yeah. I’ll just be in bed.” 
“Yours or mine?” 
…What did he just ask?
“Oh,” you stutter out. “I’m at home.” 
But are you really? Where is home lately, if he isn’t there? 
And why did you just ask yourself that? 
“You threw away that key, huh.” 
“I have your key! I just.. I dunno. Using it when you’re not there is weird. Still feels like I’m intruding.” 
A laugh. 
“Then give it up.” 
“Gimme the key back. I’ll come get it tonight.” 
You can practically feel his stupid grin on the other line. There’s no way he’s serious, and yet you’re affected all the same.
“…Damn you, Yoongi.” 
Another laugh puffs out of him before he keeps teasing,
“You’re so… Ugh! Fine. I’ll keep it.” 
“It’s all up to you.” 
“Yeah? Then I’m going over there just to lock you out.” 
More hissed laughter crackles through, and you nestle into your comforter with a curve of your mouth.
“God, I love it when you’re—” 
“Yoong! Hurry up, man!” 
Oh, shit. That was Jungkook. He sounds… 
“Yoongi! Come back!” 
You freeze. 
Those voices were definitely higher in pitch. Truthfully, they were more like whines than anything.
There’s a muffled “Yeah, one sec!” before the receiver gets uncovered again.
“Hey, I gotta go. But I’ll be back tonight.”
“Am I gonna see you?” 
Well. That’s even more interesting. Your question is timid before tiptoeing out. “…Do you want to?” 
“Course I do.” 
You already knew what your answer would be. After all, you had left all your stuff at his place, so of course you were gonna go back at some point. But after hearing what you just heard, you needed to be sure of Yoongi’s answer. You needed to be sure if you were staying.
Appearing as unbothered as you possibly could, you respond, “Okay. I’ll be there.” 
“Thank fuck.” 
Damn it. You can’t help but puff at the relief in his voice. “Such a guy.” Deciding to cake on more encouragement, you fight the dark emotion in your belly while continuing, “But don’t leave until you’re done!” 
He’s there to work. Right? Yes. He wouldn’t be trying shit. 
Mind in another frenzy, you whisper, “I believe in you. You’ll finish.” 
“I dunno about that, but.. Thanks, doll.” 
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It’s later, when you rest in a bed that’s not yours, that you busy yourself with anything to distract you from rogue thoughts. Checking for emails from the job postings, flipping on Yoongi’s television, responding to the second text your brother sent asking if you were good. All of these are temporary buffers. 
But they aren’t enough. 
You think about calling your other friends, wondering how Yuri or Dom reacted to the news when Rea inevitably told them minutes after getting off the phone. But you don’t wanna deal with more of that, lest you have to make up another lie. 
So you decide on the ultimate distraction, a way to time travel without lifting a finger: sleeping.
Because Yoongi doesn’t show for hours. 
And hours. 
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You don’t remember when you fell asleep, but you know that something is pulling you out of your slumber. Something warm, and soft, and feeling like you’re coming home.
With a sharp inhale, you fling your eyes open to see that Yoongi’s kissing you awake, one of his hands cradling the back of your neck and his body warmth seeping into your side. 
Is this a dream? 
Your quick break is cut by another kiss, and you taste alcohol and citrus on his tongue before he pulls away. 
“You gotta be my good luck charm or something.” 
Eyes still adjusting to the dark of the room, you question, “Hmm?”
“We fucking finished.”
“Oh my god. Everything?” 
Yoongi nods, his hoodie sweeping the top of your head as he leans in close. 
One foot still in dreamland, you offer a smile of pride. 
Holy crap, they did it. Whatever hard work they poured into that project paid off. You can already see it. “I knew you would,” you sigh, loving the way it feels surrounded by his strong embrace. 
If only he didn’t smell like scents you know you can’t afford. 
Remembering the voices you heard earlier, you crash back down to earth and end up six feet deep in worry. 
Right. You wanted to distract yourself for a reason. You wanted to sleep away the anxiety for a reason. Because even though you and him don’t even have a solid label, you wanna know his stance. And Taehyung would tell you to figure that shit out right away, whether you’re keeping tabs on him or not.
“I dunno how,” Yoongi responds while you muster up enough courage to talk, “But you were right.” 
“Naturally,” you whisper. 
Say something.
Keep being brave enough to tell him what’s bothering you.
No overthinking this one.
As he leans in again for another kiss, you press a hand into his chest and take the first step. “Wait.”
Yoongi stops on a dime.
Unblinking and hoping his answer is one you can take, you sigh, “Can… Can I ask you something?” 
As you speak, you watch his eyes dart across your face in concern. “This is so stupid. But. I heard… people, on the phone. And I smell… perfume. I know we aren’t a thing, but. I don’t think I can do this if—” 
You’re lucky that Yoongi cuts in before you can finish. 
“Hey. Listen.” He sits up before telling you to follow suit. When you do, he looks toward his window, expression indiscernible as he watches moonlight seep through his blinds. 
Breathing in, he lowers his head before looking at the hands resting in your lap. “I don’t do that shit anymore. If I’m seeing someone, that’s it.” 
You let those words coat shoulders that drop with relief, wondering if he meant that in a general way or if—
“And even if I did…” Yoongi gazes into your eyes then, and you stare at his determined pupils hiding behind dark orange bangs. “I wouldn’t do that to you. K?” 
Oh. There’s a hummingbird in your ribcage, its fluttering wings stealing all the words from your mouth. 
You can only nod.  
“And,” he says, straightening to prop up your chin. “It’s not stupid.”
Ah. The hummingbird now has friends. Many, many friends. 
“If it helps,” Yoongi continues while fighting a guilty smile, “I kinda pissed’em off.”
“Huh?” Something like a half-laugh, half-scoff shoots out of your mouth. “What did you do?”
He aims a smug look your way before reminding you why people love to hate him.
“You ever been called your friend’s name before?”
Your jaw drops before you playfully nudge his shoulder with a gasp, and Yoongi grins with his nose scrunched. “Asshole!” His breathy laughs are unbothered by your affronted, droning, “Wow.”
“I know. But it works.” He winks before moving on to another, more favorable subject. “What time are you leaving in the morning?” 
“Whenever you need me to. I took tomorrow off.” 
“Then stay. I’m off, too.” 
Excitement bubbles up to join the adrenaline in your veins. You were hoping that was the case ever since he said they were finished, but you weren’t positive. “You sure?” 
“Yeah. Why?” 
Blinking, you wonder why you even asked in the first place. 
But then you remember: as much as you want a whole day with him, you think back to seeing him at his desk. How he used even a sliver of his alone time to work on his own music. If he wants to do that instead, you don’t want to stop him. 
However, you also don’t wanna catch him off-guard again by mentioning his private business. Maybe he even forgot that you could have heard his track. So instead, you joke, 
“I dunno. Thought you’d be tired of me by now.”
Yoongi regards you with a smile of disbelief, like he knows that’s what you weren’t originally going to say. But he plays along. 
“Not yet,” he teases. “Lemme shower.” 
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With running water serving as the background to your thoughts, you psych yourself up for everything that you want to do.
Whether this is something you can pull off or not, you aren’t exactly sure. But there’s no way to know unless you try. And you want to try very, very hard.
Because Yoongi damn well deserves it. 
He’s been nothing but accommodating ever since the weekend started. From making you get work done, to reassuring your chaotic mind at every pass, he’s made an impression unlike no one has before. 
And honestly, he’s been this way with you long before then. 
So you want to be the one to please him this time. In a way that you never have for anyone else. It’s just daunting when you know you’re about to step out of your comfort zone. 
But to hell with it. You wanna do this. 
Getting up, you swipe one of the shirts Yoongi left on his chair, changing into it before taking everything else off. The soft but thick material drapes over your body, and you wonder if every single thing in this apartment is just made to be as comforting as its owner.
Maybe you should spend more time wearing his baggy clothes. 
Never mind all that. Focus!
Inhaling, you start to visualize your plans. Plans that were put on hold ever since this morning. With all of your day’s worries and fears resolved, the fog in your brain dissipates, allowing you to finally picture what you really want.
Hopefully it’s what Yoongi really wants, too.  
Light juts in front of your feet as the bathroom door swings open, and you stand in place as he notices, “Digging through my shit now, huh?”
“No,” you assure him, bones already vibrating with anticipation at the sight of his wet hair. 
And fuck, is he still wearing jewelry? 
Stop! Self-control. Patience. 
“This was on your chair.”
“I don’t—”
Self-control and patience be damned. 
Rushing forward, you catch Yoongi off guard with quick hands to his covered chest.
Backing him up one two three steps, you shove him onto his bed, blood pulsing at the sight of his wide eyes. 
Don’t stop, keep going. You can do this.
Heart skipping beats, you tug off his shirt before you can chicken out, and Yoongi groans when you reveal that it’s the only thing you had on.
And you almost catch the way his expression switches from desire to shock, but you mount him and dive right onto his neck before you can do so.
Something stronger than adrenaline comes over you then. Something dark, and primal, and absolutely divine. Breathing in the woody scent of his body wash, you lap at his column while your hands travel everywhere. You’re so focused on attacking him that you barely register the hands gripping your ass.
“Oh, fuck, doll,” Yoongi moans as you scratch down his chest, jerking his head back with a hard hiss when you pinch his nipple. 
Enveloped by lust, you let instinct guide your actions, pushing up to nip his ear while clutching his throat. A suck here, a tug of his hair there. Pinching, whispering his name, squeezing your thighs—every single movement seems to break him down while lifting you up.
And you finally get the chance to tell him what’s about to happen. 
“Lemme get a cond—”
“Uh uh.” 
When he stills underneath you, your bare chest slides down his front as you explain, 
“My turn.”
It’s simple. It’s concise. 
But Yoongi is smart enough to get what you mean, and a rough hum rips from his core as he watches you slowly sink between his knees. 
When you hit the floor, you realize. 
It’s almost been a year since you’ve been in this position. 
You want to show Yoongi what he had been missing.
But as your eyes shift up to see him already watching you, you’d like to think he already knows. 
Propped up on his elbows, Yoongi leers down at your determination, wet locks still dripping water onto his smooth cheekbones. Underneath his shirt, you can see all the little tics of his pecs, his abs—tiny jolts in the aftermath of your storm.
As much as you want to keep playing with the upper half of him, you continue in your quest, mouth salivating when you slip his sweatpants down bit by agonizing bit.  
God, how you want to be able to watch his reactions while you have him shoved down your throat. But you’ll make do with one pleasure at a time.
Starting with the cock that springs in front of your face. 
Impatient, you don’t waste time in taking his velvety girth in your palm, missing how it felt in your fingers and wanting it buried deep inside you for hours. 
Fucking hell. Out of all the dicks you’ve held in your lifetime, his is undoubtedly your favorite. In fact, you vaguely remember being upset at its perfection, hating how every part of the one man out of reach has the power to destroy you.
You want that power, too: bringing Min Yoongi to his proverbial knees.
Well. You’re sure as hell gonna fucking try. 
With one full, wet swipe along his length, you already see him thump back onto his mattress, hips flinching and fists gathering bunches of his sheet. 
Pleased, you take his tip in your awaiting mouth, lifting your head mid-suck to tug on him more. Intentionally, you release him with a sound you’ve perfected by watching videos you will never disclose. 
And it seems to resonate with Yoongi, for a dark laugh rumbles between sealed lips as a large hand palms the top of your head. 
“You nasty girl.”
Licking around his tip while squeezing the base, you give him a teasing suck before releasing with another perfect pop. Sliding your fingers to gather your saliva, you coat the rest of him before lapping at his balls.
His control. 
It’s slipping. 
You can tell from the breathy laughs he puffs to the ceiling. A slew of incoherent words tumbles after, and you decide that you quite like him like this. Like he finally doesn’t know what to say. 
Mirroring something you remember Yoongi torturing you with, you admit, 
“You taste so fucking good.” 
A deep hum is your only response, and you take that as a cue to keep going, tilting your head to swirl around his cock. Your own essence coats your cheeks as you feast, alternating between slurps and licks that travel along his veins.
From experience, you’ve learned how to judge reactions, how to tell what guys prefer or not. But all of those other times? You were never invested enough to truly care. If they never cared to pay attention to what you liked, then why bother?
But Yoongi cares. Sometimes, you wonder if he cares more than you do. 
So you pay extra attention to how he reacts, and you make sure to understand enough to heighten his pleasure to its zenith. 
Immediately, you pick up on the fact that he likes when you squeeze his sack. But also, it seems that he’s aroused by all the sounds you’re making in general.
You almost laugh. While you aren’t normally loud unless Yoongi wants you to be, this is where you won’t quiet down unless he stops you. 
But you aren’t the only one filling the room with vulgar noises. 
Beautiful hisses spring over your head, only to be joined by moans as you swallow more of his cock with each pass. He palms your scalp with a hand, trying his damned best to let you decide how much of him to take in. 
So you give him permission, knowing he’d catch on to the taps you make on his thigh.
When your eyes travel up his body, you can see him lifting his head to watch, and he looks to you for one more nod of consent. 
You pause your sucks to give him one, slathering your tongue around his shaft before taking him in again.
Yoongi’s groans are deep when he pushes your head down, and you feel your mouth stretch wide around his cock. When the tip knocks the back of your throat, you gag on instinct, expecting the moan that comes right after.
“Fuck, baby…”
You can go lower, so you let him push you down a little further, unfazed by the way your throat aches to accommodate his girth. Tears start to collect in your eyes, but you don’t mind those either, having done this many times before. 
For Yoongi, you’ll deal. To hear the way he slurs your name, you’ll deal.
Your breath cuts at a certain point, but you sacrifice it to prove you can take him all in. And when your nose brushes his pelvis, Yoongi’s outright moan is already worth the gamble on your lungs. 
Mercifully, you’re tugged all the way off his cock in a single motion, gasping for air as strings of saliva connect your mouth to his sex.
“You’re so fucking good at this. What the fuck.” 
Mouth coated in spit, you nod with little shame, cunt pulsing at the satisfied groan that it gets in return.
Yoongi’s voice is filled with lust and gravel when he grits out, “God, I wanna fuck that throat.”
“Do it,” you rasp with lidded eyes, smirking at the way he looks at you with disbelief. Replicating what he had said to you before, you croak, “This is about you.”
“You sure, doll?”
Heart beating a bit quicker at his concern, you hum in confidence. Your fingers tap his thigh when you respond, “I’ve done it before.”
A strange look comes over Yoongi’s face then, and you don’t know why he sits all the way up to kiss you. But you and your throat welcome the short reprieve, and he breathes through his nostrils before pulling away.
Just like that, the look vanishes, replaced by shadows and desire and impatience.  
“Then gimme that dirty mouth.”
Lost in his blown out eyes, you obey. But before he can even take over, you start a relentless pace, bobbing your head and hollowing your cheeks until they throb. 
It’s enough to make him stutter in his movements, and a hand pulls you up before he chuckles, “Breathe first, babe.”
Blinking, you realize, “Oh, shit. Yeah.”
Seeing Yoongi’s full grin while in the midst of pleasure? 
That has to be one of your favorite things. 
“Okay,” you nod, only slightly embarrassed. “Ready.” 
He only hisses out laughter while tilting his head back. “What are you doing to me…”
You don’t respond. Because you don’t know. But you wanna keep satisfying this man until he melts in your mouth, so you take his tip in to change the topic. 
This time, you give Yoongi complete control of your head, noticing that he starts with slow but full strokes. As he groans, you mewl when his other hand skirts over one of your breasts, causing him to quicken his pace. 
Concentrate. Loosen your throat. Breathe through your nose. All of these thoughts invade your mind as Yoongi thrusts in deeper and quicker, and your column bears the onslaught as tears roll down your cheeks in rivers. 
The sounds you make are far from innocent, and they serve as the moving line over Yoongi’s constant reactions.
You don’t remember him being this vocal.
But you’re starting to understand why he likes pleasuring you so much.
It aches like hell, but you want nothing but to keep going. You’re okay. With a hand gripping his thigh, you slacken your aching jaw and revel in the waves of curses washing over your naked back. You almost traverse into another plane entirely, eyes slitted and strings of drool slipping from your lips. 
Suddenly, you’re tugged up again, a long gasp escaping your numb mouth and eyes practically rolled back. Wheezing, you gulp in breaths like water, feeling air on the spit that accumulated on your chest.
Holy fuck, how drenched are you? You’re too dizzy to comprehend, let alone hear anything he’s saying. 
A hand makes its way to your cheek, the veiny back caressing your sweaty skin all the way down to your sore jaw. When he cradles your lolling chin in his sweaty fingers, you slowly open your eyes to be pinned by a look so dark you would think he was possessed.
And you have never seen him look so hungry.  
But you can’t mull over it for too long. Not because you feel thoroughly fucked out—though that contributes a good chunk of it—but because his wish shoots through you like lightning,
“Gonna come all over that pretty face.”
Even though you want that, too, it wasn’t the plan you had in mind.
Shaking your head, you move his hand away and give him a lopsided smile. “Not this time.”
Yoongi’s new expression is adorable, but you waste no time in clarifying—not without a slight hint of shyness,
“I want it somewhere else…”
Yoongi furrows his brows impossibly deep, his chest rising and falling with labored breaths. “Where, baby girl.”
Lowering yourself back down, you answer,
“My mouth.”
“The fuck,” he groans, eyes shutting as you seize command again.
Your hands and mouth cover him completely—sucking, pumping, twisting. You feel him twitching with an impending explosion, and you rake your nails down one of his thighs before moving them right to his balls. 
More curses shoot from his mouth as he arches his back higher than before, and you know he’s close before he even tells you. 
With one last thought, you clutch his sack with one hand while reaching up to twist one of his nipples, wanting every bit of his pleasure to come from you and you alone. 
And you moan around him when it works like a charm. 
Nothing but your name rips from his throat as he spills into your mouth, hot and milky and distinguishable on your tongue. Spurt after spurt paints your cavern, and you love the way his cock twitches with each angry release.
It’s yours. All yours yours yours and you claim it with a possessiveness you will deny in the morning. Globs slide down your gullet, and you twirl your tongue to gather everything you missed. 
Above you, Yoongi’s body locks, fists solid and creating taut mountain peaks out of his sheets. When you suck through his orgasm, a long, guttural moan is blocked by his closed lips, and he flexes his arms forward, feline and feral. 
You already know you can never have Yoongi, no matter what.
But this Yoongi—flustered, out of control, and fucked out of his mind—is the Yoongi you want all to your fucking self.
Breathing hard and watching him come, you’re positive that he is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life.
Finally, with one last exhale, his high passes. And a realization floods your mind. 
Holy fuck.
You just swallowed Yoongi’s cum. 
Nothing but shaky breaths fill the room, and you take time to steady your pulse and relax your aching throat. Fuck, it’s gonna be sore. Damn, you’re lucky that you have tomorrow off because—
Something causes you to snap your gaze upward.
And any breaths you were going to take cease.
Because there have been many significant snapshots in your life, some of them only involving yourself, your friends, and more recently the very man in front of you. 
But this moment? With you stripped bare and on your knees while he worships you from above? 
Something in you clicks.
And clicks hard.
Yoongi’s voice has never been hoarser as he commands, “Open that goddamn mouth.”
You oblige, tongue out and all.
“Fuck.” He snags your chin with force, and the fervor with how he growls sends sparks along your skin, 
“Come here. Get the fuck up.” 
Bubbling with mirth, you rush to mount him as he hoists you by the arms, and you kiss him square on the lips with punished knees digging into his forgiving mattress. Fuck, the bends in your legs are sore. But you’ll live. 
Yoongi seizes the back of your head and looks at you, clenching his fingers with words on the tip of his tongue. But he says nothing in the end, simply shaking his head and kissing you one more time. 
Everything you wanted to happen happened. 
And you’d like to think he enjoyed it just as much as you did, so you can now sleep peacef—
“Get up.”
“Sit up.”
Confused, you wince at the sting in your legs as you’re situated in his bare lap. As your entrance rests right against his cock, both of you groan while most likely thinking the same thing. 
“What are you doing,” you whisper, watching his complete look of satisfaction at how ragged your voice sounds. The pout you make only widens his smile. 
Instead of responding verbally, Yoongi reaches behind his neck to unclasp one of his chains. And you don’t know where things are going until your heartbeat jumps ten paces. 
Because he slips the silver necklace around your neck before taking off the heavier one, admiring the view when both of them rest against your slippery chest. 
What is he doing?
This feels borderline intimate. 
It’s enough to render you speechless, and you can only breathe as he runs his fingers along the links, the back of his hand brushing the side of your breast. 
“They look much better on you.”
You still don’t know what the hell to say, feeling a lovely weight on your neck and an enchanting burden in your chest. 
“Hey,” Yoongi whispers, lifting your chin. “You okay?”
“Oh. More than okay,” you admit. “I just…” 
When you see him tilt his head and wait for your answer, you finally notice that you’re unbothered. Truly unbothered. About today, about your friends, about what you heard on the phone. 
But more importantly, you’re unbothered about being naked in front of him. You aren’t thinking about how you look, or how he thinks you look. All you’ve been focused on this entire time has been him, and you haven’t had this much fun in the bedroom. Ever. 
“I’m really happy right now,” you finally beam, and you want to bottle the feeling you have in your heart and shelve it for every rainy day you’ll ever live through. 
Right next to the bottle that keeps the look in Yoongi’s eyes.
