#jasper x maya
May 15: Jasper/Maya, Open All Night
Maya and Jasper, Greek Gods AU, in the same universe as my fic Beloved Feared Misunderstood, written in about 50 minutes
~1200 words
Inspired by this post.
cw: generically described violence; smoking
All her life, Maya has been known as a good girl. One who’s smart enough not to involve herself with the gods.
They are fickle beings, and not to be trusted.
This warning, resonant in her ear, the night she passes by Jasper's theater and finds one of his acolytes outside, blowing smoke. She recognizes the woman as a maenad, not from her face, but from the scarred and tattered look about her, not there in marks on her skin or rips in her clothes but in the manic, violent energy that radiates around her. There in the spark of her eyes and the angle of her lips. A woman who’s been taken apart and then put back together, and all the seams still show. She's edged out in pink light from the neon sign in the window.
Maya stops up short, all but even with her. In this part of town, the streetlights don't always work. She's in a swath of near-black shadow, the puddles in the sidewalk a sheen of fluorescent pink, the closed door of the theater pulsating pink and red and blue around its edges. The maenad is staring at her, staring, perhaps, all the way through her, that same curled smile and her eyes wide and glinting. She wears fingerless fishnet gloves, and the fingernails of the hand that holds her cigarette keep clacking together, the thumb against the third finger. Habitual and slow.
She points her chin up, slowly. "What are you doing out here?"
"Going home."
"Awful late for that."
She shrugs her shoulders up around her ears. What she's heard of the Maenads: they've given their whole lives to him, god of madness and festivity and wine. Long nights of ecstasy, delirious in their worship. She's seen less devoted followers back from a single night at his club or the theater, blossoming purple bruises across skin, dizzy with memories they can neither reach nor contain. They rushed the stage. They acted upon it. They threw themselves against the floor, raving, screaming.
This woman seems so calm. Quiet. She holds herself so still that she seems an apparition out of smoke.
"I work at the hospital," Maya answers. "Late shift."
Billow of smoke out of the corner of her mouth, scent of something deep and bitter. Maya's eyes water.
For days now, the sunsets have been bloody and purple, stacks of deep gray clouds tinged purple on their undersides, massacred royalty. Everyone says he's in a dark mood, hiding in the gutter-end of summer.
"Wanna meet a god?"
She drops her bag somewhere on the floor just past the threshold. Inside is dark and thick and blurred. The maenad drops her cigarette on the stone floor and crushes it out beneath her heel.
Deep drumbeats from the music make the walls jump. Limbs glitter-slick and glinting gold and silver, and pink-red theater lights from the rafters, swaying, taking wide sweeps across the room. The walls and the ceiling are painted black. The stone floor gives way to a black floor, scrawled over in neon paint. The maenad takes her past undulating bodies—she was expecting a mass. But there are—an uncountable number, more body parts than bodies, dispossessed—but she recognizes still that she’s in a room of a cherished few.
Jasper sits all the way in the back, on a small stage of his own, stacked with pillows. She's seen photos of him. But nothing prepares her for the look of him: that such an ancient god would take the form of such a slight young man. Glowing pale, his head weighted heavily with a crown of gnarled sticks and ivy leaves.
Something deep and red is smeared across his face and arms and chest.
The maenad bows to him deeply, all the way down to her knees. Something in her compels Maya to bow as well, but she pushes it back and deep inside.
So she thinks at first it is because she did not bow that he takes one look at her and snarls and orders her taken away. She does not want to remain. She would rather be dragged out and left on the rain-slick pavement. She feels a sickness, blindness rising up in her, a rhythm to her thoughts she cannot grasp, and through it, despite herself, she argues:
The young god narrows his eyes at her. "She's too good," he says, right to her face. Sounds as if he knew her, or as if he could read all of her in the blank expression of her face. "Too innocent. True worshipers only tonight."
"I'm not so good!" she yells out, before he can turn away.
He raises his eyebrows. The maenad is still kneeling at his feet, unfurled at the waist so that her hands and face are pressed against the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, Maya can see her moving, rippling, undulating.
"You don't know me. You don't know—I've done things."
The maenad is slamming her hands against the floor to the sound of the bass beat. The heavy slap of skin to concrete makes Maya's palms ache. She feels it in her knees, too; she feels the stifling constriction of her lungs. In the shadows—humming, chanting—she discerns the dim outlines of men and women with animal masks obscuring their faces.
Jasper is watching her, unblinking. Slowly, like an oppressive weight settling down upon her shoulders, she realizes that everything in the room moves around him, through him; everything moves to the rhythm of his breathing, everything aches with a building, barely restrained violence—the mood that's radiating from him. The beat of palms scratched up bleeding and bodies thrown against bodies is the beat of his heart.
"Do you know why they wear masks?" he questions.
"To erase identity."
"Do you know why they swear blood oaths?"
"Blood is life giving and necessary for life."
"Mmmm," he hums. Without warning, he slices open the palm of his hand and squeezes out drops of blood onto the floor, and the maenad with the fingerless gloves and air of ruin splashes her hands in it. "And because it's different than ours. Fascinates us."
He pours a glass of wine, slowly, sets it down next to the knife that still shines with deep red blood. The stains of wine and blood upon his skin shine slick and wet in the sweep of pink light.
He asks her, then, what she knows of the perverse, and the answer is more than she can say. Perversion. A distortion or corruption of what should be. A release, without which builds true madness. A sort of freedom. How long she's lived narrow and bound—or pretended to. The art depicting the god of ritual madness was always her favorite: scenes of such deranged loveliness that she could never decide if they depicted a type of heaven or a type of hell.
She steps closer to him without being asked, up onto the platform. She holds her hand out to him. She could kiss the delicate, translucent skin beneath his eyes.
Up close, she thinks, she's never seen anyone more wrecked and desperate and wild, nor anyone more beautiful.
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probably-voldemort · 1 year
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drank with the devil (and forgot my name)
a jasper x maya fic - rated T
Summoning a demon was on purpose. Having the demon possess Clarke was an accident. But Josie swears she's only here to honour their deal, and, really, could Jasper have a better wingman than a demon?
Written for Round 3 of @troped-fanfic-challenge's Troped Madness 4.0! Thanks a third time to @thelittlefanpire and @dylanobrienisbatman for hosting!
[link in reblog]
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wonderswritings · 8 months
Starless Lovers {11}
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Summary: They fell from the sky. We roamed the earth. We were always meant to clash. 
Warnings: The 100 Themes, Angst, Death, Blood, Unrequited Feelings, Slow Burn, Possibly more to come
Pairings: Lexa x Sister!Reader, Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader (eventual)
War has always been brewing. With twelve clans, each with different ideals, it was always going to happen. But tensions rise when they come, the people from the sky. We watched from a distance, learning. But then they attacked, and if there's one thing all the clans can agree on,
Blood must have blood.
Starless Lovers Masterlist | Tags
We've reached the end of season 2! Thank you for sticking around! If there's an interest in season 3, let me know! I don't really want to go further if there's no interest. Enjoy!
Bellamy rushed through the halls, carrying you in his arms.
“I can walk.”
Bellamy shook his head as he glanced down at you.
“You’re injured. You’ll just slow us down.”
You huffed, biting the inside of your cheek. How dare he? Insinuating that you’re weak just because you’re injured? Before you could respond, Bellamy was pushing a door open. You made a face as you looked around, eyeing the equipment and cages.
“What is this place?”
