#jorah mormont hc
shiggyshita · 11 months
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ShiggyShita’s GOT Masterlist
You can req any of these characters for hcs,drabbles,oneshots,and x reader or x [another character]
if there’s a character you’d like me to do that’s not on the list, please req it!
(read inbox rules)
work key: 🌲-fluff ⚔️-angst 🕷️-smut
Jon Snow -
no works yet
Bran Stark -
no works yet
Robb Stark -
no works yet
Ned Stark -
no works yet
Jorah Mormont -
no works yet
Podrick Payne -
no works yet
Tyrion Lannister -
no works yet
Oberyn Martell -
no works yet
Jojen Reed -
no works yet
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Sansa Stark -
no works yet
Arya Stark -
no works yet
Daenerys Stormborn -
no works yet
None of these characters are mine! -All from Game Of Thrones-
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multifandomfix · 1 year
First Kiss (Game Of Thrones Preference)
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Brienne Of Tarth: Your first kiss with Brienne would be tender, soft and shy. It was unclear whether it was you or her that made the first move, but you both remember it fondly.
Bronn: Your first kiss with Bronn was rather rough and sloppy. It was very heat of the moment with him and it took you by surprise. It wasn’t awful, but you do find yourself wishing for a do over.
Catelyn Stark: With Catelyn, your first kiss was hesitant, with you asking her permission so many times that she leaned in and kissed you herself.
Cersei Lannister: Even during your first kiss with Cersei, she was possessive. She held your chin in her hand and held you in the kiss until she decided it was over.
Daenerys Targaryen: Daenerys took it upon herself to kiss you that first time. She got sick of waiting for you to come to her. She was gentle with you, and kind and you wondered why you’d waited so long.
Jaime Lannister: Jaime timed your first kiss just right. It was absolutely perfect. He displayed a bit of heroics and then dipped you into the most breathtaking kiss.
Jorah Mormont: Jorah was very soft with you during that first kiss. He cupped your cheek and pulled you in slowly, giving you plenty of time and room to refuse him if you chose, but you melted into his sweet kiss instead.
Melisandre: There was passion behind your first kiss with Melisandre. She took control, practically stealing the breath from your lungs before she pulled away. And you immediately wanted to do it again.
Petyr Baelish: When Petyr first kissed you, he held you firmly against him, intent on getting every last second out of the kiss in case you refused to let him have a second.
Tyrion Lannister: Tyrion took your first kiss very seriously. He wanted it to be good and memorable. It was that and more. You lost yourself in it and it’s the one kiss you’ll never forget.
For anon
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Game Of Thrones: @hc-geralt-23, @floresferae, @geekyandgay98, @lady-darkswan3, @abitchnamedtia
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I need hot house hightower hc and lore 🫠
I have a few in my House Hightower tag!
They're definitely one of the coolest houses in Westeros. They have historically dabbled in alchemy and necromancy. They have a Valyrian steel sword called Vigilance (ofc they do). There's a possible maester conspiracy going on. Lord Leyton is obviously doing sorcery up in the High Tower and sending his sons on various errands. There are known to be glass candles in Oldtown. Tower of Sauron symbolism? Future Panopticon if Euron gets his hands on it? In any case, Leyton is clearly a man with a plan.
"The Hightower must be doing something." "To be sure. Lord Leyton's locked atop his tower with the Mad Maid, consulting books of spells. Might be he'll raise an army from the deeps. Or not. Baelor's building galleys, Gunthor has charge of the harbor, Garth is training new recruits, and Humfrey's gone to Lys to hire sellsails. If he can winkle a proper fleet out of his whore of a sister,* we can start paying back the ironmen with some of their own coin. Till then, the best we can do is guard the sound and wait for the bitch queen in King's Landing to let Lord Paxter off his leash." The bitterness of the captain's final words shocked Sam as much as the things he said. If King's Landing loses Oldtown and the Arbor, the whole realm will fall to pieces, he thought as he watched the Huntress and her sisters moving off.
They're preparing for a massive Lovecraftian showdown against Euron. We're all going to be rooting for the Hightowers come TWOW! I am begging the fandom to stop sleeping on this house. They're right at the junction where magic, science and religion intertwine - all expressions of man's quest towards transcendence!
*that's Lynesse Hightower, Jorah Mormont's wife, the person indirectly responsible for Dany's entire arc.
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 5 months
Pls, for your weary friend, tell me about the new Blacktyde wife that I’ll fight Viserys for.
Ygraine Blacktyde, my new baby brain worm!
Ygraine is the second oldest child of the new Jarl of Blacktyde (i hc that the rest of the iron islands, aside from Pyke, use the term Jarl to set them apart from the greenlanders). She has five siblings, ranging from pain loving berseker to gentle dreamer (Alannys Pyke, my beloved).
She reeves with her brothers, proficient with a weapon we would call a kusarigama (basically a blade on a chain), that her mother brought with her from Braavos. When at home, her job is essentially to protect Alannys, whose visions are attributed to her virgin status. She's become resentful of basically her entire family, with the exception of her sisters. Her mother died when she was about ten and almost immediately Hrothgar brought in a new salt wife. So when she finds out that Hrothgar basically sold her to undermine Balon Greyjoy, and his offer of Asha as a bride for Viserys III, she's not all that upset to leave Blacktyde and her family behind.
When it comes to the Dothraki, and being in Vaes Dothrak, while she's grateful to the small connection to Essos, and therefore her mother, she really struggles. They accept her because she is a proven warrior, lending credence to Viserys and the fact that he "claimed" her, but she can't get on board with the cultural difference (i.e the rape and the slavery). As for her relationship with Viserys, it's incredibly tenuous at first, but they bond via their mutual distrust of Jorah Mormont. Viserys carries on like his asshole self until he realizes how useful she can be, and Ygraine genuinely surprises him when she raises to the impossible task he sets before her to "prove" herself and her loyalty.
basically, her insecurities are at odds with her abilities, she's terrified of fitting nowhere, of having no one, of being sent back home. she's capable, strong, and full of a primal needs to prove herself, which makes her an easy target for someone like Viserys. but she's willing to ride for him, and that in turn causes all kinds of changes in him, with far reaching consequences.
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gildinbainas · 2 years
Hi! Welcome to my blog! Some important ‘need to know’ info can be found in this pinned post along with helpful links. I encourage you to check them out before approaching me. ( Note that some information is not availible so I would implore you seek out wikipedia in the meantime. Or you can simply ask. I’m too tired and lazy to go back and forth with tumblr over the use of java for long bio pages. )
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🛑  CHARACTER BIOS - incomplete but working on it || 🛑 FULL GUIDELINES HERE ( unformatted version found here. 😎 )
✅ MEME tag || MASTER HC tag || PSA tag || OPEN STARTERS tag
STATUS:  OPEN FOR SHIPPING ( LIMITED ) CURRENT MAINS/AFFILIATES: @nicholas-wolfwood, @nvrcmplt,  @thunderbringer, @diverse-hearts, @despairforme, TBA CURRENT EXCLUSIVES: @shacchou ( priest seto - with ATEM ), @rhaegxr​ ( rhaegar targaryen - with ATEM ), @nvrcmplt ( beschu - with ATEM ), 
CURRENT  ACTIVITY  STATUS:  HIATUS W/ LIMITED ACTIVITY  || I work full time in the Education profession meaning I work at least 40 hours a week / 5 days a week. There are kids in my care which means I never get a day off. I’m also dealing with family issues and mental health issues. Please understand that while I try not to leave people hanging, my real life will always come first. --- I am most active on the weekends.
MOST WANTED SHIPS / CONNECTIONS:   Bard the Bowman, Thorin, or any elf from the Tolkien’s series, Gannicus, Spartacus, Aegon Targaryen, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Oberyn Martel, Barristan Selmy, Jorah Mormont, Khal Drogo, Petyr Baelish, Victarion Greyjoy, Jaime Lannister ( GoT / ASOIAF ), Lestat de Lioncourt ( - TVC / IWTV ), Trevor Belmont, Issac, Godbrand ( Castlevania ), Thief King Bakura ( though ill be HIGHLY selective ), Kaiba, Priest Mahad / Dark Magician ( YGO Duel Monsters series ), Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Deidara, Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Series ), Erwin Smith ( AoT )
Please  understand  that  ‘most  wanted  ships’  or  connections’  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  I  want  to  ROMANTICALLY ship  with  them  all.  However,  with  some  of  them,  I  am  open  to  it  if  the  chemistry  is  there.
Please understand before you follow me that I don’t always follow back right away or at all. I love a small dash with barely anyone on it except for me and my replies. If this is a deal breaker for you then I am sorry.
I  AM  NOT  MUTUALS  ONLY.  Nonmutuals may interact but I reserve the right to ignore anyone I don’t want to interact with or I feel I won’t vibe with at all.
I  DON’T  FILL  OUT  INTEREST  CHECKERS  OR  PERMANENT  STARTERS.  Unless you’re a terrible writer, a smut blog or your canons contradict my vision for my muses, then odds are I may be willing to interact eventually.
I  am over the age of  21  (  30+  TO  BE  EXACT  ) which means I will only play with adults. No age on your blog, no interactions. No exceptions.
COVID IS NEVER A TOPIC TO BE USED IN INTERACTIONS. Terminal illnesses are my hard no forever and always.
LASTLY,  I am not perfect and much like everyone else around here, mistakes have been made. However,  i’ve never  tolerated any kind of common problematic behavior.  PLEASE  COME  TO  ME  POLITELY  IF  YOU  SEE  SOMETHING  THAT  MAKES  YOU  UNCOMFORTABLE.   I will not tag every trigger ever but if there’s something that you feel I should genuinely know or change, I am willing to listen IF you approach me politely and not aggressively or in a condescending manner. Tone matters.
:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ (  credits  )
[ ALL PROMOS, MOBILE HEADERS, DASH ICONS, BANNERS & THEME WERE CODED BY THE LOVELY  cerberuscommissions​. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Would highly recommend. Please do not steal. I give her full credit for all main graphics used on this blog, even if i sometimes forget to mention it in posts. IN ADDITION,  some of my gif icons were commissioned while others were found in free gif hunts. I have also made some of my own icons while again, others were found in the tags on tumblr. My fancy ATEM BORDER was made by @faegfx​ . All credit to her. Alucard border is by floragfx.  ]
Short List of Muses featured below the cut. Bolds are mains. Others are ‘as I feel like playing them’ characters or test muses.
Thranduil Ororpher ( The Hobbit / Tolkien ) Daemon Targaryen Daenerys Targaryen ( ASOIAF / Game of Thrones ) Aegon I Targaryen ( ASOIAF / Game of Thrones ) Ka Suo ( Ice Fantasy series ) Pharaoh Atem / Yami Yugi ( Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters franchise ) Lucy Gray ( THG ) Katniss Everdeen ( OG THG ) Gaara ( Naruto Shippuden ) Kakashi Hatake ( Naruto Shippuden ) Iruka Umino ( Naruto Shippuden ) Stede Bonnett ( OFMD ) Aziraphale ( Good Omens ) Alucard Tepes ( Castlevania Netflix ) Hector ( Castlevania ) Louis de Pointe du Lac (  Interview with the Vampire / TVC - mixed media ) Charles Xavier ( XMCU / various comic universes ) ***Request / Potential Mutual Exclusive Muses Only. ( These will NOT have a long winded bio up simply because I will only play them ‘In Fandom’ OR ‘with a select few’ )
Geralt of Rivia ( The Witcher Netflix )
Nasir ( Spartacus )
Coriolanus Snow ( THG ) 
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Loki ( MCU )
Levi Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Dracula ( historically based )
I do have muses from The Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts and a slew of Marvel / Disney people. You have to inquire about them since I put most of them on side blogs i only use sporadically. I am however, willing IF you plot with me first or have GENUINE interest in writing long term.