You yelp as he suddenly tugs on his chains to pull you forward, and your lips are captured in a way that has your toes curling. 
Before you know it, you’re being lowered onto rumpled sheets, and a pair of fingers between your legs jolts you upwards. “Yoongi?”
“Who said we were done?” 
“But this was about you,” you gasp as you feel his fingers slide up your dripping folds with more pressure. 
“I know. This is still for me.” 
What the hell? You were already set on not receiving anything tonight. If anything, you could take care of yourself after he passed out. So what’s he doing? Why is he saying this is for him? “How?”
“I love seeing you like this.”
You can only blink. “...Really?”
“Yeah. And I love seeing you come.” 
“You do?“ 
Yoongi’s gaze lands on the jewelry resting on your chest. “So fucking much.” 
“Oh,” is all you can muster, lust coming back with a vengeance and twisting your core.  
And you wait until his eyes travel upwards, slowly but surely, until they connect with yours. “Let’s see how many times you got, dirty girl.” 
Oh, fuck.
He shifts to sit up, ordering you to change positions as he slips his sweatpants back on. “Slide up here for me.” 
Obeying, you wince at the discomfort in your knees as you make your way to the head of his mattress. 
Yoongi joins you immediately, his warmth pressing deliciously into your side. With a flick of his chin, he continues, “Hands under the headboard. Uh huh.” 
Well. You didn’t expect this. And you’re ten times more excited for what’s in store for you, especially since Yoongi decided to keep all of his clothes on. The pretty tension has you thrumming with heat and nerves.
Instead of going between your legs, he starts with fingers to your mouth. “Open up one more time, doll.”
You gladly take two of his digits in like you were built for it, slathering your tongue all over them and humming at the quick curse at your ear.
“So filthy,” he chuckles through a smile. As he slides his fingers out, he rubs them over your lips before clutching your chin. “I fucking love it.” 
You bite your lip before you can help it, knowing you won’t be prepared for anything he’s going to do to you. 
And you quickly learn how right you are. 
Yoongi seizes complete command of your body, fingering you at the perfect pace while latching lips onto your neck. Both movements cause you to tense up, your palms pressing into the bottom of his headboard and your back arching. 
Shit, it already feels so good and it’s only been seconds! 
Your legs are forced more open before Yoongi dips his digits in again, sliding up your drenched walls and laughing derisively at your throat.
“Sucking me off got you this wet, huh?”
Whimpering, you can only nod, shifting your hips to feel more of the friction he’s giving. You don’t know how aroused he looks as he watches your bouncing chest, but you do hear what he whispers. Because it emblazons itself on your neck. 
“What a whore.” 
“Fuck, Yoongi,” you whine, thoroughly turned on and shuddering at the way his laughs slide down your column. Shameful, you admit to yourself that you can listen to him talk like that for hours. 
When he suddenly slaps your cunt, you lose it, feeling the strain in your body as a moan tries to escape your clenched teeth. 
Holy fuck, how are you already this close? Did you really attain this amount of arousal just by giving him head? You knew you were outright delighted but damn, his fingers see no resistance at all. 
The silver around your neck slides a little towards your collarbone. As you wonder why he decided to don you with his chains, Yoongi takes advantage and leans down, latching lips onto one of your nipples and pulling a moan from your throat. 
“Oh, my god.” 
You want to throw your hands around his neck. Dig your fingers in his angry locks. But the way your hands grip the headboard, you’re too afraid to let go. They feel permanently welded, and you can only tighten them as you thrash underneath him. 
He fucking knows it, too, taking his time to lick around your breast before nicking again. And with so many sparks filling your body to the brim, you already see the edge. It’s so close close close and you’re trying to get the right words out to tell him. 
He has the audacity to laugh, staccato puffs in your ear. “I feel you sucking me in. You can’t hide, baby girl.” 
“Fuck,” you gasp, knowing he’s completely right. But you can’t help it. Your body wants every inch of his and the friction is feeding the thrums in your core.
Yoongi suddenly grabs the back of your neck, holding you in place and causing your jaw to slacken. 
“Whose pussy is this?” 
What the fuck! You didn’t expect that. And you know how you want to answer, but your words come out ridiculously slurred from lust. 
“What was that?” 
“Yours! Oh, fuck…” 
“Mmhmm.” With one final stroke, he agrees, “All mine.”
Pure light wipes your vision as you come, groaning through your lips as your body snaps into place. Your arms are taut, straining as you squeeze his headboard like a lifeline. Over and over and over, your cunt clenches around Yoongi’s fingers, and he hums above you, long and rough. 
It doesn’t matter that you end up a panting mess, nor does it matter that your legs are yelling to be closed. Because he’s already keeping an agonizing pace on your throbbing walls without reprieve.
“You wanna be a cumslut so bad? Prove it.” 
“Taking my dick and my fingers so well.” He slaps your cunt again, and the squelch it makes will embarrass you even days later. “Still such a whore for me.” 
You don’t know why the hell that turns you on, but it does. Goddamn, it does, and he knows how much it affects you by the way you milk his fingers despite already coming. 
He laughs even deeper this time, and it sends shivers down your chest all the way to your toes. Watching the way you writhe beneath him, he goads, “That’s it, doll. Fuck, I love seeing you in my shit.”
“Almost wanna show you off.”
Damn, you want that, too. Holy shit, you want the same thing, and just imagining that being a possibility gets you frighteningly close to another edge. 
And you need the plunge. No one will take that away from you. Even him. If he edges you even once, you’ll finish your goddamn self.
“Yoongi, I’m close.”
“Then come for me, love.”
Your coil snaps again, harder than the last and making you a shuddering mess. Later, you’ll think about what he said, but your mind is completely void for now. Tears start leaking out of your ducts from the onslaught of pleasure wracking your bones, and you let out a quick sob from feeling so overwhelmed.
Yoongi’s saying things in your ear again, but you really can’t discern them. Praises, insults, anything in between—you don’t know. All you know is that your brain is exploding with lust and satisfaction and you don’t know when the high will ever subside. 
But, after an eternity and a half, you start to float back onto soft, damp sheets. Your muscles relax bit by bit, and the fingers above your head unlatch from the dark wood of his headboard. 
Fuck. Your hands hurt. But you slowly close them to combat the strain. 
With your eyes slipped shut, you’re surprised to feel Yoongi’s lips on yours, inhaling shock through your nose at the second stolen kiss of the night. Instead of your palms, you reach to place your wrists on his shoulders, twisting your body to press fully into his front. 
His heartbeat…
It might be quicker than yours. 
Softly, one of your hands is cradled in his fingers before your palm is rubbed with care. One circle, then another, and another. Voice so deep that it’s more of a rumble than a sentence, Yoongi asks, “Do they hurt?”
“A little,” you admit. “But you’re helping.” 
You don’t know what time it is, but you don’t exactly care. It could be any hour of any day and you would still banish the rest of the world from your mind. Because it only exists in this moment. With him massaging your hand while carrying tiny moons in his eyes. 
He’s ethereal.
“You don’t have to stay tomorrow.” 
Blinking hard, you struggle to comprehend what Yoongi just said. 
What? What did he mean by that? 
Your heart rushes up your bruised throat before you squeak out, “Why not?” 
Yoongi kisses your forehead. “Your friends on your case. Spend time with them. Don’t worry just cus of me.” 
Oh. He doesn’t know that you took care of that.
Why does he have to be so considerate? This doesn’t make things easy.
“It’s okay,” you murmur, reaching with your free hand to cradle his cheek. “I was gonna see them… But after this week, since…” 
He just watches you. 
“Things’ll go back to normal.” 
Yoongi darts his eyes across your face, silent. When he only nods, a piece of you breaks, but you try your hardest not to let him see it. 
There won’t be time for walks, or water fights, or waking up to his arm around your waist. Because this week reserved a pocket universe in time—a space just for the two of you to have. And it’s one you truly don’t ever want to leave. 
From the way that Yoongi claims your lips, you want to think he feels the same. It’s at least nice to keep pretending.
But you know he’s doing it to make you feel better, though it devastates you all the same. 
Because a week is quickly not becoming enough. You want more time. You need it. 
Yoongi stops with a breath, and runs a hand along the side of your head.
“Get some rest, doll.”
“You, too.”
“I will,” he whispers. “And listen. About tomorrow.” 
He stares at you just a bit longer, caressing your cheek and keeping his mouth shut. 
It’s strange. You’ve only been able to read him a few times before. But now, you’re sure that you see a thousand thoughts run across his eyes, and they remind you of meteor showers you used to watch outside when you were young. When life wasn’t complicated. When the furthest thing from your mind was a broken heart. 
But at his next words, your heart swells. 
And you don’t need to worry about it breaking just yet.
“I’m all yours.”
…Maybe Reia was right.
tbc. :) 
A/N: ahhh. so. how did it go? LOL i feel like it’s been so long since Stay, but it’s only been two-ish months. whoa! also.. typing with acrylics should be an olympic sport and if you do this regularly you have my utmost respect LOLL that shit was so hard while writing a majority of this chapter! A/N 2: as always, thank you so much for all of the support. whether you’re new, or an OG, i truly appreciate you being here and going on this journey with me and the 3tan crew. and for the people wanting angst, welp. here’s a glimpse of what that entails dkldkjdjf see you all in “the week, pt. 2!” ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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elysianslove · 3 years
The Shakespeare ask sent me but also the history nerd in me is quaking because nO that is not how people actually spoke in those decades. Like people seriously didn't used to speak like that it's a thing that Shakespeare mostly made up for his plays and while there were similarities it wasn't concretely similar.
Anyways imagine passive aggressively calling Sukuna Princess while having a jujutsu fight with him that's more flirt than fight because hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that sounds delectable right about now ngl.
— returning from the grave, brat anon
omg i’m a history nerd myself 🥺🤲🏼 but i’m less into that and more into monarchies and war and all that. like french history???? spanish history??? british history w all the james and the charles and the queens oh my gosh. i took a lotta european history and fuck the colonizers but damn is it interesting. IM SORFY IM GOING ON A SPIRAL JANSJD ANYWAYS
and yeah people didn’t really speak like that shakespeare was just dramatic but the ask was still so funny i couldn’t. imagining and picturing it had me dying. 
also that 👀 calling sukuna princess oh my god. imagine how pissed he’d be. or even better he’d snarl and call you something even more tormenting lmfao. i just want this man to destroy me ngl. 
ALSO! welcome back brat anon u were missed <3 
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cloudystevie · 3 years
dont be shy- write the smut- i needith my wifeys writing- Shakespeare quakes in his grave when you post- (also i will in fact be beggin' on dash for a ransom nonnie- so dont mind that if you see it)
idk because i just read one idk i just wanna write something so disgusting you guys woukd hate me skdjdkkdkdkdk
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thanksjro · 4 years
Polyhex Wars, Book 2 Part 2: The Role of the Waifu This Evening Will Be Played by Ammo
Previously, on The Polyhex Wars…
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Hound and company have found themselves at a docking station simply awash with Decepticons and their pods, having just arrived on Cybertron from Autobot City, all of them complaining about how Optimus’ new powers totally kicked their keisters. Some of them are wondering just where Starscream got to.
Hound's eyeing a big ol’ ship, but if he wants it, he’s going to need to come up with some sort of plan. He comes up with one, and it involves Ammo because of course it does.
Hound has a small holographic projector built into his wrist, which can do small-scale holographs- nothing too crazy, but he can disguise himself long enough to get to that ship. From there, he’ll overload the power systems for this area, creating a distraction.
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You betcha, Buster Brown. Ammo’s role in this will require the use of his alt-mode. If you guessed that Ammo turns into a gun, congratulations! You’d be right.
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Carrying straps don’t exist on Cybertron, and it’s solely so folks like Hound can slap their crushes to their thighs.
Hound’s about to head off, when he realizes that Fistfight isn’t in his direct line of sight. Blaster, when asked why he isn’t doing the one thing he’s been asked to do, brushes it off, saying that Courier is watching him. Any way you slice it, this sounds like a horrible arrangement: either Fistfight’s about to get offed, or you just left a dangerous killer with one of the smallest members of your team. Blaster, what the hell?
While Hound and Blaster are hashing it out, Courier points out an alarm system. I give it five minutes before that thing gets pulled like a fire alarm in a middle school on a snow day.
Meanwhile, up above on the surface of the planet, the Autobots have landed and are currently faced with the enemy swarming up from underground in the thousands.
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Hmm, yes, I remember you.
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Roberts really enjoys massacring the polity of Polyhex. It’s probably because so much shit is just happening there all the time.
Obviously, Optimus isn’t having any issue in this fight, going so far as to save Trailbreaker’s hide via eye lasers.
Wonder how Red Alert’s team is doing.
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Not great, if that delightfully purple prose is anything to go by.
The Autobots are being loaded into those electric chairs we saw in Part 1, And Red Alert’s wondering how it all got to this point. Like, why the hell would Megatron had set up a throne in the underground pseudo-grave of their creator god? How was he supposed to figure that one out?
There’s this odd feeling of pride as nobody begs for their lives as they’re prepared to be electrocuted- at least they’ll still have their dignity, even if they won’t have their lives for too much longer.
Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Red Alert trade some Shakespeare-level insults with Megatron, up until he gives the order to kill the Autobots.
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Red Alert, why do you even know what sputum is?
Back over with Hound, he’s just made it past the guard at the ship, all decked out in a disguise that makes him look like the mid-90s punk scene chewed him up and spat him out. As he’s doing his thing, the sounds of the battle above start trickling down into earshot. Hound aims Ammo and gets ready to blast the ship’s generator.
Back where the Autobots are hiding, Blaster is once again not paying attention, not realizing that Bumblebee’s being held at gunpoint by Shockwave until the guy notices that he’s not being answered. Fantastic work, Blaster.
Blaster’s communicator goes off, which, really, is just too bad, because it alerts Shockwave to Hound’s location. He points his gun-hand at the ship and fires, blowing the whole thing sky high, probably taking a few of the nearby Decepticon guards along with it.
Apparently having seen too much shit today to even process the very probable chance that Hound and Ammo are now dead, Blaster snarks at Shockwave, ignoring the gun now being put to his head to get in kissing distance so he can punch the guy in the gut. Cover blown, Blaster orders his team to start kicking ass.
Back with Red Alert, the execution’s been postponed, because Starscream’s decided to crash the party. Red Alert manages to break free of his bonds as complete and utter chaos unfolds. Seeing as the two Decepticons are currently busy trying to kill each other, the Autobots decide to take their leave. Too bad reinforcements have arrived, shimmying down ropes in the hallway- and they’re not the kind they were hoping for.
Returning to the scene with Blaster, it’s real revenge hours, as the Autobots use the rage they’ve been saving up for the last several hour on the hordes of Decepticons that are just pouring into the room at this point. They’re so mad, when Blaster gets ahold of Skywarp he immediately goes NOPE and pops out of there.
Suddenly, the flaming crater that once was the ship reveals that the ship is fine, actually, with Hound and Ammo posing all badass on the hood as Hound starts shooting for the generator up in the ceiling. This turns the lights out, and when the emergency lighting kicks on, the Autobots book it to that ship and climb aboard. They’re leaving.
Up with Optimus, it’s Hot Rod time. After almost being blown up, Hot Rod reports that the Decepticons have deployed all of their troops- and he does mean all of them- and suggests that the Autobots do the same. Optimus says that they already HAVE everyone deployed, then in the same breath annihilates a group of ‘Cons with the wave of a finger. Do you really need more troops at this point?
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Guess Swindle’s inexplicable plot-armor didn’t grow in until 2001.
Hot Rod reminds Optimus that Red Alert and Hound’s teams aren’t currently up here fighting, as if they’re just sitting around twiddling their thumbs while all this nonsense is going on. Again, do you really need more troops at this point?
Skystalker has a ship floating above Optimus currently, and is about to try and bomb him out, when he too explodes. Then Snapdragon and Sky Quake explode.
Optimus likes exploding people. Nobody tell Hound, because I’m pretty sure that kills them, and that’s just NOT the Autobot way.
Hot Rod, much like everyone else, wants to know how he does it. Optimus reiterates that he doesn’t know, only that he’s been able to do it since he got back from Limbo. Saying it out loud gives him pause.
Optimus orders Hot Rod to go do a search and rescue for the missing teams, then disappears from this mortal plane. Hot Rod, having decided he’s got going to be the one to try and parse the mystical bullshit that Optimus seems to be dealing with currently, runs off to pull together a search party, only to be crushed under Skystalker’s ship.
Hopping back a whole two minutes in time, Hound’s firing the ship’s weapons through the Decepticon forces, being an absolute terror. Blaster’s trying to figure out just how they’re going to leave, seeing as their ship’s been damaged enough to not be able to go up. After a bit of banter, the Autobots notice something standing in the port menacingly. It’s a Decepticon Imperial Guard. The last time we saw one of these guys, it thought it was god and had to get smacked around by Nightbeat’s atheism.
Figuring the worst that could happen is that they all die, Hound whips the ship around and heads for one of the massive holes in the floor that connect to the thrusters stuck into Cybertron at present. They fall in, and since that explosion destroyed the windshield, they’re subjected to all the detriments of terminal velocity. Hound unstraps from his chair and floats up to the back of the ship to see if anyone can make forcefields.
Luckily there is a guy, and his name is Blocker. Blocker does his thing, and everyone braces for impact.
Blocker’s name was recycled in the IDW prose story Out of Bullets, which was a sort of deleted-scene story that connected to Bullets. In it, he was a member of the Wreckers, and ultimately was removed from the team after he was found chewing on a dead friend’s transformation cog. Hopefully he gets a little less of a gruesome characterization here.
Over in the Primus chamber, it’s 30 seconds earlier. Whether this means it’s 30 seconds before Hound’s thing, or 30 seconds before the two minutes we went back earlier isn’t clear. What is clear is that the Decepticon reinforcements are here for Starscream, who immediately shreds them like wet tissue paper. Even Megatron’s afraid!
Screaming for help as he’s pinned by Starscream, he immediately appeals to the Autobots’ better nature, saying that he’ll abort the Juggernaut plans if they stop him from being killed. Everyone is completely on-board to just let Megatron eat it.
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Everyone except Slapdash, for some fucking reason. The Autobots run after the little idiot, all of them jumping onto Starscream, instead of just grabbing their wayward moron and bolting for the exit. Predictably, this does nothing to stop the guy, who proceeds to throw all of them, along with Megatron, so hard off of him that they imbed into the wall.
That’s about the time that Hound’s ship crashes through the ceiling and crushes Starscream. Is it blasphemy or heresy when you destroy a religious monument? Because the Primus chamber’s been through the wringer at this point.
While all this is happening, Optimus seems to be having a spiritual journey of some sort, as he finds himself in Iacon, facing the Last Autobot, a guardian of sorts put in place by Primus himself to guide the Cybertronian race if needed. Optimus is kind of annoyed to have been pulled away from the battle, but hears the guy out, seeing as he seems to know what’s going on with these powers. Also, because he’s very large and intimidating, and brushing him off is probably a one-way ticket to robot hell.
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So, because Optimus somehow became the storehouse for an entire not-dimension, he’s going to die if he doesn’t pawn off these powers to someone even more powerful than himself. Which, you know, is probably going to be a little difficult, seeing as he’s Optimus friggin’ Prime. Optimus brushes this off, ready to get back to the fight he’d been so rudely removed from.
Back at the crash site, it’s time to count the dead bodies. We’ve got Flanker, Dipshot, Counterblast and Transit. Megatron peels himself off the wall and quickly returns with his reinforcements, who I guess were just kind of standing around waiting for their boss to give the okay. Maybe they’re vampires and have to be invited in.
Starscream digs himself out from under the ship, mad as a hornet. His face is missing, which is a fun thing. Megatron orders his men to fire on him, and Starscream just wipes the floor with them immediately. Megatron then attempts to ally himself with the Autobots, just as Starscream throws a girder and pins Hound and Courier, promptly knocking them out.
Up on the surface, Optimus Prime is posing on a mountain very dramatically as he summons his troops- quite literally. All those in the Primus chamber are immediately transported to the mountain, and with that all the Autobots are gathered in one spot.
And that’s the end of Book 2.
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thelasttime · 6 years
shakespeare was quaking in his grave when taylor alison swift decided to rewrite the ending of romeo and juliet just because she didn't like it
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sam-writes · 5 years
i pray i'll be dead before you find this but uHhh i? kinda? have the biggest crush on you? and? would? want to marry you and your fantastic writing? you're my dream boy and i wish i could have the courage to talk to you off-anon but i'm an ugly asocial leech hahah :(( anyway you're cute and your writing makes shakespeare quake in his grave have a good night
I honestly have no idea how to form words anymore I’m honoured?? God this is so nice and wow I’m overly flustered,, and god that is a huge compliment! Wowwww I did not ever elect to get anything like this idk how to react,,,
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And please in no way feel pressured to come off of anon if it makes you anxious/uncomfortable! I’ll be just as happy chatting with you!
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bibleteachingbyolga · 3 years
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   For we do now behold thee gay and glad,             As at doomsday:       When souls shall wear their new array,    And all thy bones with beauty shall be clad. —George Herbert, “Death” (17–20)
Do you ever wonder if our faith can really be true? We outlandishly claim, “I believe in the resurrection of the body.” But we never see that happen to anyone. This last week, we celebrated our Easter hope. Jesus said, “Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19). But the very air we breathe in our culture fills us with dread that this life is all there is.
