#ivy-rock au
blimbo-buddy · 9 months
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"Why do you look so sad? Isn't this life of isolation something you've always wanted?"
(finally drew something for the ivy-rock au)
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spooky-pop · 1 month
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GOTTEM- Here's some Ivy shenanigans, and another mashup of my AUs. I can picture them lovingly teasing her, and Ivy finds it fun. Since they are older here I gave them updated outfits :) I think its fun exploring their family dynamic so there may be more!
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politemagic · 2 months
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the boys are back 🖤 (the shitposts never left, though)
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mooneytried · 8 months
A little poster concept + a signed version bc i said so
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nicohischierz · 4 months
stadium debut: saira hischier au
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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“i think the scar looks sexy neeks. although i am sad they had to hurt your beautiful face,” you told your fiancé.
nina snickered as she carried her niece.
rino chuckled at your expression and clapped his son’s shoulder before whispering something in swiss-german.
the hischier family and you were getting ready to have family skate down at met life stadium. this would be saira’s first time on the ice and you were terrified.
“nico. i think i’ll stay home with her and you go with rino and nina,” you voiced, seconds before heading out the door.
nico gesture for his sister and father to continue on whilst he stopped to talk to you. “schätzli, saira is going to be just fine. she’s going to have you and me there, plus there will be lots of other babies!” he reassured.
“and the guys have been dying to see her again,” nico added.
you kissed nico’s cheek and followed him out of the house, meeting up with rino and nina.
nina let her father and brother walk ahead as she grabbed your hand and smiled. “if you want to go out on the ice, i’ll sit on the bench with her,” she prompted.
you smiled sweetly at her and nodded “thank you nina,”
“we hischier girls stick together,” she smiled, pinching her nieces cheeks lightly.
the car ride to the stadium was quiet. you and nina were at the back with saira with rino and nico sitting in front.
as soon as you rocked up to the locker room, the boys cheered. they got up, half dressed, in order to meet you and your daughter.
“isn’t she just adorable,” you gushed.
dawson tickled saira’s tummy causing the little girl to clamp onto her uncles finger. the 20-year-old chuckled at the baby’s strong grip.
saira ended up falling asleep during the family skate as she was strapped up against your chest.
the next day, saira was dressed as a little italian mob daughter. you made sure to take pictures of nico and saira together, with nina offering to take pictures of the whole family.
nico kissed saira’s head before handing her to her babysitter. “i might come home from the game early and let you go soon,” you told the girl.
your neighbour, eloise, smiled “don’t worry mrs hischier, my parents know i’m here so they let me stay until you guys come back. plus, saira is one of the easiest baby’s to look after,” she reassured you.
at the stadium, you were immediately wrapped with a sense of adrenaline. you watched as the boys warmed up and spoke to their partners and families.
you’d even gone to lindy ruff and asked him to allow alex more game time, especially because he’d invited so many members of his family.
nina and rino laughed as you celebrated nico’s goal, jumping up and down. the same reaction for the second goal as well.
you’d even rolled your eyes when luke made a hit on jamie drysdale yelling “that’s pookie on pookie offence!”
whilst you may not have been able to play, you were proud of your boys. saira had changed your life for the better and you were anxious to start next season.
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http-paprika · 3 months
the epigraph / sir simon riley x lady reader / a medieval au / masterlist
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Branches bow and break under the weight of the wind, it howls and sings as the knight straggles through the gardens, unable to make sense of his thoughts. Walls of stone tower over him, ivy clinging to the old rock and his mask has never felt more suffocating.
“Simon!” Her voice fills his ears as she follows after the knight, her dress brushing against the stones of the footpath and damp grass.
Though the sky threatens to break open and pour out on them, she follows and seeks. Unrelenting in the way she’s captured his body and soul, consumed by the feel of her hands and gleam in her eyes.
The knight sinks to his knees when she finally finds him in the maze of hedges, roses, and bushes. Looking up to her shining face as his lungs struggle to fill with air. “I’m sorry, m’lady.”
taglist @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @ghostlythots
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havendance · 10 months
I’m back again with another fic rec list. This time with a baker’s dozen of excellent Batman fics of the hidden gen variety that I’ve dug up. Hopefully there’s something new for everyone on here. Check them out! Give them some love!
Boy Hostage by kuonji
2.5k, complete. A fun little piece showing each of the batboys getting in and out of getting kidnapped for ransom.
but I don’t own a single gun by Molly_Hats (@mollyhats)
1.1k, complete. DICK AND TIM! A conversation between them set at a vague point in the timeline in which various old wounds of the past get dug up.
Get Used to Dying, by papered_king (@paperedking)
1.6k, complete. A very neat character study for Jason that’s formatted as a script for a play and does and excellent job of utilizing it’s format.
It could be worse by Runespoor
2.8k, complete. A series of vignettes about alternate universes where it was somebody else that took Jason in instead of Bruce.
paradoxical sleep by brawltogethernow (@brawltogethernow)
4k, wip. A vibey and cool inception AU. I have never actually watched inception so I don’t know what’s going on half the time when I read this, but I do know that it’s a fun read!
Promises by RenaRoo (@renaroo)
33k, wip. A fix-it fic for Cass’s One Year Later/Evil!Cass arc. This one admittedly, has not been updated since 2018, but it is still very good and you all should read it! It’s got Cass & Tim! Cass interacting with the Birds of Prey! And it really does a great job of digging into her head and all of her raw emotions.
Rose Garden by batling_out_of_hell
6k, wip. In which Cass decides to rebel against Batman and take over the world in order to make sure that no one kills ever. A delight to read. The first chapter is a little slower to start, but chapter 2 onwards is rocking!
Ships and Schemes by Molly_Hats (@mollyhats)
1.3k, complete. A short and fun little fic where Oracle’s been running a misinformation op by harnessing Bruce Wayne/Batman Shippers.
The Fisher Prince by Arctic_Cyclist
3.4k, complete. Damian vs Poison Ivy during the Batman Reborn era. This fic has rich prose, cool lore, and Damian kicking ass through superior ecological praxis.
these crosses by mintchocochips (@mintchocochipsposts)
7.1k, complete. Post-No Man’s Land Helena Bertinelli character study my beloved! Also features a fun Tim & Helena scene for fellow fans of their dynamic.
There is no milk! by chucklesbuckles
2.1k, complete. A fic where Catherine is alive when Jason dies. The start of a Red Hood!Catherine AU, but hasn’t actually gotten to that part in the series yet. It does an excellent job at capturing Catherine’s grief. (Note: This fic is only available to read if you have an AO3 account)
They move and it's fire by Arctic_Cyclist
1.5k, complete. Dick and Damian doing gymnastics together and Damian being recognized as Talia’s son.
when the bodies hit the floor by nashequilibrium
7k, complete. A fun Steph & Damian teamup where they take on a ghost at a sleepover gone wrong with some really fun to read prose.
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blimbo-buddy · 8 months
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"Just look into the pool, that can't be your own reflection. Right?"
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spooky-pop · 1 month
What would Ivy look like when her parents are Punk Rock Branch and Princess Poppy?
I feel like she wouldn't look too different, but her personality and aesthetic would change slightly!
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Since it's part of her character that she's a dad's girl, her design is very influenced by Branch. She equally loves both pop and rock! I did design some outfits that lean more towards Poppy's aesthetic but I did not include those lol. Perhaps I'll make another post?
Here are some sketches of her bonding with her parents. They love their baby girl!!! They would absolutely guide her and teach her all about both of their musical backgrounds. Music brings this family together!
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Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
So I am ponderin' an AU. And I can fully blame this on several MAPs on youtube lol.
Thinking of a DCxDP Warriors Au. Bunch of felines. Bunch of cats.
Amity Park is a bunch of barn cats, living by some human houses. Maybe a few descended or straight up ex-lab cats. Vlad is a housecat, or was, still figuring that out lol.
Gotham is all the stray cats in the town-or-city. Straight up feral with smaller not-quite clans. Like how Ivy controls the park with an iron fist, er, paw. Or the batfam, who live in the collapsed remains of a large building within tunnels of rock, who cover themselves with ash at night to hide their scent and disappear into the winding streets.
Thermiscya (or however you spell it) is still a girls-only place. It's an entire clan of she-cats only. Maybe on an island between a fork in a river.
Metropolis, Central City, all of them are clans within the wilds outside the city. Forest, an old glade, maybe even a bit of a protected area. Idk if I'm explaining well but yeah, have a lil mini rambling idea lol.
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mooneytried · 9 months
SO!! I forgot to post about this but I added members to Sven and Burt's band!! (Totally Quality Content)
Matilda Ivy is the Rythym Guitarist
Guinevere Penville (My OC) is the keyboardist
And Henry StickMAN is the bassist!
I don't have much lore for them but they all met in college and they're mutual friends of Sven and Burt :]
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Saw a Timeloop prompt and had to come here! Because? Accidental Time Loop Au! Most times? Time loops are Serious Business(tm) with something at stake. A terrible threat or enemy agent. But WHAT IF you knew exactly what caused the problem, how to fix it, and it legitimately WAS your own fuck up? And the fix was just tedious to find? So it would take a while. An enforced vacation if you will.