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The Witcher
Lambert ❀Love (Love Letter)
Shadow and Bone
Matthias Helvar ❀Not when I'm around (Drabble) ❀Y/N (Love Letter)
Nikolai Lantsov ❀Behind Closed Doors (Drabble)
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker ❀Blurb #1
The Walking Dead
Milton Mamet ❀ Dearest Darling (Love Letter) ❀ Hi (Love Letter)
King Ezekiel ❀Dear Y/N (Love Letter)
Eugene Porter ❀Blurb #1
Rick Grimes ❀Fluff Alphabet
Jerry ❀Good Morning beautiful (Love Letter)
Dwight; ❀Back to you (Drabble)
Anthony Bridgerton ❀Husband HC's
Harry Potter
Charlie Weasley; ❀ #Blurb 1
George Weasley; ❀Hello (Love Letter)
Clint Barton ❀Welcome Home (Drabble)
James 'Rhodey' Rhodes ❀Blurb #1
House of the Dragon
Harwin Strong; ❀My love (Love Letter)
Game of Thrones
Jorah Mormont; ❀Dearest Y/N (Love Letter)
Pirates of the Carribean
Captain Jack Sparrow; ❀Clingy HC's
Black Sails
Captain James Flint ❀Never Again (Drabble)
Sigurd ❀Dear my love (Love Letter)
Adrian Chase ❀ To the best thing that ever happened to me (Love Letter)
Bullet Train
Tangerine ❀Surprise (Drabble)
Call of Duty
Alejandro Vargas ❀Introduction (Drabble)
Johnny "Soap" McTavish; ❀Lass (Love Letter) ❀Tries his luck (Drabble)
Michael Gavey; ❀Better off without them (Drabble)
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller; ❀Hello Darlin' (Love Letter)
Jack Hodgins; ❀Hey Baby (Love Letter)
Finn Abernathy; ❀Hey Darlin (Love Letter)
Top Gun
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell; ❀Hello Beautiful (Love Letter)
0 notes
alexmercer2424 · 4 years
Helping the GoT Boys Destress
Drop a like, follow to support, reblog to spread the message! But most importantly, enjoy!
I picked the first five that came to mind or no more for this post to keep it from getting too long! Will probably add parts for the other men of GoT, but there’s just so many!!! If you want to see a specific Boi just ask! :)
Jon Snow
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Being voted in as the new Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch was stressful enough, but it was even more stressful after being stabbed a bunch of times by your “brothers”
You were a “wildling”, like Gilly, who had taken refuge at Castle Black until Jon made arrangements to send you elsewhere, hopefully Winterfell
But the thought had escaped his head with everything else going on
Sometimes a simple shoulder rub is enough to help him unwind, especially with his tense he’s been
Or just bring him a cup of warmed mulled wine or broth, just to remind him he’s not alone in this
Maybe even tell him stories from beyond the wall, he obviously has a connection with the wildling life, and the lack of laws and code allowed his mind to wander free like he wished at times
Or simply remind him to go out for a quick hunt with Ghost, after all his pup needs to eat and the fresh air away from everyone would be a great help to his mentality
Just remind him it’s okay to take small breaks, even if it has to be later at night when everyone should be asleep
Robb Stark
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The Young Wolf they call him and for good reason, he’s young!
Trying to liberate your people and fight a war is never easy, and he has just become a man grown
He will play the tough role day and night, it’s hard to get him out of the leading demeanor, but if you sit quietly enough he will eventually rant
The rant is him getting everything off his chest, all the bundled stress finally spilling out
Don’t be afraid to hug Robb either, he’s recently lost his father, the Lannister’s are holding his sisters hostage, and his bannerman are going crazy. He could use the stability of a simple hug
Grooming his beard and hair also seem to calm him, and grooming Grey Wind always makes him laugh
In the end, like his wolf, Robb is still only a pup and it’s never a bad thing to get a laugh out of him
Just remember to do this sort of thing behind closed doors, he needs to keep his appearance up after all
Sandor Clegane
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He’ll never admit to needing your help, none whatsoever, he’s a man after all!
But he will always accept a cup of wine, that seems to get him back on his feet confidently
If you manage to catch him off guard, play with his hair, it’ll relax him and let him forget for a small moment
But be careful of his scar, because if you touch it, he’ll be his angry, grumpy self again
At night, don’t be afraid to try and cuddle him. He will make snarky remarks, but this man has been a body guard or watching his back his entire life
Let him feel protected for even just a night, no matter how much smaller you may be compared to him
Or find this man a prick to kill, Sandor always finds relief in killing
And in desperate times, just sit silently with him. He may need to gather his thoughts about everything or just wants to enjoy the fact nothing is happening around you two. Let him enjoy the short moment of peace
Jorah Mormont
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This weird dad/wanna be lover is stressed!
It doesn’t matter if he has given up on his love for Daenerys and has picked you, he will always worry about her and be close to her
So late at night, when he knows she’s asleep and safe from harm, sir him down and just reassure him the best you can
Hold him close, rub his back, but he needs to know he’s not the only one protecting her. She has her Khalasar and her Unsullied, she’s not alone or in danger
But if you do manage to get him to forget about Dany for a small break, just him down and rub his chest to help him clear his mind. Tell him stories of the East you grew up with or west if that’s where you’re from
Also reassure this man that what he did in the north wasn’t the worse thing that could happen, he had his reasoning, but he did jump the gun (or crossbow rather) but he’s a better man now because of it all
If you’re secure enough in yourself, talk about what a great queen Daenerys will be and all your hopes for her. The words will make him smile and you two strongly supporting the same vision will bring you too closer
And when he does manage to finally start to fall asleep, hum a soft tune to him, it’ll help keep whatever nightmares away
Petyr Baelish
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This man has been working to get to the top after starting from nothing, so this man has a “bit” of a desire for power
Whenever you can, praise Petyr for whatever greatness he might’ve done. Taken the Eryie? Became the lord of Harrenhal? Saved poor Sansa? Praise him whenever he can to remind him just how great he is, that’ll get him to smile
In some cases, maybe dress up for him, he’ll him take his mind off things. Don’t dress like one of his whores, he’s seen that plenty of times and is dull to it, dress nice but different to catch his eye
This man is all about seduction and manipulation, allow him to woo you every now and then to boost his confidence
A sensual massage will work wonders on him, especially if it turns out to be something more ;)
Whatever you do though, you mustn’t be around other men alone. If anything this will cause him more stress. You must devote yourself to him, not other men
And if you really want to help this man clear his head, share his ambition. Fantasize this man on the Iron Throne and share what a great king he’d make. He may not want the Iron Throne itself, but he does want the power and whats more powerful?
And a secret of his? Sing him a soft song during your alone hours, let him drink his wine and let him clear his head. There’s nothing more peaceful to him.
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I Can’t Help...
Prompt: Headcannons for Game of Thrones charactersand what they’re like in love
Notes: Needed a break from the denser drabbles, have some fluffy/romantic delightfulness! Enjoy! 😘❤
Eddard Stark
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Ned Stark in love is feeling at home with a person rather than a place, knowing in his eyes there are no imperfections only pieces of you, the person he loves.
He’s not one for dramatic gestures or public displays of affection beyond the occasional kiss.
Lots of hand holding in public, will offer you his arm while walking around.
Big on saying “i love you” knowing how powerful words are.
While newly in-love he’s all smiles, constantly beaming with pride that you’re his, unable to stop thinking about the details of your smile, or the way your hair falls around your face.
When you can’t sleep he strokes your hair and tells you stories of growing up in the north to try and lull you back to sleep.
Although his position as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North demand his attention his family is always his first priority, and the first in his heart. 
He’s a family man and as soon as he knew you loved him too, he’d start talking about your future together unable to envision a life without you by his side. He’s the most loyal man you’ll ever meet. 
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Yara Greyjoy
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Yara Greyjoy in love is freedom: to be yourself, unapologetically, always willing to try new things and explore new aspects of the relationship.
She can be dramatic at times, and openly flirtatious regardless of time or place often acting more brazen than most women. 
For Yara in public or private there is little difference on how she ardently cherishes you, easily the most passionate.
She’s never had to choose between being a lover or a fighter and it shows- she will fight people over you. She’ll win.
Doesn’t really get into the “i-love-you” thing, more comfortable in claiming her partners as her’s than using the romantic language. She might say it once she thinks you’re asleep, mostly to confirm it to herself rather than for your benefit. 
While newly in-love she’s full of teasing, wine, and late nights wanting to just have you- as much as she can, all at once.
When you can’t sleep she can be quite tender, trying to sooth and relax you with honeyed words and heavy hands.
As Queen of the Iron Islands she’ll often have you with her at court to show the others that you aren’t a temporary companion for her but someone she trusts and wants to keep around..
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Tyrion Lannister
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Tyrion Lannister in love is insatiable, his life has seen two great loves both that have ended dubiously and to find you, someone who loves him completely without room for doubt, is almost addictive.
His first concern is how people treat you, and as a result he would be hesitant to show any public displays of affection, fearing people would treat you poorly for loving him.
In public he likes to keep you close, after all he fell in love with your mind first and would enjoy showing you off around the capital.
He isn’t quick to tell you he loves you- but falls in love almost instantly. Once he’s confident in the relationship he says it often, regardless of when or where.
While newly in love he’ll make up excuses to see you, feeling so alive in your presence- fully accepted even before you tell him how  you feel. With Tyrion, its like he’s always newly-in-love, each day as wonderful as the one before never growing tired of you.
When you wake with nightmares, or struggle to stay asleep he’ll soothe you with wine and will read to you until you’ve quietly snuggled against him and faded back to sleep.
Although his position as Hand of the Queen keeps him busy, he’s always excited to share it with you. Most nights he’d come to you with jokes and stories of the happenings on the small council.
Tyrion rarely takes anything too seriously, and adores your laugh often doing anything to hear it filling your life with stories, jokes and errant teasing that brings a lot of joy into your life.
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Sansa Stark
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Sansa Stark in love is like she’s gone back in time to when she was younger and giddy with every new thing, always surprised at the ease and simplicity of loving you.
She’s always hesitant to do any public displays of affection, as the reigning Lady of a great house, knowing many of her banner-men wouldn’t approve of her love for you.
She relies on you as her support and in turn tries to do the same for you, showing her love through keeping you as her confidant and adviser, always by your side during meetings with banner-men.
Sansa says ‘i love you’ often in private, or in quiet stolen moments in public wanting to make sure despite the official air she has around others, you know how fully you command her heart.
Newly in love with you Sansa would relish in how different it was from her girlhood crushes, and experiences as a grown women with the uncouth flirtations of others compared to the softness and adoration you showed her.
When you have trouble sleeping Sansa will play with your hair and talk softly, sharing stories from her childhood until you’re both asleep.
Although her position as Lady Stark, Warden of the North keeps her quite busy whenever she passes you in the halls, she makes time to pull you into a nook or out-of-the-way alcove to hold you and whisper how she had missed you throughout the day.
She’s easily the smartest, and upon discovering her newfound feelings for you will strategically find out if you could or might feel the same way.
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Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund Giantsbane in love is a lot like an over zealous hound dog trying to jump onto your lap, forgetting its no longer a puppy yet happy enough to keep doing so anyway.
Tormund is a 0 or 100 sort of man, everything he does is done at the best of his ability, wholeheartedly and loving you is no exception, he’s the king of grand gestures. Tormund is a brazen and often suggestive flirt in public, never shying away from public displays of affection of any sort.
He’s aware how intimidating he can appear and upon becoming completely smitten with you would try to be more endearing. This would usually be in the form of prolonged gazes and suggestive glances while in public. 
Although he makes jokes and jabs about how you’ve ‘caught’ him, he’d be quick to reassure you how happy he is with you if you ever felt his teasing meant he was insincere, and is always telling you he loves you in one way or another. 
When newly in love he’d get so excited to see you he’d forgotten his own strength and almost knocked you over when greeting you.
It’s rare when you can’t sleep around Tormund, if you can’t its probably his fault wanting to tell you something or bored without your attention. 
Although his position as de facto leader of the free folk wasn’t desired, Tormund appreciates the reputation it gives him, and the respect the free folk have for you by extension, meaning you were completely safe among them (not that anyone would cross your giant of a man).
His love is the most intense, all those powerful feelings measured out in kisses and late nights.
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Ser Brienne
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Brienne in love is finally having a place where she belongs. All of her life she’s felt like an outsider and now she’s found someone she loves that loves her back.
Brienne is absolutely against public displays of affection/grand gestures, but if you ask nicely she might spar with you, something important to her that often brings the two of you closer.
