#ehnypen imagines
niskoo · 3 years
pairing: bad boy! Jake x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: uhhh fluff ig, oh yes and like one swear word
word count: 1.1k words
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You would have never thought you'd end up here, outside the library, deadpanning in front of bad boy! Jake, who's patting the seat behind him on his motorcycle.
You let out a scoff, "Hah, yeah, no." Jake's face scrunches up in confusion and disappointment, he's never met someone who wouldn't want to ride a motorcycle. You grimace at his sour expression, guilt seeping slightly in your body, "Sorry Jake, I'm not getting on that if it doesn't have a seatbelt."
"But it does have a seatbelt! If you just hold onto me. It's not like I'll let you go flying away." His voice has a small teasing tone, as expected from him, but what's not so expected is his genuine smile, not the flirtatious smirk you usually get when you pass by him at school. The school's starting to get suspicious of your secret relationship.
Jake slightly lights up at your hesitant look, reaching out to grasp your wrist in his hold, "Come on! It'll be fun, treat this as a thank you for tutoring me today."
Albeit feeling a bit of shyness and the heat rushing to your ears, you climb on carefully, with Jake helping you up. You pull at a few strands of his hair that stick out his helmet, "It's not like you're bad at Physics, you're better than me."
Your playful boyfriend gently slips his extra helmet on your head, patting your cheek, "Then it's time to fail the next exam to get you tutoring me!"
Jake plops in front of you as you gape at his response, laughing when he sees your reaction through the side mirrors. "Hold on," he mutters over the loud engine he turns on. Before you can respond, the motorcycle is already moving, which causes your arms to automatically fly around his waist.
And in just a span of a few seconds, you're practically flying with all the wind whipping at your face, "JAKE WHAT THE FUCK SLOW DOWN!" You only get a hearty chuckle in response, and despite the loud engine and the whistling of the wind, you can hear his laugh so clearly, it warms something in your heart.
For the next few minutes you only clutch tightly to Jake, yell in his ear when there's a car or animal nearby, and listen to his laughs and honey-like voice when he responds.
He then takes a left onto a steep, straight road, which looks a bit sketchy to you, but you trust Jake not to lead you to danger.
In this particular road, there are no cars, no anything, just some trees and fields of green. You feel relaxed, there's nothing to stress about now. You don't even know where Jake is taking you, but it's okay, it'll end up alright.
A feeling of tranquility washes over your body refreshingly, and your previously tight hold on Jake drastically relaxes, loosely wrapped around his waist. He notices this, and worries if you've finally passed out behind him. Quickly, your significant other frantically checks his mirrors, only to feel at the exact moment, your head resting on his shoulder.
He sighs out and smiles when he sees the small delighted smile on your lips, your eyes closed as you enjoy the wind against your face. Your chin rests comfortably on his shoulder that was covered with the sleeve of the leather jacket he always wore.
Jake bites back a smile and a laugh at your adorable form, instead reaching down to secure your arms around him so he could speed up. More wind flies at your face when Jake speeds up, your hair flying everywhere and tickling your face. Laughs fill the quiet air, your laugh, it rings in Jake's ear, it shakes his heart in some way, he likes it, he loves it.
It doesn't take long to reach the destination, after all you two were practically zooming down the roads.
Jake took you to his dorm, quite unexpected, even for him. He didn't realize he took you here, he was simply letting his body lead him wherever.
Your beloved boyfriend helps you off the motorcycle carefully, fixing your hair for you when you take it off.
Suddenly, the tension is thick, you feel awkward and shy, looking away quickly when you make quick eye contact with him.
"U-uh," you mumble under your breath, fixing the straps of your backpack on your shoulder, staring at one of the windows on the tall dorm building, "Thanks for the ride, I really enjoyed it." Jake's thrilled to hear that, as he remembers your objections of getting on the motorcycle with him.
