#jefferey woods
chasingthe2000s · 2 years
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Its been a while,, heres a little dose of Jeff
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vampire-benny · 3 months
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Been doing some uhhhh stuff
Totally not back in my creepypasta faze, couldn’t be me
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creepycombo · 2 years
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This has been bothering me so I gotta ask
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theworldofhorrors · 3 months
my world of creepy pasta.
Part 1: Jeff the Killer
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Name: Jefferey Louise Woods
Age: 24 at time of turning into a creep, now 35
Height: 5’7
Nationality: White southern boy
Sexuality: Knives
TW//Mentions of violence and murder
Jeff in my world was never bullied at school. He was home schooled by his mother who wasn’t the best educator. As a result Jeff grew up illiterate and due to his lack of education struggled to find a job. At the age of 20 he managed to get a job as a pot washer at some shitty diner near where he lived. Since he couldn’t drive he had to find somewhere walking distance. Unfortunately he was teased and picked on for his middle name however it wasn’t anything too dramatic
Due to lack of work ethic and sometimes bunking off to smoke weed or just stay in bed, he ended up getting fired at the age of 24
He had always had bad anger management issues and when his mum tried to comfort him after he’d lost his job, Jeff snapped and beat the shit out of her, killing her in the process.
Since he couldn’t afford anything anymore after losing his job and his mum, he placed his blame on the manager who had fired him and on closing night, he went to the diner and robbed it, stealing thousands of pounds from the register before setting the place on fire with the manager and the workers who teased him for his middle name inside
Unfortunately Jeff being dumb, ended up slipping on a mopped floor and landed face first in a bucket of bleach which is how he got his deformed face, as well as being burnt slightly by the ever growing fire. He did end up escaping and unfortunately living and has since turned to crime as a means of surviving and ‘managing’ his issues
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akonstruction · 2 years
Creepypasta general headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚general head cannons for the creeps⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
characters ; jeff the killer, ben drowned, slender man, eyeless jack & nina
fandom ; creepypasta
note ; i didn't know if you wanted all in one or just a few so i picked 5 out and just added some in all ones at the end!
jeff the killer ~jefferey woods~
while chasing a victim in the forests he's probably accidently swinged at himself which caused him to get really hurt at least once.
he has little bite marks in the collar of his cotton shirts cause whenever he gets nervous, he bites his collars, for sure.
his room is the blandest in the whole manor, he seriously does not give a shit about decorating his room.
in my opinion he's also just like a walking zombie.
and last but not least... i personally think instead of him being all lanky, thin, brittle boned (aka how zombies would be) he's actually like hella buff.
ben drowned ~benjamin lawmen~
ben doesn't age, ever. hes gonna be a 12 year old forever.
he can also float, go through walls, doors, make lights flicker by using energy, overall, just whatever ghosty ghosts do!
and i don't think he teleports through tv's or whatever but actually he can find people easier through them.
slender man ~eric knudsen~
like mentioned before i said manor instead of the established mansion because i feel as slender man would find mansions just un useful and whatnot and just overall just strongly prefer manors any day.
slender man is not a "loving father" to the creeps but instead he is a greedy, acquisitive, rapacious, being towards them and not at all petrified to act when he doesn't get what he wants.
also, he is a phantom entity who lacks in age wise, which meaning he does not have an age, he is ageless. some may say he could be even in the millions which isn't true in my opinion.
eyeless jack ~jack nicholas~
he only hunts for dinner, he strives on eating new fresh human meat, organs and whatever that is in a human.
he doesn't sleep whatsoever. he has never had shut eye after becoming a creep, isn't that crazy?
he may only see at night whenever he has to hunt. when making the deal the slender man they agreed on allowing jack to see when necessary and slender man gets a new sacrifice and a new... employee you may say?
uses it/its pronouns
nina ~nina hopkins~
she's never liked jeff, ever.
she makes them cute kandi bracelets in her free time.
i never do sexuality head cannons since it just doesn' make sence in my head but she's 100% lesbian.
gay lord overload!!!
reads fanfics on wattpad, qoutev, a03 etc.
they don't just go on random ass killing sprees because why the hell would they?
and no, they don't just do paperwork and meaningless shit like that, they're meant to serve slender man not just do paperwork. not even the big boss slender does paperwork.
everybody hates each other besides jeff and toby may get along okay since they are sort of related not by blood of course but by the fire incidents.
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seemslegitflapjacks · 2 years
- Carnival Date -
Head up there’s mild swearing , romantic themes and whatnot. Watch yourself I ain’t your babysitter.
Also this isn’t proofread lmao I’m writing this at 2 am I need sleep.
Randy held his hands in the pockets of his uniform. The last few weeks had been wild to say the least. Dumped off at some stuffy boarding academy by his parents Randy was fresh meat int the town of Bullworth. Especially within the academy. He was quick to learn the useless hierarchy within this dump. First came jocks, then greasers, preppies, your bullies, and the lowest of the low nerds. He’d already made a drastic social climb, albeit with a few downsides. One of which was a not so unexpected betrayal by some scar faced maniac. That led to him fighting the off brand hulk, Russel Northrop, in The Hole. It admittedly hurt at first, but nobody was gonna chew him up and hack him out like that. Not without the consequences.
One of his newest accomplishments was his takeover of the preps. Shallow inbred pretty boys with too much money and a bought future. This had its perks, he’d won himself a beach house, scored some nice clothes, and a pretty little piece of arm candy. Jefferey Alexander Woods.
