dourpeep · 3 years
hey, you know auntie anne's, right?
if you dont you can totally ignore this
...do you think their caramel dip expires a year after you leave it in the fridge to cool?
just went to the first blog i followed and asked
Ah! Like the pretzel place?? I like pretzels...though I prefer Wetzel's Pretzels! It sounds odd, but if you get the cinnamon sugar pretzels + dip them in cheese (I prefer the jalapeno cheese), it tastes so gooddddd.
Probably b/c the mix of sweet and savory. The second best are the mini dogs but that with the cheese can be too salty-
wait don't eat it---
Don't eat that there's no way it's still good after a year-
Even if caramel candies keep for up to 9 months...that's candies-- and even then just to be safe I wouldn't eat it.
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luvdsc · 2 years
yo these hate asks are ruthelss wtf 💀 your responses are fantastic tho i literally love you
I think they just learned the word fuck yesterday and wanted to try using it, honey bee 🤧 but thank you omg I’m glad someone is having fun at least :’) and ily too !!! 🌸🌸
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hirokari · 3 years
tagged by: @daegall
tagging: I HAVE NO FRIENDS T^T @sappycup
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then, people can send asks with the title that most intrigues/interests them and you’ll post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
non collab wips.
heartsmith | bang chan x reader
↳ kind of my own au, like a modern steampunk. angst, platonic, high school student!reader x heartsmith!reader, feat. playboy! jisung + upperclassmen! changbin
strange feeling | lee jeno x reader
↳ friend group!AU, aiming for comedy, angst, basically where you like jeno's best friend, donghyuck and jeno likes your best friend, jaemin, but hyuck and jaem think you two are pining for each other
half a heart | na jaemin x reader
↳ childhood friends to strangers to lovers!AU, college!AU, best friend!hyuck, feat. roommates!jeno+renjun
consider it solved! | nct dream x reader
↳ literature club!AU, mystery, angst, slight crack
lucky cat cafe | nct x reader
↳ fantasy, apprentice!reader, teacher!johnny, tutor!doyoung, high school!dreamies, a really complex au but i'll explain it once i upload it
stardust | na jaemin x reader
↳ high school!AU, student council!dreamies, depressed!jaemin, new student!reader, fluff fluff fluff, feat. teacher!kun
collab wips.
priorities | huang renjun x reader
↳ action figure collab; spy!renjun x detective!reader, aiming for crack, angsty
soda | zhong chenle x reader
↳ 23 ways to fall in love ; streetracer!AU, fugitive!reader, fluff, love at first sight
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riki-soba · 2 years
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— hand doodles with jake!
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It's 7 in the morning, and it is too early for a school assembly, you conclude. It's too early that the room is dead silent, save for clicking pens and typing phones. It's too early for your best friend who sleeps against you, too tired to stop you from tracing the back of his hand with ink.
You bite on the end of your pen as you scrutinize your canvas-- his pale skin.
"You literally have a notebook out," Whines Jake, though he makes no effort in pulling away. You click your tongue at him, "No, you curious lad. Paper compares not to the canvas of skin, for it's texture-- it is not easy to draw on. It shows the beauty of persistence and stubbornness. This will mark the day you, my good friend, will learn the meaning of art."
Jake groans. Why did he have to be best friends with you? It's too early for this. For you.
"Plus, it washes off." You add with a hum, swinging your legs as you continue drawing om him. "When the hell is this assembly starting?" Scoffs Jake with heavy eyes, leaning into your shoulder.
He has to admit it, though. Your gentle touch as you trace whatever on his skin is comforting. Almost even lulling. He watches intently as you decorate his pale skin with random stick figures and some stars and a smiley face. You press the pen a little too hard, to the point where a little more than enough ink pours out when you draw, leaving them to seep into the surrounding creases of his hand.
You draw circles on his knuckles, each stroke getting slower and slower until-
Jake's head falls into your shoulder, but you pay no mind. He's snug against the material of your crewneck, breathing into it through his parted lips.
Jake Sim has nice teeth, you notice. You're almost jealous as you stare at them. You feel weird for thinking it, but it's totally true.
