#jihancheol fanfic
lucyreads · 2 years
Hi! I looooove reading fanfic :) I don’t write much myself (nothing I’d ever publish anyway lol), but I bookmark all my favs. So if you like my you can check them out on my ao3!
My fav ships are txt’s taegyu, nct’s nomin and norenmin, and svt’s jihancheol. They all hold a special place in my heart. I really like instinct driven fics whether it’s abo, hybrids or just a love potion, so if you have any of those you like pls lmk! Happy reading :)
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chaotickimchi · 2 months
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30k hits on this fic today AND a new chapter to reward my lovely readers for sticking around and being lovely and encouraging and kind and patient and splendiferous (: Thank you lovely sweeties. This ones for you <3
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erreversible · 1 year
too little too much [preview]
WIP fic in the “only in excess” universe jeonghan/s.coups/joshua 95z vampire!au
After surviving centuries of battle, bloodshed, and betrayal with Jeonghan by his side, Seungcheol has learned to be cautious about good things. Joshua is becoming the dangerous exception.
A snarling creature barrels through the dark forest, headed straight for Seungcheol. Before he can even reach for his weapon, a silenced bullet whizzes past his ear.
The deer collapses, twitching feebly on the ground. The shot had gone right between its eyes, its open mouth fanged and foaming. A bite from a desperate vampire had turned this animal feral, attacking anything and everything to sate its newfound thirst.
Jeonghan lowers his pistol. With a sigh, he sinks to his haunches.
“Dizzy?” Seungcheol asks, staking the deer with one swift stab before it can reanimate. The carcass shrivels to a husk.
“A little,” Jeonghan says. His eyes, ears, and nose are so keen as a vampire, he could nail a moving target 100 meters away — but those same gifts leave him with an absurdly sensitive disposition. Karma, as Seungcheol likes to call it. “I think I might be anemic. Should I go see a doctor?”
“Oh, definitely. I bet they’ll even let you stay for free so they can study you in a lab.”
“As long as I get to lie down while they do it.”
Seungcheol sets a hand on Jeonghan’s nape, massaging a pressure point with his thumb. “Can you survive a little longer? If you’re feeling too pathetic to help, I can find you a nice log to crawl into.”
Jeonghan frowns up at Seungcheol. His hair has spent the past two hours trying to escape from its ponytail, which only makes him seem more unhinged when he says, “We’ve scoured this forest. There’s not a single decent log around here.”
“Then how about a nice, shallow grave?”
Jeonghan lifts a muddy boot. “But it’s so… wet.”
“You’re spoiled rotten, you know that?”
to be continued...
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dandelionshua · 2 years
Call me hyung!
jihan / yoonhong, cheolsoo
fluff and crack-ish
joshua is a menace & the maknae of 95z
completed, 2.9k words
As a joke, Joshua called every member as hyung regardless of their real age—except for his same age friends Seungcheol and Jeonghan.
It was clear the two eldest was envious and desperate. They too wanted Joshua to call them hyung.
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jnhao · 6 years
fill me in (preview)
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summary: jeonghan met seungcheol in a library and slowly fell for him, what he didn’t expect was for seungcheol to already be with somebody.
and what he definitely didn’t expect was to fall for seungcheol’s boyfriend too.
pairing: jihancheol
genre/au: fluff, angst (smut to come) + uni au
words: 756
a/n ; something to hold you guys off bc i promised to upload the entire fic yesterday but i’m still struggling so i hope you guys like this!
[full version here]
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Seungcheol's hand is running a steady trail up Jeonghan's thigh.
The tv is quickly losing against Seungcheol for Jeonghan's attention and honestly, Jeonghan doesn't have a clue about how much he can take anymore.
It doesn't help that they aren't the only ones here on the couch and it seriously doesn't help that the only other person here with them is Seungcheol's boyfriend.
Seungcheol's going to be the death of him.
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When Jeonghan first met Seungcheol, it was in the university's library.
It was like every cliche scene in every chick flick his younger sister had made him watch when they were in middle school. The girl is reaching for a book when the boy grabs the book she wanted and wags it in her face as bait to talk to him. The girl pretends to be unimpressed while squealing on the inside about how hot the boy is. The boy is cocky and arrogant and is always later revealed to have a hidden tattoo that no one knows about and Jeonghan literally hated his life in the moment that Choi Seungcheol swiped the book Jeonghan needed for a presentation right from underneath his nose.