While in public Brienne will act very professional, making sure that no one disrespects you or threatens you in any way she’ll do this because she’s unsure about how relaxed she can be as it isn’t something she’s used to.
When alone Brienne will often and fervently tell you she loves you, a new thing for her as you’re the first to truly lover her as she is for who she is, and she feels comfortable and safe enough with you to be open about those feelings.
When newly in love Brienne would be extra anxious in public trying to look unassuming and professional, but whenever you walk into the same room she can’t help smiling.
When you can’t sleep, especially if you have a nightmare, she’d hold you tight making sure you feel safe and secure. 
Although her position as a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms forbids her from taking a husband, 
(Female Reader) Brienne will be excited when you explain that means she can still marry you.
(Male Reader) you’ll talk to Sansa about marrying you in secret knowing it’s something important to her.
Brienne is the most loyal person in the world, and that shows in your relationship- although there isn’t much room for rumors or gossip during war if there was any she’d never believe them, she knows you for who you are and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks/says.
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Jon Snow
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Jon Snow in love is like waking up in the middle of the night to watch the snow fall- simple yet breathtaking and absolutely perfect.
Jon Snow isn’t the most outwardly expressive person, but when in love, he’s quite the romantic and will often surprise you with small things and stolen moments, during dinners or meetings he’ll keep a hand on your thigh just to know you’re there.
When in public he’ll light up when he sees you, breaking into one of those rare enthusiastic smiles, however he likes to keep you separate from his duties as King of the North to keep you safe.
Jon Snow likes to tell you he loves you whenever he can, even around others, most often in little whispers or kisses pressed to your temple. 
When newly in love everyone knows because he looks happy, almost like nothing in the world could could wipe the smile off his face. (And gods isn’t it a beautiful smile? it just lights his whole face up!)
When you can’t sleep Jon will gather extra blankets, make sure the fire is still roaring, and snuggle you close making sure you are comfortable and cozy. He’ll lull you to sleep with little stories of the future he wants to build with you.
Although his position as King of the North weighs heavy on him, having you by his side makes it worth it. He’d do anything to ensure a safe future for the person he loves as his family
Jon Snow is easily the most romantic partner and while in love will make time to spirit you away to somewhere peaceful to be alone with you, giving you his full attention to make sure you know how strongly he feels.
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Daenerys Targaryen
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Daenerys Targaryen in love is like a summer night, when everything somehow feels absolutely perfect, and outside of time. When you're together and in love nothing else feels real except for you two.
Daenerys wears her heart on her sleeve, and as a result knows you and everyone else already knows what she’s feeling in the moment. As a result she’s largely comfortable with public displays of affection such as hand holding and other subtle things. 
When she’s in love Daenerys will try to include you in every aspect of her life, she’ll value your input sometimes over the advice of her other councilors if you make enough of an argument.
She’s hesitant to tell you she loves you, even after you’re together. Everyone she ever cared for, even slightly, has had some sort of trouble or pain in their life and she blames herself. But once she says it the first time, in a little whisper after a hard day, she’ll never stop.
When newly in love she’ll want to tell you everything: all the stories she heard about her family, about Viserys and how he betrayed her, about Khal Drogo and the witch that stole him from her- everything because it’s part of who she is, and she wants you to know every part of her just like how she wants to know you.
When you’re having trouble sleeping she’ll draw you a warm bath and make sure you’re completely relaxed before even getting back into bed.
Although her position as Queen demands focus and discipline, while in love Daenerys is carefree and can find happiness almost everywhere you are.
After her previous experiences, Daenerys will make sure she knows you, and trusts you, investing a lot of her time in simply being your friend with no expectations of romance, before confessing her feelings.
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Jorah Mormont
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Jorah Mormont in love is an absolute gentleman, wanting no more than to prove the extent of his love through support, loyalty, and absolute adoration.
Jorah isn’t against public displays of affection,  so expect kisses and touches but not overly noticeable ones, he prefers to keep all of those moments for him.
In public he’s your protector, companion, and confidante all at the same time, taking pride in how he keeps you safe and takes care of you.
He says he loves you  all the time with his actions but he’ll say it first, simply and already at peace with rejection, unsure how someone like you could love an older disgraced man with no house or keep. When you say it back, he’s shocked and he’ll never stop telling you.
When newly in love he’ll beat himself up about how he isn't’ good enough for you and will be careful to show you at every opportunity how much he loves and cares about you.
When you cannot sleep he’ll pull you close and stroke your hair, telling you stories in low whispers with his soft and melodic voice. 
Although his position as Daenerys’ adviser and protector often puts him in danger he makes sure to keep himself safe, always focused on making sure he returns to you at the end of the day.
He would wait for a thousand years to love you. He’d be the perfect friend, treating you with nothing but respect and with no expectations of romance. He’s patient, and will happily be your friend for ever, if it means being around you.
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Arya Stark
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Arya Stark in love is an adventure, every moment unexpected and more amazing than the last, always something new to discover in your relationship.
It’s hard to predict how Arya feels about public displays of affection. It’ll never happen around her family, or others who might recognize her lofty heritage but when among strangers or common folk she likes to tease you with small lingering touches on your arms or shoulders.
In public she’s confident and moves about commanding people with her determination, except for you. She loves you quite dearly and consults your opinion for help, and gives you free reign over your own life as long as she knows you’re her’s.
Saying ‘I love you’ is not a common thing. You’ll probably say it first, long after you’d already gotten together late one night, half drunk, half asleep and so utterly in love you just say it. Arya would joke or silence you with a  kiss, and eventually would tell you too. 
When newly in love Arya is driven by her dedication to you, knowing how cruel the world can be she’ll try to push you away at first, before resolving on keeping you close so she knows you’re okay. 
When you can’t sleep she’ll give you space, knowing her late nights can often disturb your sleep, once you would fall into an uneasy sleep she’d make sure to stay quiet and not disturb you.
Although her day-to-day duties as an adventurer keeps you both quite busy, you still journey North  once in a while to visit with Sansa and the rest of her family. They quickly accepted you as one of their own, and each visit is a welcome respite from travel for you both.
If you’re ever harmed, much like anyone she cares about, she’ll go after whoever hurt you. They won’t make it, especially if you were really hurt.
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Theon Greyjoy
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Theon Greyjoy in love is surprising. He follows both the take-what-you-want mentality of the Iron Islands, and the opposite Stark ideals, these contradictions make him a complex partner from the start.
As a younger man Theon never saw a problem with public displays of affection as they meant everyone knew you were his. Later, after things had changed it would make him anxious but over time small things like holding hands would be okay.
In public when he was younger he was a bit of a menace always trying to prove himself to the Starks, and everyone else that he’s just a good a man in every way except courtly behavior; meaning he has a tendency to be rather brash and reckless. After the war, after he’d regained a bit of his confidence he wouldn’t be afraid of his own voice, but he’s more judicious in what he says and how he treats you around others.
He wasn’t really into saying “I love you” before the war, taking your position as his partner as a given. He was more into showing you he cared by speaking up for you if the Stark girls were ever demeaning. As after the war he made sure to tell you quite frequently in private,and keeps you close so even when he isn’t saying it you know.
When newly in love Theon is always around you- something that never changes in your relationship. At first you thought his increased teasing, and how he followed you around was some sort of a joke but over time you realized he couldn’t stay away.
When he can’t sleep, you’re the first thought in his mind, especially when he’s older. After a nightmare he’ll pull you closer and use you as an anchor to the real world. If you ever had trouble sleeping, especially if you couldn’t turn off a busy mind, he’d do anything to help you.
Although his position as Prince of the Iron Islands, and advisory to his sister after the war’s end keeps his mind reeling, your relationship becomes his happy place where you’re both safe and loved, where you both can rest.
In a world where Theon sacrifices himself for Bran Stark, his last thoughts would be of you and how he knows wherever you are he’s making you proud by doing what he knows is right and taking a stand.
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clonesupport · 2 years
jorah decides to be more dominant with you for the night
jorah mormont x reader hcs
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warnings: 18+, NSFW, unprotected sex, mention of switch roles, some soft dom jorah for a little change of pace👀, no direct mention of gender, smut under the cut
a/n: with this atrocious writers block im here to deliver hcs because it's the only thing my brain can somewhat manage rn TT i promise i'll get to my other stuff as soon as i can, baby steps🥲 i might do more hcs cuz honestly these are fun and not as draining to write^^
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❧ He spends his whole day thinking about what it would be like to completely dom you for an entire evening having only ever been sharing the role with you most nights. He likes to see you be more assertive with him most of the times making him quite the switch himself.
❧ He's had thoughts of what it could be like, curious about what it would feel like to have his control over you for a whole night. What it'd be like to pin you down and have his way with you, hold you to him so he can fuck you relentlessly and listen to the sounds you'd make. But he tries to push these thoughts out of his head deeming them a distraction from his work, though they come back throughout the day, getting his heart pumping and his stomach flipping.
❧ He waits till the end of the day to return to your shared chambers, mind buzzing with how to confront you about the idea. He's lost in his own contemplation as he enters the room, seeing you standing there as he enters only gets his heart racing faster. His shyness takes over him, he's quiet as you greet him, his thoughts running over themselves as he somewhat awkwardly stands there trying to figure out what to say.
❧ He's practically gawking at you, mouth opening and closing as he begins to speak but cuts himself off before he can decide one how to come forward about his fantasies.
❧ He's been thinking about this moment all day and now that he's here and it's actually going to happen he can't help but feel nervous. How does he do this? What does he say? How does he start? Does he need to say anything? Questions fill his head as his eyes freeze on you as you near him, a somewhat concerned expression on your face.
❧ He's in a silent nervous panic, hidden under his usual stoic exterior though you can see the shyness in his eyes and the way his cheeks tinge a light pink. He's stuck trying to mentally figure out what to do.
❧ "What's wrong Jorah?" He'd hear your voice and snap out of his conflicted haze. His eyes soften after breaking out of his thoughts. He gives in, tossing all questions out the window as he cups both of your cheeks in his palms and pulls you in for a passionate kiss, pouring his desires into the kiss as he pushes you back into the bed.
❧ The kiss is firm as his lips press hard against yours, thumbs brushing your cheekbones before he begins to reach down and strip you of your clothes.
❧ His eagerness and assertiveness catches you by surprise but it's definitely a pleasant surprise. He has you pinned beneath him while his lips trail over your body, worshiping your every dip and curve, he's still the very sentimental and loving man after all. He'll keep you beneath him, keeping you needy with his suckling kisses and tender love bites.
❧ His arms are wrapped around you all night, needing to feel you close to him at all times. He'll make love to you in every position where he can hold you to him. Non stop murmuring of how thankful he is for you as he pounds into you, thanking you for letting him love you and telling you how much he loves you.
❧ His words are like honey coating your heart in melted sweetness as his hips snap against yours harshly yet deliciously. He's never fucked you this hard before though by all means you're not complaining at all. His words in juxtaposition with his actions drive your mind into a melted heap beneath him while his arms hold you close.
❧ He spends the night making love to you in this new way, exploring the daydreams he'd had previously that day. Fucking you into the mattress, it's the first time he's having full control, the first time he's being dominant with you all night.
❧ He can't help but kiss you so lovingly like his life depends on it, pouring every ounce of passion and soul he has into his love making to you. Although he may be fucking you mercilessly tonight, you are not going a second without the most love and care the man could offer.
❧ He'll leave love marks all over your body as you fall apart in his hands. You're completely wrecked and ruined though just as thoroughly loved by the end of the night. This man will worship your body and absolutely ravish in you all the while making sure you're still cared for, even if he is pressing you into your mattress from behind and pummelling your insides.