The day is even *gasp!* Uneventful?! Say it isn't so! But it IS. And Tim fucked up. He let Damian get under his skin, words were exchanged, and he slammed into a magical idol, breaking it. Constantine can fix it easily. IF HE WERE HERE.
So in the 24 hours he has... he has to grid search Earth (yes all of it) for the man's damn magic house, find it, GO TO IT, convince him, and get free'd. The going is easy. He has both a Flash AND a Super on speed dial. Bruce has THE Flash and Super on speed dial. It's the "finding" that's the issue. *groans*
Luckily? Photographic memory and a supercomputer. Set up, exclude what's already been searched, and go! But what to do with the rest of his hours? He... doesn't know... case work maybe?
He runs out of case work. And games he wants to play. And silly things he wanted to try. And honestly? He's really frustrated by... all.. this........... Now there's a thought.
He hasn't really had TIME for a proper "me day" in... actually has he ever done more then THINK about how much he'd like it? Well today starts now! So Tim explores himself. Has a leisurely time of it. The loop starts over. He stays in bed for that one, learning what feels... Good.
He starts up the search again the next loop, the back off to bed. To do research. To rub his poor little clit raw. Work fingers into himself to figure out what the fuss is about. Next loop he steals Dick's lube. He figures out what the fuss is about.
Loop after that he steal more then just Dick's loop. He works fingers into himself one by one, til he can take himself with slim dildo he's stolen. Loop after that he's so eager to try the other toy he saw he forgets that to GET to Dick's room, he had to dodge Damian. He's confronted.
They argue about why he's in in Dick's room. Damian once again gets under his skin. He says things he shouldn't. Once second they are nearly ripping each others throats out, the next Tim is nearly shredding his back, demanding fingers plowing into his body with little skill are somehow still sending sparks up his spine. Making him wet. Spreading him open.
His legs are being roughly held open as the most obnoxious little shit he knows, rams home like it's his right, to take him like an animal on Dick's bedroom floor. Damian is panting and cursing and he ruts, taking his pleasure, thinking of nothing BUT. And it's... it's...
Tim doesn't think he can go back to just touching himself. It's not enough after this. Could NEVER be enough. By the time the loop ends, his poor hole is stuffed full and on fire. He can never go back.
He wakes up and starts the search. His pussy doesn't ache but it feels like it should. He does the obvious, calls up Kon. Bros help bros with their virginity problem after all. Then bros fuck them up and down their cock like they weigh NOTHING and let them practice oral. You know, like bros.
Bart is equally willing to help, next loop. Is SO excited in fact, he blurs when slamming in to him. Pumping him fuller and fuller of cum then he ever thought possible. Vibrating to the touch and sending Tim's nerves alight. He's never loved ANYTHING as much as sex, he decides before passing out, it's the Best~♡.
He decides to shoot his shot the next time, gets turned down hard and lectured. Dick is Unamused. Next turn he tries again, and again, and again. He refines his approach. Dick hesitates longer each time. He pulls out the big guns. Oh noooo. He got exposed to (a low dose of) Ivy's Pollen! He's applied the antidote, but he's soooo uncomfortable and upset! Hurting even!
Dick eats him out until he sobs. Rocking himself deeper and deeper into Tim's mouth until he can barely breathe. He fucks his throat like lover then bends him in half and pounds him until Tim wonders if he'll ever sit again. Tim passes out covered in sweat and cum and slick and... the loop resets.
He decides not to test Dick's self control. Jason's? Well he hasn't learned his lesson. He does. Bent over on his hands and knees, getting slammed back onto to the thick thing inside if him. He learns Jason likes to hear him beg, to make him squeel. He didn't know he made that noise.
He spends a loop sleeping. The search is half way done. Damn you, Constantine.
Tim can't banish the crazy thoughts. To be honest he never could. Usually his friends can talk him out of bad ideas. But... it's a time loop... no consequences... and he HAD always low-key wondered. You know, under the absolutely unethical and monstrous everything... Would it be good? Just... just a string free hook up. Would he take it?
Apparently the answer is "Yes". God help him, he might be going insane. He calls up Ra's. Today only, he'll be at checking into a hotel, Tim knows damn well you can find out which one, show up or don't. This is Ra's sole chance to fuck him.
The man damn near breaks the sound barrier. Not that he'd even SHOW it. Tim has never seen such covetous unholy glee. He also learns Ra's will do things to him with his tounge that shouldn't be legal. Balanced on his shoulders as the man slams dead on to that spot inside him with out mercy, as he has been for HOURS, Tim is torn between sobbing and passing out as the bastard spills another load of seemly endless inside him. Purring all the while of how he will BREED him, KEEP him, dress him in jewels. He's lost count of how many time Ra's has cruely brought him off as Batman crashes through the window, but midnight hits and he's back in his bed.
At least he has his answers now.
After a loop's break, he decides he wants to spend time with Bruce. He DID apparently rush to save him. And it's been a while. It's nice. The thing is? He... he's AWARE now. Of things he missed before. Of Bruce's possessive little should touches and back rubs, the clingy way things are scheduled so they always travel together... the way he wants Tim to "double check" his flawless work, just so Tim spends his free Tim with him.
Tim shouldn't. He really, REALLY shouldn't. It's a Bad Idea.
He presses his leg against Bruce's anyway. Sits closer. Leans closer. Braces his hand on Bruce's thigh when reaching over him for the otherside of the desk. He catches Bruce's eye out of the corner of his. It's all over the second he does. Bruce is too good a detective not to know how to read arousal and interest, especially on a familiar face. He's in Bruce's lap in seconds. His mouth plundered.
He's hauled off to Bruce's room. Bruce barely let's him breath between consuming kisses as he mercilessly finger fucks him open, almost cruely drawing the first orgasm of the night of of Tim just so he'll be relaxed enough Bruce can FIT. And then it's like being crushed and swallowed alive. It's so big. Keeps going and going. Bruce is growling little whispers of reassurance and praise but Tim can MOVE. Bruce won't let him.
Pressed to the bed, spread so wide it almost hurts, arms trapped against his sides by Bruce's embrace. It's like he's being pinned and impaled. Then Bruce starts to MOVE and... and... oh god, Tim can't take it. Too much. Bruce, too much! Everything is pinpricks and stars and his inside are being destroyed but it's g-good and... and he just CAN'T!
But all Bruce does is kiss his tears and hum, making soothing little noises as he buries his face in Tim's neck, and pounds harder. Holds his boy. Close and perfect, everything melting together. Bruce loses himself to the rhyme of the thrusts. The wet heat. The gasps and whimpers and whines. It's so, so good. Overwhelming for Tim no doubt. Bruce groans and fucks them both through orgasm after orgasm until everything is too bright and too hot and the edge of agony. The last hour before midnight, Tim is held tight, stuffed full of Bruce and keeping him warm, barely able to move.
Loop resets. Tim feel sudden and accute sympathy for Selina. Also deep respect. He ALSO wants to strangle John Constantine. He let's the computer run. And Run. Aaaaand Run. Until his Bad Idea impulse starts to kick in and he can't take it anymore. He HAS to know. Dick has denied it but there's no real telling and it kinda is THE gossip in Hero circles... plus he HAS money.
He has to fuck Deathstroke.
He doesn't get the chance, John has been found! Oh thank FUCK. One trip on the Kon express later he's pound on a hungover magicians door. Bastard laughs at him. Just for that, no thank you sex. Oh LOOK, suddenly not funny? Imagine that. Kon would like to know, you know, since HE didn't laugh, if Thank You sex is still on the table for HIM? Absolutely. But only AFTER the Time Loop is Fixed.
Invested Kyptonian is Invested in these proceedings. John fixes the idol... not that he gets THANKED or anything :/ . But uuuuh, you didn't do anything... CRAZY while you were looping, right?
Local Kon has Remembered some shit. Bros helping bros. Uh Oh.
Tim's phone starting blowing up with messages and calls. OH NO.
