#jorah mormont headcannons
poisonsage808 · 1 year
♡ poison’s rules ♡
♡ requests, imagines, headcannons ♡
the less detailed the prompt, the more i can work with! (specifics you want to see you should absolutely include)
♡ oneshots ♡
pm me! it will make it easier because i have questions, i just do
♡ ships ♡
what i need from you:
• specify platonic or romantic
• gender preferences/ sexuality
• features, personality, hobbies, likes and dislikes (the more descriptive the better, feel free to add more!)
• pick one or two fandoms for me to choose from
- Game of Thrones
- House of the Dragon
- Stranger Things
- Ouran Highschool Host Club
- The Arcana
♡ 🔞 to get an 18+ reply you have to have your age in your bio (please don’t interact with my 18+ post if you’re underage, it makes me uncomfortable and i’ll block you)
♡ what will poi write?♡
• fluff, angst, hurt/ comfort
• most tropes
• AU’s
• love, love, love stories!
• 🔞 smut, kinks, suggestive themes
♡ what won’t poi write? ♡
• noncon
• adult/minor
• incest*
• yandere/ abusive relationships
*with the acceptation of Targaryen’s and their queer customs
♡ Game of Thrones♡
• Arya Stark
• Brienne of Tarth
• Bronn
• Daenerys Targaryen
• Gendry Waters/ Baratheon
• Jorah Mormont
• Margaery Tyrell
• Podrick Payne
• Sandor Clegane
• Sansa Stark
• Tormund Giantsbane
• Tyrion Lannister
♡ Q&A ♡
Q: in [fandom] i like this character but i don’t see him on your list, will you consider writing for [character]?
A: probably! most of the time i really want to be able to do justice to the characters i write for (i try to be AT LEAST 70% confident they won’t turn out too ooc) but i’m more than willing to branch out if so ask/ pm me! or put in an ask with a backup character provided and i’ll see what i can do :)
updated 1/13/23
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alexmercer2424 · 4 years
Helping the GoT Boys Destress
Drop a like, follow to support, reblog to spread the message! But most importantly, enjoy!
I picked the first five that came to mind or no more for this post to keep it from getting too long! Will probably add parts for the other men of GoT, but there’s just so many!!! If you want to see a specific Boi just ask! :)
Jon Snow
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Being voted in as the new Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch was stressful enough, but it was even more stressful after being stabbed a bunch of times by your “brothers”
You were a “wildling”, like Gilly, who had taken refuge at Castle Black until Jon made arrangements to send you elsewhere, hopefully Winterfell
But the thought had escaped his head with everything else going on
Sometimes a simple shoulder rub is enough to help him unwind, especially with his tense he’s been
Or just bring him a cup of warmed mulled wine or broth, just to remind him he’s not alone in this
Maybe even tell him stories from beyond the wall, he obviously has a connection with the wildling life, and the lack of laws and code allowed his mind to wander free like he wished at times
Or simply remind him to go out for a quick hunt with Ghost, after all his pup needs to eat and the fresh air away from everyone would be a great help to his mentality
Just remind him it’s okay to take small breaks, even if it has to be later at night when everyone should be asleep
Robb Stark
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The Young Wolf they call him and for good reason, he’s young!
Trying to liberate your people and fight a war is never easy, and he has just become a man grown
He will play the tough role day and night, it’s hard to get him out of the leading demeanor, but if you sit quietly enough he will eventually rant
The rant is him getting everything off his chest, all the bundled stress finally spilling out
Don’t be afraid to hug Robb either, he’s recently lost his father, the Lannister’s are holding his sisters hostage, and his bannerman are going crazy. He could use the stability of a simple hug
Grooming his beard and hair also seem to calm him, and grooming Grey Wind always makes him laugh
In the end, like his wolf, Robb is still only a pup and it’s never a bad thing to get a laugh out of him
Just remember to do this sort of thing behind closed doors, he needs to keep his appearance up after all
Sandor Clegane
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He’ll never admit to needing your help, none whatsoever, he’s a man after all!
But he will always accept a cup of wine, that seems to get him back on his feet confidently
If you manage to catch him off guard, play with his hair, it’ll relax him and let him forget for a small moment
But be careful of his scar, because if you touch it, he’ll be his angry, grumpy self again
At night, don’t be afraid to try and cuddle him. He will make snarky remarks, but this man has been a body guard or watching his back his entire life
Let him feel protected for even just a night, no matter how much smaller you may be compared to him
Or find this man a prick to kill, Sandor always finds relief in killing
And in desperate times, just sit silently with him. He may need to gather his thoughts about everything or just wants to enjoy the fact nothing is happening around you two. Let him enjoy the short moment of peace
Jorah Mormont
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This weird dad/wanna be lover is stressed!