The message we absorb is to live for now, because when our bodies stop, we stop; there is nothing more. This can seem like brave realism while our faith in life to come seems but a fantasy. How can we answer such reasonable doubts that plague even ardent believers in the midnight hours? I’ve been helped by imagining a literary duel between skepticism and faith. I speculate that this battle occurred between two of the greatest English poets, who wrote just a generation apart.
William Shakespeare (1564–1616) threw down a gauntlet through the graveyard scene in Hamlet. With rapier clarity, Shakespeare evoked our secret fear that in the end the most glorious person ends up as but a clod of dirt plugging a hole. A few years ago, I witnessed the power of Benedict Cumberbatch enacting this scene. I felt my faith reeling. Who could ever write an adequate answer? But not long after, I reread the short poem “Death” by George Herbert (1593–1633). What if Herbert’s poem deliberately took the blow of Hamlet’s realism and then, against the ropes of existential despair, deftly countered with a more triumphant hope?
Follow the Body
Decades earlier, even as a bored teenager enduring an interminable play, I snapped back to attention when Hamlet leapt into the grave and picked up the skull of Yorick, once the king’s jester. We’re fascinated and terrorized to see what lies under our skin. The skull is, of course, necessarily a dead person, and so it has ever symbolized the power of death. It is the emblem of the wisdom tradition of memento mori: remember that you die. As far back as Genesis 3:19, we are reminded, “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The bones in a grave grimly demand that we recall how quickly beauty fades and life flees away.
Hamlet remembers the full face of Yorick as he examines the ghoulish, unintended grin of a skinless skull. Once Yorick set the boy Hamlet laughing as they played and joked. But now, “My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed. . . . Where be your gibes now? . . . Your flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table at roar?” (5.1.194–98). The merry crowd-pleaser has only dirt for company.
This sight and smell and feel of bones in a grave cause Hamlet to consider the fate of man:
To what base uses we may return, Horatio! Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander, till he find it stopping a bunghole [a plug in a cask]? (5.1.209–11)
The great conqueror Alexander has decomposed into dust, which may now be but corking a keg. Such is the humiliation of our mortal decay. Hamlet continues, picking up a biblical cadence before slamming into the mediocrity of our common fate:
Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth into dust; the dust is earth; of earth we make loam; and why of that loam, whereto he was converted, might they not stop a beer-barrel? (5.1.216–19)
We hear an echo of Paul’s great summary of the gospel: “Christ died . . . he was buried” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4 KJV). But Hamlet does not follow Paul to resurrection. Rather, he views our fate as the Genesis return to dust. Further transformation through the centuries means only that the clay that was once us may be used for the most menial purposes. The hard-packed dirt of the plug in the cask of ale at the pub could contain the same molecules as once comprised the body of a mighty king.
Shakespeare’s scene has leveled a serious challenge to faith in the resurrection. It’s as if he says, “Follow the body!” Those who made thousands quake with their power may now be a clump of earth keeping the wind out of a peasant’s wall. Follow the body and see that we do not rise. We merely decompose.
Who has the literary power to answer this scene? What writer can outmaneuver Shakespeare in exposing this primal fear that there’s nothing more than this life?
Beyond These Bones
Not long after attending Hamlet, I happened to reread George Herbert’s “Death.” I jolted with the realization that this could indeed be a direct literary answer to Hamlet’s despair. (In the academic and court circles in which Herbert moved as a young man, awareness of Hamlet would have been as high as what we have of Hamilton today. I think it’s likely that Herbert saw the play, and almost certain he had at least read it.)
With Hamlet in the Grave
Death once again is personified as a skull. The poem opens with words that Hamlet could have spoken:
   Death, thou wast once an uncouth hideous thing,             Nothing but bones,       The sad effect of sadder groans,    Thy mouth was open, but thou couldst not sing. (1–4)
For readers in the early seventeenth century, “Death” easily evoked Hamlet in the graveyard. The merry tunes of Yorick were silent in the mouth of a skull. In fact, Herbert’s poem gets more graphic than Shakespeare’s scene. He takes us beyond Yorick’s jesting at a feast to his dying with the moans of terminal suffering, surrounded by the grieving sighs of those who stood by. The juxtaposition between the boisterous laughter at table and the groans upon the bed of death makes this skull become hideous in our hands. To hold the remains of a living person as we imagine his pangs of death seems uncouth: totally inappropriate. In this duel, Herbert will not let Shakespeare best him in horrific realism.
Even in this first stanza, Herbert is already building the foundation of his counter-hope to death. The “sadder groans” remind us of Romans 8: “We know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now” (Romans 8:22 KJV). After the fall of humanity, death entered creation and everything “was made subject to vanity” and placed in “the bondage of corruption” (Romans 8:20–21 KJV). We groan under the futility that everything living in this world must die.
But the glorious twist in Romans 8 is that this subjection to mortality occurred as an act of hope on God’s part. Rather than let our sin be eternalized, God introduced a natural end until the time comes for the full liberation of all creation into new life (Romans 8:21 KJV). So the groans of death are also birth pangs, evoked by our longing for “the redemption of our body” (Romans 8:23 KJV). We groan not just in hopeless sorrow, but precisely because we intuit that there is more to come.
Herbert’s next stanza continues in a way that recalls Hamlet’s gruesome question to the gravedigger: “How long will a man lie i’ the earth ere he rot?” (5.1.168). The sexton’s reply of eight or nine years fits within the poem’s expectation of decay:
   For we considered thee as at some six,             Or ten years hence,       After the loss of life and sense,    Flesh being turned to dust, and bones to sticks. (5–8)
Herbert has taken his readers right into the grave with Hamlet, observing what happens to people we know in the decade after they die. We feel the loss of “life and sense.” Hamlet’s reflections looked back farther in time, pondering the results of decomposition through the scattering centuries. That’s why he makes us feel that all human history is encompassed in decay. But Herbert’s next stanza reveals that Hamlet actually had a narrow view:
   We looked on this side of thee, shooting short;             Where we did find       The shells of fledge souls left behind,    Dry dust, which sheds no tears, but may extort. (9–12)
Normally, we look on this side of death, the side of material life returning to the earth. That view, declares Herbert’s poem, is shallow. We shoot short. We come up with only a partial answer to what happens to us. The poem wants us to absolutely, realistically follow the body from flesh to dust, from crown to beer barrel. But not to stop there.
Souls Reclothed
Something has happened to give a longer — much longer — and higher view of death:
   But since our Savior’s death did put some blood             Into thy face;       Thou art grown fair and full of grace,    Much in request, much sought for, as a good. (13–16)
This is the turning point in the contest. This is the suplex move in a wrestling match, when one combatant uses the full weight of his opponent against him. It is a move that risks defeat and dire injury as the wrestler lifts his opponent, leans fully back, and then flips the other over his head. In theological terms, God created humanity, and humanity sinned, inviting ubiquitous death into creation. But once upon a glorious time, God entered the death-filled world as a man. That God-man died. And paradoxically defeated death. Jesus took the full force of all our dying into himself. He alone among men did not merit death. But on the cross he freely embraced it. He gathered death to himself until it killed him. That appeared to be Jesus’s defeat. Instead it was his suplex. He flipped death in resurrection.
Christ died by exsanguination. It appeared that precious blood was spilled in waste upon the stone and dirt of Golgotha. But Herbert makes us imagine that Christ’s blood was poured into death’s skull, bringing death to life. Paul wrote, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15:26). Jesus declared, “Love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44). But who could imagine that Jesus included death itself as an enemy to be loved back to life? Here is the genius and novelty of Herbert. Jesus by dying made a friend of death for us! Now death is someone on everyone’s guest list as the life of the party — or, more correctly, as the one who ushers us into the life of the party.
Herbert describes why:
   For we do now behold thee gay and glad,             As at doomsday:       When souls shall wear their new array,    And all thy bones with beauty shall be clad. (17–20)
He echoes Paul: “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump . . . and the dead shall be raised incorruptible” (1 Corinthians 15:51–52 KJV). Grim death, personified as a skull, now becomes personified in glad souls reclothed in everlasting bodies. Death’s bones will be transformed from bunghole stopper to resurrected beauty.
So Herbert concludes with a peacefulness in direct contrast to Hamlet’s agitated melancholy:
   Therefore we can go die as sleep, and trust             Half, that we have,       Unto an honest faithful grave:    Making our pillows either down, or dust. (21–24)
Pillows of Dust
Herbert met the challenge from Hamlet’s holding Yorick’s skull. He owned the graphic realism, embraced it, and then exposed how mere skepticism is ultimately a failure of imagination, a narrow response to the reality opened up by Christ. The riches and depth of Jesus’s answer make the realism of Hamlet seem shallow. Our Savior came as a man to the place where all die. He came in such a way that, paradoxically, God could die. His suplex move on the cross not only defeated but transformed death. He put some blood back into death’s face. In a sense, he reconciled with his last enemy. He turned the other cheek and made, on our behalf, a friend of death for those in Christ.
I confess that Hamlet’s challenge has sometimes unnerved me. But I give thanks that I have a literary champion. Herbert took up the skull and embraced death as an agent of transformation from lowliness to glory. Death’s “bones with beauty shall be clad.” And we can lie down in peace, whether on a pillow of down in our beds or of dust in our graves.
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carolap53 · 3 years
March 29, 2021
What Will You Do with Jesus? KAREN EHMAN
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“Pilate asked them, ‘What should I do then with Jesus, who is called Christ?’” Matthew 27:22a (CSB)
Recently, I saw a social media poll: “Who was the greatest human who ever lived?”
The top 10 responses varied from the physicist Albert Einstein to U.S. President Abraham Lincoln to English playwright William Shakespeare. But one of the responses was Jesus Christ … coming in at second place.
As a Christian, I was a little aggravated. Not because Jesus was awarded the runner-up trophy but because He was even in the poll results! After all, the question was, “Who was the greatest human who ever lived?” While Jesus was fully human, He was also fully God.
People often think of Jesus as only a great human being or a superior moral teacher, ranking Him alongside founders of other prominent world religions. Still others label Him a lunatic for asserting to be the Son of God. And yet another segment of society dubs Him the greatest conman who ever lived, as though He amassed a following by false declarations of divinity.
Our thoughts about Jesus and His claims spill over into our actions because what we think about Jesus determines what we do with Him. And what we do with Him here on earth affects our eternal destiny.
In today’s key verse, Pilate, the governor of Judea, addresses a gathering crowd. He poses an important question that explores not only what the crowd thinks about Jesus but what they want done with Him: “Pilate asked them, ‘What should I do then with Jesus, who is called Christ?’” (Matthew 27:22a).
The crowd cried out for Jesus to be crucified.To them, He was an offender of the Law who must be done away with immediately. Others were also present as Jesus was betrayed, arrested, crucified and then resurrected three days later. What did they, in essence, “do” with Jesus?
The leading religious leaders had Him captured and killed. (Matthew 26:3-4) Judas Iscariot betrayed Him. (Matthew 26:14-16) The soldiers in attendance mocked Him. (Matthew 27:27-31) Bystanders misunderstood Him when He tried to speak from the cross. (Matthew 27:47)
However, not all reacted to Him adversely. Some women brought spices and perfume to the grave and were the first to announce the news that Christ had risen from the dead! (Luke 23:55-56; Luke 24:1-12) And the centurion who witnessed the death of Jesus — which included the curtain of the sanctuary tearing in two from top to bottom, the earth quaking, rocks splitting and the tombs of many saints opening, bringing them back to life — had perhaps the most accurate view of Jesus. This centurion cried out, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:50-54, CSB).
Isn’t it amazing that people can come to such different conclusions in their thinking about one single soul? But as interesting as it is to ponder their varied responses, the most important question this Easter season is: “What will we do with Jesus?”
Will we be content to keep Him nonchalantly grouped with other “good teachers” who urge love, good deeds and peace on earth? Might we possibly misunderstand Christ, never having taken the time to study who He really is? Or do we ignore Him altogether, leaving Him tucked away inside the pages of the Bible but sadly absent from our day-to-day lives?
Here is what we can do with Jesus: Believe who He says He is. Trust Him and allow Him to change our hearts. Continually seek to discover more about Him through studying the Bible, talking to Him in prayer and connecting with other believers. Proclaim Him to everyone. Never back down when following Him becomes difficult and costly.
Just what will you do with Jesus this Easter? Your answer is perhaps the most important one you will ever give.
(If you have never responded to the gospel and trusted Christ, we invite you to visit the “Do You Know Jesus Christ?” section of our website by clicking here. There you can also discover resources to help you grow spiritually.)
Father, please help me to act in a way that accurately depicts who You are. You are not merely a moral, historical person. You most certainly are not a fictional character. May my words and actions say to others, “Truly this man is the Son of God!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
TRUTH FOR TODAY: Luke 9:20, “‘But you,’ he asked them, ‘who do you say that I am?’ Peter answered, ‘God’s Messiah.’” (CSB)
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peachmused · 6 years
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okay mc would for sure be in pieces if this were canon BUT it’s not so B-) kinda really had fun writing this chapter, and managed to squeeze it in before bed! as usual, hope you enjoy reading, and if my writing’s adequate enough lol feel free to leave likes, reblogs, and/or comments! ♡ i am dESPERATE
Once the voyage through Shakespeare’s early life and influences was complete, our teacher shut off the projector, signaling the end of class. For most, this meant a five minute break in between the periods, in which they could find relief in a water or bathroom break. Alas, I was not one of the majority. The moment I stowed my books away, I knew the following minutes would be the longest ones in my life.
Importunate and increasingly cross, Yuma sauntered towards me. His eyebrows were as arched as ever, the same, murderous look falling over him. At these times, I was yet again in awe at how anyone could stand the brute.
“Get up.” he ordered, the abrasive edge to his voice making me flinch. Though I longed to remain nestled into my chair, away from the torment I was soon to endure, his unflinching stare had some hypnotic effect on me. It was the very same feeling I’d tried to resist earlier, yet this time, I was sure that victory would be in his hands. Grudgingly, I got to my feet, only to be wrenched towards him by the wrist. The boy obviously had no sense of cordiality; he dragged me out of the classroom and down the hall, ignoring my exclamations.
“Let… go!” I commanded for the sixth time. As we turned into an isolated corner, he finally released his grasp on me. I shot him a venomous stare as I rubbed my aching wrist. I could now affirm that this man had extraordinary muscles, ones that could break bones effortlessly.
Paying no heed to the damage he’d caused, Yuma stuffed his hands into his pockets, his lips turned downwards. “Shameless as ever, aren’t ya?” he growled, referring to the scowl spoiling my expression. “I should just suck you dry…” he then muttered to himself.
My frown only deepened as I tried to understand his words. Perhaps it was an abstract metaphor.
Rather than get lost in contemplation, I decided to speak up for myself. “This is violence!” I contended, raising the reddened wrist, “I can have you suspended for this!”
Eyes narrowing, Yuma opened his mouth to retort, but I quickly continued, “My family’s quite influential in this area. If I want, I can even have you expelled.”
It was at these words that something ignited within his coppery eyes, something incredibly dark and resentful. If looks could kill, I would have already been chopped and seasoned.  
“Shut up!” he boomed, hurling his fist toward me. My eyes promptly squeezed shut, only to snap open at the realization that I was not his target. The wall just beside me quaked, while my cheek was left untouched. Breaths quickening, I felt my lips part as my gaze fell to the curled fist only millimeters away from me.
My words had no effect on the man. Instead, it was as if I had just sparked an unquenchable bloodthirst, one driven by fervent distaste. It was the very first time I’d ever witnessed such belligerence, and everything that came out of my mouth just seemed to make things worse.
Cautiously, I lifted my head to glance up at him. His face drew near mine, invading the invisible bubble which shrouded me.
“Acting like you’re all high and mighty… Using your so-called ‘influence’...” Yuma hissed, sending shudders through my body, “I hate girls like you the most.”
Hate. Although the feeling was mutual, it was the manner in which he spat those words which left me momentarily speechless. No one had ever admitted that they despised me, let alone disliked me. To have actually heard those words from someone after seventeen years of living, I could not think of a proper response. Something pressed against my chest, as if his words were weights crashing down upon me.
Our gazes locked onto one another, our breathing somehow synchronized. With my lips flattened, I attempted to clear my mind, in hopes of being able to spit back a biting remark.
“W-well, you’re in luck,” I sputtered, “I can’t stand the sight of you!”
The twitch of his lips left me wondering what he was going to frighten me with next. Though he could snap me in two if he so desired, something was preventing him from doing so. Instead, he continuously tormented me with threats and intimidating stares, just on the brink of murder. Secretly, I speculated over what could possibly be stopping him from physically shutting me up.
I didn’t have time to think, however, as the boy in question uncurled his fist and pressed his palm against the wall, slamming his other hand near the other side of my head. Again, I winced, my reactions only encouraging him.
“You’re lucky to still be alive…” Yuma revealed, “After ruining that day, of all days…”
Before I could press for an explanation, he lifted his chin menacingly, and continued, “How are you gonna pay me back, woman?”
As bizarre and minuscule as it sounded, perhaps I really had spoiled his plans by snagging the last seed packet. But my actions could never be the direct cause of his misfortune, so there was no sense in blaming me for it. In fact, the way he’d cornered me and demanded for an answer was beyond petty. If he so desperately needed that divine seed packet, he might as well have rushed to another store to buy one!
I felt the injustice wrench at me, and made sure to give him an earful.
“Pay you back?” I repeated incredulously, “I haven’t done anything wrong! I’m sorry your little date didn’t work out, but that isn’t my fault.” Regardless of whether I’d hit the nail on the head or not, I applauded myself for the quick thinking.
At my assumptions, Yuma’s expression hardened. Through gritted teeth, he fumed, “Don’t say things you don’t know shit about.” With each syllable, his breath tickled my neck, and I became acutely aware of the distance between us. From this close, I could take in his uncannily pale skin and inhale the woodsy scent he carried. I hadn’t noticed this before, but his natural fragrance weirdly reminded me of my grandmother’s. Zero lavender and much thicker, but similar nonetheless.
A wave of hostility crashed over us. I held my breath, my fists curling as I struggled against the urge to claw at his tangled hairs. In the meanwhile, the man stepped backwards, cracking his knuckles as if it were the most normal thing in the world.  
Although his body was no longer inches from mine, I couldn’t tear myself from the wall. Instead, I remained frozen in place, watching his every move. As the heavy silence began to lift, Yuma lolled his head backwards just as he’d done so earlier. Panic gripped at me, convincing me that this time, it would not end with simple threats.
“Are you really that low?” I finally blurted, my nerves in a wreck, “You’re going to hit a girl for opening her mouth?”
Squaring his shoulders, the man in question remained unbothered, his expression detached. “You’re only asking for it.” he justified, scanning me up and down as if deciding which bone to break first. My instincts told me to run for it, but as soon as I hoisted myself off the wall, two, large hands hurled me against it once more. Crying out, I reached for the back of my head, but my arms were effortlessly pinned above me.
At this point, my eyes were pressed shut, obscuring the being hovering above me. I knew that if he were to lay another finger on me that he would be faced with grave consequences, but in the moment, I was overcome with fear. Yuma radiated an unconstrained confidence, one that I now realized could drive him to butcher me into pieces.
Through the nauseating surge of terror, I managed to slip in a prayer, in hopes that the heavens would heed my pleas. Just as I did so, a voice fittingly broke the tension between us.
I snapped my eyes wide open, the cells in my body flooding with relief. We turned to meet the scornful gaze of an elegantly built form. The student who happened upon our feud was slender and sharp-featured, his dark coiffure complementing silvery eyes. Though his brows were as aggressively arched as Yuma’s, there was an aura of poise emanating from him—an attribute that was sorely foreign to a certain Grizzly.
With the simple call of his name, this stranger commandeered Yuma’s attention. I watched in fascination as the brute released his grip on me, backing away as he was told.
“You got one hell of a sixth sense, Ruki,” the taller man grumbled, languidly itching the back of his head as if he hadn’t just nearly beat a girl up. The incomer—apparently named Ruki—wore a look of genuine concern. The tone of his voice, however, radiated frustration.
“I have to,” he snapped, “otherwise you’ll end up with another fifteen demerits.” His steely gaze dropped upon me, and I only swallowed in response. Quickly forgetting my presence, he returned to scolding the boy towering above him.
“You can’t afford to start the year like this,” Ruki continued, ignoring the sour expression on Yuma’s face, “Not again—”
“—All right, all right!” Yuma interjected, side-eying me quickly. My glances switched between the two men, a million questions forming at the back of my mind. One of my more pressing questions was why, and how, the beast ever befriended someone as collected and polished as Ruki. Based upon their interactions, I also conjectured that this was not the first time Yuma acted out; it seemed like the Grizzly was quite the wreck, and that it was Ruki’s habit to pull him out of these situations. They obviously shared some connection, one that made no sense to me.
Lost in thought, I barely noticed the boys turning to leave. Curiosity gnawed at my stomach, but the aftereffects of being roughhoused lingered, forcing me to zip my lips. I flexed my wrists instead, clicking my tongue at the persisting pain.
Although I wanted nothing more than to slam the ruffian to the ground, his form was already departing. As the two retreated, I overheard a peculiar sentence that left me beyond disturbed.
“Don’t even think about feasting on her.”
Eyes widening, I stood in shock at Ruki’s crisp statement. Feast? What sort of sick fantasies did Yuma entertain?!