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levithestripper · 2 years
Christmas/Holiday Shopping with the Starks, Lannisters, Men of the Night’s Watch, Jory Cassel, Jorah Mormont, Bronn, + Sandor Clegane
✩ Masterlist! ✩
✩ Warnings: slight modern au, gender-neutral reader ✩
✩ Taglist: @aestosia, @sandorcentral, @aestheticallywinchester, @th3rah, @the-1-sin-bin, @broadsdrinkwhisky, @i-smoke-chapstick, @ban-canram ✩
✩ Included characters are: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow, Eddison Tollett, Grenn, Jory Cassel, Jorah Mormont, Bronn + Sandor Clegane ✩
✩ A/N: since these hcs are about christmas/winter holidays, a holiday westeros doesn't have, it'll be more modern au than canon-compliant. but some parts will stay the same, like the lannisters being rich and powerful, the starks being a powerful family, that kinda stuff. no mentions of modern conveniences like cars, the internet, etc... ✩
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Ned typically buys you one really expensive gift, then a bunch of smaller “stocking stuffer” type gifts to go along with the main one. He prefers to gift you the most expensive thing since usually, that’s the gift you want most. His present wrapping game is the best in Winterfell, hands down. It looks like a professional did it. No one knows how he manages to make it look that good. When it comes time to hide the present, he’ll stick it in the furthest back corner of his closet or a cabinet somewhere.
When he goes to do the shopping itself, he’ll go alone and turn the day into a “him day” where it’s just Ned and his thoughts. He even treats himself to lunch if he’s out long enough.
Robb is similar to his father when buying you presents, but he’ll buy two or three expensive gifts, rather than only one like Ned does. Clothes are by far Robb’s favorite thing to buy you for some reason. He just really enjoys browsing around stores and pop-up shops, trying to find something you’d look cute in. But let’s face it, Robb thinks everything looks cute on you, doesn't matter what it is.
He isn’t the best at wrapping gifts, but he’s passable. It’s easier when what he’s wrapping is a square, it gives him the least amount of issues. Robb likes to go shopping with Theon since they have to shop for essentially the same people. It just makes it easier on both of them really.
Now, hiding presents is what Robb truly excels at. You can search the entire house up, down, left, right, and sideways, and you still won’t find where that handsome fucker put it.
When it’s Bran’s turn to go holiday shopping, he’ll want to buy you everything on your list and then some. Cat takes him shopping and will point out different things she thinks you’ll like to him. She also gets some shopping done for her list too. Bran likes to pick out gifts for his brothers and sisters with her, and Cat is grateful for the help. Bran’ll buy you a variety of things; he doesn’t just stick with one like Robb does.
Bran is absolutely terrible at wrapping presents. He’ll ask Cat to wrap them for him so they’ll look pretty. But if it’s something he can put in a bag, he’ll do that instead. He loves to watch you open his gifts for you, seeing the excited smile on your face makes everything worth it <3
This is the one and only time where Tyrion blatantly flaunts his money around. Typically he doesn’t like to show it off around you ‘cause he thinks it’s shallow, but he will for this. Expect everything on your wishlist to be wrapped neatly underneath the tree. You mention seeing something in a store window that you liked? Tyrion went out and bought it the next day. He visits your favorite clothing stores too. If he can’t find anything he thinks you’ll like, he’ll make sure to get you a gift card for the store to make sure you get something from there.
Tyrion’s very, very good at wrapping presents. It’s like a hidden talent of his. Every corner is smoothly taped with that fancy clear gift wrapping tape; it looks like the box came out of an ad.
Instead of buying you something, Jaime will hand make you something. He’ll secretly take either needlepoint or knitting classes from someone in the city. If he learns needlepoint, Jaime’ll stitch you a landscape of your favorite place in Westeros. In his knitting classes, he’ll make you a plushie that somewhat resembles a dog. It’s adorable even if the ears are a little off-center and the nose is crooked. It makes it more special this way. Depending on the yarn he has, he’ll knit the plushie in fun colors. Jaime even makes you a card instead of buying one. He writes it out in colored pencil so it matches the plushie.
Most gifts from Jaime will come in a bag, so there’s no need for him to wrap any boxes or anything like that. He finds it easier and more convenient for both of you.
Jon will ask you what you want most then he’ll buy that for you. He prefers to buy you one thing and have the rest of his gift be an activity he’s planned. It makes more sense to him to give you a gift that you can experience, rather than something materialistic. Jon plans a hike followed by a picnic under some trees. Romantic, but still enough of a surprise to qualify as a gift.
When he goes to wrap what he bought you, it turns out better than he thought. Sure, it’s a little sloppy, but it ends up looking pretty good. The ends are a bit crooked, and some of the paper is ripped from pulling on it, but Jon’s proud of it.
Edd has the worst time trying to figure out what you want, even when you give him a list. He wants it to be perfect, causing him to fret over every little thing. To be honest, it’s kinda cute, just ‘cause it’s Edd. Eventually, when he finds the perfect gift, he’ll buy cute wrapping paper to go along with it. Every year he buys a different pattern, too. Last year it was dragons, and this year it was snowmen.
Edd hides your present in a scavenger hunt-type thingy. He leaves little handwritten clues all over Castle Black to help you find it. If you have a hard time, Edd will come and help guide you through it. When you find and unwrap your gift, he kisses you sweetly right afterward, smiling so hard he almost breaks the kiss.
Grenn wanted to do the scavenger hunt idea like Edd did, but Edd told him he couldn’t steal his idea, so he had to come up with something different. He finally decided on taking you out for a nice dinner to give you your present then. He decorates the table with a few scented candles and flowers, trying to make it look as fancy as he could. Fancy-looking stuff is hard to come by this far north!
Grenn buys you something capable of fitting in a bag since the poor man is incapable of wrapping a present at all. He stuffs the bag to the brim with tissue paper, hoping it’d make it look fuller.
When it’s Jory’s turn to shop, he knows exactly what he wants. He’s in and out in not more than twenty minutes. Jory isn’t the biggest fan of shopping in general, so he wants to get it over with as quickly as possible. He buys you most of the clothes that you had on your list, including a few pairs of cute socks. Regardless of your clothing style preference, Jory loves seeing you wear socks with fun patterns on them.
When he gets home, he wraps them up all nice ‘n pretty with a big red bow. He makes you a card to go along with it. He uses a fancy pen to write on the inside, his cursive perfect. He surrounds his writing with a bunch of little hearts, some filled in, some not. Jory signs his name with a heart at the end, too.
Jorah is super nervous when it comes to the holidays and buying you a present. He wants it to be perfect! He goes to what seems like ten different stores, trying to find something you’d like, before finally settling on a pair of boots he’d seen you eyeing. Boots are the perfect gift! They even come with a nice box!
Speaking of boxes, if it’s not a perfect square/rectangle, Jorah won’t be able to wrap it. Like not at all. The paper is confusing and he does not like it at all. He picks out the prettiest wrapping paper he could find and does the best he can with it. In an attempt to make the box look a bit better, he ties a bow around it.
Bronn thinks the whole thing is stupid at first, but when he sees how excited you are for the holidays, he quickly changes his mind. He looks over your entire list and buys you everything he could find. Bronn’s never done any holiday shopping like this before, so his wrapping game isn’t exactly the best. When he finds out he could put his presents in bags, he thought he saw heaven. So he bought a butt-ton of bags and patterned tissue paper and called it a day.
Actually giving you your present is where Bronn started to panic. He’s never been good with this kind of stuff! He’s lucky he was able to ask you on a date without passing out! Bronn may be an intimidating knight, but around you, he gets pretty nervous. You make Bronn weak in the knees <3 His plan is to catch you when you have a minute, hand you your gifts, and not make a big deal about it. So he snags you out of the hallway and pulls you into an empty room, thrusting the gifts into your hands.
Watching Sandor holiday shopping is very entertaining. Seeing this 6’4” man buying clothes that obviously won’t fit him, carrying pink and purple shopping bags that clash with his typical darker outfits. Literally, all you need is a bowl full of popcorn and a lawn chair. Sandor surprisingly loves holiday shopping and shopping in general. He really enjoys shopping for you, finding things he thinks you might like, imagining how you’d look in an outfit he saw in the window.
No matter what he buys you, Sandor will put it in a box and wrap it. Wrapping presents is his favorite part about the holidays for him. He loves making them look real nice, even if it’s just going to be torn up later. Sandor takes Arya shopping with him, which is probably against his better judgment. He either invites her to go with him, or she’ll show up with her own horse and ride next to him. It’s easier to just invite her, trust me. Sandor needs to go shopping, Arya needs to go shopping, a win-win in Arya’s book.
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Long Lost Friend | GOT Imagine (Female!Reader)
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I don’t own any of the plots or characters of ASOIAF/GOT that all belongs to George R. R. Martin
Slightly follows this headcanon, but i plan to change a few things that were closer to the end of the hc. Might make a part 2
Characters in this imagine: Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane, Jorah Mormont, Davos Seaworth, Gendry Baratheon, Thoros of Myr, Beric Dondarrion, Sandor Clegane.
pairings: Sandor Clegane x reader (previous relationship), and slight Tormund Giantsbane x reader
Warnings: profanity, violence, mentions of death and sex, implications of attempted SA. 
Word Count: 4776 (not edited so sorry for typos. I’ll get to it soon)
“My scouts found them a mile south of the Wall, said they were on their way here.” The once silent cell block of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea was interrupted by the Free Folk Tormund Giantsbane. Behind him were a group of men, following close as the beaded fellow led them to the cell holding three others they had yet to recognize. It was cold, and the only light shining in was from the small windows around to the top of the cell. Two men huddled in their clothing were seated on a bench against the wall while the third laid on the table, wrapped in his furs. 
“You’re the Hound,” a voice spoke of recognition when the man on the table turned his head to see who had appeared. It was Jon Snow, the man they called the Bastard of Winterfell and currently the newly crowned King in the North. “I saw you once at Winterfell.”
“They want to go beyond the Wall too,” Tormund informed him before another voice spoke out. 
“We don’t want to go beyond the Wall, we have to,” Jon glanced over to see a man with an eye patch speaking to him. “Our Lord told us that the Great War is--.” He was abruptly cut off by a young man with a buzz cut.
“Don’t trust him,” he sneered, “Don’t trust any of them.” Moving to come in front of the bars where he could get a better look at the three, the young man added “They’re the Brotherhood, and the last thing their Lord told them to do is sell me to a red witch to be murdered.”
“Thoros?” The figure huddled in corner of the cell wall glanced up upon hearing his name. Leaning forward to get a better look at the voice addressing him, he met eyes with an older man staring back at him, “I hardly recognized you.” 
“Ser Jorah Mormont,” Thoros breathed out, ”They won’t give me anything to drink down here. I haven’t been feeling like myself.” Meanwhile, Tormund had turned his attention to Jorah the moment he heard his name, his expression turning into one of anger. 
“You’re a fucking Mormont.” Jorah met the eyes of Tormund, who was looking at him with resentment, “Like the last Lord Commander?”
“He was my father,” Jorah confirmed, which only made Tormund spited even more.
“He hunted us,” he spat, “like animals.”
“You returned the favor as I recall.” The atmosphere became tense as new discovers caused an even more drift amongst the group. The one-eyed man, Beric, broke the silence while smirking. “Here we all are, at the edge of the world. At the same moment, heading in the same direction for the same reason.”
“Our reasons aren’t your reasons,” Ser Davos commented.
“It doesn’t matter what we think our reasons are.” Beric stood from his place on the bench, “There’s a greater purpose at work, and we serve it together. Whether we know it or not. We may take the steps, but the Lord of Light--.”
“Oh for fucks sake will you shut your whole,” Sandor gruffly cuts him off from behind. “Are we coming with you or not?” He asks the group of men.
“Don’t you want to know what we’re doing?” Jorah questions from the side while Jon contemplates as he looks at the three in the cell. Thoros gives a shrug, “What’s worse than sitting in a freezing cell waiting to die?”
“He’s right,” Jon speaks causing everyone to go silent, “We’re all on the same side.” To his right, Gendry looks at him like he’s out of his mind. 
“How can we be?”
“We’re all breathing.” Extending his hand out, Tormund places the cell keys into his hand. The door us unlocked and Jon moves to the side, allowing the men to exit and closes it behind them. As he is locking it up, Tormund calls his attention.
“What should we do with this one here?” Turning around, Jon sees the man gesture to the cell directly across from the one they were at. It was dark with little light shining into it, but enough for it took appear no one was in there. 
“Someone’s in there?” he questioned with a raised brow, stepping forward to get a closer look into the compartment. It looked completely empty which made him more confused.