Bellamy walked forward, moving to sit you on a table.
“Harvest chamber.”
You watched as he walked around, opening different drawers and cabinets.
“It’s where they kept your people.”
You made a face, clenching your jaw.
“Where are my people?”
Bellamy walked back towards you, setting the things he had grabbed down on the table next to you.
You tilted your head to the side, watching as Bellamy started to mess with the things he had grabbed.
Bellamy glanced at you.
“They’re gone. I came back and your people were gone.”
You made a face as Bellamy grabbed your hand, causing you to tense, trying to jerk your hand from his grasp.
“Hey, no stop. I’m just trying to help.”
He lifted his hands, holding them up in front of him.
“I just want to help. You’re bleeding.”
He tilted his head to the side, slightly making a face as he looked at your hands.
“You are bleeding, right?”
You nodded, casting a glance to the blood that was around your wrists, your knuckle bleeding as well.
“Yeah. My blood is black.”
Bellamy tilted his head to the side.
“Mhmm, like my sisters, we’re natblidas, our blood is black.”
Bellamy nodded slightly, motioning back towards your hands.
“May I?”
You just looked at him for a few minutes before you nodded, letting him take your hand in his.
“I’m just gonna clean them and then wrap them, alright?”
Bellamy looked at you, only moving to actually start when you gave him the go ahead. You watched as he cleaned the blood from your hand, his movements careful and gentle. After he wrapped your hand, he did the same to your other hand, cleaning and bandaging it.
“Anywhere else, that you’re injured?”
You shrugged slightly.
“My side and my hip, but they’re already bandaged.”
Bellamy looked down, eyeing your side.
“What happened?”
You shrugged, glancing up at Bellamy.
“Probably the same as what they were doing to my people and yours.”
Bellamy tilted his head to the side, still looking at your side.
“And you’re sure you don’t want me to check it?”
You nodded, humming softly in response.
“What happens now?”
Bellamy lifted his gaze, looking at you.
“Now I free my people. We’ll hide you somewhere and when my people are free, we’ll get you out of here too.”
You shook your head, moving to get off of the table, standing in front of Bellamy.
“I won’t hide. If you’re going to free your people, I will help.”
You looked at the three people standing in front of you, tilting your head to the side.
You lifted your hand, pointing at them as you spoke.
“Maya, Jasper and Monty?”
Bellamy nodded, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes. They’re my friends.”
Maya’s eyes were wide as she looked at you, a hint of fear in her eyes.
“You… you’re the Dark Commander.”
Nodding, you glanced at her, watching as Jasper moved in front of her, his grip on his gun tightening as he glared at you, slightly moving his gun towards you.
“Why is she here Bellamy?”
“Woah, woah.”
Bellamy moved to stand in front of you, blocking you from their sight.
“No, stop. She’s helping us.”
“Her people left! What good is she to us?!”
You leaned up on your tiptoes, looking over Bellamy’s shoulder, looking at Jasper.
“You plan on freeing your people with just the four of you?”
Jasper looked at you, glaring.
“Your people threw a spear at me!”
You shrugged slightly, tilting your head to the side.
“You did not die.”
Jasper’s mouth fell open, his gun lowering.
“That is not-”
He shook his, huffing.
“That’s not the point!”
Bellamy shook his head.
“None of this is the point. Riheda is helping us, and she is coming with us.”
Lowering yourself back down, you tilted your head to the side, slightly glaring at Bellamy’s back as he spoke.
“We’re not leaving her here. She’s on our side.”
Bellamy turned, looking down at you.
You nodded slightly, looking up at him.
“For now.”
Bellamy’s lip quirked up slightly.
“Good enough for me.”
Octavia was sitting on the ground against the wall, her sword in her hands and she spun it.
“It’s about time.”
She got up when she heard a noise from the chute, taking a deep breath.
When she heard footsteps, she grabbed her sword, carefully walking forward, preparing to fight when she saw Clarke running.
“Octavia. You stayed.”
“Screw you. Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie.”
“We have to get in there.”
Octavia grabbed Clarke’s arm, steering her towards the chute, letting her see Fox’s body.
“If that was possible, do you think I’d still be out here? Why did Lexa sound the retreat?”
“She made a deal with Mount Weather, freed the Grounders, and now we’re on our own.”
Clarke walked towards the door, banging on it when Octavia rushed forward, grabbing her and pulling her back.
“Stop! They’ll know we’re here. What about Lincoln? There’s no way he would have gone along with a plan like this.”
“He didn’t. They took him.”
Clarke lifted her gun, Octavia scoffing as she quickly reached out, lowering it.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I am getting through that door.”
“And that’s your plan? Bellamy’s counting on you. Everyone’s always counting on you.”
“Well, what do you want from me?”
“You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc. You let all those people-”
“I am doing the best I can!”
“Yeah? Well, it’s not good enough.”
The door opened, Clarke lifting her gun as Octavia readied her sword when they saw Bellamy, his gun aimed in front of him.
Octavia hugged Bellamy as he walked out of the door.
“I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill.”
Octavia hugged Monty and Jasper when Maya walked out, Octavia taking a step back.
“It’s all right. She’s with us.”
You appeared in the doorway, Octavia’s eyes widening slightly when she saw you as you stepped through the door. Clarke looked up, clenching her jaw when she saw you, stepping forward and grabbing you, slamming you back against the wall next to the door, pressing her arm into your neck.
“Your sister betrayed us!”
Your eyes hardened slightly as you looked at Clarke.
“My sister did what was best for our people.”
“Your people?”
Clarke pressed her arm harder into your neck.
“What about my people?! We had a deal!”
You tilted your head to the side, a slight wince on your face as Clarke dug her arm in harder, lifting her gun and placing it against your forehead.
“You would’ve done the same.”
“No! Because I keep my word! I wouldn’t have turned my back like Lexa did!”
Bellamy stepped forward, grabbing Clarke’s arm.
“Come on, stop. She’s not the enemy. It was her sister who took the deal, not her. She didn’t do anything.”
Clarke gasped softly as Bellamy slightly pushed her back away from you, shaking her head as she looked up at Bellamy.
“You’re defending her? You?”
Bellamy shrugged slightly, glancing at you over his shoulder.
“Like I said, she didn’t do anything. She couldn’t have, trapped in a cage.”
Clarke scoffed, shooting a glare at you as you rubbed your neck, Bellamy glancing back at you before he looked back at Clarke.
“Where’s your army?”
“Gone, just like yours. Say you have a plan.”
“Not really. We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he’s in quarantine.”
Maya’s tank started to beep, Jasper checking it.
“Thirty minutes. And we just changed it. That can’t be right. It’s her last tank.”
“Hey. We’ll find you another one.”
“All the supplemental oxygen is on level five.”
“Then we have to get you to level five.”
“Five isn’t safe for any of us.”
“We’ll take the trash chute again. It will work.”
“To get in, maybe. Maya’s right. Every soldier in this mountain is there. We’ll never make it out.”
“We can do this. We’ll split up.”
“Okay. You guys go for Dante. We’ll help Maya.”
Clarke reached out, grabbing your wrist, glaring.
“You’re coming with us. I don’t trust you.”
You scoffed, pulling your wrist free.
“En ai nou wich yu op.” (And I don’t trust you)
Bellamy shook his head, walking forward, his hand resting on your back as he gently pushed you forward, shooting Clarke a look as he passed her.
“Let’s go. We’re wasting time.”
