#jade and trooper are brothers
lazywriter-artist · 2 months
do you have any lore for your guardsmen plsplspls whats their dynamics like
Glad you asked Anon! I do :)
So my silly boys (their full size/non chibi designs can be found here) are still kind of in a developmental stage really but I do have some set in stone stuff
For the most part all three are pretty young recruits and really haven’t seen enough action to be jaded and chiseled as some so they’ve still got some whimsy left in them— this aided by the fact that they typically spend more time cooped up with the machine cult worshippers due to the magos Domnius deciding these silly humans need to be with him and his skits (ya won’t catch them complaining—) means they’re pretty comfy for being guardsman
My current idea with them really is that they have come from various regiments, at least Starr did, and were brought together by their kidnapping surprise adoption by the Magos. Enos is probably the freshest to the ranks of the imperium with a bit more hope in his eyes and a zest for life, while Starr I’d say has probably been a guardsman for the longest. I wouldn’t say Starr is all jaded and sad like say Galileo or storvis, but they’ve definitely been exposed more to the ‘guardsman the lowest rank in the hierarchy’ ideals and kind of knows their place is already set when higher ranking officials arrive.
Upon finding themselves “reassigned” to the magos they quickly grew close to one another and formed a bery quick brotherly bond :)
On the more tactical side, I’d say (which might eventually reflect in their designs who knows-) Starr is/was(?) a weapons specialist for his company, while Luther served as a vox-Operator and Enos served as a just really average run of the mill trooper
I will say not too much has been set in stone for them as with a lot of my ocs they’re kind of constantly shaping in my head especially as I take more lore in from warhammer itself :)!
More of their dynamic side is definitely aforementioned a very brotherly one
They have sort of roles they fall into but tend to hop between them a lot
Like Starr tends to be the collected level headed older brother but this role can also be filled by Lute (they’re all about the same age with maybe a year difference between Starr and Enos so ‘older brother’ ‘younger brother’ ect. Tends to just be a personality reference more then an age thing)
Lute often fills ‘mischievous but well meaning middle brother’ but again sometimes you’ll see Enos in this behavior pattern
Enos typically being the skittish youngest sibling who is trying to figure out the world
But yeah, it mostly cuts down to their deeper personalities
Lute resents his place as ‘lowest member of the food chain’ as many dismiss him as a meat shield before a word in edge wise can even be gained. And it’s frustrating for him especially as he does a very important job as a Vox operator, certain commands wouldn’t be able to go through without him!
Starr similarly resents these ideals, they’re a well oiled machine not some barbaric system of dog eat dog! Even if they might be just that— but he’d never do anything about it. He finds it’s just better for everyone if he puts his head down and avoids conflict over something as trivial as that. He knows he’s important and that’s all that matters to him
While Enos is mostly oblivious to such ideas, he can kind of sense and I mean obviously see he’s different in rank to say a general or a commissar, but he doesn’t see why they’d get preferential treatment over that rank! Save for probably some things but hey! The imperium cares for its most important, the glue that keeps the imperium going!!
So over all they help even one another out, Starr can take over in terms when it comes with dealing with the tar pit of a bureaucracy the imperium can be, Lute is there to act as some healthy (and very VERY light) rebellion, while Enos can keep some youthful wonder about the trio
And again, they’re all very diluted versions of these ideals due to just how the imperium works (as I understand it—) in general.
You can’t really be a full blown rebel bc that means your a heretic and you get kablowied all over the wall, so the most rebellious tendencies you’ll get from Luther is him whining about it later and what have you.
Ya can’t really hold your eyes too wide with whimsy and joy lest the dust of the town you just watched get obliterated get in your eyes
And just gotta accept your blissful ignorance sometimes and fall into line with the rest
But all and all that’s pretty much it for what I have on them and tbh some of it is very likely to change but we shall see lol
Thank you for the ask!!
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enigmatist17 · 10 months
More late night clone wings!au stuff
Apparently me having a good drink tends to make me think of them lol
the armor for the wings are made from the same stuff their main body armor is, though tempered to be a bit lighter for flight
- speaking of flight, most clones don't get a chance to fly until they leave Kamino, and it's discovered the best way for it to happen at first is in the hangar bay's with the grav shut off
-- it's not quite the same, but they don't trust the Jetti at first, so they make do
--- Master Di accidentally walks in on a session, and finds it quite intriguing as he watches the more experienced clones guide the shinies through basic flight instructions. Keeli nearly has a heart attack when he finds himself suddenly pulled down when telling shinies how one would glide, and the general moves his commander through the air after they share a look
Within a few weeks training in zero-g takes on a practical turn as Jetti help give weight or the right nudge to help strengthen their flying moves. They prefer to find planets, but obviously they always can't find the time (and the Jedi really don't mind helping, it's a morale booster to see their men so happy)
their wings all start off an ashy white, but when they begin to serve and fight, every clone finds their wings take on colors that match their personality and feelings. Lighter colors were found on the troopers who always smiled and did their best to make their brothers do the same, the darker colors were for the jaded who did what they could to protect their batchmates.
-- Cody is the first one to gain an intense color, his wings all but shining gold when he sees his first sunrise, and lets awed troopers touch the colored feathers, as if trying to see if the color would spread
The first Jetti to help tend to an injured trooper who can't preen himself is a padawan. The trooper is tense while (surprisingly) skilled hands ease tangled feathers back into place and shake out the dust that's gathered, and only relaxes when the padawan stops, much to their intrigue.
---> Jocasta finds an influx of curious padawan and masters alike to seem to have all found interest in birds at the same time, but puts two and two together easily enough. If she also takes a look some time to tend to the clones that guarded the Temple from time to time? Well no one needs to know
-----> it takes the clones a while to even let the Jetti tend to them, but ever so slowly it happens either by choice or if injured troopers ask for the aid. Not everyone gets the chance, but those who do are usually honored to help with such a guarded task. Plo is pretty much the only exception, Wolffe and the others having taken the Jetti and taught him what to do, and their buir is only too happy to learn.
Speaking of my Corrie's, they're restricted more than most of the other clones because Palps is a dick, and if they're not in their barracks, it's expected they keep said wings close and out of sight
--> Fox hates it, but until something happens (and no he's not in the process of killing the old bastard yet) he can't fight it. Bail and other senators help provide short moments for the Guard to stretch/fly when they can, but its not too often
----> Fox doesn't kill Palpatine this time, no he sits back when the other Commanders storm the senate building after Fox nearly loses his wing to the Sith, and all fly up and drop the man right into one of those giant thruster things(?) from the movie and make sure he's dead before celebrating
I just think they're neat, now I'm gonna go and sleep <3
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testingcheats0n · 8 months
Help me find this fanfic!
Okay quick description. The fic in question is old-ish, and unfinished. I don't think that it surpasses the 50k words as it had very little chapters.
basically anakin never met qui gon, padme and obi-wan and he remained on tatooine (cannot confirm if he was freed at some point or remained a slave), his mom is still alive i think and living with the larses and anakin was in conflict with them because of his drug addiction to spice (or death-sticks), he's kind of a drop out character in a sense. so he gets high af at one point, just as a battalion (maybe the 212th) lands on tatooine to fight some attack from the separatists. anakin is his clone wars age at this point. a clone dies in front of anakin and he gets the idea of stealing his armor to get a free ticket off the planet and escape. he notes that the armor is uncomfortable, and also he had to detox from his addiction i think?? i think i remember that he had to spend some time cold-turkey and it made him feel like shit.
there are secret identity shenanigans which i adore, the brothers think that he's a shiny because the clone that died is a shiny and so they push him to find his identity- there were a lot oc troopers too. im pretty sure he gives himself the clone name skywalker because he's a good pilot even though the clones remark that he never had any extraordinary piloting marks in kamino, and he also paints his armor as a part of the battalion but he never takes off his mask in order to keep his identity safe which worries the clones a little.
he meets obi-wan which is why im sure it was his battalion and there was also hints of obikin, or the fic was tagged as obikin. in any case he had a crush on obi-wan.
its very sweet as an anakin that is much more jaded and kind of a scumbag loser creates this wholesome relationship and brotherhood with the clones, while also keeping his real identity a secret.
it is not a sith!anakin story, there is no anidala, and i think it preceedes the tatooine slave culture tag, other jedi don't appear except for a plo koon mention, there is no ahsoka im pretty sure, anakin does not know obi-wan, but i think that he has heard of jedi and knows of them, i don't think he even knows hes force sensitive.
ive searched by any parameters i could rememeber but it is possible that the fic wasn't tagged as extensively, is deleted, or im simply misremembering. so if someone knows the title, the author or a link i would appreciate it.