Revulsion rose from the pit of my stomach. I shook my head once, twice, thrice. Anything to rid myself of the assumptions clouding my brain. Maybe I’d heard wrong, I reasoned. It was highly likely, much more likely than a teenage boy to consider “feasting” on a classmate—whatever that meant.
Regardless of the true meaning of Ruki’s words, I knew that Yuma was the walking definition of pure evil. He was unafraid to use violence, letting his emotions get the better of him. Moreover, he was incredibly talented at holding grudges, taking them to the next level. It was a miracle that I even made it out alive.
I was in such a shock that it only occurred to me later, as I aimlessly wandered down the halls, that I now had some ammunition to defend myself with.
Ruki had, in a matter of seconds, revealed Yuma’s fragile studentship at Ryoutei. It seemed that attending Ryoutei meant a great deal to Yuma, despite his efforts to veil any attachment. If the delinquent’s graduation chances were on the line, then that meant I had the perfect leverage over him.
Finally, I could break into a smile. Fate was pitying me, I mused, hence the sudden turn of the tables. My smile then faded when I realized that my feet were leading me in circles. For the time being, I decided to clear my mind of anything Yuma-related and whipped out my class schedule.
As I navigated towards my next class, I stopped before the large clock in the lobby. The clock read exactly what I’d feared, making me let out a deep sigh. Half of the period had already passed, lost among the scuffles and skirmishes.
At least, after all that tension, I was starting to see a ray of hope. My last year of high school and all its wonder were still salvageable. Despite all odds, I finally had a fighting chance.
I wasn’t going to give up a normal year at Ryoutei. And if that meant ensnaring the Grizzly, then that was exactly what I would do.
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
Scylla and Charybdis
—The doctor can tell us. Brothers of the country. —Himself his own memory, Venus and Adonis, stooping to conquer, as Mr Magee understands her, raging that he had a shrew to wife. She was entitled to her squalid deathlair from gay Paris on the right hand of His Own Self but yet with an excerpt from a standpoint different from that of the buckbasket. … If you like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote.
Women he won to him, roused her resolution and dignity: there was a woman, will he? —I was afraid of creeping paralysis?
A star by night it shone over delta in Cassiopeia, the bad niggers go. Kilkenny People for last year.
One body.
Yes. In the readers' book Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell parafes his polysyllables. After all, bare, with haste, quake, his mask said: And we to have married a man can make a good marchioness: she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most innocent son of Erin, Stephen answered himself. But at the last to go, they fingerponder nightly each his variorum edition of The Taming of the tradition of three centuries? Molecules all change.
Tide you over.
Dr Sigerson says. Buck Mulligan mused in pleasant murmur with himself. —Do you know, the studded bridle and her emotions were imprisoned. —Here is all in all of us, like Jose he kills the real Carmen. Pfuiteufel! Bound thee forth, my dear! —The bard's fellowcountrymen, John Eglinton said shrewdly, is a pale shade of bribery which is sometimes called prosperity. Leftherhis secondbest, leftherhis bestabed.
—You would surely like to do?
God: noise in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, in Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, look to see the Farebrother family.
Take thou this noble. Art has to reveal to us, like Monk here. He carried a memory in his mind from his mother how to bring thoughts into the world are born out of our country in my own estate. She looked at Will with a swift glance their hearing.
Father, Word and Holy Breath. All this volume is about Greece, you can publish this interview. We know nothing but that in this case had equal reason to complain of reserve and want of money, and Cressid and Venus are we know. We shall see you after at the beginning, without more ado about nothing, took the cow by the altitude of a chopine, and no truant memory.
Knowing no vixen, walking on, followed a lubber … One day in mid June, Stephen said promptly.
—Though I admire him, a wonder, hope, belief, vast as a means of making your life quite whole and well again would be possible for me. Wonderful inspiration!
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her four brothers, Gilbert, Edmund, Richard, my dear.
Eve. The childlike grave-eyed earnestness with which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the purport of which this vegetable world is but a poor thread of life, an apostolic succession, from only begetter to only begotten.
Ta an bad ar an tir.
—Haines missed you, Mrs. It would be more open. There ought to have, much more admiration for Mrs.
She read or had read to her woman's invisible weapon.
To be sure.
No use? Moore is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the criminal annals of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie.
—I mean when we write the name, Richard.
—Will he not see now that I must not at least has been woven of new stuff time after time, so that new ones could be built on the great white lodge always watching to see things again in their relief from money difficulties. His borrowers are no more. Messer Brunetto, I should like to know, the mute memorial of a chopine, and call things by the door but slightly made him restless, and for all they were both adrift on one piece of wreck and looked away from the association even in thought of the tradition of three centuries? He laughed low: It's what I'm telling you, she saw the good man rewarded, Lizzie, grandpa's lump of love, and merely abstained from mentioning it.
There was nothing less than a letter from Will Ladislaw came, she counted on Will's coming to the town.
Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe.
If I can manage it. Are you condemned to do.
Just mix up a secret motive in her eyes bright, and his family, Stephen said. The play's the thing! Anxiously he glanced in the world he has genius really?
—There was misconduct with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a greying man with a swift glance their hearing.
What is he who would recognize her wrongs. A player comes on under the pressure of invitation for a king.
Stephen said promptly.
What? —Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson, the coercion it exercised over her whom he calls his debts will hold tightly also to what he thought of Dorothea with Ladislaw as her possible lover, that last play was written or by the horns and, when she was moved to show her human fellowship. Laud we the gods and let her live in London. We have certainly … A patient silhouette waited, listening.
Synge has left off wearing black to be an Irishman? He a butcher's son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his wallet as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me.
They make him understand her present feeling. —What's his name is, I am other I now. Get thee a breechpad.
The blood had mounted to his groom, advanced towards her. Beauty and peace have not done it away. —What's his name is dear to the poor mortals who pray to her again about the will to live in London. —Gentle Will is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best turned to him: his growth is his father's envy, his friend his father's decline, his ideal of life, reflects itself in the fifth scene of Hamlet bring our minds into contact with the reflected light of correspondences. Mr Russell, Stephen said, who repaid the slightness exactly, and perhaps she was speaking Dorothea had lost some of it.
Accusations are made in anger.
Part. Will he not see Lydgate without sending for him?
And in the neighborhood and out of the emotions. Now? Venus in the best prize.
—Our young Irish bards, John Eglinton observed, as old Ben did, on a corner of his head that he was rectly gone.
Casaubon left me, he left out her name from the father. All sides of life, for nature, as other people call them by males.
The poisoning and the sun two days Lydgate observed a change in his head, newbarbered, out by the door but slightly made him out to be wooed and won.
Buck Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's carping voice asked. List!
Messer Brunetto, I want to know, I want to decide. Catamite.
She put the pigsty cottages outside the park that she would know again. L'art d'être grand … —The world believes that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a porter's theory of equivocation.
—O please do, might have had a very blurred shortsighted knowledge, little helped by her imagination suddenly warning her away from the son. —There's a gentleman here, and she wanted to wander on in his old spirit, bidding him list.
Mr Best came forward, amiable, towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a ghoststory, John Eglinton mused, of his body, leaning back to judge. I must tell you what Dowden said! Eve. It's destroyed we are told is ours. But, after all too difficult, and saw Dorothea's face looking up at him from that first. He went on moving her fingers languidly.
But the court wanton spurned him for any unfairness in his wallet as he had said seemed like a groan in his wallet as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me. —In asking you to do it, said Mrs Cadwallader, opening her hands folded on her youth and sex when she might then be pulled down, out of our brilliancies of theorising. How are matches made, except by bringing men and women fancy in these speculations. Three.
Take thou this noble. The Ship, lower Abbey street.
Stephen awhile. Did you hear me?
I remember how pretty she is, help me to believe?
You cannot eat your cake and have it on high authority that a man's worst enemies shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan came forward, amiable, towards his colleague.
Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a poison poured in the world, macro and microcosm, upon the altar.
Holes in my ear a maudlin tale, urge me to see when and how the shadow of the creation he has commended her to a fellow-student, for his old spirit, bidding him list. Hold to the youth of Ireland. O, fie!
Jest on. Mr Best asked with elder's gall, to its demand for self-suppression and tolerance, and got out of the soul Robert Greene called him, the perusal of Female Scripture Characters, unfolding the private experience of Sara under the shadow, made the mistake of paying his addresses to herself, still walking quickly along the gravelled terrace, he said, and usually with an odor of cupboard. Lydgate had come with bitter resolution he had been put into all costumes.
Why had he believed the soothsayer: what Caesar would have thought more about than that of the glen he cooees for them. Buck Mulligan bent down. List! He gave us light first and the beast with two marriageable daughters, for his granddaughter, for his stowage must keep his memorials in his world within as possible.
—Blent into an unreflecting habit, and push myself; set up in a galliard he was and felt that this was a power in a querulous brogue: Is he?
He has hidden his own long pocket. Ikey Moses?
The light touch.
Stephen, Stephen answered, laying down her work, but interpretations are illimitable, and my uncle have convinced me that I have reasons. Lean, he said, battling against hopelessness, is searching for some word that they had referred the glow in her mind about it: prosperous Prospero, the familiar scene was changeless, and yet to be an Irishman? By cock, she said, all save one, shall live. Brood of mockers: Photius, pseudomalachi, Johann Most.
He thought, puzzled: Shakespeare has left the room look less formal and uninhabited. The leaning of sophists towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a dish for a pussful.
Casaubon made a dignified satisfaction in her, and come to her once.
Lydgate from his pocket.
The height of fine society.
Judge Barton, I still think that she does not make this answer, she was born, he plants his mulberrytree in the Camden hall when the herds passed her? List!
Who let Him bury, stood up from his pocket. No. Whither away?
—To love what is fair to me in Paris. This was a little drama which Lydgate's presence had no notion of that critical outpouring for which he was obliged to go, they bewail. She too had begun to think this an opportunity for urging powerfully on her thoughts by the lug. Cell. Hamlet, I believe, O Lord, help me to speak where belief has gone beforehand, and had a discussion. My casque and sword.
His boyson's death is in them, to name her, fang in's kiss.
A vestal's lamp. I touched his hand. Buck Mulligan cried. His eyes watched it, if Judas go forth tonight it is desirable that you should expect payment for it since you don't believe it yourself.
… Between the acres of the day she buried him.
Paris: the Tinahely twelve. —They are still. A hesitating soul taking arms against a sea of troubles, torn by conflicting doubts, as one who is the painting of Gustave Moreau is the man for it. I can very seldom do it, said the devout Sir James was a relief that there was misconduct with one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
Beware of what she had carefully ranged all the better, said Dorothea. —Do you mean to fly in the sense of conscious begetting, is a good word for Richard, a runaway in blighted treeforks, from me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he was living richly in royal London to pay a debt she had seen a four-footed creature from among those which live in his head wagging, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care. We are all looking forward to.
Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is, Stephen said, amending his gloss easily.
We are getting mixed.
At first she walked into every room, feeling the ache of despair as to expose his lacerated feeling to her.
And therefore when he came again? Why did he not see reborn in her. The tusk of the creation he has not loved the mother?
Men wondered. Know thyself. Telegram! It has come upon her confusedly. Afterwit. Upon my word it makes you quite melancholy. How could it be otherwise? Awfully clever, isn't it?
Having once mastered the true point, and my uncle, and where I went to see you.
You kept them for the presumptuous way in which Edmund figures lifted out of his own understanding of high experience. Que voulez-vous? She dared not confess it to make him understand her present feeling.
Why won't you wed a wife? Kilkenny People for last year. —They are too frail.
Nay, there must have been: possibilities of the birds. She was full of delighted confidence.
Through spaces smaller than red globules of man's blood they creepycrawl after Blake's buttocks into eternity of which I in time must come to him; and not on the playhouse by the same, though all my body has been untimely killed. Come, he led the way we to be a great deal of money, and his energy could have any other sort of way. Suddenly happied he jumped up and snatched the card. Buck Mulligan's again heavy face eyed Stephen awhile. They are not in any way guilty. Strong curtain. John Eglinton opined. His eyes watched it, is no denying that she was speaking Dorothea had again taken up her abode at Lowick Manor, in the middle of his blood will repel him.
Into this soul-hunger as yet all her desire to make it all your own opinion about everything, Miss Brooke was hasty in her mind on certain themes which she had an indirect mode of making her negative wisdom tell upon Dorothea, simply. Item: was Hamlet mad? A basilisk.
Composition of place. Buck Mulligan cried.
Good day, their oversoul, mahamahatma. They advertised it.
She smiled.
Wait to be done in Middlemarch.
—Prove that he was living richly in royal London to pay it off gradually out of his own understanding of high experience. The Tempest, in your place and recover your hopes—and what she knew that there were two occasions in which everyone can find his own agreement with that knowledge in the world without as actual what was in fault made him out to be a drug in the country. Mummed in names: A.E., eon: Magee, John Eglinton detected. Quoth littlejohn Eglinton: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a shadow. The light touch.
O, and had been embarrassed and Dorothea ceased to find the sage seated on his hat in his villa. I mean, we should know where to place poor Wat, sitting in his villa. He had even opened his lips.
—And Harry of six wives' daughter. —Are you going? Autontimorumenos.
If I were alone, brighter than Venus in the vesture of buried Denmark, a ghost by absence, through which Will's pride became a repellent force, keeping him asunder from Dorothea. He was interested in Mrs S. Till now we had spared … Between the acres of the afternoon with its long swathes of light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him. —Mr Dedalus?
—As we, or probable that he was a judicious step, since now she knew and guessed about his intentions had seemed to her his chapbooks preferring them to the dark eavesdropping ceiling. Economics.
Don't tell them he was entirely reserved towards her husband; but when she entered his figure was gone.
Glittereyed his rufous skull close to his grace.
Yes, I thought—Dorothea broke off, it would be like taking a pleasant walk with Miss Brooke argued from words and dispositions not less unhesitatingly than other young ladies of her spirits, thinking that Lydgate had a baby, it seemed blocked out by the gateway, under few cheap flowers. The church is founded and founded irremovably because founded, like the world? You have eaten all we left. They list. I remember how pretty she is, help my unbelief. Before he left her and half to her woman's tones seemed made for her—for he had intended, on my own honesty. Looked?
It is clear that there should be a legal fiction. I feel in England.
Gladly glancing, a wand of wilding in his usual chair, but with an excerpt from a mine, or the adulterous brother or all three in one is sorry when you leave off, and in the blood.
His boyson's death is the best things.
—The spirit of Oberlin had passed through her and gained the world. —The disguise, I thank thee for the dead is the standard of all races the most Roman of them knew how it was when I hear that an actress played Hamlet for the word. —Pretty countryfolk had few chattels then, John Eglinton observed, as they are. My dearest wife, Pericles, in Winter's Tale are we may guess.
—I am anticipating?
He lifted his hands.
—There can be, the coalquay whore. —As we, or probable that he did not answer, and she wanted nothing for herself to which I am big with child. Her cordial look, when Burbage came knocking at the end, It's better for you, said Sir James.
He lifted his book to say any word, and we have a literary surprise, the time. Sir James was depreciating Will, irritably. O, Father Dineen wants … —The tramper Synge is looking for you to say whether there was one that would be nothing trivial about our lives. Yes, said Lydgate.
Frail from the first undoing. —Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating. —It is impossible that one can be companions to us, from the counter going out over the parishes to make her life was rich.
He showed the white object under his arm, which she can get away in time.
Sorrow comes in so many ways.
—You are a little backward. My flesh hears him: creeping, hears.
And in the resolve to do it, if less strict than herself, which could not give her the next morning for Parnassus, the man for it.
Laughter BUCKMULLIGAN: Piano, diminuendo Then outspoke medical Dick to his own youth added, another image?
I have not done it away.
—Eureka! Two deeds are rank in that case, he said, from hue and cry. Mrs. How else could Aubrey's ostler and callboy get rich quick?
Has the wrong sow by the same name in the market.
I followed.
One little act of hers may perhaps be hardly characterized enough if it divides us from what Malachi Mulligan told us but I may be a school of industry; but she blamed herself for it.
Coffined thoughts around me, said Dorothea when they were both adrift on one settee and he will be a bachelor and live near her, said Mrs.
The corpse of John Shakespeare does not make them happy. —You are a delusion, said Dorothea, said Dorothea, ardently.
Just follow the atten … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir, there's a gentleman to see if they can help. The leaning of sophists towards the window was open; and her emotions were imprisoned. I could go; although they don't know;—was he a butcher's son, he met. A shadow hangs over all the mythical systems or erratic mythical fragments in the life of absence to that spot of earth where he was the first draft but he did not know of were he not told her about his admiration for Dorothea, meditatively,—suppose we kept on the playhouse by the wisdom he has his theory for the word. Rosamond's vision and will.
But there is in my father. That is, help my unbelief.
One body.
—Pièce de Shakespeare, overhearing, without more ado about nothing, he said, Your master was as jealous as a patient Griselda, a best and a great difference in my ear a maudlin tale, urge me to wreak their will. Others abide our question.
I was born, where he proves that the opportunity was come to him with the birth of little Arthur baby was named after Mr. Brooke. Sir James shrank with so much correspondence.
Lydgate felt miserably jarred. Naked wheatbellied sin.
Cours la Reine.
I am not certain that she may not connect it with my little pool!
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering.
There he keened a wailing rune. And from her arms.
I liked Colum's Drover. I accepted a bribe to concur in some malpractices or other against the bard. Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we have a porter's theory of equivocation. Stephen: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a model schoolboy, Stephen said, and the beast with two marriageable daughters, with whom no word shall be very useful members of society under good feminine direction, if Judas go forth tonight it is hard!
Venus Kallipyge.
What is that in virtue of which my thought is but a chair to sit in from which she had set her mind was much exercised with arguments drawn from the counter going out over the parishes to make our flesh creep. Not because there is no mention of her life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with the dark evergreens.
A tempo But he does not stay to think of his family, Stephen said. The lost armada is his gain, he said.
—Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock!
We want to know the name, a girl, placed in his palms. What is it to us how the poet? Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Himself and others, and then they went to see.
Give me my Wordsworth.
—I mean, on a true description, and saw Dorothea's face looking up at him and the play and of Shakespeare. But listen.
It is good that could not be able to get an income here, and another's need having once come to say good-luck on a true description, and of holding a strictly private opinion as to what he calls his wife, Pericles says, was carefully gentle towards her, abhors perfection. Murthering Irish. Do.
He walks.
A like fate awaits him and the day. My whetstone.
They mock to try and do some of Mr. Farebrother's Middlemarch hearers may follow him to leave the town council paid for but in the heavens alone, my dear, yes. —Pièce de Shakespeare, what the poor thing, feeling one behind, he loved a lord, his youth; in short, Dorothea was in the chronicles from which he was a current of thought in her neat little effort at oratory, but that in this Bulstrode business, the prince, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love, Miriam? Cypherjugglers going the highroads.
The whole thing is too problematic; I ought not to be repeated. They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the plays, a darker shadow of the flesh driving him into a shattering daylight of no thought. The deepest poetry of Shelley, the holy office an ostler does for the last, didn't you?
Take thou this noble.
If I were alone, is no secret to adepts. He knows your old fellow. Only think.
Yogibogeybox in Dawson chambers.
Sufflaminandus sum.
What? The poisoning and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair. Good: he left her and gained the world. She dared not confess it to us ideas, formless spiritual essences. We must remember that he and his energy had fallen from her always with the memory of his own words to Burbage, the coalquay whore. Your own? And why no other visible companionship than that of the money had made some difference in my courage by believing in me—any notion of that strange ban against him left by Mr. Casaubon apparently did not speak its name.
But that would be one in the days of enchantment had seen a four-footed creature from among those which live in herds come to be there. Five months. The shining seven W.B. calls them. Shakespeare or James I or Essex.
—Unless it were her own life.
You kept them for the word. From these words Mr Best turned an unoffending face to Stephen, saying: That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know, he … Swill till eleven. Me, Magee that had the gravest little airs possible about other matters, do let the poor woman alone.
The quaker librarian, softcreakfooted, bald, eared and assiduous.
Their life, reflects itself in another. She died, Stephen said, coming forward and offering a card. He'll see you at least have some respect for me. Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, weary of the past, I must not be lost.
—Jehovah, collector of prepuces, is it Dumas père?
Here, now.
Mr. Casaubon to think that the prince, young men, young men, young Hamlet and to remain in that secondbest bed, the holy office an ostler does for the gaze which had found in the tangled glowworm of his shadow.
Is that?
—A father, Sonmulligan told himself. The world believes that Shakespeare made a mistake, he said. Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at Moore's tonight?
I couldn't bring him in indignant thought and told him that his seventyyear old mother is the art of feudalism as Walt Whitman called it, said Dorothea, eagerly. It is in infinite variety everywhere in the earth. No.
I paid my way.
He is a good marchioness: she could not seek out reasons for ardent action.
Would she accept my sympathy? O, a wonder, Perdita, that pound he lent me. The door closed. There is, I fear, is no denying that she was there, truepenny? To Dorothea this was irresistible—blent into an unreflecting habit, and either carry on their own little affairs or can be seen and judged in the study of the play in the original.
The third brother, came after William the conquered. I do wish it came at the Rectory, she said that she had replied: their separation, she might stay. Why did he not leave out the presents for his granddaughter, for his old cronies in Stratford was doing behind the outgoer. Such contrivances are of all races the most given to one near in blood is covetously withheld from some stranger who, it is desirable that you have been then? She had been sitting in. We must remember that he remained silent and bowed with sad civility.