It doesn’t matter if he has given up on his love for Daenerys and has picked you, he will always worry about her and be close to her
So late at night, when he knows she’s asleep and safe from harm, sir him down and just reassure him the best you can
Hold him close, rub his back, but he needs to know he’s not the only one protecting her. She has her Khalasar and her Unsullied, she’s not alone or in danger
But if you do manage to get him to forget about Dany for a small break, just him down and rub his chest to help him clear his mind. Tell him stories of the East you grew up with or west if that’s where you’re from
Also reassure this man that what he did in the north wasn’t the worse thing that could happen, he had his reasoning, but he did jump the gun (or crossbow rather) but he’s a better man now because of it all
If you’re secure enough in yourself, talk about what a great queen Daenerys will be and all your hopes for her. The words will make him smile and you two strongly supporting the same vision will bring you too closer
And when he does manage to finally start to fall asleep, hum a soft tune to him, it’ll help keep whatever nightmares away
Petyr Baelish
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This man has been working to get to the top after starting from nothing, so this man has a “bit” of a desire for power
Whenever you can, praise Petyr for whatever greatness he might’ve done. Taken the Eryie? Became the lord of Harrenhal? Saved poor Sansa? Praise him whenever he can to remind him just how great he is, that’ll get him to smile
In some cases, maybe dress up for him, he’ll him take his mind off things. Don’t dress like one of his whores, he’s seen that plenty of times and is dull to it, dress nice but different to catch his eye
This man is all about seduction and manipulation, allow him to woo you every now and then to boost his confidence
A sensual massage will work wonders on him, especially if it turns out to be something more ;)
Whatever you do though, you mustn’t be around other men alone. If anything this will cause him more stress. You must devote yourself to him, not other men
And if you really want to help this man clear his head, share his ambition. Fantasize this man on the Iron Throne and share what a great king he’d make. He may not want the Iron Throne itself, but he does want the power and whats more powerful?
And a secret of his? Sing him a soft song during your alone hours, let him drink his wine and let him clear his head. There’s nothing more peaceful to him.
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AverageWriter-InTheDark’s GOT Masterlist
Link to other masterlists
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Key: 🤍 - Personal favs, ♥️ - popular works, 📝 - series in progress, ⏳- coming soon, 📨 - requested
Check content warnings on each work before reading.
Eddison “Dolorous Edd” Tollett
The Lost Princess of Dorne
You Never Raised Me
Edd falling in love with a Red Priestess 🤍
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) & falling love w/ Edd 1 2
Beric Dondarrion
The Flames Led Me To You (nsfw)
One Eyed Beauties 📨
Jorah Mormont
Jorah falling in love w/ a belly dancer from Meereen ♥️
Margery Tyrell
Multiple Characters
Long Lost Friend ♥️
The Flames May Die, But The Phoenix Will Rise ⏳
Blood Of The Dragon ♥️
A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms ⏳
The Long Night ⏳
Queen of The Seven Kingdoms
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) & falling love w/ Edd 1 2
Being a well known female warrior of Westeros & going beyond the Wall w/ Jon Snow & the crew ♥️
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a-libra-writes · 2 years
The Daughter of House Mormont head cannons are something I never knew I needed in my life. Especially with you adding the part about being confused about hearing marriage priority. Totally feels like I was there just straight feeling those headcannons. 10/10 thank you for sharing them
I know right! It occurred to me as I was writing that Alysane, Dacey and Alysane just aren't intetested in marriage. The narration doesn't even bring it up. It's interesting that even tho Dacey is considered beautiful, graceful and a skilled fighter... she's still unmarried at 19 and there's no talk of that changing. Maybe due to the veeery modest funds of her family, or the dishonor from Jorah.
... or maybe I'm reading too into a minor character haha. I love that asoiaf encourages that.
Anyway I love Northern houses and House Mormont seems especially interesting as an island full of warrior woman who have to run everything bc the men keep disappointing or disappearing, lol
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Burned too Bright
Brienne x Reader, 444 words, the readers relationship is discovered, fluff, WLW/Queer content
Standing Still
Brienne x Reader, 313 words, the reader plays a trick on her lover, pure fluff, WLW/Queer content
Dark Omen
Euron Greyjoy x Reader, 347 words, two pirates in love, includes gore and descriptions of bad people doing bad things.