You walked behind Clarke and Bellamy, Monty walking next to you, Bellamy occasionally looking back at you as you all walked down the hall to quarantine. You felt bare without your sword and knife, the knife that meant everything to you. Bellamy opened the door, walking in first, followed by Clarke and Monty, you walking in last, staying near the door.
“Hello Clarke.”
“Sir, we need your help again.”
Wallace looked up at the camera in the corner of the room, causing Monty to shake his head.
“It’s okay. I took out the camera from the junction box in the hall. We can talk freely.”
“No one’s watching anyway. Thanks to you, they’re all on level five.”
“You’re not.”
“No. I’m not.”
Wallace looked over at you, grinning slightly as he stepped forward.
“Esmeray, the Dark Commander, Riheda.”
You tensed as he stopped in front of you, looking you up and down.
“My son said he had captured you. But I did not believe him.”
Wallace turned, walking towards the table in the corner before he walked back towards you, your eyes widening slightly when you saw the familiar sheaths in his hands.
“Not until he brought these to me. The craftsmanship of these is quite remarkable.”
You looked down at the knife, reaching out for it, glaring at Wallace when he stepped back, shaking his head.
“I did not say you could have them. Afterall, they were given to me.”
“They weren’t his to give, and they’re not yours to take. They are mine.”
“Yet they are in my possession.”
“I can change that.”
Bellamy walked forward, grabbing your knife and sword, pulling them from Wallace’s grasp, handing them to you as he moved to stand in front of you, glaring at Wallace as Clarke stepped forward.
“Please. We don’t have much time.”
Wallace turned towards Clarke as you slipped the sheath of your sword over your shoulder, adjusting your sword so it rested on your back. You looked down at the knife, pulling it out of the sheath slightly, a small smile on your face as you looked at the knife, Sato’s knife.
“We need a way to get our people out of this mountain without killing everyone.”
“He’s not going to help us.”
“You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain- my people, even the ones who helped you.”
Clarke stepped forward, glaring at Wallace.
“We knew they’d be safe on level five. We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We’re the good guys here, not you.”
“Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would’ve happened to mine?”
Clarke took a deep breath before she turned, looking at Monty.
“Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what’s happening on level five.”
“No problem.”
Bellamy walked towards Wallace, grabbing his arm.
“Let’s go. You’re gonna help us, whether you like it or not.”
“Where’s he going?”
“The dorm. Monty, can you do it? Can you irradiate the level?”
“I can do it.”
Bellamy shook his head, looking at Clarke.
“Wait a second, Clarke. We need to think about this. There are kids in there.”
“I know.”
“And people who helped us.” Clarke took a deep breath as she looked up at Bellamy, anguish on her face.
“Then please, give me a better idea.”
You stepped forward, tilting your head to the side.
“I may have one.”
Bellamy and Clarke turned, looking at you.
“What is it?”
“It was Emerson who killed my guard and brought me here. Cage took a personal interest in me, in my blood.”
You lifted your knife, pressing it into the palm of your hand, drawing blood, showing it to Clarke.
“My blood is important to him. Trade me, for your people.”
Clarke slightly tilted her head to the side, thinking what you said over as Bellamy stepped forward, shaking his head.
“No. No way. We’re not going to just hand you over for our people.”
“It could work.”
I nodded at Clarke.
“It could. And if it works, no one has to die.”
“Except you. You would die.”
You glanced at Bellamy, shrugging.
“Ai gonplei ste odon.” (my fight is over)
Bellamy slightly glared as Clarke’s face fell into one of recognition.
“No, this is wrong, and I won’t let you do this.”
You looked up at Bellamy, glaring as you huffed.
“You cannot stop me. You do not have a say over what I do. The choice is not yours to make.”
You turned your head, looking at Clarke.
“This is between me and Clarke.”
“Clarke, this is wrong.”
Clarke glanced at Bellamy, shrugging slightly.
“This was her choice.”
“And what happens when Lexa finds out that we willingly traded her sister for our people?”
“She traded ours for hers.”
Bellamy huffed, shaking his head.
“Fine, what happens when, godforbid, they kill her? What happens with Lexa and the Grounders then? We’ll be at war, again.”
“That’ll be a problem for later. Right now, my concern is getting our people out of this damn mountain.”
“It’s still wrong.”
Clarke’s grip on the radio tightened as she turned, looking up at Bellamy.
“I hear you, but repeating it over and over again doesn’t change the fact that this is happening. So either get on board, or shut up.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, huffing as he lightly glared down at Clarke.
“She asked you to give her sword and knife to Lexa. Will you?”
Clarke turned, looking back up at the camera feed.
“I said I would.”
Emerson grinned at you as you turned the corner, walking towards you.
“You’ve come back.”
You glared at him as he placed the cuffs on your wrist, leading you down the hall and into the room where Skaikru was being held. The table Raven had been lying on was empty, everyone staring as you were led in, Cage walking towards you, smiling.
“I knew you wouldn’t get far.”
He nodded at Emerson.
“Put her on the table.”
You were shoved forward, forced onto the table. They strapped you down, Cage glancing down at you as he spoke to the doctor.
“Let’s not waste time with this one. Go ahead and drain her. And don’t bother using just the one hip. She has two for a reason. When she’s dead, we’ll move to the next.”
You glared, looking over at Cage, a slight growl in your voice.
“We had a deal. Me for them.”
Cage grinned as he stepped closer to you, looking down at you as the doctor moved around you, preparing the drill.
“We did, but you see, the thing about deals, they’re always changing. And you can never truthfully trust the enemy.”
The doctor inserted an IV into both of your arms as you glared at Cage.
“We had a deal!”
You jerked against the straps, yelling at Cage in both English and Trig. Your yells turned to screams as the doctor and his assistant began drilling. You jerked against the straps, one of the guards stepping forward and placing more straps around your arms, legs and chest to keep you from moving around too much.
“How long?”
The doctor looked up at Cage, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“How long until she’s dead?”
“Forty-five minutes?”
Cage looked down at you, sneering.
“Make it sooner. And someone shut her up.”
The guard who had strapped you down jerked your mouth open, forcing a strap into your mouth, attaching it to the strap that went over your forehead, forcing your head still. Your screams were still heard, but they were muffled now.
Bellamy clenched his jaw as he watched the camera feed, looking over at Clarke.
“He didn’t keep his word.”
Clarke sighed softly, shaking her head.
“No, he didn’t.”
Clarke turned, looking at Monty, making a face.
“Why are you stopping?”
“Because I did it. All we have to do is pull this. Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air.”
Bellamy looked over at the camera feed, seeing Emerson preparing to blow the command center door.
“He’s gonna blow the door.”
“Clarke, we’re out of time.”
Clarke placed her hand on the lever as she looked over at the screen, seeing where Esmeray was still being drilled into, though she was no longer moving, Jasper being locked up with the other prisoners as Octavia and Maya were overtaken by guards.
“My sister. My responsibility.”
“I have to save them.”
Bellamy placed his hand over Clarke’s.
Clarke nodded, and together they pulled the lever.
Octavia rushed into the dorms, her eyes wide as she looked around.
Octavia looked over at Kane.
“Get the keys from the guard.”