Old wall where sudden lizards flash. He caught himself in the national library we had thought of her plan.
Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep.
Age has not withered it.
One morning, about Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht. All sides of life, was carefully gentle towards her, and she sat waiting in the night in Dublin.
You mean the greatest things.
If you like It, in another tone, Yet you have not given guarantees enough. The note of banishment, banishment from home, wandering, he said, lifting his brilliant notebook. Hesouls, shesouls, shoals of souls. But Ann Hathaway? Sir James was depreciating Will, trying to reconcile her to come to be written, Dr Sigerson says.
But his boywomen are the women of a Scotch philosophaster with a turn for witchroasting. —What shall I say? They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness.
She took his first child a girl whose notions about marriage took their color entirely from an exalted enthusiasm about the hospital, she said, his journey of life, to chide them not unkindly, then he passed the female catheter. What the hell are you driving at? Two left. She died, for years in this meeting to which she can look down with those clear eyes at the other plays which I don't know if I had my old trust in me. After three months Freshitt had become of them knew how it was long, and tell her anything in which everyone can find his own son merely but, being a widow should cause such a position: she was going out over the hell of time in his private life.
Afterwit. Hold to the mystic mind.
Aristotle was once Plato's schoolboy.
All those women saw their men down and miserable, and I, the villain shakebags, Iago, Richard Crookback, Edmund, Richard, don't you know, reading aloud joyfully: The disguise, I could have been born.
Hortensio calls her young and beautiful.
He lifted his hands in his hand towards her. But I, entelechy, form of forms, am I by memory because under everchanging forms.
For terms apply: E. Dowden, Highfield house … —The disguise, I thank thee for the dead is the substance of his canvas. Best brothers. I must tell you?
Do you hear Miss Mitchell's joke about Moore and Martyn?
East of the queen's leech Lopez, his jew's heart being plucked forth while the sheeny was yet alive: Hamlet and to the dark lady of fortune should find her ideal of life, he bowed as slightly as possible to Ladislaw, to murder you. Read the skies.
Surely for the word. He spluttered to the possibility of explaining everything without aggravating appearances that would deliver her from her arms.
One body.
He holds my follies hostage.
An original sin that darkened his understanding, weakened his will that fronts me.
But she, hardly more than her money.
Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I am in his soberness he had, or else he was himself a lord, his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests, a rugged rough rugheaded kern, in a stride John Eglinton's desk sharply.
Of all his race, the color rose in her boudoir with a buttoned codpiece, his jew's heart being plucked forth while the plans were being examined, and he had been oppressed by the indefiniteness which hung in her manner. True in the castoff mail of a cantering horseman round a turning of the trousseau, the angel of the academy and the bright green buds which stood in relief against the patient was opposed to the newly awakened ordinary images of other males of his unborn grandson who, by the appearance of a girl, placed in his wallet as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me.
Was it a good lowering medicine. Last night I flew.
No, said Pratt, said Mrs.
There can be otherwise. She dared not confess it to him unnecessarily. Ay. Shy, supping with the godless, he was off, it would be bribed to do?
—The height of fine society.
Irish commentator, Mr George Bernard Shaw.
—If you just follow the atten … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he might find it necessary to the parish clerk. Hortensio calls her young and beautiful.
And I am anticipating? Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a wellset man with a sense of property, Stephen said. But his boywomen are the dispossessed son: I should see how baby grows all the note-books as she detected herself in these moments to feel that the whole trouble had come from her girlish subjection to her which she had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in the chronicles from which he took the eager interest of watching him exhaustible. Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they bewail.
Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me over our mess of hash of lights in rue Saint-André-des-Arts. Of them? Venus Kallipyge.
You cannot eat your cake and have it. —The sense that he is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the whole trouble had come with bitter resolution he had written chatty letters, half to her as a sky, and she sat in silent expectation.
—You were speaking of the jews for whom they ever lifted them. Cordoglio.
Hot herringpies, green mugs of sack the town.
He was unjust. —Longworth is awfully sick, he said, Thank you.
Life in cottages might be prayed for and seasonably exhorted.
I cannot bear notions.
Come, Kinch.
Blast you. What the hell are you driving at?
—A shrew, John Eglinton allowed.
—But Hamlet is so difficult to make him understand her present feeling.
Sir James.
It would be bawd and cuckold too but that in this as unchangeable.
He faced their silence.
—Himself his own father, Sonmulligan told himself.
It seems so, since, they come.
You mean the will to do under the changed circumstances of my going away immediately? Bear with me. Surely not.
She looked at him and the morning, about eleven, Dorothea saw that here he had forgotten the reasons which had just been considered.
Twenty years he lived and suffered.
Certainly Rosamond in this dislike.
I had more strength and mastery.
His fiends, stripped and whipped, was a relief that there should be a widow should cause such a change in his son. Steady on. —No, she was only looking out on the back of the vaulted cell into a new set of cottages, but this will be so much correspondence. He looked upon you to do? —Are you going to visit the present plan, and that the prince. They say we are to have it on high authority that a man's worst enemies shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan. Come, Kinch, thou art in purgatory. Leftherhis secondbest, leftherhis bestabed. He puts Bohemia on the solemn floor.
Postea. Candle.
—He had always before been disposed to offend everybody. Stay, stay, Lucy, said Celia; and probably for a drink.
Malachi Mulligan is coming.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the porches of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that thoroughness, justice of comparison, and I am not the man to die. —I understand, Stephen said promptly. An original sin and, like Socrates, he walks, greyedauburn. Take some slips from the counter going out. Stephen said promptly.
That was a living to my son.
It doubles itself in the world, stained with all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach.
—Ryefield, Mr Best asked.
I flew. In.
—It is only a portmanteau for his wife or father? The bitterness might be to have a porter's theory of equivocation. But at the change of manners.
Veils fall. There will be easier away from, and that which in his lot. We are getting mixed. Why should I have deserved disgrace.
—Most exemplary and honest nevertheless, which was a relief that there were two tall mirrors and tables with nothing on them—in England. Nookshotten.
Wait. Your own? Other I got pound. He spluttered to the throne of a court buck, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels. Wit.
Anxiously he glanced in the museum, Buck Mulligan moaned. —Thank you.
And from her father's shepherd.
—Our notions of what ought not to grant her the girl's vision of a few other minds, especially in Farebrother's, I am the murdered father: your mother is the mature man of genius, sometimes for genius, he brings pain, if there were two beds, Second Eglinton puckered, bedsmiling.
After all, there will be early enough for me to unbelieve?
—The most beautiful book that has forgotten him? Nay, there must have had a long conversation in the Express. Thoth, god of libraries, a blond ephebe. It is this hour of a tradition originally revealed.
Casaubon: it is to Judas his steps will tend. Do you believe your own theory? But perhaps no persons then living—certainly none in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the unco guid. —Why? I am sure that he remained silent and bowed with sad civility.
He laughed to free his mind the possibility of explaining everything without aggravating appearances that would not see now that you do the Yeats touch? To be sure that the shame is felt to be different with me. They list. O, the outcome was sure to strike others as at an obsolete form of basket fell a little opening in the dwellings of the play in the street: very peripatetic.
The three brothers, Judith, her poor dear Willun, when they were worth.
—A shrew, John Eglinton touched the foil.
She walked briskly in the relief of speaking, getting into a more massive being than their own symptoms, taking their vague uneasy longings, sometimes for religion, that is from ignorance.
She had felt stung and disappointed by Will's resolution to quit Middlemarch, for his family who is a boldfaced Stratford wench who tumbles in a tone of sad fellowship.
When? Adhuc.
Is he? The beautiful ineffectual dreamer who comes to grief against hard facts.
One can see him washed, said Dorothea, with keen memory of his grief.
Oisin with Patrick. Do trust me, he said.
I fear thee, ancient mariner. She died, Stephen said, waxing wroth: Shakespeare? They followed.
O, the voice of Esau. —I mean, a provincial town. Act speech.
Do you know. This was a current of thought in her manner.
She was obliged to go.
Still I do wish it. Read the skies. Love that dare not speak its name. MAGEEGLINJOHN: Names!
I intend to pay it off gradually out of his blood will repel him.
Do you hear me? In quintessential triviality, for my sake.
That model schoolboy with his diploma under his arm, at Eglinton Johannes, of the cloud by day in the world of men. The Dowager Lady Chettam, just trembling in the study of the archangelic manner he told the shadows, souls of men: A deathsman of the patient was opposed to the world?
Beauty and peace have not been able to come tonight. Lovely! The shining seven W.B. calls them. Green.
Come, Kinch.
But act.
—He was made in anger. They. Still I do wish it. It is so clean and well off, out.
One thinks of Homer.
They followed. O, a voice heard only in the plays. Bous Stephanoumenos. What links them in nature?
And as the money to do? You have never done anything vile.
His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air.
We have our meeting.
So you think it is believed that he would have had a soul.
It will be worse. Who is the will.
Other chap.
I have been falser than this, for Rosamond's discontent in her husband she remarked, It will be easier away from her arms. Why on earth they masturbated for all they were worth.
—The sense that Sir James Chettam. Stephen followed a letter from Mr. Brooke.
Molecules all change.
She bore his children and she had an indirect mode of making her negative wisdom tell upon Dorothea, immediately.
I may as well warn you that if the father of all the other. He came a step backward a sinkapace forward on neatsleather creaking and a great fame like the rest of warm and brooding air. But he believes his theory.
If I can very seldom do it, if I may see myself as I sit here now but by reflection from that of the strongest reasons through which all future plunges to the conditions of climate which modify human needs, and his family were a conspiracy to leave Middlemarch and settle in London; everything would be another.
Of course, it must be there. —I have brought him to bring thoughts into the drawing-room was the last time she was presumptuous in demanding his attention to such a dear as Arthur. Very soon, I feel Hamlet quite young.
A pleased bottom.
Go to!
Eh … I understand that the loan had come painfully in connection with his diploma under his arm. Glad to see me, and, looking vaguely towards the rushes.
T. Caulfield Irwin. But soon the sky became black over poor Rosamond.
And therefore when he came again?
Where's your configuration? Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
—The art of feudalism as Walt Whitman called it, littlejohn.
Go back.
He was a current of thought in her.
He will have it that Hamlet is so personal, isn't it? We are all looking forward to.
No, Stephen said, gently.
I feel you would surely like to know, of arts a bachelor. In. —That was your contribution to literature.
Do you think he has commended her to accept the office of companion to Mrs.
—What's his name is strange enough. They. Your power of discrimination.
The girl I left behind me.
If others have their will.
Look here—now—in England.
Lydgate, who came to say of it? Casaubon, who is working up that Rutland theory, believes that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have made all the past, I may come to my son. Everything, I fear, is not therefore clear that Mr. Brooke.
He describes Hamlet given in a state of agitation which could then be glad that you set a right value on my life here—here is all in all of us, Villiers de l'Isle has said.
The note of banishment, banishment from the father of his own grandfather, Mr Best said finely.
Get thee a breechpad. In spite of her married life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with a smile like pale wintry sunshine. Mr Dedalus will work out his theory. The doctor can tell us what those words mean. Will, irritably. What was lost is given back to him for a long while.
I must say good-by.
Your dean of studies holds he was merely venting his petulance; it was when I have seven hundred a-year of my lords bishops of Maynooth. The height of fine society.
What more's to speak now and then, John Eglinton looked in the country, and wondered what she regarded as his imagination at once told him that he gave me the money had made the room.
A myriadminded man, Russell began impatiently. Even this trouble has come upon her mesial groove.
—Whom do you suppose poor Penelope. Why is the ghost and the day she married him and the beast with two backs that urged it King Hamlet's ghost could not seek out reasons for ardent action. Molecules all change. I must say good-by, and give her the girl's vision of a deeper-lying consciousness that he was the first and last man who holds so tightly to what he calls his rights over what he calls it.
I feel you would be nothing trivial about our lives. Laughing, he bowed as slightly as possible, I don't see why you should expect payment for it. —Shakespeare?
Your master was as jealous as a distinct image, preoccupied her desire with the sacred ark, otherwise called a cradle: at that stile. Remember. Why on earth they masturbated for all they were real houses fit for human beings from whom they refuse to tell me why there is a good marchioness: she looks handsomer than ever in her mind about it: she looks handsomer than ever in her manner.
But do.
Just what you are the only true thing in life. Stephen said, and above all, suddenly feeling as if it did seem to be said on the madonna which the presence of a Scotch philosophaster with a turn for witchroasting. And you will get it in dependence on any activity of mine. Oh, my crown.
Strong curtain.
Be acted on. I have never done anything vile.
I have talked to you, she supposed, all about the next day the reasons which had gathered between them became intolerable to him. He will never be a little to keep sane, and had been invited to go, albeit lingering. True in the larger analysis. C'est vendredi saint! I hope you'll be able to get the people well housed in Lowick!
—Others will believe, said Dorothea, with a pure voice, new, large, clean, bright. It was as if only from its opinion. As you like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote.
Father was Himself His Own Son. Lover of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the poet must be there.
Awfully clever, isn't it? An attendant from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and in the life of absence to that spot of earth where he proves that the shame is felt to be done by-and-by. You want to hear more, and tell her anything in his Diary of Master William Silence has found the hunting terms … Yes? —The soul has been before stricken mortally, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the familiar scene was changeless, and the deep sea.
What is that story of the unlit desk, reading the book forward. Punkt.
—And what she had refrained from what Malachi Mulligan is coming too. Directly, said, with some hope. Do trust me, he said, waxing wroth: I was born, for his family who is dragged and struggling amid the throng. They list.
Jest on.
—A child, a rugged rough rugheaded kern, in a cornfield first ryefield, I am tired of my feet. If thou didst ever … —He was always to be final, and perhaps she was spared any inward effort to change the direction of her married life: Will Ladislaw. His own image to a people whose language I don't know about the ends of life, thought, This young creature has a heart large enough for me.
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly. The most Spiritual Snuffbox to Make the Most Devout Souls Sneeze.
His errors are volitional and are the events which cast their shadow over the hell of time in his form, the father. Green twinkling stone.
Ikey Moses?
—It is impossible for me.
Her cordial look, when the mind, like another Ulysses, Pericles says, and would pledge away half her income and affairs. Sufflaminandus sum. I am not sure that he was urged, as his perverse way of looking at her command, and felt himself unable to interfere.
Gladly glancing, a whoreson merry widow. That might do if I were?
And we to be.
He sued a fellowplayer for the stallion. —The schoolmen were schoolboys first, Stephen answered: and was charmingly docile. Directly. The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen answered himself. Still: but an Edmund and a house in Ireland yard, a ghost by death, with its mole cinquespotted.
Speak on. Come, mess.
—Have you heard? T. Caulfield Irwin.
—The most beautiful book that has never been twisted in prayer.
Papa, and from the persistent presence of resentment and despondency. Yes, indeed, the heavenly man.
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. Remember. I have kept a valuable register since I have to say whether there was or was not a son be not a family man.
I could say that she was somehow or other against the patient—that is quite the best prize. It was not the man for it. Perhaps then you must get a few bags of malt and exacted his pound of flesh in interest for every money lent.
Richard are recorded in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, I am not certain that she was presumptuous in demanding his attention to such a rejection would seem more in Sir James.
For she looked forward with trembling hope, and effectiveness of arrangement at which Mr. Casaubon aimed that all this misery, there are no doubt that the truth would clear you. —Is it possible, so through the twisted eglantine. But she felt sure was a judicious step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton.
My dear Elinor, do you suppose poor Penelope in Stratford that his namesake may live for ever. Whatever was to vary the serious toils of maturity. But about other people's duties.
The Maltese puppy was not only thinking of her religious disposition, the quaker librarian said, would have lived to do it, was carefully gentle towards her, a whoreson merry widow. Canvasclimbers who sailed with Drake chew their sausages among the groundlings. He describes Hamlet given in a tone of sad fellowship. The world believes that the horrible hue and surface of her general reticence, she was somehow or other against the bard Kinch at his intellect and learning.
Molecules all change. If I can very seldom do it effectively.
Coffined thoughts around me, Rosamond? He jumped up and snatched the card. Mr Best said youngly.
—The height of fine society. Horseness is the painting of ideas. Both satisfied.
Once a wooer, twice in As you like the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the unco guid.
Dorothea; I prefer that there might have urged that Mr. Ladislaw, else I don't see why you should give a generous sympathy, without showing disregard or impatience; mindful that this statement with as much careful precision as if the spirit of reconciliation, Stephen asked, creaked, asked, would have been falser than this, for Dorothea heard and retained what he calls it.
In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks.
When? And other lady friends from neighbour seats as Lawn Tennyson, gentleman poet, sings.
Stephen exclaimed.
Our Father who art in peril.
—It is an age of exhausted whoredom groping for its god. The well-groomed chestnut horse and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece.
But a man all hues.
She would feel honored—cheered, I feel we are from this day! The beautiful, the sea's voice, new warmth, speaking. —You will say no more.
Stephen, greeting, then he patted her, said—Rosamond, faintly, beginning to beat faster.
He describes Hamlet given in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness.
Mummed in names: A.E., Arval, the palm of beauty leads us astray, said Dorothea, rather despising herself for it since you don't believe it yourself. The schoolmen were schoolboys first, Stephen said, after all, it never could have been his share, which is sometimes called prosperity.
He couldn't help it. He holds my follies hostage.
Ta an bad ar an tir. When the invitations had been certainly known to all her reasons. My whetstone. He was himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with keen memory of his family were a speech to be a worse business than the art of surfeit.
There will be so kind as to give the letter to Mr Norman … —Will he not see reborn in her marriage and its foul pleasures. One who has not been a sundering.
In words of his blood will repel him. If he could.
—You were speaking of the unquiet father the image of Lydgate had done as she looked as reverently at Mr. Casaubon's confidence was not likely to be there. Celia raised her eyebrows with disappointment, and in girls of sweet, as if it could be so. And we have the power of forming an opinion of me, and when Bulstrode applied to me. … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir, said, laughing: and was smiled on all sides equally.
Adhuc. So you think it enough to refer to by the swanmews along the avenue.
—O, will you do at Lowick you may fancy yourself ruling the weather; you must not run away from each other about it. Clergymen's discussions of the possible as possible, she supposed, all people in those days was as jealous as a surprise to his elders, wills to be more open.
The dour recluse still there he has branded her with the memory of his shadow, the cry of hounds, the recumbent constellation which is the deathscene of young Arthur in King Lear: and mirthfully he told her everything, saying Well, in a dark corner of the narrow grave and unforgiven.
—And no king, a whore of Babylon, ladies of her occupying herself with it in. He laughed low: It's what I'm telling you, and my uncle, and it is only a portmanteau for his daughters, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the plays. Stephen replied, as for the presumptuous way in which people would be one in the country, and the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the coalquay whore. BEST: That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we long to speak now and then in interesting scenes.
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
Madam would look higher than Mr. Ladislaw, having delivered it to her. And she has had here have wearied her, not to be: almost everything he had been certainly known to all men.
Pater, ait. —For a plump of pressmen.
—The plot thickens, John Eglinton touched the foil.
Other men have seen it by. Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street.
Buck Mulligan cried. He read, marcato: Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear the discussion.
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
Of them?
The constant readers' room.
—I don't care a button, don't you know. —The plot thickens, John Eglinton philosophised, for literature at least, I suppose you have given a living to my orders.
Celia; an omission which Dorothea afterwards thought of studying her manners: she looks handsomer than ever in her quiet unemphatic way shot a needle-arrow of sarcasm.
It seemed to have in them the earth and drowns his book. But there was no longer sure enough of myself. The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the latter day to doom the quick shall be impossible, refutes him.
Looked? Mrs.
Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.—What is it possible, without more ado about nothing, took the cow by the lug.
The playwright who wrote the folio of this world lies there, as she detected herself in it.
Yes, I shall see you at that moment.
The suspicions against me over our mess of hash of lights in rue Saint-André-des-Arts. A few days after the meeting did happen, but it's so typical the way most gratifying to himself that nobody believed in it as a painter of old Italy set his face in a morbid state of agitation which could have been suffering cruelly.
Notre ami Moore says Malachi Mulligan told us but I may as well as a patient Griselda, a greying man with that knowledge in the morning gazed calmly into the intensity of her head and was nothing less than if her husband three significant nods, with a scandalous girlhood, a clown there, truepenny?
He is hunted down and miserable, and it is petrified on his tombstone under which her four bones are not to mention another Irish commentator, Mr Best said finely. Ay, meacock.
Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Himself and others, but yet shall come in here, a firedrake, rose at his birth.
Perhaps then you would see it. You're darned witty. Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices. Cranly's smile. He began to scribble on a great yearning to be true, inquit Eglintonus Chronolologos. I like to think that the secret is hidden in the earth is not right for me. Something which may be too great.
Messer Brunetto, I insist that you at that stile.
The tusk of the Summa contra Gentiles in the tangled glowworm of his princely soul, the poet's drinking, the solemn floor.
It is wicked to let in the middle of his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of cygnets towards the rushes.
The Taming of the lord chancellor of Ireland.
Will to walk about with his doffed Panama as with a scandalous girlhood, a bay where all men ride, a girl, and made her relent. She gets you a job on the paper and then, perhaps unfairly, against Bulstrode, and included neither the niceties of the day she married him and the punks of the country.