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Comfort Characters
Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
Tony Stark AKA Iron Man
Han Solo
Doppo Kunikida (BSD)
Hera Syndulla
My Boy:
Tech :3
My Boyfriend:
Azul (Caszul/Caszurole)
Mon Mari:
Rook Hunt (Hunter’s Song/Chanson du Chasseur)
My Wife:
Jade Leech (Frilled Shark)
(so Floyd is my brother in law)
My special little guys:
Kwazii Cat (Octonauts) (Kin)
Lewis McCartney (H2O) (Kin)
Luke Skywalker (SW) (Kin)
Thorax (MLP) (Kin)
Shining Armor (MLP) (Kin)
Armitage Hux (SW)
Alexsander Kallus (SW)
Howzer (SW)
Gonky (SW)/srs
Unidentified clone trooper  (332nd Company) AkA ARMS (sign my petition) (SW)
Coran Horn (SW legends)
Arista (Little mermaid)
Johnny Cade (Outsiders)
Crutchie (Newsies)
Raph 2012 (TMNT)
leather head 2012 (TMNT)
Spider-man in general
Harry Osborn 2002 (Spider-Man)
Gwen Stacy AkA Spider Gwen/Ghost spider (SV)
Braco (Violeta)
Tenya Iida (MHA) (kinda an f/o?)
Kyoya Ootori (OHHC)
Tom Harris (Alex Rider)
Alex Mercer (JATF)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Mathew (Og Lego friends)
Noble Bell college student council aide AKA Travis because I have decided that is his name (Twst)
Nick Nelson (Heart Stopper)
Elle Argent (Heart Stopper)
Daring Charming (EAH)
Sokka (ATLA)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Stolas (Hell of a Boss)
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tinywitchgoblin · 3 months
Summary: The 339th goes on a picnic when they have some time off.
Word count: 578
Warnings: one (1) swear word, so much fluff!, mayonnaise
a/n: This is my first full-length work about my OCs, the 339th! If you want to learn more about them, look up #twg ocs on my profile
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“This should do nicely,” Pine said with a shrug, setting the basket on the ground and sitting next to it. The boys of the 339th weren’t due for another deployment for the next couple of days, so they decided to relax and spend some quality time together- without being shot at. It took a while for them to decide what to do, until Hart had quietly suggested finding somewhere remote and camping out. 
They did some hiking, a bit of fishing (which was mostly unsuccessful, much to Hyde’s dismay- even though he was the one scaring the fish away), and spent a lot of time sitting around and enjoying each other’s company in peace. Well, as much peace as you can get with Hyde chasing poor Hart around with two large sticks shouting something about being a jedi, until Jade took one of them away and smacked Hyde so hard he went flying. They eventually found themselves on a small beach with multicolored sand that sparkled when the sun hit it just right. 
“I’m gonna go swimming, anyone wanna join?” Hyde shouted, launching himself into the water. 
“Maybe in a bit, but I’m gonna focus on getting the food ready for now,” Pine responded, grabbing some sandwich-making stuff and getting to work.  
“Sure, I’ll join you in a sec! I’m gonna grab a snack first,” Hart added, rooting around in their pack for the protein bar they’d stashed in there earlier. Pine looked over at Jade, chuckling and signing, What about you? Don’t you want to join in on the fun?
Fuck no, you couldn’t get me to go in the water with Hyde if you paid me, he shot back, but Pine could tell that there was no venom behind the statement- that’s just how Jade was. He thought back to when the hardened ARC trooper had first come under his command- he was taciturn, abrasive, and uncooperative. However, he’d made a lot of progress. He still didn’t enjoy large social gatherings, and had retained his dry sense of humor, but with Hart’s help, he was doing so much better. 
Once Hart had finished their snack, they leapt into the water, only to be tackled by Hyde. The two went under in a flurry of limbs until they popped up again, both heartily laughing. Jade looked over at his brothers and smiled to himself. Sure, he missed his old battalion; they all did. But being able to join the 339th and rebuild himself with them meant more to him than he let on. 
Pine let them play some more before calling them out of the water to eat. Hyde pouted, but then realized that this was his opportunity to eat- one of his favorite activities. They rushed over to where Pine had set up the food, each grabbing their specific meals. Pine knew exactly what his boys did and didn’t like on their sandwiches. Hyde consumes an ungodly amount of mayonnaise, whereas if you place mayonnaise within five (5) feet of Jade… it won’t end well. 
They ate and chatted for a while, enjoying their meal. When they were done, Hart and Hyde went back into the water while Jade went for a walk along the shoreline. Once he had finished packing everything up, Pine joined the other two in the water. Everything was good, and they were happy- even if only for a brief moment before they had to return to face the horrors of war.
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scrabble-scribbles · 2 years
I had a thot for Echos, like an au of the au.
What if over the course of the war, Ahsoka and Rex start getting even more jaded? They’re trying to stop Palpatine, trying to save their brothers and friends, but they can’t do enough. Every time, either more people die or they lose the same number, or just lose the ones who survived last time. Ahsoka slowly loses control of her powers, going deeper and deeper into the force (I’ll explain my force headcanon later). At first, using the dark side is completely accidental, maybe a desperate attempt to save someone. But she starts to notice it working, the only time she can save people without losing way more is when she uses the dark side. At first, she’s scared, she doesn’t want to fall like her master did, like barriss did, like so many Jedi have and will, so she fights back. Until a mission where everything goes wrong, off the wall insane, and she has no choice. She draws on the dark side, saves everyone. And then she starts using it more freely. After all, who would notice if one trade federation man ends up dead, from a broken neck? War is dangerous, and they have thousands of enemies. And who would care if a separatist tactician comes out of an interrogation babbling in terror, unspeakable fear behind their eyes, as long as they have data that can help the war?
Rex is more subtle. He doesn’t draw on the Force, he doesn’t have the risk of falling. But him and Ahsoka are connected in the Force. He grows more ruthless, more protective. He dips back into the tactics used by the rebels, gurellia warfare, infiltration and weakening tactics, and plans that are more concerned with protecting his own than worrying about civilian casualties or how the land is damaged, like firebombing runs. During prisoner transfers, he breaks a few bones when prisoners are rude. He doesn’t take shit from natborn officers, Jedi and non Jedi alike. The Togruta Jedi almost always at his side snarls whenever anyone tries to reprimand him, and complaints somehow always end up missing.
The turning point for both of them would probably be Umbara. Ahsoka’s not leaving Rex and his men alone with Krell after Anakin leaves, despite her telling him Krell's bad. She's mad, Rex is furious, both of them are stuck in a campaign thats hell. Ahsoka wasnt here last time, so she gets stuck a few times, and Rex is trying to save anyone he can. Ahsoka and krell are arguing over tactics, with rex on her side. When Krell threatens Fives (lightsaber from the episode), Ahsoka Force pushes him away. Both her sabers are out and she's glaring him down, standing in front of Fives. Rex has both blasters out and aimed at Krell. Nothing really happens, Krell just stands down and lets them continue, until his plan to take the capital happens. Ahsoka goes with the clones, against Krell's orders, and her and rex manage to save more men on the retreat. Fives, Hardcase and jesse go to blow up the ship, and when Krell tries to have them executed, ahsoka and rex dont let him. (i might write this out). When the time comes where Krell sends them out to kill the 212th troopers, Ahsoka stops it before they even can, but then another battalion comes through and tries killing both the 501st and 212th men. (probably luminara's men because barriss was there in the episode), and lots of ppl die. Instead of the clones going, Rex and Ahsoka go to confront Krell. he threatens to have Rex executed for something, to get ahsoka expelled for dark side and attachments. Keystone moment, and Ahsoka goes dark.
The troopers trudging back to the camp see the spinning lightsabers as Krell is thrown out of the building, and smaller sabers as Ahsoka follows. Rex jumps down, and is helped by Ahsoka to land perfectly, both attacking Krell. The 501st men are shocked, because Ahsoka is fighting like a completely different person. her fighting style is near feral, and the besalisk is genuinely struggling to keep up with her. Ahsoka gets him down, cuts two of his arms off. None of them say anything as Rex shoots Krell in the head. Ahsoka's eyes flash gold as Krell's body is dragged away.
So basically Ahsoka falls, and Rex follows her, because of their desperation to save people and stop the sith from taking over, from stealing so much from them. And the kicker? through this, they lose the family they were trying so hard to save.