They remember. SHIT.
the thing is that tim is always so busy. its not an exaggeration, every single moment of tim's life has a time slot specifically set aside for it- even bathroom breaks and showers. its not about being 'anal' like how jason likes to say or 'psycho' like how steph likes to believe. it's quite literally only about tim maximizing the amount of time he has in a day and, put simply, there's not enough.
there is not enough time in the day for tim to be able to get everything he wants done. the amount of days he's had where he was...free to do what he wanted are small. very small. as in 'hasn't happened in years' small.
and its not like tim couldn't take a vacation if he wanted to!
he was sure that if he told bruce he needed a break and wanted to go away for a week to recharge, tim's almost certain bruce would have the plane tickets booked and tim's packed bags out the doors before he had a chance to finish the '-tion' in 'vacation'. he's pretty sure that's how it would play out. but he'd never tried it. he just forced himself to be content with the fantasy of it and pretending not to stop for a moment and stare at the windows of department stores while running errands as they displayed mannequins in swimsuits along with surfboards and posters of young teens tim's age living life to the fullest.
tim has a deep respect for the work he does and he feels that a lot of his work is incredibly important so...he never tries to go bigger than the occasional wistful dream.
until he's stranded in, quite honestly, the most boring day to time loop within- in history. bruce is down in the cave all day, only surfacing for dinner. alfred is carefully instructing a landscaping crew for the new lawn design he drew up because alfred is actually quite proud when it comes to the greenery of the manor. dick is in one of the manor's offices pretending he's not upset about another job rejection letter and trying to redo his resume again in a more 'atmospheric' room. damian is in his room listening to music and watching other people play video games on youtube yet somehow remaining startlingly aware of each creak of the floorboards in the manor. jason is in the city, lounging in his apartment and committing credit card fraud by using bruce's card to order the things that catch his interest on qvc.
the thing is that tim knows what to do in a time loop. there's a protocol for it. there's a protocol for everything.
but the thing is...most of those protocols are of the 'world is ending' variety. someone keeps dying/ "I" keep dying/ the world keeps going to shit. or it's one of those loops where it's more centered around character development where tim needs to reach some kind of revelation about appreciating his family and believing in santa again or something.
but its none of those. tim doesn't have to go on some journey of self reflection or find some way to stop dying. no. because tim knows exactly what caused the loop. and it was damian picking a fight with him while tim was on 'tagging' duty for the new box of magical artifacts that bruce wanted identified, logged, and put into storage.
a magical artifact that bruce was now painfully and delicately reconstructing because he and damian had gotten into a fight that ended with tim throwing the closest thing on hand at the twerp-turned-towering-giant which....turned out to be a carefully carved statue of a hand that was apparently from an offering site of some germanic god.
there was no other explanation of it because as soon as that stone had shattered; tim had woken up in bed, dizzy and cursing damian. he spent the entire day nursing his body and the next day felt...slightly better so he'd ventured out.
it took the third morning before tim figured out he was stuck in a loop and what the cause of it was. knowing that there was no danger afoot tim took a few loops to rest his horrendous splitting headache before buckling down and looking for a magic user to help fix this.
loops started by magical objects were relatively quick fixes. all it required was the 'stabilization' of the person affected's soul to tie them back to the timeline.
only that zatanna was out with the league on some mission in space. doctor fate was utterly unreachable by tim's current standards. zachary was a douchebag who would hold this over tim. which left basically only john constantine.
who would winge about it but help tim out without being too much of a dick. so long as tim could find him.
bruce had a program on the batcomputer specifically for being able to track down constantine's exact coordinates. only that the program had to go country by country for the search and each one could take days. bruce usually had an educated guess about where to start and didn't normally use the program because it was so slow so other magic users were usually contacted before bruce resorted to the program.
but it was tim's only option.
besides this could be...nice. he finally has all the time in the world to do everything he wanted. tim had been laid up sick for 2 whole loops and nothing had happened while he was curled up in bed.
he could get a headstart on everything he needed to do while waiting for the program on the batcomputer to find constantine! like his casework!
it takes tim almost a dozen loops to find the culprit in each one of his active cases. there's no point going to gordon or typing up a report because it will just disappear in the next loop but the entirety of tim's investigations are safely stored away in his head for when time finally starts working right again.
tim is at a bit of a loss for half a loop before he remembers all the birthday gifts from his friends, both civilian and caped, he'd never gotten to use. videogames he never got to play. books he never got to read. movies he never got to watch. in fact, tim had a huge towering stack of gifts from christmas and eid he never got to open.
tim spends about a week and a half on each videogame, systematically beating every game. then when he's finished he goes back around and starts going for all the achievements. then he starts playing all the games on the hardest settings. he tries to co-op a few times but after the first loop realizes that each attempt will just be with the same people who will say the same things and have the same conversations.
tim decides to put the games to the side for a little while and starts digging through his stack of unwatched shows and movies he'd never watched. he even cracks open some of those gifts and finds packages of candy and sweet treats waiting for him- many of which are still good! he watches all the movies and binges the shows. he laughs, cries, boos, throws popcorn at the screen of his tv in his room.
that takes up almost two months worth of loops.
tim tries reading a few of those books jason rants about and even gifted him but keeps falling asleep halfway through them.
speaking of sleep. tim sleeps. a lot. a lot a lot. he catches up on his sleep debt for a few loops but ultimately can't stand it anymore.
he does everything he can think of. he rests and relaxes until he's bored to tears. he looks into and solves the few cold cases that bruce has sitting in the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet in the cave.
tim even eats until he's sick. he pigs out with no reguard for his usual diet and gorges himself on food until he's sick at the sight of it.
it doesn't work. tim runs out of distractions and things to have fun with.
he's...bored. woefully understimulated and SO frustrated and...
well....there was an idea he hadn't considered before.
tim never understood the fuss about sex. couldn't understand why it made people like bruce and dick lose their cool at the promise of it. tim has masturbated, sure. for hormone and health reasons but orgasms had never been something so life-changing that he'd let himself get turned stupid over it like how...so many of his friends and family had.
so. tim tries. tries to figure out what's so good about it. he stops rubbing at his clit with single-minded focus and intent to get off.
he goes slower. he tries watching porn. reading porn. tries to find what gets him aroused.
it works. tim finds himself fascinated with the sight of plush lips swallowing down cocks until their throats bulged. he grows red and hot with the sight of thick, white cum flowing out of red, stretched-open pussies.
tim starts fucking his fingers into himself, using fingers to explore the little hole he's never paid much mind to.
the thing about masturbating is there is always a reward for it. tim always feels good, body growing warm and content with orgasm. unlike the other things he's tried, he doesn't grow easily bored.
there are just....so many things to learn about his body. about how he likes pinching his tits until it's painful and they're blossoming into a red color. he likes figuring out how many fingers he can press into his hole, how many times he can orgasm in an hour.
it's good. it's nice. it's fun.
but...its also labor intensive. tim's hand hurts from rubbing so much after a whole day. by the time it reaches nighttime he's so horny he's sobbing but he can't get off because his poor abused hand keeps cramping.
it also takes awhile for tim to work up the arousal to get wet enough that every clench of his thighs or working of his fingers releases wet sounds that echo in his room.
tim likes how wet he gets. how he just keeps drooling and dripping clear cum from his hole onto his bedsheets until he's lying in a wet spot.
tim knows there are...toys.
he's seen them in videos and he's overheard dick's friends joke about his 'collection'.
tim is...curious. there's no way he can get a toy delivered from the internet on time and the sex shops in gotham all require IDs to purchase and tim would get kicked out if he even tried that.
normally tim would be too mortified to even think about sneaking into dick's room to steal the lube he knows he keeps in his bedside drawer or seatrching his room for those dildos he's seen in porn because tim's desire to know what a cock feels like inside him has only grown...
but tim is stuck in a loop and it only takes another day of hand cramps before he's creeping past damian's door to sneak into dick's room.
he manages to get the lube and opens a drawer....filled to the BRIM with toys. tim gets so suddenly embarrassed that he just grabs the smallest one and darts back to his room.
tim took a dildo that vibrates at a kind of humming frequency. tim only has to touch it to his red throbbing clit a little bit before he's whining and grinding his sopping baby cunt all along the length of it. he doesn't try any of the 'techniques' he saw in porn and just relies on instinct to kick off the rest of his pajamas and gasp as he presses the things head against his hole. the vibration is intense being pressed in and tim almost gets a tummy ache because he can feel the vibrating in all his other organs as he gasps and wetly drags out the dildo streaked with strings of tim's wetness. the glide provided by the lube is heavenly as tim grinds against it, arching into each stroke and crying out as he cums and clenches around nothing. eventually tim gets brave enough to try fucking the slim dildo inside. tim is still in the middle of fucking himself when the loop restarts and even though tim's cunt isn't wet or throbbing from use he's so damnably aroused and furious that his orgasm was cut short.
tim races to dick's room and is digging through the drawers again when damian interrupts him. he's haughty and annoyed because he got grounded for the artifact breaking even though tim had been the one who broke it.
tim's happy the little brat was finally facing consequences for messing with him though he's a little irritated that it was only when damian surpassed him in height that bruce and dick started putting their foots down.
tim is horny, hot, and all kinds of annoyed at the interruption. he tries to ignore damian but the boy doesn't take kindly to it and starts yelling about tim being in dick's room and askin what he's even doing and tim is half tempted to whip out the dildo just to see the bug-eyed look on damian's face but that would just cause more problems in the loop than it was worth.
besides...tim has other concerns as he drowns out damian's huffing to press his thighs together. he can feel himself getting wet. with every loop its like he's so much more aware of his body.
before, tim had to work to get wet but now it was like the slightest thought had his pussy beginning to gush with interest and the promise of feeling good.
damian's not going away only getting louder and closer and tim is so warm and sooooo not in the mood for an argument-
the frustration and mutual aggravation in the room is reaching boiling points.
tim's not sure how it happens.
but he's on his back, pajama bottoms discarded somewhere off near the foot of dick's bed.