Seungcheol had leered him, looking him up and down and Jeonghan had the fight the urge to smooth his long hair back. He definitely hadn't looked his best on that day, but Seungcheol had flirted with him anyway and Jeonghan had merely rolled his eyes. He turned on his heel and retreated to his table then, groaning quietly under his breath when Seungcheol followed after him, even going as far as taking a seat at his table.
Jeonghan had then drowned himself in his project, glaring across the table when Seungcheol used the book he had needed as a fan instead of actually reading it. When Seungcheol noticed his glare, he winked at him and Jeonghan had flushed all the way to the tips of his ears in embarrassment. He'd forced himself to ignore Seungcheol then and declined all his offers of going on a date with him.
But Seungcheol had persisted until the very end and by the time he finally left, the library was closing. Jeonghan had sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, tired and worn out more than usual and then blinked when he noticed the book he had needed earlier sitting on top of his backpack on the table. Jeonghan had gathered his things and checked out the book, not expecting to find a scrap of paper with Seungcheol's name and number fall out later when he was flipping through its pages that night in bed.
Jeonghan still doesn't know what made him text Seungcheol, but he doesn't regret it.
At least, not all the time.
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Jeonghan watches as Seungcheol rolls his sleeves up, his hands finally having left his thigh. He lets himself take a deep breath, his face flushed and the buzz from the television lost on him.
He doesn't know what he's doing here. Honestly, he can't remember why he even bothered to show up tonight. But then he looks down and his gaze immediately lands on Seungcheol's arms. His breath catches in his throat as it always does and Seungcheol looks up with a smirk on his face as he studies Jeonghan's dazed expression.
The tattoos that decorate them are just as breathtaking as the first time Jeonghan saw them and as Seungcheol continues to roll his sleeve up, Jeonghan is thrown into the memory of when he first caught a glimpse of them.
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Jeonghan isn't one for being at a loss for words. He's well-spoken and nags the kids often, but he's never had a problem trying to form coherent sentences.
But honestly, could anybody blame him when he's face-to-face with the Choi Seungcheol?
Or to be more specific, face-to-face with Choi Seungcheol's tattoos. Tattoos he had no idea even existed until this very moment.
They're flowers, mostly unfilled, but a few are splattered to look like they were watercolored into Seungcheol's skin. They cover the expanse of both of his arms and Jeonghan might already be in love with them as much as he's in love with Seungcheol really.
But that's the problem. Jeonghan doesn't know how Seungcheol feels or even if he's gay or not. And so he pines.
He pines hard and he pines hopelessly.
Junhui has made fun of him for it often enough that Jeonghan doesn't even blink an eye by this point whenever it's brought up at their table in the cafeteria.
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wangitup · 3 years
I just saw that F2of95line deleted their ao3 T-T Did anyone download their fic 'Three'?? It's one of my favorite fics ever
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girixoy · 3 years
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me rendi ao love song | poção do amor
• capas para doação, se alguém quiser me avise!
• se inspirar me dê os créditos
• sim, postei de novo poção do amor porque desisti do desafio rs
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citei-te · 6 years
me: reads a lot of 100k+ fanfics in one day and wants more
also me: can't handle two pages of a tiny book that literature's teacher ordered us to read
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asherfaffle · 6 years
Major Angst should be an official archive warning, it literally causes me physical and emotional pain to a whole other level and it's amazing that I haven't dropped dead yet because my heart feels absolutely torn to shreds at this point
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infinityxu · 5 years
i can’t sleep because of you (and suddenly it’s morning already)
summary: Seungcheol’s heart dropped. He knew something was wrong with Joshua, and he was willing to wait to hear it, of course he was - but the members were his family, why wasn’t he comfortable saying it in front of them? Especially Jeonghan?
(aka. Joshua is very sad and sick and Jeongcheol take care of their baby)
pairs: jihancheol
genre: hurt/comfort, sickfic
Jeonghan found himself waking up. Annoying, he thought, he doubted he has slept for very long to begin with. He ended up falling asleep beside Seungcheol pretty quickly, just after the latter shut the lights off.
 Seungcheol was facing the wall, sort of snoring but not quite. Jeonghan sighed heavily, his head sinking deeper into the pillow in hopes of going back to bed.
 Until he heard sniffling on the other side of the room.