But it's until you finally hear the booming voice of your principal from the front of the room when you realize-- you're staring at his lips.
At that moment, you didn't know if you wanted to stay closer to him or run away. Your skin runs with goosebumps and shivers and you feel like you're about to be swallowed whole because of the feeling. The feeling of realization. It sinks into your stomach as does your heart when you conclude a second thing this morning.
You're in love with your best friend.
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a/n: ooo reposting this on my new enha blog B)
© riki-soba, 2021
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Angst in coming. Diluc Zhongli and your pick being haunted by the SO they couldnt save.
Lingering Regret
Warning -> Only Angst (there isn’t a happy ending here, the reader is dead, all interactions are memories*, mentions of Kaeya (D), illness non-specific (Zh)) 
( i made myself cry ) 
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Dainsleif, Diluc, Zhongli 
The ghosts of the past cling to our shadows and seep into our memories when we least expect them to. For some they can move on, they can be healed by the passing of time, but for others, it becomes a festering wound that will never seal. 
He was no stranger to regret, absolutely everything in his life was a torturous experience. From the day he became the Bough Keeper to the night he failed them all, it was a memory burned in his mind for all eternity and as if he bore the weight of all of Teyvats karma he wove it into the fabric of his being 
There was nothing he thought could break him more, could lower himself further into the sinking sandpit that was his life - that was until the day he met you
Just how many years ago was it now. With the curse of immortality like a chain to a world he was obligated to avenge, it was growing harder and harder to remember you - but there were moments when he could see and those were the ones he longed to hold onto 
“Dainsleif, are you ready?” Your voice called down to him, his eyes flooded by the bright light that surrounded you as you patiently waited for him to climb the dark stairs. You followed him everywhere, much to his disagreement, but he had grown warm to your company. “The day won’t wait for us, you know.” 
The light was so bright, why was it hiding your face? Wait -- let me see your face, I can’t remember. Don’t … don’t leave. 
He blamed himself for your death - there was no one else who could have stopped it but him and, on the day you left this world to a place he had no way of reaching, was the day he stopped caring 
There were rumors of a man who took little to no payment for almost any job - 300 mora and he’d handle your issue. They called him “The soulless vessel” for he was void of any and all emotions 
How could he hold onto something that he didn’t understand anymore, how was he capable of experiencing a sensation that had no more purpose - he was nothing but a shell without you 
“Psst, Daini. Hey sleepy, wake up.” The sound of your laughter, let me hear it again.
“Silly, we can’t sleep forever, wake up.” The touch of your hands, oh I remember them now … were they always this small. 
“I guess we can rest a bit longer, you know I won’t mind.” Your lips, how could I have forgotten their warmth; I’ll let you remind me. 
“Dainsleif, I love you.” 
The birds pulled him from his dream, their chirping calls to each other a playful and carefree tune. He felt the warmth of the sun on his face, how it cast its glow across his lips but as the memory of his dream began to fade away he covered his eyes with his hand to hide the tears that disappeared into his hair.
“Forgive me …” 
Lingering ghosts loved to slip into the darkness that was Diluc Ragnvindr - when they fit so perfectly there, why wouldn’t they make him their home 
He had countless people close to him perish and each one was a direct result of his actions - his father, a slash of a blade, his brother, a clash of opposing elements, his values, a single dismiss of a hand, his friends, the darkness of the abyss and the hands of the Fatui -- there was nothing he let get close anymore because it was only a matter of time before he brought it crumbling to the pit of his existence 
How could he have been so naive - what was hope but a debilitating disease and yet you purged all of that from his mind every time you entered his space, every time you pushed your way past the walls he so expertly crafted -- you were the last thing he clung to, the last light he vowed to protect 
“You know, you don’t have to worry about me all the time, I’m more capable than you think.” You crossed your arms and gave him a cocky smirk, the bag of supplies resting at your feet as they waited for you to pick them back up again. It was only because of his hesitancy that they were there in the first place. 
“I have seen your capabilities many times, yes.” 
“So, what, you don’t trust me.” 