damian, the not-so-little-runt, is on top of tim and growling, grunting, almost heaving as he fucks into tim's wet, warm hole. tim doesn't even care that he hasn't stretched himself, that damian is the first real life cock he's ever had inside him. tim doesn't care, all he wants is to feel that thick cock inside him hammering home as tim grinds his clit along with every snap of hips into him. tim is whining and squirming on damian's cock. every time damian thinks he's trying to crawl away he's dragged back down and fucked harder like it's a punishment. it's not, tim is delighted to feel the force of damian's thrusts slapping wetly into him as he tightens his legs around damian's waist. tim arches and lets out a broken cry when he finally cums, clenching tight and feeling damian let out broken grunts as he pushes deep inside.
the feeling of cum flooding his insides is like nothing tim has ever felt. the relief and satisfaction that comes with it, the feeling of a warm body over him and pinning him down....
his fingers will never be enough. a fake cock will never be enough. there is no way tim can ever go back knowing what a cock feels like now.
the next loop tim is calling kon.
damian is right next door but...that's a whole mess tim would rather not repeat. he's blaming it on the loop madness. a burst of temporary insanity!
kon is his best friend and probably one of the few things that kon has more experience than him in is sex.
tim will try to forget the fact that he let the brat fuck him and "technically" take his virginity even though a new loop meant that tim's cunt had never known the feeling of a cock... besides tim's pretty sure if he tried approaching damian for another go he'd get a blade to his throat.
kon is willing to help tim out with his...virginity problem. more than willing actually.
tim doesn't even get a chance to hang up after his request before kon is knocking at his windows with the face of a kid set loose on a carnival.
kon explains that he's more of a 'hands on' instructor. he tells tim this while flinging off his shirt and groping one of tim's tits with an almost audible sound of glee.
kon is a good fuck. tim has no real standard for comparison but everything kon does feels amazing. his cock is BIG. about the same length, maybe an inch or two bigger than damian's, but also much thicker. it's a struggle to sink down on it but kon helps him with his grip on tim's hips, gently bouncing him up and down until tim's mouth fell open at the feeling of being so...full. kon kisses at tim's gaped mouth, humming and murmuring little noises as tim wetly clenches around his cock spearing him open.
they fuck a couple of times before tim needs a breather. he asks kon if sex is always like this.
with damian it had been more of a 'tearing at their clothes and each other and fucking desperately in one position'. kon takes him on his back, on his side, his front, and sitting down facing each other. tim liked that one. sitting in kon's lap with a cock pressing all the way to the opening of his womb and grinding their hips together while kon hugged him close and tim whined about being so full.
kon makes a humming sound of consideration as he grinds his hard cock between the wet seam of tim's cunt, not pressing in and just idly thrusting between tim's rosy folds.
"well most chicks don't let me cum inside them bro."
tim makes a considering noise and honestly, if he wasn't in a time loop there was no way that tim would risk getting pregnant with either damian or kon's fat headed babies.
but this was a time loop and by morning both of their cum would be banished from his womb and his eggs would be unfertilized.
of course tim doesn't say that.
"well that's cause you're my bro kon. special privileges."
kon makes a happy sound and finally presses the thick head of his cock into tim's pussy with a wet sound as tim's cunt accepts the gentle thrusts.
tim hums a little at the nice feeling but his poor pussy throbs at the stretch.
"can i try sucking your cock?"
kon moans into to hollow of tim's neck.
"god, you're the best bro to ever live tim."
well there was tim's answer.
next loop tim wants a smaller cock. kon's was nice but by the end of the night it was clear that his cock was not for first time pussies like tim's.
so tim dials his other best bro.
it's the best decision tim's ever made. it's like having a human vibrator. bart fucks him so fast everything is a blur. tim is pretty sure he blacks out for a few moments. bart babbles the entire time, talking about how soft tim is and how nice he smells and how good he feels and how he has really nice tits- real cute!
bart has basically no refractory period- he just keeps cumming. he never stops fucking into tim, not even for a second. when he cums the only signal tim gets is the flooding of warm cum filling him up and then just as quickly being fucked out of him.
tim manages to get bart to slow to a grind by cupping his sweet head and kissing him. apparently bart loves kissing with tongue. the makeout is so thick and wet that tim's not sure if the wet sounds in the room are from them kissing or from bart fucking him.
tim is fucked until he's on the verge of passing out- and bart never stops. tim's insides just hum with the constant buzz of arousal at the thought of bart continuing to fuck his unconscious body. just as he starts to black out, tim can't help but think about how he loves sex so fucking much.
sex has made tim braver. more confident. maybe stupidly confident because as soon as he's up and restarting the program to search for constantine- he makes his way to the office where dick is agonizing over his unemployment.
tim knows he's always had a little crush on dick. his cool, hot, kind older brother. when he was younger it'd been harder to hide the blatant admiration. the years hadn't been kind to them or their relationship. there's a distance between them they both wish wasn't there. tim knows they've grown apart and maybe that along with his new sexual discovery have provided him with the guts to go in and proposition dick.
if all failed he could just go back to his room to lick his wounds of rejection and call up kon or bart (or both) for a round 2.
he doesn't get a chance. he spends the whole loop in that office being made to feel like shit as dick furiously lectures him about how incredibly "inappropriate" his proposition was. that dick was his brother and several years older and that tim was a child and what on earth got into him to believe that this was okay? if tim was young and curious about sex fine, he got it. but there were so many other people his age that he could go for-
it's probably the worst that dick has ever reamed him out.
but...tim couldn't help but feel like there was something... off about it.
so many of the points that dick brought up were...really well thought out for something that dick was put on the spot for. almost as if...almost as if dick had already thought of it all before.
....like he was just repeating all the reasons he'd thought of for why a relationship between him and tim wouldn't work.
the next loop tim isn't discouraged. he tries again. he's shot down.
he tries another approach. turned down, but gentler this time.
he tests boundaries and tries again. dick hesitates before telling tim to go back to his room and they'd talk about it in the morning.
it's like tim can see all the pieces chipping away as he finds a new way to ask dick to fuck him. after a handful of loops it becomes very clear that dick wants to say 'yes'. that he probably wanted to say yes during that first loop. but....some weird moral hangup was preventing him from finding out how sweet and tight tim's pussy was.
even if tim spent every loop from therein asking dick, he'd never say yes.
unless....he was given an excuse to.
like ivy's pollen. of which there are plenty of sample vials in the cave. antidotes too.
but antidotes don't always work to the full effect. side effects are still possible. side effects that only tim's big brother can help with as he stumbles into the quiet office with a whimper and call of 'diiiiick'.
dick holds him close, hands stroking tim's fluffy strands as he tells dick about how his stomach hurts and how...how the place between his legs is all sore and -and...wet. tim whispers it shamefully in dick's ear and pretends to not feel the shiver that courses through dick's body.
dick strokes tim's abdomen, softly whispering comforts at each of tim's whimpers until tim starts kicking off his pajama pants.
"it huuuurts dick-"
tim whines. he's sure that dick is going to offer his fingers but he's suprised when dick presses him onto his back. dick is as red as a tomato as he tells tim he has something that will help. dick helps tim out of his pajama bottoms and carefully spreads his thighs apart to get at tim's cute clenching pussy.
tim squeals when dick puts his mouth on him. at first it's just a careful drag of a tongue along the slit but then tim's thighs are in a brusing grip and being spread further open as dick lets out a moan and starts pressing his tongue inside tim's tender baby hole.
tim has been poking a bear for several loops so he has no right to complain when all of dick's self control breaks and he has tim's legs over his shoulders and starts pounding tim's baby pussy like an animal. as soon as he spills burning cum inside tim's seizing cunt he painfully grabs tim's hair, tugging on his head to pull tim's chin against his sternum and sits on tim's chest so he can feed tim his cock that he hastily ripped out of tim's pussy just as he started cumming. tim is trapped under him as dick fuck's tim's throat like its a cock sleeve. his balls slap against tim's chin and he can only be grateful that kon helped him figure out how to suck cock without gagging or choking. dick. messes. him. up.
tim's face is a mess of drool, spit, and cum. tim gasps for breath everytime dick tugs his cock out only to swallow a gasp as dick sinks all the way in with a choked moan. dick fucks tim's face for a while longer before deciding that's enough.
tim is flipped like a pancake on his front when dick is done and his tender hole is immediatly filled with tim barely having any time to adjust as dick begins slamming deep and hard into his tender hole, every wet slap is echoing as dick pumps into tim with a fury of someone whose self control has just snapped.
tim gets so messy and wet. cum streaks his thighs and mouth and all down his chin. dick even pulls out at one point and strokes himself in tim's face so he can smear a thick white mess all onto tim's sweet face.
tim gets fucked unconscious and wakes up having to take a minute to process everything. clearly dick is a creature that must be awakened with caution.
but tim has already had a taste of what a fucking from someone who's lost control feels like and needs more.
he goes to the only other brother he hasn't fucked. jason.
jason takes no convincing. he has tim kneeled and on his front. tim gets rug burn on his poor tits because jason does not let him up. he's the first one to fuck tim's ass and tim makes noises he didn't even know he was capable of. jason likes him vocal, he wants tim to sob and cry for more, he wants him to beg jason, to thank jason, to worship jason and his cock that fucks him so well and fills his womb so good.