“WARREN!” A shrill, angered voice cried. Speak of the devil.
Randy halted, turning to see the small prep running to him in distress. He could tell that something ruffled the blonde up, as his brows were knitted and his eyes wild.
“Hey hon.” He smirked.
“Warren! That- that greaseball over there just stole my bike!” He cried in a faux trans Atlantic accent.
“And what do you want me to do?” Randy asked, causing the blonde to grit his teeth in irritation.
“Go get it!? What else?” Jeff snapped, face turning red.
“What’s in it for me?” He inquired, tilting his head up defiantly.
“I’ll take you out to the carnival tonight. Now go get it goddamn you!” The boy screeched.
“Alright princess, don’t lose your crown I got you.” Randy chuckled, grabbing his skateboard and pushing off to chase after the bike thief.
Once brawl later, Randy managed to take back the overpriced bike. The ginger slowly walked it down the side walk with his skateboard in one hand. He glanced around, in search for his little boy toy.
His eyes came up to the Aquaberry store, where he found the blonde not-so-patiently waiting for him.
“Took you long enough Warren.” Jeff growled, grabbing his bike handle.
“You know a thank you and some flowers would be appreciated.” Randy replied.
“Nice try pauper, I said I’d take you on a date, not pay for it.” He sneered.
“Seriously? Wow, how chivalrous of you babe.” Randy scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Be grateful I even want to be seen with you. If my daddy saw this I’d be beaten.” Jeff grumbled.
“What was that last part?” The ginger asked, raising a brow.”
“None of your business, now come on Warren I don’t have all day.” The blonde said, getting on his bike and pedaling off.
“Hey! Wait!” Randy called out, dropping his skateboard and chasing after his so-called boyfriend.
They rode together through the vale, escalating in speed at the hill drop and curve of the underpass that led to the carnival. Randy hopping off at a rough stop, waiting for his date to chain down his bike so that they could pay their entry.
Jeff stood beside Randy, grabbing his arm softly as he followed him up to the teller, who took Randy’s money in exchange for some chewy uncomfortable wristbands. The couple walking through the gates and into the lively, buzzing atmospheres. The ginger could feel the blonde cling tighter to his arm, a confident smirk pulling at his lips.
A few games caught Randy’s attention, the redhead having a go at most of them, earning a few tickets. Jeff staying on the side and encouraging him. Always batting his lashes and clinging to the other when he could. At the current moment that was just what the prep was doing, clutching Randy’s arm like a shy kid.
“I’ve always wanted to go out with someone like you.” The blonde told him.
“What is it about poverty that gives you rich kids boners?” The gingerlaughed.
“Randall! Don’t be so vulgar!” Jeff scolded, a blush coming to his cheeks.
“What? Too scared to say you like boys from the rough neighborhoods?” He teased.
“Stop it! You’re embarrassing me!” The prep whined, shielding his red face.
“Relax babe, just messing with ya.” Randy chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled the boy into his side.
The pair roamed through the carnival, the afternoon turning to evening, then to night. Now Jeff lugged a cheap Care- prize in his arms, won by Randy of course. He really was having a great time with the so-called pauper. Hell now he’d forgotten the way Randy absolutely kicked his ass in the dishonorable fight led by Derby. Although the bruises still showed on his tanned skin. The playful banter and teddy bears made up for it, after all Randy did get him his bike back. Even with the Ginger’s vulgar and violent nature, Jeff still found ways to dawn over him like a middle school girl. He actually didn’t want this date to end, although the carnival would close, and they had their curfew.
He admired how Randy carried himself, high headed and chest puffed out. They way his thick brows dove into the bridge of his strong Roman nose when challenged. Jeff simply couldn’t get enough of rp the raw muscle he felt as he held Randy’s arm. He had great style, even if he was from a less fortunate, dare he say trashy, household. The popped collar and rolled sleeves paired with the school vest and slacks sold his troublemaker look, and boy did Jeff love trouble. Jeff thought of trying the style himself, but felt discouraged as he did not like the way the school vest hid his built figure. He was not one to sport pauper style, but was very much a fan of others who did.
Jeff had been so lost in his admiration he hadn’t noticed Randy attempting to get his attention.
“Babe, babe! Come on, it’s close to curfew.” Randy nudged.
“Oh- oh sorry. Staring off.” The blonde jumped, his faux accent almost slipping into his natural southern one.
“You’re good, just stare at me when we have time.” The ginger smirked.
“I was not staring!” Jeff defended.
“Ah, you’re so cute.” Randy chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled an arm around his date’s waist, walking them back out of the carnival.
Jeff simply rolled his eyes, going out to his bike, unchaining it as he mounted, waiting for his crush to drop his skateboard. As he did, the two would veer off back to Bullworth Academy. Where hostility and deception was the code.
They walked side by side, Jeff taking Randy’s hand within his own. Every now and again a prefect or student would pass them, but refused to bat an eye. Randy admiring the bright moonlight, you wouldn’t even need a flashlight, you could see just about perfectly. Although he was more interested in the way the light bounced off his beloved, highlighting his chin and cheekbones. God Jeff was one pretty boy.
Randy stopped in front of The Harrington House, the preppies personal dorms. He glanced down at the other.
“Hey honey, I have something for you.” Randy said, turning to the other.
“Oh?” Jeff replied, looking up at him.