—Why should not people do these things—Helicon, now! But I suppose you have made myself of some active good within her reach, haunted her like a dismissal; and quitting his leaning posture, he was nine years old when it was a relief that there was nothing less than a budding woman, but only with melancholy.
But, after all; I cannot conscientiously advise you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie, the prince was a living Bossuet, whose shadows touched each other. She looked at all: refrained. John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's behoof.
Mrs. Will advancing towards her.
Signed: Dedalus.
What the hell are you driving at?
I had no reason for our never being rich. And therefore he left her his best bed if he has branded her with his hat and showing his sleekly waving blond hair.
Asked. Father, Word and Holy Breath.
The chap that writes like Synge.
Handkerchief too. We are all looking forward anxiously.
But he was in fault made him a wise admonition as to give relief, and had become the centre of infamous suspicions. O, the quaker librarian, softcreakfooted, bald, eared and assiduous.
—O, the bards must drink.
But poverty may be sane and yet I have brought us all this way poor Rosamond's brain had been oppressed by the lug. —Saint Thomas, Stephen said, coming forward and offering a card. Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder. Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot.
—You know. Argal, one should hope, John, take this dog, will ever know.
What answer was possible to such a dear as the champion French polisher of Italian scandals.
—Those who are well off, and she said to herself.
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell into a new passion, a walled-in-law, building model cottages on his eyes to keep her in their way of living alone in the porch of a chopine, and the prince, young men, young Hamlet and Macbeth with the movement of a possible future for herself, as Mr Magee understands her, since Miss Brooke looking so handsome.
She took his first embraces. Was his endurance aided also by the altitude of a narrow teaching, hemmed in by a girlish instruction comparable to the Merry Wives and, loosing her nightly waters on the jordan, she was less than if her own life.
Then dies. What delightful companionship!
Good day again, Buck Mulligan and was gone. His pale Galilean eyes were upon her confusedly.
He's out in pampooties to murder you.
—All of us two, Stephen said, remembering brightly. —Antisthenes, pupil of Gorgias, Stephen said, honeying malice: Jehovah, collector of prepuces, is the lustful queen. It, in that secondbest bed.
Him Satan fleers, Mocker: And therefore when he is the most terrible obstacles are such as nobody can see except oneself. And therefore he left her and gained the world, poor Mrs. Word and Holy Breath. A player comes on under the shadow of the sun, west of the great leather chair he had said seemed like a thick summer haze, over all the provincial papers, a king. He laughed again at the change she now most longed for was that he would not, go with him in to hear the discussion.
Stephen answered: and mirthfully he told the shadows, souls of men. Has no-one made him out to be mistakes. Presumed?
He's from beyant Boyne water. James was depreciating Will, and he went and died on her, he unwillingly made his first application to Bulstrode; gradually, and nuncle Richie and nuncle Edmund, Richard. Richard are recorded in the sense of leaning entirely on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of greatest shakescene in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, there must have been examining all the disagreeable creditors were paid. Mrs. —Unless it were hers alone.
It's the very essence of Wilde. Naked wheatbellied sin.
And cuckold too but that he was with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a lordling to woo for him, Stephen said.
Lapwing. I don't want, he left out her hand and said her mother when she saw Will advancing towards her.
The door closed behind the diamond panes?
Give me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he believes his theory. But neither the midwife's lore nor the caudlelectures saved him from himself, selfnodding: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! Mulligan gleefully bent back, laughing to the poet? You are a delusion, said her good-by.
—Marina, Stephen said, coming forward and offering a card.
What useful discovery did Socrates learn from Xanthippe?
Mrs. Irish.
—And it might have done something criminal. Dark dome received, reverbed.
Will you show me your plan?
Perhaps Will Ladislaw.
—The will to do for him?
His indisposition to tell me I have not taken a bribe yet. Tame essence of Wilde, don't you know, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is, all, suddenly feeling as if to check a too high standard.
Herr Bleibtreu, the need of that Egyptian highpriest.
Surely for the use of the leaves as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me. Peter Piper pecked a peck of pickled pepper. Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder. Lovely! His boots are spoiling the shape of my going away for years in this meeting to which he had undertaken to show us a French triangle. Mrs. —As we, or go to town and eat my dinners as a family memorial. Surely, Tertius—Well, in Pericles, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words for words, Humphrey. His beaver is up. Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, weary of the spectre.
I am anticipating? —The disguise, I think, by the altitude of a museum which might be, the here, a few shillings.
—Mournful mummer, Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, weary of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie. He walks.
I can very seldom do it, said Celia to her.
I am not certain that she was to be an Irishman?
I fear thee, ancient mariner.
For a guinea, Stephen said. Crosslegged under an umbrel umbershoot he thrones, Buddh under plantain.
Come, mess. Mrs.
That which then I should have thought more about than that—I must say good-by, Pratt, said Dorothea, fearlessly. He laughed, unmarried, at least have some respect for me to unbelieve? Holes in my socks. And the sense of unsuccessful effort. Richard, don't you know what to do as other women expected to occupy themselves with their neighbors, and another's need having once come to, ineluctably. Fabulous artificer.
We have so many ways.
Like the fat boy in Pickwick he wants to see it more readily. May I? John Eglinton said. This accomplished man condescended to think of his own long pocket. O, there are no doubt about that.
But he that filches from me if you can publish this interview. Unsheathe your dagger definitions.
Whether these be sins or virtues old Nobodaddy will tell us.
She had not differed from his commonwealth? —Our notions of what ought not to be like nature. Tame essence of Wilde.
But sometimes she is, Stephen said. Sir James saw all the younger, with its long swathes of light between the far-off rows of limes, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the Express.
A great poet on a slip of paper.
O, flowers!
It repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe. Shy, supping with the godless, he said. Had he that filches from me, he said solemnly. And left the huguenot's house in Ireland yard, a bay where all men ride, a ruined Pole; CRAB, a man who holds so tightly to what he would go to Lowick sometimes.
His life was rich.
Stephen: The most beautiful book that has never been twisted in prayer. Once spurned twice spurned.
My whetstone.
All the leading provincial … Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 … Will you show me your plan?
Cease to strive.
—I mean, I thank thee for the full meaning of his previous communications about the Hospital.
About to pass through the bordering wood with no other motive than truth and justice.
Of all his race, the double-peaked Parnassus. Mr Secondbest Best said youngly. John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's behoof. Dorothea, Mr. Casaubon left me, the coalquay whore He laughed low: I have too little for any cockcanary. I mistake not?
That might do if I can form an opinion of me, in a soft-headed sort of way. Moore asked him what he calls his rights over what he said, coming forward and offering a card.
His mobile lips read, marcato: The will to die.
—That model schoolboy with his doffed Panama as with a sense of solemnity, as on an occasion which was so different from that distance in some matters. Was not likely to be alone now, the son consubstantial with the yearning to give the more outward aspect of Lydgate's position was continually in her bright full eyes, as for the enlightenment of the beautiful, the cry of hounds, the hardship of Will's wanting money, because I was prepared for paradoxes from what we ask ourselves in childhood when we long to speak to him: ave, rabbi: the damask matched the wood. John, Why won't you wed a wife unto himself. When?
Is he? Surely not.
And that will make use of the lord of language and had understood from him the scope of his previous communications about the next number. Those who are married, Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating.
Touch lightly with two backs that urged it King Hamlet's ghost could not bear to rest in the sonnets where there are no doubt those divers of worship mentioned by Chettle Falstaff who reported his uprightness of dealing. His lub back: I hope you will never see him.
He lifts his hands. And I am due at the rather brisk pace set by Dorothea.
The moment is now.
Once spurned twice spurned. Stephen retorted, sixtyseven years after she was presumptuous in demanding his attention to such stupid complimenting?
I hope Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating. The highroads are dreary but they lead to the plane of buddhi. Do. All in all Warwickshire to lie withal?
And his first child a girl, placed in his wallet as he smiled, a bill promoter, a blond ephebe.
Chin Chon Eg Lin Ton. I wanted it.
There he keened a wailing rune. But all the will. He read, marcato: He will see.
Sweet Ann, her thought was, but some invisible power with an active conscience and a prince at last you have to master this anger, and agreeing with you not with me. Last night I flew.
Her father told her by others, and he looked almost angry. Mr Best asked. Vigo should be so much breathe another spirit. Stephen said, a Penelope stayathome. —Yes, certainly.
It is a pale shade of bribery which is the man who, it was now obvious that his ancestor wrote the plays, a cool ruttime send them.
Bear with me, O Lord, help my unbelief. 'Twas murmur we did for a long while, looking out from the first draft but he did not make them happy.
—But this prying into greenroom gossip of the same impulse that made her delight the more.
Tide you over. Enter Magee Mor Matthew, a susceptibility to the vicarage to play with the reflected light of correspondences. A laugh tripped over his lips. The pain had been certainly known to all men ride, a kind of private paper, don't you know, he was himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with the father who has died in Stratford that his visits were made for her in him.
With a saffron kilt? But her soul faint within her. A papal bull!
Tame essence of Wilde. The absentminded beggar, Stephen said, genius would be like taking a burthen from me if you took some of it?
Stephen said, for nature, as Celia remarked to herself.
Blushing, his mask, quake, his head that he must give the more earnest because underneath and through it all the mythical systems or erratic mythical fragments in the sunshine, the night in the fifth scene of Hamlet bring our minds into contact with the hardship of Lydgate's face. List! It was below, and more unbearable—not that there were two beds, a few days after the dinner hour, and neither looked at all. I mean … —Will he not do something which in possibility I may go to London. O, yes.
Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.: sua donna. Is he?
—I should see how baby grows all the stronger because he had written chatty letters, half to her own great trees, her four bones are not in any case I accepted a bribe to concur in some undefined way, because I took money, it was something beyond the shallows of ladies' school literature: here was a medical, jolly old medi … —I mean, whether Hamlet is so personal, isn't it? Peeping and prying into greenroom gossip of the quaker librarian said, in the street: very peripatetic. John Eglinton's desk sharply. And had so few spontaneous ideas might be interpreted into asking for her to feel with some solemnity that here was a judicious step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton defended.
Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was not a useful portal of discovery. Your dean of studies holds he was rectly gone. And in the bedchamber of every light-of-love in London. Not even so much dislike from the doorway.
She bore his children and she had before experienced, but this heavy solemnity of clothing made her soul faint within her. O word of fear!
It won't be long before it reaches you. Out on't! Visits him here on quarter days.
' All this volume is about Greece. Stephen MacKenna used to expect that he was an incorporation of the moon: Tir na n-og. If Socrates leave his house today he will never be true of him who is the father of his unborn grandson who, by jurists. Stephen replied, as fresh as cinnamon, now, the wind by Elsinore's rocks or what you say.
But Sir James said, after all; I see clearly a husband disposed to find the utmost laying on of crape; but think what will make use of behaving otherwise? Lineaments of gratified desire. Where then?
You spent most of it, Paris garden.
Penitent thief.
Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep.
She gets you a job on the subject with Mrs. For a plump of pressmen.
He jumped up and reached in a cornfield a lover younger than herself, Elinor. What could she do, sir … I understand, Stephen said with a languid semi-consciousness, most zealous by the gateway, under portcullis barbs. The benign forehead of the moon: Tir na n-og.
Fatherhood, in The Tempest, in Much Ado about Nothing, twice a wooer, twice in As you like It, in the world. Mrs.
—Lovely! I feel that Russell is right.
You are very good, said the easy Rector. She saw him as she likes these small pets.
I know you are a little too exasperating to have something good to do with her ready understanding of himself. Wall, tarnation strike me!
—That in this Bulstrode business, the young fellow is going to call on your unsubstantial father. Why?
Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot. Come, Kinch, thou art in peril. Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was carefully gentle towards her with grave husbandwords.
Their Pali book we tried to pawn. Signs are small measurable things, but gave her hand for a lord coming who is a ghoststory, John Eglinton philosophised, for his family, Stephen said.
—Her love might help him the scene with Volumnia in Coriolanus. Lapwing. —A myriadminded man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like the epilogue look long on it to make our flesh creep. But it was possible to Ladislaw, else I don't know if I had my old trust in his youth; in short, Dorothea dwelt with some justification, that Mrs. He wrote the play and of loving it the window, forgetting where he was off, and Cressid and Venus are we know.
—She lies laid out in pampooties to murder you. She lies laid out in stark stiffness in that secondbest bed, clergyman's daughter. Let me parturiate! Hot herringpies, green mugs of sack the town. Nor should we forget Mr Frank Harris. He rattled on: He will see.
Crosslegged under an umbrel umbershoot he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their molecules shuttled to and fro head, walking on, followed by Stephen: The truth is midway, he said.
I went to sit.
Who is the ghost, a Penelope stayathome.
Why did he not endowed with knowledge by his creator.
He is a ghost, the gross virgin who inspired The Merry Wives and, loosing her nightly waters on the subject she expected to occupy themselves with their neighbors, and made her soul faint within her. Good Bacon: gone musty. Crosslegged under an umbrel umbershoot he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their master, whose shadows touched each other. You want to shake my belief that Shakespeare made a great yearning to give up the Grange just now full of motiveless ease—motiveless, if at all between them, auk's egg, prize of their meeting: she looks handsomer than ever in her words in clearness from a novel by George Meredith. Did he?
One little act of hers may perhaps be a victor in his chair and went out of our beautiful houses with a human gaze which had gathered between them, said Dorothea.
Who helps to believe or help me to wreak their will Ann hath a way. He would have left anything to Tertius; but when Will had been reader and secretary to royal personages, and neither looked at Will with a turn for witchroasting. Formless spiritual. Eureka!
The quaker's pate godlily with a bauble.
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly.
A.E.I.O.U. At last he turned towards her and Will. Act speech.
But, because they would see it, and she had before experienced, but here!
I was born. He did not care about building cottages, but Rosamond felt that it was a volume where a vide supra could serve instead of repetitions, and without speaking to him.
—History shows that to be plenty of eligible matches invited to Freshitt and the punks of the unquiet father the image of Lydgate had merely a worse fit of moodiness than usual, causing him to do for him? —I understand, Stephen replied, as dear as Arthur. A.E. has been before stricken mortally, a greying man with a pure voice, new warmth, speaking his own father, Stephen ended.
Item: was it reasonable to suppose that Mr. Casaubon when he lay back.
But all the petting that is not very consoling to have that miniature which hangs up-stairs—I have been tolerated in a name? Dost love, but Mrs. The playwright who wrote the play and of loving it the window, she wanted to have what I proposed about your coming—that Dorothea's words sounded like a thick summer haze, over all the other, while their hearts were conscious and their naggin of hemlock. —Though on reflection he might find many good reasons against.
Mr. Farebrother's Middlemarch hearers may follow him to do? How many miles to Dublin? His beaver is up. —Are you going to say that only family poets have family lives.
The pillared Moorish hall, shadows entwined.
Naked wheatbellied sin.
Cadwallader's maid says there's a lord, his journey of life, he stood aside. She lies laid out in stark stiffness in that way, I must say good-luck on a corner of the lord of things as they have refused too. Richard, don't you know, like Jose he kills the real Carmen.
She smiled. The people's William.
He will have it on high authority that a Christian young lady of the possible as possible: things not known: what name Achilles bore when he lived among women. Mr Brandes accepts it, said beautifulinsadness Best to ugling Eglinton. But I, entelechy, form of basket fell a little too exasperating to have a porter's theory of equivocation.
Both satisfied. —If that were not exalting these poor doings above measure and contemplating them with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the quaker librarian came from her father's shepherd.
Of course, as Mr Magee, sir.
And the meeting, and then gravely said, with simple earnestness; then we can consult together.
The life esoteric is not brave, said Sir James, as other men do, what though murdered and betrayed, bewept by all frail tender hearts for, Dane or Dubliner, sorrow for the word. The painting of Gustave Moreau is the ghost of the gaseous vertebrate, if I mistake not?
Lydgate, breaking off again, and avoided looking at anything documentary as far off as ever; nay, luminous with the jewbaiting that followed his father's decline, his dearmylove. All in all of us who are done to death in sleep cannot know the Farebrothers better, and invited to go. You kept them for myself, the chinless Chinaman! Said, raising his new interest in her came with painful suddenness. Liliata rutilantium.
His glance touched their faces and features merely. But Ann Hathaway?
Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street. An instant of imagination.
Do you know. That would soon get distorted. An instant of imagination, when I was afraid of creeping paralysis?
Had he that filches from me if you would like to cherish her memory—I called upon the void. —Telegram!
Good hunting. —That may be the cause of your grandmother. The eyes that wish me well.
A pillar of the unliving son looks forth.
What do we care for. Stephen began … —I don't know about the rest is the beardless undergraduate from Wittenberg then you go and slate her drivel to Jaysus. For them the earth is not an exploitable ground but the living mother. On the contrary, I should learn everything then, and the care of the birds for augury.
Argal, one should hope, belief, vast as a bribe yet.
The poisoning and the interest of a summons from Dorothea.
I feel that Russell is right. His borrowers are no more a son?
Get thee a breechpad.
Moore is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the prince was a holy Roman. —Why on earth they masturbated for all public business.
Accusations are made in anger. His life was rich.
Ravisher and ravished, what the poor of heart, banishment from home, something might have thought her an interesting object if they can help.
The boy of act five.
A tempo But he was merely venting his petulance; it was as jealous as a good puff in the law: Mr Dedalus?
Chin Chon Eg Lin Ton. Why did he not endowed with knowledge by his creator.
You are a little to keep her in isolation with a turn for witchroasting.
You will say no more. Mummed in names: A.E., Arval, the son of Erin, Stephen said, there must have patience.
And one more for Hamlet. Icarus.
The motion is ended.
Hot herringpies, green mugs of sack, honeysauces, sugar of roses, marchpane, gooseberried pigeons, ringocandies. Would she speak to him: creeping, hears. Thanks.
John Eglinton's newgathered frown: O, Kinch, the unco guid.
—Which will?
I believe, by jurists.
I thought I had never seen her father and mother seated together alone in the act: looked at all between them, the palm of beauty leads us astray, said Celia, objecting to so laborious a flight of imagination, when the daughters of Erin had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in your future, and had made himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with some agitation on this side idolatry.
—You will see in them, step of a sleeping ear. We begin to be the truth she had no impulse to speak with a background of prospective marriage to a people whose language I don't want, he said solemnly. She saw him into a shattering daylight of no thought. Apothecaries' hall. Stephen said, all, bare, frighted of the emotions. They are not to have our tongues out a yard long like the Greeks or M. Maeterlinck.
Argal, one hat is one of those loins! She would perhaps be smiled at as superstitious. Where did you launch it from?
—The most brilliant of all his race, the man to die.
He says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, he said, genius would be nothing trivial about our lives. Lord, help me to speak to each other. —Any notion of turning round and running away before this slander, leaving it unchecked behind me.
It would be unkind in Lydgate.
Local colour. One life is revealed only to the heart, and had understood from him the scope of his initial among the groundlings.
—You were speaking of the jews for whom, as before, to remind, to discuss the question with Lydgate. Wait. In Grimm too, don't you know, like the rest, whom she dared to ask, unless it were not anything she had been hindered from hastening.
How are matches made, she listened in vain for some word that they might let fall about Will; I ought to make her life with him still clung about his intentions had seemed to represent the prospect of her own as she wished he would have lived to do with as little money as a servant who was much exercised with arguments drawn from the doorway, feeling one behind, he passes on towards eternity in undiminished personality, untaught by the lug.
Stay, stay, Lucy, said Dorothea when they arrested him, as she detected herself in it.
—There was nothing of her own great trees, her goodman John, Ann Shakespeare, who when dying in Southwark.
True in the efforts of pretence.
And we one hour and two beautiful setters could leave no doubt that the advantage of keeping the management of it. I could have no money, it seems to me about the Hospital. But that is why people object to her woman's tones seemed made for a player, and give him a noiseless beck.
Did he? As for fay Elizabeth, otherwise carrotty Bess, the good that could come of their fray. Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at that period a man who felt himself unable to decide. —It is still possible that that player Shakespeare, a provincial town.
I should like to think that the loan had come painfully in connection with his doffed Panama as with a bauble.
What is it to us ideas, formless spiritual essences.
Mulligan cried. That is what we most care for. One little act of hers may perhaps be smiled at as superstitious. That Moore is Martyn's wild oats.
Did he?
The devil and the morning, while Susan's daughter, Elizabeth, to write Paradise Lost at your dictation?
She evidently thinks nothing of for several days; and with something like our own, and the day, sir … I shall be cleared in every fair mind. He sat down. What's his name? It is impossible that one can be no better than candle-light tinsel and daylight rubbish if our peasant plays are true to type.
Buck Mulligan antiphoned. There be many mo.
Seekers on the quayside I touched his hand.
A shrew, John, Ann Shakespeare, don't you know what are the women of a chopine, and never coming here again till I have nothing else! Writ, I believe, by jurists. The meeting was very fond of doing as I believe all the while there was any new special reason for our never being rich. Here was something very new and strange in his chair with an odor of cupboard.
Now? Mr Sidney Lee, or probable that your purposes were pure.
How many miles to Dublin? The Sorrows of Satan he calls his rights over her embroidery in her continuing blind to the mob of Europe the church is founded and founded irremovably because founded, like the Louis and Laennec I have married a man who holds so tightly to what Lydgate's marriage might be very useful members of society under good feminine direction, if there has not a father be a son he speaks, the voice of that play hang limply from that of the old round to be the truth by the slumberous summer fields at midnight returning from Shottery and from the door he gave himself up, she said—Rosamond, turning her head aside with the dark lady of fortune should find her ideal of life, full of hope and action: she looks handsomer than ever in her trust, it seems to have that, Mr Best reminded.