Anyhoo that was my angst thot for Echos :)
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ramoth13 · 2 years
A few Small Thoughts on a Popular Fandom That I love, and Hate
I grew up watching the originals with my father (episodes 4-6) and again with my father and brother I saw the prequels in the theater (episodes 1-3) on opening nights. I'll never forget the moment that Darth Maul ignited the double bladed lightsaber on the big screen, which not only blew my mind but changed the way I thought about movie villains in general. Me and my brother explored the game worlds, meeting new and compelling characters like the fascinating Mara Jade, the friendly Kyle Katarn, and most importantly for me, the quintessentially mysterious Darth Revan.
This is to say nothing of the 501st, Arc Troopers, Commando squads, the Mandalorian clans, and the creator and herald of both, Mandalorians and clone troopers, Mandalore himself, also known as Jango Fett.
Like many, my childhood was filled with swinging lightsabers, clone trooper charges (with whatever toy gun I could get my hands on) and the subsequent study of all things Force, the Republic, the Empire, the outer rim, and beyond.
Thus, when Disney redacted and retconned the EU (Expanded Universe), like many others I was crushed. So many stories, favorite characters and so much lore now considered obsolete. To make matters worse, the subsequent Sequel Movies seemed to negate much of what was previously established.
In essence, there has been a huge split within a fandom already splintered and fractured. Many hate the prequels, which I simply adore. Many think that The Return of the Jedi was lame, though it was my favorite as a child.
The issue:
I would say that I am more than an average fan of the universe, but I am also ashamed of it. Understand, I am heartbroken with how much of the Universe has been removed from the cannon, with the way that characters such as Luke and Chewie have been treated, and with the ease by which whole story arcs have been decimated.
But as a child growing up in the wake of the prequel hate, I also understand how it feels to listen to people disparage all that i loved. Yes, Rey and Poe seem poorly written and Finn feels like the walking embodiment of "getting the short end of the stick" in nearly every way, and yes Luke and his legacy feels utterly tainted, but this has happened before and I've been on the receiving end of this barrage of hatred. Jar-Jar was, perhaps, a bit over the top, but as a kid I thought he was funny. Yes, the dialogue in Attack of the Clones was ROUGH but seeing the clones land on the battlefield still gives me goosebumps to this day. The CGI was sometimes distracting, but it hadn't ever been done before and it was all new and experimental.
The Crux:
I think the vitriolic hatred of the Sequel Trilogy (and post-Disney creations) is wrong and damages all of the good things in the community. Not to say that you must like it, but rather disparaging it in the face of those who have found the fandom through the Disney creations is simply unkind.
Kids watch Rey and Finn and have those same goosebump-filled moments that I did watching the originals, and they will grow up knowing a different Star Wars than me. And as a person who genuinely loves the EU, or "Legends" as they are now known, it sucks. But that doesn't change the fact that both things exist. People love Rey the same way that I love the Legends version of Boba Fett.
We must remember that the universe we love is expansive and has room for Jedi and Sith, Mandalorians and Clone Troopers, Battle-droids and astro-mechs, and Smugglers, Rebels, and Imperialists.
I love this fandom, but I also hate the way we ostracize anyone who doesn't glorify and worship the original trilogy (which I also love). Disney is not my favorite and I'll be the first to denounce them as part of the Empire as such, but as I have said regarding other fandoms (Lord of the Rings and Amazon) the benefactors and creators are not the same thing. And while I dislike the Sequels, I've loved other things like Rogue One, the Mandalorian, and Clone Wars.
It's a mixed bag, but I'll not demean the sequels in the face of a child's love. I think we need to identify where our frustration lies, and in the end, like the path to the Dark Side, it lies in Fear. Fear of losing what we love, anger at perceived aggression towards what we love, and hatred at what we feel has replaced what we love.
For me, Kyle Kataarn is a Jedi Master, Mara Jade is Luke's wife, Jango Fett was Mandalore, and Darth Revan is still second only to Vader himself, who fully fulfilled the prophecy of bringing balance to the Force (whatever that means). Yet, I will not hold it against anyone that loves Rey Skywalker, that obsess over the knights of Rin, or who think Poe is the best pilot in the galaxy. Not out of a demeaning pity, but out of a respect of a similar love.
Instead of gatekeeping the narrative, we can explore new horizons, "legendary" or canon together, while still keeping our loves intact. We can be keepers of the old stories, reminding new generations of what came before, not in a condescending way, but in a way that is inclusive. Like the Jedi themselves, let us keep the old teachings while recognizing the changes, loving the old without hating the new.
Whether it's the rogues and rebels of the originals, the republic army led by the Jedi of the prequels, or the heralds of inherited legacy of the sequels, let's love what we will and remember that like all ancient history, it all happened a long time in a galaxy far far away from us.
If it helps, I constantly ask myself (regarding the Universe and how I should react) What Would Luke Skywalker Do?
I find that, in my mind at least, he was far more patient with changes to his and his father's story.
May the Force, and the love of whatever Star Wars that you know be with you, always.
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empyrse · 3 years
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splat oc doodles babey!!! top to bottom we got:
Tint(boyfriend's oc!!!) and Patch
AGAIN, Tint and Patch
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mandoposting · 3 years
Meet Cresh Squad of the 117th Battalion
Clone troopers Rift, Hacksaw, Aran, Puck, and ???
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The Frontline Withers
In the final days of the Clone Wars, the Republic suffers a unexpected blow. The Siege of Kre'shak Major is a failure, and the 117th Battalion is stranded on the planet's surface, awaiting a rescue they aren't certain will arrive. With supplies dwindling and their Jedi general missing in action, many clones begin to question what exactly they are surviving for. And if the Republic is truly where their future lies.
More details under the cut, please check them out! :)
posted with the encouragement of @purgetroopercody, @fake-fullbuster and a very late night chat with @parkotedarasuum :')
In order of appearance (and without their weird backgrounds):
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Sergeant of Cresh Squad
Would do nearly anything for his squad
Distrustful of Jedi because of... past experiences
Raw strength isn't his strong suit, but he's a quick thinker and tactically minded
Chronic self-reliance
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Sole survivor of his previous squad
Newly assigned to Cresh
No one wants to ask him how he got his name
Jaded and unaffected by most things, put fiercely protective of those he is assigned to
Probably too protective
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Oldest member of the squad. Tells dad jokes but could also break your back
Says all these things like "vod" and "ori'buyce, kih'kovid" that no one understands
Has gray hairs and, if asked, will tell you its from dealing with these "reckless later batches"
Would still lay down his life for any of his brothers, no questions asked
Wants to travel the galaxy when he retires, in search of a Mandalorian covert that will have him
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Resident sniper
Rift's batchmate and the only one who calls him by his name instead of "sarge"
A perfectionist with a self-destructive streak
Prides himself on being dependable and reliable to a fault
Still harbors some unresolved resentment towards Rift for being promoted over him, but will always be there to back him up in a fight
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Who is he?
Found waist deep in the carnivorous swamps of Kre'shak Major by Puck and Rift
Isn't talking to anyone and flinches away from any touch or noise
Was found clutching a pauldron identical to his own, but printed with a "2"
Hacksaw suspects he witnessed something terrible... but what?
So yeah, hopefully I get this fic out... sometime? I'm really liking how it's going so far and can't wait to share it :)
Art tag: @xviii-themoon dm me if you'd like to be added
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New Year - Fives & Rex Minific
(Warnings: mild angst, friendship, hurt/comfort)
“We survived.” Rex mutters quietly as he drags his vibroblade against the plastoid of his gauntlet
“Yeah.” Fives replies just as quietly
The ARC Trooper holds a holopicture of him and Echo, his arm over his brother’s shoulder, both of them grinning at Hardcase, whom had been the one to take the picture. Of the three men involved in that merry moment, only he still lived.
Rex finishes the fresh tally mark, putting the vibroblade away and looking at how many marks are scattered over his gauntlets. Either the war ends soon or he’ll run out of room to carry the memory of his fallen men on him.
Fives reaches for the bottle between the two of them, pulls its cork out with his teeth, taking a swig with a grimace. Kriff, Rex wasn’t kidding when he said that Corellian whiskey was rough. Good. They both needed some strong booze tonight.
He passes the bottle to Rex, carefully pocketing the holopicture.
“What do we do, sir,” he turns to Rex, watching him take a couple of gulps of the kriffing thing without more than an eyebrow raise at the ARC “After such a disaster of a year? I feel like we barely chipped away at the Separatists’ forces. Meanwhile we lost so much... so many.” Fives swallows down, run a hand over his mouth and down his chin “I feel so tired. Old, even.”