Caught in a Moment
Tormund x Reader, the reader is Jon Snow’s twin, 3205 words, the reader is afraid offalling in love and losing more people, very dramatic!
Short Term Fixes
Jon Snow x Reader, 2312 words, written for @kellyn1604​‘s Oldies but Goodies 3K Challenge, filled with angst, an arranged marriage, and alcohol.
A Promise to the Moon
Robb Stark x Reader, 3873 words, part of the FreakyFics Event, a gothic romance filled with angst, smut, and metaphoric ghosts.
Settling the Score
Part of Hamilton!AU Night, 298 words, during the king’s visit to Winterfell Joffery gets what he deserves
The Point of No Return
Theon Greyjoy x Reader, 472 words, part of Hamilton!AU Night, angst, the reader is forced to confront Theon’s betryal of the north
drabbles around 400 words each with the prompt “don’t we have enough children,” featuring Eddard Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Tormund Giantsbane, Jon Snow, Jorah Mormont, and Theon Greyjoy all x Reader. TW: for pregnancy/fertility issues
WLW/LGBT drabbles around 400 words each with the prompt, “no, I want you,” featuring Arya Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Brienne of Tarth, Daenerys Targaryen, and Sansa Stark
I Can’t Help...
headcannons for what the characters are like whilst in love. Featuring Eddard Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Tormund Giantsbane, Ser Brienne, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Arya Stark, and Theon Greyjoy.
Awake and Unafraid
Pride themed headcannons for Oberyn Martell, Ser Brienne, Margaery Tyrell, Renly Baratheon, Yara Greyjoy, and Missandei.
Twisted Every Way (WIP)
A collection of drabbles and HC’s for Robb Stark x Reader including, what he’s like in love, and having a family.
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satanssmutcorner · 4 years
Smutty Blog Introduction
Hello fellow earthlings! I’ve been debating for a while now on whether or not to become more active on this platform. Given the short nature (ish) of the content here, it seems like a good option given that I’m currently quite busy with Uni and other life stuff in general, but still feel that writer’s itch and wish to write down thoughts and ideas to explore some creative avenues. Now, for that to happen, I’m more than happy to take requests, given that I’m a part of quite a few fandoms. I’ll also add the characters I’d be willing to write for, so you guys get an idea as to what to expect.
That being said, this is a blog largely dedicated to all the smutty fics I come up with, so it’ll mostly be one-shots, drabbles, headcannons, NSWF alphabets, etc. I reserve the right to not write certain stuff because, well, I might not be into it (this includes underage stuff and noncon, straight off the bat, sorry, that’s just how it is). Other than that, please feel free to send me an ask of a request. Under the cut are a list of characters I’ll happily write for since I’ve watched/binged the show and have plenty of inspo for them. If you can’t find something to your liking, please shoot me a message anyway an we’ll see if we can work something out.
Actors I’d consider writing preferences, imagines or one-shots for, and any other characters they might have played in movies (as well as scouring the internet for pictures and mood-boards):
Ralph Fiennes,
Christoph Waltz,
Willem Dafoe,
Jason Isaacs,
Alan Rickman,
Iain Glenn,
Stephen Lang,
Charles Dance,
Robert Carlyle
David Thewlies
Cliff Simon
Javier Bardem
Bill Nighy
Tim Roth
Joe Mantegna
Hugh Laurie
William Fitchner
Michael McEalhatton
Timothy Dalton
Michael Sheen
Robert Sean Leonard
Claes Bang
Goran Visnjic
Oded Fehr
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
J.R. Bourne
Sebastian Roche
Jack Davenport
Colin Firth
Mark Strong
Henry Ian Cusick
Aiden Gillen
Alexander Skarsgard
Stephen Moyet
Mads Mikkelsen
David Tennant
Stargate (Atlantis, Universe and SG1) Characters:  SG1: Jack O’Neill, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, Ba’al, Cameron Mitchel, Vala Mal Doran, General Landry,  Selmak/Jacob Carter, Martouf) Atlantis: John Shepherd, Teyla Ammagen, Todd the Wraith, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Elizabeth Weir, Carson Beckett)  Universe: Nicholas Rush, Cl. Everett Young, Tamara Johansen, Camille Wray, Chloe Armstrong, David Telford, Varro, Ginn, Simeon, Amanda Perry, Commander Kiva)
The 100  Charaters: Clarke Griffin, Marcus Kane, Octavia Blake, Lexa, Echo, Raven Reyes, Roan) 
Star Trek (For now only Discovery and a few of the main characters from the older series such as TNG, Enterprise, etc) Characters: James T Kirk, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, Leonard McCoy, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Odo, Worf, Jonathan Archer, Paul Stamets, Saru, Gabriel Lorca, Phillipa Georgiou, Sylvia Tilly, Sarek, Leland.