Octavia nodded, rushing to the guard that was laying dead, searching his body for the keys. Once she found them, she rushed to Kane, unlocking his cuffs. Kane rushed to check on Abby while Octavia helped unlock the others. Clarke and Bellamy walked in not long after, Clarke rushing to her mom while Bellamy rushed to where you laid on the table. He was gentle but quick as he undid the strap around your forehead and in your mouth, letting them fall to the floor. Octavia appeared on the other side of you, undoing the straps around your arms and legs.
Bellamy slightly shook his head as he checked your pulse.
“Just get the rest of the straps off."
Octavia nodded slightly as she removed the remaining straps.
Bellamy lowered his head, listening for your breathing before he started chest compressions.
Bellamy slightly shook his head, glancing at Octavia.
“We can’t let her die.”
Octavia sighed softly, looking down at you.
“Bellamy, she’s gone.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, slightly shaking his head.
“No, she’s not.”
Bellamy continued chest compressions before he leaned down, placing his hand under your chin, slightly tilting your face up, giving you a few rescue breaths when you gasped, your back arching slightly as Bellamy leaned back, his fingers brushing under your chin as he looked down at you, watching as you opened your eyes, a dazed look in your eyes as you looked around, confusion on your face.
“You’re okay. You’re okay.”
You lifted your gaze towards Bellamy, seeing Octavia standing next to him.
“It’s over.”
Clarke appeared, looking you over, eyeing the IV’s that you were attached to.
“We need to bring her back to Camp Jaha. We’ll give her medical treatment there.”
“What about the blood bags?”
Clarke looked over at the IV bags that contained your blood, nodding slightly.
“Bring them. She’ll need a blood transfusion, and giving her red blood may not work for her. Just-”
Clarke sighed softly, slightly shaking her head.
“We’ll take the IV’s out and we’ll go and find something we can carry her out on.”
The walk back to Camp Jaha was long, and you were in and out of consciousness as you were carried, Lincoln and Octavia walking next to you as you blearily looked up at Bellamy.
Bellamy looked down at you, slightly making a face.
“Why what?”
“Why did you-”
You winced in pain when those carrying you slipped, your face scrunching up as you looked at him.
“Why save me, again?”
Bellamy looked away, slightly clenching his jaw.
“It was the right thing to do.”
“The right thing would have been to let me die.”
“Shof op, Riheda.” (shut up)
You turned your gaze to Lincoln, grinning slightly.
“You can’t tell me to shut up.”
Lincoln huffed a small laugh, shaking his head.
“Just close your eyes and rest.”
“I can’t. I close my eyes and I see him. He calls to me.”
Bellamy and Octavia shared a look as Lincoln made those carrying you come to a stop, placing his hand over yours.
“Do not give in, Esmeray. Sato can wait. It is not your time, so do not give in. Gonplei.” (fight)
You sighed softly, looking up at Lincoln, your voice soft.
“Ai ste noden kom gonen.” (I’m tired of fighting)
“Gonplei idowe.” (fight anyway)
Your eyes fluttered as you turned your hand, weakly holding onto Lincoln’s hand.
“Tell Lexa-”
Lincoln panicked slightly when your eyes closed, your head falling to the side as you passed out. Octavia turned towards Lincoln, placing her hand on his chest as she looked up at him, Lincoln watching as you were carried into Camp Jaha.
“She’ll be okay, Lincoln.”
She reached down for his hand, taking it in hers.
“Come on. We’ll go to medical.”
Bellamy came to a stop as Clarke stopped next to him.
“I think we need a drink.”
“Have one for me.”
Clarke slightly shook her head.
“I’m not going in, take care of them for me.”
Clarke shook her head, glancing at Bellamy.
“No. Seeing their faces everyday is just gonna remind me of what I did to get them here.”
“What we did. You don’t have to do this alone.”
Clarke looked towards Camp Jaha, slightly shaking her head.
“I bear it so they don’t have to.”
“Where are you gonna go?”
Clarke shrugged slightly, a small smile on her face.
“I don’t know.”
She turned, wrapping her arms around Bellamy, giving him a hug.
“May we meet again.”
Bellamy sighed as Clarke walked off, walking back towards the forest.
“May we meet again.”
Bellamy turned, taking a deep breath as he walked into Camp Jaha. He made his way through the camp, walking into the Ark towards medical. He saw Octavia standing outside of medical, looking in through the window. He stopped next to her, seeing Lincoln sitting next to your bedside.
“You did the right thing-”
Bellamy glanced down at Octavia as she spoke.
“Saving her. It was the right thing.”
Bellamy looked back into medical, watching as someone worked around you, hooking you up to an IV and heart monitor.
“Now we get to live with our choices.”
Starless Lovers Tags: @kloy344  @bxnnywatts @kibumslatina @smol-book-nerd @newbooksmell777 @bamboozledbooks
Everything Tags: @jedi-dreea  @sammysgirl1997 @scarlett-witchhh @cevans-winchester @rafecameronswhore @jennmurawski13-writes 
The 100 Tags: @3leni  @topazy  @vxidnik  @kloy344 @lexajaye  @dani5216 @kelseyd07 @bxnnywatts @thebookisbtr  @kibumslatina @cryinghotmess @smol-book-nerd @mariaenchanted  @rafecameronswhore  @multi-fandom-lover7667 
Lexa Tags: @kloy344  @wonielover @bamboozledbooks @rafecameronswhore
Bellamy Blake Tags: @topazy  @vxidnik  @hftff-lol  @lexajaye  @dani5216  @im-sidney  @kelseyd07  @wonielover  @bxnnywatts @daisy-the-quake  @mariaenchanted  @bamboozledbooks @rafecameronswhore  @multi-fandom-lover7667
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topazy · 2 years
The fierce and broken
Pairing: Raven Reyes x reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood and violence
Chapter: 2.12
You stare down at the ground, trying to contemplate what to do next. Things had drastically gone from bad to worse. You started with Maya as she sobs over her father’s dead body. He’d been shot and killed by another Mount Weather guard.
A lump formed in the back of your throat as you thought about your own parents, and how your mom was killed for helping someone. You knew the pain she was in, but you also knew that nothing anyone said or did would help.
Hearing a clattering noise, you lift your head up and start to walk in the direction it’s coming from. You stop when Bellamy grabs hold of your shoulder and gives you a puzzled look.
“You hear that?” You whisper.
He nods, stepping in front of you and leading the way until you reach a door that requires a keycard to get on the other side. You share a look with the older boy, “What do we do?”
“See what's on the other side,” he says as he hands you the keycard and points his gun at the door. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to check in with Monty and Jasper. “Ready?”
When they all nod, you swipe the keycard, unlocking the door. You expect to see Bellamy firing his gun at an enemy, but instead you see Octavia leaping through the door and hugging him.
When she pulls back from her brother, she hugs you next. “I’m so glad you're okay.”
Your eyes land on Clarke and you notice how displeased she looks. “What the hell happened? Where’s Lexa? Where’s her army?”
Before you can ask anything else, Maya enters the room, and you notice Octavia’s happy facial expression twisting into one of anger. “It’s alright, she’s with us.”
Maya gives you a small nod. She was truly good; you just hoped there would be some way to keep her safe as well.
“Okay,” Bellamy says, getting everyone’s attention. “We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine.”
As Clarke and Bellamy try to come up with a plan to save your people, Maya’s oxygen tank begins to beep. You look at how much is left in it and say, “I thought this was a new one. It says there's only half an hour left.”
“We did just change it,” Jasper confirms.
You gulp down. You’re running out of time to save your people and Maya didn’t have much left. “I think we should split up,” you say, and everyone looks at you. “That we can find Dante and get Maya another oxygen tank.”