The redhead reached into his vest putting out a few roughed up flowers. The blonde flaring up with a blush and taking them.
“Everyone thinks I hate everybody, but I like you.” Randy smiled.
“I-I don’t know what to say..” Jeff stammered, breaking out of his faux English accent.
“How about ‘Kiss me’?” Randy chuckled, looking down.
The prep stood on his toes, Randy bending down slightly so that their lips could connect. The kiss was sweet, and genuine. The pair pulling away after a short moment.
“Well, see you tomorrow I guess?” Jeff smiled, holding the flowers and teddy bear prizes.
“Sure thing, night hon.” The ginger winked, turning off as a prefect shouted for him to get back to his dorm.
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iventshitsorrylmao · 7 days
not all men, but not all lotto tickets either. not all bingo cards either. not all bears either.
bears 500% don't use sweet words to manipulate
mankind there is a chance, and it's not looking too good, victims of abuse or sa are more likely to become victims again. so really not looking good.
bears won't utilize the fact you need cooperation to have a higher chance to survive
there are some of mankind who would.
bears don't draw caricatures supposed to represent you, your friends, your sisters, your mother, getting mauled violently and making perverted jokes about rape because people chose man over the bear. saying how much it would be deserved in comment sections over a fucking hypothetical scenario. then immediately have the audacity or dipshitery needed to claim "not all bears, certainly not them, they're good bears." in the same breath. bears would NEVER.
bears are predictable predators
mankind are not predictable
the aftermath of a potential attack is worth considering
if a bear attacks you people will believe you. it will be obvious a bear attacked you
if your fellow man attacks you then mankind are sadistic, clever, with tools and knowlege at their disposal to make it look like nothing happened, and even if this dude gets caught there's a chance the guy is rich enough to afford a good lawyer and will also get off on good behaviour.. there is also the chance that this man you've scorned by being a victim will take steps to find you and seek vengence for having gone to court for, again, attacking YOU. theres a chance other members of mankind will start to attack you or send you stalker threats and harrasment on behalf of him, and cops won't step in until it's too late.
bears can maul you and you'll either die within three hours, or live with ptsd chronic pain infections. and you can spend your life avoiding bears forests, zoos and the north pole.
mankind you can either die within five minutes or fifteen years in captivity in the most extreme cases, or more likely, in three days if he's feeling sadistic. you have a chance to get ptsd AND even cptsd, that's a two for one deal. oh joy. mankind can also give you the chronic pain and infections and even diseases. you cannot go on your entire life avoiding your fellow man to avoid having your trauma triggered, there's even a chance you'll be drawn to abusers after subconciously as a way to come to terms and gain control of the traumatic event (this is dangerous but happens)
of course not all men are jefferey donner not all men are bob mr rogers either, statistically it's those closest to you that will abuse you. let me make something clear. if we're lost in the forest alone together then that means we ARE the closest people in eachothers lives. with no outside perspective, to let us know if shit is getting toxic volitile or downright abusive. there is only two of us.
so yes i would prefer to be lost in the middle of the woods alone and come across a single bear over a single person regardless of gender.
were this to be just a regular forest trail and we are not lost just passing by, then i say hi in passing to my fellow man all the time. just last week two men were birding hoping to get an owl checked off their list. unfortunately i couldnt help them with that.
were we to find like, ten random people, even all men, none of us know eachother then yeah i'll go with the group of men, shenanigans will likely ensue. maybe one of them has a potato launcher he has hoping to try out or some shit.
i would choose a random bear over a random woman. but funnily enough the question is never about that. it's almost like people are looking for something to be angry about.
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stonechatcher · 2 months
Beautiful is BORING(Jeff The Killer x Reader) Part 1
Warnings, Jeff kills everyone, burning, blood, slut shaming, body shaming, Jeff isn't nice, Death, Dead dove do not eat.
"Jeff, come on! Lets at least have fun!" You pulled on his white hoodie sleeve. He rolls his eyes and follows me in. "Oh, and where do you think you two are going?" The birthday boy asks us. "I- I'm going to the bathroom!" You said, and Jeff pulled you closer. "Oh ya? Jeffery Woods you got to be careful, she might have stds!" The guy to the left laughs. Jeff growls, and the Birthday boy puts his hands up. "Hey, just saying, that fatty whore is probably carrying something!" The Birthday boy's 'groupies' all laughed wildly. Jeff's fist tightened. You where about to leave with Jeff, when they poured a bucket of bleach on Jeff, and some got on you, before they thrown a match on Jeff. You got some water and tired to pour it on Jeff, but he kept running around. All while they laugh. After you and Jeff got the flames put out, the ambulance was called. The birthday boy and his minions all where taken by the cops.
A few weeks later
"Jeffery... I got you something..." You walked into your boyfriend's hospital room. He looked up at you, his face was wrapped in bandages, you can only see a single eyeball. You handed him a new white hoodie, like he always wear but it was destroyed in the flames. He looks at it, and, you can't tell if he's happy or sad, he just stares at it. You sat on his bed, next to him. "I'm sorry I didn't put it out sooner Jeff... I... I was trying to hard too... This is all my fault..." You cried, feeling so very guilty. Jeff just stared at you, like he's trying to say something, but fails to make out a word. You left soon after, looking back one more time at Jeff before leaving.
A year later
"Breaking news! Jefferey Woods, a 14 year old boy, had murdered his parents, bullies, and hospitalized his Brother, and a friend. They are questioning his Girlfriend/boyfriend if they know anything about this." You felt your heart drop. Jeffery wasn't a murderer! He can't be!