“That is far from the truth.” He looked at you for a moment before sighing in defeat. His hand reached for the bag and lifted it to your hands. “Do be careful, is all that I ask.” 
“You know I will.” With a bright smile, you took the pack and slung it over your shoulder. In your excitement, you turned toward the door before pausing as if you forgot something and when you hurled yourself back to him only to place a kiss on his lips, he felt the heat from his pounding heart rise into his cheeks. “See you soon, handsome.” 
“I’ll be waiting.” 
The distant and closed-off winery owner turned into a being of rage the day of your death. No matter how hard those closest to him tried to quell the wildfire that was his fury, they could only stand back and deal with the aftermath - The flame of Diluc’s devastation was so great that it left a permanent scar in Mondstadt and to this day the earth has yet to heal 
It was on him to protect you and he couldn’t, he wasn’t even there to try and he wasn’t sure what was worse - but one was for sure, the anguish he felt knowing you called out for him but he never came to save you ate him up inside. He wasn’t Diluc Ragnvindr anymore, he was no-one 
“Diluc! Come back!” Kaeya shouted but he couldn’t hear over the sound of the violent crashing and eerie nothingness in front of him. 
“Kaeya, don’t!” Another voice joined the noise but Diluc didn’t turn around. In front of him was the only answer to his shattered and empty heart. 
“Diluc please, they wouldn’t want this!” Kaeya reached for Diluc’s arm but the pressure and wind from the opening were so great it felt like a thousand anchors were strapped to his body. “Diluc!” 
Suddenly, there was silence. No noise, no sound but the world continued to whip around like a violent storm. Kaeya’s fingers touched the fabric of his brother's coat and, as Diluc turned his head to look back, tears were streaming down his face. It was strange to see Diluc’s lips moving as if he were saying something but there was nothing, an unbearable amount of nothing.
Riddled with fear, Kaeya extended his hand toward the rip in space and as soon as he felt the pulse of his vision escape his fingers, his others curled around Diluc’s jacket and flung him backward. In the settling explosion, the sound of the world slipped back in and as those who cared deeply for the man who no longer knew his name drew closer, the first thing they saw was his hunched-over body guarded by blue and the sound of his painful cries. 
To know suffering, to know loss was nothing new to the Geo Archon. For six thousand years he watched those close to him rise in greatness and fall in agony - for some they were thrust into death by a number of means and for others, well, his hands have never been clean 
Still, even if he had known what it was like to lose someone he loved, it was never easy and while he always knew the day would come when you left this world to walk a path he’d never know, it wasn’t something he expected so soon 
There were endless memories he couldn’t wait to make with you - the engraving your life into the notches of his soul, to be reminded of your face by simply turning around, to recall your wit with banter of his own, to be inspired by you every single day he stepped out the door -- why didn’t you stay 
“Welcome home, Zhongli.” You were already preparing the table with the teacups by the time he entered your home. It was elegant incarnate to watch you move around the room, to place everything so perfectly and properly that he wondered if you hadn’t been a spirit in another life. 
“I am home.” He reached for your waist and pulled you close, his smile setting yours off, and as the kettle began to sound he first greeted you with a heartwarming kiss. 
There are many things he can circumvent - his capabilities are endless but he found that no matter how strong a person is, there is one thing strength cannot beat 
To watch you slowly suffer was a torturous thing. Every day you grew weaker and weaker, your skin changed but the kindness of your smile outweighed it all until the day finally came ... 
A ceremony to send someone off is a beautiful thing, a celebration of their life while they kept it their own, a remembrance and blessing to hold strong every impact they made - but to Zhongli that day was laced with bitterness 
He made the arduous steps up the hillside. His legs carried him on even when nothing else of him felt the desire to do so. When he finally reached the peak, he prepared everything so skillfully as if he’d practiced this a thousand times, and it's possible he did for there was no end to his life even if he wished for it. 
“My dear, the flowers are blooming splendidly.” He set the burning incense by the weathered tombstone. It had faded and eroded over the years, but as he brushed the engraving with his fingers, he could still make out its marks. 