“She’s right,” Clarke says, pausing for a moment. “Octavia, you should go with Jasper and Maya to get another oxygen tank, while me, Bellamy, and Monty go look for Dante.”
“What about you?” Bellamy asks.
“I’ll go with you guys.”
You tense up on the spot when you hear fast approaching footsteps. You, Bellamy, Clarke, and Monty were heading towards Dante’s office, but the mount weather guards were starting to close in on you.
Bellamy’s fingers reach for his gun, but you stop him before he pulls it out of his holster. “Don’t, it will only waste time. You guys go ahead, I’ll hold them back.”
Monty looks at you as if you’ve grown a second head, “How?”
“Uh…”, I look into one of the other hallways and notice a mop and bucket lying in the hallway. “I might not be able to stop them, but I can definitely distract them.”
Getting the guards to follow you instead of them was a suicidal move, but you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if innocent lives were lost and you didn’t do everything you could to help.
Clarke grips your arm, “You don’t need to do this.”
“Yes I do. Just make sure you save our people.”
Two guards turned the corner and began running towards you with their guns drawn.You held your hands up in the air, showing you were unarmed, because you had nowhere else to run and hide.
A muffled voice came through the radios on the guards' uniforms. You couldn’t make out what the voice said, but both guards put their guns down. The one closest to you pulled his electric baton out and hit you on the legs with it twice. You screamed as the pain shot through your body, as you fell to the ground.
You are dragged into a room that reminds you of your cell on the Ark, except with more people. Your eyes lock with Wick’s. He mouths something to you, but you don’t make it out. Everyone in the room was chained to the wall, including Abby, Jasper, Harper, and Kane.
You feel your heart break as you look down at the table in the middle of the room and see Raven strapped to the table in the middle of the room looking lifeless. “Raven?” You try to get out of the grip of the guard that’s holding you back, “Raven!”
The guard throws you roughly against the wall and chains you to it. You yell at the doctor who’s hovering over Raven, “What are you doing to her?” When he doesn’t answer you, the guard chaining you up sniggers. You collide your forehead with the guard's nose, “Let her go asshole.”
The guard stumbles back and grips his nose in pain, before grunting and punching you in the face with his free hand.
Tears burn your eyes as your vision becomes blurry in your left eye. No doubt you’d have a large bruise, but you didn’t care. Out of your good eye, you can see the blood dripping from Raven’s leg, and you let out a sob as an anger you’ve never felt before travels through your body. Raven was already in so much pain from being shot that the doctor was taking bone marrow from her that it would kill her. “You’re killing her! Stop! Let her go! Take me instead. I won’t fight you; just let her go!”
Dante’s son Cage, the man who was behind all of it, ignores you and points to Abby, “put her on it.”
Both Abby and Kane begin to protest, but it does no good, as Raven was tossed aside and Abby was strapped to the table. You lift your head and look at the camera looking over the room. This was personal. Cage was hurting Abby to get at Clarke, which meant he knew she was watching at that moment.
The room is filled with Abby’s screams as the doctor begins to drill into her leg.
You are not sure how many agonising moments have passed when an alarm captures the attention of Cage, the doctor and all the guards in the room. When the guards start to cough heavily, Cage takes off running out of the room.
Clarke, Bellamy, and Monty must have found a way to save your people by letting the outside air in.
“Alba!” Octavia rushes into the room and unchains you from the wall. The moment she does, you rush by her and kneel beside Raven, who is groaning in pain.
You brush a strand of long brown hair out of her face, “hey Reyes. Long time no see.”
“Hi,” she says weakly.
Once he’s unchained, Wick helps you get Raven to her feet. When she’s up, you help her stand as you make your way through the mass hall of Mount Weather and are horrified to see all the dead bodies laying on the ground. men, women, and children. Including Maya
You feel a wave of relief wash over you when you finally reach Camp Jaha. You never thought you’d be glad to see it again.
“Wait, Jasper,” Raven says as she reaches into her backpack and pulls out his son's old goggles, which she hands to him. “I almost forgot.”
“My goggles, thank you.”
He looked so broken. You step forward and hug him. “I’m so sorry about Maya. She was good, and deserved so much better.”
Jasper said nothing but embraced your hug, which Raven joined.
You remove your head from your hands and look up to see Raven limping towards you. Since you’d returned to camp, you’d been assisting Jackson in medical to the best of your ability, but you simply didn’t have enough supplies to take everyone who was tortured in mount weathers pain away.
You sigh, knowing Raven was ignoring your medical advice in order to keep you company; “You should be resting.”
Raven rolls her eyes playfully and sits down beside you. “I didn’t want you to be on your own.”
Your mind immediately goes to all the dead people in mount weather, and you wonder how many of them died alone. When you blink away the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes, Raven links her fingers with yours.
You continue to sit in a comfortable silence as you both come to terms with everything that has just happened. The knowledge that keeps you from falling apart is that no matter how bad it gets, you still have each other.
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harmonyverendez · 3 months
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Insatiable ( Edward Cullen x Fem! Oc x Jacob Black ( Eventually )
Summary: Amayah Stevenson has always hoped for a better future, after her tragic past. She must come to the terms of her future, but can she when so much pain is bare? Or will she crumble to the pain?
Cast -
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“ I'll never be taken from you Edward. Forget what that prophecy says. I'll always be yours ”.
Robert Pattinson AS EDWARD CULLEN
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“ Babygirl, what the prophecy says will eventually happen. As sad as I am, this is the truth. It pains me to be apart from you.”
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Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Esme Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
This story is coming soon.
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Round Three!
It’s officially time to VOTE for Round Three of TROPED Madness 4.0! The structure is simple! Our four writers have been paired up in two head-to-head brackets, and it’s your job to chose who moves forward to the FINAL ROUND, and who gets CHOPPED! For the brackets, please select the one (1) fic that best used the prompt {Cozy + Demon AU + Library/Bookstore AU}! The writers with the winning fics will move forward!!
Additionally, we ask you to rank the four submissions in a seperate question! Please rank the four (4) fics, first (1) being your top choice, and four (4) being your last choice! This will help us to decide who is the top of our final bracket and break any potential ties.
You can vote here:
The four fics that we received for this round can be found below, or on AO3 here! Each fic follows the theme [Cozy], includes the tropes [Demon AU] and [Library/Bookstore AU], and have included the character [Jasper Jordan (The 100)]! When you vote, please be sure to take into consideration the USE of all these elements, because, as with all other TROPED events, the purpose is to select the authors who best utilize the requirements!
Like Home (Rated M) [The 100 - Jasper x Octavia]
Summary: In this modern, magic alternate universe, Jasper Jordan is a magical human who runs JJ Books and enjoys his life, his work and his friends. An unexpected arrival changes that life, showing Jasper everything he might be missing.
RE: The Case of Jasper Jordan (Rated T) [The 100 - Jasper & Octavia]
Summary: Dearest Brother,
I am writing to confirm that I have located our long lost target. Since I haven’t heard anything new from you or our fearless leader, I will assume that you wish me to proceed with the collection.
I’m not sure why you cautioned me against accepting this mission. Tracking Jasper was easy. Almost too easy. He has no wards or sigils to cloak his home or even to protect himself. He even reverted to his old human name.
Maybe he wants to be found. Maybe he knows it’s time to come home.
If anything changes, let me know at once. I will be on the lookout for your missive.