jason likes telling tim that tim is going to have his babies as he slams into tim and floods his womb with cum. jason makes tim bend in ways that ache his body- dick is the flexible one but jason ignores tim's whines and fucks him in impossible positions while grunting about how tight tim's slutty little princess pussy is.
tim falls asleep to jason stroking his hair and telling him about what a sweet little cunt he was for jason and that he's going to fuck that little thing whenever he wants because its his now-
so tim's brothers are freaks. he always suspected that but now he's certain.
tim doesn't seek anyone out for a few loops. he spends them sleeping, resting, and eating.
even though he's physically fine and there are no aches in his body- tim's soul has spent that last few loops getting mercilessly and endlessly fucked.
the search for constantine still hasn't turned anything up and the time loop might be making tim go a little bit...loopy.
a time loop is endless possibilities and potentials.
it's really a test of a person's character because of the whole 'do anything you want and there will be no consequence' thing. some people might kill, rob a bank, or fulfill some dangerous stunt to test their new 'immortality'. but not tim.
no. tim, after being trapped in a loops for a few months, decides to call a psycho cult leader and long time enemy of his and....bootycall him.
tim tells ra's al ghul he's checking into a hotel in downtown gotham in a little bit because he's apparently gone crazy. if ra's shows up tim will let him fuck him. no catch. no trap. just tim having what's clearly a crisis and this is the way he's decided to work through it.
tim almost doesn't go. he gets in the car and just stares at the wheel and asks if he's really about to do this. if time loop tim is really about to fuck ra's al ghul for...the kicks.
in the end tim goes. even if it ends badly at least the curiosity will be satiated and he'll have no regrets and that damnable voice in the back of his head that sometimes brings up about how ra's is built so nicely, how his voice is like a purr and sometimes sends shivers that aren't all that bad down tim's spine. and....tim really wants to know what getting fucked by someone with centuries of experience is like.
it's amazing. more than amazing.
tim's pretty sure that ra's makes him feel pleasure in muscles he didn't even know existed. tim's half sure that in terms of technique, he's ruined for anyone else. even if tim lived for the next one hundred years he'd never be able to find someone who made him feel what ra's did.
ra's had, apparently, decided to go all out on tim's poor body the moment tim told him to not use condoms because he wanted to feel it all-
tim had seen what those words had done to ra's. the way his eyes had darkened, the way he'd creeped closer like a lithe panther and said 'oh timothy' with that wonderful drawl that tim would finally admit- turned him on.
tim is ashamed of his kissing skills as ra's pillages his mouth while thoroughly fucking his pussy. skilled fingers rub and stroke tim's clit while tim gasps and wraps his fingers into ra's hair and whines, grinding down on the cock inside him. ra's coos at him like he's a darling little pet doing something adorable. tim can't even talk to tell him off, too focused on the feelings flooding through him as ra's bends him in half and fucks him harder and deeper while whispering about breeding him nice and full with his child, that tim will carry his heir in his lovely little womb and they will be perfect because they will be timothy's-
tim's brain is mush. purely oatmeal gray matter mush leaking out of his ears. he doesn't even care about the windows breaking and bruce flying in with a furious snarl as ra's continues fucking him. tim's eyes roll back into his skull as he feels one final blissful orgasm.
tim stays in bed for the entire next loop. he doesn't get up. he just lies there and stares at his ceiling and accepts that he did, in fact, do that.
he's almost disappointed in himself for not feeling a shred of regret.
tim hasn't seen bruce in a while. even though every loop starts with tim restarting the program and checking off all the countries that have already been searched.
bruce is a different level than everyone else. he's in a league completely of his own. and even before tim considers it, he tries talking himself out of it.
but the loop eliminates many of the reasons why tim shouldn't fuck bruce. the change to their relationship, their dynamics, bruce's history of how he treats the people he fucks, the fact that bruce is his father, the fact that for tim- it will always mean something more than a simple fuck.
but the loop will let tim get it out of his system. it will let him feel and know and experience what he's fantasized of ever since he was a child.
the loop has also allowed tim to better prepare for the confrontation. tim's memories of how bruce talks to him, treats him, acts around him help develop support. and then there's the loop with ra's, which in tim's mind, was further evidence of how bruce...might have a deeper interest than he lets on.
its not hard to find bruce. he's in a more isolated part of the cave digitally reconstructing the broken artifact. he doesn't even blink at tim's presence and accepts his companionship as tim glares down at the artifact that's to blame to tim's most recent questionable life choice.
tim takes the oppertunity to...look at bruce. to admire him in the way he hasn't in a while. to stare at the fine line of his jaw, curve of his lips, the dark lashes shadowing those cold blue eyes, the neatly groomed hair and the gray shadow of his unshaved face. bruce's thick, calloused fingers and neat nails, the fine slope of his broad shoulders and trim waist that lead down to thick, muscled thighs.
bruce has always been a level of handsome well above most people and tim knows its partly the plastic surgery he's gotten over the years but also the natural air that just oozes from bruce, the authority and confidence that can just never be replicated.
tim knows that bruce feels him staring. he doesn't falter even when tim slides closer and lets their thighs touch. bruce glances at him and tim stares at him with big undisguised interest in his eyes. he lets bruce pick up on his fascination and attraction and he can see as bruce's eyes sharpen to confirm if the messages tim is putting down are, in fact, correct.
it's not a hard sell for bruce. tim knew that the moment bruce stopped working and turned to him with something heavy and burning in his eyes with the words 'tim....what are you doing?' echoing in the cave.
bruce's tongue is in tim's mouth and his hands are fondling tim's tits as tim straddles him in his chair. bruce picks him up like it's nothing, navigating the cave without looking at all or pulling his mouth away from tim as he makes his way to the exit that leads up to his bedroom.
tim can feel as bruce barely manages to restrain himself from how he squeezes tim's ass and tits, from the way he practically rips tim's clothes off and climbs on top of him the minute they reach the bed. how, without a word of warning, bruce stuffs two fingers into tim's baby cunt. tim can feel the brutal want overflowing in bruce as he finger fucks tim and mouthes at his tits, sucking harshly on tim's chest and mumuring little words while tim runs his fingers through bruce's hair and hums, twitching around bruce's fingers. tim figures out that bruce is trying to force an orgasm out of tim with just his fingers as bruce's thumb brutally starts stroking tim's little clit, grinding the pad of his thumb against the wet little hole. tim whines, closing his eyes and trembling as he feels a shaky little orgasm begin to stem from his little clit. tim gasps and bruce covers his open mouth with a wet, possessive kiss.
bruce gets lube at some point because the fingers return and start fucking tim deeper with an easier slide. tim whines and fucks his hips down, taking bruce's fingers deeper until bruce rips them out without mercy and uses his hands to wrap tim's arms into a hug and pin them to his side. the hug is tight and constricting, the top of bruce's head is under his chin and tim's back is slightly raised from the bed courtesy of bruce's arms under him. tim can't move his arms at all. his legs are spread obscenely open, as far as they can go, and tim can feel the stretch and strain in his hip socket from being in a split
tim can feel the cold air of the room in his pussy that's holding open. but then he feels the press of a very BIG cock. tim almost stops breathing as he feels bruce's mouth fall open around a tit and give it an open-mouthed kiss.
its a stretch. even with bruce's fingers and an orgasm to loosen him up- tim can feel as his pussy is pushed to the limit to accept the cock that bruce is sinking into him. tim is gasping 'ah ah ah's', choking, getting the wind knocked out of him as he feels bruce's cock fill. him. up.
every bit of tim's hole is hyperaware of the cock grinding inside him. tim clenches weakly around it and whines loud and low at the full, aching throb in his cunt at bruce's cock. it's...it's too much. not even the good too much- it's just too much. tim can't take it. there's no way he can take it. his pussy resets every loop and tim's poor virgin pussy can't take this. tim bends his knees and tries to squirm off-
"b-bruce t-too much, it's too big nnnngh-"
tim can feel bruce shake his head against tim's chest. bruce inches inside a bit more and tim yelps at the stretch. god he can feel his pussy stretch, the muscles working hard to accommodate. tim's insides are painful with pinpricks of pain as bruce goes deeper in. tim tenses up which earns him a groan. he can feel bruce, he can feel him so deep inside and even though it's not physically possible, tim's pretty sure that bruce has breached his cervix and he's now fucking his womb.