 He shot up almost immediately, remembering what had happened before they went to bed. Joshua was acting so weird - clearly, he wasn't just tired like Seungcheol was saying, so either Joshua was hiding something from both of them, or they were both hiding something from Jeonghan. Either way, Jeonghan felt horrible for not realizing it sooner.
 He flipped the switch for the lamp on Joshua's side, and his sniffling stopped for a moment. He must have realized someone was awake.
 It took Jeonghan’s eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light. Joshua was in the same position as before, his back facing them, but he was so much more curled up than before. The sheets were tangled up and messy, telling he had done a lot of moving around. He must not have slept at all.
 “Baby,” Jeonghan started, carefully moving to sit at the side of the bed. He wasn't too close at first, worried he would crowd him. Joshua was hiding his face, very obviously holding back his tears. “Are you crying?”
 He didn't say anything at first. Maybe it was a dumb question to ask since it was so obvious that he was. He was trying to balance out his breaths, Jeonghan realized, to stop himself from crying.
 “Hey...what's going on?” Jeonghan murmured a little shakily. He moved off the side of the bed he was on and went to the other side, where he could see Joshua's face. He crouched down once he was there. Joshua curled into himself more with an unintentional whimper, and Jeonghan’s heart almost broke. He brushed a hand over his bangs as a way of telling him he was there, and that he didn't want him to hide his face - but he noticed that his skin was hot, almost burning.
 There was a new kind of panic in his chest now. He pressed a hand to his forehead for a better reading, even though Joshua retracted further into his blanket and Jeonghan did that - but he definitely had a fever, and a bad one. “Sweetheart, you're burning up.” he murmured, hardly able to say it. How could he have missed something like this? “What's going on, love? Can you hear me…?”
 “I can’t sleep,” he murmured shakily, his voice breaking, incredibly unsteady. Jeonghan squeezed his hand. “I can’t sleep, and - I don’t feel good, and I wanna go home...Hannie…” he stammered, weakly squeezing his hand back as he finally showed his face a little bit. Jeonghan saw just how unfocused and hazy his eyes were, that must have been from his fever.
 “I know, baby. I know you do.” Jeonghan said in a hushed tone, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He felt Joshua weakly pulling on his hand, the one that he held onto, to his face, pressing it to his cheek. Jeonghan was a little confused at first, but he realized his hands must have felt nice on his burning skin since Jeonghan’s hands were always cold. Jeonghan felt his lip nearly quivering. “That feels nice, huh…?” Joshua didn’t say anything in response but he kept his hand there, looking a little calmer than he did before.
 Jeonghan’s eyes drifted back to Seungcheol, who was still fast asleep on the other bed, completely unaware of what was going on. He needed his help. He needed to help him feel better somehow, physically and mentally, and he couldn’t do that all by himself. He was so used to always having help with these kinds of things.
 “I’m gonna be right back, okay? I’m just gonna wake up Cheol so we can help you feel better.” Jeonghan told him, and Joshua squeezed his hand a little harder as if not wanting to let go of him - and while it broke Jeonghan’s heart to see that, he snuck his hand away and bolted back to the bed he was sharing with Seungcheol.
 He climbed back onto the bed, shaking Seungcheol a little lightly at first, and then rougher when it wasn’t working. He knew Seungcheol was tired, Jeonghan was, too - but he needed help, and he knew that Seungcheol would want to help.
 Seungcheol groaned, pulling the blanket over his head and inching away from Jeonghan, and Jeonghan felt his chest tighten. “It’s so late, Han…” Seungcheol grumbled, and Jeonghan was a little tempted to punch him.
 “I know, Cheol, but - ”
read more here ❤
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kpopficrecs25 · 6 years
Jihancheol Fics (Jisoo/Jeonghan/seungcheol)
1. minus times minus equals plus by oflaufeyson
Yoon Jeonghan and Choi Seungcheol, two seniors known as the cat-and-dog duo of their local high school, always finding ways to pull pranks and mess with the other for the past three years. They hated each other's guts.
But behind closed doors, they live up to their 'married couple' nickname. No one from school has ever seen this part of them.
Except for the new kid, Hong Jisoo.
Language: English Words: 7,789 Chapters: 7/7
2. How Are All 13 of Us Gonna Fit by KingofPotet
Changyuraptor: u gotta admit his choreographies are magical
July: even tho his notes are probably satan-summoning circles in disguise
Kwon: they are.
July: what.
Baby bear: what.