Yours truly,
Warrior of Hell, etc., etc.
Cauldrons and Crows and Chocolate Cake (Rated G) [The 100 - Jasper x Maya]
Summary: Jasper Jordan is fully aware that, as far as demons go, he is not particularly good at being one. With no taste for violence or revenge, the closest he comes to doing anything most consider demonic is either accidental or a prank. Which is why, when Bellamy Blake tells him he has been summoned by a powerful witch to help her with something he nearly falls out of his seat.
When he gets to her bookshop, however, he is pleasantly surprised by what she asks of him. And even more presently surprised by the company she keeps.
drank with the devil (and forgot my name) (Rated T) [The 100 - Jasper & Josephine]
Summary: Summoning a demon was on purpose. Having the demon possess Clarke was an accident. But Josie swears she's only here to honour their deal, and, really, could Jasper have a better wingman than a demon?
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strigeist · 1 year
Introduction, I guess?
Hi, welcome to my blog! I've been meaning to do this for a while so I'm excited.
I write fanfiction, basically. One-shots, drabbles and headcannons. Requests are more than welcome since I struggle with getting ideas! The fandoms I will write for are:
Five Nights At Freddy's (SB only)
Ace Attorney (I've only played up to the Mask☆DeMasque case so keep that in mind)
Identity V
The Arcana
I will primarily focus on x readers, but I do have a few pairings I love and will also take requests for pairings.
Below the cut I will add the specific characters I write for and my rules! (I will also be highlighting my faves hehe).
Camilo, Mirabel, Luisa, Isabela, Bruno.
Monty, Freddy, Roxy, Chica, Moon, Sun, Gregory (platonic only).
Ace Attorney
Phoenix, Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Franziska, Von Karma, Will Powers, Ron DeLite, Desireé, Jake Marshall, Mia, Maya, Maximillion Glactica, Luke Atmey.
Identity V
Antonio (Violinist), Luchino (Professor/Evil Reptilian), Joseph (Photographer), Joker (Weeping Clown/Smiley Face), Jack (The Ripper), Percy (Undead), Andrew (Grave Keeper).
The Arcana
Asra, Nadia, Julian, Portia, Muriel, the courtiers (I've heard Valdemar is aroace so theirs will always be platonic, qprs included), Lucio.
Edward, Bella, Jacob, Carlisle, Esme, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Aro, Seth, Charlie.
No NSFW requests.
Male or gender neutral reader inserts only! You may still interact and request things if you're fem aligned or female, though.
No teacher/student.
No pure angst. I do accept hurt/comfort though!
No themes of racism, transphobia or ableism. Yes, even if it's in hurt/comfort.
I think this is a given, but still. No adult x minor (unless it's platonic), and no incest.
This is more of a warning, but be patient with me, sometimes I write slowly or have a hard time coming up with ideas.
Keep in mind that I'm still, obviously, allowed to deny your request. I will usually explain why and will not be mad if you do request something I refuse, so don't take it to heart!
This also isn't a rule, but you may just ask things through the asks, even if they aren't fanfic-related. I don't see why anyone would do that, but I don't mind!
Last warning: English isn't my first language, so sometimes my wording can be a bit odd or just plain wrong, I apologize in advance and feel free to point the mistakes out.
If you want to request, specify the gender of the reader (or the pairing you want) and whether you want a one-shot, drabble or headcannon.
That's all, thank you for reading <3.
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villainsletter · 2 years
Characters that I write about. This list can update from time to time.
Personagens que eu escrevo, a lista pode atualizar de vez em quando.
Fandom List/Lista de Fandom
Request rules and blog rules/ Regras de pedidos e regras do blog
Alucard Carmilla Drácula Hector Isaac Sypha Belnades Trevor Belmont
Boku no Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako/ Mr. Compress Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye Nemuri Kayama/Midnight Rumi  Usagiyama/Mirko Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King
Bungou Stray Dogs
Akiko Yosano Ango Sakaguchi Arthur Rimbaud Chuya Nakahara Doppo Kunikida Edgar Alan Poe F. Scott Fitzgerald Fyodor Dostoevsky Howard Lovecraft Ivan Goncharov Katai Tayama Koyo Ozaki Louisa May Alcott Mark Twain Nathaniel Hawthorne Nikolai Gogol Osamu Dazai Ranpo Edogawa Sakunosuke Oda Sigma T.J. Eckleburg Tatsuhiko Shibusawa
Death Note
L Light Yagami Misa Amane Naomi Misora Raye Penber Touta Matsuda
Asahi Azumane (Time Skip) Daichi Sawamura (Time Skip) Ittetsu Takeda Keishin Ukai Manabu Naoi Taoki Anabara
Alucard Seras Victoria Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Hunter X Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Franklin Bordeau Feitan Portor Illumi Zoldyck Jed Kastro Kite Knov Kurapika Kurta Leorio Paradinight Machi Komacine Omokage Pakunoda Pariston Hill Phinks Magcub Sadaso Sedokan Shaiapouf Shalnark Shizuku Murasaki Shura Uvogin Wing
JoJo's Bizarre Advetures  
Part 1
Bruford Dio Brando Erina Pendleton Jonathan Joestar Robert E.O. Speedwagon Straizo
Part 2
Caesar A. Zeppeli Esidisi Joseph Joestar Kars Lisa Lisa Suzi Q. Wammu
 Part 3
DIO Hol Horse Holy Kujo Jean Pierre Polnareff Mariah Muhammad Avdol Steely Dan Telence T. D’ Arby  
Part 4
Akira Otoishi Jotaro Kujo Kira Yoshikage Mikitaka Hazekura Rohan Kishibe Shinobu Kawajiri Terunosuke Miyamoto Tomoko Higashikata Tonio Trussardi
Part 5
Bruno Bucciarati Diavolo Formaggio Ghiaccio Guido Mista Illuso Leone Abbachio Melone Prosciutto Risotto Nero Scolippi Vinegar Doppio
Part 6
Enrico Pucci Ermes Costello Gwess Johngalli A. Jolyne Kujo Narciso Anasui Weather Report
Asuma Sarutobi Chojuro Deidara Ebisu Genma Shiranui Hidan Iruka Umino Kabuto Yakushi Kakashi Hatake Kimimaru  Konan Mizuki Naruto Uzumaki  (Boruto Era) Orochimaru Sasuke Uchiha Tsunade Zetsu
Sailor Moon
Souichi Tomoe
Shingeki no Kyojin
Armin Arlet Bertholdt  Hoover Erwin Smith Hange Zoë Jean Kirschtein Levi Ackerman Marco Bodt Miche”Mike” Zacharius Sasha Braus 
Soul Eater
Franken Stein
Count  Drácula Jonathan Harker  Lucy Westenra Mina Harker
Victor Frankstein
Fallen Saga
Ariane Alter Cameron Briel Daniel Grigori Roland Sparks
The Phantom of The Opera
Christine Daaé
Visconde Raoul de Chagny
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Basil Hallward
Dorian Gray
The Scarlet Letter
Arthur Dimmesdale
Hester Prynne
The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
Beatrix Emery
Dr. Henry Jekyll
Edward Hyde
Twilight Saga
Alice Cullen
Dr. Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Comics/ HQ
DC Universe