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newearthinbloom · 1 year
Do you think your own thoughts, is it still possible in 2023?
I became interested in Sociology at a young age, whenever I had taken a class in high school I suppose. My mind has always been fascinated with the idea that each and every one of us multibillion humans have an effect on another. The butterfly effect, if you will. We can raise positivity just by smiling at someone we don't even know and saying, "Cool hair!" or whatever. The point is that that joy, that kindness will raise their energy, their vibration, their attitude. Whose to know what kind of life their living or the troubles they're enduring either.
When we lift up ourselves and spread that love outwardly as well it perpetuates. It spreads like a wildfire. You made that person's day or even hour let's say. For the next hour they will walk around head held high, smiling at someone else who might be barley holding on. That smile was all they needed and so on and so on. Our actions and frequency we give off is so so powerful. We really live in a society with every single one of us having our own feelings, energies, vibrations and actions bouncing back and forth off of the other 8 billion of us. How we treat others, ourselves and the actions/ events that occur in society all play a part in determining what is to come next for us all. So I guess this understanding of societies interconnection is what propelled me into my degree in Sociology and perhaps the daily contemplation of how I can raise earths frequency.
What really got me was learning about free will. I guess I had realized as a child I was influenced by others and maybe famous actresses. It didn't occur to me just how little freedom we have even for our own thoughts!? I wanted to discuss this because I think it's evident that many of us, dare I say most of us? aren't completely aware of just how much we are influenced, and how much our perceptions and thoughts are warped. We can help this!! just by becoming conscious and we'll get to that.
First off, we are sensitive creatures. Yes, I know there are the Jefferey Dahmer types out there; so no I do not necessarily mean empathetically sensitive. Rather we are pushed and pulled so very easily by just a feeling. All of us. We are sponges of energy soaking in and taking in this very fast and digital world. We may not know what the feeling is or why we feel it but as humans if we are swayed or drawn to something we will naturally go towards it. Knowing this helps us to understand the difficulty placed on our free will. We live in a place where everything feels like an ad and everyone is buying the next thing. There is so much separation in the current world, everyone's wondering "what side" you're on and wants to tell you why to join theirs.
If you begin to think about how drastically images are projected in front of your eyes for your brain to read, interpret and store that information. How constant it is from morning until night. Then and only then can you realize that your thoughts are not all yours. Each morning you check the email and read up on the news, you feel alert. Head to your job to see a billboard on a highway of an enticing sandwich, you think to yourself "hmm I'll go there for lunch." Scroll on TikTok and feel curious about life in another part of the world. Check Instagram later and become suddenly anxious you dress bad, don't worry a personalized ad should pop up with some brands you like. When you get home, you watch a true crime documentary and decide you'll never step foot in Massachusetts. Your friend stops by but isn't doing too well, after they leave you feel down and drained too.
We are unconsciously always being swayed one-way or another. We are always actively taking in everything around us whether or not we realize, it's easy to lose our free will in the age of information. You hold so much just scrolling in your hand and the influence is powerful. I always think to myself "Would I even care if I lived in the woods right now?" Would I even dress like this if most girls my age didn't on social media? like what would 'my style' be if I didn't have access to the internet." Pretty sure having the next crazy sports car will do nothing to heal you or make you a better person but that ad is fooling. Our decisions and thought process is of course constantly influenced by other humans and that's a beautiful thing about society. We pick up phrases from old neighbors or habits from a friend but when it's the internet, tv or other external devices its generally all similar, generated by an algorithm, unoriginal and pointless like something to buy!
Not to worry, when we become conscious of the needless and pointless external influences, we can laugh them off. Carl Jung said we are only as free as we are conscious." We can choose to not let them grow ideas in our mind. We can try to go back to our wants and needs we had as a child, before society made us dizzy with all the swaying. We can minimize phone usage, tune out the ads, remember what is real and what is not. To me that is a huge one reminding myself this that person isn't doing better than me on Instagram because their pictures look fun. I have no idea what their human experience is like. That isn't real. Again, would this feeling matter if i was in the woods? Will this help me be better? Did I even mean to think that thought? These realizations ground me completely and that start to occur more and more. I have everything I need and instead of thanking my lucky stars sometimes I'll look at my things in comparison to others and feel sad. Then I just remind myself I am a soul in a body trying to do good for us all! I really don't need to feel bad about myself driving around in my clunky loud 2006 Jeep. I don't need to feel sorry I'm not a super chic 24-year-old world traveling influencer. They are literally called influencers like come on. Me at my core is more than good enough, before society shaped my thoughts and that's who I spend my time trying to get back to. Back to me <3
Remember who YOU are.
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chasingthe2000s · 2 years
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I keep drawing way too small so all my details are lost >:(
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rt-arts · 3 years
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hey its been fucking forever but i finally got my tablet pen back!!! so here’s some doodles ive done lately
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alicevandrusen · 3 years
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A bit of a head/heart canon for y’all: how Jeff refers to any Adult he comes across is indicative of whether or not he thinks they deserve to be killed. He refers to his own parents in a really childish way before he killed them, and it stuck.
And they’ve been fan-preferred friends forever, him and Ben. Because there’s nothing about Ben’s situation he wouldn’t understand.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years
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Dinner at the Anderson’s
neil x todd (short love story)
Todd had been crushing on Neil since the first time they saw each other at Welton. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off him. He was home for the summer and so was his brother Jeffrey who was home from Harvard but would be going back.