Battlestar Galactica Characters: Admiral William Adama, Dr. Gaius Baltar, Nr. 6, Boomer, Starbuck.
Terra Nova Characters: Nathaniel Taylor, lol.
Westworld Characters: William/The man in Black, Delores, Mave.
Harry Potter Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Rufus Scrimgeour, Minerva McGonagall.
Games of Thrones Characters: Jorah Mormont, Tywin Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Eddard Stark, Oberyn Martell, Bronn
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Characters: Zelda Spellman, Faustus Blackwood, Madam Satan
Supernatural Characters:  John Winchester, Ruby, Crowley, Lucifer, Balthazar, Naomi.
True Blood Characters: Eric Northman, Russel Edgington, William Compton, Jessica Hamby, Sam Merlotte, Alcide Herveaux, Pam.
Vampire Diaries Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Katherine, Elijah Mikaelson, Mikael, Alaric Saltzman, Bonnie.
Reign Characters: Mary Stuart, Sebastian, Kenna, Stephan Narcisse, King Henry II, Gideon Blackburn, Aloysius Castelroy.
The OA Characters: Prairie, Hunter Aloysius Percy (HAP).
Penny Dreadful Characters: Malcolm Murray, Vanessa Ives, Ethan Chandler, Brona Croft, Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Henry Jekyll.
Grimm Characters: Nick Burkhardt, Juliette Silverton, Captain Sean Renard.
Aquaman Characters: Nuidis Vulko, Arthur Curry, King Nereus.
Hannibal Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Dr. Alana Bloom.
Kingsman Characters: Merlin, Harry Hart, Lancelot, Whiskey.
The Lighthouse Characters: Thomas Wake
Pirates of the Carribean Characters: Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan, James Norrington, Armando Zalasar
Spiderman Characters: Norman Osborn
John Wick Characters: Marcus, Viggo Tarasov, Winston
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So anyways here's a long and random asoiaf modern au headcannon thing
The premise, at the high school that all the characters would attend their is a big tradition (between the students) of spiking the punch at every prom. Sometimes groups of students will team up to spike the punch, sometimes they'll go it alone. Generally all the students know who spiked the punch but when being questioned no student rats out who did it.
The tradition started in Robert and ned's junior year when someone spiked the punch at prom, no one actually knows who spiked it that year, most think it was balon greyjoy but he denies that, the next year at their senior prom ned caused a distraction while Robert spiked the punch with vodka, the entire school knows it was Robert (no one rats him out) less know ned helped (bonus, ned and robert did it in 1983)
The next year incoming freshmen Jamie lannister spiked the punch with help from cersei, cersei did most of the work but sense Jamie actually poured the wine in so he got the glory
The next year Oberon martell did it, willas tyrell was planning on doing it but Oberon beat him to it
This continued on for several years until euron greyjoy (following in the tradition of his brothers) spiked the punch but with pcp instead of alcohol, he also left weed brownies on the snack table.
Everyone knew it was euron but they didnt have enough evidence to prove it was him even though this year the police got involved
It continued on with someone spiking the punch every year to modern day, every time a greyjoy or baratheon have been in the school they have been the one to spike it (except stannis, stannis was anti-punch spiking and even put together a small council to stop it, it was unsuccessful, Davos spiked the punch that year)
In ramsay bolton's senior year he also spiked the punch with pcp, it is unknown if this was in homage to the infamous pcp spike of 1989 or just a happy councidence
Sometimes multiple groups or individuals will plan to spike it in the same year and then it's a matter of who can get there first, but it has been spiked twice in one night on occasion
Characters who have definetly spiked the punch include,
Asha greyjoy
Renly baratheon 5 years in a row (sometimes with the help of loras tyrell) which is a record, no one else has done it all 5 years in a row (he went to loras' prom to spike it)
Benjen stark
The night's watch (jons dnd buddies) have organised to do it a few times
Joffrey baratheon
Rodrik and maron greyjoy
Aeron greyjoy
Victorian greyjoy
Theon greyjoy (he was accused of the pcp spike of 2017. It was not him)
Jon and robb (theon helped becouse catelyn gets him to help out with prom stuff)
The wildlings have done it as a group
Tyrion lannister ( to note lannisters always spike it with good wine)
Littlefinger did it as a student and staff member
Tormund giantsbane has done it aside from the other wildlings
The night's watch and the wildlings have gotten in competitions on who can spike it first
Daenerys targeryan spiked it with fireball in the way of her family
Shireen and rickon teamed up to spike it
A frey has never actually done it but they are huge supporters of it
There are alot of people who never did it but we're accuesed or covered for people
Domeric bolton
Great jon umber
Small jon umber
Dacey mormont
Dolorus edd
Jorah mormant
Beric dondarrion and thoros (they spiked it with fireball)
Arya, gendry and hotpie spiked it
Bran and jojen wanted to but we're beat to it by tommen baratheon
Howland reed
Meera reed
Arthur dayne
Edmere tully (catelyn got mad at him for it)
Ellaria sand
The sand snakes have spiked it with gin
Bonus: the secret first person to do it was actually lyanna stark.