"y-you're i-n my womb- bruce, bruce hhahhh hnnn i-it's too much you're too deep-"
bruce groans deeper and starts slowly fucking tim, using his hold around tim to bringing him down on his cock as he destroys tim's insides. tim can feel as bruce's cock bumps his other organs out of the way as he sinks all the way down to the base of his cock.
tim's cry is soundless as bruce's rough, calloused fingers pinch his clit and force tim's uterus and pussy to hum with arousal. tim gasps and lets his head fall back while his brows furrow and alternating feelings of pain and pleasure fill him. bruce's cock brings tears to tim's eyes and tears streak down his cheeks. they're kissed and lapped up by bruce who starts speeding up.
tim's pretty sure his brain has become zombified all he can do is helplessly moan and groan as bruce's thrusts grow faster and wetter, as every slap is followed by bruce's grunt as he falls into a steady, panting pace to fuck into the wet heat of tim.
all tim can do is lie there and take it. his poor pussy and womb are being ravaged by bruce because he fucks just like how he fights- without mercy.
it never stops being too much. bruce's cock and his fingers on tim's clit force orgasm after orgasm out of tim that all make him a little looser until bruce has tim on his knees on the bed, savagely banging tim even though their orgasms. he fills tim up with cock but never slows down, continuing to fuck tim even while soft until he gets hard again inside of him and restarts the cycle.
its pure overstimulation. it's torture and tim cries through it all as bruce keeps fucking him even after he's cum its like...like he's some kind of possessed beast intent on killing tim with his cock.
it's only when the sun has been down for hours and the manor is quiet and silent and bruce is humming with tim limp and weak on his chest that tim can breathe. he strokes tim's hair with the tender love that you would stroke a beloved cat. he kisses the top of tim's head while one of his hands play with tim's gaping hole that's drooling out thick cum. bruce rubs tim's burning clit between two fingers, presses gently to the hot puffy lips of his pussy and reverently strokes at tim's tired little hole that's home to the buckets of cum that bruce has released into him.
bruce just hums with satisfaction and presses another kiss to tim's head.
tim lucks out. he lucks out because the program finds constantine and tim can end the loop. he's also lucky because the program found constantine just as he was about to dial death stroke's 'work' number that he managed to track down.
tim's not sure just how far his bad idea impulse would have taken him but he can only be glad that the most recent loop begins with him at constantine's door and kon, who flew him over, that was confused but willing to help.
constantine opens the door, takes one look at him, and immediatly must see his soul unanchored because he immediatly starts laughing.
tim has grown something of a...shamlessness while stuck looping so he says the first thing that he knows will hurt.
"well you just lost out on the 'thank you' pussy you were going to get for laughing."
constantine sucks in a sharp choked sound. tim doesn't even have to turn around to know kon's eyes have widened.
"i'm guess you know why i'm here though?"
constantine stares at him for a moment longer before rubbing at the deep wrinkles between his brows with a 'bloody hell'. tim's not surprised at the reaction. most other heroes know him solely as the 'uptight' one of the robins.
tim and kon follow constantine inside as he gestures for them to enter.
constantine grumbles something while he begins clearing a nearby table of books and knickknacks.
"you know, 'I' didn't laugh rob." kon innocently offers and tim knows this is just him being his usual flirtatious self. but tim's also had his cock inside him numerous times in another loop so...
"once constantine's done i'll suck your dick in his chair." tim assures him. kon immediatly starts helping constantine clear the tables he needs to perform whatever spell that will end this debacle and allow tim to finally return to his normal life and bury what time loop tim did as just another temporary bout of insanity.
it's a quick fix. really quick. tim doesn't even realize anything has happened until constantine is clearing his throat and lighting a cigarette with a "right, that ought to do it- and just to be clear, you didn't do anything too murdery, crazy, or shitheaded right love?"
tim's 'why?' is on the tip of his tongue when kon, who is standing nearby, suddenly goes blank-faced and raises a hand to his temple like he's a teen psychic in a TV show that just had a vision.
"woah." kon sways slightly before the fogginess in his eyes clears away and he looks at tim with a sort of energy that wasn't there before. "tim- did we have sex today somehow?"
tim feels something cold flood his insides.
constantine blows out a puff of smoke suddenly much more interested in the conversation happening in front of him.
tim's phone starts vibrating in his back pocket.
tim's phone starts chiming with news of a text message.
oh no.
and another. and another. tim's phone doesn not stop vibrating.
it turns out the artifact tim broke did not start a normal time loop but rather a 'layered' one. in which everything tim did or said would be recalled by the people he did and said it to. turns out it WAS one of those 'valuable lesson' time loops. just a...delayed one.
constantine had been banking on tim having murdered someone in the loops which is why he hadn't told him. the asshole.
he had NOT been banking on tim having fucked friends, family, and an actual villain. constantine's laugh is cut short when batman and nightwing break his doors down accompanied by their respective confused speedster and kryptonian, that they clearly called to carry them to tim's location once they tracked him down.
in response to the inquires, interrogations, and questions from the various people he allowed to pump his guts- tim....evades.
tim is wholly of the opinion that he cannot be held responsible for the actions of time loop tim. so what if tim had some ill advised liaisons?
he only did it because he thought he'd get away with it!!!! and he would've!
if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!!
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abbysleftbicepp · 1 day
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The Thief And The Fairy
An Ellie Williams x Maleficent!Reader au. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
An: This fic is the result of an idea that’s been rotting my head for months. The story line will be extremely close to Maleficent, and a lot of the lines will be exact to the film. Fair warning, it is a strangers to lovers to enemies sooo yeah 🫶 not proof read.
Once upon a time, in a far off land, there lived a little girl. She was no ordinary girl, for she lived in the branches of a tree on the top of a mountain. Most of her features resembled a human, however a few of her features did not.
The girl carried long, dark, feathered wings on her back, and upon her head were two scaled horns that curled ever so slightly. Her ears were almost human, as they spiked near the tops, and her cheek bones were as sharp as a blade.
The girls wings could carry her high up into the clouds and she felt like she danced with the stars as she flew, the wings never faltered nor failed her. She trusted them with her whole life.
Her tree belonged to her land, known as the Moors. It was located in a large forest next to a kingdom. The Moors and the kingdom had been at war for centuries, until 7 years ago, when the king had claimed her parents heads on his sword. Two years later, the king had died and his son, Jesse, took his place on the throne.
Because of this, Y/N was unfortunately the only one of her kind left in the Moors. There were goblins, Gorgons, Pixies, Sirens, Spriggans, mushroom fae and more. There were many family’s of each, creating a population of the Moor folk.
Although Y/N was only 14 years old, she claimed the title of the protector of the Moors, just like her parents once were. This was a mutual agreement between the moor-folk as she had the strongest wings and a power stronger than they had seen ever before. She was able to heal and break with the stroke of her finger, and she did not know what she was fully capable of, yet.
One day, Y/N was helping some of the pixies mend some of the crops, as a storm had destroyed their farmland the night before. As she used her magic to heal the poor crops, one of the Spriggan soldiers, Balthazar, came to her.
The Spriggan folk look a lot like trees. They disguise themselves as such from the humans, as a way to hide from them. Their ears are large and can shield their faces from harm, they have sharp wooden teeth and their body’s almost resemble a skeleton made out of wood. Their jobs were along side Y/N, as her soldiers. They usually carry wooden spears with them as weapons and did not speak human like the pixies and Y/N could, however they could still understand it.
Balthazar made some earthy deep sounds, which is the Spriggans way of communicating.
“What do you mean there’s a human in the Moors? there hasn’t been for years.” Y/N protested, slightly nervous to encounter her first human since the last war, where her parents were stolen from her.
He replied with similar noises as a moment ago.
“She’s stealing from the pool of jewels? Tor heavens sake we need to stop her. They’re not hers to take.” She announced before flying up into the clouds and towards the pool of jewels.
When she arrived, two more Spriggans were surrounding the entrance to a small cave in the mountain right next to the pool, however it was covered in ivy so she couldn’t see the human hidden inside. She landed on a grass covered rock inside the pool, in-between the Spriggans.
“Come out!” She demanded. She had no response from the human, maybe they speak a different language now? She decided to try her luck again.
“Come out this instant!” She spoke louder than before.
“No! They mean to kill me!” A female voice spoke. Her accent was different to the humans that Y/N remembered. Perhaps the humans had changed their way of speaking the language.
“They don’t mean to harm you whatsoever. They know you have something that doesn’t belong to you. You have to give it back!” She spoke loud and clear.
The hidden human hesitated, but slowly crept out of the ivy, into the open. She had auburn brown hair, pale green eyes and freckles scattered along her face. Her hair was tied up into a pony tail and she wore ragged old clothes, covered with an old brown cloak. She looked quite small for a human.
“Are you fully grown?” Y/N asked curiously, analysing the humans appearance.
“No..” The human responded.
“I believe she’s just..a girl?” Y/N said slightly confused to her soldiers.
“And you’re just a girl…i think..?” The human stepped into the conversation.
“Who are you?” Y/N asked the human who stood before her.
“I’m called Ellie. Ellie Williams. Who are you?” She replied with confidence.
“Y/N” The fairy replied with the same amount of confidence. One of the Spriggans quickly reminded her of why she was here, meeting the human.
“Yes! right.” She spoke. “Like i said earlier, i believe you have something that doesn’t belong to you.”
“No i dont.” Ellie said confused, trying to act dumb. Y/N rolled her eyes and held out her hand expectedly. Sighing, Ellie digged into her pocket, retrieving a jewel and chucked it to Y/N’s hand. Y/N then gently tossed the jewel back into the pool.
Y/N and Ellie walked together through the forest, as Y/N wanted to make sure the girl was safe leaving. Ellie’s eyes were glued to Y/N’s wings, she felt drawn to them. They were like nothing she’d seen before. She decided to speak before her stares got too weird.
“if i’d known you’d throw it away i would have kept it.” Ellie complained, knowing she could have gotten a meal by paying with that jewel, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten a whole meal.