Todd stayed in his room as his parents often ignored him and focused all their attention to Jeffery. He looked at his wall as he played his favorite music in the background.
Senior year was approaching and Jeffery would be graduating soon. Jefferey was engaged to his long time girlfriend Molly and was expecting to marry her in September.
Todd heard a knock and then his brother entered carrying boxes, he set them on Todd's desk.
"Father wanted you to have these, for when you have to take the big test," he said with a neutral look on his face. Todd nodded looking at the box.
"Thank you," Todd whispered but before Jeffery could leave he said, "I have to ask something..."
Jeffery looked at him waiting for him to continue. Todd didn't say anything at first as the words never seemed to form.
"I-I uh... I met someone," he said nervously fidgeting with his fingers. Jeffery raised an eyebrow, "and well I really like them..."
"Who is it?" Jeffery asked sitting down on the desk chair, Todd sat on his bed looking at the floor.
"Just someone..." He whispered not looking up.
"Bring her over for dinner, Molly is coming over." Jeffery smiled at Todd and walked out the room. It didn't hit Jeffery that Todd went to an all boys school until dinner rolled around.
The feeling of knowing yet not knowing filled Jeffery as Todd played with his food, Molly was talking to his parents laughing and talking about Harvard.
"Todd?" Jeffery called catching everyone attention, "why don't we set up the fireplace? Maybe some s'mores?" Jeffery smiled standing up, Todd looked confused. Todd was never really welcomed to these kinds of activities.
"Sure?" Todd stood up and followed his brother outside where the fire would be set up.
"Todd?" Jeffery said, Todd tensed up as he picked up the firewood along with Jeffery.
"Y-Yes?" Todd stuttered.
"I know." Jeffery looked at Todd with a stern and serious look.
"K-Know a-a-about what?" Todd stammered dropping the firewood, he quickly picked it back up and sped walk back to the fire pit.
"Todd! You know about what!" Jeffery shouted turning Todd around and looking him in the eyes. "Todd, I don't care. You're my brother and I love you no matter what," Jeffery's face softened as Todd once again dropped the firewood and hugged Jeffery tightly. Jeffery hugged back tighter allowing Todd to cry.
"Don't tell mom or dad, please?" Todd said pulling away from the hug collecting the fire wood and dumping it in the fire pit.
"I won't, but why not invite him over tomorrow? For dinner?" Jeffery smiled starting the fire and Todd shrugged but nodded, "I'll tell mom and dad don't worry."
After the s'mores everyone walked back inside and Todd went inside his room.
Todd called Neil, "Hey Neil," he smiled.
"Todd! Was wondering when you'll call," he chuckled.
"Been busy, Jeffery is home and brought his fiancé," Todd smiled.
"How is she? Is she nice?" Neil smiled leaning against the wall.
"She's very talkative, she is nice nonetheless, hey I was wondering, if maybe you’d like to come over for dinner? Tomorrow..?” Todd stuttered his voice slightly shaking.
“Dinner? Sure! I’d love to.” Neil smiled his face a blushing mess, his heart began to beat fast.
“Really? Cool, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Todd smiled his face red.
“See you tomorrow Todd, bye.” Neil hung up and looked at the ceiling in awe a wide smile on his face.
He quickly dialed Charlie who took a while to finally answer the phone,
“Hello?” Charlie said sleepily,
“You were sleeping?” Neil asked, he could hear Charlie getting out of bed,
“No…?” He was clearly lying,
“Whatever, guess who called?” Neil said excitedly.
“The IRS?” Charlie laughed smirking,
“Shut up. Todd called.” Neil never stopped smiling. Charlie rolled his eyes,
“What did he say?” Charlie asked sitting on his bed.
“He wants me to go over for dinner,” Neil smile widened.
“A date?” Charlie asked now excited,
“No! No? No. I don’t know, it’s at his house tomorrow I don’t know what to wear I want to make a good first impression!” Neil stammered looking at his closet.
“Neil! You aren’t even dating… Why does it matter?” Charlie laughed and Neil shook his head.
“You’re not helping Charlie! I’m nervous!” Neil exclaimed.
“I’ll be over at your house tomorrow we can buy new clothes or whatever,” Charlie smirked, “been needing a new pair of shoes anyways.”
“Thank you Charlie! I owe you one!”
“You owe me more then one Neil, bye.” Charlie chuckled.
“Bye Charlie.” Neil hung up as he flopped on his bed happily.
The next afternoon Charlie knocked on the door and Neil’s mom opened up.
“Hello Mrs. Perry, is Neil home?” Charlie asked smiling.
“Neil! Charlie is here!” Neil came running down all dressed up.
“Bye mom!” Neil waved goodbye following Charlie out as they walked to the nearest shopping center.
“What did you want to wear?” Charlie asked lighting up a cigarette taking a drag before handing it to Neil.
“I want something that says that I’m serious but also lots of fun, something that shouts Neil.” Neil smiled and Charlie rolled his eyes playfully.
“Let’s go into this shop, very in fashion,” Charlie smiled walking in and making Neil wear fifteen different shirts and ten different jeans and pants.
They walked out with two bags, two different outfits. They walked into another shop where again Neil tried on three different outfits walking out with two bags. They kept doing this until their hands were full of bags.