“Aye,” Tormund confirmed, “Remember me telling you about that woman from ‘Braavos’ who my scouts picked up some weeks ago? Well she’s in there. Hasn’t spoken a word since she first arrived and stays in that corner so she can’t be seen.” By now all the attention is focused on the dark corner away from any light on the side of the cell wall. There was some food crumbs on the floor where little light could be seen, indicating there was in fact evidence of someone being present.
“And she hasn’t once come out of that corner?” Jon asks and receives a nod in return. 
“Not that I know of. I’ve tried getting her to talk and will put food by the bars, I assume she grabs it at night when she knows it’s dark and there is no one watching.”
“I’ve heard her a few times,” Beric says to the group, “Late at night when these two are asleep I can sometimes hear shuffling. It’s so dark though I can never get a good look at her face.” 
Tormund nudged Jon to get his attention, “We confiscated their weapons when we first caught them. This one had a what you southerners call a Valyrian steel sword in her possession. Said it was her families sword. Nearly took one of my men’s arms off when they captured her.” 
The mention of a Valyrian steel sword had all the men in the room suspicious now of the unknown person. A Valyrian steel sword that is claimed to be her families ancestral heirloom? There was no way this woman was from Braavos, she had to have been original Westerosi. 
Jon turned back to the cell, “I know you’re in there,” he called out in a deep voice, “My name is Jon Snow and my friend here tells me you are from Braavos. As King in the North I order you to come out and tell us your reason for being here. Otherwise you’ll face the consequences for refusal.” The room grew silent once more, the men quiet as they watched for any movement in the corner. After a minute or so they could faintly make out the sound of shuffling, as though someone was standing up from a seated position.
The area divided by light and darkness was breached when a foot stepped out, followed by a body of the woman. The light shined on her face when it was finally revealed, and three of the men went froze when the realization came to them. Her face was scarred, the rough texture starting from the top of her forehead and making its way down her face until it reached just below her chin. Hair messy and tangled, and body adorned in black clothing resembling that of Night’s Watch gear.
“Seven Hells,” Sandor murmured, eyes locked on her approaching figure. It had been years since he saw her, the last when they were both just teenagers having night of passion when they had finally acted on years of attraction they felt towards one another. From his knowledge of the events following that night, he believed for the past eighteen years she was dead. After all, he can distinctly recall the day Gregor arrived back to Casterly Rock to inform Tywin of his ‘successful’ mission.
The large man wasn’t the only one shocked by her presence. Beside him Beric’s jaw mouth was slightly agape and Jorah was unable to form words by it all. The memories might be hazzy and full of holes for the one-eyes man, but her face and demeanor was enough to spark recogniztion and the pieces of memory came together.
The woman let out a chuckle, her hand coming to rest on the bars in front of her though the sound she let out was anything but humorous. She leaned in so she was up against the cold barricade, eyes trailing over the men in front of her.
“Beric, Jorah,” her flat yet honey voice spoke out when she greeted the pair, before sending a glare to the tallest one towering them, “Sandor. What a surprise to see you all together after all this time.”
“My Gods,” Jorah finally found his voice, “I thought you were dead all these years. When I heard about what happened I---.” She let out a scoff cutting him off.
“Ah yes, leave it to Tywin Lannister to make all of Westeros believe I was dead like the rest of my poor family he so happily slaughtered. He couldn’t have the country knowing his prized guard dog let the daughter of the enemy get away after he massacred the entire House and butchered the heir who was just a babe. No, that would be out of the great Lion’s character to have the people know he failed. He had to make them believe she were dead so the entire L/N name would be nothing but words in a history book.” She felt the anger within her rise. Face ridden with anger while she thought back to the day her family was murdered and she was nearly violated. The day she fled her home to survive and had been living in exile ever since. 
“My apologies,” she brought her hand over her chest, although it was obvious she was being sarcastic, “As you can see I hold bit of a grudge. But how could you blame me?” she let out a laugh, “I’m just saddened I wasn’t the one who put the arrow through his chest, I hear his own imp son got the honor. I’ll have to thank Tyrion for that if I ever see him again--.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Jon interrupted the woman who snapped her head toward them. Before she could answer the young Kind, Sandor’s voice cut through the air. “Y/N fucking L/N.” The room went silent, all eyes moving from the large man, to the woman behind the bars who stood with a blank face. Hearing the name of the once noble house made them all, except for Tormund, become shock by the presence of the female warrior they believed had been raped and butchered by the mountain during the prime years of Robert’s Rebellion. 
Her family was a noble and loyal House that stood beside House Targaryen during the war. Many who knew her during this time were aware of her skilled abilities with a sword and arrow, even impressing King Aerys who would have made her a part of his Kingsguard if she hadn’t been a woman. That didn’t stop her however from participating in duels and tournaments which is where she had become aquatinted and close with notable men like Ser Jorah and Beric Dondarrion. The country was shocked when the House was slaughtered and extinct, the young woman perishing alongside her family. 
“You’re Y/N of House L/N,” Everyone was brought out of their thoughts by Gendry’s voice. “You’re the daughter of Lord Y/F/N L/N from Storms End. One of the few houses that stood beside the Targaryen’s instead of King Robert when he was lord of Storms End. You’re said to be first female to become a Knight in Westeros.” The young man watched as she approached him, her palm running across the cold bars until she stood directly in front of him. Her glare was piercing, which made him shudder.
“I was never a Knight you silly boy,” she replied with a harsh tone, “Not even a King as mad as Aerys would bestow a title as suck on woman with his views. He may have respected me, was impressed by my fighting skills, but he still looked at me as birthing pod like any other man in this wrenched country. I was just a tough bitch who never lost a fight when dumb men dared to challenge me, saying that if they could bring me to my knees then their prize would be my hand in marriage. They are lucky I even allowed them to keep their knees after making such a ridiculous proposal.” 
The memories came to her in a rush. The harsh fights she endured to keep her virtue, and not allow some petty Lord try to take away all she dreamed for. Being a Lady was never what she wanted, but she had a duty and adored her father so she honored what he expected of her. She was grateful he never pressured her into anything, and would turn away any suitor he deemed unfit, always taking her opinions into account. 
“It was always exhausting,” she dramatically sighed, “having to put foolish men in their place. Dealing with the unworthy, such silliness from me though to think I would actually find a suitor who admired me for me and not just the name of face,” she glanced up from the ground to meet a certain man’s eyes. “I thought that someone was you, Sandor.” His body went rigid, and she walked slowly back over to where he was, leaning against the bars and tilting her chin up. “I had never believed you to be the one to fuck and leave, but I guess I was wrong.” She curled her lips up in a smirk, though her eyes remained narrowed, “You were just like every other man.”
Sandor remained stilled, his face blank and although he tried to put up a hard front, Y/N could tell her words were getting to him. How he felt the guilt from leaving and not coming to her rescue. 
“What happened to you Y/N?” Beric changed the subject from beside Sandor, “It’s been over twenty years.” She felt her face drop, the memories beginning to play in her head which had her flinch.
“Aye, it has hasn’t it,” she muttered, “the memories get a little weary after so much time has passed, but I can still remember clearly of that day. It was beautiful outside and mother was resting after having to care for my brother who was only a babe. Father and I were talking in his study when we heard the shouts from outside the castle. It didn’t take long to realize what was happening. I could see the lion sigils from the window and knew Tywin had sent his forces to slaughter us. If Robert had a hand it in I wouldn’t be surprised, after all we were Targaryen loyalists. 
“My father begged me to take my brother and hide or flee, but of course I was stubborn. I should’ve just listened but I didn’t want to leave my family without a fight. It was a bloodbath. Our soldiers were massacred, the Lannister fuckers made it into the castle and before I knew it I was witnessing the Mountain drive his sword through my fathers stomach before bringing it down on his head. That’s how I got this scar on my face gentlemen,” Y/N brought her hand up to gesture to the marks on her face.
“I tried to protect my father, but good ole Clegane slashed me and tossed me to the floor like a doll. I laid there while he butchered my father before turning to my mother. My poor brother never stood a chance when the Mountain split him half.” Y/N’s face turned back to Sandor, leaning so her face was practically in between the bars while she stared up at him with cold eyes.
“Your brother almost had his way with me. Did he tell you that,” The hound clutched his hand into a fist. “I bet he bragged about it, saying he did in fact fuck me. How I screamed, how I cried. Of course Tywin wouldn’t have cared, as long as I was dead then he wouldn’t have done anything to his prized guard dog.” Many of the men had focused their attention on the hound. All of them speechless by the horrible tale of events. Sandor was silent, but kept his eyes connected with Y/N, unable to put into words how he was feeling.
“Truth be told he almost did,” the woman then said, backing away from the bars. “He had just managed to get all my clothes off and was trying to undo his when I reached for the knife beside me and drove it into his side. It gave me enough time to kick him away so I could escape. I ran and never looked back. Knowing Tywin would search for me if he found out I was alive, I smuggled myself on a ship heading for Essos. I’ve been in Braavos ever since.”
Y/N let out a chuckle, turning to the red-bearded giant with a smirk, “I wasn’t exactly telling the whole truth when I said I was from Braavos.”
The man scoffed though a ghost of a smile had made it’s way on his face, “You almost fooled me there.” She winked at him before tuning to the King in the North. Jon was still taken aback by all Y/N had told them. He was amazed at how she managed to survive everything although it saddened him that she had spend the past 20 years in exile so she could stay alive.
“So, King in the North,” He was brought out his thoughts by her voice, blinking rapidly when he realized she was standing in front of him, “What is it you plan to do with me?”
Jon glanced to the men beside him before landing on Ser Davos, who simply shrugged at him, “I don’t know that depends,” his attention was back on her, “You’re the last of your House. Unfortunately your ancestral home was given to another so I don’t think it would be wise to take it yourself.” Her scoff surprised him, the look on her face indicating she would be up for a challenge.
“That’s tempting, but a suicide mission obviously. Any other options?” 
Jon thought for a moment, “Are you aware there are two Queens in Westeros?”
There was a firm nod from the woman, “When I heard the rumor of the dead rising in Westeros, I also heard the tale of two queens and a lone king. I thought why not come back home after all these years and see for myself.”
Jon couldn’t decipher the look on Y/N’s face. It was full of many emotions, her eyes were cold. Part of him felt she was resentful of both Cersei and Daenerys, the former not surprising, but the latter quite shocking. 
“Would you want to pledge yourself to one of them. I will allow you to go free and travel to where you please.” The laugh Y/N let out lacked humor which made Jon feel a little nervous by what her answer would be.
“Oh Jon, can I call you that?” She cut him off before he could answer, “Listen, Jon, you think I would I swear fidelity to the woman whose father slaughtered my family? I would slit my own throat before I ever follow Cersei. As for Daenerys,” Her tone had an edge to it, “Her father was the reason the war every happened. If her brother hadn’t kidnapped your aunt, then your grandfather and uncle would still be alive and Robert wouldn’t never rebelled. My family was loyal to the Targaryen’s yes, but they are the reason my family is gone, my House is gone. Call it a grudge or whatever the fuck you want, but I will not bend the knee to a Queen whose family is the reason for mines demise.”
Her rant left the young King speechless. The anger in her tone gave much emphasis on the words she spoke. She projected the pent up years of anger of resentment in them. 
“But you,” her voice became low, eyes gazing over his cloaked figure, “You didn’t offer yourself as a option to swear loyalty. Why?”
It was a question he wasn’t expecting, and honestly part of him couldn’t understand why he didn’t give himself as an option. He didn’t think he was one, that she would want to follow a Queen, mostly Daenerys, rather than a King. 
“I-I,” he stuttered, “I didn’t think I was an option.”
“Why not? You are a King aren’t you?”
“Yes, but--”
“Is it because I’m not from the North?” Y/N asked, “From what I know Ser Jorah here is from the North, yet he choses to follow Daenerys. This man, Ser Davos, yes?” the older man nodded, “I recognize his Flea Bottom accent. He’s from King’s landing, but here he is following you. You may be young, your Grace, but I would’ve thought you knew by now that you don’t have to be of a certain land to follow a certain monarch.”