"I'm glad you liked it,"
Then there's the tension again, it has your eyes trailing everywhere but him, even if you wanted to, you can't, especially when he's staring at you with that look in his eyes.
Biting your lip, you convince yourself to look in his eyes with confidence, but it all crumbles away when it actually happens, "I-I better get going home..."
Your statement startles Jake, how are you supposed to go home at this time? With what transportation?
"Bye Jake, I'll see you on monday."
Before you could even take a single step, Jake is reaching out for you, but this time, it's your hand he's taking in his, "N-no!"
You freeze at the bold action, whipping around with wide eyes to gape once again at Jake. He gently pulls you close to him, intertwining your fingers together, "Stay," he whispers, "Stay over."
The heat that rushed to your ears before is now spreading all over your body, your face, your arms, your legs, and especially, your chest. The warmth blossoms into butterflies and flutter all over your body, and you are left speechless as you stare at Jake.
"I-I mean, it's really late, and I doubt any taxi would be available right now, a-and I'm sure Sunoo has some of his sister's cloth-"
You both freeze at the same time, just looking at each other with such love in your eyes, a growing smile twitching at the corner of your lips. The idea of him wanting you to stay over has your heart having a frenzy, especially with that gentle look, exactly the opposite compared to his hardcore aura he usually has.
A shy laugh falls from Jake's lips, and he scratches the back of his head, "Yeah, okay. Great... um yeah let me just park the bike and we'll go right in."
Your heart beats faster and flutters at the soft tone of Jake's voice and the small skip in his step when he jogs to his motorcycle. You might just fall deeper in love with him.
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niskoo · 3 years
pairing: bad boy!Jake x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of a breakdown, mentions of smoking
word count: 487 words
a/n: i know its not a request but i felt bad for not posting a work in a while so here a small jake blurb is! i hope you guys enjoy <33 the small breaking down in a bathroom was from @jaemjenjam so thanks to her
originally for my cravity acc but thought it fit jake too!!
networks: @enhypennetwork
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Growing up, Jake Sim was never one to receive love. Yes, his parents loved him dearly and took good care of him, but he never felt the genuineness whenever they tucked him to bed with a kiss on the forehead, or when they would cheer him on in his karate competition. They truly loved him, they really did, and he feels guilty that he doesn't feel it when he knows he should.
The only real love he's truly felt is when Park Sunghoon found him breaking down in the men's room when he was on a shift, he felt like the younger understood him when he let him cry into his shoulder.
The only love he's felt is with his best friends, surrounding him with all the things he loves and all the fun he's grown to love, even if it was wrecking other people. Jay Park's mom car became more of a home to him than his own room, the smell of smoke whenever Lee Heeseung takes a small cig break just outside school is more welcoming than smells of fabulous food.
The only love he's felt is with his best friends, and you.
You came along like an angel, Jake thanks God you agreed to tutor Sunoo and Niki, without it he wouldn't know how he would get this far in life.
He's never felt like he's found the thing he's needed most until now.
Jake feels safe when he's around you, feels like your embrace has always been his real comfort, waiting for him to come home. Your hands holding his heart feels more in place than anywhere else, your smile that greets him everyday feels more welcoming than Jay's mom car, he would even say.
He feels truly understood when he's with you, like he doesn't even need to speak his problems for you to understand.
He feels most comfortable right now, perched snugly on your lap, your fingers running through his hair as he stares at your face. He admires the chuckle that leaves your lips when your favorite part of 'Home Alone' plays. It's September, you know, but as you always quote, 'it never hurts to start christmas early'.
Jake feels the warmth swirling in his chest when you look down at him and pat his cheek gently. "What're you think 'bout, bubs?"
He's thinking of how you're so considerate, constantly checking up on him like right now. He's thinking of how you're so perfect, everything you do amazes him to no end. He's thinking of how he's the one you love. "I'm thinking..."
A new feeling blooms in his chest, similar to the one he feels when he's in one of those moments where time stops when he has fun with his friends. But this feeling... this feeling is stronger. More evident, almost euphoric.
