skriblee-ksk · 26 days
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half of my ap tests are done so i can finally draw a quick art of Jack and Kiyuu BECAUSE THEY MEAN SM TO ME OKAY LIKE WAIT LIKE. THEY ARE THE BFFS EVER. the relationship ever they're just guys. do you. do you get me like listen. wait. like.
i wanna talk ab them more but like. idk. um lets see main points *checks notes* Kiyuu admires Jack’s hard-working personality and his passion for his goals because Kiyuu’s the type of person who’s very out of touch with any strong emotions and has a hard time being intense about anything ever. He’s also very down-to-earth (at least more than like most the guys in nrc) and since Kiyuu’s never been good at reading people’s true intentions (because she has the innocent until proven guilty mindset to the max), even if Jack pretends not to care, he’s still easy to read, which Kiyuu likes.
and also his independent personality sparked a desire in Kiyuu to befriend him so hard that he won’t know what hit him.
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skriblee-ksk · 10 days
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I finally finished these pages….. I actually drew the rough drafts at school, but I never planned on actually posting it because I was scared wasn’t into twst as much at the time.
Anyways, Ryoko (@kathxrat-01) and Kiyuu, who both lost their homes and are coping in completely diff ways. I don’t actually know THATT much about Ryoko’s mindset, but this is what I think based on the three comically tiny crumbs of twst Ryoko lore she gave me:
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From what I know, Ryoko hasn’t completely lost all memories, unlike Kiyuu, but it still applies.
Augh…. Kiyuu who is content about nearly everything except home (the one thing [as of early in-game] she can't give up on)... Kiyuu who's scared she'll be forgotten here if she goes home.. But she can't give up home because she might not be the same person the people who might have been called family remembers.... Scrodinger's memories or something (deffo using that example wrong).....
I have many thoughts but I’d rather draw them out so it’s coherent, aha.
Yeah. That’s it, thank you!
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skriblee-ksk · 1 month
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I hope ruthie (@natsukishinomiyaswife) and cater are having fun at running their cafe~
also i just had to draw this because i know i’ve seen them around tumblr before but it’s still so foreign to me to find them on all other blogs i like….. idk u just couldn’t get this typa stuff from instagram yk???? moving here for fandom posting was the best decision ever. i feel like.
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i wish to draw more ocs interacting but i gotta get my jackiyuu besties (self-proclaimed from kiyuu’s end) agenda out there soon urghsgh
i’ll probs pump out kiyuu yuu shi interaction or sumn instead though ARGDGHGHDHSHDHS I LOVE OCS!!!!!!!!!! literally love them idk man did you guys know i love ocs like i lo guys like
i feel like this went off track somewhat. idk.
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