Y/N leaned closer to the bars, her face becoming more temperament. “Your father was an honorable man. I admired Ned. He was one of the few men I came across who respected me and didn’t try to have his father make an arrangement with mine so I could marry him. I never blamed Ned or his family for the war. After all, it was Rhaegar who decided to take Lyanna. All Rickard and Brandon wanted was to have her back and it was Aerys who made the choice to murder them. Your father wanted justice, and I don’t blame him for it.”
“But my father stood beside Robert. He helped overthrow Aerys and your family was loyal to him.”
“And that was my father and I’s greatest mistake,” Y/N admitted, “It wasn’t Stark bannerman that came to kill my family, Jon, it was Lannister. I have no reason to be angered at you or your family.”
Jon was at a loss for words. Here was a woman, known for her honor and loyalty just like the great people of her house admitting to the mistakes they made and regretful of the side they chose to fight for. It was an admirable thing, and Jon felt a sense of gratitude for it.
The man was about to speak when she once again spoke, but her words shocked not only him, but the men around as well. “Shall I bend the knee then? To prove to you that I, Y/N of House L/N swear fidelity to you, Jon Snow the King in the North where I vow to serve you, obey you, give my life to you if you asked from this day, until the end of my days.” 
After several seconds of silence, the two firmly staring at one another while fully processing the words that were just spoken, Jon gave a nod. Y/N tilted her chin up slightly, stepping away from the bars to give herself enough space. All eyes were drawn to her as she lowered her body down, head bowing until her knee hit the ground. 
She remained kneeling for a moment, before slowly rising. Her eyes connected with Jon, offering him a genuine smile this time which had the young King return one to her. 
“Thank you, your Grace. It’s an honor to follow and serve you.”
“The honor is mine, my Lady,” Jon replied with a nod. “I am happy to have a warrior like yourself a part of my service.” Y/N gave a slight bow.
“It would have looked better if I had my sword,” she joked, “Which by the way, can I have that back?” Her eyes glanced between Jon and Tormund. The red-bearded man looked to Jon for the answer, the King nodded in return. While Tormund went to retrieve the weapon, Y/N questioned what the next move would be and if she could leave the cell.
While unlocking the door, Jon replied, “Well there is Winterfell. My sister, Sansa, is running things for me and I can send a raven to her. We expect the war with the dead to head there if they make it past the wall, we’ll need all the help against them. We can get you a place in the castle or Winter town if you’d like.” 
Y/N contemplated the proposal while stepping out of the cell. It was a generous offer, and the woman appreciated the gesture from the young King. 
“I am grateful for your kindness and generosity of the proposal, your Grace. But I am going to have to decline. I vowed to serve you and from what I heard when you came in here is you’re planning to go beyond the Wall. Let me come with you.”
“My Lady, these things out there are unlike anything you’ve ever been up against.”
“Which is why there is a first for everything. Please, your Grace. I am an excellent and skilled fighter, I could be of great use,” she gestured her head to the three men farthest to the left of her. “Ask any of them. They can vouch for it. Beric and I were always the attraction to see at the sparing tournaments. Jorah even mentored me whenever my father was busy, and Sandor witnessed my fighting first hand during the duels we attended.”
Jon turned to face the three men she mentioned. All who were rather taken aback at first. They all gave each other looks, as if they were conversing in their mind. Jorah was the first to nod, followed by Beric and finally Sandor. 
“Very well,” Jon sighed and Y/N once again smiled. Approaching footsteps were head causing all in the room to turn their attention to the doorway where Tormund appeared holding a holster belt that contained a long, steel sword.
He walked until he was right in front of Y/N, extending his hand out. The sword was huge, much like many Valyrian swords and was lined with silver and gold, with a white owl as its pommel. Y/N took the sword in her hands, checking to make sure it didn’t have any abrasions that indicated someone had been using it. When she found none, Y/N secured the belt around her waist.
“Does it have a name?” Jon asked, watching her tighten the leather until it was belt was snug against her.
The group made their way back up to the main floor of Eastwatch. Those who didn’t have furs or cloaks were given one, tightening them to keep warm from the harsh cold they were about to face. Jon and Tormund led the way to the gate, the red-bearded fellow sending a wink to the woman who returned the gesture with a smirk. 
“You know,” he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “The best way to stay warm out there is by fucking.” She didn’t falter in her steps despite her heart skipping a bit by his words. 
How bold of him to say such things to a Lady, but then again, Y/N was far from a Lady and Tormund was not familiar with how partnerships worked south of the Wall.
“Is it now?” she feigned innocence, her eyes moving to look at his. The man, with a grin plastered on his face, nodded eagerly. She let out a chuckle by his manners, looking away briefly to think for a moment before reconnecting their eyes. “Well then, Tormund, I know just who to go to when I am in need of warming up.”
Oh he was smitten to say the least.
Lining behind the steel, they waited for the gate to open, immediately being welcomed by the harsh winds when it slowly rose.  Y/N shivered when the cold hit her, the breeze blowing through her hair and she clutched onto her furs. Tormund was beside her and noticed her discomfort.
“You get used to it.”
“I don’t doubt it.”
The gate fully rose and they all stepped out into the open until they were all out of the tunnel. Jon looked back, eyes glancing over who stood with him. Thoros gave a cheeky look to the Hound, who’s expression made Y/N want to laugh. Take one final look at Eastwatch, Jon tuned around and began walking, everyone following in step behind him. 
With the snow raining down and the winds pushing against them, the eight figures moved through the rough grounds and into the unknown. Their stories, all with different tales and different background. Some who fought against each other, others who were in exile. 
Despite it all, here they were. Working together on the same side for the hope that they will live to see the next year. Their stories coming together, unbeknownst to how it will end. 
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
How the GoT Characters React To You Being Very Affectionate
So the original request was “HCs for characters being touch starved” and I dont think all of them would be necessarily so I kinda just did this? Sorry to that anon lol I did my best. we are slooowly working through the GoT request pile
In this preference, you’ll be doting on: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Podrick Payne, Petyr Baelish, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion, Gendry
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Initially, your affections and sweetness were a little overwhelming for him. He wasn’t used to such attention, but he really didn’t mind them. Even when he teased you about being so close and touchy in front of all his bannermen, he wouldn’t change it about you. Ned’s favorite thing is when you’d find him in the middle of the day and touch his face to reassure him, he liked to lean into your hand and enjoy your touch before he had to return to his duties. You had a feeling that Ned was only nervous about it at first because he was being bashful, but once he was comfortable, he loved the evenings when you sat in his lap and freely kissed and touched him.  
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Robb loves how open you are about affection and he feels so, so lucky that the gods gave him such a sweet wife. While he has to maintain his "strict" lordly facade when speaking to his men and other lords, he's more than relieved to melt into your touch at the end of the day. Whenever you’re by his side, holding his arm and beaming, he’s so proud and in love that he doesn’t even notice the eye rolling whenever you kiss his cheek or his hand. It honestly helps Robb get through the weight of the war and he sees you as a source of strength, rather than a weakness, as many less worthy lords would think.
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Back when she first met you, Sansa loved how unashamed you were of affection. Some in court may see it as weakness, but still today she sees it as proof of your great compassion. Your touches and hugs comforted her greatly when you were friends, and when you became lovers, your soft words and kisses are just what she needed to bolster her spirit and be strong. Sansa takes great amusement in the fact you both can hold hands, sit close and whisper to each other and the court writes it off as "just close friends". She's happy and grateful to have such an affectionate, romantic partner, and she tells you often. Sometimes it’s difficult for her to return those honest gestures, but she knows you understand.
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Jon was completely flustered at first; even if it was a quick hug and kiss, he’d get red and stumble out whatever he was saying. At first he thought it was just because you were a girl, and he didn’t have much experience with those, but even just simple touches like holding his hand or brushing his messy hair out of his face would get his heart beating. Jon would realize that he’d never had so much attention and concern before, and while he liked it very much, he’d have a few moments of total surprise before happily returning the affection, albeit clumsily. Sometimes when you’re just holding his hand while talking, he’ll get distracted and grin at your connected hands, amazed he’s so lucky to have found someone like you at a place like this.
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Benjen adores this part of your personality, and he always takes it a step further just to tease you. Other times he’ll hold you close and not want to let you, giving you a taste of his own naturally affectionate nature. He’s glad you both are compatible like this, since there are times when you can’t see each other for a long time, and he loves that you’re just as willing to make up for lost time. Whenever you both have a long time alone, good luck being apart from him - aside from intimacy, he likes just having you in his lap or leaning on him. Tease him for being clingy all you want, he just gestures to your arms around him and says, “Well, that makes us a perfect match, doesn’t it?”
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While it initially flustered him to no end and took him off guard more than once, Jory easily adapted to your touches. He was glad you loved him that much, and you weren’t afraid to show it. Sometimes … okay, really often, he’s gently teased for it by his uncle and the other guards, but he wouldn’t change you at all. When Jory is feeling more bold he’ll return the light kisses, regardless of whose around. He’ll let you hug and touch and kiss to your heart’s content when you both are alone, and before long he’s total putty in your hands and will do whatever you please.
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It always made him nervous when you’d take his hand to get his attention, or when you stood so close, which was often. Edd used to chalk it up to you being a girl, and from a better family, besides… But once you two were alone more and spent time together, he realized you were just a naturally touchy, affectionate person. Eventually he realized his nerves were from a damn crush. Before you were officially together, he watched you carefully, hoping you weren’t giving so many sweet touches to your other friends (you weren’t, and that’s what gave him the courage to talk with you about his feelings… that, and Sam all but shoved him to do it). Edd totally relishes in your affection, as he’s been lacking it in for years.
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Mance enjoys how sweet you are, and thinks it’s amusing that such a young woman would want to lavish her kisses and touches on an old former crow like him. He always indulges you and even during meetings, he’ll let you sit as close as you want. Once you both are alone, he takes comfort in how easily you fit in his lap and how you rest your head against his chest. It gives him a warm feeling, one that feels like home … Something he hadn’t felt so strongly in a while. His favorite thing is when you doze off next to him, as nothing helps him think through his plans better than your scent and softness. 
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Oh, Tormund can’t get enough of you, and he’s delighted that you’re just the same. He thinks this just further proves how perfect you are for each other, and he’ll say it loud and proud as he holds you up in his arms and spins you around. Yes, the other tribes are exhausted with you two and find you nauseating … but the last man who complained had two punches to dodge. Tormund especially likes that it isn’t just lustful touches and looks; he adores that you’ll kiss and hold him just because you want to, for no reason other than you’re in love. Everyone knows when he’s thinking about it because he grins like a dork and seems lost in his own world.
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At first, he’d always use your frequent touches as a way to brag to Robb and Jon about how you prefer him. You were flirting, obviously, and you must have wanted to be with him. The thing he didn’t tell them is how much you puzzled him, because your touches were so … kind. Gentle, even, when you brushed a leaf out of his hair or took his hand to look at a cut. He didn’t know what to do, and his usual ego was no help. He’d never been cared for so gently like that. Your kisses were worse because they gave him such a foreign, fluttery feeling, he thought he was getting sick, yet he kept yearning for it. You’d be able to get past Theon’s usual bragging and discover an amusing, needy side as he’d follow you around, almost waiting for you to hug or touch him again.
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On one hand, Yara has her tough captain’s reputation to maintain, so she has little patience if you have a need for her while she’s working. She can’t be seen accepting your kisses and hugs, no matter how much she yearns for them. She understands you might be hurt by this, but she’d hope you’d understand. Besides, she more than makes up for it later in the evening. Even if Yara might consider you needy, there is a comfort in how readily you give your affection and how much you enjoy touching her. She can’t remember having a partner who kissed her so sweetly, not just lustfully, and of course her family didn’t give her so much reassurance. Her appreciation for it only increases when she’s drunk, because you’re going to sit in her lap and there will be no escape, so touch and kiss however you like, she’ll just laugh and go along with it.
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When she was in the throne room, carrying her heavy queenly persona, Daenerys couldn’t afford to glance your way and seem distracted. Once there was finally a chance to be alone together, Daenerys just soaked up the affection you gave her. She loved that no matter what terrible thing happened to you, your nature stayed loving and doting. She admired that. When her duties felt like too much, she relished in being able to curl up in your arms and feeling your fingers run through her hair. She makes sure you feel loved too, of course, but she’s so grateful you let her be selfish now and again and just take up all your attention. She often tells you what you mean to her, and anyone can see the way she looks at you.