Kwon: because they bring fire to the stage ;D
Octopus: C A N C E L L E D
Beanpole: tEAR HIS wIG TO ShRED S Beanpole: ERADICATE IT
Baby bear: at least hes not a satanist
Feel the vern: of course thats your concern here
Kwon: i-i sweaw, im no cwiminal :,3c
6 members have removed Kwon from the chat Error Reloading...
13 members have been re-added to the chat
Kwon has been removed from the chat
Emo fish: all that and you still had to be extra and remove him lmao
Octopus: im just shaking at the fact we somehow broke the chat
Language: English Words: 11,689 Chapters: 9/9
3. Desiderium by oflaufeyson
Choi Seungcheol accidentally got a date with the prettiest man he's ever seen. What he didn't expect was to step into his life to find two.
Language: English Words: 18,687 Chapters: 11/11
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chaotickimchi · 2 months
Thank you for 30k :')
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erreversible · 8 months
pairing: jihancheol (joshua/jeonghan/s.coups) rating: T tags: historical + modern vampire au
After surviving centuries of battle, bloodshed, and betrayal with Jeonghan by his side, Seungcheol has learned to be cautious about good things. Joshua is becoming the dangerous exception.
The first time Seungcheol and Joshua had gone out together, just the two of them, Jeonghan was nursing a stubborn migraine. He’d practically shooed them out the door so he could have some blessed silence.
Hungry and with nothing better to do, Joshua wandered over to a street-side stall near the apartment (Jeonghan’s apartment, back when life was separate). He ate quickly, overly conscious of the way Seungcheol was watching him while taking leisurely sips of his blood from one of Jeonghan’s flasks. When Joshua ordered soju to loosen up, he grimaced at the taste. So Seungcheol took him to a bar and bought him a nicer drink and another nicer drink after that, reaping what he sowed when Joshua started laughing and whispering and feeling up his thigh. He let Joshua drag him to the club next door, where Seungcheol finally kissed him hard under the strobe lights, Joshua halfway drunk on top-shelf whiskey, Seungcheol drunk on him.
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svt95net · 6 years
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RUN TIME: 9th of May to 9th of June.
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seventeenficrecs · 7 years
Favorite Jihan/Jihancheol/Cheolsoo Fics
Hello! I’m back a lot sooner thank goodness. This is a compilation of my favorite jihan / jihancheol / cheolsoo fics, and I grouped them all together because they’re all 95 line. No jeongcheol fics because i haven’t read that many. Once again, all main ship fics!
Jihan Green is Not My Colour by mintyah Sleep Talking by mintyah Some Means Other Than Sensory Perception by blehgah Winning (Against) Yoon Jeonghan by stilljunhui (acyria) love is just love, and that’s it by wonhaosalts Follow That Red Thread Home by liestotheheart Overwhelming by libaax From Now On (Look At Me) by libaax To Regard or Identify Wrongly by blehgah Look at Me by g_evelyn English for Dummies by liestotheheart One Day at a Time by bespelled quit driving me wild by ssukis
Jihancheol we blend into my favorite color by brightlight hearts full of love by stickynoted finally facing my Waterloo by TAHC Family Matters by bespelled you think i’m wrong (i know i’m right) by brightlight because the night belongs to us by farabeuf the bacon wasn’t worth it by eggshua (also junshua)
Cheolsoo The Middleman by iamnotaprodigy if i let you go, will you shatter by antijosh I Want You to Teach Me All About You by iamnotaprodigy bread and wine by seokkwan are you saving me? by triggerswaggiehavoc Stop This by Dorian i swear ill always paint you (golden days) by ironcouer
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And we are done! This was the last of the planned compilations and boy was it a journey. I hope you all found this helpful/enjoyable, and thank you for supporting this series. (if you want i can continue it?) From now on, I plan to keep recommending seventeen fics, doing requested compilations, and answering asks. Please feel free to request/ask anything! 
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eottoghe · 7 years
Fanfic Confessions
I tend to imagine the characters speaking the dialogue I don’t know in English but the words I do know in Korean.
I’m a slow reader but mainly because I like to picture the whole scene in my mind.
I will subscribe to a story that hasn’t been updated in two years on the slight possibility that they will revisit it.
Karma points are a bitch when you’re antisocial
But on another note, I get giddy when the author replies to my comment.
But also when the notification comes I’m salty because you have time to reply but not post the next chapter 😶
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