Rex puts the bottle down and stares at Fives wordlessly for a moment to then place his hand over Fives’ armored shoulder. Fives expects the usual C.O. talk - toughen up, we are made for this, this is part of the job, get back on your feet.
But then he watches Rex’s serious expression come undone as his eyebrows arch and his eyes - his eyes that are heavy with exhaustion and marked by dark circles - speak of all his weariness, all his sorrow that he always keeps hidden under his helmet, behind the dark glass of his visor and the jaig eyes of his station.
“I understand it, trooper. I feel the same.” and he makes a small pause to then sigh “It was a tough year. And I can’t guarantee that the next one will be an easy one either. But whatever it is that comes our way... we’ll fight it together. You, and I, and our brothers, we’ll carry each other though it.”
Fives wants to hold his Captain’s gaze, but he has to avert his eyes once his sight becomes blurry with tears. Rex allows him a moment to wipe his eyes and get hold of himself again, and Fives lets out a sniffle, gritting his teeth.
“I’m glad I can count on you to be by my side next year again, sir.” he manages, his throat feeling tight
Rex pats him on his back.
“So am I, Fives. So am I.”
The very next moment, a flash that gleams through the windows makes them glance outside, and the night sky becomes bright with fireworks. It is a new year, and as jaded and tired as they are, they allow themselves to feel hopeful.
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drwcn · 3 years
#9 【Carbon in the Steel】
cql au: everyone is an orphan except wwx; dark!twin jades
The Brothers Lan 
There was once a little house, on the outskirts of a farming village beyond the tiered rice fields south of Meishan, far, far away from Cloud Recesses. Both Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji remembered that house. It was the house Father had built for Mother, and it was there that they were born. 
It sat at the base of a hill where many tall bamboo trees grew, and in the garden, there had been gentians, indigo and violet, that bloomed beautifully every summer. 
Lan Xichen would dream sometimes of that house and of the wonderful days in those early years. 
Father, look! 
Excellent form, A-Huan. Very good. Much improved. Now, remember to keep your balance on your front… 
These days he could no longer recall Father’s face. His voice though, Lan Xichen still remembered as clear as a bell. On the other hand, his brother Wangji did not remember much of Father at all; instead, it was Mother’s smile that he could never forget. 
Mother, can A-Zhan and I stay with you and Father tonight? 
P’ease, Mo’her. 
Lan Xichen remembered hugging his baby brother like a doll and strategically weakening his parents’ resolve using his baby pout and big puppy eyes. A-Zhan was always a trooper, so cooperative, so excellent at looking like a perfect toddler.  Stoic though. So stoic for a baby. What a weird kid. 
We had a bad dream. 
Bad dweam.  
Those were obviously lies. They never had bad dreams then; those would come much later, when their reality became worse than any nightmare they could ever imagine.
Jiujiu never needed to tell them that Mother and Father were dead, or what death was. They’d seen plenty of creatures die: the village’s cattle they butchered for the new year, the spinster's kittens that didn’t survive the winter, and the pheasants they caught and roasted for A-Zhan’s birthday. 
Father had been a lifelong vegetarian, so eating meat didn’t agree with his stomach, but he never enforced such rules on his sons. In fact Father didn’t enforce any rules on his sons, except to show kindness where they could and to be true to their hearts.  
Father probably didn’t anticipate just how difficult it was to be kind when the world had been so wholly unkind. Nor did he anticipate that he would die in such a violent and sudden manner without even so much as a goodbye.
I don’t remember what were the last words Father said to me. Wangji would confess to Xichen one day. I don’t even remember what Father looked like. 
They were by the marsh catching lobsters with jiujiu when it happened. Mother suddenly appeared and spoke words that were foreign and frightening - Gusu Lan, cultivators, siege, pursuit, escape. Go. Now. She didn’t hug them or kiss them. Lan Xichen remembered Wangji reaching up towards her to be picked up and the confusion and heartbreak in his eyes when she pushed him back into jiujiu’s waiting arms.   
At a certain point, jiujiu must’ve done something to them, because neither Wangji nor himself remember any part of their journey out of that village. When they woke up, they were somewhere high up and deep in the mountains. His little brother had looked at him and he had stared back and they both knew then that their parents were dead. Curled in their jiujiu’s arms, they cried themselves into another fitful sleep, and all the while, jiujiu didn’t wake up once, too exhausted by the endless days of travel. 
To them, jiujiu - like all adults - was old, but it was not until they grew up that they realized that Zhao Zhuliu at the time of their parents’ demise had been no more than twenty years old, barely more than a boy himself.  
Life with jiujiu was quiet, but after some time, they were able to find a sliver of happiness. 
Zhao Zhuliu was a quiet man, always had been, and that didn’t change just because he now had two young children on his hands. But he loved them, his sister’s only blood left on this earth; by god, he loved them beyond reason. 
Jiujiu was not a talker, but he was never distant, and though he was strict in his training of their cultivation and their swordsmanship, he was never harsh. So yes, life was quiet, but at least for a while there was a roof over their heads and food in their belly, and they never had to wonder where they would be tomorrow…
When jiujiu failed to return from his night-hunt, Lan Xichen knew that something had gone terribly wrong. 
Lan Xichen was the older one; he was thirteen. Practically an adult, he told himself. If jiujiu never came back, then he was just going to have to take care of Wangji. 
Whatever it takes. 
His brother was not a needy child, but when he turned eleven, he seemed to have found his appetite and ate everything Xichen could get his hands on. Fishing was the easiest and hunting a big game lasted them a while if he could preserve it just right, but even if he collected berries in the mountains and wild herbs in the forest, he still needed grains, still needed new clothes for the winter, and still needed oil to light a lamp at night so Wangji could continue to practice his calligraphy. 
He did try; you must know. Lan Xichen did try to do things the right way, but there was only so much money he could earn by book-keeping at a shop, or running errands for merchants, or even waiting tables at an inn. He was a child, and desperate, and nobody would pay him a dime if they could get away with a nickel. 
It didn’t take long for Xichen to learn that the fastest way of earning money was often the most unsavoury and that he wasn’t above reaching for those means. There were no lengths Lan Xichen wouldn’t go to keep his brother safe and happy, no asset within his arsenal of skills and attributes that he wouldn’t hone and weaponize to make himself stronger. He got good at stealing, got great at cheating, and grew accustomed  to killing. Every so often...if there were other offers available, well...Wangji would never need to know. 
Morals do not matter if Wangji went hungry. I can’t let Wangji go hungry.
And, once a year, Lan Xichen would buy a box of osmanthus pastry, like the kind Mother used to make for them - flakey and fragrant, rich but not overwhelming - and he and Wangji would sit together under the stars and finish the box all in one go. 
“Happy birthday, didi.” 
Chewing slowly on the osmanthus pastry, Wangji would smile, and it would all be worth it. 
“Thank you, xiongzhang.” 
Then, three years after jiujiu was taken, a startling news broke out over the lands. 
After years of internal strife, the dirty politics of Lanling Jin finally fractured the once glorious reigning sect. Jin Guangshan’s many children and their scheming “little mothers” formed factions and allied themselves with subsidiary sects all vying for control over Lanling’s seat of power. (小娘 xiao’niang = little mother, what one calls one’s mother if one’s mother is not the legal wife. The “real” mother of any children would always be the legal wife, while their birth mothers are ‘little mothers’.)
The details of Jin Guangshan’s demise was not entirely clear, but eventually it was his third son Jin Zitao who became the new Sect Master Jin. Being only eleven years old, it was clear to anyone who had eyes that he was a puppet, completely controlled by the whims of his regent mother, Jin Guangshan’s once favourite concubine, and the ancient respected Qin family who had promised their daughter Qin Su to be his bride once they both come of age. 
People had praised Qin Su’s stepmother, Sect Master Qin’s second wife, for securing such an advantageous marriage for a daughter not even of her own blood, stating that with the Dowager Madame Jin’s clever mind and Sect Master Qin’s seniority and experience, surely the murky pond of Lanling would become peaceful once again. 
The bigger question now was with three of the five major sects being led by minors - Qishan’s 14 year-old Wen Yuefan, Yunmeng’s 13 year-old Jiang Wanyin, and Lanling’s 11 year-old Jin Zitao - who then would become the next Chief Cultivator. Qinghe Nie seemed the most obvious choice at first glance, for they were the fiercest warriors, but given Sect Master Nie Heqiu’s most recent close encounter with yet another qi deviation, it seemed perhaps the real day-to-day leadership role was fulfilled by his first son Nie Mingjue. At seventeen years of age, he was certainly older than his contemporaries, but still a far cry from what was required to be His Excellency.  (温越凡 Wen Yuefan = Wen Qing’s courtesy name) 
Naturally, all eyes were drawn then towards Cloud Recesses, whose previous chance at obtaining the seat of Chief Cultivator had been dashed when its sect master at that time, Qingheng-jun, mysteriously vanished more than a decade ago. Now it seemed that Gusu Lan’s fortune was about to change yet again, when what once should have gone to Lan Cenrong now fell to his younger brother Lan Qiren. 