Jake smiles up at you, concluding his true feelings when he's with you. "I'm thinking of how much I love you."
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niskoo · 3 years
pairing: Bad boy! Jungwon x reader
genre: fluff, a bit of crack ig euwoa
warnings: mmm punch spilling on reader mmmm
word count: 1.6k words
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Parties were always the best, for most people at least. You were having a good time with your friends, at this random party at whoever’s house.
The beats of the enthusiastic song blaring over the speakers nearly deafen you, but you smile and vibe along nonetheless, feeling the ground shake as how many people jump at the dance floor. You turn to your friend, Niki, who’s yelling the lyrics in fake passion and serenading Taki (STFU IM PUTTING HIM IN BECAUSE I MISS HIM), tapping the both of them. “Dude I’m parched, I’m gonna go see if they have sprite in the kitchen.”
They both nod, ushering you off with a wave and a request of some punch for Niki whose throat is burning from screaming lyrics the past hour.
You start your journey to the kitchen of the unfamiliar house, walking around and asking a few strangers where it was. At some point you meet the host of the party, one of your seniors, telling you the directions and a tip of ‘if you can’t find it, just look around for a blonde dude, he’s there all the time, eating chips. His name’s Hueningkai,’
You think of this ‘blonde dude’ wondering if he’s thrown up by now because nobody can last that long with so many bags of chips.
Your quest continues, as you push through groups of dancing people and occasional sobbers, so far not a single blonde dude, which is really surprising.
At last, you find another part of the crowded house, and there’s a blonde guy with chips sitting on the counter. You smile in delight at the success of your mini expedition, quickly approaching the lad, “Hey, are you Hueningkai?”
The boy nods enthusiastically, swallowing the few chips in his mouth, “Yeah? You need anything?”
“Is this the kitchen?”
Hueningkai nods, gesturing all around him, “Hell yeah it is! What do you want?”
You can see the bottles of sprite and pepsi behind him, shaking your head and pointing at them, “I found it,” the teen nods and shoves a few more chips in his mouth, telling you to help yourself.
You gladly do, grabbing 2 plastic cups and filling them with your designated drinks you craved. You leave right away, after seeing a group of friends mixing a bunch of drinks and trying it out.
Now, is the hard part. You don’t remember the way back, and you have 2 full cups in your hand. How would you ever survive? By walking and warning others of the drinks in your hand, just like what you’re doing right now.
You excuse yourself through crowds, to which they diligently make way for you. You’re somehow in the dancing circle, with people jumping all around you. You bite your lip and try maneuvering away, sipping a few gulps from your cup to make it easier to walk around.
You eventually empty it instead, it’s better to walk around with just one cup. The moment you throw your empty red cup away in the already stacked trash bin, you hear a familiar voice around you. Almost too close to you.
Whipping around, you find out your assumptions were correct. Yang Jungwon and his brothers are not too far from you, chatting lively and laughing at some joke Jay Park makes.
‘Ah fuck!’ It was with no doubt that you had a huge crush on Jungwon, how could you not? You don’t even have to name reasons to seem whipped for him. Cursing under your breath, you quickly turn to see other ways of going around his group of friends.
Unfortunately, there is a huge mob of girls jumping and yelling the lyrics to one of the songs of Olivia Rodrigo’s album ‘sour’. You would totally join, but there is a drink in your hand and you’re having an internal mental breakdown.
You contemplate ditching Niki and his drink to bop along to the song, but a sudden push to your shoulder causes the drink to spill all over your shirt.
You freeze in surprise, pulling your shirt to let it dry quickly as the person who pushed you panics and tries to help. You don’t realize who it was, chuckling and shaking your head and mumbling small reasons of how it was alright.
“Ah, shit... I’m really, realllyyy, sorry.”