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Oh, poor sweet Jorah. He’s so overwhelmed by the affection at first, it completely distracts him from what he’s doing, even if all you’re doing is coming up behind him for a surprise hug and kiss. He leans into your touches so eagerly and it confuses you, because wasn’t he married once or twice? Still, it’s cute how weak you can get him, and you definitely take advantage when you’re teasing him or trying to get his attention. In the evenings, Jorah will waste little time in pulling you into his lap and muttering how sweet you are and how much he adores you, usually making the affection lead into something more. More than once you two end up getting lost in your own world and forget who's around you; only to be reminded by the Dothraki whooping and laughing. Truthfully, Jorah is very happy that you’re just as doting in public are you are in private. 
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Your closeness and touches made her heart flutter and her hands get clammy, and it confused her at first. She’d be touched inappropriately, always against her will, but you always asked before you held her hand or hugged her. You were always so warm, and you smelled nice, and why were you hugging her, anyway? Missandei liked it more than she wanted to admit, but she wondered why. Once Jorah and Daenerys gave her enough hints, and you finally gave your confession, she realized she hadn’t been touched so sweetly and innocently before. Even after you’ve been together for a while, it’s the gentle cuddles and chaste touches that Missandei likes best. You don’t miss how she nuzzles against you when you cradle her against your chest.
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When you first took his hand as he escorted you through the market, you thought you overstepped your bounds. He just stared at your entwined hands, not even noticing the bustling activity around him. There were other times when you’d hold his face while cleaning a wound on his cheek, or sit close to him at a meeting table, and you could swear he stopped breathing. Grey Worm never told you to keep away, but he also looked so much like a caught animal that you felt bad. In truth it made Grey Worm so nervous when you touched him, and he hadn’t the slightest idea of how to react. No one else did this to him, and you rarely did the same to others as far as he observed. Finally Missandei noticed his palpable confusion and helped him work out his feelings. When you two are together, Grey Worm never denies the affection you want to give, though sometimes he’s clearly startled or confused by it. He slowly begins to return it on his own terms, squeezing your hand back, resting against your shoulder, or gently touching your back as you two walk. It takes time, but you slowly get to see his shoulders relax and a soft smile appear on his face. 
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As anyone would have expected of this man, he’s clearly proud to have you on his arm during social gatherings. You’ll sit close at the dais, sometimes leaning in closer to whisper something to him. The whole of the court gossips about your relationship enough, and you give them plenty of material with your affections. Tywin stays passive, although after a while he began to brush your hair aside and stroke your hand. Privately he continues to tell himself it’s for show and means nothing. That works until you both are intimate or enjoying a rare moment of peace together and he finds himself wanting you to stay close. He lets you cuddle close and kiss and touch, denying how much it affects him to the very end. It’s bad enough he has to contend with your wit and schemes during the day, he doesn’t need more reasons to become attached to you.
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Tyrion drinks in your affection like a man crawling in a desert; you figured that out quickly. You figured he was a naturally kind and loving person, and he was clearly taken with you, and you wouldn’t deny him the affection that came naturally to you. After a while you began to see how much he depended on it, how much he needed it. In private you gave him all he wanted - sometimes he still struggled to ask for it openly, you so took the lead - and in public you had to be careful. Not just because the court found your marriage a great joke and it was exhausting to deal with their gossip, but because it distracted Tyrion so much when you held his hand and gave him a simple kiss during a feast. He’d never grow tired of your attention and would tell you again and again how much he adored you for it.
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He relishes how affectionate you are and returns it tenfold, and more often than not ends up getting turned on and wants to take it further. While you’re fine with that, sometimes you just want to express your love. It doesn’t have to lead to anything more. Jaime was confused by this when you explained it - he tried to think back when someone kissed his cheek, stroked his hair or hugged him … just because they loved him. He especially needed that love and attention when he came back from the Dreadfort, and didn’t feel at all foolish asking for it, but he rarely needed you. You just always knew when to hold him, as if he needed more reasons to love you even more.
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The first time you held his face to bring him closer, he flinched like it hurt. You noticed he was more willing to accept your touches when you were in bed together, and even then, his rough pace would slow and falter as you kissed him and brought him closer. To say Sandor was unused to affection is an understatement; he hated the panicky, anxious feeling it gave him, and his instant thought was to push you away when it happened. The feeling wasn’t a welcome one, but your touch and warmth was, so needless to say just simple touches gave him a mix of feelings. He tries to be gruff, but as time goes on he starts to just lean and melt into you, especially when you both are alone. He doesn’t want to ask for it, but you can tell he’s yearning when he sits around just staring and sulking at you.
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At first he brushed it off as you just being one of those silly women, and you’d get tired of doting on him eventually. He thought you were trying to get something from him, but he didn’t have much to offer a lady besides the bed, which you weren’t always trying to get in. It confused Bronn when you kept doing this, and he denied himself how much the attention began to affect him. He started to get used to them, to want them, and he overcame these weird feelings by pulling you to his lap and trying to initiate something deeper. Pretty soon Bronn couldn’t deny what your affection meant, and began working out a way to tell you that you ought to do better than him. It was for himself as much as you, he wasn’t ready for this, but then you’d wrap your arms around him and the thoughts quickly left his head.
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You had to be careful when you were sweet on him and where, because the poor boy would redden to his ears and try to stammer something, if he could manage words at all. You thought it was cute that even after knowing each other for so long, Pod never got used to your affectionate nature. Sometimes when he’s working he gets distracted thinking about you, leading to him spacing out or making mistakes. Once you’re together, he begins to slowly gain confidence, although you’re still the one who usually initiates things first. Holding your hand or arm while you two take walks is his favorite, he feels all his anxiety slowly melt away.
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Oh, he can’t hide how much he adores your attention. He tries to keep his cool, but the more you lean on him and look up through those pretty lashes, the less Petyr can resist giving you whatever you please. In private, he can’t keep himself from pulling you closer to keep encouraging you. All you need to do is act your usual, sweet self and you have him wrapped around your finger. When you both are intimate, his greediness is even more evident, he wants your hands on him and sometimes he even trembles from all the attention. Sometimes he breathlessly asks you not to tease him so much, but you know he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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He hadn’t the slightest idea of what to do. You noticed that right away when he flinched anytime you expressed your affection. You outright asked Stannis if you should stop, and it’s not that he hated it, it was just… It was so new, he wasn’t sure how to react. It was difficult to dial back your naturally affectionate nature, but you did, taking things slower. Gradually Stannis began to enjoy the attention and return it in his own way, and he let you be as clingy and sweet as you wanted when you were intimate. He couldn't express it well with words, but he began to look forward to your embrace and anxiously yearn for your presence whenever he had to travel. Whenever you stood by his side during meetings, close enough that your shoulders brushed and he could feel your warmth, he’d feel a distinct sense of security and confidence. 
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Davos finds you incredibly endearing, and he’s always considered himself lucky to have you, but he’s not always sure if he deserves your affections. You have so much of it, and he often wonders if you ought to be giving it to a younger man of a better station. Of course anytime he has these thoughts, you’re right there to reassure him and make sure he knows there’s no one else for you. He “scolds” you for being cheeky whenever you show affection in public, but in private he lets you do whatever you please. He can’t get enough of your cuddles in the evening and how you just curl under his touch, he thinks he might be the luckiest man alive.
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Oh, Margaery thinks you’re just a doll. She loves teasing you about it, but she’s the one who pushes things and sees how much you two can get away with. The court assumes you’re just “good friends”, although her grandmother has given her plenty of scoldings about the rumors floating around Highgarden. Margaery loves being spoiled by your attention and often waits expectantly for a kiss or hug - you can get back at her by “forgetting” and walking past her. If she had her way, you’d be draped around her all day, fawning over her and she’d give you sweet praises and pets in return. No, this mental image is not awakening anything in her, don’t ask. 
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The old knight thought he was too old for things like this, which is to say, a beautiful lady doting on him and wanting his affection. For a short while he thought you should give your attention to someone else, but as the relationship went on, he felt like an idiot for thinking that at all. When you hold and kiss him, Brynden just melts into the warmth and comfort. He loves the more gentle touches you have, like when you hold his face as you kiss him or rest against his chest and curl up in his lap. Half the time he can’t even make a jap about your neediness, because he feels he needs it just as much. He loves feeling your warm skin under his rough hands and it’s even better if you start getting hot and bothered from all his touching.
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Edmure loves it because he’s just as absurdly affectionate and touchy feely, and it makes him giddy with happiness when you take his face in your hands and just hold him like that, you don’t even have to kiss him. All of Riverrun knows how sappy you both are and it’s both sweet and just sickening. Brynden can’t decide if he’s amused or annoyed by it and Catlyn just dies inside at the ‘impropriety’ of you two mooning over each other at dinner. You two have quite a reputation in the Riverlands for being such a loving couple, and the smallfolk adore you. 
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Your knight had such a strong reaction to your touches that you thought she hated it at first. You’d do something simple, like brush her hair out of her face to better see a bruise or hold her hand when speaking to her, and her face would go red as an apple. With great difficulty, Brienne finally explained that she didn’t hate it, she just … Well, she trailed off, but you could tell she felt like she didn’t deserve such attention. It’s worse once she realizes her feelings, she gets so flustered and starts to read into every action you take, wanting it to mean something, but positive that she was just projecting. You’d have to take the first step in confessing and reassuring her. 
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He used to take advantage of this, grasping you when you came close to brush something off his tunic or fix his hair. As much as Ramsay’s clingy nature could be suffocating, you were always an affectionate person, and you felt it was all you’d get in the Dreadfort. However, you began to notice that he’d be off-put by your genuine concern and softer touches. Sometimes he’d just stare at you, trying to puzzle out why you were doing it. He didn’t think he disliked it, he wanted your attention all the time, it just gave him such a startling feeling. After a while you were able to calm Ramsay’s more unstable moods by just keeping hold on him and distracting him with touches. Whenever something pulled him away from the Dreadfort, he'd grow antsy with each passing day, both from wanting to be back in your arms and not understanding why he wanted it.
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Even if you weren’t pleased with the arranged marriage, you couldn’t help but hold Roose’s arm as you both walked, or gently touch him to get his attention. You steadily got a little bolder, because you noticed there was a brief, strange look in his cold eyes anytime you touched him. You knew he didn’t dislike it because when you slept together, he’d almost shudder as you ran your hands along his body. You began to figure out what made him pause the most, what he responded best to, and that’s how you could sway him - just by being considerate, comforting, and a little needy. It was always a surprise how such a cold man began to expect and want the attention, although Roose pretended he didn’t care. He was more honest about his feelings in private, expecting you to give him even more.
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Oberyn adores that you’re such a sweet and needy thing, and he teases you about it all the time - but you know he’s the same and he wouldn’t change you for anything. He doesn’t care whose in the room, he wants you in his lap and just beams with happiness when you lay your head on his chest or wrap your arms around him. Eventually Doran will please ask you two to reign yourselves in, at least during important dinners and meetings. It’d be up to you to dial it down, because Oberyn will stubbornly want to keep you on his lap or right by his side.
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While he was initially bashful, Beric quickly began to relish in your affection and seek it out, especially when the day’s events were hard on him. In the evening he loves nothing more than resting next to you, his arm around your waist or letting you sit in his lap. When it’s time to sleep, he feels so much more peaceful when your head is on his chest and he can pet your hair as he slowly dozes off. Beric tells you many times that he’s grateful for your sweetness and warmth, and he gets plenty of it, quietly worrying he’ll forget something one day.
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The first time you took his hand to pull him back from running into someone, he nearly dropped what he was holding. You kept holding it as you two walked home, and he was praying you didn’t notice how sweaty his palm was. You were like this as long as he could remember, always giving him hugs and standing so close and holding his hand far beyond the age when you two should’ve stopped. It was never really anything you two discussed, because it was just who you were, and as much as it made him blush, he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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armandbacon · 3 years
As a result, Delta's Japanese revenues have fallen significantly in dollar terms.