News of his rise to power had spread far and wide, until every man, woman, and child knew his name. Until Lan Xichen heard from a gossiping bar-keep at a tavern. Until Lan Wangji heard from the children playing on the street. 
One morning Lan Xichen returned to their temporary home to see Wangji sitting in front of the breakfast he’d prepared (when did he learn to cook???) and a purse on the table filled with silver coins and small gold nuggets.
“Wangji...where did you -” 
“I don’t want you to go out at night again, xiongzhang,” said Lan Wangji bluntly. 
Taken aback by Wangji’s tone and his implications, Xichen quickly gathered his wits and tried to maintain control of the conversation. “That doesn’t answer my question; where did you get the money?” 
“I also went out last night, after you assumed I fell asleep and left.”  
Xichen’s blood went cold. “You...went out? Out? In the middle of the night?! To do what?!” 
Lan Wangji’s stoicism did not waver. “What one usually does to get paid at night. What you’ve been doing for years.” 
In three long strides, Lan Xichen strode up to his little brother - his baby brother - and yanked him up by the collar. Grabbing his arms with both hands, he forced Wangji to look him in the eye as he exclaimed in a mad panic, “You didn’t! Tell me you didn’t!!” 
God, Wangji, what have you done, what have you done - how could I let this happen - I should’ve done better - 
Wangji did not blink, but after a long terrible silence, he said, “No. I didn’t. I just followed you. I saw.” 
“You saw…” 
There had been a man who eyed him with interest. Lan Xichen wasn’t looking for business - hadn’t been looking for months - but winter was coming and Wangji was growing so much he would need several new sets of robes. Xichen hadn’t been working as many hours as he’d been previously. He needed to train, to cultivate - they both did - so that one day they could do what needed to be done. The core melting technique was not to be trifled with lightly, jiujiu had warned them. They needed time to practice, to perfect it, time that couldn’t be used to earn income. 
While yes he could steal and yes he could kill, Lan Xichen realized early on that those two options often caught the attention of local authorities or worse the local cultivation sect, especially if his activities were too frequent or too conspicuous. Sometimes it was just easier… 
“The money, then?” 
“Don’t you recognize the purse?” 
Xichen turned around. He did. He did recognize that silk embroidered draw-string purse. It belonged to the man from last night. He had taken money out of it this morning to pay Xichen for his time.  
And when they parted ways, Xichen had gone to a public bath house to get rid of any incriminating evidence on his body before going home to his brother. That was his routine... had been his routine for years… 
“I shoved his body down a well. That should buy us enough time to get out of this town. You weren’t planning for us to stay that long anyway right?” 
“Wangji…Wangji -” Lan Xichen turned away. He couldn’t face his brother, who now knew what he knew. 
“Xiongzhang, don’t do this for me anymore.” Lan Wangji’s hand found his own, squeezing it tightly. 
“It’s - it’s really not a big deal.” Lan Xichen tried to laugh it off. “I don’t do it that often. Really - I am your older brother, it is my duty to -” 
“No. No more. From now on, if you go out, I go out. I’m old enough -” 
“You’re thirteen, a child!” 
“So were you.” 
Lan Xichen closed his eyes. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I know I’m done waiting.” 
Lan Wangji was talking, of course, about their vengeance. It was what they spoke of on most nights when they couldn’t sleep. For mother and father and jiujiu, they swore they would not rest until they razed Cloud Recesses to the ground and burned the core out of every last one of their disciples before slitting their throats.  
Wangji came around to face him again and stared him down with his brows furrowed tightly above bright determined eyes. “It’s not fair. The Chief Cultivator was supposed to be Father! The heir of Gusu Lan is supposed to be you! Instead - instead...”
Tears welled up in his little brother’s eyes. “They hurt you, ge, I saw. I saw.” 
Choking with shame, anger and a pain he couldn’t describe, Lan Xichen pulled Lan Wangji into a crushing hug. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Wangji. I’m sorry I couldn’t do better. I’m...” Words failed. As Lan Wangji cried into his chest, Lan Xichen looked up to their leaky roof and their bare, striped walls, and wondered what the ethereal Cloud Recesses would look like. All that should have been theirs, should’ve been his, belonged to someone else. 
Lan Qiren is Chief Cultivator now. He’s still holding jiujiu captive. He needs to die. The people who killed Father and Mother; they all need to die. 
“You’re right, Wangji, you’re right. No more.”
“So you won’t leave at night anymore?” 
“I won’t. The world has taken everything from us, I think it’s time we take what we are owed. Once we are strong, we will save jiujiu and avenge A-die and A-niang.” 
“And if people try to stop us?” 
“Then we will destroy them and anyone else that gets in our way.” 
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sullustangin · 2 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi Eps 1 and 2
Spoilers ahoy.  I’ll drop a lot of things behind a cut, but I am going to start reposting gif sets and memes later today (tagged appropriately, but fair warning anyway)
Obi-Wan Kenobi is not the star of his own show so far.  And perhaps rightfully so. 
And once again, Star Wars makes us have feelings about a planet that got blown up an hour into A New Hope back in 1977.
One of the major points in Star Wars mythos:  it is about family, both biological and chosen.  It is about attachments, both in the healthy psychological sense that Jedi do have and in the Buddhist/Jedi sense that Jedi should not have. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi is an utter mess internally because he has severed himself in every fashion and form from the galaxy and every form of family he had.  Connections to the Jedi Order -- who have raised him since he was a baby?  Gone.  Connections to people, socially?  None; he cannot risk being found to be Force Sensitive or tip his hand regarding his prior life.  His old friends, like Bail?  Clone Troopers?  Can’t.  Too dangerous. (I wonder if he tried to identify the trooper he met on Daiyu...)  His closest ‘relationship’ is probably Owen Lars -- and it’s apparent what Owen feels about Obi Wan and what happened to his step-brother. 
He’s also not used the Force in many years, as evidenced by his struggle to reach out and catch Leia in Episode 2.  He has severed himself from something that would have flowed through him, been around him, held him for the first 35+ years of his life.
And he severed it.  To preserve himself.  To preserve Luke.
If Star Wars is about family, Obi Wan has done his best to preserve what remains of his family -- by giving them up and trying (and struggling) not to let his attachments endanger them.  At the same time, this show is all about families: the Organa family and the Lars family.  I have no doubt we will see more of the latter.
For now, in the first two episodes, the focus is on House Organa.  Star Wars properties do a great job in making us feeling something for Alderaan, a planet blown to smithereens about an hour into ANH.  I’ll admit, Alderaan is one of my favorite places in SWTOR, so I love seeing it.  It’s a beautiful planet, and I did enjoy that a lot of the political infighting we see in SWTOR isn’t gone; even as the Empire looms over their heads, there are some toffs that are oblivious since it doesn’t bother them, personally.
Jimmy Smits is always a joy as Bail. And welcome to Simone Kessel I love how the series makes it very clear that Breha is the Organa -- Bail took her name, and he’s the consort.  Breha is the queen of Alderaan and the dynast and the boss.  I don’t think that was conveyed as well in the prequels; Bail’s status as senator was more emphasized due to the need to create ties to Padme. The Breha character was left relatively undeveloped as a personality to this point, and I was happy to see her not only as a loving mother but also as Queen, regnant. 
Vivien Lyra Blair as the young Leia is quite good.  Lot of credit goes to the writers for getting a precocious ten year old right.  Yes, she can be very clever and also dumb as a pile of bricks at the same time.  That is the glory of being a child.  The actress also ‘gets’ how she is meant to be a combination of three people:  Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala,and Leia as portrayed by Carrie Fisher.  I think Blair has done an excellent job.  The costumers have also done well to capture the fact she is Padme’s daughter as well as making reference to future outfits. 
The banter between Obi-Wan and Leia substantiates a lot of what we see in A New Hope in Leia’s message, as well as her later decision to name her son Ben (something that Luke does in the EU with his son with Mara Jade).  The producers and scriptwriters here are tidying up those connections, because in all honesty, until this series, Obi-Wan has always been considered closer to Luke than Leia.