Bane Bruce Wayne/ The Batman Clark Kent/ Superman Corinthian Death Desire Dick Grayson/ Nightwing Edward Nygma/ Nashton/ Riddler Harleen Quinzel/ Harley Quinn Jason Todd/ Red Hood Jervis Tetch/  Mad Hatter Johanna Constantine John Constantine Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow Kate Kane/ Batwoman Koriand’r/ Starfire Lucifer Morningstar Morpheus/ Dream Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin Pamela Isley/ Poison Ivy Selina Kyle/ Catwoman Victor Fries/ Mr.Freeze Zatanna Zatara  
Marvel Comics Universe
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier Bruce Banner/ Hulk Carol Danvers/Capitan Marvel Charles Xavier/ Professor Xavier Clint Barton/ Hawkeye Durig Eddie Brock Elektra Eric Brooks/ Blade Erik Killmonger Erik Magnus/ Magneto Gamora Hella Odinsdottir Jake/Steven/Mark Grant/Moon Knight Jane Foster/Lady Thor Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk Kang Karen Page Kate Bishop/Hawkeye Kürt Wagner/ Nightcrawler Layla El-Faouly Logan/ Wolverine Loki Laufeyson Makkari Mantis Matt Murdock/ Daredevil Maya Lopez/ Echo Monica Rambeau / Spectrum Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow Neena Thurman/ Domino Ororo Munroe/ Storm Peter Parker/Spider-man Peter Parker/Spider- Noir Peter Quill Pietro Maximoff Raven Darkholme/ Mystique Remy LeBieau/ Gambit Sam Wilson/ Capitain America Scott Lang/ Ant-Man Shang-Chi Steve Rogers/ Capitan America Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange Sylvie Laufeydottir Thena Thor Odinson Tony Stark / Iron-man Valkyrie Venom Vision Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch Wade Wilson/ Deadpool  
Bram Stoker's Drácula
Count Dracula Jonathan Harker Lucy Westenra Mina Harker  
Ghostface Sidney Prescot
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Greta Evans
The Phantom of the Opera
Christine Daaé Erik Visconde Raoul de Chagny
Scott Speedman
Van Helsing
Anna Valerious Aleera Count Drácula Gabriel Van Helsing  
Doctor Who
Doctor (9th-12th ) Rose Tyler
Midnight Mass
Erin Greene Father Paul Hill Riley Flynn Sheriff Hassan
Sherlock (BBC)
James Moriarty John Watson Mary Morstan Sherlock Holmes
Arcanjo Gabriel Castiel Charlie Bradbury Crowley Dean Winchester Lucifer Sam Winchester
The Boys
Annie January/ Starlight Billy Butcher Earving/Black Noir Frenchie/Serge Hughie Campbell Kimiko Margaret Shaw/Queen Maeve Mother’s Milk/ MM 
Tumblr Sexyman
You can ask me any Tumblr sexy Person
Video Games
Detroit Become Human
Connor Gavin Reed Hank Anderson Kara Luther Markus RK900  
Five Nights At Freddy's
Phone Guy
Purple Guy
Genshin Impact
Albedo Arataki Itto Baizhu Beidou Capitano Cyno Diluc Dottore Eula Jean Kaeya Kamisato Ayato Kequing Kujou Sara Lisa Ningguang Pantalone Rosaria Sangonomiya Kokomi Shenhe Shogun Raiden Tartaglia Tighnari Thoma Xiao Yae Miko Yelan Zhongli
John Doe
John Doe
Persona 5 Royal
Dr. Takuto Maruki Goro Akechi
Resident Evil
Ada Wong Alcina Dimitrescu Carlos Oliveira Karl Heisenberg Leon S. Kennedy
Twisted Wonderland
Carter Diamond Dire Crowley Divus Crewel Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Rook Hunt Sam Trey Clover Vil Shoenheit
Thank You Very Very Much!
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
Eart's Heirs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/yBiE2DS
by ninaficwriter
HERDEIROS DA TERRA | "Cem pessoas com um por cento da solução são como peças em um quebra-cabeça."
 Quando os mortos dominaram o mundo, a sobrevivência dos que restaram é afetada por conflitos interpessoais.
Como lutar para reconstruir a humanidade em meio ao caos, se não há como ter certeza de um futuro?
Transformando a guerra em amor e o medo em esperança, o início de tudo pode ser uma forma para encontrar a cura e descobrir quem serão os herdeiros da terra.
 Iniciada em: 25.07.2022 Finalizada em: 07.02.2023
 ──────── ➥ clarke griffin x bellamy blake ➥ crossover: the 100 x the walking dead ➥©ninaficwriter, 2023.
Words: 216, Chapters: 1/26, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The Walking Dead (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, Becca (The 100), Madi (The 100), Indra (The 100), Luna (The 100), Harper McIntyre, Monty Green, Raven Reyes (The 100), John Murphy (The 100), Maya Vie, Jasper Jordan, Emori (The 100), Marcus Kane, Calliope "Callie" Cadogan, August (The 100), Bill Cadogan, Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier, Carl Grimes, Jesus (Walking Dead), Rosita Espinosa
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - The Walking Dead Fusion, Inspired by The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead References, Alternate Universe - The 100 (TV) Fusion, Bellarke AU Week, Bellarke, Slow Burn Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Protective Bellamy Blake, Endgame Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Friends to Lovers, Sweet/Hot, Hot, Bellamy Blake - Freeform, Clarke Griffin - Freeform, Romance, Drama
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/yBiE2DS
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saltiestgempearl · 2 years
uhh peridot SU for the ask meme? i liked her a lot when i was younger and since you take SU characters thought id try lol
Sexuality Headcanon: While it's not technically canon since it didn't explicitly show up in the show, Maya Petersen (one of the show's storyboard artists) said that Peridot is written as aroace, so the fandom (myself included) generally agrees that she's canonically aroace.
Gender Headcanon: I believe all Gems are canonically nonbinary, so she's defintely enby. Other than that, I'm not sure! I don't think she knows either lol. I think the concept of gender would fascinate her though.
A ship I have with said character: while I've very gradually warmed up a little to Lapis and Peridot as a queer platonic ship, I actually enjoy her dynamic with Amethyst a lot more. Can't decide if I like them more as just friends or more a QP thing though.
A BROTP I have with said character: I already talked about Amethyst and Peridot so I'm going to say Garnet and Peridot! The amount of love and trust between those two is phenomenal. And I know I'm cheating but this is so closely followed by Steven and Peridot I can't NOT mention it.
A NOTP I have with said character: Used to be Peridot and Lapis, but again, I've since calmed down a bit about them. I just. Really didn't like how their relationship started (and how the events of Back to the Barn were just never adequately addressed as something other than a shortcoming of Lapis, I guess??) But now? Maybe....I mean I almost feel like it's cheating to mention a "Steven x Gem" ship in any more-than-friendship way because that just generally makes me uncomfy, so I'll go with...Jasper and Peridot. Though I do think they could be friends now!
A random headcanon: Peridot 100% writes Camp Pining Hearts fanfiction.
General Opinion over said character: I love her so much! I love her personality, I love her arc, I love everything she brought to the story. I really love her voice too.