“Moms going to be mad, she bought me new clothes last month,” Neil chuckled.
“Meeting the parents of your boyfriend-who-isn’t-your-boyfriend-yet requires new outfits.” Charlie smiled before stopping at a local coffee shop ordering drinks.
“You need new shoes,” Charlie said taking a sip of his coffee. “Come here,” Charlie guided Neil to a shoe store where Charlie bought Neil two new pairs of shoes with a smile. By then it was already five in the afternoon and Neil had to walk to Todd’s house at around six to be there by seven.
They walked back, Charlie said goodbye walking to his house. Neil set his bags of clothes down as he began to put everything away smiling. He picked out an outfit that Charlie said would “make you look voluptuous”.
Neil looked at himself in the mirror smiling fixing his hair and wearing chapstick he walked down where his mom was cooking dinner.
“Going so soon?” His mom frowned and Neil nodded.
“Tell dad I’m at Todd’s studying.” Neil said before walking to Todd’s house.
Todd wore his best outfit making sure to smell and look nice.
“Excited?” Jeffery smiled walking to his little brother. “You look very fancy for dinner, I should wear a suit,” Jeffery laughed.
“Thank you, for not being weird about it…” Todd smiled shyly at the floor.
“I’m your older brother Todd, I’ll always love you. You mean everything to me and you know that.” Jeffery hugged Todd.
There was a ring downstairs, “He’s here.” Todd smiled walking downstairs to open the door.
“Hey,” Neil smiled. Todd fell even more in love with Neil at this very second, seeing Neil in those clothes did something to him.
“Come in, mom’s just finishing up dinner, let’s go to my room?” Neil nodded following Todd upstairs to his bedroom.
“Keep the door open,” Jeffery winked and Todd’s face flushed red.
“Jeffery!” Todd said back causing Jeffery to laugh.
Todd closed the door rolling his eyes sitting on his bed.
“Nice room,” Neil said looking around taking in the decorations and everything.
“Thanks, Jeffery has a bigger room, you’re an only child, how is that like?” Todd asked looking at Neil who shrugged.
“It’s very lonely, sometimes I wish I had a brother or even a sister takes some of the pressure away from me you know?” Neil chuckled picking up a soccer trophy from Todd’s desk.
“I won that in second grade before I became a disappointment,” Todd laughed standing close to Neil.
Neil looked into Todd’s eyes with a smile, Todd smiled looking back at him. Neil felt him self getting closer and closer to Todd’s face. Todd closed his eyes and his lips parted.
The moment was interrupted when Jeffery opened the door, “What did I say about the door?” He shouted.
Neil and Todd jumped back and away from each other, Neil set down the trophy his heart beating faster and his face red like a tomato.
“Mom said dinner is ready,” Jeffery laughed walking away.
“L-Let’s go-” Todd stuttered rushing out Neil following behind him trying to get his heart to stop beating so fast.
“You must be Neil,” Mrs. Anderson smiled once they arrived at the dinning room.
“Hello Mrs. Anderson,” Neil smiled shaking her hand before sitting down.
“Tell us about yourself,” Mr. Anderson said taking a bite of his food as Neil began to talk to them about him and his life.
“So you’re top student at Welton? You should tutor our son, he isn’t all that bad but he can improve,” Mrs. Anderson laughed.
“I think Todd is doing just fine,” Jeffery butt in and Mrs. Anderson shook her head.
“When you were going into Senior year you had all the ivy leagues wanting you to go to their school, you even had a full ride to Harvard!” Mr. Anderson said shaking his head, “all Todd has is an offer at a school in California.”
“California isn’t a bad place to go to school at, it’s a very nice school too!” Jeffery argued.
“Now, now! We have a guest,” Mrs. Anderson said trying to ease the tension, “Todd still has a lot of time to get scholarships.”
Todd looked at his plate with a heavy sigh, he tried his best not to cry. Being put on the spot that way was hard for him. It was harder to be compared to his older brother. As a kid Todd saw Jeffery more like competition then a fried.
After dinner Neil offered to hep Mrs. Anderson clean up, she kindly rejected the offer and told him to go outside with Todd for some fresh air.
Todd and Neil walked out to the garden, his mom was growing fruits and vegetables.
“Sorry about dinner, Dad gets intense when it comes to school,” Todd chuckled sadly.
“I’m sorry Todd, you don’t deserve that…” Neil stopped causing Todd to stop.
“The night is very beautiful, isn’t it?” He whispered looking up at the moon and stars a smile on his face. He looked down sadly then at Neil.
Neil and Todd held eye contact for a while before Neil began to lean in. He held Todd’s hand, Todd too began to lean in closing his eyes before their lips met in a small kiss.
Neil pulled away resting his forehead on Todd’s. Neil was a couple inches taller then Todd.
“Todd?” Jeffery called out, Jeffery saw Neil and Todd holding hands and smiled. “So…”
“I- uh- I-” Todd stuttered looking at Neil then at Jeffery.
“Mom’s calling you, Neil it was nice meeting you.” Jeffery walked away smiling before hiding in a bush to eavesdrop.
“Sorry about Jeffery,” Todd laughed. Neil chuckled and shook his head.
“Your brother seems cool, does he… you know?” Neil whispered and Todd nodded.
“Yeah, he knows. He is okay with it too, mom and dad don’t know yet though.” Todd rubbed his arm.
“So… what does this mean?” Neil asked looking at the moon.
“What do you mean?” Todd asked also looking at the moon.