As to why Leia isn’t as upset as Luke at Obi-Wan’s death in ANH, keep in mind that she also just saw Alderaan, with her parents on it, blow up.  She might have had a few adventures with Ben Kenobi, but she’s just lost her entire world, literally. 
Ep 2 ends with Obi-Wan learning that Lord Vader -- Anakin Skywalker -- is alive.  And his daughter is right there.  Other commentators have captured how, while Leia is much like Padme in terms of fashion sense and career trajectory, she is absolutely Anakin’s daughter in many other ways.  It’s canon that Leia is not going to find out that Anakin is her father until Return of the Jedi; Leia knows that she is adopted, but nothing about her parents beyond whatever fragmented imprints might have been made my Padme’s death. 
We are left with Obi-Wan having to confront Anakin, his family, while saving Anakin’s family from him. Leia has nothing to do with Anakin Skywalker; it is biology, not family, that binds them. Obi-Wan was Anakin’s family in the Jedi Order but also beyond that; they weren’t just paired up randomly nor chosen through discernment.  Star Wars has always emphasized families coming together to save themselves -- whether by blood or by choice. 
I... wasn’t wowed by the Inquisitors.  It’s not just the look.  There is some lack of cogent logic as to why Reva is being criticized for doing her job; if Vader thinks Obi-Wan might be out there, he wants someone chasing those leads.  Yet, the main Inquisitor seems to have motivational problems; he just wants to use the spectre of Jedi Hunting to cow people into obedience and maybe shake out some Temple rejects. 
The Inquisitors should not have this rivalry we see.  They are not true Sith, just fallen Jedi; the Sith still abide by the Rule of Two, but fallen Jedi would not. They haven’t adopted the way; they don’t practice the philosophy or receive instruction.  There’s no benefit for the Inquisitor to screw up Reva’s career or prevent her from her job.  Might there be some sort of superiority complex over having been trained or not?  But if you destroyed the Temples, that is exactly what your employee pool is going to be at a certain point! As depicted, these guys are self-defeating in the same way a DS 5 Sith can be in SWTOR: their alignment becomes Stupid Evil.  This is evidenced when the Inq and Reva start fighting while KNOWING Obi-Wan is RIGHT THERE. 
I’m also discomfited by Reva’s depiction as angry, defiant, and cruel, and also being the only black female character. All the things I despise in prequels fic re: Mace Windu (making him angry, cruel, defiant when canonically, the character is not -- he’s like the Jedi granddad of Kanan, since Mace trained Depa Bilaba and she trained Kanan...) are manifesting in Reva.  I don’t like that.
I do want to see more of Beru than we have previously (I’m fan of her being White Sun of the Resistance, hehehe).  I might pay money to see Hondo arrive and ruin Kenobi’s day.  While I don’t want it to become an albatross, seeing other outcomes to Jedi who escaped the Temple and how they get by would be welcome. 
I have a separate post about my love for Haja Estree, so I’ll post that later. 
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Nobody Listens to Kix
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Case 01053: Hardcase (Yet Again)
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Kix kept a clean medbay. Not only was it a necessity, but he took pride in cleanliness. He tucked starched sheets under the last medbay mattress and took a step back to admire his handiwork.
The beds were neatly made, sheets and blankets folded to crisp GAR standard. Every medical tool had been sanitized and tucked back into its proper place. Kix had even found time to organize his medical cabinet and desk - as long as one ignored the stack of uncompleted paperwork. The floor shone so uniformly that it almost served as a mirror to reflect the perfection of the rest of the empty medbay.
"Hey, Kix!"
Kix's shoulders immediately shot toward his ears as the peace of the medbay was shattered by a too-familiar voice, and the medic immediately started making his way toward his desk by the entrance.
"Hardcase," he groaned on the way, his view of the hapless trooper blocked by one of the privacy curtains separating the beds from the medbay entrance. "If you come in here any more often, I'm going to start charging you rent for a bed."
Hardcase laughed, but the sound ended in a pained wheeze. Kix stepped around a privacy curtain to find that the trooper was being held up by Appo and Fledge, both of whom were trying to support as much of Hardcase's weight as possible. Kix would have to make a full exam to be sure, but it looked like Hardcase was suffering from what was at very least a severely sprained joint in one leg.
"Put him on the bed, men," Kix ordered, motioning toward the first bed in the neat row.
As they did as Kix had said, Hardcase's eyes closed, his tattooed face tense. When Appo accidentally jostled the leg that seemed to be damaged, Hardcase let out a curse so loud that his voice broke before he could finish it.
With a quick scan, Kix found that Hardcase had a broken leg, a sprained elbow, and no fewer than four fractured ribs. Worse of all, one of the fractures had released miniscule bone shards that were perilously close to reaching one of Hardcase's lungs. If a clone's lungs were injured, there was no attempt at healing them. They were marked for immediate transport to Kamino for reconditioning.
After stifling the urge to throw the datapad that showed the results of the scan, Kix snapped, "What the kriff were you doing that caused this many injuries? Of all the shabiir, or'dinii, jare'la things you've done, nothing's ever been this bad-"
"It wasn't his fault!" Fledge argued, flinching back slightly at Kix's glare. "It wasn't, though!"
Kix turned to Appo for confirmation and the trooper nodded. "We were in the gym and Hardcase was working out on the overhead chest press machine when the cords snapped. All the weights tipped the machine over and they fell out onto him."
Kix shook his head and rested a hand on Hardcase's shoulder. "Sorry, vod. I'll get you something for the pain before we do anything else."
Hardcase nodded, but didn't say anything. Kix couldn't blame him. Judging from the panting he was doing, he was minutes from vomiting or passing out entirely. Though he was grateful, Kix honestly couldn't believe the trooper had avoided doing either so far.
Considering the pain level he was working with, Kix opted to inject pain meds rather than wait for pills to dissolve and enter the trooper's bloodstream naturally. When Hardcase's breathing had slowed, he relaxed into the bed, eyes fluttering as he struggled to stay awake.
"Let go, vod," Kix encouraged softly. "I'll take care of everything."
Hardcase nodded again and slipped into something between sleep and unconsciousness.
"What are you going to do?" Fledge asked.
Kix's answer - when it came - was blunt and grim. "There isn't much I can do for him. I'll try using one of the onboard medical droids, but Hardcase might need to visit a hospital on Coruscant."
Appo paled. "Will the Republic pay for him to be treated, or will they just send him back to Kamino?"
"It depends on how much he can heal in that time," Kix answered with a helpless shrug. As the two left the medbay, he could see that they weren't happy with his answer, but Kix was equally unhappy. There was a good reason he didn't use the medical droids that were intended to staff the medbay. Not only did the men respond better to treatment by an organic, but the droids also had a 55% chance of correctly diagnosing and treating a problem. It didn't inspire confidence in anyone, least of all Kix.
He went to the closet that stored the droids and, after the first medical droid had powered up, said, "There's a patient with a broken leg and a sprained elbow. I need you to set the leg and put a wrap on the elbow."
The droid nodded at him and made its slow, plodding way over to the unconscious Hardcase. Kix watched it for a moment, wondering idly why anyone had bothered making a medical droid look so much like an organic when it obviously struggled to move around.
However, he had bigger problems. Kix could loosely bind Hardcase's ribs to help them heal, but the shards were the biggest concern. Even if they didn't continue toward his lungs, they could pose a risk to his heart. Kix was no surgeon and, even if he was, there was danger in performing a surgery on a Republic ship in the middle of the Outer Rim. The 501st was traveling with General Unduli, Commander Offee, and several companies of the 41st Elite Corps, but that didn't make them safe from threats.
Abruptly, Kix had an idea. He left the medical droid treating Hardcase's leg and made his way to Commander Tano's cabin. She opened the door at his knock and stared up at him curiously. "Kix?"
Kix saluted. "Commander Tano. We have a situation in the medbay. Do you know where Commander Offee is?"
"I'm here, trooper," Commander Offee said, stepping up behind Commander Tano.
"What's going on?" Ahsoka asked, retrieving her lightsabers and fastening them to the belts crossed at her hips.
"Medical situation, sir," Kix told her, turning to Commander Offee. "I've seen you Force-heal. Can you do it without supervision?"
"It- it depends on the injury, I think," Commander Offee said slowly.
"I have a trooper with broken ribs and bone chips near one of his lungs," Kix reported. "Could you do anything about that?"
The young Mirialan commander paled to a sickly-looking jade. "Moving solid objects is a challenge. Normally, Force-healing is a gentle internal nudge to speed and guide the body's natural healing processes. Moving bone chips would be dangerous, if not impossible."
Kix pondered that. "Could you build up the cells of the lung to keep it from being penetrated by the shards?"