This time, you are completely aware of the voice, becoming more self conscious when your head snaps up to meet Jungwon’s guilty eyes. “I- it’s really fine, Jungwon, it was just an accident, right?” (Behind Jungwon, Sunoo squeals and flees away in fear of getting caught as the culprit of pushing Jungwon.)
Heat spreads across Jungwon’s cheeks and neck as he hears you breathily chuckle name, and you swear you could see the light tint on his face. “I- uh- you know my name?”
A hearty laugh erupts from your throat, as you simply nod and pull tighter at your shirt, “Of course I know your name, it’s the most popular among the girls, you know?”
At that, Jungwon’s smile grows shyer and smaller, scratching the sudden itch at his wrist, “A-ah, I see.”
The tension is awkward after that, just standing and looking at each other as everyone around you jumps and screams lyrics. You look back at the kitchen, gesturing to it and stiffly turning its way, “I better get some tissues,”
Your crush jerks up, already walking and beckoning you to another way, “Let me help you, the bathroom is way cleaner.” His fingers enclose around your wrist, lightly pulling you with him to the bathroom. You can only stumble on your feet, and words, and stare at his hand around your wrist in astonishment.
The bathroom is reached, and just as Jungwon said, it’s a lot cleaner. And a lot lonelier as well. Your hand is finally free from Jungwon’s gentle grasp, and he ushers you into the bathroom, “Call me if you need help. Or when it’s a bit more faded.” Before the door is closed at your face.
You can feel your heartbeat erratically beating in your chest, it has your knees wobbly and stomach twisting unhealthily as you process what’s just happened. Turning around to face the mirror, you clasp both your hands on your face, smiling at yourself in pure glee.
Your glee didn’t last too long though, as you felt your punch soaked shirt sticking to your stomach uncomfortably. Quickly, and with much force, you grab the tissue roll next to the sink and rip a long stripe off, before scrubbing the material on your shirt.
After many minutes, your shirt is left with a pink-ish stain and wrinkles of how much you’ve probably stretched and rubbed at it. You finally decide to let Jungwon in, unlocking the door for him to enter.
As soon as he enters, there’s a guilty expression plastered all over his face, and even his body language can describe how bad he feels. “I’m so sorry I did this.” A chuckle and a pat at his arm is his only response, and he continues with what he’s been thinking of saying while waiting outside.
“Y-you know Y/n,” Your gleaming eyes bore into his, causing his chest to tighten up and the confidence to slowly slip away from his mind, “Your outfit’s really nice- well it was nice until I ruined it- b-but you still look great! I mean you look worse from before- but that’s from the punch! Oh god I thought I practiced this...”
Jungwon’s small outburst causes something in you, affection, you would recognize, and you laugh out at his attempts at a conversation. “Thank you Jungwon, you really cheered me up,” there’s a small laugh in the end from you, and it causes him to giggle out as well.
“U-um, you can cover the stain w-with my Jacket? Here, you can borrow it for the rest of the night,”
It’s no use arguing, Jungwon is already shrugging the soft material off, and swinging it over your waist to tie it. “Nobody will notice,” he mumbles as he ties a tight knot around you. You’re sure a bunch of girls will notice how it’s his hoodie he uses almost everyday though.
“Now, let’s get back! I can get you another cup of punch, and protect you from it if it spills, and we can just enjoy the rest of the party!”
And yet once again, Jungwon’s grasp is wrapped right around your wrist, but this time to run enthusiastically with him back to the kitchen, where he gets a new cup and hands it to you. He keeps his word and warns (read: yell) at people to be cautious of the drink nearby. You end up giving the punch to Niki, who quickly chugs and continues serenading Taki.
You spend the rest of the night talking to Jungwon, and eventually meet the criminal of pushing Jungwon into you, sharing what kind of face masks you like and recommending some to each other. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be exchanging numbers with your crush, without him you wouldn’t be texting him halfway home because of his sweater you forgot to return, without him you wouldn’t be running around and yelling in happiness when he replies with a ‘keep it, it looks better on you.’
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