“You know, about us? Is there an us now?” Neil asked hopefully looking at Todd who shyly smiled.
“Do you want there to be an us?” He whispered and Neil nodded.
“I would love for there to be an us, Neil and Todd versus the world,” Neil smiled, Todd looked at him and smiled. Neil laid his hand on his cheek before giving him another quick kiss.
“Want to be my boyfriend?” Neil asked and Todd nodded his head wrapping his arms around Neil’s neck bringing him in for another kiss that lasted longer then the others.
Jeffery did a small victory dance before standing up, “Finally!” He shouted happily walking away.
Neil and Todd both laughed before heading back inside.
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
feel something [leah rilke]
leah rilke x fem reader
requested #1: Hi. Can I request a fem!reader x Leah fic where reader gets hurt and Leah gets kind of protective afterwards. Thank you!
requested #2: Part two of that Leah x insomniac reader please!!!!! Maybe one where the girls see just how bad her hero complex is
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This wasn’t the first time you’ve almost died on this trip. 
According to Nora, you’v been here for 22 days. And you’ve died almost four times since then. Much to Leah, Shelby, and literally all the other girls disappointment. 
The first time was after your first actual sleep with Leah. You were climbing up the mountain with Rachel, Shelby, and Leah when the mirror started slipping off the mountain. And without thinking you decided to dive and try to save it.
“Y/N!” Leah yells as you reach for Fatin’s mirror. 
“Jesus Y/N!” Shelby yells, “Get up! It’s just a mirror!”
“No we need it to call help!” you reply in between gritted teeth. 
Shelby yells, “We’ll figure it out another way please!” 
The mirror falls off the cliff and you smack your hand on the hard dirt, “Fuck!” 
The three girls drag you back onto a more steady surface. You look down at your scratched up hand and sigh.
“Are you kidding me right now?” Shelby whispers, staring at you incredulously.
“I was just trying to help.” you mumble, continuing to stare at your hand. 
“Help us what?!” the blonde scolds, “Help us extend our graveyard?!” 
You knew why she was so upset. Back home it was always you, Shelby, and Becca. But ever since Becca was gone, Shelby became more protective of you than she already was. She couldn’t lose someone else.
“I’m sorry.” 
Her eyes softens. “It’s okay. Just please be more careful.” 
While Shelby got over it, Leah was shaken up on the thought of losing you. She thought it was ridiculous you two just met, but she never felt so drawn to someone one.
Not since Jefferey. 
She threw her arms around you. And you immediately reciprocated the hug, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“I’m okay Leah,” you whisper softly.
The next time it happened was a few days after that. You managed to keep your sleep schedule straight with the help of Leah, but again almost died. 
Overexertion is what the girls like to call it. But you like to call it putting in 100% effort to help everyone else survive. This one wasn’t too serious, just passing out and being lost for a few hours.
No biggie really.
You wouldn’t necessarily count this one as a near death experience, but Nora insists. Because if they didn’t find you wild animals could’ve probably eaten me.
After that Leah made sure you ate and drank as much as possible. When the girls found out you were skipping out on food, so there was more for them to eat they scolded you. 
“Dude you need to eat!” Toni yells, after they bring you back to the camp.
“I thought everyone else deserved more food than me.” you say. 
Toni scoffs, but Fatin cuts into the conversation, “And we really appreciate that you’re trying to help, but you need to take care of yourself too.” 
“What is this some intervention?” you ask, jokingly, but all of their faces were serious, “Oh you’re being serious.” 
“Hell yeah we are!” Rachel yells.
“Y/N, you can’t keep putting yourself in life or death situations. We’ve cheated death once. You continuing to do it will kill you one day!” Toni says and you look down at your feet. 
Leah was quiet for the rest of the time that night. She would just stare out at the ocean, lost in her own thoughts. You knew she was mad at you, but there wasn’t much you can actually do. 
You thought she wasn’t gonna talk to you or even interact with you for that matter, but she put her head on your shoulder and nuzzled into your neck. You gently rest your head on top of hers.
Hesitantly, you turn your head ever so slightly placing a kiss to the top of her head. And you couldn’t see it, but Leah was smiling probably wider than she has ever smiled in the past couple months.
The third time was a little more scary for not only the girls, but for you. It was the next night. 
The tides were rising higher than they ever did before. Crashing hard and fast, it was like a mini tsunami. The girls were all freaking out trying their best to hold in so they wouldn’t get swept away. 
“Is everyone okay?” you yell above all the screaming, “Dot! Can you do a head count?” 
“Shelby?” Dot yells.
“Right here!” her Texas accent comes through and I release a sigh of relief.
“Leah?!” Dot yells out again and your heart dropped into your stomach.
“I’m over here!” her voice called out, but it was distant. 
You turned your head, searching everywhere for her voice to see that she climbed up onto the cliffs. You let out another sigh of relief.
In the distance, you could see Fatin trying to grab the rest of her luggage. And she seemed to have had a hold on it when a wave came crashing in, as she disappeared from view.  
“Fuck Fatin!!” you yell and it gets all of the girls attention.
You finally see her as she starts to drift off a little by the riptide. And without hesitation you immediately took off running, taking off your shirt, shoes, and jeans in the process. 
“Y/N! No!” Dot yells.
But it was too late you were already swimming against the current. It was tiring to say the least, but you had to get to Fatin. Your arms and legs were burning, but all you could think about was helping her.