Commander Offee shook her head slowly. "It would stop the shards from piercing his lung, but it would also put undue stress on it. He would likely find it difficult to breathe and, depending on the severity of the build-up, could cause his body to react in unexpected ways."
There was another thoughtful pause in the conversation until she offered, "Perhaps I could assist while you perform surgery?"
"That's a negative, Commander," Kix refused flatly. "Surgery is too dangerous until we get to the Inner Rim. By then, the Republic may have decided that it's more cost-efficient to replace him."
"Kix!" Commander Tano reprimanded sharply.
Kix shrugged at her. "It's the truth, Commander. The GAR won't put too much money into clone health; we've seen that time and time again."
From Commander Tano's frown, she accepted his explanation but not the practice behind it. "Why don't you just heal the tissue behind the shards and let his body push them back toward his ribs? Then you could fuse them back in and heal his ribs at the same time."
Commander Offee and Kix stared at her in shock until Commander Tano grew visibly uncomfortable. "What?"
"Commander," Kix said slowly, "I could kiss you right now."
"Excuse me?"
Kix turned and saluted in one motion. It had been a good reflex since Captain Rex was walking down the hall toward them, his expression dark.
"Nothing, sir," Kix answered quickly.
"Hey, Rex," Commander Tano greeted cheerfully.
"Commanders, your generals need you on the bridge," Rex told them.
Both Jedi nodded and Commander Tano drew Rex away while Commander Offee murmured, "I'll report to the medbay as soon as I can."
"Thank you, Commander," Kix said fervently.
Rex stayed behind while the young commanders made their way to the bridge. "Trooper, do you have inappropriate feelings for Commander Offee?"
"No, sir," Kix said simply, fighting back a grin.
Rex's face grew, if possible, even more foreboding. "Commander Tano, then?"
This time, Kix chuckled aloud. Ignoring that it was a terrible idea to fall for a Jedi, the entire 501st would cheerfully de-spine the first brother to get inappropriate with Ahsoka. She could take care of herself, but the 501st had seen what General Secura and her men had to put up with and had sworn that no one would speak that way about their commander, not while any of them were around.
Realizing that Rex was still waiting for an answer, Kix said, "No, sir."
Rex relaxed minutely. "I'll be on the bridge, then. How is Hardcase?"
The weight of responsibility crashed back down on the medic's shoulders. "He's out for right now. We'll have to see how well he heals before we get to the Inner Rim."
Rex clapped a hand on Kix's shoulder and left for the bridge.
When Kix got back to the medbay, Hardcase was just beginning to stir.
"Kix?" he asked softly.
Kix was by the bedside immediately. "I'm here, vod."
"Are they gonna send me back to Kamino?"
"No," Kix growled, knowing that the ferocity in his voice was too intense for the situation, but unable to help himself. "We'll find a way to fix everything, Hardcase. I promise."
"Good," Hardcase said with satisfaction, closing his eyes again like he didn't have a care in the world. "I want to die in battle."
Kix laughed dryly. "With your grasp of strategy? I'm sure you will."
With a weak, faux-wounded smirk, Hardcase fell asleep once more. Kix stayed until Commander Offee appeared, Commander Tano in tow.
He gave Hardcase a mild sedative so he wouldn't move too much during the efforts to heal his ribs. It was a slow process, one that left Kix feeling frustrated and helpless as Commander Offee strained and sweated to heal the trooper in ways Kix never could.
All of those ugly feelings disappeared when she stepped away and shot him a weary smile. "His ribs are intact. I helped repair some of the minor fractures in his leg and started the recovery in his elbow. I would like to do more, but I must rest first."
"His ribs are completely healed?" Kix checked, and Commander Offee nodded. "Thank you, sir. I can't tell you how much this means to me. To all of us."
"It was a pleasure to be of assistance," she replied gracefully.
She and Commander Tano left the medbay as Kix offered his thanks once more. He was alone with a sleeping Hardcase and a veritable heap of paperwork, but Kix couldn't bring himself to do anything more than sit by Hardcase's bedside, filled with gratitude toward the Jedi.
A/N - if you want to believe this comes after Umbara and Hardcase is still alive, feel free. If you want to believe that Kix mis-numbered his files and Umbara is still exactly as it was in canon, feel free. Whatever works best for you!
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abduloki · 3 years
Star Wars Alternate Universe
So I saw this Star Wars meme on 9gag with an interesting top comment in which he remarked about Luke going to the force sensitive rock where Grogu was kidnapped by the dark troopers. Here, Luke sees the future and get flashes of what might be, including the past where Yoda tells him that the future is not set and so Luke goes to prevent what he saw in those visions from happening. And so the sequels didn’t happen and an alternate sequel takes place from here on. 
Some of the comments even remarked about bringing back Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley on board the alternate sequel as what happened in the existing one isn’t their fault as they’re just actors. Now then I think about it, it would be cool if they actually make an alternate universe timeline based on the books where Adam Driver could be Jacen Solo, who turned to the dark side and was opposed by his twin sister Jaina Solo, who went to seek combat training from Boba Fett.
No, I did not make this up, it really happened in the books, Jaina Solo went to Mandalore to find Boba Fett to be his student so she could kick her brother’s butt back to the light side. You may ask why she needs to train from this bounty hunter when she’s already a student of her uncle, Luke Skywalker? Well, because she wants to be able to handle herself even without a lightsaber. 
Well, she is a Rogue Squadron pilot after all, and even so, she remained active in the Jedi Order, which goes to show how badass her character is. And an interesting trivia about the books is that both Jaina and Jacen commanded Rogue Squadron during a crisis, during which the two started to split away from each other due to Jacen’s increasingly aggressive actions. 
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Adam Driver recast as Jacen Solo
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Daisy Ridley recast as Jaina Solo
There’s more interesting things that happened in the books if you read them. So can you imagine seeing Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley returning as a much better written characters and story? Although it would definitely outrage the Reylo shippers since the two of them can’t have any romantic relationship now. 😆
Anyway, I recommend you start with The Thrawn Trilogy, which takes place 5 years after the ‘Return of the Jedi’, which is also the same time The Mandalorian takes place. In the novel, Grand Admiral Thrawn is gaining control of the remnants of the Empire in a bid to restore it to its former glory. Meanwhile, Leia and Han are busy running the newly established New Republic which isn’t as easy as their days in the Rebel Alliance due to the political bureaucratic crap. And Luke is busy chasing down a rumor about a Dark Jedi. If you must now, this novel is where Thrawn first appeared in the entire Star Wars franchise.
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The next one you should read is the Legacy of the Force series, which is long but worth it. It takes place 40 years after ‘A New Hope’. Luke Skywalker is married to Mara Jade, whom he first met in The Thrawn Trilogy when she tried to kill him, yes, I’m not kidding, you’ll have to read to find out more and how she end up falling for Luke instead. 
Anyway, Han and Leia have twins, Jacen and Jaina, who are force sensitive. As mentioned earlier above, Jacen strays towards the dark side while Jaina remains in the light and opposed him. Jacen killed someone in the family, completing his journey becoming a Sith Lord named Darth Caedus. This is when Jaina finally decides to defeat her brother once and for all, went to Mandalore to find our favorite Boba Fett to teach her.
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It’s very interesting that I don’t understand why the movie producers didn’t take some ideas here and there to make a good story. Once you read them all, I can guarantee that you’ll look at the existing sequels very differently. 
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shouldntcryoverit · 3 years
the art of discordance
captain rex x jedi
this one was really fun to write aha
tags -> @pinkiemme
“with all due respect, i told you this isn’t the way”
Rex and Jaida had found themselves separated from the other two troopers they had set out with. Apparently Fives and Echo could be very easily distracted by the general ambiance of a specific tree. Prior to that, they had gotten bored of the useless bickering between their captain and general; which Rex had suspected the real reason they chose to take a tour rather than complete their mission.
Jaida turned abruptly “with that tone, all due respect is out the window” she looked past him at the distancing entrance “and it was your idea to get more materials anyway”
Rex rolled his eyes under his helmet, though truthfully he knew his irritation wasn’t with her. “for a training exercise you recommended”
She huffed and beckoned him to catch up “force goes this way”
“jetiise sheb”
He followed her inside of what looked like more hill, that was until the roof of it crumpled down on top of them.
“General? Jade?” he called out into the rabble
“i’m here, are you okay?” was the quickened reply.
They pushed away the fallen debris and found each other. Jaida rushed towards him and with a hand placed firmly on his arm, she scanned his face for injuries. He had a cut above his eyebrow, and it irked her.