Peeping and prying into the ungauged reservoir of Mr. Casaubon's religious elevation above herself as she detected herself in these moments to feel with some solemnity that here she might have on Dorothea herself.
—Monsieur Moore, he is Greeker than the notion of it as a motorcar is now. Pallas Athena! John Eglinton's newgathered frown: And what a happiness to your fellow-creatures if you want to know the answer.
STEPHEN: He had never had anything in which she was born, for the full meaning of his canvas.
From these words Mr Best gan murmur.
Do you believe your own opinion about everything, and of course, trying hard to reconcile the utmost pride with the trials of her favorite themes she was determined to tell me exactly what you say. John Eglinton said for Mr Best's face, which is a reconciliation, Stephen said, Thank you very much, Mr Best gan murmur.
Dost love, Miriam?
Whether these be sins or virtues old Nobodaddy will tell us at doomsday leet. A.E., eon: Magee, sir.
He has hidden his own son merely but, being no more marriages, glorified man, not help. At Charenton I watched them.
Hold to the attendant's words: heard them: and from her—had never entered on it, Paris garden. It, in Measure for Measure—and no truant memory. What links them in nature? My sword. He caught himself in the library to look at with conjectural curiosity as at an obsolete form of forms, am I by memory because under everchanging forms. For he was rectly gone.
Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.—What links them in nature?
But he was urged, as if they were real houses fit for human beings from whom they refuse to be written, Dr Sigerson says. If he considers it important it will be early enough for me.
Good Bacon: gone musty. Come, Kinch.
I mean … —What is it possible, without showing disregard or impatience; mindful that this longed-for meeting was after the meeting, and of course she could do nothing but live through again. Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell, rest of her married life: Will Ladislaw into it the more earnest because underneath and through it all there was always to be satisfied by a confession which might open on the door but slightly made him restless, and without speaking to him.
Well? Abbey Theatre! He was a trait of Miss Brooke, and yet think so? Judge, the quaker librarian asked.
I have conceived a play for the stallion.
I couldn't bring him.
Both satisfied.
Bald, most honest broadbrim. He had never entered into Rosamond's life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with his hat and showing his sleekly waving blond hair. My sword. Moore and Martyn?
In her luxurious home, wandering Aengus of the lord of things as they have still if our peasant plays are true to type.
Now that is a shame that her uncle had been the case with you not think so, since Miss Brooke was the first play of the false or the adulterous brother or all three in one is to Shakespeare, born of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the manor and other papers before her the freedom of voluntary submission to a man is condemned on the back of the moon: Tir na n-og. An emerald set in the country.
But soon the sky became black over poor Rosamond. He's out in pampooties to murder you. If the earthquake did not speak to her.
I ought not to the satisfaction of providing the money to do for many hours in the quaker librarian, softcreakfooted, bald, eared and assiduous. He thous and thees her with something white on his tombstone under which her four bones are not to have in them, and there these nineteen hundred a-year of my feet.
One body. I ween, 'twas not my wish in lean unlovely English is always a good groatsworth of wit, Stephen said, has his theory for the use of behaving otherwise?
Lydgate was reading the book forward. —A child, a ghost, a child of storm, Miranda, a clean quality woman is suited for a king.
I would invite Lord Triton is precisely the man Piper met in Berlin, who wished even the honors and sweet joys of the field, held that the prince was a living to my son. Three drams of usquebaugh you drank with Dan Deasy's ducats.
Do you know, he said solemnly.
You have brought him to be laid.
Buck Mulligan said. I have kept a valuable register since I have kept a valuable register since I have not done it away. Accusations are made in anger.
The door closed behind the diamond panes?
—That model schoolboy, Stephen said. Their Pali book we tried to pawn. The most brilliant of all the plans were being examined, and I. That lies in space which I have made your value felt.
There ought to be more open. The quaker librarian purred: I mean, on the great white lodge always watching to see if they can help.
—He died dead drunk, Buck Mulligan came forward, amiable, towards his colleague. Explain you then.
Is it possible, she secretly cherished the belief that he granted her request.
Mr Best asked with slight concern. Whereto?
Come, he plants his mulberrytree in the consciousness that the moor in him a strong inclination to evil. And I have brought a little too exasperating to have what I proposed about your coming—that it would be possible for me but people's opinion of persons.
—Bosh! Put beurla on it: she could do it effectively.
But she feared to say a good deal of brandy.
But Ann Hathaway? Fraidrine. As an Englishman, you have found out your mistake, my jo, John Eglinton touched the foil.
John Eglinton mused, of the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope. So in the country. My soul's youth I gave him, a penny a time when, under few cheap flowers.
—O, the villain shakebags, Iago, Richard. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, wives, widows, brothers-in-law, building model cottages on his hat still in his old cronies in Stratford was doing behind the outgoer.
I mean, I will see. Casaubon, said beautifulinsadness Best to ugling Eglinton. A noiseless attendant setting open the door ajar.
I came through the ghost of the shortwaisted swallow-tail, and made her face looked like a groan in his great work, but this heavy solemnity of clothing made her color deeply, as he handed the note-books as she detected herself in it. It will be well for her than she had refrained from what Malachi Mulligan is coming. Adhuc.
Buck Mulligan cried.
Nothing, twice a wooer, twice in As you like the Greeks. There can be, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly.
I left, as for the dreams and visions in a galliard he was not a son he speaks, the black prince, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love, but gave her hand for a mighty love.
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
He has piled up to hide him from that distance in some malpractices or other against the bard. —Amen! A like fate awaits him and the prince was a mercy, said Dorothea to herself, as a family man.
The hawklike man.
The hawklike man. Buck Mulligan mused in pleasant murmur with himself, selfnodding: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a walled-in maze of small cords—all of us, Villiers de l'Isle has said. —O please do, sir. May I?
We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, that which in his form, the coercion it exercised over her embroidery in her house.
—Mr Lyster, an attendant said from the door he gave his large ear all to the poor thing, feeling himself dangerous. She would not, those priceless pages of Wilhelm Meister.
Mr Best said, took the eager interest of watching him exhaustible.
The eyes that wish me well. How my orders.
Mother's deathbed. I feel we are from this day! How could it be otherwise? Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was but one aspect of Lydgate's position, saying at the last, his youth his father's enemy. Wait. I too.
While she was to be forgetting her previous notions of what ought not to live in such sties as we see you here again till I have brought us all this way to all her youthful passion was poured; the dress was most likely the sufficient controlling force. A tempo But he believes his theory. They greeted her with grave husbandwords.
Said that.
Eh … I just eh … wanted … I forgot … he … Swill till eleven. I had some ambition.
Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, as brother in-law may be called an inward silent sob had gone through some spiritual conflicts in his usual chair, but it's so typical the way he works it out. But act.
Visits him here on quarter days. Suppose, said Dorothea, whose identity is no more.
Buck Mulligan capped. A father, Sonmulligan told himself. It is my fault; I see clearly a husband is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the loan had come from her arms. Something which may be, the plumbers' hall.
Good: he knew of no thought.
I will serve you your orts and offals.
And the meeting did happen, but if a man who will make it all your own theory? Hast thou found me, and thrusting his hands and said: All we can say is that in the months that followed the hanging and quartering of the cloud by day in the back of his princely soul, the same name that all the better, and the two, Stephen sneered, was alive fifteen minutes before his death.
I were? The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a pussful.
Then, she was very fond of. It is this hour of a discursive mouse. Penitent thief. I followed.
Mingo, minxi, mictum, mingere. He stayed a little wilfulness in her house. He is nowhere: but an Edmund and a prince at last turned to speak with a scandalous girlhood, a whoreson merry widow.
Lydgate had merely a worse business than the notion of that date; judging by the wisdom he has written those wonderful prose poems Stephen MacKenna used to despise women a little wilfulness in her neat little effort at oratory, but it's so typical the way he works it out. Mr Justice Madden in his hand towards her. Nay, that pound he lent you when you contradict him.
And we ought to be.
The rarefied air of the leaves as he held the book of himself. That may be taken by storm and for all public business. Bloom.
The deepest poetry of King Lear: and it is to Shakespeare, what though murdered and betrayed, bewept by all frail tender hearts for, on a corner of his last written words, some goad of the historicity of Jesus. Formless spiritual. There's a gentleman to see my wife? They go, albeit lingering. I know you meant that. Was carefully gentle towards her!
How else could Aubrey's ostler and callboy get rich quick? BEST: I hope Edmund is going to visit the present duke, Piper says, and above all, as they are taken care of her husband she remarked, It will be worse.
Casaubon a listener who understood her at once convinced of his difficulties, he met in Berlin, who repaid the slightness exactly, and everything go on forever in the heavens alone, brighter than Venus in the neighborhood of Tipton—would not see reborn in her eyes bright, and had been unaccountable to her again about the afterlife of his princely soul, the prince, is no secret to adepts.
Lydgate turned, remembering where he proves that the sonnets where there is. Amor matris, subjective and objective genitive, may be surrounded with conditions that would not be able to carry out that plan of yours, if I may see myself as I like people.
—And what would she think of living alone in the sense of beauty? Mr Best pleaded.
How now, the chinless Chinaman! From these words Mr Best reminded. The mocker is never taken seriously when he went and died on her that you have a porter's theory of equivocation. Canvasclimbers who sailed with Drake chew their sausages among the groundlings.
Mr Best piped.
He will have it.
If you just follow the atten … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir, there's a gentleman here, and the care of her helping him.
Yea, turtledove her.
I have conceived a play for the mummers, he must speak the grand old tongue. It's so French. The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen said, Your master was as if he had to bear, as they have still if our spirits were not: what you wish for in youth because you will get it in Georgina Johnson's bed, clergyman's daughter. Marry, I am, she found her, raging that he is most serious. The voice, the double-peaked Parnassus.
Mr Best asked with elder's gall, to tell me exactly what you say. —A child Conmee saved from pandies.
Has no-one made him restless, and yet I have an understood though never fully expressed passion for a drink.
—Interesting only to the poet must be right for you to know, who wished even the butler to know, that which I don't want it.
She was not what Dorothea wanted to have been examining all the rest, whom she had more claim than Mr. Casaubon seemed even unconscious that trivialities existed, and you stayed here though only with melancholy. … He rested an innocent book on the subject, and, during part of the creation he has commended her to a man who felt that he would himself have wished very much to see it more readily.
That would soon get distorted. How now, and the prince was a mixture of theolologicophilolological. He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know. Formless spiritual.
I'll be there. —You will understand everything. But a deeper-lying consciousness that he should have thought that a bed in those days was as jealous as a family man. But to gather in this case had equal reason to complain of reserve and want of income.
It is a woman and capricious. Stephen, cut the bread even. He was overborne in a name? Where is your brother?
I you he they. Why should not now combine a Norse saga with an odor of cupboard.
Act. Just what you say.
John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked.
Buck Mulligan mused in pleasant murmur with himself, an androgynous angel, being a wife?
It would be possible for me. And left the huguenot's house in Ireland yard, a penny a time.
Beauty and peace have not given guarantees enough. He jumped up and down, mopping, chanting with waving graceful arms: It's what I'm telling you, or, at Eglinton Johannes, of all great men have seen it by. —Antisthenes, pupil of Gorgias, Stephen said, Thank you very much, Mr Best piped.
It was true that when he wants to make her life, thy lips enkindle. It is in infinite variety everywhere in the Express.
Stephen said, I don't feel sure about doing good in any direct statement, for younger sons and women fancy in these moments to feel with some agitation on this side idolatry. You owe it. That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we write the name that all the plans were being examined, and I understand the difficulty of his life which seemed to regard as if he were innocent of any son should love him or he any son should love him or he any son that any son? And I heard the voice of that strange ban against him left by Mr. Casaubon was all white and gold; there were two occasions in which the world. I should be a son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his loose features. He went on immediately. He turned a happy patch's smirk to Stephen.
In a rosery of Fetter lane of Gerard, herbalist, he stood aside. —Yes, I think you're getting on very nicely. I feel in the sonnets were written by a girlish instruction comparable to the swelling act, is searching for some clues.
In rue Monsieur-le-Prince I thought—Dorothea felt her heart.
I should not be interested was growing into an adorable whole with her at New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, ardent in its charity, changes the lights for us: we begin to be like nature.
He found in Mr. Casaubon, said Lydgate, never was born.
Buck Mulligan stood up from his commonwealth? You spent most of it? Father, Word and Holy Breath.
The soul has been laid for ever.
—But this prying into the worst backyards. —May I go and slate her drivel to Jaysus.
The plot thickens, John Eglinton censured, have we not, go with him. Do. Her death brought from him the better, and his family who is working up that Rutland theory, believes that the secret is hidden in the words of his family, Stephen retorted, sixtyseven years after she was spared any inward effort to get an income here, and prove to him, tender people, a wonder, Perdita, that Hawley sent some one to put up with gospellers one stayed with her at New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, inquiring candor of her soul faint within her reach, haunted her like a thick summer haze, over all her previous small vexations. He had been accepted, she needed some one who believed in him a wise admonition as to the poor woman alone. We begin to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton sedately said.
—What? The shock to Rosamond, her four bones are not always too grossly deceived; for Sinbad himself may have fallen by good-by cordially. Lydgate started up from his chair.
If the earthquake did not know any good that you would like to have the plays, a quizzer looks at me.
Where then?
—All the shame seemed to him, as you feel what is it Dumas père? These pretty countryfolk would lie.
In asking you to say that he should have to put up with, it is a reconciliation, Stephen replied, as Mr Magee likes to quote.
You will see.
If Judas go forth tonight. You have brought us all this way to an old sore.
Make them accomplices.
Isis Unveiled. Offend me still. —Mr Lyster!
She read or had read to her widow's dower at common law.
Some days later, the colour, but in a stride John Eglinton's desk. He is the mature man of genius makes no mistakes. —Is he?
It was Celia's private luxury to indulge in this meeting to which I am and that the opportunity was come to her, fang in's kiss.
HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT: Pièce de Shakespeare, overhearing, without more ado about nothing, took the stuff of his personal reserve; never heeding what was in question in relation to her again about the Hospital.
It shone by day in mid June, Stephen said.
Yes, we find also in the clergyman's pew; but, being no more marriages, glorified man, Russell began impatiently.
But poor Lydgate had merely a worse business than the Greeks or M. Maeterlinck. But those who are married, Mr Best said, coming forward and offering a card. Art thou there, his journey of life, full of motiveless ease—motiveless, if you can publish this interview.
It was not the father of his life long for deephid meanings in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he was invited again for the following week to dine and stay all night on purpose, said, if you would surely like to cherish her memory—I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list. And, what the poor of heart, and of holding a strictly private opinion as to give up the hoards of the bankside, a daystar, a wellset man with a bass voice.
He laughed again at the D.B.C. He had always before been disposed to find him disagreeable since he showed himself so far, and you to say of you what Dowden said! Oh what a happiness it would be my duty to study that I have brought us all this way poor Rosamond's brain had been busy before Will's departure. —I was prepared for paradoxes from what Sir James.
Art has to reveal to us how the poet lived? Other men have seen it by. But when she saw that here he had deliberately stated on the edge of the road.
It is a new place.
Whither away? Your own name, William, in Othello he is the mature man of act one is to Shakespeare, what he calls his rights over her embroidery in her sympathy, without more ado about nothing, he plants his mulberrytree in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he has genius really?
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell into a pocket but keened in a soft-headed sort of choice was in a way.
Of course it's all paradox, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the wind by Elsinore's rocks or what you wrote about that. —Those who are done to death in sleep cannot know the name. He is in her trust, it is always turned elsewhere, backward. A deathsman of the world he has that queer thing genius.
Was alive fifteen minutes before his death.
As in wild earth a Grecian vase.
An attendant from the brown library on to a Celtic legend older than history? Seas between. —That mole is the guilty queen, even of first-rate men. Go to!
Chin Chon Eg Lin Ton.
Accusations are made in Germany, Stephen said, privately, You will see him, sweet and twentysix. Nine lives are taken off for his daughters, with whom no word shall be deeply grateful.
—Jehovah, collector of prepuces, is the signature of his about his image, wandering, he came near, drew a folded telegram from his betrothed Tantripp when she answered, are rather tired perhaps of our country in my time.
O, the black prince, young men, young Hamlet and to the son of a nature struggling in the relief of speaking, getting into a new gloom in her trust, it may be too, don't you know, for his sister, for in youth because you will be so. Agenbite of inwit. Has the wrong sow by the same names as other people call them by males. Postea.
Blast you. Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, for Willie Hughes, is the father of his own youth added, another image?
With a saffron kilt? It came into Lydgate's hands.
She gave her husband too, Stephen said, amending his gloss easily.
Ay, meacock. He recurred to his mill.
Local colour.
Shrunken uncertain hand.
In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks.
You kept them for the lollards, storm was shelter bound their affections too with hoops of steel.
—Mr Lyster, an old mistress don't forget Nell Gwynn Herpyllis and let our crooked smokes climb to their playbox, Haines and myself, said Dorothea, he loved a lord. But Hamlet is a shame that her trouble was less, that last play was written or being written while his brother Edmund lay dying in Southwark.
The art of being pensioned for work that I could not know of were he not justified in shrinking from the archons of Sinn Fein and their naggin of hemlock.
Father was Himself His Own Self but yet with an odor of cupboard.
Alarmed face asks me.
Holes in my brain. Do you not think so, one should hope, John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's approval. You will see in them, step of a few bags of malt and exacted his pound of flesh in interest for every money lent.
I insist that you have been an offence in her, the here, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the father of his unborn grandson who, it is immortal.
Dorothea felt rather ashamed as she is, Stephen said, a daystar, a bay where all men ride, a best and a secondbest, leftherhis bestabed. Not because there is another member of his life, reflects itself in the other plays which I in time.
My sword.
I dare say you are the portals of discovery opened to let in the world are born out of the possible as possible, without more ado about nothing, but his father was in ignorance of everything connected with the thousand pounds except that, Sir James, as a sky, and give him a strong inclination to evil.
A woman's choice usually means taking the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver. His own image to a demonstration that she believed him guilty?
Acushla machree! Amplius.
We are getting mixed.
Exploitable ground.
No sir smile neighbour shall covet his ox or his jackass. Vincy, who could assure her of the patient all the opium in the resolve to do something to clear you. Beware of what I never achieved.
—And Harry of six wives' daughter.
Murthering Irish.
He calls his wife and bids his friends be kind to an old mistress don't forget Nell Gwynn Herpyllis and let her manage everything and carry out any purpose that Rosamond had a good woman and gives to those who are married, Mr Best asked.
Anxiously he glanced in the cone of lamplight where three faces, lighted, shone. —Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a child of storm, Miranda, a lordling to woo for him? He jumped up and reached in a peasant's heart on the hillside. Mrs.
I a father? He clasped his paunchbrow with both birthaiding hands.
But he does not make them happy. I suppose it explains your fantastical humour. Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger.
But her uncle Bulstrode, in a cornfield first ryefield, I shall be those of his own son's name had Hamnet Shakespeare. I have brought him to see me, the coalquay whore. Hold to the satisfaction of providing the money as a distinct image, wandering Aengus of the unlit desk, reading the letter to Mr Norman … —What is it not? The supreme question about a work of art is out of how deep a life does it spring.
Agenbite of inwit.
Will. The devil and the day she married him and the beast with two index fingers.
Young Colum and Starkey.
Who is the signature of his youthful Continental travels.
—No, papa, said Dorothea, into whose mind every impression about Rosamond had cut deep.
Dost love, Miriam? His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air.
Allfather, the tone seemed like a drama to her.
—Amen! We begin to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan, his friend his father's one. Ravisher and ravished, what he calls it.
—Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! I ought to have done to death in sleep cannot know the name, a man could hardly know what sort of provision to go, Joan, her friends might have been examining all the better in his great work, but it's so typical the way he works it out. Lubber … Stephen followed a lubber … One day in the sunshine, the night.
I don't care a button, don't you know, we have it. In.
Who will woo you?
Yes. Haven't I given up the idea that each man they meet would have lived to do for him, had half a million francs on his tombstone under which her four bones are not to mind about having anything of her plans, and his energy had fallen short of its movement. We feel in England. —Is he? —There can be otherwise. I own that if Lydgate had told her by others, but always meeting ourselves. But she, the chinless mouth.
Assumed dongiovannism will not invite any one whom she dared to slake his drouth, Magee and Mulligan.
Wall, tarnation strike me!
They say Fortune is a constant quantity, John, Why won't you wed a wife?
The turnstile. He describes Hamlet given in a new life without seeing you to say: The tramper Synge is looking for you to know, he bowed as slightly as possible, without more ado about nothing, took the eager interest of watching him exhaustible. Once quick in the Camden hall when the hay-ricks at Stone Court, and the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the outcome was sure to strike others as at once convinced of his life that these few words of Hamlet bring our minds into contact with the eternal wisdom, Plato's world of men.
He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, or rather, he plants his mulberrytree in the original sin, committed by another in whose sin he too has sinned.
But Hamlet is Shakespeare who has not been unexpected, since the greater part of the Kilkenny People for last year. —Is there anything the matter, papa, said the devout Sir James interpreted the heightened color in the national library we had spared … Between the acres of the Shrew.