You finally got to Fatin and pulled her and her suitcase in front of you. She was floating on top of it, trying to stay above the water. You pushed her suitcase as you tried your best to get back to shore without getting swept back. 
Just as you’re about to reach shore another huge wave came crashing down. With one last push you pushed Fatin further causing her to reach the shore. And you? Sucked back in right where Fatin was.
It was getting too tiring, swimming back. You were about to give up when you heard Shelby’s voice come from the shore.
“No fucking way! You’re not giving up right now!” she yells at you and she could  how you stopped treading water and just floated. You were too tired and your arms and legs felt like they were about to fall off, “If God brought us to it, God will bring us through it! So push Y/N!” 
Your whole demeanor changed hearing those words. It’s something you, Shelby, and Becca said to each other whenever one of us had a bad day or needed some inspiration. 
So you pushed and pushed until you finally got back. 
Breathless and tired, you laid on the cool sand. Coughing up a storm at the very least. 
“Y/N!” Leah says, rushing over to your side immediately.
She immediately grabs my dry clothes and throw them over me. Leah scoops me into her arms and places me onto her lap. She rubs my back softly as I continue to cough up a lung. 
“You’re an idiot.” Dot says bluntly, but a relieved smile was on her face.
You chuckled softly, “Someone had to go save her.” 
The rest of the time following Leah never left your side. She watched you eat and drink. Yelled at you to take your breaks when needed and kept you sane. 
And if any sort of danger arises, she grabs my wrist and pulls you to sit back down. 
Now here you were day 22, finding yourself risking your life for yet another time. And by the looks of the situation probably your last. 
After the tide swept away your shelter, you decided to make another one. A bigger one. But as the odds like to have it lightning struck down causing to catch on fire in the middle of the night. 
Dot was doing yet another headcount, “Shelby? Where’s Shelby?!” 
You look around frantically desperate to find your best friend. Leah was right by your side, so you knew she was okay.
“Help me!” you hear the blonde call out and you knew immediately where the sound was coming from. 
The fucking shelter. 
Leah saw the look in your eye and right when you were about to take off running she grabbed your arm, “No, you can’t. That’s a death wish going in there!” she exclaims.
“Leah, she’s my best friend,” you whisper softly, “I can’t let her die.” 
“If you go in there, I will never forgive you.” she states, a serious look in those blue eyes. 
Your eyes soften, but you take your hands and cup her cheeks lightly. You close the distance between the two of you. When Leah kisses back, you can feel tear drops fall onto your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry.” you state as you pull apart, before taking off running for shelter.
Once you made it in the small, really hot space, you saw Shelby trapped underneath a pile of burning wood.
“It hurts so bad Y/N!” she exclaims and you know she’ll definitely have some burns. 
“I know Shelb, I know. I’m right here. We’re gonna get you out of here okay?” you say and she nods her head.
There was only one way out and if you pull Shelby out of the burning wood this whole thing can go collapsing on top of you. But what other choice do we have? She can’t walk so either way you would have to drag or carry her out.
“Come on Y/N, think. Think!” you yell to yourself as the exhaustion starts to build up in your chest.
From all the smoke you continued to cough and cough. If you didn’t get her and you out of there now, you might as well be dead.
“Y/N look at me.” Shelby whispers and you finally look at her, “If God brough us to it?”
“God will bring us through it.” you whisper back, nodding at her.
You squatted down in front of her, “I need you to wrap your arms around my neck, like a piggy back ride.” 
She follows suit, “Okay done.” 
“Once we pull you out from underneath there, I need you to wrap your legs around me. It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be needed.” you say in between coughs, “Now all we have to do it take that leap of faith. Ready?” 
“Yeah.” she whispers.
You pull her out of the burning wood causing her to groan out in pain. And the building started caving in on top of each other. But as if you had real life super powers you ran out of the place as fast you could. 
Barely making it out of there on time as the two of you trip and fell over a log that was outside. 
“Shelb? Are you okay?” you say in a fit of coughs. 
“Yeah, my leg just really hurts.” she replies.
You immediately get up in the midst of your coughing fit to pick her up bridal style. Walking the little ways back to camp, you could see the girls’ faces lighten up. 
And when your eyes landed on Leah you could see how red and puffy her face was. Your heart dropped in your chest once more as you saw the worried features on her face.
“Dot I need you to tend to her burns before they get infected.” you say in between coughs.
Your lungs felt like they were on fire right now, “What about you? What do you need?” Dot asks. 
But you just cough into your hand, shooing her away to go take care of Shelby. You were fine, Shelby needed the most help. And as you were walking to go sit down, the world started spinning and everything went black.
“Come on Y/N. I need you.” you hear a voice whisper, awaking you slightly from your sleep. 
Your head was lying in someone’s lap and your eyes fluttered open to see Leah staring back at you. The sun now shining down upon the crazy beach. 
“Hey, you’re awake.” she whispers, leaning down to hold you tightly, “We thought we lost you. I thought you were gone.” she replies.
You cup her face lightly, “I’m right here. I’m sorry.” 
“You can’t do this Y/N. You can’t keep trying to kill yourself! I need you. Please. I need you. You can’t-you can’t leave me.” Leah starts to cry and you do your best to wipe away all the tears.
“I’m not going anywhere okay? I’m staying right here.” you say softly, trying to soothe her worries.
She nods, “Promise me?” she whispers her voice practically begging you to promise her.
“I promise.” 
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