As a result, Delta's Japanese revenues have fallen significantly in dollar terms. She sobbed till she became hysterical. But she pushed the thought aside. Press the button quickly two more times until you see "H" on the screen with a blinking number next to it. Blackwood’s solar was on the second floor of a cavernous timber keep. Thanks Phyllis Caldwell for standing by idle while banks ripped thru millions of nike air max denim for sale foreclosures, the vast majority of which were frauds. “Brown Ben lets it go, but one day we’ll get us a real armorer.” Hammer’s apprentice was a wiry red-haired youth called Nail. His paintings, though not large in number, are of wonderful historical variety and significance. I’ll undertake to arrange it bottines cloutees femme all for puma red bull racing evo cat papuci de casa din pasla ii you, meetings, and everything. She talked eagerly of the blue skies, of the high mountains with snow and ice on them which she had seen and passed through, of the waterfalls in the mountains; and then of the lakes sandalias doradas gioseppo and valleys of Italy, of the flowers and trees, of the villagers, of their dress, their dark faces, and black eyes.. If you are a class member and do not opt out, you will automatically become a class member in this lawsuit and will be bound by ghete galbene piele any judgment or other final disposition, whether favorable to the class or not. He had been afraid, though. And again. In June last year, a report by the British Fashion Council said we have been setting menswear trends since 1528. Lord Ramsay laughed. "They installed an electric wheelchair lift which allowed him to safely and quickly board and disembark the aircraft," said Museum Curator Christina Douglass. Which one do you prefer?. "When we're all here together, it doesn't matter if you work in budget analysis, auditing, or management accounting. “I know that tale as well, but Daeron made too much of it in that vainglorious book of his. A young girl, by will of her mistress, was to have her freedom at twenty-one; and it was required by the will that in the mean time she should be educated in such a manner as to enable her to earn her living when free, her services in the mean time being bequeathed to the daughter of the defendant. For an extra $75, this fork is offered with RockShox cable actuated OneLoc remote. That's been sorted now. He'll soon have his own magazine. My own father’s owner now came and lived in the neighborhood of this man, and brought my mother with him. And what could have been better? "I think she could perhaps have gone for something in leather which would have been a bit sleeker.". And ferocious. Her tokar and veils she had abandoned in the pit, and her linen undertunic had never been made to withstand the hot days and cold nights of the Dothraki sea. When they arrived near Key West, they hoisted a signal for a pilot, the captain being aware of the dangers of the place, and yet not knowing how to avoid them. Her lips quivered. Does she never sleep? What game are you playing, priestess? Did you have some other task for Mance?. The cup was worth about fourpence, perhaps even less. This is the reasoning behind the majority of the professional tour companies based in Las Vegas to offer Bryce as part of a larger tour, instead of as a single day event.. You ask any hitter, they typically don't like to face a left hander that has some movement and can run balls away from them. Ever the largest of her three, in the wild Drogon had grown larger still. Lord Manderly had turned a deaf ear to his pleas. Distributor: Starz Digital Media.. “You should be.” He yanked at her arm, pulling her along beside him. I just want to do something that will change something.". Gary ran Concepts a residential and commercial cabinet shop. I wanted to fly to you today (I was free for half a minute) to give you a flying kiss, but I didn’t succeed even in that. Just continually tried to drill and make his game better in lots of different ways. Mance Rayder’s host had broken against the Wall like gotcha karkötő a wave upon a stony shore, though the defenders were no more than a handful of old men, green boys, and cripples. sandalias doradas gioseppo You know, you’d better be going home. Such a feeling the law regards as hateful, and visits, in its practical exhibition, with condign punishment, because opposed to the very existence of law and society. So far this year in the Mahoning County area they've investigated one fatal crash, 32 crashes with injuries and 155 causing property damage. His breathing had grown labored. “The bad cat was outside my window last night,” he informed Kevan at one point, “but Ser Pounce hissed at him and he ran off across the roofs.”. The home and home against the Friars has concluded, but because of geography and the fact that both games were very competitive, this series should be allowed to continue and build into a rivalry. Less horno teka hc 610 me blanco than an hour later, a truck arrived from Los Angles. M. Tormund will take Oakenshield as his seat, to keep him close at hand.”. He had never eaten the meat of men with human teeth. With enough coin, we could buy ‘prentice glassblowers and glaziers in Myr, bring them north, offer them their freedom for teaching their art to some of our recruits. “What ship is that?” he asked Ser Jorah Mormont. The thatch and timber had been consumed by fire, in whole or in part, and under the shattered panes of the Glass Garden the fruits and vegetables that would have fed the castle during the winter were dead and black and frozen. The dwarfs from Joffrey’s wedding. He uttered the last words so sincerely, with so much feeling, with such an air of genuine respect for Natasha, that it conquered us all. With a grade school education and no money to support training, she didn't have many prospects. It the least they can do after all, it doesn cost them any votes or profits.. “Westeros is … somewhere down there.” His hand waved vaguely toward the far end of the hall. One might get a priest from a neighbouring village, what do you think? I suppose there are neighbouring villages! It’s a pity that legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát I haven’t had time to write a line; I ought to have warned them we were corning. Although Bombardier has left the GTF engine issues behind, supply chain constraints appear to be, now, a more pressing issue. Among the European influenced cuisine are some Mediterranean inspired appetizers. We had the benefit of the ongoing RCMP investigation and we received some witness statements from the defence. That earned him the worst thrashing he ever had at Winterfell, though it was almost tender compared to the beatings his brothers used to give him back on Pyke. But what is surprising is how much of this is going on. She has courage, I grant that, but if she thinks I am about to suffer another scolding, she could not be more wrong. With the salsa travel, it is important to sit a little lower, as if about to sit in a chair, to really get into this move.
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qwsadhfkcgfufd · 3 years
Trump told the Christian Broadcasting Network
She might mistake him for a stableboy and hand him the reins of her horse.. Nurse returned with Jorah Mormont. “You have no lack of enemies, Your Grace. In the section of this great country where I live, on the banks of the mighty Mississippi river, we have the true emblem of the tree of liberty. This prevents goslings from hatching in the weeks before the season in which officials can legally exterminate them.. This partnership not only raises funds for the students and children in the Charlotte area but allows students to interact with adults who offer positive influences.. Size isn't everything! Tiny wooden house measuring just. Belgrade haibike e mtb 2020 will seek to crush the KLA once and for all, while the insurgents will have the capability to inflict heavier casualties on Serb forces. 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"I talk to people in all stages of life who are going through good things and not so good things and gardening has played a big role in ways they get through or celebrate things.". Your head and hands were mounted above the Seal Gate, with your face turned so your eyes looked out across the harbor. When Stannis raised the blade above his head, men had to turn their heads or cover their eyes. For the first season, James Taylor will provide color analysis throughout the 2012 13 campaign.. The last to look was the thing that had been Thistle. A raw bar with jumbo shrimp, crab and lobster around a fancy Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS ice sculpture.. He preferred to flay it and let the exposed flesh dry and crack and fester. “You know chanel ágynem�� . The shoes didn't do much for me then, and in fact it was then that I would have preferred more cushioning under the balls of my feet. It is the only yogurt place that is unique to Berkeley, becoming a staple in the memory of every Bear that walks through Sather Gate.. Ghost showed his teeth in answer. Dany had acquired three of those huge, queer beasts with her pyramid. He helped root out government corruption, oppose Senator Joseph McCarthy, and promote the Marshall Plan, but he also refused to allow his perceived enemies from consumer advocate Ralph Nader to actress Zsa Zsa Gabor to appear in the pages of his papers. He was flustered, bent down, sighing and gasping, to pick up his hat, snatched it up together with his stick, got up from his chair, and with the piteous smile of a beggar turned out of a seat that he has taken by mistake, he prepared to go out of the room. "This is horrible on so many levels. The HVAC systems weren yet up and running, however, so the homes had no heat. 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The boy foot was trapped for nearly an hour before a rescue team arrived with proper equipment. “Why, that fellow! Feurbach, wasn’t it? Damn the fellow, Pfefferkuchen! Well, of course, the prince couldn’t marry her: what would Countess Hlestov have said? What would Baron Slops have thought? So he had to deceive her. Mme. No flesh had ever tasted half as good.. Overall, we are pleased with our performance in his area. "He's the fastest guy in the league and he scores a lot of runs. They soon had their first client, and agreed they would each work an equal amount of hours and split their profits 50/50. But even killing, with intention to kill, is not always murder; there may be justifiable and excusable homicide, and killing in sudden heat and passion is so modified to manslaughter. As for Natasha’s speaking well of her, she does that in the generosity of her heart. It was all Dany could do not to laugh. “I have no cup for you, we’ll have to share.” The washerwoman went back to wringing out tunics and hanging them to dry. “The Night’s Watch takes no part in the wars of the Seven Kingdoms,” Jon reminded them when some semblance of quiet had returned. I expect to have some additional equally exciting contracts to announce by early next week", Bryson continued.. As a team, produced seven shutoutswith guidance from Goodwin and the rest of the defense. “Take him to the Lord Commander’s Tower. Using either camera or embedded navigation data, the car's set speed can automatically slow when the posted limit drops. Nikolay Sergeyitch, not being able to produce certain documents, and having neither powerful patrons nor experience in litigation, immediately began to get the worst of it. Learning how to seduce girls and how to attract women will give you the control and freedom you have been looking for with your dating life.. Your betrothed.”. Not every captain was of Westerosi blood. He studied at Nanjing University, at Australian National University, and received his PhD degree from the University of Adelaide. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.
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balerios-blog · 7 years
HC + Dany's betrayals
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Ah, the one subject that I can write an entire novel about, but I’ll keep this short and sweet. Through out the series, Dany is faced with betrayals and we see how she handles them. From a very early age Dany learns not to trust anyone – she and Viserys are constantly on the run and rely on the kindness of others (though the majority of the time there is a cost for these favors). Having such traumatic experiences, she learns not to trust anyone  because it could prove to be fatal. For those who have proven themselves worthy of Dany’s trust she does unconditionally. She cares for them and will do everything she can to protect them. But once that trust is broken Daenerys feels the betrayal very deeply.
In ACOK Dany receives the following prophecy in the House of the Undying :
… three fires must you light … one for life and one for death and one to love … … three mounts must you ride … one to bed and one to dread and one to love … … three treasons will you know … once for blood and once for gold and once for love …
The first two betrayals have already occurred:
Blood: Mirri Maz Duur - After the Drogo and the Dothraki hoard destroyed her temple (Dany has her life speared), she convinces Daenerys that she would be able to save Drogo when he is wounded. In her desperation to save her husband, she trust Mirri having the understanding she will save Drogo’s life.  However, she tells Dany another life has to be taken in order to save his and despite knowing this and clearly not understanding whose life would be taken in the process Dany losses Rhaego and Drogo.
Gold: Though this theory has Hizdahr zo Loraq as the treason for gold, I am more incline to say this individual is actually Jorah Mormont. Jorah has been with Dany from the very beginning and isn’t oblivious to his romantic interest in her. She feels he see her as a woman he wants to bed and wonders if whether he ever see her as queen. Though he tries to force himself on her, Daenerys trusts Jorah and feels he has her best interest at heart. Though this perception of him changes dramatically after the revelation brought to Dany by Barristan Selmy. He is exposed as a traitor to Daenerys: giving the monarchy in Kings Landing Intel on her movements throughout Essos, including her pregnancy. And even with his betrayal, she wants to forgive him but isn’t able to and  banishes him from Meereen.
Love: As much as I don’t want to accept it, I have a strong inclination this will be Jon. It is unknown how these two will meet (following book canon not show canon), but it is clearly inevitable. Daenerys will find her way to Westeros and to Jon. The circumstances as to how this betrayal will come about is unclear, but the link I posted above has an interesting take on it.
Throughout ADWD Dany constantly holds this prophecy over her head.  I can only imagine how she feels, knowing that someone she loves and trust will eventually betray her. Dany tries to see the good in people, but she is constantly reminded that isn’t the case. In her life all she has known is betrayal and unfortunately I don’t see this changing.
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myriadimagines · 5 years
Just fluffy hcs with Jorah mormont?? ✨✨✨
i would love to write this for you, but i do need a specific request. sorry for the inconvenience!!
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