The chimes in the tree rang out as he poured a glass of tea before setting it against the small offering before you. “Ah, I can only hope you are able to see them from beyond the veil.” As he gazed out over the vast field, the sun illuminated the thousands of flowers that surrounded your grave, and, as he took a sip of his tea, he sighed contentedly before continuing, “Never worry, I shall cultivate more until you do. I know how fond you were of flowers.”
tag list:
@star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @handswritteeen @musekala @mooshymello @glazelilyy @twokissesforamelia @angel-melt @lucacandy @marianadi @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @mguerra11 @lucy-roo @maiiikoo @nonniechan @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage @mkazuyuh @excitedlysuffering @kaidou-pie @yujiia @cytomegalia @natxxu @fvushiguros @nua-fromliyue @nightlywallows @yoshikuno @anonymousficreader @cyphermagic @chichikoi @akira-kiryu 
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niskoo · 3 years
pairing: bad boy!Jake x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of a breakdown, mentions of smoking
word count: 487 words
a/n: i know its not a request but i felt bad for not posting a work in a while so here a small jake blurb is! i hope you guys enjoy <33 the small breaking down in a bathroom was from @jaemjenjam so thanks to her
originally for my cravity acc but thought it fit jake too!!
networks: @enhypennetwork
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Growing up, Jake Sim was never one to receive love. Yes, his parents loved him dearly and took good care of him, but he never felt the genuineness whenever they tucked him to bed with a kiss on the forehead, or when they would cheer him on in his karate competition. They truly loved him, they really did, and he feels guilty that he doesn't feel it when he knows he should.
The only real love he's truly felt is when Park Sunghoon found him breaking down in the men's room when he was on a shift, he felt like the younger understood him when he let him cry into his shoulder.
The only love he's felt is with his best friends, surrounding him with all the things he loves and all the fun he's grown to love, even if it was wrecking other people. Jay Park's mom car became more of a home to him than his own room, the smell of smoke whenever Lee Heeseung takes a small cig break just outside school is more welcoming than smells of fabulous food.
The only love he's felt is with his best friends, and you.
You came along like an angel, Jake thanks God you agreed to tutor Sunoo and Niki, without it he wouldn't know how he would get this far in life.
He's never felt like he's found the thing he's needed most until now.
Jake feels safe when he's around you, feels like your embrace has always been his real comfort, waiting for him to come home. Your hands holding his heart feels more in place than anywhere else, your smile that greets him everyday feels more welcoming than Jay's mom car, he would even say.
He feels truly understood when he's with you, like he doesn't even need to speak his problems for you to understand.
He feels most comfortable right now, perched snugly on your lap, your fingers running through his hair as he stares at your face. He admires the chuckle that leaves your lips when your favorite part of 'Home Alone' plays. It's September, you know, but as you always quote, 'it never hurts to start christmas early'.
Jake feels the warmth swirling in his chest when you look down at him and pat his cheek gently. "What're you think 'bout, bubs?"
He's thinking of how you're so considerate, constantly checking up on him like right now. He's thinking of how you're so perfect, everything you do amazes him to no end. He's thinking of how he's the one you love. "I'm thinking..."
A new feeling blooms in his chest, similar to the one he feels when he's in one of those moments where time stops when he has fun with his friends. But this feeling... this feeling is stronger. More evident, almost euphoric.
Jake smiles up at you, concluding his true feelings when he's with you. "I'm thinking of how much I love you."
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daegall · 2 years
Hyuck blogs recs 🙄 so I can look at his content without go to others platform.
(youd be first on my list but you asked hehe)
@orbitzones (hyuck boom series? fuck yeah)
@haechannet (a blog for all haechan content!!! you can find lots of content here!!!)
@ambivartence (best artist you will ever come across tumblr guaranteed.)
@fullsunnet (a net for haechan fics!!! you can find lots and lots of great hyuck fics trust me ive read so much)
uhmm that's all i can think of right now, i will totally update this when i find a new blog or remember one, because i deadass just woke up LMAOAOAO enjoy them bby!!!