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floripire · 8 months
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
what if flori was canon // @ofvalor
no, i don't think there'd be ship wars. she'd get shuffled off and away from shipping.
aside from jedibeth, she probably has a couple of other ships: people would probably float #flosie (because of flori and dark josie shenanigans) and #flope (most likely as a brotp) because in my canon, flori apologizes to hope for inadvertendly putting her on a pedestal.
i also think that some people would ship #finchibeth in some capacity just because they can. maybe flori x maya too.
i could see #lizziebeth be a thing for some people. but i feel like most of them would see them as that meme of the strong must protect the sweet.
flori x mg has more brotp vibes too for me. as does ethan x flori. the same goes for kaleb x cleo x flori.
some people would probably also go for sebastian x floribeth; personally they would not be compatible at all, i think.
i feel like the anti squad would get shipped with each other too in both platonic and romantic capacity.
and i feel in my heart that there would be a handful of people rooting for doug and flori because she can fix him and friends to lovers to enemies to lovers despite the fact that it's canon that she cared way more about the relationship than he ever did.
there would be a lot of crossover ship potential for her though (if only because that'd make it easier for certain people in the fandom to write her out of the show lmfao ;P)
think about scott x flori; kira x flori; scott x kira x flori. theo x flori, even. or on the twilight side of things: seth x flori; alice x flori; alice x jasper x flori.
also in regards to the x men/the gifted/etc: rahne x flori. lauren x flori.
i don't have dc ships right now but there is potential for that too.
on the fandomless side of things, people would ship florallie (aka flori x allie @loetise) a lot. i feel that in my heart. i feel like people would find florallie cute and adorable and sweet and fun. because i (am biased) find them adorable and cute and sweet and fun! ;)
0 notes
pyreflydust · 1 year
Top 250 tags 6-27-2023
wild arms
final fantasy
little alien game blogging
shingeki no kyojin
yu yu hakusho
sonic the hedgehog
my art
puella magi madoka magica
steven universe
little alien replies
sometimes I post comic panels
fullmetal alchemist
x men
animal crossing
writing things
bloopity bloop
art things
neon genesis evangelion
yusuke urameshi
madoka kaname
pokemon fanart
sayaka miki
hanji zoe
kyoko sakura
homura akemi
kid loki
wild arms 3
the promised neverland
rudy roughnight
virginia maxwell
wild arms advanced 3rd
little alien life shit
eren jaeger
mami tomoe
wild arms 5
mikasa ackerman
asuka langley soryu
cecilia adlehyde
cardcaptor sakura
kazuma kuwabara
jack van burace
armin arlert
wild arms 2
historia reiss
quentin quire
amy rose
wild arms 2nd ignition
wild arms 4
ororo munroe
dragon ball
ashley winchester
lilka eleniak
wild arms 5 cameos
adventure time
bobby drake
edward elric
wild arms fanart
vash the stampede
leah of hel
wild arms bestiary
annie leonhardt
jet enduro
shinji ikari
kid omega
monster rancher
school live
scott summers
animal crossing new horizons
warren worthington iii
she ra
final fantasy x
sailor moon
jude maverick
wild arms the 4th detonator
keiko yukimura
sakura kinomoto
evan sabahnur
hank mccoy
blue exorcist
wild arms the vth vanguard
rei ayanami
dean stark
en sabah nur
gallows carradine
jean grey
sasha braus
clive winslet
brad evans
alphonse elric
solf j. kimblee
lapis lazuli
wild arms alter code f
raquel applegate
the elder scrolls
arnaud g vasquez
adventures of a pokemon trainer named tiff
nagisa momoe
chrono cross
maya schroedinger
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janus cascade
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pietro maximoff
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linkin park
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ling yao
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avril vent fleur
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misato katsuragi
random npc conversations
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jane maxwell
zeke jaeger
olivier mira armstrong
to the abandoned sacred beasts
kurt wagner
kitty pryde
rebecca streisand
yuki takeya
asami sato
story: restless
kotoko iwanaga
kurumi ebisuzawa
marceline the vampire queen
erwin smith
shizuru kuwabara
marivel armitage
idie okonkwo
writing advice
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immortalpramheda · 3 years
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I don't know why they keep it all locked up down here, it's pretty cool.
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historyofshipping · 4 years
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2x1 / 2x13 / 6x09 / 7x09 / 7x12
In this fandom, we say “I won’t let you die.” 
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travllingbunny · 3 years
The 100 stats (pt 10): Characters that have the most dialogue with Jasper
After Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia,  Murphy, Raven, Kane, Miller, Jackson and Indra, Reddit user Sharoza has now posted the statistics for . Aside from the first 5, all other posts are at the requests of people in the comments - and the remaining requests are: Abby, Emori, Madi, Jaha, Echo, Monty, Finn, Harper, and Gaia, and there’s apparently to be an overall stats post in the end. Jasper was the character that got the most requests - and certainly one of those I was looking forward to see the most.
Characters that have the most dialogue with Clarke (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Bellamy (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Octavia (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Murphy (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Raven (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Kane (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Miller (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Jackson (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Indra (Reddit post)
Characters that have the most dialogue with Jasper (Reddit post)
This time, there is just a top 22 of all the characters (aside from very minor ones) that Jasper interacted with. The overall numbers are, of course, lower than for most of the other main characters who were around for all 7 seasons, but in the 4 seasons he was around, he was a major character, and his overall numbers are, unsurprisingly, higher than for supporting characters like Miller and Jackson - but Jasper interacted with a lower number of characters as, to an even higher extent than Raven, he was always interacting mostly with the core group and rarely had interaction outside of it, aside from Maya. Dante and Dr. Tsing in Mount Weather in season 2 (which was also Jasper’s highest season for dialogue - also not a surprise, as he was the leader and kind of a the lead of the Mount Weather storyline throughout season 2. 
Jasper had barely any interactions with Grounders - as Sharoza points out in the post:  “ The Grounder that Jasper's had the most lines with would be Shay from Luna's rig. The only other Grounders he's talked to are Niylah and Luna. All of his Grounder interactions have been for one episode only. He and Niylah have been around each other multiple times, but they only really talked in 4x08. He's never talked to Lincoln, Indra, Emori, Echo, Lexa, Nyko, or Gaia. He has been in the same room as Lincoln and Nyko in 3x02, but they didn't talk to each other.”
Of course, Monty is the overwhelming #1 on the list of characters he had the most interaction with (I was expecting their relationship to be in the top 10 of all relationships, but it turns out it’s #11, by my count - we’ll get a confirmation when the overall stats are posted), while Raven, Clarke and Bellamy fight for #2. Octavia slipped to #6 even though their relationship was a major one in seasons 1-3, particularly 1 and 3, but they had no interaction whatsoever in season 4. They both had their different journeys of reacting poorly and self-destructively to trauma in that season, but that doesn’t explain why the writers completely forgot about their friendship - and never had Octavia even mention him or his death. OTOH, we did get really beautiful Jasper mentions and moments of mourning by Monty, Clarke and Bellamy in seasons 5 and 6. One main Skaikru character Jasper barely had interactions is Murphy - they had a couple of extremely hostile interactions in season 1 (namely, Murphy voicing his wish to kill the dying Jasper in early S1 and later threatening to kill Jasper, mostly to lure Bellamy in 1x13) and then nothing, since Murphy was away from the group so much of the time, and when he was in Camp Jaha in season 2, Jasper was in MW. 
It also strikes me as surprising that Jasper never had any kind of interaction with Kane.
Jasper’s one-on-one dialogue with other characters over the seasons
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Jasper’s Final Rankings (Including Top Episode For Each Character)
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under the cut: Stats for Jasper’s interactions with 7 specific characters (Monty, Raven, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Harper and Jaha)
Stats for 7 Specific Characters
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demi-julian-24 · 5 years
Some of you have never shipped non-endgame couples and it shows
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