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Hi :) Your Game of Thrones stories are all amazing! Would you consider writing more Jorah Mormont (and if you like the character, Beric Dondarrion ...I like him a lot ;) headcannons or one-shot stories?
Hey, I’m always willing to write more Jorah Mormont if you have any headcannons or one shots for him. 
For Beric, I’ve never written for him before so please feel free to send me some requests in. 
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AverageWriter-InTheDark Masterlist
*DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the sagas/universes that I write for which includes their characters, plots, etc. That all belongs to the original creators. this is fanfic. Also please don’t repost my works on other platforms.*
Currently not taking any requests!!
🔥-Allusions or mentions to sex/slight NSFW
Those that haven’t been linked are currently in my drafts.
Game Of Thrones
She’s his aunt (Eddison Tollett x Stark!reader)
The Lost Princess of Dorne (slight Benjen Stark x reader, eventual Eddison Tollett x reader)
Eddison Tollet
-You Never Raised Me🔥
Beric Dondarrion 
-The Flames Led Me To You (Priestess!Reader)💋
Jorah Mormont
-You’re More Than I Could Ask For 
Margaery Tyrell
A Lone Flower In A Garden Of Thorns
Eddison Tollett
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) and falling in love with Eddison Tollett    Part 2🔥
Edd falling in love with a Red Priestess
Jorah Mormont
Jorah falling in love with a belly dancer from Meereen🔥
Stark siblings (Robb, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon)
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) and falling in love with Eddison Tollett  Part 2🔥
Ned Stark
Being the aunt of the Stark siblings (Ned Stark’s sister) and falling in love with Eddison Tollett   Part 2🔥
HC’s that include multiple characters
Being a well known female warrior of Westeros and going beyond the Wall w/ Jon Snow & the crew. 🔥
Imagines w/ multiple characters
Long Lost Friend🔥
The Flames May Die, But The Phoenix Will Rise
Quiet As A Cat, Sneaky Like A Spider | Spider-Man No Way Home Series Masterlist
Premise: Having been pulled into another universe where an alternate version of her once on-again/off-again lover and occasional nemesis/ally exists, Y/N L/N finds herself having to suit up again as her long retried anti-hero persona in order to help three SpiderMen face off against some familiar faces causing trouble in New York City.
Loki falling in love w/ a SHIELD agent/Avenger
Baron Helmut Zemo
Riley Biers
The Other Redhead  Part 1   Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
Prompt: The day Edward first saw Victoria on the baseball field, he saw a glimpse into her past. There, he saw a woman with fiery red hair similar to hers and memories indicating how close the woman is to Victoria. With the threat of her newborn army on the rise heading straight for him and Bella, Edward takes the risk of seeking out the woman in the flashbacks he remembered the year prior in hope she could be the one to stop Victoria on her path for vengeance. Little did they know, things were going to become more complicated when the two face off for the first time in almost a century, and the discovery that Victoria’s prized second in command Riley, is the one the woman has been waiting for all her life.
Demetri Volturi
-We don’t get fairytales in this life (Banshee!reader)
-Sing a Siren Song (Siren!reader)
-We Make A Pretty Good Team
Demetri Volturi
Being the mate of Demetri Volturi would include
Demetri having a former spy as a mate
Dancing outside the castle w/ Demetri
Playing chess with Demetri
Felix Volturi
Felix with a mate who’s an immortal witch
Felix finding out his mate can sing
Alec Hardy
A Foreign Affair  Prologue  Part 1  Part 2
Alec Hardy
Being a Barrister & D.I Hardy’s partner
Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor
Being a member of Asgard’s Royal family and falling in love w/ the Doctor after being at odds with one another Part 1
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