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pockyandme · 2 years
announcement !!!
hi hello to my luvly mootsies as well as my followers! i know this is a long awaited update but if you guys were unaware i have not been publishing works as much as i want to. i apologize for going on an unannounced hiatus. ever since school started, i've been finding it hard to have the motivation to actually produce a good piece of writing. i'll still be on this hiatus till i'm not sure when but i might release a few scheduled posts so that my account doesn't die completely aaa but yea i miss you guys a lot and i'll respond your asks soon sorry :(
tagging most of my moots:
@luvrbin @svtfilms @marklilies @moontines @wooyoung-a @jaemjenjam @heojangmi @stealanity @tarosaurus @cloudykyu @odxrilove @ryuflix @mavericsohn @yangsheeply @deputyjuyeon @sjyuniverse @defjcm @yeonluv @moonsclover @changminurheart @i-m4rk
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dreamyyang · 3 years
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you’re in my mind when I’m asleep, I’m seeing stars sink in these dreams. I don’t wanna spend these hours with nobody else. — loona (star)
a/n: ahhh this is my first time hosting a collab...I hope I don’t fuck it up. please bare with me since I’m new to this 🥺. tysm to @neochan and @jeontaeil
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⌦ given below are a list of 23 tropes seen in romantic movies. chose any trope of your liking (one person per trope!) and give it your own special twist. you can of course use other common tropes, but the trope you choose should be the central theme.
⌦ there are 22 slots (I’ll be taking one slot for myself) which will be given on a first come first serve basis. message me the member and trope of your choice to secure your slot and get the discord server link. I will be making a group so that we can discuss our fics and help each other out.
⌦ all genres are allowed but please tag your fics properly, especially if it includes triggering content (like violence, character death, etc). absolutely no dub con, non con, incest, pedophilia or anything of the like. use of slurs you cannot claim and racist and queerphobic language is also a big no and will end in me blocking you.
⌦ nsfw content is allowed but you must be at least 18 years of age. suggestive content is okay for chenle and sungchan but there can be absolutely no sexual content involving jisung.
⌦ ensure your writing is inclusive! no descriptions of hair, eyes, skin colour, height, etc. try to make your writing open to everyone. I would also suggest using gender neutral pronouns for the reader (they/them).
⌦ the minimum word count is 2k while there is no maximum word count.
⌦ I haven’t decided on a deadline yet but it will most likely be some time in early 2022. However, you can start posting your fics whenever you please.
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⌦ list of tropes: (tysm charlie, for picking these out)
1. friends to lovers
2. best friend’s boyfriend/boyfriend’s best friend/sibling’s best friend or boyfriend
3. enemies to lovers
4. accidental pregnancy
5. workplace romance
6. celebrity x commoner
7. everyone can see it but them/they’re meant to be
8. fake dating
9. friends with benefits
10. it happened in vegas
11. love at first sight
12. marriage of convenience
13. nobody thinks it will work
14. age gap
15. opposites attract
16. revenge
17. returning home
18. reunion
19. runaway bride/groom
20. second chance/take at love
21. secret admirer
22. widower
23. one sided love
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⌦ lee taeyong -
⌦ moon taeil - @junghooniesfan
⌦ johnny suh -
⌦ nakamoto yuta - @urlocalnctstan
⌦ qian kun - @chittapornswife
⌦ kim doyoung - @vinylyoon
⌦ ten lee - @leetaeyonglover
⌦ jeong jaehyun - @tyongvc
⌦ dong sicheng - @daegall
⌦ kim jungwoo - @neochan
⌦ wong yukhei - @10102000
⌦ mark lee - @treasurehobi
⌦ xiao dejun - @qianinterprises
⌦ wong kunhang - @tyonfs
⌦ huang renjun - @fullsunfluff
⌦ lee jeno - @endlesslove-r
⌦ lee donghyuck - @dreamyyang (me)
⌦ na jaemin - @seulgiswhoreee
⌦ liu yangyang - @zephyr-abyss
⌦ osaki shotaro - @mingyuwus
⌦ jung sungchan - @moondustaeil
⌦ zhong chenle - @jaemjenjam
⌦ park jisung - @ethereal-eirene
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k-radio · 2 years
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𝐖𝐞’𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬!!
ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋ-ʀᴀᴅɪᴏ! @yoshiikore @svtxiety @svtplace @yangsheeply @chicksung @jenotapes @starlighthan @jungwoniics @wonamour @soobin-chois @jalnandanz @daegall @niskoo @jaemjenjam @riki-soba our new DJ’s!!
➥ we’re thrilled to have you as a part of our station!!
➥ please do reblog this post!!
➥we will be sending you the discord details in a few minutes :)
➥thank you so much for joining our network!! once again, we’re so happy to have you <3
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dourpeep · 3 years
dont you just wanna
"benny's adventure team, assemble!"
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Bennyyyyyu 😭😭😭 he's so sweet, my other son ily Benby OTL
Whenever I put him on my team he always goes "wait...you want me to join you" or whatever that specific line is and my heart HURTS. OFC I WANT YOU ON MY TEAM BENNY! qwq
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jalnandanz · 2 years
YASS ☝🤑🤑 windtrace with yun sunny and hiro ^_^
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@amakumos @jaemjenjam @niskoo :p
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hirokari · 3 years
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grocery shopping with hyuck!
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It’s 11 in the morning, which should be enough sunlight to wake anyone up… unless you’re a sleep deprived student clad in just a hoodie and sweatpants, tagging along grocery shopping so your partner doesn’t buy anything they don’t need.
Donghyuck yawns, prepping his chin on your head and pulling his hood further down his head.
“You okay? You can, um, stand in the corner if you’re tired.” You suggest, looking up at him after checking the calorie count on the side of a cereal box. Your boyfriend hums, taking the cart handle.
“I’ll stay.”
Just two simple words and you were suppressing a grin, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
The next half hour consists of you asking Donghyuck if products were healthy or worth it, and him responding with either a nod or a mumble, eyes remaining half-lidded.
Many looked at you two– well, at Donghyuck, for the most part– and dismissed you as two unprepared kids buying candy or whatever to live off of. But Hyuck was quite the foodie himself.
A great taste tester, and an even better cook. He made exquisite meals with just everyday ingredients, never ceasing to surprise you with fancy dinners in front of the tv or an occasional brunch if he’s up early enough.
“Question: why did we have to go out so early?” Whispers Donghyuck, taking the milk cartons from your hands and into the cart. “Because I don’t like shopping for food too late, it makes me feel un-fresh… ish… and I want lunch.”
“But we can go get something from, i don't know, McDonal-”
“But I like your food more.”
Donghyuck stays silent at your playful quip, pursing his lips almost unconsciously as he pushes the cart with his hand over yours on the cart handle. You couldn’t help but laugh a little, patting his arm with your free hand.
You always had a way with Donghyuck, it’s exactly how he fell in love with you. No matter how difficult he’d be, you always slithered your way past defense.
“Is this all?”
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The moment you arrive back at the apartment, Donghyuck wastes no time in heading to the couch, crashing face-first into the cushions. You sigh at his childish antics.
At least he set the groceries in the kitchen.
You shimmy your coat off, sighing in content at the warmth of home, a contrast to the autumn winds outside.
You start with the vegetables, spending quite some time with the fridge open for a little too long, assorting the foods to their respective places in the fridge.
It’s until you’re on the tip of your toes, frowning at the fact that you can’t reach the damned cupboard when Hyuck decides he should get up and help, taking the box from your grasp and settling it on the cupboard.
In all honesty, it took him to stand on his toes too, but nonetheless you’re still thankful.
"Thanks.” You say.
You’re about to turn and take the last of the groceries to where they belong, but an arm wraps around your torso pulling you back.
“No,” Donghyuck whines. You blink. “No?”
“No,” You repeat with a smile in your tone. “Come to bed with me.” Donghyuck demands, already inching out the kitchen.
“But the food-”
“The food can wait,” He whines again.
You frown a little, eyeing the untouched bag of groceries yet to be stored away. "...okay. If you're that desperate." You give in with a laugh.
"Just let me put those in-"
"God, just let me sleep with you!"
"Okay, okay."