“I didn’t throw it away. I delivered it home, as i’m going to do with you.” She announced. The girls walked through the woodlands together in a comfortable silence. Ellie admired the nature around them, and gasped as fireflies flew passed them.
Finally, they reached the end of the forest where there was a large grass field that separated the Moors from the kingdom.
Ellie came to a halt, Y/N following suit.
“Y’know, some day i’ll live there,” Ellie spoke, pointing into the distance. “In the castle.” She frowned, hoping her dreams will someday come true.
“Well where do you live now?” Y/N asked curiously. She was so drawn to Ellie in a way she couldn’t describe. She’d never felt like this before.
Ellie turned her face away, embarrassed to face Y/N as she responded. “In a barn..”
“So your parents are farmers then?” Y/N continued, not noticing Ellie’s demeanour change.
“My parents are dead.” Ellie responded quite bluntly, her head hanging low.
“Mine too.” Y/N looked at Ellie with sympathy. Maybe not all humans were bad anymore. Maybe it was time for the moors to stop being afraid.
Ellie looked back at Y/N with the same expression. She stared into the fairy’s eyes for a while before speaking up.
“We’ll see each other again.” She said with confidence, turning so her back was to Y/N and took a few steps forward
“You really shouldn’t come back here you know.. it’s not safe.” Y/N protested, she almost cared for the human. She felt connected to her in ways she didn’t understand.
Ellie turned around again to face the winged girl. “and if i made that choice, if i came back…would you be here?” Ellie asked with a smile tugging on her lips.
Y/N looked around for a moment, she was lost in thought.
“Perhaps.” She shrugged with a smile. Ellie was beaming, and stretched her hand out to shake Y/Ns. When the girl took Ellie’s hand, she immediately took it back and gasped in pain. Ellie’s face dropped and concern rushed through her body.
“What’s wrong?!” She exclaimed, her eyes searching Y/N’s face for answers. Y/N gripped her palm in pain, where Ellie’s ring touched seconds ago.
“Your ring..Iron burns fairy’s.” She explained to the concerned human in front of her.
“I’m so sorry!” Ellie said apologetically, before she took her ring off and threw it as far as she could. Y/N felt her face heat up and her heart grow warmer. Humans were a lot kinder than she thought, so it seems.
“I like your wings.” Ellie spoke, interrupting Y/Ns thoughts. The fairy’s grin only grew wider upon hearing her words as Ellie walked across the fields, towards her home.
Later that night, Y/N couldn’t sleep. Her mind was flooded with thoughts of Ellie and how she, who had so little in the world, threw away her ring so that their hands might touch again. Her heart longed to see the human once more, and all her hatred towards the humans had shifted into peace in her mind. She believed that maybe they’ve changed, and that there is good in them.
The young thief who had once hoped to steal a jewel, had managed to steal something far more precious.
“Y/N?” Ellie called outside the forrest, where they she had last seen the fairy. “Y/N!” She called over and over again. After a minute or two of calling her name, she decided it was hopeless and sighed. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind behind her, and she heard something thump onto the ground.
Turning around in a haste, Ellie saw the girl she had hoped to see stood in front of her, smiling ear to ear.
“After all these weeks, look who came back” Y/N teased. Ellie smirked and walked closer to the girl.
“I thought it was worth the risk.” She replied, a smile growing bigger on her face by the second. “So, what do you do to entertain yourself around here?” Ellie asked, and Y/N only replied with a smirk.
“Follow me.” She spoke before running into the Moors. Ellie quickly followed suit, curious as to where they were going.
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leonsleftbicep · 2 months
Dropping these off before I go mimir 😴
ivy is very bri'ish punk rock coded to me, so I can see him with a short mullet type? He could pull it off. iii would want to die it different colours for sure 😌
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Also bonus long hair because pretty, and ivy is THE pretty boy ✨
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took me a bit to get to these but thats just how life goes sometimes.
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this might be the best portrait ive ever done. you mentioned III enjoying dying his hair. i felt indulgent after finding a marker that was the same aqua i once had in my own hair, so i added it.
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pretty boy ivy. this is really giving bakery au (i am considering some of the little puns you gave me. mainly ‘Who Baked You Like This’ and ‘Bake Me Back To Eden’ along with my own ‘Take A Bite (of this muffin)’, which isn’t an actual name i will use its just a little joke.
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batmanfruitloops · 7 months
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Hey, it's Sars,
I am working on the asks as I'm able (plus Eddie's main references :")) but as Fluffy has stated I'm very tired and my health is wonk. However, I am going to continue doing what I can until my workload can increase again!
So today I am sharing some sketches from maybe a month or so ago. I never really intended to stray much from anyone's current costumes, but I wanted to challenge myself to design alternate versions of some of rogues.
Going left to right:
Music Meister's outfit here was inspired by Rock Operas, especially since MM is a rogue known in canon to have multiple different outfits
Poison Ivy's alternate outfit was actually made official here! One of her inspirations in this au is Venus/Aphrodite, and for the sake of not getting blasted for being in such a state of undress, and also to make her design stand out more, I kept the sheer robe.
Harley Quinn in this au has an outfit that it pretty different, especially since it's a dress (the official design). They're not the most practical for movement, so I pondered shorts and gave her an almost floor length jester hat.
Riddlers 1 & 2
I'm not particularly fond of 1, I wanted it to look more classic but it ended up boring :/
I actually like 2 a lot. Paul Dano's Riddler from The Batman is one of his inspirations, so I wanted to design an outfit that was more practical for movement and storing gadgets/tools. I could never decide how he'd cover his face, as a mask felt out of place
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http-paprika · 3 months
a medieval au / sir simon riley x lady reader / 2.7k / warnings descriptions of death, religious imagery, trauma, and an unhealthy response to food. / taglist open
arriving at castle tharn, you are thrust into the startling reality that you are at the mercy of those who govern these unknown lands.
masterlist / chapter III
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There’s a dull ache in your head that pools down your throat to the ribs to the stomach and rests in your hips. With every trot of the horse, you are thrown back and forth from heavy exhaustion and startling awareness. While you pretended to sleep under the canopy of stars, you’d heard the quiet murmurings of the knights and what they’d do upon returning to their castle. Dread burrowed deep in your bones as your fate looks as dreary as the morning sky that has been cast with a gray haze of clouds.
The gnawing realization that you’ve fallen from grace, ripped from your place as a lady haunts you every time your eyes close and your stomach twists. A lady of your stature is not supposed to witness horrors you’ve seen, they were not supposed to show the face of humiliation as they arrive in a foreign land. But you fret knowing these knights are leading you to a foreign land and a castle with a lord you do not serve. 
Around the company, the pines begin to thin and the hooves fall on a dirt path. Your eyes shutter close and your brows tighten against the gray light of the morning. Even with the sun hidden from your sight, it rivals the dark shadows of the forest. The horse slows along a cliff edge and you cower away from the plunge with its roaring waters and rocks below. 
 “There she is, Castle Tharn.” Simon directs you, his arm stretched out to the north. Set above the valley of rivers, marshes, and wild green, you can see the dark structure silhouetted. Turrets reach the sky behind fortified walls, and a deep river isolates the castle from the valley. It causes you to shiver in your seat, an unwelcoming sight built like a fort to keep out any unwanted visitors and keep in any prisoners. 
Full of excitement to return to their grazing grounds, the horses make haste as they’re led down the cliff path and trot into the valley. Over streams and babbling brooks, past hamlets and homesteads where the people stop and watch the knights return. You exhale as you catch a sense of familiarity in their architecture and clothes, so similar to the servants who filled your home and the villagers you met when you were allowed out of the castle.
There’s a jolt of relief when the hooves fall onto a cobbled road, it leads over a wide river that roars as it splits over stones and falls under the bridge. You glimpse your wavering image in the wild waters, before looking up at the flagpoles, flying high with vibrant dark greens and reds. It feels cold compared to the one of your home, you miss the warm yellows and oranges.
Guards in the watchtower shout at your arrival, raising the portcullis as news spreads through the walls and rooms of the return. You pass under the heavy iron gate, looking back disheartened as you watch it lower and shut you off from the rest of the world. Left to the mercy of those who run the grand estate with its ivy-covered walls, blooming bushes of roses, tall stained glass windows, and faded banners. The whole castle’s alive, bursting at the seams with pride as servants and soldiers move through the bailey. 
 Simon dismounts from the horse, offering his hand to help you down. He’s careful of your sprained wrist and makes sure your feet are steady before dropping his hands to the sides of his armor. You wrap your arms around your chest and tug your cloak closer in an attempt to cover yourself as people join the knights. A stable boy takes the mares away and you listen as John begins to loudly boast about the bandits they’d slain. Women and men alike peer at you when John makes your presence known, and you shrink away almost bumping into Simon in your cowering.
 “Come, let’s get you settled for the night,” Simon orders, gesturing you to follow him. Together, you ascend a side set of stairs into the castle. In the dim interior of the castle, servants stare and whisper amongst themselves. Girls who must be no older than you giggle at your disheveled appearance and what little pride you have left makes your cheeks burn with shame.