“just a scratch” she confirmed with a rush of breath, before grinning slightly “Jade, huh?”
“oh, um, sorry sir”
“don’t be, i like it” a warm feeling passed between them, but it broke as another rock fell down from its place.
“got a jedi trick to get us out of here?” Rex asked sourly
The exit of the cave had fallen inwards, trapping them inside. It was a wide enough space for them to stand up in, with a small gap in the rubble for air. Of all the ways caves could’ve fallen, it certainly wasn’t the worst.
“no, but i do have a commlink” the space was not only cramped, but incredibly dark. To give them some much needed light, Jaida unfastened her lightsaber and ignited it, the glow illuminating how close the pair really were. Jaida thrusted the weapon into his hands and searched for the small device, revelling in its discovery.
“Anakin? This is Reyes, Rex and I are trapped, come in”
“Seriously? This is a training mission no one was supposed to- ugh never mind, I’ll be there in about an hour, stay put” Anakin’s reply crackled through the comm
“good” she turned off the channel with a beep “can’t really go anywhere else” she muttered
After the reaffirmation from Skywalker, the pair settled beside each other on the ground. Jaida kept her lightsaber on and propped it on some rocks to keep it balanced.
“why do you have a duel blade? think your the only one i’ve ever seen wield one” Rex asked boredly as he took off his helmet and held it loosely in his hands. It wasn’t something he was dying to know, just something that he’d been curious about.
Jaida looked back to her weapon resting only a few inches beside her. “i’m not entirely sure to be honest” she laughed lightly “as a padawan i thought it looked cooler maybe?”
Rex cocked a brow at her honesty “thought there’d be more of a reason” he laughed.
“well what are the jaig eyes for?” she asked, this time it was something she’d been wanting to know.
Rex looked up “it’s a mandalorian tradition, they’re given as a sign of valour in battle”
She held her smile with little effort as Rex began explaining the story behind his markings, though reluctantly at first.
“can i see them?” she asked after a minute, her eyes grinning as he nodded and tossed the helmet to her. She ran a finger down the painted lines fondly. The brush strokes were still visible against the plastoid, some areas darker, some chipped away. For some reason, Jaida kept staring. Maybe it was the culture, or something else she wasn’t sure, but the one thing she did know was that they were always the markings that she looked for in the sea of helmets.
“they’re beautiful” she breathed, now tracing the edges of his visor “i, uh-“
“thank you” his eyes softened as he took his helmet from her outstretched hands. Perhaps she was wasn’t so heartless after all.
They talked over nothing of great importance. Jaida grinned over stories from her temple life, and relished in the laugh that followed Rex’s comments about his brothers.
“so you weren’t actually meant to be in that batch?”
“nope, Cody practically kidnapped me”
Jaida shook her head with a wide smile. “i can imagine Wolffe wasn’t the happiest about that”
“eh, he warmed up pretty quick”
“what about you, your master?” Rex asked, eyes leaving hers as they blinked over the question.
Her brows furrowed, but after a moments thought she answered his question. “he always believed that life was a blessing, that nature and beauty was the real gift of life. We would go to planets across the galaxy on missions and he, ah he would give some sort of lesson to me about the history behind certain dates or buildings”
“what happened?” Rex asked, picking up on the strain in her voice.
“he died protecting me” her voice was incredibly small, and what strong eyes had been, were replaced with shallow ones.
Jaida became all too aware of how vulnerable she had just made herself, but some distant part of her told herself to relax; that she could trust him.
“i’m sorry” he tried “i didn’t know”
“don’t be”
Rex knew his the crooked wall of the cave must’ve been uncomfortable, but the satisfaction of Jaida’s breathing told him otherwise. She was so much more than she let on, more passionate and loyal than her cold exterior portrayed. She still bugged him, but gods was she beautiful. Rex knew it was wrong to think like that but, he let himself, just for a second. In truth, he began to suspect the growing fondness for her he had, was bordering too close to affection to be professional.
“Jaida, Rex, you two okay?” Skywalker called out into the now open cavern.
Jaida blinked against the sunlight and propped herself up, waking Rex up in the process.
As they walked out of the cave, Jaida couldn’t help but feel that there was something else she could’ve said.
“next time let me choose the route” the captain spoke with a hint of sarcasm.
“oh yeah?” Jaida raised an eyebrow as he smirked, then walked off to his brothers.
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bardicindignation · 3 years
For @rhea-imagined and @cross-d-a: my star wars fix-it ideas for question...49 I think? in that star wars ask game from over a week ago (Will I write all of these? Probably not! At least one or two? Hopefully I'll get to them eventually) 😅 Also! If you two (or anyone else for that matter) has any questions or comments, please feel free to jump into my ask box or my DM's! :
1. the No Time Series (yes, I am planning a series, I've already gotten most of the timeline written down) fix-it where Anakin doesn't fall to the darkside, but as a backup plan Palpatine punts him into the timestream (bc he clearly has some kind of access to that force nexus thing in rebels) and sends out a clone he made of Anakin (complete with warped memories) to play out the rest of RotS and become Vader
The title, and also all of the titles of the fics in the series come from the lyrics of No Time because while I was coming up the idea, that song was frequently stuck in my head and the lines seemed oddly apt despite the fact none of the actual subject matter has anything to do with star wars, or anything that happens in the fic
This also includes:
Qui-Gon lives (bc of Dooku shenanigans) but is trapped on a planet neither he or anyone else who lands/crashes there can leave until Ahsoka, Rex, Feemor and their respective battalions (I Do Not See Victory and Death what do you mean Jesse died he's right there) crash shortly after order 66
Anakin finding his way back to his own time and stealing back his men (and then a bunch of other battalions) from Vader
Ahsoka having her own time travel shenanigans
Fives and Tup both live bc reasons
A reunion on Vader's star destroyer in which everyone shows up to rescue either the person undercover, the person who got captured, or the people who hared off do do the rescuing by themselves and everyone has a very, very, weird day
2. Another Qui-Gon lives au set during the Clone Wars where he has very specific amnesia caused by hiding so thoroughly hiding the force that he couldn't be seen or sensed. Ahsoka finds him by accident after leaving the jedi and shenanigans ensue This also includes:
Echo getting rescued a few months early
Ventress the (at first) reluctant ally
Tup and Fives live again
Obi-Wan and Anakin spend a lot of time being Very Confused and Suspicous
Order 66 is avoided
3. Same as before except Qui-Gon ends up on the Trandoshan game-hunting world and meets Ahsoka when she ends up there
Also Including:
more of the trapped padawans/younglings living because they have full fledged (if amnesiac) jedi master with them who can do aforementioned hiding in the force
coded messages/distress calls disguised as lunch orders at Dex's
4. What I'm calling the Informant Sergei au even though that's really only a small part of it: this is the undercover Anakin au which (along with bullying Tarkin) also includes
Secret jedi padawan Mara Jade (also a lot of other ppl undercover)
Han and Chewie getting roped into everything when Luke and Obi-wan need a ride to go pick up Leia, who got into trouble trying to find Luke (they were dreamsharing) and then didn't end up actually needing to be rescued
Obi-wan getting a very weird present from Ventress
More Ahsoka time travel shenanigans
The Mandalorian happening a good decade earlier for the express purpose of fitting in some background Bobadin and also Fennec, because I love her.
the aforementioned bullying of tarkin, most of which consisted of a running joke involving supposed-to-be-dead Quinlan Vos. I've actually written the first part of this and you can find it here :)
4. Vader finds out about the chips after seeing post order 66 Cody, is freaked out into coming back to the light and manages to get all of the clone troopers he possibly can onto his star destroyer and successfully fakes all of their deaths, including his own, gives them all the information the Empire has on the Jedi and their brothers and also a list of planets they can use to hide, then peaces out to go it alone with only his guild complex for company. Also including:
A memorial wall(s) of murals that the clones paint on the star destroyer
Gratuitous ghost imagery
Plo lives and is in charge of the little ones
Anakin's planet sized guilt complex
the jedi younglings live
5. Time travel fix it where a whole bunch of ppl find themselves back in the clone wars during the Umbara campaign, some in their old bodies, some not. Includes
Tarkin biting the dust a few decades early
Luke and Leia (and Ezra) stuck in, like, 4 yr old bodies with all of their memories intact
Anakin's List of Acceptable Murder Victims (including Palpatine, Tarkin and Krell)
Qui-Gon unexpectedly finding himself both alive/corporeal and in the past, and immediately making it the Council's problem
Order 66 happening early, but to much less effect
Anakin and Kanan's fun across space roadtrip to save the galaxy
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