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networks: @neoturtles
jaemjenjam, 2021
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namistangerinee · 3 years
questions tag //
thank you for the tag @jeontaeil <33
favorite color: yellow!!
three favorite foods: hmm cheetos, donuts, aaand for now my moms lemon cake :)
song stuck in my head: hello future by NCT DREAM!! (stream rn)
last song listened: i think it zwas WARNING by DAY6
last thing i googled: why is there a lump on my dogs head
dream trip: GREECE OMFGGG
time: 7:29 am
last movie watched: YOUR NAME IUJHISDK
tea or coffee: tea :(
last show i watched: BOBS BURGERS LETS GOOOO
currently reading: my sister lives on the mantel piece AAAA
currently watching: ummm nothing really
sweet, spicy or savory: SAVORY PLSSS
tagging: @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 @lost-leopard-beanie @guanhangs @jaemjenjam @hachanbaecon @taemin-jaemin @renhyucks @treasuretaeil @stayctday + WHOEVER!!
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daegall · 3 years
pairing: huang renjun x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: food, eating
word count: 426 words
a/n: dedicated and basically inspired by the renjun simp herself, @jaemjenjam. I hope you enjoy this you bitch because you’ve been screaming single vibes and ranting and ranting about renjun so 😡. ALSO I SWEAR I WILL GET KISS HER YOU FOOL DONE SOON ITS ALMOST DONE I HAVE LIKE 3 MKRE SCENES TO WRITE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
networks: @knet-bakery @kokonomi @neoturtles @twozeronet
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Renjun thinks you look especially ethereal right now. You always were beautiful to him, but there’s just something that makes you more endearing tonight.
Maybe it was the fact that he was just hit by reality that you were actually his, or maybe it was the 20 chicken nuggets and coca cola running through his body making his thoughts filled with you.
He doesn’t know, but he likes it.
Renjun reaches out to grasp your hand in his, his other hand reaching out to pat your head on his lap. You two made the impulsive decision to go to get some McDonalds and head to the park to eat it at literally the definition of asscrack of dawn (more commonly known as 3am).
You smile at the sweet gesture of affection, slowly starting to play with his fingers and the rings on them. It’s silly how he dressed up a bit even when nobody would see it.
You don’t know it, but he puts the rings on just for you to play with them, for he knows your small habit of twisting and fiddling with them. He adores it.
Renjun also likes it when you grow bored during a boring lecture and doodle mindlessly on his hands, he can vividly feel the marker dragging across his skin as you draw a small spaceship and alien. And when you pull at his wrist to simply check the time instead of turning around to the big clock that hung on top of the door.
You catch the small twitch at the corner of his lips, reaching up to poke at the tiny dimple created. “Dimples!”
Renjun breaks into a fit of chuckles and giggles, and you find the way his dimples enlarge oddly fascinating, you want to do it again.
The dimples seem to stay permanent as he stops laughing, simply smiling down softly at you. Strangely enough, you think Renjun looms absolutely perfect, eyes squinted as he smiles, the backlight of the streetlamp behind him oddly mesmerizing as his teeth shine in the smile you love so much. You remember when he had a crooked tooth back then. You grow soft at the thought.
Gently, you reach up to cup Renjun’s soft cheeks in your palms, breaking out into an inevitable grin as he leans slightly in your touch. “You’re so beautiful.”
He feels beautiful. He feels special, loved, appreciated, he feels like the most important and precious person in the world. He is, because you’re his whole world. And he’s the most precious person to you.
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beany-beans · 3 years
Kinda tagged by: @jaemjenjam my lovely moot 😘
Hugs vs Holding hands // Matching clothes vs Matching jewelry // Amusement parks vs Aquariums // Forehead kisses vs Cheek kisses // Cafes vs Restaurants // Ice cream vs Cake // Homebodies vs Adventurers // Road trips vs Cabining // Sweet nicknames vs Funny nicknames // Smiles vs Laughter // Friends to lovers vs Strangers to lovers // Late night drives vs Late night walks // Pda vs Gentle affection
Ngl some of this was a little hard considering the only relationship I was in was a LDR and only lasted a couple months, and none of my friends are irl- so I had to guess what I’d like
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