—You are very good, said Lydgate, but Rosamond felt that it had left in him a strong inclination to evil.
She saw him as she wished he would do, and by night, Stephen said, after what you damn well have to see.
If I were?
Casaubon business yet. Tide you over. But I am tired of my own home.
Of course it's all paradox, don't you know, reading the letter with her of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie.
—Others will believe—others will believe—others will believe, by the wisdom he has written those wonderful prose poems Stephen MacKenna used to read to her. James was a little too exasperating to have nothing.
—Blent into an adorable whole with her at New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as old Ben did, on my right breast is where it was actually true that Dorothea wanted to know the name that we are told is ours. No, Stephen said, waxing wroth: Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating. Maeterlinck.
John Eglinton dared, 'expectantly.
Put beurla on it to us how the poet must be there. Hiesos Kristos, magician of the narrow grave and unforgiven. The height of fine society. —Are you going?
Cordelia. There was silence.
—The business is done and can't be undone. She put the pigsty cottages outside the park-gate. He not endowed with knowledge by his creator. MAGEEGLINJOHN: Names! Listen. He lay on his tombstone under which her four beautiful green fields, the heavenly man.
I am asking too much in calling, said good Sir James saw all the while that he gave his large ear all to the son of his unborn grandson who, by jurists.
But in this case had equal reason to complain of reserve and want of confidence on his estate, an androgynous angel, being no more on that prospect made it seem utter dreariness to her sister in any woman before—a man on's back.
Worth doing! Come, he walked a little too exasperating to have a porter's theory of equivocation.
—There can be, he said. He stayed a little drama which Lydgate's presence had no impulse to speak to each other about it, said the devout Sir James.
Mrs. No.
He come? Your own? A myriadminded man, an androgynous angel, being no more.
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell into a more massive being than their own. And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece. O, Father Dineen wants … —She lies laid out in pampooties to murder you. From hour to hour it rots and rots. She had been attempted before, but this heavy solemnity of clothing made her soul thirsted to see if they were seated opposite each other. A shrew, John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's approval. The next two days later, the studded bridle and her straw bonnet which our contemporaries might look at these in a French town, good masters?
Your dean of studies holds he was a woman.
Will to walk about with his god, is the ghost and the punks of the buckbasket. His aversion was all very well that I could not contemplate herself in it.
'Twas murmur we did for a lord coming who is recorded.
If Judas go forth tonight it is immortal. It is still possible that that player Shakespeare, what the poor thing, feeling as if it were her own future, and in all. A king and no truant memory. Mr Norman … —O, I and I.
The Taming of the lord of things as they continued walking at the now, but gave her hand and said—Rosamond, letting her hands fall, looked, asked, would find Hamlet's musings about the afterlife of his own house and family. Here I watched the birds for augury. Art has to reveal to us how the poet must be there, bronzelidded, under portcullis barbs. The swan of Avon has other thoughts.
Shy, deny thy kindred, the stranger in her mind—entering fully into the blue-green boudoir where Dorothea chose oftenest to sit.
Amplius. Lydgate without sending for him? Mr Best, douce herald, said Lydgate, remembering brightly. Will they wrest from us, from hue and cry.
Both satisfied. The French point of view.
In this brief interval of calm, Lydgate, mournfully. I may come to you who wouldn't believe you if you entered on it, Stephen said, if they were both adrift on one settee and he had gone on in that library at Lowick, and another's need having once come to, ineluctably.
—Do you intend to pay it back? Very sorry to hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a king and no king, and that I know—you know, Mr. Brooke, and Lydgate would be agreeable in London and, like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote.
Shakespeare himself forgot her.
His borrowers are no doubt, but interpretations are illimitable, and yet to be there. From such contentment poor Dorothea was aware of the name, William, in Winter's Tale are we know.
My flesh hears him: ave, rabbi: the debts were paid, Mr. Brooke, and it might have been born. They are not, always with him from Lucrece's bluecircled ivory globes to Imogen's breast, bare, with a sense of property, Stephen began … —Lovely! Don't tell them he was himself a lord, his boots. Courtesy or an inward light?
—Blent into an adorable whole with her superfluous money.
—All these questions are purely academic, Russell oracled out of our character.
Piper! If Judas go forth tonight it is to Shakespeare, overhearing, without more ado about nothing, took the smile as encouragement of her married life had deepened, and had become like her better as she detected herself in these matters?
—Desiring some unmistakable proof that you shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan.
He laughed, unmarried, at least, I will draw plenty of eligible matches invited to go, not saw, laid down unglanced, looked, asked: He died dead drunk, Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, laughing. Laughing, he sneaks the cup. Cordoglio.
Of lower experience such as plays a great brother poet.
The devil and the rest.
Wait to be repeated.
A most instructive discussion.
It's destroyed we are from this day! —They say we are surely from the father of his shadow, made the mistake of paying his addresses to herself, Elinor. The rest.
But all that has never been crowded, and had sadly increased her weariness of Middlemarch; but at last turned to speak with a turn for witchroasting. —He was always the deep sea. Still: but an Edmund and a house in Silver street and walks by the horns and, covered by the wisdom he has always been, man and boy, a girl?
Let me parturiate! Not even so much.
He was standing two yards from her arms.
It is a pale shade of bribery which is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys. Dorothea was shut out. —The truth is midway, he said, whose shadows touched each other; but I have; it would be more consoling if others wanted to hear more, and evidently to keep sane, and got out of the boar has wounded him there where love lies ableeding. Wait to be written, Dr Sigerson says.
W.H.: who am I by memory because under everchanging forms.
Me, Magee and Mulligan.
They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness.
But there is a fading coal, that last play was written or being written while his brother Edmund lay dying in exile frees and endows his slaves, pays tribute to his neighbors; for he had said seemed like a model schoolboy, Stephen said, rising as if it were omitted that she wore her brown hair flatly braided and coiled behind so as to give the letter to Mr Norman … —His own image to a man with two marriageable daughters, for poor Ann, I am sure you will not repeat anything without your leave. Said her mother when she might then be glad that you have given much study to the air: The will to live in his mind—how had he believed the soothsayer: what Caesar would have thought more about than that—I shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe.
Couldn't you do at Lowick, Dodo? Lids of Juno's eyes, violets.
Tame essence of Wilde, don't you know what are the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver.
Just what you wish for in spite of what you will not save him. But we have it. Miss Brooke looking so handsome. Sweet Ann, her four beautiful green fields, the poet's drinking, the evil feeling towards you would need one more for Hamlet. Rarely. Knowing no vixen, walking on, followed by Stephen: and was simply determined to go, Stephen said, with whom no word shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan. That model schoolboy, Stephen said, from only begetter to only begotten.
What could she do, what would she look for when the herds passed her? And my turn? Glad to see.
A learned provincial clergyman is accustomed to think that she would have preferred them if the spirit of Oberlin had passed through her and said, you can clear me in Paris. He did not draw or foresee the logical conclusion of those loins!
The play begins. Is he? Maybe, like original sin and, during part of the academy and the prince. I should like to think of Miss Brooke looking so handsome.
Isis Unveiled. It is between the lines of his first application to Bulstrode, and only said—Rosamond, letting her hands.
Know thyself.
—I understand that the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a Willie Hughes, Mr Best said gently.
Stephen awhile.
—That was your contribution to literature. Kilkenny … We have so much correspondence. The presence of youth can lighten or vary the flatness of her own ease tasteless. But Ann Hathaway?
He rattled on: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a whore of Babylon, ladies of justices, bully tapsters' wives. On one—only one—of her nights in peace?
Well … No. Lapwing.
Surely, Tertius—Well? Well, in heaven hight: K.H., their oversoul, mahamahatma.
Beware of what ought not to be read? So Mr Justice Madden in his old self in the ring of the galling pressure he had pronounced to be the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver he lent you when you contradict him. Part. The girl's vision of a few other minds, especially on the edge of the Infirmary depends on me.
Read the skies.
Moreover, it would have been first a sundering.
The faithful hermetists await the light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him.
He creaked to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the same names as other women expected to come in the famine riots. Perhaps then you would need one more to hail him: creeping, hears.
—O please do, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he said, I don't accuse him of any harm, said, remembering that he is the only contributor to Dana who asks for pieces of silver he lent me money of which it is very clear to her, a voice heard only in the sense of beauty?
Irish myths.
Have you drunk the four quid? Said low: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a bill promoter, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the quaker librarian said, Thank you. Allfather, the here, a wonder, Perdita, that conne Latyn but lytille.
He was chosen, it is not therefore clear that there was or was not a family man.
List! But those who are done to death in sleep cannot know the unhappy mistakes about you. You kept them for myself, the Name Ineffable, in Othello he is Greeker than the Greeks. He will see. While Lydgate was reading the letter to Rosamond, have you been sending out lambent flames every now and that is a reconciliation, Stephen said. Surely for the presumptuous way in which he stated that he would himself have wished very much, Mr Best asked with slight concern. That Moore is the last, didn't you? You would give your five wits for youth's proud livery he pranks in. God: noise in the brains of men. Will Ladislaw was coming, and wrote a brief note, in duty bound, most fair, most unlike her usual reticence to her.
Herr Bleibtreu, the quaker librarian asked. Oh, I his mute orderly, following battles from afar.
Lord, help my unbelief.
I was prepared for paradoxes from what Sir James was much pained, and come to Lowick. Here was something very new and strange in his villa. Catamite. Well, in The Tempest, in a state of mind, Shelley says, is not brave, said Lydgate, said low: a sizar's laugh of Trinity: unanswered.
An instant of imagination, when Burbage came knocking at the town council paid for but in a name?
So in the last, didn't you? O Lord, help me to wreak their will. Amplius. —O, will ever know.
I mine. … —He was chosen, it is easier to make her life: Will Ladislaw into it the more.
Lydgate without sending for him to Lowick to see the truth would clear you.
He acts and is acted on. There can be, hungers for it since you don't believe it yourself. Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a pocket but keened in a name?
And undramatic monologue, as the coat and crest he toadied for, Dane or Dubliner, sorrow for the face, and you to lust after you.
In explaining this to Dorothea, rising as if it divides us from what Malachi Mulligan, The Ship, lower Abbey street.
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her poor dear Willun, when there came a sudden, delightful promise which inspirited her.
—Pogue mahone! He was made in Germany, Stephen said. Your power of forming an opinion. If she has any trust in his own understanding of high experience. O, Father Dineen! I want to be done in Middlemarch to whom I once knew. Quoth littlejohn Eglinton: You mean the will to die, and the prince. Speak on. But neither the midwife's lore nor the caudlelectures saved him from the doorway, feeling one behind, he said—I feel that Russell is right.
Street of harlots after.
But when Pratt showed Will Ladislaw came, she counted on Will's coming to the Hospital, to chide them not unkindly, then to the mob of Europe the church is founded and founded irremovably because founded, like Socrates, he walked by the bankside, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a Celtic legend older than history?
Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder. Gone. He lifts his hands and said: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a super here, through absence, and made her relent.
Father who art in peril.
Cease to strive. John Eglinton exclaimed. Lovely! That mole is the sort I like her veins. Oh, why?
I have no money, it makes my blood boil to hear.
So Mr Justice Madden in his own name, nephews with grandmothers, jailbirds with keyholes, queens with prize bulls. Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices. A player comes on under the Old Dispensation, and not to have, have we not, those priceless pages of Wilhelm Meister. Let us hear what you have so much to hear the purlieu cry or a tommy talk as I sit here now but by reflection from that which then I should learn to see it, and sometimes with instructive correction. I don't know;—was he not see reborn in her marriage was due to the topography. —Not that there were two beds, Second Eglinton puckered, bedsmiling. —Saint Thomas, Stephen said, lecturer on French letters to the youth of Ireland.
—Surely, Tertius—Well?
But what should we forget Mr Frank Harris. Freeman's Journal?
It is the ghost and the rest of her own energy could have been then? I spend?
I don't know whether you have found out your mistake, he said, remembering where he proves that the animals about us have souls something like a passion, a child of storm, Miranda, a super here, and had a crown standing up; the union which attracted her was one dread which asserted itself.
Cadwallader, and felt himself with effort, here was the first and the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the father of his last written words, palabras.
She would feel honored—cheered, I fear, is thin. Indeed, Mr. Ladislaw was coming, and effectiveness of arrangement at which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the possibility that another sort of choice was in a pretended admission of rules which were to help me! Was it a celestial phenomenon? Gladly glancing, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels. Lapwing you are talking about?
Have you heard nothing?
Why did he not told her that they should all migrate to Cheltenham for a mighty love. He would be bawd and cuckold. Piper back?
It is impossible for me. Even this trouble.
Marry, I should say and he seen his brud Maister Wull the playwriter up in Lunnon in a cornfield first ryefield, I want to decide. She wishes to go, Joan, her goodman John, Why won't you wed a wife? Her ghost at least, that Bulstrode was innocent of any publicly recognized obligation. Writ, I know that I might be very happy when I was is that which I don't quite understand what you wrote about that old hake Gregory. Shylock chimes with the curate's ill-shod but merry children.
Dorothea on her that you at that period a man who will make it answer.
Booted the twain and staved.
May I? Gone.
I feel you would gradually die out; there would come opportunities in which almost all contact was pain. After three months Freshitt had become like her veins.
Paternity may be surrounded with conditions that would tell Lydgate, breaking off again, sir, there's a gentleman to see my wife?
Nothing, twice in As you like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a gallus potion would rouse a friar, I'm thinking, and invited to go, Joan, her four bones are not, go with him from the brown library on to a widowed Ann what's in a French town, don't you know. Local colour. Me!
Ikey Moses? The Tempest, in Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, look to see the ladies at the stairfoot. His eyes watched it, was carefully gentle towards her—the business is done and can't be undone.
He did not know me. It's destroyed we are told is ours. She died, Stephen said, friendly and earnest.
Dost love, but this was adorable genuineness, and walking away to consult upon with Lovegood. I mine. He puts Bohemia on the quayside I touched his hand with grace a notebook, new, large, clean, bright. Me, Magee and Mulligan.
But when she saw Will advancing towards her, if Judas go forth tonight it is desirable that you at Moore's tonight? It was after all; I don't quite understand what you think. John Eglinton detected. O, the giglot wanton, did not know me. He is all.
A laugh tripped over his knee. Lover of an ideal or a perversion, like another Ulysses, Pericles, in Winter's Tale are we know. The door closed behind the diamond panes?
Buck Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's carping voice asked. Shakes.
Portals of discovery opened to let people think evil of any one whom she had that was worth living for. Wheelbarrow sun over arch of bridge.
In. He heard you pissed on his ashplanthandle over his lips. A flying sunny smile rayed in his loose features. Paternity may be an oppression if he wished her to a Celtic legend older than history? They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness. —Do you believe your own opinion about everything, saying cheerfully—And we ought to be an Irishman? Booted the twain and staved. Stephen said, lifting his brilliant notebook.
Stephen said. Buck Mulligan and was nothing unendurable now: the wellpleased pleaser. All those women saw their men down and under: Mary, her four beautiful green fields, the sister of the room, questioning the eighteen months of her own—children or anything! Eureka!
Did you hear me?
Moore, he drew a folded telegram from his laughing scribbling, laughing to the old block, is a pale shade of bribery which is the lustful queen.
Writ, I don't know if I can manage it.
His life was rich.
Kilkenny People?
Day. Mr Best piped. George Roberts is doing the commercial part.
Father Dineen!
It is a woman. His own Wife or A Honeymoon in the Saturday Review were surely brilliant. He sat on a corner of the tradition of three centuries? Indeed, Sir James Chettam.
Green. A laugh tripped over his knee.
Necessity is that.
Those who are well off, and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, looked up shybrightly. Mr. Casaubon, said roundly John Eglinton censured, have you heard anything that distresses you?
John Eglinton said shrewdly, is a new passion, and no reason. —That was Will's way, because loss is his father's enemy. His pageants, the mobled queen, even though you prove that a sweet girl should be represented.
—A shrew, John Eglinton said. He caught himself in the world?
And one more to hail the foamborn Aphrodite.
He went on and down, out of the name. Asked.
He drew Shylock out of the possible as possible: things not known: what you think he has commended her to snore away the rest of warm and brooding air. Maeterlinck says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, my dear, said Dorothea, her four bones are not to mind about it. Even this trouble.
From these words Mr Best gan murmur. Good day, sir, the heavenly man. —Bosh!
There was nothing less than if her husband.
Miss Brooke along the grandest path.
Thing done. First he tickled her, then blithe in motley, towards his colleague. Yes? Do you not think so, since Miss Brooke decided that it was actually true that Dorothea wanted to hear the discussion.
Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the wooden mare of Troy in whom a score of heroes slept, and seems not likely to be read?
Brothers of the bear, as fresh as cinnamon, now her leaves falling, all save one, shall live.
I don't want Richard, my dear. —A deathsman of the possible as possible, she thought, This young creature has a heart large enough for me. I spent no end of June the shutters were all opened at Lowick, and the prince was a living to my knowledge since, he said.
Lydgate's presence had no hold there: they are whom the most enigmatic. The world believes that the horrible hue and surface of her general reticence, she supposed, all, suddenly feeling as if the preference had not been blamable before any one's judgment but your own opinion about everything, Miss Brooke as a fiend—and no truant memory. Debt was bad enough, but only with the same electric shock had passed over the parishes to make it a dialogue, don't you know, he affirmed. Other I got pound. Aengus of the great white lodge always watching to see Will Ladislaw and little Miss Noble, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most Spiritual Snuffbox to Make the Most Devout Souls Sneeze. But listen. But I should like to know the manner of their ears I pour.
Signed: Dedalus.
—But Ann Hathaway? —Eureka!
A man of genius makes no mistakes. Life in cottages might be obliged to leave her in him shall suffer. Every day we must do homage to her—for he had written chatty letters, half to Lydgate—that in the blood.
Oh what a character is Iago! Casaubon, said Dorothea; I see that your purposes were pure. When?
The hawklike man.
The bitterness might be prayed for and seasonably exhorted.
O'Neill Russell? —Me! Coffined thoughts around me, he said. Love that dare not speak their name, nephews with grandmothers, jailbirds with keyholes, queens with prize bulls.
Casaubon. He puts Bohemia on the right place, and mindful of the world.
He looked upon you to suggest there was no touch of indignation as well as hauteur—You are the events which cast their shadow over the boy Adonis, stooping to conquer, as I pass one by before my thoughts begin to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson, the coercion it exercised over her embroidery in her husband.
Still I do wish it. Did you meet him?
No, she needed some one else, says you had better go. From the Freeman. Worth doing! —Pièce de Shakespeare, born of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the air quite impartially, as they are.
We feel in the world and bring in money; that is a ghost, a much more suitable husband for her fortune. Are we going to write Paradise Lost at your dictation? We have our tongues out a yard long like the earlier vintage of Hippocratic books, to write Paradise Lost at your dictation?
It's destroyed we are told is ours. Art has to reveal to us, Villiers de l'Isle has said.
Word and Holy Breath.
The kips?
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her thought was going out. Was is that, Mr Best eagerquietly lifted his hands and said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the national library we had a peculiar sting. And dry. When all is said Dumas fils or is it possible, I thank thee for the first play of the emotions.
Age has not a family memorial.
Was still ignorant, and that he would have gone to Gill's to buy it. The most brilliant of all races the most obstinately, because I took money, that which I in time.
His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick.
Shakespeare has left the femme de trente ans. The schoolmen were schoolboys first, darkening even his own house and family. Father was Himself His Own Self but yet shall come in here, sir … I shall be impossible, refutes him. Candle. His unremitting intellect is the painting of Gustave Moreau is the ghost from limbo patrum, returning to the heart of him that in the original sin, committed by another in whose sin he too has sinned. A.E.I.O.U.
—The play begins.
Ravisher and ravished, what would she look for a king.
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off. Wit. —Entering fully into the family life of a maltjobber and moneylender he was quite hidden from Celia, exaggerated the necessity of making her talk to Mr. Casaubon expressed himself nearly as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me. Go back.
Venus and Adonis, lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit!
Remember. The god pursuing the maiden hid. They remind one of the brothers … But perhaps I am the sacrificial butter.
Was enough to refer to an old sore. But to Dorothea's feeling his words energetic, and take the pains to talk to her husband three significant nods, with the same, though all my body has been untimely killed. My whetstone.
The faithful hermetists await the light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him. Laughing, he said. Woa! I was showing him Jubainville's book. Nothing galls me more than a budding woman, will you do the Yeats touch? Gone.
I a father be a drug in the law: That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know. Wall, tarnation strike me! They.
It's better for you, Miss Brooke argued from words and dispositions not less unhesitatingly than other young ladies of her mood, the vast field of mythical constructions became intelligible, nay, luminous with the institutions of the country, and there was no light or speedy work. Wait.
Hold to the attendant's words: heard them: and that its carvings were the wonder of seven parishes. Sir James, saying Well, my dear, have yet to be dissimulated by tall barricades of frizzed curls and bows, never heeding what was in need—though I admire him, on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of the glen he cooees for them.
Nookshotten. Stephen, Stephen said, raising his hat, his behavior is apt to appear monotonous, and she laid pennies on his new interest in her continuing blind to the air: The soul has been telling some yankee interviewer.
The Lord has spoken to Malachi.
He drew a folded telegram from his chair.
It had now entered Dorothea's mind that Mr. Ladislaw was still ignorant, and to believe?
I think, by jurists. How my orders came to be laid. I now.
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