 You enter into a large kitchen, busy and filled with an air of urgency as food is prepared. Barrels of grains and fruits are stacked along the wall, a goose turns on a spit in the fire that crackles happily in a large hearth. Women bustle around, taking orders from a plump and rosy-cheeked woman whose eyes flash when she spots intruders in her kitchen. 
“Ach! What have I told you dirty boys about coming into my kitchen while I’m working, Sir Riley?” The woman berates the knight as she comes up to him, swatting at him with a cloth. But upon seeing you in such a state, wide-eyed and ashamed, she lets out a sigh. “What have you done to the poor girl?” 
 “I’d tell you if you’d let me speak,” Simon says, plucking up a plum from a bowl and shining it. “Found her while out on patrol with John, Mrs. MacTavish. She needs to be looked after, she’ll see Lord Price in the morning.” 
“Well, anything for the poor lamb.” The woman takes your arm and offers you a smile. Warm and inviting compared to the stares you’ve received upon entering the castle. “But, Sir Riley, you tell my son that he is in trouble with his father, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He nods, turning to leave you and the kitchen without another thought.
“You’re leaving me?” You call out, naively thinking the knight would stay by your side. Afraid to be left alone in the presence of another stranger, a shyness you’ve never known dawning on you. 
 “I’m a knight, not a nursemaid. I have duties to attend to.” Simon responds with a firm tone, like a father scolding a child. The knight bows his head to you before returning down the hall you’d just walked through, leaving you in Mrs. MacTavish’s care.
 “Let’s get you cleaned up, Lamb.” She says, walking you out of the kitchen after she finishes instructing the women for dinner preparation. “Have you got a name, or should I give you one?”
Mumbling your words together, you tell her your name. With hesitation, you hide your status as a lady from her, feeling wrong to address yourself with the name and title that had belonged to your mother. Even if you consider the treatment you might receive brandishing the name. 
“Well, you must have had quite the journey, no? I’m sure you’re more than ready to rest.” She asks, slowing her pace and stopping in front of an oak door. The keys on the wrought iron ring jingle as Mrs. MacTavish picks through them, finding the right one and twisting it in the lock.
You follow into the room which is decorated lavishly, a guest room prepared for only the most prestigious of company. Slowly turning to look over the room, you’re horrified by your appearance when you see yourself in the looking glass. Hair in a tangle, dirt and blood clinging to your skin, and your favorite dress shredded into scraps. Unable to look away, the woman hums a tune as she sets to work making a fire in the hearth. When you finally tear your eyes away, she’s left to fetch water for the bath and you slump onto a creaking stool and sit in the unwelcome silence. 
Your mind feels at war with grief and fear fighting against the rage as you question why this happened to you. Why had you been stricken down and left to drown in a sea of loss? Such a divine punishment that made you feel like Job, abandoned by God with no money and no prospects. Everything you held dear, your future and dreams are unraveling like a beautiful tapestry torn through, destroying the foolish hopes you had for bliss. After all, what peace could come from this? 
 The door opens and you startle up, like a deer hearing a hunter. But your shoulders slump again when Mrs. MacTavish returns with buckets of steaming water. She tells you of the castle and its Lord and Lady whilst preparing your bath, singing praises for those who govern the lands. It’s so endearing that you wince remembering the bleak mutters of those who served under your father, the endless strings of complaints when they thought that no nobles were listening in. 
“So, lamb, do you want to tell me how you ended up in the care of our knights?” She asks once the bath is drawn and you’re sinking into the hot water. You let it sting and spill over your skin as her calloused hands massage soap into your hair. Mrs. MacTavish works with care, making sure the soap doesn’t spill into your eyes and that you’re comfortable, just like your mother had done with you were a child. 
 Bloodshot eyes begin to sting with tears at her question and kindness. A sob quakes through your ribs as you bury your face in your damp hands, the hot water suddenly feeling like ice to you. Like a child who’s fallen from a tree and hurt themselves, you’re wailing for your mother but she cannot save you from this. 
By the time you’ve stopped crying, you are alone in the room dressed in a warm, brown flock. There’s a longing to be dressed in black, wishing you could partake in the mourning ritual for your mother though there will be no burial. In vein, you try to recount what the church instructed upon the death of a righteous person. But you feel foolish and disrespectful knowing you cannot give your mother the courtesy she deserves. 
You wonder when your father will hear the news, and when he will come and comfort you in this time. The hope of a reunion seems foolish, the idea of grieving alongside the only living member of your bloodline is folly as the confines of the castle are chaining you in. A fear blooms in your chest that you’ll never find the sun again. 
The sounds of the fire dying in your idleness fill the room, playing a pitiful song along with your hollow breaths and your nails digging into the plush quilt and animal pelts on top of the bed. The soft feather mattress is a welcome relief from the nights tossed to and fro in the carriage or the dirt under the open sky. And finely woven drapes shield your face from the fading light of the fire as you curl up like a kitten. 
As sleep begins to invade your mind, quiet knocks startle you out of the daze. Lazily you rub at your eyes as another knock sounds against the oak door. Finding the strength to stand and covering yourself with a robe Mrs. MacTavish had left, you force yourself out of the warm comfort and find the door in the fading light, the oil lamp in the room having been ignored.
Creaking on its hinges, you blink up at the masked face of Simon. Curiously you wonder if he ever removes the black cloth as you let him into the room and he steps in with a word. In his hand, Simon carries a plate of food covered by a linen towel. Moving through the room, he sets it down on the tea table next to the stool. 
Still silent, he directs you to sit down on the stool. And not having the strength to argue, you listen and sit down, smoothing the rough fabric of your smock. “Mrs. MacTavish said you declined dinner.” 
With a nod, you glance over at the covered dinner as the smell wafts through the room and causes your mouth to water and tickle your nose. But your mind is refuses to give in, willing your tongue to dry and throat tighten. Painfully stubborn even in a time like this. 
“It’s not poisoned. Eat.” Simon orders, uncovering the wooden plate and setting the lcloth aside. Your eyes gleam at the sight of ham, steamed vegetables, fresh slices of bread, and a ripe, red apple that shines even in the dull light. But you make no move to eat, hesitating under the watchful eye of the knight. “You shouldn’t starve yourself. What would your mother think to see you depriving yourself?” 
 His words feel like an infliction, striking like a whip and pulling at your flesh with a sting. It enrages you even if you know his words are true. She would be grievanced at the sight of you in such a state, eyes dried red, cheeks stained and skin gaunt. You feel as close to a corpse with a beating heart. But still his statement drives you mad, making your mouth sour in distaste.
“Do not speak of my mother! You know nothing about her, nothing about the loss I’ve witnessed!” You speak out, jumping from the stool to glare at the knight despite his intimidating stature. For a moment, his eyes flash with anger and his hands tighten into fists. But Simon does not rebuke your nor does he strike like you anticipate. 
Instead, he takes his place on the stool, reaching over for the beautiful, fresh apple from the plate. A sliver knife is brought into the light, no longer hidden away in his garments, and he begins to cut at the fruit. So ripe, the juices run down the blade and into his gloved palm, appeitizing to the eyes as you watch. 
 “You’re right, I did not know your mother. But I’m well acquainted with the loss you’ve come to know.” Simon admits, stretching out his palm with an apple slice to you in offering. “And I know starving yourself won’t ease the grief or guilt. It’ll only make it worse.” 
 Your lip pushes out with a frown, but you steady your hand and accept the fruit. The taste fills your mouth with sweetness, flourishing your senses as you take the fill. He continues to slice up the fruit, precise and neat with each cut until all that remains is the sour core that Simon places on the plate alongside the other foods he allows to grow cold. Never pushing you too far.
 “I’m sorry, I spoke out of place.” You apologize, dropping your gaze to your borrowed slippers. Blaming the hunger, you’re certain thats what made you so erratic, appauled by your abhorrent behavior to the knight. Even if you were in this fortress against your will, they’ve treated you with nothing less than kindness. They’ve fed, bathed, and dressed you, Simon proved to be a man of chivalry, seeing to your wounds and wellness when you did not ask. 
 “Don’t apologize.” He responds, wiping off his gloves and standing from the stool with a grunt. Simon turns to the fire, adding another log and bringing it back to life before turning to leave. “Get some rest, you’ll meet with the Lord in the morning. I’ll make sure breakfast is brought and a knight comes to escort you. Lock the door when I’m gone.” 
 “Of course,” You mutter as he passes by the fire, eclipsing your vision as you watch his silhouette leave you. The door creaks again, shutting heavily behind him. Following his instructions, you bolt it close and rub your hands against the old ironwork that locks you inside. A thin veil of security over in your mind. 
 But your knees still buckle with fear, you sink on the stone floor and pull your knees to your chest. Though there are no tears left to cry, you still grieve. “This shouldn’t have happened, what am I going to do? I know nothing!”
All those years of being coddled and running about the gardens like a fool have left you defenseless and confused. You are not in the state of mind to believe that there is a chance of negotiating your freedom with the Lord of the castle. The arguments you’d had with your mother and nursemaid did not prepare you for a time like this. Not even empty prayers bring you hope as you drag yourself from the ground. Could God himself even save you? 
taglist @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @ghostlythots @jadeloverxd
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